> Beards and Braids > by concordion > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Lesson One: Combing her Mane > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Night Light hovered the flyer in front of him and reread it. “Beards and Braids: Is your little girl growing distant? Is mommy getting all the attention? Bursting with affection with nowhere to put it? Join—” “Dad,” his daughter Twilight said, “you don’t have to read it aloud.” “—Join Free Range and bond with your baby while learning life skills the other dads are too afraid to touch. No magic required.” Night Light double checked the address. He’d been expecting some sort of community center or a school gymnasium, not a run down house in the outskirts of Canterlot. But the address matched. “This looks like the place,” he said. “Shall we?” Twilight peered from behind him. “You first,” she commanded. Night rolled his eyes and knocked on the front door. It opened almost immediately. “Oh, hey, man.” Night Light stepped back. Standing before him was an Antelope. He didn’t know Antelopes lived in Canterlot. Not that he cared, of course. But Antelope culture was . . . weird. They had no magic that he knew of, promoted a love of nature and slow living, and tended to smoke a lot of incense and weed. Still. This one had a long, flowing mane with braids woven in. He was clearly no stranger to styling one’s mane. “Uh—Hi. Is this where the Braids and Beards class is being held?” “Yeah, man. I’m Free Range. It’s, like, really great to meet you.” He reached for Night Light and gave him a very generous hug. “Oh, uh. Thanks. I’m Night Light, and this is Twilight.” He turned and pulled Twilight out of hiding. “Say hi.” Twilight said nothing. “Yeah, man. Please. Come on in,” Free Range drawled. “Make yourselves cozy, man. We’re about to start.” He stepped aside and waved them in. Night Light stepped inside, pulling his daughter in by the tail. “Dad,” she whined. “I wanna go home.” Night Light crouched in front of Twilight and brushed a hoof through her mane. “I thought you wanted to come here.” Twilight looked around and whispered, “Not if there’s other ponies here.” “Oh, Twilight,” Night Light said, adopting his gentle parenting grin. For a filly to be shy was one thing, but Twilight was just growing into a young mare. “I am here to braid your mane. You,” he said, poking her on the forehead, “are here to make friends.” “Hmph.” Night Light stood and shrugged at Free Range. “Sorry. She’s shy.” “Hey, no worries, man. My little Star Child had, like, no friends when we moved here. Being a girl is scary.” He smiled down at Twilight. “But don’t worry, little pony. Everypony here is super chill. We’re all here to have fun.” Free Range led Night Light and Twilight into the house, downstairs, to a den. There were a hoofful of other families already there, all chatting and sitting awkwardly on odd-looking bean bag chairs. The room was crowded—the other ponies were sitting almost up against one another—and it smelled faintly of incense. Free Range waved at the only Antelope filly present. “Star Child, come here. There’s a filly I want you to meet.” Star Child walked up to Twilight. She was a gangly looking filly that appeared to be a few years younger than Twilight, though Night Light wasn’t familiar with Antelope children. Big, wide eyes. Beautiful tail. Flowers in her mane. And a gentle smile Night Light rarely saw on high-strung Unicorn children. “Hi! I’m Star Child. You’re pretty. What’s your name?” Night Light prodded his daughter, and she mumbled, “Twilight.” “That’s a pretty name. Have you ever sat on a bean bag chair before? They’re so comfy. C’mon!” “Thank you,” Night Light said to Free Range, as the girls found a pair of chairs to sit on and started chatting. “No worries, man. Star Child is the nicest filly you’ll ever meet.” He smiled, practically melting with adoration. “She’s got a huge heart. She loves everypony she meets. And having her suck your dick feels like nirvana, man. Hey, your daughter’s really cute,” he said. “Er—thanks.” --- Free Range obviously wasn’t in a hurry to start their lesson. He wandered from family to family, making introductions and spreading his good vibrations with everypony. Night Light found a free bean bag chair and crawled atop it, trying awkwardly to find a comfortable position for sitting. Or was it supposed to be a pillow? “They ain’t very intuitive,” the Unicorn stallion sitting beside him said. Night Light picked his up and squeezed the beans around inside it, trying to shape it into a chair-like form. “No, they aren’t.” He looked at the Unicorn and said, “I’m Night Light.” “Jazz. My daughter French Press is over there. She’s a fashion model,” he boasted with a proud smile. French Press was a particularly photogenic Unicorn filly who looked to be about the same age as Twilight, maybe younger. Her mane was already styled and she was wearing make-up that complemented her features well. “Nice to meet you.” Night Light gave up fixing his chair and sat awkwardly, feeling his core muscles working to keep him stable. After a few minutes of watching the others he casually asked The Question. “So, uh, why are you here?” It wasn’t that Night Light was ashamed to spend time with his daughter. Far from it. Twilight and her brother were his beacons of light in a dreary city, the ponies that made life vibrant. Like any good dad, he wanted to be as close to his babies as he could, and make their every wish come true. If his daughter wanted a pretty mane, then he’d damned well give her a pretty mane. Still. None of his friends would take a class on styling a mane. And he was secretly glad nopony here knew him. This was seriously outside his comfort zone. Jazz laughed. “My wife made me do it. If I had a son I’d spend my evenings playing ball with him instead. You?” “Twilight and I used to be good friends, not just family. But she barely talks to me anymore. I don’t want my little girl to feel like her dad doesn’t love her.” Jazz stared at him. “I mean,” he said, perfectly deadpan, “I guess that’s a good reason.” They snickered. “Alright, dudes and dudettes,” Free Range said, walking up to the front of the room. “Sorry to be a bummer but, like, I guess we gotta do this course thing. Don’t worry. There’s no grades or tests or whatever.” At this point Night Light thought he saw Twilight slump in disappointment. “We’re gonna start slow today. Just relax, get to know one another, and have fun.” He gestured for Star Child to join him at the front and gave her a hoofful of plain-looking combs. “Today, you’re gonna learn how to comb your daughter’s mane. Fillies usually keep their manes longer than colts do, and in the morning or after a long day of running around it’s gonna be super tangled. Tangles can damage your filly’s mane if left alone for too long. So, before you can style her mane, you have to untangle it first.” As Star Child passed around combs to each of the dads, Free Range set his bean bag chair behind him and casually flopped back in it. Somehow he looked comfortable on his first try, with his knees spread and his back held up by the chair. His dick flopped down between his thighs. Even limp, it looked bigger than Night Light’s when he was hard. Jazz grunted, climbed off his chair, and started trying to shape it like Free Range had. “He makes it look easy.” “Practice,” Night Light muttered back, staring at Free Range’s dick. Adult ponies usually kept their genitals hidden, especially when around kids, but Free Range didn’t even seem to notice. Night Light glanced at the other guests. Nopony else seemed perturbed, though some of the older daughters were particularly focused. “Can everypony see?” Free Range asked. “Good. Your filly’s hair will get tangled if she tosses and turns during her sleep, or if she’s really active. A thick and curly mane gets tangled more than a short and straight mane. And if you don’t untangle her mane regularly, it gets worse. So it’s important to take good care of your filly’s mane. Star Child and I comb her hair twice a day: once before school and again before bed. It’s a great way to bond with her, and to share your love with her.” Star Child stepped back up in front of her dad and beamed. “If her mane gets really tangled, or if it starts getting damaged, you can wash her hair with conditioner. There are oils made for untangling a pony’s mane if it gets real bad. But you don’t want any of that unnatural stuff if you don’t need it. The best way to maintain her mane is to comb it regularly.” Still sitting sprawled out, he reached for Star Child and gave her a hug, then gestured in front of him. “First thing to do is get comfortable. Untangling her mane will take a while until you get really good at it, and, like, it’s a bummer if you can’t finish because you get sore. I like a beanbag chair, but we used to put a pillow up against the wall. And the most comfortable position for your daughter, of course, is between your legs with her head in your lap.” Star Child lay face down in front of him, with her head between his knees. Holding his hips, she scooted forward and nuzzled his cock, then wrapped her lips around it and started swallowing. Night Light felt his heart race at the sight. Star Child was casually swallowing her dad’s enormous cock in front of an enraptured audience of total strangers with zero hesitation. Night Light and Twilight had started exploring each other’s bodies, but it was strictly a private, intimate thing between family members. Maybe Antelope culture was more public about these things? He quickly glanced around at the other participants. Jazz had a hoof in his daughter’s lap and was quietly rubbing her abdomen. She didn’t look particularly shocked by the demonstration at the front of the class, but neither did she look like she cared about Jazz’s wandering hoof, even when he finally reached between her legs and started rubbing her pussy. If anything, she looked supremely bored. Opposite Jazz, Mesquite’s two daughters were squeezed together in his lap, quietly fighting for a better seat while pressing up against his cock—and occasionally stroking it. Mesquite’s cock was a testament to Earth Pony stallions everywhere. Next to Mesquite was Swirltop. His daughter was seated in front of him, focused entirely on the Antelope monster and completely ignoring her dad. Compared to the others, Swirltop was getting a raw deal. And at the far side, Blizzard’s daughter was watching the demonstration, pressed up against his side and quietly stroking his cock. She looked sublimely content; he looked alarmed and aroused. Meanwhile, Twilight sat with a straight back, eagerly watching her teacher and barely noticing the rest of the room. Maybe Twilight and Night Light were the odd ones out. Night Light reached a hoof around her shoulders and pulled her closer. She jumped a little at the contact but didn’t say anything. He let his hoof rest over her shoulder, gently touching her chest. The little antelope filly shifted her head, swallowed a couple times, and finally pressed her nose up against his crotch. Her face mirrored her dad’s: relaxed bliss. She closed her eyes and hummed gently. His cock had to be almost entirely in her throat. Night Light couldn’t fathom how this little girl was still breathing. Free Range stroked Star Child’s cheek and asked, “Are you comfortable? Can I start?” Star Child opened her eyes to gaze at him and wiggled her rump. Her tail flicked back and forth gently. Free Range rubbed her shoulder, then reached for her mane and started combing. “Don’t jab your comb into her scalp and start pulling. It shouldn’t hurt when you comb your filly’s mane. She shouldn’t feel anything at all. Hold some hair near the end—” he said, holding some to demonstrate, “—and comb the tangles out bit by bit. Start at the bottom and work your way up. If you start at the top, you’ll be fighting tangles all the way down. And if you don’t hold her mane tightly, you’ll tug the hair all the way up to her scalp, and that’s a good way to get your dick bitten off, dudes.” Nervous chuckles floated through the room. “For you Unicorns, use your hooves, not your horns. Nothing against teekay or whatever, but, like, you wouldn’t hug her or kiss her or fuck her with your teekay, either. It’s okay to be close and to actually touch her.” He dropped his bit of mane and stroked her cheek, then squeezed her gently with his hindlegs. She wiggled happily, looking up at him with the kind of wide eyes Night Light’s kids now only used when they wanted something. For a few moments everypony watched Free Range comb his daughter’s mane while she gently suckled his cock. He didn’t seem particularly distracted by either his audience or the young nubile filly blowing him, and he was very skilled with his comb. Only a minute in and he’d already untangled a section of her mane. He lifted and moved tufts of hair out of the way and steadily worked his way through her mane, humming. And Star Child wasn’t really blowing him, like some filly whore. She almost looked like she was settling in for a nap. It was downright adorable. “So—” one of the dads started. “Uh . . . ” “Oh, hey! Right. Uh, like, don’t wait for my permission, dudes. This isn’t a lecture. Start whenever you want.” The other families shifted and settled into position, and the sounds of flicking tails, squeaking bean bag chairs, and gentle murmurs filled the room. French Press spun in place, glared at her dad, then slid to her stomach in front of him and pulled herself into his lap. “Be careful, Jazz. Don’t pull my mane. And don’t make a mess!” she ordered. Jazz put up his hooves. “Don’t worry, dear. You won’t even feel a thing.” She sniffed, then lowered her lips to his cock and kissed the tip. Jazz grunted and shoved his hips upward, smearing his cock against her face. The young filly didn’t seem too fazed, or even surprised; she just brushed her mane out of the way, drooled over his cock, then swallowed him whole. Jazz dropped his comb and gripped his bean bag chair for support as his daughter started bobbing her head. She clearly had experience sucking a stallion’s cock. Night Light asked, “Well, Twilight? Are you ready?” Twilight faced him and eyed his cock warily. “What’s wrong?” he asked. “Free Range’s is bigger.” Beside them, Jazz erupted with laughter. “Hey, girl, careful what you say to your daddy. You might hurt his feelings.” Twilight poked Night Light’s dick. “Free Range’s was floppier, too.” She reached and tried to lay it flat. “How come yours is so straight?” “Uh—” Night Light paused, ignoring Jazz’s stifled chuckling. It wasn’t his fault he had an erection. “Every pony is different down there.” He patted his thigh. “Why don’t you, uh, make yourself comfortable, and I’ll start on your mane. Okay, sweetie?” “Well . . . ” She didn’t look very enthusiastic about the whole thing. Night Light considered. He and Twilight had never gone any further than some kissing and gentle groping. The one time she’d made him cum was by accident. The idea of skipping right to—well, all of this—had to be intimidating for her. Especially with the competition: a couple of the other girls looked like they had a lot of experience giving head to older stallions. “If you’re not okay with all of this, we can just watch the other families tonight.” “Really?” “Of course.” Night Light tried not to sound too disappointed. Twilight and Night Light looked across the room. The other stallions were slumped in their bean bags, each with his daughter’s head in his lap. Some were already working on their daughters’ manes, carefully working their combs through skinny tufts of hair as their little fillies sucked their cocks, while the others were trying to help their daughters get comfortable, as Free Range called it. One of the dads, a Pegasus stallion on the far end, was trying to wrench his comb through a foot of knots. The Pegasus filly in his lap was tensing and jerking in pain with each motion. “He said to start at the bottom,” Night Light muttered. Twilight smiled at Night Light. “Oh! You were paying attention!” “Of course, dear.” He glanced around. Nopony was paying them any attention. “Come on. Let’s at least give it a try. You might even enjoy it!” Twilight bit her lip, then sank to her gut in front of Night Light and pulled herself up between his thighs. She poked his cock again, and giggled when it twitched. “It’s cute.” Jazz snorted. Night Light held back an exasperated groan. “You’ve seen it before, dear. Open wide,” he said, pushing his lips towards her mouth. Twilight closed her eyes, opened her mouth, and said, “Ahh!” like she was at a doctor’s office. He stroked her cheek then guided her mouth to his tip. She wrapped her lips around his cock and took a little into her mouth. This beards and braids course was the greatest decision he’d ever made. Unlike Free Range, who wasn’t erect when his daughter had started blowing him, Night Light’s boner meant Twilight had to stretch her neck and angle her head to accommodate him. And unlike Star Child, Twilight wasn’t used to holding her mouth open for very long. As it was, she could only get a little of his cock in her mouth. “Relax, Twilight. Don’t try to get it all in at once. Like Free Range said. We’re starting slow, okay?” Twilight opened her eyes and looked up at him. It was almost too much. Her face in between his thighs. Her big beautiful trusting eyes, staring up at him. Her lips wide around his shaft, and her tongue and cheeks massaging the head, as if by instinct—He’d always thought his daughter was the most beautiful creature alive, and now he had proof. “Are you comfortable?” he asked. “Can I start?” Twilight nodded as best as she could with his cock in her mouth. Her tongue slid around and under his dick, coating it in drool. His cock felt hot, swaddled, and safe where it was. He’d stay there forever if he could. Night Light grabbed his comb and held it above Twilight’s head. He couldn’t remember any of Free Range’s instructions, for some reason. Something about starting slow . . . He stroked her cheek again, smiled when she smiled, groaned when she swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and grabbed a small tuft of her mane. This close up, he could see how the strands of hair had clumped and tangled together. It didn’t happen with Shining, his son, as far as he could tell. And he’d never tried to comb his wife’s hair. How had he never noticed before? A filly’s mane really was different. He dropped the tuft and grabbed another one, this time holding it tighter and closer to the end, and started combing. --- Fillies had a lot of hair. Ten minutes in and Night Light had only untangled one side of Twilight’s mane, and hers was on the shorter side. It was slow going, not just because he was unpracticed, going too gently for fear of hurting her, but also Twilight was getting bored, and when she got bored, she got curious. While he made sure to firmly hold tufts of her mane to keep from hurting her, he wasn’t pulling her hair tight, so she had plenty of room to move her head. And was she ever moving her head. Twilight bobbed her head on his lap, gently suckling his cock and sliding her lips up and down his shaft. She wouldn’t let his cock touch the back of her throat, but that wasn’t stopping her. It was her first time sucking his cock, and she looked like she was trying to memorize everything about the experience: its surface and heft, the way it pulsed and twitched, and the sounds he made. It was surprisingly distracting. Still Night Light persevered, carefully moving to the other side. The other dads were having varying success. Free Range was humming some song at the front of the room. He’d long since finished untangling Star Child’s mane and was styling it into an elegant flowery design of some sort. Star Child, for all intents and purposes, had fallen asleep to her daddy’s lullaby, her cheek against his thigh and his giant floppy dick still down her throat. Jazz kept yanking his daughter French’s mane. Every few minutes she’d yelp around his dick and pull herself free to complain to him. “Ah! Damn it, Jazz. Hold it like this,” she exclaimed, demonstrating. “I’m trying, dear, but your hair isn’t easy to work with—” “My hair isn’t what?!” He petted her head and said, “Okay, dear. Just—C’mon, open your mouth. There you go. I’ll be more careful.” Though she grumped and whined, Night Light figured she was still enjoying herself, seeing how eagerly she resumed sucking his cock and how much of a performance she put on while doing so. Jazz seemed to relax only when his daughter wasn’t using her mouth for talking. Next to Jazz sat Mesquite, the Earth Pony father with two daughters. They hadn’t been able to settle on which filly would get her hair combed and so they kept having to switch. Mesquite hadn’t made much progress on either mane, and each time one of his girls got his cock in her mouth, the other would sulk and pout and whine until it was her turn again. It didn’t look like they were enjoying themselves. The next father, a Pegasus stallion named Swirltop, was dozing gently while his upset daughter Candy Crush grumbled in the bathroom, trying to get his spunk out of her mane and wings. At the end, the Pegasus stallion named Blizzard had given up entirely on combing his daughter’s mane and was trying his damnedest not to come. His daughter, a Unicorn filly named Static Cling, wasn’t making it easy for him: the young filly was eagerly sucking him off, one hoof on his shaft and the other holding him still. Her tail was flagging and her tiny cunt was dripping with arousal. She was impatient. He was panicking. “Uh, Mr. Free Range,” he said. “I’m, uh, she’s gonna make me—What do I do if—” “Hmm?” Free Range asked. “I’m gonna come!” “Hey, that’s okay, man. Let it happen. Nopony’s gonna mind. We’re all stallions here. Just don’t get any in her mane.” “But we’ve never—Ah!” “Oh, man, I’m super jealous. I can’t even remember the first time Star Child sucked my dick. Don’t worry. It’s natural. You’re here to bond with her. She wants you to share your love with her, and there’s nothing a girl loves more than the feel of her daddy filling her mouth with spunk. To her, you’ll taste amazing. She’s gonna start wanting some every night. I’ve already blown a couple loads down Star Child’s throat and I think she’ll want a couple on her face too before she lets me stop.” Star Child mmm-hmmed and nodded slowly. “Wait—what?” Jazz said. “You haven’t blown a couple loads. You’ve barely moved. No way. You’re lying.” A couple of the others nodded. “Heh,” Free Range chuckled. “Like, okay. Have a look.” He tapped Star Child’s head, and she opened her eyes and leaned back. Night Light watched, fascinated, as more and more dick slid from her lips, like some endless cargo train pulling out of a tunnel. Finally his dick slipped from her lips and flopped onto the floor, soaked and dripping with drool. She turned to the class and opened her mouth. “Whoa,” someone muttered. Star Child had a mouthful of thick, pearly white Antelope spunk sitting on her tongue. There was so much that it overflowed her lips and dribbled down her chin. Free Range’s cock was long enough that most of his cum had to have bypassed her mouth and gone directly down her throat; this mouthful was just the tail end of a prolific orgasm that Night Light and the others hadn’t even noticed. Beaming with pride, she closed her mouth and gulped down the last of Free Range’s load, then crawled back between his legs and slurped up his cock. He sighed and resumed styling her hair. Jazz blinked and ducked his head. “I stand corrected.” Free Range shrugged. “No worries, man. We’ve had a lot of practice.” Blizzard groaned, gripping the edges of his bean bag chair. Static hadn’t stopped during Star Child’s lewd demonstration. “So, like, just relax and enjoy it,” Free Range concluded. “Yeah—sure. Okay.” He set down his comb and looked at his daughter. “No pressure, buddy,” Jazz joked. “Pretend we’re not all watching!” “Baby,” he warned, squeezing her shoulder. “I’m gonna come. If you don’t want me to—Oh, sweet Princess—If you don’t want daddy to come in your mouth, you’ve gotta—Ugh!—you’ve gotta let me out.” Static Cling didn’t stop bobbing her head. “Oh, no, man,” Free Range said, “Like, you’ll get it in her mane if you’re not careful. Most fillies don’t like that, ’cause it’s really hard to get out.” From the bathroom down the hall Candy Crush called out, “He’s not wrong!” “So—what do I do? What do I do?!” Free Range shrugged. “Like, make her swallow it—” “Oh, fuck!” Blizzard exclaimed, grabbing his little filly’s head and thrusting up into her mouth. He came with a whinny. Her eyes bulged, and she quickly started swallowing. Night Light could actually see her neck pulse with each load of spunk sliding down towards her stomach. She swallowed again and again, but it wasn’t enough. Cum spurted out from between her lips, splashing on his lap. The girl yanked herself free and gasped for breath. “DaddyEEEP!” The cock aiming right at her face unloaded rope after gooey rope of cum across her face, over her chin, and down her neck. She froze in place, eyes closed shut, mouth frozen open in shock. Only after she was tic-tac-toed from chin to forehead did his orgasm slow to a trickle. The filly lifted a hoof and wiped the cum from her eyes, then lifted herself up, facing him. For a moment, panicking daddy and cum-soaked daughter stared at one another in shock, panting and blushing. She closed her lips and swallowed, then whimpered, “Daddy?” A dollop of cum dripped from her chin onto the floor. At least none of it had gotten in her mane. “Oh, dear, I’m so sorry. I never should’ve—I knew this was a bad idea—” The filly slid her body up his until they were face to face, wrapped her hooves around his shoulders, and kissed him. Night Light and the other stallions watched in stunned silence as she pressed her body against him. His softening cock poked out between her thighs, curling over her rump and drooling the last of his cum on her ass. “I told ya. It’s okay,” she whispered, booping his nose with hers. She had a huge grin on her face, under all those streaks of cum. “I love ya, Daddy.” “I—I love you too, Sparky,” Blizzard said, reaching up and tousling her mane—before jerking his hoof back. “Oh, crap. Uh—” “Daddy, ya messed it all up.” She shrugged. “Guess ya gotta start again.” “Y—yeah. I’ll, uh. Yeah.” She nuzzled her cheek against his, smearing cum over his face, and then slid back down his body, dragging herself over his cock until it flopped out in front of her. She gave a satisfied little wiggle and started licking clean his slimy cock. Soon she was blowing him like she hadn’t been interrupted by her daddy flooding her mouth and throat with grandfoal batter. “I told you, man,” Free Range said, threading his hooves through Star Child’s mane. “Keep coming in her mouth and the two of you will be inseparable.” Whimpering, and looking like he was about to burst with emotion, he grabbed his comb with a shaky hoof and resumed working on her mane. Relationship goals, Night Light thought. Beside him, French Press pulled her mouth off of Jazz’s cock and glared at him. “You know I don’t like you coming on my face, Jazz.” “Yes, dear. I know.” --- Two seats over, beside Jazz and French, Mesquite was next to finish, so to speak. The twins had turned him so they could each keep an eye on the clock, and every five minutes down to the second one would yank the other out of the way and take her place. The stalemate had continued relatively peacefully for a while, and soon both twins had half a mane combed. But when Mesquite gasped and started frantically tapping his currently occupied daughter on the shoulder only two and a half minutes into her turn, the other filly swatted him away and pulled her free. “Ah! What the fuck, Maple?!” “Oh, you think I don’t know what you two are doing? Dad’s clearly waiting for your turn before he comes, Cherry. It’s not fair.” Groaning, Mesquite said, “Maple, I’m not timing anything. You know I can’t control it.” “Yeah, Maple! Urgh!” Cherry groaned, shoving her sister back. “He was holding back when it was my turn!” Maple snapped, stomping up onto Mesquite’s right leg and glaring over his lap at her sister. “Dear,” Mesquite started, wincing. “I was holding back because that how stallions work—” Cherry, refusing to back down, stepped on Mesquite’s other leg and glared right back. “Maybe if you weren’t such a bitch and tried being nice for once he would like you more!” “Cherry! Watch your language!” Mesquite grunted, his dick bobbing angrily mid-air, pointed directly between the two of them. “Maybe if you weren’t such a brown-noser and gave me a chance—” “We timed it! You had just as much time as me—” “Girls!” he barked. They paused, finally noticing the grimace on his face. “What’s wrong?” Cherry asked. Mesquite clenched his jaw and didn’t answer, but Night Light knew the look well. Mesquite had been pulled back from the edge, and his balls probably felt like they were being squeezed in a vice. “Oh! I’m so sorry!” Cherry gasped, while Maple just huffed and looked away. “Let me make it better.” She reached down and grabbed his cock. “Hey!” Maple exclaimed, slapping at her sister’s hoof and grabbing some cock for herself. “Girls! Enough. Let go. It’s not a big deal.” He glared at them, then took a deep breath. “What is a big deal is how petty you’re both being. You both know how to share. Say you’re sorry.” “Sorry,” Maple grumped, looking away. Cherry gawped. “But I didn’t—” “Cherry!” “Sorry, I guess,” she grumbled. “Now kiss and make up.” Maple and Cherry withered and faced each other over his lap. Maple huffed. Cherry gulped. Neither made a move. “Girls,” Mesquite warned. Cherry leaned forward, just a bit, tilted her head, and watched her sister. Maple glanced around at the audience, then shifted forward. Their lips met in the middle, just above Mesquite’s dick. Cherry squeaked, but didn’t yield. Maple sighed and leaned in, closing her eyes. Balanced with a hoof on her dad’s thigh, Cherry reached up and touched Maple’s shoulder, then pulled her close. Maple whuffled lightly and hugged back. Pressed together like that, kissing and moaning each other like that, the twins were absolutely stunning. Their kiss had gone from a tiny hesitant peck to something more intimate and insistent. Night Light kept getting glimpses of pink tongues and mouthfuls of saliva as they shifted and panted and made out. Cherry reached her hoof down between Maple’s thighs and started groping her crotch. Maple squeaked and followed suit. They kissed and made up for much longer than was strictly necessary, stopping only when Cherry came against her sister’s hoof, then again when Maple joined her. Eventually Maple sighed and pulled back—with a gossamer-thin thread of saliva stretching between them for a moment—leaving Cherry to flail and totter, off-balanced without her sister pushing her up. Maple’s tail flicked back and forth, flashing the others with glimpses of a shiny, dripping pussy, and Cherry looked like she was squeezing her thighs together. They were both breathing heavily, with faint blushes on their cheeks and shiny saliva on their chins and down their necks. Neither of them made eye contact, but Night Light thought he saw Maple reach for Cherry’s hoof. Mesquite nodded. “Alright. Now, pack your things. We’re going home.” “But daaaad—” they whined in chorus. “No buts. We’ll try again tonight. Together. Okay?” Mesquite’s erection had abated, somewhat. Night Light was pretty sure he didn’t have the same self-control that Mesquite did. As the Mesquite family packed their things, Night Light glanced at Free Range. He’d assumed that Free Range was just being polite and pretending not to notice the family argument, like all the other dads. But Free Range’s eyes were closed, and he’d stopped humming. It looked as though he’d fallen asleep. Then Night Light saw Star Child gulping steadily, a blush on her cheeks. Gotcha. Now that he’d seen it he didn’t think it was that impressive. Even Free Range was a slave to his orgasm. He was more impressed with Star Child, who didn’t flinch as her dad’s grapefruit-sized balls unloaded in her mouth. Star Child kept swallowing for another minute or so and never spilled a drop. Free Range sighed, opened his eyes, and resumed styling her mane into an elaborate sculpture of flowers and waves. --- Jazz was next, and it happened quite suddenly. “Oh, fuck!” Jazz groaned, arching his hips. French’s eyes bulged, then she jerked back and grabbed his cock, aiming it low at her face. Streams of cum laced with teekay shot out, streaking from her forehead to her chin and even down her neck. She didn’t stroke him or try to catch any in her mouth, just held him still and waited patiently with her mouth and eyes closed. Eventually his orgasm waned from powerful squirts to a slow trickle. French wiped the cum from her eyes then licked her hoof clean. She didn’t look too upset. “Good job, daddy,” she said, letting go. “I’m surprised. You didn’t get any in—” Jazz grunted and flexed his hips, spurting a final large load of crackling Unicorn cum all over her mane. “Ah . . . ” he sighed. French reached up and touched her mane, right below her horn. When she brought her hoof back down it had a fresh smear of cum on it. “Jazz.” She gripped his thigh and lifted herself up till she was eye level with him. “Jazz!” Jazz smiled warily. “I love you?” he ventured. “Jazz!” French snapped, glaring at him so hard Night Light was surprised flames didn’t burst from her eyes. “I told you not to come in my mane.” “Sorry dear. Sometimes I can’t help myself. You’re just too lovely.” “Hmph.” French climbed to her hooves, stomped over his legs, and trotted towards the bathroom, ignoring everypony else’s glances. That her tail was still flagged and her thighs were shiny with moisture didn’t escape anypony’s notice. Jazz sighed and settled into his bean bag chair with a big smile, watching her rear end disappear down the hallway. “Good bonding?” Night Light asked. Jazz nodded. “Very good. She loves when I come on her face. It really turns her on.” Night Light looked down at Twilight, who was watching the scene and only absently sucking his dick. Twilight and French were around the same age, but French had clearly had way more experience. Was he holding back her development? “How often do you two—?” Jazz shrugged. “Not very often. Maybe three times a week. And before and after her shoots. They usually make her really horny.” He stretched loudly. “Yeah, I’ll probably fuck her later tonight.” French stepped out of the bathroom a few minutes later. She’d managed to get most of the cum out of her mane and style it somewhat fashionably, but it looked like she’d forgotten to clean her face: long thick streaks of Jazz’s cum still stretched from cheek to cheek and chin to forehead, with a little hanging off of her ear—and Night Light thought he saw some gleaming on her horn, too. The pearly white of his cum contrasted well against her darker coat and eye shadow. “Is the class done?” she asked Free Range. Free Range shrugged. “Like, you can go home anytime you want, little lady. I’ll see you next week.” French sniffed. “C’mon, Jazz. We’re leaving,” she snapped. “But, honey—” French grabbed her dad’s muzzle with her teekay and yanked him off of his bean bag chair and out of the den. “Your mane is really pretty!” one of the daughters called. “See you next time,” Night Light yelled. The front door slammed shut. --- While Swirltop dozed, his daughter Candy Crush went up and sat beside Free Range. “Oh, hey, little lady. Done already,?” Candy Crush snorted. “No. Dad came and then fell asleep.” She crossed her forelegs and pouted. “Whoa, little lady. You’ve got some serious bad vibes around you.” She curled her lip. “He’s always like this. I know he tries, but one little come and he’s dreaming with baby Luna. It drives mom and me bonkers.” “Major bummer, little lady,” Free Range said, prodding Star Child and tilting her head to get at her other side. It looked to Night Light like he was just filling time while the other fathers caught up. Candy Crush shuffled closer. “You don’t get sleepy after you come?” she asked casually. He laughed. “I’m always sleepy, little lady. I’ve got some plants out back that that’ll send you on a trip to the cosmos.” “That’s so funny,” she said, giggling. “I really liked the lesson.” “Oh, yeah?” “Yeah. Like, it’s so deep,” she gushed. “I really felt like there was a connection between us, you know? And, like, I never realized how important my mane is.” “Totally.” “And you’re really good at styling manes.” “Thanks, little lady.” “But, like, my dad didn’t really get a chance to comb my mane, and you’re really good at it, so I was wondering—” “Oh, hey, sorry to interrupt, but I promised Star Child. Hold that thought, little lady.” “Uh, sure.” Free Range placed his comb on the floor and tapped his daughter’s forehead. “Are you ready, my dear?” Star Child released her dad’s cock from her mouth with a slurp and ducked low to lick at his balls. He leaned back, spread his legs, and thrust his hips up, sliding his cock up her face. His cock spat a load of thick, pearly Antelope cum into the air, painting a strip from her forehead over her mane and down her backside. More spunk shot up in a high arc, splashing down on her mane and forehead. Cum started dribbling down her face and sliding down her mane as he came and came and came. Candy Crush’s wings poofed open, almost blocking the view. She leaned back, her mouth gawping open. “What the fuck . . . ” she breathed. Star Child, for her part, barely reacted. She scrunched her face when a dollop of cum landed on her nose but otherwise tilted her head forward, eager to get as much of her dad’s sticky love over her mane, even if much of it slid down her face. “Can you clean me up, dear?” Free Range grunted, as his cock oozed more cum. “Mmm-hmm!” She opened her mouth, fumbled blindly to grab his cock, and started licking it clean. Free Range’s request might have been a bit premature: for the first few moments she couldn’t keep up with the gooey spunk sliding down his shaft. Only when she slid her lips back around his dick and started swallowing did the mess stop. “Ahhh . . . ” he sighed, slumping back into his chair. After resting a few moments to catch his breath, he reached for her head and started rubbing his spunk into her mane, careful to keep from disturbing her braids. Finally, after several moments of sitting there stupefied, Candy Crush spluttered, “But—you said not to get any in her mane!” Free Range nodded absently. “Yeah. It’s a hassle to get out. And if you’re a Unicorn it’s really bad. Teekay will mess up a girl’s mane over time.” He smiled and wiped some of the cum from her cheek. “But, like, it’s not up to me, little lady. Star Child likes the way it makes her hair feel. And we’ve never trusted that bottled garbage they sell in the store anyways.” “And—” Candy Crush gulped. “You do that twice a day?” He shrugged. “Usually. It’s really important for a girl to have a close connection with her daddy, you know? And, like, I can’t say no to her.” She scooched close and put her hoof on his thigh. “That’s super hot.” “Thanks, little lady. You’re really hot, too. You’ve got a tight little ass.” Free Range reached down her front and groped between her thighs. “And a smooth pussy, too. Your dad is super lucky.” Candy Crush froze as his cum-streaked hoof pressed against her slit. “Oh! Uh . . . Mmm . . . ” she groaned, spreading her knees and giving him more room. She glanced around the room. Blizzard and Night Light were watching intently, but her dad was still asleep. “Fuck it,” she muttered, leaning in to kiss Free Range. Her tail lashed back and forth, flashing Night Light and Blizzard with peeks of the young filly’s tight little ass atop her smooth pussy. Free Range was right. Night Light looked back at Swirltop and vowed then and there never to fall asleep on Twilight. Candy Crush pulled back with a desperate little whine. “Oh, fu-hu-huck . . . ” “Groovy,” Free Range said, leaving little kisses down her neck. “Would—haaa . . . would you comb my hair, too?” she asked, panting. “No can do, little lady,” he said, resuming his work in Star Child’s mane. She jerked her hoof back. “Oh—” Free Range smiled at Star Child and stroked her cheek. “Star Child’s is the only mane I’ll work on. She deserves it, and I’ll do anything for my beautiful little girl.” Candy Crush looked down at the girl sucking his cock and yelped. Star Child was glaring right back. “Oh, right. Uh—” “But, like, I’ll fuck you later, if you want.” Candy Crush inhaled a sharp breath. “You will?” she squeaked. “Sure. Do you have school tomorrow? ’Cause, like, I was gonna try out my new vaporizer tonight.” She shook her head. “School? Pshh. Like, whatever.” “Groovy.” “Groovy,” she agreed, stroking his chest. Twilight, only half-heartedly sucking Night Light’s cock while watching the exchange, pulled back and whispered, “It’s a school night. She absolutely has school tomorrow! Should I tell her?” He patted her forehead. “I think she knows already, dear.” “You mean she’s just lying?” Twilight hissed. “Shh. Don’t judge. She’s old enough to make her own choices.” Twilight scowled. “Doubtful. And I bet she has loads of homework.” “Alright, dear. Let’s keep going. We’re almost done.” --- Night Light finished untangling a section and leaned back, admiring his work. Twilight’s mane was straight as a ruler, except for a few parts, and as smooth as her bottom. It seemed to shine far too brightly for the dim room, and certainly brighter than it did when it was messy. Something about aligning the hairs, he figured. And it hadn’t really taken all that long. He could do this regularly without much inconvenience. Below her bangs, Twilight’s big purple eyes looked up at him. Her gentle bobbing motion—the way she managed to smile, even with her lips stretched around his cock, sticking in place occasionally—and the look of total trust and adoration in those eyes— Night Light’s orgasm had sneaked up on him. He grunted, clenched his abs, and tapped Twilight on the shoulder. “Dear—” Twilight yanked herself off his cock with a slurp, propped herself up with a hoof, and started stroking him instead. “Are you about to ejaculate?” she asked casually, the same way she’d ask if he was going to work. “Uh—” he grunted “—Yeah.” “Okay. Grab the carpet. Don’t move your hips. And wait until you’re done coming.” “Wait—” “It’s okay. I watched all the other girls. We’re gonna do this right.” Oh. This was Twilight. Everything was a competition run by procedure. He sighed in resignation and smiled. His daughter was about to make him come. How bad could it be? “—Sure.” She kissed her lips around his tip and resumed sucking his dick, bobbing her head at a consistent rhythm. The glow in her eyes faded; she was all business. With the mood thoroughly subdued, his orgasm was good but not great. Unlike Free Range, Night Light didn’t come enough to drown a hippo, so Twilight quickly and efficiently swallowed his cum without spilling a drop. Night Light slumped against his bean bag chair. He was exhausted, suddenly. “That was nice,” he said, smiling. “Are you alright?” Twilight pulled her mouth off of his softening cock. “Of course I am.” She grimaced and smacked her lips, trying to get the taste off of her tongue. “It tastes gross.” “You could’ve just stroked me. Or waited until I calmed down.” “Nuh-uh,” she said. “Mr. Free Range said it was best if I swallowed my first time.” I take it all back, Free Range. “What about next time?” Twilight looked at the other participants, then at Star Child. “It looks really messy. Is it okay if I just swallowed anyways?” “I guess so,” he sighed, like it was a huge inconvenience. “But not every time.” “Of course not,” she said, shaking her head. “How am I supposed to measure the volume if I always swallow? I have a spare graduated cylinder I’m not using right now. And does it taste the same every time? How much do you ejaculate on average? We need to experiment!” “That’s my girl,” he said, reaching out and almost tousling her mane before he remembered not to. “Right. Don’t touch the mane.” He gave her shoulder an awkward pat instead. Twilight scratched her nose, stretched her jaw, then moved towards Night Light’s thighs again. “Um, Twilight, dear? I think we’re done.” “What? You’re not done.” She sat back and carefully patted her mane. “This part’s still tangled. See?” “Yes, but I can’t come a second time. Not for a while, at least.” “So?” Twilight asked, her face scrunched in confusion. “You don’t need your semen to untangle my mane.” “Uh—” He glanced at Blizzard for support, but the Pegasus just shrugged. His daughter was still sucking his cock, and he’d already come tonight. Could he come a second time? Everypony said Earth Pony stallions could come over and over, but what about Pegasus stallions? “I guess not,” Night Light finally said. He pointed beside him. “Here, have a seat.” Twilight looked where he was pointing and cocked an eyebrow. “Huh? You’re being really confusing. Are we finishing or not?” she asked, “Alright, alright,” he said, holding up his hooves in defeat. “You’re right, dear. Get comfortable and then I’ll finish. Is that acceptable, Princess?” Twilight rolled her eyes and crawled in between his thighs. Carefully, as if he was a bomb about to explode—even though they both knew he was done for the night—Twilight grabbed his cock and slurped a mouthful of drool all over it, then without ceremony slipped him between her lips and nestled it on her tongue. Night Light sighed. He should’ve known better than to argue. “Are you ready?” he asked. Twilight looked up at him and huffed. Even with his dick in her mouth, Twilight could be surprisingly bossy on occasion. He leaned forward, grabbed the last bit of her mane, and started carefully combing out its tangles. --- Night Light finished combing Twilight’s mane not too long after that. He and Twilight waited politely for Free Range to finish coming on Star Child’s face and showering her mane in all-natural conditioner again before getting up to say their goodbyes. Free Range reminded him about next week’s lesson while Twilight and Star Child hugged goodbye. He even gave Twilight and Night Light homework: Night Light was to comb and untangle Twilight’s mane once a day. Twilight’s hair didn’t look all that different, after everything was said and done. But the point of the class wasn’t to radically style her mane. She could learn how to do that on her own if she had to. And he didn’t style his son’s mane either. The point was to find a way to bridge the growing gulf between him and his only daughter. He’d hoped that after tonight they’d be chatting and joking together, just like when she was younger. But Twilight was just as quiet and mechanical as she’d been on the way there. “Did you have fun?” Night Light asked, hesitantly, when they were about halfway home. If not, he decided, he would have to find some other daddy-daughter bonding activity—or give up on the idea entirely. Twilight shrugged. “It was alright.” “Star Child was a nice filly, wasn’t she?” he said. “I guess so. I dunno. She’s kinda weird.” The two of them are kinda weird, Night Light thought to himself. “Did you talk to any of the other fillies?” “I guess. They weren’t really friendly.” “That Pegasus filly sure was friendly with Free Range.” Twilight scoffed. “She’s gonna skip class. What a loser.” Night Light took a breath. They’d never make any progress if he didn’t talk about it. “Were you uncomfortable while I was—” coming down your throat “—combing your mane?” “No, I didn’t mind. My jaw’s a little sore.” It was like pulling teeth. “Twilight—do you want to go back next time or not?” “What?” Twilight asked. She whirled around, looking shocked. “Of course! Why wouldn’t we?” A relieved smile spread across his face. “I see. I guess you’re just too shy to admit you had fun with your boring old dad.” “Nuh-uh,” she said. “That’s not it at all.” She hopped in front of him and grinned, her tail flicking back and forth. “We get to do homework! Isn’t it wonderful?” For some reason, even though homework meant convenient blowjobs from his nubile, curious, loving young daughter, actually calling it homework made him want to groan. “Of course, dear.” > Lesson Two: Braiding her Mane > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Night Light and his daughter Twilight turned onto Free Range’s street. It had been a whole week after their first lesson, and Night Light could practically hear Twilight vibrating with anxiety behind him. “Twilight, calm down. We’re not late.” “You don’t know that! What if they started already?” Night Light laughed. “Look at you. Last week you were scared to even try this—” “That’s not true!” “—and now you’re too excited to wait.” “But what if everypony’s already there?” she asked. “What if Free Range needed a volunteer, and already picked somepony? Ah!” she gasped. “What if he picked Candy Crush?” He stopped and turned to face her. “Breathe, Twilight. It’s just for fun.” He put a hoof on his chest and took a deep breath, urging her to do the same. For a moment he thought Twilight would explode at him, but she gulped and took a couple deep breaths. “Good. I’m proud of you. I know you’re nervous.” “I’m not nervous. Why would I be nervous? You’re nervous!” She was right, though only coincidentally. Their previous lesson has been surprisingly intense for a mane styling lesson. Night Light couldn’t help but wonder what was on the syllabus for today. Now that combing and detangling was out of the way, what came next? Some increasingly complex mane sculpting session? Hair dyeing and cutting? Perms, whatever those were? Honestly, he’d be fine chatting with the other dads while combing his daughter’s mane again for an hour or so, and it wasn’t like he really needed to learn how to style a filly’s mane. But he was eager to get off the streets before a bystander caught him with his dick out and wondered just what he and his daughter were up to. Twilight raced up to the front door and knocked. An antelope filly answered. “Hi, Star Child!” Twilight said, grinning. “Twilight? You’re way early!” “What? That’s—ha, ha. You’re so funny,” Twilight laughed, trying to act casual while deliberately not looking back at Night Light. “Where’s your dad, Star?” he asked. Star Child scowled and invited them inside. “Are we the first ones here?” Twilight asked. “Nope.” Star Child led them into the den, where a Pegasus stallion was sitting awkwardly on one of the bean bag chairs. “Swirltop, right?” Night Light said, walking up and bumping hooves, while Twilight and Star Child started gossipping in the corner. “Yep. And you’re . . . Night Light? With Twilight over there?” Night Light nodded, slumping into a free bean bag chair. Swirltop’s daughter was nowhere to be found. “Where’s Candy Crush?” he asked, looking around. “In the bathroom?” “I think she’s upstairs. She said she wanted some tips for combing her mane before class. I don’t know what’s taking them so long, though,” he admitted, his brow furrowed. “How long have you been waiting?” “About half an hour.” “Ah. Between you and me, Twilight is a bit of a teacher’s pet, too. I’m surprised she didn’t rush off to find the teacher and ask for extra help herself—” A muffled squeal followed by a long moan floated through the ceiling. Swirltop’s ears twitched, but he stared at the floor and pretended not to hear anything. Night Light shrugged. “Well, I’m sure they’ll be done soon. There’s still a lesson today, and if I know my Twilight she’ll level the house before she lets a lesson start late.” That got a chuckle, at least. “How was your week? Did you and Candy Crush practice combing her mane?” Swirltop shook his head. “A couple times. She’s been sleeping over at her friend’s house a bunch recently. It’s okay, though. Combing a mane isn’t hard. You don’t really need much practice.” Night Light was pretty sure the point wasn’t to practice combing his daughter’s mane, but rather to practice spending time with her. The Beards and Braids course was nothing to be ashamed of for a father like Night Light. Raising a son was easy, but raising a daughter was like taking responsibility of some alien creature and risking failure at every step of the way. It would be too easy—and far too predictable—for a father to simply give up and focus on his son. And he wasn’t about to, but it was still a course about maintaining and styling a filly’s mane. He had a hard time imagining anypony other than a mare in this role. He hadn’t told any of his friends or colleagues. It was reassuring that at least one other dad had returned for a second session. He turned to Swirltop and asked The Question: “So, uh—why did you sign up for the course? I mean, if you don’t need much practice . . . ” Swirltop glanced at him, then tapped his hooves together. “Well. My wife has her coworkers over on the weekends, and I’ve been finding things to do around town when she kicks me out. I already know how to style a pony’s mane. But Candy Crush’s been getting bullied at school, so I thought I’d find something both of us could do together.” “That’s good. Uh, spending time together, not the bullying thing.” “Heh, thanks. What about you?” Night Light and Swirltop chatted about the various challenges and rewards of raising a daughter while they waited for the other participants and pretended not to hear the various noises coming from upstairs. Mesquite and his twin daughters Cherry and Maple, an Earth Pony family, arrived next, while Jazz and his daughter French Press, both Unicorns, showed up a few minutes later. A Pegasus stallion named Blizzard and his Unicorn daughter Static Cling arrived last, just before the hour. “Night Light,” Jazz said with a nod, sitting beside Night Light opposite Swirltop. He glanced at the ceiling, where it sounded like Free Range and Candy Crush were busy knocking pictures from the wall. “How long have they been at it?” “Since before I got here,” Night Light muttered. “I’m not sure—” There was a loud crash upstairs, followed quickly by laughter. Every pair of eyes in the room swiveled up, trying to peer through the ceiling. After a few seconds, hoofsteps started stomping down the stairs. Candy Crush stumbled into the den. The poor filly was a mess: her face was dripping with sweat and cum, her mane was disheveled, and her balance was all off. But she had a healthy glow and a silly grin, too. She tottered over and sat between Night Light and her dad, offering very good view of a gooey creampie leaking down her thighs. Her dad asked, “Candy Crush, dear? Did Free Range help you out?” She blinked and looked at him. “Huh? Oh. Yeah. Sure did, dad.” She slid closer and leaned on his shoulder with a pleasant sigh. “Ah! Your mane!” he exclaimed, holding up a tangled tuft. “I just combed it!” “Oh. Sorry. Can you comb it again?” The other dads carefully avoided looking at them. “I don’t like her,” Star Child whispered, sitting beside Twilight. Twilight shook her head. “Me neither. I don’t think she does her homework.” Star Child giggled. Finally Free Range wandered downstairs. He looked as calm, balanced, and relaxed as he had the previous week—like he’d spent the past hour meditating instead of using the daughter of one of his students as a cum rag. “Oh, hey, guys. Everyone’s here. I guess it’s, like, time to get started?” “Sir? Mr. Free Range?” Twilight asked, holding her hoof in the air. “Aren’t you going to check whether we practiced combing our manes?” Free Range shook his head. “No need, little lady. I can already see your mane is perfect.” Twilight sighed, melting into a puddle of satisfaction and happiness. “In fact, it looks like everypony here has done their homework. Like, good job everypony. That means we can move onto something more challenging: braids.” --- Free Range gave a small bag to Star Child. “The only tool you need to braid a pony’s mane is a hair elastic. This keeps the braid from unwinding. And, like, don’t use regular elastics. They can stick to hairs or get tangled up in the strands and break them. Hair elastics are super cheap so there’s no excuse. I’ve also got some small mirrors if you want to borrow them. A filly should know what her mane looks like before she walks outside.” As Star Child started handing out elastics and plastic mirrors, Free Range pulled his bean bag chair into the middle of the den and spun it to face away from everypony. “It’s easy once you get the hang of it, but everypony screws up their first few braids. The secret is to get into a flow. Just, like, let the universe guide your hooves and before you know it her mane will be one long, beautiful braid.” Free Range sat back, facing away from the group, as Star stepped back up beside her dad. “You’ll need to be comfortable,” he said, looking over his shoulder. “Just like last time, you should get a nice seat that supports your lower back. But to braid her mane, you need to reach the back of her head and down her neck. So the best place for her to sit is in your lap. Star, are you ready?” Star Child nodded and stepped in front of Free Range, facing away. She flicked her tail to the side and presented her backside for the whole class to see. She may have been an Antelope filly, but her rump was as inviting as any other: tight, smooth, and flushed. Night Light imagined her tiny pussy spent more time filled to squirting with cum than not. Free Range reached up and stroked her inner thigh, then started groping her pussy. Night Light found himself leaning forward, focused intently on the demonstration. “If she’s nervous,” Free Range said after a few moments, over the soft breathing of his daughter, “or if she hasn’t really woken up yet, you can help warm her up.” Placing his hoof atop her rump and holding her in place, he leaned forward and pressed his muzzle between her thighs. Star Child squeaked but held still as her dad started licking her pussy. Her hips wiggled and shifted, and she arched her back, giving him a better angle. Her tail started flicking him in the face, but he didn’t seem to care. From Night Light’s seat a little to the side, he could just see Free Range’s cock poking up, almost long enough to prod her in the abdomen. What a monster. If he wasn’t sure the two had done this countless times before, he’d be worried for her. Free Range licked a slow wet line up her pussy and poked his tongue in her asshole, then said to the class, casually, “It’s important to make sure she’s warmed up and ready. Otherwise she will have a hard time getting comfortable, and she won’t be able to tell you if you’re pulling too tight or if the braids are balanced.” Night Light doubted he would need to eat out his daughter to make her braids look good, but he wasn’t about to question the professional. “Star, are you warmed up? Ready for the next bit?” “Maybe—maybe a little more?” she whispered. “Sure, dear. You say when.” Star Child took her time saying when, and when she did it sounded more like a panicked stop. He left a soft kiss on her ass then slumped back, licking his lips. Her pussy was flushed and shiny with saliva. “Once she’s ready, she can sit in your lap. Make sure she’s doing the sitting. Don’t grab her hips unless she asks.” With the class watching, Star Child backed up until she had pressed her cute little bottom against his chest, then slid herself down, squatting over his lap. After a few moments of twisting and shifting, she squeaked and slumped back in his lap, all the way down. Free Range sighed, and kissed the back of her neck. “Good girl,” he whispered in her ear. “I know it’s weird with all these ponies watching. I’m proud of you. Are you comfortable? Can I start?” It was a few moments before Star Child could answer. Free Range probably wasn’t helping any by grinding his hips against her. Eventually she gulped and nodded with a whimper. “Yes, daddy.” “Good girl.” He reached a hoof up to her mouth. Night Light heard her lick and slurp and slobber on his hoof. Then Free Range slid it down her front. Night Light couldn’t quite see what he did, but she started whimpering and jerking on his lap. “I’ll be talking to the class, but you let me know if you need a break, or if you’re uncomfortable, okay?” “Ye—YES!” He pulled her mane to the side and kissed her neck, then spoke up for the rest of the class. “How you two get comfortable is up to you.” He gripped her hips with his forehooves and started grinding her rump into his crotch. “But it’s better to stay close while you braid her mane. The deeper the connection, the easier it’ll be. This way—” he grunted, “—you can really feel her mane. Speaking of which, can everypony see her mane alright?” Night Light nodded dumbly. Her mane was about the only thing they could see—Night Light kept craning his neck, trying to see the rest of her. Luckily, at least one of the other fathers spoke up and said so, since Free Range probably couldn’t hear any of them nodding. “Braids are simple. It’s the same motion over and over. First, gather as much of her mane as you can easily hold, and split it into three equal parts. Hold the left section in your teeth and pull it over the middle section, so the middle turns into the left. Then bite the right section and do the same. Watch.” He moved in a quick, comfortable motion that Night Light couldn’t quite follow, tossing his head back and forth and conjuring the first row of a checkerboard pattern out of thin air. How Free Range managed to move all her hair in such a way without teekay was a mystery. Years of practice, presumably—or some strange Antelope hair braiding magic that nopony had ever seen before. Free Range spat out a few hairs and continued. “Then do it again. Middle under left, then middle under right. Over and over until her braid is as long as she wants it to be. Pull it tight each time, or it’ll fall apart. And if you mess up, you can carefully pull it apart again, from the bottom.” He bit her mane and pulled. Star Child squealed, rocking in place, and tried not to squirm as his hooves moved back and forth in a well-choreographed dance, somehow crossing over and under themselves without knocking against one another. Whenever Night Light blinked another few weaves would magically appear. But Star Child had almost as much hair as her dad, and Free Range had many weaves to tighten. The filly managed to sit still at the start, but soon she was squirming and wiggling in place. Every few weaves Free Range had to let go and hold her hips so she could settle, but he was probably making it harder to sit still by actively thrusting each time. Soon Night Light couldn’t tell whose hips were moving more. Night Light glanced at the rest of the dads. Every single one was sporting a large, throbbing erection; Jazz and Mesquite were absently groping their daughters as they watched the obscene demonstration. Twilight was leaned up against his side, her face only a few centimeters from his cock. Free Range was about halfway down when he paused. “Hmm. It’s usually about now when she gets restless . . . ” He gave a little tug of her mane. “Ah. Ah! Daddy!” “Easy, Star. Relax,” he cooed, in between bites of her mane. “Mmm. Mmm!” she whimpered, spreading her legs and reaching a hoof to grab his. “I’m gonna—Mmm! Daddy!” He kissed the back of her neck and murmured, “Come on, dear. Tell me what’s wrong.” “I’m gonna come!” she squeaked. “Heh, you and me both, dear,” Free Range laughed, stroking her shoulder. “Daddy!” “Easy, dear,” he soothed, reaching to hold her hips still. “Dudes, if your daughter gets restless, that’s okay, but if she’s gonna undo her own braids, just gently grab her hips and slow her down—” “No . . . ” she whined, pushing and twisting and trying to overpower his grip. “Let her ride it out if she needs to. It’s really intense for a filly, so just let her body tell you how she’s feeling. And make sure to check in often. Communication between you and your filly is crucial when you’re braiding her mane. If she needs a break, stop and just give her a hug. Soon, once you get into a rhythm, she won’t want you to stop. And then, my dudes, you’ll be the one who’s in for a ride.” Star Child moaned. “Heh, okay, okay. Sorry.” He pulled his hooves back and resumed braiding her mane, letting her bounce on his lap with abandon. Her squeaks mixed with squelches and slaps of flesh on flesh. It didn’t take long. “Daddy. Daddy! I’m gonna—I’m—” Free Range reached down between her legs with one hoof, held her around her shoulders with the other, and yanked her mane back with his teeth. The young filly cried out, struggling against his grip, and came so hard she nearly knocked Free Range back. Night Light watched in stunned silence as she jerked and twisted and moaned, while her dad rubbed and groped and thrusted, never once letting go of her mane. If it wasn’t for Free Range holding her down, her neck would’ve bent all the way back. Star Child slumped back against him, gasping and panting. Free Range finally released her mane and pulled his hooves back. A bead of sweat rolled down her neck, which Free Range quickly kissed away. “How was that?” Free Range asked her. Star Child giggled and hiccupped. “Good. A good one.” She hunched forward and looked down between her legs. “Daddy . . . you came so much.” “You too, Star.” Free Range gave her a gentle hug and leaned back, showing off his work. Her braids were finished, each truss perfectly symmetrical and bouncing with shape and texture. Night Light was beginning to suspect Free Range really did possess some sort of mane-focused magic. “Done. I’ve already got an elastic on my hoof. Hold the braid with the same hoof, and use the other hoof to pull the elastic around the braid. Give it a few twists. Easy. Any questions?” Eventually Blizzard raised a sheepish hoof. “Does she always come when you braid her mane?” Free Range shrugged. “Only if I’m doing it right. But, like, dudes—every filly is different. Don’t feel bad if your little lady doesn’t come.” He stroked Star Child’s cheek. “My little Star Child and I have been braiding each other’s manes for years now, so we’ve got a lot of practice.” Static Cling raised her hoof. “My aunt used to braid my mane and it was never . . . like that.” “Maybe she wasn’t going it right.” Jazz asked, “Can you show us again?” “Like, sure, dudes.” Free Range flicked his hoof across Star Child’s hair elastic. Her mane unbraided itself a silent explosion of highlights and color. He asked Star Child, “Can I go again, or do you need a break?” “Sure, daddy,” Star Child drawled like a drunk, leaning her head back to nuzzle his cheek. “You can braid my mane anytime you want . . . ” “Good girl.” He looked over his shoulder. “Alright. It is practice time, my dudes. Feel free to ask for help.” He kissed Star Child’s neck and the two started murmuring quietly. Night Light sat back and took a deep breath. His heart was racing. A quick glance showed Twilight looked similarly anxious. “Nervous?” he asked. Twilight squeaked. “Oh! Don’t startle me!” she exclaimed, glaring at him. He chuckled. “Are you ready to start?” Twilight’s glare faded. She looked away, down at the floor, and tapped her hooves. “Is it . . . is it gonna hurt?” Night Light rubbed his chin, thinking back to their instructions. “No, it shouldn’t. He said I’ll only need to pull your hair a little to make sure it’s tight. You can tell me if I pull too hard, right?” “No, um . . . I mean—” She pointed at his crotch. “Oh. Well . . . ” He’d been wondering the same thing. Over the past week, they’d grown increasingly familiar with each other’s body. In the mornings he’d wake up to her grinding herself on his legs, horny and desperate to get herself off; in the evenings while he and his wife tucked her into bed he would fuck her mouth and hump her buttocks and suck her horn, since combing her mane didn’t take that long anymore. She was learning the feel and weight of his cock on her tongue and the taste of his crackling, teekay-infused semen in her mouth. Almost as if she were eager to make up for lost time, she’d asked him to come on her face as well, just to see what it was like—declaring afterwards that she wouldn’t mind it now and then but also didn’t really get the point of making such a mess when she could just swallow it, especially if he was going to come on her chest and crotch, too. She’d let him eat her out and even rim her asshole—she really got the point of that—and he was discovering just how long he could tease her with his tongue and hooves before making her really mad. They knew how to make each other smile and laugh, how to make each other grunt and snort like animals, and how to make each other come, and if that was all they ever did, Night Light would be content. But while she was an eager learner, Twilight didn’t like change, and their relationship was changing rapidly. This new dynamic was intense. She couldn’t talk about it with any of her schoolfriends, so she had no one to soothe or reassure her. And he remembered vividly the moment when, by accident, while grinding on her thigh, Night Light’s cock had flopped atop Twilight’s stomach, shocking her with just how their parts were supposed to fit together and quite thoroughly killing the mood. By the way she was now looking at his cock, he was sure she remembered it too. “How about this,” he said slowly. “Why don’t you sit in my lap instead?” He leaned close and whispered, “I’m not sure about that deeper connection mumbo-jumbo anyways.” Twilight smiled. “Me neither.” She gave another wary glance at his dick, then spun in place and sat back between his knees. He reached for her hips to lift her into place. “Dad! Wait. You can’t just skip the steps! First—here, gimme that.” Twilight grabbed his hoof and pulled it in front of her face. He felt her breath on his hoof, then a hot wetness slithering around the tip. Twilight kissed his hoof, then opened her lips and started licking him, coating his hoof with drool. “And next, you—you rub me,” she whispered, slurping all over his hoof. “Twilight—” “He said to, dad.” “I think Free Range just likes groping his daughter. That’s definitely not part of braiding your mane—” “Urgh, Dad, just rub my vagina already!” she exclaimed, then gasped and covered her mouth in shock. Everypony was looking at her. “Um . . . oops?” Night Light laughed. “Yes, my Princess. As you command.” He touched his hoof to her lips for one last kiss, then slid his slippery hoof down her front. He pressed gently against her neck, tickled her sternum, poked her navel, then rubbed at her groin. Twilight squeaked and arched her back, thrusting her hips upwards to try and move her slit under his hoof. Night Light moved his wandering hoof down to her thigh, squeezing and massaging the muscle there, then back to her stomach, lightly tickling her. “Stop teasing me.” “You’re really bossy today, you know,” he muttered, nuzzling her neck. “Shut up.” He brought his hoof up to her mouth for another slobber, then pressed the tip of his hoof against her slit. Twilight gasped and slumped, leaning back against his cock and spreading her legs until her thighs pressed up inside his. Her back molded against his stomach, squeezing his cock between them both. If he came now, he’d probably glue them stuck. Night Light leaned over her shoulder, holding her still with a foreleg across her chest. He poked the edge of his hoof between her lips, earning another gasp. Her pussy was so warm—her entire bottom was a furnace between his thighs—and just starting to slicken with moisture. Twilight squirmed in his hold, trying to hump his hoof and consequently sliding her butt cleavage up and down his cock. If he wasn’t careful he was going to come all over her and, though they might not have been ready to actually fuck, he didn’t want to pull a Swirltop and come too early. Night Light withdrew his hoof, ignoring her mewling protest, and made her lick his hoof clean. “Do you think it’s safe to braid your mane yet, my Princess?” “Urgh. I guess. Just be careful.” She wiggled in place, rubbing her butt against his cock. “And if you feel the need to, um, warm me up again—I’ll try not to complain too much.” “You’re so brave, my Princess.” “Hmph.” Twilight put her weight on her forehooves and lifted herself up, briefly flashing him as she squatted backwards. Her rump bumped up against his chest, then slowly slid down his front, leaving a trail of her juices from his sternum to his navel. Twilight settled on his lap, with his cock jutting out between her thighs, and squeezed him in place. He couldn’t resist thrusting his cock between her thighs—he made a note to try and fuck her thighs sometime. “There. Try it like that.” She leaned forward, giving him easier access to her mane while coincidentally pressing his cock against her pussy and smearing precum on her stomach. It had been a long time since he’d had his little girl in his lap, and never before had it felt so intimate. His little girl was growing up. While Twilight drooled on his cock and started squeezing him with her tight, soft thighs, Night Light collected her mane in his hooves and tried to separate it into equal parts. He could see the technique in his mind, could imagine the basic movements, even if he didn’t have the details ready. It really wasn’t as hard as he thought. He glanced over. The other dads were busy braiding already. “Alright. Let’s start.” --- Two seats over, Mesquite was trying to stop an argument everypony else could see approaching. “Maple? Cherry? Are you two going to play nicely today?” he asked. “I will. Maple was the one who kept arguing last time!” “Whatever. You just want him to spend more time with you. Brown-noser.” “Meanie!” “Enough!” Mesquite exhaled, rubbing his forehead. “Okay. Here’s what we’ll do. Cherry, would you rather braid Maple’s mane, or have her braid yours?” he asked, holding up a hoof to forestall Maple’s protest. Cherry clearly hadn’t been expecting that. “Um . . . ” She glanced side-on at her sister and pursed her lips. “I guess I’d like to braid her mane. I’m not sure she knows how.” “Hey!” “Alright. Cherry, you can sit in my lap, and Maple—you sit in Cherry’s lap. We can switch halfway through if you want.” “Sit in my lap?” “Sit in her lap?” The girls glanced at each other then looked away. “Urgh, fine.” “Whatever. Cherry’s mane is grimy and ratty anyways.” Cherry smacked her. Mesquite slumped back in his chair, spreading his legs until his hoof was almost touching Jazz’s. His cock stood proud between his thighs, arching forward and up. “Go ahead, Cherry.” Cherry gave him a sickly sweet smile and started maneuvering into his lap. With the casual control and steady motions of somepony who’d practiced this many times she notched the tip of his cock in place and humped herself down until almost the entirety was stuffed inside her. Mesquite grabbed her hips as soon as she smacked her butt on his groin and held her still. “No, dear. Share with your sister. Remember?” “But—” “Cherry, share.” “Urgh. You waited until I was seated before telling me?” she grumbled. Cherry lifted herself back up, wincing as his flared cock head stretched her lips wide. His cock wobbled below her, slick and shiny with precum and her pussy juice. After some unnecessary wiggling she settled back against his stomach, letting his cock poke up between her thighs. She squirmed and shifted, rubbing her cunt against his cock and squeezing it tight. “Your turn, Maple,” Cherry said, sticking her tongue out. Maple stared at the cock poking up from Cherry’s groin. It didn’t take much to imagine it was Cherry’s. “Uh . . . my mane’s a little tangled,” Maple muttered. “Is it okay if Cherry combs my mane first?” Cherry rolled her eyes. “Your mane’s fine. Quit lying.” Maple looked her in the eye, smirked, then ran her hoof through her mane, waving and messing it up. “Maple!” Cherry exclaimed. “Cherry, comb your sister’s mane. It won’t take long.” “But daaaad—” “Thanks, dad,” Maple said, beaming. She crouched in front of Cherry, gripped her knees, and spread them wide, showing off Mesquite’s dick nestled snug between Cherry’s pussy lips. “Maple!” Cherry squealed in surprise, waving her hooves in the way. Maple ignored her and pulled herself forward until she was face-to-cock with her rump in the air, flashing Night Light and the other dads. Breathing on Mesquite’s cock—and on Cherry’s pussy as well—she teased, “Go ahead, sis. And do a good job.” “Urgh.” Maple pulled her mane out of the way then dipped her head to lick up the underside of his cock, all the way from his balls to his cockhead. If her tongue slipped and licked Cherry’s pussy instead, it was probably by accident. After a few more licks to cover everything and everypony in saliva, she wrapped her lips around his cock and slid her mouth down its length. Cherry exhaled with a whoosh, nearly dropping her comb. Maple’s snout was shoved up against her pussy, and it looked like Maple was sucking her cock, not her dad’s. Maple started bobbing her head, slurping noisily and rubbing her nose up and down Cherry’s slit. “Ah, fuck. Maple!” she hissed, gripping Maple’s head and holding her in place. “Right there!” “Watch your language, Cherry,” her dad scolded, distracted and ignorant of her suffering. “And hurry up. We don’t have all day.” “S—sorry, dad,” Cherry muttered. Every exhale from Maple was an intense blast of air right on her pussy, and each movement dragged her wet nose up and down Cherry’s slit. “Are—are you comfortable, Maple? Can I start?” Maple flicked her eyes up, looking at Cherry. She was blushing, her eyes dazed and wide—but when they made eye contact she smiled and pulled her head all the way up. Sparkling with impish delight, she opened her lips and drooled a mouthful of saliva and precum all over Mesquite’s cock and Cherry’s pussy. “Okay then!” Cherry squeaked, pinned from behind by her dad’s stomach and from in front by her little sister’s snout. “Here I go.” With a shaky hoof, Cherry reached for her sister’s mane and started combing it, stuck with a front row seat to her very first blowjob. --- Swirltop quickly finished braiding his daughter’s mane, then quickly finished inside his daughter. “Really, dad?” “Sorry, dear,” he grunted, fucking the last of his orgasm deep inside his disappointed daughter. “You’re just so wonderful . . . ” “Uh huh,” she grumbled, scowling in disgust at the river of cum draining from her cunt and pooling between their legs. “Thanks. Let me guess—nap time?” “No, just let me close my eyes for a few minutes. Your daddy’s not a young stallion anymore.” He yawned and smacked his lips. “Oh, wow. Braiding a mane is exhausting.” He leaned back into his bean bag chair and sighed, looking ready for a nice afternoon nap. Night Light looked closer. Swirltop had already finished braiding her mane, and it was a pretty well-done job, too. Maybe he really didn’t need the practice. Looking around helplessly, Candy Crush carefully lifted herself off of his cock, crawled off his lap, and sat beside him with a splat. “Fiddles.” --- Night Light (and almost everypony else in the room) watched Jazz and his daughter French Press warm each other up. The young filly was curled on her side with one leg in the air, exposing herself to everyone in the room. She’d twisted around so she could suck his cock while letting him rub and grope and molest her crotch. Her flicking tail caught his eye. He slid his hoof down her rump and yanked. That was the wrong move, apparently. She yelped and slurped her mouth from his cock. “Jazz! Be careful. Mom spent forever styling my tail today.” Her tail was elegantly braided already, with loops and swirls decorating the length of it. “Yes, dear,” he sighed. Jazz released her tail and placed his hoof on the top of her head, pressing her lips against his dick. “C’mon, keep going—” “Urgh. Can we just go already? I don’t need warming up.” “Fine, dear. Get comfortable.” Jazz watched with greedy eyes as his daughter climbed into his lap and spun in place, presenting her backside. Squatting over his cock, with his hooves holding her hips for balance, she ignited her horn and held him still, poking the tip between her legs. “Wow, you’re . . . you’re really hard, today,” she teased, letting just the tip of his cock press inside her pussy. “Must be all the other filles, huh? I should be jealous, you know—” Jazz grunted and pulled her rump down onto his lap, impaling her with a squelch. She squealed and clenched her hooves. “Oh, fu-hu-huck . . .” she whined, arching her back and wiggling her hips, bouncing and using gravity to help pull her down, bit by bit. “So big!” Jazz kept his grip firm, rolling his hips until her ass was pressed tight against his crotch, then slumped back in his chair, making happy Jazz noises. “Jazz!” she exclaimed, twisting around and whacking him. “You’re too rough! I’m supposed to be in charge,” she huffed. “And be careful with my tail!” “Yes, dear. Are you ready? Or do you want me to keep warming you up first?” he asked hopefully. French Press scowled and sat forward, exposing her mane and tail, and spread her legs wide, ostensibly for balance but probably just to show off how deep she could take his cock. Even though she was stuffed to the brim with paternal cock, with her cunt stretched wide around the base of his shaft and his balls nestled right below her, she still managed to look ready for a photo shoot: a practiced mixture of young virgin and unimpressed whore. She tossed her mane and clicked her tongue, absently shifting her weight on his cock. “No, that’s fine. You can start braiding. And make sure it matches!” --- Night Light pulled Twilight’s mane tight with his teeth, trying to ignore the squeak following each tug. Then, grabbing her braids with a hoof, he pulled an elastic around the end and looped it around a couple times. “There!” He sat back and sighed. A perfectly functional braid. Sure, it was a little uneven—his wife might even use the term sloppy. But there was no doubting that her mane was braided. “Take a look,” he said, handing her a pair of mirrors. Twilight’s teekay was dexterous, to say the least. She held one of the mirrors at eye level and the other behind her head, only knocking her dad in the face once. She moved the mirrors around, appraising his work from all angles. “So?” “You have a double twist here—” she tugged a section with her teekay “—and another here. And it looks like you’ve split the left section into two and joined one half with the middle—right here—so it’s very unbalanced. And—” She paused, tilting her front mirror upwards until they made eye contact. “Um, I like it!” she lied with a fake smile. Night Light cocked an eyebrow and stared right back. Twilight wilted almost immediately. “Okay. I don’t like it. Sorry.” He nodded. “I’d rather you gave honest criticism instead of insincere compliments, Twilight.” “It’s not that bad!” she backpedaled. “You did really well for your first time.” Night Light leaned close and whispered in her ear, “Don’t tell mom I said this—but I remember how bad her first braids were, when your mane was only this long.” He reached around her like a hug and held his hooves apart. “She would get so upset. It took her forever to figure out.” Twilight settled in his grasp, rubbing her back against his chest. “Really?” “Yep. Hooves are clumsy and not everypony has fine teekay control like you do. She needed practice too. Eventually we’ll get it right. Together.” Twilight was silent for a few moments. “Maybe Free Range was right,” she mumbled. He tilted his head. “Hmm?” She tapped her hooves together. “About the . . . deeper connection part. Remember?” Oh, he remembered, alright. “Are you sure?” he asked, squeezing her in an actual hug. She nodded, holding his forelegs. “Everypony else is doing it, and—um—” “That’s no reason to push yourself.” “I want to,” she insisted, twisting around to look at him. Night Light decided that was only a half-lie, so he didn’t press the issue. The determination on her face was clear. And he wanted to, as well. Just twisting around and gripping his cock between her thighs was spicy. But he could see the hesitation, the forced bravado. She was being a brave filly, eager to show off and be as good as the others, but she didn’t really believe she was ready. If he just fucked her, right now . . . He thought back to Free Range’s instructions. “Actually, maybe we forgot a step, too.” “What? Which step?” Twilight asked. He smiled. “Stand up for me, okay?” Twilight leaned forward and lifted herself off of his lap, putting her weight to the front and standing on all fours. Her tail flicked him in the face, washing her heady scent everywhere. Her pussy was already warm and slick. She wouldn’t need much warming up. “What are you—Eep!” she squeaked. Night Light held her hips firm as he licked her pussy. It wasn’t his first time eating her out, but the experience was still novel enough for both of them that it might as well have been. She tasted hot and wet and dirty, like his wife, and made the same noises too—just tinier. Her pussy was tight enough that he had to work to shove his tongue inside her. He ducked his head and chased little beads of moisture dripping down her thighs, then buried his nose under her dock and started licking her asshole. “Enough. When. When!” she exclaimed, squirming. He pulled back and kissed her ass. “Are you sure?” “Yes! Yes. That’s—wow,” she panted. “I’m—” she smacked her lips. “I’m very warmed up, thank you. We can proceed.” “Hmm.” He reached between her legs and rubbed at her pussy. “If you’re still insisting on treating this like an assignment, then I don’t think you’re ready yet.” “Dad,” she whined, bending her knees and pressing her cunt against his hoof. “Maybe we should wait until next time—” “Urgh, Dad, just fuck me already!” she exclaimed, then gasped and covered her mouth in shock. Everypony was watching her. Night Light chuckled. “You’re really bossy today, you know.” “Shut up.” She paused, then whispered, “Can you help me?” “Of course, my Princess. Anything for you.” He kissed her pussy, tasting her again. Making Twilight squirm and whimper was deliciously fun. Why had he made them wait so long? “But relax. It’s not nearly as difficult as you’d think. Ponies have been doing this for a very long time.” “Well, I haven’t.” “I should hope not. This is a daddy’s job.” He held her hips and slowly pushed her into a squat over his cock. “Ready?” She nodded quickly, her twisted, unbalanced, patchworked braids bouncing over her shoulder. “Ready.” “I love you, Twilight.” “I love you too.” Night Light lowered her until she was stuck with his cock notched at her entrance, and let gravity pull her the rest of the way. She grunted and sank down his cock, bit by bit, stretching and pulling at his shaft. When she couldn’t sink any further he grabbed her shoulders and pressed down. She squealed and stretched her forelegs, reaching and grasping at nothing. She didn’t even notice she’d bottomed out for a few moments. “Twilight?” Night Light asked, rubbing her mane. Twilight exhaled. “That . . . that wasn’t so hard,” she said, leaning forward with her weight on her forelegs. He disagreed. Her pussy was wonderful—warm, wet, and snug. They fit together perfectly, like she was designed to sous-vide his cock and his cock only. The urge to grab her hips, push her onto her front, and tenderly love her tiny cunt over and over until he flooded her womb with thick, crackling, grandfoal batter was surprisingly strong. Free Range had made it look so easy. Night Light had to braid her mane like this? He looked at the other fathers. Blizzard had given up trying to braid his daughter’s mane and was simply humping her up and down on his lap. Jazz was hoofing French Press and licking her neck while she lazily read a magazine one of them had brought, a bored expression on her face. Mesquite was laser focused on the mane in front of him, trying to ignore the two girls grinding against his cock and molesting each other. And Swirltop was dozing happily—poor bastard. Nopony else had it easy. It was honestly quite reassuring to see that Night Light wasn’t alone—but no one would be helping him. “Dad,” she urged, looking over her shoulder at him. He could feel even that slight twist around his cock. “Hurry up! We’re so far behind the others.” “No, we’re really not.” “Dad!” “Are you . . . are you comfortable? Can I start?” “Yes!” she scowled, wiggling her hips and stirring up her insides with his cock. “Go already! There’s no time!” --- On the other side of the room, Cherry was supposed to be braiding her sister’s mane, but it looked to Night Light like Cherry had left it abandoned and was intent on finishing her sister instead. “You feel really tense, sis. Let’s warm you up a little.” Cherry held Maple tight. One hoof slid upwards, squeezing her neck gently and then stroking her cheek, while the other slid downwards, rubbing her belly and then her groin. “Uh oh,” Maple grunted, struggling. “Shh,” Cherry cooed, leaning forward to kiss Maple’s neck. “I hope we do this more often. I like seeing you so vulnerable.” “Uh oh.” “Cherry,” her dad warned. How he was managing to stay focused with his cock surrounded by filly was beyond Night Light. “Quit messing around. You’re going to pull your own braids apart.” “I’m just going through the steps Free Range taught us,” she explained, pausing to lick the curve between Maple’s neck and shoulder. “Remember?” “Don’t take too long.” “Of course not, dad!” “Brown noser,” Maple muttered. “Sorry, I didn’t hear you,” Cherry sang, shoving her hoof in Maple’s mouth. Maple struggled and winced, twisting her mouth out of the way. But once she figured out that Cherry would only rub her pussy when she licked Cherry’s hoof she gave in and started slurping and drooling all over it. She couldn’t wrap her lips around it, like she could her dad’s cock, but that didn’t stop her from trying, so long as Cherry kept molesting her pussy at the same time. Maple leaned back, squeezing their dad’s cock between her ass and Cherry’s lips while giving Cherry more access to her body. The three worked together like that for a few minutes: Mesquite, trying his hardest to braid his daughter and not get distracted by the butt and pussy gripping his cock; Cherry, pretending to braid Maple’s mane but really just biting her neck and molesting her body; and Maple, not really doing anything but spreading her legs for Cherry’s wandering hoof. Maple had no problem exposing her nubile body with all its curves and creases for the others to see, had no shame fellating her older-by-four-minutes sister’s hoof in front of everypony else. If it weren’t for Cherry sitting in the way, she’d probably be turned around and riding her dad’s cock with wanton abandon. Night Light could only see Cherry in profile, but it looked like she had also given up on the lesson in favor of molesting her sister and teasing her dad. Only Mesquite’s grip on her mane held her back. Mesquite spat out a lock of Cherry’s mane. “Girls—” he warned, grabbing Cherry’s hips to hold her still. “Settle down. I mean it.” “Yeah, Maple, stop squirming.” “Mmm—” Maple groaned. “Mmph,” Mesquite grunted. “You’re gonna make me come!” Maple twisted her head, pulling Cherry’s hoof from her mouth. “Yeah, Cherry. You’re gonna make him come,” she teased, arching her back and grinding her ass against Mesquite’s cock. Cherry scoffed. “You’re the one who can’t sit still. How am I supposed to braid your mane?” she asked, tugging at Maple’s braids. Maple cried out, tossing her head back and jerking in place. “I said hold still!” Mesquite exclaimed. With a growl, he grabbed Cherry’s unfinished braids in his hoof and yanked her back. Thick pearly Earth Pony cum fountained up between Maple and Cherry, splashing under Cherry’s chin and all over Maple’s half-finished braids and across Cherry’s stomach and even in the small of Maple’s back. Cherry jerked in surprise, knocking her head back against Mesquite’s jaw. The three of them fell back in a messy pile of sweaty limbs, unfinished braids, and cum-streaked coats. A few weak squirts of cum slapped Mesquite in the chin. Blizzard and Static Cling were sitting beside them. Blizzard let go of his daughter’s mane and reached out to poke Mesquite’s shoulder. “Are you guys okay?” Mesquite groaned. “Yeah. I think I bit my tongue,” he said, climbing to all fours. “Yep. Definitely bit my tongue.” Cherry shoved Maple out of the way and stared in shock at the lines of cum streaked across her body. “Whoa.” Maple groaned and rolled over. “Whoa.” They stared at the mess, then warily looked at the shadow looming over them. “Girls! What did I tell you about behaving?” “But dad—” “No but dad. I’ve had enough. You can’t even play nicely for a whole hour. We’re going home.” “But daaaad—” they whined in chorus. “No arguing—” “But we just started.” “Yeah, you never let us stay!” “Either we go home or I spank you both here, right now.” Cherry and Maple looked at each other. “That’s . . . fine . . . ” Cherry said slowly. “Yeah, I don’t care,” Maple agreed. Mesquite deflated. “Uh—” “Can I spank Cherry? In front of everypony?” “Hey!” --- “Ah, crap,” Jazz muttered, glaring at the unhelpful mane in front of his face. “Sorry, dear. I think I have to start again.” At least Night Light wasn’t the only father finding this difficult. “Urgh. Again? How hard can it be, Jazz?” French scowled, casually rolling her hips. Jazz went to untie her mane, but hesitated at the last minute. “Hey, Free Range? Uh, can you help? I don’t know what I’m doing wrong.” “Oh, hey, man. Yeah. Just, like gimme a moment.” Free Range leaned forward and murmured in Star Child’s ear for a few moments. When she nodded he kissed her mane then helped her pull herself up and out of his lap, revealing a swollen, sticky, cum-filled pussy. She wobbled onto all fours and stepped out of the way so Free Range could help the others. “Little lady, do you mind if I check your dad’s braids?” French flicked her eyes from her magazine up to Free Range, then down to his cock hanging below his stomach. “Be my guest.” She set down her magazine and shifted in Jazz’s lap to turn and present the back of her head for his inspection. Free Range put a hoof on her head and turned her to face forward again. “No need to twist yourself into a knot, little lady. I can see just fine.” He placed his forehooves on her shoulders for balance and lifted himself up onto his hindlegs, stepping close. His cock swung forwards and booped her on the nose, then pressed against her cheek and slid to the side. French Press stared wide-eyed at this monster intruding in her personal space and smearing the leftovers of a previous orgasm on her cheek—Free Range’s cock never really stopped leaking, apparently. Night Light winced, leaning away: he knew how loudly French Press could holler when she put her lungs to the challenge. But after a few moments she simply reached for his cock, brought it to her lips, and started kissing it. This was a young starlet who clearly knew how to get ahead by letting photographers, producers, clothing designers, and even her fans fuck her like a whore. “Free Range?” Jazz prompted. “Hold on, my dude,” he said. After a licking his cock and kissing it again French Press opened wide, letting him shove his dick down her throat. “Ahh . . . ” Free Range sighed, then looked down at the mane in front of his waist. “What’s wrong?” he asked. “It keeps curving to the side,” Jazz complained, holding up her mane. “Hmm.” Free Range started lazily thrusting his hips back and forth, displaying an impressive range of motion. Night Light could actually see the bulge slide down and up French’s neck; each time he’d pull almost all the way out before shoving his groin up against her nose. Her eyes bugged out—even she was surprised with his length—but she gulped and swallowed and tried to breathe only when he pulled back. “Undo a few rows and show me,” Free Range said, thrusting slowly. “Remember, bite the left and pull it over the middle—mmm—then bite the right and pull it over.” Ignoring the stallion humping away only a few centimeters from his face, Jazz scowled and unbraided about half of her mane, then started again, carefully moving his hooves and mouth. The two of them worked in tandem to build up a few rows of braids. French whimpered, the first sign that she wasn’t immune to Free Range’s help. “Quiet, dear,” Jazz muttered between bites. “Daddy’s trying to concentrate.” “Hey, man. She shouldn’t have to be quiet. You—” he said, eyeing Jazz, “—need to listen more. Your filly is trying to tell you how she feels, what’s going on for her. You should learn to concentrate without hushing her.” “Uh—yeah. Okay,” Jazz said, pausing to pay attention. French groaned again, her hooves grasping at the carpet. “Then—” Jazz said, frowning in concentration, “I think she’s gonna come.” Free Range loomed over French and peeked at the in-progress braids. “Keep going. I’ll hold her still.” On the last braid Jazz leaned low, bit her mane, and tugged. French groaned around Free Range’s cock and shuddered. Her tail thrashed back and forth, flicking Jazz in the stomach. She clenched her hips and bounced on his lap and arched her back, her cunt squelching on his cock. Night Light shook his head in awe. Even pinned between two cocks in the throes of an orgasm she still managed to pose herself perfectly. He could almost hear the rapid fire clicking of camera shutters going off. French Press sagged, her body going limp. “Huh. It’s straighter now.” He looked up at Free Range. “How did you do that?” Free Range clenched his jaw and grunted. “Like, you just needed—Ungh!—to follow a rhythm,” he said, thrusting his hips like a metronome. “It takes practice, man.” “Thanks.” Jazz touched his daughter’s cheek and asked, “Are you okay?” “Mmm—hmm,” she breathed, her eyes lidded. Night Light could see a heavy blush flaming over her pretty face. “Wow, man. Your daughter is really lovely,” Free Range said, lazily slapping her chin with his balls. “And she’s got a great throat. Like, I’m totally gonna come. Do you want me to come in her mouth or on her face?” French Press jerked in place, her eyes flicking open in shock. “Mmm?!” “Oh, get some on her face for sure,” Jazz said, ignoring her fearful squeak. “She really likes that.” “Mmm. Mmm!” French Press groaned, trying to shake her head. “That’s wonderful, man,” Free Range panted, stepping his hooves from her shoulders onto her head to hold her in place. “You got a lovely. Little. Lady!” Curled over her like that, with her horn nearly stabbing him in the neck, Free Range came down her throat. Night Light, Twilight, and Star Child watched her throat bulge around load after load of his cum. She coughed and jerked back. Free Range loosened his grip on her mane and leaned his weight off of her head, letting her pull her head back. His cock slipped free with a disgusting suction sound. “Ohmy—GACK!” she exclaimed. Free Range came right between her eyes, leaving splatters over her face and in her gaping mouth. French Press turned her head to the side and reached blindly for his cock, finally pointing it downward, away from her face, to aim jet after jet of cum over her chest and stomach. After a few more shots Free Range’s orgasm slowed to a trickle. Thick creamy Antelope spunk dripped down her front, painting a sloppy river from her chin, all the way down her chest and stomach, to finally slide down her cunt and over her dad’s balls. “Sorry about the mess, little lady. Do you need a towel?” Panting and gasping, French Press shook her head no. She gulped down a mouthful of spunk, wiped some more from her eyes, and wheezed, “No, sir.” “Yeah. I think I got it from here,” Jazz said with a grateful smile. “Say thank you, dear.” “Thank you, sir.” She smiled weakly. A dollop of Antelope cum swung from her chin and splattered on the floor. Free Range sighed and stepped back, softly landing on all fours again. His cock bounced under his stomach, drooling a thin stream of cum. “Now that you’ve got the hang of it, like, you should unbraid her mane and try again. I’ll come and check it again later.” “Again?” French Press exclaimed. “Jazz, wait—Oh, no,” she whimpered, as her dad undid her braids and started again. Free Range stepped back into the middle of the class. “Does anypony else need any help?” Night Light glanced around the room. None of the fathers had made much progress beyond Swirltop, but for some reason nopony seemed eager to volunteer their daughters in exchange for insider tips. Then— “I do,” Candy Crush said, shyly raising her hoof. --- Blizzard was also struggling, but for other reasons. “Sparky, dear—you need to hold still,” he said, holding her mane while she bounced up and down on his lap. From his seat almost all the way on the other side of the room Night Light had a great view of his cock spearing her open and his balls bouncing beneath her. Unlike Mesquite, he didn’t seem willing to stop her, and he didn’t sound angry. Instead his eyes were pulled wide open and he was staring at her rump in shock. “Dad. Oh—dad!” she yelped, bouncing on his lap. “You’re gonna make me come,” he grunted, letting go of her mane and gripping the edges of his bean bag chair. “You’ve gotta get off!” His little Unicorn filly was about to do just that. “Dad . . . Touch me, dad,” she panted. “I’m so close!” Against his better judgement he reached a hoof around her hips and pressed his hoof between her legs. She gasped and clenched her core muscles, bending forward and gripping his hoof to hold him in place. She stopped bouncing and trembled in place, gasping for breath. Blizzard curled forward too, hugging his daughter close and burying his cock as deep as he could. Static Cling gasped. “Oh! Dad . . . I can feel it . . . ” Blizzard grunted, thrusting himself into his daughter. “Oh, shit,” he cursed. “No, I can’t—not inside—” Night Light thought it was a little too late to be worrying about that, but Blizzard finally gripped her hips and shoved her upwards, wrenching his flared tip from her cunt. She tumbled forwards, kneeling in front of him and offering her rump as an inviting target. His cock spat thick streams of spunk that splattered on her ass, even getting some in her tail. His orgasm started to wane, until only a thin stream of spunk was oozing over his cock and down his thighs. “Dear . . . are you okay?” he asked, reaching for her. Static Cling pushed herself back into a seat. “Yeah . . . ” Static Cling looked down her front and poked at her crotch. “Dad, ya made such a mess,” she breathed, trailing her hoof through the streaks of cum connecting them together. She clicked her tongue. “I’ll clean y’off—but then you gotta clean me off, okay?” Static Cling crawled around to face his cock, flicking her tail up and out the way for the rest of them to see. Her cunt was oozing spunk, and her whole backside was streaked with it. A few hairs from her tail were stuck to her ass and thighs. She was a hot mess of sweat, pussy juices, and sticky spunk. “Are—are you sure? You don’t have to—” She put a hoof on his muzzle, then ducked her head down to face his cock, keeping her rump in the air. Glancing up to make sure he was watching—obviously he was; everypony was—Static Cling licked her lips and kissed the head of his cock with a gratuitous smack. Blizzard groaned, lolling his head back. “Oh . . . Sparky . . . ” The Unicorn filly licked up the underside of his cock, then slipped her lips around him and started bobbing her head like an eager young whore. For a few moments, it looked like she was content just to suck his cock—or like she was trying to get him to come again. But the moment he put his hooves on her head to encourage her, she pulled herself off with a slurp, kissed his shiny clean cock on the head, and turned herself around. Blizzard watched with wide eyes as she flicked her tail out of the way and shoved her oozing pussy right in his face. “Oh, Sparky, I can’t believe I came inside you . . . ” She let him stare for a few moments, trying not to shiver, and kept glancing at her audience. When it was clear he was shocked still, she said, teasingly, “Daddy? I know ya like to look at my private parts, but, um, everypony’s watching, and it’s real embarrassing. Can ya hurry and, uh—Oh!” she squealed, as Blizzard grabbed her hips and buried his muzzle in her cum-filled cunt. She exhaled with a whoosh. Her forelegs gave out and she slapped her chest on the floor, pointing her rump into the air. “Oh, daddy . . . ” she groaned over his slurping and smacking. “Yer so rough . . . ” He slurped the last of his cum from her slit, kissed her rump, then helped her back onto her hooves. “Was . . . was that okay?” he asked, looking like a foal caught stealing desert. Static Cling sat back in his lap and sighed. “I told’ja I can handle it. Okay? I’m not a little filly anymore.” She looked over her shoulder at him. Her cheeks were burnt with blush but her eyes were fierce. “I’m a mare. We have a safe word, remember? We practiced. So don’t stop.” “But—Sparky, you don’t know what it’s like to be a stallion—or a father. I don’t want to hurt you.” “Trust me, okay?” “It’s not you I don’t trust,” he whispered. Static Cling smiled. “Oh, I know. Yer such a monster sometimes. So . . . degenerate.” She leaned forward, showing off her sticky pussy pressing up against his cum-stained cock. “Other daddies don’t molest their daughters and fill their vulnerable virgin pussies with disgusting cum.” She waved her rump in his face. “And you still haven’t finished my mane.” Blizzard gulped, and reached for her hips, pulling her back into a squat above his cock. Despite having just come, he looked ready for more. “Come on, Sparky. Let—let daddy fuck you while he finishes braiding your mane.” Static Cling shuddered, and nodded. “Yes, daddy.” --- “Dad, are you done yet?” Twilight whined, wiggling her hips. Night Light tried not to scowl. He knew she wasn’t just being impatient. Having to sit still for so long and hold her back straight and her head forward despite his cock plumbing her insides had to be a real struggle. It was hard enough for him to sit there with the support of his bean bag chair. He was beginning to think Free Range’s idea of his filly’s comfort was different from Night Light’s. Night Light leaned in and bit the middle section of her mane and yanked back, carefully measuring out the tension to hold her braids intact without hurting her. Like each plait before Twilight clenched her pussy and squeaked out a whiny little pant of pleasure. He’d long since given up trying to hold her still; fighting her only seemed to turn her on more. His lap was sticky with her juices, and the air around them was heavy with her scent. “Almost, dear,” he answered. And he was. This was his best run yet. Her braids were balanced, straight, and full of shape and volume. There were only a few plaits left, and he had the little hair elastic held at the ready. If only she would just stop enjoying herself— He paused, holding her mane. What was he doing? Stopping just to hold her still, fighting her body every step of the way—and teaching her that this was about perfection and rigor, not intimacy and reconnecting? Just so she could have a pretty mane? Oh, well. They were just braids, after all. More important was the young filly in his lap—and the pleasure and enjoyment she deserved. They could always try again later. Night Light dropped her mane, slid his hoof down her front, and found her sticky, simmering pussy. “Dad!” she exclaimed. “What are you doing? Ah!” “Shh,” he whispered, rubbing her groin. He could feel the bulge his cock was making; when he angled his hips and pulled her down it felt like he was poking her navel. “Just enjoy yourself. Don’t hold back. We can clean up the mess later.” “But—Mmm!” she moaned, slumping and spreading her legs wider, pushing her groin against his hoof. “Everypony’s watching!” “Not everypony. Swirltop’s still asleep.” Twilight barked out a laugh. “Ha! Ha . . . haah . . . Dad—” “Tell me what you like.” “Right there,” she panted, lolling her head back and nuzzling against his neck. He hadn’t put on the elastic yet; if her braids weren’t untied already, they would be now. Her hair was silky smooth and tickled his chest. Night Light kept rubbing her cunt, right above where his cock was pressed inside her. He clenched and rolled his hips, stirring up her insides and making her squeak and grunt. His little girl was close, and the sounds she was making—the motions, the way she squirmed on his lap—were pushing him closer and closer to the edge. “I’m—” she squeaked. He leaned in, held her head still, bit down on her mane, and tugged. “Ah!” Twilight yelped. With her mane pulled tight, his cock pressed all the way inside her and his hoof rubbing her cunt, Twilight snapped. She stretched her hindlegs out and shoved at the floor, pushing herself back like she was afraid of falling overboard. “Hrng . . . ” Night Light could feel the warmth pouring out of her, could feel the tension and stress evaporate from her body like steam off her sweaty coat. Her pussy clenched over and over as her juices drained down his cock and over his balls. Twilight lolled her head forward and sighed. “Ah . . . That was—Eep!” Everypony was looking at her. Twilight hunched forward, covering herself with her forelegs. “Guys . . . ” she whined. “It’s okay,” Night Light soothed, rubbing her shoulder. “We’re all friends here. You got to watch everypony else.” Star Child nodded. “That was really cute, you know. When you came.” “And, hey!” Free Range said, pointing. “Look at your braids, little lady.” “Huh?” Twilight dropped her forelegs, forgetting the greedy eyes drinking down the sight of her sweaty glow, and hovered her little mirrors in place so she could look. “Oh.” Before her orgasm, Night Light had resigned himself to undoing her braids so she could walk home with a clean, straight mane instead. Now— “Wow, dad,” Twilight said. “They’re so . . . tidy!” They were. Each third was equally balanced, and her braids were clean and straight, with texture and volume. They were about as nice as his wife had ever managed. Somehow throughout her squirming and twitching, he must’ve managed to adjust them. Night Light quickly slipped a hair elastic around the end and tied it together. “I told you, man. You gotta let yourself become one with the universe. Everything else works itself out.” Or maybe Free Range was right, and braiding a filly’s mane properly really did require that he make her come. “I love them!” He exhaled. “That’s wonderful. I’m so relieved to hear you say that—” “Well, it’s true! Thank you. When we get home I’m gonna show mom—” “—because I’m about to come,” he said, letting go and gripping the carpet. He’d never come inside his daughter’s pussy before. Nopony had. And he wasn’t sure if she was ready for the intensity. “You’d better climb off, dear. Maybe—” he grunted, pressing his cock up against her insides. “Maybe you can suck my cock?” he suggested, trying not to sound too greedy. “Just keep your mane out of the way—” Twilight grabbed his hooves, pulled them from the carpet, and wrapped them around her in a hug. “Twilight—” He couldn’t hold it back. He was gonna come inside her. Just a few more thrusts— “Fuck me, dad,” she whispered, arching her back and twisting her hips left and right, paying him back for what he’d just done to her. “Ah!” he grunted, squeezing her tight. Warmth and pleasure flooded his body, spreading from his groin. He held her hips in place, pressing his cock as deep inside her as he could manage and holding it there. He could feel his cum rushing out and splashing around, drowning his cock. Holding her close and curling around her, he spat load after sticky load of spunk, painting her insides and quickly filling her up. It felt like every time he squeezed her he shot another load. At this rate he wouldn’t be surprised if she started burping cum. Twilight rolled her hips, spilling cum down his shaft and across his groin. “Dad . . . it’s so messy,” she whispered, reaching down to rub at her cunt, spreading their juices everywhere. “I can feel it . . . ” Night Light exhaled and slumped back against his chair. “Wonderful,” he breathed. It really was. His body felt light and heavy all at once, like he’d just had a fantastic stretch after a satisfying nap. His cum crackled and tickled his groin. And Twilight—her weight and body heat draped across his front was so pleasing. Twilight leaned forward and lifted her rump off of his lap, keeping her tail up and out of the way. His cock pulled at her insides before flopping free with a squelch and a rush of cum. He felt exposed, no longer nestled safely inside her where it was snug and moist and warm, but that was nothing against the sight of his little filly’s freshly-fucked pussy plugged full with his cum—a sight nopony else had ever seen before. And one he hoped to see over and over again: his daughter was beautiful at the worst of times, but this was something else. His cock gave a weak little twitch, one last excited squirt that splattered on her ass like a cummy goodbye kiss. She looked down between her legs and the two of them watched his gooey creampie seep from her swollen cunt and drip down her thighs. “Wow . . . ” she muttered, watching a dollop of his spunk drip down onto his cock. “Watch your mane!” he said, reaching out to catch it before it could land in the messy pool of cum between his legs. Twilight licked her lips, then carefully turned in place—hiding that delicious treasure—and crouched between his legs. Before he could say anything and without making eye contact she pulled her mane out of the way and dipped her head into his lap. She poked her tongue on his inner thigh and started licking up his cum, lapping up long stripes of his spunk like icing from a dirty cake plate. She left his cock for last, instead lifting her head up to clean his stomach and abdomen—his cock poked at her neck, leaving a little wet trail behind—before moving to the other leg. “Twilight, you don’t have to do that,” he said. Twilight ignored him, too embarrassed to answer. She lowered her chin to the floor and started on his balls. There was enough cum still tingling and crackling on his junk that she got a little on her nose as she worked. She licked at his testicles longer than was strictly necessary—maybe there was cum there that he couldn’t see, but he doubted it—then dragged her tongue up his cock and slurped the spunk covering his shaft. His little filly was cleaning off his cock. He could die happy. Twilight licked the last of the cum from his softening cock and kissed the head before slipping her lips around it and swallowing in into her mouth. Oh, every part of her insides felt amazing, especially when she was into it. Every part of him wanted to give her what she wanted. But she was gonna have to wait. Night Light tapped her shoulder. “Dear—” She nuh-uhed through her nose and kept sucking. She seemed so eager to show off for everypony how well she could swallow her dad’s orgasm. “Dear, I’m not going to come for a while, you know.” She slurped off his cock and frowned. “You’re not?” He shook his head. “Even with your pretty face down there.” “Oh. Well, good. I was only trying to clean you up anyways,” she declared, wiping drool from her chin. “Uh huh.” He hunched forward and stroked her cheek. “Can you wait until this evening? I have to comb your mane tonight anyways.” “Urgh. I guess.” --- As they were cleaning up, Swirltop snorted himself awake. “Huh? Oh. Done already?” he asked, smacking his lips. “That went by quickly.” Candy Crush was standing beside him. “Hey, dad,” she said. “Sorry I fell asleep again, dear.” She waved her hoof. “That’s fine. Don’t worry about it. Actually—while you were asleep, Free Range told me about this yoga class for fillies he teaches once a week. It sounds really neat. Can I go?” Swirltop frowned. “I don’t know. How much does it cost?” Free Range walked up behind Candy Crush and said, “It’s free. But you should know I’m not, like, a certified professional yoga instructor or anything. It’s not put on by the community centre. It’s just for fun.” “Not certified, huh?” Swirltop tapped his chin. “What kind of yoga?” “Oh, like, all kinds, my dude.” He placed a hoof on Candy Crush’s rump and absently stroked her cutie mark. “We start every session with a warm up, just to loosen the muscles and work up a sweat. There’s some stretching and breathing exercises, of course, and a mix of strength and endurance. And the class ends with a deep tissue massage. It’s all very hooves-on and practical.” “It sounds a little intense for beginners.” “Ugh, dad. It’s fine. I’m not a little foal anymore,” Candy Crush said, tilting her rump under Free Range’s touch, her tail flicking absently. “I see that,” Swirltop said flatly, watching as Free Range slid his hoof down his daughter’s ass and started rubbing between her legs. “Yeah, it gets intense and messy. Any physical activity has to make a pony sweat and breath heavily. You’ve gotta get that blood pumping. But we don’t let any of the fillies hurt themselves. Nopony likes sports injuries. And I’ve got a shower if anypony gets a little too sweaty.” “Who’s we?” “Oh, it’s not just me teaching it. A few of my buddies like to help out. They actually are going for their certificates, so each stallion takes a turn leading the class through a short session. It’s like five routines in one.” “He said—mmm—they’d feed me too,” Candy Crush said, shifting her stance so Free Range could grope her more easily. “They mix their own homemade protein shakes!” Every single other pony in the room watched the exchange with baited breath. Night Light didn’t dare believe what he was seeing. Even Star Child looked unconvinced. There was—there was just no way. “So, can I, dad?” Swirltop eventually tore his gaze from Free Range’s wandering paw. “I see,” he said, cocking an eyebrow. “Is it sexual?” “Uh—” Free Range paused, leaning back. He clearly hadn’t expected that. He pulled his hoof back and said, “Like, it’s an intense workout. I guess one or two of the guys might get a little excited, once their blood is pumping, or whatever—but, like—” “Should I assume my daughter would be the only participant? Alone with half a dozen Antelope stallions of questionable character who ‘might get a little excited’ helping her into certain provocative poses? Would they be massaging and groping and humping and molesting my little girl, helping to get her blood pumping, and encouraging her to do the same to them? Are you planning on fucking her?” Candy Crush squeaked. He climbed to all fours and stepped up in front of Free Range. “Were you planning on fucking her over and over in these outrageous yoga poses, two or three at a time, for a couple hours? Were you going to take turns coming down her throat and inside her pussy and all over her wings, before sending her home for me to clean up?” He pressed forward, face to face with Free Range. “Would you fuck her in the ass, too?” Night Light would never have guessed Swirltop had it in him. Free Range rubbed the back of his neck and looked away. “Uh, yeah. Pretty much. But, like, Star Child would be there too.” Swirltop exhaled. “Can I watch?” Night Light leaned close to Twilight. “You are not allowed to join their yoga class,” he said quietly, before she could ask, in a tone that left no room for argument. Twilight scoffed and waved her hoof. “Feh. Yoga’s for hippies and basic bitches anyways.” --- They left just as Free Range was mounting Candy Crush in the middle of the den, so Star Child led them to the front door to say goodbye. “Thanks for coming, Twilight!” “Oh, I had fun!” Twilight said. “See you next week!” “Are you going to be okay?” Night Light asked, looking down the stairs. Candy Crush was a moaner. Star Child shrugged. “He’ll get bored of her eventually. He always does.” A smile slipped over her face. “I’m the only filly he really loves.” “Uh huh. Well,” Night Light said, “if you ever want to play with Twilight, you’re free to visit. I think she could use a nice friend like you.” “Dad!” Twilight exclaimed. “You can’t just make me be friends with somepony.” “Oh? So you don’t want her to come over?” Twilight kicked at the doormat. “I didn’t say that.” Night Light leaned down to put a kiss on her forehead. “Dad! Ew!” Twilight exclaimed, leaping back and out of forehead kissing range, as Star Child giggled and waved them goodbye. --- “You’re grinning,” Twilight said, watching him while they walked home. Night Light couldn’t help making happy Night Light noises. “Like an idiot.” “It’s every dad’s secret wish to spend quality time with his daughter without having to fight and argue all the time.” “I thought every dad’s wish was to grope and molest his daughter.” Night Light coughed, glancing around to see if anypony was within earshot. “That’s—I mean—Even if all we’d done was comb and braid your mane, without anything else, I still would be happy just knowing you had fun. Look,” he said, “I mean it. You don’t realize it now, but all your mom and I want is for you to grow up happy and healthy. I don’t want you to turn into one of those angsty mares who’s forgotten how to be a filly.” Twilight rolled her eyes. “You don’t have to be so sappy, dad.” “Yes I do. That’s a dad’s job. Besides,” he said, “even if you didn’t like spending time with your dad, I’m still glad you relaxed and had fun. Not everything has to be an exercise or assignment.” “I guess it was a little fun. But don’t tell anypony! Girls aren’t supposed to like hanging out with their dads.” “Why not?” “Well . . . ” Twilight stopped walking and rubbed her chin. “I don’t really know. I guess all my classmates have really stuffy dads or something.” “Or maybe they keep their sexual relationship with their fathers private, like you do. Right?” “Maybe?” Twilight shrugged. “And what do you mean, like I do? All my friends know we’ve been having immoral incestuous intercourse.” Night Light stumbled. “No—wait—Oh, Princess—” He felt his knees going weak. “What did you say?” “Well, one of my classmates asked who combed my mane, so I told her, and I think she told her friends—gossip spreads really fast at school, you know, especially when it’s about sex.” She paused and tilted her head in confusion. “What’s wrong? Was I supposed to keep it secret? If it helps, a lot of the other fillies were very curious about the community course. I think I managed to get Free Range a few more sign-ups for his next set of lessons.” Night Light stared at his hooves, gulping against a dry mouth. Oh, fuck. Fuck. “Twilight, uh, what we’re doing isn’t wrong, exactly, but—” “Dad?” Twilight stepped up in front of him and pushed his chin up, revealing a teasing tongue poking out. “Gotcha.” Now his knees did give out. He fell backwards, sat on his butt, and exhaled. “Oh, Twilight—” he said, laughing nervously. “Don’t do that to me. I’m an old stallion and my heart’s too weak for that.” Twilight poked his forehead. “I’m not stupid. I know it’s a secret. And—and I kind of like that we have a secret we can share.” “Twilight—” Twilight leaned close and kissed him. Just a peck on the lips—there were other ponies out and about—but she lingered a little longer than was strictly necessary. Just as he reached for a hug she pulled back with a laugh. Twilight galloped ahead and twirled around, letting her braided mane twirl in a dazzling arc. Her mane shined in the evening sun, purple and pink streaked with brilliant yellow. She stomped in place and kicked her hind legs up. Her mane and tail seemed to hang mid-air, surrounding her in a warm glow and outlining her silhouette with light. Hopping with energy. Big smile. A saccharine giggle. With her father. This was why he took a silly community course on styling a filly’s mane. Her new braids were pretty, sure. But making his Princess smile? Helping her forget her pressures and just enjoy being a child? Bonding with her on an intimate level most fathers could only yearn for? Worth every hour and every bit. And there were still several more lessons. Twilight grabbed her mane with her teekay and pulled it around in front of herself to gawk at it. “It’s so pretty, dad! I’m gonna show everypony at school tomorrow! They’re gonna be so jealous.” “You have to undo it before you go to sleep tonight, dear.” “Well—you’ll just have to braid it again, tomorrow morning.” Which meant, of course, that he’d have to get up even earlier, because instead of just combing her mane and coming down her throat, he also had to fuck her to an orgasm, fill her pussy with more cum, and hack together a passable braid—and this after their already exhausting nightly ritual. And—oh, sweet Princess. There were still several more lessons. This course was going to be the death of him. “Yes, my Princess. As you command.”