> Li'l Trap > by gaitiem > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > "Male Company" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- There’s a tradition in the Pie family not uncommon in Equestria: estrus quarantine. The mares all have it around the same time each year and it makes them downright dangerous to leave to their own devices, at least until they are married. Fortunately, both Maud and Pinkie have found their special somepony to happily spend time with during their heat cycle. This came as an upset to the family, as they had assumed Marble had already secured an engagement to Big Macintosh, but he was a scoundrel who abandoned her for another woman. She blames herself for not making better of the opportunity, but her family stands firm on the topic that he should have taken her feelings into consideration instead of leading her on and breaking her heart. She hasn’t been bold enough to pursue love again in the many years since. Instead, she has taken to satisfying her desire for romance with literature and poetry. Limestone, on the other hand, has never had clear prospects. Despite a clear interest in stallions, she could never be as demure as her sister. She constantly fumbled with the problem of doing too much, acting too aggressively, and scaring off colts her own age. This only served to further mystify her to the inner workings of stallions, who she concluded were forever outside her capacity to understand or relate to. She solved this conflict within herself the same way she solved everything: working more, working harder, and demanding the same of others. What makes this year special is the new arrival: Li’l Cheese, the child of Pinkie Pie and her husband Cheese Sandwich. Pinkie decided it was a good idea for her child to have some experience growing up the way that she did, working hard and learning about the Pie family heritage. As such, Li’l has been left in the guardianship of Igneous and Cloudy Quartz for the year. Li’l Cheese shared an obvious resemblance to Pinkie’s personality that the family found comforting, even when it was annoying. Marble was quick to win the foal’s favor with gifts and treats, and soon enough Li’l Cheese was able to interpret Marble’s will almost as well as Pinkie herself. Limestone put the foal to work, of course, and found that the youngster had plenty of energy for it, although sticking to one task for a long period of time proved difficult. All in all, the two aunts loved having a piece of Pinkie back in their daily lives, and furthermore thought how much they might enjoy having foals of their own. With this background established, we come to the day in question, when the Pie aunts’ wish would finally be fulfilled. “It’s that time of year again, my daughters,” Cloudy Quartz dictated to them. “I can nearly smell it on you. We’re going to have to put you down in the bunker for the month.” “You sure we can’t just work through it?” Limestone pleaded, unenthused. “We’re gonna lose so much time.” “Until you’re ready to have children, you can’t be out during your heat. Your father and I can manage the homestead while you are locked away.” Marble spoke up, “If we stayed out, is there really a chance we would meet a stallion and...” she drifted off, unsure of her question. “If I can smell it, you can bet a stallion will. They’ll be drawn like moths to a flame. And even if no novel stallion came within a country mile, you would risk acting indecently toward your own father. Trust me, I know. It’s not a matter of your willpower, it’s simply the way you were made. For the sake of your virtue, you’ll need to be locked up. Hopefully next year you’ll each find a mate.” “I doubt it,” Limestone lamented. Marble commiserated in her usual way, “Mhm.” “Fret not, my younglings,” she adopted a more maternal tone. “The stone of life rolls to each of us in it’s own time. Thou shalt know joy as I have known joy, sooner still than thou imaginest. Thy patience shalt reap rewards if thou hold true to thy faith. My sweet pebbles, I pray thee take solace in this, for it is thy mother’s burden as thy own.” “Alright, alright,” Limestone interrupted, uncomfortable with the level of intimacy that came with “thee” and “thy” and such. “You’re right, I’m sure we’ll be fine. Thanks, mom.” “Mhm,” Marble agreed. “Say this,” Cloudy changed the subject, “more to the work at hand, where has my grandfoal gone? Slept she not with you?” “Um,” Marble began timidly, “I was supposed to wake her, but I thought I’d better let her sleep. I don’t know if she’s ready to hear about this kind of…” she trailed off into mumbles. “Hear about it?” Cloudy said incredulously. “Daughter, by the time you were her size you had already been having thy estrus some two years. Thy ignorance with children is to be expected. Nay, she must be thy companion in this. You shall be the better for it. Since Maudileena has found marital bliss, you have often bemoaned how bored you are as a pair. A threesome it should be. Bring her with you. I shall make further preparations.” And so Marble returned to their room to grab Li’l Cheese. Still hesitant to wake the foal, she instead made a “Cheese burrito” with the blanket and carried it on her back. Marble thought that Li’l Cheese was just too cute to trouble, and she loved to be the affectionate aunt that would spoil a foal rotten. At the entrance to the bunker, Limestone and Marble said their goodbyes to their father Igneous Rock. Cloudy Quartz would visit them periodically to check up, but Igneous was too much of a liability. For the next month, these mares would be desperate for any horse-dick they could get their hooves on, even his. Even at that moment, they couldn’t help but notice the old pony’s impressive strength and pleasing musk, much to their own self-disgust. It was time they parted ways. Cloudy looked with disapproval that Marble had not awakened Li’l Cheese, but she found it sufficient to kiss the sleeping child’s head goodbye and let Igneous do the same. Finally, they entered the bunker and the door was locked from the outside behind them. They were stuck down there with a few lamps, some sleeping bags, food and water, a number of books, some cards that Marble snuck in, and a portable video game system that Limestone snuck in. It could have been worse. While they were making themselves at home, Li’l Cheese finally woke up, and with a yawn said “Good morning, Auntie Marble. Morning, Auntie Limestone. Uh, where are we right now?” “Estrus quarantine, kid,” Limestone replied. “Sorry you didn’t get the spiel about it, but Marble didn’t want to wake you. We’re stuck in here for a month.” Marble confirmed, “Mhm.” “Estrus?” Cheese asked. “What’s that?” “You’re mom never explained this stuff to you?” Limestone reacted with irritation. “As a mare, your body goes through a cycle where you need male company more than anything, but you’re not allowed to until you're married. So we have to be locked down here where no male can get to us. Just us girls for the next miserable month. Looking forward to it.” “Then why am I here?” Cheese asked. “Your grandmare said a filly your age will start having estrus,” Marble answered. “So she wanted you to explain it to me?” Li’l Cheese guessed. “That’s cool, but I should probably leave, right?” Limestone and Marble looked at each other, trying to see if they both heard the same thing. It seemed like they did. “Um, Cheesy,” Marble asked, “do you mind if we ask you about something kind of…” Limestone interrupted, “Cheese, I need you to be straight with us. Are you a filly or a colt?” “I’m a colt!” he answered. “I’ve always been a colt. You haven’t noticed?” “What the hell!” Limestone exclaimed. “Why did you let me call you ‘sissy’ this whole time?” “I thought it was a playful insult to build character!” Marble piped up, “Why didn’t you complain when I made you that girly sweater?” “I thought it looked good on me. It was girly?” Cheese paused for a moment, sniffed the air, and lost his train of thought. “Do you guys smell something funny down here? It’s weird, but I like it.” In this moment, everything their mother said would happen was coming to pass. The two mares quickly rushed toward the cellar door. They banged and banged on it, calling “Mother! Mommy!” but it was too late. Their mother had already left them to their solitude. Seeing the futility of their actions, Marble broke down sobbing. “Marble,” Limestone began to say, breathing heavily, “it’s going to be okay. She has to check up on us eventually. It can’t be more than a day. We just have to hold out until then. Besides, if we thought he was a filly this whole time, how hard will it be to just ignore him?” “I’m sorry, Auntie Marble,” Li’l Cheese said. “I didn’t mean to make you cry. Is there anything I can do?” “She’s…” Limestone struggled to find the words, “She’s very upset right now, but it’s going to be okay, Cheese. Here, take my Joyboy and play whatever game you like. Just leave us alone for a while, okay.” Still feeling a little guilty and not knowing why, Cheesy said, “Okay, I hope we can make up later.” Cheese left to the opposite corner from the cellar door and played a video game like he was told to. At the same time, the guilt, uncertainty, and hopelessness of the whole situation made him cry as well. He was playing through tears. “Limestone,” Marble asked, “is he crying? Did you make him cry?” “Just ignore him for now. I didn’t make him cry. He’s just crying because-” “I made him cry!” Marble interrupted. “I did, didn’t I? This is my fault.” “Marble, get a hold of yourself! Don’t-” but she already was. Marble approached Cheese, first in a panicked rush, then cautiously as she got closer. “Cheesy, I’m sorry for making you cry. You didn’t do anything wrong. This is all my fault.” “Auntie Marble…” Cheese said, unable to articulate more than that. “Come on, let’s kiss and make up, okay?” she pushed his game aside and began planting kisses all over his face with emotion and heavy breaths. “Do you feel better?” “I think so. Can I give you kisses too? So you feel better?” “Mhm,” Marble said. She closed her eyes and let him kiss the spots where there were tears. “Aw, I feel so much better, Cheesy. Thank you.” “I still feel,” Cheese hesitated to say, “a little weird, Aunt Marble. Kind of tingly, and my heart feels fast.” “That’s okay,” Marble assured him. “I feel that way too. It’s nothing to feel bad about.” “Is it normal for my, um...” he motioned down to his crotch, “for me to feel weird here.” Marble was transfixed. This was all her fault. She let herself fall right into a trap of her own making. She knew the effect her body would have on his and vice versa, but she bridged the gap anyways. Now she was looking at her nephew’s dick with hungry lips and a hungrier pussy. He was young and still had some growing to do, but his balls looked full and swollen, his erection fat and twitching, aching for a mare’s touch. Li’l Cheese was still waiting for her answer. “Is something wrong?” he asked. He tried crouching down to her eye level to move her attention from his cock to his face. “Should I be worried?” Marble didn’t know how to answer. She had never experienced such intense temptation before and she had no idea whether she was going to be able to hold out at all. She answered him with the only thing she could be certain of. “What your body is doing is good. It’s supposed to do that. It’s natural. It means you’re ready to…” she tried to say it without sounding excited, “have female company.” Li’l Cheese put the pieces together in his head. “But I can’t because I’m not married?” “That’s right,” Marble praised him. “Since we’re not married, neither of us can have ‘company’ so we just have to pretend that we don’t feel this way, okay?” “Okay,” Li’l Cheese responded automatically. He picked up his joy-boy again to see if he had remembered to pause his game. He hadn’t. “Game Over.” Well, he hadn’t gotten far anyways. He looked over to Marble, who seemed occupied in sitting eerily still, as if imitating a stone statue (true to her name). He noticed the scent from earlier seemed stronger the nearer he got to her. He felt compelled to get closer, to really be able to identify what was so interesting about her. If he could do that, he would be satisfied, he was sure. Then he could go back to pretending. Once he knew what he was pretending not to be there, he could pretend it wasn’t there. Simple as that. He buried his face in her mane, inhaling deep. It was all Marble could to stay perfectly still. She should have pushed him away, moved to wherever Limestone was, busied herself in some other activity. She should have. She didn’t. She couldn’t. All she could do was sit as still as she possibly could and refuse the temptation to raise her rear end and invite this curious innocent to obey his baser instincts. As long as she wasn’t doing that, she thought she would be satisfied with herself. She hadn’t given in to temptation. She hadn’t initiated this. She was blameless. Everypony said so. This was not her fault. But she knew better. This was all her fault. It was all her fault. Everything from the start. Her. Fault. Li’l Cheese breathed deep and nuzzled at his aunt’s mane with sincere affection. He closed his eyes to focus completely on the scent, yet he could not place it. When he opened his eyes again, he found a likely culprit; Marble was sweating (fidgeting a bit too, despite her best efforts). It must have been the sweat that created the smell. He thought about the five primary senses. Smell was linked to taste, so all he had to do to sate his curiosity was to taste the source of his distress. Then he would understand it, and could therefore ignore it. Easy as pie. Cheese focused on the beads of sweat he could see clearly and licked Marble’s face. Marble stayed paralized, but was overcome with a new kind of dread. Despite being his senior by a whole generation, despite her prior efforts, despite her present lust, Marble was still a virgin. Could it be possible that Li’l Cheese was actually more experienced than her? Townies were like that, after all. That’s what her parents had told her. Between her lust, disgust, guilt, and fear, there arose a new sense of envy. This colt grew up with wildly liberal party pony parents in a town known for its “friendliness.” Meanwhile, she was stuck out in the middle of nowhere for her whole childhood and only had a chance with a boy if he should happen to stop by or be betrothed to her through the absurd will of the damned Pairing Stone! Damn that rock! She deserves to be happy! In that frame of mind, for a moment, it made sense. Jump the boy. Ride his prick. Give in. You deserve it! But what of the consequences? Limestone would object, and even if she could ignore that (and she was quite certain she could) what would her mother say? What would his mother say? His mother was her sister! Of course this was wrong, it was incest! There was no way she could let this go on. She could just talk to him. Just tell him to stop, and he would. He was a good boy. Even if he might also be a dirty, naughty, bad boy. The taste of her sweat was salty and pleasant. Marble’s coat felt rough on his tongue, and the sensation was strangely fixating, like playing with a loose tooth. He continued, driven by his simple impulses, but his rational thoughts reminded him of his objective; he wanted to find the taste that corresponded with the smell, and he hadn’t found it. The sweat was part of her broader aroma, but it was a side dish, not the main course. He backed off to reassess. Marble let out a sigh of relief. She took a sharp breath of disappointment right after. Her emotions were erratic and it was breaking up the pace of her normal breathing. He was breathing funny too, just in quick successive sniffs like a dog. While she was battling a lifetime of mores instilled into her mind, he was letting himself be led by the senses of his body, as would any cartoon character when their nose catches a whiff of a delicious “pie.” He was getting lower and lower on her body, tracing the curve of her slight stomach, her wide hips, even her thighs. Getting closer and closer, the smell became stronger and stronger, more distinct, more pungent, and yet more compelling. Marble realized she was back in danger, (that is, the danger of getting exactly what she wanted more than anything) and this time she knew what would happen if she did nothing. “Um... Cheese? Was there something you wanted to ask me?” “I smell something,” he said bluntly. “Oh,” she explained, “that’s not unusual. My body is reacting too. Do you want to see?” I want to taste. “Yeah, okay.” At a slow, spasmodic pace, Marble willingly angled her rear end toward Li’l Cheese, freely presenting her round ass, her ponut, and her winking virgin marecunt. “Do you see how it’s moving?” she asked him. “How is it opening and closing? That means I’m ready for… male company.” She could not deny the obvious any longer. “Do you see how wet I am? That’s where the scent comes from.” That's when she felt it: one little lick, so fast he must have thought she wouldn’t notice. Even that was enough to send shivers up her body in the state she was in. She had to ask for more. She needed it. “Did you just lick me?” “Yeah,” answered Li’l Cheese, with just a little recognition of guilt. “It tasted good.” She tried to ask an innocent question in a seductive way. “Do you want to taste more, baby?” Taking it as an invitation, Li’l Cheese took another exploratory lick, longer, lingering on the lips. He felt them wink and tasted a new rush of pussy flavor. The more he dug in, the more intense the flavor, the more drawn in he became. Marble was overcome with pleasure, growing in equal measure, but she could not enjoy her nephew's single-minded enjoyment. She could accept that she was doing something wrong, she would have to ask the Stone’s forgiveness, but that was worth it. The Stone could forgive, but Limestone rarely did. Marble knew her sister’s deeper side, the real affections hidden beneath her gruff exterior, but that gruff exterior was still scary. How mad would she get if she caught Marble in this situation? For this reason, Marble bit her hoof, holding it in her mouth like a gag to suppress her moans. She closed her eyes when the pleasure was too strong, but she forced herself to open them to scan the room to keep an eye on Limestone. Lime had recognized that banging on the door all day was futile, but she thought she could listen out in case her mother or father happened to pass by. She took a cup and held it up to the door like she saw spy ponies do in comic books. Nothing. Fuck! A thought crossed Limestone’s mind that she hated but could not ignore: Cloudy Quartz was old, but probably not too old for the heat. Even if she was too old, this was the first time she and Igneous Rock had the whole house to themselves in a while. Those were probably getting it on themselves while she was stuck in this predicament. Normally, the thought of her parents banging would have been revolting to her, and it still was, the heat made anything seem like a turn on. She hated it. She had to admit that her mom was right. It was way too dangerous to let her stay out. Were they really getting it on right now? Not to mention shirking their responsibilities on the farm? When Limestone listened, she was sure she heard the sound of her mother moaning, faintly, even from inside the bunker. She went from listening in to forcing a pillow over her ears to block out the sound. This was initially effective, but to her horror she seemed to hear better and better as time went on. No, she realized, that was not it. It was the sound itself getting louder. Marble was slowly losing her grip on reality. She had no way of making “I’m fucking my adolescent nephew” sound okay to herself, so she imagined a version of events in which she was more coy, more reluctant, as she usually was, but her bold, dashing, handsome nephew (with a troubled, mysterious past) swept her off her feat and promised her the one thing she could risk it all for: love! Yes, even if they were related, she was a generation older than him, and their parents would never approve, love would make their struggles against authority a meaningful and transcendent act of passion! And the only way to seal a pact of love was by finally consummating their relationship after long months (actually, more like minutes) of pining for each other. Her body was at its limit. Just a little more and she would orgasm like she never had before. She was not delusional enough to believe the fantasy that she constructed for herself forever, but she could see one element of it carrying on into her reality to focus on: she loved this boy! She loved playing with him, laughing with him, just being with him, and she saw all of this in a new light, not as an aunt but as his girlfriend. Most of all, she loved the chance to praise and spoil her little man. “You’re doing very good, baby,” she told him, though heavy breaths. “I’m sorry for confusing you for a girl. You’re auntie’s little man, aren’t you? Yes, yes!” She tried to put her front-left hoof back into her mouth to muffle her cries, but her limbs were spasming in anticipation of her climax. The best she could do was hold her hoof over her face in girlish modesty as she let out the last of her moans and whimpers. She was finished. Li’l Cheese noticed the sudden rush of fluids, but only caught a little bit of it in his mouth. He recognized this as a shame and made a resolution to catch more next time. He thought better than to try licking it up off the cellar floor, though as he contemplated this he gave himself a break from licking and noticed that his tongue was a bit rough and tired now. He decided not to keep licking. He was not even sure why he kept going so long, just that there was something satisfying about it. Something that felt right. “Aw, you did so good, baby,” she praised him. She threw her front hooves open, inviting him into her embrace. With a rubber-like four-leg bounce, he leapt into Marble’s arms and nuzzled his snout into the warm coat of her chest. She in turn embraced him with all four legs and lowered her head down to bury her face into his curly pink hair. In her afterglow, this was absolute bliss. Marble was so happy to have finally fallen in love again. Nothing at all could ruin this moment. “What the fuck are you two doing!?” Limestone demanded. Marble quickly pushed Li’l Cheese behind herself, as if by instinct. Limestone continued, “I told you to just ignore him! Now you’re fooling around with him? What’s wrong with you!? “I, um, I-” “Do you have any control over yourself? Are you perverse? Are you deranged!?” “I know I, um, we just-” “Do I have to knock you out cold and hog tie you until mom shows up?” “Limestone, no!” Li’l Cheese moved between the two and shielded Marble with his body, standing on his hind legs and spreading his forelegs wide. “Don’t hurt her!” Marble could not help but whisper to herself, “Ah, my hero!” Limestone was annoyed that the boy was taking the side of his molester just because she spoiled him, but another “annoyance” quickly caught her attention. “Celestia’s sake, Marble, you should at least have finished what you started there!” His cock was still very erect and now completely in view of Limestone. Marble spoke up, “So, do you mean we should keep going, then?” Lime snapped back, “Of course not, you horny idiot!” Li’l Cheese said “Stop calling her mean names! Why are you always so mean!?” Marble was stunned silent. She knew Limestone best out of anypony, but even she was not sure how Lime would react to this. Limestone was angry, but she was not angry at him. He had to understand that. “I’m not mean, Cheese Puff. I’m responsible. Maybe you’re still too young to get it, but what you two just did was wrong, and it was her job to control herself and stop it. She wasn’t responsible. It wasn’t your fault. I’m trying to protect you from her. Get it?” “She didn’t do anything!” Li’l Cheese insisted. “She’s nice. She would never do anything bad!” “You have to start thinking rationally kid!” she scolded him. “She gives you rock candies and knits you sweaters and stuff, but that’s just because she likes the attention. Because it’s simple. She let you go down on her cause she likes it, even if it screws up your whole development! She doesn’t put in the work to make you a better pony. She doesn’t teach you how to work, clean up after yourself, keep promises you make, or control yourself when you’re turned on! I’m hard on you because I’m on your side, because I care about you. Now step aside!” Li’l Cheese started to see what Limestone was saying. Even in his own home, nopony had ever been as hard on him as Lime was, but since she was he learned and grew so much. That was the whole point of his coming to the farm in the first place. What she said seemed to be true. But even if it was, it was no excuse to hurt Marble. There was more to her actions than that. He could not explain it rationally, but… he felt it. “No!” he refused. “No what?” she parroted back at him. “No!” he failed to argue. “That’s it!” she declared. Li’l Cheese felt himself get lifted up by his outstretched arms and pushed down onto the sleeping bag, belly up. Li’l Cheese struggled briefly, before realizing he had no idea what Limestone intended to do with him while she had him pinned down. If nothing else, she was no longer trying to yell at Marble. But what was she going to do to him? “What are you going to do to him?” Marble asked, evidently on the same page. Limestone was ignoring her. Fully ignoring her. Fully staring right into Li’l Cheese’s eyes and breathing heavily. Cheese once again remembered to be afraid for himself. Then, she spoke. “I get it. You take her side because she lets you have what you want. Of course you would. But you don’t even know what you need. Look at your prick down there. Look at it throbbing, pulsing, aching. You have no idea what to do with that thing. To be honest, I don’t know either. But I’m ready to make it my problem. I’m here to give you what you need. And what you need to do right now is to trust me! There’s only one way to prove that to you!” She reached down with her front hoof, releasing him from her pin. He did not react, as he wanted to see where this was going. He was rewarded with the sensation of a mare’s hoof on his bare cock. It was immediately intense for him, but it was not her end goal. She slowly pushed herself down his body. Her eyes became locked on his member. She licked her lips and opened her mouth wide. “Limestone!” Marble cried out. “Stop, you can’t!” “Shut the fuck up, pervert!” Limestone snapped back, cock in hand. She took it into her mouth and added in a muffled voice, “Who are you to judge me?” Li’l Cheese threw his head back in response to this new sensation. It was a lot all at once, and the artless way Limestone bobbed her head made it last for an agonizingly long time. He tried to stop her by grabbing her head between his hooves, but only managed to slow down her movements. That was enough to make it comfortable, and it actually started to feel good. He guided her pace by hoof, slowly allowing her to build up speed as the sensation grew and grew. As for Limestone, she engorged herself on the taste and sensation of his meat popsicle. She thought to herself that Marble would just find it disgusting, but she could adjust herself to the intense taste. Doubly so for the smell. One thing that she had always wondered about guys was how their cum tasted. She had heard salty, bitter, kind of metallic. She grew up eating rocks, so that all sounded fine to her. She was not going to waste the opportunity to drink every drop. It came faster than she anticipated. Without any warning, Li’l Cheese shot a gob of “cheese sauce” to the back of her throat. She pushed her head off his dick and reflectively started coughing and gagging out cum onto her hoof. “Are you okay, Limestone?” Marble asked. “Shut up! I’m fine,” she barked. “Just give me a second.” With her usual sense of pride, Limestone defiantly slurped and guzzled up the cum that she had coughed up. Li’l Cheese stared starstruck at the sight. She had just given him the first conscious orgasm of his life, and now she was drinking his fluids. He did not have the words to explain it, but somehow this was proof enough to him that she really did care the most about him after all. “Wow…” was all he could say. “You’ve got that right, kid,” Limestone said. “Now why don’t you take a little nap and let your aunties talk together, alright?” “Sure, okay-” and he was out like a light, already snoring. Limestone could not help but laugh. “I guess it’s true what they say happens to guys after sex.” Marble chuckled to herself. “He nods off just like Pinkie Pie.” She took a moment to collect her thoughts. “I’m sorry for letting things get out of hoof. You’re right. I wasn’t being responsible.” “Sister,” Limestone said, “I wish you didn’t think you have to apologize to me. You know I say what I say and do what I do because I love you, right? I don’t have to blow you to prove it, do I?” Marble chuckled. “I love you too, even if you don’t think I mean it.” Limestone appreciated this, but she was not comfortable with that kind of emotional intimacy. She preferred a joke, even if it was dirty. “So, was he good?” “Well, you know…” Marble hesitated. “Yeah, I thought it was really special. How was it for you? You seemed to like his... taste?” “The dick is a little gross, but in the heat of the moment the flavor is pretty exciting. And his cum tastes like sweet rock soup. I wish there was more.” The two of them looked at their sleeping nephew with a dawning resignation. Marble observed, “I know we should be resisting temptation, but I can’t help but wish that my first time could be with him. Is that crazy?” Limestone looked at her side-eyed. “Are you messing with me? Of course it’s crazy. But he is cute, and he’s clearly nuts about you. You could do worse. And don’t we know that being single blows.” So as not to sound too agreeable, she added, “You should wait until he’s older, though. Let him be a kid for a while, if that’s even possible now. Come on, we just have to last the day.” But this would prove more difficult than either of them chose to believe. To be continued...