> New home > by Oaoadil > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- City " Redacted" It was a sunny day in the city " Redacted". If only it was sunny for everyone. When the sun began setting, the man was standing on the platform with a woman corpse. He was wearing shorts with tights, boots, a T-shirt and gloves. He was wondering who is he. Vigilante, family killer, merciless assassin, insane. He wanted to look at himself. He began walking around and finally found a TV screen. He looked at himself. Face. It wasn't a human face. He saw black eyes and smile. Like Pedro. The man shook his head and looked again. He saw his real face. Normal brown eyes, normal nose, normal ears, etc. The man sighed and began thinking about what he will do next. All his family was killed, Pedro was dead, every killer in town now is trying to kill him. Pedro. It was his name, while banana...was just figment of his imagination. Suddenly he began feeling that wind began blowing on him. He didn't pay attention until he...began moving. He turned around and saw a portal, which tried to suck him. 'Shit' he thought to himself. He began running, but it was useless. The portal was stronger. Pedro grabbed the railing and tried to not release it. But the railing began bending and finally broke. Pedro flew to the portal, which then closed. Ponyville Sunset Shimmer with her friends was hanging out in the park and having a picnic. "..and I needed two days to clean up the whole kitchen!" told Pinkie to her friends, who began laughing. "Oh, I can't believe that you made such mess with only a mixer," said Applejack. "Yeah," agreed Rainbow Dash. "Well, it's just Pinkie," said Twilight. Suddenly Pinkie began shaking and twitching. Everyone looked at her with a worried look. "What happened, Pinkie?" asked Sunset. "It's my Pinkie Sense, something big will happen!" claimed Pinkie. "I hope it will be good," said Rarity. "Me too," agreed Twilight. "Me too," said quietly Fluttershy. Meanwhile Pedro rubbed his head and got up on his legs. He looked around and saw that he was in the alley with a trashcan. He came out of the alley and was astonished by what he saw. He saw colorful buildings, friendly people, and sunny weather. 'Heaven' he thought. Then he stumbled over something. He looked down and saw his skateboard. He looked at his inventory and found his weapons, money, knife, and...frying pan. He used it when he needed to kill enemies. Then he noticed that something was lying under his skateboard. He lifted it and he saw his mask. He began examining it and put it in the pocket. Pedro stood on a skateboard and raced near the group of girls. "Hey! Eyes on the road!" shouted Rainbow Dash, but Pedro didn't hear her. He saw stairs with railing and he came up with an idea. He jumped and slid on railings. Then, on the end of it, he jumped and headed to the park. "Wow, that was cool!" said Pinkie. "Pff, even child can do this," said Rainbow Dash. "I have never seen him before," said Sunset. ", I need to throw him a welcome party!" shouted Pinkie. "But firstly, we need to find him," said Twilight. "Maybe your Pinkie Sense was warning about him?" guessed Applejack. "Maybe," said Pinkie. Meanwhile, Pedro was skateboarding and looking at his surroundings. He remembered how beautiful his city was..until his father showed up. He shook his head and stopped near the stand with papers. Then he looked at one paper. It said 'Rent a room. 15$ per week' and the phone number with an address. Pedro thought a little, took the paper and headed to the apartment. Soon he saw the house. He expected to see the same colorful house, but instead of it, he saw an old building with broken windows. He entered the building and was met by the smell of the garbage. He went up on the last floor (5th) and knocked on the door. "I am coming," said a female voice. Soon the door was opened by a girl with blue-violet hair and ponytail. "Oh hi," she said. Pedro pulled out the paper and showed it to the girl. She looked at it, nodded, turned around, and shouted: "Girls! We have a guest!" Pedro heard the moan and then saw the girl with two ponytails and violet hair. She yawned and looked at Pedro, who was still holding the paper. "Oh, so you are our roommate now? Okay, follow me." With those words, Pedro entered the flat. It was in a terrible condition: dirty walls, the carpet with red spots, only one lamp was lighting, terrible smell, etc. Soon he entered his room. It was a small room with a couch full of holes, dirty windows, and TV. 'Won't be surprised if it doesn't work' thought Pedro to himself. "Yeah, it isn't a hotel, but that's all we give you," said the girl. Pedro turned to her and nodded. He gave to girl the money, placed the skateboard in the corner and sat on the couch. He began thinking about what he will do next. 'Firstly, I need to find a job to get money'. Suddenly the door opened and Pedro saw the third girl with puffy yellow hair. Suddenly he heard voices: "What do you think about him?" "I don't care to be honest. He gives to us the money and I am fine with it." "But he didn't tell us his name." "So, let's ask him." Soon three girls entered the room. "Hi, I am Adagio Dazzle. That's Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk." "Hi," said Sonata and waved her arm. Pedro waved his arm too. "So, what is your name?" Pedro saw a piece of paper with a pen on the table. He picked them up and wrote something on it, then he gave it to girls. They looked at it and saw 'Pedro'. "Nice to meet you, Pedro." Pedro nodded. "Anyway, now we have dinner. Come with us," said Aria. Soon they sat at the table and Pedro looked at his food. It was just a taco. 'Didn't expect too much.' After the dinner, Pedro began feeling the boredom. He tried to turn on the TV, but as he predicted, it didn't work. So, he decided to walk for a walk. He waved to girls and exited the apartment. "Where do you think he's going?" asked Sonata. "No idea," answered Adagio. > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pedro was walking in the streets and enjoying the view of the town. It was a peaceful land without crime- "Agh!" Pedro looked at the source of the noise. It was aa woman who was mugging by the man in the black cloak. "Give all money," ordered the man. 'Speak of the devil' thought Pedro to himself. He approached the man but accidentally stepped on the stick. Crack Man turned around but quickly was met by the fist into the face, sending him into a knockout. The woman turned to Pedro who was looking at her. "Thanks," said the woman. Pedro made a gesture 'no problem'. "I am Mrs. Cake. I am owning the bakery "Sugarcube Corner" nearby. If you want something delicious, you can come there." Pedro shook his head. "Okay. I should go. Thanks again." Mrs. Cake hugged Pedro and headed to the bakery. Pedro wanted to go, but he looked at the man's cloak. Something was telling him to take it. After a few moments, Pedro approached the man and took off the cloak from him. He placed it on his shoulder and continued walking. Suddenly his stomach began rumbling. 'Bad taco'. Pedro looked around and saw a bank. 'Hope they have a toilet'. He ran to it, entered the building, and headed to the bathroom. He didn't notice that near the bank, two vans were standing. Soon 12 men came out of them with weapons and entered the bank. The leader shot at the ceiling and shouted: "It's a robbery! Everyone lies down on the floor!" Some people screamed but did what the leader said. One minute earlier Pedro entered the toilet and hang the cloak on the wall. After the toilet, he approached the sink and washed his hands. Suddenly he heard shots and the voice: "It's a robbery! Everyone lies down on the floor!" Pedro approached the door and slightly opened it. He saw 12 armored men in black masks. 'Robbery'. Pedro began thinking. He then noticed a window. It wasn't big, but he could crawl through it. 'Be a hero or run.' Pedro shook his head and tied the cloak around the belly. Then he approached the toilet and flush water. "Hey boss, someone is in the toilet." "Go check it." Pedro wore his mask and pulled out his pistols. When the man approached the door, Pedro kicked it. The door hit the man's head, killing him instantly. "What the?" Pedro ran out of the bathroom and shot two men in the head. "Shit, kill him!" ordered the leader. Men began shooting at Pedro. He ran to the wall and made a flip. Then he slowed the time and shot 4 men. '7 left'. He landed on the floor. He was surrounded by both sides. He began dodging the bullets and shooting at the same time. Soon only the leader was alive. He was holding the rifle and hiding behind the fountain. He peeked out from the corner but saw nothing. He turned around and was met by the boot into his face. He moaned and tried to grab the rifle, but Pedro kicked it to the corner. He aimed the pistol at the man. "Wait, wait. I surrender. Don't kill me!" shouted the leader. Pedro lowered his pistol and headed to the exit. Meanwhile, the leader pulled out the pistol to kill Pedro, but Pedro was faster. When the leader lifted the pistol, Pedro quickly turned around and shot him into the head. Pedro ran out from the bank and headed in a random direction. Soon he hid in the alley. He took off the mask, untied the cloak, and wore it normally. Soon he saw a building with the sign "Sugarcube Corner". He thought a little and entered the bakery. He saw a man standing in front of the cash machine and approached him. "Oh. Good morning, sir. What do you want?" Pedro looked behind the man and saw a shelf with many cupcakes, but one cupcake caught his attention. It was a yellow cupcake. Pedro pointed to it. The man looked at it and nodded. He gave the cupcake to Pedro and said: "10 $." Pedro gave to man the money and sat at the table. Through the window, he saw an emergency car with two police cars, which were heading to the bank. Pedro looked at the cupcake and began eating it. Suddenly the door opened and 7 girls entered the room. Pedro recognized them. "Where do you think these cars are heading to?" asked Pinkie. "I hope no one is hurt," said Fluttershy. 'No worries, nobody hurt'. 7 girls sat at the table and made orders. Soon they began eating and chatting, while Pedro had already eaten his cupcake and listened to girls. "So, everything is ready?" asked Sunset. "Yup, Vinyl Scratch's brother organized everything for Octavia's birthday," answered Applejack. "I hope that will be the best birthday ever!" claimed Pinkie. "Yeah," said Twilight. Then they began eating again. Pedro got up and headed to the exit, but suddenly he heard: "Wait, he turned around and saw Mrs. Cake who was holding the packet with cupcakes. "Take it. It's my thanks to you." Pedro slightly smiled and nodded. He exited the bakery, while Main 7 approached her and Twilight asked: "Mrs. Cake, why did you give him cupcakes for free?" "Well, I was walking in the streets today, but then I met mugger who tried to rob me, but this man saved me." Pinkie gasped and shouted: "Wow, the new man is a hero! I should throw him a party!" "But we don't even know his name," said Rarity. "Oh, apples." Suddenly they saw a paper on the floor near the door. Girls lifted it and saw 'My name is Pedro'. "Pedro? It's a strange name," said Rainbow Dash. "Now, we know his name, and I can throw him the party!" Meanwhile, Pedro entered the house and went up to his apartment. He came in the flat and saw three girls, who were playing with cards. He placed the bag on the table. Girls looked at him with a questionable look. Pedro pulled out one cupcake and gave it to Sonata. "Thanks," she said. Soon girls began eating cupcakes, while Pedro was holding the yellow cupcake..with his banana's face. Suddenly the phone rang and Pedro answered it. "Hello, friend. I have a business proposal for you," said the voice. "If you refuse, I will kill you. But not only you. I firstly will kill girls with who you are living." Pedro's eyes widened. > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now Pedro was pissed and worried. Pissed - because now he may become the bandit, worried - because girls can be harmed. "I saw how you dealt with my mercenaries." Few house ago Filthy Rich was sitting in his cabinet and smoking. Suddenly the phone rang and he answered: "Hello." "Boss, everything is ready." "Good, give them the signal." After a few minutes, the phone rang again. "What?" "Boss, we have a problem." "Which one?" "There is a guy in a mask, who is killing everyone." Filthy Rich coughed and asked: "What is he doing?" "Killing your mercenaries. Wait, he killed everyone." "What is the guy armed with?" "Pistols." Filthy Rich was surprised. Really surprised. One guy with pistols could kill 12 heavy armored people. He needs such mercenaries. "Watch him. Find out where he lives." "Got it." After a few minutes, the guy from the phone told his boss where the man was living. He gave him the phone number. Present "Now, I hope you are smart enough to listen to me." Pedro didn't say anything. "Good, now I have work for you. There is one group of bandits, who think that I'm not their boss. I want you to deal with them. Their base on the ************** street. If you find money, you can take it to yourself. It will be your payment." Pedro clenched his fist. He put the phone and headed to the exit. Soon he arrived at the right place. It was an old building, as his apartment. After wearing the disguise he approached the door and heard that one man was standing right in front of it. Pedro kicked the door and it hit bandit's head. Dead. "What the-?" Pedro pulled out his knife and stabbed the bandit into his neck. Suddenly two bandits came out of another door and began shooting at Pedro. He hid behind the couch. He put the knife back and pulled out his pistols. He jumped from his cover and shot both men. He went up to the second floor but quickly hid behind the wall because bandit shot with the shotgun. "Stop hiding and fight like a man!" he shouted. 'Man? As you wish.' With those thoughts, he came out of his cover and ran to the man. He tried to shoot, but Pedro was faster. He lifted the shotgun barrel to bandit's face and when bandit pulled the trigger, he shot himself. The corpse fell to the ground. Then Pedro saw a man with headphones, who was listening to music. Pedro approached him and grabbed his headphones. "Hey, dude, what the fuck?" Pedro shot him in the head when bandit turned to him. "Kill this prick!" someone shouted from upstairs. Pedro went up and entered the empty room. Suddenly bandits got out of their hidings and aimed at Pedro. "Fire!" Bandits began shooting, but Pedro was dodging them and shooting at criminals at the same time. Soon everyone was dead. Pedro reloaded and went up on the last floor. He didn't find anyone but found a lot of money on the table. He put two packs in his pocket and exited the building through the window. He grabbed the cable and landed on the roof of another building. Then he headed to his apartment. When he entered the flat he saw girls, who were playing poker. After a few seconds, they showed their cards. Sonata had a royal flush. "How is that possible? Is she cheating?" "She doesn't even know rules. How is she cheating?" "Hey! I heard that you know." Pedro knocked on the wall and girls looked at him. "Oh hey, Pedro. How was your day?" Pedro lifted his thumb. "Cool." Pedro entered his room and lied on the couch. He began thinking. 'Great. Now I am a criminal. Again. But I kill other criminals. Is that good? Uh, I miss Pedro. At least, someone who can listen and understand you.' Soon he fell asleep. Suddenly the flying banana with a face appeared upon Pedro and said: "No worries, friend. I won't leave in such a situation. That's why we are friends." Meanwhile "I can't wait for Octavia's birthday!" claimed Pinkie. "Yeah, me too," said Applejack. Main 6 was sitting on the ground in the park and having a picnic. Then they saw that Sunset was reading the newspaper. "What are you reading, Sunset?" asked Rarity. "Look," she said showing the news. Bank robbery Today, **.**.****, 12 armored men tried to rob the bank. When the police arrived at the bank, they saw 12 dead bodies. Witnesses said that it was a masked man with an image of banana on his back. When police took a look at the records of cameras, they were shocked to see that a single man with pistols could kill 12 armored men. Then police received the call about the noise in the building on the ************** street. When they arrived at the place, they discovered dead bodies of bandits. One witness said that he saw a masked man with an image of banana on his back. Now, the police are searching for the masked man. But rumors have surfaced saying that there is a vigilante in the town, who now is fighting with the crime. He was called 'Banana man'. When girls read it, they were shocked. "It's so horrible," said Fluttershy. "So, we have a vigilante in the town," said Rainbow Dash. "We should be careful, especially in the night time," said Twilight. "I hope it won't spoil Octavia's birthday," said Pinkie. Filthy Rich's mansion Filthy Rich was reading the newspaper and smoking. "Hmm, vigilante. Good. No need to worry about that police will suspect me for this," he said. He heard the knock on the door. "Who is there?" "It's me," said a feminine voice. "Come in." The door opened and revealed Diamond Tiara. "What did you want, daughter?" "Tomorrow, there will be a party in the night club. I want to visit." "So why are you asking my permission? You are an adult and can make decisions by yourself." "I am just worried that it will be ruined because of bandits, whose base right in front of the club." "I understood. I have a man for this job." With those words, he passed the newspaper to Diamond Tiara. She read and said: "Banana man? Stupid name for the vigilante. Is that your man?" "Yes, he is very capable of such missions, so you don't need to worry." Diamond Tiara thanked her father and exited the room. > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pedro woke up and rubbed his eyes. He went to the balcony and breathed the fresh air. Soon he entered the kitchen where he saw three girls laying on the couch with one big blanket. He slightly smiled and decided to walk for a walk, but the phone rang. He took it, and he heard a familiar voice. "Good morning, Banana Man. People named you like that. They think that you are a vigilante, but I think that you know it from the newspaper. Anyway, I have work for you. There is a night club 'Dancing pony'. In front of it, some bandits made their base in there. I want you to take care of them. If you understand what I am talking about. You need to be there at 17.00." Pedro put the phone, wore the cloak and exited the flat. When he was outside, he saw a newspaper on the bench. He took it and read the article about him. 'Banana man. Hmm, strange name.' He put the newspaper back on the bench and headed to the random direction. Soon he found the Carousel Boutique. He looked inside and saw that Rarity (as he remembers) was sewing the clothes. Then he saw a little girl who was helping her. 'Sister'. Suddenly he felt that someone put the hand on his shoulder. He quickly turned around and took the person in police grab. "Ou, ou, ou. It's me. Pinkie." Pedro looked at the person and recognized her as the pink girl from the Sugarcube Corner. Pedro released the girl and she rubbed her arm. "You have a good grab," she said. Pedro nodded and wanted to leave, but Pinkie stopped him. "Wait, I didn't even throw you the party!" Pedro made a gesture 'No need' and walked away. "Oh no! You won't leave now! At least, say where are you leaving!" Pedro froze on his tracks and turned his head to Pinkie. He shook his head and left. Pinkie wanted to say something, but the door opened and Rarity exited her Boutique. "Pinkie, what happened?" she asked. "I just wanted to know where Pedro lives. I want to throw him a party, but he refuses." "I think, he just wants to be alone. Maybe later?" "Mmm, okay. Later." Meanwhile, Pedro approached the park and sat on the bench. He was listening to how birds were singing and relaxed. Soon he saw Applejack who was eating the apple and watching Rainbow Dash who was skateboarding. The last one noticed Pedro and said: "Hey, you! I remember you!" Pedro waved his arm. Rainbow Dash approached him and said: "I saw that you like skateboarding. Do you want to join me?" Pedro thought a little and nodded. "Cool, now show me some of your tricks." Pedro took an RD's skateboard and began making the tricks he knew. "Wow, that was cool but not as cool as my tricks." With those words, she demonstrated some of her tricks. Pedro lifted his thumb up. "Thanks," said Rainbow Dash. Pedro asked what time is it. "10.00," said Rainbow Dash. Pedro nodded and walked away, waving to her. Soon he found the club 'Dancing pony'. It was a third-floored building with a big sign on the second floor. Then he looked at the building, which was standing in front of the club. Pedro saw that building was in normal condition, but some windows were broken. Also, he saw a few bandits, who were drinking the beer and talking with each other. Pedro decided to look inside the club. He approached doors and opened them. On the left and right sides, the tables were standing, while in the middle there was a big dancing pool, with DJ place. Then Pedro noticed some cameras and the lift in the corner. Then he approached the bar counter and ordered one whiskey. He took a sip and began thinking about the plan. 'I can just go inside this moron's house and kill him or shoot him with my sniper rifle or-' "I can help you." Pedro looked around and saw...Pedro. "Hi, hadn't seen you for long," said Banana. "You thought that you killed me? I'm not real, that's why I can't be killed. I am sorry for not keeping a promise and for trying to kill you, but I see that you are in the trouble. I want to help you." Pedro looked at his friend with a suspicious look but nodded. "Good. Now there is my plan. Firstly, we need to do what this Filthy Rich said. We will rub in trust. Secondly...well, we can kill some of his relatives, if he has them. Or just kill him right away. What do you choose?" Pedro thought a little. He chose the first one. "That's your choice. Now, firstly we will kill those bandits in that building, and then try to know does Filthy Rich has relatives or something like that?" Pedro nodded and paid for the drink. Then he headed to his home. Suddenly he saw Sunset and Twilight who were chatting in the park. "Well, you know them. Try to ask them," said Pedro (b). Pedro approached the girls and waved his arm. "Oh hi," said Sunset. "Hi," greeted Twilight. "I heard that you were skateboarding with Rainbow Dash. It's cool to make friends, isn't it?" Pedro nodded. "So, where are you from?" Pedro asked for a pen and paper by gestures and Twilight gave him a notebook and wrote. "I am from another town." "What do you think about our city?" "It's beautiful and peaceful. Very bad that there is a crime in this town." "Yeah. Filthy Rich is ruling Ponyville with the iron arm. And Diamond Tiara is terrorizing and threatening our school." The last part really interested Pedro. 'Bingo'. "Who is Diamond Tiara?" "It's Filthy Rich's daughter. She is very domineering and bad. If she doesn't like someone, this person will be missing." Pedro was quiet. Suddenly they saw Gilda who was bullying Fluttershy again. "That's Gilda. Local bully" said Sunset. Pedro approached them and pushed Gilda away from the shy girl. "Hey, prick! What are you doing?" Pedro made a gesture 'Go away'. "No way. I won't le-" Pedro punched her into the face. "Agh! My nose! You will pay for it!" Gilda charged at Pedro, but he easily dodged it and kicked her leg. She fell to the ground and Pedro stepped on her back to not allow her to get up. Fluttershy gasped and covered her mouth. Meanwhile, Twilight and Sunset were watching them and were astonished by the fight. "Wow, from where does he know these tricks?" "Maybe training." Fluttershy approached Pedro and said: "Thanks." Pedro nodded and removed his leg from Gilda's back. She got up and shook off the dust of her clothes. "It's not the end! We will meet again!" Gilda ran away. Pedro waved to Fluttershy and headed to his apartment. When he entered the room, he saw girls, who were arguing again. "I am not stupid!" shouted Sonata. "No, you are!" shouted Aria. Pedro approached the table and smashed his fist onto it. Dazzlings yelped and looked at Pedro. He took a notebook and wrote: "Apologize to each other." "Sorry," said Sonata. "Sorry," "Sorry for calling you stupid." Pedro slightly smiled and nodded. "Wow, you really care about these girls," said Pedro (b). "We had lunch and left some for you," said Adagio pointing to the plate with a taco. "Oh hi, we bought some food. That's for you," said Sonata pointing to the plate with one piece of pizza and taco. He sat at the table and began eating. After that, he entered his room and lied on his couch. Meanwhile, Dazzlings were talking with each other. "Where do you think he was?" "No idea, maybe hanging out with his girlfriend." "He is very nice. Maybe we should tell him the truth?" Dazzlings looked at each other. > Chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pedro yawned and rubbed his eyes. "Good morning, sleepyhead," said Pedro (b). Pedro looked up and saw his banana friend. "Well, now it's 16.50. We need to move out." Pedro nodded and headed to the night club. Soon he was standing near the building and saw two bandits who were standing in front of the door and chatting. Pedro tied up the cloak and wore his mask. He approached them and smashed their heads together. They fell to the ground unconscious, while Pedro entered the building. "Hey, who the heck are you!?" shouted bandit. Pedro pulled out his pistol and shot. "The hell was that?" someone shouted from another room. The door opened and revealed the fat bandit with a shotgun. "Shit, this is that masked prick!" he shouted aiming at Pedro. he took a shot, but Pedro hid behind the couch. He came out of his cover and shot bandit. Then two bandits with Uzi showed up and tried to kill Pedro, but he dodged the bullets and shot them. He went up to the second floor. He saw two bandits, who were playing the game with loud music and didn't notice them. He approached them and smashed their heads together. "Kill this prick!" Bandits began shooting at Pedro, who quickly hid behind the couch. He pulled out his UZIs and began shooting at bandits. He killed three of them, while two hid behind the corner and reloaded. They jumped out from the corner, but Pedro shot them in the head. He went up on the third floor and met 4 bandits, who jumped out from their cover and began shooting. Pedro began dodging them and shooting at bandits. Two of them were killed. He took a cover behind the table and reloaded, while bandits decided to attack him from both sides. They slowly approached the table and jumped, but they were met by two UZIs. Dead. Suddenly he heard that someone was whispering: "Where the hell are you?" He looked around and saw a bandit who was hiding behind the corner and talking to someone on the phone. He approached and shot him. Suddenly he heard cars. He peeked out from the window and saw a car from which 5 bandits came out. Then he noticed that near him the canister was lying. He came up with an idea. "Shit, what the hell happened there?" shouted one of the criminals. Suddenly they heard that something fell on their car. They turned around and saw a canister. Pedro made a dramatic exit and shot the canister with a shotgun. The canister with the car exploded. Blastwave sent Pedro flying and he grabbed the cable. He slid on it and saw an open window. He jumped into it and landed on the floor. Then he saw that some people were standing near the burning car and looking at it with a worried look. Pedro took off his mask and wore his cloak with a hood. He exited the room and entered the elevator. Soon he was on the first floor. He saw that everyone was happy and enjoying the party. "Good to see that people in such time have fun," said Pedro (b). Few minutes earlier Main 7 was having fun and enjoying the party. They had already given their gifts to Octavia, who was standing near the dining table. "I hope Octavia is enjoying her birthday," said Pinkie. "No worries, she is definitely happy," said Sunset. "Very bad that Pedro didn't show up," said Rainbow Dash. "Hey girls." Main 7 turned around and saw Flash Sentry. "Oh hi, Flash. Do you like this party?" asked Twilight. "Of course, this-" He accidentally bumped into someone. "Oh sorry for-" He saw who it was. Flash gulped and said: "Oh, h-hello Diamond Tiara." She looked at him with the indifferent gaze. "Hello, Flash. Did you want something?" "N-no." "As I thought." When Diamond Tiara walked away, Flash Sentry said: "Phew, that was close." Suddenly the door opened and revealed bandits with SMG. One of them shot in the air and shouted: "Turn down the music!" DJ turned off the music and backed away, while Principal Celestia came out of the crowd and asked: "What do you want?" Man shot her in the arm. Celestia yelped and fell to the floor, holding her arm. "Sister!" Luna approached the principal and began holding her wound, while the man looked around and shouted: "Give us all your money and you will be fine!" Suddenly the masked man jumped out from the crowd and shot the man. "Shit, it's that masked freak!" Bandits began shooting but Pedro was dodging the bullets. He shot two men, while three ones took a cover behind the overturned tables. They came out of the cover and shot again but Pedro killed them with pistols. "Stay back or I will kill her!" Pedro saw the last criminal who was holding... Fluttershy with the pistol aimed to her head. She was sobbing and closed her eyes. Pedro slowed the time and shot the bandit's pistol and then killed the man. The corpse fell to the ground, while Fluttershy was covering her mouth with arms and ran away. Pedro heard the sirens and understood that he needs to move out. He ran out from the night club and hid in the dark alley, where he took off his mask and wore the cloak. Soon he approached his apartment, where he saw girls chatting about something. When they heard the noise, they turned to Pedro. Adagio stood up and said: "Hi, Pedro. How was your day?" Pedro lifted his thumb up. "Cool. But we need to talk." Pedro gave a questionable look. He sat at the table. Girls sighed and Adagio said: "Did you hear about the girls who tried to take over the world?" Pedro thought a little. He heard something about girls named 'Dazzlings' but didn't give any attention to this. He shook his head. "Well...it was us. We tried to hypnotize everyone with our song, but 7 girls beat us. Since this we can't sing anymore," told Aria to Pedro. "Also, we are from another world, which is similar to this, but with some differences," added Sonata. Girls looked at Pedro, who remained the silence. "You think that we are crazy, yeah?" asked Adagio. Pedro shook his head and asked for the paper with the pen. Sonata gave them to him and he wrote something. He passed the paper to Dazzlings. They were surprised to see what Pedro wrote. "I am from another world too. It's similar to this world, but there is a high rate of crime in my home. All crime was caused by Mitch's family. Mitch the Butcher was selling the weapons and had a business. Selling the meat. Mostly it was a rat or pigeon. Sometimes, people, he didn't like. Also, he has children. Denny and Ophelia. Ophelia was a dictator of the Internet, while Denny was a typical playboy: spending the money on girls, riding on the cool cars, etc. Also, he had an army of bounty hunters. Soon one man was tired of them. He killed them all." The girls were shocked. They looked at Pedro who was looking at them. "Wow. Today's the revelation day," said Pedro (b). "But who was that man?" asked Sonata. Pedro began thinking to himself. Tell the truth or lie? > Chapter 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pedro sighed and wrote on something on the paper. When he ended, he gave it to girls. Dazzlings read it and were shocked to see that: "Mitch also had a third child. He wasn't accepting the crime, but he was doing it with his family. One day, he was fed up with it. He decided to put the end to all this. He killed all his family, leaving the warning to anyone who will do what his family was doing. To not feel guilty for slaughtering his own family, he erased his memory about them and killed them. This child also had an imaginary friend, who helped him. But..before he erased his memory, the child asked his friend to kill him. When he killed all his family, a friend tried to kill the child, but the child was stronger and killed him too. Since then he began feeling an emptiness and loneliness in his soul." The girls looked at Pedro. They were surprised to know this. "But that's not exactly the answer to my question," said Sonata. Pedro wrote something on paper and gave it to girls. "The child's name was Pedro. It was...me." Girls' eyes widened. Now they were terrified. They looked at Pedro, who was calm. "Y-you killed your family?" Pedro nodded. He got up from the chair and exited the flat, leaving Dazzlings alone. When he was outside, he sat on the bench and grabbed his head with his hands. The pictures of his victims began appearing in his mind and Pedro closed his eyes. Suddenly they all disappeared and Pedro saw his friend. "Hi. I saw what happened. Well, if you are in a good mood, we can go and kill this Filthy Rich right now. If you want," suggested Pedro (b). Pedro quickly nodded and Pedro (b) said: "Great. Now follow me." Filthy Rich's mansion Main 7 was walking near the mansion and talking with each other, except Fluttershy who still was in shock. Applejack saw it and said: "Are you okay, Fluttershy?" She just nodded, but girls were still worrying about her. Rainbow Dash put her hand on her shoulder and said: "Don't worry, Fluttershy. We will protect you if this pri-" "It's him." Fluttershy pointed to somewhere. Girls turned around and backed away when they saw Pedro in the mask. He was standing and looking at the mansion. He reloaded his UZIs and knocked on the gates. "What the-" Pedro shot the guard in the head and headed to the mansion. Suddenly he saw 2 snipers on the roof, who noticed him. Pedro quickly hid in the gatehouse, avoiding the bullets. Pedro pulled out his sniper rifle, jumped, aimed, and shot. One sniper down. Pedro dodged the bullet and killed another sniper. After that, he pulled ou his assault rifle and ran to the mansion. He kicked the door and saw two guards who were holding the pistols. They wanted to shoot but Pedro was faster. He killed them, then he saw the guard on the balcony and quickly hid under the coffee table. Bullets went through the wood but didn't hit Pedro. Suddenly he came up with an idea. Meanwhile, guards were approaching the table, then suddenly Pedro threw frying pan up and began shooting at it. Bullets ricocheted and began hitting the guards. Soon everyone was dead. Pedro got up on his legs and headed to the office. But he was met by 6 guards who surrounded him and began shooting. Pedro began dodging the bullets and killing enemies at the same time. Soon he approached the office and kicked the door. Then he saw his enemy...Filthy Rich. He was sitting on the chair and smoking the cigar. He got up and began clapping. "Well, well, well. It looks like someone decided to pay a visit to me. I knew that you will come that's why I put the guards everywhere. But as I can see, you killed all of them. Now prepare for your dead." With those words, Filthy Rich pulled out his knives. Pedro hid his rifle and pulled out his knife. Two fighters were waiting for their opponent to attack. Soon Pedro charged at Filthy Rich and swang his knife, but Filthy Rich dodged it and swang his knife across Pedro's face, but only hit the mask. Pedro put the hand on his face and looked at his opponent, who was standing in the fighting pose. Then he charged at vigilante, but Pedro dodged and tried to stab him in the back. Filthy Rich quickly turned around and blocked it. Pedro punched the mafia leader at the belly with his other hand. Filthy Rich backed away holding the belly. Then he recovered and swang his both knives at Pedro, but he jumped back and stood at defense pose. Mafia leader pounced his knife at Pedro, but Pedro dodged it and hit the arm, making the knife fly to another end of the room. Then Pedro swang his knife at his opponent, leaving the wound on the cheek. "Agh!" Filthy Rich backed away and held his wound. He looked at his bloodied hand and then at Pedro. Now he was pissed. He threw his knives and pulled out his pistols. Pedro's eyes widened and he hid behind the table, avoiding the bullets. "Wow. This man definitely doesn't know the fair fight," said Pedro (b). Pedro pulled out his pistols, jumped, and began shooting at his opponent. Filthy Rich hid behind the couch, but one bullet hit his leg. He roared in pain and began shooting at Pedro, but he dodged them. Pedro aimed and shot. Filthy Rich closed his eyes but then opened. He looked at his body but didn't see any wounds. "You missed." Suddenly something fell on his shoulder. He looked at it and saw that it was plater. He looked up and saw that the ceiling around the chandelier began cracking. Then the chandelier fell on the mafia leader. Pedro covered his face at the moment when chandelier hit the floor and then looked at his opponent. There were scratches on his face, his arm was broken and one edge of the chandelier stuck in his body. Pedro approached Filthy Rich and aimed at him. "Wait! I have one question. You killed many people and now you will kill me. How will you live with the thought that you are nothing just a murder." Pedro looked at him and shot him in the head. He lowered his pistol and looked at himself in the mirror. 'Murderer. Is that true? I killed many people, but they were criminals.' "Hey, don't feel bad. They deserved what they got," said Pedro (b). Pedro mentally said 'thank you' to his friend for moral support. Then Pedro headed to the table and opened the chest of drawers. He smiled when he found money and put some of them in his pocket. Suddenly he heard the sirens. "Ops. We need to go." Pedro nodded and quickly ran out of the room. Meanwhile, Main 7 was looking at the mansion with a worried look. "How do you think who won?" asked Pinkie. "I think vigilante," said Rainbow Dash. Suddenly they heard the sirens. Girls looked around and saw police cars with S.W.A.T. vans. "Who called them?" asked Sunset. "Me," said Fluttershy. Everyone looked at her. "What? It's the right choice to call them." Girls hid in the alley and watched how police headed to the mansion. Soon he was standing in front of the Dazzlings's flat. He knocked on the door and walked away. When the girls opened it, she saw only a box with a note. The note said: "I am sorry for not telling you the truth. I should leave you to not put you in danger. In the box, I put the gift for you." Girls looked at each other and opened the box. They dropped their jaws when they saw a lot of money in there. One week later Main 7 was sitting on the ground in the park and having a picnic. Suddenly they saw Dazzlings who were chatting with each other. "What are they doing here? I thought that they left the town," said Twilight. "Me too," said Applejack. Soon Dazzlings approached them. Main 7 heard: "Where do you think he is now?" asked Aria. "I don't know, maybe moved to another town," said Adagio. "I miss him," said Sonata. Main 7 looked at each other and Pinkie asked: "Hi, Dazzlings. About who are you talking about?" Dazzlings looked at Pinkie and Sonata said: "About Pedro." "You know Pedro!?" "Yes, he lived with us, but...left," said Adagio. "Ou, I didn't even throw him a welcome party." "I hope he is doing fine now," said Sonata. Meanwhile, they were watched by Pedro who was standing on the roof. He smiled and then his friend said: "Well, we did a good job, but now we have a mission." Pedro nodded and wore his mask. Then he headed to the warehouses. Filthy Rich's Diamond Tiara's mansion Diamond Tiara was sobbing and drinking the vine. When she was informed that her father was killed, she was very sad. She accidentally sat on the TV remote and TV revealed the photo of masked Pedro. "...as police said, nobody knew the true identity of vigilante," said TV presenter. "But some witnesses said that they saw-" Diamond Tiara turned off the TV and looked at the glass of vine. Now she began feeling the rage. She threw it at the wall and said: "I will find you, Banana man. I promise I will kill you." With those words, she began laughing. To be continued...