Just Another Day in the Wonderbolts

by AndwhatIseeisme

First published

Thunderlane, Rainbow Dash, and Soarin have a little team bonding time in the Wonderbolts' shower.

After a hard day of practice, Thunderlane heads to the showers to relax and maybe crank a quick one out. But when Rainbow Dash joins him, suddenly his relaxing shower turns into something a bit more physically exerting. And when Soarin joins in too, he'll learn that maybe the shower isn't the best place to go to relax when you're on a team where sex is as casual as saying hello.

Warnings: M/M/F bisexual threesome, sex between two stallions, mentions of sex between two mares, casual Wonderbolt sex, Rainbow Dash having trouble accepting not being the best at something.

Image source is NSFW, artist is dripponi and image is #1949450 on Derpibooru if you want to check it out.

Team Building

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Warm water washed over Thunderlane's aching muscles as he relaxed in the showers at Wonderbolt's HQ. He still couldn't believe he had succeeded in making the team, and every day was a dream come true for him, but damn if he didn't miss the easy days of weather-work just a little sometimes after a particularly grueling workout. He stretched his back and let his wings splay out to his sides, allowing them soak in the heat of the water and relieve a little of the tension he was carrying. There was nothing like a hot shower to help a stallion relax after a busy day.

Today had been an even rougher practice than usual for the team. Spitfire had just finalized the final flight maneuvers for their upcoming performance at the Summer Sun Celebration, and she had spent all day drilling the team on the routines. Thunderlane had been on the team long enough to have performed in a few shows already, but this was the first show he was doing for a royal audience. It was way more complex, the flight choreography way more advanced than usual. It was going to take weeks of hard practice for even the seasoned vets to pull off perfectly. For a rookie like Thunderlane, who had never even attempted some of the more advanced routines before, these next few weeks were going to be absolute hell on his wings.

Of course, it didn't help that the next newest member of the team had to be freaking Rainbow Dash. Thunderlane considered himself a damn good flyer, and he had already gained a fair amount of respect from his fellow Bolts. Rainbow Dash, though, was some kind of freaky pegasus prodigy, and Thunderlane had learned long ago that it was best for his self confidence not to compare himself to her. That said, it was still frustrating when after their third rep through the drills, she was already flying through them with speed and precision that rivaled Captain Spitfire herself. Fortunately for Thunderlane's ego, he wasn't the only one who felt a bit shown up by the rainbow mare. At one point during practice, basically the whole team had stopped to watch her perform one of the most difficult routines in the show perfectly, despite only learning the maneuver earlier that morning. Even some of the long-timers like Misty Fly and Surprise had been staring slack-jawed at Dash until Spitfire's whistle had snapped them all back to reality. He shook his head, muttering to himself "fucking Rainbow Dash."

Speaking of fucking Rainbow Dash, Thunderlane's hoof began to trace down to more sensitive bits as the water washed over him. One of the best parts of being a Wonderbolt was the heavy focus on "team bonding" that the team shared. It had been official protocol for the team since Admiral Fairy Flight had mandated that all Wonderbolts must share themselves with their team mates, but even before that it had been the worst kept secret in Equestria's military that all the Wonderbolts fucked each other, going back to its founding. Take a bunch of the most athletic and agile pegasi in Equestria, drill them constantly on endurance training and team coordination, and then sequester them all together for long periods of time at a headquarters where no outside visitors are allowed. Was it any wonder they all fucked liked a foal at their cute-ceaƱera party?

Thunderlane's hoof began to stroke a little faster along his shaft as he thought back to some of the great times he had with his teammates. The feel of Fleetfoot's pert little ass bouncing up and down on his shaft, Spitfire's amazing blowjobs that nearly overshadowed her flying in terms of skill, Soarin pinning him against the locker-room wall and pounding his ass for all he was worth, and sinking himself inside Misty Flys's cunt and letting her tight walls milk his cock, then cleaning her up and tasting her flavor mixed with his as he ate her out. All great memories and fantastic masturbation fodder, and those were just memories from the past few days. He'd fucked and been fucked enough times since becoming a Wonderbolt that he suspected he could probably give Big Macintosh a run for the title of 'most layed stallion in Ponyville' by now. But even with all that amazing sex, as he leaned agaisnt the wall of the shower and let the water pelt against him, sandwiching his cock between both forehooves and running them up and down his erection, his mind couldn't help but turn to Rainbow Dash as he built towards his climax.

Rainbow strove to be the best at everything she did, and sex was no exception for the mare. She gave the best wing jobs Thunderlane had ever experienced, her ass and cunt were delightfully tight despite how well used both holes were, and, while by all accounts she was way better at eating pussy than sucking cock, she could still give a pretty good blowjob when properly motivated. All that made her a fantastic lay every time he took her, plus there was a familiarity and level of comfort that Thunderlane felt with her that he still lacked with his other team mates. He had known her far longer than anypony else on the team, and they had grown well accustomed to each other's bodies during their time in Ponyville.

The two pegasi had never really been friends back during their time on the weather team in Ponyville, but they had respected one another's abilities. Rainbow Dash had viewed him as a bit of a slacker, but that was mainly because she recognized him as the second best flyer on the team after her, and she was constantly pushing him to improve and be a better. And to her credit, the mare certainly knew how to motivate a pony. As soon as she had taken over the weather team as lead pegasus, she had implemented a simple rule to encourage the rest of the Ponyville team: whoever she judged to be the top performer each week got to spend a night at her place fucking her senseless. It had proven to be a great way to get everypony striving to be the best, and Thunderlane had many great memories of weekend nights spent plowing the cyan mare into her bed. Putting up with her smug and demanding attitude at work was a lot easier when he got to spend the end of the week with her wrapped around his cock, pumping her full of his seed and coating her face and mane with cum while she begged for more.

Now that they were both Wonderbolts, they got along much better. Rainbow wasn't his boss anymore, so she left the bossy act to Spitfire and Soarin. Sex with her wasn't a reward to be achieved anymore, but just a casual act between friends and team mates. As an added bonus, their presence on the team together was bringing all sorts of new acclaim to Ponyville's pegasi. What was once seen as just another backwoods earth pony town by most pegasi was now the town with a weather team that had produced the most currently active Wonderbolts outside of Cloudsdale itself, plus a few cadets and reservists. Like Thunderlane said, Rainbow knew how to motivate her team to give her their best.

His mind turned away from reflections on the mare and back to important things, like the amazing things she could do with those wings wrapped around his cock. His hooves picked up their pace as imagined her soft feathers stroking across his cock, the way she played them across his balls and anus, the sight of them soaked in his spunk after shooting his load into them. It was the image of Rainbow looking at him with that self-assured grin on her face while his cum dripped off her wings onto her floor that finally earned his climax. His cum fired straight up into the air, before splashing back down on his chest and stomach. Too tired and sore to bother washing it out of his fur, he simply lied back on the tile floor underneath the shower-head, and let the water wash over him. His eyes began to feel heavy, and before he knew it he had dozed off beneath the running water.


"What do you think you're doing?" asked a mare's voice, waking Thunderlane from his nap.

"Wha-what?" he asked, a bit disoriented. He hadn't realized he was drifting off, so his sudden wake up took a moment to process.

"I'm asking what the hell you're doing taking a nap in the shower, dude," the voice said. "I mean, I know I'm not the best mare to criticize another pony's choice of napping spots, but come on. You could at least shut the water off first. You think this place is made of water?"

Thunderlane looked around at the walls and ceiling of the room, all made 100% of clouds, before turning back and quirking an eyebrow at the mare he now recognized as Rainbow Dash.

"All right, stupid question," she admitted, "but they aren't made of hot water, and I swear if I end up having to take a cold shower because of you I'm going to blast your ass with the biggest storm-cloud I can find."

"Don't worry, I don't think I've been in here that long. After that work out I figured I'd take a quick shower to relax a bit, cranked one out thinking about you, and then drifted off. I couldn't have been asleep very long, 'cause it hasn't even been long enough to rinse all the cum out of my fur," he explained, glancing down to see a few strands of fluid still clinging to his fur.

"Pfft, same old lazy Thunderlane," Rainbow Dash scoffed. "You'd rather masturbate and take a nap all by yourself than have a fun romp with another pony after a tough practice. Guess it's good to know that some things never change."

"Hey, cut me some slack, Rainbow," he protested defensively. "My wings were about ready to fall off after those drills. I barely had the energy to make it to the showers, much less fuck somepony." He paused a moment to scan his eyes over her, noting for the first time her frazzled mane and tail, the way her fur was matted down around her mouth, and the complete disarray of her feathers. It didn't take a genius to realize she hadn't experienced the same issue. "Who'd you manage to find with enough energy left to screw you after practice, anyway?" he asked.

"Spitfire," she answered, shrugging casually as she moved closer to him, sharing the shower he was in and letting the water rinse the mare juice off of her. "Nothing beats the taste of marecum after a hard workout. Trust me," she smiled at him as she spoke, her tongue darting out of her mouth to lick the damp fur around her muzzle before placing her face under the running water.

"Heh, I just don't know where you get all that energy," Thunderlane said with just a hint of admiration in his voice. He stepped closer beside the mare, their bodies rubbing against each other under the shower. Casually, he took one of her wings in his mouth and began to preen her feathers, rearranging them back to a presentable appearance. He was a bit surprised when she gently pushed him off her wings.

"I appreciate the thought, Thunder, but you might as well hold off on doing that," she said with a smirk, "I mean, they're just going to get messed up again when you're fucking me in a couple minutes."

"Wait, are you kidding? You seriously still have the energy to be rutted even after your performance during training and fucking around with the captain?" Thunderlane asked, shaking his head in amazement. "You're unbelievable, you know that?"

"You know it," Rainbow stated proudly, positively beaming with pride. "Now mount up, flyboy. Ass or pussy, take your pick and get to fucking."

Thunderlane didn't need to be told twice. He walked behind Rainbow and took a moment to admire the view, assessing his options as she flagged her tail to the side and displayed herself to him. He considered the choice in holes for a moment. The tightly puckered hole of her anus was as welcoming as always, but he wasn't really properly lubed up right now and he didn't really feel like forcing his way into a dry ass right now. Meanwhile, her pussy was wet, swollen, and throbbing with desire; practically begging to have a stallion inside of it. Who was he to deny his cock to such cute cunt?

Pussy it was, then.

Having made his decision, Thunderlane mounted Rainbow. Standing on his hindlegs, with his forehooves leaning on her shoulders and letting the mare support the bulk of his weight, he lined his cock up with her welcoming slit and pushed his way in. He heard Rainbow let out a hiss of air as he split her open, reveling in the tight firmness of her walls grasping his cock. Once he had slid all the way inside of her, he didn't waste any time before beginning to rut her properly. He started to pound his cock in and out of her, earning a wanton moan from Rainbow each time he plunged his dick inside of her. One of the best parts of fucking Rainbow was how loud and unabashed she could be when she was getting fucked, to the point that some of the team would hang out in the locker room when they knew she was about to get railed, just to listen to the sounds she would make while somepony fucked her. Thunderlane knew that well, he was often one of those ponies.

"Aww shit, yeah, that's it Thunderlane," Rainbow moaned. "Fuck yes, this is just what I needed. Rut me harder, make me your little slut. Holy FUCK YES!"

Thunderlane increased the force of his thrusts as she screamed out for him. He slammed in and out of her, his cock and balls drenched in her juices as she squirted onto the floor. He didn't let up even as she came, continuing to pound the mare beneath him as she convulsed around him and her pussy tried to clamp down on his shaft. He was getting closer, increasing his speed even further as he felt his balls clench beneath him, ready to flood his friend's womb with his seed.

Unfortunatly for the two of them, just as the first spurts of cum began to fire out of Thunderlane's dick, Rainbow's hooves slipped in the puddle of water pooling on the floor.

"Wuh? Whoa, oh shit!" Rainbow cried as her forehooves gave out, sending her crashing face-first toward the tiles.

"Huh? Shit! What the fuck?!" Thunderlane cried out, as the mare supporting his weight took him down with her as she fell. His cock slipped out of her cunt and continued to fire off onto her ass and tail even as he fell on top of her.

"Hey!" a voice shouted from the locker rooms adjacent to the showers, "Is everything okay in there? I heard shouting."

Soaring came rushing into the shower to see what had happened, only to halt in his tracks and try his best to stifle a laugh as he came across the sight of Rainbow Dash and Thunderlane splayed ontop of each other, struggling to regain their hooves on the slippery floor as Thunderlane's cum was carried off by the water and circled down the drain.

"Oh, it's just you two," he deadpanned, "really living up to that nickname, huh Crash?"

"Fuck off, Soarin," Rainbow grumbled as she pushed Thunderlane off her and finally managed to stand.

"That's 'fuck off, Soarin,' sir," he said, cracking a teasing smile. "Seriously though, are you two okay? That sounded like a pretty nasty tumble you took."

"Just fine, Soarin," Thunderlane said as he managed to get to his hooves at last, "nothing bruised but our pride."

"Speak for yourself," Rainbow protested. "It'll take more than that to bruise my pride! I've got pride to spare!"

Thunderlane shared a look with Soarin, Rainbow's invincible ego never failing to amuse them. Rainbow Dash ignored them.

"Where have you been anyway, Soarin? I was surprised you didn't join me and Spitfire earlier," she asked, absent mindedly flicking Thunderlane's cum off her wings as she spoke.

"I wish I could have," Soarin replied, speaking as the three headed toward the locker rooms to sit down, "sounds way better than what I got stuck doing. Drew the short straw and had to discipline a couple reservists. Always hate doing that kind of stuff, you know? It's really more Spitfire's forte, but I know its not fair to leave all the punishments to her."

"Reservists, huh? Anyone we'd know? What did they do?" Thunderlane asked, wondering how bad a couple reserve flyers had to fuck up to get the vice-captain's attention. Usually that kind of stuff was just left to the reserve commanders. "Must have been pretty bad."

Soarin and Thunderlane sat beside each other on one of the benches in the locker room, their cocks on full display as they nuzzled together and continued their conversation.

"Awww, nothing too major. Just some recurring bad behavior that needed to be addressed before they got themselves kicked out of the Bolts all together." Soarin explained. "Anyway, I don't know if you'd know them, but I think Dash does." He turned to address Rainbow Dash as she got into position in front of them, preparing to take them in wing. "You know Vapor Trail and Sky Stinger, right?"

"Yeah, of course," she replied with interest as she wrapped soft feathers around the two stallions' cocks and began to stroke them, earning an appreciative moan from her team mates. "It was my awesome assistance that got them in shape for the academy a few years back.," she bragged. "Last I heard, they graduated ranking pretty high in their class and were making some heads turn in the reserves. What'd they do?"

"Unfortunately, it's not what they did but who they did," Soarin explained. "Or maybe more who they didn't do. Got a lot of complaints coming out of their squad about them not fucking any of their team besides each other. Got to the point where Spitfire and I figured we'd better get that shit sorted immediately, before it began to mess up their entire squad's cohesion."

"Oh, that sucks," Rainbow said simply, before leaning over and taking the head of Soarin's cock in her mouth, her wing shifting focus to his balls while she blew him. Her other wing continued to work up and down Thunderlane's shaft, occasionally unfurling and letting her feathers caress and tease him before gripping around him again. Rainbow knew Thunderlane preferred her wings to her mouth, so she focused her blowjob on Soarin, only occasionally leaning over to give Thunder a quick taste. Soarin and Thunderlane leaned in together and began to make-out while the mare attended to them, tongues dancing together as they softly moaned into the other's mouth.

Thunderlane was the first to cum, exploding into Rainbow's wing. He broke is kiss with Soarin and lied back agaisnt the wall with a contented sigh, simply watching as Rainbow shifted her focus entirely to the other stallion. "Yeah," he thought to himself, "she's definitely better with her wings than her mouth." As he continued watching her head bobbing up and down on the cock, he rolled his eyes and eventually moved to the floor next to her and pushed her face away from Soarin's crotch.

"Alright, move aside Rainbow," he said, a hint of teasing condensation in his voice, "let somepony show you how to give a proper blowjob." With that, Thunderlane took Soarin's cock in his mouth, tasting Rainbow's spit mixed with his pre. The flavor was to die for, and Thunderlane happily ran his tongue up and down the length, savoring the taste of the cock presented to him.

Rainbow sat back on her haunches with a huff, forehooves crossed across her chest as she watched Thunderlane suck Soarin off. Her irritation grew as she watched Soarin's face contort in pleasure as Thunderlane worshiped his dick. The sounds of him sucking and slurping on Soarin's cock echoed through the room. Soarin let out a long, pleasured moan as Thunderlane finally took his full length down his throat.

"Oh, come on!" Rainbow shouted in frustration. "What the hell, Soarin? He can't be that much better than me!"

"Sorry Dash, he's definitely got a performance lead on you here," Soarin replied.

Thunderlane loudly pulled off Soarin's cock, dancing his tongue around his dick the whole time as it withdrew.

"Just accept it Rainbow, you can't be the best at everything," Thunderlane teased once the cock was out of his mouth, slowly stroking it with his hooves as he spoke. "Maybe I can give you some tips sometime, if you ever want to get on my level."

"Go fuck yourself, Thunder," Rainbow retorted.

"Oh, I think I'll be a little busy fucking somepony else pretty soon," Thunderlane said, winking at his superior officer before continuing his task and swallowing Soarin back down his throat.

Rainbow continued to mope as Thunderlane began to hum as he blew the other stallion. The vibrations reverberating down his throat and around Soarin's dick made the other stallion throw his head back and grunt with pleasure, forehooves pushing Thunderlane's snout into his pelvis while Soarin's balls contracted, ready to explode.

"Here it comes," Soarin moaned, giving Thunderlane only seconds to prepare before the stallion's cum began to fire down his throat. Shot after shot fired off into Thunderlane's mouth and throat, eventually forcing him to pull off the dick as he couldn't keep up swallowing it fast enough. The final few bursts of Soarin's cum landed on his muzzle and in his mane, a thick gob of cum forcing one eye shut as it dripped over the eyelid and down his face.

"Fuck that was good," Soarin said, before leaning down and licking a few of the larger beads of his cum off Thunderlane's face. "I've really got to let you suck me off more often, Thunder. I almost forgot how good you are at that."

"Thanks Soarin," Thunderlane shot a glance over to Rainbow as he accepted the vice-captain's praise. Rainbow was doing her best to pretend to ignore what the two stallions were saying. He smiled and turned back to the stallion. "So, what do you think? Got another round in you or was that everything you had to shoot?"

"Don't get cocky now, rookie," Soarin replied. "I may not have the speed or agility of Spitfire or little Dashie over there, but I don't rank first on all the endurance tests just to get wiped from one little blowjob, no matter how good it might have been. Now deflate that ego and come pound my ass," Soarin ordered as he turned around and presented himself to his subordinate, raising his tail high to show off his freshly drained balls dangling freely below his puckered anus.

"Yes sir!" Thunderlane snapped a quick salute before moving into position behind him, taking a moment to admire the view. As he mounted up, he noticed Rainbow Dash moving toward Soarin's face. She presented herself in front of Soarin's face, and he eagerly took up the invitation and began to lap at her pussy. Thunderlane began to slowly push himself inside of Soarin as he listened to his friend's moans as she was eaten out. Was it just him, or was she being even more vocal than usual?

"Oh, yeah Soarin! Fuck that's good. Eat that pussy up!" Rainbow was crying out between moans, occasionally stealing glances back toward Thunderlane as he slid into the pony between them. Was she seriously doing what he thought she was?

Once Thunderlane was hilted inside of Soarin, he began to move himself back and forth, doing his best to ignore the mewling cries of Rainbow Dash as he fucked him. Soarin was tight around his cock, and the mounted stallion moved at a slow, steady pace to give his team mate time to adjust around him. Thunderlane leaned down and began to lightly kiss and nip at the sensitive wing joints on Soarin's back, attempting to help him relax and to distract him from any pain of being stretched apart. As he felt Soarin's ass begin to loosen around him, Thunderlane picked his pace up a little, though still holding back from going full speed. He'd give Soarin another minute or two to adjust before he really began to rut him properly.

Meanwhile, Soarin's head remained buried in Rainbow's crotch, hungrily feasting on the mare's juices. Rainbow's thighs clamped tightly around his head as he ate her out. Soarin's tongue lapped fervently inside her cunt, wriggling and twisting around between her soft walls. She moaned and called his name out as he worked.

"I'm cumming, Soarin!" she cried. "Fuck yeah, don't you dare stop. You're so much better at this than Thunderlane!"

And there it was. Thunderlane had figured that this was her game ever since she started praising Soarin's oral work so enthusiastically. She was trying to get payback for him being better at sucking Soarin off. It was ridiculous. How petty could one pony be. Well, two could play at this game. He began to fuck Soarin harder, moaning and grunting as he rutted his superior's ass.

"Damn Soarin, your ass feels good wrapped around my cock," Thunderlane said between grunts, looking Rainbow Dash straight in the eyes. "The way you're hugging my cock with that cute rump is going to milk me dry in no time. You're so much tighter than Rainbow's pussy."

Rainbow Dash stared back at him with a fire ignited in her eyes. The game was on now.

"Sweet Celestia, Soarin. Where did you learn to eat cunt like this? No stallion was ever this good back in Ponyville. Especially not Thunderlane," she retorted.

"I can't wait to pump this cute ass full of cum," Thunderlane proclaimed. "Such a waste that I fucked Rainbow earlier, that's one less load I get to fire into a worthwhile lay."

"Fucking me? Is that what you were trying to do back there when you were flopping around on top of me?" Rainbow asked, voice oozing with smug dismissal. "Maybe once Soarin is done being so amazing at eating me out, he can show you how a real stallion fucks a mare."

"Hmmph, he'd have to find a mare worth fucking, first," Thunderlane retorted. "I certainly don't see one in this locker room."

"Funny, you sure seemed eager to stuff this amazing pussy with that poor excuse of a cock earlier, Blunder."

"Desperate times will make a guy do desperate things, Crash."

"ENOUGH!" Soarin shouted over the traded barbs of his two subordinates. He tried his best to deliver a stern look to the two ponies, a feat made slightly difficult when his face was drenched with the cum of one and his ass was stuffed full by the other. It still managed to be enough to get the two Bolts to shut-up and snap to attention.

"Dash, Thunder is way better at sucking cock than you, and from everything I hear he's better at eating pussy than me. Stop getting your wings in a spin every time someone beats you at something," he scolded the mare.

"Sorry sir," Rainbow Dash conceded.

"And Thunderlane, we both know full well that fucking Dash's cunt feels way better than my ass ever will. I don't know how that girl keeps herself so tight when she takes as many dicks as she does, but somehow she manages and that's an undeniable fact, " Soarin tried to keep the frustration out of his voice as he spoke.

"I guess so..." Thunderlane reluctantly admitted.

"Damn it," Soarin muttered. "I really ought to have you two flying a hundred laps around the base right now for this kind of petty bickering, but I'm close to finishing and your dick's really working wonders in me. So, here's the deal: Dash, get beneath me and get ready to have that cute little butt pounded. Thunder, you're going to fuck me hard enough to force Dash and me to both squeal for your cock, and if you cum before either of us do then you'll be spending an extra two hours practicing maneuvers everyday until our show. Understood?"

"Of course, sir," Thunderlane gulped, desperately hoping he'd be able to last. He had been just about to pop inside Soarin when they had paused; there was no way he was going to be able to last much longer fucking at full speed.

"And Dash, I expect you to be able to support the full weight of both of us for as long as I'm inside of you. If you can't manage to support your team, then you'll be doing remedial exercises with the academy cadets every morning for the next month." Soarin told her.

"What? But-" Rainbow began.

"The only butt I want right now is yours Crash, wrapped around my cock. Now take position and brace yourself," Soarin commanded, cutting her off.

"Fine," she said with determination in her voice, her pride on the line as the threat of having to do basic cadet training for a month hung over her head. Rainbow moved beneath Soarin and positioned her rear against the head of his erection. Soarin's forehooves lifted off the floor and gripped her flanks, forcing the mare to support the weight of both stallions above her. Thunderlane noticed a slight tremble in her legs as she struggled to keep them all upright.

"Thunderlane, as soon as I say 'go', I expect you to rut me at your full strength. If I think you're holding back on your thrusts, I swear you'll wish you never learned to fly, understood?" Soarin directed.

"Yes, sir." Thunderlane replied, doing his best to conjure unsexy thoughts in preparation. That time he flew over Sweet Apple Acres and saw Granny Smith splayed on her back and hoofing herself in the orchards was finally going to be worth the trauma.

"Good," Soarin said. With that, he pushed his cock into Rainbow's sopping wet marehood, pumping into her a couple times to get himself nicely lubricated with her fluids. He pulled himself out and lined up with her other entrance, pushing himself in with a slow but steady and unyielding thrust. Rainbow moaned deeply as Soarin pushed open her ass with a single motion, her legs quivering again slightly as he opened her up. Once she had taken his whole length, he didn't waist any more time letting her adjust.

"Go!" he ordered.

Thunderlane began to move as soon as he heard the order. He thrust his hips hard enough to fuck both ponies below him, his and Soarin's balls slapping together with every thrust forward. Each time he pushed himself into Soarin, the other Stallion was driven deep into Rainbow's butt, and each withdraw dragged Soarin out along with him. Thunderlane prayed that both ponies below him were close, because there was no way he was lasting long at this pace. Thankfully, Rainbow wanted this to be over as quickly as he did, doing her best to move counter to his own movements, pushing back as Thunderlane pushed forward and vice versa. Soarin himself was perfectly content being bounced between the two, enjoying the ride.

The locker-room echoed with their moans and grunts, and the noise of flesh slapping against flesh as the three Bolts fucked. Thunderlane was growing ever more fearful as he felt his climax approaching, his balls tightening as he pounded mercilessly in and out of Soarin's ass. Just when he thought all hope was lost, he felt Soarin clench around him and heard the stallion call out his name as he fired off inside Rainbow's rump. That just left Rainbow, who he could tell was close as she felt Soarin's hot spunk filling her colon. He might have worried still about finishing before her, but fortunately he had been with her enough to know her cheat code. Thunderlane leaned down, his head moving past the stallion between them, and took one of Rainbow's ears in his mouth. He bit down hard on her ear, causing her whole body to suddenly go stock still and rigid before she screamed as her climax wracked through her. He saw her stumble, but to her credit she managed to catch herself and readjust even as she came, squirting out onto the floor.

Having completed his task, Thunderlane was free to let himself go. His orgasm came hard and fast, shot after shot of cum poured out of him and into Soarin's butt. The other stallion moaned as he felt himself being filled up. Thunderlane withdrew from the tight confines milking his cock, allowing the final few shots to paint his captain's back with his semen. He was considerate enough to pull Soarin out of Rainbow too, leaving the mare standing tall all alone for a moment, before she finally relaxed and let her legs give out. She flashed him a satisfied smile as she lay collapsed on the floor.

"Well, good job you two," Soarin complimented them, "See how well you work as a team once you quit bickering?"

"Yes, sir," the two ponies said in unison, just happy to have escaped punishment.

"Excellent," Soarin said with a smile, happy to see his lesson had sunk in. He had hoped he wouldn't have to dole out such harsh punishments to two of his best flyers. "Now, I think we could use a good shower. We're all a mess," he observed with a laugh.

Thunderlane had to agree as his eyes shifted between the two in front of him. Rainbow and Soarin's wings and backs were both coated with his cum, dripping down past their haunches and mixing with the cum pooling out of their asses and Rainbow's cunt onto the floor. Soarin's face was matted with Rainbow's cum, and the fur around Rainbow's crotch was in a similar state. For his own part, Thunderlane could still feel Soarin's cum soaking into his mane and fur, and his cock and balls were soaked with a variety of fluids. All three were coated with sweat from head to hoof, and he was sure they all reeked of sex. A shower sounded like a really good idea right now, and he could tell Rainbow agreed as they began to follow Soarin into the showers.

"Where do you two think you're going?" he asked, raising an eyebrow as he questioned the two.

"Umm, the shower," Rainbow replied with hesitation, sensing a trap.

"Not yet you're not," Soarin said with a wry smile. "I seem to recall you both owing me a hundred laps around the base."

"What?" Thunderlane asked incredulously, "But we both managed to do what you told us to do."

"Yeah, and so you don't have to fufill those other punishments. But the hundred laps was for your arguing before that, and you still owe me that."

"But you said-"

"-nothing to imply you getting out of those laps, just that I didn't want to make you do them right that moment. Now get flying, you two," Soarin ordered. "First one to finish, get cleaned up, and report to mess can join me and High Winds tonight. Loser's spending it with Spitfire and Fleetfoot, and I'll warn you now that I saw Fleetfoot getting her bondage stuff ready earlier on my flight back from the reserve barracks."

Soarin smiled as Thunderlane and Rainbow shared a look of horror. Everypony who had ever spent a night with those two mares when the decided to get 'kinky' developed an innate sense of dread when they heard Fleetfoot was unpacking her fetish gear. The two ponies took off like a shot, desperate to not come in second place. Soarin chuckled, then turned his back to them and trotted into the shower. There was nothing like a hot shower to help a stallion relax after a busy day.