Borrowing Pinkie Pie's oven

by WinterFang

First published

Pinkie Pie helps Mr. and Mrs Cake with special favor.

Mr. and Mrs. Cake have wanted to expand their family a year after the twins were born. But some health comlications prevented the bakers from any more foals themselfs. Fortunately, Pinkie Pie agrees to help out the pair out, by carrying their kids for them. Maybe Twilight has something to aid in this endeavor.

Editor: Applefai


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Mr. and Mrs. Cake nervously waited in the Ponyville hospital lobby waiting to see the doctor. The reason being was that, they wanted to see if they could have more children. It didn't take too long before the two bakers were in Dr. Stable's office. Unfortunately, the doctor had bad news for, the couple due to the last pregnancy and Mrs. Cake current age, the bakers won't be able too conceive anymore children.

"Are you sure that we can't have any kids, doc? Isn't there something we could try?" ask Mrs. Cake with eyes full of tears.

"There might be. Tell me, have either of you heard of surrogacy?" inquire Dr. Stable.

Mr. and Mrs. Cake both shock their heads. The doctor went on to explain that, surrogacy was a process in which another mare would offer to carry a married couple foal or foals to term. The downside was that, for the volunteer to become a surrogate mother, they would need an unicorn to preform the spell, and unfortunately none of the unicorn doctors on staff, knew the spell. The two bakers felt like their world got completely annihilated. They gave their thanks to the doctor and headed for home.

"Welcome back you two. What did the doctor say?" asked Pinkie Pie as her employers walked in through the backdoor.

Mrs. Cake simply walked past Pinkie causing her husband to tell the pink party pony what happened. Pinkie's mane and tail deflated a bit at the news, before returning to normal a split second later.

"I've got an idea that might help. Can you and Mrs. Cake meet me at Twilight's castle tomorrow?" asked Pinkie.

Mr. Cake nodded and said that they be there, somewhat confused at what the pink mare was planning. He knew that whatever Pinkie Pie had in mind, she was trying to help in her own random way. The rest of the day was spent in relative quiet, save the occasional customer. Mr. Cake and Pinkie Pie closed up shop, once evening rolled around. Mrs. Cake was barely seen since arriving back the doctor's office. The other two just assumed that she needed some time to herself and her thoughts.

"I'm sorry for not helping with shop today, dearie." Said Mrs. Cake as her husband got into bed.

"Don't worry about it, hon. Pinkie and I were able to handle it. You had a lot on mind today after that doctor visit." Mr. Cake replied.

Mrs. Cake merely nodded as she let out a small sigh. Seeing this, Mr. Cake placed hoof on his wife's shoulder and explained that Pinkie Pie had some sort of idea that might help them. A small smile crossed the blue earth mare lips that news. The two bakers turned off the lights and slowly drifted to sleep.

Placing the buns in a different oven

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In the early hours of the morning, Mr. and Mrs. Cake made their way towards the Castle of Friendship. As they drew closer to front doors, Mr. Cake could see Pinkie Pie eagerly waiting for the pair of them.

"Glad you two could make it." Said Pinkie Pie.

"Made it to what exactly, Pinkie?" asked Mr. Cake

Pinkie simply smile and said "You'll see" in a singsong voice. Mr. Cake was to ask further, but a look from his wife reminded him who they were talking to. It didn't take them long to reach the castle's library, where Mr. and Mrs Cake noticed Twilight Sparkle was waiting.

"Hello, you two. I'm glad you could make it." Said the princess of friendship.

"Pinkie? What's going on?" asked Mrs. Cake

"Well. Once you'll me what happened at your appointment yesterday, I asked Twilight if could help." replied the party with her trade-mark smile.

Before either baker could say anything, Twilight stepped in.

"Please don't be mad at Pinkie. She explained that you were trying to have more kids. And after what the doctor said, she's willing to become your surrogate."

The Cakes looked at their assistant with wide eyes.

"is this true, Pinkie?" asked Mr. Cake.

"Yup. It's my way of helping the best bosses anypony could ask for, and my way of saying thank you for all you've done for me." replied Pinkie.

Mr. and Mrs. Cake's eyes filled with tears joy as they hugged the pink party pony. Once the hug was over, Twilight explained how the spell works. It takes the most favorable pairing of the parents and transfers them to the surrogate. It would be a waiting game after that.

"All of that sounds very complicated, deary." Said Mrs. Cake.

"It is. Now, is everypony ready." asked Twilight.

The three bakers all nodded in unison. Twilight lit her and in a flash preformed the spell. Once the light had subsided, Mr. and Mrs. Cake wondered if the spell worked. Twilight responded that it did, but, they would need to return in about a week to see if any of pairing would take. They agreed and thanked the purple for everything before heading home. The next week seemed to at an alarming slow pace for the Cakes. They busied themselves with work and the twins, but the anxiety gnawed at the back of their minds. Upon returning to Twilight's castle, the Cakes were overjoyed to learn that Pinkie Pie had successfully became pregnant. Later that day, Pinkie threw a small party to celebrate the occasion.

For the next several months, Pinkie Pie was prohibited from a lot of her duties, especially, when she and the learnt that was carrying quadruplets. The most Pinkie could do was teach few classes and help with minor things around the bakery. The one upside that Pinkie could see, was that she enjoy watching her abdomen slowly expand with new life that was inside her. In the final two months of pregnancy, Pinkie Pie was ordered to remain in bed by the doctor, the Cakes and by Twilight. Pinkie threw a small fit, but ultimately did what she was told. Soon enough, the big day was here. Pinkie was rushed to the hospital were she delivered two Earth pony fillies, a unicorn colt and a pegasus colt.

It took a few days before Mr. and Mrs. Cake their children and Pinkie home. By then, most of the town were aware of what Pinkie Pie did for the Cakes. A small "WELCOME HOME!" party was thrown to help remember the joyous occasion. Once the party had wrapped up, Mr. and Mrs. Cake Put the twins and the quadruplets down for good night sleep with Pinkie's help. Mr. and Mrs. Cake once again thanked Pinkie for going through the task of being their surrogate mother. As Pinkie quietly closed the door, she caught a glimpse of one the quadruplets and merely said that, she'd be more than happy to do it again. All they had to do was ask. The trio gave one final hug before heading off to bed themselves.