> Our Life Not Theirs. > by NinjaMare > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Gift Giving > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The fireplace was lit, the Christmas tree was decorated with a few presents under it, and the TV was currently playing some classic holiday movies. In a small house in Portland, sitting on the couch enjoying the relaxing atmosphere was a young man named Zaq, who was wrapped in a blanket with a cup of hot chocolate on the side table. In the bundle of fabric with the human was something that’s not a very common sight, or even physically possible. In the blanket with the young man was a life size, cartoonish bat bony. Misty Moon. The little bat pony is around 4’2ft tall and has a slim, yet moderate build. Her coat was a soft pale mulberry color, with a mane & tail a shade of violet, her cat-like golden amber eyes were hidden behind her eyelids. Her cutie mark was that of a crescent moon that was glowing slightly, as a veil of mist covered some of it like a see-through curtain. The mare was wearing a pair of short shorts that a skinny girl would wear, two pairs of white and pink striped socks, and finally a small shawl around her withers. The pair just enjoyed leaning against each other, enjoying the warmth of the fireplace, the blanket and each other’s body heat. Leaning her head up a bit Misty kissed Zaq on his cheek, she was going for her humans lips but she was just a bit too short to reach. The human hummed at the sensation of feeling the soft slightly furry lips, before kissing the top of the mare’s head, then nibbling on her right ear. It’s been three years since Misty Moon was somehow flung out of her world, when Discord went on a rampage, and into an alien world. When she was tossed out of the portal her left wing was severely damaged, and one of her hind-legs was sprained, so the mare couldn’t fly or even walk. She had no choice but to cry out for help. Thankfully, she didn’t have to wait too long when someone finally came out to see what’s going on, and that’s how Misty & Zaq met. And that first year was probably the most stressful year any of the pair has gone through in their lives. First off Zaq was trying to make sure his family didn’t freak out about Misty, and they had to make sure no government official would take the mare away…yet it happened sometime during summer where the government did come, and try to take Misty Moon away. Thankfully Zaq’s family, mostly Zaq, was able to get the government off the mare’s back. For the rest of the year and the oncoming two years, Misty was pretty inseparable from her human friend, to the point where she started to act affectionate towards him. Of course since she wasn’t human Zaq’s parents told her several times, to not get too attached to their son. But the mare couldn’t help it. Even back in Equestria there were very few stallions, or even mare’s, that found Misty pretty or even beautiful. Or even ones that actually catch Misty’s affection. So when Zaq kept saying she was very pretty and cute, made her think that he liked her, and the way he was so kind to her and protective made the mare think she was special to him. And in some way, she was. Especially the way he holds her when they read a book, or cuddle, how his hands brush through her mane, or give her gentle massages. As time continued the pair became closer and closer, Misty was feeling very confident in her desire to make Zaq her stallion. And despite his appearance, Misty has grown rather fond of his shape and form. Misty even started to show signs of her affection, like exposing her neck constantly, wrapping her tail around one of Zaq’s legs or arms. Course Zaq didn’t know that these were a mare’s attempt to lure a stallion, or simply show how the mare feels. However, Misty got a bit miffed when he never acted. So one night she took the direct approach. “Even though the portal back to Equestria is finished, I’m perfectly happy staying here.” Misty said as she nuzzled into her human’s side. “Oh. And why’s that?” Zaq asked as he rubbed Misty’s shoulder. “Because it means I can stay here, with you.” Misty stretched her neck out, hoping that Zaq would take it. Without missing a beat Zaq started to pepper the strong long neck of the mare with soft kisses, making the mare coo in delight, as she feels lips and love bites grace her neck. As she was being lavished with affection Misty thought back to the first night that she & Zaq become one. Course it was awkward for the two as neither had any experience with the others species before, but as the courtship continued the pair found it be very enjoyable. However when Zaq’s parent’s found out what the mare did to their son, they were none too happy and demanded she leave. But Misty was unwilling to leave her new stallion…and Zaq wasn’t going to leave Misty to fend for herself in a world she still knows very little about. “I’m really happy you stayed with me Zaq.” Misty said as she draped her right wing over Zaq’s shoulder. “Same. Though I never guessed I’d be with a pony.” Zaq said as he kissed the top of Misty’s head. So now the pair live alone, somewhere where no one would judge any of them, or fined them so they could harass them. And they’re perfectly fine with that. Even though they choose to live far away from others, doesn’t mean that they isolate themselves, they just have to keep their actual relationship a secret in public. Until negotiations between Earth & Misty’s world are solidified, they try to keep things just at home, although the two have been called upon the government to act as ambassadors for both worlds. At first Zaq was unsure of it but it has given him a chance to make his relationship with Misty no longer criminal, and it also gives him a chance to visit Misty’s world and see her family. “Zaq?” Misty said sweetly as she looked up at her human. “Hmmmm?” Zaq looked down to his marefriend to see what’s up, only to have his lips assaulted by Misty’s as she pushes him down on the couch. “Being a little forward aren’t we?” Zaq said coyly as he looked up at his mare. “Something I learned from you.” Misty said before giving her human’s neck a kiss. “You love it when I’m forward.” Misty then started to remove Zaq’s shirt, as well as her shawl and socks. “I think I know where you’re going with this.” Zaq said as he placed his hands on the rim of Misty’s shorts. Lifting her body up Misty allowed her human to pull down her shorts, along with the socks on her hind legs. With her body now in its natural form Misty straddled her human, showing off her slim body, framing it with her wings slightly extended. Giving her human a loving expression Misty started to trace her body with her hooves, especially showing her inflamed lower lips, showing her human just how aroused she is. “Have I told you how beautiful you are Misty?” Zaq said as he started to rub the mare’s barrel. “Yes, and I love hearing you say it every time.” Misty then moaned as her lovers hands started to grope her small breasts. Misty loves how well her human lover’s hands can manipulate her body, the feeling of the fingers through her coat, and feeling her body was amazing. “Looks like you’re ready to go Misty, just look how wet you are.” Zaq said as he traces the outer folds of Misty’s marehood, causing the mare straddling him to pant and moan. “Please Zaq.” Misty groaned as she starts to grind her hips on the stiffening member pressing against her. “Take me right now--AGH!” Following her request Zaq pressed Misty onto her back, causing the mare to squeak. Zaq then starts to remove his sweats and boxers, exposing his erect member to his loving lustful mare. Misty was practically drooling as she looks down at her lover’s shaft, which was tracing the moisten folds. Once his head was thoroughly lubricated, Zaq starts to insert his shaft into the inner confines of Misty’s burning depths. As Misty feels her depths being filled inch by inch of Zaq’s cock, her heart soars with love as she embraces her lover. “Ready for the first of your Christmas gifts?” “Yes.” With his partner ready, Zaq started a steady slow rhythm, making sure that his partner enjoys every thrust. As Zaq continues to enter and pull out of her, Misty was panting and moaning as her wings extended and wrapping around Zaq’s shoulder while her forelegs wrap around his neck, she intends to keep her partner close to her as they become one. Zaq actually liked how close he felt towards Misty, when she uses her wings to keep him close to her, it felt more intimate for him, making him feel like he really was needed. A few minutes have gone by as the human picks up the pace, as he got into a sitting position while turning his mare around so her back was pressed against his chest, and his hands slide up to her chest. As the mare now bounces on her human’s shaft Misty was panting more like a dog in heat, moaning loudly that anyone outside could hear them. Her cries grew louder as she reached her first climax, spraying her juices over the carpet. Luckily it was so late into the night that no one would be awake to hear her, or clearly if any were awake. “I love hearing you cry out in lust Misty, it’s so sexy and somehow cute at the same time.” Zaq whispered into the mare’s ear before being nibbled on, while still continuing to thrust into Misty as she rides out her first orgasm. “Buck me harder, I want to feel good even more!” Misty cried out when Zaq starts to massage her teats. “I think I can make that happen, my little bat.” Zaq then clamped his jaws down on Misty’s left shoulder, causing the mare to cry out even more, just as the tempo in Zaq’s thrusting increased. A couple more minutes go by, and Zaq is all but ramming into his mare, making her cry out in lust more vocally. Zaq then leaned down as he gently placed Misty on a clean spot of the carpet, leaning his form over hers. Misty loved it when Zaq mounted her like a stallion, his larger size and his heavier breathing made her feel like she was pinned by a large stallion, or her favorite fantasy of being pinned down and bred by a predator. “Zaq! I-I’m about t-to cum again!” Misty cried out as she already feels another sensation of something building up in her loins, her tongue lolling out as her eyes start to roll up into her skull. “Hang in there Misty, I’m almost there myself.” Zaq grunted as his thrust became more feverish, making the little bat pony’s flanks jiggle. A couple more harder thrust later and Zaq has buried his entire length inside of Misty, the crown of his cock pressing through the mare’s cervix, which started to pump rope after rope of his seed into the mare’s womb, painting its insides white. As Misty feels her womb expand, she arched her back, and tossed her head back letting out a final cry of pleasure, as she climaxed again. When the last bit of Zaq’s seed pumped into Misty’s womb, both the human and bat pony slumped to their sides, lying on the floor. Enjoying the afterglow of their love making. Zaq then uses one of his feet to grab the blanket from the couch, and then covered his form & Misty’s, letting the warmth of the blanket & fireplace to keep them warm and lull them to sleep. “That was wonderful Zaq.” Misty said as she cuddled closer to her human lover. “I’m glad you enjoyed your gift Misty.” Zaq said as he wrapped an arm around his mare, feeling both a hoof and wing on his arm. As the clock struck twelve the TV started to play some Christmas music, lulling the two lovers to dreamland, as the snow outside started to fall liked powdered sugar over freshly baked treats. The human world may not be ready to accept their love, but they could careless, all there is in the world is just the human Zaq & the mare Misty Moon. Enjoying a love life that neither of them thought they would have, and never regretted in their decision to be with one another.