> Dissenting Voices > by StarryNight_Waifu > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > PROLOGUE - March of Pride > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROLOGUE THE MARCH OF PRIDE The Queen’s Great Tower loomed over the grand metropolitan city of Vesalipolis, casting a shadow over the city’s populous, and projecting the power and might of the Changeling Lands. Over four-hundred meters tall, this pyramid shaped monster of a structure housed the governing head of the state. Filled with concrete and glass, it creates a sort of image. An illusion that nothing can topple such a structure, and those on the top can look over those who roam below. It was the idea Queen Chrysalis had in mind when the construction of the building began. Now, she looks over the streets of the city, filled with bustling activity as changelings buzz around, to and from. Civilians lining up on the side of streets, her soldiers took formation and slowly marched out in columns from their barracks that was constructed around the city. Tanks and other vehicles are rolling out of storage facilities and bunkers in synchronized movement, planes and airships patrols the clear skies in tight formations. It was time. For weeks and days on end, propaganda advertises the event that would be broadcast all over the nation, and if possible the whole continent. Every changeling, from the lowest of workers to the highest members of the bureaucracy would be a spectator to this grand event that shall be remembered in all of the history of the changeling race. As was planned, of course. Aufsteigen des Triumphieren, Vesalipolis 25th of April, 1012 ALB “Where is she?” grunted Argynnis, feeling a bit impatient. “The parade was supposed to start an hour ago.” The changeling queen of pinked-color carapace, sat impatiently, her blood-red eyes narrow on each side of the street. Her soft rosy-red mane flows beneath her shoulders, as an officer’s hat sat on top of her head, and royal cape covered up her form. There was a noticeable pitch-black colored military uniform, and a silver plated badge which signifies her position as of higher rank. Which was also a pony’s skull. “Our glorious Queen likes her image,” drawled Helvia. “And it’s for the best, the whole world is watching.” As her fellow queen pointed at a journalist crew, Argynnis snorted, but accepted it as well. The event was merely a necessary step towards their ultimate goal. If she was the head honcho she would just go and deal with her foes with their already superior firepower. As a young queen of her caliber would never understand, politics wasn’t exactly her strong suit. She specializes in a more… intimate way of doing things. Not that it would stop her, Argynnis wasn’t stupid. Queen Chrysalis was the one with the power here. She respects that, being the dominating party, the one on top. Glancing back to her fellow queen, Queen Helvia has a light purple carapace which goes well with her golden mane. Her delicate yellow pupils watched with hidden curiosity. Being the head of Naval Armament and Trade, one needs to be competent and charismatic. It comes with looks department as well. Argynnis turns her attention to the other other queens in attendance. In the changeling lands there were at the very least a hundred hives. More are found beyond their borders, and in other continents too. A notable one from the Griffonian continent, though contact with them were limited and spotty at best. Most in attendance were younger and inexperienced queens, those that remain from the older generation were few in numbers. A dozen few at best. “And why wouldn’t she? Queen Chrysalis represents our whole species.” A statement Argynnis can get behind, such a simple premise as well. But only if the world were so simple. It doesn’t make it any less true, there were a few those who spoke against Chrysalis, but such opinions are unpopular these days. Propaganda can only get you so far, those dissenters were silenced by her precious Todesschwadron. Her Death Squads, a perfect amalgamation of savagery and discipline. To change topic, Argynnis was curious, “Where’s sweet little Yaria? And what of that old bug?” Queen Yaria and Queen Aurantia, respectively. Whilst Yaria was the youngest of all the queens gathered, around twenty years of age, she was no means a weak one. Her ingenious application theories of magical output were nothing to scoff at. “And those weapons she provided. They were exemplary at best.” Any changeling that’s able to satisfy her thirst for bloodshed demands respects, albeit reluctantly, not that she would admit that to the young queen. Aurantia on the other hand… ugh. If there was any queens she despises, it was Queen Aurantia. The nerve of that mare! She literally reeks of weakness. No other emotion can be satisfying in removing that disgusting taste of contempt in her mouth. Aurantia was impressive, only at civil factors, though. No other changeling can have such an architectural mind. The aging queen can’t even defend her own hive! Much less herself! “I can’t imagine a better excuse as to why Queen Chrysalis still keeps that pathetic creature.” No matter, all changelings have a role to play. Especially with the up and coming “skirmish” with Olenia. Then, with the big showdown with Equestria. Only a mere dozen months away, and she can’t keep hiding those bloodthirsty thoughts. “Hmm? Oh, Yaria was occupied by something. Queen Chrysalis gave her permission. Queen Aurantia is helping the organizers, please don’t even bother her.” Freely excused? Must be important then, no other reason to miss Chrysalis’ march to glory. Though, she did wonder what viable reason would it be? She was in charge of training all military personnel, supervising the construction of armed installations. Anti-Air nests, bunkers, supply depots, airfields, anything a soldier can name. All bureaucracy goes to Queen Chrysalis, everything civilian or industrial is asserted by Aurantia, Yaria is the Director of the Research & Development of Armaments Division (RDAD), and Helvia is the head of Trade and Commerce. All roles are equal of importance in maintaining the nation’s well-being. With the exception of Yaria apparently, which comes to no surprise to none. Must be classified then, Argynnis shrugged. Better not question it, or else heads would roll. Literally in Chrysalis’ case in recent years. Argynnis gave a non-committal shrug to Helvia, and took pleasure in the sights that greeted her. Vesalipolis changed over the decade. Before, most building were empty, never a soul present. The streets were unmaintained, broken, and unusable by vehicles. There were no landmarks built, or even administrative buildings, only the old palace was the most recognizable building in the whole city. The design of apartments and homes were simple in design, now each residential district’s houses were of Griffonian architecture that came to redesign and overhaul each and every structure. The flow of activity was now streamlined into near perfection. Districts of notable differences are professionally separated on the city’s outskirts. Massive buildings like the Strategic HQ, Vesalipolis Public Hospitals, precincts placements around the maze of streets, and concrete towers that housed massive AA guns to deter any raids upon the city. Her hive-city was nothing compared to this, as the only notable landmark in Vraks was the Royal Infantry Academy. And the houses were designed to look complex and simple. Trumpets and drums fill the streets, knocking Argynnis out of her observations. She can already see massive square formations on a sea of gray columns, slowly approaching ahead. Finally, it has started. Pride. Nothing can ever triumph that emotion. Not even love. As the first battalions approach, the deafening cheers of each and every changeling can be heard a thousand miles away. Uniformed, and in perfect sync in their march, the standard-bearers marches ahead, to give way to their comrades and to showcase each and every civilian their prowess and discipline. Standard-issue equipment, saddlebags and armed to the teeth. To say they were impressed was an understatement. All eyes are on their actions, every stomp of their hooves, and hearing every beat of the drums go along their movement. Chrysalis never felt so satisfied. Not far behind, shiny new Panzers strolled out, at the front was Hivesmarschall Trimmel, leading them on a Panzer IV variant named, “Eisenwagen.” Newer and older models stood out. Saluting every changeling they come across were the elite tank commanders, in their black uniform complete with the side-cap, giving those who never seen such contraption such awe and terror. And to imagine a hundred of them passed casually. Then came the motorized battalions, with their trucks and armored cars. Field artillery towed behind, and other heavy equipment, like anti-tank cannons and AA guns. Rocket artillery were present as well. Marines, sailors, and other naval officers comes marching forth. Those in midnight blue colored uniforms were the marines, and changelings with white-stripes in their collars were the sailors. They too were armed with rifles. The naval officers in their fancy cars, and the two admirals, Mimic and Lysander, waved to the crowd. Their darker, and much more sophisticated uniforms with lines of gold stood out from the rest of the naval forces. It was an endless stream of gray and black, the elite forces came with absolute grace. Their faces were lined with strict expressions. Can’t say the same for their eyes, too much pride to hide. Jäger platoons marched with loose but tight columns, with camouflaged uniforms, armed with smaller guns, and instead of wearing a stahlhelm they instead wear a camouflaged hat. Death Squads were much more aggressive in their march, and coupled with vicious smirks, they were a terror to behold. Black coats with red outlines throughout, and a side cap, gave a much different look from the rest that were showcased. These troops carry a much more sophisticated weaponry, and more advance than any other nation can field. If it were even possible, the cheers grew louder as an officer car came strutting through the street. All eyes were on a single figure, atop the officer's car was a figure every changeling has seen or heard, Queen Chrysalis herself. Dressed up on a pristine snow-white military uniform, lined with gold, and a hat with golden stars and the nation's symbol, the Queen of the Changelings came forth with extravagance never witnessed before. Saluting her subjects, somehow, and in someway, instead of a vicious snarl or a condescending smirk, a mere soft smile graced her face. And her eyes shines brighter than the sun, brimming with immeasurable pride. As the parade goes on, and as the planes drop confetti pieces from the heavens and creating a picturesque canvas, no changeling or creature may not easily notice. Those eyes of pride effortlessly bore a sad look. The Royal Palace, Canterlot 3rd of May, 1012 ALB "...as festivities goes on, delegations from Griffonia continue. Queen Chrysalis herself met with several lords and ladies of the Empire, as well as those from the River Republic. Tensions runs high as the King of Olenia refused the invitation of the-" Luna scoffs as the radio channel was switched, how subtle of you, dear sister. Never one to face direct conflict. Not that Luna can blame her, with her recent tally of wins-loss are a bit muddled. She only wish Celestia would just put her best in the actions of decisive battles. Like the older days, a thousand winters ago. But wouldn't push it, she loves her sister too much for that. "The news channel not to your liking, Tia? Not that I would force you, weather reports are quite drool if I must say." Not exactly subtle either. And she swears, her older sister was smirking her lips when she sips those cups! "Why the weather is quite pleasant, I can tell, no need for a reporter to do so." Luna sighed, gently placing the tea cup down. Well, the mood was ruined. And Tia was right, the weather was pleasant. Not like those in the eastern coast, the skies were filled with smog you can barely fly. Those industrial sectors must be managed properly, and might as well put an input. "Sister, this is going on for far too long! Chrysalis cannot be stopped at this point, militarily we may never catch up, but politically? We had the advantage! We should've dealt with her long ago." "...You know as well as I do that it cannot be that simple," replied Celestia, feeling much older than necessary. "We must upheld the peace that was so rightly earned, after the defeat of Cozy Glow, and the re-imprisonment of Tirek, our little ponies are exhausted." True. That, and the unstable relations between ponies and bat-ponies. Tia's problem with the buffaloes may also count. Not even mentioning the threat that Stalliongrad poses. Too many problems, too little solutions. Luna sighed again, sharing her sister's frustrations. The world changed, much more than Luna would later realize when she returned from her banishment. Since the early 900s where the birth age of technology, many problems were being solved without the use of magic, and creatures who are inherently not magically competent may found themselves a place in the sun. It is when the industrial revolution came merely decades ago, where ponies would flock to cities and development centers around Equestria to find work, and look for the abundant opportunities that may come and go. Transports like trains and airships were more prominent than roads, and with the help of Olenian investors, managed to create a network of radio communication to all major cities and towns. Greatly connecting the once massive but unmanageable size of the administration of the nation. Being the leading nation that brought enlightenment of a new age of technology may bring problems. In one such case was the northeastern region of Equestria formerly known as Princessyn, the acclimation of too much reliance on industry, a very autonomous administration, a lack of support from Equestria, and very bad harvest seasons led to the birth of a new ideology. And a nation born from the flames of the revolution. In the next few months, Stalliongrad itself shall celebrate its twenty years of independence, and victory of the revolution. Luna was sure that no invitation would be sent. Industry was quite stagnant in recent years, but was still heavily relied on. To secure this, Celestia implemented a new policy on the defense of Equestria and her borders. Apart from the Royal Guard, military service was available on the Equestrian Armed Forces, a militia and professional force that wields weapons and vehicles of war. Though much fewer in number, its forces can be supplied from military police forces and royal guard members in times of war. Though, even with all of them, it is still no match against the forces Chrysalis has mobilized slowly and quietly over the years. Truly, the next decade would be a struggle as new problems pop-up, villains to defeat, mysteries to solve, and old threats to contain. Good graces, might as well follow-up on the product that Rarity mentioned. With these problems, migraines wouldn't be an issue. Speaking of Rarity, she wonders if she is doing well. Not since Luna returned from her banishment, her list of ponies on her contact list were quite small. Twilight was a good friend, understanding and cooperative, though from fear of Luna's retribution rather than any other issue at first. The honest mare, Applejack, was in a sense a blunt pony. She voices her concerns (and fears) rather lightly, and got along pretty well. Now, Fluttershy was a whole different case. One moment she shies away from any attention to her, not much less from Luna herself, and when Luna feels down or lonely the shy mare rockets out of her comfort zone to give warmth. She appreciates it greatly, and she was sure Fluttershy knows it as well. Rainbow Dash was a mare leagues above others, Luna never witnessed such a pony with so much competitive spirit. And one of the ponies who faces Luna with no fear, making the athletic mare much more approachable in certain things. Then there is Pinkie Pie. No other creature could baffle and terrify Luna in such heights, whether the party pony would even realize that, she wasn't so sure. And she was not keen to find out at this point. "Bless that mare, but if she were given a seat of power..." Luna shudders at the thought but shook it out. Rarity was a surprising case, Luna had thought differently when they first met. Heavily according to her element, her generosity was too much for Luna to accept. She admires what Rarity is trying to prove, that no matter the appearance, there is a beautiful gem underneath. All the effort it takes is a chance. And in recent years, Luna asked for her assistance in the bat-pony problem. At first she wasn't so sure Rarity fits the bill. She requested Twilight for her assistance, but was bogged down by the troubles from the Griffonia. Applejack has a farm and a family to look after, and Luna can understand. Greatly so. Her fortunes wasn't so keen on Fluttershy's case, even if the shy mare genuinely wants to help. Rainbow Dash was a busy member of the Wonderbolts, so no go on that. She was sure Pinkie Pie was more than happy to help, but this situation requires more tact. Luna would doubt balloons and party confetti would magically fix the centuries long animosity between ponies and bat-ponies. Sometimes she wish that were the case. Sadly, life was not forgiving. Rarity was her last chance, but Luna wouldn't bet on it that time. She knows that the mare was busy from her own business, and helping Luna would only hinder Rarity's days of opportunity. She was dead wrong. Not only was Rarity excited on the prospect, but also with genuine worry for the bat-ponies' mistreatment among society. And with her generous nature she agreed to be Luna's campaign manager, assisting Luna with modern societal norms and finding small solutions to better fit the bat-pony race to rest of equestrian society, and removing the racial tensions and mistreatment to boot. Whilst doing her business venture in Rarity's Manehattan branch. With recent news that Rarity hired bat-ponies with skills needed on her work, making a statement to the rest of the nation. Many of the fashion artists who admired Rarity's work followed suit, and all of them does not have a single inch of regret. Who knew bat-ponies also have a fashionable side? Luna didn't, but Rarity did. "Please show us those pearly whites, darling! They fit you SO well. Flash those wings as well, they make you look fierce and SEXY!" Luna owed a considerable debt to Rarity's effort in recent years, and Luna was sure to pay it back. Both sisters share a moment of comfortable peace. Celestia was always looking for the bright side of things, and considering the one thousand years of peace and prosperity, no one would know better. But Luna does, this is merely a calm before the storm. And whatever comes their way, Luna and her sister would weather it, for years if can be. Luna was a veteran of a hundred battles, but... Luna wasn't sure if she would face the storm and survive. Only time will tell. She would only pray that the fires of war would not burn the whole world. > Author's Note > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to my fanfiction! This is merely a retelling of my experiences with a fun session I had with my friends. I do not own any characters in this tale, nor any source of media like music and illustrations(FANART!) and I do not take credit to the idea of Equestria At War. It was published by a group of awesome people who are dedicated to their craft. Artists, authors, modders, and programmers. This tale will be a novelization of my experience. Nothing more, nothing less. Credits to EAW Developer Team MrScroup Yard1 Featherus Cyrus Bipen Printik Cazzym Indyclone Flying Dutchpony MonAx cijik and MANY more! The experience was played during the Sundered South update Wind of Changelings My Little Pony belongs to Hasbro and Lauren Faust