
by Gallants

First published

Lilly and the General are the only ones that respect me, Lilly was programmed to do that though. The Queen seems to respect me too, but we just met.

My brothers never treated me with respect, said I was going to betray them and the republic. But when the chancellor gave out order 66, I was the one who resisted, I was the one who tried to save the general they adored so from them, I was the survivor.

My name is CT-63, and I will survive and with the Queen's help it'll be easier she seems to know the land, and she knows the same betrayal I do.


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"Corporal I'd like to speak to you," General Tetzail had told me, her timing was impeccable as always, I had just finished polishing Lilly and didn't have any other duties to perform. I quickly made my way down the halls of the Acclamator towards her quarters.

"Trooper," a lieutenant called out from behind me, "why are you wearing that armor? Phase I's are obsolete," I turned around and he stopped allowing me to observe the pink stripes of the wings on my visor, "Oh, Mistake it's you, keep that clanker of yours behaved," he told me with a finger before walking back to his post.

"She has been since the beginning," I muttered under my breath and continued towards the general's quarters at a heightened pace.

Her room was barren, more so than the other generals from what I'd seen, it most likely had to do with her being a Miraluka. "Sixty-Three, it's good to see you," she never used my name, she knew I hated it, she suddenly held the side of her head losing her balance. "I feel a disturbance in the force like many lives have been snuffed," her voice was unsteady; if she were capable I believe she would be crying.

Suddenly my comms crackled to life, "Execute order 66," the chancellor's voice buzzed through, I felt a compulsion I couldn't help myself, my commanding officer's voice broke through telling a couple of other clones to approach and take care of the situation.

"I have the situation handled, Captain Aspect," I said drawing my blaster, he told me not to mess it up, "Ma'am I'm sorry," I said raising my blaster, my hand was shaking, she 'looked' at me and nodded her head. Tears flowed down my face I couldn't do it; there was an electric buzz urging me to pull the trigger, deep in my head. I couldn't take it I ripped off my helmet and placed my glove to the side of my head, I activated the contacts and shocked myself. I fell to my knees gritting my teeth, I think something burst in my brain I couldn't feel anything.

"Corporal are you okay," the general whispered to me she was kneeling next to me a hand placed on my shoulder, "I was sure I was going to die there, I couldn't bring myself to fight you," she said helping me to my feet.

I looked at her and placed my helmet back onto my head, "I couldn't either, but we have to make it look like I did," I hissed out grabbing her robe, "I'll shoot the robe so it looks like I hit you, but you will also need to make it look like you fought me," she was quick to push me away at my words and throw the few items she had around the room, I shot her robe several times, she quickly put it back on and collapsed just as the door opened. A pair of clones looked between me and the general.

"Good job, guess you aren't that big of a mistake," he said chuckling, "Let's dispose of the body," I stepped in-between the general and the pair of troopers, they both tightened their grips on their blasters.

"I took the shot, I'll take care of the cleanup too," I told them before turning back towards her body, they laughed as they walked away, "General we just need to make it to the hanger then we can make a run for it," I whispered into her ear, she tapped my wrist and got up. We quietly made our way through the ship, I disabled the cameras as we went. It took a while but we made our way through and to the hanger, the General began to make her way to an ARC-170 and I placed a bug into the system to unlock the hanger doors and open the trench, from there I gave an order to Lilly to be ready to fight and to get out with us, she happily prepared herself for it. Before the General made it to the fighter her lightsaber ignited and she deflected bolts coming from a squad of troopers, I drew my blaster and began to open fire on them Lilly soon joined in with the cacophonous sound of her cannons echoing through the hanger.

"Can't follow orders or even age right you really are a mistake aren't you corporal!" the captain's voice called out over the warming of his Z-6 I was quick to change my focus onto him. His bolts struck the ground around us as I kept my pressure on him, slowly but surely the general and I made our way to the ARC, she took my blaster and continued to hold them off while I warmed up the starfighter. Before I closed my cockpit the general tossed my blaster in with me, with her in the gunner seat, I took off activating my bug forcing the hanger to open to our freedom, Lilly was the first out of the trench. We exited the ship while taking fire from the captain's Z-6, when we entered the open air of space we were welcomed by a warm orange glow as I began plugging coordinates in, then I felt a pull.

"Sixty-Three, I believe that's an event horizon we're riding," the general called out, glancing behind us I saw the darkest of black and the Acclamator being torn apart as it attempted to reverse. Lilly flew past us tumbling as she attempted to break away, our engines soon gave out and we were drawn into the singularity.


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"I can't believe their plan is working," Queen Chrysalis whispered to herself as she looked upon the destruction the changeling army wrought, gripping the handrail, a single tear came to her eye. 'I'll enact my own plan soon,' she thought to herself glancing over her shoulder towards the mind-controlled Captain and his trapped wife.

"This day is going just perfect,
As perfect as an invasion can be,
We even got the Princess to bend the knee,
Soon they'll all be shown,
And then my true machinations will be known,

Chrysalis looked back to see Cadance standing next to her fiance hand cupping his face. Her heart dropped as she gazed at the desperate look in her eyes, Chrysalis quickly lit her horn and released her hold on Shining Armor. "Our love will stop you," Cadence said defiantly when she realized Shining was no longer controlled.

"A touching statement, but even though love is a powerful substance and emotion, it's not that strong," Chrysalis said holding back the hurt in her voice. The sound of magical sparking quickly caught her attention turning on her heels she raised her arms in a panic and crossed them as a love-charged wall struck her forcing her body out of the palace and Canterlot. 'They'll kill her if I return or know I'm alive,' the thought ran through her mind; she quickly changed course and made way for the Everfree. Just before she entered the thick of the tree's she raised a mana shield to protect herself from the worst of the impact, after tumbling across roots and stones, she came to a stop near a river. She coughed clutching the side of her chest, she did the only thing she could think of, she stared up towards the slowly darkening sky and allowed the love she absorbed from the blast to help her cracked chitin and bones heal back to a smooth finish. Just as the moon crested the edge of her vision a fiery erratic trail cut the sky above her, with her breath caught in the back of her throat, embers floated down towards her. Chrysalis caught one in her magic inspecting it she noticed the red and white paint before it was consumed from vision by the hungering flames.

Chrysalis steadied her mind and felt for the emotions of a sapient creature, picking up on the trail she flew across the river and followed the scent of panic and fear, 'Whoever or whatever it is, they need my help,' she thought while quietly stalking through the brush. She stuck close to the trail of destruction created by the object.

I opened my eyes and looked around the destroyed cockpit, cracks webbed across my visor. "General are you okay!?" I called out, hearing nothing the worst came to mind. I quickly pulled myself through the opening gritting my teeth as the bruises made themselves known under my armor. Moving towards the gunner seat, my fears came true the general was unconscious a large piece of glass through the right side of her stomach. I lowered myself into the cockpit and looped my arms around her and began trying to get her out, "Come on general, you won't die on me after we survived our escape, right?" I choked out my vision blurry, I was stopped by a snap off our left side, I quickly drew my blaster and released a volley at the spot.

"Don't hurt me, let me help you," a feminine voice with an insectoid vibration called out to me.

"This is official Republic business, j-just keep your distance if you know what's good for you!" I called out before coughing several streaks of red spread across my visor, "that's not good," I mumbled out before working on getting the general out of her seat.
Laying her onto the ground I pulled the IFAK off my armor, I looked through it in-between coughing fits my visor slowly becoming tinted with more red. I felt arms around my body as I was suddenly facing the sky.

"Are you okay, I can help," That voice, I wanted to yell at her to get away but all that came out was a gargle, "Please let me help," she said getting me back to my knees before she began to search my kit, "Just tap me if I have the right thing you need," her skin was like that of the center of the black hole, slowly her fingers ran across one of my bacta injectors. I weakly tapped my hand against her, she lifted the syringe to me, gripping it I placed it against the side of my neck and dispersed the life-saving gel into my system.

"Thanks," I managed to choke out before returning my attention to the general, I grabbed another bacta injector, "We need to get the glass out and stop the bleeding then I inject her, from there we let the bacta and force do their work," I said gripping the glass, "On three," I said, "One, two, three!" I called out pulling the glass straight up when the glass was out of the way a thick green substance landed on her wound, the woman's hands quickly spread it out as she squeezed the skin closer together. I stuck the syringe into the general's neck, "Thanks for everything, you were never here, go home," I said looking up at the suddenly reclining woman.

"I don't have a home to go to right now," she said her face just out of reach of the illumination of the flames, "However she needs medical assistance, I can get you close to the town, they'll be able to help better than your 'bacta' and 'force'," She said a hint of incredulity when she spoke of the force and bacta, "Even the resin won't help that wound that much, let doctors and surgeons help her," she stated.

"Too dangerous, the force and bacta are her only hope right now," I said, "What's your name?" I asked my hand on my blaster just in case, I looked over the bits of the torn dress she was wearing, "Where you getting married?" I questioned further not letting her answer my first inquiry.

"Chrysalis and I was in a way," she said then her eyes opened, they were large, green, slitted at the pupils, and glowing, like a predator. "Though neither one of us wanted it, maybe it's good our split was so explosive," she finished leaning forward revealing a fanged elongated muzzle, "If you really insist on staying in the woods, I suggest we move away from the wreckage then, I'll collect some firewood when we find a place," she said standing up, "And what's your name?" she asked.

I stood up reaffixing my IFAK to my armor before kneeling next to the general and wrapping her arm around my neck, "CT-Sixty-Three," I said, "and this is General Tetztail," I slowly moved my right arm under her knees and I cradled her back before standing straight.

"CT-Sixty-Three, Strange name," Chrysalis says before leading the way through the forest before stopping in a small area with thick canopy cover and flat ground. "I'll be back shortly find something to cover her in, keep her warm," she said walking off into the woods, I pulled out my survival pack and unfolded the heat blanket, gently I wrapped the general in it. When I was finished with ensuring the general was snug, I looked around the land hoping to find what I needed to make a simple shelter. "I found what I could," Chrysalis said from the center of our soon-to-be camp digging a shallow firepit.


"So Separatist or Galactic Republic planet?" I asked looking across the fire at Chrysalis she was a strange-looking alien, but effective, she quickly helped me set up an a-frame tent large enough for the three of us, but she insisted on keeping her distance.

"What?" she asked so I asked again, "Never heard of either group," she said shrugging, "If you're really aliens, we never reached out to space," she said rubbing her hands.

"So primitives," I said, "No offense, but you never set foot into space, means we're probably safe here," I raised my hands to the releases of my helmet and removed it, "You mentioned a town, but said you have no home to go too, what does that mean?" I asked pulling a rag from one of my pouches spitting into it and beginning to scrub the inside of my helmet.

"I'm a foreigner in this land, and I was coerced into attacking the royalty and capital," when she said that I froze and looked at her tightening my grip on my helmet, "I was a queen, but I had no power over my subjects, I was under the control of the shadow council, they forced me to lead an invasion force against the Equestrians," she said her voice was strained, "I can't leave this forest now, if they find out I'm alive they'll kill me a-" I cut her off.

"You attacked a nation harming civilians not to mention putting your own at risk in order to keep yourself alive!" I yelled at her jumping to my feet, my hand hovering over my blaster, I'd turn her in if I had the chance.

"It wasn't about my life, they're holding my daughter, they'll kill her and make me watch before killing me, they have eyes everywhere," tears were clearly flowing down her face at this point, "I want to keep her alive and if it means living here for the rest of my life, so be it," she said wiping her face, "The ponies will know how to spot us now, I can't shapeshift my way out of here," she mumbled out.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have cut you off," I said sitting back down, "I just know of too many selfish individuals, who put their lives over everyone else's," I said, "So, it's really Queen Chrysalis, huh, nice ring to it," I said, she smiled at my words as she lowered herself down onto her side.

"I'm going to sleep now, good night," she said I replied in kind and put my helmet back on, and crawled into the tent, I laid restlessly something bothering me for minutes before I sat up. I looked across the smoldering flames at Chrysalis's shivering body, I moved over and gently picked her up and placed her into the a-frame. I uncomfortably wrapped myself around her to help keep her warm.


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I woke up and saw Chrysalis still fast asleep, I decided to move over and check on the general. Her wound didn't seem to any better, in fact, it looked to have reopened some under the resin, "Hey Queenie, wake up," I said nudging Chrysalis, she began to stir grogginess clear in her eyes. "I think I'll take you up on getting the general to the hospital since we're safe here," I told her when she became alert once more.

"Good I'll convert the tent into a stretcher, we'll get her loaded," she said igniting her horn and disassembling our shelter, "When we get close to the edge of the woods I'll point you into the direction of the hospital... and we'll split up there," her voice wavered, as she began to put together the stretcher.

"You mentioned shapeshifting, cause I don't intend to leave our savior in the woods," I said placing a hand on her shoulder, "If you need or want, I'll help build you a cover," I said placing the general into the stretcher, I put the loops around my arms and followed Chrysalis through the brush.

She tried to keep us along a smooth path, but I swear this forest wanted to kill us there were spots where I almost tripped on a root, where there wasn't one before, "this is as far as we can go before we risk getting spotted," Chrysalis said getting down on one knee and removing the wedding dress she was wearing, stripping down to a green cocktail like dress. A green ring of fire quickly ran up from the ground, I watched as Chrysalis was replaced with a golden fur-covered creature, not too far off to what her original look was, her eyes opened revealing purple eyes, "How do I look?" she asked no longer having that buzz in her voice, "I think I'll go by Honeysuckle," she said looking herself over as well as she could.

"Honeysuckle and you said my name was weird, but you look like a completely different creature," I offered up, "Is this resin a common factor on this planet?" I asked motioning towards the general's wound.

"No, it's a changeling thing, we're going to need to replace it with something else," She said kneeling down, I got down and removed my IFAK once more and removed the small piece of syntheflesh I had.

"This will have to do, so you remove the resin, I'll squeeze and attach," I said when I was in position, she ripped off the resin and I got hands-on the wound squeezing it as closed as I could and applying the piece of syntheflesh against the area, blood stained the gloves and bracers of my armor. "Alright she should make it to the hospital," I stated getting my gear squared away. 'Honeysuckle' led us forward, slowly we crossed the boundaries of the forest and moved past a small stream. It didn't take long for us to reach the hospital, I nodded at 'Honeysuckle' she gave me a panicked look and stepped inside calling for help, she quickly got the staffs attention, I was quickly asked for details, "She's General Tetztail, we crashed last night I've been trying to keep her alive since then,"

"Okay she's military, and what's your name?" She asked me as a group moved her down the hall.

"CT-Sixty-Three," I answered standing a bit straighter, she looked annoyed

"I asked for a name, not a MOS," I raised my eyebrow under my helmet.

"What's a MOS ma'am, my name is CT-Sixty-Three, Sixty-Three to my few friends," I told her looking her over, she appeared to be well experienced despite a seemingly young age.

"Military Occupational Speciality, I was an RG-68W in the guard expeditionary group," She said reaching into her scrubs and bringing up a pair of stamped tags that read 'Lt. Redheart, 2nd detachment Royal Guard'.

"Ma'am, Corporal CT-Sixty-Three, G.A.R, former," I said with a salute.

"Do you have any nicknames," She asked with a sigh and roll of her eyes.

"Mistake ma'am," I said with a grimace, "Honeysuckle thanks again for stopping to help us," I said looking over to the Chrysalis, she gave me a curt nod.

"You don't need to use the nickname you got from your Drill Instructor," she said hesitating, nervously.

"It's not from training, the other soldiers called me that, because I'm different," I informed her, "It's why I never made it past corporal, despite three years and countless battles and lives saved," I told her grabbing some towels and trying to clean what I could of the general's blood off my hands.

"Honeysuckle do you mind answering a few questions?" It seemed Redheart was no longer interested in me, "What were you doing in the Everfree forest?"

"I was just out for a run, wasn't paying attention ended up in the Everfree and when I realized I was already lost," Chrysalis answered, she was good, "Then I came across their wreckage and tried to help them get here," the greatest lies always have a kernel of truth.


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Chrysalis kept calm throughout her interview, giving out only bits of information throughout, I tried to relax after Chrysalis left, but I couldn't help but stress over the generals well-being she was always there for me, for all of us, made me seem like the same clone my brothers were. And the way she fought, with a purpose to protect the innocent and the soldiers she led, she never took it too far, "Excuse me corporal," I opened my eyes as Redheart called out to me, "General Tetztail is out of surgery and stable, but she is unconscious and will remain that way for sometime," she told me giving me a sympathetic look, "I hate to say this but you'll probably be stuck camping unless you find a job," I nodded and reluctantly left the hospital.

The town was small but lively; many of the locals, 'ponies' from what I picked up, stared at me, never making eye contact, they seemed to be drawn to the blood that still stained my gloves and helmet. Approaching one of the flower stalls caused the woman manning it to shrink down. "I-is that b-blood?" The creamy color of her coat seemed to pale with her question.

"It is blood, why do you ask?" She squeeked and began to rummage through a bag on her hip when I answered, fear clear in her eyes. "I didn't hurt anyone, it's from a friend I was helping, she's currently in the hospital," Visibly calming at my words, she perked up.

"My name is Roseluck, how can I help you?" She cheerily asked, folding her arms. I looked into her eyes, she was unable to tell.

"Do you have anything you need help with, just so I can make some credits so I can get some food?" She cocked an eyebrow her smile slowly faded it took me a few seconds to figure out her confusion with a snap of my fingers I attempted to clarify myself, "Right not republic, uh wupiupi?" she only seemed more bewildered, "Currency-," I offered up, and it clicked.

"Oh bits, yeah I can offer you some," She said her smile returning in full force, "If you don't mind waiting around till about three, somewhere else, no offense, but a blood covered pony will scare away business," she cautiously said to me.

"Of course no problem, I'll just come back in a couple hours," I told her turning around and walking down the road. The rest of the folk gave me a wide berth, I wandered the streets until I came across a large tree like building. Walking up the sign said it was the library, I stepped inside and began browsing.

"Welcome to the ponyville library, I'm the temporary librarian, Star Cross," A woman said as I picked out a book, I took a seat and looked up at her, the color from her blue coat quickly drained as she looked up at me.

"CT-Sixty-Three, pleasure to meet you Miss. Cross," I said opening the book and settling into the chair I chose, Star Cross kept an annoyingly close eye on me, going so far as to ignore some customers.

The book I picked was a bore, some trashy romance about an evil king becoming good over a young mare. Letting out a strech I stood up and put the book back in it's original resting place and made my way to Roselucks stand. She was closing her stall when I arrived; stepping up I cleared my throat, "Hello again Miss. Luck, how may I help?" I asked placing my hands behind my back.

She turned around and gave me a smile, "Can you get that larger arrangement back to my house," she said while pointing to a particularly large potted plant, simple, but work was work.

I placed the plant squarely where she instructed me to when we arrived at her house. "Thank you, it's been hard moving her to and from the stand," she said to me, holding a small bag in her hands, "I know it's not much, but I can only spare so much," taking the bag I quickly noted it had little weight but a nice jingle to it, "by the way, do you have a place to stay?" she asked me.

"No, ma'am, I'll be out of your hair soon enough though gonna camp by the stream I saw coming into town," I told her, turning towards the door, "Do you want me here tomorrow to help carry the bush to your spot?" I asked opening the door.

"I do and first thing in the morning, after you wake up in a bed, and have a warm meal," she said closing the door, "Now go upstairs and clean up," she demanded pointing up to the stairs. Nodding I made my way up the stairs and began my search for a lavatory.

It took me near two hours to finish cleaning my armor and get showered, wiping the steam from the mirror, I looked at my reflection and focused on the blue iris of my right eye, clearly contrasting the brown of my left. Slowly my gaze shifted to the blond hair that sat on top of my head, "I really am a Mistake, aren't I," I whispered, I was made of errors from the Kaminoans. I pulled my helmet off of the counter and made my way back down to the ground floor. Roseluck waved me over to the dining room as I crossed her line of sight.

"Looking good, CT," Roseluck said as I sat down across from her I sat in silence staring at the oak table. "You have nice eyes, healthy looking mane too," she stated trying to break the silence. I grunted out a response. "Right, well after dinner I'll show you to the guest room,"

All That Sparkles isn't Kyber

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Opening my eyes from a dreamless sleep, I begrudgingly got out of the comfortable bed I slept in and stretched. I quickly got showered and dressed, making my way downstairs I quickly spotted my new landlord putting eggs on a plate, "Good morning Roseluck; smells good," I greeted causing her to jump and nearly drop the food, "didn't sleep well?" I asked noticing the bags under her eyes when she turned around.

"No, I didn't, I was up all night thinking about, well, you," I raised a brow at her statement, "I mean what are you? I've never seen something quite like you," she said motioning to my body.

Nodding my head I gave my best answer, "I'm a clone, CT stands for clone trooper and Sixty-Three is my birth number," I told her her eyes fixated on me, slowly she nodded and gave me a plate.

"So you're a soldier then, for Equestria?" She asked I shook my head and informed her I was retired. When we finished our breakfast I put my helmet on and went to help her set up her stand.

"Sixty-Three," I heard get called out as we finished setting up her arrangements, turning around I saw Chrysalis approaching, a small sack affixed to her hip, "I do hope the general is doing good," she said keenly keeping a watchful eye on the surroundings.

"She's doing just fine Honeysuckle," I told her before lowering my voice, "is something the matter?" I asked feigning a stretch in order to look around and notice a blue-horned stallion looking at us with intent, "We should get lunch later what do you say?" I said to her gently resting my hand on my hip just above my blaster. Slowly the stallion approached, before stopping just out of arms reach of the queen, he took a quick sniff of the air.

His eyes widened, "CHANGELING!" he screamed his horn lighting up, I drew my blaster setting it to stun and taking aim, barely paying attention to the six ponies sprinting towards us. As a fine point appeared on the tip of his horn I pulled the trigger the blue ring quickly made contact freezing him, the energy blast he attempted to use was sent off to the side, I deftly switched my blaster back to lethal. The stallion was engulfed in green flame and was replaced with a changeling like the queen. Those six ponies finally reached us, all with looks of shock on their faces.

"A changeling in Ponyville? How'd it get here," A blue one called out before the other mares started yelling, which quickly devolved into an argument over what to do with it. It must have thought I was distracted because it jumped at me, I quickly pulled the trigger, causing the ponies around me to gasp with its collapse; smoke pouring from a new hole between its eyes, "Wh-who are you?" She asked looking between me and the dead changeling.

Twirling my blaster I quickly secured it in my holster, "Corporal CT-Sixty-Three, formerly of the Grand Army of the Republic," I said full of conviction, looking over at them I noticed a lavender mare looking at me a mix of fear and curiosity clear across her face.

"How does your muzzle, fit in that helmet, it would be extremely uncomfortable," She said looking me over, "slightly shorter than your average stallion," suddenly her hand was on my holster, I didn't even think I grabbed her hand bending it at her rotated wrist and applied pressure causing her knees to buckle slightly, the others took a step towards me. I drew my blaster once more with it set to stun.

"I'd appreciate, if you said something before touching me," I said letting the mare go and securing my weapon.

"Hey, buster what's up with you? She wasn't going to hurt you," The blue one spoke up, "I should knock your block off for that," she stated a pair of wings flaring from her back.

I sighed, "My brothers just tried to kill me, I've been fighting a war for the past three years, and I dragged my general through a forest to save her life," I told her turning my head to stare her down, "Forgive me if I'm a little on edge," I stated, and took a step forward, "However I am willing to use what little credits I have to make it up... to her," I told the blue one pointing at the lavender one.

"War," I heard the lavender one whisper, "where on Equis, is there a three-year war?" she asked seeming disturbed.

"Not on Equis, in space, far away," I said, "I hope," I quietly added "and if you couldn't guess, I'm not a pony, neither is the general, who I should go visit," I told them turning around and heading towards the hospital. Leaving the shocked mares behind.

The hospital was quiet, only a mare with a kid sat in the waiting room, the receptionist was nowhere to be seen. I took a seat, hoping we'd be seen to soon. It was longer than I'd like, but eventually, Redheart came through the doors holding a small bag, "I'm sorry for the wait Ditzy, but just follow the instructions and Dinky should back up and at it in a week or two," She told the two before noticing me, "Corporal what are you doing here?" she asked.

"I want to visit General Tetztail," she looked off to the side, "I understand she isn't awake yet, I just want to be with her at the moment," I told her, she nodded and told me to follow her. The general had her own room, I took a seat next to her, "Well, ma'am I'm living up to my namesake, making mistakes," I told her with a sigh, "I attacked a local, and drew on the others when they tried to step in," leaning back into the chair I continued, "I don't know what happened, she was talking and the next thing I knew I had her wrist locked," I turned to face the general, "I might not be around when you wake up, hopefully, I'll just be forced to leave town, and my mistakes won't have any fallout for you," the door quietly creaked open, the lavender mare was standing there.

"Redheart wasn't kidding, she really is fascinating," She said looking between me and the general before quickly clearing her throat and standing straight, "My name is Twilight Sparkle protégé of Princess Celestia," She told me, I grimaced underneath my mask, "and I'm sorry for causing you to react that way," I looked up relieved, "If you really feel like making it up to me or my friends you threatened, I'd love to study some of your equipment, and Dash would probably warm up to you if you showed her some alien-fighting moves," she gave a shy smile.

I could only say one thing, "I'd like that Twilight,"

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After I finished giving my goodbyes to the general Twilight led me to her house, the library, "Twilight welcome back, some horrible blood-covered pony came in the yest-," Star Cross trailed off as her eyes fell on me, "T-that one, their c-clean now," she stuttered out.

"I had the chance to clean up, thanks to Roseluck," I told her taking a seat, Twilight quickly sat across from me calling for a spike to get some tea made. I removed my helmet as Star Cross left.

"Spike is my little brother slash, number-one assistant; now onto you," she said with fervor, "Furless, explains your desire to wear such heavy gear most of the time," Twilight began looking over my exposed skin, "Soft facial features, complete heterochromia, very rare," she said, "I might have to study you specifically, and your name CT-Sixty-Three, what does that mean?" She asked taking notes.

"CT stands for clone trooper and sixty-three is my birth number," I told her quickly noticing who must've been Spike bringing in the tea Twilight had called for, "Well aren't you a sight," I said leaning forward resting my elbows on my knees, "As robust-looking as a Trandoshan, but far more handsome, and thank you for the tea," I told him taking a cup, he seemed to kvell with my compliment.

"You're a clone, so the 'brothers' you mentioned look like you?" She asked taking a sip of her tea, "And before I forget, do you mind allowing me to study your anatomy when we have the chance?" her question this time was followed with a blush as Spike made his way back to the kitchen.

"First I don't mind, practically just be a physical, and second no I don't look like my brothers, they called me a mistake," I informed with a sigh, "I was as different as I could be, different eyes, different hair, different body," I said electing to lean into the back of the chair and stare at the ceiling. "Mistake was also my callsign, they used it as an insult, try to break my spirit, they said I would betray them, and they tried to make me," I told her shifting my eyes back to her, "I refused to succumb, I used the enemies own soldiers against them, trying to prove my loyalty to the Republic, it never stuck in their minds I was as loyal as every other clone that is until I didn't execute our general and they tried to gun me and her down," Twilight had stopped taking notes a while ago, tears suddenly pulling at her eyes.

"I am so sorry that happened to you," she said, I shrugged and took a sip of my tea, damn was that good, "If you don't want to continue anymore I understand I mean by Celestia, that's horrible," she stated like it wasn't obvious.

"I don't mind continuing, but I figure you aren't interested in hearing more," I said deactivating the gription panel of my breastplate, I lifted it off my body, "It's all war stories I have, I never really spent any time off of the cruiser, outside of combat operations, since the others didn't want me around, so study my anatomy away Twilight," I said pulling the bodysuit down and stepping out of it. She stared at me wide-eyed before her horn lit up and I heard the door lock and several shades get pulled down, I removed what little I wore underneath the bodysuit.

"Spike stay in the kitchen," She called out before approaching, "I'm going to touch you is that okay?" She asked her hands out, I gave a crisp nod. Slowly her hands poked and felt around my torso, "Very firm muscle groups, most likely from a mix of genetic donor and extensive exercise," She muttered the paper and pen behind her busy at writing down what she deemed necessary, "Subject CT-Sixty-Three appears to be female from preliminary examination of the genitals, subject has small mammary glands in the approximate position of a ponies," she said before her horn suddenly lit up and a purple wave quickly washed over me. Blinking the spots away I heard her speak while looking over an image of my bone structure, "Similar bone structure to a pony even what appears to be a foals ley lines, fascinating," she quickly looked over to me, "Oh you can get dressed, my preliminary exam is complete, anything more extensive will have to be done at the hospital," She told me, I didn't need to be told twice I slipped into my underwear, and into my bodysuit before affixing my chest piece.

"Do you need anything else Twilight?" I asked, which snapped her out of the trance she was in, "And I am a female, only one of the clones to turn out that way," I told her, she quickly noted that down.

"Thank you for the confirmation and you're free to go, I have a lot to study with what you've provided," She announced unlocking the door and furling the shades, satisfied with her answer I retook my seat and finished my tea, I'd have to ask Spike for his mix later.

When I was finished I attached my helmet and I decided, took my leave and wished Twilight and her brother a good day. Stepping outside I was face to face with the blue one, "Afternoon," I said to her scowl.

"What were you doing in there?" She asked, "What did you do to Twilight!?" she seemed angry, "How did you hurt her?", this time her hand gripped the collar of my breastplate, my right hand shot out and gripped her right shoulder, I pushed forward and brought my ankle behind her tripping her and forcing her back onto the ground. I quickly placed my knee into the side of her stomach.

"What did we learn?" I said, "If you go for a grab, make it a full grapple and bring your opponent to the ground and keep control," I stated before getting up and pulling her to her feet, "Dash I presume?" I asked holding my hand out, "Twilights fine, she wanted to study my equipment and decided to study me instead," I told her when she refused to take my hand, "Lesson over, let me know if you want to learn some G.A.R fighting moves," She raised her eyebrow at that before smiling and taking my hand and giving it a firm shake.

"Rainbow Dash, you don't get to call me just Dash, yet," She told me letting go, "Well anyways, I gotta see Twilight about the new Daring Do book see ya around," She said walking into the library.

Chuckling at how quickly she came around, I figured I should apologize to the others. Heading down the road I quickly spotted Chrysalis approaching me. "We have a small problem," She whispered to me, "The changeling you shot survived and I'm sure he recognized me," There was a slight panic in her voice, "They took him to the hospital, we need to go and finish him off," I shook my head at her statement.

"Are you insane, we can't walk into a hospital and assassinate some random person," I hissed out, "The fact he survived though does explain why Twilight wasn't so disturbed around me," I said, "But even I was going to do something like that, we need him a lot more isolated," I told her poking her in the chest, "How strong is that chitin anyways if you can survive a blaster bolt to the face?" I asked her, she rolled her eyes.


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After a few hours, I was able to get Chrysalis to calm down and properly think about the issues with assassinating someone in the middle of the hospital, "Okay, I concede we won't kill him... yet," She told me as we sat on a bench on the side of a park trail, "But if he did recognize me, my daughter is dead if he can communicate with another infiltrator," I nodded listening to her.

"I understand that, but I can't execute him I don't have a defense if I do it in the hospital," She raised her eyebrow I explained with a sigh, "In the street, he attacked us and then attempted to attack me directly it was self-defense, but at the hospital where he is bed-bound I shoot him or kill him, it is murder," I say straining murder, "understand now?" I asked she nodded affirmation. I quietly changed my blaster to stun I couldn't kill here, outside of severe need, safer to stun.

I entered the hospital, under the guise of visiting the general again, luckily the changeling was being held in the room next to the general. I placed my comm-unit against the wall and had the audio feedback through my helmet. "Inspector," I heard a male say, "the strike from the corporal, as Redheart has told me, caused severe damage to the changelings' brain, I do not believe he will have any useful information,"

"All I need is to know what happened in the street, I have several witnesses that say it yelled changeling before it attempted to attack and I want to know why," A female this time said, "But if the changeling can't speak, we'll load it up and have it sent to Canterlot, I'd like to speak to this 'corporal', doctor," she said, the doctor agreed and I heard one of them leave the room and I put my comm-unit away.

I slouched next to the general, just observing her monitor watching each line, I didn't know what they meant but it must have been good since no one was rushing to her side. "Excuse me are you Corporal Sixty-Three?" A woman asked, I looked her over, she was clad in a black suit contrasting the alabaster feathers and yellow beak of her face, "I'm Inspector Quinn with The Bureau of Royal Investigations," she told me after I nodded my head, "I have a few questions about the event in the market this morning, do you mind answering them?" She asked me.

"Of course not ma'am, I'll help however I can," I told her sitting up straight.

She smiled and asked her first question flipping open a notebook. "Why did you leave after the event? Most creatures would have waited for the authorities to arrive."

"I'm just used to taking care of a threat and moving on to the next objective," I explained, "Never really had to wait for authorities to show up, there never were any." I gave in further detail.

"Okay, and how about the reason it yelled changeling?" She asked looking back at me.

"I'm not entirely sure, he just came up sniffed the air, yelled, and tried to attack us, I stunned him and those six mares came up, while they distracted me the changeling jumped at me and I shot him," I told her stretching my arms and legs before sighing and removing my helmet to rub my face, "It has been a few years since I had to think about taking a life, all I have been fighting are droids," I said.

"Droids? What are those?" Her question was joined with a raised brow.

"Machines, robots, programmed to kill and tear the galaxy apart, I was trying to preserve the republic, I don't know what happening up there now," she nodded along with my statement.

"Alright thank you, don't leave town until I can get this all sorted out, understood?" I gave her a crisp nod and looked back to the monitor. I sat there for a few hours before electing to get up and head back to the market and pick up a tarp, Roseluck probably didn't want to talk to me after all, holding my helmet in my hand I made my way towards the door.

"Thank you for visiting Corporal," I turned around to see the General sitting up and removing the pieces of medical equipment that were connected to her. "I was able to hear tidbits of what you said during your last visit, but let us leave," She said before a team of doctors lead by Redheart pushed into the room with a cart.

"Lieutenant," I greeted, "What's with the cart?" I asked pointing at the rest of the team.

"We thought that Tetztail flatlined," Redheart said looking at the sitting form of the general, "I-i will get her personal effects," She said stumbling out of the room.

"Well now, once I have my saber and robes I shall join you, my friend," Tetztail said standing up and stretching, I would have caught up with her if not for a sudden commotion in the room next to us.

"FOOD!" I heard something yell accompanied by the sound of a chain rattling, and the tell tale sound of a changeling's transformation. I turned, drawing my blaster turning it to lethal, and putting my helmet back on. I got a good stance and kicked in the door of the room I was met with the changeling holding what appeared to be a guard down and sucking some sort of pink mist from him. I took aim and shot three times, directly into the infiltrators' eye. His eye sizzled causing him to freeze shortly before collapsing onto the chest of the stallion.

"I guess I can trust you don't work for them," I turned towards the source of the voice, the inspector from earlier, "Is it dead this time?" She asked as a doctor rushed in checking the changelings' pulse.

"Time of death 1632," He said standing up moving the changeling with him back onto the bed.