> Spike and the Micronauts > by B_25 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Story > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike and the Micros B_25 & Ploish The Crystal Empire had always been known for being new. Unlike Canterlot, which kept to treasured but polished traditions, with its old buildings and older ways of living, the Empire was composed of crystal everything, always glinting, a shine to everything. Canterlot still allowed for new trends, however, anything relating to the word trend wasn't great or grand enough to earn a place in such a prestigious territory. It had to be top of the top and multiple ponies—the kind with spoons up their rumps—would have to consider it the cream of the crop.  Which would not be the case in comic books.  The Crystal Empire held the greatness of Canterlot, but was more with the trends, accepting and embracing the sparks of the current times. Ponyville and other such places, though as loose, didn't hold that magnificence to bloat such events into feeling vastly more.   Hence why Spike was stoked to visit The Crystal Empire's first-ever comic convention. It being set in a new place meant months of anticipation of getting to go. When it drew near, the nights were harder to sleep through and, few days before it was to start, going to the Crystal Empire by himself, that trip, always caused his world to feel a tad bigger.   Twilight had become too busy to join him. He was thankful for this fact, for, packing his stuff and boarding the train, getting to where he needed to go all by himself... it caused him to feel like a dragon outside of her shadow. Someone who needed to go somewhere and bore a great idea of how to get there.   And it was so that the sleeper train pulled up to the Empire, one seen countless times before, but now awash in a new feeling. Cons meant open spaces of things he loved and ponies and creatures he wanted to see. Friends made by letters to each other, debating theories and reviews and possible ideas for future projects. Cadance and Shining had been kind enough to offer him a place to stay at the Spire. His own room, of course, for he wanted to keep that hotel feeling alive. In truth he wanted to book one himself, but... as he went to suggest it—they suggested coming along.   Shining had devoured the classics during his high-school days and had passed on his love—as well as his collection—to the dragon. It made sense for them to go together. Perhaps for another spark to light between them again. Cons were better with at least one consistent friend at all times. The dragon currently laid on his bed. His leg draped off the side of the sheets with his head propped on a pillow. His eyes were half-lidded in a reflection of past hype and the sudden dread if the following day would live up to it.   But as he struggled to fight off sleep, there was a slash in his vision, brilliant and blue, spreading and thinning, that was, until disappearing in a blink. Spike did a few more as his eyes then fluttered open. Nothing loomed up ahead. No light left on in the room beside the subtle glow of his eyes.   Strange... But there wasn't much sense in pondering the effects of an overused and sleep-deprived brain. Rather he scooted back on the bed and slid his feet underneath the blanket. Turning to the side, he rested his eyes, finally, after days of keeping awake, anxious, in a good way... the little dragon finally found himself asleep. Meanwhile in the planet's exosphere. The Micronauts were engaged to the villainous Baron Kara in a fierce space battle. Ships thrust and rolled as miniature beams fired and scattered the aerial landscape. The heroes weren't much more than space explorers and scientists. Ironically enough—they didn't see themselves as micro as all sentient life documented is only their size (five to eight centimetres; give or take.) Baron Kara had been a wanted criminal desiring to prevent a future doom by reducing all that could be considered expendable. And the Micronauts had wanted for this not to happen.  The Galactic Government had placed a distress call for any ship capable of pursuing and, if capable, to apprehend the evil Baron. The Micronauts had been the closest ship and that was how their battle began.   Near the climax of their fight as both ships hovered away from the other, fires spreading within and engines blew throughout, a game of chicken would decide the victory of this fight. Both ships glared at each other, daring, calling for the game to begin.   Both engaged their ship's thrusters and blasters simultaneously. Hurdling toward the other, both took fire and damage and, as the second of impact, a blast from within knocked each to one side. From there the ships fell back into orbit, barely functional, falling to whatever planet both had happened by. Both ships still attempted their dogfight during the crash landing. Soon the clouds opened the way to the Crystal Empire below them. It was here the ships were finally ripped from each other as both, losing the fight, now focused on how to come out of this alive.   Karza's ships had been hit the hardest and careened into the shield of the Crystal Heart, bouncing off it harmlessly, the crash unnoticed by the passing, gigantic ponies. The cold of the place settled at once, and maybe the Baron would have frozen, were it not for... Meanwhile on the Micronauts ship, the crew managed to stabilize the vessel, landing within the Empire itself. The shield didn't detect them as a threat, and so, they flew in, those extra seconds of flight allowing them to regain control of the situation.   They managed to find a three with a thick enough branch to handle their landing. Bottom thrusters peeked out from the ship to slow and control the descent. The landing pegs extended as well, holding the weight of the vessel, allowing it to settle in peace.   Those within drank the first air of safety for the past hour. Not wanting to take chances on an alien planet, the ship scanned the surrounding area for further information and, while it did so, activated a cloaking device based on the research from the scan; the result was a bird's nest for any possessing a curious glance.   The ship's frequency interfered with the Crystal Heart for roughly half of a minute. This had been enough to drop its shield. Afar, Kara had noticed the drop of this importance and, sensing this as an advantage, slipped into the Empire.  Meanwhile with the Micronauts, they had decided to set out at dawn, still needing to apprehend the Baron. That, and to gather the resources necessary to repair their spacecraft while avoiding the notice of the locals. Biotron asked to remain on the ships, needing to use the ship's 3-D printer to fashion additional parts and resources. It'd been the next day and Spike set off for the convention.   The Micronauts, however, stalked the grounds of the grass as it towered above them like trees. Giant ponies roamed the streets but, in keeping to some manners, never tread the turf. It made it safer for them to explore and check out the native life. For whatever reason, it all seemed like they were amassing to one central point.   Perhaps a trading depot or something akin.   Spike had been one of the giants to pass this patch of grass and, thankfully, skipped the amass line. Cadance and Shining stalked behind him, both joined to the same body, but spouting out with different heads, a cause better explained for another time. Together they went straight to the vendor to acquire their V.I.P badges. Spike swiped them all with glee as he carried over to the towering being. Both heads lowered so he could tie the lanyard around their necks. Both of them raised as their tags hung into their joint chest.   Spike did the same, getting the fabric within the niche of one of his spines, allowing the tag to pat over his belly. Ready for adventure, the trio entered the large dome that was, on the inside, divided into sections.   Carpets covered the lanes between booths as comics and figures and stuffed toys composed the scene. For the little dragon, it had been like walking into a wonderland of boyish delight. Shining seemed equally enthused as Cadance possessed a knowing smirk at boys being boys. They decided to check out the whole of the con before daring to spend any of their brought bits—a daily amount, of course, set by Cadance and a distant Twilight—as, if they could, the boys would have cleared the area out.   During their trek, however, the duo ran into familiar faces. Princess Luna walked wearing blackout shades with a filly tucked to her side. Beneath the wing was Flurry Heat, laughing as happily a child could.   “It would appear as though you were dragged into this too, Cadance,” Luna said without mirth yet somehow with a smile. She nudged the little one forward. “So this is why you dropped off the little one with me? I suppose alone time, even in the same place as Flurry's desires, is still required now and again.” Cadance smiled. “It's not often these kids are allowed to be kids anymore.” She nodded before lowering her head, rubbing snouts with her daughter. “But I have to say that you look the most adorable of them all!” “This is all Luna's stuff! They had Princess Luna and everything! She's a hero and a villain on all these strange books!” Flurry blathered while a foreleg held an assortment of toys and books and other such things to her chest. There'd even been a red and black one looking strange. “This whole place is soooo cool! And Auntie Luna said we can go around and around until my legs get tired.” Spike had dropped out from the conversation not because he didn't care for either or, but rather, this was a conversation only a mother could find interesting from her daughter. Rather his eyes drank in the freshness of the scene. Vendors were still setting up as the doors had opened to all. But on one of the tables, however, there was a strange glint that made Spike squint.  There'd been a model rocket set on the table of red cloth but, instead of keeping still like it should... the thing moved. What was more, it seemed like there were action figures around it, which would make sense, taking in their sci-fi appeal. But how were they moving on their own? Spike wondered if they were wind-up toys or perhaps objects aided by magic. Display purposes of causing them to feel more animated? That would lead to more purchases, sure, but the way they moved... they did so of their own intent. Of their own will. Each of them starting to take apart the rocket with their own objective in mind.   He blinked and rubbed his eyes to be safe. But they were still deconstructing the rocket as he gazed on them again. Spike watched them work in an assembly line fashion as they bore great intelligence in taking the rocket apart as expertly as they did. That, and communication for how smoothly they worked together. Spike decided he needed to check if he was crazy or not. In turning to the mother and daughter enduring the happy rambles of the child, he tapped on their shoulder, again and again, much to the annoying glance that said to wait. As the waiting went on, more of the rocket went away, that was until, the couple finally glanced at whatever it was the other 'kid' wanted.   That was until a horn of excitement blew and the doors of the con blasted open. Roaring hooves stomped within as countless bodies filled throughout the scene. Soon there was a sea of ponies stealing the scene and rendering it impossible to see over their backs.   None could see the rocket that had disappeared.   The Micronauts did their best to blend in with the other toys at the vendor's booth, each of them pretending to like the figures around them but, even in keeping still, noticed the dragon approaching them. His footsteps were different from as they could feel the quake of their every beat.   “Everybody keep still,” Acroyear, the leader of the team, held still. Only his head moved to ensure the rest were as still as he. “There's a chance he may have spotted us but, if we play our cards right, he might think nothing of it.” “Dunno about this one boss.” Xant's mouth moved and that was about it. He fought tilting his head. “This one seems, I dunno, different from the rest. Seems decent compared to the rest of the stomping rest. Plus, judging from the life around him—he seems to be an outsider. Perhaps he'll relate to us?” “Negative,” Acroyear replied. “We don't act on probabilities in extreme situations. Better the certain of keeping hidden, relying on our own means... than to trust an outsider.” “Kinda cute compare to the rest of the lot,” Phenolo-Phi weighed in. “The cuties tend to be the kindest in these kinds of cases. He's got a good heart, captain.” Her eyes scanned up and down his frame. “At least for one looking like a dork.” “Think the captain's right on this one.” Oberon found a pose he liked and remained frozen that way. “Dude looks pretty chill himself—but best not to take any chances. Let's try not to sacrifice our escape for the sake of our amusement, hey?” Quin-Tilla kept silent and peered at the dragon as the greatness of her intelligence was put to the test. Keeping quiet and still, without the need to weigh in, speaking through action—or, rather, inaction—proved her opinion on the matter.   Spike peered down at the action figures; these last few days had played with his head. He was sure to have seen them move. But now they were still. Had they been like that this whole time? Had the boredom of the conversation enacted his imagination? To imply the reverse would mean they were still living, holding still, meaning they did not trust him. He peered down at the lot, not an inch or even a flinch. Could they fully freeze and regain life as they pleased? Either way, alive or just a toy—Spike needed to have them to sate his curiosity. Cadance and Shining came behind him as the male was first to notice the figures. “Hey! Those look pretty cool! Can't say I've seen them from anywhere.” He nodded his head while admiring their design. “This what you wanted us to check out? I don't think these guys move, sport.” Spike shook his head. “I saw them moving just before. Something is up with these ones. We need to have them.” “Need to have them you say?” the pony behind the counter said as he turned around to face the customers. His eyes widened at seeing the royal family before him. Jackpot screamed silently within his ears. “It's these figures right here? Huh, now ain't that strange? Can't recall setting these ones out here... or was it Benny's box... er....” He blinked and, like most ponies, on needing more effort to figure out the answer—chucked up to happenstance. “They don't look or feel like plastic... must be one of the big deals! Say.” The pony cleared his throat. “My partner won't be around for a while longer. Maybe a day or two? Why don't we barter for a hundred bits on the whole collection.” “Hundred bits! You crazy?” “Limited edition is the name of the con.” The stallion shrugged. “Take it or leave it, sport.” “You were right in calling it a con, all right.” Shining glanced over to the dragon who was already turned. He was nodding his head, eyes glinting, expression determined. It wasn't often he saw the dragon having his will steeled. “You're sure there's something about these figures? They actually move by themselves?” “Positive.” Spike gave a salute. “We may need to even take them back to Twilight. Something is up here. I swear it.” Shining shrugged. “And you're willing to use both of our allowances to do this?” “It hurts me as much as it hurts you on this one.” Spike went to his waist and pulled out the pouch of bits tied around his waist. Slowly, and underneath its heavyweight, he offered to the stallion. “I'd almost give the mystery up to get some vintage comics. But getting those is the right thing. Wish it wasn't. But it is.” Cadance, however, was surprised to see how grown-up Spike had become. Never had the dragon acted so much on his own for something that could be the case. Usually, it was Twilight noticing something was off and, on being called crazy by everyone, went on to prove herself right.   Now Spike had filled that seat in his own way. And she was proud like an aunt in that regard.   Maybe I'll give them a great allowance for tomorrow... depending on how this deal with the toys goes. Shining sighed as he placed two of the pouches on the table and emptied the contents. The clerk's hoof swiped them all and swiped back a plastic bag. One by one, the figures were placed into but, before it could be sealed—Spike swiped it. “I'd rather have them aired out if that's okay,” Spike said as he took the bag before his eyes, peering at the group. Would they even need oxygen? He didn't want to take any chances in that regard. “Don't worry. If you guys can actually hear me—you're safe now. We'll get you back to a place with no ponies around.” Meanwhile inside the bag, the figures kept still, still not trusting to be caught. Their suits allowed for radio communications between them. The dragon wouldn't be able to peer into their helmets to see their mouths moving. At least they could return to talking again.   “It seems like that two-headed being is an authoritative figure within this district of the world.” Acroyear closed his eyes and exhaled, breathing and thinking, hoping the two would bring him to clarity. “Keeping close to them seems worthwhile for the moment. So far this dragon has proved good intent. But do not trust any deeper than a surface level.” “Told ya he'd be a decent fellow!” Xant was smiling underneath his visor. “Once we are taken to a place just of us—we should attempt to communicate with these creatures. Maybe they can help us. At least return us to our ship once we're out of here.” “Or kick their butts if they give us trouble,” Phenolo-Phi added in. “Taking down giants should be a cinch!” “Just be careful to not start any unnecessary fights! No sense in making foes out of possible friends.” Oberon risked the shake of his head. “Look at them the wrong way and they may take that the wrong way. Let's try to be a bit more careful with these ones.” And, as always, Quin-Tilla was silent.   Spike lowered the bag to his side and was careful in the way he held it. They'd be the Micronauts allies should it come to it and, for the moment, the dragon would protect their cover—and them on the way back. Satisfied everything was in order, he grabbed the prince and princess—daughter included—and started to pull them back to the palace.   But, as they did so, the couple couldn't help but notice the strange smell coming from the bag itself. It was the miniatures. They were giving off a curious scent. One that asked to be sniffed more but, as all of them were rushing to get back home, leaving that wonderful con behind, that would have to be a matter checked later.   Everyone had arrived in the Royal Bedroom, except for Flurry, who had been given a nanny, downstairs, as they worked out this problem. Spike placed the figurines on the bed—not wanting to dump them from the bag. He hoped that detail would win him another point with the possible life forms. After each one was set on the bed, the dragon backed away, giving the space maybe needed. After a few seconds of stillness, however, he sighed. Shaking his head and closing his eyes, he tried again, thinking why such creatures would still pose still. “Okay.” Spike bent his knees until his face became level with the bed, exposing the pools of his eyes. Glimmering emerald washed over the little ones. “I don't know or what you guys are. Just an hour ago... I could have sworn you all were moving.” He crossed his arms on the bed and rested his chin a forearm. “Maybe you're toys brought to life by a spell. Or maybe you're evil spirits finding refugees in the first objects you found. I don't know.” His shoulders dropped. “What I do know, however, is that convention meant the world to me. It was supposed to be bonding time with my big brother and sister.” He looked down at his body to remove his eye contact from them. “I've waited months to go to this thing only to wind up finding out about you guys. I don't know what reason you have to keep putting this up.” He then looked back at them. “But if you're the tiniest bit good, then hopefully, that proves I would like to do good for you guys too.” It took a little while of waiting before anything happened. Cadance and Shining continued to stand on the other side of the room, unsure of the dragon's mind but comforted of his words. Even if they didn't believe these figures had lives... they believed that he believed. Oberon had been the first to break cover as he pushed out his back, cracking the kinks developed from keeping the pose for so long—knowing the order of reveal was seconds before sounded. The rest exhaled heavily, others stretching, some falling, all glad to be of life again.   “How's it going big guy?” Oberon called out to the giant face of the dragon, which bore a mile-lone smile, mirth spreading across his expression. The tiny knew they made the right call on this one. “Sorry to have wrecked your experience with your family. Sounds like y'all were set to have a ball.” “Eh... it's not as bad as I make it sound.” Spike lifted a claw to scratch the back of his head, the sound thundering across the air. Faint winds pushed from the shifting of his elbow. “You guys managed to save Cadance from being in a room with a bunch of fat, sweaty neckbeards.” Oberon gazed over to the two-headed creature in the distance, the one looking like a mare at least, who smiled, sheepishly, and nodded. Her mane seemed frizzed as she spoke. “Must admit it wasn't the most pleasant of smells. But it's not often boys get to be boys so... bah! Thanks for saving me from that.” Shining glared at her. “We're not taking a shower for the rest of today because of that.” Cadance playfully shot that glare back. “You already proved that point yesterday by not showering.” Shining huffed because he had lost.   Oberon looked at the rest of his crew to find only Quin-Tilla still standing around, unbothered by it all. Had she even broken pose or entered one to begin with? He didn't place too much stake in the question as the girl always worked with a reason higher above his own. It was better to accept than to question her rationale.   Acroyear then decided to step in to lead the course of the conversation. He came before the dragon's snout and entered a bow and, the dragon, inched his nose as if to mean the same gesture. The silence was shared between the giant face and the little captain.   “Greetings...” “My name is Spike.” He smiled and held out his claw but, in it being too big, flexed the tip of a talon. “Spike the Dragon! Over there is Princess Cadance and Prince Shining. Don't ask about the head thing.” “That... wasn't my prerogative, Spike.” Acroyear arched an eyebrow but shook the talon with both hands nonetheless. He gazed over to the other distant giant, each of them waving a hoof and, because of that, their front slammed into the ground. “And good to see the royalty of this world is so, uh, w-well suited for each other.” The couple picked themselves up together, dancing in place to find their balance, Shining chuckling, Cadance giggling, to do away with their shame. Clearing their throats, both of them bowed, amazed at the dragon had been right all along. These weren't mere figures... but they seemed like life beyond this planet! “This here is my crew.” Acroyear backed away from the claw and cleared his throat, gesturing to the row of his team behind him. “This here is...” He went on about their names, ranks, purpose and other such things. Talking on and on about who and what each member was, what they meant to him, and so on.” Shining had leaned his head to the side and started to snore, all while Cadance fought heavy eyes to keep them open. Spike listened intently due to his strange love of exposition. These characters were straight out from a comic and, having that brought to life before him... enthusiasm nodded his head for him. The other Micronauts, however, was beyond bored. Some actually laid back on the bed and spread their arms and legs around in feeling the materiel. Being on a proper bed, blankets like velvet, the mattress beneath the softest cushion to even their minuscule weight... it was the first respite they'd enjoyed in a very long time.   Others checked themselves to make sure they were in tip-top shape. Only a few glanced around the room for a view of anything that might prove useful. What none had noticed during this exposition dump was the release of pheromones into the air. The musk of a dragon and the sweat of a pony and the scent of alien life intermixing into a strong wisp stinging everyone's snouts. The idea played on everyone's mind of the gender of every race currently being inside the room. The figured looked to each other as the overpowering musk wafted throughout the room. It came from the dragon, strong and masculine that, despite his size, he was relativity firm. Her chest was pronounced and his arms possessed meat to them. The lanes of his shoulders looked paved in the strength of their smoothness.   Others were attracted to the two-headed being also in the room. Half a stallion and the other half of a mare. One side was paved in hardness taut to the muscle beneath it; the other was soft and slender and curvy across its slope. Their faces kept much the same in that regard.   The embodiment of a stallion and the figure of a mare, set into one, allowing the best of both worlds. Tiny guys and girls gazing across the distant and giant figure, over the sprawling coats of white and pink, seeing, so much further, the massive flanks looming in the horizon.   One broad and firm and tight. One soft and bubbly and loose.   Making it easier for the little ones to choose from.   Sex had become the product on everyone's mind. It'd been harder for Spike as the scent broke him first. That strange but pleasant aroma of plastic nipped on his snout for demands of his attention. It provoked tingles down below. Deep inside a place explored when he was alone.   Without meaning to, he swiped two of the figures from the bed, catching Phenolo and Xant, those who forgot to struggle as the digits wrapped around them. Clutched within his grip, the toys found they didn't mind being handled as such—even as the dragon walked away from the bed.   “Hey! Spike! What do you think you're doing with my crew?” Acroyear shouted off at the distant dragon but, as he went to charge—a hand wrapped around his arm. He turned back to Oberon holding him back as he shook his head. “What do you think you're doing, Oberon?” “Surely the love in the air is strong on your nose too, captain.” Oberon let his hand fall away as tilted the side of his head to the monolithic dragon leaving in the distance. “Been a long while since any of us have seen action. None of these giants seem to mean harm. Those two are already enjoyin' being held and brought around in that dragon's claw.” He then turned around to the sight behind him. “Besides. We've got a bigger threat looming behind us.” Acroyear had turned to see the massive heads of the giants above, both of which were down and hovering over then, each sniff devouring their smells. Both of their cheeks were pink and, in the view underneath their barrel, their tail flicked around.   “Ah crap.” Phenolo wouldn't have let the dragon outright know she found him cute, but there would be a few drops she'd do, a casual flirt here and there, subtle mention of the sharpness of his frills—that kind of thing. Part of her was thankful as that massive and curved palm slammed onto the mattress, rushing toward and collecting her in its swipe, the tough bedding of scales, fashioned too, by the closing of those expansive digits.  That claw had raised before the mass of his face, so large and so vast, like the view of the ship into the depths of space. Ponds of white surrounded the pool of shimmering emeralds. Kindness burned silently behind his eyes as unexplored aspects came to surface inside of him.   And Phenolo counted herself a lucky gal to experience the change to the developing boy. “Easy on the grip! You don't want to damage the goods!” Phenolo joked in a mock shout to the side of the giant's face. Maybe he wasn't fully there as he strode across the room, but a part of him was, for, his digits loosened around them. “Pickin' up a girl so fast... you better be rockin' what it takes to act like that.” The towering scale of the dragon came before a wall so much greater as he spun about, sitting down, a lean into the structure as his body slid lazily out. Phenolo gasped as the claw flung toward the dragon's snout, which dominated their view. The drunk brought them close, inhaling their aroma, becoming high upon it.   “Showin' off how powerful you are? Or is the beast inside coming out to play?” Phenolo laughed as the claw lowered to the spread of his chest, which they were dropped on. She was first to stand, looking up and past the wide chin above, the size of his face consuming her sky. “Don't worry! I'm a game! Can't say I've ever knocked out a dragon with a good time before.” Phenolo walked past the staggering Xant on continuing her trek down the dragon's body. It spanned far to the sides as the scales sunk beneath her steps, flexing away her momentum and weight, causing it to be a delight to wander around.   She reached where the lime scales darkened in colour at the waist of the dragon, noticing a subtle slit dived across the landscape, deep and wide enough for her to fall inside of. While the idea of being trapped in a chamber with his cock was pleasant... that fate would have to wait until she had proven herself the one usually on top.   “I don't doubt you have quite the surprise waiting for me down there.” Phenolo whipped around with her hands clasped behind her back, walking back up the stomach, seeing Xant standing there too. The down-tilted head of the dragon watched them with half-lidded eyes—panting. “But I'm also guessing you need a bit of a show to get ya goin'.” Her eyes locked over to Xant who, sensing ill-will, raised his palms in surrender—it didn't matter. She pressed her own into him, swiping a foot behind his own, pushing him forward until he tripped, his impact caught by the bed of scales, sinking into the surface, the scales flexing it all away.   “Such a tough but smooth body for us to have some fun on.” Phenolo grinned on point the finger at each of the boys. “First I'm going to knock the small one out. That should be enough to get you going, big guy. Maybe both of you, back to back, will be enough to give me my fill.” Xant looked terrified as he leaned back on his palms set on the ground, attempting to get away from the crazy girl but, at the first crawl, she was already over him. Curved over his body and pinning him in place, her lips set on his, eyes closed and his soon doing the same, the lust of the air consuming them both.   And he was started to get hard underneath the armour. As they continued their lip-lock contact, one of her hands searched over his body, unlocking the components to his armour, allowing the air compression to blow across his skin.   His armour collapsed onto the ground and, due to the curve of the dragon's form, rolled down his body to the opening between his legs. Xant was horribly in the nude as his head rolled back, feeling her weight against his cock.   Phenolo grinned as her eyes shot open. She glanced up to the dragon high above and noticed his fixation on her little movements. Was he that easy to capture? Maybe he wasn't as lucky as he should have been in his world. Despite the power that came from being a giant, his body rendered a landscape and his claws able to grip her like a toy brought around the room—he was totally invested in her. Maybe I'll give you something the ladies around you have neglected to. It was only seconds until her hand found the cock of the boy her size; her expression actually lifted in feeling the thickness of its shape. It nearly took the full curl of her fingers to wrap around the monster as its heat tickled at her skin. Sliding up and down revealed the smoothness of its skin—and the thinness of pre leaking from its tip.   Her hand lathered the cock in its spittle as the tiny couple never broke their kissing. In the distance above, the dragon hitched his breath, head tilted and eyes closing, a mark of pleasure washing over him. Probably never saw this kind of action. Much less having it occur on his body rendered greater than any bed.   The girl lowered the boy until he was lying on his back, and she used her other hand to remove the locks to her own armour. It fell away, freely, the air not cool as expected on release. Rather the heat of the dragon baked the air surrounding his body. That, and his musk—his odour—blanketed everywhere. It caused her to want to drop further into it, reaching where the scent was thick enough to be tasted on her tongue. Lowering her body and draping it across the body, she felt his cock pinned between their stomachs. That would have to do.   For Phenolo wasn't the kind of gal to give herself away so easily.   Spike wasn't sure what exactly it had been that stole over his body, his brain but a frizzed mess of arousal and lust, hungry for tinies to play across the terrain of his frame. He'd never expected the girl to take to him. Seeing her take charge on the gigantic scale of his body, him but the lazy and horny boy, allowing her to do as she pleased to him, to all of his bignesses... something about that brought out his not so little friend.   He watched the couple kept at it on his stomach. Worried he became in seeing his mast that rose behind their sides. Phenolo had been too focused on rocking back and forth, sandwiching the other's cock between them that, seconds later, both of them were cast into a shadow. Xant was moaning during their embrace until a high pitched one implied his end.  Xant had come between them, a shot after shot of essence across his chest, allowing his legs to kick into the body to express all the goodness he felt. Above them leaned the head of something much bigger as the head of Spike's cock oozed its first heaping of pre.   Phenolo barely had time to glance up before seeing the droplet of pre crash over it. She retreated a step and shook her head, rolling her shoulders around, a cause of fear for the dragon. Lifting an arm before her face, she sniffed, inhaling the scent of his gunk.   Then her tongue licked across it. “Hmm. Sweet with a little bit of spice.” Her little head tilted back at him from over her shoulder. “Think it reflects you well, big guy. You don't mind if I help myself, do ya?” Spike opened his mouth to speak, but only breathing came out, warm winds blowing across her frame. The girl shivered in delight at the touch of his breath and turned back. Seeing her little figure standing before his gigantic cock almost made him scared for her sake.   Phenolo had thought the bugger cheeky in his cock having grown without her knowing but, as she stood before the towering and heaping bulk of muscle... her legs couldn't help but go weak at the sight. Everything was blurred around his cock for it devoured so much of her vision to process all its minute details. First change was the heat in the air; his fat cock had slapped out into existence and brought an inferno with it. Even without clothes the girl felt like she had too much on. Hotter than a sauna with the air tasting richly of masculinity. The slab of meat quivered before her; light draped over its sides as it was all existing within her sight. That, and the feeling of the stomach sinking beneath her steps. Phenolo could feel the eyes for the dragon watching her descent across his crotch. He'd been wondering if she would even dare to attempt something like his cock.   And it had been a ride she'd been craving for far too long.  Reaching the base of the thing baked her in the aroma of musk. Dark and dirty and damp. It bloated in her lungs as they couldn't inflate enough of the stuff. With a wide throwing open of her arms, the girl launched herself at the cock, expression happy, the feeling between her legs hungry.   First contact had been paradise.   The cock tried to flick her off at the first hug; his skin noticed the pelting of her body and, in the sudden influx of pleasure, throbbed in response. Phenolo hugged the member harder as she hopped onto it, her legs not even reaching around its side, holding enough of the burning meat against her body.   Phenolo snuggled her face against the topside of the cock as the squishy skin immediately sunk into rock-hardness. Never had something been so warm and hard in her life. Her legs wrapped further around the tiniest spot of his cock, feeling her thighs mesh into the pre-heated surface, unable to get enough of how it stung at her skin. The giggles came at feeling the cock swing. It flicked back and forth, the occasional throb lurching them both into the air. Phenolo rode through the bucking of the giant cock as it caused her to cling harder to it. Knowing she was holding onto a giant cock, not trying to get knocked off, crawling up its towering height whenever she could... all of it was enough to make her utterly wet.   “Trying to knock me off are ya?” Phenolo gazed up to the face of the dragon in the distance she was getting a higher view on, reaching further on his cock. She was forced to hold on tight as the throbs grew violent again. “This you or your dick acting out?” Spike only rolled the back of his head against the wall as his nearly closed eyes kept entirely on her. He seemed to be fighting himself as his claws then curled on the floor. There was a sway to his hips now, a rocking that was back and forth, an attempt to milk the pleasure her minuscule pressure brought.   “Now this isn't going to be any good! Maybe there's a bit too much of you for me to take after all.” Phenolo had stopped near the halfway point of his member, choosing to look down. The scaly crotch loomed far below. It'd be a tough fall from here. “Not that I'm giving up. I have a feeling that even reaching your tip won't be enough to ride you out there.” In truth this was the perfect spot she wanted to be. The head of his cock was covered in a coating of pre that, while she would love to slide around on it, she'd most likely end up sliding off the cock she'd come to enjoy so greatly. That wouldn't do. Rather she wanted her body to explore every inch of his wonderful girth.   “How about it, big boy? Isn't this doin' something for ya?” Phenolo didn't care for how she sounded as, currently, the cock was the only thing on her mind. Tightly wrapping herself around his member, she held on during another chorus of throbs. “Having a sexy girl quite literally caught to your cock? Look how easily it dwarfs me here! Surely you're wanting to do something by now?” The dragon started to sit up at that question for—deep inside of him—he knew it wasn't just a question. It was an ask. Demands. Her wanting him to do something... he'd probably felt guilt in even wanting to do from the start. “Don't you want to take hold of your big fat dick with me still around it? To trap me inside that great claw of yours like when you first waddled over here?” Phenolo gave a helpless flick of her hips into the surface of his member, the heated hardness smacking into her crotch, the feeling beyond divine. “Knowing that you're utterly smothering me against this big thing? Rubbing me faster and harder than I could ever reach by yourself? All I'd be is a toy caught in-between jerking yourself off—and I'm more than durable.” Spike clenched an eye shut. The other fought to stay open. An arm rose over his chest in reaching for her, faltering on the way, lowering and slowing at parts, unsure of itself in making the trip. Seeing that mighty spread of knuckles on the horizon teased her with a doomed state of domination she would utterly enjoy. And then a shadow washed over her and, before the girl could ever hope to see the mass of the palm looming behind it—it snapped forward, like the jaws of a beast, consuming her body inside its grip. Nothing could be seen as digits curved over the spot once occupied by her. They reached around his full mass easily.   Those looking on to the scene would only see the giant claw and cock, the former lightly stroking the latter, watching the thin layer of pre washed lower and lower as it shone in the light. None would assume to see a miniature girl hidden behind that bundle of talons. So deeply wedged between them and a cock as both pressed tightly against her. She was utterly pinned against his dick and then slid up and down.  The air was only of his musk and it was dark save a few cracks of light between his digits. Everything blurred as she rocketed up and down, the coating of pre making it easier for her to slide, crushing still—but never to the extent of painful.   Only to the point of feeling pleasantly used like a toy for Spike's gigantic cock. Phenolo allowed her muscles to go limp in letting the backdrop of the claw take charge. Nothing she could do as it had its way with her. It's what she craved, after all, to be used, nothing more than jerked off for the massive member. Every so often, nearing the head of the tower, the claw would squeeze at his tip, forcing her head to sink inches into the skin. Before rocketing up and down again, intense heat to extreme speeds, over and over, a sense of heaven blanketing over everything. Spike had never expected, after a con, to actually return to his room with anyone. He wasn't a bad looking guy—at least for a dragon—but the matter of a partner wasn't in the cards for the moment. It'd been an issue he'd figure out as time went on and he grew up but, as a result of that, his love life and sex life... was barren of anything but his claws.   But this girl had come out of nowhere, taken an interest in him, sexually, wanting to be everything he dreaded to inflict on another. In the height of her perversion, his head linked up. He'd been willing to let Phenolo do as she wished to the scale of his body. She'd try anything and he'd be weak to stop her.  And after proving that, all she wanted, now, was to be jerked off into his cock. The dragon fulfilled her requested as he lazily pumped away at his cock, his head rolling over the wall, eyes spasming into opened and closed states.   He could feel body draped over only a knuckle on his palm. He made sure not to be so tight on his grip as to seriously hurt while, at the same time, having her dominated. Those lazy jerks rose higher as his pleasure became greater. Nothing more than a lousy dragon, leaning back against a wall, pumping his cock to gooey pleasure, a tongue draped over his chin, a girl trapped between his digits during all of the above.   Until things turned a bit more serious. The aching in his base turned worse at having been so turned on before. That toy had caused this, and now, she was helping him slay the beast that had slumbered. His pumps became stronger and faster and harder as his hips flicked into every drop.   Quicker and quicker and quicker until his cock blossomed with tingly delight. Burning pleasure swirled up his member and, without knowing why, a grin washed over his lips as his eyes became half-lidded gazing at his tip.   He posed his claw over the head of his cock and opened the digits enough to see the girl. She was soaked in his essence and dripping the stuff. Seconds later saw to the explosion of his dick, burst after burst of white honey, each one lazily dousing the girl.   He then dropped his palm into his head during the final bursts, the full pressure blasting into her chest and stomach. She actually hugged the tip as it continued to blast her with warm love, over and over, until the pleasure had been fully released.   Spike exhaled slowly as he fell back, a goofy smile on his lips, ones parted during his panting. Moments went by until the twitches of his dick started to cease. The girl was still on his head, riding it, rubbing herself around it. She was humping it now, reaching the ending of her fill, all as the mast started to lower.   His cock dipped back inside the cavity of his crotch, and she was brought inside as well, trapped there, forced to be with his dick until she decided to crawl out. But from all the pleasure still tingling from that area, she was exploring down his size again... meaning it’s been out to play again soon enough.   The dragon had finally found love or, at the very least, lust.   And the girl had found a big enough cock to fuck.   Acroyear had been rubbing a hand across his face for the last minute as shaking his head proved not to be enough in dealing with the tiredness of his mind. Glance over his shoulder proved a giant dragon in the background, rocking his hips, arching them, a tingle blossoming deeply from in-between them.   At least she was having fun.   In truth—they were all having fun. The giant before the bed had ignited both of their horns and, deciding to be cheeky, each levitated a toy. Shining picked up Quin-Tilla and Cadance lifted Oberon. Then they pressed them into each other flanks, Quin curving to white tautness, Oberon sinking in pink softness.   And both of them looked more than okay with this arrangement. Both of the giant heads loomed up and far way, pleasant smiles across their muzzles, eyes fighting to not close from the rising pleasure. Rubbing toys against their rumps like they were no more than bars of soap.   Yet those tiny moans didn't seem to mind this fact.   “So this is why we never engage in month-long, zero contact expeditions.” Acroyear's head slumped left and out his hand. All he saw looking up, however, was the majestic size and width of the tail above. It was a mix-match of two styles bound into one. “We all go crazy for the first chance at breaking loose! At least... the conditions could have been worse.” “Mmhm! How are you doing back their toys?” “Because your little massage is getting us worked up.” “We think we have a place you might like to explore.” “It'll be a good time for sure!” Acroyear gazed up as the waterfall of a tail was flicked to the side, revealing the vulva of the beast, split in its colour, one side white, the other pink, a sharp contrast drawing the eyes within. The protruding clit at the base, broad enough to land the ship atop, was covered in differently coloured splotches.   Both of the toys were hovered before the lips—parted, now, and slick from excitement—as heat washed over him. It burned like the airs of a desert intermixed with the power of complete musk. A tangy smell commanding all to follow the depths of the cunt to uncover its source.   Which is roughly what happened next.   Oberon had been floated through the lips till the glow of surrounding magic ceased. Not that one of their horns finally ended the spell, but rather, that the toy was so deeply deposited inside the giant snatch that not even the magic around him could be seen.   Next to come up was Quin, who didn't seem to care for the change of events, still as stoic as ever. She was brought over the clit and dropped onto it. Slowly, maybe lazily, her limbs wrapped around it. They searched for precise spots before starting to rub.   Then it clicked. She'd been curious to the weak points of these giants and was engaged in a study for how everything transgressed. Everything that happened, the causes and the results, would lead to her understanding of this world. The more she knew, the more she could do. In terms of talking or strategy or anything. Give it to Quin to use a sexy scene for mere research material.   But it worked.   Acroyear stepped back in seeing this monster lose itself to the beast within. Its hind legs quivered and stomped in place, attempting to reassert its step, failing to stop fumbling around. Pleasure quaked through it. The ears of each of their heads, twitches, as their faces turned to the side—showing the tongue lolled out from each of their mouths.   Quin kept changing to her technique to the impacts it earned, a quick optimization of the act, nearly causing the giant, already, to lose the first round of the starting bliss. That was until the joint, titanic rump, one pink and one white, started to fall from the sky.   Acroyear shook his head as the shadow of booty consumed him. “Ah crud.” Cadance and Shining sat on the poor toy without knowing, their monolithic rear devouring fields worthy of bedsheets to support its mass; both of the cheeks flattened and spilled over, the reason how the toy, underneath the sea of softness, was able to breathe inside the pocket created. That was, until, the giant wiggled around. Left and right, back and forth, feeling out their seat. Maybe they didn't know of rubbing their butt over the poor toy, shifting him back and ever backward—that was, until, catching him in tangles with their tail.   The couple rose in taking notice of the weird sensations. Both of their heads curved around their sides until seeing the toy caught in the dock of their tail. Lowering that, they dropped him to their nethers. Grins spread their muzzles at that.   And then the door was kicked open.   “So here you all are! Why have you left the con for so long? There was a great discovery to be had!” Luna barrelled into the room possessing glee. This was not a common occurrence. “Behold to the highest extent of your perversion! My rump... everyone!” Princess Luna swung her hindquarters and lifted her tail, not caring for the reveal of her blotched pussy for, above it, dangled... Baron Kara. Strands of tail wrapped around his body, finely, as he merely glanced over at Acroyear. Both of them stared the other a knowing look.   You too, huh? Baron Kara had entered the Empire due to the dropping of its shield and, much like the crew, decided following the gathering of giants to be the best idea. He'd found Luna to the sense of her power and evil history. He snuck into her bag of souvenirs—that toy that looked weird to Spike from before—and hoped to attach himself to her like a tick, draining her power to steal the Crystal Heart. The artifact would allow him to dispel the Entropy Cloud threatening the universe. But none of this got past the second step as, after the mare entered the bathroom—feeling, suddenly, frisky—she'd discovered him. From there, he'd been her personal... pleasure toy. Luna was the kind of mare to get off to tying another to the dock of her tail, forcing them to gaze forever at her rump and cunt, to admire the shifting flanks and bask in the heat of her pussy. All of this led, of course, to the present.   Despite the two being commanders of their crew, good and evil were tied the same, lost to the lust of the giant world. Soon each of them was dropped into the nethers and left to please the giants. All while a dragon, in the corner, enjoying himself.   Back at the ship.   Biotron was hard at work before the round table of the ship, a grid composed of green lines before him, a sizzling of materials coming into manifestation before him. Bright sparks to the development of the parts needed to escape this planet.   And mixing chemicals to synthesize fuel.   The urge to check the time settled across him. He checked the clock to see that twelve hours passed. Rather safe than sorry, he lifted his wrist and, in calling the commander, was patched through.   Each of the Micronauts had assured him—while panting—that everything was okay. The recon had gone well and the evil Baron had even been captured. Something seemed off about them but, as that usually tended to be the case with organic life, Biotron didn't think much of it. Establishing a rapport with the natives sounded like a decent enough objective. Better to leave diplomacy between organics to the organics.