> "QUICK!!! FLASHIE, TAKE MY PANTIES!!!" > by Coin Purse > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > "I DON'T CARE WHERE THEY'VE BEEN!!! LIVES ARE AT STAKE!!!" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flash Sentry sighed. Another Monday... ...another week to question living. Morning carried with it a somber mood, draped across the shoulders of the quiet eighteen-year-old as he shuffled through the brightly-lit halls of Canterlot High School. Other students shuffled past him, rambling and chatting about one thing or another. They paid him no mind and he returned just as little. Just as it should have been... Another lethargic breath limped out of him. He strolled along, head bowed, his eyes counting-but-not-counting the tiles in the hallway floor. At long last, Flash Sentry arrived at his locker. He gently placed his guitar case on the floor. A shrug of the shoulders, and he slumped his backpack off his frame and into his arms. Balancing the bag with a lifted knee, he reached up for the combination lock of his locker. Students intermittently walked in and out of existence behind him. Flash slowly spun the dial to the left. The electric lights buzzed and flickered overhead. He slowly spun the dial to the right. Bleary blue eyes struggled to stay open, full of age-old green paint and slowly rusting metal. He turned the dial once more to the left. It notched in place on the final number of his combination. A breath. The young man stretched two fingers towards the latch that would open his locker— ”FLASHIE!!!” “Gaa-aaaa-aaa!!!” Flash Sentry dropped his backpack, lunged forward, tripped over his guitar case, and slammed face-first into the locker. “Guh!!!” He spun around, rubbing his sore cheek. “Holy fucking shit—” “Flashie!” A bright-eyed, bushy-tailed, and very very serious Pinkie Pie was jumping directly in his face. “Thank GOD I found you! Hurry! There's no time!” “Mrmmff... Pinkie Pie...?” He squinted at her, teeth clenched. “What's going on? No time for what—?” “Arrrrgh!” Pinkie pulled at her fluffy pink hair. “I'VE NO TIME TO ARGUE WITH YOU!!!” She reached out and grasped his shoulders with two vice-like hands. “Quick! Flashie, take my panties!” Flash Sentry did the mother of all double-takes. “Excuse me, what—?!” “Take my panties, Flash!” She leaned back and reached down underneath her skirt. “Here—!” “Wha—...” His blue pupils shrunk to pinpricks as he leaned away from the sight of the hunched-over young woman. “...the Hell are you doing—?” “WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE!” Flash's pulsing vision traced her girlish fingers as she pulled a thin, whispy white thing down her pearlescent legs. “The entire fate of the friggin' universe depends on it, silly!!!” “I... guh... I-I...” Flash was standing on the tips of his shoes at this point. The grated vents in the locker door was scratching savagely into his backside. “Pinkie, I can't—!” “Of course you can!!!” She stepped one pastel tennis shoe out of the cotton briefs, then the next. “Especially if you give two flying confetti farts for the fate of all living things!!!” “Is... uh...” Flash looked left and right. Student heads had turned, blinking awkwardly at the scene. “...th-this some s-sort of magic problem—?” “What are you, CRAZY?!?!” Pinkie clenched the panties in her fist like a handkerchief. “Of course it is! Now hurry!” She thrust the underwear straight into his face. “TAKE THEM!” “I...” “TAKE THE PANTIES, FLASHIE!” “For crying out loud, Pinkie, I-I can't j-just—!” “FLASHIE, JUST...” She grabbed his hands and shoved the cotton clothing into his shaking palms. They were snow-white with a bright lacy pink trim and the unmistakable artwork of pretty prancing princesses emblazoned across the crotch region. “...TAKE MY PANTIES!!!” “Gaaah...” He winced all over as if a zombie plague had been injected into his carpal tunnel. “Pinkie, why—???” “Don't just stand there!!!” Pinkie's short skirt flounced with each exclamation. She leaned forward dramatically, bearing her shapely ass to the hallway walls. “Hide them!” “I... uhm...” Flash's trembling hands went for his jeans— “Are you nuts?!? Not your pockets!” “Erm...” He reached under his jacket— “Not your jacket!!!” Flash bit his lip and lifted his foot up— “Pfft?! Your shoes?! What is this, Chicago?!” She grabbed his collar and shook him. “You can't put them anywhere that she'll check!” “She? Who's 'she'???” “Dang it, Flashie! Time's wasting! Put them in your mouth, Flashie!” “What.” “I said put my panties in your mouth! HURRY!” “Aaaugh... I... I-I can't...” Flash looked like he was going to vomit. “Pinkie...” He grimaced, his finger running shakily along the pastel lace trim of the girly article. “...I can't—!” “Yes you can, Flashie! You're brave and I believe in you!” “But—” “Shove them in your mouth!” “You were just—!” She stomped both feet down, issuing thunder across the halls of CHS. “I DON'T CARE WHERE THEY'VE BEEN!!! LIVES ARE AT STAKE!!!” “Jesus Chr—!!!” Clenching his eyes shut, Flash flew his hands to his mouth and shoved the underwear through teeth. “Mrmmmf—!!!” “Deeper, Flashie!” “Mrmfffffffff—!” “Tighter! Harder!” “Mrmmmffmmmfrfmfmfrrffff!!!” “You want your Mommy to die?!? Huh?! YOU WANT A METEOR TO FALL ON YOUR DOG?!?! GET 'EM DEEP IN THERE LIKE A TRUE HERO!!!” “Grmmrgmrmgmrgrghhh—!!!” Flash's eyes rolled back, shedding tears. He used two fingers to shove the fabric inside, tighter and tighter. The cotton was already warm—but not from his mouth. As his tongue settled against the ticklish trim of a legband, he became aware of a persistent... bitter... metallic taste. It ran up into his sinuses and filled his entire consciousness, matched only with a scarlet blushed that enveloped his skin from head to toe. “Okaaaaaaaaay... aaaaaaaaand...” Pinkie pointed at his stuffed maw. “Shut it!” “Grlfffmmfff...” Flash closed his jaw tight, cheeks slightly puffed. “Gooooooooooooooood Flashie!” Pinkie grinned from ear to ear. “Now... hold it!” “Hrmmff iffdff?” “Yes! Just like that!” Pinkie slithered behind him, opened his locker, and slid her petite self inside. “Whatever you do, don't say a single word!” She made to close the locker—but stopped at the last second to stick her head back out and smile. “Oh! And... uh... fate of the universe and all that! Zoop!” SLAM! Pinkie Pie hid in the locker Flash Sentry stood, straight and tall, with his fists clenched and his butthole clenched even tighter. Sweat curtained down his handsome features as he looked left and right at the dumbstruck students gawking wordlessly at him. But then... From a distance... … … … ...agile footsteps sprinted rapidly in his direction, echoing louder and louder. Literally gagged, Flash looked in the direction of the noise. At last, a panting Rainbow Dash zoomed around the corner. Her frowning face nearly slammed head-first into Flash. “Whoah—!” She skidded to a stop and leaned back, lungs and shoulders heaving. “D-dude?! What're you doing just standing in the middle of the hallway?!” “... … …” Flash stared at her. Eyes twitching. Mute as a log. “Hrmmfff... whatever...” Rainbow Dash's eyes narrowed as she punched her fist into her opposite palm. “...have you seen Pinkie Pie?” “... … ...” “Like... perhaps running into this wing of the school? Giggling her head off? Like Robin Hood after having swiped something that's totally not hers?” “... … ...” “Hrmmmfff... yeah, figured as much...” Rainbow rolled her eyes. “Forgot who I was talking to. You've only got eyes for one girl.” Flash blinked. “Rrrrrrrghhh...” Rainbow paced angrily across the hallway. “...wait 'til I get my hands on her. I'm gonna dunk her fuzzy head into every damned toilet in this school. All forty of them! In a row!” Flash watched as Rainbow's face twisted in mild discomfort. She reached down to the crotch of her jeans and pulled at the rough denim material some. A breath of mixed relief followed. “She knows that Monday is my favorite pair, too.” Flash gulped dryly. His tongue moved against his own will, rubbing against the cotton surface, tasting more of that metallic strangeness. A slight blush fluttered through Rainbow's features, but she coughed it away with a dignified pose. “Mrmmmfff... whatever. I'll find that jerk if it's the last thing I do!” She jogged off—albeit with a slight sailor's gait, Flash now noticed. “Hey Pinkie Punk! My foot's got your butt's name written all over it!” She ran around a corner, her voice echoing. “Show yourself, coward!” Silence. The locker behind Flash Sentry clicked audibly. The young man pivoted stiffly about. Pinkie Pie slowwwwwwly crept out, her blue eyes darting about in search of a rainbow. Once she determined the coast was clear, she melodramatically swiped her brow. “Whewwwwwwww...” A dumb, lingering grin. “Dashie really has it out for me this time! I hope she catches up before the day's over. Forty swirlies sound really really fun, y'know! Heeheehee...” She reached up to Flash's adam's apple and brushed her girlish finger rapidly against his skin. “Tickle-tickle-tickle—!” “Mrmmmfghlkkk—!” Going cross-eyed, Flash vomited up the panties. “Bleahckkk—!” “Yoink!” Pinkie caught the cotton briefs. They dripped all over with Flash's drool. “Lookit that! Impromptu princess pool party!” She reached down, stepped into the saliva-stained panties, and slowwwwly slid them up her legs and under her skirt. Her eyelids grew heavy and a scarlet blush haloed a slack-jawed smile at the precise moment she shimmied tightly into the crotch-hugging underwear. “Brbrbrbrbrbrbrb-yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhh...” She stood tall, thighs squeezing slightly together as she fanned herself. “Who says you can't wake yourself up on a Monday morning?” “... … ...” Flash Sentry held a finger up as if to say something. “Mwah!” Pinkie kissed him on the cheek before skipping gaily away, humming musically to the hallway walls. “Until next time, Flashie!” She waved back at him as she rounded a corner. “Oh! And thanks for saving the universe! And stuff!” Flash nodded, turned around, and sprinted rapidly for a nearby water fountain. Students gasped and flinched away from him as he shot a violent stream of tap water up his throat and gargled for thirty-seconds straight. He was just nearly recovering—slumped against the frame of the water fountain and wheezing for breath—when he felt a pensive finger tapping him lightly on the shoulder. “Uhm... Flash? Fl-Flash Sentry...?” Slowly, Flash turned around, squinting through tired eyes. Fluttershy stood pigeon-toed before him. She was already blushing before she spoke. “Uhm... I was wondering if... erm... if you're not too busy for...” A gulp. A strand of pink hair fell over her immaculate face and she pushed it back up. “...I-I mean, so long as you want to save the universe and everything...” “What is it, Fluttershy?” Flash asked dryly. She bit her bottom lip, blushing even more as she reached under the back of her shirt. After five seconds of fiddling, the young woman removed her brassiere and slipped it out through her left sleeve. She held the lacy, floral-printed bra out towards him, her eyes darting away as a tiny smile formed on her lips. “Could you h-hold this, please...?” Her legs trembled. “...for the fate of humanity?” Flash blinked. His eyes left the sight and settled on his own jeans. “... … ...a little late there, eh, boner?”