
by Pandela

First published

Life can be full of mystery's and wisdom yet to be discovered.

Have you ever taken the time to stop and look at the stars?
To bask in the beauty of the night sky?

This is a short tale of a filly that does, learning a new lesson in life along the way.


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Teardrops: By Pandela

It was a cool night in Cloudsdale.
The breeze was steady, A few small clouds strayed here and there, a colt walked with his marefriend through the quiet streets.

Everything was just right.

Up high in a cloud home a little filly gazed at the bright stars through her open window.
Her curtains fluttered as the cool wind glode past them, giving the effect of waves as they rippled to and fro.

There she stood, eyes fixed upon the heavenly bodies that shone so brightly in the dark.
The beauty of the stars was overlooked by many. All had too much on thier minds to stop and look at the simple glory of the illuminaries.

But with the innocence that a filly held, it was the most beautiful sight one could see.
It was like staring into the very eyes of a goddess.

The filly looked to her left and saw a pretty cluster of stars.
It was the pegasus constellation.

She had heard many legends of its existence, but none really made much sense.

Just then, a bright ball streaked across the sky. A majestic trail of light followed it, looking as though it had a tail.

The fillys eyes grew wide as she took in the sight before her.
Never had she seen such pure beauty in all her life.
And as quickly as it had came, it was gone. just like that.
But that still didnt stop the joy that had formed in her little heart.

She bounced on her bed, creating a ruckus that was sure to wake her family.
But she just couldnt help it!
How can you just keep such a strong feeling to yourself?

After some time, she went back to her post by the window.
She should have been asleep hours ago, but the clarity of the night was like never before.
It was something not to be passed up.

She stared at the specks of light that shined like a thousand white diamonds in a sea of saphire.
It was just...Beyond measure.

As she took in the sight, a dark cloud slowly crept across the sky.
Every inch that it moved made the night sky even darker.
Before she knew it, the sky was completely black. Not a single one of the stars could be seen.

The shadow of that cloud blocked out the light of the many stars.
Its darkness drowned out their purity.

The filly looked on, feeling her joy crushed in a moments time.

She fell to her pillow, tears welling in her eyes.
Not a moment too soon, she broke into sobs. Such a glorius sight ended with nothing but darkness.

"Little filly, why do you cry?" A soft voice echoed through the room.

She jumped.

"Wh-whos there?" She said with a trembling voice.

"Do not fear child, I come here on good terms."

"Who are you...?" She asked carefully.

"I am what I wish to be. Nothing more. Nothing less." Said the voice.

"O-okay..." Said the filly, not sure what to make of the reply.

"Now tell me, why do you cry? What could hurt you so?"

The young pegasus looked out her window towards the black sky.

"Its...nothing really..." She said sheepishly.

"Come now, you are holding something back. I can see it in your eyes." Said the voice.

"Well...its just..."


"The stars...They were so beautiful...Then the dark cloud came and took them all away..." Said the filly with a hint of sorrow in her voice.

"Oh child, do you not know? A simple shadow cannot overpower light forever. As long as one shines in the dark, the path for others is paved." Said the voice in a motherly tone.

"I dont understand..."

"Look. do you see that lone star?"

The filly looked out her window again.

Sure enough, there was a single bright star in the sky. All alone in the dark.

"Yes! I see it now!" Exclaimed the young pegasus.

"Now watch dear child. Soon you will understand the meaning of my words."

As the voice spoke, the single star began to shine brighter in the night.
As it did so, the dark cloud gave way beneath it.
Soon other stars could be seen as the lone one began to grow in size.
The more stars that shone, the more the cloud shrank.
In a moments time, the sky was once again a deep blue. Filled with sparkling dots of light.

The filly could only watch in awe.

"I hope you now know what I mean dear filly."

A breeze came into the room, seemingly carrying the voice with it.

The young filly looked around her room as the breeze left. She then went back to her original spot by her window.

As she scanned the night sky, her eye once again caught sight of the Pegasus constellation.
The filly looked closer this time.

It was smiling.

She smiled back.


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After reading this story, I hope you may have learned something from it. There are many messages that it contains, but how you read it is entirely up to you. The one message that I meant to share is this: There will be times when those without hearts will strive to cause pain. They will bully you, hurt you, mock you, and do anything to make you grow tired of your life. They will be a shadow in your light. A dark cloud in your night sky. You can stand up to them. As long as you have a glimmer of hope on your heart, you can overcome the hardships. Not only that, but you can also be a light to others. You can be the star in their night sky. Stand up to the oppressors, be a light to the weak and broken.

know this, you are not the only one in this world that feels pain. As long as we breathe, there will be someone on earth that will cry out, seeking shelter. Because we are different is why they treat us with contempt. Be a voice for the mute, and eyes for the blind. Embrace each other for our differences. Make the world a better place.

We can find a way out.
We can give a light in the dark.
We can be a voice for others.
We will live on.

You are not alone.