> A Noteworthy Submission > by ExplicitEscritoire > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Noteworthy Submission By: Explicit Escritoire She couldn't believe where she was. Soft Paws was alone with somepony. But not just anypony, she was alone with her special somepony. Of course, he didn't know that just yet. They had been around with each other a bit, doing some rather ... cloppy things, and she had slowly started to realize what kind of pony he could be when the lights were out. Not that she honestly minded being in those situations. She was quite the deviant when she had the room to be, even if it was in her own shy, submissive way. She would resist, and then beg, and then resist some more just to tease him. He loved it when she did that, and gave her a nice ravaging for it. All of this aside though, tonight was the night. The two of them, alone underneath a single, large apple tree that had grown some ways off from Sweet Apple Acres, would finally make their relationship solid — definite. After having waited for so long to tell him how she felt, she would finally have the courage to tell him how she felt. She could feel it in her heart, the way it ached. Strangely enough, her arms ached too. She threw the thought out before slowly cuddling up beside her very much loved stallion. Noteworthy turned to face her, a small smile on his face. Now was her chance. She had his full attention. She needed to tell him how she felt. “Note, I have something to t-” Paws was cut off by a very strong kiss to her lips. The intimate touching overtook her, drowning her in her own lust and passion, and she simply began to float away with the current of the moment. Those few seconds lasted days in her mind, and her emotions exploded. All around her she felt as though the stars were exploding like firecrackers. If her thoughts had been reality, perhaps their own sun would have been the last star in the world, only spared so that it could shed light onto them in their moment of closeness. As it always did, the kiss made her weak. She lost the strength to use her words, but inside of her mind, she convinced herself that she could manage it. Through her weak lips, she whispered those words she longed so badly to yell at the top of her lungs, “I love you, Note...” Note looked down at her and smiled. “I love you, too, Paws. I always have.” he replied as their lips connected once again and the sun fell from the sky, being replaced by the moon in almost an instant. Wait, what? That fast? Paws shook her head, waking herself up from the wonderful dream she was having. She sighed happily to herself, and then moaned in a frustrated manner as she realized that her happy dream hadn't left her without repercussions. The mound between her back legs was burning, almost as if begging for her hoof’s attention. She reached out with her forehoof, back beneath her stomach to begin clopping, wanting her desire to stop flooding through her body, and to start flooding onto her sheets. And then she realized something. Why was she on her stomach? And why wasn't her hoof moving? Sudden realization kicked in and her eyes grew wide. She was tied up. Her front hooves were tied together behind her back, and her back legs were tied to the posts at the end of her bed, each to their respective side. She instinctually struggled for a few moments before becoming completely still at the sound of Noteworthy's voice behind her. She turned to see him, but the only thing she could see in the dark room was herself and the bed she was on, thanks to the moonlight shining in through the completely exposed window facing towards the streets of Ponyville. She eeped out loud. She would have cupped her mouth if her hands had been free. She was exposed to anyone who happened to look through the window. This was something she hadn't even thought of doing. Even though the thought appealed to her more naughty senses a little, it would be far too risky to do, not to mention the embarrassment it would cause. She felt a sharp smack on her flank and she let out a loud gasp. She could feel a gentle tongue following over the sharp smack, wetting it down before a soft breath of cool air shot over her flank. If her marehood wasn't dripping before, it was pouring now. “How many times have I told you that your plot is perfect? You have a nice, round flank. Your legs alone could pull me in, but that scent... it just drives me insane.” he said in a low tone as the soft breathing moved to her exposed marehood, causing her entire body to shiver with chills. Instead of freezing her, the chills warmed her entire body, making her even more sensitive to touch. The answer was seven. He had told her how beautiful her plot was seven times. She kept count of things like that, because it made her feel just like he told her, beautiful. She was too shy to admit how crazy she was about his compliments though, so she hesitated. “I- I don't know...” she responded, her voice almost a whimper; not from fear, but from an intense desire to have him do something, ANYTHING to her. Her wish was granted as she felt his hoof tease her slit, slowly pressing into her folds and slipping down, pressing against her enlarged nub before pulling away. She could hear his tongue going back into action, and she could only imagine him licking her warm juices off of his now soaked hoof. The thought made her want it more, and somehow she managed to shift herself back towards him just a tad. Her flank pressed against his skin and she suddenly realized just how close he had been this whole time. “Oh, Note, please don't tease me so much...” Paws begged, wriggling her butt. She knew that he could see her and all of her agonizingly seductive curves. Her plot was practically pleading to be filled, but she knew that he wouldn't start there. Just as she began to doubt the effect of her words, she felt him mount her. It was a common position, and it meant that things were about to get started. He was mounted on top of her as if he were going to try to mate with her, but his huge stallion c**k was pressed against her back. She could feel every inch of it pulsing against her sensitive skin, and she let out a moan as she felt some pre from the tip leak onto her wings, which could be such a mess to clean up at times. She never seemed to mind. “Hmmm, what do I want to do to my lovely little Soft Paws and her beautiful plot? Maybe she wants to toy around with me for a bit? Oh, but you can't because you're all tied up...” Note said in that same low tone, his c**k sliding off of her from one side. Her eyes suddenly rolled into the back of her head as she felt his tongue running along the most sensitive part of her wings. She could feel his tongue thoroughly cleaning her wings of his pre before they moved their way up to her muzzle. He kissed the side of her face once, and she turned to face him, getting her first glimpse of his face. Those handsome features stared back at her a moment before they took each others lips in a kiss. She quickly fell prey to his strong and forceful kiss, and she retracted her tongue back into her mouth as his gave chase, exploring the caves of her mouth as she did so. The kiss broke off far too soon for her, and she found herself pushing her face forward to try to catch his, but it had already moved away. Instead, he was now behind her once more. Before she could ponder what he might be doing, she felt a sharp pain on her flank. The whip smacked once, twice, three times before he stopped long enough to give the marks the same affection he had given his smack from earlier. Note was done with foreplay. A quick thrust of his face into her tight plot forced her entire body to spasm. The unexpected action alone was enough to completely throw her off, causing her first orgasm to run free. It had been building up for quite a while throughout all of the sexual torture, starting with her amazing dream. She whimpered as her orgasm neared its end, and she realized that Note had never stopped his licking. His tongue was slipping deep inside of her plot hole, twisting and curling, reaching places inside of her that no other stallion had ever dare try. For the lack of anything else to do, Paws bit down on the pillow at the head of the bed. Her moans were becoming much louder, and she needed to muffle herself so that she wouldn't make too much noise. She glanced over at the window to reassure herself that she couldn't be seen while in her bed. Thankfully, she couldn't be, and her muscles relaxed a bit. Unfortunately for her, Note took notice of her muscles relaxing and he ceased his licking. Paws body shivered at the sudden stop and began to heat up once more at his tongues absence. He turned to where his lovely little toy was staring and saw the exposed window, left that way intentionally so that the moonlight could shine through. Suddenly, he had an idea. Of all the things that Paws was expecting, a ball gag was not one of them. It slipped into her mouth, all but silencing her and forcing her to swallow her own moans. She had never experienced the ball gag before, and was a little skeptical about wearing it at first. If it would keep her from moaning too loud, however, she would work with it. But then he moved her. She tried her best not to struggle to make it easier for her playful captor. Where she was going, though, made her extremely uneasy. Note took her to the window and opened it. He had untied her legs, so they were free for her to do as she willed, but he sat her knees on the small table that was in front of the window. He pushed her forward slightly, and she found herself leaning out of the window a bit. Much to her horror, she could see two ponies directly below her having a conversation. Her eyes went wide and she struggled slightly. “Oh, Soft Paws, don't struggle. And don't make too much noise, or you'll startle half of Ponyville, hehe” he almost purred. It was strange enough because he was a pony, but even stranger because he was a stallion. He had become very skilled with his voice. She felt his c**k press against her plot and she whimpered slightly. Remembering the two ponies on the ground, she tried to keep herself quiet. The idea almost scared her, but she was willing to try anything at least once. Before she had enough time to really prepare for the situation, she felt Note's c**k slip inside of her. Every inch of him filled her up, and she squeezed tightly around him from the moment he entered. Though he had entered quick, he began to pull out slowly, wanting to torture her as much as he could, but not really having the self control for it himself at the moment. As soon as Note had pulled out as much as he could, he pushed himself back into her. She let out a soft, muffled squeal of delight as her eyes rolled into the back of her head. Thrust after thrust came, each one rubbing against some spot that forced her to break into a fit of moans. Sometimes she felt like he was hitting all of them at once from his sheer size, but even then that didn't explain how he was able to tap against her secret spots, the ones you would have to press against just right to release pleasure from. She could feel him throbbing inside of her, and he could easily feel her convulsing around him. He pressed on, determined to cause orgasm after orgasm before he would get off. The stallion had a ton of stamina, that was guaranteed. At this point in their passionate, almost animalistic throes, she had to admit that the idea of being forced into the public during their clopping was very arousing. When she wasn't being completely taken by the pleasure constantly mounting in her marehood, she was driving herself wild trying not to let her saliva slip past the gag and drip onto the unknowing ponies below. She had succeeded so far, but soon she would fail. With one final thrust, Note began to unload himself into her. Her womb was practically to the point of overflowing when he pulled out, pouring the rest of his seed all over her back, flank and wings. The two of them collapsed to the floor, and Note pulled his toy into his arms, feeling his warmth and his seed's warmth both pressed against her. They would need to clean up, but they could lay here a few more moments. “Paws...” came that warm and low voice of Note's, the one that caused her heart to flutter. “Yes, Note?” she asked, awaiting his question or comment or anything else, simply wanting to hear those lips breath his angelic voice. “Paws... Paws... Paws?” came the voice again, and Soft Paws quickly opened her eyes. Noteworthy was holding onto her tight, a look of concern in his eyes. She looked around for a moment, noticing that they were outside somewhere, and not inside the dark bedroom as they had been just moments before. “You fainted, are you alright?” he said, the concern still apparent in his worried eyes. “I just told you that I loved you and you blacked out.” “So that explains why the day faded to night so quickly...” she said, extremely tired all of a sudden. She did have enough energy to say one last thing though, before falling back to sleep in her new lover’s arms. “Next time we decide to clop, I want to try something out.” she said with a smile, before nuzzling her special somepony and giving him a warm kiss.