> Giantess and Devious > by B_25 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Cheeky without Cruelty > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Giantess and Devious B_25 & Anonymous Princess Luna passed through the nexus of dreams as was her duty in life, a finding of one playing on her mind, the cause for her brow to arch. It'd been the dreamworld of the reformed Chrysalis. Luna, however, couldn't help but notice the changeling's day to day life was the story of her nightmare.   “Chrysalis?” Luna entered the dream as a secretary clothed in a white shirt, standing behind an office door. The sigh from the other side called to enter. Within the office was a desk with a chair set before it. View out the window and nothing more. “I take it... you're not busy?” “Only with dreams inside of dreams.” “I see lucid dreaming is a talent of yours.” “The unhinged notices the signs quicker than the rest.” “I suppose there is some truth to that.” Luna took a seat on the chair in the center of it all. Her muzzle gazed around for something to comment on. Dying sunlight bathed the scene as not even curtains had been outfitted to the windows. Only a desk and paperwork. Not much more than that.   “Reformed life not what you expected?” “No component of running a hive required a filing-cabinet.” Chrysalis pushed her lips from behind and between towering stacks of paper set on her desk. Her muzzle slammed within that space with a face of defeat. “Surely you don't need an interpreter for this dream.” “You feel like the kingdom has provided for you... but in the barest sense possible? Doing boring and useless appearing work opposed to the fiery mania of leading a hive?” The head nodded against the desk. “And you can accuse none due to that odium of support being given.” “I have to file the name of every changeling to have lived and process them as being citizens of Canterlot and beyond.” Chrysalis' eyes clenched shut. “I fell asleep at the desk but the dread follows me into my dreams. There is no escape. I hate this.” She planted her face flatly into the wood. “But I have to do it. Prove that I'm reformed. But something at the back of the mind...” “Wants you to slap these towering stacks and rage war across the office floor?” “Kinder way of putting it.” Luna bowed her head in thought in processing a few things. With a smile and a nod, she looked back to the former foe. “So why don't you? Smack those decks and lay siege to everypony within your dream!” “Is this some kind of test?” “Worry not... for this is the only place where such behaviour is allowed.” Luna leaned forward and curved her foreleg around a stack of white and, offering the rising face of the other a grin, swiped it off the desk. It rained papers that were worth absolutely nothing. “Blowing off your frustrations here allows you not to do the same where it counts most of all. Us former villains fear retreating into what we once used to be.” Luna fell loosely back into her seat, a slender collection of dark fur, draped over the chair. She tilted back her head and blew up a strand of mane. “Truth is that's a part of who we are. We enjoy playing the part. There's a difference between being a villain and the desire to feel villainous.” “...and you indulge in unfavourable fantasies?” “Unfavourable to ponies that aren't not me.” Luna grinned. “Back when Celly and I used to be on far worse terms. I have shrunk and forced and stuffed her over every inch of me—inside and out. Destroyed her castle with my rump and swallowed her whole once I was done.” She slunk further into her seat. “It made having breakfast with her in the morning amicable again. Especially after an argument the night before.” Another bout of laughter from herself. “It still plays on her mind how I became so kind.” Chrysalis lifted her head from the desk. Gazing up at the height of the papers, which reached the ceiling itself, feelings of insurmountable anguish flushed over the changeling. But in placing her forehooves at the base of the stack, and pushing on it lightly, freedom was revealed in pushing the tower into timber! The tower fell to the left as explosions of pages swirled through the room, doing loops and scattering around, a feeling of release spread through the room. Nothing was wrong about a girl wanting to play loose.   “I suppose, in the end, there is a difference,” Chrysalis said as her horn started to charge in neon green, “between cruelty and cheekiness.” “Mental gymnastics.” Luna winked. “Thatta girl.” The coldness of air struck like a wave from the sea, colossal and gigantic, and greater than a ship she was now, its crashes were minuscule against her all the same. Chrysalis opened her eyes to a view above buildings. Glancing down at her hooves revealed the creators within the asphalt they had been dug inside. Lifting one such hoof to her face, countless pieces of pavement rained in a thin spread from its edge. With a grin, she pressed it down again, to a different spot, feeling the hardness of the road cave like it was sand.   “In the name and command of Princess Celestia herself,” shouted pitiful squeaked somewhere down the land. The mare shifted in place, her body tucked between towering office buildings, all of which only touched just above her head. And still growing she was. “Cease your actions and all movements at once! Fall slowly to the ground. My stallions will cast ropes over your form to ensure you are procured.” Chrysalis cast her view down the road, a few buildings across the trek, their sheets of glass—numerous windows bunched together—revealed the scale of her form. Same proportions to a gigantic scale. Something had caught her attention around her backside. She looked to the side and at the building there, the biggest one in the city of Manehatten, the bulk of her reflection cast on the spread of glass. Sleek and slender was her physique with eyes subtle in neon and green. Around her rump was where her interest drew. The undergarments tightly hugging the hindquarters. Chrysalis came to roll her head at the feeling of the panties. Its tightness around her hips proved to be a constant squeeze of plush fabric. It cupped the curve of her flanks and left some of its smoothness exposed. Glints caught across its surface as sunlight warmed the underwear in a way that made the material lightly burned.   “Mmmhm! Oh my sweet little pests...” Chrysalis endured the pleasant shiver down her spine as it caused her hips to shake. Ponies poised around her hooves were forced to glance up, seeing the twin hills of black rubbing into the other, the sliding delicious regardless of the scale. “You do not know how badly I've needed this. Tonight? Your city will be my entertainment.” Something broke through the body of the giant in the feeling of freedom compelling her. Looking down at the road before her, countless stallions in armor approached her hooves. Like insects they were in comparison to her soles.   “You lot think you stand a chance?” Those on the ground approached the ebony cylinder while possessing unsure faces. Cracking resounded from the asphalt as the world lightly shook. The greatness of the hoof rose, an immediate shadow consuming the street, those below captured within its wake. Contents rained like sand from its rounded edges. Far to its side, an inch over the brim of their vision, the head of the giant loomed in the sky.   “Try your best attack on this!” Chrysalis brought her hoof down on the squat of ponies, all of whom scampered in place, the shadowing thickening, darkening, until the mass crashed into the lane. “Insignificant worms!” From around the hoof exploded materials from the impact, chunks of road and the sides of sidewalks, broken into rocks, flying upward and outward as clouds of dust and the cutting of winds followed. Those on the ground were blown back from the step, a single one, some landing on their rumps.   They gazed to the towering scale of the foreleg in horror, watching it twist and turn on the ones below it, their despair all but emit. Until giggles boomed. Each struck earthquakes throughout the air itself. All looked up to the closed eyes and laughing muzzle of the head swinging above. Mirth suddenly tickled her.   As it did the underside of her hoof.   “So that is your defence? Struggle and wiggle me into defeat?” Back above, the giant couldn't help but shift in place, the lane suffering for it, one of her hips swinging into a building. It crashed through the glass paved through a part of the floor. “Mmhmm. I suppose my soles are rather squishy. Very well.” She lifted her foreleg and kept it suspended, gazing into the crater, seeing the previous lot dug inside of it. Their armor cracked and laid broken on their sides. Defeat was their expressions. Yet their eyes laid on the underside of her sole.   “Hmm?” Turning the length of the foreleg around, the changeling looked into her sole, seeing a soldier bound to it. He wiggled for freedom, each a delicious tickle to a sensitive part of her, and she smiled for it. “Naughty one. Be glad I'm letting you go.” And in true villain fashion, the hoof swing to another foreleg, wiping across it, slowly unbinding the foe. He fell few after a few, his barrel clung to the girth of the leg, sliding down but not falling off—forced to cling as the pillar rose and came to arch through the air.   Chrysalis was on the move. “So this is the valiant effort to stop me? How rich!” At the end of the current road was the block of an intersection. Four corners vastly spread from the other with each marked by lofty buildings. On the ground rolled forward carriages. Troops disembarking and cannons being revealed on some. “That's it! Let's see if your best attempts bite harder than an insect!” Rows after rows of stallions filled the road ever forward and, carriages turned and the cannons within aimed, a call of fire barely louder than a whisper of wind. Golden sparks ignited the scene below. Then came the pain. Or, in Chrysalis' sake... the lack of it.   Blobs of magic and bolts of electricity and the masses of balls cast and fired and shot at the present forelegs. A tiny voice squeaking 'friendly fire!' came from one of her legs before the one there fled away. All struck the shell encasing the limb. Nothing amounted to the sensation of even a pinch.   Then the firing ceased.   “Oh the wounds! The agony you have put me through! How else will I express the outrage charging inside of me!” Chrysalis bestowed her best mock face as the size of her body wobbled side to side, her frame knocking into the buildings, the crack of glass following by the rumbling of crumbling structures. “I can't take it! I must break away from it!”   Those on the ground looked out and onto the giant mare and, at her wink, knew they were fucked. Her body thrashed around the narrow lane, and her hips flew into the flanking buildings, caving into them. Smacking into one, she pulled out leaving a hole in the building itself, desks and flooring came pouring from it, items dashed across the ground below.   The world rumbled at their feet as the giant pranced within the lane. Each swing of her hips entered deeper into the structures as resounding booms struck like thunder from the sky. Horrible groans cried from beams inside the establishment. Through the openings, some gazed at the levels, each tilting from the lack of support as the mare continued to bash through them.   The ground soldiers who had turned their heads away had turned back to gaze into the beast itself. Before them was the muzzle of the serpent, which laid on the ground. Her disinterest look transitioned into sinister delight. Pursuing her lips, the giant blew on the cast, a warm tornado following, weapons plucked from all of their hooves. With a smile, the changeling rose again. The last of her tricks showed again.   “My hoof still hurts from the attack! Some horrible cramp that goes away! Walking it off has done me no such charm.” Then a grin crossed her features to the destination of casting doom on those below. “But perhaps hopping upon it will bring me luck?” The scale of the mare bunched together as she prepared to pounce and, before any could do anything, the giant started to jump. She jumped and jumped with her body tucked together, appearing like a filly despite her size. Each hop whistled upward and crashed a torrent downward. Those on the ground couldn't do anything while watching the filly. Blurs of black flew up and back in attempts to watch the movements. Each slam downward saw the hooves sinking deeper with gales cast outward. Wind roared and the ground rumbled. Vibrations were constant as the booms quickened in their quaking. Soldiers turned and flooded backward, each stomp, shaking them about, crashing their bodies tighter. Carriages vibrated into a turn as the wheels affixed at their sides blew off due to the incessant pressure into the wood. Blocks turned and fell onto their sides. Cannons balls rolled freely across the scene, each jumping at the fall of distant hooves—landing atop ones much smaller.   Many cried that day. One soldier looked off into the distance and tilted up his chin, watching the beast wiped from her breath. Her mass rested into the side of a building, craving into its middle with her barrel, its support of her body, waning, as the seconds ticked by. She leaned into it and breathed, catching her breath, her face unaware of how easily she was sinking through it.   “Uh oh.” Until it was too late.   The middle section of her bulk was the first to carve through the surface, floors and stairs wells crushed and collapsed from her weight alone, parts of her body passing through these places. Her neck cracked the ceiling as it fell through, the volume of her rump crashing across the side of the building. Soon her frame fell through, landing on its side, the back of the building, bending, in a way not natural. The same was true of the other wall. Chrysalis laid at the foundation of the buildings as its contents rained atop her. Spreads of dust, illuminated throughout, by the sunlight at its darkest yet brightest. Around and above were still some pillars. Chunks of draping flooring and incomplete stairwells no longer contained by concrete. The mass of her body rose from the center of it all, shaking her head of the derby tucked within her mane, tables and chairs tangled within hair.   “I think that's enough playing around.” Chrysalis slowly pushed up on her hooves, the landscape of her frame raising, her rear knocking into the final piece of the building. It crumbled at the softest touch and, once she was up, nothing was left. “Now is the moment to blow off some steam.” Those inside the opposite building were frozen into awe in seeing what occurred, some pressed against the glass, unable to comprehend all of this was happening on the other side. But then the giant rose and her back came level with their floor. Her head spanned up and out of view but all felt it looming. Why had the structure of a mare become still? The answer came as the sweeping chest before them, covering the higher floors of the building, then slowly turned around, the movement titanic, the steps felt through the vibrations in the structure, all amounting to the presenting of hips. Many were forced to gaze into the swells of black, parts of the shell that were malleable and soft—heated by sunlight itself.   Their gaze turned to the underwear too, how it crossed over the underside of the flanks, coming short over their slope. Lime lines etched symbols on the article, their glow a pulsation, a feeling of neon in tandem to the privates behind it.   “Have you all had the moments to admire that which is set to crush you? Girls in power ought to be aware of their every asset to assure every victory.” Those hind legs stepped in place, raising and lowering the vista of the rump. Its thickest swells rubbing into the other, the dense fabric, sliding and flexing, tightening over the thicker curves. “Though sometimes we crave mere appreciation. Have you all captured a view of me from back there? Good. Here is your reward for your devotion!” All were not expecting the image in the glass to grow, but it did so as it drew close, those wonderful flanks swinging into focus. They slammed through the glass to the sounds of shattering shards, the rocking of the floor as it crumbled from the cheeks pushing in, the plum of black keeping flat as it pushed onward.   Those closest to the window could only gaze to the vertical and rolling hills, unable to look up enough to see past them, the middle portion of the cheeks being all they could see. The plushness knocked into them, immensely soft and dragging them alone, the force of the push and the hit of the precious impact sticking them to the flanks.   Others dashed away from the twins pushing in, turning their heads and fearing the view, the ground and the ceiling disintegrating from the rear. Those caught by it later were slid near its center, the fabric too tight to slip into the warm cliff of the ass. Rather they were pushed to the brim on either supple flank, some holding onto it, others choosing to tuck themselves inside and underneath the stitching.   And then the derriere ceased in its attack. Those grouped before it watched as it crashed downward, breaking through the floors with ease, creating a shaft in the space it left behind. They peered over the edge to the ass looming below, watching it pull away, seeing all the little ones stuck to it—all crawling underneath the band of the underwear. Meanwhile Chrysalis stood in the street with her ass backed into the building, a bit of an odd squeeze, but the feeling of walls becoming dust from the simple pressure of her butt was addicting.  Little wiggles came from back there, widening the chasm, as did all the tickles over her rump. Her lips tucked inward and there they had been bitten upon. So many tinies crawling inside her panties. Flexed fabric pinned them into the thickest swell of her flanks.  Those entering on the lower region were squashed into the underside of the cheeks. Others made it inside to zero space. Instead of being binned, however, they began a trek across the ass, over the slope of the cheeks as the other flanked in the distance. They seemed to curve inward. A dusky chasm, scented lightly with strawberries, called them forward into the divot between balls of softness.   Into the cleft that swallowed them, held them, rubbing up and down as the mare shifted around, a grinding that never ceased. More and more they were rolled deeper from in-between the flanks, the pressure harder and the softness softer. The walls shifted and turned and did the same into them. Out from the crevice of the crack was the backdrop of the underwear. Its flexing meant oncoming twisting of the rear having swallowed them.   And the giantess couldn't have been more thrilled.   “Oh yes.” Chrysalis backed her ass into the building again, feeling it creaks and cracks the more she attacked, derby pelting her ass, little taps sending tickles all over. “This was exactly what I needed. Only more. More!” Her ass backed out of the building, slamming in again, leaving only to enter, each one rocking the estate. Those inside were thrown around by the rocking of the building. Some near the ledge waited for the ass to drop, landing atop the smooth curves, deciding that place safest.   But the more the queen enjoyed herself, the larger her body grew, her rump, stationary inside of the building, starting to expand. It outgrew the walls as it ballooned in proportion, cracks shooting in spider webs across the building, a spelling of doom for those within.   “Mmhmmhm.” Those on the floor watched as the rump pulled away... the ceiling above, sinking in its middle, from the lack of supposed. Nothing was before them as the floor and windows were comet ply barren. In that space was where the muzzle of the came to be occupied. “Don't you worry. I have a safe place for you all.” She giggled as her head flew back and up, and her chest did so as well, the sweeping lands flying up, the span of the coming belly doing the same... until the playground of a crotch loomed before them all. “If you can do away with your pride and indulge in your shame.” Chrysalis stood on her hind legs and leaned into the building, the monolithic weight and pressure causing it to lean back, it twisting in ways it shouldn't. Her forelegs wrapped around the clumping mess as if to get it form and support for a few moments longer. But that didn't matter as she back her groin into it, a light thump as her crotch swung within it, minimal resistance found, an expression of arousal to be had. “Well my tinies?” the voice of the giant echoed throughout the walls, as the body of the beast leaned into the sole platform left, the brim of the underwear below. Wider and thicker than any wall. Magic pulled the waistband back to reveal the dim interior within. “One way or another, you will leap. When you do decides what sort of landing you can expect to find.” Many looked to each other and, as their muzzles were turned, a faint green light was cast on their cheeks. In turning back, the inside of the underwear suddenly illuminated in neon. The black velvet could be seen in detail as well as the arc of the fabric. Before and below was the pussy beyond size or scale, its mounds glazed over in the light, the lips tucked between keeping their glow. Then they dimmed and those above were forced to give in.   All cast themselves forward in a leap, some dead-centre and others off from the mark, a few hitting the pulled out band and hanging from it. They pulled themselves up as the magic pulled the waistband out further, allowing them to roll over with greater ease, rising the slope like a slide toward their glowing destination. Others reached the belly and slid down across it, the world changing in a second, a view of the beyond, gone, as the inside of the panties rose up and around them.   Most landed inside the pulled elastic, sinking into the velvet and keeping there, waiting for the next move. Up above, the giant moaned at feeling so many little ones falling inside such a place. Her magic ceased, and the elastic snapped around her hips, trapping all those within. The panties barrelled and fabric over her crotch to cup the dense lips. This meant there wasn't sag at all to any possible looking on.   And with that, Chrysalis began her conquest, rocking her hips against the building, sending cracks up its foundation. They travelled across its surface as she humped the remainder of the floor, concrete hitting in her most sensitive of places. Her thrusts quickened as her mind loosened. The greatness of her air smacked around the air with an impossible spread of strands.   Those inside of the panties were clumped together, bodies pressing, jostled around the underwear. Some became pinned to the squish of the mounds. Others rested in the recline of the article, feeling the brightness of green cast over them, each glancing up to see the titanic lips sprawling over them. They were slick and parted ever so slightly. Near the base, they were to see the opening to the fleshy cave. It always glowed, even the slime from the undulating walls glowing, the promise of a bit more space for those who cast themselves inside.   And many of them did. Chrysalis' eyes closed as her mouth opened as far as it could go, hard upward thrusts surging from below at the feeling of them entering, so many tiny ponies left without a choice but to crawl into her pussy. Her inner-lips rubbed over them as her heated walls gripped them. Deeper they were pulled inside of her. She clenched and clamped over their form, milking the feeling and the tastes, the sensations. The barrels of her thighs locked around a corner of a building as her muzzle laid on its roof, her chin occurring the entire space, her hips breaking through the structure. Short was her flicks but quick were they pace. Feeling the corner-edge of the building fit into the slit, slipping an inch inside of it, the contact and the impact more than enough.   There was also the pleasure had from the tinies below, looking up into the scale of this goddess, watching her fuck a building into dust. And it came that way in the seconds that passed. With a final blow, her crotch broke into the building, sending it into a collapse, as her head threw into the air. She moaned and rocked her body about to the pleasure that was awash across it. Warm flooding spread dampness through her underwear. Even the dense stitching could absorb the torrents as blotches dripped from the sky to the poor few that were below.   “Yes yes! Like this! More! Give me more!” “Chrysalis!” There! There had come to the forces of the flies, the six of them hovering between her thighs, looking across the vistas of her barrel to see only the underside of her muzzle looming in the sky. Growing was she still. Her underwear was starting to cling for a reason. “You stop this at once! Reverse whatever magic you cast or—“ No threat was made as another had been followed through already.   The waistband of the panties snapped as the titan outgrew them. It landed on those flying below, capturing them in the field of silk, its weight immense, the natural size aided by the nectar soaked into the fabric. By its weight and wetness, scent and smell, those caught underneath fell to the ground.   At least they had a soft—abet humiliating—landing to their fall.  Those in the city were forced to gaze up, regardless of their location, seeing a pussy arching in the sky, flanked by two thighs, the largest thing alive. Nothing else of the changeling swam into focus as that sole sight was all they could take. Until a hoof dropped to its top, rolling over the exposed clit, allowing another torrent of dense lime to pour freely from the cunt in the sky. It sliced through buildings and crashed through the streets, everything swept within its course, the levels rising as everything and everyone came to the surface. Over the clouds in a scale unable to be contained within vision, Chrysalis' head looked down, amused with the state of the world.   Indeed she looked down at the city as it dwindled below her. Soon it became nothing more than a spot as she loomed above it. Her forehooves fell into the sea surrounding it, unintentionally splashing its depth onto its surface, those gazing at the black cylinders from the sky unable to comprehend their size or girth.   Chrysalis had decided to have a romp as she stormed across the world, a muzzle always above the clouds even when ducked, always an aerial view to the world below. She'd stumbled to the Crystal Empire and, acting like it were a game of golf, approached it like it was a ball. Lining her foreleg with the spot, and getting her hoof to the side of it all, she arched the leg up and to the side, preparing for a swing—then unleashing. She tore a chunk of the earth out and launched the whole outward and across the sky, coming to cover her eyes with a hoof, squinting, attempting to follow the trajectory of the tiny city.   But soon lost track of it.   With a shrug she had carried on. Every step of her hoof meant a crater paved deeply into the world itself. Countless fields of green, consumed underneath a single hoof, its grass removed and only a ditch of dirt remaining. Farms were gone and houses were flattened. All of Ponyville had perished in her failure of seeing it. Down came her hoof to the soft tickle of something breaking. All that remained were flattened lands and smothered buildings. And only a step away stood Canterlot Mountain.   “This is certainly  a way to blow off some steam.” Those in the city heard the booms then thickly bubble in the air. They could see the legs in the distance, some of them, how clouds blanketed their ascent. “On this you were right. But Luna... I don't hope you were terribly fond of that castle you share.” Those within the throne room were commanded by a sense to investigate the windows. And so the princesses did as they gazed out the glass, ever upward, a cast of magic to part the clouds in the sky. In the parting came crashing the rump bigger than any city and on part with becoming a country. Its surface could be seen but nothing over its top. And its details grew as it did too, ever closer until the whole of Canterlot was crushed underneath Chrysalis gigantic ass.   And when she woke up at her desk later that afternoon.   She found her paperwork was done with greater ease.