> A Taste of the Sun > by KingdaKa > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Taste of the Sun > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clearing the orchards was somehow both the most grueling and most rewarding work she knew. No matter how early you went out, even if the sun had yet to not even crest over the horizon, there would be a way for sweat to find its form upon your face. The drippling beads would flow down along the contours of her cheek and find their way down to the underblouse that hung beneath her neck until even it was so drenched in salted water that it would stick to her skin and leave her gasping. It was grueling, unforgiving tasks that set her heart to ecstasy, and Applejack would have it no other way. This was her world: a place under her command and control so thoroughly that little could be known and unknown without her willingness for it to be so. No matter where she walked, it was a place she knew better than she even knew herself. And she relished each and every moment she spent beneath the leaves of the place she called home. This day had been no different than most before, or ones that would come after it. An early morning before the sun had found its face on the distance beyond, simply to prepare for the long day’s work. Then she and her brother would find their way into the depths of the trees that held their livelihood until they could push no further, and then somehow find the strength to drag back their workload for the day and at last see rest in the farmhouse where Granny Smith and Sugar Belle would have dinner prepared for them all. It was a family effort, and Applejack would have it no other way. “Come on, now,” she grumbled, trying to strike down the last of a pair of stubborn apples that still clung tightly to their place upon the branches. “I’ve got better things to do than to just stand here and wait for you to fall down. So why don’t you do me the favor and just drop already!” Apples, lacking the sentience to comply or disregard her words, simply hung there further. “Oh for heaven’s sake,” Applejack said. “Please don’t make me climb this, I hate climbing trees. Too much effort.” Suddenly the last pair of apples that lay above her head began to wriggle madly in a wild untamed rhythm, shuffling back and forth between one another until they fell to the ground below and gently rolled to her feet, settling just at her toes for her to grab. “Well! If I’d known I had the touch for it,” she said smugly, humoring herself with the thought that they had come down on her orders after all. “Now, if y’all would just roll kindly over to that barrel and be on your way, I’d certainly appreciate it. Get, y’all!” What she felt next was a strange concoction of horror and amazement as she watched the apples suddenly float in the air above her before slowly making their way over to the bushel barrel that awaited them and plopping down amidst their brethren, leaving the woman who had seemingly commanded them in a state of catatonic shock. “What in the-” A small giggle of humorous laughter somewhere behind her. Her inclination was to search for the source, but the sudden flurry of movement all around her took the totality of Applejack’s attentions as the rest of the apples of the orchard in which she stood suddenly took a life of their own and began to detach themselves from their respective trees and somehow find their place in the barrels beneath them, nestling so firmly that Applejack wondered if the contents could even be tossed at all. It was such a shocking display of command that she wondered how on earth such a thing had come about- especially by her own spoken word! “What in tarnation?” she breathed, gazing down at her hands and gaping. “I didn’t do that, did I?” “I’m afraid not, dear,” said a soft voice behind her and Applejack nearly jumped out of her skin from fright. Head turning with the force of a whip, her eyes beheld a most unexpected sight and set her knees to trembling: “Princess Celestia!” “I hope I’m not here at a bad time, dear Applejack,” said the glorious woman, walking slowly up to meet the young farmer. “No, of course not, uh- Your Majesty,” Applejack said, falling to one knee- “Oh, enough of that,” Celestia said warmly, “I’m simply here to visit in a friendly manner, not make an official visit. Relax, now.” “Well, thank ye, I guess,” Applejack said, though not quite certain if in the midst of her work was really the time for such a thing. “What can I do for you, Princess?” “Oh, nothing at all, Applejack!” Celestia said, a sudden snap of her fingers setting the multitude of bushel barrels that had been set across the orchard to elsewhere far out of sight. “I merely wanted to pay a social call to Equestria’s best apple farmers. I hope that’s not something that bothers you.” “N- not at all, Princess!” Applejack replied- much of her mind was still focused on where her apples had disappeared to and wondered if this whole thing was a dream rather than any semblance of reality. Be more likely, at least. “It’s a pleasure to see you- even if it is a mite unexpected.” “I wondered if it might be,” the glorious Princess remarked. “Your orchard’s efforts should be outside your farmyard waiting for your return. Shall we walk to meet them?” “Y- thank you, yes!” Applejack cried. A whole day’s work done and it’s only noontime! Now how about that! Their initial foray through the trees began in silence, Applejack not sure what to say to such a person. The most important person around and she came for a ‘social call’ for heaven’s sake- what am I supposed to do? “Would you like to know something, Applejack?” Celestia remarked. “I wonder, are you aware just how much your farm’s crops travel?” “I… am actually not sure, Princess,” Applejack admitted. “To say everywhere in Equestria would simplify it too much, wouldn’t it?” Celestia said. “I’ve seen your family’s mark everywhere from Manehatten to Vanhoover, and just about everywhere in between. Truth be told, I don’t think there’s ever been an apple that has come to my halls that wasn’t of your brand.” Applejack wanted to say something in response. The difficulty was knowing exactly what to say in return when you didn’t have any words to say at all. “I hope I’m not stealing your breath, Applejack,” Celestia said kindly, “I prefer much more enjoyable ways to do such a thing.” Uh… “No, Princess, you’re fine!” she said. “I must admit, I am still pretty surprised you decided to show up. It’s definitely a bit…” “Unusual?” Celestia suggested. “To say the least,” Applejack admitted. “Please don’t be mad…” “I wouldn’t be at all, dear Applejack. Besides, it’s lovely to spend time with you.” Celestia considered the range of farmlands around her, and the faraway building that she called home. “Please, tell me: how has it been for you and your family these past few months?” The subject was one of Applejack’s favorites. She could have gone on for longer than even time allowed, if she had been able. Celestia walked alongside the young woman and was a gracious listener, even continuing to ask questions and remark upon things her companion expounded upon. An enthusiastic listener, combined with a well-meaning speaker, made for a pleasurable walk back to friendly territory. “If you’ll take a look at the gate, dear Applejack,” Celestia murmured, “just at the edge of the fence…” “Oh my stars- my apples!” Applejack said, rushing up to see her farm’s handiwork. “Well how about that- Princess, thank you so much! That would’ve been a bunch of back-breaking work to bring them all on up here, I sure appreciate it!” “It’s been my pleasure, Applejack,” Celestia said, her eyes shining just as much as her voice. “Take a look at your home for a moment. Let it sink in.” Applejack was more than willing to comply, the hearty farmer turning to gaze upon the farmhouse that had been home to her family for more generations than she could easily count. It stood shelter for herself, Granny, her sister, and now a burgeoning family in the form of her brother and sister-in-law. It had been repaired, refurbished, and remade more times than she would likely ever know- but it was home nevertheless, and always would it. “It’s beautiful,” she whispered. “And it remains because of you. Be proud of that, dear Applejack,” Celestia whispered. Applejack blushed more thoroughly red than the apples she farmed, trying to look anywhere than the glorious woman who stood beside her. “I- I don’t know- I’m not so sure about that,” she mumbled. “Well, I am,” Celestia said, suddenly leaning down and placing such a kiss on Applejack’s lips that the young farmer was left speechless. A warmth like sunlight pressed against her lips, soft and smooth as silken sunfire yet so firm and lovely that she didn’t quite have the words to describe them- or really even describe the whole situation at all. When Celestia finally relinquished her kiss from Applejack’s lips, she pulled away ever so slowly, giving a gentle laugh at the look of shock on the blonde farmer’s face. “Be seeing you soon, my darling farmer,” she said pleasantly, before giving a snap of her fingers and disappearing from sight. As the sound of the Princess’ disappearance echoed across the farmyard, Applejack still could not find the strength to rouse herself from the stunning turn of events. Eyes still wide, mouth still agape, body stiff as an iron beam, she knew nothing of what could possibly have prepared her for such a thing, or what she was supposed to do after. Finally, when at last the spell had been broken some moments later and her brother walked by her with a confused expression on his face at the sight of his rigid sister, she regained her strength and spoke into the waking world: “What just happened?” Twilight set her book down and gaped at her friend. “She kissed you,” she echoed, eyes so wide they could have given dinner plates a run for their money. “She actually kissed you.” Applejack had possessed little idea of where to turn next in the moments after. Maybe the Princess’ favored student would be the one to tell her how to react. “I mean… yeah. I’m pretty sure of that, but not much else. And even that’s sorta fuzzy.” “But, but, but but-” Twilight was spluttering, trying to find some ground upon which to stand. She sat there at her desk, a quill of opened ink now spilled and steadily dripping down to the floor that was awaiting its liquid presence. “But why?” “I don’t know, Twilight!” Applejack said, exasperated by her friend’s seeming lack of understanding. “Why would I be asking you if I knew? I’m confused as all get-out, that’s why I asked you for help. You know the Princess, what kind of person she is. Do you have any idea why she did- well, that?” “I- uh,” Twilight scrambled to find something sensible to say, looking around the library in which she dwelled and perhaps hoping for some written word into which she could delve. “I, I dunno- at least not off the top of my head.” She paused, throwing a look at her friend. “What- the kiss itself.” “Uh… what about it?” “Well… what did it feel like?” Twilight asked. “What did it feel like?” Applejack echoed, initially confused by such a seemingly ridiculous question. “I dunno, I- I guess I was more surprised than anything else, it was just- super-sudden and all, I just… she was really warm, I guess?” “Uh-huh- and wh-wha-what was she… dressed like! How was she dressed?” “I, uh…” Applejack had to think about it now, such questions of dress and garments not truly her realm of expertise; Rarity would have been able to answer both of these far more easily than she could have hoped to try. “I guess she was in, uh… a white dress of sorts. Y’know, a gown? And she seemed pretty comfortable, even if it was a warm day. We’d spent a lot of time talking, and she seemed like she was sweating a little, and- Twilight, are you OK?” Twilight was rocking back and forth in her seat at the desk with an expression on her face that suggested agonizing pain. “I, uh- Applelack, uh I mean Applejack- sorryIgottago!” the young neuroticist suddenly exclaimed, grabbing her things and running swiftly to her bedchambers above- leaving Applejack somehow even more confused, and with far less idea of what to do about the whole affair. “I guess I do nothing,” Applejack said at last, walking out of the library and back to the farmland in which she dwelled. “Better than making a big fuss or nothing. Besides, it wasn’t that big a deal. Maybe it’s normal for a Princess to kiss women… randomly… whenever she feels like it.” Even she found the argument less than convincing. And the memory remained. The next few days passed in peace, Applejack returning to her work as normal and giving little heed to her experience. Her family didn’t know, nor did they need to. Apple Bloom was off on a trip with Sweetie Belle, Granny and Big Mac hadn’t been there to bear witness, no one knew. It was something that could be brushed under the rug, if only Applejack would swiftly let the memory die. Work in the orchards continued to remain grueling due to the vicious heat that permeated the air. Among the trees and things of green the humidity would remain much longer, the hardy farmer’s work beneath leaves and above grass turning into a sweltering occupation. She wouldn’t have traded it for the world, relishing the work as she knew whom it benefited- even if she wouldn’t have minded more favorable circumstances in which to perform her tasks. The evening brought further work for Applejack to complete, the multitude of crops she and her brother had accrued now strewn across the barn in dozens of barrels, with even more open containers awaiting the ones that would be sorted. It was an unusually large surplus, and she wondered if there were any particular reason for it. Oh there’s not a chance… “Hey.” The gruff voice of her brother behind her and she turned away from her formidable task for a moment. “I gotta go.” “You’ve got- oh come on, Big Mac, that ain’t fair!” she said, stomping her feet for added emphasis. “This would’ve taken us all night even with the two of us, if it’s just me we’ll fall behind on going through the rest of the east orchard! You can’t just leave me with this.” Big Mac jerked his head towards the farmhouse. “Hole in the floorboards in Granny’s room. Big one.” “Wait, since when-” “Since today,” he said. “Rot. Sugar Belle’s helping Granny right now.” It was at least an understandable explanation, even if she had no desire to hear it. “Yeah, well… shoot. Granny ain’t hurt bad, is she?” Big Mac shook his head. “Sprain. I’ll work on it.” “Yeah, yeah you should,” Applejack muttered. “Well, get to it, I guess. I’ll get to… all of these.” She turned back to the numerous barrels that awaited their sorting and gave a sigh. “Oh, this is gonna be horrible.” There was no way to make such work better. Low to the ground and your knees would suffer; sitting atop a stool and leaning over would bring suffering upon your back. Each individual apple would need to be inspected by hand, the feel of it against pressure just as important as its appearance. Ones that had been taken to by pests would be thrown out away from the threat of further harm; rotted ones would be sorted for cider vinegar and fertilizer; healthy ones would be put to whatever uses their buyers would determine, so long as the money was good. It was a slow process, and even hardworking Applejack could find no way to accelerate the task. It was simple, mundane, dreary work, made worse by the lack of company. “Endless work… gotta fix a hole in the house, gotta play catch-up in the orchard, do Apple Bloom’s chores too, and now gotta do this all by myself…” “Then may I be of assistance?” It was the last voice she had expected and the first one she should have guessed would make an appearance. The sudden noise in the quiet atmosphere of the barn gave Applejack such a fright that she yelled aloud and slipped off her stool, falling backwards to the awaiting floor- It felt as though a pillow had come underneath her back and she felt herself being propped up to a standing position. When her feet touched ground she looked over at the entrance to the ramshackle building and saw Princess Celestia standing there, a soft glow on her fingers as she used her magic to gently place the farmgirl back at ease. “I didn’t mean to surprise you,” the ageless woman remarked. “Please never do that again,” Applejack said shakily, unsure whether the sensation of falling or the floating mid-air had been more uncomfortable. “And I never will. You have my word, Applejack.” The unusualness of her sudden visit did little to set the weary farmer at ease, only intensified by the strangeness of their last meeting. What is she even doing here? The silence was awkward, and despite Celestia’s friendly demeanor she gave little indication that she would be the first to break the spell. Applejack found herself paying a bit more attention this time, albeit subconsciously: vivid hair that sparkled, a simple white gown with the hem just barely brushing the ground. Eyes that glowed with laughter- Applejack gave herself a shake. “Is there something I can do for you, Princess? I’m not… I do actually have a lot to do right now.” “Oh, I am aware, dear Applejack,” Celestia said pleasantly. “I overheard your words, and wondered if there was anything I could do to help you.” “Well, there really isn’t- wait a darn minute, were you spying on me?” Celestia laughed, gesturing to the darkening world outside the dimly lit barn. “When my work is done, I tend to roam wherever I wish. I see, I hear, I do what I can to help. It is my way of things when Luna’s moon is rising.” Applejack wasn’t sure how much she believed all of that, but felt like questioning royalty might cause more harm than good. “Well, I… am just sorting through the apples right now. It’ll probably take me all night. I mean, if you really wanna help…” “Of course I do!” Celestia said, another snap of her fingers that set the entire room of apples to levitating close to eye level. “And how would you like it done?” She could put me out of business by breathing. “Well, um-” Applejack struggled to think straight at such an unusual sight. “I, uh… well we have to dispose of ones that have been attacked by insects and pests, then there’s the rotted one that get composted and such, then all the good ones just get sorted to… themselves. I guess.” “Wonderful! Allow me,” the luxurious princess declared. A small orb of light settled in the midst of the throng and began to spit out splinters of light that bored their way into the great host of apples- “My apples!” “Patience, dearest,” Celestia purred- A sudden flash and then the room was empty- or was it? Applejack blinked a few times and then found herself gawking at the now perfectly sorted barrels that lay all around her, each one properly marked and awaiting their delivery to wherever requirements called them. An entire night’s work completed in the span of a few seconds. “I hope that makes things easier.” Applejack was trying not to think of what would happen if Celestia ever gave thought to opening up her own orchard and didn’t pay attention. “Applejack?” She waded through the multitude of barrels towards her companion, a slight tinge of concern evident upon her face. “Are you alright?” “Just a bit…” Applejack’s brain felt fuzzy and she gave herself a thorough shake to rectify the sudden struggle. “I’m sorry, can I help you?” Celestia laughed, a sound as clear as morning rain and did nothing to help Applejack’s fuzziness- or prevent a sudden heat across her face. “Only whatever you ask of me, dear Applejack,” she answered. “After all, Equestria’s hardest worker deserves relief every now and then, doesn’t she?” She really wasn’t helping at all. Applejack knew she was blushing hard now, and finding something to look at other than the Princess’ shining face was starting to become a struggle for some strange reason. “I… me? Really? I mean, come on, now…” “And why would I lie to you, Applejack?” whispered the timeless woman, coming to stand just behind the tall farmgirl and placing her hands upon her shoulders. “Look at all of this. Cared for, tended to, all for the sake of those around you. You would have sorted all these without a single person to aid you! And all for the souls that dwell in that quaint farmhouse just across the yard, so they could be happy and loved. That’s quite a thing to be proud of, don’t you think?” Applejack couldn’t find it in her to blush any further and simply stood there, surveying what would have been a miserable night’s work were it not for the Princess’ sudden rescue. The thought brought a small smile to her face. “I guess so,” she murmured. “I say so, dear,” Celestia whispered, taking Applejack’s face in her soft hands and bringing the young woman’s lips to meet her own for a new kiss, stealing breath and letting the moment sit as they embraced. Once, twice, three times more as lips found comfort against one another, the farmgirl slowly losing herself in the majestic warmth that was pressed up against her in the form of such wonderful softness- Wait a minute! Applejack broke the spell as she felt a new sensation try to enter in, pushing away from the Princess with a gasp for air, not sure whether her compliance or the actual moment itself was the more shocking aspect. “What just-” “Simply rewarding you for your efforts. I believe you deserve at least that.” “Oh my goodness it happened again.” “It was lovely to see you again, my dear, Celestia said with a trill of laughter. “If you ever have need of me again, simply call my name.” A quick snap and she was gone again, leaving Applejack thoroughly flustered in more ways than she would ever be able to admit. She said nothing. She did nothing. Why? Because there was nothing that could, or even should be done. Absolute silence in the hopes that none of it would ever be thought of again was the best thing Applejack could think of doing. Pretend none of it had ever happened and she would be perfectly capable of going about her day issue-free. It was a great idea in theory, if she could only actually forget it. Her dreams were different now, and she half-wondered if someone was interfering within them for the sheer giggles alone. Her waking thoughts weren’t much better. Applejack, of all people, was becoming distracted. A new morning came and Granny Smith informed her that the fences that bordered the road would need to be repaired. New boards would have to be made from some of the orchard’s logging region, felled and cut for proper placement. Big Mac, already deep in the orchard’s depths, would have to be alerted to the issue. “He doesn’t have any tools out there, does he?” she asked of the wizened woman. “Not yet, he don’t,” Granny replied. “You’ll have to go drag them out there with ya, then go grab him yeself.” “Well, let’s get started,” Applejack said. “Always is one thing or another around this place, ain’t it, Granny?” “Always will be.” The Apple family tool shed was little more than a bedroom-sized amalgamation of wood that stood just beyond the barn, filled with sawdust, silt, and a multitude of other things that clung to the individual tools it housed. Dirty things that had survived since before Granny Smith’s time as matriarch of the family, the family tools were heirlooms as much as anything else that was kept around the place, even if they needed some refurbishment every now and then. Sharpening stones and maintenance did their best to keep them alive on the cheap, even if their lifespan was soon coming to an end. And yet as Applejack opened the door and allowed the sunlight to filter through, she gave a grunt from a sudden gleam that bore into her eyes and made her hold up a hand to block the light. She collected herself and, when able to see clearly again, took note that her once-stained and worn-down tools were gleaming brilliantly. They also weren’t her tools. Shining new things that had yet to be used, perfectly crafted. It was as though they’d been blessed by the hand of a god- or perhaps a Princess. “Oh no.” Applejack slammed the shed door shut behind her as she felt her stomach roil for particular reasons and tried to find a place to hide- “Are you afraid of me, dearest Applejack?” came the melodious, wonderful, terrifying query. Applejack gave a jump that she felt in more places than one and turned to see the magnificent Princess Celestia standing behind her, her gold and white gown hanging upon her body loosely as though it could be thrown off at any moment. Sparkling eyes, brilliant hair, a perfectly smoothed face… “What do you want, Princess?” “Why, only to help you,” Celestia said, perhaps too innocently. “Is that so wrong? You’ve been wanting to finally replace these tools for years now, haven’t you?” “I mean yeah, I have, and that you did it yourself is super sweet of ya- I mean that’s not what I’m talking about!” Applejack spluttered, trying to look anywhere but at the perfect Princess. “Why are you here, this is the third time you’ve shown up for no reason! You kissed me the first time, you made out with me last time, just what do you want from me?” “I know you like women, Applejack.” Eyes that were so soft and beautiful gleamed as she spoke. She had never wanted to disappear from the face of earth so badly as she did in that moment. Every ounce of her was flush and eager for an immediate disappearance that came from shame and horror. “Don’t tell Granny,” she pleaded. “Oh my darling Applejack, why would I ever do such a thing as that?” Celestia replied, coming forward to the farmgirl who was struggling to find the willpower to open a door and flee. “Do you think so little of me that I would try to shame you for such a thing?” “I.” “Dearest.” Hands soft as silk wrapped around her own, guiding them to elsewhere. “I know your story. So hard-working, so little relief… even when you tried to risk it, you were simply too late, weren’t you? Watching the woman you fancied take up with your best friend…” Celestia shook her head in sympathy. “You poor thing. She didn’t know what she had missed out on.” “Bigger things to deal with,” Applejack mumbled, voice starting to tighten on itself. “Wouldn’t have worked- two career lives-” “Oh my dear farmer,” Celestia said softly, leaning in to gently place a solitary kiss upon her lips. Applejack’s hands, guided by her willing partner, unsheathed the top of her gown and slid them beneath the fabrics, placing them on breasts that were of such magnificence that she did not have the words or the knowledge with which to adequately describe them. It would have been easier to describe the fundaments of heaven. “I wish for you to be happy. You give so much, over and over, yet so little in return. To see it hurts me so.” Applejack wasn’t really speaking anymore, every ounce of her senses now on overdrive as she couldn’t focus on anything but the memory of Celestia’s lips, or the fact that her hands were quite well-placed on her breasts and the eyes of the gorgeous Princess seemed to be encouraging her to take a few well-earned squeezes. There had been more distracting things in her life, but at the moment she couldn’t quite remember what they were. “Friend and confidant to my faithful student, a pillar of strength so many rely on for support… what superlatives about you could I not say?” Celestia asked of her. “To see one so good, deep in her heart, be so alone, is not a thing I wish for you to bear.” Work. Work-work-work-work-work-work-work-work-work-work-work-work-! “I would be glad to be that person for you, Applejack,” Celestia whispered in her ear. A Kiss on her cheek, aiming further down until they reached the bare flesh of her neckline. “Your hand to hold. Your comfort in the night. A wellspring of love and… satisfaction.” “I gotta work, Princess!” Applejack practically screamed, in sharp contrast to the desires of her senses. “Of course! My pardon for distracting you,” Celestia said, extracting herself from Applejack’s subconscious grasp and taking a few steps back- though the top of her gown still remained undone and let the treasures that had lain beneath continue to be showcased. “If you ever have need of me, just call out my name. I’ll gladly stop by.” A snap of her fingers and she left just as quickly as she had appeared. Applejack had many notions of what she wanted to do next and couldn’t decide on any one of them. What had she even come in here for, again? Lovemaking, maybe, but that didn’t sound quite right. Or was it- “The tools!” She cried rushing over to grab what she and Big Mac needed for their work, pausing as she felt a new sensation come to her awareness and she glanced down. “Uh-oh.” She needed a new plan. “What took you so long, Applejack? Heaven’s sake, get those fences ready why don’t you!” Granny Smith called as her granddaughter reappeared from the depths of the worn-down shed. “We still gotta lot to do today, don’t keep your brother waiting!” “Right. Where is he, again?” Applejack asked in a voice that was clearly not her own. “West orchard. Been there all morning.” “Great. Give these to Sugar Belle, I’m gonna be busy.” “Give them- where are you going?” Granny asked as Applejack turned to run. “Busy!” the farmgirl cried back, rushing eastward in the hopes she would be left very well alone where not a soul would find her. She didn’t say a single world, just in case. Applejack remained quiet the rest of the day. Not a word slipped from her lips, even when spoken to by her beloved kin. Worried glances and concerned looks came from her brother, sister-in-law, and grandmother, but still nothing was said in return. When nightfall came and the family turned to their respective bedrooms, she crept away to continue being alone. At least for a little while. By the time she returned to her quarters, the rest of the family was deep in slumber beneath a bright, moonlit sky. She had made her decision: she would remain silent. She’d gone for this long, hadn’t she? It wasn’t like she needed the companionship or anything, it would have just been nice. Besides, wouldn’t be a bit strange to- you know. Applejack pondered her decision, and pondered it even further. She was simultaneously completely sure about her decision being the best and worst thing she could do, and that was as close as she could get to any sort of genuine resolve. The morning came, she and her brother deep in the orchard’s depths as they continued their harvest, Granny Smith having to venture into town to do some weekend shopping. Thankfully, it would be the last heavy outdoor workload they would endure for some time, as the rotations for the orchards had finally gone through the cycle. Now it would be processing the fruits of their labor for further use, and preparing them for being sold. Busier work, but less physically arduous. “Hey Big Mac, prop that barn door open for me, will ya?” she called, seeing her brother already at the door to bring in his cart of plucked produce. “I’ll be there in just a second, just gotta grab a few that fell off!” Big Mac gave a thumbs-up and began to pull open the doors wide enough for both of them. “Now, come on, you,” Applejack grunted, tossing the spare few apples that had fallen from their place back into the cart. “You need to stay nice and fresh, now. No more rotten apples for cider vinegar or nothing, we got plenty! Yessir, time for more of the real dollar, not anything half-off or nothing­-” Her words came to a grinding halt as she came to the barnyard and found her brother still standing outside the aged structure, staring straight in with a most peculiar look on his face. Even a strange rigidity to his body as though something was greatly concerning him. “Big Mac? You alright?” she asked, slowing her pace as she made to reach him. “Eeyup,” he said shortly. Without another word he dropped the handle of his cart and turned towards the house, leaving his stunned sister behind. “What in tarnation… Big Mac, where do you think you’re going?” she asked, indignant at his sudden abandonment. Sugar Belle, busy sweeping the porch clean of her morning’s work, paused at the sight of the two beginning to argue. “You actually think you’re gonna leave me here with all this for myself?” “Eeyup.” A very loud, very frantic reply. As he came to the porch, he swiftly reached for Sugar Belle’s hand and pulled her inside, slamming the door with force and making sure the small Click! of the lock echoed through the yard. “You big jerk, you can’t just leave me like this!” Applejack was furious, hardly able to believe she would be witness to such a betrayal. “Now I gotta do all this on my own and it’s gonna take forever again.” “Are you so sure about that, my dear?” Oh no. Applejack dropped her cart handle and turned to take a deeper look in the barn, her mind already beginning to swim in the depths of her fluttering stomach. As her eyes grew accustomed to the dark, they promptly went stark-wide as she saw the unwanted, most desired, and extremely terrifying source of that melodious voice: Princess Celestia laying in the very back of the barn upon a large satin blanket, and not an ounce of clothing to hide her naked form. It was the most beautiful and most frightening thing Applejack had ever seen. “Well enter, my dear farmer,” Celestia called in a tone that made Applejack’s knees weak. “I wish to see you.” Applejack spluttered about a million different excuses as to why she couldn’t comply as she darted inside the barn and closed the door behind her. With eyes fully adjusted, she was able to take in Celestia’s unparalleled beauty without hindrance and wondered if there was a way she could ever possibly forget seeing such a thing. Those wonderful breasts laid bare, a sun-kissed body, and- and… She at last found her real voice. “Oh for heaven's sake, why are you naked in my barn? This place is dirty!” “If it bothers you, I can rectify that,” Celestia said, a snap of her fingers and the entire contents of the structure were reorganized in an instant. Tools, hay bales, and assorted items that had been scattered across the floor between the two disappeared, along with every ounce of grime and dirt that could be seen washed away. No barn could have ever hoped to be so perfectly polished. “Now, where were we..?” “Why are you like this?” Applejack asked, both thoroughly exasperated and aroused. “I have never met such a person in all my life, just let me be! I can go through life fine without somebody special!” “And that doesn’t bother you?” Celestia inquired. A drop of seriousness in her warm eyes. “You truly think you can live in such a way? Or is this because of heartbreak you do not wish to feel?” “I, maybe I’m… Princess, that ain’t none of your business!” Applejack replied, feeling it had hit perhaps a little too close to home for her to be comfortable answering. “I had a whim, nothing came of it, and I’m fine! For the better, anyway!” “You sound uncertain, dearest Applejack,” Celestia said. “I have no intention of dragging you along. I truly do wish to be your comfort, your place of solace. Does this not entice you?” “Yes it does but that ain’t the problem! You’re still naked in my barn, what is your deal? What were you even hope- hoping…” Applejack’s words spluttered out like a dying engine as she realized just how extremely big that blanket actually was. It was the first time she had really taken notice of it at all. “You are beautiful, Applejack,” Celestia said, her legs opening up just a tinge further so as an invitation for the young woman to gaze all the more deeply. “Do you not wish to be treated as such? As something lovely, desirable? I want to do that for you. To hunger after your taste, your sweet lips on mine, your tongue deep inside me, our bodies pressed tight-” “I get the point!” Applejack cried, making very sure the door was indeed closed. “Just, just… umm.” It was very hard to look away now, and a new slickness was trying to get her attention. Celestia grinned. She sat on her knees and raised a finger to beckon the young woman closer. “I am all yours, if you want me, my dearest Applejack,” she said. “For as long as you wish me to be.” Applejack’s decision-making capabilities were struggling in such a test. It wasn’t something she had tried to deal with often. “Umm.” “Don’t be afraid, my darling farmer. I won’t bite… hard.” “Umm- shoot- OK!” Applejack said frantically, at last coming to some sense of a conclusion. “My pace, I choose when it begins and ends. OK?” “I wouldn’t have it any other way,” Celestia replied. “What do you desire?” Applejack was about to say something so very disappointing. “Just a kiss. One kiss.” “One kiss?” “One. And then you get on outta here. Deal?” “Absolutely,” Celestia murmured, eyes now gleaming like the sun she embodied. “Come before me.” Applejack came before the immortal Princess and went to one knee, leaning in and taking the initiative, despite her trembling. She placed her lips upon Celestia’s, at first gently- if not timidly. The hesitancy did not make the Princess pull away, but instead she remained receptive, a hand reaching out and caressing the farmgirl’s chest with a gentleness on her fingers. It was warm, and soft. Applejack hesitated, but willingly granted another kiss. And then three more. Her hands that had remained motionless beside her body now found their way to Celestia’s naked body and began to explore as the kiss intensified, Celestia matching her own efforts perfectly. They were deeply intermingled now, each of them growing more excited and eager as lips touched and pressed over and over again relentlessly. Applejack’s pent-up cravings, kept bottled up by rejection, burst out into the open and she took the sun-kissed Princess in her arms and they fell upon the blanket beneath them, not willing to relinquish their grasp upon one another for even a moment. Applejack wondered if she should even dare, but she opened her mouth for Celestia’s venturing, and the beautiful woman complied hungrily, her tongue finding Applejack’s as the slick muscle plied and explored in ways that she did not know one could even try. She tried to respond in kind, but her work was amateurish, unrefined in comparison. If Celestia thought the same, she did not let it be known, gripping Applejack tightly and pulling at her shirt and bringing her to some level of nakedness. Soft hands found un-explored brestflesh and began to knead gently, then with a greater firmness as the immortal woman sent shockwaves of pleasure through the farmgirl’s body. It was a maestro’s effort and sent Applejack’s senses to singing. At last they broke the storm of kisses, Applejack gasping as she lay there beside the beautiful princess. She could still feel the slickness of the woman’s saliva on her tongue, the deepened affection she had so willingly given. It had been an unadulterated, heavenly feeling. “Dear Applejack, that was not the agreement we made,” Celestia teased, bringing her in for a slow, wet kiss- pausing to lick across the farmgirl’s lips for added measure. “Was one not enough for you?” “No. No it was not,” Applejack said tersely, tearing at her shorts and pulling them free of her legs, letting her body be seen in full by another soul for the very first time. She fell atop the Princess in a haze of sloppy kisses, each one a bit lower down her body than it was before. “What are you going to do, my dear Applejack?” Celestia teased. “Don’t lie to your Princess, now.” “I,” Applejack declared fervently, “am gonna make you scream.” Without another word she dove deep into Celestia’s dribbling folds and set to tasting every inch she could find, and for a long time there was little else to be said. If she had been able to notice, she would have thought the barn smelled musty. Sweat and exertion had dampened the walls, two exhausted women laying atop a tussled, thoroughly soaked blanket, holding one another tightly as their passions began to wind themselves down at last. Each kiss they shared now was gentle and comfortable, not the frenetic, wild thing they had shared in their adventure together. Sweetness and flavor that had not been there before rested on their lips, adding to the peaceful symphony they continued to add to. “And how do we feel, my dearest?” Celestia asked, her words broken apart by the pressure of Applejack’s lips on her own. “Exhausted,” Applejack said, a finger running down the princess’ naked form. “I… gosh…” Celestia smiled. “And if you ever wish to see me again, just let me know. I’ll be along.” “Whenever I want you?” “Absolutely whenever, my dear farmgirl. I am at your service.” One last kiss, placed lovingly on the young woman’s nose. “It has been a delight.” Applejack wanted to use better words than that, feeling that it had been more than a simple ‘delight’ but did not possess one that sounded anywhere near adequate. She had been with this beautiful princess- what were you supposed to say after that? Stark horror as she heard the barn door forced open, a figured darkened by shadow peering in- “For heaven’s sake, why’s the dratted front door locked? I know Applejack’s got a spare key in here somewhere.” Applejack tried to cover herself with what she could grab, knowing she could not possibly bring her clothes upon her body in time- “Oh consarn it, who cleaned this place? I-” Granny Smith paused as she saw the two figures laying in the back of the barn. “Applejack?” “Hey, Granny.” It was the end of the world. “Who’s that with you?” Granny asked, stepping forward to peer closer. “And why are you- oh, it’s you.” Celestia smiled, a glimmer of memory in her eyes now. “Granny Smith,” she said warmly, “it’s a pleasure.” Granny looked at the Princess, then her eyes darted over to Applejack who still tried to clothe herself. A quick connect of the dots and the aged woman gave a shrug. “Back at it, I suppose,” she remarked. “She’s been lovely company,” Celestia replied, planting a wet kiss on Applejack’s lips for added emphasis. “She takes after you, I would say.” “Well, good for y’all, I guess.” Granny Smith walked over to one of the stalls and grabbed a key hanging on a small nail. “Be seeing you around in the future, I’m guessing?” “So long as you don’t mind the company,” Celestia said. A kiss, softly blown towards the old matriarch that Granny caught and placed upon her cheek before departing, closing the barn doors behind her. And there lay Applejack, stunned. “What the hell was that?” “I’ve always had a soft spot for you Apples. Take so long to be married, if you must know!” Celestia remarked airily. “Granny was a wonderful partner, so vivacious. It made me wonder why no one would have her for so long, took her such an awful long time to be married and not ask for me anymore- almost as long as you have, in truth. When your mother found out about the whole tradition from your father, she’d often invite me over whenever he was away, and- is there something wrong, dear?” Twilight sat there at her desk, a frustrated look on her face. She had been deep in parchment, doing what research she could on the origins of Canterlot, but now found she would likely not have enough ink to finish the treatise. She’d have to leave and go buy some more, all her hopes having been on finishing the thing with this last bottle. She checked the time and made the decision: if she was to purchase any additional supplies, it would have to be now. The store would be closing soon. As she opened the door, a strange sound met her ears alongside the squeak of the hinges. Twilight paused. What was it she was hearing? It was so faint and far away, yet sounded just like someone screaming. She peered around. Did anyone else notice? The sound faded out of earshot and Twilight looked around once more, just to make sure it had gone unnoticed. No one else seemed to be reacting. She gave a shrug and decided it had all been in her head. No more of that; that treatise would not be kept waiting for long.