> Tummy Wubs > by Somber Concerto > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Angel Bunny, what's wrong?" Asked Fluttershy, worried. He seemed more frantic than usual, stomping his paws and pointing towards the Everfree Forest. "You saw something weird in the forest? Okay, show me where." She said confidently, following the little bunny into the woods. She saw a purple glow coming into view, and upon closer inspection, it seemed to be joined by a wavering sound, almost like unicorn magic but not quite. Once it came into view, it seemed to be a portal, swirling with many shades of purple, plum, and lavender. She stuck her hoof into it, immediately proving to be a terrible idea as is it began to pull her in. A gentle tugging at first, but it steadily became stronger. "What the- ahh! Angel! Help me! Anngeeel!" And with that, she was sucked all the way into the portal. After falling through the portal, she found herself facing a large house. It was strange and big compared to equestrian houses. Even the door seemed large to 4-foot-Fluttershy. She turned around to find that the portal had disappeared. She began to panic, hyperventilating, and almost crying as she thought about Angel and all her other creatures being left alone, and her friends not knowing where she had gone! She took a deep breath and came to the only logical conclusion: knock on the door. "Hello?" Asked Dillan, wondering who in the world would knock on his door at 9 PM. He looked down to see a small yellow and pink pony quivering on his doorstep. "Fluttershy?!" He asked in disbelief, wondering if he was just dreaming. "Ho-how do you kno-know my nn-name?" Stuttered the pony, scared and perplexed how this.. thing knew who she was! "Because your Fluttershy! Are you okay? What are you doing here? How did you get here? How is this even possible?!" "I-I stepped through a por-portal and I go-got ss-sucked in! Now I d-don't know how to get back!" She began to cry, frightened by the creature. "Oh, please don't cry! I still have so many questions, but that can wait. Come in, please!" Fluttershy hesitantly stepped inside, still sniffling quietly. "Can I get you something to drink, or maybe something to eat?" "we-well I am a bb-bit hungry. But on-only if it's nn-not too much t-trouble." "Okay, how about mac & cheese?" "What's that?" "Pasta with cheese on it." "I've never tried either. I've never even heard of pasta." "Would you like to try it?" "Sure!" "Mmm! That was delicious!" Said Fluttershy, taking a final bite of her mac & cheese. "I told you it was good." Said Dillan, astonished she had never eaten something as basic and delicious as macaroni and cheese. Fluttershy smiled in delight, distracted from her current dilemma for the time being. A few hours later: Fluttershy was curled up on the couch, watching what he called the TV. It was amazing, a bunch of tiny lights that make moving pictures! She had become more comfortable around Dyllin in the past couple of hours, having become friends. She began to feel a slight discomfort in her abdomen. It began to worsen, her tummy began grumbling loudly, loudly enough for Dyllin to hear. "Are you okay?" He asked, knowing she could not have been hungry as she had eaten a whole box of mac & cheese. "Yeah, I'm perfectly fine." She wanted to tell him the truth, but she was very shy about this sort of thing. But the pain was only worsening, and her stomach kept making noises. "Fluttershy, your obviously lying, what's going on?" "Nothing! I'm fine!" She hated lying to him, but she really didn't want to say anything. At this point, it hurt so bad she didn't even want to move. Dillan got up from his seat and knelt down beside her. "Fluttershy, I just want to help you." He reached out and gently began to stroke her fur. He swiftly moved his hand over her belly. "Ow!" She squeaked, completely giving her self away. She clutched her stomach with her hooves and curled into a ball. "Oh, sorry! Fluttershy, you poor thing! Why didn't you say anything?" "I'm sorry, I just really didn't want to! I just don't like talking about that kind of thing." She said sadly. "It's okay. But next time say something, I could've helped you! I can still help you. I have some antiacid if you-" "NO!" He was immediately cut off. "Sorry to yell, just no more human stuff! That's why I'm in this mess in the first place!" Her tummy gurgled more, her delicate pony digestive system protesting the highly processed human food. "Okay, then what do you want me to do?" "Umm... If you don't mind, I'd like some tummy rubs." She said that last part so quietly it was hard for him to hear. She blushed, her cheeks turning a shade of rosy pink. "You want me to.. rub your tummy?" He asked, not sure if he had heard right. "Mhm." She replied before curling back up again, a sudden wave of pain hit her. "Mmm!" She squeaked. "Okay, fine." He said, very cautiously placing his hand on her tummy. He very gently rubbed her belly, slowly moving his hand up and down. Her fur was soft, but her belly was not. It was taught and bloated. He felt bad for her, she must have been in a lot of pain for her, Fluttershy to ask him, a stranger, to rub her tummy. She closed her eyes and smiled as she relaxed a bit. It seemed like this was somehow making her feel better, or at least it was calming her down. "Could you press a little harder please?" He did as she said, and in doing so he felt many hard lumps in her tummy. He rubbed them, attempting to alleviate them. "Ow! Not there, not there!" "Sorry!" He instead switched to rubbing up and down slowly, but with a little pressure. She burped loudly, the lateral motions having pushed some of the gas in her stomach upward. He chuckled a little. "Eek! I'm sosososososo sorry! I'm disgusting!" She sobbed, covering her face with a blanket. "What? Fluttershy, it's okay! It was just a burp! You have to get it out somehow." "No, you don't understand! That's disgusting and I shouldn't have let it out! Please stop talking about it!" "Fluttershy, calm down! You have a bad stomach ache and your bloated, the only way you'll feel better is if you let it out! You can either sit there crying in pain or get over it and feel better. Okay?!" "Okay." Said Fluttershy, slowly pulling the blanket off her face. He kept rubbing her belly for about half an hour, she burped a lot more and even farted once. But she was really embarrassed about that, and Dyllin laughing didn't go over so well, but it was all okay in the end. By that time she was much softer, but she was still a little tight. After half an hour she still wasn't feeling perfect, but Dillan was getting tired of it, so he gave her some camomille tea, assuring her it would only help. She felt much better after that. He put her in the guest bed and laid down in his own bed. It was about one AM by now. Just before he fell asleep, she came in and asked him where the bathroom was. He told her and she came back a minute later to ask how to use it. He wasn't quite sure how a pony was supposed to use a toilet, but he told her to just sit on it, hoping she would figure it out without making a mess. He fell asleep soon after, hoping she wasn't in too much pain still. He couldn't wait for tomorrow. He actually kind of liked giving her tummy rubs. > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy woke up the next morning feeling much better then she had the previous night. It seemed her body just could not handle human food. She was hungry for breakfast, but she didn't know what she even could eat in this world. "Good morning Dillan!" She sang, feeling bad about waking him, but she was incredibly hungry. "Oh, hi Fluttershy. *yawn* What time is it?" "10. If you don't mind, could you make me some breakfast? But something that won't make me sick." "Oh, sure. What do you eat exactly?" "Hayburgers, daffodils, daisies, carrotdogs, apples, and oats." "I have apples, but are you sure that'll be enough?" "Yes, that's okay. And some water too?" "Alright." He climbed out of bed and proceeded to make the shy yellow pony some food. He handed her a plate of apple slices with sugar and a glass of water. "I don't mean to be picky, but how much sugar did you put on these?" "I coated them pretty evenly. Why?" "Oh, um, if it's not too much of a bother, could you rinse it off, please? Sorry to be wasteful, but I'm sensitive to sugar, it might make me sick again." "Yes, sorry I should have asked you first." He said whilst rinsing off the apples. "Won't the sugar that's in the apples naturally bother you too?" "No, it's not the same as processed sugar cane. Thank you." She scarfed down the apples pretty fast, and very sloppily too. It was admittedly kind of adorable. Just imagine a small yellow pony with a cute smile shoving her muzzle into a plate of green apples. Apple juice and bits clinging to the plush fur on her face. "So, you fell through a portal that led to outside my house?" "Yes. I'm not crazy, I swear." "I know your not, but I'm not sure if I am. Okay, so how do we get you home?" "I-I don't kkknow!" The thought of never seeing her friends and animals again sent her into tears once again. She missed them so much already. "Fluttershy, It's okay, I'll find a way to get you home. Promise." He wiped her eyes with a tissue and pulled her in for a hug. She accepted and continued to softly cry into him. "Pi-pinkie promise? *sniff*" "Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." Although she still missed her friends and was confused about where she was and what these beings were, she felt safe and warm with Dillan. Dillan spent most of the day familiarizing her with humans and human culture. And he lightly touched upon how she was a TV show. He of course didn't tell her it was intended for little girls, or of some of the horrid content such as clop about her. As Dillan tucked her back into the guest bed that night, she felt a horrible pain in her stomach return, but this time it was not her diet that triggered it, but her own fear and worry of this strange land, and once again of if she would ever see the ones she cared about again. Dillan could tell something as wrong with her by the way she looked. Her mouth bore a friendly smile, but her eyes screamed of the pain and fear she was failing to conceal behind them. "Fluttershy, is there something wrong?" "I-I I'm-" She stuttered. "I'm scared! I miss my friends and family, and I want to go home, this place is scary, and it hurts so much!" "Aww Fluttershy, It's alright, nothing will hurt you in here." "It's just so dark, and I always sleep with an angel bunny and my stuffies, and with my night light on." "Come on Fluttershy," He said, motioning with his hand for her to follow him. "You can sleep with me tonight." "Rr-really? Thank you so much!" She got up and followed him to the master bedroom. She laid in his bed with him and felt much better not being alone. He lit a few candles and put them across the room so it wouldn't be so dark. "Thank you for lighting the candles, but isn't it dangerous to sleep with lit candles in the house?" "Don't worry, I'll blow them out once you fall asleep. Are you feeling any better?" "Yes, I'm feeling a lot better, but it still hurts a little." "Would you like some more tummy rubs?" "Yes, please. Oh, but only if you want to!" "Yes Fluttershy, It's okay." He began to rub her tummy gently, but not nearly as gently as he had to the night before. She felt much, much better too. Her belly was completely soft as it should be, and he hardly felt any gurgling at all. After hardly half an hour of tummy rubs she had already fallen asleep. She was so exhausted. He at first was afraid to get up because he didn't want to disturb her, but he did have to blow out the candles. He slowly inched out of the bed and blew them out. He climbed back in the bed just as carefully. Just as he was about to fall asleep she rolled over and snuggled into him in her sleep. She hugged him and nuzzled her muzzle against his tummy. It was adorable as she cuddled up like a playful cat, blissfully unaware she wasn't at home cuddling a giant angel bunny. (Don't question dream logic.) He hugged her back and she gave a little joyful squeak in return. What happened next is what took Dillan by surprise. "I love you Dillan." She mumbled sleepily, cuddling closer to her new-found love. > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Back in Equestria... Twilight was at the park searching for Fluttershy. They hadn't seen her for weeks (Time passes quicker in Equestria.) and she wasn't at her cottage. It was unlike Fluttershy to run off without telling anypony. The remaining ponies decided to split up and see if they could find her, or at least a clue to where she went. Twilight was assigned to the park. If the search of Ponyville failed to turn anything up they would spread the message through Canterlot and other towns and cities nearby. Off in the distance Twilight saw a small white bunny hopping towards her. "Angel? What are you doing here? Do you know where Fluttershy is?" The bunny nodded his head in reply. He knew where Fluttershy was. Well... sort of. He knew what had happened to her at least. He found a string on the nearby bench and pulled it into a spiral shape. He took a doll he had brought with him (He prepared to have to explain without talking.) and made it touch the string with its hoof. He then pushed it into the sting. He placed the doll behind his back and straightened the string. "A portal? She got pulled in and it disappeared?!" Twilight asked in Panic. Angel nodded his head once again. "Show me where she was when this happened." She calmly took charge. "Ugh! There isn't a single word in this entire library about a mysterious disappearing portal in the Everfree!" Shouted twilight in frustration. "Gee I wonder why. That's not specific at all." Said Rainbow Dash sarcastically. "Not helping Rainbow Dash!" Said Rarity, taking the words right out of Twilight's mouth. "I don't know what that portal was or is, but I know who might. Spike, take a letter." Said Twilight to her faithful assistant. "Dear Princess Celestia, Fluttershy has disappeared through a portal in the Everfree. The portal then disappeared. I did not find anything in the books at either Canterlot or my castle's library. If you know anything about it, please respond as soon as possible. Sincerely, your Faithfull st-No, Fellow Princess, Twilight Sparkle." "Twi-light Spar-kle, got it! Now I just gotta send it." Said Spike. In a puff of fire and clouds, the scroll disappeared. A few minutes later, Celestia arrived at Twilight's Castle. "I think I may know where she is." Said Celestia, in her trademark calm and confident voice. "What happened?" Asked Twilight. "Many years ago, a pony named Starla Mist began to research creatures called humans. I believe she is an ascendent of Lyra Heartstrings. She soon found that the wall between there world and ours is incredibly thin. She soon began to obsess over them, spending every waking moment trying to learn more about them. But the one thing she desired more than anything, was to meet one. After years of planning and hard work, she created a portal to there realm. Somepony saw her doing so, and luckily I was there to stop her before she went through. I cast a spell to seal it, but her work was just too strong to be destroyed. So I had to put a blocking spell, like putting a cork in a bottle. It seems my spell must have wavered for just long enough for Fluttershy to fall through. If you must, I can open it for you to go and rescue her, but I cannot guarantee I can get you back out. Last night I had a vision, and I know Fluttershy will be safe where she is." "I need to get her back. But at least if she's safe we have time to come up with a plan. We should work on a spell to seal that portal once and for all. Perhaps the elements might be of assistance?" "Twilight, this is a very dangerous mission and may never make it back. Their world is unlike ours. Your magic will be useless there. We will have no communication either." "Okay, I guess I have to think about this a little more. Maybe we should ask Lyra? You said she is a descendent of the creator of the portal? She might know something about it. All I know is I have to get Fluttershy. She would do the same for me, I know it." "You say that like you think we're letting you go alone." Said Rainbow. "I'm sorry but she will have to go alone. Not only will it be a bigger risk of one of you not coming back, but you will risk tearing the thin wall between the two worlds." Stated Celestia. "If that's what I have to do, then so be it." Said Twilight. "And I think paying Lyra a visit is a great idea. Until we can figure this all out, just remember that she is safe." "I'll try my very best." > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dillan was still contemplating telling Fluttershy she had revealed her secret in her sleep. He could ask her about and get it out of the way, or he could let her say it in her own time and save her the embarrassment. Fluttershy was currently sleeping. It was about 7:30 when Dillan woke up, Fluttershy was sleeping so peacefully, and it was so cute. He didn't want to wake her, there wasn't any reason to so that would just be rude. That was about two hours ago now. "Dillan? Why didn't you wake me up?" Asked Fluttershy as she trotted into the kitchen, eyes still dark with sleepiness. "You looked so cozy I didn't want to disturb you." "Umm... Dillan? There's something I need to tell you, but I'm afraid you might be mad at me." Fluttershy spoke, hanging her head and drawing circles on the floor with her hoof. "What is it? It's okay, I won't be mad." This might be it! He thought. She might confess, and then I'll know she wasn't just rambling in her sleep! "I.. um... I had an... 'accident'! I'm sorry! I'm such a baby!" She began to sob uncontrollably at her infantile act. Okay, not what I was expecting. "That's okay Fluttershy, you don't have to be embarrassed. Don't cry, I'll take care of it, okay?" "No, It's not okay, I'm a grown mare and should be able to control stuff like that, especially at other peoples houses!" She continued to bawl despite his reassurance. Dillan thought of a way to calm her down. He walked over to her and gently laid her down on the floor. Fluttershy was cooperative, though she didn't cease crying. He began to lightly caress and rub her tummy. About halfway down her belly, there was a patch of damp fur that reached all the way down to her crotch. It was kind of gross but it wasn't that big of a deal, as he could easily wash his hands afterward. "Shh, It's okay Fluttershy." She began to calm down, relax a bit, and stopped crying. She was still very embarrassed and upset, but she did feel a lot better. 'Th-thank you *sniff* Di-Dillan." She sniffled. "There's so-something else I n-need to t-tell you." "What is it? Whatever it is It's okay." He said reassuringly. "I... umm... I-i... I lo- I... lo... I love you!" She finally managed to squeak out. Her cheeks turned a bright strawberry red as she attempted to hide behind her mane. "I know that." He said. "what? How?!" "Last night after I blew out the candles, you spoke in your sleep." This only embarrassed Fluttershy further as Dillan had predicted. "Fluttershy?" "Yeah?" He took a deep breath and said something he never thought he'd say. "I love you too." Upon hearing this Fluttershy smiled cutely and sat up, embracing Dillan in a warm hug. (Mostly because of the fact that she was still covered in urine but lets not make it gross. I already ruined the moment, didn't I? All well.) "Let's get you some breakfast and then I'll clean up the bed alright?" "Mhm! Do you know how to make carrot pancakes?" "I do, but let's double-check the ingredients to make sure there's nothing that will bother you." After a careful check of ingredients, they concluded they needed to get some unfiltered, unbleached, unprocessed flour or almond flour, either worked. And some FRESH carrots, not the gross canned carrots that were loaded with preservatives. Fluttershy was disappointed to hear she couldn't leave the house. She didn't want to stay home alone, she was scared to be alone. Dillan had a solution for this though. At most supermarkets, you can order the food and then pick it up outside the store. He ordered the items and then had Fluttershy stir on the floor of the passenger seat covered with a blanket. "Are you sure I'll be safe?" Asked Fluttershy nervously. "Yes, Fluttershy, since your on the floor you cant crash through the windshield, and if you stretch your hooves out all the way you won't slide either." On the way back from the store Dillan stopped at another store. "I'll only be a minute, I promise." "Okay." Fluttershy agreed. Sitting in a locked car for a few minutes was much better than waiting in a house for a few hours. Dillan came back to the car about a minute later with a bag in his hand. As soon as they got home Dillan got to work on the pancakes while Fluttershy helped. "I don't want to embarrass you, and I know this is really going to be awkward for you, but this is what I got at the store." He pulled out a package of Pull-ups. Fluttershy simply stared at it, blushing hard again. "D-do I have to?" She asked, already knowing the answer. "Yes Fluttershy, If you want to sleep in my bed again tonight. How would you feel if you had an accident while I was still in the bed and I got wet too? Not only would that be embarrassing for you but it's also gross. You got lucky this morning, but even so, I don't want to keep washing sheets." His reasoning was solid, but that didn't make it any better for Fluttershy. "O-okay." "And I also got something special for you. I know you said you miss your stuffed animals and your pet rabbit, so I got you this." He pulled out a furry soft and cuddly looking white rabbit plushie that was about the size of Fluttershy's face. "Oh, thank you so much! You didn't need to do that for me!" "I know, but I wanted to." Fluttershy gave him a hug, to which Dillan was met with a COLD dampness. They had totally forgotten about that. "Ewe!" He shouted, jumping back. "Sorry, but that was pretty gross. Here, why don't you take a shower while I finish up the food? You know how it works right?" "Tha-that sounds like a g-good idea." After Fluttershy took a quick shower, they ate the pancakes, which were delicious. Then Dillan changed into clean clothes before cleaning the bed, which Fluttershy insisted on helping with. Luckily he had a cover on his mattress for when he accidentally spilled things, so the mattress was fine. Later they tried to play video games together but controllers aren't exactly made for hooves, so they played board games instead. After yet another long day, It was time to go to bed, which Fluttershy had been dreading all day. But she, unfortunately, she knew she had to do it. For Dillan. Unfortunately, her tail was in the way. Dillan procured a pair of scissors and cut a small hole in the back where her tail would be. She tried it again, feeding her tale through the freshly made hole. She laid down on the bed with Dillan, trying to ignore the embarrassing garment she wore. She cuddled up to him, snuggling into his warm tummy. He snuggled back, showing her all the love he had to offer. Fluttershy slept soundly even without a night light, because she knew that she was safe with Dillan. > Chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Yes, I know what happened. I'm the one who opened it up in the first place." Lyra admitted. "But before you do anything rash, let me explain!" "We're listening." Said Celestia. "Years ago my great grandmother Starla Mist discovered humans. She fell in love with them immediately and tried to learn everything she could, but she hit a brick wall fairly soon, as humans where deemed pure fairy tale and had contradicting information in what little there was. So she spent years of her life finding a way to safely create a stable portal to learn more about them, for the good of pony kind and to become friends, as she knew they were very powerful even without magic. She knew what she was doing, but then you threw her in prison for doing NOTHING wrong or illegal! She was only trying to learn! You wreaked her portal before you even knew how it worked and you could have killed people or ponies! It was unstable! I snuck out and fixed it a few days ago and I saw Fluttershy coming so I hid, but she got pulled in. Don't worry, she is safe where that portal leads. The portal is stable, you just need to know how to control it. That portal is my family legacy. One day ponies and humans will live in harmony and you will have US to thank! The portal is closed because she is comfortable where she is. I can open it, but she probably won't want to leave." "Oh Lyra, I had no idea! I'm so sorry! I owe you and your family a huge apology. But for now, lets rescue- I mean, check on Fluttershy." Said Celestia. Twilight stepped through the portal which stayed open behind her. Lyra told her what to expect but she was still impressed by the sheer size and symmetry of the building in front of her. "Wow, and they do this without even using magic!" She said to herself. She stepped up to the door and knocked on it three times. The door creaked open to reveal.. A HUMAN! Oh my Celestia, an actual human! "Twilight?! Oh please don't tell me you got sucked through a closing portal too." "No, it's open now. I'm here to bring Fluttershy home. She can come back whenever she wants, we fixed the portal now." "Oh. Umm, okay. Fluttershy, you can come here it's Twilight." "TWILIGHT?!" Fluttershy asked in surprise. She galloped at Twilight full speed and hugged her so hard Twilight couldn't breathe. "Oh Twilight I missed you so much! I didn't know if I would ever see you again! Oh wait- you're not stuck here too are you?!" "No, we fixed the portal. You can come in and out as you please and it won't close. I came to bring you home. Don't worry, you can come back if you want." "Oh, I can go home? That's great! But- can Dillan come?" Dillan looked at Fluttershy, and she knew what he was thinking. That's how she spoke to animals, animals speak with there eyes, and his where saying, Wait, what? You want me to come to Equestria? "Umm... I guess if he wants to. But Lyra is probably going to swarm him with questions." "So," Fluttershy started. "Will you please come with me to Ponyville? Everyone is really nice, especially Lyra." "I'd love to." They lived happily together switching from house to house. Meeting each others friends and everything else. I don't want to spoil the sequel but it turns out humans can't eat pony food either. The real struggle was telling there friend they where together, worried about what they might think. But that's a story for another time.