> The Alone Boy I'm > by Dragontamer99 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > survival is hard (edited) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the dark of the early morning, before the sunlight poured over the horizon, there was a little boy that sat alone, abandoned at an orphanage by his parents who could no longer afford to feed him or take care of him, let alone give him any kind of a future. In the cold, damp morning the boy’s father had his heartbroken wife in one arm, crying into his shoulder, and in the other, he had and his precious little boy only two years old, who he loved with all his heart, comfortably wrapped in his blanket sleeping peacefully in his cradle. The boy’s father gently placed his son at the foot of the orphanage door and the mourning couple kissed their little boy's beautiful sleeping head, said their last goodbye, rang the doorbell and left their two-year-old child alone at the door of the orphanage. 7 years later “What, no, not again! You can’t just leave me out there it’s freezing cold!” The young boy now nine years old tried pleading with one of the matrons as she pushed him out the door. “Well then, maybe next time you won’t be so greedy and unappreciative of what you get,” said the matron in her usual patronizing voice and then shut the door in my face. I then heard an audible click meaning she locked it like always. I considered arguing with her but over the years I've learned that they'll just keep the doors locked longer if I talk back. To think I’ve learned this over years of experience is just sad. The worst part about it is I didn’t even do anything wrong, I just complained to myself that they never feed us enough and I’ve heard several other people say that directly to one of the matrons and they got a slap on the wrist but if I voice any complaints, no matter how quietly, they’ll just throw me outside for a few hours. That’s just because I am the most disliked orphan there and it’s mostly because I’m too smart for my age but it also doesn’t help that I'm not that nice looking either. I start walking down a few blocks to an electronics store to watch the T.V.’s in the storefront. I remember the way pretty easily because I go there most of the time I'm locked out of the orphanage. It’s funny to think I know some of the streets better than the halls in the orphanage but that could be attributed to the fact that I’m only allowed in a few rooms such as our military like sleeping room, the cafeteria, the bathroom, and the auditorium where they just keep us most of the time to supposedly ‘play’ but everyone knows they put us there so they don’t have to deal with us. I’m about a block away from the electronics store when I step on something and crack some glass that was on it. I pick it up carefully to not cut myself and it’s a small toy compass from a kids meal, I decide to pocket it because you never know when something like that might be helpful even though it looks broken. I get to the electronics store and sit on the cold concrete sidewalk and watch the T.V. for a few hours, it’s playing some wilderness survival show. They seem to always play those shows, every now and then they would play a cartoon which I preferred but I still enjoyed the survival shows. Some of the things they say on the show have actually helped me in surviving the cold while locked outside and even helped me eat once when they locked me outside for the entire day, yeah the whole day! A while back I stole a length of rope and a lighter from the orphanage because I knew they would come in handy. The lighter to start a fire if I needed one and I saw, on one of those wilderness shows, how to make a rope into a snare trap that ties up the animal above your head and so I took the rope in case the matrons ever decided to stop feeding me. They haven’t yet but I used the rope to snare up a squirrel to eat the time they locked me out the whole day. Honestly, I’ve noticed the punishments have been getting longer and that they’ve been more frequent, I’m starting to think that they're just locking me outside to see how long I’ll survive and that they're hoping that I just drop dead somewhere on some doorstep because It’s very clear none of them care for me. I never have liked this orphanage and I never really liked any of the orphans either, It’s probably because I blame them all for what happened to me, I shouldn’t be thinking like this, and I shouldn’t be this smart I’m just nine and yet I’m focusing on how to survive and learning how to hunt and start fires. I could only imagine what else I could be doing right now If I ever had parents or If I would have just had a normal home. When I was younger I couldn’t do much and the first time they threw me out was when I was five, all I could do was cry until they eventually let me back in. When I was around seven they stopped letting me in when I cried so I learned to stop crying after a while and soon just stopped altogether. Soon after I stopped crying I went out to explore the streets, but never too far so I wouldn't get lost and when I was eight I stole the lighter and the rope and was punished heavily for it but I was used to it by then. I look up and notice how low the sun is and realize It’s going to get dark soon, so I get up and head back to the orphanage, most likely they’ve unlocked it by now they usually do when it starts getting dark. I get lost in thought on the way there. ‘All of my sufferings could have been avoided if they would have let me get adopted. Years ago when I was like six, and before they got the idea to throw me out so I wouldn't get adopted, someone came to adopt an orphan and they saw me and talked to me for a while and then they said they wanted to adopt me. That was the happiest I’ve ever been in my life and one of a few happy memories in that place, but for some reason, the matrons wouldn’t have it and they said I was already adopted by someone and that they were coming tomorrow to get me. The moment I heard that my heart shattered and it felt like my very soul had shattered and from then on I have always hated the matrons. I knew they were lying and I tried to say something but my mouth couldn’t move, I was in a horrific shock. Later that night I cried until my eyes hurt and my mouth was dry as sand. Every adoption since then they threw me outside for the whole day to ensure I would never get adopted.’ I got to the orphanage and tried the door and to my slight surprise, it was unlocked. I walked straight to the cafeteria where everyone was already eating at a table with their friends. Not one person so much as looked over at me, they all knew who I was and they all generally disliked me because the matrons would punish them if they even talked to me. I ate as much as they would give me for dinner which was pretty small and then went to my room. I just sat there, staring out the window, hoping to be taken away from this awful place. While looking out the window I saw a shooting star go across the sky, normally I don’t believe in that crap but really, why not? So I made a wish. “Almighty star, Almighty star, I wish on you tonight with my wish of might. I wish I may, I wish I might have the wish I wish tonight,” I said out loud and then in my head told my wish. ‘No matter how far away it is I do not want to be trapped here any longer, I want to be free, away from this place, away from everybody here, and away from everybody that wants to hurt me. I want to be away from these people, put me somewhere nice, somewhere peaceful, anywhere really I just want to be out of this place. Anywhere that I can go and be far away from the darkness that holds me to the orphanage. I do not want to be here, I want to be free, free from this place, free from these people, free from the corruption, and free from the pollution of this city. Somewhere nice where I could make a friend, somewhere that has people with just a little bit of kindness, somewhere I'm not tossed around and thrown like a bean bag. Somewhere I’m not tossed out into the cold and rainy outside, somewhere I can just be and have someone that cares for me as a mother would.’ There it is and there it goes. That was the most perfect wish I have ever made. I made it from my heart and I threw it out the window. Wasted it on some stupid star. I know wishes don't come true, but, I just hope it does, because what else can I do? Who knows maybe wishes do come true? Who knows. It was getting pretty late so I laid on my bed, closed my eyes, and everything went black. The next thing I know I start to wake up from the intense brightness of the sun but I don’t get up. I just lie in bed with my eyes closed because I don’t want to have to start another horrible day. However, the sun is relentless and continues to beat down on my eyelids screaming at me to wake. I remember waking up many times in my room before and the sun was never that bright and never directly on my face, so I finally get up because I know something is wrong. When I open my eyes I am momentarily blinded by the sun and instinctively close them again. I then wipe the sleep from my eyes with my shirt, sit up, and slowly open them up. Instantly I know I’m not in the orphanage, but where am I? Once my eyes finally adjust I see that I'm in a forest. “What the-. How the heck did I get here.” I’m in a forest, a lush, green, and very bright forest. Wait, the air. I take a deep breath and to my surprise, it’s very clean and refreshing, like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. There’s no pollution, none at all, I guess I’m not in the city anymore. It feels really clean here even though I’m in the forest, It’s so weird. I don't entirely know how to describe what it’s like, it’s just strange. Another thing is just how bright it was here, like imagine staring at the sun but it didn’t burn as bad. Also why again am I in a forest? Like how did I get here, there wasn’t a forest for miles back in the city and now all around me, in every direction, I see nothing but thick, lush, forestry. Maybe the matrons decided to get rid of me for good and dropped me in the middle of this forest while I was sleeping. Except there aren’t any tire tracks or roads near here unless they dropped me out of a plane but that couldn’t be because I would be dead or at least have a parachute. So then where exactly am I? Also, how the frick do I get out? I stand up and walk around a little bit before finally accepting I’m completely lost without even an idea of where I was or which way the nearest civilization was. I go through my pockets to see what I have to work with. I find my lighter and that broken compass. Sadly my lighter didn’t have much fuel left in it, maybe enough to start three or four fires and that’s it, I’ll have to use it wisely. I play with the compass a little bit to see if it works but the fluid is mostly drained out and it doesn't spin anymore. I decide to just start walking in a direction and see what happens, so I pick the path that looks the easiest to walk through and start my journey to who knows where for who knows how long. I stop when I realize I’m just going in circles and am not making any progress. I try to think of something from those wilderness shows to help me navigate this forest but nothing came to mind. Wait! I faintly remember something about moss on trees always growing … aghh. I don’t know maybe west or south or north, I don’t know. Uhh, why didn’t I pay more attention to those shows. Man, this is so dumb. I’m nine years old, I shouldn’t be trying to survive in the woods, I should be having fun playing with other kids. Once again I blame the matrons for making me this way, screw that orphanage for damning me to this fate. Okay, Okay, Okay. Lets focus, I need to get somewhere better than here. Alright so I have two options, one, keep walking in circles and hope I find some sort of path or civilization, or two, I could follow this moss and travel in whatever direction It takes me. I decided on the moss because I’ve been walking around in circles for a while and I'm getting tired of it. So I find a nearby tree with some moss on it and start walking in that direction. I follow the moss for what feels like hours, but I’m not really sure how long it was. I was starting to get pretty hungry and thirsty and the best I could do was hope I was going in the right direction. My thoughts were cut off by a rushing noise that I couldn’t quite place at first, but I started walking towards it and soon realized it was a river. My dry mouth forced me to run towards it almost immediately and I soon came to, what was less of a river and more of a stream, but it was still flowing water and I was thankful. I was just about to dunk y head in to start gulping it down when I heard a faint little voice in my head ring out “While it may be tempting to want to just start drinking the water immediately, you have to stop and boil the water because you can never know what bacteria are in it.” It was a memory from one of those wilderness survival shows and I remember that you did have to boil it first. I stopped my head from plunging into the water and just sat there staring at myself in the water “Dang it! How am I supposed to boil this.” I said to my reflection. I sat back on the ground while pondering ways to boil the water without something that won’t burn, but I ultimately came up with nothing. I decided to give up on the water for now and walk along the stream towards somewhere. Maybe there was a little town nearby that used the river to drink and farm. Where there are people there has to be water right? I don’t know whether to walk upstream or downstream but then I realize that upstream means a higher elevation so I start to walk upstream to at least get a better view from some higher ground. I walk a long time until my feet get tired. I missed a step because my feet were so tired and it caused me to trip and fall into the river, so now I was soaking wet. When I got out of the river and tried to dry myself off I saw some wolves. Except they weren’t wolves because they were made out of what appeared to be logs of wood. So I duck into the river bed and cover myself with dirt and leaves. I hear them approach and sniff around. They start to sniff my pile of dirt and leaves. I feel myself start to sweat and I realize I’m holding my breath. My mind starts racing and I almost get up and make a run for it, but then I hear them continue to walk along the edge of the river and eventually out of earshot. I slowly get up out of the pile of dirt and leaves and start to wipe the dirt off of me but my soaked clothes only made it smear across them and made me appear completely covered in mud. What the heck were those things! They were like mutated wolves but they were completely made out of wood! How is that possible? They looked like they were from some sort of book of a fairy tale. Ugh, I need to get out of here and back to some sort of civilization. I try to start walking again but my feet don’t cooperate with me and I fall back into the river. While this helps wash away some of the mud, It also makes me freezing cold in the process and now I’m shivering. If I was ever going to fall asleep before, now I feel as awake and aware as ever. After the long and tiring day without any food or water, I’m now starving and crazy thirsty. These have to be fixed now, so I collect firewood from around the forest while my mind races desperately to think of something to boil water in. When I get back from collecting my wood I think of something, of course, how could I be so dumb. I put down the firewood and break off the small branches and start the fire with my lighter. Then I feed the bigger branches until it can sustain itself. Then I dig up a bunch of clay from the river bed and ball it up until it’s relatively held together and then I take a stone and press it into the ball to make a cavity in it to act as a makeshift cup made from clay. I make sure there are no cracks or leaks and I put it in the fire to harden. I remembered them making pottery from clay on one of the survival shows to hold different things like food, spices, sugar, and to carry water. I figured that if I baked some clay that it would work relatively the same as long as it was sealed so water couldn’t pour out. While I let the clay pot harden in the fire I set out to look for some food. I looked around for a little while and found nothing but mushrooms which I knew better than to try eating because they were most likely poisonous. Sadly defeated by finding nothing to eat I started to head back to the fire when I saw a rabbit that had been impaled in the foot by a rather sharp looking root sticking out of the ground. I took out my compass and broke off as big a piece of glass as I could, Wrapped my shirt around one end, and slit the rabbit’s throat with the pointed edge. I felt bad that I had to kill it but what else could I really do. I grab the rabbit and head back to the fire to clean up my kill. I got to the fire and fed it some more wood because it was looking low and then placed the rabbit against a big and flattish rock. I then proceed to de-fur it, gut it, and wash everything that doesn’t look like meat down the river. I almost threw up from watching all that go down the river but I looked away and held it together. I washed my hands off in the river and removed the clay pot with a stick to cool down so I could boil some water. I created a makeshift spit and skewered the rabbit meat with it and set it over the fire to cook. After a while, I guessed that the meat was done cooking and took it down from the spit to cool. I decided that the pot was cooled off enough and splashed water on it to make sure it wouldn’t burn me. I filled it with water and let it boil for a while. I took it off the fire when it started to boil over the pot and let it cool off while I ate the rabbit meat which was a little burned but, oh well. When I finished with the meat I thirstily chugged all of the water and felt it’s incredible refreshing and rehydrating qualities hit my extremely dry throat. I made several more pots and drank until I was thirsty no more. I went and collected a bunch of very big leaves to fashion into a bed and then laid down next to the fire, covered in leaves, and very quickly fell asleep. Fluttershy was flying overhead when she saw a pillar of smoke rising from the forest. “Oh my, there's going to be a fire in the forest, I guess I should go tell somepony else who can help. No Fluttershy, that fire needs to be put out now, no matter how scared you are. Just think of all the adorable little woodland creatures that could get hurt or worse if you don’t stop that fire right now.” So against Fluttershy's own will and scared nature to get as far away from the fire as possible, she went in to try and stop it, or at least get all the animals to safety > The journey to the town > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Fluttershy heads towards the smoke she says to herself. “Oh dear, I really do hope it’s not a big forest fire.” As she approached the smoke, an incredibly loud and vicious roar came from inside the woods. Fluttershy screamed and instinctively snapped her wings together, and then started falling like a rock.  “Darn it Fluttershy, stop being so scared.” she scolded herself. “Open up your wings now before you really hurt yourself”. Right as she began to open up her wings, a branch smacked her head and she was knocked out instantly, but thankfully her unconscious body landed right into a bush so her fall was slightly cushioned. Meanwhile, the little boy slept through the entire night not having to worry about any creatures like the ones he saw before because they were scared of the fire and had all made their way out of the area thinking there was going to be a forest fire. The awoke peacefully and rather warm from what was left of the fire. He got up, collected his pot, the shard of glass, and his lighter and put them into his pockets when he got a great idea. So before he went off he kicked some dirt over the fire so it wouldn’t catch the forest ablaze, and went searching the forest for just the right stick. He finally found it, a relatively straight stick, not too long, and not too skinny and weak. He then cut open a little notch in the stick to fit his shard of glass in, broke some bark off the tree, and glued the stick and glass together with some tree sap. Then he tied it together with some long strands of grass and then coated them in more sap to hold together better. Perfect, now he had a knife and could cut things and defend himself if he had too. The boy starts to wonder if this is just some dream, because how could all of this be real! He thinks about it while making his way back to the stream. It’s definitely not a dream for only one reason. The rabbit he ate was real, and it was something he had eaten and digested, he tasted it and it was way too real to be a dream. Also the water and how thirsty he had been, I’ve never been thirsty in a dream and then had it go away when I drank in the dream. It was too impossible for this to be just a dream, but wasn’t it just as impossible for it to be real?  Some of the creatures here look normal like the rabbit he killed but then again what about those wolves made of wood. Also on my walk upstream I swear I saw some sort of rabbit with giant antlers, but I think I chalked it up to just being tired. I get back to the place where I camped out and continued to walk along the stream for a little while but I came to an intersection where several smaller streams broke off from the bigger one in front of me. I was, up until that point, on one of the smaller ones so I jumped over another smaller one and walked along the bigger stream which could easily be called a river because it was pretty deep and the water was flowing fairly fast. I walked along the river until I saw a huge hill overlooking what appeared to be a cliff. When I had finally climbed the gigantic hill I saw it wasn’t a cliff because in the distance there was the other side to the cliff. It was a big canyon! On the other side of the canyon, I saw something that I couldn’t quite make out until some of the clouds blew away. It was a giant castle! No, really I was staring right at a big stone castle, like something from the medieval ages. It was sitting on the edge of the canyon and there was very little rock underneath to support it. Almost as if someone was trying to carve away as much as they could while keeping it still supported. It didn’t look entirely possible, but I’m not exactly an architect. In the distance I could make out something else, although it was much further away It kind of looked like a village or at least from what I could see. I could just about make out a single house almost right up against the forest but I’m pretty sure there’s got to be more than just one house. I scan the area for anything else that might prove me right about the village but I find nothing until I look down. I saw these strange black creatures. I mean there’s nothing wrong with being black, I’m not judging, but these things were completely black, not just dark-skinned but completely black. It’s almost as if no light could escape from it, it was so dark. They also had holes all over them like swiss cheese, or it was drilled into several times. They took the basic form of a horse but they had a big horn coming out of their head and bug-like wings. Almost like a unicorn but with bug wings, but even the horn and wings had holes in them, and they didn’t look peaceful or majestic as you would imagine a unicorn but like they were vile creatures and in pain at the same time, I kind of pity them because they look in pain. I decided to call them swiss cheese creatures and move back down the hill to go find that village. Once at the bottom of the hill I find a problem with getting to that village. It's on the other side of the river and up this far the river was too deep, wide, and fast-flowing to cross. I decide to hike back to the split of the river so It would be easier to cross it. I make it around halfway to the split of the river when, out of the corner of my eye, I spot something poking out of the bushes. It looked mostly pink with a little bit of a cream-yellow showing through the leaves but they weren’t normal looking colors, they were very bright like they were neon. It’s figure somewhat resembled a horse and I want to try and cross the river to get a better look at it but the river is still too big here and I don’t know if It’s dangerous, so I continue on in my endeavor and decide to maybe come back to it once I’ve crossed the river. I get to the split in the river and cross over to the other side without a problem. Then I stop, remembering that weird bright pink and yellow looking horse. I’m not sure whether I should go look at it or just leave it alone because it’s probably some weird creature that wants to eat me. Do I want to be the cat that was killed by curiosity or do I want to be safe and at the village and finally be back in civilization again. "Damn it, I don't know what to do. do I go to that strange creature or do I just leave it alone like a normal person.” I argue with myself out loud like an idiot because I feel like I can’t make up my mind “Honestly, what do I do? I’m just stuck between a rock and a hard place. Do I risk my life, on something that might want to eat me like those wolves had, just to sedate my curiosity about his place?” I stupidly let my curiosity get the better of me and I go to look at it because I’ve been getting a lot of questions about this place and I want some answers. I get out my knife just in case I have to fight this thing off, and I head back up the river, this time on the other side to get some answers and then I’ll head to that village. As I walk I finally get this image into my mind. ‘I’m a nine-year-old boy and I’m hiking through a dangerous and unknown forest on my own, with a knife, made from glass and a stick, as my only defense, and an almost spent lighter and a makeshift clay bowl as my only way of survival.’ All of this because of that stupid orphanage and their stupid matrons. This sucks. I finally reach that pink and yellow horse thing after a long walk. I look into the bushes and instead of getting answers, I was only met with a million more questions. The creature looked as if a horse did ten kilos of a cartoon drug and was on an all-time high on cartoon and color. The color was the most bright and vibrant thing I’ve seen and the whole thing looked animated as hell. It looked like a cartoon beat a horse to death and then cranked the brightness and color up one thousand percent. I decided to pull it further out of the bushes because it didn’t look dangerous. So I put my knife in my pocket and was ready to drag a small horse around my height out of the bushes, which I guess meant it wasn’t a horse but a pony, which should have weighed a lot but when I pulled on It, It wasn’t even half the weight of what I expected. I pulled it out more and almost completely got it out when I saw the wings on it. “What the hell! What! The! HELL!” I screamed at this impossible creature because ponies didn't have wings and no creature on earth had these types of wings. “What the hell is this thing?” I fell back against the ground with the extremely bright, cartoon, pink and yellow pony with wings at my feet. I stared up looking at the sky and screamed “WHERE THE HELL AM I!?” It was so loud the birds in the surrounding trees took off flying in every direction. I sighed a heavy sigh and realized that I was on some sort of weird freaking drug or I’m in a different world because no way in hell were these things on earth. It just couldn’t be. It was just straight-up impossible. I got up and made the small hike to the town in the general direction I remember it being. I was going to make my way to the first person I saw and ask them about that weird freaking pony thing. When I got to the town I could nothing but sit there in utter horror as I saw several of those horrid brightly colored ponies walking around. It felt like I was so high almost if I had been sipping on straight Chlorine. Well, It was Confirmed I’m on another planet entirely. That or I’ve lost my mind and am suffering a mental breakdown in a hospital room while I’m super hyped up on some extreme clinical drug. Maybe I kicked up one of those mushrooms and I’m hallucinating on the spores that were shot up. No matter what happened to me it’s very clear that. I’M. NOT. OK. I promise. > the meeting > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The longer I stared at this bizarre and completely impossible image, the more insane it got. I saw at least two more of the creatures that had wings, like the pink and yellow one, fly by each other. They appeared to be… Wait. No. It couldn’t be. THEY WERE TALKING TO EACH OTHER!!! What? How? Why? Literally, everything I’m seeing is impossible and can’t be happening right now. I continue to stare at the village in utter shock and horror as I wondered what kind of jelly bean, sugary, way too colorful drugs I was on. I briefly consider the possibility that they knocked me out, put me on a rocket, and launched me onto some faraway planet but I quickly deem that pretty much impossible for its sheer improbability. I mean seriously though what am I even looking at, this is like some strange faraway alien planet from some cartoon that would be playing in that electronics storefront I visit. I try to think of anything to do at all but my brain is completely fried, I have no response to this like my brain is having a stroke. The only thing that I can think to do is walk out into the middle of this town. It may be an incredibly stupid Idea but let's just see what happens, and honestly, how much worse could this get, that and I wanted answers. I get up from my little hiding bush and slowly and cautiously walk into the middle of the town square. I’m quickly noticed by the seemingly sentient ponies, and they appear confused, concerned, maybe a little scared, and they all appear to talk with one another with muffled and shushed snorts and nasal exhales. I must be imagining them talking to each other because that is literally way too impossible for me to even consider, like, I mean, they’re animals. Granted, very bright, cartoon animals, but still animals nonetheless, right? Apart from their bodies they looked like they were almost human, like they were sentient, like they could perceive, understand, and process the world around them like they could think like they had intelligence. If this wasn’t the strangest thing to ever happen in the universe, then I feel scared to imagine what could be worse than this. As they continued to stare at me I started to get worried that they would chase me around and beat me up like some sort of monster. Instantly I cringe at the word that passed through my head, that’s what they called me in the orphanage, a monster. A being that was so unlike them they hated it and chased it away wherever it went. Maybe I am a monster. I try to walk away from the gathering crowds but they follow me and eventually I'm enclosed and surrounded by a crowd of bright cartoon ponies. Why were they following me? It was like I really was some strange monster or like I’m completely out of this world like I’m an alien. Then I’m struck with realization, and it hit hard, like a truck smashing into a brick wall. I flashback to the night I wished upon that shooting star, the night I begged to be taken from that awful place and to be somewhere, anywhere else. If my wish really did come true then why am I in a strange land filled with very bright cartoon ponies that were somehow sentient and mobbing me by the minute? Why did it bring me here? I mean this isn't what I had imagined when I wanted to be free of the pollution and corr… up… tion. UGH! I smack myself on the head mentally for being so slow, of course, my wish came true, technically, this is exactly what I wished for. I can’t believe that my stupid wish actually came true, I mean that sort of thing only happens in cartoons. Ugh. What the hell do I do now? While I was pondering what really happened, I was cut short when five of the bright and colorful ponies walked up to me, and the purple one in the middle looked pretty upset for some reason. I was caught off guard when they came up to me and started angrily huffing at me. 15 minutes earlier Twilight was in her library having a nice day, reading her books in peace. She was about to finish reading her book and was waiting for her friends to arrive for their weekly picnic when… CRASH!!! Twilight was startled and had to catch a few books as they fell off their shelves and then sighed at seeing her window broken through by her prismatic friend. Her voice, now filled with an annoyed tone, called out "Rainbow Dash! What did I say about smashing into my library." "Um.... knock before coming in?" responded Rainbow dash, still recovering from the crash herself. Twilight just sighed in response, "Well next time try to crash anywhere else except my house because now I have a broken library window and I almost had to reshelve right before our picnic.” Rainbow immediately perked up "Oh yeah, that’s why I came here. I went over to Fluttershy's house to see if she needed help with the animals and when I got there she was just gone. I looked around her house but didn’t see her anywhere. So I thought she might have come here early, so have you two been hanging out together reading boring books? Twilight sighed "You read books too you know,” Rainbow shook off the impact from the crash and replied “Yeah but I read cool and awesome books, you guys just read boring egghead books and Fluttershy's gross romance novels.” Dash pointed her hoof at the back of her mouth and made a gagging sound Twilight shook off Dash’s comment and replied “Whatever, and no, I haven't seen her at all today. Come to think of it I didn’t see her all of yesterday either.” Rainbow replied with a look of confusion and concern. “That’s strange, Fluttershy would have told us if she couldn’t go to the picnic. She’s not one to just up and leave. Do you think something happened to her?” Twilight was a little concerned because she knew Fluttershy would’ve said something if she was going out of town and especially if she had to cancel the picnic. It was a little strange that she's been gone for a whole day without letting any of her friends know. “I doubt anything has happened to her, I mean she’s got that bear that always protects her, so I think she’s probably fine. Just to be safe though we'll ask the girls if they’ve seen her and If no one has we can all go looking for her.” As the two were conversing, a random pony burst through the door huffing and puffing. They stare right at Twilight and say "Come quick, there’s a strange creature in the town square, I think it might be dangerous. We need your help!” Twilight's mood did a full one-eighty and she was very annoyed. “I swear if it’s more of those dang timberwolves out and about again. We’ve got to do something to stop them from getting into town all the time. Both Rainbow Dash and Twilight walk outside to go deal with this ‘dangerous creature’. While on their way to the town square they run into Applejack and Rarity talking while on their way to the golden oaks library and when they greet each other Pinkie slowly drifts to the ground being lowered slowly by a bunch of balloons tied to a plate of numerous cupcakes. Pinkie chimes into all their greetings with “Hey guys are you all ready to get these delicious cupcakes into your faces at this awesome picnic!” Twilight spoke up and told all her friends about the dangerous creature they had to deal with first. All of their moods seemed to sour except Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash. “Aww man, can’t wait to beat some timberwolf but right before an awesome picnic” replied Rainbow Dash who was eager to get into action. Twilight was still upset at the whole window predicament but was even more upset that they had to postpone their picnic for some tinder wolves. Present Time I just stare at the annoyed and confused looking purple pony that seems to be trying to say something but all I’m hearing is just loud huffing and snorts. I wonder what’s got it all worked up. Then the pony’s look like they're about to charge at me and so I grab my makeshift knife and prepare to defend myself. I’m about to make the first move when I stop and think about the situation around me. I’m completely outnumbered so I look over my ‘enemies’. Somehow without hands or fingers, an orange pony is swinging a lasso swinging above its head. Also, the mad purple pony and white pony both had horns, so somehow in this very messed up world there were talking ponies that spoke in huffs and snorts but some also had wings, horns, and can use lassos? The white unicorn looked at me in disgust like I was some out of fashion piece of clothing, I then realized I’m in tattered clothes covered in mud, bloodstains, and who knows what else. Then the next one is a normal pony without wings or horns but that’s where the word normal stops for it. It was completely pink, head to toe pink, even it’s hair was pink and a completely poofy mess. In an instant, she goes from some sort of serial killer smile to a frown and flashes next to me and flashes away and I’m just left sitting there with a piece of paper in my hands with some illegible chicken scratch on it. Then the final one is a cyan blue pony with hypnotizing, bright, rainbow hair, and it’s just flying in place above the ground like it was a completely normal thing. I couldn’t exactly tell but it looked like it wanted to punch me and just straight-up fight me. I decided that I can’t win a fight against five ponies, even if they weren’t as strong as normal horses. I was still just a little boy, I mean really what could I do with my stick and glass. I then see a small purple dragon run-up to the purple unicorn and that almost makes me faint. Seriously. There were bright cartoon ponies, some could fly, and some were unicorns, and apparently, they talk in some sort of horse Latin but now there's a small dragon as well. Then it gets worse, the dragon says something to the purple pony in their cryptic horse Latin. Yep, that’s right, A TALKING DRAGON!!! I think that's it for me, that's all I can take. I instantly give up and I toss my so-called knife to the ground and fall to my knees and scream “WHY ME!!!!” I was ready to be beaten up by these ponies when I heard a voice say “How. How the heck...” I perk up immediately when I hear it. Someone else is speaking English. I’m surprised and extremely relieved to know that someone here can speak English. I don’t necessarily want to talk to a dragon but It’s my only option. “You! I can understand you. Can you understand me?” The dragon turned to me with Its jaw wide open, apparently surprised that I can speak. All it could muster was a slight nod as It stared in disbelief. “Great, I need you to tell them something for me.” Spike’s P.O.V. - 15 minutes earlier I was sleeping peacefully until I heard a loud crash and the shattering of a window down in the library. “Ugh.” I groaned, knowing that it was rainbow and knowing I would again have to clean up shards of glass off the floor, but I rolled over to hopefully get a few more minutes of sleep before starting the day. Unfortunately, my body was keen on making me suffer and refused to go back to sleep. “ Fine, I’ll get up,” I say to myself. “I guess It’s time to go get breakfast.” I walk down the stairs to see Rainbow and Twilight rush out the door with another unknown pony, with twilight looking more than displeased. “I’ll catch up to them after I eat.” and then I head into the kitchen with much anticipation. I only had a light breakfast because I wanted to see why Twilight and Rainbow ran out the door in such a hurry. I found them in the town square with a huge herd of ponies gathering around something I couldn’t quite make out through the crowd. I went up to twilight and was terrified to see what everyone was looking at. It was some weird creature similar in form to him but taller, without a tail, It had a bit of hair on the top of its head, and it had no spikes or scales, only skin. The moment I got there it stared at me in disbelief, as if I was the strange creature. I nudged Twilight and asked her what the hay that thing was, but before she could answer the monster dropped its weapon, fell to its knees, and screamed out ‘why me’. A chill ran through my spine at the very words. That language, how could he possibly know it and speak it. My jaw almost hit the ground and all I could mutter was “How. How the heck…” This creature that doesn’t belong here is somehow speaking that language. But how? It said “You! I can understand you. Can you understand me?” I was so stunned the thing could speak that language that I couldn’t even respond. All I could do was just slightly nod my head. Then It said “Great, I need you to tell them something for me.”