> A Different Story > by PsychoFox44 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > (Prologue) > --------------------------------------------------------------------------  Long ago, among the time before Celestia there was a land that was split into five. To the Far East The Pegasi lived, among the mountains and the coast. A society built around war. Almost half the population was in rolled into the military. To them life was war. They are also the most aggressive out of the five  tribes. Constantly threatening their neighbours to the south. To the west and Most of the south lived The Earthbound. Furthest to the west what is a dry desert and to the east patches of Forests. The hardest working tribe out of the five. A society mostly has small villages and plenty of food. What little defences they have are mainly run by mercenaries and bandits. They trade their large supply of food for protection. To the Northwest, live the Unicorns. The most technological out of the five tribes. They see themselves better than their other counterparts, thanks to their ability to use magic. They believe it is their divine right to rule all of pony kind. After all they were the ones that moved the celestial bodies of the sun and moon. To the north live The Crystal ponies. A society that struggles to stay on its feet thankfully they managed to make trade with their close allies, the Earthbound. For materials of Crystal and copper. The earthbound traded food and Cotton. this was the only friendship between the four tribes. Finally to the northwest A land full of mountains and caves lived the thestrals. One of the most dangerous out of the five. All other tribes view the thestrals with suspicion and hate. The thestrals on the other hoof, just wish to live in isolation from the world. The only tribe that isn’t full of hate All the other tribes had something against each other. The Pegasi want to tax the merchants that trade between the earthbound and the Crystal ponies.The unicorns once more power and land to control. The earthbound discussing the possibility of war. The Crystal ponies taking a liking to the possibility of war. Finally the thestrals want to be left alone. As the hate grew so did the cold. Before anyone could tell… The Wendigo‘s attacked. They attacked four out of the five tribes all at once. The shock spiralled all of Society out of control. Towns were abandonedAnd were covered in frozen bodies. Those who survive the first wave forgot about the hate and only focussed on survival. One day… an Alicorn Rised. No one knew where she came from, they only knew about her power. The creator of the Grimoire and the first to wheeled a four leaf grimoire. In days she blasted the Wendigo‘s back to the furthest point of north. Unfortunately she was defeated in the final battle of finishing the Wendigo‘s. Legend has it with the last bit of her mana she cast her last spell. Before flying towards the heavens. In a span of a day all of those who are over the age of 15 received a gift from the creator. Their personal three leaf grimoire. While the grimoire had many options the races particularly got the element of there race. The pegasi proceeded to get the ability to control air. For the earthbound, mastery of the earth. The unicorn gained the ability of fire. And finally the Crystal ponies with the flow of water. This was a clear decision to allow all of the ponies to unite together. In the end this did nothing but further there division. They did come together but in a different way that she would’ve not liked. The unicorns and the pegasi decided to form an alliance to gain the upper hand on the other tribes. They convinced everyone to join them in forming a perfect kingdom. In the long run the trap would be spring but for the short run the tribes with survive The crystal ponies were able to hold off the next invasion of the wendigo‘s with their two new allies, and one old one. they became the sole protectors of the north. Now that the Crystal ponies were cut off to their allies, the other two tribes struck. They quickly bought off the merchants controlling the trading. If the earthbound and the crystals ponies were to ever go against the unicorn or Pegasi. They could cut off the supply of food, comfort and weaponry. The mercenaries seeing that they could get paid as well as plenty of food started deserting the earthbound and work for the military which was mostly controlled by the pegasi. The earthbound were now trapped. Decades past with nothing changing until one day, two more alicorn’s arrived. They too had four leaf Grimoires. It became clear that those who were gifted with the ascension hood of an alicorn were able two wheeled such power. Celestia the day. Luna the night. Their powers were magnificent. They alone could move the celestial bodies where it took 10 unicorns to do it before. 100 years of peace and change came to land. Until one day Luna betrayed her sister. Celestia bag for Luna to come back but there was nothing more than a nightmare. Celestia had no choice but to use her most powerful spell and banish Luna to the moon. Many thought piece would come to the land now that the evil sister was gone. But for some strange reason Celestia one day got up from her chair and walked out of the castle. Never to be seen again. after that it didn’t take long for things to turn back the way they were. The unicorns and Pegasus in power. While the Crystal ponies and earthbounds we’re trapped as Second and third class citizens. After 16 years of celestia disappearing, everything was back to the old ways and has been that way ever since. About 300 years later the thestrals started coming out of the isolation. But this was a trap believe to be set by the followers of nightmare moon. These thestrals were masters in the dark arts of mana. We begged them to come to be cleansed of their sins but they threaten us which led us into a war. Our numbers were the deciding victors of the outcome. Now the thestrals are nothing more than slaves. They are for bidden to ever touch a grimoire until their soul has been cleanse by the creator. It has been 700 years since then and there has been no change in the thestrals behaviour and they still persist to remain in the dark arts. Although we are trying to reform them the best we can. “Father!” Shouted one of the orphans in the back. He was certainly a strange one. I am a priest that has built an orphanage for the increase of child poverty in the area. 40 years of my life's work and I’ve never found anything like him. And trust me, I may be an old earthbound but my memory is finer than the newest Steel. We don’t know exactly what he is except for the fact he looks like a mixture between a dragon and a diamond dog. His skin is more Paler than the average diamond dog, but he had a stance of a dragon. He was a very intelligent, strong and a wise young boy. It took me years to figure out a similar mythological species known as humans.  His hair on the top of his head was almost pitch black with the ends having tips of white. His eyes showed curiosity everywhere he looked, you could almost get lost in those eyes, his different coloured eyes. The right being a golden iris while the left being a purple iris. His smile was one of the biggest in any situation. He had to be the happiest child in Equestria, even though he was an orphan, one of the lowest class ranks. “Yes Blacklight”, The name stuck with the kid after I didn’t know what to name him. The way his hair always was the best answer I had at the time. “Why are the dark arts evil?” His question threw me off. “Well that’s because…” I don’t have an answer. I never really thought of one need. But I’m sure there is a proper answer. “That’s because Nightmare Moon uses the dark arts against her sister. They are a symbol of betrayal. Her sister could barely handle this fact and ran off to only Creator knows where.” “Yeah you idiot! it's kind of obvious!” Stated Steelwing the only Pegasus at the orphanage. He was quite a troublemaker with his red coat and black mean. At a very young age his grimoire magic has already been shown. His wings are coded in steel. One can only guess how powerful he will be when he receives his grimoire. All of this attention has gone to his head. “Steelwing that’s enough! No question is too dumb for my class, Young Blacklight was only curious” I saw Blacklight shrink into the corner more, he wasn’t very popular with the others constantly being teased and bullied. I’ve done my best to try to show his potential but the others I just wrapped up in today’s world. What a world...