> Wanna Smash? > by darf > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Round One(s): FIGHT > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a particular summer in Ponyville, or potentially across all of Equestria, depending on how migrating winds and tides interacted with pheremone distribution. Not just that summer when a young filly's fancy turns to love, but when it turns to overbearing, all-consuming, mind-warping lust-overflowing dripping sticky rut-me-over-a-barn-fence-on-a-hot-day heat. The Estrus season, as it's known. Not that the effect is exclusive to fillies. Mares, colts, stallions—no one in Equestria is technically immune from the behaviour-altering effects of the annual mating season. Commerce practically grinds to a halt. Other types of grinding happen as well. For the young ones in town, or across the country (the last time we'll make that particular substitution), Estrus is a time of exploration and new, unsuspected heights. Rather like a twenty-four-seven Hearth's Warming that went on as long as you had somepony else to play with. Or some griffon. Dragon. No species was spared in the Estrus season's merciless spread through the minds and sex organs of the world's occupants. It was a miracle more of the rest of the year wasn't spent preparing for the occasion—but then again, maybe most of it was just in secret, the same way you planned presents as long as you could and then finally gave them out, bursting with joy, on one special day planned out in advance. Estrus season was more 'freeform'. You never knew exactly what was going to happen. Today, Spike the dragon1(A dragon is a [definition of dragon here]. - Ed) was on his way to his friend's house. Button Mash had the best game room in Ponyville that Spike knew of, unless you counted Rainbow Dash's giant living room, and that was usually so full of dirty clothes and old takeout containers that it didn't feel very spacious anyway. Besides which, Button Mash's mom, Cream Heart, loved to have company over, and would always take time every hour or two to check on the play-room occupants, offering them drinks, snacks, and a healthy look at her MILFy curves from every angle, most notably the back, where, when she bent over just right, you could make out every line of her big, bulging butt and fat, hanging pony-tits between her legs. She liked to bend over a lot when she was down in the play-room, always managing to drop something or forget where she'd put it for a moment. The dedication of a talented host. Even though it was Estrus season, Spike didn't anticipate he'd be spending all day every day getting his dragon dick wet. He wasn't exactly adverse to the idea, but just in case, there should be something else to do when everyone was cleaned up and no longer sticky. That's why he was bringing over a copy of Smash Stallions Ultimate. Alicorn Cozy Glow had just been added as a downloadable content fighter, and debate was hotly brewing over whether or not she was overpowered. Spike conceded that any character with infinite jumps was at least slightly overpowered, but he hadn't mentioned it to his friends yet, because none of them seemed to notice and his Cozy Glow was taking a lot of matches as a result. A final smash that turned off the console did seem a little over the top, though. Button Mash's house was painted a happy mix of baby blue with pink accents on the trim—it looked sort of like a scoop of blue bubblegum ice cream. Spike skipped the doorbell and went straight for the knocker, since he wanted to see Cream Heart from upstairs, and her knockers as well. Ringing the bell would alert the boys downstairs, and give him less time for... sight-seeing. Cream Heart opened the door with a smile on her face which doubled in size when she looked down and saw Spike clutching his game. "Oh, hello, Spike! You're looking quite handsome today." "Thanks," Spike said. He let himself in and wiped his claws off on the carpet in entrance room. Even though he wasn't exactly used to taking compliments, Cream Heart would shower you in them nonstop until you started at least nodding along, and he'd found the more he agreed, the more she lathered him in praise, which wasn't something he could find a good reason to object to. Sometimes she got close and wrapped her hooves around his arms under the pretense of 'checking his muscles'. She liked to wag her tail a lot too, wafting it across his face, carrying just a hint of the scent of her marehood, more potent than ever now that the season was underway. Spike was drooling just thinking about it, and he hadn't even gotten downstairs yet. As usual, Cream Heart couldn't contain her enthusiasm for guests, nor was she able to hide that the Estrus season was having a powerful, substantial effect on her. Spike could smell the heat and wetness of her pony-pussy just after walking in the door, and he wondered how everypony else was downstairs playing when there was a dripping MILF-slit winking and practically waving you inside. Spike felt himself getting hard, and he covered himself up with the game box, awkwardly holding it over his crotch. It wasn't very effective. While Cream Heart coudln't see behind the box, she had a pretty good idea of why Spike had moved it there so suddenly. She held a hoof to her mouth and let out a long string of giggles, which for some reason had the effect of making Spike's cock even harder, and even causing it to twitch once or twice behind the game box. "I can see you've been a little swept away by the season as well," Cream Heart said, her voice soft and sweet like honey. "The boys are just downstairs playing games as usual. Would you like a drink or something to eat before you join them?" I'd like something to eat alright. "Uh, no, that's okay. Maybe just a glass of water?" Cream Heart giggled again and nodded, then turned and walked off to the kitchen to get Spike's water. When she turned, she turned extra slowly, and made sure to wave her tail over her backside, drawing oblivious attention to her squishy butt and bulging teats. Her slit winked once or twice right in front of him, as casual as day, though it might have been just that, given how horny everypony must be. Spike thanked Cream Heart for the water nervously, still holding his game in front of his youthful erection. Cream Heart gave him one more set of giggles and a gentle pat on the head before she left him to head downstairs to the play-room. Spike considered whether or not to wait for his hard-on to calm down before he headed to join the gang, then seemed to think better of it and walked down the stairs anyway, bracing himself with the hand-rail until the light from the play-room down the hallway lit up the part of the basement he was walking into. Go figure that Button Mash wouldn't have thought to leave any other lights on... Still, his friends would be easy to find now. He could already hear them around the corner too, it sounds like Button Mash was winning, as usual. "Oh, yes! I'm definitely coming on top this time! You'd better get ready!" That was Button Mash's voice, definitely, and he certainly sounded close to victory. "Ungh... no fair! You always... unh... go too fast... for me to keep up..." That was Rumble, who always sounded uncharacteristically cute whenever his usual brusk bravado was sandwiched into close corridors, usually when he was at the bottom of the scoreboard. It definitely sounded like he was at the bottom this time. "Hey, Button, wanna play a game after you're done?" That was Pipsqueak, his tell-tale accent was hard to miss anywhere. It sounded like he was talking between sips of a tall, cool drink... Spike wondered if he should have asked for something tastier than water. Or maybe somepony would share once he got in. He could just hear Snips and Snails too, the pair was usually around when gaming was going on. But it didn't sound like they were saying much... maybe too into their match to notice anything else going on? There was a lot of grunting and swearing, it sounded like things were getting pretty intense... "Hey, guys," Spike said as he came around the corner and through the play-room door. "I brought Super Smash Stallions. Anypony wanna play?" "Coming!" Button Mash yelled. "I'll be there in a minute... Right now I'm cumming!" He definitely was. Rumble was bent over biting the carpet to keep from moaning too loud, and Button Mash was plowing him from behind like his hips were set on auto-pilot, a piston or jackhammer that repeated its motions until finally— "Ungh!" Button Mash yanked his cock out of Rumble's tight colt-butt and propped it up on his ass. He stroked himself a few times and started firing a load of hot, sticky cum up Rumble's back and into his wings and feathers. A few shots dribbled down his ass-cheeks, and one particularly long and slippery strand headed straight for the play-room floor. Pipsqueak flew into the air with a world-class dive, hitting the carpet so fast it looked sure to leave rug-burns and skidding until his mouth was hanging open just underneath the strand of sticky white stuff. When it fell, he caught it on his tongue, and swallowed it up just in time for the next drop. He caught a few more before finally attacking the source with his tongue, lapping up the pool of cum on Rumble's butt and then attending to his wings with a mix of tongue and paper-towel. "Fuck," Button Mash said, wiping his forehead off with his hoof. "That was awesome. Almost as awesome as Super Smash Stallions," he said, jumping onto the couch and grabbing the first-player controller before Spike had even put the game in. "Let's do teams instead of free-for-all." "Hey, I just got here," Spike said. "Gimme a little bit to get settled in before you start kicking my butt." "Or he could do somethin' else to your butt," Pipsqueak chimed in between mouthfuls of cum, using his tongue like a delicate paintbrush to catch the hidden drops nestled in Rumble's wings. Rumble cooed delicately, again out-of-character for his brash exterior, but adorable in any context regardless. He sounded a little bit like a singing pigeon. "Snips, Snails, are you guys gonna come play with us?" Button Mash yelled with his head turned. He'd already picked his character—never lose with the Smooze, he liked to say—and was rapidly toggling the select token on and off, making the game shout 'SMOOZE' 'SMOOZE' 'SMOOZE' over and over again, kind of blurring into each other like a sampling board. Sm-sm-sm-sm-sm-sm-smooooooze! Snips and Snails were locked into a sixty-nine and both occupied with attending to each other's cocks, but they still noticed Button Mash calling to them, and both turned their eyes, then pulled their mouths off with dual-sounding slurps. "Sure!" Snips said, a smile lighting up his face. He might not be the best player, but it was hard to match his enthusiasm, though the salt that came after a while of losing could be rough to deal with as well. Snails just nodded with a happy grin. He'd been enjoying the start of estrus season more than anyone, it seemed. Maybe it was hard not to with a dick that big. "I've just gotta make Snails cum... we're racing to see who gets the other one off first!" Snips chuckled and licked the head of Snails' cock, which prompted a groan and bucking of hips upwards. "Shouldn't take too long. Snails always cums real quick." "Do not—ahhh!" Snails abandoned his protest as Snips slid his mouth down the shaft of Snails' cock again, and his hips moved back and forth automatically, pumping like a piston on a gear, barely able to find the use of his own mouth to fight back. He managed a few half-hearted licks and laps at the head of Snips' dick, but it was nouse—Snips had taken the entire length in his throat and was humming and bouncing his head up and down so the head of Snails' cock bounced against the back of his friend's throat. They'd been playing for a while already, and Snails did in fact have a reputation for being an early shot. He wanted to hold out, to prove he had just as much stamina as his friends... but then Snips started licking his balls, and he felt them clench at the same time, and a load of cum shot up his shaft and out down Snips' throat like a unkinked garden-hose. Snips took the first few shots proudly, but when the third one started to dribble out of his mouth, he was forced to pull his head back, and as a result got shot in the face with a fat spurt of sticky cum that clung to his nose and chin and dripped down onto his chest. Snails might have been quick, but he was no slump when it came to the quantity of his cum. Those balls were full and hanging heavy every day. Even though Snips hadn't cum, he didn't seem to mind. He was all smiles, with cum plastering his face like the cream from a meringue (did we spell that right?). "Come on," Button Mash said, not wasting any time. He patted the couch cushions to his left and put two controllers up onto the same cushion. "You guys can be one team. Me and Rumble be will be the other team." "Oi, has that one got room for six players yet?" Pipsqueak asked. He'd finished cleaning Rumble off and apparently washed himself up a bit as well, because he looked squeaky clean and eager to get covered in another sticky load. "No," Button Mash said quickly. "Sorry. But if you guys wanted to suck us off while we were playing..." "If it doesn't have six players, why are there eight controller ports?" Spike asked. He counted them up one at a time with his claw, one two three four five six seven eight, even though only four were plugged in right now. Surely Button had another controller around here somewhere. "Those are for display only," Button Mash said. "But why would they look identical to the other ones if—" "Display only!" Button Mash yelled with a glare. "Display. Only." "Aw, shucks," Pipsqueak said. "Well, I suppose I could work out the ol' jaw again..." "Come play with me for a bit," Spike said, waving his claw to Pipsqueak and gesturing to a set of chairs in the corner of the game-room. There was always something to sit on or sprawl out over if you looked for it, and Cream Heart probably would have let you use the bed upstairs if you asked her. "How's your mom been doing anyway, Button Mash?" Rumble asked. He looked away innocently while he waited for an answer. Button Mash raised an eyebrow and set down his controller. "My mom? What do you wanna know about my mom?" "You know. The season and stuff. She's one of the caretakers, for the boys who are in heat and stuff. I just wanted to know, like... how's she doing?" "I still don't get what you're asking," Button Mash said grumpily. He crossed his forelegs across his chest. "Why do you guys always wanna know about my mom." "Twilight was supposed to be my caretaker, but she's having some issues," Spike said. "When I got up for breakfast this morning she was all shy and weird... and when I bumped into her while I was putting my cereal away, she blushed and said something in a squeaky voice and ran off to her room. And slammed the door really loud." Spike thought for a moment. "Do you guys know what kind of sound a vibrating toothbrush makes?" The squad seemed to ponder as well. Nopony had a good answer. "My mom's doing fine," Button Mash said, the grump still in his voice. "It's... whatever. She hasn't had any issues." "Is she... 'helping you' with your heat?" Rumble asked, finally giving away his intrigue and turning to stare at Button Mash for an answer. "What's that supposed to mean?!" "Oh... you know. Like, is she sucking your dick or anything?" "Oh... well, sometimes, yeah." "I thought you guys wanted to play video games!" Snips yelled. He'd gotten a controller and was sitting next to Snails, the two of them bouncing their icons randomly around the screen, letting the internal timer roll the dice wherever it saw fit. "I do! And we're totally gonna kick your butt," Button Mash said. "Speaking of butts..." Pipsqueak chimed in again. He and Spike had laid a few blankets out on the floor, enough room for them to get as rowdy and as messy as they wanted. Spike could tell Pipsqueak was talking about him, from the way he said it, and from the way he squeezed Spike's ass with his hooves, and made Spike feel all warm and tingly and a little delicate which he liked very much. On the couch, the colts were already getting into their teams game, and Button Mash and Rumble had taken an early lead. "Losers give head," Button Mash called out quickly before he smashed Snails' character (a gaggle of parasprites all controlled as a single entity) off-stage. "Hey, no fair!" Snips yelled. "I mean, not that I'm complaining, but..." Spike and Pipsqueak had begun to frolic with each other, starting with timid kisses and then progressing into full-on makeouts. Spike was still getting used to the idea of expressing his lusftul feelings, the notion that it was not only okay to play and laugh with your friends but also kiss them, touch them, make them moan and pant and feel good and get your scales all sticky with a hot load of creamy cum. Spike liked that part a lot. Kissing Pipsqueak was different than kissing anypony else, or maybe it was better to say that everypony Spike kissed felt different. Rumble was rough and passionate, Button Mash was commanding and forceful, Snips and Snails each their own version of innoccent and perpetually confused. Pipsqueak was a little playful, he liked to tease with his tongue, not quite moving it all the way into Spike's mouth, making Spike think they were tongue-kissing, hot and heavy, and then feel extra hot and embarassed when he realized he was going crazy with his long little dragon tongue while Pipsqueak was simply lying back and letting things happen. It made Spike feel like he'd been tricked, but in a good way? He always got hard before Pipsqueak too. Pipsqueak was sure of that. He liked to brush his hoof over Spike's chest and trace down just above his dick, touching it in little taps that were so light and insubstantial if Spike said they were there, Pipsqueak could simply turn the other cheek and pretend otherwise. The overall feeling was of getting very hot and bothered with a very hard dick but not really being sure what to do with it. It felt like he and Pipsqueak were playing a different version of the same game the colts on the couch were. Maybe someone would have the high score by the end of the day. "One life left each," Button Mash quipped. He seemed to ingest the images on the screen like fresh sunlight to a flower, and his hooves moved on the controller in a constant blur. In desperation, Snails reached out and attempted to play with Rumble's dick, to throw him off, but Rumble managed to keep both hooves on his controller even with Snails rubbing his cock, and while Snails was paying less attention to the controller, his character (a large rock with a smiley face) was easy to knock off stage. You just kind of kicked it, and it fell really fast. It was a rock, after all. "Dang it!" Snips said. He'd been counting on Snails for the clutch factor. Never count a friend out. Still. It was more of a reward than a punishment. Button Mash was already spreading his legs and lowering his controller, stroking himself half-hard and eyeing Snips and Snails' mouths eagerly. Rumble seemed excited too, like he'd been hard all day and was just finally getting a chance for some relief. When Snips came up to him, knelt down, and began to lick playfully at the head of his cock, Rumble groaned loudly and leaned back against the couch, tilting his head backwards with his eyes shut. A crystal-clear gob of pre-cum spurted out of the tip of his dick, and Snips licked it up with a grin and a wink, savouring the soft, salty musk flavour and working his way further down Rumble's erect cock. Pipsqueak had finally started paying proper attention to Spike's hard-on as well, he was stroking it with one hoof while giving Spike all the kisses and attention he could handle upstairs, around his neck and shoulders and collarbone and each one felt like a little burst of electricity that dissipated through his scales. Spike's hips were rocking back and forth of their own accord, knowing only that every time they moved forward, more of his cock would been rubbed against Pipsqueak's hoof, and that was good, and he was already getting really stiff and sticky and making a mess on Pipsqueak's hoof... "Here," Pipsqueak said. He stopped jerking Spike suddenly, but spun around and waved his butt in Spike's direction, which was enough to wipe the frown off the little dragon's face. Spike licked his lips and tasted the salt and sweat in the air as he stood and lined himself up with Pipsqueak's wiggling, presented bottom. Pipsqueak giggled as he felt Spike's cockhead against his asshole, and stuck out his tongue with a little flirty smirk. "Don't forget the lube," he said, and pointed to a small tube lying on a clear-glass table nearby. Spike grabbed the tube, popped the tube open, and squirted a healthy amount onto his shaft, and a little bit between Pipsqueak's cute little butt-cheeks as well. Pipsqueak giggled and shivered as the cool liquid flowed over his coat. "That should be good," Spike said. He tossed the tube haphzardly in the direction of the table, which it landed under. Eh, close enough. "Feels good to me," Pipsqueak said with a grin. He reached back with both hooves, one on his butt-cheeks to pull them just a little wider, the other to touch and guide Spike's slippery cock as it slid inside him. He could feel the head there, Spike was beginning to push forward—there, that was it, he was getting nice and full now... "Oh, buck," Rumble said from the couch. Snips was bobbing up and down on his cock like a professional dick-sucker, which may have been a talent enough for Snips' cutie mark in another dimension. Snips got all the way into it, closing his eyes and humming and moving himself just gently with the motion of Rumble's hips, he seemed always to have just enough room to shove the whole thing inside... "Cumming," Rumble said, and groaned as his hips pumped forward and shot a load of his cum into Snips' waiting mouth. Snips took the load with a pleased sounding moan, and did his best to catch every drop as it sprayed the inside of his mouth and down his throat. It wasn't the first load of cum he'd swallowed today, and it certainly wouldn't be the last. He was practically beginning to develop a taste for it. Though, maybe Cream Heart would bring down some Tang later to help keep his palette open... When Rumble had finished cumming, only a few drops leaked out from between Snips' lips, and he wiped them up with his hoof, wearing a satisfied grin and licking the last of the white, creamy liquid from his lips. Over on the other side of the couch, Button Mash was apparently the subject of a more languid type of blowjob. Snails was alternating between long, seductive licks up the side of Button's shaft with his lengthy tongue, and stroking the base of Button's cock with both hooves, doing dual-duty with mouth and hooves, making sure there was never a part of Button Mash's cock that wasn't receiving proper attention. Every now and then he'd reach down and squeeze the young colt's balls too, and that got an extra loud groan and a super passionate thrust so hard Snails could almost feel the head at the back of his throat. He wasn't used to the idea of anypony as big as his own cock, so whenever somepony pushed him to his limit, it made him extra horny. His cock was hard again, dangling absurdly between his legs like an erect flagpople. Or an engorged Wii sensor bar. Pipsqueak and Spike were deep in the throes of rutting. Each of them had their head thrown back, eyes closed, moaning incoherently as their bodies slammed against each other on autopilot. The game-room reeked of sweat, cum, and nacho cheese chips, thanks to the perpetually present bag of them Button Mash liked to drag around. Upstairs, Cream Heart had begun to prepare the first snack tray of the day. She wanted to make sure all the colts downstairs got a nice and healthy dose of nutrition so they'd have lots of energy. Maybe even enough for her to borrow a little... Ah, the throes of estrus season. But it all had to start somewhere, didn't it, and the boys had gotten the privilege of some very personal and private instruction before the heat wave had swept through the entirety of Ponyville. And who better to instruct the colts on their newfound lust and enthusiasm than their dedicated and hard-working teacher, Miss Cheerilee? > Round Two: Private Lessons > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A week before the start of the 'season proper', Miss Cheerilee gathered the six colts in her school-room. The desk were pushed out of the way to make room for an open circle floor, with plenty of blankets, towels, pillows, water-bottles, and containers of lube within foreleg's reach at any time. Cheerilee in particular had an extra-large pink water bottle, which she'd flavoued with a little something extra before coming in to 'class'. It tasted a mix of sweet and bitter, a little like a citrus punch that had gone sour. Still, she needed all the energy she could get for the day ahead. Young boys weren't exactly known for containing their energy, especially at this time of year... It was important, no matter what, to make sure anypony who needed instruction got it, and that was usually by age, and year, and by how many ponies Miss Cheerilee felt she could fit into a single day, or how many she should deputize and give to one of the subtitute teachers that had been ordained in a flash-frenzy around this time of year, every year. Anypony with enough willpower and know-how who could help dull the flames of youthful enthusiasm mixed with a body's first overcoming lust... it took a lot of everything to fight against that. And Miss Cheerilee wasn't about to let her body off the hook easily either. That was for the demonstration material. Even though no official 'class' had been declared, the colts, or the boys—that is, Snips, Snails, Button Mash, Rumble, Pipsqueak and Spike, or what we'll now call 'the squad' going forward—had each been given a notice to their respective parental unit informing them of the details of the lesson plan, what time they needed to drop the boys off and when they needed to pick them up. 'Make sure they are well-rested and have plenty of hydration before arriving,' the letter stipulated. Twilight had offered to waylay the lesson and teach Spike privately herself, but Spike took one look at the day's outline activities and made a beeline for his room, letting Twilight know through the door that he'd much prefer to go see Miss Cheerilee with his friends, thanks, all the same. He couldn't imagine how awkward things might get afterwards if Twilight helped him... well, he wasn't exactly sure what, but he knew it involved sex of some kind, and in his experience anything related to that was too overpowering and naughty and mysterious to warrant discussing with anyone, let alone his almost-sister. Not that Miss Cheerilee made him any less nervous. Somehow, maybe just because the temperature had been increasing daily, she looked different, a sharper, more vivid outline maybe. Spike found himself sniffing the air whenever she walked past, and being rewarded with a peculiar, unnamable aroma that permeated his senses and caused his cock to twitch even without being touched. He didn't know exactly what the day's plans were, but he was very certain he was going to be more attentive than he ever was around Twilight. Snips and Snails seemed to be showing the same enthusiasm, wearing identical grins and jabbing playfully at each other with their hooves. Snails wasn't hard, but even flaccid, his obscene length dangled noticeable between his legs, and Spike caught himself staring for a long time at the girthy, vein-covered shaft. He licked his lips, then wondered why he'd done so. Maybe Miss Cheerilee could shed some light on the situation. "Hello everypony—er, everyone, I mean to say," she said, noticing Spike and giving him a cute little wave. Spike blushed and waved back dreamily, sniffing the air again and hunting for a hint of Cheerilee's mystery scent. Cheerilee giggled at him, then looked down to her lesson plan, sketched out on a lengthy sheet of paper and resting on her desk. "Today you've all been called in for a very special lesson. As you may have noticed, things around this time of the year can start to change in big ways. You might catch yourself looking at ponies who didn't catch your interest before, or having strange dreams about hugging and kissing someone else." Cheerilee went on with a calm drawl like the subject matter was the most ordinary in the world, but managed to catch both Button and Rumble with their hooves over their crotches, probably hiding the buldges of their burgeoning erections. It didn't take much for a young colt, Cheerilee thought to herself with a grin. Of course, I was more or less the same when I was a filly... "What's happening across Equestria is known as the 'Estrus Season'," Cheerilee said. She pulled on a string in front of the blackboard and a helpful diagram on a sheet lowered down. A picture of a colt was on one side, and a filly on the other, both with enlarged, translucent outlines of bigger, more grown shapes, presumably what they'd look like once they were finished growing up. There were labels on the different parts, and both the filly and the colt had, in their young and grown forms, noticeable highlights on their genitals, the boy-pony's cock growing and standing up straight as the figure of his adulthood came into view, the girl-pony spreading her legs and dangling her crotch-tits, which swelled up and became big and full as she grew, and her pussy widened and spread open with her hooves moving it, showing off the invisible inside in the outlines of the informational drawing. The squad gawped at the illustration with their eyes and mouths wide. Pipsqueak started to take notes. "The season is different for fillies and for colts," Cheerilee went on. She raised a pointing stick (is there an official name for those?) and gestured to the diagram of the colt first. "For you boys, you'll be noticing an increase in size and... let's say the 'desire for attention', in your penis. You can call it that, but there are many slang names that someponies prefer, like 'cock' or 'dick'..." "Or schlong!" Snips said, raising his hoof helpfully and grinning. Cheerilee smiled and nodded at him. "That's right, Snips." She scanned the classroom. "Does anyone else have another word for their special part?" "Big Chungus?" Snails said, the question mark draped over his entire clueless expression. "Um," Cheerilee said, "I don't believe I've heard that one before—" "Joystick!" Button Mash said. When his hoof shot up, it revealed the hard-on he'd been trying to conceal, and when he noticed, he blushed and scrambled to cover it up again, though the head poked up through his hooves with a glob of precum glistening on the tip. "Well," Cheerilee said, "I suppose that could—" "Fuck-rod," Rumble chimed in helpfully. Cheerilee put a hoof to her mouth and raised an eyebrow. "My word. Rumble, where did you hear a term like that?" "Aw, my parents say it all the time. 'Get over here you fuck-rod! Gimme that fuck-rod, you fuck-rod!' It's like a nickname or something." "Well," Cheerilee said again, "I suppose you should know that as well. 'Fuck' is another word for what you'll be doing during the Estrus Season when you're older, to make babies with the fillies, or mares, at that time, who will also be in heat. For now, though, just you and your friends will be doing the 'fucking'..." Cheerilee giggled wildly at the thrill of saying such a naughty word inside the class-room. What else could she get away with under the pretense of instruction, she wondered? Already, she'd begun waking up to a wet pussy and dreams of young, virile cock in her mouth, spraying her with white, sticky, creamy cum. She loved the way they always wanted to keep going, never enough, one session after the other, and the way their balls twitched and seized against their bodies as they emptied a load, usually into her dripping pussy... Cheerilee shook her head. Classroom. Lesson. Focus. She wondered if she'd put too much of that powder in her water-bottle for the day. "I want you boys to know that it's okay to explore," Cheerilee said, taking a moment away from the diagram and setting down her pointing-stick-thingy. "While we're discussing these topics, it's very normal to get excited and want to play." To demonstrate, she turned around and spread her legs just a bit, giving the squad a good view of her dripping slit and heavy teats. The classroom let out a collective 'woah' at the sight, and stared in silence for the full ten seconds before Cheerilee turned back around, giggling with her hoof to her mouth. Nothing beat the thrill of being able to turn on a bunch of young boys just with a flash of your pussy. "So if you'd like to touch yourself, or your friends would like to let you touch them, please, go ahead," Cheerilee finished. Every now and then she noticed she could turn just to the side and give a view of her winking pussy and puffy teats to whomever she wanted, or even to the entire class, so she started doing it surreptitiously between pointing at sections of the diagram. "For a filly, the changes will be the same, but different in subtle ways," Cheerilee said. She pointed to the filly on the diagram. "Her tits will become bigger, and she'll start to have the desire to be rutted, that is to say, breeded, by a big, virile stallion who can give her lots of healthy babies... that could be any one of you, of course, you all look very big and strong." Cheerilee smiled at the class, who, true to her word, had each grown in size since the start of the season and were all presenting prodigious hard-ons for kids their size. Snails was always the notable stand-out, it was hard not to notice a pony with a cock as long as his leg—but Cheerilee knew size wasn't everything, and that as long as enthusiasm carried you forward, communication could iron out whatever else lay between you and a successful time with a lover. Snips and Snails seemed to have taken Cheerilee's invitation to play as an immediate instruction, because while their teacher was going on with her lesson, they'd both started jerking each other off, hoof-jobs in the middle of the classroom, though it looked quite different with the desks pushed aside. Snips was staring at Snails gargantuan prick like it was a secret prize, and Snails seemed eager to let him examine it. He moved his hips forward so the tip was dangling under Snips' nose, who then leaned forward and sniffed, then licked the tip, leaving a gob of his spit over the sensitive head and making Snails groan a little, the first of many sex noises that begun to flood the class-room. While this was going on, Rumble had awkwardly started playing with himself, doing it as though he hoped nopony else would notice, but ultimately being too obvious to hide even for a second what was going on. Besides which, every time his hoof hit the base of his cock, his eyes shut and he let out a cute little squeal, which made Cheerilee's pussy quiver just from the sound of it. Spike, Button, and Pipsqueak were still hard, but they hadn't started to play yet. They seemed intently focused on the instruction. Maybe it was time for the 'hooves-on' portion of the demonstration. "Pipsqueak, Spike, could you come to the front of the class please? I'd like to talk about what kind of activities you'll be getting up to during the season." She turned around and spread herself across her desk, with her butt propped up in front of the colts and her legs spreading to give access to her tits and pussy. "There are a lot of things it'll be fun to do with fillies and colts, and I can show you some of both of those things, though you won't be getting to spend the season with fillies for a few years now..." Spike rushed to the front of the class, but Pipsqueak took a more leisurely pace, taking time to pause by Button Mash's seat and flick the end of his cock with a hoof, which made Button jump and scowl as he watched Pipsqueak walk to Miss Cheerilee with his tongue stuck out. Button Mash wanted to be the one up there instead, but there was no RNG-manipulation for teacher's choice. "Now," Miss Cheerilee said, leaning her head back and looking over her shoulder to see the two boys. "If you haven't seen one before, this is what a mare's pussy looks like when she's in heat. It gets quite wet and hot, and gives off a distinctive smell to let you know she's ready to mate." Spike and Pipsqueak both took in a deep breath, and smiles lit their faces as their teacher's musky aroma filled their nostrils. Cheerilee grinned at them devilishly. "Below that, you'll find my tits have swollen up a bit... they're very sensitive this time of year, so make sure to be careful when you're touching them..." "We're allowed to touch them?" Spike interjected, holding a claw aloft next to Cheerilee's ass, pussy and tits and staring at it as though he couldn't believe his good fortune. Cheerilee grinned and nodded. "Mhm-hmm," she said. "You'll need to get well acquainted with everything back there. I suggest you dig in." She giggled again, and ran a hoof over her pussy to spread her lips a bit and collect a healthy sample of her wetness. She brought her hoof to her mouth and licked it, long and languidly, like she was getting the head of a cock ready to slide inside, and by the time she'd finished cleaning it off, the boys not currently occupied with each others' cocks were all staring at her like she'd just taken off her own head. It was impossible not to laugh. She felt so young again like this. "Oh, boys," she said. "We're just getting started. Why don't you go ahead and get going with your 'hooves-on' anatomy lesson, hmm?" Spike didn't need to be asked twice. The fire in his head was already screaming at him to extend his tongue and lick up and down Cheerilee's dripping slit, and that's exactly what he did, noticing for the first time himself how extra long he could stretch his tongue, how the forked tip could tickle and lick as a prehensile appendage. When the taste and smell of Cheerilee's soaking-wet sex hit him, it swallowed up his senses all at once, and suddenly there was nothing besides the pussy in front of him and the movement of his tongue, lapping at every corner and tasting each drop of girl-juice that leaked out. Cheerilee moaned and shook her hips from side to side, evidently enjoying her first student's enthusiastic examination. "Don't be afraid," she cooed to Pipsqueak, who was still standing to the side of her teacher's desk with his cock awkwardly between his hooves. "I'm available over here too. Why don't you come see how much fun you can have just using your mouth?" Pipsqueak plodded over nervously, but when Cheerilee lowered her head and began to lick up and down his shaft, his trepidation vanished, and he even put his hooves on the back of Cheerilee's head and ran them through her mane, an instinct somewhere in the back of his mind taking over as his teacher lubed up his cock and then began to swallow it whole, taking the pre-cum lubed tip and then the entirety of his shaft, down to the base and licking his balls, which made him squeal, delicate and high-pitched. He'd never felt anything like that before, and if every school lesson was anything like this one, he'd never miss a day of class again. "This is starting to feel like a hentai anime," Button Mash whispered under his breath to Rumble. "Huh?" "You know," Button Mash said, one hoof idly rubbing his cock. "The kind where the girls are always horny and they wanna get naked and do stuff all time." "I usually read the ones where the colts have to dress up in little filly skirts..." "Snips, Snails! Maybe you could move to the front of the room to make sure you're getting a good look." Cheerilee smiled at the pair, lost in each other's newfound erections and working up a good frenzy just with their hooves, though Snips was looking longingly at his friend's cock with a hungry, lustful expression and licking his lips every now and then. The two colts picked up and did as they were told, scooting their towel, water-bottle and lube-tubes with them. Now she could pay proper attention to Pipsqueak's cock, and her mouth was already watering in anticipation. When she extended her tongue and licked at the head of the young colt's cock, it twitched in front of her, and Pipsqueak made a nervous-sounding yelp. "Ahh!" he said. "Blimey. That feels way better than doin' it myself." Cheerilee giggled and let the young thing's cock settle a bit before giving it another kiss, then languishing her tongue long and tenderly up the side, slurping around every inch and getting it nice and wet before she tok the whole thing in her mouth. Pipsqueak groaned and bucked his hips nervously, and Cheerilee moved her mouth with the motion of his thrusts, making sure not to let him sneak the head of his cock into her mouth before she was ready. She smiled with her lips around his shaft, finally content with the coating of spit she'd given his cock, before working her way, tongue-moving, to the tip of his member and then licking the delicate underside of his head. Pipsqueak groaned and bucked again as Cheerilee slid her mouth over the entire length of his cock, sucking it in and making a contented-sounding 'mhmm' in a single motion. Spike's tongue had worked Cheerilee's pussy up to a frenzy, dripping all over the classroom carpet and the towels laid-down underneath. For some reason, every taste he got of Cheerilee's musk made him want more, and also made his cock twitch and ache like it was demanding to be touched. He tried playing with one free claw while he licked, but it was no use, nothing felt as good as what his brain was telling him to do next. It wasn't too hard to get up on the desk, and Cheerilee even moved and wiggled her rump at him to signal he was on the right track. Then the head of his cock throbbed in his hand as he lined it up with Cheerilee's pussy. He even managed to rub the tip against the desperate teacher's engorged teats, which sent a shiver down her spine and made her moan on Pipsqueak's cock at the other end of the desk. Cheerilee looked over her shoulder at Spike, lustful, wide-eyed, with her lips still planted firmly at the base of Pipsqueak's cock. 'Ready?' they seemed to say. Spike nodded and slid inside. It was like liquid velvet, or a hot, warm handshake that never opened up. Spike felt an extra tightness around his shaft that he'd never manage to replicate with his claw, he could see Cheerilee's muscles contracting as she clenched and squeezed his cock every inch it slid inside... Spike grabbed onto Cheerilee's butt for balance and accidentally slapped one of her cheeks a little when he stumbled, which surprisingly prompted an extra-needy sounding moan from Cheerilee, muffled by the sound of Pipsqueak's cock. Spike raised his claw and studied it as though unfamiliar again, but when he lowered it with force to Cheerilee's backside again, shaking her butt and jiggling her pony-teats at him, he knew that was a good sign. A butt you could slap and somewhere warm to put your cock... Spike was becoming a big fan of the new season. "Can colts do that with each other too?" Rumble asked. He was staring wide-eyed at Spike's young but rigid cock as it slid in and out of Cheerilee's cunt at rapid speed. Spike had taken only a few thrusts to find that he liked going faster much more than slow, and the wet slapping sounds it made as he slammed the teacher-pony from behind rattled the desk and layered over the soft stroking noises and murmurs that were there underneath. Snips and Snails seemed spurred on by the demonstration, and now that they realized they could use more than their hooves, were experimenting with positions that might let them both get a mouthful of the others' cock. Snails' monster dong was easy to get into reach, but Snips was stout, and had a little more difficult maneuvering to make sure his cock was near enough to Snails' mouth to do some licking and sucking. Eventually the two of them found an equilibrium, with Snips on top and turned upside down, and Snails resting on the floor with his enormous cock standing straight up like the school flagpole. Snips took only a few seconds to get into position before finally diving desperatley onto his friend's dick, and taking as much as he could into his mouth, which was about half, as it turned out. He started making a gagging sound, and pulled back, gagging with a bit of spit dangling out of his mouth. Cheerilee pulled her lips off Pipsqueak's to a gentle groan and turned her head to Snips and Snails. "Make sure to take it slow, you too. It's easy to get carried away, but you'll have all the time in the world to try plenty of things out in the next few months... and yes, Rumble, two colts can absolutely do this with each other. Those little bottles are full of a slippery substance that will—unh—" Cheerilee let out her first interrupted grunt, somehow managing to hold her composure through Spike's flurry of thrusts. "...those bottles, I mean, are a lubricant, and if you put a nice amount on your penis, and your friend's butt, you'll find it's a very nice hole to fit yourself inside." "Butt-fucking?" Button Mash asked, incredulous. "I thought that was just an insult for when you're beating somepony in an online video game." "Apparently not," Rumble said. He looked down at the bottle of lube sitting next to them, then shyly up at Button Mash, blush beginning to creep into his cheeks. "Would you like to, uh..." he said. The words didn't seem as easy as just doing it. Instead, he turned around, showed off his taut, underage butt to Button Mash, and held out a bottle of lube in his hoof. Button Mash took the bottle and looked up at Rumble, who was smiling nervously over his shoulder. "Wanna fuck me?" he said, his voice shy but playful. "Hell yeah," Button Mash said. "I thought you'd never ask." He sprang to his hooves and popped open the bottle of lube simultaneously, and before even approaching his friend had squirted a substantial coating of the slippery substance onto his already engorged cock. The rest he squirted inbetween Rumble's butt-cheeks, eliciting a giggle and a shiver as the clear-fluid ran down Rumble's hole and dripped on the towel underneath. "That feels weird," Rumble said, smiling. "Good though. But weird." "You think you're gonna like having my cock in your ass?" Button Mash asked. He was lining up the head of his prick against Rumble's tiny butthole, already comfortable with the slang he'd picked up and probably eager to add more to the vocabulary. Rumble felt a shiver go through him again, this time not from the lube. Hearing Button Mash talk like that made him all... tingly inside. "I think I might," Rumble said, doing his best to hide his smirk. "Let's find out," Button Mash said. He prodded experimentally at Rumble's hole with the head of his cock, and was aghast to find it part for him easily, coated up with the slippery lube, and helped by Rumble relaxing into the sensation. Button Mash wanted to push in all at once, all the way, just the same as he'd seen Spike do... but an instinct guided him slower, and Rumble seemed to appreciate it, groaning quietly as Rumble went into his butt, inch-by-youthful-inch. Button Mash might have liked being in charge, but he also knew you needed to look after your teammates to get anything accomplished. "Feel okay?" Button Mash asked. He stopped halfway in and gave Rumble a pat on the back, running his hoof through the colt's grey wings. Rumble cooed at Button Mash when the tingles from his feathers hit his head, and the feeling of fullness he was getting from Button's cock working its way into his butt made it incapable to think or speak about anything besides what they were doing now—fucking, as Cheerilee had so eloquently labeled it. They were fucking. "Feels great," Rumble said. He shook his butt at his friend, again out of instinct, and found himself rewarded with a groan from behind and a shove of another half inch deep into his ass. "Unh, fuck... feels really great. Are you in all the way yet?" "Not yet," Button Mash said, grimacing slightly, not from pain, but from the overwhelming tightness. It felt like he was going to bust before even getting to experience the whole thing. Better speed things up. "You think you can take the rest?" "Hell yeah. Give it to me." Rumble reached back with one hoof and spread his cheeks, giving Button Mash an even better view of his innoccent butt, spread wide with Button's cock. "Fuck," Button Mash said. He squirted the last of the lube bottle onto the middle of his shaft and tossed it onto a nearby towel. Just a few more inches... three, two, he was almost all the way in... there. His balls were hanging against Rumble's butt, and his cock was all the way inside. It was tighter and hotter than he'd imagined. "Oh shit," Button Mash said. He tried to pull out, but the second he managed to retract an inch, his body urged him forward again, until his retreat turned into a series of frantic, awkward thrusts, pounding Rumble haphazardly as Button Mash's balls squeezed tight and unloaded his first load of cum of the day into his friend's ass. Rumble let his mouth fall open and found the moan inside his chest escaping at a constant volume. His cock was rock-hard, he hated that term, 'rock-hard', but it really did feel like a rock when he reached down and touched it with his hoof, he was hard and swollen and throbbing and even though he'd barely gotten any attention, that warm, full feeling in his behind was something he'd never experienced before, it was like he was chewing on a bolt of lightning, his head and his cock were on fire and what was this now, he understood the 'Oh shit' suddenly, that was what it felt like—you'd open a door you were never supposed to know about and somehow let a flood through. Rumble's cock twitched as he spurted his own load onto the towel he was standing on. The thick, creamy white blurred with the matching color of the towel, though the heavy, shiny streaks shone under the classroom light, while the towel didn't. Button Mash's cum dribbled and dripped out of Rumble's butt as he finished his orgasm, staying with the rhythm of his panicked thrusts before finally tapering out and bottoming his still-hard, cum-sticky cock in Rumble's butt. Snips and Snails had a mouthful each, and they looked a bit silly with cum dribbling down their cheeks as they smiled up at their friends and Miss Cheerilee, then licked their lips and gulped down their respective loads. Miss Cheerilee, meanwhile, seemed overcome with the throes of instruction. Spike was pounding her like a jackhammer, if they had those in Equestria, and the smell of Pipsqueak's cock and balls flooding her nose made her drool and bob her head up and down like she was possessed, suddenly overcome by a lustful obssession with her pupil's underage cock. It was more than the boys at either end could take. Spike held up admirably, but eventually had to call uncle, which he did by slamming himself one final time into Cheerilee's pussy, grabbing onto both butt-cheeks with his claws, and clinging for dear life as he painted the inside of Cheerilee's cunt with his sticky dragon cum. Pipsqueak fared no better on the opposite side. Cheerilee's mouth was more experienced than his hooves, and a thousand times wetter and hotter besides, and when she looked up at him with her big, brilliant eyes while her lips were wrapped around the base of his shaft... Pipsqueak felt himself cumming like a white flash over his eyes, and before he knew it he was squealing and panting and jerking his hips forward as he shot blast after blast of salty, sticky white stuff down his teacher's throat. When everypony had finished their respective orgasms, the classroom reeked of sex. Cheerilee was sweating profusely, and leaking cum from both ends. She wiped a hoof across her forehead, then took a long swig from her water-bottle, which still tasted of slightly sour citrus. All the energy she could get, she repeated in her head. "Now class," she said, taking a deep breath before continuing, "let's make sure everypony has a turn before the demonstration is over..."