> Self Control > by TheWraithWriter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “They’re beautiful.”  Neon Lights kept his voice to something barely above a whisper, almost as though he was afraid that if he spoke too loudly the world would cease to be. He stood beside a hospital bed, a snowy-white foal cradled in his arms. A mare laid in the bed, also cradling a foal, although this foal’s coat was gray. Contralta, the mare in the bed, smiled back at him. “They are, aren’t they?” Anyone who glanced into the room at this moment they might assume that this was the beginning of a happy young family. They would be forgiven for that assumption. “So,” Contralta began, the warmth of motherhood beginning to ebb and give way to the cool of business. “Have you thought of a name?” “Well, I actually have…” Neon admitted with an air of timedness. “I was thinking ‘Vinyl’.” “Just ‘Vinyl’?” Contralta raised an eyebrow. Neon shrugged. “What would you name her?” “It can’t just be Vinyl…” Contralta frowned, continuing to gently and rhythmically rock the foal in her arms. “What about Scratch? Vinyl Scratch?” Neon laughed, softly of course. “I like that a lot, actually. But you do know what this means, don’t you?” Contralta allowed a smile to tug at her lips. “I suppose you wish to name this little one.” Neon nodded. “Don’t worry, I’ll pick something appropriate.” “You better,” Contralta tried to make it sound like a threat, but she somehow couldn’t manage to. Neon rocked on his heels for a few moments before smiling to himself. “How about...” “Octavia?” Bon-bon said, giving her friend’s shoulder a gentle shake. Octavia blinked and gasped softly. She had drifted off in thought. Again. Thankfully, Bon-bon was used to her doing so.  The two were sitting at an outdoor cafe, the umbrella planted on their table shielding them from the warm sun. Bon-bon was dressed for the occasion, wearing a pale yellow sundress that went well with her cream-colored fur, her pink and blue curls tucked underneath a straw hat that matched her dress. The dress was loose enough to conceal the shape of her body for the most part, hiding her moderate breasts and sizable rump from greedy eyes. Octavia herself was dressed a bit more business casual, a white button up shirt over her gray fur, the first two buttons undone to allow herself to breathe more easily. And take some pressure off her tits. She wasn’t sure how, but she swore her shirt had managed to shrink in the wash again. She didn’t let the generous amount of cleavage she was showing to bother her any, absent mindedly tugging at the hem of her black skirt, itself similarly loose and concealing like Bon-bon’s dress. She hadn’t put on a hat that day, her voluminous ebony mane providing quite a bit of shade on its own. “Sorry,” Octavia smiled sheepishly, finally extracting her spoon from her teacup, having been stirring for who knows how long. “What were you saying?” Bon-bon smiled softly and took a sip of her coffee before answering. “I was just asking about how many seats you want for your party?” “Ah, right,” Octavia took a sip of her thankfully still warm tea to stall for time. “Well, what about six?” “Just six?” Bon-bon raised an eyebrow. “Besides you, myself, Lyra, Derpy, Carrot Top, and Applejack, who would be coming?” “I dunno,” Bon-bon said in a tone that Octavia had become very familiar with. “Maybe a date?” Octavia sighed, although her smile persisted. “Sorry to disappoint you, but I’m afraid I’m still single.” “Really? Because it just so happens that—” “Nope,” Octavia said, quickly cutting Bon-bon off before she could launch into yet another of her match-making attempts.  “Aw, come on,” Bon-bon whined. “You haven’t even met her yet.” “Don’t need to,” Octavia took another sip of her tea. “I’m not looking for love right now, Bon-bon. But, I promise the moment I feel the need for another pony to hold me tight I’ll tell you first.” It was a lie. If there was one thing Octavia was craving more than the cafe’s buttery scones, it was another pony to hold tight. But, she wasn't in the mood to take another romantic gamble at the moment. “Ugh, fine. But I’ll have you know that she had big tits and a small vocabulary.” “A great loss I’m sure,” Octavia smirked, suddenly rethinking the offer. Surely it wouldn’t hurt to just try something cheap and easy. Or someone, as it were. Just the warm touch of another pony might be enough for her right now. One who didn’t know what a pervert she was. “Okay, but what about your family?” That pulled Octavia right back to the table. “What about them?” “Well…” Bon-bon seemed to realize she might have hit a sore spot and spoke carefully. “Are they, uh, not coming? I mean, it is your birthday…” Octavia chewed the inside of her cheek for a moment. “I haven’t told you before, have I?” Bon-bon hesitated. On one hand, this was probably something unpleasant for Octavia. But on the other, Bon-bon could never resist some juicy drama. After a moment she gave in and shook her head. “You haven’t mentioned them before. I never really thought about it, but with your birthday coming up and all...” Octavia took a deep breath and another sip of tea before speaking. “My parents weren’t married when my sister and I were born. They actually went their separate ways after, I with my mother and my sister with my father.” Bon-bon took a moment to digest that. “So, you never met your father?” “No, I have. A few times, actually. Although, it has been a few years since the last time.” “Oh,” Bon-bon sipped her coffee. “And this sister of yours?” Octavia didn’t respond for a few moments and Bon-bon worried that she really had crossed a line. Finally, the gray mare found her voice.  “It’s complicated. She… she’s not the easiest pony to have as a sister. Impulsive enough to spend her money quicker than she can make it, but also stubborn enough to refuse any sort of help. I haven’t seen her for a while now. I’m not even sure where she’s living.” Octavia drank the last of her tea. “And my mother is in Trottingham at the moment, so she won’t be able to attend. I’m sure she’ll give me a call in the evening, though.” Bon-bon nodded, getting the hint that Octavia was done talking about her family. “Alright, just six seats then. Now, about the cake…” “Talk about cake,” Vinyl muttered to herself as she eyed a passing zebra boy. He wasn’t really a boy. Even Black Velvet, a mare who gave as much of a fuck for legal drinking ages as she did for prostitution laws, wouldn’t allow an actual child into her place of business. One that wasn’t one of her employee’s kids anyway.  The zeeb wasn’t anyone’s kid, far as Vinyl knew. He had a lithel body paired with fairly girly hips and the aformentioned ass Vinyl was eye fucking at that very moment. She wasn’t much for pegging, but if a guy had a plump rear for her to slap and grab while he railed her, she was a happy mare. “Look all you want,” said a weathered voice from across the bar. “But you know how much touching costs.” Vinyl pulled her eyes away from the second most delicious cake she had ever seen to the owner of the voice. Black Velvet, the madam, proprietor, and oft bartender of the establishment   Vinyl was currently eyeing boy-meat in.  Velvet was a stout mare, her fur a dull purple and her mane an oily gray. Although, the layer of fat made up of booze and sweets mostly just concealed Velvet’s not-inconsiderable strength. Vinyl had witnessed the mare on more than one occasion physically lift up a mouthy drunk and toss them bodily from her place of business. She wore an apron so heavily stained it was almost the same dark color of the clothes it was covering. The origins of the stains ranged from understandable to unmentionable. Velvet was a hands on business-mare, literally. “Yeah, not today,” Vinyl smirked, idly tapping the bartop. “It doesn’t cost if he’s off duty, right?” Vinyl herself looked almost at home in the club/bar/brothel. Her fur, though a bit grimey at the moment, was still a dazzling white. Her mane followed suit, dyed two tones of blue and as wild and energetic as the mare it was attached to. Her clothes continued the trend, form fitting red spandex shorts so short she was in danger of flashing if she bent over too far. Her similarly colored top was a bit more modest, only showing off half her belly and being loose enough that her tits could, and indeed did, bounce around while she danced. A pair of high heels completed the look and most ponies would be forgiven for assuming she was a hooker at first glance. Her trademark glasses were pushed up onto her horn, since it wasn’t like she needed to keep the sun out of her eyes right now. “He’s never off duty. Poor boy gets so much business he can hardly sit down.” Vinyl chuckled and shook her head. “Just my luck. So, what’s the odds of a mare dying of thirst in your bar?” “Directly proportional to the amount of bits in her wallet,” Velvet replied, pulling a glass from the rack to polish. She shot Vinyl a vaguely annoyed look. “That means no drinkee if no pay me.” “Yeah, yeah, I picked up on that.” Vinyl fidgeted, knowing full well she didn’t have any money. Well, she had a twenty in her sock, but she was saving that for a special occasion like tomorrow’s hangover. “You’re paying me to perform tonight.” “Yeah, tonight.” Vinyl put on her best puppy dog smile. Which, given her outfit, was more slutty than cute. When that failed to get Velvet to drop to her knees and offer her finest bottle of booze, Vinyl spoke up. “What about an advance?” Velvet sighed, but there was a hint of a smile on her lips. “You know water is free, right?” “Yeah,” Vinyl tapped the bar a few times. “You got rum, right?” Octavia lived well outside town. When asked, she always replied that prefered the quietness it offered her. She didn’t clarify that quietness included an explicit lack of ponies. She had her fill of strangers turning up on her doorstep in back Canterlot. So, it was with a distinct feeling of unease that she approached her house that evening, just as the sun was beginning to dip below the horizon. A stallion stood by the low wall that seperated her home from the road, dressed in a drab uniform of some sort. A carriage sat on the road a stone’s throw from the stallion. He regarded her as she approached, wiping his brow with the back of his hand. “Are you Octavia?” he asked curtly as she came close. “I am,” she replied after a moment, mind racing as she tried to figure out why he would be there. She hadn’t ordered anything lately, she was up to date on any payments she had. Had Bon-bon- “Due to lack of payment, you have been evicted from Shady Sands Apartments,” the stallion recited in a tired tone. “Per prior arrangements, your possessions have been boxed and delivered to this address.” He picked up a clipboard from its resting place on the wall. “Sign here please.” Octavia blinked a few times. Shady Sa-  Vinyl. Vinyl Scratch. It only came back to Octavia then. Vinyl had needed help signing for an apartment. Well, needed someone to vouch for her, really. Vinyl had terrible credit. And a terrible track record. Octavia now remembered setting it up so Vinyl’s things would be delivered to her if Vinyl got evicted again, just so her sister wouldn’t lose all her things. Again. Of course, Octavia didn’t think Vinyl had gone so far as to put Octavia’s name on the apartment lease too. “Of course,” Octavia said, taking the clipboard and scribbling her name on the delivery sheet. “I hope you haven’t been waiting long.” The stallion shrugged as Octavia handed the clipboard back to him. “I get paid by the hour. Do you need help taking these things inside?” Octavia smiled nervously. “Well, I hate to impose, but…” “Toss in some lemonade and we’ll call it even.” “You got yourself a deal. “What?” Vinyl Scratch had to practically shout to be heard above the thumping music.  “I said you’re cut off!” the bartender, a mare by the name of Black Velvet shouted back. Just in time for the music to taper off. “There’s no need to shout,” Vinyl pouted, trying and failing to hide her amusement.  Velvet’s cheeks flushed red. “Would you turn the music down, Stone!” she called towards the other side of the dingy little club before she snatched up a glass and began aggressively wiping it down. “Fucking empty in here anyways,” she muttered. “Aw, come on, don’t be like that,” Vinyl said, trying to sound smooth. “Besides, I’m not even half loaded yet.” “I’m not cutting you off because you’re drunk,” Velvet said, momentarily glancing up from the glass. “I’m cutting you off because you’re out of money.” “Oh,” Vinyl’s shoulders slumped. She wasn’t sure how much she had slipped Velvet at the start of the night, but it seemed she had drank through all of it already. Velvet seemed to take notice of Vinyl’s change in demeanor. “You’re not, like, completely out of money, are you?” “Nah, I got a twenty in my sock.” Vinyl snickered, her eyes wandering over the wall behind the bar. “Hey, you give out free drinks on birthdays, right?” “Yeah…” Velvet raised an eyebrow. “Well, it’s twelve oh one, so…” Vinyl grinned and fumbled her wallet out of her pocket. “It is not your birthday—” Velvet started to say, interrupted by the sound of Vinyl’s ‘It’s totally okay to serve me alcohol’ card hitting the bar. “Check it!” Vinyl said with no small degree of smugness. Velvet sighed and picked up the card, peering carefully at it for a moment before dropping it and picking up Vinyl’s glass. “Okay, okay, what’ll you have?” “Double whiskey,” Vinyl said as she slipped both card and wallet back into her pocket. “On the rocks.” “How old are you anyway?” Velvet asked as she poured the drink.  “Twenty seven,” Vinyl answered, eyes glued to the amber liquid filling the glass. “Well, happy birthday,” Velvet slid the drink over the bar. “And try not to die.” Vinyl didn’t say anything, merely grabbing the whiskey and slugging it back. The familiar burn of the alcohol was something close to comforting. It would at least keep her warm for the night. Sighing happily, Vinyl set her glass back on the bar. “There, now I’m half-loaded.” Vinyl leaned her head on her hand and stared at Velvet with a goofy smile on her face. “Did I ever tell you I love you, Velvet?” “Get fucked, Vinyl,” Velvet snorted. “What do you think I’m trying to do?” Velvet just shook her head, although something approximating a smile tugged at the corner of her mouth. She pushed away from the bar and moved towards the phone on the wall. “I’ll get a cab to take you home.” “Don’t worry about that. I got evicted this morning.” Vinyl said casually. Velvet stopped in her tracks. “What? Why?” Vinyl shrugged. “Eh, some shit about me not paying rent or something.” Velvet sighed and covered her eyes for a moment. She was going to regret this.  “Vinyl, you can sleep here tonight.” Vinyl raised her head a bit. “Ooo, so you’ve finally succumb to my charms?” “I meant in the bar,” Velvet rolled her eyes. “The booths in the back are pretty comfortable.” Vinyl smiled and slipped off her barstool, nearly falling flat on her face once her feet touched the floor. She managed to maintain both her balance and her cheeky demeanor. “Thanks, Velvet. You’re a regular paragon of charity.” “Yeah, yeah.” Velvet said as she took Vinyl’s arm and slowly began guiding her towards the booths. “You steal one drop of booze and I’ll have you working the glory hole in the bathroom for a week.” “You say that like it’s a threat,” Vinyl snickered. She let out a happy sigh as she was seated at the booth, immediately collapsing onto her side. “Mmm, you cleaned these this month.” “It is the VIP booth,” Velvet crossed her arms and regarded her occasional employee and frequent customer. “What are you gonna do in the morning, Vinyl?” “I got a gig the next town over,” Vinyl said with a dismissive wave of her hand.  It was a bold faced lie, not that Velvet would likely even remember it in the morning. Shit, there was a good chance Vinyl would either. Vinyl wasn’t too sure why she lied. Pride, perhaps? It was a funny thing to have pride after begging for a free drink and only having a place to sleep because a bartender took pity on you. Maybe Vinyl didn’t want to admit she wasn’t in as high demand as she thought she was. Vinyl rolled around and got somewhat comfortable. The booth was large enough for her to rest most of her body on the cushions, with only her calves dangling off the edge. “Don’t you worry about me, sexy.” Vinyl slurred as she closed her eyes and licked her lips for any errant drops of whiskey. “Class fucking act, Vinyl Scratch,” Velvet shook her head, leaving Vinyl to sleep it off. Octavia tossed and turned in her bed. She rolled over with a huff and looked bleary eyed at her clock. Twelve fifteen. “Happy birthday, Octavia,” she muttered under her breath as she rolled onto her back and stared up at the ceiling.  She had been trying, and failing, to sleep for the last two or so hours. She had thought, naively it seemed, that lugging all of Vinyl’s things into her house would have tired her out enough to facilitate a quick and easy journey to dreamland. Perhaps that was keeping her up, the fact she now knew Vinyl had been evicted. Of course, being Vinyl, she might already have a new living situation figured out, blissfully unaware the bulk of her possessions were at her sister’s house. Octavia had, at times, some difficulty believing she and Vinyl were even related, much less twins. It wasn’t just the difference in pony tribes, but everything about them. Vinyl was shorter, her frame thinner, she was about as laid back and easy going a pony Octavia had ever met and she was friends with Lyra Heartstrings.  Vinyl also didn’t have the other thing that was keeping Octavia awake. Octavia had wondered for years if the sister she had met on occasion had the same anatomy as the cellist did. It wasn’t until a rather eye-opening game of ‘If You Show Me Yours I’ll Show You Mine’ with Vinyl during highschool that Octavia found Vinyl didn’t share her virility. Octavia was almost jealous at the time. Vinyl was as free a spirit as Octavia had encountered, weighed down by neither reponsibility nor, as Vinyl had called it, a big ass cock. Said organ was hard, as it always seemed to be when Octavia was trying to do other things. Like practice, or compose, or sleep. Octavia huffed and shoved her blankets off herself, exposing her naked body to the cool night air. She rolled over, sandwiching her dick between her belly and the mattress as she reached under her bed for something to help solve her problem. There was a time when her hands alone were enough to satisfy her, but alas… She found it after a few moments of blind groping, a shoebox containing her rather pitiful sex toy collection. She popped the lid off and pulled a bright pink mastubator from inside. It was soft and silky to the touch and had the consistency of something a few steps above jelly, but it felt good around her cock. As Octavia squeezed a generous helping of lube over her cock, she bemoaned not at the very least trying to convince that delivery stallion to stick around a little longer. She wouldn’t have even cared if had wanted to just fuck her and kept her dick as far away from himself as possible. She had a craving for intimate contact with another pony, any creature really, but after what happened with Brown Sugar… Octavia snorted and put thoughts of her ex out of her mind, lining up the faux pussy with her cock. It took a bit of work to get the damn thing on her dick, but soon her bedroom was filled with lewd shlcks and squishes as she fucked the toy. It was pleasant, but Octavia’s frown remained on her face as she quickly realized she was getting nowhere fast. She got up on her knees, propping herself up with one hand while the other held the toy, her ass bouncing in the air as she really got into it. Vinyl was in her mind, try as Octavia did to not think about her sister. Her stupid, sexy sister. It didn’t help that a box of Vinyl’s things was on the corner of her room. The rest were stacked in the spare room, but there had, of course, been one too many.  Octavia gritted her teeth, memories of that day they showered together bubbling up in her brain. All the times they practiced kissing, the furtive, nervous touches. For a moment, Octavia wondered how it would feel to fuck Vinyl. To have her ‘little’ sister around her cock instead of- The toy broke. Octavia felt it tear a moment before the jelly-thing just split open, spilling lube and precum over her hand and her sheets. An uncharacteristic snarl came from Octavia’s throat and she angrily tossed the broken toy on the floor, gnashing her teeth and she found herself denied relief.  Her gaze fell on the box of Vinyl’s things. Octavia hadn’t gone through them, having some respect for Vinyl’s privacy. However, she was desperate, and there was a chance that Vinyl had a few toys of her own. The box was, luckily, within arm’s reach of the bed. Octavia pulled it close with her clean hand and began digging around inside, hoping against hope she would come across the big romantic rubber fist she occasionally heard Vinyl joke about in the past. Octavia had always been rather focused on her dick when it came to sex, but perhaps the answer to her problem was giving her pussy some attention. A minute or so of rummaging produced no rubber fist, nor anything Octavia felt comfortable sticking inside of herself. The box appeared to be mostly clothes. Octavia pulled her hand back with a defeated sigh, unintentionally bringing something out with it. Octavia stared at her prize in the low light of the moon. Panties. White and silky with a little lace trim. Octavia was quite frankly amazed Vinyl owned any underwear that wasn’t a thong.  A thought flashed through Octavia’s mind. A dirty, horrible thought. She looked around, almost expecting someone to be there to admonish her for her dirty thoughts, but no such decency police materialized. She brought the panites up to her face and sniffed. The smell of sweat mixed with the tangy scent of what must have been Vinyl’s cunt hit Octavia like a lust potion. Her cock throbbed beneath her, excited by the smell of a fertile mare. Octavia gasped, breathing in more of Vinyl’s scent. For a moment, Octavia imagined Vinyl was underneath her, her body bare, eyes sparkling as she offered her body up for Octavia’s pleasure. She ran the panties over her shaft, hips bucking at the sensation of the silky material. She pulled them over the head of her cock, fantasizing it was Vinyl’s tight pussy. Octavia pushed her face into the pillow, her ass still in the air and her hands busy with her cock. One worked the base of her shaft with an almost frenzied pace while the other kept Vinyl’s panties taunt over the head.  Octavia huffed and panted, drooling as the fantasy played out in her head. Vinyl’s beautiful face twisted in pleasure as she was stretched over Octavia’s cock. It was what all those little kisses and furtive touches had been building up to over the years, this moment where Octavia fucked Vinyl like the little slut she was. She was getting close, both without a condom or any desire to try to pull out. Octavia wanted to breed Vinyl, see her swollen with the fruit of their loins. Octavia didn’t realize her orgasm was coming until after she passed the point of no return. She could only moan into her pillow as she came, shooting a thick load of spunk directly into Vinyl’s panties. Her hips and hands kept working, milking her orgasm as she made a creamy mess of Vinyl’s unmentionables and the bedsheets below.  She collapsed with a tired huff and a wet splat. A breathy chuckle escaped her throat as all the tension seemed to drain from her body. Suddenly, sleep was quite near. Octavia had just enough clarity to roll over to the dry half of her bed before sleep claimed her, Vinyl’s now sullied panties still wrapped around her dick and dripping with cum. With the morning came regret. Vinyl groaned, her body giving voice to a dozen complaints. Her head throbbed and her back felt like it had spent the night on vinyl cushions older than the mare herself. “Morning, sleepyhead,” Velvet said, standing over Vinyl with a smirk. “I let a couple of customers run a train on your ass while you were out. Hope that was okay.” “As long as I get my cut of the tips,” Vinyl mumbled with a dry tongue. She was thankful as ever Velvet blacked out her establishment’s windows. She didn’t fancy an eyeful of sun at the moment. She grabbed the edge of the table and hauled herself into a sitting position, working the kinks out of her back. “Can I get a drink?” Velvet crossed her arms. “Only if you can pay. There’re a couple of guys in her, though. Maybe they’ll buy you something if you suck their dicks. Get yourself some breakfast in that deal, too.” Vinyl considered it, as she stared bleary-eyed at the scratched tabletop. After a moment she gave a great big honk, clearing her nose. She wiped it with a nearby napkin and reached into her sock for her money. “Whiskey, on the rocks,” she said, handing the slightly damp bill to Velvet. “And a sandwich, please.” The older mare sighed and took the money. “Your pride is going to get the better of you Scratch. You’re better off in here with me than out there. I make my customers wash up before they get to touch any of the merchandise.” “I’ll keep that in mind,” Vinyl snorted, grabbing another napkin and blowing her nose harder.  Velvet merely shook her head and sauntered away, leaving Vinyl to contemplate her existence. She was flat broke, out of work, and effectively homeless. It was funny. This had all seemed so comfortably distant last night, when she was half-loaded and riding high from a successful set. Vinyl scratched at the table, nose crinkling at the unpleasant taste in her mouth. There was really only one way she could conceivably avoid sucking dick for nourishment. She could ask her parents for help. But, the thought of crawling back to them and basically admitting she and her music were useless made her guts threaten to tie themselves in knots and then for her to vomit them out. Some of that might have been her hangover, though. Velvet’s offer was tempting, truth be told. The mare, as far as Vinyl could tell, looked after her employees. Even if she did expect them to work their asses, hands, and mouths for their pay. And Vinyl could still play her sets, make music money on top of sex money. Plus, hey, it would save her time finding sex. Why waste time trying to pick up ponies who turn out to be lousy lays anyway when she could have them pay her for the pleasure. Vinyl chewed on the idea, finding it much easier to stomach then going back to her parents. Well, that solved her monetary problems, assuming she could keep the money in her wallet and not Velvet’s cash drawer. All that left was her living situation. Vinyl pulled a folded letter from her pocket, final notice stamped across it. The amount needed to get back into her apartment wasn’t that big, honestly. Maybe a week or so of sucking cocks and fingering butts around her, not counting what Velvet usually paid for music sets. Still, she seriously doubted she could march up to the landlord and pinkie-swear she was going to have the money in a week. Again. Vinyl rubbed her eyes as she cycled through her options again. Asking her parents for one red cent was a big fucking no, and she would have an easier time getting money from a bank by pulling a knife on the teller. That left one card to play, but it still made Vinyl feel nauseous. Vinyl’s sister, for whatever reason, always seemed to be far more forgiving and understanding than their parents ever had been. Vinyl knew that if she asked Octavia for money she would more likely than not get it, and that made her guts threaten to tie themselves in gordian knots again. Even if it was a loan she was going to pay off for sure this time, it still made her sick. Velvet suddenly reappeared, whiskey in hand hand and a sandwich in the other. Vinyl was almost surprised to see the sandwich on a plate, mostly because she assumed Velvet didn’t have any plates. “Do you want your change or more booze?” Velvet asked as she put the glass and the plate on the table.  “I’ll let you know,” Vinyl replied, taking a generous gulp of whiskey. The burn went a long way to help wake her up. Velvet glanced at the letter Vinyl had left on the table and crossed her arms. “You have a plan, Vinyl?” “I think so,” she tapped her heels against the floor, trying to remember where Octavia’s house was. It was a short walk from town, if she remembered correctly. “I don’t suppose I could borrow a pair of shoes.” Velvet’s eyebrow shot up. “One: no. Two: why the fuck do you want shoes?” “Because these weren’t made for walking.” Vinyl tapped her heels against the floor again, biting into her sandwich.  A long sigh came from Velvet’s mouth. “I won’t ask. Give me those and I’ll see what I can find.” “Like I said, paragon of charity,” Vinyl said around her sandwich. She slipped off her heels and handed the  footwear over.  “Yeah, yeah,” Velvet grumbled, stalking away. Vinyl smiled and kept eating. Maybe it was the whiskey talking, but she was feeling better about herself already. The first rain drops spattered against Octavia’s umbrella as she stepped off the road and onto the small path to her home. She took her time, breathing in the smell of rain hitting the ground, the thirsty earth drinking it down. She regarded her house, it stood alone in a grassy field, the forest a mere stone’s throw away. Two stories high, plus an attic, made of stone and lacquered wood.  Writing music did pay well. She reached her door as the rain slowly picked up, turning from a sprinkling to a drizzle. She recalled reading in the paper that this storm was to be a proper deluge, ponies advised to stay indoors in case of flooding. Octavia didn’t mind, even if it meant she would be effectively trapped in her home for the night. She paused on her doorstep, having the strangest urge to stip herself naked and run through the rain. No one would see her. It would be just for her. Octavia shook off the feeling and headed inside, leaving her umbrella and coat hanging by the door. She pulled her present from her coat pocket, a fairly large box wrapped in appropriately musically themed paper. A single gift, as she often insisted. Less to carry all the way home.  She brought the package with her into the living room, leaving it on the coffee table. She headed upstairs and suddenly found herself having to confront the mess she had pointedly ignored that morning when she had scrambled to not miss her own birthday party. Her sheets were dirty with her cum, bunched up pushed to the side, nearly falling off the bed entirely. She sighed and grabbed the sheets, pulling them off the bed and gathering them up in her arms. She failed to notice the similarly dirtied panties that fell onto the floor. Octavia carried the sheets to the laundry room down the hall, tossing them in the hamper to be dealt with later. After a moment’s thought, she quickly stripped, tossing her formal garments on top of her sheets. Naked, Octavia dashed back to her bedroom. She giggled to herself as she went to her wardrobe and pulled a floral-patterned silk robe from inside. She took a moment to admire the texture of the material before slipping it on and heading back downstairs. She made a brief stop at the kitchen, grabbing herself a bottle of wine and a glass, before going back to the living room and plopping herself down in her favorite overstuffed chair. She poured herself a very generous glass and set it aside before pulling her present closer. She was peeling the wrapping paper apart when the phone rang. Octavia jumped, a bit silly when she had been expecting a call. She pushed her present away and smoothed out her robe before picking up the phone. “Hello?” “Hello, Octavia. Happy birthday.” Octavia smiled. “Thank you, Mother.” “No need to thank me for wishing you well,” Contralta chuckled. “I hope you had a nice party.” “I did,” Octavia spoke into the phone receiver as she stretched back on her chair. “I’m happy to hear that, dear,” Contralta replied. “I’m sorry I wasn’t able to attend.” Octavia waved her hand, slouching lower in her chair.  “It’s perfectly alright, Mother,” Octavia said, letting her arm fall back on the chair. “I understand the Trottingham Orchestra has an inflexible schedule.” “All the same, I do apologise. I trust your friends got you an appropriate gift.” Octavia glanced at the coffee table. She hadn’t completely unwrapped it yet, but the words Complete Masturbation Kit were plainly visible amongst the torn wrapping. “Of course, Mother.” “It’s good that you have them. I worry about you being all alone in that house.” “I know you do,” Octavia reached for her wine, poised to take a sip after her next sentence. “So, how is the next concert coming along?” “Glacially, as usual,” Contralta sighed. “But, I did show the conductor your newest piece.” Octavia slurped a bit louder than she meant to. “You… you did?” “Yes. He said he liked it and would give it serious consideration for a future performance.” “That’s wonderful to hear,” Octavia felt a giddiness well up in her chest. “Please let me know if they do work it into the schedule. I’d love to come out there and attend the performance.” “I’ll make sure a few tickets are set aside. Right balcony box?” Octavia chuckled. “A few tickets?”  “You know, in case you want to bring a date.” For a mare who could sing the full spectrum of musical notes, Contralta wasn’t very good at hiding the emotion in her voice. Octavia just smiled. “I wouldn’t be too hopeful. But, I suppose it never hurts to have a few extra tickets.” “I’ll mark you down for two.” There was a pause. “Have you heard from Vinyl today?” Octavia sighed “I haven’t, Mother.” “I wanted to wish her a happy birthday as well, but the only number she gave isn’t working. I had hoped she might have given you her new one.” Octavia shook her head. “She hasn’t. I’m not quite sure where she is right now.”  Contralta sighed. “I just worry about her. Your father says she’s been sending letters, so we know she’s well enough to do that, at least.” Octavia nodded. “You know how Vinyl is. I’m sure she’ll pop up sooner or later. I’ll make sure she calls you the next time I see her.” “Thank you, Octavia.” Contralta hummed softly. “Octavia, dear, I’m afraid I have to get going.” “I understand. It was nice talking with you.” “And it was nice talking with you. Happy birthday, Octavia. Farewell.” “Farewell, Mother,” Octavia replied, waiting to hear the phone click before she also hung up. She looked out her window, the rain becoming a true downpour now. She sighed and looked over at the box on the table. It was a joke gift, at least she assumed it was. Bon-bon always seemed more keen to set her up than give her an excuse to stay home playing with herself.  The words ‘Lube Included’ were scrawled along the bottom of the box. Octavia resisted the urge to open the box and instead reached over to the small table beside the chair. She had left a book there that morning, Treasure of the Sunken City. A pulpy, bawdy sort of book, but one she was finding a delight to read. Octavia put her family out of her mind and instead focused on how Daring Do and her companion Hot Temper were going to escape the latest trap they had fallen into. “Stupid, stupid, stupid.” Vinyl hugged herself tightly, shivering as the rain continued to pelt her body. She regretted not keeping a spare set of clothes on her, so she looked for all the world like a slut doing the walk of shame back to her home. At least the shoes Velvet had oh so kind enough to lend her were comfortable, if now waterlogged. Octavia’s house, as it turned out, wasn’t nearly as close as Vinyl had though it was. It was only from asking a mint-green mare that Vinyl even confirmed Octavia actually lived within walking distance. Although that ditz’s definition of walking distance was quite different from Vinyl’s. She has been trudging along the hard packed dirt roads all day. It had been a relief when the clouds rolled in and the wind picked up, cooling her off. Of course, the rain had begun not long after, growing in intensity until a veritable deluge was coming down on her head. If she had been smart, she would have checked the weather forecast and then maybe have spent some of that money on a coat or an umbrella. But no, she didn’t check the weather and she didn’t buy a stupid fucking umbrella. She was probably going to catch a cold or something from being out in this.  Vinyl crested a small hill, sighing as she saw yet more rain soaked road stretching out before her. There was a rather large house beside the road, something that just screamed summer home. Vinyl stared at it for a moment, her mind struggling to connect the dots on the structure. She finally realized, after an embaressing stretch of dumb staring, that it was her destination. It was the little weathervane on top of the house that cinched it. It wouldn’t have been noticeable if it wasn’t bright purple. Shaped like a treble clef.  Octavia’s house. Vinyl had been here before, once, nearly a year ago now. Her sister had been excited about the place, since it had been left nearly finished by the previous owner and was fairly cheap. Vinyl hadn’t stuck around long, mostly because Octavia had been nagging her about saving money or something. Vinyl had been in a bit of a drug-fueled haze at the time. Pride ate away at Vinyl again. Even though she had spent the better part of her waking hours that day getting here, even though if she turned back now she would be lucky if Velvet let her work the glory-holes for her dinner and a dry place to sleep, Vinyl hesitated. She knew what day it was, the only day she could reliably remember. The only thing worse than turning up drenched and half naked on Octavia’s doorstep was doing it on their shared birthday was well. A particularly cold gust of wind and what felt like an extra helping of rain had a way of quashing Vinyl’s pride. She sighed and shifted herself towards the house, hugging her arms around herself in a very ineffective attempt to warm herself up. She trudged up the walkway, her guts twisting into knots as she tried to think of something to say. She could lie, say she had been mugged, someone stole her luggage, she had woken the woods and couldn’t remember how she got there. She reached the door, the slight overhang of the roof providing nothing in terms of shelter from the rain, the wind carrying it at the perfect angle to continually pelt Vinyl. She grumbled and rang the doorbell, only then wondering if Octavia was even home. Octavia had friends in town, creatures she liked, the kind she might be spending her birthday with. If she had been caught in town when the storm hit, she might be staying with one of them instead of marching through the downpour like some ponies seemed to think was a good idea. If Octavia wasn’t home… Vinyl eyed one of the windows. She could break it. It wouldn’t do her image any good, but it was better to pay repair bills than die in a storm. Assuming she could actually scrape any money together after this. Just as Vinyl was considering methods of getting into the house without breaking anything, the door suddenly opened. She was left stunned as Octavia stood in the doorway, a book in one hand while the other kept the folds of her robe closed. “Vinyl?” Octavia said, sounding as stunned as the DJ felt. Vinyl’s mind broadcasted white noise for a few heartbeats before she put on a weak smile and shrugged. “Happy birthday.” Octavia just stood there for a few more moments until a gust of wind blew water in her face. “C-come in,” she stuttered, reaching out and pulling Vinyl inside, quickly closing the door behind her. “You’re soaked, Vinyl.” “Yeah, I noticed,” Vinyl replied with a chuckle. Octavia chewed her lip for a moment. “Come on, there’s a box of your clothes in my room. You can put those on.” Octavia said, leading Vinyl from the forey and through the living room. “Just up here.” “Why do you have a box of my clothes?” Vinyl asked, trying to drip as little as possible on Octavia’s nice carpets.  “I made sure your things would get sent to me if you were evicted from your apartment,” Octavia said, rather matter of factly, trying to not think about how much Vinyl’s wet clothes clung to her body. “O-oh,” guilt washed over Vinyl like an icy wave. “Sorry.” “Don’t worry about it.” They reached the door to Octavia’s room and the cellist pushed it open. “Toss the wet ones out to me and I’ll put them in the laundry. I think there’s a towel in there too.” “Thanks,” Vinyl nodded, heading in and pulling her soaked clothes off.  Octavia caught herself staring but managed to pry her eyes away before Vinyl actually exposed herself. Well, more than she already was. What the heck was she doing walking through the rain anyway? “Here you go,” Vinyl said, offering her wet clothes and seemingly unperturbed by her nakedness.  Octavia had to grope blindly for the clothes, turning her head as far away as it could without snapping her own neck. She spun on her heel as soon as she had the clothes, scurrying away to the laundry room before she could accidently sneak a peek. Vinyl merely raised an eyebrow at her sister’s antics before shaking her head and turning to the room. She noticed the bed had been stripped, only noticeable because Octavia had always seemed rather diligent with making her bed in the mornings. Vinyl shrugged it off and headed to the box that was beside the bed. Had Octavia been going through it? She had never been one to steal Vinyl’s clothes in the past, but… Vinyl pulled a shirt from the box, using it to dry herself out. Octavia had offered a towel, but Vinyl was already feeling gross about being here without touching something that wasn’t hers. Especially when there were easy alternatives.  Laying the now damp shirt on the side of the box, Vinyl rummaged around in it to find something suitable to wear. Luckily, it seemed whatever moving company that had boxed up her stuff gave as much of a shit for organization as Vinyl did, and she was easily able to construct a fresh outfit from what was in the box. They even seemed to be clean, kinda. Forgoing a bra, Vinyl slipped on a plain white shirt with a single musical note printed on the front. She would have ignored panties too if she wasn’t in Octavia’s house, so she slipped on the first pair she found, small and black with ‘juicy’ written across the back in big pink letters. Some slacks and socks completed her ‘bumming-around-the-house’ ensemble. Vinyl turned to go when she spotted something on the floor. She nearly missed it against the cream colored carpet, but it stood out just enough to catch her eye. She bent down and peered at the thing. Panties, white with a little bit of lace around the edges. They were hers, noted by her name scrawled in pen along the waistband. Vinyl picked them up, intending to just toss them back in with the rest of her clothes, but they felt off in her hands. She examined them closer, noticing the stains. “No fucking way,” Vinyl breathed, bringing the soiled garment to her face and giving it a sniff.  Yep, that was Octavia’s cum. Vinyl felt heat blossom in her chest and her loins. She breathed deep, long buried feelings rushing to the front of her mind. Did Octavia still think of Vinyl that way? It had been years since they had done any ‘practice kissing’ or ‘practice masturbating’ and Vinyl had assumed Octavia had outgrown any attraction for her. The cum splattered panties begged to differ. Thoughts, nasty, dirty thoughts, filled Vinyl’s mind. Maybe she had a birthday present to give Octavia after all. Octavia collapsed back into her arm chair, her book forgotten on the table as she stared up at the ceiling. Of all the things she might have expected to turn up on her doorstep, a wet and dripping Vinyl hadn’t been one of them. It didn’t help that Vinyl looked so much like an escort Octavia had a brief moment of panic where her mind had spun a ridiculous scenario where Bon-bon had unknowingly hired Octavia’s own sister as some sort of birthday sex present. Was the universe conspiring against her? First Brown Sugar, then her dick being uncooperative, then Vinyl’s things, last night with the panties, and now here was Vinyl herself. In the flesh and so very fuckable Octavia had to keep her robe held close to keep her dick from popping out and demanding a kiss.  Octavia shivered, squeezing her legs together and trying to think the unsexiest thoughts she could. Of course she had been reading smut when Vinyl had turned up. Of course she had been in the middle of a sex scene. Of fucking course Vinyl was dressed like a hooker. Octavia covered her eyes, but Vinyl was still there in her head. She couldn’t kick Vinyl out, not now. The storm was only supposed to get worse from here. Octavia didn’t want to kick Vinyl out, of course, but- Octavia growled softly. She was a grown mare. She could control herself. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. She thought about her latest composition, recited the notes in her head, her hands miming playing them on an invisible cello. Bit by bit, Octavia’s heart rate quieted down and her dick deflated. She sighed and opened her eyes, rolling her shoulders and relaxing as best she could. She glanced at the stairs, Vinyl not appearing at them. What was taking her so long? Another breath, inhale, exhale. Octavia picked up her wine glass and topped herself off, taking a bigger than usual sip as she waited. Eventually, Vinyl appeared, looking not unlike a college stoner stumbling out of their room at five in the afternoon.  “Still wet?” Octavia quipped, instantly regretting the words after they left her mouth. Vinyl hid her smirk as she descended the stairs. “Only where it counts.” Octavia drew in a breath and let it out slowly. Unsexy thoughts, unsexy thoughts. At least Vinyl was dressed far more modestly now. That certainly helped. Octavia waited for Vinyl to find a nice spot on the couch to flop down before she spoke. “So then,” Octavia said, feeling she might as well address the elephant in the room then and there. Well, the other elephant in the room. “What happened?” Vinyl shrugged. “Uh, what do you mean, what happened?” “Vinyl, please don’t think I’m not happy to see you, but I seriously doubt you would just march through a storm just to wish me a happy birthday.” Octavia frowned. “Are you in trouble?” “Define trouble.” “Financial.” “Oh, uh… kinda,” Vinyl sighed and hung her head. “I messed up, Tavi.” “Quite,” Octavia hesitated, but now was not the time for dancing around subjects. Certain subjects anyway “Are you using again?” Vinyl’s head snapped up and for a moment her guilt was replaced by anger. “No. Don’t even ask me that.” Octavia raised a hand defensively. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, it’s just…” “Yeah, I know,” Vinyl grumbled before slouching back on the couch again. “Work just kinda dried up. I think if I could get into Canterlot or Manehattan and talk to a few ponies, make a few connections, I could start doing regular shows again, get back on my feet.” “And you just need some money to get by in the meantime?” Vinyl snorted. “Listen, Tavi, Octavia… I swear this is the last time. I’ll scrub floors and eat ass if I have to, but I’ll pay back every bit and never ask for another again.” There was a strong conviction in Vinyl’s voice, but her choice of words made Octavia ill. She shook it off. “I believe you, Vinyl,” Octavia said, trying to ease the tension with a smile. “Although, is, ah, eating ass really going to help?” Vinyl snickered. “Well, clients pay more for the really dirty stuff.” “You’re not seriously considering becoming some sort of prostitute, are you?” “Why not?” Vinyl said, back to her usual casual tone. “I mean, I get to have sex and get paid for it? Dream come true.” Octavia’s nostrils flared with an amused puff of air. “Quite.” She quaffed more wine. It felt like Vinyl was doing this on purpose “You okay, Tavi?” “Never better,” Vinyl’s fingers drummed on her knees, matching the quick tempo of the storm outside. She didn’t want to go. Not when she was sitting on something as juicy as those panties. Vinyl chewed her lip. She didn’t want to go, but…  “Listen, Tavi, I can get a place to stay tonight, if you want. Just let me borrow a coat or something and I’ll get out of your hair.” Octavia considered it for a moment. Of course, there were plenty of reasons why she shouldn’t kick her sister’s cute little ass out, but if she did it could save her considerable embarrassment. But, damnit, she wasn’t some hormone addled teenager anymore. She could control herself. “Nonsense, Vinyl,” Octavia shook her head. “Even if I wanted you to leave, which I don’t, that storm is quite severe. I’m honestly amazed you managed to even make it here in the first place. Aside from catching a nasty cold, there’s supposed to be flooding as well tonight.” “So, we’re kinda trapped here.” Octavia snorted. “I would hardly say we were trapped, Vinyl. We…” Octavia chuckled dryly. “Well, we can’t leave, but there’s no reason to leave in the first place. It’s warm and dry in here and there’s plenty of food and entertainment.” Vinyl mulled that over for a moment. “Can I play my track list?” “Absolutely not.” “So, how’s your birthday going?” Vinyl asked with her trademark lopsided grin, trying to change the subject. “Oh, it’s been going rather fine, I suppose,” Octavia shrugged, putting down her mostly empty glass. “Had a small party with a few friends in Ponyville, managed to miss the rain walking back here. Mother called, by the way.” Vinyl’s grin wavered. “And how is she doing?” There it was. Something to distract Vinyl, and herself. Nothing was quite a boner killer like dear old Mum. “She’s doing quite well. She, uh, asked about you.” “Oh yeah?” Octavia nodded. “Actually, I said I would make sure she called you the next time we met.” Octavia indicated the phone beside her chair and Vinyl began fidgeting like she was covered in ants.  “Oh, uh, she’s probably busy right now.” “You could leave a message, Vinyl.” Vinyl pouted and stood up from her very comfortable seat. “Okay, okay,” Octavia got up as well, quickly trading places with Vinyl so the unicorn could more comfortably use the phone. Octavia scooted down to the far end of the couch and pretended to read while she listened. “Is mom’s number still the same?” Vinyl asked, receiver on one hand while the other was poised over the rotary. “Yes,” Octavia glanced at her sister with something akin to surprise. “You remember Mother’s phone number?” “Uh, yeah,” Vinyl replied, slightly annoyed. “I don’t forget things, Tavi. I just ignore them.” Octavia let the matter drop and looked at her book again. She quickly turned the page when she spotted the words ‘throat’ and ‘cock’ uncomfortably close to each other. “Don’t pick up, don’t pick up, don’t pick up,” Vinyl chanted under her breath as the line rang and rang.  She, obviously, didn’t have the same relationship with her mother as Octavia did. Theirs was a distant one, and if Vinyl was feeling introspective she might have chalked that up to Contralta never really approving of Vinyl’s career path. The older mare had never come out and said it, but Vinyl had picked up that she looked down on Vinyl’s brand of music. The unicorn sometimes wondered that, if her parents had stayed together initially, would she have even been allowed to listen to synth, much less create it? She also wondered if she and Octavia would still have been able to— The line clicked. “Hello.” Vinyl’s heart skipped a beat. “Mom-” “You’ve reached the home Contralta. I’m not here right now, but if you leave a message, I will get back to you as soon as I can.” Vinyl blew out a breath, suddenly not sure if she was relieved or pissed off. “Hi Mom, it’s me. Vinyl.” Vinyl coughed. “Ahem, I just thought I’d give you a call. I know we don’t talk a lot. So, uh, I’m doing good. I hope you’re doing good too. Ahhhh…” Vinyl floundered. “Give my love to dad, if he’s there. Uh, maybe I’ll come visit sometime. Also, don’t try to call me back, this is a payphone. Uh, love you, bye.” Vinyl hung up and rubbed her eyes. “Did that sound as painful as it felt?” “Hmm, I wasn’t listening,” Octavia lied. She was and it did. “Right,” Vinyl shook her head and leaned back in the chair.  “Why did you tell her you were calling from a payphone?” “I don’t think Mom would like it if she knew I was here with you right now.” Octavia sighed and set her book aside. “Vinyl, I know you and Mother don’t have the best of relationships, but I don’t think she would be upset to know we were spending time together.” “I think you have a better opinion of me than she does.”  Octavia dropped the matter and drained the rest of her wine glass. She had a hankering for more, but the bottle was all the way over by Vinyl and her sister was a designated hot zone. Vinyl only barely noticed her sister’s drinking and turned to the coffee table, only just then registering the box sitting on it. The box was wrapped in plain white wrapping paper, unmistakably a present of some sort. Curiosity got the better of Vinyl she when she saw some of the paper had already been torn away. She spun the box to read the text on the side. “‘Complete Masturbation Kit’,” Vinyl read aloud, hearing Octavia choke and sputter. “Ack, Vinyl!” Octavia sat up and  was about ready to dive forward and snatch the box out of the unicorn’s grasp. She caught herself and stopped, turning red while she forced a laugh. “That’s just, uh, a gag gift my friend Bon-bon got me. J-just a joke, you understand?” Vinyl smirked. “Right. You haven’t opened it yet.” “Very astute observation, Vinyl.” There was a brief pause, where only the steady patter of rain filled the silence. Darkness was settling in as the sun dipped low on the horizon. A few lights came on automatically, but they were low and muted. Octavia considered getting up, heading to the kitchen and grabbing more wine, maybe something stronger. Octavia was pulled from her thoughts by Vinyl suddenly plopping herself down on the couch next to her. Vinyl had the box of sex toys in one hand and the wine bottle in the other. “You look like you could use a refill,” Vinyl smirked, jiggling the bottle. “Thank you,” Octavia replied, too stunned to do much else. She held up her glass, letting Vinyl fill it halfway as she eyed the box. “Why do you have that?” “I thought we could open it. Together,” Vinyl smiled, taking a swig directly from the wine bottle. “Woof, that’s sweet.” Octavia just drained her glass in a series of rolling gulps, her cheeks turning the same shade as the wine. “Come on, I want to see what they put in these things,” Vinyl urged Octavia on with a light nudge.  “I’d rather not, if it’s all the same to you, Vinyl.” “Okay, okay, I get it,” Vinyl decided to press her luck. “I mean, why play with those when you have me?” If Octavia hadn’t already drank all the wine she would have spit some of it out. “W-what is that supposed to mean?” “Don’t tell me you forgot, Tavi. It wasn’t just the one time we practiced kissing after all.” Octavia frowned. “Vinyl, that was a long time ago.” “Your point?” “My point is it doesn’t mean anything now. We were teenagers and we didn’t know any better.” Vinyl hesitated. “So, you regret it?” Octavia sighed long and hard. “No, Vinyl, I don’t regret it. But…” she fidgeted. “It’s not like I-” she groaned and covered her face. “What do you want me to say, Vinyl?” Vinyl sighed and slouched down further. “I don’t know. I guess I thought, maybe, you felt different.” Octavia lowered her hands just enough to peek over the tips of her fingers. “What makes you say that?” Vinyl chuckled like Octavia had just told a tasteless joke. “Come on, Tavi. You’re too smart to play dumb. I found my panties in your room.” Octavia froze. Fuck. “How-” Not immediately denying it, fatal mistake. “Vinyl, I... I’m so sorry.” Octavia wasn’t sure what she expected. Vinyl to shout in anger, to storm in disgust. To Octavia’s relief, and utter surprise, Vinyl just seemed perplexed. “Why?” “I… I used your panties to… you’re not upset.” “Why would I be? It’s not every day you find out the hottest mare you know jerks off to you.” Octavia never pretended to fully understand Vinyl, but this was far less understanding than she was used to. “You’re happy I jerked off with your panties?” Vinyl smirked and put an arm around her sister’s shoulders, pressing herself against Octavia’s side enough that it was apparent Vinyl wasn’t wearing a bra. Octavia pressed her thighs together again, trying to choke her cock so it would get hard. It didn’t work “Really happy, Tavi,” Vinyl leaned in close. “It means I can give you a really nice birthday present without it being weird.” “You don’t want to do this, Vinyl,” Octavia warned. “Why not?” Octavia grimace. “Vinyl, this… this is a lot different than practice kissing. O-or that time we, um, compared.” “I’m still mad you have a cock and I don’t,” Vinyl joked. “But, I’m not saying you flip me over and raw dog me right here on this couch. Just… you’re helping me, so I want to help you, okay? It’ll be like that time you were in college.” Octavia bit her lip. That wasn’t so bad, was it? It wasn’t like all her deepest, darkest desires would come out during a simple handjob. Octavia blew out a breath that seemed to deflate her a bit. Not her cock though. The stupid thing seemed even harder than ever now that it knew it was getting a treat. And keeping it bent at an angle was starting to hurt, so… Octavia opened her legs and her cock sprung up like a big, dumb dog, drooling excitedly over her thighs. Vinyl’s eyes nearly popped out of her head as she took in the sight of Octavia’s dick. The cellist blushed brightly and covered her face with one hand.  “W-what?” she asked as Vinyl leaned down and stared at it. “Were you always this big? Damn,” Vinyl grinned. “Yes,” Octavia said defensively, feeling oddly self conscious. “Damn, I think I know why I have unrealistic expectations for stallions.” Vinyl laughed. “Very funny, Vinyl.” Octavia expected Vinyl to touch her then, but to her surprise Vinyl instead grabbed the box of toys. She opened it up and pulled out a rubber ring about the size of a donut, with numerous raised ridges around the hole in the middle. “My hand game’s a little rusty. Hope you don’t mind if we use this.” “Okay,” Octavia said slowly.  She watched as Vinyl pulled out the bottle of lube as well and dribbled a good amount on her cock. The cellist gasped softly as the cool lube hit her cock, making the organ twitch. “Oops. Want me to warm that up with my mouth?” Octavia actually wanted to see how much of her cock Vinyl could take without gagging, but kept quiet about that. “Just shut up and put the damn thing on already,” Octavia huffed. “As you command, Mistress.” Octavia opened her mouth to tell Vinyl to never say that again. Or to say it again, but slower. She couldn’t decide. Her breath caught in her voice as Vinyl reached down and wrapped her soft, warm fingers around Octavia’s dick, giving it a gentle squeeze. Octavia barely had time to process that before Vinyl was forcing the masterbator of her cockhead. The organ jumped up and stood at attention as Vinyl worked the toy onto it and began. Octavia could do little more than moan and squirm as Vinyl slid the toy up and down the length of the cellist’s cock, the ridges and bumps teasing her sensitive flesh. She squinted at Vinyl though her haze of pleasure, watching her sister’s expression grow hungrier with every stroke. Some part of Octavia understood what was happening was wrong, but all the blood rushing into her dick made it difficult to care. Besides, there was a layer of jelly-rubber separating Vinyl’s hands from her cock, so it was all good, wasn’t it? “How am I doing, Tavi?” Vinyl whispered, pressing herself against Octavia’s side.  “V-Vi,” Octavia’s voice wavered, her arms twitching at her sides as her cock strained against the air. “You haven’t called me that since the last time we did this,” Vinyl licked her lips. “Celestia, I want to fuck you so bad.” Suddenly, Vinyl’s hands left the toy, eilicint a whine from Octavia’s throat. Before she could properly form words to express her discontent, Octavia noticed what Vinyl was doing. The unicorn pulled the shirt over her head and tossed it aside before wiggling out of her pants and underwear with surprising speed. Now naked save the sunglasses seemingly glued to her head, Vinyl’s hands were on the toy, and Octavia’s dick, once again. Octavia’s breath came a little quicker as she was treated to the sight of Vinyl’s naked body. Her cock somehow seemed to bloat even bigger, stretching the rubber toy thin. “Come on, Tavi. Fuck me.” “That’s a b-bad idea, Vi,” “Why’s that?” “Y-you don’t want to know,” Octavia shuddered in pleasure. “Try me, Tavi.” “I’m afraid I’ll hurt you. I… I can be rough.”  Vinyl laughed. “If you’re that worried, I’ll be on top.” Vinyl crawled into Octavia’s lap before her sister could protest more. She pressed her back against her sister’s big tits and her thighs around the base of her sister’s big cock. She grabbed the toy and pulled it up and off Octavia’s dick with deliberate slowness, enjoying the way Octavia trembled under her. The toy came free with one last tug and was tossed aside, Vinyl’s hands going to work in its absence. Her fingers glided easily up and down her big sis’s dick, the organ twitching in her hands. She scooted her cute little ass forward, rubbing the cock against her belly, getting an idea of what she was in for when the head slapped her just below her ribs. She felt Octavia’s hands on her thighs, squeezing. “Vi, p-please tell me you have a condom,” Octavia sounded nervous.  “Think you’re gonna blow your load as soon as you get a taste of me, Tavi?” Vinyl tease. “I’m serious, Vi,” Octavia squeezed Vinyl’s legs a little tighter. “I don’t want to do something you’ll regret in a few months.” “Pshaw, you worry too much, Tavi,” Vinyl ran her fingers over Octavia’s cock head, delighting in the cute little squeak her sister made. Music to Vinyl’s ears. “Let me know when you’re getting close and pull out. It’ll be fine.” “Are you sure?” “Hundred percent.” Octavia took a deep breath. “Then what are you waiting for?” The couch cushions weren’t the steadiest of footing, but Vinyl wasn’t going to be standing on them long. She rose up and angled Octavia’s cock, rubbing the head up against her pussy lips. Even if it wasn’t already slathered in lube, Vinyl’s wet cunt would have provided plenty. A groan came from Vinyl’s throat as she pressed the head into herself, her pussy stretching to accommodate the larger than usual insertion. She slowly lowered herself down, easing the cock into her slowly but steadily. The groan became an unashamed moanas Vinyl’s ass finally came to a rest in Octavia’s lap again. She felt full, fuller than she could ever remember being before. She rubbed her belly, feeling the distinctly cock-shaped bulge Octavia was making. Octavia’s hands slid up from Vinyl’s legs to her belly, resting over Vinyl’s own hands and hugging her close. She could feel her cock through Vinyl’s flesh, feel her sister’s velvety walls gripping tightly at the oversized intruder. It felt good. It felt wonderful. It felt right. “Perfect f-fit,” Octavia hissed happily in Vinyl’s ear. Vinyl wouldn’t have called it perfect. More like a shoving a foot into a sock three sizes too small. But, she was in no mood to complain. The exact opposite really. “You been taking dick p-pills, Tavi?” Vinyl groaned, able to feel her sister’s heartbeat through her cock. “Fuck me.” “Gladly,” Octavia snicked, slapping Vinyl’s cute little rump and eliciting a yelp.  Years of lugging around a cello gave Octavia no small amount of muscle and she was able to lift Vinyl up with relative ease. She hefted her sister half way up her cock and then allowed Vinyl’s own weight to bring her back down. The sisters moaned in unison, joined in more ways than one. Octavia went to lift Vinyl up again, but the DJ beat her to it, pushing herself up and slamming herself back down just as quickly. A pleasured hiss came from Octavia’s throat and she contented herself with keeping a hold of Vinyl’s hips as her sister fucked herself on Octavia’s cock. She leaned back, eyes closed, mouth twisted in a happy grin. This was what she had been missing, what she had been craving, what she so desperately needed.  Progressively wetter and louder slaps filled the air as Vinyl increased her pace, impaling herself on her sister’s dick with wild abandon. This felt better than any fuck she had in the past year. No, two years. Six. Best fuck of her life.  Octavia’s hips were soon rising to meet Vinyl’s on every downward slam, shaking the smaller mare’s frame with every impact. Vinyl began to slow, her body giving out on her. Octavia was there to take up the slack, lifting Vinyl like a doll and fucking her with the same mentality. Vinyl would only mewl and moan, her cunt lips gliding up and down Octavia’s cock like the toy she had been using before. Octavia grunted in Vinyl’s ear. “Getting close,” Vinyl felt Octavia lifting her higher than before and realized what was happening. Before she could stop it, Octavia’s cock slipped free, slapping wetly against the cellist’s belly, slick with Vinyl’s juices. Vinyl used what strength she had to wiggle out of Octavia’s grasp and stand up on her rather shaky legs. She turned around and grabbed her sister’s dick, lining it up with her dripping cunt one more.  A protest started in Octavia’s throat, lost when Vinyl impaled herself on Octavia’s cock once more. Vinyl couldn’t have kept herself up if she wanted to, allowing her own weight to carry her into her sister’s lap one more. “Vi, what are you-?”  “Inside,” Vinyl said horsley. “I-I want you to cum inside me. I want to feel it.” Octavia shuddered at the thought. Her inhibitions were falling away, discarded in favor of fulfilling her little sister’s wish. She wrapped her arms around Vinyl, hugging her close. Vinyl’s world spun as Octavia flipped the both of them over, pinning Vinyl under her weight and keeping her cock in Vinyl’s cunt. “My pleasure.” Vinyl barely had time to register what was happening before Octavia was hammering into her, fucking her even more viciously than before. Vinyl didn’t know where Octavia’s second wind came from and she could only lay there and weather the assault.  Octavia hadn’t been lying before. She was only able to keep it up for maybe a minute more before she slammed herself as deeply into Vinyl as she possibly could and came with a loud grunt. Vinyl’s mouth hung open and her tongue lolled from her mouth as she felt Octavia’s thick, hot cum shoot inside her, triggering her own orgasm. Octavia’s hips jerked as she rode out her orgasm, drooling as she felt Vinyl’s cunt clamp down on her and milk her cock for all it’s worth. Neither one could really tell when it ended, only that Octavia let out one last huff and collapsed on top of Vinyl. Their breathing was ragged and their bodies hot, their sweat mixing as cum dribbled from Vinyl’s over stuffed cunt. “Fuck,” Octavia breathed after a while, the first word she had spoken in minutes. “Ooo, language,” Vinyl teased tiredly. “Shut up,” Octavia growled, grabbing Vinyl by her mane and pulling her into a kiss. Vinyl giggled, triumphant. Her giggles turned to gasps as Octavia’s lips met hers and her sister’s tongue was invading her mouth. And the gasps turned to gags as Octavia suddenly decided to stick her tongue down Vinyl’s throat. The oral muscle didn’t get very far, but Vinyl was surprised by the aggression. The kiss was sloppy, hungry, desperate. Vinyl’s hands fell away from Octavia’s cock as she tried to get a handle on the mare try to throat fuck her with her tongue. Octavia pulled away, her breathing still ragged. “I… I came inside you,” “An astute observation, Tavi,” Vinyl licked her lips.  Octavia tried to push herself up, to at least get her still half-hard dick out of her sister, but couldn’t summon the strength. “Easy, easy,” Vinyl cooed. “Just, lay here a while, okay?” “Okay,” Octavia groaned, laying her head beside Vinyl’s and letting the sound of her sister’s breathing lull her to sleep. With the morning came regret. Octavia woke with a start, sprawled on her couch, still in her robe, with her morning wood sandwiched between her belly and the cushions. Slowly, carefully, she pushed herself up, wincing as the bright morning sun hit her eyes. She closed and rubbed her eyes as she got herself into a sitting position. She hesitantly opened them again and peered out her window The storm had passed during the night, the sky clear and blue. The ground still showed signs of the previous night, the ground muddy and flooded. Octavia blinked and yawned, stretching her back and working the kinks out of her body. She frowned at her half-hard cock as it flopped onto her thigh, oddly sticky. It came back to Octavia then. She jumped up from the cough, regretting it in an instant when her head throbbed in angry protest. “Vinyl!” she called out, clutching her head in pain. “Kitchen!” came the reply Octavia clenched her jaw and stumbled towards the kitchen, happy to know Vinyl hadn’t up and vanished just yet. She transitioned from carpet to tile on wobbly legs, holding onto the wall for support. She found Vinyl wearing the same shirt and pants she had been last night, half a pancake in her mouth while she cooked another on the stove. “Morning, Tavi,” Vinyl said around her pancake, flipping the one in the pan.  “Morning,” Octavia said, managing to get to the table with some degree of dignity. She collapsed into a chair, staring bleary-eyed at her sister. “Vi-” “Breakfast will be ready in a minute.” Vinyl smiled over her shoulder. “Vinyl,” Octavia began again. “Last night.” “Yeah?” “Did we…?” “Fuck?” Vinyl laughed and nodded. “Jeeze, Tavi, way to knock a girl’s self-esteem. I thought I was at least somewhat memorable. Octavia snorted. “I came inside you, didn’t I?” “Yeeeeep,” Vinyl grinned. “We can do that again, but after I finish making these pancakes, okay?” Octavia sighed and propped her head up with her hand. A smile snuck its way onto her face. “I love you, Vi.” “Love you too, Tavi.” Vinyl dumped the finished pancake onto a plate and brought it over to her sister. “By the way, if last night was what you call rough, then you’re a real softie.” Octavia’s smile widened. “I’ll try harder next time.” “You better. Next time is in five minutes.”