> Please... > by Windy Breeze > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Beg and you will be given > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was nice cozy day in the town of Ponyville. The weather is clear, ponies doing their business, and some just walking around, or talking with friends or their families. Well, it would be an complete ordinary day if not for the occupants of a cottage on the edge of the Everfree. “I can't believe I'm still not a Wonderbolt. Can you believe it, Fluttershy!?” the cyan pegasus mare, Rainbow Dash had no mood to laugh, prank, or brag, but she do have a mood to burst. It was the fact she wasn't accepted to the Wonderbolts due to her poor performance, and the accidents she caused at the Wonderbolts Academy. Fluttershy, of all ponies is very unlucky to hear all of her friend's painful whining, and it was about 2 hours now after she arrived. After feeding Angel (who was doing his best to block out Rainbow's complaining), she approached her friend “Oh, Rainbow, maybe you should go back and try to show them what you really are. If it's okay to you” “I did show them what I'm really are. I could even do a sonic rainboom that they couldn't do!” Rainbow boasted “But do you know what they said to me? I'm not fitting to be a Wonderbolt!” It was now enough for Fluttershy to decide what she should do to end her friend's pain “Don't worry Rainbow Dash. I'll go and tell them that you are fitting to be a Wonderbolt like them” she pulled her friend's head closer to hers “I promise. YOU.WILL BE ACCEPTED” Fluttershy turn tail and with a calm expression left the cottage, ignoring Rainbow's pleas. “Wait, Fluttershy! Spitfire won't-!” At Sweet Apple Acres, Windy Breeze was helping Applejack collect the apples. She might not have a powerful buck the earth pony, but she is hardworking. Applejack couldn't not say no to ponies like her. “So, Windy, how did you react when you find out Cheery Feathers was your actual mother?” Applejack asked, bucking an apple tree, causing apples to fall straight to the wooden basket. “Just like how ponies act in theaters” Windy said as she casually caught a apple that wasn't going for the wooden basket “You know those dramatic ones when Recordar found out that his father was actually put down by a murderer, or the one where two lovers literally fall down because the rivalry of their own families?” “So what did you do first when you confronted your 'second mother'?” Applejack asked as she put her basket on her back. “Well...i kinda slapped her” Windy smiled sheepishly at the apple farmer. “Um, Windy” the ghostly quiet voice was enough to make Windy jump, causing the basket she was carrying to fall, and scatter the apples. She looked at the source, expecting a ghost pony. To her relief, it was just Fluttershy, who step backs way from her. “D-Did I surprised you?” the shy pegasus asked. “Not really except for Windy” Applejack pointed out Windy, who stood up back on her legs, ignoring the apples on the ground which made Applejack gasp in horror “My apples!” she pushed Windy aside and rushed to pick up her apples. “I-I'm sorry!” Fluttershy squeaked. “It's okay, Fluttershy. Everycreature make mistakes every day” Windy said “What brought you here?” “I want you to take me to the Wonderbolts Academy” Fluttershy pleaded- no, wrong word, demanded. Windy could hear determination in Fluttershy's voice. “Wonderbolts Academy?” she said, very curious why would the animal caretaker would want to go to the Wonderbolts “Why would you want to go there?” Fluttershy was hesitant to explain her reason “Rainbow Dash wasn't accepted to be AaWonderbolt” in just a second, Windy's head moved close to her head that their muzzles meet each other, scrunching their nose. “Rainbow Dash wasn't accepted!?” Windy said, horror in her voice “Oh, that's a disaster. Rainbow is very desperate to be a Wonderbolt since we met!” she then went into a thinking pose “or since when she was just a filly?” she shook head before turning to Fluttershy “But how do we suppose to convince Spitfire to give her another chance? You can't expect this least popular Wonderbolt to convince the captain!” she pointed her hoof at herself. “You don't have to worry about that” Fluttershy said calmly “I know what to do” “But how?” Windy asked. “Look into my eye” Fluttershy replied. Windy gave her an 'are you kidding' look “please...” At the Wonderbolts Academy, Spitfire, and the rest of the Wonderbolts landed on the landing strip. Spitfire lifted her goggles, revealing her beautiful orange eyes. “All right everypony. That's all we had for today. The trainees had to use to practice their flying skills” she said. The Wonderbolts obliged, and went to the barracks except for Soarin'. Soarin decided to approach the captain “Spitfire. I still think removing Rainbow Dash from the Wonderbolts isn't a good idea” “And what makes you think about that Soarin'? I gave her a chance, but she still failed” Spitfire said with a stern look “She might not be like Lightning Dust, but she could still cause trouble in the team” “Y-Yes, she could still cause trouble, and some accidents, but you can't just simply throw her away out of the window. Just give her one more chance” Spitfire sighed “Soarin' even if somepony made me cry, i will still not allow Rainbow Dash to join the Wonderbolts. She caused too many errors in the past seven months” “But-” Soarin' was interrupted by someone calling Spitfire. “Spitfire!” Spitfire and Soarin' glanced to see Windy, wearing her Wonderbolt uniform. Spitfire noticed something odd in the blue mare's eyes. “Windy Breeze, why are you here? Did you remember I gave you a day off? And why are your eyes wet? Did you cried?” “N-No ma'am. I didn't cry” Windy said before wiping her eyes “Somepony wants to meet you, captain” Fluttershy walk out from Windy's back. How she manage to hide behind Windy is a mystery. Maybe even because of magic. The animal caretaker stood beside Windy with a frown. “Fluttershy?” Surprise and Soarin' are clearly surprised to see the shy pegasus. They didn't really expect her to visit the academy “You want to talk to me?” “Uh, yes Spitfire. I want to discuss concerning Rainbow Dash being kicked out of the academy” Spitfire furrowed her eyebrow, knowing where this conversation is going “Look, Fluttershy. Rainbow Dash's case is now closed, and thereby cannot be changed. She cannot go back to the academy” she said, earning a concerned look from Soarin'. “But... Spitfire, Rainbow Dash wants a chance” seeing that the captain's face didn't change, Fluttershy decides to plead, to which Windy responded by shutting her eyes “Please...” “Get lost, Angel!” After a staring contest with a bunny named Angel, Rainbow Dash slumped on the wall behind her with bored expression “I'm the very best” she said to herself “I'm the very be-” she was interrupted by someone knocking on the door. Fluttershy let out a grumble, she stood up and approached the door. She opened it. And her jaw fell open, and hit the ground. Standing beside her is a nervous Fluttershy, wearing a Wonderbolt Uniform. On the butterscotch pegasus' perspective, she knew she have an explanation to do once she got home. “Fluttershy, why are you wearing a Wonderbolt uniform?” Rainbow asked with a confused look. She tried to eye contact Fluttershy, but the latter avoided her gaze. “Well, i.... um....Spitfire recruited me” she said. “Huh!?” Rainbow Dash said in frustration wondering how her friend became a Wonderbolt “B-But how!?” “W-Well, i think I made her and her stallion...” Fluttershy let out a gulp before uttering in a high pitched voice “cry” Rainbow Dash fainted.