> Red Hawk > by NinjaMare > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue: Meeting of Two Races > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Soaring the vast emptiness of the clear blue skies, a coated figure was flying on crimson feathered wings. If one would have to make a comparison to the figure, it would most likely be an angel, except, this feathered wing humanoid was no mythological divine entity. He is simply flesh and bone, and maybe a little bit of something else. The human looked to be a young Caucasian man, probably just entering his twenties, with a head of matted brown hair with blonde streaks. As for his eye coloration, his left is blue in color, while his right eye is green. The young man continues to fly through the skies, in search of something familiar. You see a few hours ago, the winged man was flying over the Arizona desert, enjoying the time to be able to fly freely without restrictions, and where no other humans would ever be able to see him. But during his flight the winged man saw something, or rather a someone. A kid, not sure by gender, with flowing black, purple & blue hair just appeared out of nowhere, and slam right into the winged man. A moment of trying to shield himself the young man felt the kid slam into him…then felt a horrible sense of vertigo, and was being warped and twisted like a gum machine. A moment later the winged man noticed the kid was no longer flailing or screaming, and when he opened his wings and managed to correct himself from his free falling, but that’s when he noticed that he wasn’t over the Arizona Desert’s anymore, or that the kid wasn’t even around anymore. So now the winged man was flying through the skies, looking for anything that seemed…familiar. The young man continued to fly through air before landing on a rocky cliff edge, in the midst’s of a forest. Upon landing the young man sits in a crouched over position, wings slightly encasing him as he looks the whole forest over, while also giving his wings a rest. As the young man continued to scan the area, his eyes zoomed in on everything that caught his attention, but it mostly just birds flying off, animals scuttling about in the underbrush. Turning his vision back to normal, the young man lets out a sigh as he brings a hand to his face, before rubbing it. “How in the world did I go from flying over the desert, to flying over what looks like central America.” The young man said before looking up to the sky. “And who the hell was that kid, obviously an Un-Natural if that hair was anything to go by. But still, that begs the question…did he or she bring me here?” The young man hangs his head as he continued to just rest himself up before taking flight again, but before he opened his wings the young man heard some commotion down below. Turning his head to where the noise was coming from, the young man could see through the branches what looked like a herd of horses, but strangely, the horses were pretty small. And for some reason they looked really colorful. With his curiosity now peaked the young man opened his wings, and took flight after the herd, as the browning leaves started to fall behind the herd. “Okay…I think it’s safe to say, this is definitely not the US…” the young man said as he follows the galloping herd, really seeing them in their full colored glory. “Actually, I don’t think that this is probably not even Earth?” The young man continues to fly just a little behind the herd of horses, or ponies, it was hard to tell the species from his distance and not getting actual good look at their forms. But what little that he can make out is that, these equines are not only colorful, but they also looked pretty close to that of a plushie, as they had fairly round bodies rather than the more stockier build that horses have. “Watch Out!” A squeaky feminine voice cried out, causing the young man to look away from the herd…and crashed right into a hot air balloon. Causing it to topple and fall down to the ground. the young man managed to pull himself out of the balloon, he gripped it as tight as he could as he starts flapping his wings. “Hang on, I’ll bring you down slowly.” The young man said as he did just that, descending down to the ground. As the hot air balloon was brought to the ground, the galloping herd stopped in their tracks, and turned to look back at the descending balloon. the basket landed with a soft thud, and scrambling out of it was a pink equine with an equally curly pink mane & tail. The sight of such a creature caused the young man to gawk for only a moment, but he recovered quickly as the herd galloped towards their pink member, but stopped just a few feet when they noticed the young man as he landed. His large red wings folding up against his body, almost taking the shape of a cape as the wings folded over his shoulders. And now that the young man is closer to the herd, he was able to fully see their features, and was actually impressed in the array of colors they were in. in terms of height, these ponies, he finally judged the species, were no bigger than a large dog, coming up to just above his waist line. Which was around 4’2ft, but some seemed shorter, or taller by a few inches or even a whole foot. “Pinkie, are you alright?” a purple, or lavender, colored pony which looked like an adorable unicorn, broke from the herd, and trotted up to the pink pony. Who apparently was called Pinkie. “I’m alright Twiliy!” Pinkie said in a high-pitched voice, before pointing a hoof over her withers, surprising the young man with how flexible her limb was. “This big guy held onto the balloon, and brought me down slowly. It did give me a little bit of fright when he crashed into the balloon, but everything is fine now.” The ponies then looked to the young man, who held out a hand from his right wing, and waved. “Hey.” He simply said to the ponies, before looking down at the pink ones. “Sorry about crashing into your balloon, I was distracted by the others to see where I was going.” The young man said as he pointed at the herd. The pink one trotted happily over to the young man, and reared up on her hind legs reaching 5’ft in height, and giving him a hug. “No problem, and as they say: no harm no foul!” Pinkie said with a giggle. “By the way big fella, what’cha name?” the young man brought his hand over to the pink mares head, and started to give her a few ear scratches, while petting her. Which actually caused her to giggle and hum in satisfaction. “…folks just call me Red Hawk.” The young man said, not exactly sure if he should reveal his actual identity to these…colorful, ponies. “But you can call me Red, or Hawk. It doesn’t really matter to me.” Red Hawk clarified as Pinkie went back down on all fours, whining a little as the young man ceased his ear scratching, and petting. “Hey, maybe you lot can help me. You see, I was flying over a desert in my home country, and then out of nowhere I was brought here to your world.” the moment Red Hawk has said those words, the ponies started to look at one another, and were muttering to each other. “Wait! Our world…are you saying, you’re from another world?” the purple unicorn, Twilily as Pinkie called her, asked as she looked upon Red Hawk with widen eyes. To which the young man nodded. “So, can any of you give me a hand, or hoof in your case.” Red Hawk asked the little ponies. Pinkie turned to face Twilily, along with some of the other ponies. “I might be able to…but before I do, could we talk for a bit. After all, we’ve never seen anything like you before.” Twilily said, before quickly saying more. “Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Twilight Sparkle. It’s a pleasure to meet you Red Hawk.” The unicorn said as she gives a small bow. “As much as I want to get know Hawky more, you girls still have a Running of the Leaves to finish.” Pinkie said which made the herd of ponies, which Hawk just now realized sounded completely made out of nothing but mare’s, before they all started to gallop away, with Twilight joining them after a moment of hesitation. There thunderous hoof steps seem to be what’s causing the leaves on the trees to fall. “Aren’t you going to join them in this, Running of the Leaves?” Red Hawk asked the little pink mare. “Nah, I’m more of a hopper than a runner, plus I like watching more than participating.” Pinkie then looked to her balloon. “Although my balloon is out of commission.” “That shouldn’t be a problem.” Red Hawk then walked over to the balloon, and started to pack in the large balloon into the basket, before grabbing the knot tying the balloon. Pinkie seemed to catch on to what Red Hawk was up to, and hopped her way over to the basket, before flopping into the now stuffed basket. Once Pinkie was inside, Red Hawk opened his large wings, and with a few mighty flaps he was airborne, and was able to pick the basket up and quickly follow the herd of mare’s. And was keeping pace with them once he had caught up. roughly twenty or so minutes of galloping at full speed, the herd of ponies have made one large circle around the surrounding area, and when they all came to the end of their little Running of the Leaves thing, Red Hawk let Pinkie & the basket down. And like before, when he landed the crowed of ponies waiting around the finished line, all gawked at him. some in awe & wonder, but most looked as if they were scared of him. when Pinkie bounced out of the basket, four other ponies came trotting out of the crowed, well, three trotted while one was flying. And for some reason the blue pegasus among the four looked like she was ready for a fight, but as Twilight broke away from the crowed herself, she swiftly came over to the group. “Pinkie, what is THAT thing?” the blue pegasus said in a rather menacing tone. Or, at least that’s what Red Hawk thought it was supposed to be, but hearing those words come from a rather adorable looking pony, weakened its effectiveness. “Settle down there Rainbow, there’s no need to start anything.” The orange pony of the quartet said, as she bit down on the pegasus tail, and pulling her back a bit. “Don’t worry Dashie, Hawky here isn’t a threat.” Pinkie said as she patted Red Hawk’s thigh. But her friend didn’t seem to be convinced. The pegasus even gave the classic gesture of ‘I’ve got my eye on you.’, by pointing at her eyes with a hoof, before jabbing it in Red Hawk’s direction. As for the other three, the other pegasus of the group looked so meek, and was slightly hiding behind the orange pony. That looked like a ponified version of a cowgirl. The last member was a unicorn like Twilight, but this one was more petit in appearance, and looked far more elegant. Kind of like a little toy a little girl would have. Out of the group of six mares, the cowgirl looking one was definitely a lot taller than the others, about a good foot & half. The two pegasi looked to be the smallest of the group, but the pale yellow one was the more leaner one, almost like a deer. “Hawky I’d like you to meet my other close friends.” Pinkie said as started to introduce each mare. And the one called Rainbow Dash still held a suspicious glare as she stared him down. As for the one named Rarity, she was looking Red Hawk over differently as well, it was more like she was examining him. after the introductions were made Rarity took a single step towards Red Hawk, and surprising the young man when her horn lit up, and his coat was being manipulated. “I must say darling you have an interesting sense of fashion.” Rarity said, her voice sounding very fancy to Red Hawk. “It has a rustic look to it, but it appears more causal than what I usually see. And the overall design seems very interesting.” “Oh. Well, thank you.” Red Hawk said to the rather pretty mare. The young man then looked over to Twilight. “Now that this thing of yours over with, do you want to have those talks?” Twilight nodded eagerly, but before she, or any of the ponies could say or react, Pinkie bit down on Red Hawk’s left sleeve and tugged the young man towards the town. With Twilight and the other ponies, both friends and the crowd, following in suit. > Chapter 1: First Day in a New Town > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yesterday was certainly an interesting day for Red Hawk. Getting transported to a different world, meeting an alien race of adorable animated ponies, and having a pretty big party thrown for him, and then have a little Q&A session with a unicorn. It was indeed an interesting day for the young winged man, and when the day came to an end, Twilight Sparkle was more than happy to house him. Not that Red Hawk was in any hurry to go anywhere, as he was actually starting to find this place more peaceful, and so far, none of these ponies have done anything to try anything to harm him. So for the time being, Red Hawk was staying at a place called the Golden Oaks Library, a library made out of a tree. At the moment Red Hawk was enjoying an early morning flight, and by early flight, we mean that he’s flying at 3am in the morning. But flying at night is no problem for Red Hawk, as his eyes not only grant him enhanced telescopic vision, but he also has perfect night vision when he uses it. So far Red Hawk has been flying around all of Ponyville, taking in the sights, but mostly he was just flying for the fun of it. He did fly over a wide expanse of a dark forest, in fact, as he was flying over the forest, he came across something that can only be described as bear made out of the night sky. luckily, he was flying to high, so the big bear didn’t notice him, or be a threat. Even if it were, Red Hawk would have a few tricks up his sleeves to defend himself. Continuing his flight over the forest, the young man eventually came upon another interesting sight, a really crumbled up ruin that was on the other side of a pretty deep gorge. As the sun was just creeping over the horizon, Red Hawk was just making his way back to the library, landing on the balcony on the top section. Giving his wings a few stretching flaps, before folding them against his person, the young man enters the library through the balcony door. As he enters through the balcony door, Red Hawk makes a passing glance at where Twilight & and her assistant Spike, a baby dragon, sleeps which was pretty open for anyone to see. And both the unicorn and the dragon were still asleep, as it was only 4 in the morning. Leaving the sleeping pair alone the young man headed for the kitchen, however there wasn’t in the way of food for him to eat. While the ponies do have some foods that humans can eat, but those foods are either too few or far in between, most of their food is either flower, non-common edible plants for humans, oats, hay, and other things that an equine would love to eat. Another weird thing that Red Hawk noticed about the ponies diet; they eat a lot of things made with sugar. In fact most of the food that Red Hawk saw & eat at his welcoming party, was either a form of pastry, cake or baked sweet. Luckily, the ponies do eat somethings that human’s eat such as fish & eggs, and luckily Twilight has plenty of eggs in her fridge. It was also quite outstanding that ponies have some modern technology like ovens & stoves, despite their rustic and pre-industrial life style and appearance. So now Red Hawk was making an omelette, along with toast and some fresh vegetables. “Hey there Hawk.” Spike said as the little dragon shambled into the kitchen. “I would’ve made you breakfast earlier, but I slept in.” he said as he opened the fridge, and pulled out a small juice bottle. “I maybe a guest here Spike, but I like to make my own food. Also…” Red Hawk said as he looked at the dragon. “It’s four in the morning. How often do you get up for, and why?” “It’s mostly so I can get breakfast for Twilight. Seriously, if she tries to even try and cook something, it either comes out bland or taste like something pretty bad.” “…and…how old is she?” Red Hawk asked as he finished preparing his toast, and flipping his omelette. “She’s 17. But she’ll turn 18 in a week. But…why do you ask?” Spike said, a little suspicious about why Red Hawk asked such a question. “Uh-huh. And…your how old again?” Red Hawk asked instead of responding to Spikes question. “…I’m 10.” Spike said slowly. “So let me get this straight.” Red Hawk said as he turned to face Spike. “Your teenage, sort-of stepsister, makes you, a little kid, get up at 4 in the morning to make her breakfast…instead of letting her do it herself?” Spike was about to say something, but after hearing his routine spelled out like that, kind of made him give pause for thought. “I…well…I guess. I mean, that’s just how it’s always been, well, for the last 3yrs.” Spike said. Red Hawk shook his head, as he went back to preparing his breakfast. “Well, if that’s how you two do things here, far be it from me to stop it.” Red Hawk said as he began plating his food, and leaving Spike to think about a few things. About an hour or so later Red Hawk was done with his breakfast, and when he went to wash his dishes he Spike making breakfast for him, and Twilight who was now finishing cleaning herself up before coming down. When Spike & Twilight began eating their breakfast, Red Hawk was wondering through the library, scouring the books for something interesting to read. But all of them were written in a strange hieroglyphic text, with actual written text, but it wasn’t anything that Red Hawk was familiar with. As the young man was looking through the books, Twilight came down from the living quarters and when she looked towards the young man, the teenage unicorn looked over his large majestic wings over. They’re brilliant red plumage looked so beautiful in the sun light, and the muscle under the feathers looked far stronger than any pegasi wing, they sort of remind Twilight of Princess Celestia’s wings. Although, Red Hawk’s wings were far more larger in wing span, than the princess’s, even though hers were at least twice or even three time bigger than any ponies else’s. the feathers also look to be in great condition, as the light from the sun, shining through the windows, made them glisten and shine, the light also made them look so soft looking. Twilight actually wondered what it would be like to nuzzle into the wings, to feel the feathers brush against her face. “Something I can help you with Twilight?” Red Hawk asked, snapping the unicorn out of her little spaced out gaze, and causing her to get flustered for a little bit. “I was just, looking at your wings.” Twilight said, causing Red Hawk to look at his wings, fluttering them for a bit. “Is there something wrong with them?” Twilight shook her head. “No! I think they look wonderful; it’s just I’ve never seen wings like yours. They are pretty big though, isn’t difficult to move around or fly with them?” Red Hawk shook his head before turning to fully face Twilight. “Because of how tall I am, my wings need to be this big just so I can get off the ground, and fly without issue.” Red Hawk then gave a small chuckle. “I’m actually surprised that the pegasi can even get off the ground, considering how small their wings are.” “Oh, that’s because pegasus flight is mainly magical in nature. And depending how much magic a pegasus has, determines how fast, and for how long they can remain airborne.” Twilight explained as she trotted down the remaining steps, and pulled out a dark blue book, before flipping through the pages. “In this book that talks about pegasi biology, it gives a diagram on the pegasus body and the flow of magic to their wings, and how the magic is dispersed from the wings to give them the ability to fly.” “So it’s a mixture of biology, and arcane manipulation?” “Correct!” Twilight said happily as she kept the book levitated in front of her. “However there are limits to what a pegasi can do with their flight magic. For example, pegasi have a limit to how high they can fly up, as well as how much they can help shape the weather. Pegasi with very little, or to no magic, might as well be earth ponies with vestigial wings.” “Interesting.” Red Hawk said. “Luckily, I don’t have those kind of limitations, otherwise what would be the point of having wings, if you can’t even use them.” Twilight then noticed that Red Hawk had knelt down at her side, so he could get a better look at the page the book was on. When Twilight slightly turned to look at him, her face started to slightly blush a little. While Red Hawk may not have the characteristics of a pony, he does have his own features that seemed to exude charm, it was something that Twilight and a lot of other ponies noticed during the welcoming party. In fact, the longer that Twilight kept looking at Red Hawk, her small blush started to grow in brightness while spreading out more across her face. as Twilight was a rather reclusive mare for most of her life, she’s never had much interaction with males, especially ones around her own age of 17. “A-anyway! That’s how pegasi can fly.” Twilight said as she backed away from the young man, while closing the book as Red Hawk stands up straight, wings ruffling at his sides before settling down. “Well thanks for the educational tip Twilight.” Red Hawk said before making his way to the library door. “I’m going to go out flying again, not sure when I’ll be back.” “You really like to fly huh?” Twilight asked as her blush as died down greatly, while also levitating the book on pegasi anatomy back on the shelf. “Of course, I wouldn’t have these—” Red Hawk gestured to his large wings, which flared out just a bit. “—if I didn’t like flying.” Red Hawk then left the library, not really giving Twilight a chance to respond to his statement, and once he was outside Twilight watched as his large wings spread out, casting a large shadow over the doorway. Before watching him make a jump before his wings gave off one mighty flap, which caused a great gust of wind to blast into the library, blowing Twilight’s mane back before causing it to stand on end. Twilight rushed over to the door, and looked up, but once she found Red Hawk in the sky he was so high up, that he was almost a small dot before flying off into a random direction, and as he flew off Twilight could’ve sworn she heard the screeching cry of an eagle. “Wow…” was all the unicorn could say as she just stood in the doorway, eyes looking into the direction that Red Hawk flew off towards. ~~~~~ Out in one of the vast open fields of Ponyville, roughly near the west end of town, a small orange pegasus filly with a messy purple mane & tail, was flapping her wings as hard as she could. All in the attempt to try and fly. But the most the tiny filly could do, was just hover above the ground a few inches, before she drops to the ground with a soft thud and a discriminate grunt. “Come on Scootaloo! You can do better than that, come on. One more time.” The filly, Scootaloo, said to herself as she starts beating her little wings again, but like before only getting a few inches off the ground. Young pegasus of 10yrs old, has been up since the crack of dawn trying to practice her flying. Or at least make very admirable attempts. Usually when pegasi reach the age of 2 they are capable of flight, if only in small burst of flying speed, or actual flight. Course there are some foals that can’t fly till their 5. And normally, pegasi are drafted into special flight-oriented schools, which help develop and teach pegasi how to fly properly. Although, pegasi that are born on the ground, or not in pegasi-dominated cities or local, often have to rely on their parents to teach them how to fly, and develop their flight magic. However…Scootaloo doesn’t have that luxury. Both of her parents are world traveling adventurous, and explorers, that travel all over the world to document rare & exotic animal & plants for science & medicinal purposes. And her mother is the only pegasus in her entire family, which predominantly earth ponies. And the only time that Scootaloo actually sees her parents, is when they come back from one of their expeditions, which could last up to a year or even a couple of years. The last time Scootaloo has even seen her parents was when she was when she was 7, she’s seen them so rarely that Scootaloo sometimes forget what they look like, in fact she has to rely on pictures she receives in the mail, whenever they decide to send her a letter of their latest assignment. “OOF!” Scootaloo groaned as she again collapses to the ground, a small clump of dirt & grass being kicked up and fluttering onto her snout. Scootaloo laid there on the ground for a bit, dirt and grass covering her little snout…but her muzzle scrunched up and started to sniffle, while her violet eyes started to moisten. Three hours of hard work and labor, and all the little pegasi has to show for it is some minor bruising, and grass stains in her fur. And a slightly wounded ego. Curling up into herself, Scootaloo tried to hold back her tears, but she couldn’t hold them back as they were free flowing from her tear ducts, while she let out shuttering gasping cries. As Scootaloo laid there on the ground something caught her attention. A shadow that was flying towards her. Sitting up on her haunches, Scootaloo looked out to where she was looking at as she was crying, and there on the ground she saw a great big shadow sliding across the grassy fields. And was heading straight towards her. The shadow continued to travel across the ground, before it eventually reached Scootaloo and soaring right over her, and as she tilted backwards to see where the shadow was going she fell backwards. But as she was doing so, Scootaloo caught a glimpse of something in the air, and whatever it was…it was far bigger than a pony. When she sat back up and looked for the flying thing, she found it, but it was so high up it looked like a small dot, but she was still able to tell that it wasn’t pony. The flying object continued to fly around the field, allowing Scootaloo to watch the spectacle as the dot flew around in loops, and performing other kinds of tricks…it was all so entrancing for the filly to watch. The flying object then stopped in mid-air, but Scootaloo soon realized that the object was flying higher, and higher. Until it came falling down at great speeds! As the object got closer and closer to the ground, Scootaloo was able to see the object clearer, and saw that it was some kind of creature with red wings folded against its body. The creature came closer, and closer to the ground, and at such speeds Scootaloo thought it was going to crash straight into the ground. But the creature spread its wings open just as it was just a feet from the ground, and then the filly watched the creature soar at great speeds, as it was soaring almost a foot & a half from the ground. and the creature once again was flying straight towards Scootaloo, causing her to duck, and the creature to quickly flap its great big red wings to send it flying up before it rammed into the filly. Rising from her crouched over position Scootaloo looked over her shoulder, and saw the flying creature coming back but this time it landed a few feet from her. And when the creature came towards her, Scootaloo’s eyes were glued onto the massive red feathered wings outstretched on its sides. “Are you alright there kiddo?” the creature asked as he knelt down, becoming the height of an average adult pony. Scootaloo shook her before speaking. “Y-yeah, I’m alright.” She then looked back up to the creature, before her eyes traced over the large red wings. As she scanned each and every primary & secondary feather, and watched as the wings encased around the creature, and Scootaloo. The creature seemed to noticed Scootaloo staring at his wings, and smiled before folding them up against his back. “You ponies really seem to like to look at my wings huh.” The creature chuckled. “But seriously, are you sure you’re alright?” “Yeah.” Scootaloo said in response. “My name is Scootaloo by the way.” The filly said as she stuck out a hoof, the creature smiled back as he grabbed it with his larger hand and shook it. “Names Red Hawk little missy.” Red Hawk said as he took back his hand. “Nice to meet you.” > Chapter 2: First New Friend for Both > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Red Hawk & Scootaloo have been sitting in the field for about a few minutes now, and have been talking to each other. well mostly it was it was Red Hawk answering any questions that Scootaloo had, which were ones that he have initially answered during his welcoming party, and Red Hawk couldn’t help but answer this little pegasus questions. And as for Scootaloo herself, she was simply in awe, after all, she was talking to a flying creature from another world, who proved to be a great flyer, especially that dive straight down from the sky and then flying over a foot from the ground. “So what were you doing all the way out here Scootaloo?” Red Hawk asked as he used his left wing’s knuckle to scratch the top of his head, all the while Scootaloo kept her eyes trained on the large red feathered limbs. “I was out here practicing.” She said as her tiny wings gave a small buzz. “Practicing what?” Red Hawk asked. “…my…flying.” Scootaloo said, sounding a little bit of ashamed. “Oh is that all!” Red Hawk said joyfully while developing a small smile. “Hey if you want, I can help you.” “Really!” Scootaloo asked Red Hawk in disbelief. No pony has ever offered her any help in practicing flying, but now. “Why not, I’ll be sticking around for some time, so what’s the harm in helping a pegasus learning to fly.” Scootaloo whipped her face before responding. “I didn’t think…any pony would actually wanna help me” Scootaloo started to tear up slightly and began sniffling. Red Hawk scooted closer to the filly, and wrapped her in his right wing, while giving her a comforting pat on the back. “What do you mean Scootaloo?” Red Hawk said in a calming voice. “…It’s just, no matter how much I keep trying, no matter how much I practice…” Scootaloo started to tear up as she leaned into the wing, feeling the soft feathers brush against her. “I can barely get off the ground…and only hover a few inches for maybe a minute, before falling on my face.” Red Hawk continues to try and comfort the filly as she speaks. “Has your mom, dad, or both tried to help you?” Scootaloo just shook her head. “I can’t ask my mom because she, and my dad are rarely home. And my aunt who is a pegasus isn’t around most of the time to teach me properly.” Red Hawk then petted Scootaloo on the head. “Well then I guess my offer to be your teacher is valid then.” Red Hawk said half-jokeingly. “But…what if I screw up so much, that you’ll stop trying to help me.” Scootaloo asked worriedly, but Red Hawk just chuckled a little. “Scootaloo, I promise you, that I won’t stop helping you until I see you fly high in the sky with me. Got it!” “R-really!?” Scootaloo asked in shock as she looked up to the young man, who just nodded back. “You’re not the first person I’ve meet whose had difficulty flying I’ve helped.” Red Hawk said before standing up, dusting his pants off, before looking down at Scootaloo. “So what do you say filly, do you want my help to teach you how to fly, or not?” Scootaloo quickly whipped her eyes clear before hopping onto her hooves, a look of determination etched onto her face. “YES SIR! Please, teach me how to fly!” “Love the enthusiasm Scootaloo, now first off, tell me how you’ve been going about practicing. Then I’ll figure out where to start, kay?” “Yes sir!” ~~~~~ Soaring over Ponyville, scanning the area for any sign of trouble, Rainbow Dash was actually taking it easy during her flight. Usually she would be zipping through the air, practicing her aerial tricks, or just flying fast for the fun of it, but not today, she was just taking it nice and easy. And she was mostly flying over Ponyville thinking about a few things, but she was mostly thinking about, Red Hawk. Ever since the pegasus meet the human yesterday, something about him has been, not necessarily bugging her. It was actually hard for the pegasus to even sum up. Every time she thinks about Red Hawk, some part of her makes her feel irritated, but another part of her feels, intrigued. The intrigued part that Rainbow felt towards Red Hawk was quite simple, and that was his wings. She was pretty curious about those wings, after all, she’s never meet any other creature that had wings other than pegasi, and one griffon friend she had during flight school, that had wings like the humans. So meeting Red Hawk was certainly an interesting experience, and when she spotted those large wings, she wondered how he even could walk around or fly with wings that were twice his size. Now the irritation part was mostly on what Red Hawk was. Obviously, Red Hawk isn’t a creature from Equestria, or even from this world in general, and for all she knows this human could be putting on an act. An act to make everypony drop their guard, so he could eat them! he did say he does eat meat, so who’s to say he doesn’t eat ponies. Rainbow Dash has always liked to see herself as a, superhero to the town, be there in case something bad happens…but maybe this time her irritation is just her paranoia. After all, she doesn’t know a thing about Red Hawk, or even showed the desire to even be around him, so maybe she’s miss judging the guy before she even got to know who he really is. “Maybe I should give Red Hawk a chance, instead of waiting to see if he’ll cause some kind of problem.” Rainbow Dash sighed as she was now flying out towards one of the fields. “Plus, everypony really does seem to like the guy.” As Rainbow tried to make up her mind in how to approach Red Hawk, she actually saw the human down on the ground, and he was sitting next to what looks to be a filly. Upon closer inspection Rainbow Dash recognizes the to be Scootaloo, a filly that she and some other ponies baby sit for her parents, until her aunts come to do the baby siting themselves. Rainbow Dash looked around and found a stray cloud, and landed on it, while scooting it over to where the pair were, and just watched. “What in the world are they doing?” she said to herself as she looked down over the edge of the cloud, watching Scootaloo do what looked to be…stretching, while Red Hawk just watched. ~~~~~ “And…100!” Scootaloo panted as she flopped onto her belly. She just spent about fifteen minutes doing wing stretches, and a combination of steady wing flapping, and something akin to back curls. It was all surprisingly very strenuous. “Good work Scootaloo, these stretches will not only help strengthen your wing muscles, but it will also help strengthen your back and torso.” Red Hawk said as he patted the fillies head. “Now, you need to do this fairly often to keep building up those muscle, kay. Slack off to much and you’ll lose a lot of progress.” “Yes sir.” Scootaloo said as she sat up onto her haunches. “Hey Red Hawk, can I ask you a question?” “Sure.” “Have you ever had problems flying before?” Scootaloo asked as she looked up at the human. “Oh yeah!” Red Hawk said in a very exaggerated way. “When I was around your age, I could barely get off the ground, without being turned upside down…or crashing into things.” Red Hawk said in a low tone. “Wow.” Scootaloo simply stated. “Yeah. In fact, I wasn’t able to actually fly till I was eleven.” Red Hawk said as he started to remember the days when he was a runt, and the crazy antics he got into because he couldn’t control his wings. As the memories started to play back in his mind, Red Hawk remembered the first time he finally took flight, and feeling the rush of—as he was thinking back to that moment in time a thought came to him. “Hey Scootaloo.” The filly looked up to the human. “How would you like to go on a flight?” the fillies face slowly turned from awe, to utter joy. “R-really!” Scootaloo asked hopefully. Red Hawk didn’t vocally respond to the question, but as he stood up he picked Scootaloo up in his hands, causing the filly to squirm a little before calming down. After being repositioned in Red Hawks arms, being held like one would hold a stuffed toy in their forelegs, Scootaloo felt Red Hawk’s body jolt up as he makes a big jump. Then a sudden woosh swept over her as the pair continued to climb higher, and higher into the sky, the sound of wings beating overlapping with the rushing wind. Scootaloo looked down and saw that they were really high off the ground, so high that she could see Ponyville off in the distance, and it was so small now. Once the pair had climbed as high as they could go, higher than any pegasus could probably go by Scootaloo’s hunch, the pair started to soar through the air, with Scootaloo having being held tight to Red Hawk’s chest. As they soar through the air, a big smile slowly starts to grow on Scootaloo’s muzzle as her eyes actually start to develop a small twinkle. “HIGHER!” Scootaloo cried out with so much joy that Red Hawk actually started to laugh, before climbing higher into the air. After climbing another fifty or so feet Red Hawk spun in the air, before tossing Scootaloo up, causing the filly to chuckle before being caught, the young man now locking his hands around Scootaloo’s shoulders. Red Hawk then looked down to Scootaloo and actually made a realistic eagle screech, which Scootaloo tried to imitate back, but ended up sounding more like a small squeaky toy. In response to Scootaloo’s little squeak, Red Hawk un-curled his right index finger, and tickled Scootaloo’s right armpit, causing her to giggle. The pair continued to fly till they were over a wide expanse of mountain and forest range, where they hovered in the air for a bit…before freefalling straight down. But instead of feeling a sinking dread feeling in her stomach, a great soaring torrent of butterflies coursed through her body. When they came to ground level, the pair started to soar over a wide river, where Scootaloo felt like she was skating on water. As they traveled across the water, Scootaloo saw they were heading into a rather large flock of cranes…and soon found herself zooming right towards them as Red Hawk lets her go. Smacking into the flock, causing the birds to fly off and actually fly in the same direction as the filly. But Scootaloo started to lose momentum, and was about to go splash, but Red Hawk swooped in behind her and caught her, continuing Scootaloo’s little trek over the water. Now surrounded by the cranes and some other birds that joined them. Scootaloo leaned forward to increase speed and as they traveled for another twenty feet, Scootaloo was launched off the edge of a waterfall, forelegs and wings stretched wide. And before she even started to fall, Red Hawk swooped in under her, catching the filly on his back where she stood on all four legs. Scootaloo then stood up on her hind legs before letting out the biggest & loudest ‘WHOOOOOO-HOOOOOO’ she could let out, all the while Red Hawk let out another eagles screech. The pair continued to fly for another few minutes, before the pair came to a rocky cliff that looked over the vast valley below. Upon landing, Scootaloo slid off of Red Hawk’s back, her mane sticking up because of the wind that was assaulting her during the flight. “Wow~” Scootaloo said in a low almost mesmerized tone. “I take it you like your little flight session?” Red Hawk chuckled before Scootaloo shook her head and responded with. “Liked it…I LOVED IT!” she all but practically screamed. “That was THE most amazing thing I’ve ever done, and experienced!” the filly then rushed to Red Hawk, and wrapped her forelegs around the young man’s legs, and hugged them as tight as she could. “Thank you.” Scootaloo murmured as she nuzzled the legs, as Red Hawk lowered himself before petting the filly. “Anytime you want to go for another flight Scootaloo, just look for me around town, or at the library. And I’ll be glad to give you one.” “Really!?” Scootaloo asked as she looked up, and Red Hawk nodded. “Thank you!” just as the pair lavished in the afterglow of the flight, both of their stomachs growled, causing both to start laughing. “How about we head back to Ponyville, and get some lunch?” “Alright!” Scootaloo said as she tried to climb up Red Hawk’s pants, but was lifted up, and placed on the young man’s back, before leaping off the edge of the cliff. And flying back to Ponyville. As the pair flies off into the distance, a familiar cyan pegasus lands on the cliff, and watched them go…all the while having a look of disbelief etched on her face. > Chapter 3: Red Hawk's New Job & Living Space > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It’s been two days since Red Hawk has started to train Scootaloo, showing her how to build up her flight muscles, and keep in shape in order to fly. And so far, the filly was doing very well, as she was determined to do everything she could, to make sure she could fly. Red Hawk was actually impressed in how much spirit this little filly had, and was equally determine to help her to fly. But at the moment, Red Hawk was down at Carousal Boutique, at the request of one of Twilight Sparkles friends, Rarity. The reason why the seamstress wanted Red Hawk to visit, is because she wanted to try making some clothes based on his body structure, as she was getting various inspirations from thinking about the young man. So now Red Hawk was standing on the main floors podium, wearing a specially made pair of shorts that Rarity made, after Red Hawk insisted on it when the unicorn asked him to strip. As Rarity takes measurements and do sketches on floating pieces of parchment, she would glance at the young’s mostly naked body, examining every bit of muscle under his tan skin. His body was certainly well-built, obvious signs that he keeps himself in shape. As she continued to look over Red Hawks body, Rarity felt her face start to lightly warm up, true Red Hawk is not a pony, but even she has to admit that the young man was incredibly attractive. There was a distinct presence that Red Hawk exudes, enhancing his own charm, and own natural looks. “Not that I don’t appreciate the free clothes you’ll be making me Rarity, but…how much longer do I have to stand like this.” Red Hawk asked as his held-out arms & wings started to twitch. “I’m starting to cramp up a little.” “Don’t worry Red Hawk, I’m almost done.” Rarity said as she finished the measurements, and writing them all down on a single piece of paper, while she finishes up one of the two basic sketches she was doing. A few moments later Rarity had finished her sketches, and slipped them along with the measurements into a small folder. “Alright darling, I’m done now. You can stop posing.” “Finally!” Red Hawk exasperated as he dropped his arms, and his wings flopped down as well, as he drops to his rear. “I didn’t think standing like that for so long would be so, strenuous.” “Well it’s over now Red, and again, thank you for indulging in my request.” Rarity said as she giggled behind a hoof. “No problem. I actually need a change of clothes if I’m going to be here, longer than I expected.” Red Hawk said. “Actually, I’ve been wondering something dear.” Rarity said as she looked at Red Hawk, who looked over to where the unicorn was standing. “Why do you wear clothes all the time, if anything, they seem to hide that astonishing body of yours.” Red Hawk chuckled as a light blush crossed his face, while he lightly scratches the side of his head with one finger. “Well you see Rarity, its mostly for modesty sake. Humans only get this naked for specific occasions, or special events.” Red Hawk said. “Also we only show our, full, selves to those they plan to have a family with.” “Oh!” Rarity said, as her little blush flushed into a brighter one. “Well then, I’ll be sure to have the new clothes made soon for you. Oh, and your own clothes should be done drying.” Rarity said as she trotted to her backyard, where Red Hawks clothes hung. As Red Hawk got dressed in his freshly washed, and sun-dried clothes, Rarity informed the young man that the test batch of clothes should be ready by tomorrow. After leaving the boutique, Red Hawk took to the sky, soaring over the town. As he was soaring through the air, Red Hawk’s mind started to wonder off, thinking about his home world. the young man started to remember the wide-open skies he would soar through, and swim through the clouds that were high in the sky. at the thought of clouds, Red Hawk started to chuckle, back home he was able to fly through the large clumps and mounds of clouds, but here in Equestria the clouds were barely higher than some of the buildings. “Never thought I’d miss flying through clouds so much.” Red Hawk said to himself as he soared over a lone road, and as he was flying Red Hawk spotted something off in the distance. upon closer examination Red Hawk noticed what the object was, a small red painted wooden building. “Well now…that’s an adorable little building.” Red Hawk quickened his pace, and flew over to the building, and started to hover around it and examine ever pained plank the building had. All in all, it looked like a really OLD SCHOOL wooden school house. The bell sounded as it rang back and forth, causing Red Hawk to fly back to a nearby tree, and roosting on the top of it, while covering his ears as the bell was pretty loud. A moment later the bell stopped ringing, and Red Hawk soon saw a small cluster of foals exit the building, his eyes soon caught sight of Scootaloo walking with 2 other foals. One of the foals is a bright yellow color, with a mane & tail that’s bright red, with a cute little bow. The other foal was bit taller than Scootaloo, with a pale grey coat, and a curly mane & tail of two shades of different pink. “So Scootaloo who is this mystery pony you want to introduces us to?” the unicorn filly asked the pegasus as they left the school house, while other foals emerged from the building. “His name is Red Hawk, and trust me, it’s better that you see him for yourselves.” Scootaloo teased her friend. “Come on Scootaloo, you’ve been teasing us about this pony you’ve meet for two days, just gives a hint at what he’s like.” The earth pony filly said to her friend. It would seem that Scootaloo has been talking about Red Hawk to her friends, but hasn’t been telling them everything about the winged man. A small smile came to the young man’s mouth as he watched his little friend looking pretty happy. With a strong flap of his wings Red Hawk was sent airborne, startling some of the foals still hanging out in front of the school house, before flying off back towards town. But once Scootaloo noticed Red Hawk’s shadow sliding across the ground, she immediately looked up and when she spotted Red Hawk, she called out to him. “Red Hawk!” the young man stopped in mid-air and looked back down at Scootaloo, and gave a small wave. While also seeing the shocked faces of the other two fillies. “Come down here, I’ve want to introduce you to my friends.” Adhering to the fillies request, Red Hawk made his way to the foals on the ground, his wingbeats kicking up some dust and dirt before landing. “What’s up Scootaloo?” Red Hawk asked as he folds his wings, the three fillies watching with interest as they fluff up, before settling. “Not much, but I want you to meet my two friends!” Scootaloo said as she gestured to her friends, Apple Bloom & Sweetie Belle were their names and they were just staring, slacked-jawed, up at Red Hawk. Who just found their shocked expressions adorable. The two fillies eventually snapped out of their stupor, and found their voices. “H-hi there.” Sweetie Belle said as she took a step forward, her eyes looking to Red Hawk, and his right wing. “You’re really…tall.” Was all the filly could say, which got a giggle out of Scootaloo & Apple Bloom, while Red Hawk just looked himself over. “That I am.” He simply said as he looked back down at the filly, before looking at Scootaloo. “So Scootaloo what are you and you’re little friends up to today?” Red Hawk asked the filly, while Sweetie Belle & Apple Bloom went around him, so they could get a better look at the young man’s large wings. “Well we were actually heading off to Sugarcube Corner for a treat. Oh! do you wanna come?” Scootaloo asked the tall young man. “Well…if you’re friends are alright with me tagging along, then sure.” Sweetie Belle & Apple Bloom clearly had no objection, and the two fillies were already to head out. Unable to resist the excitement of the little ones, Red Hawk followed the three fillies, while also answering any and all questions that Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom had. As the small group makes their way to the confectionary, ponies watched the human stride past them, as he tends to fly everywhere he went so ponies rarely get to get a good look at him, unless they were a pegasus. But now the ponies were able to get a very good look at him, and seeing just how much taller he was compared to them, and to the three fillies who barely came up to his knees. A few minutes of walking and the group finally makes it to the confectionary, where a group of ponies were happily eating their treats, and Miss. Cake was at the counter cleaning it. When the mare saw the group enter, she was pleasantly surprised. “Well sweet cinnamon on toast, this is an interesting combination of customers.” The mare said as the group approached the counter. “Hi Miss. Cake.” The three fillies said in unison. “Hello there girls, I see that you have an escort with you this time.” Miss. Cake said as she looked at Red Hawk, who smiled down at the mare. “How have you been Hawk, feeling at home in Ponyville yet?” “A little. Still getting used to the whole, being in another world thing, but, I’m hanging int there.” Red Hawk said to the mare who smiles and nodded to his words. After pleasantries were given, Miss. Cake asked the group what it is they would like. The fillies asked for an assortment of cookies with chocolate, strawberry & vanilla milkshakes. As for Red Hawk, he just asked for a cup of coffee and a blueberry muffin. Once the group has gotten their desired treats after a brief wait period, they headed to one of the unoccupied tables, and began eating and drinking their treats. “So Red Hawk where exactly do you stay? You don’t sleep in a tree like an actual bird, do ya?” Apple Bloom asked the tall human who just chuckled at her question. “No…well, I guess in a way I do.” Red Hawk said cryptically as he takes a sip of his coffee. “Right now I’m crashing with Twilight until I, figure out everything. like where I’ll permanently live, or if I’m sticking around and not go exploring the world.” “So you don’t have a place of your own?” Sweetie Belle asked. Red Hawk just shook his head. “Don’t have a job, so I can’t pay for a room, or a house of my own.” The young man said as he just looked at his cup of coffee, wings fluttering at his sides. “…I’m not even sure if anyone would hire someone that can’t do anything but fly.” Red Hawks mood started to drift off for a bit, and the fillies could see his shift in mood pretty easily. That’s when Scootaloo came up with an idea. “Well Red, if you want a place to stay, you could crash at my place.” The group looked at the pegasus as she continued. “You know my parents are always gone, and my aunts watch me whenever they get a chance. But mostly other ponies that my parents talked to watch over me, Miss. Cake is actually one of my hired watchers.” “Indeed I am.” Miss. Cake said as she places a tray of muffins in front of a grey pegasus, who eagerly licked her lips. “However even with the ponies her parent’s hired, they can’t keep watch over her most of the time, due to their schedules.” That’s when Miss. Cake also got an idea. “Red Hawk if you watch over Scootaloo, if you were to act as Scootaloo’s permanent watcher, I’d be glad to let you have the bits that her parents send me for payment.” “Oh no Miss. Cake I couldn’t take money meant for you.” Red Hawk said as he held his hands up in polite refusal. “Nonsense dear. I get plenty of bits here, plus, it would also help you earn your income so you could eventually get your own place. Or whatever else a human needs.” Scootaloo agreed to this idea, plus if Red Hawk was her guardian, per-say, then she’ll be able to see him every day and go flying and be trained without having to go look for him. Red Hawk thought about it for a bit himself. This did sound like a pretty good idea, plus, it would be nice to keep on eye on Scootaloo, cause over the past few days Red Hawk has taken a shine from the filly. After thinking it over for another minute or so, Red Hawk agreed to the arrangement, which obviously made Scootaloo very happy, and Miss. Cake said she would spread the word to the other sitters about the situation. After the group had finished their snacking, and Red Hawk talking to Miss. Cake about the arrangement and duties of the sitters for Scootaloo, the little filly brought her Red Hawk to her house. Unfortunately Sweetie Belle & Apple Bloom had to head home, but they wished the pair luck. It was certainly one of the more bigger houses that Red Hawk has seen, and when he entered the house…it was rather boring looking, there were barely anything to decorate the house, there wasn’t even that many pictures around the house. The only one that Red Hawk could see was a single picture near the stairway. The picture showed Scootaloo and what Red Hawk assumed was her parents, a pretty big earth pony stallion, and a tall slim pegasus mare. They looked so…happy in this picture. Red Hawk started to think back, back when he was younger…when his mom & dad loved him…when he was… “Red Hawk?” Scootaloo’s voice caused Red Hawk to snap out of his thoughts, and turned to look at the filly, who was looking at him with a confused look. “Are you okay, you look like your sad?” Red Hawk quickly put on a smile before shaking his head. “I’m fine Scootaloo. I was just looking at this picture, these must be you’re parent’s right?” the fill nodded as she trotted over to Red Hawk and pointed at the picture. “That’s my dad Snap Shutter, and that’s my mom Mane Allgood.” Scootaloo said proudly. “They travel all around the world, to study all of the rarest plants & animals for the betterment of Equestira, like developing medicine or other stuff for ponies.” Scootaloo’s smile faltered just a tad. “And that’s why there always gone?” Red Hawk asked as he knelt down, Scootaloo then slowly nodded her head. “…I really miss them.” the filly then looked up at the photo on the wall, a small twinge of sadness tugging at her heart. “You know, I don’t have that many memories of my parents. Sometimes, I even forget what they look like, because i don't get to see them that much. If I didn’t have this picture, I might think that I never had a mom or dad.” A small swell of tears started to make their way to Scootaloo’s eyes, noting how often she often feels alone. she only gets to see her parents once every couple of years, maybe twice in one year if they had lighter assignments, but she still rarely gets to see her parents. As Scootaloo started to feel tears run down her cheeks, the little filly felt Red Hawks wing wrap over, and gently pulled her in closer to him, where she rest her chin on his right knee & felt his had pat her head. “I know how you feel Scootaloo. I miss my parents to.” The filly looked up to the young man as he looked down at her, a slightly sadden smile on his face. “But now, we got each other. so we don’t have to feel like we’re alone anymore. Right?” Scootaloo wiped the tears away and nodded her head, before nuzzling into Red Hawks knee. “You know what…” Scootaloo said as she propped herself up. “I’ve always wondered what it would be like to have a brother.” Red Hawk chuckled a little at that. “Well I guess I can play the role of your brother while I’m here, and you—” Red Hawk said as he booped Scootaloo on the nose, causing her to scrunch her muzzle, and garnered another chuckle from the young man. “Can be my little sister.” Scootaloo seemed to like that idea, as she hopped up on Red Hawk’s leg, and wrapped her forelegs around the young mans neck. Red Hawk gave a slight awkward smile, before placing a hand on Scootaloo’s head and giving her a pat, while encompassing the both of them in his wings. > Chapter 4: Visiting Canterlot & Red Hawk's Real Powers > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Red Hawk has never been in a train before, but he could already tell he doesn’t like the experience. whether it was the seats which were too hard, or there wasn’t enough room to stand in, he doesn’t like being in the train. When Red Hawk dropped Scootaloo and her two friends down at the farm, Twilight managed to track and him down and said that the princess wanted to meet him, so now Red Hawk was sitting in fairly spacious car…but was still sitting in a not to comfortable seat. “Are we there yet?” Red Hawk asked Twilight, already itching to leave the train car. “We’re almost there Red Hawk.” The unicorn said to her human friend before turning to look out the window. “In fact, we’re just entering the station right now.” The train did start to slow down until it came to a full stop, and once it did, Red Hawk and his pony friends began leaving the car, and when they were out Red Hawk spread his wings to stretch them out. And as he did so, every pony at the station looked upon them in awe. after stretching his wings, and his body, Red Hawk then followed Twilight and her friends to the castle, while having numerous ponies gawked and watch them as they trot by. Eventually the group made their way to the castle, following Twilight as she apparently used to live in this city, before moving to Ponyville a few months ago. Roughly fifteen or so minutes of walking later, the group eventually made it to the castle and Red Hawk whistled as he looked the structure over, after all, it was a freaking castle. They don’t really have those in the US where Red Hawk is naturally from. The rest of Twilight’s friends also had the same astonished looks on their faces, as this was also their first time coming to the castle, let alone be able to visit it. Twilight then lead her friends through the front gate of the castle, before steering them through the winding hallways towards the throne room, where Celestia was waiting for them. but as they were making their way to the throne room, the guards they passed by kept their eyes solely on Red Hawk, which the young man didn’t mind. As he was more focused on examining the interior of the castle. “Here we are.” Twilight said as the group closed on some very large golden double doors, which began to slowly open to allow the group to enter the room. and as they did so, Red Hawk saw a large white winged unicorn sitting on a throne. “I take it that’s the princess?” Red Hawk whispered to Rarity. “Yes. That is princess Celestia, so make sure you’re on your best behavior darling.” The posh unicorn whispered back as the group stopped half-way to the throne, as the princess left her seat, and proceeded to make her way over to the group. As the six ponies bowed to the princess, she gave them all a small curt nod, before making her way over to Red Hawk. The young man remained perfectly still as the princess brought her face within a foot of his, her rosy violet eyes peering into Red Hawk’s off-colored eyes. The six mares watched the bizarre spectacle with confusion, never expecting to see their princess to be so, enthralled with something. As for Red Hawk himself, he was starting to feel a little, un-easy. The princess then broke eye contact with the young man, and started to slowly pace around Red Hawk, as if she were examining his entire form from head to toe, which was only making Red Hawk go from un-easy to greatly un-comfortable. The princess eventually made her way back to the front of Red Hawk, where she finally spoke, her voice sounding like a very maternal mother figure. “In all my years of governing Equestria, and meeting with delegates from other races…never have I seen anything quite like you before.” Celestia said, her voice full of wonder and general curiosity. Like a little girl being fascinated by a new toy. “I hope this doesn’t come off as rude, or impolite…but…could you possibly, extend your wings?” Both the ponies, including the four guards in the room, along with Red Hawk, quirked their brows and looked at the princess with a baffled or confused expression. But Red Hawk decided to play along with the princess’s curiosity, and spread out his wings to their fullest, creating a pronounced ‘swooshing’ sound which was soon followed by a small gasp form Celestia, and a few more louder ‘awwws’ from the guards. Celestia then started to look the wings over, examining ever primary and secondary feather, and every other part of the young man’s massive wings, which were larger than herself if she would out stretch her entire body. She even opened her own large wings, but they were barely half the size of Red Hawk’s. “You truly do have an impressive set of wings.” Celestia said before folding her own wings to her side. “I’m sorry for having you indulge in my curiosity, without formally introducing myself.” The princess apologized before giving a bow. “My name is princess Celestia, the first princess of Equestria.” Red Hawk took a step back, and gave a polite bow of his own, while also using his wings to frame his body. “My name is Red Hawk princess Celestia, and I accept your apology.” The young man said before standing up straight. “So Twilight told me that you wanted to meet me?” Celestia confirmed as she nodded her head. “When Twilight wrote to me about meeting a winged bipedal creature, that has beautiful crimson wings—” the five other mares looked to Twilight with small smiles, as the unicorn was blushing slightly. “—I was quite intrigued to see what this winged biped was.” Celestia’s smile then lessened slightly before she continued on. “I’ve also read that you were looking for a way home, and Twilight has been trying to aide you in this manner.” Red Hawk nodded to the statement. “If I may be so bold, how did you come to be in Equestria?” Red Hawk looked a little disheartened, something that the six mares weren’t exactly used to seeing, after knowing Red Hawk for almost two weeks. “…I honestly don’t know. I was just flying over the desert where I lived, and then…well, I’m not exactly sure what happened honestly.” Red Hawk remarked as he tried to remember the exact details of what happened that day. “All I remember was seeing someone just popping into existence in front of me, then the kid crashed into me…and then I felt like I was being twisted like a pretzel, and that’s when I found myself in your world.” “How peculiar.” Celestia said as she rubbed her chin. “I guess I must’ve collided with someone with some kind of teleporting power.” Red Hawk said as he rubbed the back of his head. “Well whatever the case, at least I can live in peace.” The young man’s words seemed to catch the ponies off guard. “Were you being pursued by somepony?” Celestia asked the young man. “You could say that.” Red Hawk said with a hit of unease in his voice, before going into a brief explanation of the state of Earth at the moment. “You see ponies, for people that are like me, the normal humans are afraid of us because they don’t know if we’ll lose control or abuse our powers. So to make sure we, Un-Naturals, are kept in line or are made sure that we don’t get the chance to use our powers…they have a government force called ‘the Collectors’. “The Collectors?” Rainbow asked sarcastically as she quirked a brow. “Trust me, these guys are a lot worst than their name suggest. Because if these guys even catches even a hint that someone is an Un-Natural, they will either abduct them and send them off to live the rest of their lives in a small cell, and to be treated like a caged animal. Or they’ll just straight up kill you…even if your only a kid.” The ponies, along with the princess & the guards in the room, were all shocked to even hear about this. “Red Hawk you can’t be serious. These people wouldn’t really go that far, just because they maybe different?” Celestia asked in disbelief, but the look on Red Hawk’s face told her that it was indeed true. “…that’s just how it is Princess. And unless something changes that fact, people like me always have to hide to make sure that doesn’t happen to us.” Red Hawk said before giving off a tired sounding sigh. “But what’s wrong with you having your wings?” Fluttershy asked. “I mean, that’s not dangerous. How could any pony think your wings are a dangerous thing?” Red Hawk didn’t say anything to respond to Fluttershy’s question, instead, the ponies watched in amazement as Red Hawk’s arms slowly start to avian raptor talons. Now this was shocking for the ponies to see those delicate hands, turn into large strong bird talons with large black claws. But this wasn’t all Red Hawk had to show. The young man then fully outstretched his wings, and raised them high into the air…before they were set on fire, scaring the ponies out of pure shock and surprise. “Red when—how did you—WHAT?!” Twilight stammered as she circled Red Hawk as she examines the young man’s now blazing wings. “This is the full extent of my power, which I call Phoenix.” Red Hawk said before raising his left talon, and flexing the digits. “My talons can crash rocks even with half my full strength.” Red Hawk then ran a single nail against the floor…showing the ponies that it was able to carve 5inches into the ground. “My talons are able to cut through stone or even steel.” Red Hawk then flapped his wings lightly, giving off a small circular pulse of fire and intense heat. “And I’m able to produce flames that I can be launched when I flap my wings, and my flames can burn someone to death in a few seconds.” Red Hawk said before snuffing out the flames coating his wings, which look perfectly normal, as if they weren’t even set on fire. The young man then reverted his arms back to normal. “I could pass as a normal human, but I can’t make my wings disappear like my talons or flames.” He then looked at the group of ponies who were just looking at him in astonishment. “…that’s why I’ve spent twelve years alone in the desert…staying away from people, people I thought I could trust…” images and memories flashed by Red Hawk’s eyes, before he shook his head to clear them away. Celestia walked over to the young man and placed a wing over his back to comfort him. “Well you don’t have to worry about any pony thinking that you’re a danger, or that you’ll be judged differently.” The rest of the ponies trotted over to Red Hawk, and each gave him a comforting hug or pat. “I know, and I appreciate it.” Red Hawk said as he gave each pony a pat, a gentle scratch behind the ears, even to the princess. All of which hummed in delight. “That’s why I’m in no hurry to go back to Earth.” The rest of the visit was spent with Celestia giving a private tour of the castle, having an extravagant lunch while also getting to meet Celestia’s sister. Now at first Luna was a little hesitant around Red Hawk, but once she & the young man were able to talk to one another, they seemed to get along, so much so that Celestia was happy to see her sister connect with someone other than herself or Twilight and her friends. there was only one thing that soured the whole visit, and that’s when the ponies & Red Hawk came across prince Blueblood, who thought it would be fun to run his mouth. But a quick scare by Red Hawk setting his wings on fire, was enough to cause the stallion to run away screaming like a frighten foal. When it was getting close to night time Red Hawk and his escort left the castle, where both Celestia and Luna bid them farewell. Now while the ponies rode the train home, Red Hawk decided to flay back to Ponyville, stating that he couldn’t spend another two hours ride in a cramped space. As Red Hawk was flying over the open fields, Red Hawk started to have more buried memories came to his mind, memories of his parents and happier times caused a frown to form on his face. ‘Fly away Jeremy! Get as far away from here, NOW!’ a tall blonde woman said as she held a shattered lamp in her hand, blood splattered on the front of her body, as a young 12yr old Red Hawk hovered in the middle of his families backyard. ‘GO!’ The memory end with the sound of a gunshot, causing him to shake his head, to get the memory out of his head. once the images and memories were gone, Red Hawk continued to fly back to Ponyville, and to his new home at Scootaloo’s. but even with the memories gone for now, a few stray tears still flew from his eyes as he made the final stretch. > Chapter 5: Troubles That Lay Ahead > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the sun rises over the horizon, slowing turning the landscapes midnight aesthetic, to the warm and bright colors of the day, Red Hawk was flying high in the sky simply observing all that he sees. But he wasn’t alone this time. Held securely in his arms was Scootaloo, still having some lingering sleep hold onto her, but as she watches the world change as the sun rises, while slowly drifting through the sky at such a high altitude. Well, the filly was now fully awake, and has a dumbfounded look on her face. “So Scootaloo, what do you think? Was this worth it or what?” Red Hawk asked the little pegasus while a small cocky smile was on his face. “…” “I’ll take your silence that you liked this.” Scootaloo could only nod, as her brain couldn’t find words to even describe the scenery change of the world she’s lived in. She’s seen the rise many times before, but to see it from this view. It was simply—” “Awesome!” Scootaloo finally managed to squeeze out of her mouth. Her response causing a hearty laugh to escape Red Hawk. “Well, I’m glad you liked this little surprise Scoots.” Red Hawk said as he ruffled the fillies mane, causing her to giggle. “Now that you’ve seen one of my favorite sights when flying, how about we get breakfast.” Scootaloo nodded as the pair made their way back down to Ponyville. A few days have gone by ever since Red Hawk became Scootaloo’s permanent live in sitter, as well as becoming her brother figure. And so far Scootaloo was loving it! Ever since Red Hawk became her guardian, she went flying whenever she wanted, it also helps that Red Hawks loves flying. But Scootaloo noticed something whenever she goes flying with Red Hawk. Unlike other pegasi that uses their flying as a mean of travel, or use to intact with the weather, or like Rainbow Dash who uses her ability to fly just to go as fast as she could, Red Hawk flies…differently. Red Hawk just doesn’t just fly to get around, or even uses it to fly as fast as he could, Red Hawk just uses his wings to just, fly. Scootaloo couldn’t exactly put it into words. Whenever she and Red Hawk went for a flight, it was like Red Hawk took his time and just soared through the sky, and when she looks up to the young man, Scootaloo say a peaceful, almost tranquil look on his face. As stated before Scootaloo couldn’t exactly put what it was like when she & Red Hawk went flying. “So what do you feel like having for breakfast?” Red Hawk asked as the pair touched down in front of Scootaloo’s house, his large wings kicking up some dust. “Oh, how does waffles sound?” “Sounds good to me.” the young man said as he places the filly on the ground, and the two made their way inside. Entering the household Scootaloo made her way up to her room, while Red Hawk went to the kitchen to start making breakfast. As she made her way to her room, Scootaloo started to wonder what should she do today? School was out today because Miss. Cheerilee had to take time off to visit her mother, so the filly wondered what she could do. One thing did come to mind, her exercise that Red Hawk taught her, so that she could strength her back and wing muscles, and ever since she has been doing them she certainly has felt like her wings have gotten stronger. If ever slightly. Deciding that would be good enough place to start the day, Scootaloo began her training regimen. While Scootaloo was doing her training, Red Hawk was finishing making the first batch of waffles, while humming a little tune to himself. So far the young man was enjoying his life in Equestria, it was defiantly a lot safer than Earth was, and the ponies were defiantly a nice change of pace from his isolation in the desert. Or the VERY rare meetings he had with other Un-Naturals, especially the ones that could fly. “Scootaloo! Breakfast is ready!” “Be right down, I’m almost down with my exercises!” Scootaloo shouted back. Red Hawk nodded and just started to place the big plate of waffles on the table, with the butter, syrup, and other toppings on the table, and started to make his own plate of food. As Red Hawk began eating his waffles, Scootaloo came down and joined him. as the pair ate their breakfast Red Hawk asked the filly what her plans for the day was, Scootaloo’s response was to simply go see her friends, and try to earn their cutie marks, since they have a free day to test out more ideas. Red Hawk still couldn’t really understand the concept behind Cutie Marks, after all, why should one have to focus on finding a mark that tells a pony what their general chief trait is in life, instead of just living their lives without such a needless thing. but, the ponies seem happy with this fact of life, and Scootaloo is determine to get her own, so he decided to not comment on the decision. Once breakfast was over and the dishes were cleaned, Scootaloo left to go find her friends. as for Red Hawk, he sat at the table and just, thought. Thought about what should he do with his life here in Equestria. His education is very…limited, mostly he had to self-taught himself about stuff, or sneak to whatever school he could, and spy an classes, before having to fly away before being seen. And as for work, well…living out in the desert hasn’t garnished much in the ways of common work. and what about a family? Red Hawk was the only member of his species in all the world, and while the mares are cute and adorable…Red Hawk doesn’t think he’s quite ready to make that jump into cross-species relationship. But that’s when an idea came to him. Leaving the house Red Hawk took flight and made his way to Canterlot, and after about a ten-minute flight Red Hawk made it to the castle, landing in the gardens. Scaring a few of the gardeners, and causing the only two guards to panic slightly, but quickly regained their composure. “Red Hawk, what are you doing here?” one of the guards asked, knowing the human when he first came to Canterlot, and meet the princess in the throne room. “I want to see Celestia, I…have a request for her.” Red Hawk said as his wings fluffed a bit, causing one or two feathers to drop. One of the gardeners used her magic to grab one of them, and examined it. “The princess is currently in the middle of a meeting, but, I can take you to a private meeting room where you can wait for her there.” Red Hawk nodded, and began following the guard to the meeting room. reaching the room after a little venture through the castle, Red Hawk entered and waited for the princess to finish with her current meeting. Forty minutes have gone by, and the door to the room opened, revealing both Celestia & Luna as they entered the room. “This is certainly a surprise Red Hawk. I didn’t believe we’d see you so soon.” Celestia said as she and Luna made their way over to Red Hawk. “I’m sorry for coming to you two unannounced, I’m not…bothering you at all am I?” “Nay Red Hawk, you are welcomed here. Now come, the guard said you have a matter to discuss with us.” Luna said as she gestured to the table. The trio made their way over to the table, and when the trio sat down, Red Hawk began to speak. “The reason I wanted to talk to you is…is it possible to…find away back to my world.” both princesses looked at Red Hawk with shock. From everything they have gathered from Red Hawk, his world is partial harsh and terrible place. “Do you wish to return there?” Celestia asked. To her surprise, Red Hawk nodded. “But why would you want to go back to live in there when—” Red Hawk quickly raised his hands. “I didn’t mean to sound like I want to go back to live there. I wanted to know that if you can find a way back there…to see if I can bring other Un-Naturals here?” the princesses looked at each other with slight confusion before looking back to the young man, as he continued. “Ever since I came here, you’re people welcomed me with opens arms, and never looked at me like I was some kind of…freak. Or monster. You’re people treated me like a normal person. And…I was wondering…if you could find away to Earth, so I can bring other Un-Naturals here. Give those in hiding or on the run from the government, the Collectors…give those people a chance to have a normal life. A life that was taken from them.” Celestia and Luna felt their hearts soar with compassion. The young man wishes to not only venture into his world, where he could be harmed, just so he could give people like him a chance at a better life. A life that was taken from them, and were forced into hiding, and being unjustifiably feared by the worlds leaders. And the determined, yet hopeful expression on Red Hawks face, is only making the two alicorns heart feel more warmth with each passing moment. “Red Hawk…by my sun—” “And my moon—” “We will search for a way back to your world, so you can help others like you. and we will be honored to help them in any way we can.” Celestia promised, causing the young man to give a hopeful smile. “Thank you.” Red Hawk said gratefully as he bowed to the sisters. “This will take some time Red Hawk, but once we have found a way to Earth, we will send you a message.” Red Hawk gave another bow, which the princess interrupted by bring him into a hug. The trio then began talking about plans for this mission, like how the venture back to Earth will happen, and most importantly, where the humans that Red Hawk does manage to bring back go to live. An hour or so has passed and Red Hawk was now on his way back to Ponyville, already anticipating the news of Celestia & Luna finding a way to Earth, and hopefully he could find some of the Un-Naturals that have flying powers that he’s helped over the years, and help him gather Un-Naturals to come to Equestria. Reaching the town Red Hawk spotted Scootaloo & her two friends, coming out of Scootaloo’s house…with her wagon and scooter in tow. “Red Hawk!” Scootaloo cried out as Red Hawk touched down. “Where did you go to?” “I just went to Canterlot to talk to the princess about something.” Red Hawk saw as he folded his wings. “What did you talk to the princesses about?” Sweetie Belle asked. “…I asked them if they could send back to my world, so I could help people like me find a better life.” Red Hawk said honestly, not seeing a reason not to tell curious kids. And by the looks on their faces, the trio of fillies looked like their minds were buzzing with hundreds of questions. “You mean you want to bring others humans—like you—to Equestria!” Apple Bloom asked with a big smile. “That’s what I’m hoping. There are many people like me who have hard lives, and hiding for most of it.” Red Hawk said somberly. “If the princesses can help me go back to Earth, I hope I can find other Un-Naturals, and bring them to Equestria where they can possibly gain some semblance of an actual life.” The fillies thought that this was an awesome idea, in fact, in their minds. This idea of wanting to help people like himself, made fillies to look at Red Hawk like he’s a super hero! After all, he was going out of his way to help strangers, and possibly give them a better life. After telling the fillies what his plans for the future were like, the fillies then remembered why they were looking for Red Hawk, and were about to ask if he could take all three fillies on a flight, using the wagon as a make-shift hot air balloon basket. But Red Hawk could even respond to the request, a loud thunderous, BOOM just echoed through the air. Scootaloo & her friends to drop to the floor, and covered their ears when they heard the noise, while Red Hawk shielded the fillies by using his body and wings. All around the small group ponies could be heard running around and freaking out. Standing up while still covering the fillies with his wings, Red Hawk looked around to see what could’ve caused that thunderous boom, but he couldn’t see anything that looked to out of place. Then again, a weeks’ worth in this world probably didn’t make him fully custom to what this world has. “What was that?” Apple Bloom asked as she shuffles under Red Hawk’s left wing, the feathers rustling through her mane and bow. “Don’t know.” Red Hawk said as he looked down at the filly. “I take it that’s not a common sound?” “No. I never heard that noise before.” Scootaloo said. Red Hawk looked down at Scootaloo for a second, before looking back out into the world, then back at Scootaloo. “You three stay here, I’m gonna have a look around.” Red Hawk left the fillies and took to the sky. As he climbed into the air, Red Hawk started to look around, seeing ponies scrambling about. While looking around Red Hawk couldn’t see anything, and it seemed neither of the pegasi that took to the air, didn’t find the source of the sound as well. Just as Red Hawk was about to go back down to the ground, some caught his attention out of the corner of his left eye. Turning to his left, Red Hawk caught a brief glimpse of something bright, as well as very brightly colorful, like someone was aiming colored lights into the air. Flying towards where the light was seen, before they vanished, Red Hawk flew till he was close to the boarder of the Everfree forest, where he found what looked like a crack just hovering over the ground. when he landed on the ground, and the moment he fully looked at the crack from the front, Red Hawk backed away in fear at what he saw. On the other side of the crack…was an ill-lit room, with a large machine in the back of the room…with a human strapped to it. Cables sticking into the body, as a large helmet was strapped to their head. aside from the large machine, Red Hawk could see various other machines, as well as what looked like a gurney with straps on it…and finally people in lab coats as they stood by the machines. “No!” Red Hawk gasped as he took a step back, his wings flaring up. even without personally being there, Red Hawk knew exactly what he was looking at, a place that all Un-Naturals never want to see or be taken to. But as Red looked into the crack, he was brought out of his state of horrified silence…when he heard the footsteps. Turning to face the sound, Red Hawk’s eyes widen in horror at what he saw. Standing ten feet from him, a good full few feet taller than him, wearing bulky and large black and sickly yellow armor, wielding a large rifle like weapon in its hands, the vizor of the helmet blinking with yellow light. Red Hawk coward away from the sight of the figure, his wings instinctively closing around him, as his arms start to transform into their avian forms, and his wings start to spark with fire. “Un-Natural detected.” The figure said in a robotic voice, cold, and un-feeling. Raising its rifle-like weapon at the young man, its barrel now pulsing with energy, the mechanical biped readied itself. “Threat level…A. Target locked, and slated for termination.” > Chapter 6: Conflict > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- All of Ponyville was in quite a buzz right now, as mere moments ago, a thunderous booming sound all over the place. Ponies were startled a bit from the out of nowhere booming sound, but things have somewhat settled down. But to make sure nothing has happened; Red Hawk flew into the air to scout out the area. A moment later and Scootaloo along with her friends watched as Red Hawk flew off from his spot in the sky, to where the white tail woods were. the three fillies thought about following after him, but the human did tell the three of them to stay put, and from the somewhat serious look on his face, they listened and stayed in town. “So what do you two think that BOOM was?” Apple Bloom asked as the fillies went back to Scootaloo’s house. “Don’t know.” Scootaloo said as she brought her scooter inside, while Sweetie Belle brought the wagon in. “But I’m sure that nothing terrible is going on, besides, Red Hawk will be fine.” “You know Scootaloo. I’ve noticed that you seem to be fangirling over Red Hawk, more so than Rainbow Dash lately.” Sweetie Belle commented, which actually caught Apple Bloom by surprise as she realizes that Sweetie was right. “Well don’t get me wrong, I still admire Rainbow Dash because she’s the best flyer there is, and that’s what I want to be.” Scootaloo said as the trio left the house, and headed out to wonder around town. “But…with Red Hawk, it’s like he understands me, like…” Scootaloo trailed off as she tries to put her feelings for the human into words. “It’s hard to really explain it. But I think the best way I can explain why I’ve been looking up to Red more, is that he notices me.” Scootaloo’s friends were just about to ask what she means by noticing her, when they, and everypony around them, heard several rumbling blasts in the distant. Followed by low rumbling booms, as if something struck the ground. the fillies and ponies all scrambled about because of the sudden noise, but soon everypony heard what sounded like an eagle screeching, before seeing big wafts of fire being launched into the air, in the direction of the White Tail Woods. Scootaloo instantly knew that eagle screech was Red Hawk’s, and just hearing it caused the filly to gallop as fast as she could towards the woods, her friends soon followed after her as they didn’t want her to go alone. right behind the trio of fillies were Twilight and her circle of friends, as they to were making their way to the White Tail Woods. The ponies continued to gallop towards the woods at full sprint, still hearing the eagle screeches and the deep rumblings impacting the ground, but as they drew closer they could feel the heat of the flames they saw before. Another minute later and the ponies found what they were looking for, and what they did find, was something they couldn’t believe. In a large clearing the ponies watched as Red Hawk, with wings set on fire, arms turned into large bird talons, all the while fighting…something that looked like a giant metal monster. It easily towered over Red Hawk in size and mass, swinging around some kind of large metal, thing, that was sparking with blue lightning. Or firing large blue magical blasts! Red Hawk was flying all over the place, flapping his wings to send out gusts of fire that didn’t seem to faze the large metal giant, the only thing that seemed to affect the giant was Red Hawks talons, which tore through the strange fabric surrounding its body, and gouging through the metal parts. But every time Red Hawk went in for a swipe, the giant either struck back with its broadsword, weapon thing, or simply swatted at him with its right metal claw. “What happened to Red Hawks wings!?” Scootaloo cried out as she watches the human fly around. “They’re on fire, and wha—what happened to his arms!?” “I just want to know what in Equestria’s name is that thing supposed to be?” Rainbow Dash asked as she and the others watched the fight continue, with Red Hawk dive bombing the giant and toppling it over, and then proceeded to hack and slash with his talons. “It must be one of those Collectors that Red Hawk told us about.” Applejack summarized as she and the others jumped, when they heard Red Hawk screech in pain as he was struck in the chest by a blue magic blast by the giant! The young man was sent back into the air, clutching his chest, as he began swinging his wings like arms, sending out gouts of fire at the giant. “We can’t just stand here and watch this; Red Hawk needs our help!” Scootaloo was about to charge right in, ready to fight the giant herself, but she was stopped by Twilight’s magic. “Twilight put me down!” “Scootaloo you’re no match for something like that. You and your friends stay put, we’ll handle—” Twilight was cut off when they heard another thud, but this time it was Red Hawk being slammed into the ground. The giant somehow managed to reach Red Hawk and bring him down crashing into the ground. the metallic behemoth then lumbered its way over to the staggered young man, it’s right arm transforming into, what looks like a small cage. As Red Hawk got to his hands and knees, the giant clamped the cage over the Un-Naturals head, causing Red Hawk to try pry the cage off his head. “Target captured.” The giant’s voice was hollow sounding as it spoke. “Proceeding with termination.” The ponies watched as the giants claw began sparking with electricity, causing Red Hawk to screech in pain and flail about more wildly. “RED HAWK!” the nine ponies screamed in unison, before finally springing into action. “Let him go!” Both Twilight & Rarity then charged up their horns, and fired the strongest magical blasts they could at the giant. The bolts of magic struck true, but the giant barely nudged an inch, but it did stop its electrocution of Red Hawk as it turned to look at the ponies. The giants two slit eyes glowed with an ominous light, before it spoke up again. “Nine additional Un-Natural signatures located.” The giant droned as it released Red Hawk, causing the young man to slump to the ground, before grasping its weapons. “Targets locked.” The giant then began firing blasts of blue magic at the ponies, causing them to scatter and run. As the giant was focused on the grounded ponies, Rainbow Dash took the opportunity to dive bomb the giant, thinking she could knock it over and give the others a chance to counter attack. But the moment the cyan mare collided with the giant, pain jolted up her leg and into her hip and up her spine. Pulling her leg back, and cradling it, Rainbow rubbed her leg as to dull out the pain, but as she was trying to get the pain out of her leg, Rainbow was then pulled to the ground by a blue aura. Just before the giants weapon struck her, and by the force of the swing, it would’ve sent her flying…if not worst. “Rainbow you got to be careful!” Twilight shouted as she continued to fire magical blast after blast. “Red Hawk said these things were built to take down Un-Naturals, so you can’t charge at it like it’s a cloud. Keep your distance and just distract it.” “Alright!” Rainbow said as she flew back to put some distance between her and the giant. But as she flew back a few feet, the giant ceased its actions as its eyes glowed and started to scan over the clearing. “Kinetic energy projectile times two. Flight capability. Various types of mutated gene scans documented.” The giant drooled as its eyes glowed again. “Threat assessment of multiple targets, Grade C. Targets are slated for capture and questioning. Begin subjugation.” “I don’t like the sound of that girls.” Pinkie said as she, Fluttershy, Applejack and the crusaders finished hauling Red Hawk over to a nearby tree, the fillies immediately checking to see if the young man was alright. “You three stay here with Red Hawk, we’ll handle this.” Pinkie then left the fillies to join in trying to deal with the giant. As Pinkie Pie joined in the fray, she pulls out her party cannon from her tail, and began firing thick blast of cake batter at the giant. Who still was unfazed by the attack, or looked to be affected, even with Twilight’s and Rarity’s own magical blasts clashing into the giant, same with Rainbow Dash still dive bombing or blitzing past it. the giant continued to just take the attacks, and firing its weapon at the ponies, or swinging it like a giant broadsword. One swing from the weapon caused it to strike the ground, the weight of the weapon and the force behind it, caused the ground to shake, and causing all the grounded ponies to topple over and fall either on their flanks or sides. The ponies scrambled to get to their hooves as the giant made its way over to them, it’s metal claw ready to snatch them up. Applejack and Fluttershy rushed over to their friends to help them up, and pull them away just when the giant reached down to grab them. “Targets proving difficult to capture.” The giant groaned, as the gauged parts of its body start spark with electricity, and expose its entrails. “Damage levels sixty-seven percent and deteriorating gradually.” The giant then turned to face the other end of the clearing. “Entry point compromised during skirmish…relaying emergency signal. Requesting back—” the giant’s head was cleaved right off it’s shoulders, exposing flailing wires and cables, sparking with electricity. As the ponies wondered what the heck just happened to the giants head, the ponies saw Red Hawk slump to the ground, wings slightly on fire with embers wafting off them, his right claw holding the crushed head of the giant. “Red Hawk!” Scootaloo cried out as she, and the other ponies, rushes over to the human, passing by the giants body, before skidding to a stop, and each one fussing over him. “Red Hawk, are you alright?” Scootaloo asked among the murmurs. “…exhausted, sore…but…alive.” Red Hawk said as he turned to face the filly, while assuring to the others that he’s fine. But as he turned to look at Twilight, Red Hawk saw the Collectors body move…and aimed its weapon at the group. “GET DOWN!” Red Hawk pushed past his friends, raised his wings, and held them in front of himself, while bracing his wing shield with his claws. The ponies were startled by the action, but they all jumped in gasped in fright when a sudden energy blast echoed across the clearing, which was followed by a painful wail from Red Hawk as he was knocked into the group. As Red Hawk crashed into them the ponies were sent rolling a foot from the point of impact, but it wasn’t too bad of a fall, and as they regained their balance they all saw Red Hawk charge at the giant, and thrusted one of his arms into the body of the giant! The impact of the attack knocks over the Collectors body, but as the giants body topples over the ponies watched Red Hawk stumble backwards and nearly fell over, but a flap of wings managed to right himself. But that’s when the ponies saw the damage the Collector did to Red Hawk. The ponies screamed in horror as they saw that most of Red Hawks wings were blasted off, and that his left arm was missing the entire forearm and hand, only a ft. long stump protruding from the elbow remained. They all cautiously gathered around Red Hawk, eyes focused solely on the injured limbs. And out of the nine ponies, Scootaloo was the most devastated, as she was on the verge of tears as she looked at her guardian, especially his wings. “No.” the filly shuttered in a whispered as she reached out for Red Hawk’s left crippled wing. “…your wings…” “Don’t worry about my wings and arm.” Red Hawk groaned as he clutched his stump arm. “We need to get rid of the Collector’s body, before the emergency signal goes off.” “Red Hawk don’t you know what state your body is in!” Twilight shrieked at the young man, un-able to believe how disregarding Red Hawk is of his injures. “For Celestia’s sake your arm is gone, and…your beautiful…wings…” the mare blubbered as she reached a hoof out to one of Red Hawks wings, but she quickly pulled it back as she and the other ponies saw the damaged limbs began to smoke. “I told you, my limbs are not important right now. What is important, is getting rid of this thing before its sends out a back up signal, and have a have a platoon or more coming to Equestria.” The ponies were still befuddled on how Red Hawk was just ignoring his wounds, and was solely focused on getting rid of the remains of the Collector. But agreed to help dispose of the machine. The group slowly dragged the heavy ‘corpse’ of the Collector back to Ponyville, and after talking to the construction crew that was building new homes in the east side of town, thanks to Rarity, the group were able to use their heavy machinery. Where they used them to turn the remains of the Collector pretty much into a twisted pile of scrap metal, and once the body was now in smaller pieces, so to speak, Red Hawk ignited his wings to the point where they were two giant planks of fire. The sight marveling the ponies at the display of fire control, before watching as Red Hawk’s wings swung downward, creating a wave of fire that bathed the remains of the body, and ponies watched as the metal started to glow white hot before becoming liquidized metal, with sparks of electricity popping out before dying down to a still silence. About five minutes of being set ablaze, the ponies were now staring at a large puddle of liquid metal, which was levitated over to a large cauldron, provided by the construction crew, by Twilight’s magical aura. “You might want to tell the princess about this, just in case something else pops up.” Red Hawk said as sat down on the ground, his limbs now steaming and smoking a bit more. “We will darling, but can we please get you to the hospital first. Who knows if those wounds of yours are infected, or worst!” Rarity lamented as she was about to pull Red Hawk to his feet. But the mare gave out a very un-lady like screech as Red Hawk’s wings and arm just, burst into flames, as Red Hawk groaned in pain as he gripped the ground with his remaining hand. The still transformed hands sharp talons digging into the ground. with one final cry of pain, the ponies watched as Red Hawk’s arm just, sprouted back out! The ponies and the construction crew then watched as Red Hawk’s wings then sprouted from where they were blasted off. None of the ponies could say anything, in fact they were unable to fully grasp what they just saw, all the while Red Hawk slowly stood up as he flexed the digits of new arm, before transforming them back to normal and giving his newly formed wings a few flaps to actually get a foot off the ground. “Man, it’s been awhile since I had to regrow a limb or two.” Red Hawk said like what he just did was the most normal thing to do. And when he turned to look at the ponies, and saw their utterly shocked faces. “…I suppose I have a few things to explain, yeah?” Red Hawk said while giving a small chuckle as he scratches his cheek with a finger. > Chapter 6.5: On the Other Side > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sparks were flying, and people were running around the lab, as fire extinguishers tried to douse any flames that erupted from the destroyed machines. The room was some sort of research lab, with all sort of expensive equipment about, especially the large contraption all the way in the back, with a near naked human body seemingly, plugged, into the mechanical monstrosity. “Give me a damage assessment!” a woman in a lab coat bellowed. “our main computers seem to be fine professor, as well as the backup terminals, and generator.” A man with blonde hair said as he fiddles around with one said terminal. “But it seems the energy blast from the Collectors rifle has overloaded one of the main systems, shutting down a few of the facilities power sources, including the kaleidoscope.” “Run the backup program to get everything back online, and get security to insure none of the research specimens, or inmates have managed to escape! Now!” “Yes ma’am!” a chorus of male and female voices called out, before people began to follow the orders the Professor had laid out. The woman then looked over to a few people by the kaleidoscope machine. “How’s the machine?” “It’s mostly undamaged ma’am.” One of the engineers said as he fiddles around with the machine. The Professor then looked at a woman who was fiddling with person strapped into the machine. “And what of the subject?” “It’s relatively in good condition, but I think we should take it off the machine. If we continue with testing today, it might break before we’d get any valuable information.” “Very well then, send it back to her cell.” The other woman nodded, and ordered one of the three remaining Collectors to take the girl back to her, room. the Professor watched as the large machine left the room, it’s footsteps echoing down the hall, and back into the lab. Walking down the small flight of stairs, the Professor checked a few of the systems on the main computer, to see if other operations in the facility were affected in any manner. But as she was doing so, some new files were uploaded to the server. Curious as to what was uploaded, the Professor opened the files, and found rather strange images…images of small colorful equines. And there were several types, two looked like unicorns, a pair were pegasi, and the others appeared to be normal equines. Well, as normal as one gets. “Professor what are those?” a slimmer build man asked as he came over to the main computer, followed by a more plump woman with her hair in a bun. “they look like tiny, colorful horses.” She said as she looked to the Professor. “Are they new Un-Naturals?” “Perhaps.” The Professor said as she skimmed through the new data. “It would seem that the Collector we sent through the portal encountered some new types of Un-Naturals.” As she skimmed through the data, the Professors eyes widen as she got to the last file, and of the Un-Natural on the screen. “It can’t be!” another woman said, this one a bit smaller with red hair. “That’s Red Hawk!” the room was immediately a bustle with people speaking, as they gathered around the main computer. As for the Professor she just stared at the screen…as a twisted smile grew on her face. “Tell me…” the Professor said in a low, yet eerily cold, but also gleeful tone. “Where exactly is the Collector Unit located?” a tall dark-skinned man rushed to a nearby terminal, and began searching for the Collectors ID in the mainframe, and where its located right now. “This can’t be!” the man said, getting the Professors attention. “What’s going on over there!” she barked, causing the man to jump. “The Collector units ID isn’t showing up on the satellite grid ma’am.” “Then run a diagnostic on its ID code, I need to know where Red Hawk is!” the Professor screamed as she bolted from her chair. “Don’t you realizes the amount of research potential is in that body! The ability to achive flight, the power to create a flame so hot it can turn someone to ashes within seconds, and…his rejuvenating capabilities. If we were to get our hands on that thing, and unlock its secrets, our names would go down in history!” that’s when the terminal began sending out a small alarm. “What is it!?” “Professor it’s the Collector unit, its sending out a backup reque—” the man stopped in mid-sentence, causing the Professor to become more slightly irritated. “The signal…it’s been cut off. As well as the Collectors ID code.” Everyone turned to look at the Professor, her hands clenched so tightly, that her nails were digging into the palm of her hand, and drawing out blood. And a severely angered expression was now dominating her face. “P…Professor Miranda?” “Bring subject #029 back to the lab at once, and finish restoring the power to the kaleidoscope. I want that machine up and running, and I want a platoon of Collectors to move out, and bring me Red Hawk.” The Professors voice was so menacing, the people around her took several steps back in sheer fright of this woman. “DO IT NOW!” The men and woman in the room scattered around, and did as they were instructed, and went about the tasks of restoring the power grid, fixing the kaleidoscope machine, as well as bringing the subject back. Meanwhile the Professor made her way up the flight of stairs, and marched down the hall towards her office, blood dripping from her hands and onto the floor all the while. Memories of her coming across Red Hawk by accident, and after witnessing his powers when a pair of Collectors tried to capture him, the Professor has been trying to capture him for her own studies. And she has been at this for about seven years, and has come close to capturing him on three occasions. She has even assaulted other people, or turned her own Collectors on other people who tried capture Red Hawk. “Soon enough Red Hawk, you will be my prize…” the Professor said as she made it to her office, her blood coated hands slamming the doors behind her, causing a resounding slamming sound to echo through the hall. “All…MINE!” > Chapter 7: Red Hawk Get's Suited for Success > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Things were certainly crazy the day prior, with the ponies seeing a Collector for the first time, and seeing Red Hawk fight the giant mechanical monstrosity, and then see Red Hawk regrow back his destroyed wings and arm, like it was no big deal. After the whole event with the Collector was dealt with, the ponies practically dragged Red Hawk to the hospital, even after seeing his limbs grow back, the ponies wanted to make sure that Red was alright. Luckily, there was only some minor bruising, and some burn scaring to the top of Red Hawk’s head, but all of the young man’s wounds eventually fully healed, and for the doctor and nurse of hospital who witnessed all of this, were just baffled, and astonished at Red Hawks healing capabilities. Once Red Hawks medical examine was over with, the ponies wanted to know how Red Hawk was even able regrow his wings and arm, seeing as they were told that his powers were flight, fire, and bird talons. Red Hawk clarified his power set. At the castle Red Hawk said that his power was classified as Phoenix, and aside from his bird like qualities, and ability to generate intense flames. Red Hawks true power is his healing ability. He’s not exactly sure how this ability of his works, but no matter what injury he sustains, Red Hawk’s body will restore itself to its natural state, even if his body were to be mangled up so badly, his power will regenerate and restore him back to normal. The ponies were amazed to hear about Red Hawks true power, especially little Scootaloo, in fact after seeing what Red Hawk is really capable of, her admiration for him reached a whole new level. Sometime later Celestia and Luna were told everything that happened that day, as well as being shown the melted remains of the Collector, the princesses said they will keep an eye out for anymore breaches, and if they end up discovering any Collectors they will act with the utmost care. However Red Hawk advised the two alicorns to not engage with any Collectors that spring up. ~~~~~ For the time being though Red Hawk was at the Golden Oaks Library, reading some more books about pony biology. Mostly so he can figure out how to further help Scootaloo, because despite his help Scootaloo doesn’t seem to be getting better. She is able to hover and float for about a few minutes over the ground, before coming back down to the ground. he remembered Twilight saying that a pegasi’s ability to fly resolves around how much magic they have in their wings, regardless of age and the size of the pony or their wings. But the fact that Scootaloo is showing improvement is promising, but…seeing as ponies are magical creatures in nature, so Red Hawk thinks that the only way to fully help Scootaloo to fly is give her magic. but even that doesn’t seem soundproof. “Looks like the idea of a magical transfusion is a bust.” Red Hawk mumbled to himself as he closes the book and places on the table in front of him. “Man. I want to help the filly, but I don’t think I can do much else for her.” “You really seemed to be attached to Scootaloo?” Spike said as he swept around the room. “She’s got a lot of spunk, and seeing her trying to fly with everything she’s got, it’s hard not to like a kid like her.” Red Hawk said as he leaned back in the couch. “By the way how Scootaloo and her flying?” the little dragon asked. “See’s defiantly improving, but I don’t think she’ll be able to do more than hover or float for a minute or two.” Red Hawk lamented. “I thought there might be away to transfer magic to her, so she has more magic to work with. But after reading this book, I don’t think that will happen.” “Wait. I thought Scootaloo’s problem of not flying was because, well, she has small wings.” Red Hawk looked over to Spike with a bit of a blank expression. “What?” “…I saw a stallion, as big as a cow, who has wings no bigger than Scootaloo’s…and yet he is able to fly around just fine.” “Oh yeah, I remember seeing him around town.” Spike said as he rubbed the back of his head. Red Hawk then got up from the couch, book in hand to return it to its proper place, before thanking Spike for letting him browse the library as he left. Taking flight Red Hawk made his way to Scootaloo’s house. As he soared through the air, Red Hawk tries to come up with anyway way to help Scootaloo how to fly on her own, but as he was flying Red Hawk saw the Carousal Boutique coming into view, that’s when the young mans thoughts went from Scootaloo to the clothes that Rarity said she would have made. “I totally forgot that Rarity said she’d have my clothes ready soon.” Red Hawk said to himself as he altered his flight course. “With everything from meeting the princesses, and the whole Collector thing, I guess I forgot about my other new clothes she said she’d made.” Landing in front of the boutique the winged Un-Natural then entered the shop, where the usual assortment of pony shaped mannequins all dawning various outfits. After giving the main floor a once over, Red Hawk made his way up the flight of stairs that lead to Rarity’s work room, and when he reached the top floor he could hear Rarity talking to someone. Approaching the door Red Hawk saw Rarity talking to Applejack and Twilight, but the trio quickly turned into a quartet as Rainbow Dash came crashing through the roof. “Ohhhhhhh. That looked like it hurt.” Red Hawk said, getting the others attention. “Red Hawk, this is splendid surprise.” Rarity said as Rainbow was being helped out of the pile of mannequins she pupped, and collapsed into. “What brings you here today?” “I actually remembered that you had other clothes you made for me, that I forgot to come and pick up.” Red Hawk chuckled as he rubbed the back of his head. “Oh my goodness your right!” Rarity said with a gasp. “If you’ll wait for just a moment I’ll—” Rarity stopped in mid-sentence as her face lit up with a spark of some kind, and by the big smile the mare now has, Red Hawk wasn’t quite sure if he thought it was a good one, or a bad one. “I just came up with the most amazing idea! I will make new gala outfits for all of my friends, including you Red Hawk! Oh you’ll just look smashing in suit for the Grand Galloping Gala.” Rarity then started to go on about making new dresses for each of her friends, Red Hawk only looked confused. “What’s this Grand Galloping Gala your talking about?” “Oh that’s right, you weren’t here when we got our tickets.” Twilight said before going into explanation mode. “You see Red Hawk, every Fall princess Celestia throws a extravagant party up at the castle, and those of Canterlot and ponies invited by invitation are allowed into the party.” “Well that’s going to be a problem then.” Red Hawk commented as he crossed his arms, his wings fluttering a bit. “Why’s that?” Rarity asked. “Cause he doesn’t have an ticket.” Applejack said, which caused the others to go ‘Oh right’. but that’s when Twilight appeared to have an idea. “That shouldn’t be a problem. I’m certain the princess would be willing to send you a ticket, and she might be excited to see how you enjoy one of her parties.” Twilight mused as she left the room. “I’ll send her a letter right away; I should be back within a few minutes.” “Well I guess now your coming with us to the party.” Rainbow said as she shook off the last of the fabric off her body. “What kind of outfits do humans wear for parties?” the cyan mare asked, making Applejack and Rarity look at the human with curiosity, Rarity more so than the others. “…well, it all depends on the party. Normal get together's people just wear, whatever they want. But if this Gala is what I think it is, a really high class party…” Red Hawk pondered as he scratched the side of his head. “A fancy suit, like a tux or something like that would be needed.” Rarity seemed to ponder on what Red Hawk just said. a moment later and Rarity seemed to be struck by the idea bug, and began creating new outfits and Red Hawk and the other two decided to give the unicorn her space. But before Red Hawk left, he quickly asked for the other new clothes Rarity made, and while in the midst of her creative fever, Rarity deposited a small bag of new clothes comprised of a few shirts, boxers, socks, and jeans. When he got his clothes and leaving the boutique Red Hawk made his way to Scootaloo’s house, and began to look for a place to store his close, as the guest room of the house had no drawer. So the young man opted to just spread out his clothes on the large table in the corner of the room. “Hey Red, where have you’ve been?” Scootaloo said as she entered the room, as Red Hawk finished spreading out his new clothes. “Just went to Rarity’s to pick up the last bit of my new clothes.” Red Hawk replied. “Also, it seems I’ll be getting a new suit.” “More clothes?” Scootaloo questioned as she stood on her back legs, to get a better look at the clothes on the table. “How come you need all of these clothes; doesn’t it get uncomfortable having to wear this stuff all the time?” “Maybe if I was a pony, with a coat of fur. But for someone with no fur to keep warm, clothes help me with that. also, it’s mostly a human thing so I wouldn’t question it.” Red Hawk said as unfurled one of his wings, and was about to examine for any feathers that needed to be preened, but before he could even began examine his wings, the pair heard a knock at the door downstairs. Heading towards the door, Scootaloo couldn’t stop wondering about why humans still wear clothes, when the pair reached the door and opened it Twilight was standing on the other side with a smile on her face. “Good news Red Hawk, the princess sent you a ticket for the Grand Galloping Gala!” Twilight said excitably as she held up a ticket…actually, make that two golden tickets. “Um. Twi, there are two tickets here.” Red Hawk said as he took the tickets in his hand. “The second one is for any pony you want to take to the Gala as a plus one.” Twilight informed, before turning away. “I’ll see you back at Rarity’s when she’s ready to reveal our Gala outfits.” As Twilight trotted off, Red Hawk looked at the tickets, while a baffled Scootaloo looks up at him. “Did Twilight say your going to the Gala!?” the filly said as she looked at the tickets. “Yeah. That’s why Rarity is making me a suit for the Gala.” Scootaloo pushed the matter of humans and their clothing habits aside, and began asking various questions, all of which Red Hawk was more than pleased to answer. But during the questioning, Red Hawk began to wonder what he should do with the second ticket, there isn’t any pony in town that Red Hawk is acquainted well enough to invite to such a party. Then an idea came to the young man. “Hey Scootaloo.” The filly looked up to her guardian with a questioning look. “How would you like to be my plus one for the Gala?” the fillies eyes went wide when she heard the offer. “Really!?” Red Hawk nodded, before a thought came to her. “But wouldn’t I need a dress for the Gala?” “We could just ask Rarity when I go to get my suit from her.” Scootaloo seemed happy with that idea, and the pair decided to just spend some time together, as they wait for any word of Red Hawks suit being done. ~~~~~ Red Hawk and Scootaloo had spent the last two hours just talking with one another, mostly it was just Scootaloo asking various questions about his world. although from what Scootaloo has been told, and remembering what happened what happened with the Collector, Scootaloo felt sorry for how rough Red Hawk has had before coming to Equestria. During Red Hawk’s tale of helping another flying type Un-Natural, and preening his wings of any feathers that were either damaged, or just grown in the wrong place, Rarity eventually stopped by with an overly excitable look ready to unveil the outfits she made. After collecting the rest of their friends, the group made their way over to Rarity’s boutique. “Hey Rarity, I have a question, actually, more like a request.” Red Hawk asked the mare, as he leaned down to talk to her. “What kind of request?” Rarity asked as she looked up the human, their faces only a foot from each other, which caused the mare to blush slightly. “I’ve decided to take Scootaloo as my plus one for the Gala, so I know it’s sudden but, do you think you could make something for Scootaloo?” Rarity seemed to light up at that idea. “Of course! I’d be delighted to make something for her. but I will have to take her measurements.” Rarity remarked as she looked at the filly, who was enjoying being held in Red Hawk’s arms. “After I reveal my friends outfits to them, could I measure you dear?” “Sure.” Scootaloo said as the group made it to the boutique. Entering the building the group then made their way up to Rarity’s room/work shop, just before entering the room Rarity had everyone close their eyes, where she then guided the group inside. A moment later the group opened their eyes when Rarity told everyone to open them, and when Red Hawk and Scootaloo opened them they saw five pony mannequins stood, with a singular make-shift human stand in, all bared various outfits that really showed how talented Rarity’s skill was. Red Hawk approached the one that had his suit, and began examining it. The outfit looked like a high class suit, deep brown in coloration but with the sleeves being a burgundy color, and aside from the from the suit, there was even a nice little fedora of the same brown color with one of Red Hawks feathers in the band. While Red Hawk and Scootaloo were studying, and simply marveling at his outfit, he could hear Rarity explain how she came up with each outfit to suit the pony who it was made for. “Well my dears, what do you think?” Rarity asked with boundless anticipation. Although, from the looks on her friends faces, seemed to make her smile waver slightly. “They’re all so lovely Rarity!” Twilight said as she rushed over to her outfit, looking how the stars on the assorted blue dress sparkled slightly. “This certainly is an upgrade from my usual duds.” Applejack said as she looked at her outfit. Rarity was loving that all of her friends loving their outfits, Rainbow was the odd one out as hers didn’t look as ‘awesome’ as she initially thought. But in the end she eventually came around. After hearing how her friends loved their dresses, and seeing Pinkie and even Applejack trying their new outfits on, Rarity looked over to winged human, and was a little nervous to hear what Red Hawk had to say about the outfit. “So Red…do you like the suit I made?” Rarity asked the human with a bit of a nervous tone, but the smile on the young mans face made her feel at ease. “I love it!” Red Hawk said, which restored Rarity’s faltering smile. “Nice that you went with a dark brown color suit, instead of a traditional black tuxedo I thought you’d go with.” “I did initially thought about going with a black tuxedo, but with your red wings, I thought it might make you appear, edgy.” Rarity then took the outfit of the make-shift human mannequin, before offering it to the young man. “Feel free to try it on, and see how it fits darling.” Red Hawk then asked for the girls to exit the room, so he could get changed, which made the ponies confused as to why. But did as they were asked. For the next few minutes, the six mares, plus Scootaloo, stood outside of Rarity’s work room, wondering on how Red Hawk would look in the outfit that Rarity made. “Alright, I’m ready.” The mares heard Red Hawk call out to them, the ponies then re-entered into the room and looked over to where Red Hawk…but for some reason, his body was being encased by his large wings. Before any of the ponies could say anything, the wings slowly moved over to the side, revealing Red Hawk bit by bit, and when he was fully revealed the ponies jaws dropped. Red Hawk just stood there, framed by his wings. The suit fitted the young mans body really well, not to loose and not to tightly, and the dark brown color mixed well with Red Hawk’s lighter tan skin, but also meshed really well with the dark red coloring of Red Hawks wings. “Well, how do I look?” Red Hawk said as he gestured to himself. “…wow.” Was all Applejack could say as she starts circling around Red Hawk, looking him up and down, followed by the other ponies who started to examine the young man. “Gotta say sugarcube, you look good in that suit. I see why you’re people wear clothes.” “Yeah Hawky, you look good.” Pinkie said as she patted the Un-Natural on the back. “Thanks girls, I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to pull this off.” Red Hawk said as he looked himself over. “Nonsense darling!” Rarity outburst. “You pull this suit off marvelously, I’m just glad that I was able to create something that you like.” After the group marveled at Red Hawk in his suit, the others decided to see how they fit and looked in their own dresses, and as they did so Rarity began taking measurements of Scootaloo, while coming up with dress designs for the filly. Red Hawk in the meanwhile looked himself over in the large mirror next to Rarity’s work desk, really seeing just how good he looks. ‘Well…I guess mom was right all those years ago, I really do take after dad when I dress up.’ ~~Elsewhere~~ Somewhere deep within a forest, far off in the west that is rarely explored or ventured, something appeared in thin air…a crack in space. The crack began to slowly expand further and further, before the crack shattered like glass, the hard edges of the cracks being morphed and formed into a perfect half circle. From this hole in the air, its smooth rim colored black, blue and purple, four heavily armored Collectors stomped as they marched forth. Following behind the armored giants, a smaller figure in equally impressive armor emerged with a woman in a lab coat at his side. When the armored figures stepped ten feet away from the portal, the armored figure looked back to the woman, who only glared back as she keeps a hand on her hip. “You know what your mission is, right.” the woman leered at the armored figure who nodded. “Yes professor.” The man voice echoed from his helmet. “We are to eliminate and—” the woman rushed forward with great speed, so much so the armored man thought she teleported, but his thoughts were stopped as a knife was pointed at his neck, while the woman's eyes held such blood lust that the man under the helmet looked like he was going to soil himself. “You are to bring Red Hawk ALIVE! If you so much damage any part of him, you can be sure that your position on the Governments World Security Force won’t end with you being discharged…” the knife pressed deeper into the man’s neck, causing a little bit of blood to pool. “Understood?” “Y-yes Professor Miranda, I…I u-understand.” With that, the professor made her way back to the other side of the portal, and as it was closing the man took a step back when he saw the woman glare at him with a death gaze. When the portal closed, the man brought a hand to his neck, rubbing it before pulling his hand back and seeing the red smear on his palm. “That woman is not normal…she’s certifiably crazy.” The armored man said before gripping his weapon and turning back to the four giants that were just standing around, before making his way over, and then pass the Collectors. The metallic giants then began lumbering after the man, their heavy foots stops causing soft thumps to echo through the forest, while the man made one last comment before walking in silence. “The moment this is all over, I’m putting in a transfer request to a different base!” > Chapter 8: Scootaloo's Big School Showcase > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scootaloo was walking towards Ponyville Elementary, a big happy smile on her little muzzle, as today she was Show & Tell. Usually for a filly like Scootaloo, this once a month day is typically not her favorites, because the filly usually doesn’t have anything worth sharing. But this time, she has something that’s going to blow her teachers, and schoolmates minds! And even better is that her Show & Tell topic agreed to this little idea. “Scootaloo!” the filly turned to find her two friends trotting up to her, as they come down the path. “Hey girls.” Scootaloo says to her friends as they meet up. “So what do you two have for Show and Tell this time?” “Nothing really for me.” Apple Bloom says to her friends with a defeated sigh. “I haven’t gotten a chance to get anything new, or special recently.” “How about you Sweetie?” Scootaloo asked the little unicorn filly, who actually has a small smile on her muzzle. “I actually got a new flute that my mom got me, I’ve even been practicing, watch!” Sweetie pulled the flute from her saddlebags, reveal the long black wooden instrument, and played an actually good little tune. Both of her friends ‘Ooohed!’ as they looked at the flute, which looked to be hoofed carved by a professional. Once Sweetie has finished playing her little tune, she placed the flute back into her saddle bags. “That’s so cool Sweetie, you actually sounded pretty good.” Apple Bloom commented. “I don’t think I’d be able to play that well, even if I practiced.” Apple Bloom then looked at Scootaloo, who seemed to be in a really good move. “By that smile I bet you got something good for Show and Tell?” Apple Bloom said to her pegasus friend who just snickered. “So what is it?” Sweetie Belle asked. “You’ll see.” Was all that the pegasus said. Scootaloo then trotted ahead of her friends as her snickering grew, leaving the two fillies to ponder on what the pegasus has in store for today. But they could probably guess that it has something to do with Red Hawk. The three fillies eventually made it to their school, where a bunch of other foals were walking in, some holding something they probably have for Show and Tell. When they entered the school each of the foals took their assigned seats, while Miss. Cheerilee was finishing up some paperwork before class officially starts. While the ponies inside were all talking, and waiting for school to officially begin, Red Hawk gently landed on the roof of the school’s roof, where he would wait for Scootaloo to give the signal to show himself to her class. “Alright class settle down now.” Miss. Cheerilee says to her class as she gently taps the floor with a hoof, getting them to calm down. “Now I know you’re all excited for Show and Tell, but first we we’re going to start on where we left off yesterday. So pull out those textbooks, and turn to the chapter of where we left off.” “Kay!” The foals said in unison as they dug through their saddlebags, and pulled out their textbooks. Four the next four hours the students have been learning about ancient Equestrian history, before the age of princesses. Aside from studying about the topic, the foals also had to work on some of their basic math work, which resulted in a pop quiz to test how much they learned today, and the days prior to today. After the tests were completed, the foals were then scheduled to do some reading assignments, which was actually quite relaxing for them. While the foals were busy with their studies, Red Hawk was laying on the rooftop of the building and simply sky watching, but since the clouds are controlled and monitored by pegasi, the clouds weren’t as whimsical or free roaming as the ones back home on Earth. Red Hawk started to chuckle as a thought came to him as he continued to think about clouds. “Still can’t believe how much I miss Earth clouds.” The young man mumbles to himself as a rouge cloud slowly drifts into view. But as the cloud was drifting overhead, a thought came to Red Hawk as he remembered something about Equestrian clouds. Standing up and flapping his wings, Red Hawk flew up to the cloud, which was only a dozen or so from the school, upon reaching the cloud the young man tries to stand on the cloud. But his feet just passed right through it. he tried several more times, and each time he does so they just slipped through the clouds. “Guess you really do need to be a pegasus to walk, or even touch these things.” Red Hawk bemoans as he claps his wings, causing the stray cloud to fly off. As he was flying back down to the school, Red Hawk’s stomach started to grumble, and after checking his watch he saw that it was actually getting close to lunch time. Scootaloo did inform that the Show and Tell part of today was going to happen after lunch, so Red Hawk decided to head back over to town and pick something up. it was a relatively short flight back to town, and as he flew ahead he was going over what he should have for a quick lunch. “Yo Red!” Red Hawk turned to see Rainbow Dash was flying over to him. “Hey Dash, what’s up.” “Just finished having a nap.” Red Hawk quirked a brow as he looked at the mare. “A nap? It’s only eleven?” Red Hawk questioned as he and the pegasus flew past over the market. “And what’s wrong taking a nap before noon?” “Nothing, I’d just thought you’d be doing, something like practicing your flying or, something. Not sleeping.” The pair then landed at a stand near the edge of the market, with a few ponies that are standing a head of them. “Yeah will sleeping helps get me energized.” Rainbow commented. “So what are you up to?” she asked as the line in front of the stand moved. “Just getting lunch before heading back to the school.” Rainbow Dash gave the human a confused look as the line moved again. “Why are you going to the school?” she asks suspiciously. “Scootaloo asked me to be her Show and Tell for today. The class is going to be doing it outside this time, so she asked if I could put on an aerial performance for the class.” Red Hawk said as he and Dash reached the counter. “Hey there big guy, you gonna get your usual sandwich today? Usual fixing’s and everything?” a tall slender brown coated unicorn mare asked the young man; her horn operating sever utensils as she waits for Red Hawk’s confirmation on her prediction. “E’yup, and can you make it an extra?” the mare nodded and got to work on making Red Hawk’s food. As they waited, Red noticed that Rainbow was looking at him with a surprised look. “What?” he asked causing the mare the fidget slightly. “I didn’t think Scootaloo would ask you to do that.” “Why not?” Before Rainbow could say anything, the mare of the stand placed a paper bag on the counter. Reaching into his coat, the winged human pulled out nine bits, plus a few extra, and handed them to the mare who gave Red Hawk a wink as he left. As for the pegasus, she didn’t order anything, instead she followed after Red Hawk as he was flying back to the school. As they reached the schoolhouse the pair found the foals outside, eating their own lunches while talking to one another, while a good number of them had their saddlebags with them. landing on the roof Red Hawk reached into the bag, and pulled out a large sandwich that looked like a BLT, but instead of bacon, it had what looked like a flat reddish brown tofu patty in it. while everyone was eating, Rainbow just sat down a foot away from Red Hawk. Taking a bite of his food Red Hawk just looked down at the class, and was just blown by how much color the foals came in. sure the adults were also multi-colored, but for some reason these kids were WAY more colorful. But the young man’s eyes were soon drawn away from the foals, to the sole adult among them. she was a maroon earth pony mare that looked to be around Applejack’s height, as for age…well Red hawk isn’t as good on picking that up, as the ponies don’t really seem to show any signs of aging until really, really, REALLY late in their life. But this mare was actually really pretty looking. As he was looking the mare over, something was caught out of the corner of the winged human’s left eye, and when he turned his head to see what the thing was, it was Scootaloo and her friends waving at him. “Alright now everypony, I know you’ve all been waiting, and I think you’ve waited long enough.” The mare says as she steps to the front of the class. “It’s time for Show and Tell!” the foals cheered and clapped their hooves, and the ones that had whatever they brought to show off, or display. “Now, who wants to come up first?” Red Hawk then watched as a pink earth pony filly made her way to the front, where she then tapped her hoof on the floor twice, and as if from nowhere an old looking earth pony stallion backed flipped to the fillies side. Everyone then watched the old stallion start doing back flips, twirls, and other gymnastic stunts that actually surprised everyone. Red Hawk was actually surprised that the stallion was able to pull these moves off, considering how, old, and stiff he looked. after about a couple of minutes, the stallion finished off his gymnastic performance with a dynamic mid-air spin into a pose…and was pushed to the side by the filly who mimicked the pose. After the stallions display, every one of the foals gave an awkward clap of their hooves, while the teacher along with Red Hawk and Rainbow Dash just looked dumbfounded. “Well Diamond Tiara thank you for, ugh, showing us those fantastic gymnastic moves.” The teacher said as the filly bowed and pranced back to her spot on the floor. “Who is that filly?” “That’s Diamond Tiara, she’s the daughter of Ponyville’s wealthiest family. And she’s kind of a brat.” Rainbow explained to the young man as the next foal got up and showed of his new guitar, and started playing a little tune. After the colt played his guitar, with a good level of skill, a few other foals showed the class what they brought. Some brought new items they got that has a story behind it, some showed off their new skills that align with their special talents. After the twelfth student, who happened to be Sweetie Belle playing her new flute, Scootaloo finally took center stage. “So Scootaloo, what do you have for us today?” the teacher asked the foal. The pegasus cleared her throat as she was ready to give a speech, and as she got ready to speak Red Hawk prepared himself. “Well everypony, what I have to show is something very special. Actually, you might have seen him around town.” Scootaloo then pointed the sky, where Red Hawk flew up into. “Introducing my new guardian, and Ponyville’s first alien visitor—RED HAWK!” The foals along with the teacher looked up and saw Red Hawk dive bombing towards them, before spinning like an Olympic diver which he then came crashing down onto the ground, wings covering his entire body. The class then watched as Red Hawk stood up to his full height, as his wings extend outward while sparks of fire wafted from them. needless to say the foals as well as the teacher were in awe as they looked at him. The young man greeted the class with a small nod as he looked down at the foals, as his wings fold to his sides. It was awkwardly quite for a moment as the foals just looked at Red Hawk, but the silence was broken as the foals trotted up to the winged human, and started to examine him while muttering to themselves or to each other. “He’s really tall!” “Look at his wings! They’re so beautiful!” “His claws don’t have sharp nail.” “How did his wings make those sparks?” As the foals continued to fawn over Red Hawk, a good majority of them standing behind him so they can see his wings, the teacher of the class trotted up to the human. Fully intrigued herself about the unusual being before her. meanwhile, Scootaloo looked like she just won the blue ribbon at a fare, as other members of her class asked her questions, and she tries to answer them all. “Um…mister” a small little blue unicorn filly said to get Red Hawk’s attention, and when the young man looked over to her, the filly gulped before continuing. “Can we get a better look at your wings?” Red Hawk just simply smiled as he leaned down, to be at a proper height, he then fully expanded his wings and held them low enough for the foals to look at them more closely. The filly, along with a few of her classmates, reached out to touch the wing…and the moment their hooves touched it, they could feel the soft feathers and the incredible warmth that was radiating off them. the foals then started to nuzzle into the wings, which started to cause Red Hawk to chuckle at the sight, especially when he starts hearing the foals hum in delight. “All of you ponies really like my wings, no matter what age you all are.” Red Hawk said as he petted Scootaloo—who joined in on the wing nuzzling. “For ponies, having an impressive set of wing like yours is a great advertisement of your status.” The teacher says as she ran a hoof along the feathers. “It shows ponies that your strong, healthy, and some other, things.” The teacher then looked at Red Hawk right in the eye, her light green eyes meeting Red Hawks monochromatic eyes. “Nice to meet you, I’m Miss. Cheerilee the teacher at the school.” Red Hawk then took the mare’s hoof in his left hand, and gave it a few shakes. “Nice to meet you Miss. Cheerilee, names Red Hawk. But you can call me Red for short.” After the introduction was over with, Red Hawk began answering any and all questions that the foals may have about him. demonstrate his powers, fire wings and bird talon arms included, as well as putting on a little aerial show for them the class. Who all were basically star struck. The young man’s popularity only grew as he took a few of the foals on little rides, only soaring a few feet off the ground. while all this was going on, Rainbow Dash just sat their on the roof, watch as the herd of foals flock towards the winged human, and seeing how much fun they were all having. Especially Scootaloo. Letting out an annoyed ‘humph’ Rainbow took off to get more sleeping done, although she has a feeling that falling asleep was going to be a little harder than usual. ~~Elsewhere~~ A large male manticore’s body slumps to the ground with a wet ‘smack’, as blood gushed from its now missing head. stepping over, and on the body—crushing bones in the process—the four towering Collectors strutted through the woods, with their Observer in-between them. they have been traversing through this uncharted world for a full day, following the coordinates of the Collector that Red Hawk dismantled. The Collector at the front of the group stopped in its tracks, before turning to look down at the Observer. “We are exactly one mile and 12 kilometers from where the destroyed Collector unit’s last transmission was relayed.” “Good.” The Observer says to the metal giant. “We’ll rest up her for the time being, and tomorrow will smoke Red Hawk out, along with any of those other Un-Naturals.” “Rodger.” All four Collectors said in unison as they went into sleep mode, while the Observer walked over to a tree, and sat down. As he sat under the tree the Observer removed his helmet, and placed it beside him as he reached into a vest pocket, and pulled out a protean bar. “I’ve only seen this Red Hawk guy from footage captured by Collectors, and if he’s as good as I think he is…” the older man swallowed the chunk of protean bar before continuing. “Then it’s going to be a long day tomorrow.” > Chapter 9: Let The Hunt...Begin! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was just mid-day, and the sun was out and un-hindered by the weather, and on this peaceful morning Red Hawk was lazily laying on the roof of Scootaloo’s house, humming away as he basks in the early morning sun, while said pegasus filly was resting on his chest and stomach. Both filly and young man have been basking in the sun for about five minutes now, and they seemed content to just laze the day away. Stretching out her back and gibing out a big yawn, Scootaloo murmurs incoherent sounds before going back to just relaxing on Red Hawk. “Hey Red, can I ask you something?” the little filly asked as she tilts her head back to look at the young man. “Sure.” Red Hawk says as his wings fidget a little. “I was wondering, whenever you go back home to see if you can find other Un-Naturals to come to Equestria…can I come with you?” the young man peered down his nose to look at the pegasus, who was giving him a curious look. “Why do you wanna come with me?” Red Hawk asked, genuinely curious to the fillies question. Scootaloo sits up and turned to face the young man, a looked down at him. “Well. Despite everything bad you’ve told me, and any pony who asks about your world, from those giant metal things and the people who are scared of Un-Naturals. You always have a good thing or two to say about it.” the filly said with honesty. “I wanna see this world you came from…and I really want to see these Earth clouds that you especially love talking about flying through.” Scootaloo giggled as Red Hawk gave a content, and almost nostalgic sigh as his body goes limp. “Clouds.” Red Hawk swooned as his wings give a small flap. “I don’t know why Scoots, but whenever I laze around like this, I always think about those big mountainous or small puffs of white in the sky.” Red Hawk muses as he looks up at the filly. “Unlike the clouds back home, the clouds here in Equestria can’t compare to those of Earth.” “How so?” the filly asked as she goes back to laying down on top of the young man, laying on her stomach. “To put it simply Scootaloo, the clouds here in your world are more like…lumpy pillows that are full of water.” Red Hawk tries to reiterate the differences between Earth and Equestrian clouds. “But the clouds back home on Earth, they are loose, cool, and when you fly through them the clouds linger on you, keeping you nice and cool even in the hottest of days.” “…sounds like a whole lot of fun to fly in your world.” Scootaloo’s voice seemed to have faltered a little, and her expression seems to have dampen slightly. The filly then felt something soft pet her head, and when she tilted her head up, the filly saw one of Red Hawk’s wings giving her head pats. The young man gives the filly an apologetically smile, as the filly gives a thankful smile. A moment later the pair went back to just lounging around, Scootaloo keeping Red Hawks wing draped over her, relishing in the heat that the wing was generating. “Scootaloo!” the peace and quiet of the moment was broken as the voice of Apple Bloom cried out. Both parties looked down to the street, and found the little earth pony filly, along with Sweetie Belle. “Hey guys!” Scootaloo called out as she waved, before begin lifted off of Red Hawk. The young man then stood up with Scootaloo held in one arm, before they were sent airborne with one flap of the young man’s wings, and lazily drifted down to the ground. Upon landing the filly was let down in front of her two friends. “So what’s up girls?” “We came to see if you want to join us on our latest crusade.” Sweetie Belle said with an air of excitement. “We were going to see if we can get cutie marks by helping out at the sap!” ‘Ponies have spa’s?’ Red Hawk thought in surprise. “That sounds like an awesome idea!” Scootaloo then turned to look up at Red Hawk, who seems to be in thought. “Hey Red Hawk, you wanna come with us?” the young man snapped out of his personal thoughts as he heard Scootaloo’s question. “Sure. I’m actually curious what a pony spa is like.” “THEN OFF WE GO TO THE SPA!” Apple Bloom declared as she and her accomplices gallop as fast their little legs would allow, all the while screaming. “CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS SPA ASSISSTANTS, YEAH!” Red Hawk chuckled as he shook his head before chasing after the excitable trio. ~~Outskirts of Ponyville~~ Deep rumbles could be heard, and felt through the ground, from the forest just on the outskirts of Ponyville. The sound is akin to a troop of elephants marching in line. Emerging from the forest like menacing giant shadows, the three Collector’s stomped out with their large weapons in hand, their metal feet pressing into the ground due to their immense weight. After emerging from the forest the three giants began scanning the area, their vizor slits pulsating blue every other second. Following behind the three metal giants was the Observer, his specialized combat suit glistening in the morning sun, while he cradles his weapon in his hands. “We have scanned the area sir, there are traces of Un-Natural signatures scattered about in the town ahead.” One of the Collectors announced as the Observer stood beside the machines, examining the field before looking over to the town. “Are any of the signatures Red Hawks?” the man says as he preps his weapon, while the three metal giants scanned the area again. “Red Hawk signature has been detected, near center of town.” The central Collector drooled. “Then procced with the mission. Capture Red Hawk for the professor, and if any of the other Un-Naturals get in your way, subdue them. No lethal force unless authorized.” “Rodger.” The metal giants began making their way down the hill they were on, their large feet leaving sizable dents in the grassy field. As for the Observer, he looked down at his wrist to look at the watch, noting the time before reaching a hand up to his neck where he presses a button, where a helmet snapped up from behind his head and covered it fully. “Let’s get this over with.” The Observer said as he began trekking down the hill after the Collectors. The Collectors reached the bottom of the hill and made their towards the town, which didn’t take them very long. Entering what looks be a public park, the machines began searching for Red Hawk, following the special signature. While they were searching the machines were ignoring the rampant screams of terror from the small equines, that were running around and screaming either ‘monsters’ or ‘somepony help us’. But while the Collectors ignored the equine populace, the Observe took a little bit of time to look over the odd looking equine, that were no bigger than those of ponies back on earth. “This place certainly has some weird endemic life.” The man commented as a pink pony with a green mane collapsed to its side like a fainting goat. “Weird life indeed.” ~~Red Hawk~~ The trio of fillies continued to make their way through the town, with Red Hawk following behind them, and listening to what the fillies will try to do to earn their cutie marks. As Red Hawk listened to fillies list off ideas, his attention was pulled away when he heard something, it sounded like distant shouting. Shrugging his shoulders the young man continued to follow the foals, but the group stopped when the distant shouting came closer, and they saw Rainbow Dash streak across the sky and flew towards where the commotion was coming from. “What in the world is going on over there?” Apple Bloom questioned as ponies came running in their direction. Red Hawk quickly scooped up the trio into his arms, and flew up as a stampeding crowed of ponies ran past them. “That was close.” The winged human said as he stayed airborne as the crowed kept on running. “What is going on? What’s everypony running from?” Sweetie Belle asked as she watches the ponies below run, all looking like they’ve seen a monster. “I don’t know.” Red Hawk said as he flew over to the side of the road, where he placed the fillies down. “You three stay here, and make sure not to get trampled. I’m going—” Red Hawk was cut off by a cacophony of screams, followed by the booming blasts that sounded all to familiar to Red Hawk. Before the fillies could say anything, Red Hawk spread his wings and took off flying in the direction of the noise, wings already starting to spark with wisps of fire, and his arms changing into their avian forms. Reaching where the blaster fire was coming from, Red Hawk found Twilight and her friends…tangling with three Collectors, where swinging their multi-used weapons like clubs, or firing energy blasts. Destroying stalls and buildings without remorse or hesitation. Quickening his pace Red Hawk flew as fast as he could towards where his friends were. As for the mares themselves, they have been trying to get the large machines out of their town. Keeping their distance, and trying everything they could think of, but nothing they do seem to even affect the three metal giants. “Twilight we can’t stop these things!” Applejack said as she kicked a large barrel at one of the Collectors, causing it to shatter against its hip, not even hampering or bothering the giant. “Remember what Red Hawk said, we can’t fight these things, just distract them!” Twilight said as fires small blasts of magic at one of the Collectors trying to get its attention. “That’s easier said than done!” Rainbow said as she flies around with a small storm cloud, where she would punch it, and send out a bolt of lightning at the giants. Just then all of the giants stopped moving, and looked skyward, causing the six mares to look up as well. Seeing Red Hawk divebombing towards the group, his entire body wrapped in fire. The ponies watched as Red Hawk slammed into one of the giants, actually sending it crashing to the floor as he flips back into the air, wings ablaze and talons at the ready. “Target has been located.” One of the Collectors said as it, and the other still standing giant, raised its weapon. Taking aim at the young man. “Commence with capture operation.” The two Collectors began firing a barrage of energy blast at Red Hawk, who was bobbing and weaving through the barrage, while sending out his own ranged attacks with blasts of fire via wing flaps. The ponies were simply marveled at how the young man was able to evade the cluster fire from the Collectors, especially when the knocked down giant recovered and began firing its own blasts. “Twilight! You and your friends get out of here, and check to see if anyone has been hurt!” Red Hawk says as rockets through the air, the fire from his wings acting as an afterburner effect. “I’ll lead the Collectors out of town!” “Just be careful Red!” Twilight said as she waved her friends over to follower her, as they all watch Red Hawk fly out of town, with the hefty machines stomping after him. Flying through the sky Red Hawk made his way out of town, so no one would get hurt, and preventing more collateral damage. But as he was flying the young man was wondering on how to handle these Collectors. Dealing with one is manageable, but three! Even a group of eight Un-Naturals—with powerful abilities—would have a difficult time in even destroying one or tow of them, before the third one wipes them out. So how is he going to handle— “AGH!!!!” Red Hawk cried out in pain as a energy blast struck him dead center of his back, right between his wings. The young man plummeted to the ground, nearly breaking his neck at the angle of impact, but luckily his arms and wings cushioned his fall. But it was still nonetheless a painful fall. Groaning in pain the young man tried to get to his feet, but something heavy dropped on top of him, pinning him to the ground as something was pressed against the side of his head. “I wouldn’t move if I were you, unless you want a bullet put through your head.” looking up Red Hawk found a man in a very sophisticated looking combat suit, with a futuristic looking helmet, and some kind of assault rifle pressed against his temple. “Who are you?” Red Hawk groaned as his injures start to heal themselves, steam emitting from his back, wings, and arms. The man watched as Red Hawk’s body was fixing itself. “Now that is a pretty amazing power you got there sunny Jim.” The man said with a bit of mirth in his voice. “I can see why the professor wants you so badly.” “Professor?” “Yes. You actually know her. Does the name, Miranda ring a bell?” the moment that the man said that name, a fearful expression came over Red Hawk’s face. “S-she knows I’m h-here?!” Red Hawk said with a trembling voice…knowing full well what this particular woman is capable of. And what she does to Un-Naturals. “Indeed she does. And it was her that sent us here after you.” the man said before looking over his shoulder. “Hey! One of you send out a signal to request a portal, we have our target.” “Yes sir.” One of the machines said as it hunkered down, and began relaying the signal. “I’M WON’T LET THAT MAD WOMAN GET HER HANDS ON ME!” Red Hawk shouted as his wings unleashed a great amount of fire, startling the man on top of him and causing him to fall flat on his ass. Once the man was off him, Red Hawk flapped his wings and took off like a rocket, but he didn’t get to far, as one of the Collectors shot its hand out and snatched the young man out of the air. The Collector then reeled its cable-attacked hand back to its arm, while Red Hawk tried to pry the hand off him, using his sharp talons to try and slice through the cable or the hand itself, while his wings continue to release a large amount of fire. “Struggle all you want, but these Collectors are specially outfitted to resist those metal slicing talons, and flames of yours.” The man said as he pats the fire off his body. “So stop struggling, or we’ll have to do something, drastic.” The Collector’s grip tighten around Red Hawks’ chest, and his clamped wing, causing a painful pressure to wrack his body. Just as Red Hawk was a few feet from the Collector that was reeling him in, both he and the man in the combat suit watched as the machine was enveloped by a large pillar of golden light, which started to crush the Collector like someone crush a soda can under their foot. With one final ‘CRUNCH’ the Collector was flatten like a pancake, allowing Red Hawk to escape the hand as the machine was no longer try to keep its grip. “What the—” The man was cut off as a barrage of dark blue energy came raining down, striking the back of the other two Collectors. Their head units being ripped to pieces as their back were turned into swiss cheese. Red Hawk looked up to where the attacks came from, and found Celestia and Luna flying towards them, and the looks on their faces showed they were none to happy. Before the two princess reached Red Hawk, a portal opened up beside the armored man, where a few more men in combat suits came out…along with a woman in a lab coat. “Where is Red Hawk, officer?” the woman said in a leveled tone after giving the area a once over, and seeing the state of the three Collectors. “He’s up there with those two…winged unicorns.” The group of humans looked up and found Red Hawk, and the two flying equines, before they came down to the ground. After landing both Celestia and Luna trotted over to the group, where the armed men raised their weapons, but were stopped by the woman in the lab coat. the men lowered their weapons as the two princesses stood a few feet away from them, with Red Hawk standing behind the two mares. The woman made her way to the front of the group, her eyes merely glancing over the two ponies, before solely trained on Red Hawk and stopping a two feet from the royals. “Who are you?” Celestia asked with a tone of anger in her voice. “Professor Miranda Johnson of the Governments World Security Force, or G.W.S.F for short, science’s division.” The woman says as she brushes some of her hair out of her face. “And we’ve come to place Red Hawk under arrest.” “On what charges?!” Luna bellowed, scaring the men, and causing Miranda to flinch slightly. “For the assault on G.W.S.F personal and Collectors, while causing panic among the populace of Earth.” Red Hawk’s wings flared with fire as he spoke up. “Only because I was trying to help other Un-Naturals who did nothing, and were just trying to live peaceful lives!” “Never the less, you are a danger to society Red Hawk, so by the power bestowed upon me by the world’s leaders—you are being take to the Facility!” Celestia actually snorted at Miranda’s words as she flared her own wings. “Red Hawk is not going anywhere with you.” the alicorn stated with authority. “I may have just meet you miss. Miranda, but I can tell just by looking into your eyes…simply putting Red Hawk in a cell is the least you would do.” “Not to mention Red Hawk is no threat. In fact, he hasn’t caused any kind of trouble since he’s arrived here in Equestria. Not only that…but you and you’re worlds leaders have no authority here, so you cannot simply waltz into our world, incite a panic among our people and take Red Hawk.” Celestia and Miranda locked eyes with one another, neither woman nor mare was giving an inch as they stare each other down. This continued for about a minute, before Miranda raised a hand…and singled the armored men to fall back. the five suited individuals made their way back to the other side of the portal, weapons still at the ready incase the two princesses would spring into action. “This isn’t over, equine.” Miranda said as she kept her eyes locked on with Celestia’s, before looking over at Red Hawk…where a small smile grew on her face. “You can’t escape me Red Hawk, I will have you…sooner or later.” Miranda the sauntered through the portal, where it closed with the sound of shattering glass echoing across the open field. Once everything has calmed down, Red Hawk dropped to his knees as tension left his body. “Red Hawk!” Celestia said worriedly as she turned around and trotted over to him. “Are you alright dear?” the princess asked as she nuzzled his face. “Yeah, just…WHOO! I nearly had a panic attack when I saw Miranda.” “Do you know her Red Hawk?” Luna asked as her sister ceased her nuzzling. “All Un-Naturals know her. she’s crazy, sadistic, and treats all Un-Naturals like science projects and does horrific experiments on us.” Red Hawk’s entire body shuttered as his wings encased around himself. “She’s been chasing after me for about six or so years now, and almost every time we crossed paths, she nearly gets her hands on me.” Both princess placed a wing on the young man. “Well fear not Red Hawk, so long as you’re here with us, nothing will happen to—” “That won’t stop her!” Red Hawk said abruptly. “Now that she knows where I am, she will do whatever it takes to get her hands on me…no matter what gets in her way.” The princess tried to reassure the young man that so long that he is in Equestria, nothing will happen to him. before they did anything else, Celestia and Luna summoned a platoon of guards to haul the destroyed Collectors to the castle, where they will be disposed of. With that the princesses helped Red Hawk stand back up, and headed back to Ponyville…where the princesses saw the level of destruction that the Collectors have caused. Luckily very few ponies were injured during the invasion, but twelve building and a large amount of shopping stalls were destroyed. Things are going to be very busy in Ponyville for a while. > End of Volume #1 - Chapter 10: Reassurance and Feelings Develop > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Things in Ponyville were rather, tense at the moment. After all a trio of robotic giants came stomping in, destroying anything that they could see in order to get their hands on Red Hawk, for some crazy scientist so that she could experiment on him. but regardless of the why, the ponies of the town were all a little on edge, and were spending the next day restoring or rebuild whatever got destroyed. And obviously the ponies who lost a lot in the scuffle, or their very lively hoods or personal residence, were not too happy about the fact they were homeless, as well as losing a lot of their belongings. As for Red Hawk, well he was sitting in the Golden Oaks library talking to the princesses, mostly about who Professor Miranda and the prospect on making good on her threat on coming back. And after hearing all the horrid things that this woman would do to get her hands on a Un-Natural that catches her attention, made the two alicorn's feel a cold shiver run down their spines. “Surely she wouldn’t do such things Red Hawk?” Celestia said to the young man, after hearing the stories that other Un-Naturals have told the winged human. “You’ll be surprised in how cruel some members of my people can be Celestia.” Red Hawk says to the princess. “And after being on the receiving end of Miranda’s desire, and seeing escaped Un-Naturals who were imprisoned by her…I’m more afraid of her than death.” Both alicorn’s swallowed the small lumps in their thoughts as they heard this statement. “And your certain she will come back?” Luna asked just to clarify the tenacity of this woman, Red Hawk just gave a small nod. “Like I said, once someone catches her attention, she won’t leave them alone.” Red Hawk’s body gives a disturbed shudder. “And since she can came to your world, she’ll continue to try anything to get me…” a despondent expression came over the young mans face as his wings drooped. “I think it would best if I leave Ponyville before I cause any more trouble.” “Nonsense!” Celestia says sternly as she drapes a wing over the young man, trying to comfort him as she pulls the young man into herself. “Despite what you maybe thinking right now Red Hawk, you are not the cause of this.” “Am I?” he asked as he looked up to Celestia. “The only reason those Collectors came here, the only reason Miranda came to your world, is because I’m here.” The white alicorn wing tighten around Red Hawk, as she placing her chin on top of his head. “Perhaps, but that does not mean you have to leave us, or Ponyville. We will have to be just cautious about feature attacks like this, and remember Red Hawk…you are no longer alone.” “Indeed young man.” Luna says as she scoots over to the winged human, before giving him a gentle nuzzle. “You do not need to bare this strife alone anymore, if you ever need of anything, you are always welcomed to contact us.” Red Hawk was a little more relieved to hear this and started to relax, and wrapped his larger wings around both alicorns to return the comforting embrace they were giving him. as for the sisters, they reveled in the warmth of Red’s wings, as well as the earthy yet spicy scent that wafts from the young man. After a few more seconds of enjoying the embrace the trio broke off from one another. “Now, try to relax for the rest of the day, my sister and I will try to come up with a solution to prevent any future breaching from their side.” Celestia says as she and her sister stand and make their way to the door, while Red Hawk followed behind them. But as they made their way to the door, Red Hawk’s face turned red for a second before he turned to look elsewhere. The reason for the young mans slight unease was due to the fact that Celestia’s tail was a little, hiked up, partially exposing her light grey colored marehood to the young man. While Red’s experience with the opposite sex in a intimate way is limited, he was still surprised in how the princess’s lady bits looked fairly much like a humans. Same could be said about any of the adult or older mares that he’s walking around town, when their tails flicked or swished about. As the alicorns exited the library they big one last farewell to the young man before flying off, leaving Red Hawk to watch them go before looking out to the town. Thankfully, no pony was hurt in the attack, scared to death sure, but no one was hurt. Taking flight Red made his way to where he left Scootaloo and her friends to see if they were alright, and as he flies over the town he could see various ponies helping others rebuild buildings, or create new stalls that were destroyed. Eventually Red found the trio of fillies he was looking for, all of them sitting outside Sugarcube Corner with Twilight and the others. “Red Hawk!” the nine ponies said in unison as the young man flying. The winged human then landed in front of the group as they made their way over to him. “Are you alright, did the Collectors hurt you?” Twilight asked worriedly as she looks Red over, seeing if he was baring any injuries, forgetting of his incredible healing abilities. “I’m fine, it wasn’t as brutal as the last encounter.” Red said to the mare as he gave her a head pat. “Are you sure darling?” Rarity questioned. “You seem a little distraught.” The young man exhales through his nose as his wings gives a small shutter. “You got me there. to be honest, I am little freaked out at the moment.” “Why?” Pinkie asked, sensing the young man’s turmoil. “And old enemy of mine, to all Un-Naturals has somehow learned I’m on your world, and she’s sworn to get her hands on me.” the ponies gave each other some worried looks as they heard this. “And who is this, enemy of yours.” Applejack asked as Red Hawk sat down on a bucket that Pinkie flipped over so he could sit. “Her name is Miranda Johnson, and she’s a scientist of the Governments World Security Force, or G.W.S.F for short. And she’s one of the few people that researchers people like me.” Red replies to the farm ponies question. “It doesn’t sound like she’s the kind of egghead you want to know.” Rainbow remarked. “Truest me Rainbow Dash, if you intrigue her curiosity she will do ANYTHING to get her hands on you, and if she does get you…you will wish for death.” The ponies looked startled when they heard this, and it wasn’t just the older ponies who looked terrified, Scootaloo and her friends also looked dreadfully scared. the fillies even sought out comfort when they began to imagine the horrid things any pony could to do another being. Apple Bloom hid beneath her sister, Sweetie Belle held onto Rarity’s foreleg, and he little pegasus jumped up into Red lap, giving him a securing hug as she nuzzles into his chest. “Do you think this scientist will return?” Fluttershy asked the young man as he drapes his wings over himself and Scootaloo. “As long as she knows I’m here, and she has the means of coming to Equestria, she won’t stop until either the princesses prevent her from coming here or she gets her hands on me.” “Don’t worry Red!” Pinkie said as she hopped to his side, wrapping a foreleg around him. “We got your back, and no crazy scientist is going to take you away to do crazy…sciencie-things.” Red gave a small smile to the pink mare, and even leaned his head against the mares, before giving her a nuzzle. Pinkie, and the other mares looked surprised by this act, and some developed a small blush, Pinkie most of all. Her face got a bit more redder when Red’s right wing wraps around her, pulling her in closer. “Thanks for the comfort Pinkie, it really helps.” The mare’s face started to turn a bit redder, before bolting out of Red’s grasp out of shock. “N-no problem!” Pinkie says as she tries to hide her blushing face. After the little touching moment, the group decided to head inside the confectionary for a small snack, and to try and put the affairs of the day behind them. ~~Canterlot~~ As the group in Ponyville ate their treats, and tried to wind down from all that has happened, up in Canterlot the two sisters made it back to the castle a few minutes after leaving the library. Upon arrival they began gathering up a few pegasi guards, and once they gathered enough the princesses ordered them to patrol around Ponyville, and if any of them spots anything unusual, or signs of a portal or of a Collector they were to head straight to the castle, and inform them at once. The guards saluted the two royals before taking to the air, and off to fulfill their new duties. “So sister, where should we start to prevent this human female from coming back to Equestria?” Luna questioned as she and Celestia trot down the hallway. “Will unfortunately despite the emergency that just transpired, I still have court duties, and documents to go over today so I’ll be unable to do much.” Celestia says as she and Luna enter the west wing of the castle. “However Luna you should be able to head to the archives, and look for continue our research in dimensional crossing from when Red Hawk asked us to help more Un-Naturals like him.” “Of course sister. Should I also leave what I have discovered on the archives main table when I turn in to sleep, before beginning my duties at night and for you to pick it up?” “Yes.” Celestia responded. “Hopefully, we find something soon, I refuse to let that female human to get her claws on Red Hawk.” As the white alicorn said that her sister gives her a rather puzzled look, one that Celestia noticed out of the corner of her eye. “What is it Luna, is something troubling you?” “No sister, its just that, you seem to be taking Red Hawks case more, serious than anything I’ve seen you take upon yourself.” Luna commented. Celestia actually looked a little bashful, as a very light pink tinge touched her cheeks. “Well…perhaps. But it’s because I find Red Hawks cause to help people like himself to find a better life, especially from keeping them safe from humans like Miranda Johnson.” Luna gave her older sister a skeptic look. “Luna would you please stop looking at me like that.” “…” Luna didn’t heed to her sisters words and continued to study Celestia closely, seeing the pink cheeks turn a slight shade of red. “Sister…are you, attracted to Red Hawk?” Celestia nearly tripped as she spurted. “L-Luna! It—it’s not like that!” “Are you sure sister?” Luna inquired. “I’ve only seen you get this flustered once, and it was when you had an illicit relationship with the old captain of the guard, from when we lived in the castle in the Everfree Forest.” Celestia had a quick thought of the strapping young unicorn stallion that was the old captain of the guard. “Not to mention sister, you seem to enjoy embracing him, like the time he came to us about his plan to help his fellow Un-Naturals. And don’t think I haven’t noticed how you were taking in the young mans scent.” Celestia’s blush brighten a little bit more before the alicorn countered her sisters remark. “Like you’re one to talk. I heard you take in his scent to Luna.” The midnight alicorn then developed her own blush as she tries to play it off. “Regardless sister, it’s not proper behavior for a princess of Equestria to be meddling in, romance. After all…” Luna said in a somewhat dreary tone. “It’ll never last because how long alicorns live for.” “Maybe.” Celestia replies. “But still, I can’t help but feel drawn to him.” the alabaster alicorn says as the pair have entered Celestia’s private office. “And what about this human draws you sister, I’ll admit he is charming, and a pleasant sight on the eyes.” Luna says as she thought back to Red Hawk’s appearance. “But he still a non-pony…” “It matters little to what he looks like Luna.” Celestia says as she stands in the center of her office. “While I’ll admit he is very charming, what really draws me to him…is his noble intentions, his caring nature, and his willingness to put himself before others. Even to protect them from harm.” Luna nodded at what her sister has said about the human, and could see those qualities as alluring for a decent mare. “Well sister, those are admirable qualities to find in a romantic partner, but remember we are royalty.” Luna says matter-of-factly to her sister. “If we develop romantic interests, it must be with somepony of a higher standing, otherwise ponies might believe a scandal must be going on.” “And besides, you don’t even know if Red Hawk is interested in engaging in romances outside of his own species.” “…maybe.” Celestia says as she turns to face her sister, a confident look on her face as the two sisters stared at each other. “But even so, I know what I feel is genuine.” “I will keep my feelings a secret until I feel confident enough to pursue them, and see if Red Hawk is willing to give romance with a pony a chance.” Luna nodded to her sisters decision before bidding a good day as she left, but before she ventured off to the archive she gives her sister one last warning to be weary about her desires. After giving her sister a final farewell for the day, the midnight alicorn made her way to the archives of the castle, to continue the search for any spell for dimensional traveling and now preventing force entry into their own world. But as she trotted about Luna’s distracted by her sisters admiration of the human, hearing Celestia’s steadily growing want to be with the human, at least, that’s how Luna preserved it. Just then a stray thought came to Luna, an image more precisely. An image of Luna and Red Hawk facing each other, their faces closing in before their lips meet. A hoof was brought up to the mares lips, where a thought of what Red Hawk’s own lips would feel like if they did kiss, considering how smooth his skin was, Luna could only imagine the humans lips to be soft and smooth. Shaking her head of the distracting thought, Luna continued to trot to the archive…a strong blush adorning her face.