> Getting Ready for Bed > by LilSlipsy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > One Simple Spell > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Presents to every filly and foal across the land. A goodwill gesture from the royal of Equestria. It was like a simple Hearth’s Warming in the middle of the year, but who was it for exactly? A bunch of plushies and dolls in the image of the Sun Princess herself. Each one, a way to bring a smile, each with a set of eyes to look through, to watch, to play. Made for fillies and colts alike, but this night, a special, yellow pegasus was busy in her room, getting ready for bed. She was sitting by the mirror, brushing the last of her mane. The fluffy, white robe she wore was cute, and the pink frills along the edges matched the colour of her mane. It looked warm and cozy, like being hugged by a cloud; the length was perfect on her, stopping right before her tail, leaving little to the imagination if she was at just the right angle. She wiggled around on the floor as she brushed and brushed; that one part of hair that was gone over several dozen times. She tried to focus on the mirror, she really did, but her hips were moving like they had a mind of their own; a particular itch that wasn’t going away. “Fluttershy, dear, are you ready for bed? Washed your mane?” The filly almost jumped at the mare in the door. “Y-yes, mother… I was just finishing up.” “That’s good,” her mother said with a tired smile as she walked in the room to flick on the nightlight and straighten the bed. “It might be another late night for your brother. He told me he was still doing homework.” The music coming from the other end of the house suggesting the contrary. “I just hope he will be able to get to school tomorrow on time,” she said with a hopeful smile as she headed for the door. “Goodnight, love you, sweetie.” “Love you too, Mom.” With the door shut, there was no way her mother could see the plushie’s horn softly light up, nor the damp spot on the floor where her daughter had been grinding on for the past ten minutes. The Princess’s eyes followed along as Fluttershy headed over and got comfy on the bed. Her pillows were many, and she was surrounded by her stuffed animal friends. One spell, one suggestion, one little bit of magic. That was all it took. The filly was breathing harder and her eyes squeezed tighter, trying fruitlessly to force herself to sleep. Her hindlegs were pressed tight against each other, sliding back and forth as her hips moved. From the shakiness in her breath, it sounded like it was doing little to help quell any tingles down there; quite the opposite in fact. Her inexperienced hooves rubbed tightly along her chest, like they had no idea where they truly needed to be, but unconsciously had to touch something. The small fire between her legs left her restless. It didn’t take all that much magic to start, but the results were spectacular as her own body helped keep her on a rollercoaster of compounding hormones and sensations. If this plushie had a nose, by now there would have been a noticeable scent from that small pegasus, one that would have let everyone know what her body was begging for, without even needing to see her at all. However, watching her move, breathe, and let out soft sighs was more than enough, being so close that they could have cuddled. Fluttershy finally opened her eyes, biting her lip as she glanced around the room for something to help, like some answer would magically appear. It was nice to see their desperation to try and quell that tingly feeling. Where they would go, what they would grab, how they would get to that sweet, sweet release. As unique as a cutiemark – to which this filly had none – they would find their own creative way to get where their body was begging to go. It was clear she finally gave up on actually trying to sleep the moment she rolled up onto hooves, looking around the room, and even over the edge of the bed, like a detective looking for clues. Celestia wondered if the plushie could blush, because it certainly would have been after seeing what she was staring at. The spell had worked well. Whatever push it had given the young filly was doing better than expected. Her tail was instinctively up high, swishing back and forth to each side, and giving more than enough time to see what was underneath. That puffy mound between her legs looked like two plump lips just begging to be kissed. There was a soft, pink blush showing through her thin, yellow fur, and a rope of juice drooled down and connected right to her thigh. Above it all, was that donut-shaped ring of muscles; it was actually quite pristine, practically a perfect circle and not an imperfection anywhere in sight. If this filly wanted, she surely could be a model. The sight didn’t last long as she turned back around, looking at the stuffed toys around her and at the many pillows on her bed. An exciting idea came about as the filly glanced at her, but it was quickly dashed as the filly grabbed onto a pillow instead and laid it down lengthwise on the bed. Fluttershy took off that white, fluffy robe and tossed it onto the nearby bedpost. What was once a cozy hug, looked to be only keeping in the heat at this point. Her fur had a light sheen of sweat underneath it, and with the robe gone, those small, perky teats were subtly sticking out from her underbelly. Tentatively, she laid down on the pillow and her face lit up red with a blush, looking at it like she was almost sorry for laying on it like this. Though, as much as she looked apologetic and personally embarrassed, her thighs couldn’t help but clamp tightly onto the pillow as she pressed herself into it. Her soft breathing was getting noticeably sharper as she shifted her rump side to side. She reached out to the nearest thing she could grab a hold of: a brown, button-eyed, bear. Bringing it close, she hugged onto it tight, pressing her cheek right up against it as she squeezed her eyes closed. It wasn’t the best choice. There was a much better one, silently watching from just a little bit further away. It could all have been perfect if it wasn’t for that silly bear, but really, with a sight like this happening, Celestia wasn’t going to complain. Fluttershy was still rubbing herself side to side on the pillow, curiously and sporadically moving around to find out what felt best. There wasn’t any really rhythm yet, but every so often she kept pressing down and sliding. Celestia could only imagine it was squishing her little nub against the soft fabric, and parting her folds as she slid across. She wondered what it looked like back there, now that the filly was most undoubtedly winking out like mad. “Mmmm…” the filly truly moaned out for the first time. Her eyes widened like she had just caught herself saying a bad word, but after a quick glance around the room to remind herself that she was alone, she went right back to focusing on what she needed the most. It was adorable how her tail swished back and forth every so often, and how her dock subtly quivered. Her heavy breathing was letting her whole body rise and fall, and wings were clamped tightly against her. Other pegasus usually had their wings splayed out like an uncomfortable, pulsing appendage, but she naturally held onto herself in her own comforting embrace. She seemed to be finding some sort of rhythm the longer she went on, squishing her bits into the pillow as she slid side to side; it appeared to be enough to take this to the next level now that she was chasing this sensation, working towards a final release. Celestia wordlessly wished her luck in finding that finish, as she knew not all mares did. Though, with the way her hips moved and how she had soaked the pillow straight through, the filly certainly was on the right track. “A-ahh-HH~” she squeaked out sharply and cuddled tightly into her stuffed animal friend. Celestia silently hated that bear. She could be the one feeling that filly’s pants and feel her squeezing tight every time it got too much. The option was there to suggest tossing that bargain-bin toy away and grabbing onto the innocent looking Celestia plushie instead. Though, using any more magic than what was absolutely needed could dilute the purity of a first experience like this; Celestia just lit a spark, the foal’s body took care of the rest. Besides, there were still many more firsts that Celestia herself could indulge in later, certainly with more involvement in this filly’s exploration than she restrained herself to now. If this plushie had lips, she’d be licking them; the idea for a better line of toys noted in her mind for the future. Fluttershy’s hips were starting to rock harder, making the bed squeak every time she moved. “Ahh…. mmm…” she moaned out practically on each breath. She lifted her head up a little to look back, watching her rump move as it brought her ever closer to that climatic moment. Knock. Knock. “Fluttershy, sweetie, are you alright?” her mother called out from the door. “Ahh… h-hahh… mmh…” she could only moan with all of the focus on her rump. She was so close. Her eyes started to squeeze tight, and that rhythm she had been working on started to falter as she desperately tried her best to keep it going. “HHmmpph~” she breathed in with a sudden grunt as it looked like the finale was here. “A-AhHH~!” she squeaked out loudly as she let out the breath she was holding after it got too much. Her thighs pressed as tight as they could into the pillow, her head flicked up and her back sunk down deep. A sudden line of liquid suddenly splashed right down to the foot of the bed as the filly let out another high pitched squeal. The door opened as she mother walked in, and stood there wide-eyed in shock, surprised right until she gasped as a second line of hot, filly juice came squirting out and a few errant droplets managed to splatted on her face. Fluttershy didn’t appear to even notice her mother staring at her spent flank as her head drooped down and cuddled her stuffed animal in tight. Her heavy breathing was starting to slow and a satisfied smile on her face grew. That had been quite a long shot for a filly of her age. Clear across the room. It would certainly give the filly and her mother something to talk about for a long while. Plus that skill would be great to watch again. Maybe another night when this special, yellow pegasus was busy in her room, getting ready for bed.