> Triple Dog Dare Ya > by NinjaMare > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: Best Sleepover Ever > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Are you excited Twilight this will be your first sleepover?” Sunset said as she leads the group to her place where the party was going to be, instead of Pinkie’s. “I am really excited Sunset, but I’m also a little nervous. I’ve been unsocial with people before so I’m a little terrified of messing this up.” Twilight said as she hung her head, but Applejack patted her back to comfort the lavender girl. “No need to feel so pressured sugarcube it’s going to be fine, just have fun and ask if anything goes over your head.” Applejack said as she then ruffled Twilight’s head, causing the girl to giggle. It was the beginning of the weekend and Sunset & the others thought it would be a good idea to have a sleepover, it’s been about two months since they last had a sleepover, but when Twilight said she’d never been to a sleepover the others were determine to give her the best 1st slumber party she had. Pinkie rushed to her house to gather some of her best snacks & extra money for takeout, Rarity ran off to gather up make kits & another beauty supplies in case the girls wanted to do make ups. Rainbow rushed to her house to grab her Game Box & some of her favorite games. Once the gang had everything they meet up at Fluttershy’s house since she lives a block away from Sunset, & are now on their way to Sunsets. “Well here we are.” Sunset said as she gestured to the building in front of her. “Wow.” Rainbow said as she adjusted her backpack. “This is where you live? I thought you’d live in a rundown place.” Applejack gave Rainbow a smack upside the head for saying something insensitive. “Trust me when I first started out that was how my home was, but I managed to earn some quick cash through some…” Sunset paused as she developed a light blush. “…questionable means. Legal of course! But some were just a little embarrassing to do.” The group decided not to pry into this subject unless Sunset was willing to tell them herself. Entering the building the rest of the girls saw that it was a pretty normal looking house, with a basic interior, there were a few personal things that Sunset bought to give its own flare, but not too much. There were a few clothes scattered around the living room, like a couple of jackets, a shirt along with a pair of black jeans…and a red laced bra & panty that Sunset quickly scooped up and hid behind her back. “I should’ve cleaned up a little beforehand.” Sunset sheepishly chuckled as she starts picking up her cloths. “So Sunset since your originally a pony, what’s it like to actually wear clothes?” Applejack asked as she put down her backpack & sleeping bag next to the couch. The others were curious as well. “At first it was weird. Normally ponies don’t wear clothes, unless for big parties or events. But I’ve actually started like wearing clothes, it’s like putting on a new skin every time, like changing my coat or mane color.” Sunset explained as she went into the kitchen and grabbed some bottled drinks. “If I ever go to visit Equestria I might be a little embarrassed of not be wearing anything, and walking on four hooves. After her explanation Sunset re-entered the living room & saw her friends already comfortable and were getting things all set-up. Twilight asked Sunset if she ever came across her Earthly counterpart in her time living here, surprisingly she did. Turns out Sunset’s counterpart is a violinist for an orchestra group called Symphony Hearts. When the others heard that they were surprised. Symphony Hearts is a well-known orchestra group, one of the best teenage groups to hit the music scene, they were surprised they didn’t know that one of the members were actually Sunset’s counterpart. After Sunset has handed out the bottled drinks & Rainbow getting her Game Box all set up, they were ready to start the slumber party. “Alright girls…Let’s…PARTY!” (Few hrs. later - 10pm) So far the party was going great. Twilight was enjoying everything from the make-up she, Rarity & Fluttershy were doing their hairs & a little bit of facial make-up. When Rainbow asked if Twilight wanted to try one of her games, Twilight decided to give it a shot, turns out she was great at playing Hero World. After playing for an hour & a half the group started to get hungry. Pulling out several take-out menus from her hair, shirt top and her right pants leg Pinkie asked who wanted what, while pulling her cell phone out of her sweat pants. Placing their own orders Pinkie made the calls and placed the orders and they just waited for the food. Once the food has arrived Fluttershy brought out a collection of movies that she brought along, so as the girls ate & watched movies and had a bit more fun with games and small talk, they decided to do other stuff. “Triple Dog Dare? What kind of game is that?” Twilight asked as the grouped munched away on the remaining half of their dinners. “It’s just another way to say Truth or Dare.” Sunset then started to explain the rules of the game, Twilight seemed to get the jest of it. “Alright then whose first?” Sunset looked around the circle of friends. “I’ll go first.” Rarity said as she looked squarely at Rainbow. “Rainbow, Truth or Dare?” “Dare. Let’s see what you got.” Rainbow said in a challenging tone while giving Rarity a cocky smirk. “Alright. I triple dog dare you…to wear this frou-frou nightgown & night cap for the rest of the night!” Rainbow gasped in horror as she looked upon the light blue nightgown, with frills & fluffy looking cuffs. The others were trying not to laugh at Rainbow’s expression but ultimately failed. Taking the clothes away from Rarity while pouting Rainbow removed her shirt & sweat pants before putting the nightgown on, Fluttershy & Twilight blushed a little bit after seeing their rainbow haired friend basically just strip right in front of them. Although Twilight does remember that Rainbow isn’t one to shy away from this kind of thing so easily, she remembered that one time when Rainbow got splashed with water that her clothes got so soaked, everyone could she her braless breast & her sports shorts under her jeans, and just shrugged it off. ‘If folks want a peek at all this I’m not going to stop them, just makes them wanting more.’ Twilight remembered what Dash said to her when she told her the clothes were see through. “Okay laugh it up, I’ll get you guys back just you wait.” Rainbow grumbled before picking out her target. “Pinkie. Truth or Dare?” “I choose Truth.” Pinkie said as she tittered on her spot on the floor. “Alright Pinkie is it true that you once used a frosting bottle…as a dildo!” Pinkie doubled over as her face got even more pink, the others pretty much had the same reaction. After a moment of hesitation & mild embarrassment, Pinkie nodded as she buried her face into her pillow. Rainbow couldn’t help but laugh while the others were to shock to laugh with her or to shock to even do so. They knew Pinkie would do random & weird things but this one takes the cake, Rainbow managed to catch her breath and asked. “Has the bottle finished inside or outside?” Pinkie could only burry her face more into the pillow as she fell backwards before saying. “I-Inside.” Rainbow was practically holding her sides as the others were so shocked it looked like they were frozen in time. Once Rainbow managed to reign I her laughter & Rarity managing to help Pinkie calm herself, they continued the game. Twilight was a little un-certain about playing this game, but, it seems everyone knows that everything was in good humor as Pinkie was laughing while she told them why she used a frosting bottle. This seemed like a good way to bond with her friends, despite some of the raunchy stuff she is hearing as the game goes on. “Alright Applejack I tripe dog dare you too…um…” Fluttershy was trying to come up with a good dare when it was her turn. “…let’s see, OH! I dare you to stand on your head for five minutes. If that’s possible.” Applejack just chuckled and said it was alright, and then the farm girl proceeded to stand on her head, she was allowed to use her hands if she needed to. “Ah think ah got it.” Applejack then turned slightly to face Rainbow. “Rainbow. Truth or Dare?” “I’m going with truth this time.” Rainbow said as she crossed her arms while trying not to snicker at Applejack. “Okay. Is it true that back in 6th grade, you burped so loud during music class, that everyone in the whole school heard ya & you fell on your butt?” Twilight giggled at the question and was soon joined by Pinkie & Sunset, Rainbow glared at the three while blushing before grumbling. “Yes.” Unable to control herself Twilight let out a giggle-snort along with her friends. “Alright Twilight your turn. Truth or Dare!” “D-Dare, I pick dare.” Twilight said as she got her giggle-snorts under control. Rainbow grinned wickedly, and rubbed her hands mischievously. “Alright for the rest of the night I triple dog dare ya…to be completely naked!” that’s when all the others gasped, spit-take or doubled over when they heard Rainbows dare. “N-Naked!” Twilight shouted as she quickly placed an arm over her chest & crotch while tucking in her legs in while a large blush formed on her face. “Rainbow Dash! You can’t dare Twilight to do that, this is her first sleep over, I don’t think she can handle your more lewd dares.” Rarity complained before looking back to Twilight. “Twilight you don’t have to do this dare, this is--” “No, she asked for a dare, so I gave her a dare. She has to follow through it.” Applejack & Sunset joined Rarity on telling Rainbow that she shouldn’t have even thought about that dare. While the four girls were arguing, Fluttershy & Pinkie were with Twilight telling her she didn’t have to do it. But Twilight was starting to think that maybe this was a good chance to come out of her shell, and show her friends that she can take the same kind of jokes that they could. If Applejack can stand to show her chest when dared, or Rarity telling her friends about having an intimate moment with one of the school band mates, then she could do this. “A-Alright. I’ll d-do it.” all of her friends looked at Twilight as she placed her hands on the hem of her night shirt. “Twilight are sure you want to do this, you don’t have to.” Sunset asked but Twilight was certain. Twilight started to remove her shirt slowly before stopping when it reached her chest, she took in a deep breath before removing it completely to reveal her well-toned stomach and her fairly big chest held by a teal-colored bra. She then stood up and removed her sweat pants revealing a teal-colored pair of panties, which was removed soon after, followed by the unstrapping of her bra. Twilight was now as naked as the day she was born, revealing her fairly well defined body, large bust and wide hips to her friends. She covered her vulva with one of her hands but stopped from covering her breast, instead placing her arm under her chest. “Wow Twilight, I didn’t know you were so…well…hot.” Rainbow said as she looked her naked friend up & down, before she sat back down on the floor. “Thanks. I t-try to keep in s-shape.” Twilight was thoroughly embarrassed of showing of her body, but her fears were slowly disappearing as her friends weren’t looking at her funny, but rather in awe. “Dang Twilight I didn’t think you’d have a chest that big…” Pinkie then placed a hand on Twilights left boob, which caused the lavender girl to jump. “…maybe a bit bigger than mine or Rarity’s.” Pinkie commented as she started to fill up her own large bosom. Rarity then pulled the collar of her night gown back while looking down at her own chest, out of the seven girls Rarity & Pinkie were the biggest sets of breast, with Fluttershy being a good 3rd place contender. Looking between her chest & Twilights Rarity could tell that her friend was at least 1 cup size bigger, it was surprising to see that Twilight was able to hide her assist so well to make them look smaller than they are. “I’m a little self-conscious about my bust. Growing up I was usually the girl the others would get jealous at, that’s why I tend to buy bras & shirts that try to make them look smaller.” Twilight said as she still looked slightly embarrassed that the conversation has gone to her bust. After a few moments of Sunset & Fluttershy making sure Twilight wasn’t uncomfortable the game continued. While the group was continuing to play and thoroughly laughing & joking around, Twilight was starting to forget the fact that she was naked, the others asked if she was still alright to which she see says yes. But for one of the girls some thoughts started to stir in her head. As Rainbow kept looking at Twilight, when no one was looking, she was wondering about what Twilight’s breast would feel like, soft or firm? And what would it be like to stick a finger or her tongue in Twilight’s love tunnel. While she was used to having sex with some of the male students, she always wondered what it would be like to do it with another girl. When Sunset asked Rainbow if she wanted a truth or dare, Rainbow said truth still primarily thinking about Twilight’s body. ‘I got to know.’ Rainbow thought as she responded to Sunset’s truth about Rainbow able to kick a soccer ball almost over the entire school building, once that was done Rainbow asked Twilight. “Alright Twilight. Truth or Dare.” Rainbow was praying that Twilight would say… “I’ll go with dare.” Rainbow mentally fist pumped while cheering ‘YES!’ “Okay Twilight, I triple dog dare you…” Rainbow said as she crawled over to Twilight, causing the lavender girl to flinch back just a little bit. “…to let me touch that body of yours.” Rainbow said huskily as she was mere inches from touching those glorious mounds. Twilight along with the others didn’t get a chance to protest before Rainbow outstretched her left hand, and cupped Twilights right breast. Twilight gasped after feeling her breast being gently fondled as Rainbow started to kneed it, soon Rainbow started to fondle Twilight’s other breast which only made Twilight moan and pant. Even though this was sudden Twilight couldn’t deny that she was actually, enjoying having one of her friends ‘play’ with her like this, sure she would do this to herself when she masturbated but actually having someone else do it to her felt even more amazing. As for the rest of the girls they were shocked that Twilight was allowing Rainbow to do this to her, each and every face was as red as a prize winning tomato, especially Fluttershy as her face looked like it could cook eggs. While they continued to watch Rainbow play with their friend, their own nether regions started to get damp & their own nipples were starting to get erect. Pinkie was already groping her own breast while gently rubbing her own sex. The others were starting to join Pinkie in pleasuring themselves, just as Rainbow removed one of her hands from Twilight’s chest, and then started to rub the folds of Twilight’s pussy. Twilight was enjoying all the attention Rainbow was giving her, as her eyes started to go half-lidded and filled with lust, while having her pussy being massaged and soon having it being invaded by Rainbow’s fingers was pleasurable, she still enjoyed having her breast being played with more. Her breasts were always on the sensitive side, and so having them being fondled felt incredible. “Whoa!” Rainbow said pulling Twilight out of her dazed state. She noticed that Rainbow & the others have stopped what they were doing, and looked down where they were looking. Her eyes followed where they were looking and soon they went wide-eyed as well, she saw that both of her breasts were leaking out milk! She never in her life knew she could do that. For one she wasn’t pregnant, and none of the time where she played with her own breast did they do this. “Wow Twilight, your just full of surprises.” Rainbow said as she pinches the pulsing nub and tweaked it, causing some of the creamy liquid to squirt out. “Don’t t-tweak them so--!” Twilight was cut off when Rainbow latched her lips on her right breast, and caused her to moan. “Rainbow!” all of her friends shouted but Rainbow ignored them, as she tasted the warm yet creamy liquid go down her throat and brushed against her tongue. Gulping down Twilight’s milk like a starving baby Rainbow was loving the taste & texture of Twilight’s breast, it was defiantly soft & squishy but it had a slight amount of firmness to it. After a couple of minutes of drinking Twilight’s milk Rainbow unlatched her mouth and panted for air, she looked up at Twilight’s face and saw that she was completely plastered with pleasure. “You guys have to try this, it’s so good.” Rainbow said as she looked towards her friends. Before Twilight could say anything Pinkie actually scooted over to her, and planted her lips on Twilights left breast and started to suck. Twilight gasped out in pleasure as not only feeling her milk eject from her nipple, or Pinkie’s mouth on her breast, but also Pinkie’s tongue lapping around the nipple teasing more milk as she sucks. To fuel her sex drunk filled mind even more Fluttershy scooted over to her, and started to message Twilights remaining breast with both hands. Fluttershy then planted her lips on Twilights breast and started to suckle on it gently, the moment that the milk touched her tongue Fluttershy started to suck more vigorously…well vigorous for her. “Oh~ this feels so good. It…I feel…I can’t describe what I am feeling!” Twilight moaned out she placed both hands on her friends heads keeping them firmly planted on her breast, and smooshing them causing more milk to eject out. Twilight moaned out loudly as she felt a tongue enter her pussy. Looking down Twilight saw Rainbow Dash burying her tongue into her pussy, lapping at the inside walls & removing her mouth from them to nibble on her clit. Twilight was already on the edge from Rainbow Dash sucking her breast, but now that Fluttershy & Pinkie were nursing on her breast, while Rainbow went to town on her pussy it was only a matter of time before Twilight came. “Rainbow! I-I’m gonna c-c…CUM!” Twilight shouted as her love juices squirted into Dash’s face & into her mouth, while Fluttershy & Pinkie got a big dose of Twilight milk ejecting out of her breast. Pinkie, Fluttershy & Rainbow detached themselves from Twilight’s body as she rides out her orgasm. Both Pinkie & Fluttershy had milk streaming down their lips & necks, soaking their tops, as for Rainbow Dash she wiped Twilight sweet tasting juices from her mouth as she gulped the rest. As Twilight was able to gather her thoughts as her minded cleared, she looked down to her breast and still saw milk leaking out from them. Twilight placed hand on her left breast and gently squeezed it, which cause a good stream of milk to squirt out, hitting Sunset in the face as her own hand was in her pants playing her own arousal. “Do you need help draining the rest out dear?” Rarity said in a slightly sultry voice as she grinned at her lavender friend, Twilight could only nod which caused the alabaster girl to gingerly start sucking from the breast. “Need any help with this one?” Applejack said as she placed her hand under Twilight’s right breast, causing the mound of flesh to jiggle. Like before Twilight could only nod as her mind was starting to be filled with euphoria, unlike Rarity Applejack clamped her teeth on the sensitive nub causing Twilight to moan & causing milk to squirt out. “Make s-sure there is e-enough for Sun--*moan*--Sunset.” Twilight said in between pants & moans, her thoughts were drowned with pleasure, but there is one thought in her mind that wasn’t drowned out in pleasure. ‘Best f-first slumber party e-ever.’ (1am) It was now one in the morning and the girls were now asleep, thoroughly exhausted after 2hrs. of having pretty much what cumulated to as group sex and drinking from Twilight’s seamlessly endless supply of breast milk. It was defiantly something none of them expected the night to go, at first they did nothing but drink from Twilight’s breasts, and then Rainbow started the finger fucking which got the others involved as well. It was a not-so quite night. Thank goodness Sunset doesn’t have any neighbors. Twilight, Fluttershy & Pinkie sure can scream when they are on cloud nine if not twelve or fifteen. As for Twilight she was still butt naked as she slept in her sleeping bag, with a towel under her breasts to catch any of her milk that would trickle out. after the whole group sex and her friends drinking her, she was able to collect her thoughts and found the whole thing enjoyable. In fact after the whole thing and everyone managed to get their minds back to normal, they all freaked out at what just happened, and what they did to Twilight, but she assured her friends that she enjoyed every minute of it. “Mama Twilight.” Fluttershy quietly said as she gently shook Twilight, while calling Twilight by her new nickname that Fluttershy actually came up with. “Fluttershy?” Twilight said as she looked up to the butterscotch girl rubbing her eyes a little. “What’s wrong?” “I’m still thirsty. Can I sleep with you; and c-can I p-possibly…drink f-from…you’re…breasts a-again?” Fluttershy’s voice trailed off as it got even quieter, while her face was starting to turn bright red & clutching her stuffed teddy bear in her arms. Twilight genially smiled up at Fluttershy rubbing her cheek and nodding. Fluttershy brighten up and snuggled up-close to her friend, once she got comfortable Twilight lifted her left breast for Fluttershy, who gently placed her lips on the nipple and started to suck, getting more of Twilights delicious milk. As Fluttershy enjoyed her late night drink while drifting off to sleep, Twilight wrapped an arm over her friend and gently strokes her head. ‘Mama Twilight.’ Twilight mentally said as she looked down at her sleeping friends face. ‘I could get used to being called that.’ (Tuesday) “Come on Sunset hurry up, I’m hungry! And you’ve been drinking for 2 minutes already.” Rainbow Dash whined & pouted as she and the rest of her friends were behind Canterlot High, hiding in a thicket of trees waiting for her turn to drink from Twilight’s breasts. “It’s not my fault Twilight has such delicious milk.” Sunset quickly said before going back to drinking her meal, Twilight could only pant like a dog in heat at the simulations she was getting. “You’ll just have to wait your turn like the rest of us have to.” Rarity said as she waited for her turn, licking her lips as she looked at the milk filled mounds. After the Slumber party on Friday which Twilight said was the best for her first slumber party, the rest of the weekend had the group spend time together and having two more slumber parties, one at Fluttershy’s house since her parents were away & at Rainbows. For those two days the girls timidly asked if Twilight could ‘feed’ them again, after coming to an agreement Twilight allowed her friends to drink from her whenever they wanted on the weekends, but at school they had to set up schedules on when they could ask. “Alright S-Sunset I *moan* think y-you had enough, g-give Rainbow her turn.” Twilight said as she tried to suppress her moans. “Applejack it’s a-also time to s-switch out for R-Rarity.” The two girls were reluctant to detach their mouths from Twilight’s breast, licking their lips Sunset & Applejack moved to allow their remaining 2 friends to have their ‘lunch’. The moment Sunset made room Rainbow pretty much latched onto Twilights breast and immediately started to gulp down Twilight’s milk, while Twilight squirmed at Rainbow’s sudden attack Rarity petted Twilights cheek before saying her thanks for the meal, and then began suckling on Twilight’s other breast. ‘Best arrangement EVER!’ Rainbow thought as she continued to guzzle the creamy nectar from the soft mound her friend.