> Star Trek: Equestrian Rescue > by Blake Skies > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter One [Re-edit] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter One The U.S.S. Evans Silently, its lights the only source of illumination on it, the U.S.S. Evans NCC-93096-A, moved through space at warp ten. The namesake of Medal of Honor Recipient Captain Ernst Evans, the updated Vanguard class Dreadnaught was a veteran of the Klingon-Federation War, the Borg’s invasion of the Alpha Quadrant, and the Romulan-Reman Civil War. It was a proud ship. She was also the most powerful ship in the fleet. Equipped with Borg enhanced war drive, deflector, and computer systems, Reman shields, Breen Super cooled Gel-pack networking, Anti-proton and Retrofit phasers, a full wing of Fighters, and a full complement of Tricobalt, Quantum, and Hargh’peng torpedoes, the Evans packed a powerful punch. And at present, it was the Flagship of the Federation. With the Enterprise-F still under development after so many delays and the E retired, The Evans was nominated to become the new Flagship if only temporary. While the crew considered this a high honor, they held a singular honor no other Starfleet ship outside of James Kirk’s Enterprise could hold. The year was 2414, by now the Zeta Andromeda Galaxy had moved close enough to the Milky Way to allow a Transwarp Gate connection. Starfleet jumped at the possibility and connected the two Galaxies. With the Klingons back to being the Federation’s Allies, the Romulans power diminished, the Undine now an Ally, and the Borg all but washed up, The Federation was now sure they could expand their influence into this new Galaxy. With this, Fleet Admiral Quinn called upon the Evans to be the first starship to explore the new Zeta Quadrant. He couldn’t have picked a finer ship or crew. At the command of the ship was Vice Admiral Blaze Val Johnson. Johnson had been in Starfleet since 2397, and became captain of the original Evans after the Borg attacked the Vega colony. His bridge crew was also extremely skilled. Most of the prime officers knew each other going back to the Academy where they all were apart of the same class with Blaze. Blaze was a firebrand of an individual. Known for serving on a Klingon warship through the officer exchange program with high honors before the war, he fit the build of a solider more than a ship captain. When things got tough, he was tougher, not willing to back down no matter what the situation led. This was his human qualities and faults. While his crew trusted him implacability, he lived up to the ships motto spoken by its namesake: This is going to be a fighting ship, I intend to go into harms way. And anyone who doesn’t wish to come had better get off now! Blaze was resting comfortably in his quarters; sleeping in his bed. At least until his Vulcan first officer called in. “Bridge to Vice Admiral Johnson.” Sul’Vin’s voice came over the comm. Blaze groaned as he rolled over. “Bridge to Vice Admiral Johnson,” Sul’Vin called again. Blaze again groaned as he rolled on to his back and opened his eyes, “This had better be a good reason Sul’Vin.” “My apologies Admiral, I wasn’t aware you were asleep.” Sul’Vin replied. You say that every time you green blooded… Blaze thought, “Never mind that Sul’Vin report.” Blaze leaned to his side and rolled his legs off the bed as Sul’Vin began. “Long range sensors have picked up a singular planetoid system just within our flight path. The planet appears to be M Class. We’re standing by to set course,” He told the Admiral. “Why haven’t we set course for it already?” Blaze asked. He sat up and rubbed his face trying to wake himself up more, “I thought you of all people Sul’Vin would follow that procedure.” The comment itself was purely jocular; Blaze knew Sul’Vin since their freshmen year at the Academy, and of all the ships officers Blaze trusted him the most. “Well Admiral, there’s a problem with setting course. Sensors also pick up huge amounts of spatial anomalies within the vicinity of the planet.” Sul’Vin reported. “Well that is something of a problem.” Blaze commented, “Lotar what is the read out on those anomalies?” “Currently unknown as of yet Admiral, but as we get closer I should have a more detailed report.” The deep voice of his Reman Science officer came over. Blaze nodded, “Can we get closer without causing damage to the ship?” “At moment,” Lotar answered, “It appears to be safe for entry; all we would just have do is to retune the main deflector.” Blaze stood up and stretched out, “Relay the tune up to Moral and set course.” “Aye Admiral.” Sul’Vin answered before terminating the comm. link. Blaze, rubbing his face, headed over to his closet. The closet door slid open revealing Blaze’s uniform. He looked into the closet mirror, pulled out a comb, and combed down what ever bed head he had in his blonde, crew cut hairstyle. His hazel eyes showed experience, toughness, and kindness that contradicted with his chiseled face. And for a human of thirty five, he was extremely fit. That was primarily thanks to a few Klingon training and meditating tips he picked up back before the war. He changed out of his off-duty robes and put on his white pants and socks. After putting on a red undershirt, he pulled his Admiral’s coat off its hook. The coat was primarily white with command/tactical red shoulders with black seams stitched as well. It was remarkably cozy and not loose. Blaze then put on his black combat boots, before finishing with his white gloves with red palms. After completing his outfit, Blaze exited his bedroom and into his living room. There sitting on his couch reading an old book was the brunette beauty of the Evans, Quells. Quells was one of Blaze’s tactical officers, primarily dealing with first contact operations as well as commander. Quells was probably the most interesting person onboard the Evans as she was a Q. Well former Q continuum member. She, like the famous prankster Q, had spoken out on Humanity’s behalf on matters far too many times. But what threw her out was demanding the Continuum to get involved in destroying the Borg, which they did but not until the very end. Her relationship with Blaze was also very promiscuous. The two first met after Blaze took command of the first Evans and after that she constantly stuck her noise into his affairs. Once she left the Q, she formally joined Starfleet and became a member of the Evans. After which she and Blaze started going through an off-and-on love relationship. Quells lowered her book and glared at Blaze with her hazel eyes, “And why are you up?” “Sensors have picked up an M-Class…” Blaze began as he walked through the living room towards one of the replicators. “I know that, I heard the conversation!” Quells snapped closing the book and standing up, “What I want to know is why you are going to the bridge now?” Blaze looked at her, “You know Sul’Vin wouldn’t call me unless I was needed on the bridge.” Quells sighed, “Blazey you pulled an 18 hour shift yesterday, you need rest especially now.” Blaze laughed, “Yea like you know the human body.” He turned to the replicator, “Coffee, black, sweet.” The replicator hummed before making a small cup of black coffee appear. Blaze picked up the cup and took a sip, “Urgh, I said sweet you over glorified toaster!” the computer just beeped in response. Like Admiral Janeway, replicators and Blaze never mixed. Quells chuckled, “Alright since I can’t convince you to go back to bed, I might as well join you.” Blaze raised his glass, “Thanks hun.” The duo walked though the halls of the Seventh deck of the Evans towards the nearest turbolift. Blaze was fully dressed in his admiral’s attire, but Quells was in her officer uniform. Similar to the uniforms worn by the Crew of the Enterprise-D only reversed in color scheme, the shoulder patch colors determined ones position: Red for Command/Tactical, Yellow for Engineering/Technical, and Blue for Science/Medical. The only major difference was instead of a black base, the uniform was White. It wasn’t standard attire for Starfleet, as their new directive allowed for all members to customize their uniforms. But Blaze demanded it for officer level members of the Evans as white symbolized regal class as well as the best in Starfleet. It was all apart of the Ego, Confidence, and Arrogance that the Evans' crew was known for. The duo soon reached a turbolift and entered it. Ironically there waiting for them was the Evans chief Tactical officer Gorear. The Bajorian male simply stepped back to allow Blaze and Quells in, but once they entered he smiled. “Going my way?” he asked, his voice laced with humor. Despite being Bajorian, Gorear was known for being the ships practical jokester and was good for keeping things loose. However when the ship was in distress or the situation was serious, he was the first to toughen up. “That depends if your destination is the bridge?” Blaze asked, equally amused. “It is,” Gorear said, “Resume.” The turbo lift resumed its climb to the bridge. “I assume Sul’Vin called you about this mysterious planet we’re now going to?” “Pretty much yea, you know anything more about it?” Quells asked. “Only that it’s M Class.” Gorear answered “Well you’ll be surprised to learn that it is surrounded by some spatial anomalies,” Blaze murmured. “Great we’ve gone from charting Quasars to chasing spatial anomalies; we’re really climbing up the totem pole.” Gorear said sarcastically as the turbolift slid to a stop. The doors opened and the trio stepped out onto the bridge. A three leveled bridge, the Evans Bridge was somewhat large to encompass all twelve senior crew members as well as operate a command ship like the Evans. Two large ramps allowed crew members to walk from the third level to the first. The inner two levels were only a step higher than each other. Only draw back was, Blaze, Viz, and Elal would have to use the ramps to get to the second level. On the upper level were the science/sensor stations, manned by Lotar, Quells, the Romulan science officer Seren, the Liberated Borg Three of Five, and Sul’Vin. Flanking the ramps were system stations. On the left were the Breen Defector Tran, who kept the Breen super cooled system in check, and the Rigelian Freska who monitored ship status. The second level had Blaze’s captain’s chair as well as Helm control manned by the Vulcan helmsmen Elal and navigation manned by the Orion Viquoof, more commonly known as Viz. On the final level was tactical, where Gorear and Evans Chief of Security Klingon Thatok were. They had the interesting position of being closest to the large view screen jokingly called the IMAX screen by Blaze. Normally helm and navigation had that honor but because of the Evan’s bridge design, members on the second level got a better view of the screen. The only unmanned station was engineering. That was usually left alone because the Andorian chief engineer Jurhal, more affectionately known as ‘Moral’ for his heavy voicing of opinion, only used it incase of emergencies. Blaze, Sul’Vin, Gorear, Thatok, and Jurhal all were apart of the Starfleet Academy Class of 2397 and officer aboard the original Evans. Over their many years together they picked up new members from Starfleet Academy such as Viz and Elal. Tran defected from the Breen Hemogy to join the Evans, Lotar joined to honor the Evans service in the Reman-Romulan conflict. Seren, who was Romulan, joined before the war after the Evans rescued her colony which detached itself from the empire. Three of Five was a former Borg drone that was rehabilitated, and rescued from Starbase 88. And of course there was Quells. By this year, all these officers had been together for over four years. When Blaze walked in, Sul’Vin rose from the captain’s chair before heading to his station. “Admiral we’re approaching the system now.” He informed Blaze as the two passed. “Has the deflector been retuned?” Blaze asked as he reached the second level. “Moral is working on that now.” Sul’Vin replied. Blaze nodded before tapping his COM badge, “Bridge to engineering.” “Jurhal here,” Jurhal’s deep Andorian voice answered. “Moral how’s the tune up coming?” Blaze asked. “It’s ready Blaze, but I wouldn’t recommend pushing this ship faster than Warp five, we may run into trouble.” Jurhal answered. “Noted Jurhal, helm slow to warp four point eight.” Blaze ordered sitting in his chair. “Slowing to four point eight aye sir.” Elal responded tapping the helm screen. “Bridge to sick bay, Doctor Smith we’re going to be entering a system with severe spatial anomalies around it. Any sicknesses or problems that may occur please report it in.” Blaze said. “Aye Admiral, you’ll be the first to know.” The Scottish voice of Doctor John Smith replied. “We’re entering the system know Admiral, our shields are holding.” Sul’Vin reported. At that exact point, the ship began to slowly sway. Blaze was slightly amused, “Like riding waves on the ocean.” “Interesting metaphor Blaze,” Sul’Vin commented, “let us hope these ‘waves’ do not increase.” “Yes let’s,” Viz sighed, her voice a little queasy. “Moral can you stabilize us any more?” Blaze asked. “Believe it or not Blaze, inertial dampeners are on full. I can’t give you any more.” Jurhal answered. “Lotar will there be an end to this?” Viz asked uneasily. “I believe so; the anomalies are situated in the space between the planet, its sun, and moon.” Lotar said looking at his screen, “It seems, and this is a guess sir, that what ever is on the planet is controlling the sun and the moon.” Blaze turned to Lotar, “Is that even possible?” Lotar continued to mull over the sensor readings, but could not come to a conclusion, “I’ll get back to you on that.” Blaze turned back to the screen and leaned forward; his curiosity peaked, “On screen.” The view-screen clicked on revealing an Earth like planet slowly rotating. The systems sun slowly appeared around the light side of the planet, while the moon began to slide behind the dark side. From what it looked like, the planet was stationary with the sun and moon orbiting it. “Sir,” Lotar chimed after a long silence, “It appears my guess was right. This planet is in the center of this Solar system.” “Sul’Vin, is it possible for that planet to be the center of this system?” Blaze asked rubbing his chin. “No sir.” Sul’Vin answered, “It is highly illogical and scientifically impossible.” “And yet there it is sir.” Seren said, “Plain as day. Admiral, Lotar’s right.” “Did you perform a diagnostic to make sure of that lieutenant?” Sul’Vin asked. “Twice,” Seren calmly answered. Blaze coughed, “Well the Catholic church may have been on to something, they just got the system wrong. Bring us in closer.” The ship drew closer to the planet; the rocking slowly began to decrease. Soon enough the ship was perfectly level again. As they drew just within the planets gravitational pull, the ship began its orbital burn. “We’re entering orbit now Captain. Shall we begin scans of the planet?” Viz reported, her voice now sounding better. Blaze nodded, “Begin Scans.” Soon the Evans sensors were chiming away at the planet below. Pretty soon Sul’Vin had something to report, “Admiral, we’ve completed initial scans of the planet. The planet is very similar to that of Earth, consisting of mountain ranges, grass fields, a dense forest, and a barren desert. And we have confirmed populated areas. According to our scans however, the planet seems to be in the pre-industrial stage of its development.” Blaze sighed, “So first contact is…” “Sir,” Seren cut in, “You might want to hear this before you finish.” All eyes turned to the blue haired Romulan. Seren did one last look over of her readings before making her statement, “It appears that the primary inhabitants of the planets are equines.” Blaze rose from his chair, “Sul’Vin, can you confirm that?” Sul’Vin did a quick sensor sweep, “Yes sir I can.” “Are you telling me that horses are the primary creatures on this planet?” Blaze asked his mood very skeptical. “Not horses sir, Ponies.” Seren replied, her expression very serious. Blaze’s mouth dropped at that statement. With hints of shock all over his face, Blaze turned and looked back at the screen. As the planet turned beneath him, he could see a small town appear on the planet surface. With the Prime Directive far from his mind, Blaze was now actually considering the possible of going down and exploring the planet. A notion that his crew was quick to call him on. “Admiral you’re not seriously thinking of going down there?” Three of Five said, “I mean beasts’ of burden being the primary species is absurd.” Blaze grimaced, “We’ve seen stranger things before Three. And I wouldn’t put it past this Galaxy to produce something like this. Plus we have the mystery of this planet to solve too. I see no reason for us not to take a look.” He then turned to his first officer, “Sul’Vin I believe we just passed over a settlement on the planet?” “Yes sir, and quite a substantial one at that.” Sul’Vin answered, “But the settlement has just entered night so a survey would be inadvisable.” “Agreed, once that settlement reaches daylight, you and a survey team will go to investigate. But remember the Prime Directive and stay out of sight.” Blaze ordered. “Yes Sir.” Sul’Vin answered. With a smile, Blaze turned back to the screen, “So let’s see what’s down there.” Nighttime had come to the Everfree Forest. But that didn’t stop two young foals from entering the forest in play. They giggled and raced, roughhoused and teased, it was a fun time for them. Better still was that their parents had assumed they were asleep in bed. But then one of the foals fell into a cave, letting out a yelp to alert his friend. The poor filly was okay, but was lying at the bottom of an incline. “Hey Coalflank are you okay?” his friend asked. “Yea Beaky I’m fine.” Coalflank responded getting to his hooves. He then looked around at his landing place, “Whoa Beaky come check this out. Nice cave.” “Yea,” Beaky said sliding down to his friend, “You wanna explore it?” “I don’t know.” Coalflank said. “Awww come on chicken, it’s just a cave.” Beaky assured his friend as he began to explore. Pretty soon the duo were inspecting the inside of the cave. But as they walked deeper in, the darker and scarier it got. Just then something clanged in the distance. The two foals jumped and screamed. Then a looming figure appeared out of the darkness. Beaky ran while Coalflank stood there in terror as the figure reached for him. Beaky never faster in his life. but he was stopped when the exit to the cave closed. In the darkness he heard Coalflank scream, and then felt something grabbed him making him scream. But the screams were never heard outside the cave. > Chapter Two > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2: The planet of Equestria “Thank you all for witnessing the greatest show on Equestria, the show of the Great and Powerful Trixie!” Trixie shouted as she wrapped up her fiftieth performance this month in Ponyville. It was another large crowd which brought in a large amount of bits for her. After the curtain fell, Trixie began counting the bits within the box. She ran out of bits to count at seventy five. This made Trixie squeal, it was more than enough to pay for rent and dinner for the night. Putting the large amounts of bits back into the box, she hooked herself up to her traveling stage and began to wheel it to the library. It was a clear day in Ponyville, Celestia’s sun was shining brightly and not a cloud was in the sky. Ponyville was all abuzz on this day with ponies young and old walking through the town. Many who weren’t tied up within their own affairs gave Trixie a welcome wave and congratulations on another great performance. Trixie responded to all with, “Thank you Trixie appreciates all your applause. Trixie only hopes her performances make your day just as good.” The response always brought smiles to ponies’ faces and Trixie continued on. Just then, a flash of pink made Trixie jump in fright. “Hi Trixie! Sorry to frighten you, I wasn’t trying to scare you but I usually do that anyway. I mean I don’t know why ponies always jump when I pop in, I mean yes I use it to surprise but I don’t intend for it to be too much surprise!” Pinkie Pie greeted with her usual smile, “I’m so, so, so sorry I missed your show but the Cakes had an enormous order to fill.” Trixie chuckled, “It is fine Pinkie, Trixie understands completely. Besides Trixie hasn’t changed her routine too much so you missed little.” “I know but I’d feel better being there. Ooh maybe next time I’ll be your assistant! Yea you can saw me in half, or I can chain you up like Houdini, or maybe…” Pinkie started. “Pinkie Pie!” Trixie interrupted as politely as she could, “Trixie appreciates it and will consider it, but seriously Trixie needs to get back to Twilight’s.” “Ooh I’m sorry. You two have any plans?” Pinkie asked. “Actually yes, I made enough today to treat Twilly to a nice dinner tonight. Consider it a perfect fourth date.” Trixie smiled. “But isn’t a fourth date supposed to be a picnic?” Pinkie asked tilting her head. “Who ever said Trixie follows the rules all the time?” Trixie smiled before setting off again. “That’s true, have fun tonight!” Pinkie shouted before skipping along in the opposite direction. Trixie smiled as she continued to trot on. Two and a half months ago, Trixie was homeless, bit-less, and between jobs. Things were looking extremely bleak had it not been for a chance encounter with Twilight Sparkle her former nemesis. Twilight had been in Canterlot picking up some books and found Trixie literally in a gutter. Out of the kindness in her heart, Twilight took Trixie home and put her up as a resident. Though despite the act of kindness, Trixie’s personality made everypony around her miserable and mean. Once again Twilight stepped in, teaching Trixie how to be nice. After a while the training tools worked and Trixie turned a corner. That plus her relationship with Twilight went from friends to something deeper. Once Trixie was redeemed her personality, the rest of the Elements accepted her as a friend and as Twilight’s marefriend. However that didn’t make Trixie accept from paying rent, but it was only a small price to pay. As Trixie approached the library, she saw a poster plastered on a pole. It showed the picture of a young filly who was reported missing for five days. Trixie read it with a heavy heart, this filly was the fifteenth pony to wonder into the Everfree Forest and not come out. Even Zecora was spooked by the recent disappearances and stuck only to the path when she traveled. But despite the countless searches by the Royal Guard, none of the ponies were found. After fully reading the poster, Trixie sighed and resumed her walk to the library. She parked her cart behind the tree and then headed for the door. There she saw the small purple dragon Spike sweeping the front porch. “Hey Trixie back so soon?” Spike asked. “The show ended right on schedule, but no pony wanted autographs today so Trixie decided to come home early.” Trixie answered, “Is Twilly home?” “Yea she’s inside reading. Are you taking her anyplace tonight so I don’t have to cook?” Spike groaned. Trixie giggled, “Don’t worry Spike, tonight you can have the night off.” Before Spike could cheer, Trixie galloped inside. After hanging up her cape and hat, she walked up the steps and into the library. There was Twilight resting on the couch, nose deep in a book. But when she saw Trixie appear, she jumped from the book, raced over to her marefriend, and threw her arms around Trixie. After a brief hug, the two lips met each other in a passion filled kiss. When they released Twilight was beaming ear to ear, “I didn’t know you’d be home early.” “Well no one wanted autographs so I left early,” Trixie told Twilight as they released each other, “Plus Trixie did really good today in pay. So as a reward Trixie will treat her lover to a wonderful dinner tonight.” “Ooh that sounds wonderful Trixie thank you.” Twilight smiled levitating one of her books up to the shelf, “Got any ideas?” “Trixie was thinking of the restaurant near Secretariat Avenue, what do you think?” Trixie pondered. “Perfect.” Twilight smiled. “Apples! Come get your apples right here. Come get’em while their fresh, whole Sale on Sweet Acres Apples!” Applejack shouted into the crowd. Her apple stand was still fully stocked despite the fire-sale today, and Applejack was proud of what she made. However like any sale’s pony, she figured the ponies would still line up to buy her perfect apples. Only problem, Applebloom was not making it easy for Ponies to get what they were asking for. “That’s right; ya’ll ponies by five apples you get fifteen free!” The filly shouted. “Applebloom,” Applejack sighed, “No pony wants twenty apples to lug around. Didn’t ya learn that last time?” “Awww but sis Ah know Ah can get my cutie mark in sales today, Ah just know it!” Applebloom whimpered. “Well you ain’t gonna get any sales with a steal like that.” Applejack chuckled. Just then Scootaloo raced in on her scooter dragging Sweetie Belle in her cart. Applebloom beamed as she saw the two fillies approach, “Hey guys, what’s the big hub-bub?” “Applebloom,” Scootaloo smiled, “Are you free? Miss Cheerilee gave Sweetie Belle and me some extra credit and we were hoping you can help us.” Sweetie Belle picked up a large piece of parchment with her mouth. “If we get it all done, we’ll get extra star points on our next test,” She mumbled as Applebloom read it over. When she was finished reading it, Applebloom gasped, “Why it’s a scavenger hunt.” “Well now doesn’t that sound like fun Sugarcube.” Applejack smiled, “Why don’t you go on and help yer friends, Ah think Ah can handle here.” “Really AJ?” “Yea AB, go have fun.” Applebloom squealed as she jumped into the cart and Scootaloo sped off. As they drove away, the trio shouted, “CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS SCAVENGER HUNTERS, YAY!” Applejack gave their innocence a quick chuckle and was just about to sell some apples when she saw Pinkie Pie shaking. It wasn’t a shake of fear, more like the pink pony had come down with the shudders. And Applejack knew what that meant, quickly rushing over to Pinkie. “Pinkie Pie, what’s going on?” She asked hoping it was just Pinkie being Pinkie. “It’s…my….Pinkie sense!” Pinkie shuddered, “A Doozy’s about to happen!” Applejack jumped, “What is it this time? Another Hydra?” Just then Pinkie stopped shuddering, “No far, far worse. Ponyville’s about to get some visitors.” * * * Aboard the Evans, Sul’Vin had finished getting his combat suit and surveying kit on before arriving within the transporter room. The new Federation battle suit had become common wear for away teams going into hostile/unknown locations. Each were specifically tuned for the persons physiology, augmenting their strength, enhancing speed and reaction time, and also providing extra protection from enemy fire and the elements if their personal shields fell. Sul’Vin’s, like all other science officers, was colored blue with grey patches all over. Engineers had the blue replaced with yellow, and of course Tactical had red. Pocketing his weapon, an anti-proton sniper rifle, into his transporter buffer, Sul’Vin walked into Transporter room 4. There waiting for him were Seren, Lotar, Thatok, Gorear, and Quells. Each had their own battle suit and kit on for planet surveying and stealth operations as well as their weapons packed away. “Is everyone ready?” Sul’Vin asked. “As we’ll ever be.” Seren answered. “I just have one question,” Gorear asked, “Do you think it’s necessary for us to bring our weapons? I mean there just ponies after all.” “As always Gorear, your logic and question is flawed.” Sul’Vin answered. “It is standard operating procedures to bring weapons along incase we run into any and all hostile actions. This isn’t the 24th century any more.” Thatok answered. “Besides,” Sul’Vin added, “If we didn’t, you’d be fighting off enemies with your tricorder. Now let’s get ready for transport.” The team of six got on to the transporter pad as the Transporter Chief, Brian O’Malley, plugged in the landing coordinates. “We’ve picked a secluded spot just outside of town. You should be able to beam into and out of their without any one noticing.” “Perfect,” Sul’Vin said, “Away team to bridge we’re ready to beam down.” “Acknowledged Sul’Vin.” Blaze answered, “Good luck.” Sul’Vin nodded and said, “Energize.” But as the chief began the transport sequence, Gorear decided to give the moment a good joke. “Ponies beware….we have Tricorders.” Seren and Quells snorted at the joke, while Lotar and Thatok smiled. Only Sul’Vin remained emotionless as the transporter began beaming them down onto the planet. Once the transport sequence was completed, the six found themselves on the planet surface. “Okay team engage stealth mode.” Sul’Vin ordered. The other five nodded and pressed a few buttons on their suits. Within seconds they became invisible to everyone but each other. “Stealth engaged.” Gorear commented. Seren opened up her tricorder and began taking measurements of the area around them, “Oxygen and nitrogen atmosphere, gravity at one point five g’s, everything here is similar to Earth it’s almost uncanny.” “There’s a small forest over there,” Lotar said pointing to a tree line. “Really I never would’ve guessed,” Quells murmured. “We can use it to hide ourselves even more.” Lotar continued unabated. “Good idea,” Sul’Vin agreed. And soon the six were over in the trees. The move couldn’t have come at a better time as three small ponies appeared from the brush. One was a pure white pony with a horn on its head and a pinkish purple mane, the second was a yellow pony with a red mane, and the third was an orange pony with wings. Quells could hardly believe it what she was seeing, “Sul’Vin, that’s a trio of mythic ponies!” “Agreed, if I know human lore correctly the one with the horn is called a unicorn and the one with wings a pegasus.” Sul’Vin said, “Fascinating.” “Over here Scootaloo!” The white pony shouted, “I found item number five!” “Does anyone have the universal translator operating?” Gorear asked. “No,” Lotar answered, “We didn’t bring it.” “Then they are speaking…” Gorear began. “Indeed,” Sul’Vin answered, “Even more fascinating.” The three ponies began digging out what looked to be a flower. Just then the earth pony looked up in the direction of the team and pointed at them. The other two looked in their direction with odd eyes. “They’re looking at us.” Seren answered. “Indeed,” Sul’Vin answered, “But they can’t see us.” But then the trio began walking over to the away team. Quickly at first then their pace became very slow. Then the leader, the yellow earth pony who now had a large red bow in her hair, raised her hoof right at Sul’Vin. Before the Vulcan could back up, she tapped his face. It was a significant tap, not painful, but enough to knock out his stealth mode. Within an instant the trio screamed and ran back to the town. In their wake, a small butterfly which had perched itself on Sul’Vin’s head causing the trio’s curiosity, fluttered away behind them. “Oh shit.” Gorear said appearing from his suit, “We’re boned.” Before they knew it, they were surrounded by ponies. “Admiral sir,” Elal said as Blaze walked in from his ready room, “A message from the away team.” “What’s it say?” Blaze asked. Any normal person would’ve paused before giving Blaze bad news, especially bad news of this magnitude. But not Elal the Vulcan, “They’ve been found out sir.” Blaze’s heart caught his throat; this was not good at all. “Oh no, not again!” he shouted to no one in particular. A/N too anyone's who surprised about Trixie already being Twilight's Marefriend, let me give you a quick lession on why i chose that. I fell in love with the story "Of Maids and Mistress..." and felt it was kind of nessecary to give Twilight someone to love besides an OC Pony. Plus the story of Trixie/Twilight has been overused so I decided to go with the after (meaning they already were a couple) effect. Another note, i forgot i was dealing with Star Trek fans as well as MLP fans. i'll try to be a little bit more accurate to not only science but the fan base in the future. Forgive me i'm STO-based > Chapter Three > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter Three: First contact Blaze sat at his desk within his ready room, his face resting within his hand. Sul’Vin and Gorear sitting across from him, Sul’Vin’s face was stoic and Vulcan but Gorear was meek. This was a rare moment aboard the Evans; rarely have Blaze ever been embarrassed over the actions of his crew. But when events like this do happen, it really got to him. However this event was probably the worst, they had inadvertently violated the Prime Directive, putting all of the careers of the crew at jeopardy. Blaze took a deep sigh before lifting his head and looking at his first officer, “So let me get this straight; you failed to notice a butterfly….” After a quick and unamused chuckle at even the thought, Blaze continued, “Butterfly…any you failed to notice a…butterfly... you of all people!” “Admiral it landed very softly, and my attention was…” Sul’Vin began. “You’re Vulcan! That’s not supposed to happen to you!” Blaze snapped. Both Gorear and Sul’Vin didn’t move or change expressions. Blaze recomposed himself before continuing, “So that butterfly landed on you, a local noticed it, tapped your stealth suit and disengaged it. So she did the only natural thing and ran.” “And before we realized it, we were…surrounded by citizens from the nearby town apparently called Ponyville.” Gorear finished, “One of them, a mint pony apparently named Lyra was quite happy to see us, if I might add, as was another Pink one who’s preparing to throw us a party.” Once again Blaze rested his forehead in his hand, “And you proceeded to make first contact with this species.” “An impromptu one but yes Admiral, it was the only logical conclusion as they saw through every one of our cover stories in an instant.” Sul’Vin answered. “And so what does Logic expect me to do?” Blaze asked. “Well Captain, it seems that the next step is unavoidable.” Sul’Vin answered. Blaze sank in his chair. Once again he had made a stupid career move. All the other times these dumb moves have worked out in the end. This one however did not seem to have a good ending. Shaking his head, Blaze looked right back at Sul’Vin, “What am I going to do now go down there and formally introduce us to a species that is not supposed to know about us yet?!” Just then his combag beeped. Blaze tapped his combag, “Johnson here.” “Admiral we’re getting a transmission from the surface. A Princess Celestia is wishing to speak with you at her Castle.” Seren came through. Blaze looked at the two officers with fire burning from his eyes, “Tell me you did not leave a piece of technology on that planet?!” Gorear shook his head, “No sir we recovered every piece of technology.” “Sir, it’s an old form of communication, emanating from a section within the castle. It’s even sent us a series of beam in coordinates.” Seren answered. “How…” Blaze started but then shook off his thoughts. Better to investigate than assume, “Okay I’m on my way.” He then looked back at his officers, “Well keep your fingers crossed we haven’t done irreparable damage.” Then the Admiral began moving towards the door. “Would you like me to contact Starfleet?” Sul’Vin asked. “You’re gonna do it anyway so why bother asking?” Gorear shot back. “It’s standard procedure to inform the commanding…” Sul’Vin started. But Blaze did not hear the rest of the conversation as he exited his ready room. As he walked through the bridge towards the turbolift, he motioned to Quells, “Quells you’re with me.” “Yes sir.” Quells answered. “Sir,” Thatok began, “I must request my presence on this mission. We do not know what these creatures may do upon our arrival.” “They didn’t kill our away team nor have they fired upon the Evans yet Mr. Thatok,” Blaze answered, “So I highly doubt these ponies will try anything funny.” “Ever still, I’d feel better if you were accompanied by a security team.” Thatok, “Even first contact procedures state that high ranking officers must be…” “Don’t quote regulations Tha,” Viz started, “You know how mad the Admiral gets when he doesn’t get his way.” “An interesting sarcastic statement,” Elal remarked. Blaze sighed “Alright make that Quells, Thatok, and Lotar you’re with me. Sul’Vin you have the con.” Sul’Vin and Gorear entered the room just as the order was given. Sul’Vin simply nodded as Blaze and his away team headed towards the Turbolift. Once the four were piled into the turbolift, Blaze ordered the futuristic elevator towards Transporter room four. It wasn’t long before the quartet was standing within the transporter pad waiting to be beamed down towards the planet. Transporter Chief O’Malley plugged in the coordinates supplied from the Princess. “Okay Blaze if these are right this should put you just outside the throne room.” “How far outside?” Lotar asked. “You’ll just have to see for yourself.” The Chief answered. Blaze nodded, “Okay let’s see what’s down there, energize.” The chief nodded then began the transporting sequence. Within no time the away team found themselves within a large atrium within a castle. In front of them were large doors that opened onto a beautiful garden below. Behind them was a large flight of stairs leading to an upper level. Within seconds Lotar had his tricorder out and began to scan. “Very well designed castle,” Lotar observed. “I didn’t think you had an eye for architecture Lotar.” Quells smirked, “But I agree this is very nice.” “Keep it down guys, we’re not here for site seeing.” Blaze commented. Just then the sound of hooves walking on tile drew everyone’s attention to the upper level as an Earth pony covered in knights armor appeared. He looked down on the away team with suspicious eyes. The jester was not offensive to any of the members, as it generally came with away missions that involved first contact. However the usual line of “We come in Peace,” had already been established. So the only thing left now was introductions. “I’m Admiral Blaze Johnson of the Starship Evans. We’re here to see the Princess. We represent the United Federation…” “Ah you’re the guests we’re expecting. Follow me; the Princess is eager to meet you.” The guard greeted before trotting off. After looking at each other, the away team ascended the stairs and followed the guard. It certainly took awhile for them to reach the throne room, if that was where the guard was actually taking them. However the time was not important to the away team, as the guard lead them through some very lavish hallways. Quells did stop a few times to sightsee but Lotar quickly pulled her back into the group. Thatok however did make a passing comment to Blaze, “Admiral, I’ve noticed the extremely lack of guards within this castle. If this is indeed the capital of these lands, they are not doing a good job of protecting it.” “Maybe that’s how they do things here Tha,” Blaze told his chief of security, “Besides we don’t greet guests with our security guards.” “At Least not anymore,” Lotar murmured. Finally the pony led them to a set of large doors. When the doors opened, the sight that bestowed the quartet was indescribable. Twilight Sparkle stood in total shock in front of her mentor Princess Celestia. The news the princess had just informed her of had taken the lavender pony completely off guard. Well the news was just one of the many things that had ruined a perfectly awesome date with Trixie. First the massive commotion that Applebloom and her friends had caused about aliens invading Ponyville had brought the dinner date to an abrupt end. Then there was Lyra who was dragging everyone in Ponyville towards the field to prove that the myth of Humans was real. Of course Twilight had got there after these so called Aliens had left so she never got a look. Because of this, Twilight had taken a completely skeptical view towards all of this. A view that she thought would’ve been supported by Princess Celestia. That view took an immediate hit when Princess Celestia called her, just her, to report to Canterlot immediately. So the unicorn did, leaving Trixie and her five other friends plus Spike waiting back at the Library completely confused. Then when Twilight appeared within the Princess’s chambers, she gets told by Princess Celestia that Humans indeed exist and a group of them were about to appear very shortly. All this put together had left the poor prodigy completely confused. “Uh pardon my bluntness Princess but come again?” Twilight asked tilting her head. “You heard me right Twilight, they will be here shortly.” Princess Celestia answered, her face amused but serious. “Seriously Lyra was right all this time? I mean I know of all the myths and legends but I never imagined that…” Twilight began. “That four of them would appear on Equestria right out of the blue, and that another four are now coming here from their spaceship to talk with us?” Princess Celestia finished. Bemused Twilight nodded, to which Princess Celestia giggled, “To be honest neither did I. I remember my mother telling me the old stories myself. I never imagined I’d see them in my own life time, more or less communicating peacefully with them. Quite the interesting political situation we’re in eh Twilight?” To which the princess simply laughed. Twilight couldn’t help but join in the laughter, “It is kinda funny when you think about it, I can only imagine what their leader is thinking about right now. So moving this along, what role would you have me play Princess?” “Well Luna is a thousand years out of touch with our diplomatic protocols, and she’s also tied up with the missing ponies’ investigation along with Shinning Armor. So Twilight I would like you to serve as our Ambassador to these Humans.” Princess Celestia answered. Twilight’s eyes widened for a moment before retracting and she bowed, “Thank you Princess I won’t let you down.” “I know you won’t Twilight, now get ready, their almost here.” Princess Celestia said as the sounds of foot falls filled the chambers. Twilight raced over to the Princess’s side as the large doors opened. In stepped a member of the Royal guardsmen and followed was the four guests. Talk about a ruler… Blaze thought to himself as he laid eyes upon the Ruler of Equestria, or what he took was a ruler. The large pony was about the size of an average adult pony on Earth, but with a set of equally large wings and a magnificent horn. This pony, if she can be called that, had an ice white coat. Her mane and tail colors were a rainbow of green, pink, blue, and white that flowed as if they were being blown in the wind. She sat on a beautiful throne decked in gold and jewels. On her flank was an over embellished image of the sun. The only tell-tale point to prove she was a ruler of some kind was her perfectly placed golden crown. To the ruler’s right was a smaller, lavender pony with a mix of purple and violet mane. This small pony was awestruck at the sight of the away team. A sentiment that was shared by the away team at the sight of these two ponies, however the away team kept their emotions hidden. In fact Blaze’s expression was as stoic as a Vulcan. Just then the large pony spoke, “Welcome to Equestria ambassadors of the Human race and Earth. I am Princess Celestia, Co-Ruler of the lands of Equestria.” “And I’m Twilight Sparkle, the Princess’s royal Student and Ambassador, Welcome.” The small pony introduced. Blaze nodded. “I’m Vice Admiral Blaze Johnson of the U.S.S. Evans. These are my officers Commanders Thatok and Quells, and Lieutenant Commander Lotar.” He introduced pointing at the respective officer, “My apologies Princess but your information is incorrect. We do not represent just Earth, but the United Federation of Planets.” The Princess seemed confused for a moment, “I’m afraid I was not aware Earth was part of a coalition of planets.” It was now Blaze’s turn to be caught off guard, “Yes we are and have been for a decent amount of time.” Princess Celestia nodded, and then removed her confused expression with a smile, “I’m sure you all have a lot of questions, because I have many for all of you. But I must speak with the Vice Admiral alone for a moment. Twilight can you show our guests around the castle?” “Certainly Princess,” Twilight agreed before trotting out towards the Away team. “Admiral?” Quells asked with a little bit of concern. “Don’t worry I’ll be fine,” Blaze answered, “Enjoy the tour.” Quells nodded before Twilight lead the three of them out of the room. Two royal guards closed the doors behind them. Once the doors were closed Blaze turned back to the Princess, who was now standing full erect, adding a few inches to her height. “I’m afraid you’ve caught me at a disadvantage here Princess, my usual first contact missions don’t involve the species actually knowing anything about us.” Blaze said. “The disadvantage was mine, I was going off of the old stories of your planet I heard as a child. I must ask what brings you too Equestria, my parents had told me that Humans would not be out this far this soon.” Princess Celestia asked Blaze. “Depends on what your definition of soon would be, but back in our galaxy we have discovered means to travel between the stars and galaxies now at speeds faster than light. The only reason why were here in this one is because it’s the closest. Why we are here is because your solar system is incorrect to the common held themes we know as science on Earth.” Blaze answered. “Ah, you’re referring to the sun and moon revolving around Eques?” Princess Celestia answered. “That’s the planets name?” “It’s formal name, but most ponies know it simply as Equestria.” Princess Celestia answered now in front of Blaze. Blaze nodded, “Makes sense, any who yes that is why we’re here. Me and my crew are explorers, as is the Arm of the Federation: Starfleet. Our job is to seek out new life and new civilization.” “And I take it we fit that mold really well. Is your next step to put us within your Federation Protectorate?” The Princess smiled looking Blaze in the eye. “My people have a strict policy of non-interference with any species, it is our prime directive. In fact we do not reveal ourselves to pre warp civilizations like this one. However if we were to, we would only convey our wishes through Diplomats and let the planets government decide.” Blaze answered not breaking the stair, “You however are probably the most relaxed diplomat and ruler I’ve met.” “Well One thousand years of rule can mellow a pony out.” Princess Celestia asked. Not bad looking for your age neither Blaze thought to himself, “Let me ask you a question now. How were you able to contact my ship, better yet how do you know of us?” Princess Celestia nodded, “Fair question.” She then turned and trotted over to a window before opening it out onto the world below. “Over millennia ago, we ponies and others traveled with a species called the Preservers.” Blaze was stunned, “You existed with the Preservers?” “Yes, we ponies were their beasts of Burden. We helped populate many planets across the cosmos. Because of our labor many cultures would be ready to be born, as pension the Preservers gave us this planet to colonize as our own.” Celestia told Blaze, “Even gave us the ability to leave should things begin to die.” Blaze’s jaw dropped at this story, “You have warp capability?” “Capability yes, but where would warp drive take us except away from here.” Princess Celestia answered with a smile, “Those Spatial anomalies that exist around the planet are wells of magical energy that power the unicorns of this planet and allow me and Princess Luna to raise and low the sun and moon. The land is fertile for the Earth Ponies to grow vast amounts of crops. And the weather is controllable, able to be changed and moved at will by our illustrious Pegasi. Simply put Admiral, this planet is paradise.” Blaze was completely shocked by what he was hearing. After taking a moment to recompose himself, he walked over to the window. He could see a garden below, with his away team looking it over. Quells spotted him and shouted, “Blaze this planet is amazing, have you ever seen the like?” A small, relieved smile took Blaze’s face, “Princess I apologize for our intrusion.” “Not necessary, we haven’t had guests in a long while.” Princess Celestia smiled, “I even think one pony is planning a massive party for you right now.” Blaze looked at the Princess, “Princess Celestia, I believe we have more to talk about.” Once back aboard the Evans, Blaze immediately headed to the bridge with a large smile on his face. But once he got the bridge, his expression did a one eighty when he saw Sul’Vin’s face. “Admiral, Fleet Admiral Janeway wishes to speak with you privately.” The Vulcan told him. Blaze sighed, “Have the transmission my ready room.” “I’m afraid that will not be necessary Admiral. I’m already here.” a voice said from the vicinity of Blaze’s ready room. Blaze closed his eyes and swore to himself. When he reopened he saw, standing the door way of his ready room the Fleet Admiral he admired most. She was the very same Admiral he personally reported to. The famous captain of the U.S.S. Voyager, Fleet Admiral Kathryn Janeway. And she was not happy to see Blaze. Blaze returned her expression with a very long release of air, “Shit.” > Chapter Four (Part One) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter Four (Part One) Janeway's Visit Despite his heart racing a mile a minute, Blaze kept his emotions well hidden from Fleet Admiral Janeway as he ushered her into the ready room. Without saying a word, the red haired Admiral simply walked over to his desk and sat down in the chair across from his own. The silence within the room was so cold it was cutting into Blaze like a finely sharpened Bat’leth. Blaze took a deep sigh, “You sure you wouldn’t wish to discuss this on the couches Admiral?” Janeway didn’t answer, she simply glared at Blaze. To further drive home her disappointment, she crossed her legs. She’s crossing her legs! Oh god why does she always have to cross her legs when she’s pissed at me! Blaze thought to himself. After another couple of seconds, he finally plucked up more courage, “Well at least let me offer you some coffee.” Janeway’s expression softened, if only a tiny bit. Taking this as a small victory in what would be a larger war, Blaze walked over to the replicator, “Two coffees: one black nothing added, the other Black triple sweet.” The machine whirred to life before two mugs appeared out of thin air. Blaze, like a good host, brought both mugs over to the Admiral. Janeway took hers with a miniscule smile before Blaze sat down at his desk. The two decorated Admirals looked at each other for a quick moment before Blaze finally snapped, “Alright Kathryn say something!” “Okay I will,” Janeway answered, “When I woke up this morning, I didn’t think I’d be presiding over a court martial. Especially one involving a star fleet officer with your credentials Blaze, now what am I supposed to say to that?” “Don’t you think you’re jumping the gun a little?” Blaze said meekly. “You know the penalty for violation of the Prime Directive!” Janeway snapped. Blaze leaned back in his chair, palm resting over his eyes. Finally he looked back at the Admiral with determination, “I didn’t.” “Excuse me?” “You heard me right I didn’t.” Blaze defended, “How much has Starfleet informed you of?” “I haven’t been in contact with Starfleet,” Admiral Janeway replied, “Sul’Vin contacted me directly on Voyager .” Blaze raised an eyebrow, “I didn’t know Voyager was out this far.” “You’d be surprised how fast she can actually be.” Kathryn said. “Now I haven’t contacted Quinn yet because I know you Blaze, you wouldn’t make a move like this without a very good reason.” Blaze nodded, “So how much has Sul’Vin informed you of?” “Bits and pieces, but I do know you just came back from speaking with the planet’s leader.” Janeway answered. Blaze nodded again, “So he hasn’t told you about the planet’s population.” Janeway shook her head no. Good at least I have that advantage Blaze thought to himself before pressing his combadge, “Johnson to transporter room three what’s the status of our ambassador?” “Quells here Admiral,” Quells answered, “The Ambassador is transporting up now, I was about to give her the grand tour.” “You’re going to have to belay that Quells I need her up in my ready room soonest.” Blaze answered disengaging the conversation. Now it was Janeway’s turn to raise an eyebrow. But Blaze quickly refuted. “Bear with me here Kathryn. You want to know why I’m here; the ambassador will answer that for you as well. Now let me start off with the obvious; we came here primarily to survey the spatial anomalies surrounding the planet, and as you’re aware there are a lot of them. “However upon arrival into the system we discovered something else very, very interesting. This planet is the center of this solar system not the dominant sun.” Blaze explained. “That’s impossible; no system has a planet as its center.” Janeway said. “Never the less, that’s what our systems said. We continued our investigation by scanning the planet. And that turned up an interesting find in itself.” Blaze continued, “I sent an away team down with orders to remain in stealth at all times. However a….bug landed on one of the team members and…” Blaze stammered as he tried to explain it the right way, “…tipped him off to a nearby settlement. The town’s folk were on them before they could transport out.” “So you were found out?” Kathryn said almost amused, “And to think, I thought you went down there in full fanfare.” “Now Janeway I only did that to the Defari after we kicked the Breen off them,” Blaze laughed. Kathryn shared in the laugh, “Okay Blaze you made your case. And they’re all valid points as to why I shouldn’t carry this through but you still haven’t explained what was it about the population that made you go down there?” Blaze never had to directly answer, because just as the question was made his door chimed. “Yes,” he answered. Kathryn turned and looked at the door. The doors opened revealing Quells, “Admiral your ambassador and her party are here.” Blaze smiled, “Ah perfect timing, send them in.” Quells nodded and stepped aside to allow two unicorns and a baby dragon to stroll in. The lead lavender unicorn was Twilight Sparkle, whom Blaze had met on the planet; however the Brilliant azure unicorn and baby dragon he did not recognize. But his attention was focused on Kathryn, who was doing all she could to not have her jaw hit the floor. It got even harder when the lead pony spoke, “Hello my name is Twilight Sparkle, ambassador to Princess Celestia and the ponies of Equestria.” She then turned to introduce her compatriots starting with the dragon, “And this is my number one assistant Spike and my marefriend Trixie Lulamoon.” Kathryn leaned back in her chair, a shocked smile on her face. “Well, this defiantly changes things.” She said. A/N I actually have this post and the following one as one full chapter but college stalled the option of me positing the together impossible at the moment. once i get over my procrastination the other will be online > Chapter Four (Part Two) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter Four (Part Two) Twilight and Trixie go into space, with Spike, to save Blaze's Carrer When Twilight walked into the library, every one of her friends was all in her face within moments. The poor pony’s ears were inundated with questions about the human guests and what they were all about. “Girls…girls…” Twilight shouted. “And than I asked if he really did like oatmeal,” Pinkie Pie continued. After a quick moment of head shaking, Twilight spoke up, “Yes it is true Human beings have visited Equestria, and in fact their still in orbit right now?” “Orbit, you mean they’re up in space right now?” Rainbow Dash asked, “How can they breathe up there?” “And what was with those horrid outfits they have, I mean do they even know anything about fashion?” Rarity asked. “And what about appearing outta no where?” Applejack asked, “Don’t seem to me like they’re very friendly if they go sneaking around.” “Applejack’s Right,” Rainbow cut in before Fluttershy could peep, “If they can go invisible, who knows how long they’ve been here. We don’t even know what their plan is…” “Enough speculation!” Trixie cut it, “They didn’t harm Scootaloo or any of the Crusaders nor Princess Celestia.” “Yes, and from what I could understand, they’re a very non-violent race much like us.” Twilight spoke. “But are you sure Twilight?” Fluttershy asked, “What if Rainbow is right?” “Yea how can we be sure?” Pinkie Pie added. “Well to Rainbow’s credit, my books have informed me that all legends involving Humans generally depict them as a very violent species. However I can’t really be sure until I actually go up there?” “Up there?” Trixie asked, “Up where exactly?” “To their ship, I think it’s called the Evans ?” Twilight answered. Every pony looked at the unicorn with extremely wide eyes. “They did provide me with a device to talk with them allow them to transport me to their ship, but they did say I can only bring a few guests with me. So I’m sorry everypony but most of you will stay behind.” The prospect of going up to meet the humans in their realm did not appeal to the others out right. They all talked amongst themselves deciding whether or not to go. “Ah think most of us will,” Applejack cut in, “Despite all this I still have some farm work to provide.” Then Applejack left in quite a hurry without saying another word. “Yea and I have some pretty big orders to fill and Rainbow here is going to help me model these designs.” Rarity lied. “I am…” Rainbow asked a little shocked before Rarity elbowed her, “Oh I mean I am right come on Rarity lets go.” With that the two ponies also raced out. “Well I can’t come, Angel has to be fed and I don’t know what I’d do if he’d go hungry so I’m just going to go….if that’s okay.” Fluttershy said creeping to the door. Pinkie pie however was very bubbly about her excuse, “Well I’m not like the others I would love to go. But I gotta party to throw for our human guests and my talents are needed here not up in a space ship.” And then the pink pony simply bounced out a window, prominently opened by Spike. After rolling her eyes at Pinkie’s famous randomness, Twilight turned to Trixie, “Well what about you?” Trixie bit her lower lip deciding. Then the azure pony turned around as she decided while Twilight looked at Spike. His expression wasn’t enthusiastic but he did seem interested, “You know Twilight I normally don’t rush into these things, but being an Ambassador may actually be interesting so count me in.” Twilight smiled, “Thanks Spike that means a lot.” “Trixie will come too.” Trixie added, “Spike’s right, this does sound like a lovely adventure. And besides you’re paying Trixie back for that dinner.” Twilight gave an unamused smile but still felt good that Trixie was already involved, “Okay than it settled; now I hope I can find that communicator because the ship actually is expecting me.” “Wait you were going anyway?” Trixie asked. “Of course, Princess Celestia thinks its best for me to go up there immediately, in order to determine if there actually is any real threat.” Twilight answered. Then she levitated out the star shaped, or poorly shaped like a star, combadge of the Federation, “Now how do I activate it again?” After a few moments of thinking, it came to her and she magically clicked, “This is Twilight Sparkle, I’m calling the Evans anyone there.” A warm, feminine, chuckle responded, “This is Quells Ms. Sparkle, and we are indeed here. Are you ready to be brought up?” “Brought up?” Trixie asked, “By what means? No spell can transport any pony higher than the clouds.” Twilight waved her off and motioned for the three of them to get closer, “Uhhh yes we are ready to go.” Quells laughed, “Get ready ponies, transportation in progresses.” Suddenly every fiber of the ponies and dragon being felt like it began to move apart. The trio suddenly became engulfed by twinkling lights and energy. A soft humming sound filled the library along with a blue light. Before the trio knew what was happening, they vanished within the library and reappeared inside another room. Standing near a large podium was a tall human woman with long brown hair. Twilight remembered her from the castle, her name was Quells. A big smile was plastered on her face as she saw the trio stumble around on the transporter pad. Twilight quickly looked all over her body to make sure every part of her was there before checking Trixie and Spike. Then Twilight turned to Quells and asked, “Are we…?” The unicorn’s voice was almost a whimper as she was still uneasy from whatever had just happened. But the ambassador quickly recovered. “Yep,” Quells answered, “Welcome aboard the USS Evans .” Twilight stammered before taking a ginger step off the platform, “Umm…thank you. These two are my marefriend Trixie Lulamoon and my number one assistant Spike.” Quells nodded, “My name is Lieutenant Commander Quells; I’m the ships ambassador and Quarter master.” Quells then noticed Spike and Trixie still inching their way around the transporter pad and with a chuckle, “Don’t worry every part of you is there. Trust me I was similar when I was first beamed up.” “If you don’t mind Trixie asking,” Trixie whispered, her voice uneasy, “What exactly happened?” “We beamed you up.” Quells answered, “You see the people of Earth have figured out a way to turn matter into energy. So what we did was convert your atoms to energy and transport it from one place to another. Then once you were in the new place, we reverted your energy to matter.” Trixie nodded but understood very little of that. Twilight however was completely beside herself with what Quells just said, “Oh wow, it’s almost like how we unicorns transport ourselves, see we…” But just then a loud beep interrupted the unicorn, “Johnson to transporter room three what’s the status of our ambassador?” Quells taped her combadge, “Quells here Admiral, the Ambassador is transporting up now, I was about to give her the grand tour.” “You’re going to have to belay that Quells I need her up in my ready room soonest.” Blaze answered disengaging the conversation. Quells rolled her eyes. “Aye Admiral, I’m sorry my little ponies but you’re going to have to join me.” Twilight and Trixie nodded as they clambered off the transporter pad. Spike however stood for another second before following suit. Quells then led the trio into a long hallway that was brightly lit. “Where exactly are we off to if you don’t mind me asking?” Twilight asked. “Deck one, the bridge of the ship. Apparently Blaze needs to see your party immediately.” Quells answered. “Why the rush?” Spike asked. “I have a hunch, but I’d rather not speculate,” Quells answered. “So how big is this ship actually?” Trixie asked. “There are thirty five decks exactly, but if you want exact length the Evans is about 878 meters long bow to stern.” Quells answered, “I’ll give you the full tour once Blaze is finished speaking with you.” The trio all looked at each other with impressed looks on their faces. As they continued to walk through the hallway, Quells was quick to answer any questions they may have had. “So you didn’t mention yourself when you spoke of humanity, pardon Trixie’s bluntness but you look like a human.” Trixie asked. “Well I’m not,” Quells answered with a smile, “This form was the one I took when I was…well when I left my people. You see I am actually a Q, a race of omnipotent beings that sort of…actually let me just leave it as we’re omnipotent. I’m one of the many non-human races aboard this ship.” “Right because Earth is a part of a coalition of races?” Twilight asked as they approached a set of doors. The doors then opened and the quartet stepped into an enclosed round room. “Exactly, it’s called the United Federation of Planets, more commonly known as the Federation.” Quells answered as the doors closed, “Bridge.” The room then shook for a moment to the trio as they felt the floor moving. Twilight looked up at Quells, “Is this an elevator?” “More advanced version of one, we call it a turbolift.” Quells answered. “This ship is absolutely amazing, much more interesting than the dirigibles we ponies operate.” Twilight commented still very wide eyed, “Much faster too I presume.” “Oh yes, at top speed this ship can hit Warp 14 or 14 times faster than the speed of light.” Quells promoted. “And Rainbow Dash didn’t want to come.” Spike snickered. Just then the turbolift stopped and the doors opened onto a large room with three levels. The quartet exited and Quells spoke, “And this is the bridge, the primary nerve center of the ship. But more later, please follow me.” Twilight was amazed at the variety of individuals on the bridge; she recognized the blue and brown skinned creatures as Lotar the Reman and Thatok the Klingon. However she saw a figure totally dressed in a suit with a helmet that had a long nose along with another human like being with ridges on his nose. Sitting at what she assumed was the captain’s chair was another human with pointed ears. She also saw a female variant of the pointed eared human sitting next to a green skinned one. Before she reached the room Quells was taking her too, she also saw a human with black pieces of technology all over her. One of them covered her eye, almost like an eye patch but this had a red light next to it. That sight made Twilight shudder a bit. Just then Quells walked into an adjacent room and spoke, “Admiral your ambassador and her party are here.” Twilight spotted Vice Admiral Blaze Johnson who was smiling, “Ah perfect timing, send them in.” Quells stepped back and whispered, “Okay ponies I’ll be right outside, good luck.” Twilight nodded before leading Trixie and Spike into the room. Twilight instantly noticed a female human sitting across from Blaze. She had long red hair that was tied back in a bun and a completely shocked expression on her face. The woman wore a coat similar to Blaze’s but this one had a black base with grey shoulder patches and a red collar. Twilight didn’t know who the woman was, but she still had to introduce herself, “Hello my name is Twilight Sparkle, ambassador to Princess Celestia and the ponies of Equestria. And this is my number one assistant Spike and my marefriend Trixie Lulamoon.” The woman leaned back in her chair, a shocked smile on her face. “Well, this defiantly changes things.” She said. Blaze nodded with an amused smile, “Twilight would you please have a seat.” He motioned to a chair next to the woman. Twilight nodded and walked over to the chair. After hopping up, Twilight turned around and took a seat. Trixie and Spike walked over to the couches and sat down, keeping an eye on Twilight. “This is Fleet Admiral Kathryn Janeway,” Blaze introduced, “She’s here to oversee First Contact.” “What?” Janeway asked a little unsure. Blaze winked and she instantly understood, “Oh yes right I am, a pleasure to meet you Miss Sparkle.” Twilight nodded, “The pleasure is mine.” After about an hour of endless conversation, Twilight had informed Janeway of all that Blaze wanted her to. The primary saving points were when Twilight began speaking of the ponies arrival with the preservers. Blaze kept his focus upon the Fleet Admiral and grinned as she became more and more intrigued. Pretty soon Twilight and Janeway were finished conversing and Blaze jumped in. “Thank you Twilight, but if you wouldn’t mind I need to speak with Admiral Janeway for a bit.” Blaze answered. Twilight nodded before rising from the chair and leading her party out of Blaze’s ready room. But before she left Blaze added, “I’ll give you the grand tour in a few moments.” Twilight gave Blaze an appreciatory smile before the door closed. With a very amused smile Blaze looked back at Kathryn, “Well did I get lucky or didn’t I?” “I must admit, I wish I’d seen this planet when I was a little girl.” Janeway answered, “It’s absolutely amazing how those ponies built their society. Even more that every mythical creature we humans know is myth is on this planet.” “Crazy isn’t it.” Blaze agreed. “I must admit Blaze you found a gem here. Okay I’ll send my report to Starfleet Command though I doubt you’ll have little to worry about.” Janeway said rising to her feet. Blaze also rose up to escort the Admiral out. “Aren’t you going to stay? Apparently theirs a party going to be thrown soon.” “No I think I’ll let you handle this one.” Janeway answered. > Chapter Five > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter Five The Grand Tour When Twilight was finished speaking to Fleet Admiral Janeway and Vice Admiral Johnson, she wandered back into the bridge. Little had changed except for a few more crew members had appeared carrying out their assigned daily tasks. Twilight then spotted both Spike and Trixie staring outside a massive screen. As she approached them, she noticed that some of the Bridge officers seemed either amused or simply interested in how her friends were reacting to the picture they saw before them. “What are you two looking at?” Twilight asked approaching from Trixie’s right. “Twilight you have to take a look at this,” Spike answered as Trixie was too mesmerized. Twilight approached the large screen and looked into it, it was then she knew exactly what had mesmerized the duo. The screen showed the starship orbiting above Equestria, but it showed more than that, it showed Equestria in detail from orbit. There was a natural beauty about it; Equestria looked like a giant blue, white, and green ball floating the black void of space. Twilight couldn’t draw her eyes from the picture; she could see lands she only read about. And it wasn’t just that she could see them, but if she looked hard enough she could see roads and houses. It was amazing. Then as she widened her view she got a real sense of how high she, or rather the ship, actually was. “Magnificent isn’t it. One never really knows how small they are until they see their planet in space for the first time, gives you a real sense of being.” Quells voice came from behind the trio. None of them turned to look at her as the sight before them was too amazing to see. Quells stood near the tactical consol completely amused. “Humans once said when they first explored space, ‘We went to the stars to see what’s out there, but what we really found was the beauty of Earth.’” Quells added, “Personally I never saw what was so special about Earth, it’s no different than the…” “Quells, mind your manners,” Lotar jumped in. The being with a long helmet began to speak. To Twilight, its language sounded similar to two pieces of metal scrapping against each other. But the rest of the crew understood him well and all laughed. “What did he say?” Twilight asked finally turning away from the screen. “Sometimes he forgets that I am a Q, because of how I act…sometimes. That’s Tran, a Breen, the ships junior tactical weapons controller.” Quells grimaced. The green woman snickered as she shook her head, and then turned to Twilight, “If you three want to know, we’re orbiting your planet at around two hundred miles up. I’m Viquoof by the way, ships navigator, but you can call me Viz.” Trixie turned around, “This is completely amazing, Trixie has never been this high before. How fast are we going?” “Seems really slow if you ask me,” Spike murmured. “That is actually an optical illusion; our present speed is four hundred and fifteen kilometers per hour. It is a standard orbiting speed for this vessel,” The pointed eared woman next to Viz explained. “That is Elal, ships helmsmen, of Vulcan.” Quells explained. “As am I,” Said the blue suited, pointed ear male sitting in what Twilight assumed was the captain’s chair, “My name is Sul’Vin; I am ships senior science officer and First Officer.” “A pleasure to meet all of you,” Twilight said looking around at all of the bridge crew. Then her eyes fell upon the machine woman again and the uneasiness returned. However the crewmember gave a warm smile as if she knew what Twilight was feeling, “Three of Five, you may call me Three. But my birth name was Samantha Rose.” Three answered, “I am Borg.” Twilight nodded, “A pleasure.” Quells sensed the uneasiness and quickly jumped in, “Well it seems you ponies have acquainted yourselves with the bridge, time for you to view the rest of the ship.” Quells lead the party first to Deck Five to the ships mess hall named Tavern 557. When Twilight asked why the ships mess was named that way, Quells was happy to explain. “Well the ship is named after Captain Ernst Evans. The ship he famously skippered was called the USS Johnston . Back long ago ships had registries to distinguish themselves before they were named. And the Johnston’s was DD-557. So we picked 557 as the Tavern’s number.” The party then approached a surprise for Twilight, instead of the modern metallic doors that accompanied the rest of the ship, these doors were wooden. However they still slid in the same manner as the rest of the doors. When they entered, the trio was surprised to see the mess being a large area. Far to their left were several large windows looking out into space. There were many tables as well, most however were hidden behind a large wall that separated the eating area from the rest of the mess hall. Nearer to the ponies were a set of comfortable looking couches many of the crew were relaxing on. The wall that divided the eating area was curved almost as if it was a wave rippling through the ocean. In the middle of what Twilight deemed the trough was a large glowing white object that looked like a large tree ornament. As Twilight looked towards her right, she spotted four large wooden barrels jutting into the wall. They were eerily similar to Applejack’s Cider barrels in her basement. In front of these barrels was an old style bar complete with sets of stools for persons to sit on. Twilight even saw a female humanoid with wolf like ears and a tail serving food and drinks to the patrons. When the humanoid noticed Quells, she beamed and waved them over. As the quartet approached, Twilight could see the humanoid had cherry red hair that matched her eyes. However her “wolf” ears and tail were a light brown. The humanoid smiled as the ponies approached, “My, my, are these the famous ponies of that strange planet below?” “Hey Yari, yup these are them. May I introduce Ambassador Twilight Sparkle, Miss Trixie Lulamoon, and Mister Spike. Everyone this is Yari Lupus, bartender of Tavern 557 and ships Morale officer.” Quells introduced. “Yes and welcome to Tavern 557, we got all the pleasures the Milky way Galaxy has to offer in a retro style of service. What’ll you ponies and dragon pleasure?” Yari asked. “Forgive Trixie’s question but are you another non-human look-alike like Quells?” Trixie asked. Yari was completely unfazed in her smile, “Actually I am human, but people on Earth refer to me as a Chimera. The result of some messed up experiment many years back, too long of a story to tell.” “If you don’t mind Trixie asking another question, but this tavern seems so out of place from the…futuristic design of the ship,” Trixie asked, “It puzzles Trixie but why is that.” Yari laughed again, “It gives the crew a sense of ease, almost the same feeling as antiques give off am I right?” “Well if that’s the case,” Spike smiled as he chipped in, “Let’s see what this antique has to eat, I’m starved. Twilight giggled, “That’s Spike, always thinking with his stomach. Will it be okay?” Quells nodded, and Yari handed Spike a menu. Trixie, also feeling a little famished, requested one as well. Twilight however wasn’t as hungry, so the lavender pony turned to the glowing object; Quells followed Twilight to the object and explained, “This is the Preserver Star Chart. Admiral Johnson and the rest of the Evans crew discovered this about five years ago.” “I remember reading about the preservers in many of Equestria’s history books besides Princess Celestia mentioning them.” Twilight admired, “What does it depict?” “Well,” Quells started, “The chart is broken into three pieces, the Top depicts the majority of the Zeta Andromeda Galaxy; the one we are currently in. the Middle is the Milky Way Galaxy. However we’re still not as yet sure what the bottom depicts.” “It’s absolutely amazing.” Twilight said. After Trixie and Spike had their little respite of food, Quells recommenced with the tour. She took the trio to Deck seventeen and into a large room. Twilight knew the moment Rarity would ever walk in here; she’d be instantly traumatized by the horrible decor of the room. It was nothing but a black base room with yellow lines that, very neatly, formed grid boxes. “And this is the Holo-deck. One of four on the vessel crew members uses this as a room for recreation and enjoyment.” Quells explained. “This, it doesn’t seem very useful.” Twilight commented. Quells snickered, “Computer activate program Quells five.” Just then the grid boxes faded away the whole room transformed to a completely different scene. Twilight, Trixie, and Spike soon found themselves standing on warm sand with a gentle ocean breeze blowing and the sound of waves lapping on the shore. They had magically appeared on a beach! “But we haven’t been transported!” Twilight stammered. “Nope we’re still aboard the ship, but this room transforms energy into matter in a similar matter to the transporters. The difference I think is very clear.” Quells explained. She then watched as Trixie and Twilight began to frolic and play in the water while Spike simply enjoyed the false sun. Much later, after drying up, the party reached the end of the tour in Main Engineering, deck twenty. Unlike many ships of the past where Main engineering was located near the heart of the ship, this was placed more near the stern of the Evans . “And finally this Main Engineering, the Evans beating heart.” Quells explained. Twilight noticed a tall man with blue antennae and ice white hair, dressed in an Engineer’s uniform turn from receiving another engineer’s report and look at them. His face was hard, as if it was chiseled out of ice, and unlike the rest of the ship he didn’t seem pleased to see the ponies. “What’s all this here, I don’t exactly remember this ship becoming a…” the blue man began. “Jurhal!” Quells snapped, “These are our ambassadors from Equestria,” “Yes I know who they are, I’m upset that their so late. Usually you supposed to show guests engineering before you show the holo-deck Quells.” Jurhal answered. “Must have slipped my mind,” Quells laughed, “This is Jurhal of Andoria, but we call him Moral for his…famous opinions.” Twilight wasn’t exactly sure of what was going but she went along with it. “And don’t worry, he’s not mad, that’s how he always looks.” Quells added. “Ha, ha.” Jurhal said unamused, “Come you three, I’ll show you this ships personal heart.” Jurhal turned and walked towards a large cylinder that dominated the entire room. One the top side of it, red lights flashed in a downwards motion. The opposite was on the bottom, except the lights were blue. “This is the warp core; here Matter in the red cylinder is rammed with Antimatter through dilithium crystals producing…” Jurhal began. “Producing enormous powers within the range of ten times the power of the sun.” Twilight finished in a point-of-fact tone. Jurhal looked at the Lavender pony legitimately shocked, “It’s not that powerful but yes.” He then turned to Quells, “Where’d you find this one?” “Science, and book study, happens to be my specialty besides diplomacy.” Twilight boasted. Trixie and Spike looked at Twilight with amusement while Quells kept her smug smile. After much discussion between Jurhal and Twilight, Quells finally pulled them away. She soon led the group to Deck ten. “And up this way will be where your quarters will be for the duration of your stay. We’ve made up this section with staterooms for any of the ponies who wish to fully explore this ship after what I assume will be a rather fun party.” “Oh knowing Pinkie Pie, fun is going to be the understatement.” Twilight said, “You will be certainly catching her at her best.” “That much is certain” Trixie added. Just then Spike noticed a large set of doors similar to the ones seen in front of the Holo-deck, “Hey is this holo-deck?” Quells stopped dead in her tracks and looked at the doors. After a moment, she seemed to mentally kick herself for forgetting this. For the first time Twilight saw this…Q’s expression become subdued and almost melancholy, “No….no this is something different.” “May we see it?” Spike asked before Twilight could warn him off. “Well…I guess there’s no real reason to say no. It was made for others to remember them.” Quells answered somberly. She then walked in front of Spike and opened the doors. The room inside was dark, with only one, light blue light source. That source was a bluish hologram shaped similar to the combadge worn by all the ships crew. Quells walked up to it while the trio remained near the door, after all the other surprises this ship had they wanted to be ready to leave. But this one was different. After Quells pressed a few buttons, the room was suddenly filled with hundreds of smaller combadges, all glowing white. The trio looked around the room with wondrous eyes, but all knew that the wonder would not lead to a pleasant find. Twilight then looked at Quells, “What do they all mean?” “They represent the combadges of crewmen lost…in a war. You see the normal crew compliment aboard the USS Evans is around one thousand three hundred five officers, crew, and families. In that war we lost four hundred and fifteen souls.” Quells answered. That last line stung. Trixie raised a hoof to her mouth in shock, while Spike somberly looked at the floor. Twilight however was close to tears. Despite Equestria never experiencing a true war, engagements of the past had certainly draw causalities. But they were so small that the pain never lasted. And they never numbered in the hundreds. “I’m so sorry,” Twilight stammered. Quells nodded, “I know, these men, women, and Tran gendered species gave their lives for the Galaxy and the freedom of its people. Against….” But for some reason Quells couldn’t bring herself to say the species name. Whether it was to painful or too long of a story to explain, she simply ended the line with “…Against our most greatest enemy.” A/N: I'M BAAACK EVERYPONY! Okay so Thank's to Sandy I was down for a while but i'm back and Here's chapter five. Three Things, one i'm not a hundred percent sure if my explanation on how the Warp Core worked was accurate so if I'm wrong please inform me kindly. Second I will give props to anypony who can guess Which Anime Character i make a loving reference to. Third This chapter as did the first one points to the prime enemy that will be faced. I'm not telling who, but expect anyone of the Federations former enemies to be at odds here. Since this was based from STO the list is now very long. This chapter is Dedicated to all those affect by Super Storm Hurricane Sandy, may we all recover and be prosperous in the coming days. > Chapter Six > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter Six: Pinkie Pie’s Party Despite her official position as Ships Diplomat, Quells never really liked the job. Dealing with squabbling delegates, endless debates, handling the tours of the starship, and worse still dressing up for formal events, the job called for someone who could be egotistical and humble at the same time. Who was she kidding, she never liked the job; she loved it. It was always the perfect way for her to flaunt her Q omnipotence as well as her fabulous social skills. More importantly, the job allowed her the singular honor of watching Blaze, Gorear, and Thatak make total fools of themselves at social events. The line “Soldiers never make good diplomats,” was never truer with them. To say that they were terrible diplomats was a bit harsh true, as the trio did get better with age. But still, Klingons were neither diplomats nor peaceful party people period. Blaze was too much of a solider to even see the intricacies of politics, considering that he also hated it with a burning passion. Gorear did have that vision, but his often misuse of humor and sarcasm made him more of a people person. Get the three of them together for a diplomatic event and the humor just flowed naturally for Quells. However the hilarity was going to be absent from today’s event, as it was a party after all. While Thatak was still going to be a fish out of water, Blaze and Gorear did well at parties. The only thing that made Quells and the rest of the bridge crew remember that it was a diplomatic event as well was they were all wearing their diplomat uniforms. So after getting hers on, she walked into Blaze’s room to see how he was doing. Sure enough the Vice Admiral was just finishing straightening his pips on his collar. “How do I look?” Blaze asked. “Like a diplomat waiting to go out clubbing.” Quells laughed. “Thanks hun, ready to go?” Blaze asked?” Quells nodded and the two departed for the Transporter Room. Along the way they ran into the rest of the bridge crew, all of whom were going down to enjoy Pinkie’s party. Quells was quite taken over the fact that even Lotar left behind his Reman officer uniform for the Starfleet Ambassador white. “Looking nice everybody,” Quells smiled. “Yes, well let’s surely push our luck; this is a party after all.” Viz agreed, adjusting her collar. “Surely hope the music is good this time,” Gorear commented, “Last ambassador event we went to was really such a drawl.” Many of the officers chuckled. Even Sul’Vin had to agree with that comment, “Gorear, I doubt these ponies will anything similar to the Bajorian hymns you enjoy.” “Or even that of Klingon opera.” Thatak agreed somberly. “Well I’m kinda wishing for some Rock’n’Roll.” Blaze smiled as they approached the Turbolift, “Hell I’ll even settle for some Rock.” “Now that would be your music Blaze. Perfect for a hardcore man such as yourself!” Quells joked as the party reached the turbolift. “Now I’ve said it before and I will say this again:” Blaze started as they entered the turbolift, “There is absolutely nothing wrong with Rock and Roll.” The party that Pinkie Pie had set up was probably her best yet. She had set it up in Ponyville’s square. About two thirds of the ship’s crew was mixed in with the majority of Ponyville’s population. And everyone was having a great time. Admiral Johnson was having a conversation with Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Rainbow Dash about some interesting and funny event that had happened within his past while Twilight was mingling with Captain Sul’Vin talking about Scientific discoveries. Vinyl Scratch provided the majority of the entertainment until Princess Celestia asked Vice Admiral Johnson if his crew had bands to perform. After a quick set up, the Evans’ band had a lively tune going. Twilight was surprised to see how similar the instruments the two worlds had. Both had a the same instruments an normal Equestrian Orchestra had, which pleased Octavia greatly, as well as full band and a piano. However it wasn’t the classical element that had come down, thanks to Pinkie saying this party needed more pizazz. What was brought down were a good drum set, some guitars, and the piano. The band that was playing called themselves “The Tin Can Sailors,” probably another reference to the ships namesake. They were playing what Dash called Rock music as well as helping Vinyl Scratch with some Pop. Twilight wasn’t much a fan of the upbeat music, but she did enjoy herself. That was until the bands singer decided to include the ships Admiral. “Now ladies, Gentlemen, and Ponies everywhere, the next several set of songs we would like to play for you all we cannot play. At least without our guest singer, Vice Admiral Blaze Johnson.” The singer said pointing at the Vice Admiral. Twilight turned to where the Vice Admiral was standing, she could see him clearly turn meek and shake his head no. Twilight could tell he wasn’t scared, he just didn’t want to perform for the crowd. This played right into the singers hands, “Oh looks like Blazey’s a little scared. Maybe he needs some applause to get him on?” All of the present Crew, saved for the Vulcans, cheered and applauded for their Vice Admiral. Twilight turned to Sul’Vin, “Why are they embarrassing their leader like this?” “Actually they are not,” Sul’Vin explained, “Blaze is an accomplished guitarist but has not played for several years. They are merely doing this to bolster his confidence and to see him perform. Quite an interesting move to say the least.” After a few more chants and cheers, the Vice Admiral relented and headed towards the stage. Twilight turned her attention to the two attending Princesses, who were both keenly interested at what Blaze was going to do. Once the Vice Admiral got on stage, he was handed what was called an Electric Guitar and strummed it for a bit. Then he approached the microphone and said meekly, “I must warn you all, I haven’t played in a couple of years. So I must apologize if it doesn’t sound great.” He strummed the guitar again, as if trying to remember a song, “Well there is one that I remember, it was written a very long time ago by one of Earth’s greatest. He wrote it for all you ‘lovely crazy people out there.’ Goes a little something like this.” The Vice Admiral began playing a set of chords on the guitar, quite well actually. Then after a quick play, began singing when the rest of the band joined in. “Well this thing called Love, I just can’t handle it. This thing, called Love, I must get round to it. I ain’t ready! Crazy little thing called love.” The crowd began to clap along as Blaze went to the next verse, “Well this thing,” Blaze sang. “This thing,” sang the rest of the band. “called Love,” “Called love.” “it cries” “Like a baby,” “in a cradle all night, it swings, it jives, it shakes all over like a jellyfish. I kinda like it. Crazy little thing called love.” Blaze sang before playing a riff. Then he continued, “There goes my baby, she knows how to Rock’n’Roll, she drives me crazy, she gives hot ’n’ cold fever, she leaves me in a cold, cold sweat.” Then after a beat filled music break, the Vice Admiral sang again, his voice brimming with confidence. “I gotta be cool, relax, get hip, get on my track, take a back seat, and hitchhike. Take a long ride on my motorbike until I’m ready! Crazy little thing called Love!” As the guitar part came in, Twilight was quite amazed at the Admiral’s performance. While this was not her favorite style of music, the Vice Admiral sold it well. He seemed to regain whatever skill he had at the guitar as he played the guitar riffs with ease and grace befitting a talented performer. Even the ponies were pounding their hooves rhythmically in tune with the humans clap. Then when the guitar riff ended, Blaze stopped playing and began slapping his guitar in beat with the crowd. The band began either clapping or, in the drummers case beating, in tune as well. “Gotta be cool,” Blaze sang, “Relax, get hip, get on my track, take a back seat, and hitchhike. Take a long ride on my motor bike until I’m ready!” “Ready Freddie!” sang the drummer. “Crazy little thing called love!” blaze shouted. Then the band began playing again as Blaze sang, “This thing, called love, I just can’t handle it. Oh this thing, called love, I must get around to it. I ain’t ready! Crazy little thing called love, alright. Crazy little thing called love! Take it.” then he and the other guitarist began jamming away with their guitars in another, music break. The bands pianist began playing lively notes mixed in. After a few more riffs and beats, Blaze returned to the mike, “Crazy little thing called love! Crazy little thing! Called Love, yeah. Crazy little thing called love, hey, hey, hey. Crazy little thing called love. Alright!” Then the beats began to build to what Twilight surmised would be the conclusion. As they did, Blaze stopped playing and lifted the guitar over his hand. He swung it around to his back and held it by the neck until the song ended. When it did the whole crowd cheered and whistled. Meanwhile in another part of town, a wayward pony drunk off Cider had stumbled into the Everfree forest. His steps were erratic, and he was constantly on the verge of falling over. When he did, the colt slid down into an underground cavern. “Huh?” he asked in a very slurred voice, “Now who put this here?” The pony continued into the cavern, too drunk to even know where he was going. It would be his fall. He found himself staring down a tall, dark, menacing figure. The scary sight made him sober up quickly. The colt spun around and tried to run. But the path was blocked by another being who grabbed the pony with cold, unforgiving hands. The pony struggled and screamed. But his voice did not leave the cave. Then it was silenced forever. High above aboard the Evans, Tran was overlooking the ships watch while sitting in the Admiral’s chair. Due to Blaze issuing shore leave for the crew, there was a skeleton crew left aboard. That didn’t bother the Breen in the slightest, it was shaping up to be a quiet night. Then the acting science officer noticed something, “Sir our sensors are picking up something foreign upon the planet.” [What sort of something?] the Breen asked. “It was very brief sir, but it was strange signature.” The officer answered. [Can you confirm it?] Tran asked getting up and heading over to the console. “No sir, it’s not appearing on sensors anymore. I could run a full diagnostic to see if it was a glitch.” The ensign recommended. [Get on it, let’s make sure of this before we report it to the Vice Admiral.] Tran ordered. “Should I send a message down to them?” Three of Five, who was manning the helm, asked. [Best not, from the looks of things they’re having a fun time. Let’s not interrupt them with a trivial manner until we know for sure.] Tran answered. > Chapter Seven > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter Seven: Shore Leave Captain’s log, Stardate 100394.7: The USS Evans has completed its unexpected first contact assignment of the planet Equestria. Due to the past several weeks being a rigorous strain on much of the crew, I have ordered shore leave for any crew member willing. It has given us some valuable time to discover more of the planets inhabitants and population. Also, as a show of good will, I have opened up the ship to the inhabitants below who may be interested in seeing how we operate. “So you mean this holodeck can change into whatever place I want it too!” Pinkie Pie said as she and Viz walked through the corridor towards Holodeck five. “Pretty much yea,” Viz answered. “That is so cool! Oh I have so many places I wanna see, maybe the Grand Canyon, or the fire pits of Bajor!” Pinkie Pie started, having learned all of the Milky Way’s tourist locations quite literally overnight. However once the duo reached the holodeck, a lit control panel showed them that it was already active. “Awww, guess we’re going to have to see if another one is in use.” Pinkie pie sighed. Viz took a close look at the control panel. Then she smiled at Pinkie Pie, “No we can go into this one just give me a second.” She then pressed several buttons on the touch screen, changing the entrance and settings of the holograms within the program ever so slightly. When she was done, the computer said “Enter When Ready.” “You sure it’s okay?” Pinkie asked a little concerned. “Yea he actually likes a flesh and blood audience every once in a while.” Viz answered as the doors opened to the holodeck. Pinkie peered inside to a roaring crowd in what looked like a massive stadium. The crowd was roaring and cheering at the game going on below that Pinkie recognized as Baseball. Both Viz and the pink pony walked into the bleacher section of the stadium. They found two open seats and sat down near a rowdy group of fans. “Excuse me,” Viz said, “We just got here, what we’d miss?” “Blaze got those Yankees and that Sonovabitch babe under control. Only problem is Joe Bush is also pitching a shutout.” The fan answered. “So no score yet, what’s the inning?” Viz asked again. “You just arrived to the start of the fifth.” The fan answered. Viz nodded then looked back to Pinkie Pie, “Good game so far.” “Um Viz, how did he not notice…?” Pinkie started. “I changed the parameters so that we look like normal individuals to them.” Viz answered. “Awesome, that sounds fun!” Pinkie cheered. Just then the Washington Senators took the field. Pinkie pie could see what she assumed to be the Vice Admiral walk out to the pitcher’s mound. As Blaze took the field, he could hear a high pitched voice cheer for him from the stands. After taking a quick glance, he saw Viz and the pink pony Twilight had called Pinkie Pie sitting in the stands cheering him on. Blaze didn’t have time to wave, but did give them a customary nod. Plus he had more important things to think about right now. It was the top of the Fifth inning in Griffith stadium, and he was pitching against the Yankees. What made it worse was he was going to face the heart of the Yankee lineup. A devoted Yankee fan himself, Blaze had originally started in the Yankee farm system before being traded to Washington back in 1921. Now he had made Jacob Ruppert regret that decision by becoming the Senator’s second ace behind the great Walter Johnson. Granted this entire back story was a part of his Holo-program, but thanks to the Hologram Sentience Sentence of 2395, storylines like these were possible. Blaze stood on the mound as Wally Schang stepped into the batter’s box. Wally, the catcher, was the first of three lefties the hard throwing right hander would face. After him came Babe Ruth, and then Lou Gehrig. With those two names coming up it was no wonder Blaze was nervous. But he had good stuff that day and Muddy Ruel, his primary catcher, was catching everything. Blaze took his set when Muddy put down the sign for a fastball, and then after he agreed, Blaze fired the ball right towards home plate. Similar to his teammate Walter Johnson, Blaze was a side arm thrower but threw the ball with a lower angle than The Big Train. Wally swung hard, but the ball meekly rolled towards Second Baseman and team’s Manager Bucky Harris. Out number one was recorded after Bucky threw the ball towards First basemen Joe Judge. Then Babe Ruth stepped into the batter’s box. Griffith Stadium erupted into a chorus of boos for Baseball’s most legendary hitter. Babe also had decent numbers against Johnson; which was why Blaze was a bit edgy. Blaze set just after the Babe stepped. Then the Admiral fired a first pitch slider that got the big Bambino to swing wildly. “Strike one!” roared the umpire. After the ball returned to Blaze’s glove, he fired another slider. This one crossed through the strike zone for a called strike two. The crowd roared as Blaze was seemingly ready to Strike the Babe out. Blaze then received the ball back from Muddy, reset for the third pitch, and received the sign for an outside Fastball. Blaze trusted Muddy, wound up and fired. The ball sailed right past Ruth, just nicking the corner of the strike zone. But the call went Babe’s way; “Ball one!” shouted the umpire. Blaze grimaced, “Come on Jack that had the zone!” The umpire said nothing. Rightly so, Blaze was frustrated but content. Muddy put down the sign for Blaze’s signature pitch, the fade-away; known now as the Screwball. Blaze didn’t hesitate and threw the pitch. The ball began heading right towards Babe Ruth as if it was going to brush his jersey before diving back over the plate at the last possible second. Shocked, Babe swung and grounded the ball right back to Blaze who fired it too first. Out number two, but Blaze was not out of the woods yet as Lou Gehrig walked up to bat. Probably one of the most ferocious line drive hitters after Ty Cobb, Lou made Blaze shake more than Babe. And that fact became present when Blaze fell behind Lou with two balls and no strikes. “Okay smart-ass, now what?” Blaze said to Muddy. Muddy responded by putting down the sign for a fastball. Blaze threw it and she crossed the plate for the first strike. Then before Muddy could put down anything for the next pitch, Blaze wound and threw another hard fastball right past Lou’s swinging bat. Strike two, one more pitch and he’d be through the heart of the Yankee line up. And with Bob Meusel, the Yankee Centerfielder, on the on-deck circle, Blaze needed to get Lou out to end the inning. Muddy placed a sign for Blaze’s screwball one more time. Blaze nodded and threw. “Strike Three!” called the home plate umpire as Lou watched the Ball go by. The crowd roared and Blaze celebrated himself by pumping his fist. Then he joined his fellow Senators as they exited the field. As he walked back to the dugout, he looked at Pinkie Pie and Viz who were both cheering for him. Blaze smiled and waved. “OH MY GOODNESS,” Rainbow Dash said walking into the bridge, “Look at that view!” The moment the cyan pegasus reached the bridge, she instantly tore to the view screen. Within seconds, her face was pressed up against the screen looking out onto the horizon of Equestria. Even Scootaloo was impressed with the sight but let Rainbow do all the talking. “Not even the strongest Pegasi can get even half this high! This is so awesome!!” Rainbow sighed. “I’m glad you approve, but could you please remove your face. You’re smudging the screen.” Elal said flatly. Rainbow removed her face and meekly laughed, “Oops sorry. It’s just this sight is so amazing!” “Amazing? Another term for remarkable, and a term which generates an emotional response.” Elal commented. Rainbow Dash was beyond puzzled by the helmsmen’s emotionless attitude towards the most amazing thing she had ever seen. “What are you some kind of robot or something?” she asked. “Hardly, I am a Vulcan. We are a very logical species.” Elal explained. “Where’s Twilight around when you need her,” Rainbow whispered, “So what’s your position on this ship?” “I am the Helmsmen.” Elal answered. “Oh my gosh so you….oh wow that must be so cool! Being able to move at light speed!” Rainbow again screamed. “If you say so,” Elal sighed as the cyan pegasus walked up. “So what button you gotta press to make this thing move?” Rainbow asked. “We already are moving.” Elal answered, “But if you would like to know which of the controls makes the Evans go to Warp speed, I can show you. However it would not be a proper demonstration since I would need approval to perform an actual warp jump.” “Oh,” Rainbow sighed. She had been hoping to go light speed, but she would settle for this Vulcan’s demonstration. Scoots just smiled. “So you’re saying this ship doesn’t actually go light speed?” Twilight asked Jurhal. “Unfortunately no, you would think with how far the races of the Milky Way Galaxy have come that we’d be able to cross that speed barrier. But alas that human put it best with the theory of relativity.” Jurhal answered, “No this ship doesn’t actually go light speed. But it does a good job of making the less than scientifically gifted people think it does. “No what this ship actually does is here at the warp core; energy is created by slamming anti-matter and matter together. That energy is then fed into the warp nacelles which creates a warp field around the ship. After that the ship begins to tunnel through space and gravity at certain warp speeds.” Jurhal explained. “Kind of like a…oh what did my books call them…” Twilight pondered, “Oh right wormholes!” “Close, the warp tunneling is close to being a wormhole without the field actually forming one. You see wormholes are holes in the fabric of space that allow objects to move from one spot to another; however that is done at random.” Jurhal explained, “Here it’s more controlled. Every Starfleet officer learns this in his or her first year at the academy.” “Wow, that’s flat out amazing!” Twilight answered, “And this core provides that kind of power?” “That’s correct Miss Sparkle.” Jurhal answered. “Well Ah’ll be,” Applejack exclaimed surveying one of the Apples in the botany lab, “Ya surely done a great job with these apples Miss Seren. And Ah should know,” Seren laughed, “Thank you Applejack. Most Romulans are gifted with what humans call, a brown thumb. However the planet I’m from, growing our own foods was a necessity of life. That is why I made botany my hobby, guess you can say I’ve got a ‘green’ thumb.” “Well you do have a touch Ah’ll give you that, mind if Ah sample one of them here?” Applejack asked holding a very ripe Green Apple. “I’d be honored.” Seren answered. Applejack took one bite and was instantly satisfied by the apple’s taste. “Now that’s a good apple. You mind if Ah borrow a few of these seeds?” Seren just kept laughing, “I’ll see what I can do.” “And it doesn’t hurt any pony?” Fluttershy asked meekly in the ships medical ward. “Course not,” Doctor Smith answered holding a hypo spray, “Why these wee things are the most advanced form of medicine delivery. I have yet to have a patient who’s complained about them.” “Oh…my…” Fluttershy stammered, “It looks safe…I mean if you say so.” “I don’t think you’d like to test it out lass, it’s not filled with anything that’ll harm ye?” doctor Smith asked. “Oh no, thank you though. Um…If you’ll excuse me, I have to go find Rarity.” Fluttershy smiled and then walked out. “Oh Fluttershy darling there you are. Oh this ship is so massive. I swear I could get lost in this thing and never find my way.” Rarity whined. Sweetie Belle simply rolled her eyes as the duo joined Fluttershy as the yellow pegasus exited the turbo lift. “I don’t think it’s that bad Rarity, I mean most of these…humans…are pretty nice, if you ask them I’m sure they’d gladly help you along your way.” Fluttershy said with a warm smile, “I just came from a very fun talk with the ship’s doctor. He even offered to help me with any of my animal friends while they are in orbit.” “Well at least you’re having fun.” Rarity grimaced, “You know what the worst thing is? This ship has so many features, a planetarium, and a playground for the children, indoor gardens, and even a library. But it doesn’t have a tailor shop. I would just love to see who designs some of these very dazzling uniforms.” The trio continued to walk a little bit further down the hall way. Then Sweetie Belle’s eyes fell upon a door marked, “Tailor.” “Hey Rarity,” She said stopping dead in her tracks. “Hmm, yes Sweetie Belle?” Rarity asked. Sweetie Belle pointed towards the door, and she knew she made a mistake when she heard Rarity squeal extremely loud. After finishing up his baseball game, and dealing with Pinkie Pie’s extremely hyper questions that he had no problem answering, Blaze made his way back to his quarters. Quells was already there, in her off duty uniform and hair still wet from a recent shower, laying out her evening dress gown. “Don’t tell me you plan on wearing that to meet the princess?” Blaze asked as he walked in. “Don’t tell me you plan to wear that,” Quells snickered. Blaze looked down at his dirty and sweaty Washington Senator’s uniform, “Touché. Do you know when she’s planning on beaming up?” “Sixteen hundred hours,” Quells answered, “So we have a few hours.” “Good, that gives me time to relax.” Blaze answered sinking into a chair. Quells stopped what she was doing and looked at Blaze, “Are you serious?” “Don’t worry I’ve been meaning to clean this room this weekend.” Blaze answered, “Or at least until we break orbit of Equestria, besides it’s only a little dirt.” “Well if you insist on doing that,” Quells smiled and brought her dress back into the bedroom. When she returned she asked, “By the way, how’d we do?” “Five to one us, Bob gave me trouble in the ninth but other than that nothing interesting.” Blaze answered. “How’d the arm hold up?” she asked him. “This cannon hasn’t let me down yet.” Blaze answered. Quells smiled proudly before sitting down in a chair across from Blaze, “Are you sure it’s okay to have these ponies roam around the ship?” “You know I’d be inclined to be a little worried if you have never said that line before, however since you’ve ask it every single time since you left the continuum, I’ll just ignore it.” Blaze answered frankly. “I’m sorry; you can’t help me being a little paranoid. You try losing your omnipotence.” Quells sighed. “Frankly I think it’s made you a better person. Your more forward with people now.” Blaze answered. “And your flattery knows no end.” Quells smiled warmly. But before they could continue, the ships communications chimed, “Bridge to Admiral Johnson.” It was Sul’Vin reporting from the bridge. Rainbow Dash’s raspberries could clearly be heard as she imagined driving the Star Cruiser. It was a sound that made Blaze snort, “Yes Sul’Vin.” “Tran has just informed me of an interesting event that occurred last night during the party.” Sul’Vin answered. “Tran’s shift just started,” Quells explained, “Probably why he withheld until just now.” “Okay Tran, go ahead, what do you have to report.” Blaze asked. [Sir, last night the ships sensors picked up something unusual in the forest outside Ponyville.] Tran explained. “What sort of signature?” Blaze asked. [Unsure sir, it was extremely brief and we haven’t been able to pick it up again.] Tran answered. “I see, pipe the information down to my console, I’ll take a look at it.” Blaze answered getting up and walking over to his wall console. When the data came up on the screen, Blaze was just as puzzled. “And you’re sure we haven’t registered anything like this before?” “Positive sir,” Sul’Vin answered. “Well nothing we can do now but wait to see if it’ll come back. Keep me in formed, Blaze out.” Blaze answered shutting the line. “Interesting, this planet seems to be full of surprises.” Quells laughed. > Chapter Eight (Part One) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter Eight: Dinner and the War of the Worlds “Admiral Sir, transmission from the planet.” The Transporter chief told Blaze, “The Princess and her party are ready for beam up.” “Okay let’s see them up, energize.” Blaze ordered. The transporter came to life, and soon the Princess’s party materialized on the pad. Much like the ponies that had previously beamed up, the party was a bit disorientated. The quartet consisted of Princess Celestia and her Sister Luna, as well as two new comers Blaze wasn’t familiar with. “Princess Celestia, welcome aboard the Evans.” Blaze greeted. “Oh, yes thank you Admiral. My apologies, I don’t think any of us were expecting…” “To have your molecules scattered and then reformed like that, yes we get that all the time.” Blaze answered, being a little amused to see the two princesses stumble like that. However he quickly composed himself, “Don’t worry, we managed to put everything back the way we found it. This is my first officer Captain Sul’Vin.” “Greetings your highness.” Sul’Vin introduced. “Hello sir, this is my Sister Princess Luna.” Celestia, having recomposed herself, introduced. The dark navy alicron nodded, “Greetings Admiral, Captain, tis an honor for us to be here.” “And this is my Niece Princess Cadence of the Crystal Empire and her husband Shining Armor.” Celestia introduced. “Welcome aboard the Evans.” Blaze introduced, “Well once you four get yourselves situated Sul’Vin and I will escort you for a guided tour of the ship and the up to the banquet.” “That will be most grateful thank you.” Princess Celestia thanked. Just then Sul’Vin beckoned for Blaze to join him outside the transporter room. “Admiral, I do have to point out a certain problem with giving them a proper tour of the ship.” Sul’Vin said. Blaze looked a little confused for a second, “And what would that be?” “They all won’t fit into one turbolift sir,” Sul’Vin pointed out in a matter of fact tone. Blaze was about to protest before he took a good look at the Princess’s party. It was then it hit him, “Oh crap! The weight and size restrictions.” Sul’Vin nodded, “Exactly sir.” Blaze grimaced, “I completely forgot about that.” After brief pause, the two of them pondered what to do. When they came to a conclusion, Blaze was the one who spoke it, “We’ll have to split them up into teams of two.” “That would be a very logical thing to do sir.” Sul’Vin agreed. “Good we’ll make that work.” Blaze nodded. Without another word, the two officers went back inside to inform the party. After a lengthy tour of the vessel, both Blaze and Sul’Vin lead their groups into Tavern-557. The massive mess hall had been opened up to allow full occupancy. Usually, the Tavern could hold up to around three hundred of the crew members daily. But that was with the massive wall that separated the dining area from the couches and with the raised poker table section. However the designers of the Advanced Vanguard class had the foresight to make all those parts removable to allow for more space. The crew only used this feature when they hosted large banquets. Such as they were today. Most of the area held small tables that could fit six comfortably. The poker table was removed to allow for a large table for the Admiral and his guests. And in the former lounge area was replaced with a stage that held a full orchestra and band combined with an electric piano, two guitars, and a set of drums. Above the performers was a massive screen that was built into the wall. Much of the ship’s crew was present at the banquet, while most of the ponies from Ponyville, Canterlot, and a few from the Crystal Empire were in attendance. In total, the room was filled to optimum capacity while the night watch crew shifts took over daily ship functions. And by the time the Princesses party arrived, the place was pretty lively. Most of the ponies had managed to get themselves dressed up in very well designed evening gowns that Blaze guessed the white unicorn named Rarity designed. For the crew, all were wearing formal attire. “I must say Admiral, you and your crew know how to put on a banquet.” Shining Armor said, sounding very impressed. “Certainly, I think Pinkie Pie might have some competition.” Princess Cadence smiled. “Hey!” Shouted Pinkie from her seat with the rest of the Elements, “They’re still not as good as a Pinkie Pie Party!” Blaze couldn’t help but snicker, “Oh don’t worry we got some good pointers last night. Though I do thank your complements. If you’ll follow me, we’ll head over to our table.” Over at Twilight’s table, the seven ponies were settling in before the dinner and the show. They were all discussing their experiences with the ship. Most of them had already spoken of their day; it was now Applejack’s turn. “Ah’ll tell you this, the fruit they got growing on this ship is very good. Made me extremely jealous until Seren offered a good set of seeds.” Applejack smiled. “Well while you were lounging about in the flora, I had the most wonderful time with the ship’s tailor. My goodness that Cardassian can make some of the most beautiful dresses I have ever seen,” Rarity explained. “Well that all sounds like a good time, but Trixie is very hungry.” Trixie said picked up a menu with her magic, “Now what do these humanoids have to eat?” “Well, my research tells me that most of the humans on this ship are omnivores.” Twilight explained. “Meaning what egg-head?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Well unlike us ponies, they eat both plants and meat.” Twilight answered. Not surprisingly, Fluttershy gasped in horror. “S…so…..that means that they….they….” she whimpered. Twilight laughed, “Oh don’t worry Fluttershy, and most of the food on this ship is computer generated. Far from the real thing. I’m sure no animals on this ship are here for eating purposes.” “And besides Fluttershy, I just found the vegetarian section of the menu for us!” Pinkie Pie said and showed the yellow Pegasus the section. Fluttershy calmed down instantly and looked at the selection, “Oh this Vulcan plomeek soup looks good.” Twilight got a chuckle out of Fluttershy’s turnaround. After the waiters came around and took the orders of most of the tables, a small bell caught everyone’s attention. The source was Quells, standing in front of the performers. She kept ringing the bell until the room quieted down. “Ahem, let me start by thanking you all for taking part in tonight’s occasion. Let me also thank our guests in attendance, the residents of Equestria as well as the Royal family for joining us.” Quells said. This got a warm reception from the crowd. After a moment of applause, Quells hushed the crowd, “Tonight for your entertainment pleasure the USS Evans’s Orchestra, band, and Tin Can sailors will perform a musical orientation of classic Earth novel. Mind you all that this performance was previously scheduled for today and Princess Celestia agreed with our Admiral that the show must go on.” Another short applause. After waiting a moment Quells began again, “The story your about to listen to and see upon the big screen, was penned back in Earth’s late 19th century by one of the foremost writers of the realm of Science Fiction. It was later brought to life in the form you will see in Earth’s 1970’s by composer Jeff Wayne. What follows is a story of an invasion from a foreign world, a dying world, caused by a race that looked at Earth with eyes of envy and remorse. “And while this tale is fiction, it stands as moral point in many ways. For humans, it holds two meanings: never become content and so brash to think of yourselves as invulnerable, also that even in the most trying of times hope and faith will prevail.” Quells explained, “This story also stands as a warning to all empires. A warning to know your limits and accept them, for even the smallest detail can have disastrous outcomes. Because of these points, this novel stood the test of time and discovery and will. I and the crew of the Evans, present to you all now H. G. Well’s timeless classic: The War of the Worlds.” After a stirring applause, Quells left the stage. She then headed over to the Admirals table as the mess hall lights dimmed. “Ooh a war story,” Rainbow Dash whispered, “I’d love to see how this one goes.” “Ah bet it’s gonna be nothing more than sorrow and despair. They do mostly go like that.” Applejack shot back softly. Their conversation stopped when the applause did. Another man, a Bolian, took the stage as well as the rest of the performers. The Bolian stood behind a pedestal near the far right of the stage, dressed in period Journalist’s attire. And when he spoke, his voice was deep, crisp, and firm. “No one would have believed, in the last years of the nineteenth century that human affairs were being watched from the timeless worlds of space. No one could have dreamed that we were being scrutinized, as someone with a microscope studies creatures that swarm and multiply in a drop of water. Few men even considered the possibility of life on other planets and yet, across the gulf of space, minds immeasurably superior to ours regarded this Earth with envious eyes, and slowly and surely, they drew their plans against us.” He spoke. After a brief pause, the violins began playing a menacing tune that caught all the ponies off guard. On the screen, a red planet appeared orbiting around the sun in sync with a blue/green world that was Earth. The camera zoomed in onto Earth and onto a sleepy town called Working. Just as the camera reached the town, the horns and the electric piano joined the strings to create an orchestral pop sound. Following the menacing sound that had opened up, this almost space aged pop got most of the ponies’ heads bopping to the beat. The conductor in front waved his arms around to signal each performer’s part. Soon the guitars sang, as well as the flutes. On the screen, images of 3D people going about their daily lives were shown, including a spitting image of the journalist but with human like features. The camera then headed up to an observatory where an astronomer was viewing the red planet through his telescope. Twilight was certainly impressed with the size of the telescope, it dwarfed her own. Just then the music reached its peak and then dropped for three electric tones at different pitches. When the music started again, the journalist began to speak. “At midnight on the twelfth of August, a huge mass of luminous gas erupted from Mars and sped towards Earth…” he said. Sure enough on the screen, green puffs could be seen coming from the red planet. They were then followed by green missiles that hurtled towards Earth. After the journalist finished his part, the flutes began again along with the rest of the catchy tune. “…And that's how it was for the next ten nights. A flare, spurting out from Mars, bright green, drawing a green mist behind it, a beautiful, but somehow disturbing sight. Ogilvy the astronomer assured me we were in no danger. He was convinced there could be no living thing on that remote forbidding planet.” The journalist continued. Then a group of singers near the back sang in harmony, “’The chances of anything coming from Mars are a million to one’ he said, ‘The chances of anything coming from Mars are a million to one,’ but still they come.” The Journalist began again. “Then came the night the first missile approached Earth. It was thought to be an ordinary falling star, but next day there was a huge crater in the middle of the Common, and Ogilvy came to examine what lay there: a cylinder, thirty yards across, glowing hot....” Twilight, Princess Celestia, and the rest looked on in awe at the images they were seeing. It wasn’t scary, even Fluttershy was impressed with the entertainment. But the sense that something bad was going to happen didn’t even enter the ponies minds for a moment. “And with faint sounds of movement coming from within. Suddenly the top began moving; rotating, unscrewing, and Ogilvy feared there was a man inside, trying to escape. He rushed to the cylinder, but the intense heat stopped him before he could burn himself on the metal.” The Journalist finished. The singers began again, “The chances of anything coming from Mars are a million to one, he said. The chances of anything coming from Mars are a million to one, but still they come! Yes the chances of anything coming from Mars are a million to one" he said, The chances of anything coming from Mars are a million to one, but still they come!" “…It all seemed so safe and tranquil…” After a stirring continuation of the Eve of War, the music shifted to a darker and more menacing tone of electronic hums. The guitars added by playing very deep bass notes. On the screen was a missive cylinder, unscrewing a part of its self very slowly. The sound was amplified and echoed throughout the hall. Soon the Journalist spoke again, “Next morning, a crowd gathered on the Common, hypnotized by the unscrewing of the cylinder. Two feet of shining screw projected when, suddenly, the lid fell off!” There was a massive sound of metal hitting the ground that even made Rainbow Dash jump slightly. Trixie had to admit, she was enjoying the story. But she was a little concerned for Fluttershy. Thankfully Pinkie had that under control, “You know Fluttershy, if it gets too scary for you, I’ll escort you out.” “No way,” Fluttershy whispered adamantly, “This story’s very good. I hope to see what squiggly thing comes out of that cylinder.” “Trixie never pegged you as the horror fan Fluttershy,” Trixie whispered. “Well…um…I like to read it, just not be in it.” Fluttershy said shyly. Fluttershy’s wish came true. The Journalist explained the creature well, “Two luminous disc-like eyes appeared above the rim. A huge, rounded bulk, larger than a bear, rose up slowly, glistening like wet leather. Its lipless mouth quivered and slavered - and snake-like tentacles writhed as the clumsy body heaved and pulsated.” Exactly as described, a massive tentacle monster appeared out of the hole on the cylinder. But to even Blaze’s astonishment, no one left. He looked over at Princess Celestia, who eyes were glued onto the screen. Just then, an electric guitar began playing a hollow tune. After a moment of music, the journalist began to describe a horrifying event. The Martians revealed their insidious weapon, “A few young men crept closer to the pit. A tall funnel rose, then an invisible ray of heat leapt from man to man and there was a bright glare, as each was instantly turned to fire. Every tree and bush became a mass of flames at the touch of this savage, unearthly Heat Ray.” The guitars and some viola’s screamed an electric tune in sync with the heat ray’s fire. “People clawed their way off the Common, and I ran too. I felt I was being toyed with, that when I was on the very verge of safety, this mysterious death would leap after me and strike me down. At last I reached Maybury Hill and in the dim coolness of my home I wrote an account for my newspaper before I sank into a restless, haunted sleep.” He explained. After another round of music and notes that made even the crew cringe, the Journalist gave a rather shocking description of the towns take on the event. “Around me, the daily routine of life - working, eating, sleeping - was continuing serenely as it had for countless years. On Horsell Common, the Martians continued hammering and stirring, sleepless, indefatigable, at work upon the machines they were making. Now and again a light, like the beam of a warship's searchlight, swept the Common - and the Heat Ray was ready to follow. In the afternoon, a company of soldiers came through and deployed along the edge of the Common, to form a cordon.” He explained. After a heart gripping story of the first battle that went horrible for the English, the music picked up as a large shadow appeared over the Journalist and his Artilleryman friend. “Look…There they are!” The Artilleryman shouted. The view then spun around to show a massive three legged machine. It had big green eyes and looked almost like a silver fly with no wings. But the description given by the Journalist of these tripods was far more gut-wrenching, “Quickly, one after the other, four of the fighting machines appeared. Monstrous tripods, higher than the tallest steeple, striding over pine trees and smashing them. Walking engines of glistening metal. Each carried a huge funnel and I realized with horror that I'd seen this awful thing before.” He waited for a moment to let the music carry the drama. Then he began to speak again, “A fifth machine appeared on the far bank. It raised itself to full height, flourished the funnel high in the air - and the ghostly terrible Heat Ray struck the town. As it struck, all five fighting machines exulted, emitting deafening howls that roared like thunder.” What came next scared everyone. A metallic cry unlike any heard before. It had power, size, emotion, and it reeked of pride and hatred. It carried through Twilight’s ears as it did to many others, and rattled around in her brains. It was the cry of the Martians. “Ulla! Ulla!” An Electric guitar began to riff its way through the music. It trumpeted the Martians upon their attack on Working and the surrounding towns and forests as people ran. Another Martian cry. Then the music bean right where it left off. Another cry. More of the music. The effect was numbing to some, but to the ponies of Equestria, this was an amazing display of entertainment. The heat ray’s effects weren’t graphic visually. But the 3D images shown on the screen added to the realism of the story. It also conveyed the terror shown on the faces of the people and in the voice of the journalist. There was a sense that things were becoming hopeless. The Journalist soon began after the music allowed him. “The six guns we had seen now fired simultaneously, decapitating a fighting machine. The Martian inside the hood was slain, splashed to the four winds, and the body, nothing now but an intricate device of metal, went whirling to destruction. As the other monsters advanced, people ran away blindly, the artilleryman among them, but I jumped into the water and hid until forced up to breathe. Now the guns spoke again, but this time the heat ray sent them to oblivion.” “Ulla!” “With a white flash, the Heat Ray swept across the river. Scalded, half-blinded and agonized, I staggered through leaping, hissing water towards the shore, I fell helplessly, in full view of the Martians, expecting nothing but death. The foot of a Martian came down close to my head, then lifted again, as the four Martians carried away the debris of their fallen comrade…. and I realized that by a miracle I had escaped.” The journalist continued. His onscreen counterpart looked as bad as the description. Fluttershy raised her hoofs to her mouth, but soon remembered the story wasn’t real. But the rest of the ponies at her table did not seem to grasp that so quickly, when they did another Martian cry shocked them all. Blaze looked down on the rest of the ponies and crew. War of the Worlds was going over much better than he had hoped. They all were enjoying the story very well. A point Quells made very clear, “Looks like you struck gold hun.” Blaze didn’t answer. A church bell rang in the background; on the screen were a massive crowd of people moving as one down a road. The on screen journalist was among them. after the bell tolled twice, he began again, “For three days I fought my way along roads packed with refugees, the homeless, burdened with boxes and bundles containing their valuables. All that was of value to me was in London. By the time I reached their little red brick house, Carrie and her father were gone.” An acoustic guitar started to play, a new song took over. One of the Tin Can sailors started to sing. “The summer sun is fading as the year grows old, and darker days are drawing near, the winter winds will be much colder, now you're not here.” The drums took over a good beat as he began again, “I watch the birds fly south across the autumn sky, and one by one they disappear, I wish that I was flying with them, now you're not here.” The touching song brought a tear to Twilights eye. “Like the sun through the trees you came to love me, like a leaf on a breeze you blew away.” He sang, “Through autumn's golden gown we used to kick our way, you always loved this time of year, those fallen leaves lie undisturbed now, ‘cause you're not here, ‘cause you're not here, 'cause you're not here.” The music began to swell again. On the screen, it showed people walking into a massive city area. The peace was then shattered by a scream and displays of fire. The Journalist began to speak again, “Fire suddenly leapt from house to house, the population panicked and ran and I was swept along with them, aimless and lost without Carrie. Finally I headed eastward for the ocean, and my only hope of survival: A boat out of England.” Tripods suddenly appeared on the screen, destroying everything in their path as the song and music began again. Buildings were being knocked over by the tripods legs and feet, people were being incarnated in the streets by the heat ray. All the while the massive exodus took the 3D journalist through the streets and towards a boat. Then he began to speak again, “Never before in the history of the world had such a mass of human beings moved and suffered together. This was no disciplined march, it was a stampede, without order and without a goal, six million people, unarmed and unprovisioned, driving headlong. It was the beginning of the rout of civilization, of the massacre of mankind.” Just as more music played, the shot showed the Journalist inches from boarding the ship, “A vast crowd buffeted me toward the already packed steamer. I looked up enviously at those safely on board - straight into the eyes of my beloved Carrie! At sight of me she began to fight her way along the packed deck to the gangplank. At that very moment it was raised, and I caught a last glimpse of her despairing face as the crowd swept me away from her.” That last line tugged at both Twilight’s and Trixie’s hearts and subconsciously they took each other’s hooves. “Ulla!” cried the Martians. The steamer began to move out towards sea. But as they got halfway out to see, the tripods moved towards them. just then a massive black object slid out of the mist, and a stirring heroic tune began to be played. This got many in the audience hopes up and the Journalist began to describe the scene, “The steamer began to move slowly away but on the landward horizon appeared the silhouette of a fighting machine. Another came, and another, striding over hills and plunging far out to sea and blocking the exit of the steamer. Between them lay the silent, grey Ironclad "Thunder Child". Slowly it moved towards shore; then, with a deafening roar and whoosh of spray, it swung about and drove at full speed towards the waiting Martians.” On the ship’s bow was the name Thunder Child. It moved slowly at first but then gathered speed as it began its attack towards the Martians. The singers described what was next. “Moving swiftly through the waters, cannons blazing as she came… brought a mighty metal war lord crashing down in sheets of flame!” They sang, “Sensing victory was nearing, thinking fortune must have smiled People started cheering, ‘Come on Thunder Child!’ ‘Come on Thunder Child!’" The cheer was echoed by many in the room. Even Pinkie began chanting it. There was no doubt to that point; the ponies had gotten into the story. But hope suddenly died. A Tripod lined up its heat ray on the Thunder Child’s bow and fired. The main turret melted and then a massive explosion forced the Torpedo ram to a stop. The Journalist said it best when he said, “…Instantly, the others raised their Heat Rays, and melted the Thunder Child's valiant heart.” The singers began to sing the ships death song, “Smashing ropes and smashing timbers flashing Heat Rays pierced the deck, dashing hopes for our deliverance as we watched the sinking wreck. With the smoke of battle clearing, over graves in waves defiled… Slowly disappearing… Farewell Thunder Child! Farewell Thunder Child! Farewell Thunder…Child!” It seemed that nothing was going to stop the Martian invasion now. And the Journalist knew it. “The leaden sky was lit by green flashes, cylinder following cylinder, and no one and nothing was left now to fight them. The Earth belonged to the Martians.” Just then a massive, combined cry roared. It was the cry of victory that sent chills down everyone’s spines. The music had built it up so well. And now it carried the cry. Victory was to the Martians as more green cylinders shot threw the sky. The screen slowly faded to black, followed by a massive applause by everyone as the word “Intermission” appeared. > Chapter Eight (Part Two) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter Eight (Part two): Intermission “Holy cow!” Rainbow Dash said, her voice quivering with joy. The ending’s power was still rattling around her as with many others within the mess hall. Joyful and impressed laughter filled the room from all the ponies and colts. The prevailing feeling was nothing short of shock and awe. “Simply remarkable, oh I never thought theater could ever be that powerful!” Rarity amazed. “Ah gotta agree there Rarity,” Applejack agreed. Twilight wanted to say something, but she was still taken by the performance to even get out more than impressed “Ah.” Even Trixie was stunned, “Trixie must say, that story was powerful. No wonder the Admiral decided to use it.” “Oh my gosh did you see the size of those monsters!” Fluttershy shouted, “That was simply stunning.” “Now you know that it was awesome if Fluttershy’s acting like Rainbow Dash.” Pinkie smiled. Across the room at the Admirals table, Princess Celestia was beaming ear to ear as the performance came to an end. “I must say, I am very impressed.” “Indeed sister, oh that sent chills down our spine.” Princess Luna nodded. “Speak for yourself,” Princess Cadence laughed, “Shining Armor almost wet himself at the sight of those Martians.” “What?” Prince Shining Armor stammered, “No I didn’t…stop lying honey.” Blaze couldn’t help but laugh, “Well it has that effect on people.” Quells meanwhile had taken her leave of the table to head back to the stage to announce the crowd. Once she got the ponies to settle down she spoke, “Now I hope you all enjoyed part one of our performance. While we have our intermission, dinner will be served. We will begin again in about one hour and fifty nine minutes.” A soft applause came from the crowd as waiters headed over to the tables with the food for the ponies and crew. In no time at all, the entire mess hall was abuzz with ponies and humans discussing topics over dinner. The stories ranged from history, to the performance, to how good the food was. Over at the Admiral’s table, Blaze and Quells were getting a kick out of Princess Celestia’s enjoyment over a plate of sushi. But soon after the princess finished one plate of veggie rolls, she turned to Blaze. “So tell me Admiral, were the Martians the first species Humans encountered in their travels?” Celestia asked. “Actually it was the Vulcan’s who made first contact with the Human Race.” Sul’Vin answered before Blaze could. “Officially,” Quells whispered. Celestia looked confused, “Yet we just witnessed the first part of a story depicting a Martian invasion. While yes the story is fictional, all fictional stories hold some merit of truth, do they not?” Blaze chuckled, “Well yes and no, throughout its history Earth has never been invaded by an alien force. The truth behind the War of the Worlds is it’s a play on the way the world was back in the late nineteenth century. The book was written at the height of one of Earth’s greatest empires: the British Empire. At the time it was probably the largest and certainly the strongest. And yet history has shown us that Empires that large do not last very long, and the British knew that then which made them very paranoid.” After taking a bite of his tuna salad, Blaze continued, “The story is a play on how all Empires fall. The Martians not only represent England in its hay-day, but also… well wait until you see the end of the performance then it will be easier to explain.” “But what of the Martians, are they not real?” Princess Cadence asked. “Well for three thousand years every Earthman thought they were in some form or another. Imagine our surprise when Earth sent probes to Mars and found out the planet had been dead long before we walked among Earth.” Blaze answered. That fact seemed to shock the royal family, who looked at each other with wide eyes. Once Shining Armor swallowed some of his food he spoke next, “But wouldn’t that make your story implausible?” “Quite the opposite,” Elal answered, “It makes it all the more frightening, now the reader can imagine the Martians as an allegory to whatever species his or her race is at quarrel with.” “The story still has merits to this day, it even frightened Klingon’s when they first read or heard the tail.” Blaze agreed. Thatak nodded, “It is the only Human story that Klingons are supposed to read when they are young.” “In fact no greater example of this is the Thunder Child. She’s the only fictional ship to have a namesake in Star Fleet, and the name also adorns a Klingon and Romulan bird of prey.” Blaze continued. “Amazing, simply amazing, I cannot imagine a story, a fictional one at best, holding such value in a society long evolved from the time period in which it was written.” Princess Celestia said. “Quells said it best when she said the story stands as a warning, a warning that we Humans must still take to heart. And one we must never forget.” Blaze finished. His sight caught the greatest example of human complacency and Federation short sight; Three of Five. But the liberated Borg said nothing to the Admiral as she sat at the table gracefully. And as quickly as she looked upon her, Blaze turned his attention back to his guest. > Chapter Eight (Part three) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter Eight Part three: Earth Under Mars and the Strange reading. After most of the guests within attendance finished their meals, which surprisingly enough took little more than an hour, Quells once again walked from the Admiral’s table towards the stage. The orchestra and band had received their own rest and food while dinning with the ships guests. Particularly two ponies were very interested in the instruments they played and the sounds they created one grey and one white pony. But they were ushered off the stage as Quells stepped up. All conversation had come to an end as she cleared her throat. “I hope you all enjoyed tonight’s meal as much as we have had enjoyed making it for you.” She said, “But I’m sure you’re all very eager to see the conclusion of our story and the fate of both Earth and Mars.” A soft applause was her response. “Before we begin however, a word of warning: the next images you will see are not for the fate of heart, if any of you have weak constitutions you are allowed to leave. No one would think less of you.” She warned. Both Twilight and Rainbow Dash looked at Fluttershy, and while she blushed at their concern; the yellow Pegasus waved them off. “Oh don’t worry, I’ve seen far worst…. Thanks to Pinkie’s Nightmare Night movie marathon a few years back.” She said. “Again I’m very sorry about that….” Pinkie sighed. After waiting a few moments, Quells smiled, “And so without further a due, we continue our story with Part 2: Earth under the Martians!” The entire mess hall erupted with applause as the lights once again went dim. When the screen blinked on, a soft static echoed through the speakers, a static that was interrupted by a series of beats. Beats that was akin to a heart beating with tension. It added to the mood and suspense many ponies had felt since the climatic ending to Part One. Then a whistling tune came through as well as the same three chimes as before with a mix of piano. The whole music brought an alien feel as a single dot of light appeared on what was before a black screen. The journalist walked out what seemed to be his shelter for the night onto a very strange world. He had no longer been in London, driven to the countryside with a sea of people trying to find another way out. But he became lost in a small town and took refuge there for the night. The Bolian who had been playing the journalist walked to the podium, “Next day, the dawn was a brilliant fiery red and I wandered through the weird and lurid landscape of another planet; for the vegetation which gives Mars its red appearance had taken root on Earth. As Man had succumbed to the Martians, so our land now succumbed to the Red Weed.” Chimes and flutes began to play. The screen panned back showing a world of red. The music added to the alien feel. Close ups were seen of the red weed, a three leaf plant with no flower and thick roots, as it spread across fields, over streams, up trees, and around houses. Fluttershy watched in awe as the weed choked out all the green on the fields of England. Anything that wasn’t moving had been buried by this weed. Synthesizers played a deep, electronic tune as Tripods could be seen walking over the captured lands. “Wherever there was a stream, the Red Weed clung and grew with frightening voraciousness, its claw-like fronds choking the movement of the water, and then it began to creep like a slimy red animal across the land, covering field and ditch and tree and hedgerow with living scarlet feelers, crawling, crawling!” the Journalist described. It was a very…surreal sight. While the screen continued to show the Journalist as he hiked his way through burned down towns and villages to get back to London, it seemed like the whole world had succumbed to Mars. As the images focused to the Journalist, the music changed to an electric guitar playing a tragic song. The world around him seemed…majestic if not very disturbing. Then the Journalist spotted something, “I suddenly noticed the body of a parson, lying on the ground in a ruined churchyard. I felt unable to leave him to the mercy of the Red Weed and I decided to bury him decently.” “Nathanial! Nathanial!” cried a female singer. A pop/techno beat began to play, increasing the mood of the story. The journalist then described, “The parson's eyes flickered open. He was alive!” On the screen, the previously dead man’s eyes opened in shock and he waved the Journalist away. When the woman approached, she threw her arms around him, “Nathaniel! I saw the church burst in to flame! Are you all right?” “Don’t touch me,” shouted the man playing the Curate. “But it’s me Beth, your wife!” Beth exclaimed. The curate was obviously delirious from the Martian invasion. Despite both the Journalist and his wife trying to snap him out of it, he would not budge. Suddenly black smoke began to walk its way through the valley forcing the trio to run. Finally the Journalist spotted a house up ahead and the trio moved there. As they scrimmaged inside, the curate finally lost it. “Listen, do you hear them drawing near, in their search for the sinners? Feeding on the power of our fear and the evil within us. Incarnation of Satan's creation of all that we dread. When the demons arrive those alive would be better off dead!” the curate sang. “There must be something worth living for. There must be something worth trying for. Even some things worth dying for. And if one man could stand tall, there would be hope for us all. Somewhere, somewhere in the spirit of man.” His wife sang. It became a back and forth, the curate spouting religious reasons why the Earth is doomed and grieving that mankind never listened. His wife explaining that life was better to live for. She sang a line that made the ponies cheer with agreement, “People loved you and trusted you, came to you for help. Their love is what kept you alive.” But the curate shot that down, “Tell me what kind of weapon is love when it comes to the fight? And just how much protection is truth against all Satan's might?” The song continued in its back and forth motion. One the voice of reason, the other the voice of insanity. All the while the journalist sat there, listening, knowing not what do next. Suddenly a green light began to fill the room as the song wound down. The journalist stood up and asked, “It can’t be midday yet…what that is…?” An explosion cut off the song and blacked the screen. When rays of sunlight came through, the Curate was digging at rubble while the Journalist remained unharmed. But the wife. “Dear God! A cylinder's landed on the house! And we're underneath it - in the pit!” the Curate shouted, “Beth! She's dead! Buried under the rubble! Why? Satan! Why did you take one of your own? There is a curse on Mankind, we may as well be resigned, to let the devil, the devil take the spirit of man.” The journalist crawled over to a hole in which he could see outside to the crater. What he saw horrified everyone. “The Martians spent the night making a new machine. It was a squat, metallic spider with huge, articulated claws. But it too had a hood in which a Martian sat. I watched it pursuing some people across a field. It caught them nimbly and tossed them in to a great metal basket upon its back.” He explained. Then the screen shifted to the two survivors sitting in the ruins, the Journalist and the curate. It had been at least a day since their imprisonment, “As time passed in our dark and dusty prison, the parson wrestled endlessly with his doubts. His outcries invited death for us both - and yet I pitied him.” Finally after a few screen changes signifying the passage of days, the two raggedy men looked through the hole. The music died down to a somber and tragic harps, flutes, and drums. The alien music that was the theme to the red weed started again, this time it was darker than before. “Then, on the ninth day, we saw the Martians eating.” The Journalist described. The screen shifted to a Martian within the spider, lifting an alive human towards its jaws. A machine appeared with two prongs out of its mouth as it bit the human in the stomach. As he screamed, the Martian began to suck the very blood from his body. “Inside the hood of their new machine they were draining the fresh, living blood of men and women and injecting it into their own veins.” The Journalist continued. Screams of horror could be heard throughout the mess hall. This was the scene Quells had warned about. Even Rainbow Dash turned green at this sight. “Oh my…” Princess Celestia whispered, raising a hoof to her mouth. She and the rest of the ponies now saw, the horror that was The War of the Worlds. But surprisingly no one left. The story had gripped them all so well that none dared miss what comes next. It was the curate, who had finally snapped. On the screen his 3d counterpart turned around and headed for the kitchen to grab a weapon. When he came back, he roared, “It's a sign! I've been given a sign! They must be cast out and I have been chosen to do it! I must confront them now!” “No curate no!” cried the journalist. “Those machines are just demons in another form! I shall destroy them with my prayers! I shall burn them with my Holy Cross! I shall…” His speech was cut off by the Journalist striking him in the back of the head. But it was too late, “The curious eye of a Martian appeared at the window-slit, and a menacing claw explored the room. I dragged the curate down to the coal cellar. I heard the Martian fumbling at the latch. In the darkness I could see the claw touching things, walls; coal, wood - and then it touch my boot! I almost shouted!” he described as on screen, a tendril chased the Journalist from the wall and towards a corner. Everyone held their breath with fear and horror. Twilight and Trixie’s hooves held each other tightly. Even Pinkie pie walked over to Fluttershy and held her tightly, despite Fluttershy not blinking from the horror she was watching. “For a time it was still and then, with a click, it gripped something. The curate! With slow, deliberate movements, his unconscious body was dragged away... and there was nothing I could do to prevent It.” the journalist continued. The Curate’s body was dragged out and a scream heard before the screen went black Everyone watched in silence. The guitars and pianos played a tragic but powerful tune as days passed on screen. Finally the Journalist decided it was high time to leave again, to find his wife. The Red Weed theme played its tone now very somber and sad. “I crept to the blocked window-slit and peered through the creeper. The Martians, and all their machinery, had gone! Trembling, I dug my way out and clambered to the top of the mound. Not a Martian in sight! The day seemed dazzling bright after my imprisonment and the sky a glowing blue. Red Weed covered every scrap of ground but a gentle breeze kept it swaying, and oh! The sweetness of the air!” the journalist described. A sun lens flair allowed for a screen change as the Journalist moved across the ground towards London. As the theme continued, it gained an adventure like feel that comforted many of the scared ponies. But as the story progressed, there was a hanging feeling of dread, as if no hope was left. The three chimes dug that feeling in. “Again, I was on my way to London, through towns and villages that were blackened ruins, totally silent, desolated, and deserted. Man's empire had passed away, taken swiftly and without error by these creatures who were composed entirely of brain. Unhampered by the complex systems which make up man, they made and used different bodies according to their needs. They never tired, never slept, and never suffered, having long since eliminated from their planet the bacteria which cause all fevers and other morbidities.” The Journalist continued. Soon he had run into his old friend, the Artilleryman again. The Artilleryman had a dream for the future of man under the Martians that while ambitious, the journalist did not share. Within no time at all the journalist reached London. But it had been far from the city first seen in the Eve of War. No this city was black, covered by a red sky, and nothing was moving within it. London was dead. A static undertone hung in the speakers, vibrating everyone back into a sense of suspense and horror. The music was tragic, violins and violas playing to deepen the tone. A tragic tune of the Eve was played on synthesizer as scenes of Dead London were shone. The Journalist walked his way among the dead, describing what he saw. “There were a dozen dead bodies in the Euston road, their outlines softened by the black dust. All was still, houses locked and empty, shops closed but looters had helped themselves to wine and food, and outside a jeweler some gold chains and a watch were scattered on the pavement.” He said. Just then a sound screamed through. It was the Martian chant, “Ulla!” But unlike before, it wasn’t triumphant, dominate, or confident. No this time it was weak, high pitched, sounding as if it was being scrapped across metal, and ailing. “I stopped, staring toward to sound. It seemed as if that mighty desert of house had found a voice for its fear and solitude.” The journalist explained. The sound came again, making everyone jump. “The desolating cry worked upon my mind. The wailing took possession of me. I was intensely weary, footsore, hungry and thirsty. Why was I wandering alone in this city of the dead? Why was I alive, when London in state in its black shroud? I felt intolerably lonely, drifting from street to Empty Street, drawn inexorably towards that cry.” The journalist explained. Another dying chant. “I saw, over the trees on Primrose hill, the fighting machine from which the howling came. I crossed Regents Canal. There stood a second machine, upright, but as still as the first.” The chant began again. After it finished its first scream, it attempted to cry again. But then it stopped, as did the music, and the sound. No sound was made, an emptiness left with voice. “Abruptly, the sound ceased. Suddenly, the desolation, the solitude, became unendurable. While that voice sounded, London had still seemed alive. Now, suddenly, there was a change, the passing of something and all that remained was this gaunt quiet.” The journalist spoke against nothing. On the screen, the weary and beaten journalist panted as he looked at the empty sentential. Finally he seemed resolved and determined, but this was because he had given up. The guitars and sound began again, playing a rock tune that added to the beat as the man began to walk towards the sentential, he was determined now to die. The violins played the same beat at the start of the war. The journalist broke into a full run towards the titan. The journalist described his march every step and every footfall “I marched recklessly towards the titan and saw a multitude of black birds was circling and clustering about the hood. I began running along the road, I felt no fear, only a wild trembling exultation, as I ran up the hill towards the motionless monster. Out of the hood hung red shreds, at which the hungry birds now pecked and tore.” I scrambled up to the crest of Primrose Hill, and the Martians camp was below me. A mighty space it was, and scattered about it, in their overturned machines, were the Martians….” He paused suddenly. On the screen, the 3D journalist gasped with shock. Everyone watched and waited to see what was so stunning. Then the image spun around to look down on a fallen Martian, its eyes pecked out from crows. The Journalist then looked up at another dead Martian, the one who had been crying earlier, slumped over the lip of the Tripod hood. “…dead... slain, after all man's devices had failed, by the humblest things upon the Earth, Bacteria. Minute, invisible bacteria! Directly the invaders arrived and drank and fed, our microscopic allies attacked them. From that moment they were doomed!” The Journalist described. There were no cheers at first, no applause, no rowdy cry. The ponies and the token few crew who had never read this story before, were all stunned. This was the warning… this was the sense of fear that H. G. Wells foretold. The Martians, big as they were in machine and manpower, failed to realize that Earth had diseases, bacteria that Humans had become accustomed to long ago. They had assumed too much, and it cost them dearly. The journalist finished the story by describing the return of civilization to England, and his reunion with his wife. The story ended with the credits and a stirring ovation. “Well Admiral, I must say that that was the greatest music performance I have ever witnessed.” Princess Celestia admired as she, Luna, and Twilight walked back to the transporter room with Admiral Johnson. “I’m glad you enjoyed it.” Blaze smiled. “What will you do now?” Princess Luna asked. “We’ll be in the area for a few more days to study the anomalies and how this system works. Once we’re done we’ll resume our previous heading. But this will not be the last you hear from us, a diplomatic vessel will be arriving within two weeks.” Blaze explained ushering the trio into the transporter. All of the ponies who had been on the Evans had beamed back down to the planet for the night. These three were all that was left. “Well I do hope you stop by Ponyville before you go, we’d love to return the favor you provided.” Twilight said. “Oh don’t worry, we will. Good night.” Blaze smiled. The three ponies nodded and then were beamed down to the planet. Blaze took a deep breath and unscrewed his smile after they vanished. But just before he was about to leave, Tran chimed in, [Admiral we’re receiving the signal again.] “I’m on my way,” Blaze sighed. “Ah don’t know about this Scoots, you remember the last time we came through here.” Applebloom whimpered as she, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo walked through the Everfree forest. “Ah mean testing that paper airplane was fun and all, but ah don’t think aviation is in our future.” Scootaloo sighed, “Look I know that paper airplane didn’t land to far up ahead. We’ll find it before everyone gets back I promise.” “But what about the stories,” Sweetie Belle began. “Oh you guys are big babies, there’s nothing out here that can hurt us. We’re not that deep in the Everfree forest.” Scootaloo told them. “So say you…” Applebloom sighed. The trio leapt over a series of roots before all three fell down a ramp into a cave. After groaning and getting to their hooves, the trio looked around. “Now look what’cha did!” Applebloom snapped. “Oh stop it,” Scootaloo shot back angrily. “Uh guys, I don’t think were alone here!” Sweetie belle whimpered. Just then, the door opening the cave slammed shut as the three fillies screamed and cried to escape. When they realized that it was useless, they figured it be best to walk into the cave to find an alternate exit. That became a huge mistake as three dark figures appeared out of the darkness, sucking them in despite their extremely loud screams with terror. By the time Blaze reached the bridge, Sul’Vin, Seren, and Tran were looking over the sensor data. “What do you got,” Blaze asked walking in. “Unknown Admiral,” Sul’Vin said. “It’s technology of some kind, but none in which we have ever examined before.” Seren continued. “Where’s it located?” Blaze asked. “Right here, fifteen clicks into the… Everfree forest.” Sul’Vin responded trying to not show his disgust over the seemingly illogical name. Blaze looked at the panel, “Well it’s defiantly something. Assemble a team for the morning and let me know.” “You plan on going down there?” Sul’Vin asked. “Of course, wouldn’t you?” Blaze smiled as he turned and walked back to the turbo lift. Sul’Vin raised an eye brow at his friend, but said nothing further. > Chapter Nine > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter Nine: The Dark Tunnel “Any word from the princess yet?” Blaze asked as he finished hooking up his armor. “None as of yet sir, we have been trying to reach her for the past hour.” Sul’Vin answered. The duo, as well as Gorear, Seren, Three of Five, and M.A.C.O officers Sargent John Benedict and Private Polaris Rah were in the quartermasters getting ready for the away mission. Normally M.A.C.O’s and members of the Hazard Team would remain on the ship during away missions to a peaceful planet. They would only be deployed in hostile or unknown situations. Hazard Team members would even get the benefit of being the Evans ship defenders, acting as the Marines did of old. This time, Blaze wasn’t going to take any chances with what he had heard about the Everfree Forest. Also Star Fleet regulations had his hands bound, as M.A.C.O officers were required to escort Admirals on away missions. The only thing that was delaying the beam down was Blaze didn’t want to bring an armed force down without permission. However, neither Celestia nor Luna was answering their phones. “I’m not thrilled about going down there without an invitation.” Blaze said hooking up his Anti-proton rifle. “However Sir, I must insist that we investigate immediately. That piece of technology may alter whatever development the planet intends for it.” Seren told him. “She does have a point sir, for a Romulan.” Gorear added. “That being said, whatever is down there, we must find it.” Sul’Vin agreed. Blaze nodded, “Agreed, if we do run into the Princess…” Just then Tran signaled from the bridge, [Sir we have located Princess Celestia. She and a few other members of yesterday’s party are with Twilight Sparkle in Ponyville.] “How far from the target location,” Blaze asked. [Several Clicks, but enough of a detour to remain within acceptable tolerances,] Tran answered. “Very well, Sul’Vin is on his way back up to the bridge.” Blaze said before the communications line went dead. Then the Admiral turned to his first officer, “The ship is yours Sul’Vin.” “Aye sir,” Sul’Vin answered. “Ah don’t care what you say!” Applejack shouted just as the Admiral’s party beamed in. Most of the Ponyville’s residences were gathered in the town square near Princess Celestia. Applejack and Rarity were closest to the princess, Rarity’s eyes blood read and Applejack looked very alarmed. Twilight was trying to calm her friends down, but was having little luck. Even brash Rainbow Dash was trying to keep things together, but she too seemed to be failing. When Blaze noticed this, he knew instantly that something was wrong. “Applejack, please we have been sending search parties in all morning. As I’ve told you before we haven’t found any sign of them.” Princess Celestia soothed. “That ain’t good enough!” Applejack shouted. “AJ please, you know we’re trying our hardest.” Twilight said softly. “Maybe we can be of some assistance?” Blaze said as his team walked up. Princess Celestia was stunned they had appeared, but then quickly changed her complexion to that of relief. “You people seem to have a good sense of timing.” She said trotting over to them. “Depends upon what your definition is of good timing,” Gorear answered. “We registered a reading of unknown origin within the….Everfree forest…last night just after the party.” Blaze explained, “We beamed down to investigate its origin as none of our sensors could identify what it was.” “Then maybe our interests are aligned.” Princess Celestia explained, “Over the past few weeks, some members of Ponyville have wandered into the forest never to come out. We’ve been sending search team after search team into the forest to locate them…” “Yea but like they never find anything, and sometimes the teams themselves never come out. It’s really spooky, and I should know a thing or two about spooky since I giggle at ghostlies all the time. But I mean this one is really spooky and now we’ve….” Pinkie Pie cut in before Rainbow shoved her hoof into Pinkie’s mouth. “Yes and last night three fillies wandered into the forest after trying to recover their paper airplane.” Twilight explained. “And these were…?” Blaze asked. “Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo,” Fluttershy asked, “Oh my goodness I’m so worried about them.” “And I’m not,” Rarity hiccupped, “Oh the horror! To think of what horrible thing my dear sister has run into out there!” Blaze nodded, despite rolling his eyes at Rarity’s dramatic performance. “Where is the general location these ponies have gone missing?” Twilight levitated a map over to the Vice Admiral and opened it for him. The moment Blaze read the location, his eye brows rose in surprise. He leaned back to allow Seren and Three read the map. “Sir,” Three asked, “Isn’t that the spot…” “Yes it is Three,” Blaze answered, and then he looked at the princess, “It seems our interests are more aligned then I thought.” He then turned the map around to show them the location, “This is the same general location we’ve noticed the object.” The Princess nodded, “Then I formally ask for your assistance.” Blaze nodded, “Will do.” About twenty minutes later, Blaze and his away team were combing their way through the forest along with the six ponies. Twilight had kept Trixie and Spike behind in case of anything major and Dangerous occurring. Princess Celestia also excused herself from joining the investigation, despite not giving a reason. Blaze had his weapon drawn, as did the rest of the team as they combed the forest. Twilight hung close to Three of Five, despite her un-comfort. Three noticed, “You needn’t worry, I don’t bite.” “Oh I’m sorry, it’s just you look so….scary compared to the others.” Twilight answered meekly. Three chuckled, “I figured that Thatak would’ve brought out that reaction, I guess I was wrong.” There was a moment of silence between the two of them as they walked through a brush. Then Twilight spoke again, “Well then, what are you exactly.” “I am human,” Three answered immediately, “But, when I was two years old…my family was abducted by the Borg.” “The who?” Twilight asked. Three stopped and looked down at Twilight with a surprising smile, “A long story. I’ll explain later if you would like but I feel it necessary that we focus on the journey.” Twilight nodded as she began to walk again, “Right we should….WHOA!” Just then the purple unicorn disappeared. Three spun around and ran over to where she last saw Twilight. The purple pony had slid down a ramp into an underground tunnel. “Are you damaged?” Three asked. Twilight was slow to get up, but she nodded, “Yes I’m fine.” Three then taped her combadge, “Admiral, I think we found something interesting.” “We’re on our way.” Blaze answered. A few minutes later, the whole party had gathered around the opening Twilight had found. Polaris and John had lowered themselves down the ramp and into the tunnel along with Twilight. “What do you see?” Blaze asked. “It’s a tunnel of some kind, goes pretty far down here.” John answered. “Sargent, remain there,” Blaze answered before tapping his combadge, “Johnson to Evans.” “Go ahead Admiral,” Sul’Vin answered. “We’ve located a tunnel roughly near the location of the foreign object, we’re going to investigate.” Blaze answered. “Roger sir, and be careful.” Sul’Vin answered. One by one, the team and ponies slid down into the long, square tunnel. The walls were black with no light shining in. The only light that came was a dim light down the tunnel, the away team’s flashlights, Rarity’s and Twilight’s magic, and the sun shining through the trees. Once they were down there, a few of them began to move in. Just as they did the roof slid closed with a loud bang. “Huh,” Blaze said calmly, “Didn’t think it’d do that.” Fluttershy squealed in terror, “Oh no, are we trapped?” “Not if I can’t help it!” Gorear said raising his weapon. “Hold it commander,” John stopped him, “We don’t know what that could do to the tunnel.” “Sir,” Polaris said, he was standing at the left wall looking at a square that was a different shade of black than the tunnel, “I think I found an access terminal. It’s low on power but I think I might be able to reactivate it and that door.” “Roger that,” Blaze said. Then he tapped his combadge, “Johnson to Evans.” There was no reply. “Johnson to Evans?” Blaze asked again. Again no reply. Seren brought out her tricorder, “Communications are being jammed, as are most of the tricorder functions. I can’t get a good reading of the tunnel.” “Guess we’re going to have to do this the old fashioned way. Three you stay with the private. The rest of you come with me, let’s investigate this tunnel.” Blaze said as the group began to walk forwards. The tunnel seemed to go on forever as they made their way. The walls were bare black and very dimly lit. All eyes were scanning the area around them, but nothing was coming into view. The light in front of them was getting bigger and brighter, it was a tealish green color that barely brightened one room. “My word, do you think our sisters came through this tunnel?” Rarity asked Applejack. “Good probability, Ah’m just worried what’s in front of us.” Applejack answered. “The Answer to our problem.” Blaze answered. “Oooh look,” Pinkie pie pointed out, “Another tunnel!” She was right, there was another tunnel linked with this one. It too had a light coming from it in the distance, it was a white light. “Interesting,” Gorear said. “Not the type of term I’d use.” Blaze answered, “John check it out.” “Right, Uhhh Rainbow and Pink come with me.” The Sargent said. Rainbow saluted while Pinkie smiled brightly. Then the trio headed down the new tunnel while the rest of the party continued down the first one. Soon the main party came upon three rooms, separated by a pillar and a some type of opaque curtain. Blaze ducked his head into one and found nothing. He exited the room to see another hallway adjacent to the far left room. But Seren wasn’t so fortunate when she looked into the far left one. “Oh god Admiral!” she said. Just then Fluttershy screamed and Rarity fainted. Blaze headed over into the other room and gasped. “Holy shit,” he said. Lying on one of the tables was a decapitated Pony, its insides sticking out. Seren approached it gingerly and took bio readings. “Death was almost instantaneous for this one. And it doesn’t match the signatures of the missing fillies.” She said. “He never felt it?” Applejack asked. Seren nodded. Nodding, Blaze ventured back into the first room. Something about it was drawing his attention. “Sir,” John’s voice came over on the combadge. It was spotty and hard to hear, but Blaze chimed in, “Go ahead.” “We’ve found some of the ponies, they’re down in a long, square, rocky pit. Some of them are digging down into the rock, some are gathering the broken rock, and others are overseeing the work. The three missing fillies are apart of them.” John explained. “Can you make contact?” Blaze asked. “Negative, they have some type of device on their heads that’s controlling them. I ain’t taking it off without knowing the side effects.” John said. “Roger.” Blaze answered. Meanwhile up onboard the Evans, Sul’Vin was trying to break through the interference and find the away team. “Anything?” he asked Lotar. “Nothing sir, whatever is blocking communications, I can’t pin it down.” Lotar answered. Sul’Vin nodded. He was about to give an order with Elal said, “Sir unknown craft coming from behind the moon.” “Yellow Alert,” Sul’Vin said immediately as he headed over the Captain’s chair, “All hands to alert stations, civilians prepare to move to safety areas.” Once he said down, the alarms were ringing. He then looked at Quells, “Why didn’t we detect it on our initial approach?” “Debris and spatial anomalies have blocked out sensors.” Quells answered. “Vessel coming into visual range now.” Thatak shouted. “On screen.” Sul’Vin said. The screen changed and a shadow was cast into the bridge. Sul’Vin rose from his seat when he saw the craft, his Vulcan face hiding his horrified shock. Quells, Viz, and Lotar gasped when they saw the craft. Thatak was stunned beyond reason when he looked upon it. Even Elal and Tran were mortified to see what they were seeing. Then Sul’Vin gave his order, his voice shaky, “Red Alert.” Blaze motioned towards one of the walls in the room he was standing in. A cobweb had covered a strangely familiar panel. He brushed his hand over it, removing the cobweb. “Sir,” Gorear asked poking his head in, “What is it?” “I’ve seen this before…” Blaze said. Just then he touched the panel, and it activated. The whole tunnel lit up with lights. In that same moment, the walls in the room Blaze was in rose revealing a horrifying sight. In shock and horror, Blaze took a step back before shouting, “EVERONE OUT!” Seren and Gorear looked alarmed at Blaze’s volume. But just then more walls opened up revealing what he had seen. “What! What’s going on!” Twilight asked. Seren screamed as Gorear pulled her, Applejack, and Rarity of out room. Blaze bolted out of his own room faster than he had ever had before. The beings began to fill the room and follow him. “What are those things!” Fluttershy screamed. “No time just run!” Blaze answered. Fluttershy was more than happy to do that as she flew down the tunnel back to the exit. Twilight stood there in horror for a moment before Blaze grabbed her tail. “LETS GO TWILIGHT MOVE IT!” he shouted. With due haste, the main party tore down the tunnel until they reached the intersection of the other one. John, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie had all raced over to see what was going on. “Blaze what’s happening!” John asked. “RUN JOHN,” Blaze answered, “CODE BLUE, CODE BLUE!” John looked down the hall and saw what approaching. His eyes widened in horror before he too screamed, “RUN, RUN NOW!” Then the full party took off in a flight down the tunnel. The menace several feet behind them. Finally the party returned to the exit, which Polaris was still trying to open. But both he and Three were surprised to see the party run right at them. “What, what’s going on!” Three asked. “Shut up and get ready, code blue, code blue!” Blaze shouted pushing the ponies towards the ramp. Three became alarmed and Polaris gulped as the away team drew their weapons and pointed it down the hall. John literally threw Rainbow dash back on to the ramp with the rest of the ponies shouting, “Stay there! Stay behind us.” Then he dropped to a knee and pointed his rifle down the hall. The Away team took up a defense potion in a line, three on a knee and two standing. Three began to set up defensive shields in front of the team as footsteps echoed down the hallway slowly becoming louder. “Polaris, get that door open!” Blaze shouted. Polaris lowered his weapon and began to work on the door, “On it!” Twilight motioned up to Blaze, “What’s going on who are they?” Blaze gulped, steeling himself for the confrontation to come. But he was also readying a good answer for Twilight. “They are everything that we fear, the demons that roam the night in our sleep. Beings that haunt and hunt in a unifying goal. They are the closest thing to pure evil I or anyone else have ever faced, existing without reason or mercy. They are our galaxy’s greatest creation, and greatest threat. They are our greatest enemy…” “Contact!” shouted Gorear, “Here they come!” A row of black silhouettes appeared through the light of the tunnel. A row of ten humanoids walking in unison. Red lasers danced around in front of them as they drew closer. Soon the flashlights of the Away team shone upon them as they drew to ten feet from the team. When they reached eight feet, they stopped walking and spoke as one: “We are the Borg, you will be assimilated. Your culture will adapt to service ours. Resistance is Futile.” > Chapter Ten > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter Ten: The Nightmare returns Blaze never thought his heart would pound in fear again, he never thought he would sweat in cold water again, and most of all he never thought he’d be staring down his Anti-Proton rifle at the Borg again. But here he was, crouching in a defensive line, behind a one way shield, with six ponies behind him and his away team on both sides of him; doing exactly that. His glare met the robotic, cold, and stoic eyes of a Tactical Borg Drone. God only knows who it was before the Borg got a hold of them. He could hear the fear in the breaths of every one of his teammates, fear they were trying to distill. All the while Polaris worked extremely hard at trying to get the door open. The Borg looked back at them. Fifty eyes that were once individuals now merged into one unifying HIVE. Another line had been drawn. Gritting his teeth, Blaze gave the order, “Open Fire!” In one second, the semi-dark cave lit up with the fire of ten red Anti-Proton beams firing at the Borg. Some struck their marks, nocking drones down. Others missed or only damaged. The anti-proton rifles, pistols, and machine gun chimed away with a deep drone that bellowed in the cave. The Borg responded with high pitched, green Plasma blasts of their own, slamming into the shields making a concussive zapping noise and blinding light. Like lights on a Christmas tree, the tunnel shined and glowed in a spectacular array of red flashes and green. The noise was deafening. The Anti-Proton rifles went off with a deep and yet high pitched screech. The Borg’s plasma fire rattled away with deep chirps similar to Lions roaring. And when the plasma bolts hit the shields, they clanged with a sound similar to metal hitting metal. All this going on in the echo inducing, enclosed tunnel. To the ears of the Away Team, it was noise they had learned to drown out. But to the ponies, it was painful. Fluttershy and Rarity covered their ears and screamed as loud as they could. Rainbow shielded her eyes while Applejack held herself over Fluttershy to protect. Pinkie Pie was doing the same for Twilight. All the while, the Ponies screamed at the fierce battle that was going on around them. “Hold the Line!” Gorear shouted. “Polaris, get that damn door open!” John shouted. “I’m trying!” Polaris screeched. “Three,” Blaze shouted. “Yes Sir.” Three of Five answered, lowering her rifle and rushing to help Polaris. Just then, one of the shields buckled allowing a Plasma blast to race through. It just missed Blaze’s face but got Seren in the leg. She winced in pain, but her armor and personal shield blunted most of the attack. Blaze didn’t look back. He was blasting away at a Medical Drone that had come up to repair some of the damaged drones. It, along with a tactical drone, was calling in the Zombie looking Defense Drones. If they filled up the passageway, the Away Team was done for. Gorear saw what Blaze was doing, and moved his line of sight towards the same drone. The two of them began to plug away at the Medical drone, hoping beyond hope to gain that lucky shot before the Borg adapted. Few already had to the constant Anti-Proton fire. For all the damage Anti-Proton did to the Borg’s exoskeleton, the Borg could still adapt to it albeit slower than normal phasers or plasma. Transphasic weaponry was a better match for the Borg, however Starfleet kept ships armed with Transphasic technology close to home. That meant the rest of the fleet had to get by with Anti-Proton technology. At that moment, Blaze didn’t care what weapon he had, so long as it worked. The Medical drone absorbed the first several volleys from Gorear and Blaze’s fire. But then when Blaze fired a charged Anti-Proton pulse right at the Medical Drone’s head, the Borg broke and collapsed. “Medic down!” Gorear shouted. Blaze didn’t flinch; he turned his view finder onto the Tactical Drone. But after taking one shot at the Tactical drone, the Borg adapted. Cursing his bad fortune, Blaze ducked behind the shield while he recalibrated his rifles frequency. All around him the Away team, made up of M.A.C.Os and Hazard Team as well as some of Blaze’s bridge crew, kept the Borg at bay while the ponies were still safe. Yet when Blaze caught a look at them, he could see the six ponies cowering in fear. Their bodies were shaking uncontrollably. He felt sorry for them, but that passed fast. Borg was still present, and he needed to remove them. Once he recalibrated his rifle, Blaze returned the fight. But to his horror, as he cut down the Tactical drone, he could see more Drones marching towards them. The Away team was cutting drones down with their fire, but more were coming. Soon enough they would be overwhelmed. “Polaris, please tell me you got that door working yet?” Blaze shouted. “Almost Admiral, give me a few more minutes.” Polaris responded. “We don’t have a few minutes!” Blaze responded as he began firing again. Polaris got back to work as Blaze and the rest of the Away team held the line. Finally the hatch slid open. “ITS OPEN GO!” Polaris shouted. The Ponies didn’t need to be told twice and they scampered out as fast as their hooves could carry. The Hazard team members went next along with Three of Five and Seren. Then Gorear began to lead the M.AC.Os out of the tunnel. Blaze was last, or so he thought. For when he turned around, abandoning the failing defense shields, he spotted Polaris still at the panel. He was trying to keep the door open long enough. Blaze didn’t argue, he probably would’ve done the same thing. The moment he reached the top, the Vice Admiral spun around to help Polaris. But in an instant, the rookie left the panel, turned towards the ramp, and watched in horror as it slid shut over him. “POLARIS,” Sargent Benedict shouted as the hatch closed. Blaze grabbed him and pulled him back, “No! It’s too late Sargent.” The Sargent struggled for a moment before relenting. A silence overtook the entire team for a moment as what happened settled in. The six ponies looked on in a mix of grief and horror as they absorbed all that just happened. Just then a rustling in the forest made everyone jump. “We need to get back to the village,” Blaze ordered, “And someone get in touch with the ship!” Just as he said that, the entire night sky was filled with a flash of a green light. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “One Borg cube destroyed,” Elal shouted as the Borg cube detonated. The Evans shook violently as the shockwave hit them. The ship had taken some damage from the battle with the Borg cubes that had entered the Planet’s orbit. But the Evans was purpose built to engage Tactical Cubes and win. So low grade Cubes weren’t much of a challenge. That is, if the Evans fought them single handily. This case was different. Two Borg cubes had jumped the capital ship. After a long battle, the ship dispatched one of the cubes. Now it was time to move on the other ship. “Focus the fire on the second cube, prepare the Tricobalt torpedoes!” Sul’Vin ordered evenly. “Weapons loaded!” Thatak shouted. “Fire,” Sul’Vin ordered. Two loud pulses rang through the bridge as the torpedoes were fired. The slow moving Tricobalt torpedoes then turned towards the Borg cube, which was flanking the Evans to port. After flying for a moment, they hit one of the cube’s sides. The detonation ripped two massive holes in the Borg ship side. “We’ve broken a hole,” Quells said. “Tran, prepare the burst missile.” Sul’Vin ordered. [Aye sir,] Tran answered. A second later he gave the Thumbs up. Sul’Vin nodded, “Fire.” Out of the stern of the ship, a brilliant orange torpedo was fired. It soon sped towards the Borg ship with haste. Just before it impacted the Borg ship, the torpedo separated into twenty smaller devices that then flew into one of the two holes. As they impacted, creating small explosions that further tore apart the Borg ship; the Evans fired its anti-proton beams into the second hole. Soon enough, they cut off a good slice of the Borg ship before the vessel got a chance to fire back. The Borg’s plasma weapon impacted the ships shields with a vengeance. But the mighty Evans absorbed the attack like a champion. With a chip on its shoulder, the ship fired back at the Borg ship with a volley of Tricobalt Torpedoes and Hargh’peng torpedoes. Those cut massive chunks of the Borg ship off that were swiftly melted by the Anti-Proton lasers. Soon enough, the lumbering Borg ship began to weaken, and the Evans swung around for a killing blow. Focusing its fire on the exposed starboard side of the ship, the Evans tore into the core of the Borg ship. In an instant, the second ship ended in the similar matter as its sister ship. Triumphantly, Elal flew the victorious ship right through the explosion. But that was only because Sul’Vin had to confirm a clean kill, logically. With the battle over, Sul’Vin took a moment to gather his wits. “Damage report Viz.” he said. “Some paint damage but nothing more. We have several injuries in the lower decks but nothing too serious. All in all we got through that fine.” She answered. “Engineering to bridge!” Jurhal broke through. “Go ahead,” Sul’Vin answered. “The next time you want to go round and round with two Borg cubes you better give me some heads up! I was in the middle of a training drill!” Jurhal shouted. “Duly noted Moral, thank you for your advice. How is Engineering?” Sul’Vin asked. “Fine why do you ask?” Jurhal answered evenly. “Thank you.” Sul’Vin answered unimpressed before shutting off the com-link, “Lotar try to get in touch with the Vice Admiral.” “Yes sir,” the Reman answered. Soon enough, a familiar voice chimed through the communicator. “Johnson to Evans! Sul’Vin, answer your god damn phone!” Blaze shouted. “Evans reporting Admiral,” Sul’Vin answered. “We’ve determined the source of those signals, it’s the Borg.” Blaze answered. Sul’Vin froze, “There’s Borg down on the planet? That would explain the two cubes we just faced.” “WHAT! YOU JUST FACE TWO CUBES! WHERE IN THE WORLD DID THEY COME FROM!?” Blaze shouted. “They came from behind the moon, warping in from a separate location.” Sul’Vin answered. Blaze was silent for a moment, “They must’ve responded to us, we discovered a nest of Borg underneath the Everfree forest. They’re responsible for the missing ponies too.” “And where are you now?” Sul’Vin answered. “Racing back to Ponyville, scramble the M.A.C.Os and get them down here now!” Blaze answered. He was silent for a moment before relaying his next order, “And inform Polaris’s girlfriend Shumi that he will not be returning.”