Masquerade Theatre

by SparklingVynegar

First published

Improv Short-Form Erotic Theatre...with changelings!!

Alright, so, like, hear me out. You know those improv comedy shows where people suggest roles and scenarios and whatnot and the people on stage have to act it out and make it funny?

So, like, imagine that...but sex?


Takes place some time after the season finale so characters can be of legal age and such.

Tags: Consent Play, Blowjob, Selfcest, MFFF Foursome, Futa-on-Female, Group Sex, Lesbians, Gender Transformation, Species Transformation (sort of, everyone is more or less human), Impersonation, Implied Incestual Lust, Suprise Buttsex, Anal Creampie, Cum Swapping, Cum Swallowing and completely improvised sexual scenarios

Submitted as part of Dirty Little Secret's Dirty Little Contest.

Pre-Show Jitters

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The house lights were still up in the Royal Canterlot Theater. The doors had opened several minutes ago, and the air was alive with the chatter of several curious patrons beginning to settle into their seats; the stage crew was running their last few preparations as lighting and sound technicians shuffled into place; and somewhere just behind the large red curtains, Seta was freaking the fuck out!

“I-I can’t do this. I can’t do this! Not with so many people… why’d I let him talk me into this? I can’t do this!”

The skirt of her flowery, yellow sundress fluttered violently as the young changeling woman paced in frantic circles. Her pixie-like wings buzzed at a frenzied pace as her sunset orange eyes darted from corner to corner. Every now and then she would start to settle down, take a few deep breaths, look at the raised platform in the center of the stage, look up at the stage curtain, and then immediately return to her nervous fit.

From across the stage, a second changeling emerged from the green room, a smart-looking, turquoise vest on his shoulders and an excited smile on his face. One look at his co-star, however, and he immediately took on a more concerned expression before rushing to her aid.

“Whoa! Everything alright, Se?” He asked as he placed a hand on her shoulder.

Seta immediately shrieked and flew a good few feet in the air at the contact before gazing back down at it’s source.

“Oh...jeezle pete, Cornicle! You can’t just scare me like that,” she scolded before gently floating down to her feet.

“Wow,” said Cornicle as a tiny smirk tugged at his lips, “I’ve heard of pre-show jitters, but you are just something else.”

Seta looked back at her co-star. It was hard to believe that the man who had first started the Changeling Theatre Society; who had introduced her hive to the likes of Shakespear, Ibsen, and Sophocles; and who had become a mentor to her these last few years was now introducing not just her, but the entire public of Equestria’s capital to…this!

“A-are you sure this is a good idea?” she asked Cornicle. “I mean, is this even legal here? The laws are different from the Hive’s, and I’ve heard Equestrians are much more conservative about-”

“Do you really think we would be allowed to even come here if it wasn’t?” He interrupted her. “I made sure to check all local statutes on the subject. It turns out that the government has become pretty lax on these matters the past few years, and have decriminalized all work of this kind. Turns out the laws were only being held in place by stuck-up, old puritans.

“In fact…” his voice lowered to a more sultry tone, “I’ve even heard that the overturn effort was supported by the Princesses themselves.”

That got Seta’s attention. The thought that any one of Equestria’s matriarchs might be waiting just behind the curtain brought a viridian flush to her face. Her previous panic attack was brought back with even greater fervor!

“Ah! NO! I can’t go out there! Not if one of them is watching! It’s too embarrassing! What if I mess it all up? What if a princess sees me mess up? It’s still my first time- I mean, not my first time first time - but my first time doing this-”

Seta stopped only to take in a loud gasp before looking back at Cornicle with legit horror in her eyes.

“What if someone wants me to be a man?”

Before she could continue her insane ramblings for even a second longer, Cornicle brought the girl into a caring embrace.

“Hey, hey...It’s alright,” He soothed. “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. If it makes you uncomfortable, you have every right to say ‘no’.” He smiled at her with his burnt-orange eyes. “And don’t worry about messing up. Just be yourself and people will love you. It really is that easy, you know?”

Seta’s blush calmed down a little, though her cheeks maintained a faint green dusting.

“You know,” she chuckled, “‘Be myself’ might be a bit of an ironic choice of words, don’t you think?”

Cornicle returned the laugh. “Now that’s the Changeling I know!”

Seta gave one last deep breath before she faced the curtain again. This time, though, she didn’t freak out. This time her face was resolute. This time she faced the crowd not with a frown, but a smile.

“Okay.” She nodded. “I’m ready.”

“Glad to hear.” Cornicle nodded back before finally removing her arms from around her. “Now come on! We haven’t another moment to waste. The curtain will be rising any second, now.”

Seta smiled, before the two took each other’s hand and moved to the front of the stage.

“Ready?” Cornicle asked her.

“Ready!” She nodded.

“In 3…”



Act 1: Royal Agreement

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The house lights dimmed, and the curtains rose. Two Changelings, a man and a woman, stood in center stage with their hands clasped together. They both took a single bow as the audience cheered and applauded their introduction. The man stepped forward.

“Greetings ladies and gentlemen to the Fantasy Theater of the Masquerade! Thank you all so very, very much for coming,” his voice projected from the stage. “My name is Cornicle, and this here is my lovely assistant Seta!” He made an enormous show of putting his hand over his eyes like a surveyor and scanning the entirety of the audience from left to right. “Well I’ll be! It seems we have a full house here tonight. I’m glad to see the locals know a good time when they see it advertised.”

The patrons in their seats responded with another round of heated applause - as well as a handful of enthusiastic whistles. The woman, Seta, stepped forward and spoke in a reserved and demure voice that was still somehow able to fill the entire theater.

“In all seriousness, we understand that seeing something like this advertised might be a bit...unorthodox, so we appreciate everyone coming out to see this in such a public space.”

“Now!” Cornicle clapped his hands together. “Before we begin, I should give a little briefing on just what we’re doing here and how this came to be.

“As you can see. My partner and I here are Changelings.” Seta gave a little flutter of her wings to accent his point. “And as such, we value one thing above all others: Emotion. Raw feeling. The indescribable and yet omni-permeating sensation of pure expression!” Cornicle held his hand against his heart as he boldly proclaimed into a random corner of the theater.

“We like it when people feel good,” Seta simplified. “As such, Changeling Theatre tends to be particularly evocative of a wide array of emotions. Especially when combined with our magical abilities to share our emotions amongst one another, as it makes the experience all the more immersive for both audience and performers.

“Changeling Theatre is still rather new, actually. Since it’s only been a few years since King Thorax took over and Changelings have been allowed to develop our own culture. This means that it is heavily influenced by a wide variety of other cultures. Especially Equestria. For example, your host Cornicle here was particularly enamored with your concept of Improv Theatre, as it created a very clear relation with performer and audience without the complexities of Changeling Magic.”

“It really was astounding!” Cornicle praised, a glassy sheen coming across his burnt-orange eyes. "But I didn’t just stop at copying the idea of Improv, but instead thought about how to expand it. Which has led us to the show we have for you today.”

“Yes, that’s right. Rather than the traditional focus on comedy, Cornicle has instead decided to focus on… well… “

“Welcome everyone to the very first Improv Erotica Theatre!” Cornicle flourished his arms up at the crowd as they all erupted into cheers and even more whistling. He seemed to drink in all the praise, both sincere and lewd. Seta, meanwhile, started to flush a faint green, though she continued to smile appreciatively.

“Now with all that history out of the way,” Cornicle began when the crowd finally settled down, “I think it’s time we explain how this is going to work.

“We’ll begin by having you all call out for someone you’d like to see… onstage. *Wink* *wink*.” He said the winks out loud. “ Which I will then transform into. For instance:” A wave of turquoise light flashed around him as his form began to change. A split second later and he was replaced with the perfectly-combed, golden hair and white tuxedo of a notorious Canterlot Noble.

“Ugh! I can’t *believe* I would ever be seen up here,” the ‘Prince Blueblood’ on stage harrumphed.

Seta then stepped forward.

“And then I’ll have you all shout for someone you’d like to see him...accompany.”

The same green-blue light swirled around her, and replaced her with a pink-bowtied cellist.

“And once these two have been decided,” ‘Octavia’ said with an elegant accent, “We will then perform a ‘scene’ between these two ‘characters’.”

The two of them then transformed back into their original Changeling forms.

“Now,” Cornicle said, holding one finger in the air. “We do have a few rules.

“Firstly, if a performer does not wish to do a scene or embody a person for whatever reason, then that is their choice and we ask that you all respect that.”

“Secondly,” Seta continued holding two fingers up, “While we are taking the form of real-life people, we want you all to remember that we are still playing roles. We do not wish to besmirch the reputations of any man or woman, and we ask that you please keep the same mindset. This is all fantasy, nothing more.”

“Now, with all that out of the way,” Cornicle once again raised his hands up to the audience. “Let’s get our first scene underway, Canterlot!” He cupped his hand around his ear and held it up to the crowd. “Let me hear it! Who’s gonna be in our first act?”

All at once the crowd erupted in a sea of voices.

“Princess Luna!” Shouted a young winged man.

“No way, Celestia’s way hotter!” Shouted his twin sister.

“Sapphire Shores!” Yelled a very fashionably dressed woman.

“Daring Do!” Came the enthusiastic cry of her rainbow-haired friend.

“King Sombra!”

That last one seemed to pique Cornicle’s interest as he reeled back in a dramatic gasp, clutching at an invisible string of pearls around his neck.

“What’s this!?” He asked with equal parts shock and ham, “Why, I never! The citizens of Equestria’s very capital? Lusting after the monster that ransacked their northern commonwealth?” His shoulders fell as if they had been strapped with lead weights as he let out the least believable sigh in the history of improvised erotic theatre. “No use complaining, I suppose. I am but a servant to your wishes…”

The light of his transformation flashed for only a second, and where once stood the scrawny changeling actor was now a man of great and terrifying stature.

His shoulders and limbs were covered in iron armor, somehow both crushingly dull, and annoyingly polished. The gap in plate-mail around his midsection seemed to exist for no other purpose other than exposing his fiercely chiseled abs. His dark face was encircled by coarse, pitch-black hair that crept down his cheeks in thick chops. His appearance would have been identical to that of a soldier, if not for the chaste iron crown and billowing scarlet cape that reminded everyone that laid eyes on him that this man was royalty.

When he turned his piercing red gaze to the crowd, and finally spoke up, it was unquestionably the voice of King Sombra that addressed them.

“Now then,” he asked in a voice dark as shadow, “Who shall be...accompanying me?”

Immediately, the crowd erupted into yet another barrage of celebrities and nobles. Seta began to scan the crowd, but she was clearly less decisive than her male counterpart. She kept changing her gaze between audience members, and it seemed as if she was having trouble hearing any one distinct answer. But from underneath it all came a low and rumbling voice that overtook it’s competition:

“Dragonlord Ember.”

That finally got her attention, and her wings and ears finally perked up.

“Oh, well that’s unexpected.” Where Cornicle had over-acted his interactions with the theater's patrons, Seta instead seemed to be filled with genuine fascination as she smiled gently into the audience. “It would seem that someone in the crowd has a taste for something more… exotic.”

And in yet another burst of aqua light, she was replaced with the dragoness in question.

Where Sombra’s form was large, oppressive, and regal, Ember could easily have been mistaken for a medieval peasant. She was dressed in blue garments made of cloth that looked like it had been torn by hand. She was rather on the short side, especially for a dragon, and her tanned, rough skin was devoid of any symbol or article that would mark her as a ruler of an entire nation. That is, of course, if one were to ignore her sharp eyes and sharper horns that spiraled from the top of her head; her fierce and jagged hair that she wore in a stiff and militaristic mohawk; and the stalwart, iron-clad stance that could only reside with the woman who had fought her way to the throne of the Dragon Lands.

As soon as she was transformed, Ember’s eyes were transfixed on the evil king that stood across the stage. Her face contorted in a disgusted snarl, as if she loathed the very thought of being in the same room as him, much less…

“And now,” the King’s voice boomed, “Let us...begin!”

At his final words, the entire theater went dark.

After a brief moment, a single spotlight illuminated the center stage, where King Sombra slouched, chin-on-fist, on a wooden prop throne. His audience of one, the Dragonlord herself, stood only a few paces away. Her arms were crossed as she glared at the Tyrant of the Crystal Empire.

“I really don’t know what has you so worked up, Lady Ember,” King Sombra spoke in a voice that was disgustingly affable, “I thought our arrangement had been clear from the very start, yet whenever the time comes for you to uphold your end of the bargain, you start pouting about how ‘unfair’ I’m being.”

Lord Ember,” the dragoness corrected, “And as I’ve told you several times, your ‘arrangement’ is perverted at best and blackmail at worst. My people rely on your Kingdom’s gemstones as a means of feeding our families, yet you insist on holding your imports ransom until I…” She trailed off. Seemingly disgusted by how that sentence might have ended.

“And My Kingdom relies on those crystals as our energy and power.” The King’s voice grew more stern. “The only benefit we gain from maintaining our trade with the Dragon Lands is not starting an all-out war, and you have the nerve to call me an extortionist?

“Besides,” his tone softened as he smiled wryly, “I do believe it was you who suggested giving this favor.”

“I was fucking joking!” Ember’s glare hardened, but a faint blush began to color her cheeks.

“And were you joking when you then followed through with it?” the King asked. “Have you been joking every time we have met since? I must say, Lord Ember, I knew that the dragons were a rather unruly lot, but I didn’t know you’d be so committed to such a crass joke.”

Ember refused to respond to him, but the fiery blush on her face made it clear how she felt about it all.

“I would be open to hearing new suggestions, if you are unwilling to-”

“Just shut up!” Ember tersely interrupted, walking closer toward the throne. “Let’s just get it over with already.”

He smiled victoriously, “As you wish.”

Sombra corrected his posture, sitting up more straight and moving himself closer to the edge of the seat. By the time he was fully situated, Ember was standing directly in front of him. She gave the King one last steely glare before her face relaxed and she began to kneel down between his legs. The King hovered one hand over the armor surrounding his lower half, and with a wave of dark magic, they had disappeared, revealing his rather impressive manhood.

Ember leaned forward and took it between her hands. Even before reaching full-mast, there was still plenty of room for her to start stroking up and down. She started slow at first, moving her fingers across his shaft in a deliberate and tantalizing pace. As he began to grow more aroused, she sped up her handjob.

Soon she had picked up a much stronger rhythm that had almost gotten him fully hard. Ember changed up her technique, moving one hand to circle and tease the head of his cock while the other moved down to start massaging his balls. It didn’t take much longer before Sombra was fully erect.

Satisfied with her work, Ember removed one of her hands and leaned her face in closer and gave the tip a tentative lick. Finding his taste acceptable, she moved forward and began kissing the head of his cock. Sombra sighed at the feeling of her warm lips. Her mouth began to travel down the side of his shaft, all the while her tongue continued teasing him along the lines of his veins. When she finally reached the bottom, she moved her hand to the side so she could take one of his balls into her mouth. She suckled and played with it for a moment, before returning to his shaft and retracing her path upward. When she returned to the top, she played with the head a bit, swirling her tongue around the tip a few times, before repeating the same action down the other side. Kissing and licking his shaft before gently sucking on his balls and then returning back up.

When she reached the top this time, however, she didn’t stay there for long. Sombra let out a pleased grunt as Ember began taking his cock into her mouth. She paused after she passed his head, taking a second to suck a few times before continuing down another inch or so, pausing and sucking again.

Much like her handjob earlier, she started off slowly, only taking the top half of his shaft in before creeping her lips back up towards the tip and waiting until just before he almost left her mouth before diving back down. All the while her hand firmly grasped the base of his shaft and pumped along with her.

As her speed began to increase, she started taking him in deeper and deeper. Soon she was bobbing her head up and down the first three-quarters of his shaft at a steady, rapid pace. There wasn’t much room for her hand to move anymore, so she kept it planted at his base.

Sombra was clearly pleased with her performance. His head leaned against the back of his throne and his face had glazed over in bliss. He placed one hand against the back of Ember’s head, not forcing her but encouraging her actions.

It seemed to work as she now removed her hand entirely from his shaft, braced both palms against his thighs, and began pushing herself as far down as she could go. The head of his cock began tickling the entrance to her throat.

King Sombra couldn’t last any longer, and just as Ember began to feel him swelling in her mouth, he did finally force her all the way to the base of his cock. Ember’s eyes shot wide open as she felt him finally plunge all the way down, the first spurt of cum shooting directly down her throat.

Sombra gave another pump directly into her, but she was clearly unprepared as she began sputtering around his length. Eventually she won out and pulled all the way off of him while gasping for air. He was nowhere near done however, and another rope shot out across her face, causing her to keep one eye closed. Nearly spent, the King leaned his cock over her still-open mouth and allowed the last of his load to dribble out onto her waiting tongue. Ember stayed still for a brief second before closing her mouth and giving an audible swallow.

King Sombra smiled down at her.

“See, now was that so hard?”

“Oh, fuck you!” Ember shot back.

“Perhaps if you did, I might give you twice the gems!” The King chuckled as she rolled her eyes.

Ember stood up as the two faced the audience, bowed down and said in unison:

And scene!

Act 2: Mirror Image

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A brief flash of turquoise light later, and the Changeling pair from before re-emerged as the theater lights came back on.

The auditorium was filled with a thunderous applause. More than a few patrons let out an encouraging whistle, and an unmistakably dragon voice let out a low growl of approval. Cornicle was drinking in everyone’s admiration with a wide smile and series of flashy bows, as if any second he expected the audience to start chucking up roses.

“Thank you! Thank you!” he cheered over them all, still not breaking his many flourished bows, “We love to hear your appreciation.”

He waited for the crowd to settle down to a volume he didn’t need to shout over.

“But I suspect that your cheers might just be for my innovative, beautiful new approach to theatre. So let me ask you Canterlot, how did you enjoy Seta’ s lovely performance?”

With that the crowd roared even louder than before, and as a spotlight began to shine down on her, Seta was barely able to get a demure smile and wave past the violent green blush that was glowing forth from her cheeks.

“Well, I think she was terrible!”

And suddenly everything was silent. The entire theater turned to stare at Cornicle, who had a disgusted sneer on his face. Seta turned to her co-star, her mouth agape in a look of genuine betrayal.

“In fact, I would even say she...sucked dick!”

No one laughed.

Not a soul.

Not even a cough or a cricket.

On stage, Cornicle had an extremely undeserved grin on his face as his eyes darted back and forth over the crowd several times. He knit his brow as the silence became unbearable. He turned back to see Seta completely withdrawn, her eyes planted directly at the ground so her amber hair hid her eyes.

The smile immediately faded from his face.

“’ was just a joke…”

“ really think I was bad…?” Her voice was barely a whisper, yet the silence of the room allowed even the furthest row of patrons to hear her.

“Nonono, Se...I’m so sorry, I was ju-”

“Hearing that from you...” She learned her head up in an awkward imitation of Cornicle’s earlier smile. “Is pretty tough to swallow.”

The audience...



Cornicle stared on in bewilderment. Then pride. Then sheer jubilation as he joined the crowd in their uproarious laughter.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, once more for my lovely co-star, Seta!”

The crowd gave it’s greatest applause yet as she strode up to center stage and gave a neat little curtsy for all of them.

“Now,” the young changeling said, as she brushed her amber bangs behind her ear, “We still have plenty of show left for you all, so let’s just jump right into our second round of suggestions! Anyone you’d want to see, shout their name as loud as you can!” Seta waved her hands toward herself, as if inviting the suggestions themselves to walk up on stage.

And indeed they did start coming.

“Countess Coluratura!”

“Soarin’ from the Wonderbolts!”

“The cute guy from my math class!”

And yet, even as so many requests piled on each other, one very familiar voice rang out over all the rest:

“Shining Armor!” Somewhere up in the balconies, a former-captain-turned-prince was giving a very questioning look to his alicorn wife.

Cornicle stepped toward center stage.

“Ah yes, what a lovely suggestion. I hear the young prince is quite popular here in Canterlot, isn’t that right ladies?”

This time, the crowd erupted in more of a screech than a roar as young women swooned over the very idea of the former guardsman.

“Well, let me delay you no longer.” And in a flash of light, he had transformed into the Prince of the Crystal Empire.

He was very impressively built, and unlike Sombra’s comically chiseled musculature, he actually had the filled-out form of a true fighter. He was dressed in his iconic red-and-gold uniform with a bright blue slash across his abdomen. His very militaristic appearance was dismantled however, with a disarming smile and shiny blue hair that fell just past his shoulders.

“Hey there,” he said, his voice tinged with both a casual gruff and alluring husk. The screams of the woman returned again.

“Now then,” he continued as the crowd waned. “Who shall I be...accompanying, tonight?”

Before anyone could say a single suggestion, the loudest voice of the entire night suddenly screeched out through the entire auditorium:


One row forward in the same balcony, a young, winged crystal guard was giving a very questioning look to his alicorn wife.

The crowd erupted in a mix of confusion, hilarity, and encouragement, but the changelings on stage were quite a different story.

Before things went on any longer, Shining Armor transformed back into Cornicle and gestured with outstretched hands for the audience to calm down. He looked up toward the balcony.

“I’m very sorry, ma'am, but I’m afraid that I made it clear at the start that we were allowed to decline any submission, and I happen to know that my partner Seta has no desire to take the form of a ma-”

“Wait, hold on!”

That caught Cornicle off-guard. He turned to face the changeling he was just defending. He had expected to see her face bursting with green hemolymph, yet instead found an...oddly determined look on her face.

“It would be rude to just outright deny such a vehement request, don’t you think?” Seta asked. “Especially from such an...important patron of our show.”

“Seta, you don’t have to do this,” Cornicle assured her, “Don’t feel obligated to do something you wouldn’t otherwise.”

“Please, Cornicle,” Seta assured him, “I’m hardly that much of a doormat. haven’t even heard my idea yet.”

“Idea?” He cocked a single eyebrow at her.

“This is a theater, isn’t it?” She asked him, an impish smirk starting to creep along her lips, “I’m sure it will be alright if I take some ‘creative liberties’, hm?”

Before he could even respond, the light of Seta’s transformation was already shining.

What ended up taking her place was...certainly a form of Shining Armor. The clothes were completely identical, yet there were clearly quite a few differences. While still clearly toned, the muscles of the figure were slightly less defined. The figure’s hair didn’t stop at they’re shoulders, but instead flowed all the way down to their hips. Said hips were noticeably wider, a complement to the much curvier form that this Shining Armor had.

And all that was to say nothing of her impressive breasts.

What could only be described as a perfectly gender-swapped version of the Crystal Prince looked up at the balconies.

“Will this work?” She asked in a voice both girlish and familiarly husky.

It only took one cheer to give her confirmation, but everyone else in the audience cheering certainly didn’t hurt.

“I see,” came the bemused voice of a re-transformed Shining. “That’s quite the...unique take. I dig it!” The woman smiled in response.

“But you know…we should think of something to call you. ‘Female me’ doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue, you know?”

“Hah, what?” The woman retorted with a seductive smirk, “You wanna know what you should be screaming in a few minutes?”

Shining mirrored that smirk perfectly. “I mean… it would help.”

The crowd chuckled at the two’s banter.

“But really, what are we gonna call you?” asked Shining Armor.

“Is it really a question?” asked Gleaming Shield.

He shrugged.

“Yeah, I guess not.”

With that, the identical pair turned toward the audience, and in perfect sync exclaimed:

“Let’s start!”

And once again the entire room went dark.

When the spotlights returned to illuminate the stage, neither actor was in sight. Rather, the center of the stage was populated with a spartan facsimile of what one could generously call a bedroom. A small nightstand with a lamp and clock on top of it; a bed that was little more than a mattress and some sheets piled on the floor; and a white-washed wooden door standing by itself.

Eventually, both Shining Armor and Gleaming Shield came in from stage left, apparently already mid-conversation.

“Sorry again for all this,” Shining said, rubbing his head against the back of his neck, “Whenever Twily finds out about some new kind of magic, she tends to sort of...forget that her actions can have unintended consequences.” He smiled sheepishly at his female doppleganger. “Or, uh...hapless bystanders.”

“Oh, don’t worry,” Gleaming reassured him, “My brother Dusk is exactly the same way.”

“Huh. Yeah, I guess he would be, huh?”

“Honestly, I bet he’s at least half responsible for why I’m here. The second he found some dusty old scroll hidden away in the library saying he could communicate with people from parallel universes or whatever, he just had to start conjuring some crazy-ass spell.”

“Haha, that’s so like her! Or...uh, him, I guess?” Shining was clearly still stumbling over the idea of a young man with all the similar character traits as his little sister.

“Well, at least he’s finally found someone who can keep up with his endless curiosity.” Gleaming rolled her eyes. “Go figure it would just end up being himself.”

“Yeah, those two will probably be up all night just quizzing each other on different people’s gender-swapped counterparts rather than actually working on a spell to send you two back.”

Shining reached forward and opened to the door to the mock-bedroom.

“Sorry again that we don’t have any other rooms for you to stay in,” he said, as the faintest of blushes began to spread across his face. Not exactly much space with both me and Twily visiting Mom and Dad for the weekend.”

Gleaming, however, was seemingly transfixed by the room’s interior. She turned completely around very slowly, seemingly taking in every corner of the room with a mystified glint in her eye.

Seeing her so bemused, Shining turned to her with concern.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

“Nothing it’s just…” Her voice trailed as she ran her hand across the corner of the bedsheets. “It’s… exactly the same. The lamp. The bed. Every single wrinkle in these sheets is exactly the same as I left them back home. It’s my childhood bedroom exactly as I remember it, but... it’s also not.

“It’s like...nostalgia and homesickness all at the same time.”

She stood there, transfixed, staring at the corner of the bed.

“Yeah, I guess it must be pretty surreal for you, huh?” Shining said, still in a rather chipper attitude, but when he walked up to her only to see that her eyes were starting to grow glassy, he quickly changed his tune.

“Whoa, jeez, are you crying?” His voice was now filled with concern.

Gleaming shook her head and smiled wanly.

“Sorry, I...I don’t know what’s going on with me.” She didn’t shutter or sniffle, but there was a clear waver to her voice, “I’m not...sad, really. I just...I don’t know…”

“Hey, hey, it’s okay,” Shining Armor tried to sooth her, “Here just, sit down with me.” He gently guided her down so that the two of them were seated next to each other on the edge of the bed while he held one of her hands in his.

“I’m sorry…” Gleaming sighed, leaning her head against his shoulder “I don’t really know what came over me. I guess it only just settled in how far from home I really am.”

“It’s alright,” Shining reassured her, “I’m sure I would act exactly the same way if I found myself in the same situation as you.”

For a brief moment there was only silence. The two of them just sat for a bit in each other’s presence.

That is, until a girly chuckle started to fill the air.

“Hehe, yeah. No shit you would!”

Shining gave her a strange look, before finally remembering the situation the two were in, and with that revelation the two burst out into laughter.

“Haha, man, that’s exactly what I would have said!” Shining roared.

Although her laughter was a bit more subdued, Gleaming was clearly starting to lighten up.

Eventually, she removed her head from his shoulder and turned to look him in the eyes properly.

“Thanks for saying that, though,” she said earnestly, “It’s strangely comforting to hear...myself of all people trying to cheer me up.”

“Yeah, well, I guess no one knows you better than you,” Shining said with a smirk.

The two both chuckled again, but continued to look into each other’s eyes, and it was then that they began to take each other in. Where it was the similarities that immediately stuck out to both of them, they soon started to appreciate their differences instead.

Shining stared at her luscious blue hair, that was clearly glossier and better kempt than his own. He admired the royal blue polish that was painted across her nails, and the softer, more feminine curves to her face...and elsewhere.

Meanwhile Gleaming was transfixed with his strong cut jawline. She gazed across his body, seeing how his shoulders were ever so slightly broader, his muscles slightly more toned. She lost herself in his bright blue eyes that so beautifully captured the dim light of the bedroom.

By now the two had started to get closer. They could feel the warmth of each other’s bodies and soft bursts of their breathing. Shining could even make out the slightest hint of Gleaming’s jasmine-scented perfume.

And with barely a moment's hesitation, the two leaned in toward each other and met in a gentle, loving kiss.

But before the two could get lost in the tender softness of each other’s lips, Shining suddenly pulled back.

“No,” he said barely louder than a whisper as he turned himself away from Gleaming, “We can’t do this.”

“Hmm, why not?” Gleaming asked him.

“Because, you’re- I mean- you’re…” Shining stammered to get even a single word out.

“I’m you,” Gleaming said for him, “And that means I know what you’re feeling right now.” She took his face in one hand and turned him to stare into her eyes, “I know you want this just as much as I do.”

Shining couldn’t turn away.

“B-but, but I’m-”

“Married?” She asked, reading his mind once again, “I am too, you know. And if your spouse is at all like mine, I know she’s given the okay on things way kinkier than this.

“Besides,” she leaned in next to his ear and finished in a sultry whisper, “It’s not cheating if it’s with yourself, right?” She punctuated her question with a gentle nibble into his earlobe.

That was all Shining could take, as he suddenly dove into her, pinning her against the bed as he planted his lips against hers. Gleaming gave only a brief squeak of surprise before moaning passionately into the kiss.

The two became lost in each other's embrace. It wasn’t long before their hands began to roam over each other’s bodies. Gleaming moved her hands against Shining’s back, feeling the tightness and curve of every muscle. Shining, meanwhile, explored the sides of her beautiful curves. He slowly brought his hands up from around her hips and gilded them across her bountiful chest. Gleaming moaned deeper as he began groping her through her shirt. As he continued fondling and massaging her breasts, Shining was surprised to feel the subtle peak of her nipples beginning to poke through.

Curious, he started undoing the top clasp of her shirt. One-by-one he began unbuttoning them slowly and enticingly. When he finally reached the bottom, he quickly returned his hands to her breasts, only to confirm his suspicions. Shining pulled back from their intense make out only to give her a cheesy smirk.

“Well, well. So how often does my female counterpart walk around without a bra?”

Gleaming blushed furiously, caught completely off guard.

“U-um, well, you see um...I was uh…” She stammered, completely unable to come up with an excuse. Thankfully, Shining gave her an out when he decided to interrupt her babbling by leaning in to suckle on her left nipple while continuing to group her right. She moaned out in pleasure when he began flicking his tongue against her. She gripped the back of his head to pull him in closer to her breasts.

“Oh, that feels so good, Shining,” She encouraged him.

He complied by doubling his attention with his tongue and sinking his right hand deeper into the soft, pillowy feeling of her chest, earning him another set of beautiful moans from Gleaming.

While the two were both clearly enjoying the foreplay, Gleaming was starting to ache for more as she started pushing her body harder against Shining. Eventually, her arousal overcame her as she grabbed Shining by the shoulders and flipped the both of them over, leaving her on top, still panting from Shining’s actions on her breasts.

“Getting a little impatient are we?” Shining chuckled at her sudden ferocity.

“Shut up the fuck up, pretty boy, you know what I want!”

“Now, now. That’s hardly how a Princess should carry herself,” He continued to tease Gleaming.

Frustrated with all his stalling, Gleaming reached down between them, grabbed the waist of his pants and boxers with both hands, and pulled them down ferociously. Suddenly without the resistance of his pants, Shining’s dick shot up and slapped against her thigh.

Taking a little more precaution with her own clothes, Gleaming started pulling her pants down sultrily, revealing the light blue panties she wore beneath. After tossing her trousers aside, she hooked her fingers around the side of her underwear and began to drag them down. A thin trail of wetness stretched out from between her legs as she slowly removed the garment before tossing it aside as well, leaving her only in the open red jacket.

Wasting no time at all, Gleaming immediately re-positioned herself over Shining’s dick. She grabbed the base of it with one hand and angled her body before plunging all the way down.

“Fuck!” Gleaming screamed out. “ I never thought I would be big!”

“You’re one to talk!” Shining grunted in retort. “The gender thing must work in reverse cause, fuck you are tight!”

Thankfully, despite their overwhelming size difference, Gleaming had already become wet enough for her to start bouncing up and down. Shining watched in awe as a female version of herself began slamming her pussy down on his cock over and over. The air filled with the pair’s synchronous moans.

Gleaming continued riding her male self’s cock, each time pulling a good couple inches off before slamming herself back down to his base. The two fit each other perfectly, as if they had been made for each other. Perhaps in a strange sense, they had been.

While Gleaming lost herself in the pleasure of Shining’s cock, she leaned back to give her easier access to the deepest corners of her pussy. As she moved, her jacket began slowly falling off her shoulders, leaving her breasts to bounce freely with her body's ministrations. Completely hypnotized by their movement, Shining reached a hand up to grope one of them again, sending a shock of pleasure through Gleaming’s body.

“Shining I’m...I’m going to cum soon!” Gleaming screamed out in pleasure.

“ too,” He grunted out beneath her, “I think...I think we might-”

And then it all happened in a flash. Shining moved his hand to pinch Gleaming’s nipple, sending her over the edge as she slammed down on Shining’s cock for the final time, contracting wildly around him and causing the first spurt of cum to shoot out into her womb.

Both of them moaned in perfect harmony, as they rode both their own and each other’s orgasms. Shining continued to pump his load deep into her pussy, each rope of sperm leaving her fuller and fuller. He apparently had quite a bit in him as soon his cum was leaking out from the walls of her pussy. When he was finally completely spent, Shining pulled himself out of Gleaming, leaving a sticky white trail.

“Oh..oh fuck,” Shining was suddenly worried, “I-I just, y-you’re not- um…”

“Shh, don’t worry. I’m on birth control,” Gleaming reassured him, pulling him into a loving embrace. “There’s no way I wouldn’t be, the way me and Bolero are.”

“Oh...Heheh, yeah, I guess that would make sense.” Shining mused before closing his eyes and enjoying his female-self’s embrace. The two enjoyed a moment of brief silence before Gleaming suddenly started giggling again.

“Huh, what is it?” Shining asked, peaking one eye open.

“You think Dusk and Twilight ended up like us, too?” Gleaming asked with a dirty smirk.

“What? Of course not, my sister is a proper lady, and the Princess of Equestria, not to mention a huge nerd and- “ Shining couldn’t even lie to himself for that long, “Fuck me, they probably took half as long as we did, didn’t they?”

The two of them laughed and settled down for the night, but not before turning their faces toward the crowd and giving the synchronous chant of:

And scene!”

Final Act: Audience Participation

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Once again light returned to the Royal Canterlot Theater as a flash of turquoise brought back the aqua-and-sepia-clad changeling pair. There were a volley of whistles accompanying the applause as well, mostly from the top balcony.

“Thank you, thank you. You’re all too kind!” Cornicle cheered as he began bowing over and over for the whole audience. Seta gave another perfect curtsey as everyone continued.

When Cornicle was finally finished with his bows, he held up his hand in signal for them to start quieting down.

“Now, now. While me and my co-star appreciate your applause, we still have one final surprise for you all!”

“That’s right!” Seta chirped up enthusiastically, “And we’re sure you’re going to love it. Especially two lucky members of our audience.” She gave a sultry wink to the crowd.

“That’s right ladies and gentlemen,” Cornicle called out to the entire hall, “For our third and final scene, we’re going to need a volunteer!”

A sea of hands sprouted up from the crowd. Across every row were a hundred different waving hands of patrons trying desperately to be noticed by the pair on stage. A deafening wave of “Ooh, ooh”s and “pick me”s flooded through the packed room.

After some surveying, Cornincle finally laid eyes on a couple he found satisfactory. He pointed out toward the center of the audience.

“You two. The blue-haired, winged couple in the twelfth row, come on down here!” He said with an inviting wave of his hand.

With a giddy squee, a young woman with flowing, powder-blue hair flew out of her seat, dragging a young man with her.

“Hey, wait a second!” The man in her arm started complaining, “I wasn’t raising my hand!”

The two finally landed on the stage in front of the changeling pair. The woman, dressed in a sleeveless pink top and light purple skirt, was beaming with energy. Her wings kept giving tiny excited flaps.

“And what would your name be miss?” Seta asked politely.

“Um, my name is Silverstream, and can I just say you two are amazing!? Like, omigosh I have never seen anything so fucking hot! Like the whole self-cest thing and how you can come up with scenarios on the spot and-”

“Haha, alright then,” Cornicle interrupted her with a friendly chuckle, “I can see you are very excited. And who is the fine young gentleman accompanying you tonight?”

Said young man had a head of feathery blue hair that matched his hoodie, tipped with bright yellow spikes. The front of his jacket was unzipped revealing a rather plain white t-shirt and blue jeans combo. He continued to try and remove himself from the situation, but Silverstream's grip on his wrist was unwavering.

“Come on, Sil, why’d you have to drag me into this?”

“This is my boyfriend, Gallus,” Silverstream introduced for him, pulling him closer towards herself, “Quit, squirming Gall, this’ll be fun.”

“Silverstream and Gallus, it is a pleasure to meet the both of you,” Cornicle said, holding out his hand. Silverstream shook it excitedly, but when he offered his hand to Gallus, the blue-haired man simply turned away and scoffed.

Undeterred by Gallus’s aloofness, Cornicle continued on:

“Now then, while I’m sure the two of you have a perfectly healthy and loving relationship, might I be so bold to ask: is there anyone you’ve ever fantasized about?”

“Absolutely not!” Gallus immediately protested, a red blush immediately rising to his cheeks.

“Oh, come on, Gall,” Silverstream encouraged him with a nudge in the ribs, “What about the crush you always had on Miss Rarity?”

“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Gallus denied just a little too quickly. He averted his eyes from everyone, even the audience.

“Hey… wait a sec,” Seta suddenly interjected. She cocked her head to the side, suddenly becoming very interested in the couple. “Neither of you would happen to know a changeling named Ocellus, would you?”

Silverstream gasped in shock.

“You know Celly?”

“Yeah, she would always talk about the friends she had made in Ponyville. So does that mean you two are School of Friendship alumni, too?”

“Oh ho!” Cornicle piped up, a devilish smirk crawling across his face, “Hot for teacher, are we?”

“Absolutely not!” Gallus turned his head away from everyone and shut his eyes in a mix of anger and embarrassment. The flash of turquoise light against his eyelids only made him squint even harder.

“Now, Gallus, darling,” an elegant voice drifted into his ears, “I really thought you would know better than to ignore a lady.”

Gallus suddenly dropped his guard and turned to stare at the spitting image of his former teacher.

She had gorgeously curled hair and bold make up. Her clothes were clearly custom-made: a thin black skirt that accentuated the luscious curves of her hips and a stylish white blouse that did wonders to both contain and emphasize the incredible swell of her breasts.

Silverstream gawked at her.

“Holy shit! Her tits are even bigger than mine!”

Gallus was similarly drawn to them, completely hypnotized by her jiggling chest as Rarity approached him, eventually blocking Silverstream and Seta from his view.

...Something finally pierced through Gallus’s burst of arousal.

“Hey, w-wait a second.” He leaned past Rarity to confirm his suspicions. Sure enough, the yellow-dressed changeling woman was still standing next to his girlfriend and was very much still not transformed.

“What’s the matter, Darling?” Rarity asked, cocking her head in an impish smile. On cue a bright orange sheen flashed across her eyes. The same color Cornicle's had been.

Before Gallus had a chance to answer her question, Rarity leaned in and began making out with him. Gallus’s mind reeled soon completely clear of anything besides the soft, warm sensation of her lips against his.

“So,” Seta said, turning away from those two and instead addressing Silverstream, “Anyone you have in mind?”

“Oh, uh...jeez, I never even thought about it,” Silverstream admitted bashfully, “I guess I’m not too picky, you can just be whoever you want to be.”

“Sure that sounds like fun, let’s see…” Seta tapped a finger against her chin as she considered her options. Suddenly, she perked up.

“Oh, I know! She might not be as well known, but it does keep the theme consistent.”

With a burst of changeling magic, she transformed.

The young woman that now stood before Silverstream had a very petite form and hair a similar color to her own that was cut in a neat little bob. Her dress was mostly a plain beige, but accented with a bright purple collar and red tie.

“Hello, there. My name is Coco, designer at Rarity For You,”

“Oh, my gawsh!” Silverstream exclaimed at the sight of her, “So adorbs!”

“Hehe, I’m glad you think so,” Coco said with a blush before moving closer to the winged woman, and without another word leaned forward and began kissing her. Silverstream had to lean down quite a bit as she was a good deal taller than Coco.

Meanwhile on the other side of the stage, Rarity was starting to make more progress with Gallus, now sitting on her knees in front of the young man. She deftly undid his belt buckle and pulled his pants down to reveal his fully erect cock, which Rarity nearly had to lean away from to keep from being slapped in the face.

“My my, is that for me?” Rarity asked with a sultry wink. “You know, I’ve noticed you staring at me during class. Especially at a… specific spot.”

Gallus simply continued to watch, dumbfounded, as Rarity lifted her shirt over her head and allowed her large tits to fall freely, giving a tantalizing bounce as they settled.

“So I’ve been thinking, do you want to feel them, darling?” Rarity asked.

Gallus just nodded slowly.

“Wonderful!” Rarity exclaimed and leaned forward to wrap her breasts around his shaft. Gallus groaned as he felt the softness of her chest enveloping him completely. Rarity moved her whole body up and down, allowing his cock to slide along her cleavage. Each time she'd press herself further down until his head started to poke out from between them with each stroke.

Across the stage, the other two women were also starting to move along swiftly. Coco had already completely removed Silverstream’s clothing, and was nearly nude herself minus her white lace bra. She kneeled down in front of Silverstream and moved her face toward her pussy. Silverstream was already soaking wet, probably from watching the previous two scenes.

Wasting no time, Coco leaned in and gave Silverstream a tentative lick. The younger woman immediately shivered, feeling a jolt of pleasure course through her entire body as Coco began to trace her tongue around the outside of her labia.

“P-please,” Silvestreamed stuttered out, “Don’t tease me. I-I can’t wait any longer.”

Eager to comply, Coco leaned closer and dove her tongue into Silverstreams pussy, exploring inside her and making sure to tend to every single corner of her inner walls. Silverstream responded by grabbing on to her head and pushing the girl’s face further down, helping her reach deeper.

“Enjoying the show?” Rarity asked, noticing Gallus was getting lost in both the sensation of her teacher’s breasts running up and down his shaft and the sight of his girlfriend being eaten out by an adorable young woman.

“Well, I’d hate for things to get boring, let’s keep up the momentum shall we?”

Rarity ended the question by leaning in and giving Gallus’s tip a quick kiss as it poked up from between her cleavage before standing up and walking over to the other two women.

“That’ll be enough, Darling,” Rarity said to the young woman who leaned her head out from between the other’s legs.

“Time for us to trade?” Coco said excitedly, wiping a trail of Silverstream’s juices from her chin.

“Just so, Darling, go help the young gentleman over there.”

Coco immediately sprang up, ran over next to Gallus, and started stroking his cock to keep it hard.

Rarity, meanwhile, re-positioned Silverstream to be between herself and the other two.

“Aww, it’s not just gonna be lesbian stuff for me, is it?” SIlverstream pouted.

“Oh, you don’t need to worry about that, darling,” Rarity reassured her as she encouraged the winged girl to bend over forward, “I think you’ll find my...special form to be more than satisfactory.” With that she undid the belt of her skirt and let it fall to the ground.

“What do you mean by thaAAAAAAHH!!” Silverstream suddenly screamed out as Rarity slammed into her full force with the staggeringly large cock jutting out from between her legs.

Completely caught off guard from the penetration, Silverstream fell forward arms first, only to be caught by Coco, who was similarly bent over while Gallus pounded away at her dripping pussy. The two clasped their hands together on either side of themselves to lend mutual support.

“He’s - fuck he’s so big!” Coco screamed out in delight as she felt Gallus’s cock bottoming out inside of her over and over again.

“Oh that’s nothing!” Silverstream retorted. “I’ve never felt anything like Rarity’s cock! She’s just...fuck!!” She suddenly screamed as Rarity rammed herself all the way to the back of her pussy.

The two women continued to moan out in pleasure as Gallus and Rarity started to sync up the rhythm of their thrusting. In the heat of the moment, Silverstream leaned in to plant her lips against Coco’s. While briefly shocked, Coco opened her mouth up to allow Silverstream to begin exploring with her tongue.

Gallus was completely transfixed watching the girl he was fucking making out with his girlfriend while his teacher rammed her cock inside of her. The sight and sensation was starting to become too much for him.

“I’m...oh shit! I’m going to cum soon,” Gallus grunted.

“Coco, darling, you heard him,” Rarity winked down at the petite woman, “Let’s give everyone our last hurrah, shall we?”

“Yes, Miss Rarity!” Coco responded and immediately pulled herself off of Gallus.

In a rush, she was standing behind the man, pressing her small frame and breasts up against his back and began stroking him off furiously.

Rarity meanwhile pushed herself and Silverstream closer towards Gallus before pulling her cock completely out of the young woman.

“H-hold on,” Silverstream protested, “I-was just about to cu-OOOHMYGOD!!” She was interrupted once again by Rarity’s dick plunging into her, but instead of her pussy, she had buried herself all the way to the base inside Silverstream’s ass.

Silverstream continued to scream out in incredible pleasure as Rarity began moaning from the incredible tightness of her asshole. Silverstream fell over again, this time clutching onto Gallus’s sides as her body hovered just above where Coco was continuing to finish him off.

“Oh, fuck! Oh, shit Gallus’s she’s -oh, don’t stop- she’s going so deep!” Silverstream exclaimed, barely able to make her words out in between Rarity’s vicious thrusts in and out of her backside. She clutched onto Gallus for dear life she was pounded by her teacher.

“SIl, I’m...I’m gonna cum!” Gallus cried as he felt the pressure starting to build up inside of him.

“Me too! Please! Please cum for me Gallus! I want to feel it all over me!”

That was more than he could take, as he was finally sent over the edge and shot his first volley of cum up at Silversteam’s stomach. Just as she felt him start to splatter against her, Silverstream reached her own climax and started to violently clench and spasm around Rarity’s cock. The chain reaction continued as the increased tightness caused Rarity to reach her own peak. She let out a primal moan as she started shooting load after load into Silverstream’s ass.

Gallus continued cumming as several more ropes began to paint Silverstream’s belly, and a few even reached up to the underside of her breasts. Just as he was finally starting to reach the end of his wave, Coco suddenly let go of his shaft and ran out in front of him.

She kneeled down on the ground and started tracing her tongue all across Silverstream’s navel, licking up every last drop of cum that he had shot out onto her. When she had licked the woman completely clean, she reached up and kissed Silverstream, open-mouthed, as the two passed his cum between them. After their brief make-out Coco and Silverstream both pulled back and gave a loud swallow of Gallus’s seed.

Rarity, who was finally spent, pulled her cock out from Silverstream’s ass. A thin trail of white came out with her. Rarity and Coco both grabbed Silverstream and Gallus’s hand respectively and faced the audience. In unison the two gave one final:

And scene!”

The crowd erupted in the loudest applause as Cornicle and Seta changed back into their true forms, now looking rather out of place next to the completely nude couple who they continued to hold hands with as all four of them gave a single, deep bow before the entire audience.

“Ladies and Gentlemen,” Cornicle cheered out over the uproarious applause “Let’s hear it one more time for our guests Silverstream and Gallus!”

The crowd erupted even louder as Seta turned to talk to the couple directly.

“You two can use one of the spare dressing rooms backstage if you want.” She said, gesturing toward a line of doors off to the right of the stage.

“Oh, and also. Stop by the merch table while you’re leaving.” She gave the two of them a playful wink. “Volunteers get one item for free.”

The couple strutted off stage right and the Changelings walked to the center to face the audience one last time.

“Ladies and Gentlemen,” Cornicle called out over the entire crowd, “This has been the lovely Seta!”

“And the talented Cornicle!” Seta finished for him.

“And we are,” the two said in unison, “Fantasy Theatre of the Masquerade! Thank you and good night!”

The pair gave one final bow, and the curtain finally fell in front of them.

Epilogue: Backstage

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“There, that wasn’t so bad, was it?” Cornicle asked as he turned to face his co-star.

“Yeah, it was amazing; you were right,” Seta said, rolling her eyes, “I guess it’s pretty easy to just get...lost in the act, as it were.”

Cornicle gave a hearty laugh.

“Couldn’t have said it better myself!”

“Hey, so...when that winged couple finally gets out of the dressing room, you wanna maybe… go in after them and… you know?” Seta leaned in closer and gave a seductive flicker of her thin, chitinous wings.

“Wha-what?!” Cornicle was suddenly glowing green from the massive blush across his face. “Seta...that’s, pretty forward isn’t it?”

“Oh come on!” Seta rolled her eyes, exasperated. “Really? After you just fucked my silly three different ways up in front of a full audience, now is when you decide to be modest? Really?

The young Changeling woman turned away from him and started walking towards the dressing rooms by herself.

“Have it your way I guess,” She called out over her shoulder.

“W-wait hold on!” Cornicle flew after her. “I didn’t say no!”