> Behind the Curtains > by Aragem > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Yes Ma'am Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: This is an alternative scene to a scene that takes place in Destination Darkness chapter 8 Gratification. F/F, Pony/Pony, but switches to Human/Pony. Oral and some echoes of BDSM. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I could make her squeal between the sheets.  Despite herself, Victory found that she was tracing the slope of Twilight’s shoulder with her eyes.  The unicorn mare had darling eyes, just as most of the pony female population did, but her eyes were always bright with curiosity and a hunger for knowledge.  Not to mention that Twilight was a pretty little thing albeit that was a fact the mare herself didn’t know. Again, Victory wasn’t one to be attracted to other women, but then again, Twilight wasn’t a human woman.  There was a physical appeal, but that wasn’t it in total.  Victory found herself enjoying the intelligent discussions with the mare, especially the way the mare was so open to any new ideas proposed to her.  She wasn’t the liberals at home that were as close minded as religious prudes.  And she took to it with such eagerness that it was simply endearing and cute. From the corner of her eye, she could see the edge of Twilight’s bed on the second level and her consideration turned into temptation.  It could happen.  Maybe with a few comments and some persistence, she could talk the mare to go upstairs  . . . “Hey, Twilight, sorry, we’re out of tea, so that’s the last pot unless ya want me to run to the store?”  Spike appeared at the kitchen door way and Victory dropped her eyes, drowning her temptation in a flood of disappointment and anger. “I think we’ll be okay.” Twilight replied glancing at the teapot.  “Mrs. Victory is there anything that Spike could get for you from the store?” Say no and leave.  Remember what you always told Winter.  Conquer the enemy first and then you can fuck them to your heart’s content.  Conquer then fuck.  Conquer then fuck.  The fuck shall never come before the conquer. “I could use some groceries.”  She swallowed.  Her mouth was beginning to water.  “But not if it’s too much trouble.” “Oh, it’s no trouble.”  Twilight tilted her head toward Spike.  “He was going to go on a grocery run later today anyway.” “Well, then let me make up a list.  Just take the groceries to my room.  My daughter is there so just knock on the door and she’ll take them inside.  She’s a very private girl.” While she wrote up the list, her mind raced.  This was too risky.  What if Twilight resisted and caused a big fuss.  Her position was secured as long as she was the respected teacher in town and that would be trampled if she was accused of perversion.  She almost –almost- changed her mind.  The burning in her loins convinced her to move forward, but her intelligence would have her move forward carefully. Treat it as any mission, know your enemy, plan your attack, and follow through and then enjoy the spoils. Spike left with the list in hand, muttering about how much two ponies can eat in a week.  The list was extensive on purpose to keep him away as long as possible.  How fast could be walk on those stumpy legs anyway? Twilight refilled her teacup.  “I suppose we’ll have to drink sparingly until he gets back.” “It’s no matter.  We can drink something else.”  Victory smiled, and leaned her chin on her fetlocks again.  “You are quite thoughtful, you must make your boyfriend quite happy.” “Boyfriend?  You mean a special somepony?”  The lavender unicorn blushed as she glanced away.  “Oh no, I don’t have a special somepony.” “Oh?  Did you leave him behind in Canterlot?”  Victory gently probed her target. “No, there was nopony to leave behind in Canterlot.  I was always so busy with my studies that I didn’t have any friends in Canterlot so I never really had a special somepony.”  Twilight looked away, an embarrassed flush on her face. Virgin?  The heat wriggled inside her like battling snakes as her arousal was stirred further as her decision was made.  Let’s try some praise.   “That’s a shame.  I’m certain that you would have made them very happy.  You are a very intelligent young lady, and very dedicated to your work.  Most of the girls from where I come from are more interested in their own vanity or attracting a man.” “Well, I was inspired by the Princess herself.”  Twilight nearly glowed as she thought of her mentor.  “I consider myself very lucky to be her personal student.”   “Doubtless that is a prestigious honor that a lot of students would have done anything to attain.”  Victory’s eyes were on her face and body, studying the reactions as she would a campaign map. “Oh . . .it was an honor to be sure, but I still have so much to learn and study before I feel that I truly earned that honor.” She draws away from praise.  Victory made a mental note of it and twitched her role slightly, “Twilight, it’s a position that you have surely earned.  It’s alright to feel some pride in what you do and enjoy praise.  It’s what keeps our motivations strong.  Take pleasure in life, Twilight, that’s what I say.  Isn’t magic part of life?” “That is true,” Twilight admitted thoughtfully.  “That’s something I have learned to do since I came to Ponyville.  My life has become more open when I met my friends.  As much as I love books and magic, my world has greatly opened.” “Good girl.”  Victory reached across the table laying her hoof atop of Twilight’s.  “And I would certainly love to help expand it even further.  I know you already have a mentor and a teacher and I would do nothing to interfere with that, but learning I believe that there are some social areas that you could use some help.” “I never turn down a chance to learn something new.”  Twilight said that so innocently, that it was all Victory could do to keep from laughing at the cliché. When Victory attacks, she goes for the throat.  “Have you ever . . . experienced an orgasm before?” It was fun watching the lavender pony’s face fall from childlike curiosity to confusion, then to embarrassment.  “What?” “An orgasm.  A sexual height of ecstasy that usually happens during sex or masturbation.”  Victory ran her tongue along her teeth as she watched Twilight turn a dark shade of purple from the intense blush. “N-no, I can’t say that I have.” “Ah, Twilight, you can’t just feed your mind and ignore your body.  Your body needs attention, and I’m not just talking about food, water, or exercise.  Just as you read a good story for enjoyment, your body needs enjoyment too.”  As she spoke, Victory moved around the table to Twilight’s side.  She curled an arm around the young pony’s shoulders and kept her hoof atop of Twilight’s.  “You deserve a lot, sweet girl, and I would feel privilege to be your guide.” She touched her lips to Twilight’s cheek and then again to the side of her nose.  Twilight’s blush was so intense that she could feel the heat beneath the soft coat.  The lavender pony had a pleasant smell of soap and books.  Not sexy, but pleasant.   “Uh, Mrs. Jam!”  Twilight drew away, her chest heaving as she gasped.  Victory didn’t release her, but she certainly didn’t like being pulled away from.  The little pony would pay for that later.  “Aren’t you . . .married?” “Jelly’s father died in an accident.  I’ve been alone since.”  That was true, except for the marriage part.  Let’s change the gear a little.  “Is it because I’m old?” “What!?  No!  No!”  Twilight was quick to disavow any offense intended.  “You are a very attractive mare.  I’m just . . . I’m just overwhelmed!  I . . . I’ve never considered or . . .done anything like this.” “Not even to yourself?”  Victory placed a hoof along Twilight’s chest and slid it downward.  She took delight in the shiver from the mare and she put her lips ear her the velvet ear, “I’m not going to ask you for any commitments or promises, Twilight.  What happens in this library will stay between you and me.  I have a reputation as much as you.” Her hoof moved down her stomach and it stopped forward of Twilight’s crotch.  She placed just enough weight to make its presence known, but kept her touch light.  Twilight’s throat bobbed as she swallowed, “Spike may come back . . .” “Leave a note on the door sending him on another errand.  Lock the door, turn out the lights and draw the curtains.”  She was going to get this mare upstairs whether it was because she walked up there or she was levitated kicking and screaming.  But she would be generous and give her the chance to choose.  “Twilight, there is so much I want to teach you, but it won’t do you any good if you don’t swallow that inhibition and take that step forward.” There was a long moment of silence as Twilight sighed and Victory swallowed as she saw the purple mare lick her lower lip.  Just as Victory was beginning to lose her patience, Twilight nodded, “O-okay, but this is private, right?  I . . .I don’t want anypony . . .” “Shhh, no one will know.  I promise.  Now be a good student and learn.”  Victory turned the mare’s head and pressed her lips against hers.  She tasted of tea and honey with sugar.  Victory pushed her hoof downward, rewarding Twilight’s surrender.  The tip of her hoof pushed along the slit which had become moist.  She heard the thump of Twilight jerking her hoof on the floor.  So this little one was sensitive, good. She broke the kiss, and took pleasure in seeing Twilight’s flushed face.  “Write a letter to pin on the door and turn off the lights and go upstairs.  I’ll be up shortly.”  Victory disappeared into the kitchen to collect a few things. Meanwhile Twilight did as she was bid though her heart was pounding.  Most of her considered backing out, but her curiosity was peaked.  Her experience with sex had been what she read in books only, but it seemed that now she could experience it for herself.  And sex did relieve stress, didn’t it?  It would certainly help her if it did. In the note she wrote, she requested Spike go to Rarity’s to check on her dress.  Now that would certainly keep have him go away without any complaint and he would be away for a long time.  Plenty of time for whatever Victory made do or teach her. Just as she was upstairs closing the blinds by her bed, Victory emerged from the kitchen, carrying a towel in her mouth.  From the way it swung as she carried it up the stairs, Twilight believed that it was carrying something. Victory smirked with the ends of the towel gripped between her teeth.  She could see how Twilight leaned forward and tilted her head as she stared at the bag curiously.  “Get on the bed on your back.  I want to see what I get to play with.” Victory’s voice carried as solid as stone.  It was an order that would be followed with no question of it being disobeyed.  It sent shivers down Twilight’s spine and made her tail quiver.  “Okay . . .” She climbed onto the bed, her hooves indenting the moon and stars covers that she had brought with her from Canterlot.  It seemed a shame to mess up the bed after Spike went to all the trouble of making it, but she doubted that Victory would give one wit. Victory’s eyes devour Twilight’s body, especially the way the pony’s chest rose and fell as she breathed.  She laid a hoof on her stomach and moved it upward toward her chest.  “Forelegs down at your sides.  Good, good.  Relax, this is going to feel good.  I’m going to make you feel good.” “I know . . .”  Twilight mutter as Victory’s hoof moved up her chest toward her neck.  She shivered as the hoof touched her shoulder sending electricity through her foreleg and chest.  Was it cooler in here all of a sudden? Victory’s other hoof moved along the lavender pony’s stomach, stopping just short of the lower stomach.  The pale unicorn leaned forward and kissed Twilight’s chest.  Her kiss was light, barely felt through the coat.  “Twilight,”  Victory murmured against her coat, “Count each time I kiss you.” “O-okay, but . . . how is that . . .” “Sweet girl, no questions, just do.”  Victory considered giving the pony a sharp bite on the side, but decided against it.  Didn’t want to frighten the pony, yet. Victory gave her a light kiss again. “One,” Twilight murmured again. Victory directed her next kiss against her stomach.  She felt the stomach muscles twitched against her lips.  Twilight murmured two. Victory continued kissing.  Her third and fourth kiss was along Twilight’s side and the fifth was in the center of her star cutie mark.  She noticed Twilight’s voice tittered as she said five.  Hmm, ticklish there?  Nice. The sixth and seventh kiss she placed on each of Twilight’s hocks.  Then she moved her attention upward toward her neck and shoulders.  The eighth were at Twilight’s throat and then ninth was at the base of her horn.  From the corner of her eye she noticed Twilight’s forehooves shake for a moment as her back legs nearly scrunch up.  Twilight’s voice was a bit strained as she uttered nine.  Was the unicorn horn sensitive? Then she placed the tenth kiss against Twilight’s lips.  Her lips parted against the unicorn’s, her tongue slipping along the lavender lips.  The unicorn awkwardly responded amusing Victory.  When their mouths parted, Victory watched Twilight’s eyes half closed and glowing with anticipation. “You did well, sweet girl.”  Victory licked her lips, enjoying the taste of innocent unicorn.  “I’m going to give you a kiss in a special place.  When I give you that kiss, I want to hear you say thank you, ma’am.” “Alright . . .”  Twilight started, but Victory placed a hoof against her lips. “No, no, no, it’s yes ma’am and no ma’am from here on,” Victory said firmly. “Uh . . . yes ma’am,”  Twilight whispered her eyes wide as she accepted the new rule. “Good girl.  Lay back and relax.  Remember what I want to hear.”  Victory gave her a smug smile as she kept a hoof on Twilight chest and turned her head toward her legs. Her other hoof curled over Twilight’s leg and tugged it away from the other.  She felt Twilight’s body go taut and the lavender unicorn held her breath.  Oh, does the dear know what’s coming?  Victory certainly hoped so.  She liked innocent, but not naïve. Victory saw Twilight’s sweetness between her legs and smiled.  It was already moist and pink and the smell was rich with a sweet musk.  She tucked the edge of her hoof against a fold and tugged it opening Twilight’s treasure more.  The pony quivered and Victory’s mouth watered as she leaned forward.  Her tongue touched the pink nub first and it was followed by her lips.  She kept the special button between her lips giving it a gentle tug and then swirling it with the tip of her tongue. The unicorn moaned as her back went straight and her back legs waved in the air.  Victory lifted her face, her hot breath blew on the exposed flesh, “Twilight, I didn’t hear you thank me.” “Oh!”  Twilight’s eyes snapped opened, her face was flushed it was nearly the shade of Luna’s coat.  “Sorry, thank you ma’am.” If what happened next didn’t happen, Victory would have given Twilight a little punishment.  But the shifting in her body ripped her attention away from the quivering unicorn.  What the fuck!? Shit, shit, shit.  No, no, no, not now! Her change was happening right now of all times.  Dammit!  Not when it was getting good. Victory cursed under her breath which drew a worried look from her vict-lover.  Twilight said, “Hey, I’m sorry.  I didn’t mean to forget, but what you did felt so good.” “Yeah, yeah, I know.  Uh . . .here, blindfold.”  Victory magically snatched the towel from the floor, folding it several times.  “Close your eyes.” “What?  W-why?”  Twilight wasn’t too thrilled about being blinded. “It heightens the pleasure.”  Victory thrust the cloth against Twilight’s eyes.  “Be still and obey.  Remember, yes ma’am or no ma’am from this point on.” Just as the blindfold was secured behind Twilight’s head, the change took its hold.  Victory’s body molded and change as melting way as her coat fell again and her horn withdrew into her head.  Then Laotaner, the feared commander of the Heller, the woman behind the darkness that threatened Equestria, leaned over Twilight Sparkle, the bearer of magic. Laotaner flexed her fingers and smiled.  Having human hands for this would be fun.  “Twilight, I’ll be using my magic from this point on.  If you feel something that are not my hooves, it’s just my magic.  Don’t let it frighten you.” “I won’t . . . . ma’am.”  Twilight added that title as a means to make up for her lapse. “Good girl.  Lay back and enjoy.”  And Laotaner went to work. With her hands, she was able to feel more of Twilight’s body.  She could feel how the muscles lay on the bone, how the limbs moved, and reach her fingers into dips and curves of Twilight’s body that pony hooves couldn’t.  Her hand covered Twilight’s chest and she smoothed it up and down from her stomach to her neck.  Her other hand toyed with Twilight’s legs, touching the thighs, bending the hocks, and even tickling the hooves.  She avoided the special spot between Twilight’s legs.  The pony had to be punished for not thanking her after all. The unicorn whimpered, her body twisted on the moon and stars quilt which ruffled beneath her.  More than once, Laotaner would draw a fingertip along her inner thigh, stopping just at the apex where the leg met the flank, inches away from her glory and Twilight would moan.  Laotaner moved onto the bed, kneeling at the end with Twilight stretched out before her.  She grasped both of the ponies back legs and held them apart and just stared at that weeping tight hole. The pony . . .her pony . . .began to whimper at the lack of attention and before Twilight could think to speak, Laotaner moved forward.  She dropped her legs and drew her body atop of the pony’s.  Both hands cupping Twilight’s head, she kissed the pony fully on the mouth.  She opened her mouth, pushing her tongue into Twilight’s mouth, sparring with the inexperienced unicorn tongue and then drawing it back in.  The commander drew the tip of her tongue along Twilight’s nose.  “What do you want, Twilight?” “I . . . I don’t . . . I don’t know. . . .ma’am.”  Twilight quickly added ma’am, not wanting to break the rule again. “Yes, you do, sweet girl.  Just tell me.” \ It took a moment for Twilight to gather herself, “I want you to kiss me again.  Between my legs.  Ma’am.” Laotaner tapped a finger against Twilight’s nose.  “Since you are being a good girl, I will.  Give me a kiss on the mouth first.” Again, that deep kiss followed.  Laotaner took her time with it, dipping her tongue into Twilight’s mouth and drinking her in.  She felt the pony hook her fetlocks over her shoulders as she pulled her body against Laotaner’s larger one.  Oh, this one was so eager.  So very eager indeed. Laotaner broke the kiss and pushed herself up.  She walked her fingers along Twilight’s stomach toward her nether regions.  The pony trembled as her legs drew back, folding at the hocks.  The commander drew a fingertip along the outer folders before peeling them back with a thumb and forefinger.  She blew on the pink flesh and watched it quiver. She pressed her lips against the swollen nub and the sound of Twilight whimpering was very pleasant to her ears.  Her teeth brushed against the tender flesh and her thumb prodded at the softness and then found the hole.  With her tongue twirling the button, she pushed a fingertip inside.  She felt the thin obstruction of her innocence and considered breaking it with her fingers, but decided on a different method. Then she noticed that Twilight’s legs were walking in the air as the unicorn’s body began to quiver.  As her thighs spasm, hot fluid both salty and sweet spurted onto her chin and lip.  The fluid was whitish to clear and Laotaner sat up, taking hold of the unicorn’s legs again to watch the cum drizzle between the unicorn’s buttocks.  The unicorn sagged onto the bed, her small chest heaving as she basked in the afterglow of her first orgasm.