> Twilight's Zone > by Buttery Biscuit > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Schaden Sein > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Diary I made a new friend! He's super-duper cute. I just love him to bits. I'll take good care of him I promise! -Love Railway Spine Dear Diary, I took my new friend out for a walk today, he's kinda odd. He's just sort of a pile of wavy smoke. I'm not sure how to take care of him. I tried to feed him food I could find in the fridge but he just stared at it. I wonder if that's normal for a pile of smoke. I also took him on a walk. I got a few odd stares but I don't care. I'll take good care of you! -Love Railway Spine Dear Diary, My new friend, who I have named Schaden Sein, or Sien for short. I am going to pour all my love into this little being who will grow up to be my bestest friend ever. We’ll be the closest of brothers. -Love Railway Spine Dear Diary, Sein isn’t who I thought he would be, I treat him with love and he just throws it back at me. Am I feeding him the wrong thing? I ask my mom but she doesn't answer. I don't understand why. I tried extra hard today, to make sure he was happy. I also tried to get mom to look at me. She won’t look at me. I miss her attention -Love Railway Spine Dear Diary, Something awful happened, Sien hit me in the face. I don't know why I tried to tell mom but she just ignored me again. I hate it when she does that. She seems to do it more often these days. She gives all the attention to Sien, I don't understand why. Am I not good enough? Maybe it was just an accident. -Love Railway Spine Dear Diary, Sein is getting worse, he's grown more violent. He hits me with whatever he can find. If he can't find anything he uses his hooves. He's grown from an odd blob to a small filly in just a few days. He is now bigger than I am and I have no idea why. -Love Railway Spine Dear Diary, I do my best to please Sein, I give him my toys, I give him my food, and I let him have all our parents love. Nothing works no matter how hard I try. He still ends up getting angry and hitting me. I don't understand how to help him. I don’t understand why mom still won’t look at me. -Love Railway Spine Dear Diary I asked for mom's help again today. I told her about all the bad things Sein was doing to me. Then I got up and showed her a scar he gave me, "and Sein gave me this," I said. She didn't even look at me, She didn't even look at me. I tried again. I even ended up yelling at her but she still did nothing. She just kept staring into her cup filled with red liquid. I don’t understand. -Love Railway Spine Dear Diary I thought Sein had hit me again today, but he didn’t. I was in the bedroom when I went through it, he was hitting me on the sides with his hooves. It was so real. Then I was back in the bedroom and I asked my brother “why did you hit me this time?” I’m still trying to figure out how to get him to stop, he said. “I didn’t but I will if you don’t shut up.” I was very confused, I believe him of course. It felt so real than when I thought about it harder. I realized he didn’t move. I don’t understand, it felt so real. -Love Railway Spine Dear Diary Sein went too far today, I told him that he looked funny. It was supposed to be a joke but he didn't take it as a joke. He smashed my head into the living room floor. I was still there when I woke up. Mom didn't even take me to the hospital. I don't think she likes me anymore. I think she prefers Sein now. I don't understand why. I thought she loved me. -Railway Spine Dear Diary Sein hurt me again today. Threw me against a fence. I didn’t even tell mom, what was the point? She didn't care about me anymore. She even stopped making me dinner. I have to feed myself now. I just have to do my best to try and survive. -Railway Spine Dear Diary I'm trying my best to avoid mom and Sien, I only leave my room for food. I try and eat at odd hours. 10 am, 3 pm and 9 pm. That way I'm not in the kitchen when they are. I have learned what sound each pony makes. Whatever I have to do to avoid them. It doesn't work, somehow Sien always finds me. No matter where I hide, he knows where I am. -Railway Spine Dear Diary I'm writing to you for what I think may be the last time. I'm in the kitchen right now and I hear Sein. I picked up a knife and held it in my magic. I wasn't going to let him hurt me. Not this time. Not- A mother screamed in pain. She looked down to see a knife in her chest. She looked up to Sien who just smiled at her with glee. Her body flopped onto the marble floor, blood spilling from it and onto the white tiles. Sirens could be heard in the distance. ------- "Mam I want you to explain to us one more time. What happened?" A worn-out pegasus mother looked up from her hospital bed at two officers. "it all began with Sien. He was always a little violent then he got an imaginary friend. He called him Railway Spine. He had a friend, which was good, even if he was imaginary. I treated Railway like he was another part of the family, I was just so excited. I thought that Sien was over his..tendencies." She took a shaky breath and continued, "then I caught him playing with Railway. He..he was torturing his imaginary friend. After I caught him staring at the living room floor. I asked him what he was doing. He told me. "I'm teaching Railway a lesson. He's been taking too much of your attention so I smashed his face into the floor." I just couldn't believe it you know? Abusing his friend. I got scared and I started to ignore Railway. I stopped including him in things in Hope's that Sien would stop. He didn't, I caught him staring at random objects more and more often." "Then one night I hear him chanting "Die die die" I called the police and ran right to him. I wish I hadn't. I had never seen a pony sport a smile with so much malice in it. It would have made King Sombra jealous. I didn't even have time to react before I was stabbed….what….what will happen to my son now?" "We have him going through a psychology evaluation right now. He will be staying in a mental hospital. I assume you don't want to press charges…" The unicorn officer said trailing off the end of his sentence, he hated that he was required to ask that. She shook, quiet tears rolling down her cheeks. She put her hooves up to her face and shook her head no. "Well give you time to breathe. In the meantime have this," the other officer, an earth pony, said. He used his magic to hand her some papers. "It's about the options out there for you. We wanna make sure you get the help you need. We'll leave you be." She waited till the officers left to sob uncontrollably. What could she have done differently? Was there anything to be done? At least Railway wasn't real….at least he didn't feel anything. > Bouquet of Flowers > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A mare wakes up from a terrible nightmare and right into a terrible reality. She stretches her wings and looks around her room. This pegasus mare, Memento Mori, has a very rare condition. It was called Caedes and it affected her everyday life. It was terrible, to the point where she no longer wanted to go outside. If she went outside all the other creatures would find out about her illness. She felt that they might lock her up, or worse, kill her. Her husband was always so kind to her when she started descending into this madness. He kept her safe, made sure no creature would ever find out. She wasn’t excited to start her day until she heard his hoof-steps. She bounced out of bed and trotted right up to him. “Hello my love,” she said with a smile. A unicorn stallion looked up at her, “I brought you roses.” He said holding out a hoof-full of flowers. Mori’s heart leapt into her throat, she hoped she would see the roses this time. She looked down and all she felt was disappointment. “These….roses are um...beautiful,” she said with a frown. Her Caedes made her see otherwise. There in his arms were severed hooves. They all looked like they had been poorly hacked off of whatever pony used to sport them. She watched as blood dripped down the cut, down the bone left behind and onto the ground. She swore she could hear it splash onto the wooden floors below her hooves. That was just her Caedes though, it kept getting worse by the day. She stared at the pooling blood on the hardwood floor and sighed. “You don’t see it...do you?” Her husband asked with a frown, he had hoped maybe this time she wouldn’t see gore. He was doing his best to try and make her happy by bringing her hoof made things made by her lover. “I’m sorry my love, I want to see it. I do, I really do. You have been so helpful, boarding up the windows so I don't see outside. Doing kind things for me, you even brought me flowers.” She smiled at him and picked them up. She could feel the wetness of the blood on her, she tried to remind herself that it was just water. She turned to the vase, a severed head. She stuck the flowers into the neck carefully. No matter how many times she did that, it was gross every time. “We’ll if I could-” he started to say. “No. it’s fine, I’m fine. I’ll meet you downstairs.” She said as she watched him leave dejectedly. She looked at her room once more. Her bed covers and carpet were a blue hide. Her bed and pillow were stuffed with pegasus feathers. Her bureau was an unholy a combination of wood and bone. Her walls were smeared with blood. She left her room and entered the hallway. The windows had all been boarded up. She had no desire to see the outside world like this. She flew over a bright blue hide carpet and down the stairs. The banister by her side was made of pony bones. She wiped a few tears from her eyes, would she ever get better? Or keep getting worse? Day by day the house became less furniture and more gore. Almost like it was being replaced by night without her knowledge, she entered the kitchen. There was her husband, sitting there at the kitchen table. He had just replaced the wilting roses on the table. She smiled at him, at least she had her husband during all this. She had to wonder if she would have made it this far without him. ---- Occid Endum just had his wife close the door on him, he was so sad for her. He wished he could do more. Occid just had to try his best and hope that his wife would get better. He trotted downstairs and into the kitchen. He noticed the wilting roses on the counter, maybe it would make her happy if he replaced them. He went to the basement to tend to his garden bed, an indoor garden was very convenient. He looked down at the roses and there lay five dead stallions, one missing all four of his legs. The one next to him was picked up and put onto a wooden table. Occid grabbed his hacksaw, for some odd reason he had a harder time cutting through roses nowadays. Maybe it was his old age getting to him. He picked up the hack saw and started cutting into the beautiful rose. He had to separate it from the roots. Loud squishy sounds could be heard as a hacksaw didn’t cut through a rose stem but a hoof. Squish, Squish, Squish, GRIND. Here came the hard part cutting through the bone. It made an awful sound, like nails on a chalkboard. Occid kept going, these roses were so hard to cut threw but it made his wife happy. After he was done cutting the roses he gathered them up in his magic and went upstairs. He took out the rotting hooves from their vase, another rotting head. Occid curled his nose. Why did the flowers always smell like that when they got too old? He could feel the squish slightly under his magic, he shivered. The stems of the roses always got so moldy too, so gross he thought to himself as he put the new roses in. He tossed the old roses into the trash and went back over to the vase. He saw his wife just flapping there in the kitchen doorway. He smiled at her and stepped aside so she could see the roses. “I replaced the old ones, do you like them?” Mori smiled faintly at her husband, all she saw was hooves but he was trying his hardest to do what he could. “I’m sorry, the gesture was a lovely thought.” Mori flew towards her husband and wrapped her hooves around him. Occid brought his head down and kissed his wife on her mouth lightly, “I love you, you are a very brave pony. No matter what, I am proud of you.” With this Mori beamed, she felt happy. Gosh, when was the last time she felt that. “I love you too.” Somewhere in Ponyville, a crying mare put up a picture of another stallion, the fifth one to go missing this week alone. She thought to herself, I hope they catch the bastard taking them. She slowly trotted away from the picture of her son. Maybe there was still some chance he was alive, she sure hoped so. > Eyes For Only You > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A mare by the name of Phile was walking down the street when a stallion caught her eye. He was the most handsome stallion she had ever seen. The way his blue coat subtly blew in the wind, the way his pale red hair complimented it. The way his tale brushed back and forth, a sign of how happy he was. Even his cutie mark was perfect it was a microphone, he must be a speaker or motivator of some type, Phile loved entertainers. Phile was instantly in love. How could she not fall for this marvel of a stallion? She ducked behind a wall, her heart in her throat. She just had to ask him out, and that's what she was going to do. She went to get up but her legs buckled underneath her. She just couldn’t do it, he was so handsome. Her nerves got the better of her and she ran away. After some calming exercises, all she felt was regret, she should have asked him out. What if she didn’t see him again, no. She wouldn’t let that happen. So every day for the next three weeks she went to that cafe in search for that stallion. She saw him once again, and again she chickened out. Eventually, she worked out his schedule. He would go to the cafe on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays from 3-4 pm. Which was good because she no longer had to go every day to try and find him. Her new schedule would be talking herself up, going to the cafe, chickening out, and eventually going home only to come back when he did. A month had gone by and at this point, she was more frustrated than anything else. Why did she always chicken out at the last second? Maybe it was because she had no idea who he was. Maybe if she knew a little bit more about him she wouldn't be as nervous. With her new goal in mind, she began to watch him, she made sure to take in every single detail. She noticed how he always ordered tea and not coffee, how it was always green tea, how he took sugar but no milk except for his second cup when he’d add honey to it. He’d read the newspaper, starting with the sports section, hoof-ball to be exact. How he would always fold the newspaper into a triangle after he was done reading it. How he would lay the paper to the side, his left side. By that time he was done with his second cup of tea. Sometimes he would even stay an extra hour and order food, he'd always order waffles with syrup and strawberries. Then he’d get up to leave, he’d always turn right and eventually leave her view. It was this routine every time he showed up, did he know he did that? It made her love him all the more. After three months of just sitting and watching him, it was time to finally approach him. She was filled with a lot more confidence now that she knew something about him. This time, this time she would approach him. “Hello! My name is Phile, I notice that you like the same cafe as I do.” She started, so far so good. “I was wondering if I could join you for your meal today?” “As a friend? Sure! If not, I have a mare-friend.” said Ommeta Phobia, how did she know his name? She heard a waiter call him that, it was a perfect name for a stallion. Perfect, just like he was. “O-oh. So you are taken?” Phile was heartbroken, she so hoped that he would say no. That he was just kidding. That she could be his mare friend. “Yes, I have eyes for only her. I’m sorry.” “That’s ok, I’m sorry for bothering you today.” It really couldn’t get any worse, could it? “Take care.” She walked away thinking about how perfect he was, he made sure not to string her along, break her heart. He was so kind, it made it even worse. She would not give up, no this was only the beginning. She would prove to him that she was a better match for him, especially with his mare-friend out of the way. So she followed him home and watched as he knocked at the door. Phile watched as the ugliest mare in the universe answered the door, her clean, neat green fur didn’t compliment the handsome stallion. Her beautiful light blue curly hair only made matters worse; it was like her very being clashed against the handsome stallion. Phile would fix that though, she knew she would look much better next to the handsome stallion, that would be best for him. In the end, he would thank her for this. Phile couldn't believe that he dated this disaster piece. Phile grabbed a knife out of her purse with her magic, she had stolen it from the cafe. It was to cover her bagel in butter, but now it had a better use. Phile knocked at the door and that ugly mare answered, good. “He-” Phile wouldn’t let her speak, never again would this poor excuse for a mare speak. She dove the knife right into the mare's chest. She then dragged her inside, she would have to dispose of the body properly. She wanted to live the rest of her life with her new colt-friend in peace. He was going to be so very happy that she took care of his problem. Phile walked around the house aimlessly, she didn’t know the layout so it was hard to find her lover. “Ommeta Phobia?” she called out. “Where are you darling?” She asked, worried her new colt-friend had been hurt. She could hear light snoring, oh how cute. He was taking an afternoon nap. Phile opened the stallions door slowly and saw he was resting on the bed She levitated a napkin out of her purse and cast a sleeping spell upon it. She knew he was asleep, but for this to work, she had to make sure he'd stay asleep. How else could she be sure? She turned him over and proceeded to gauge his eyes out of his skull. She put them in a jar she had found in the kitchen. “Oh Ommeta, now you will have eyes meant only for me. Why thank you. I knew you’d see it my way.” She giggled at the pun, she was truly happy knowing that her stallion would never have eyes for any pony else. > Body > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pulchra Fissure had been trying her best to see herself as pretty but she just couldn't. No matter what she said to herself, what diet she tried, what outfit she dawned, she felt gross. She was getting sadder every day. She had to tell her father at this point before her thoughts got any worse. They said at Twilight’s school that you had to be open and honest with your feelings, even if it was awkward or hard. So that is what she was going to do. “Daddy,” Pulchra called out. “Yes?,” Her father, Fettle Amity, answered from the living room. He had been watching hoof-ball on TV. He turned it off so he could hear his daughter better. It sounded like she was worried and he wanted to make sure he wouldn't get distracted. It was just her and her father in this apartment. It was a hard transition without their mother but they were making do. “Dad, am I pretty,” Pulchra asked. “Of course,” Fettle answered honestly, in his eyes it was true. “Why don’t I feel it, why? Every time I look in the mirror I see myself as ugly! I don’t know what to do dad!” Pulchra said as tears streamed down her muzzle. “What do you think is wrong?” Fettle, asked with concern, his daughter felt ugly. What was he supposed to do now? What was he supposed to say at a time like this? Maybe if he found out why she thought these things he could help her. “I think my tummy is too fat, and my legs, I have a double chin, my hair isn’t as nice as I want it to be. I feel like my tail is too long. Everything is just wrong! No matter what, I tried dieting and I tried to dye my mane but nothing seems to help!” “Why don’t you take a day off? Maybe you need some rest, it has been very stressful, your mother, new school, new friends. Take a mental day.” “But dad-” “Why don’t we try it out, and tomorrow we can see a doctor if it doesn’t work. Just try and get some rest. ok?” “Ok,” Pulchra said as she went to her bedroom and closed her eyes. Maybe dad was right and she was just overly stressed. Maybe all she needed was some rest and relaxation. Hours later she woke up, it looked to be far into the afternoon. She felt so sore, but better overall, almost lighter. She got up and looked into the mirror and she looked different. She looked thin but way too thin. Her tail was shorter, or maybe it just looked shorter, and her neck looked better. Why did she look so different, was it from the rest? She walked out to her dad, he was washing dishes but she couldn’t see what kind from her position. “Dad,” she called out once more. “Feeling better?” “Actually no I feel too thin, my legs look shorter, my neck and tummy look better though. My tail seems shorter. At first, I didn’t like it, but now I do.” Pulchra said honestly, the rest had only worked halfway and that made her disappointed but at least it worked somewhat. “Well, what do you wish to look like?” She thought for a moment and took out a picture of a famous rock star. “Like this. Why?” “Why don’t you dream about being that and see if it helps ok? Maybe if you visualize it, it’ll come true. Try just one more time. I promise if it fails this time, we can see some-creature about it.” “Ok….” ------ I waited until Pulchra fell asleep again before I entered her room. I pulled a sedative from my bag. As a doctor I had access to these things, it was important to my profession. I approached her bed, being extra careful as to not wake her up. I inserted the needle into her neck and pressed the plunger. I had the perfect mare to pick for this. She lived across the hall and she looked close enough to that rockstar. I dragged my daughter from her bed and to the kitchen table where I laid her down. I removed the stitches from her legs, separating the skin of the previous mare I killed from my daughter. I then used my magic to un-fuse the muscle and bone from the dead mare's legs and my daughter’s body. I tossed the legs in the garbage, it was unfortunate that the kill had to go to waste. To be honest I really should have asked for a photo before-hoof. It seemed so obvious now. I grabbed my knife and laid it down on the table next to the door. I walked quietly to the other side of the hall. I knocked on the door to room two thirty-seven. “Hello Oblation, I could use your help. My daughter is upset and refuses to talk to me. I assume it might be a sensitive subject to talk to her father about. So I was hoping you could go talk to her.” Fettle said, trying to feign innocence, concern, all the emotions he needed to convince Oblation to come over to his apartment. “Of course Fettle I’ll come right now.” Oblation said as she trotted into the living room of Fettle’s apartment. She knew that Pulchra’s mother had just passed away and she, over time, had become a sort of female role model to Pulchra. It was a job she took very seriously. Fettle carefully picked up the knife he left on the table, thankfully Oblation hadn’t seen it. If she had she thought nothing of it and that would be her undoing. He thrust the knife down, stabbed it right into Oblation’s back killing her instantly. He took the knife out of her back and closed his front door, he made extra sure he locked it. He then started cutting into her flesh. He would keep doing this until his daughter was satisfied with her body. She deserved it, after all she had been through she deserved to be happy. Her father would provide this happiness, just as any other would. > In Fashion > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Wow this fits me so perfectly, and I didn’t even have to make those lousy fitting appointments,” A pegasus mare said as she flew around her new dress inside a fashion shop. “Just one measure, that's my motto,” bragged a stallion named Fad Form. “Well, you really do live up to it. I have no idea how you do it!” The mare said she could not stop flying around. She was just so happy. “Oh, you flatter me too much.” Fad said, he was one of the most famous fashion designers in all of Equestria. He was known for getting his fashion done asap. That wasn’t the best part, the best part was what the client previously said. Only one measure, that's all it would take. None of those annoying in-between fittings to make sure the dress looked just right. That’s what truly made him famous, it also helped that his designs were stunning as well. “That’ll be 350 bits mam.” “Of course,” his client said as she took a bag of bits in her teeth and handed them to Fad. “Thank you, I hope to see you again.” “Oh, you definitely will be!” She said as she flew out of the store in her new stunning dress, it was a light yellow that faded into a bright orange. The dress was adorned with gems in swirling patterns and it looked much like a sunrise. Fad picked up his client list, who was he to satisfy next? His heart dropped as he recognized the next name. Legendary designer Magnum Ego, the pony breathed fashion. She alone, created at least five different fashion trends by herself, and a whole era of design was named after her. Saying that Fad was nervous was an understatement. Ring, went to the store bell and he knew she was here “how can I help you?” He asked, nervous as all get-out but he tried his best not to sound it. He heard she could smell fear. “I heard a lot about you,” she started. “I’d tell you what my name was but I think you know.” “I know, Mrs. Ego, Oh you have? What an honor.” He really hoped that he hadn’t just insulted her if he chose one word wrong it’d be the end of him. “I heard you can make the most beautiful dresses with only one measure, I want a dress, make it however you wish. Follow your creative flow, I expect it to be grand.” “Well let me just take your measurements, only once I will need to.” His hooves trembled as he wrapped the measuring tape around her waist thirty-three inches, then her legs thirty inches, then her chest thirty-four inches, and lastly her neck, twenty inches. He jotted all the numbers down on his clipboard, he would need them later. “Fantastic, I'll see you in a couple of weeks.” Ego said as she left his store. He waved bye at her and while he acted like he was really calm about this encounter. He felt like his heart would explode at any second. What would he do? Ego wanted him to follow his creative flow? He hadn’t done that in so long. His clients either ordered what a previous client had or he at the very least would get a theme for Fad to follow. He had neither of those things now. He was supposed to just go with his flow. Should he pick a theme he already completed? No ego won’t want a duplicate, she would want something that was one of a kind. Thoughts saw through his head as he trotted down the stairs and flicked on the lights. In the center of the room was his mannequin. He hoped that it would last one more dress, he didn’t have the time to go out and get a new one. It was just so much work and he already had a lot on his plate. He checked its eyes first, cloudier than normal but that was to be expected. The real test is when he smelled it, he gave it a hearty sniff. This one was getting bad but it would last just one more dress and he was thankful. How lucky could he get tonight? Hopefully, he would have a lot of luck as he would need it all to impress Ego. He went to his fridge and looked through the bags. He grabbed out a larger bag of flesh than normal. She was larger than the last mare, but the last mare was just so small. He had to really cut the mannequin down to get it to be the shape he needed it to be. Now he was going to have to add it all back and then some. He grabbed a decent-sized piece and started sowing it onto the mannequin's stomach and chest. This part would always take the longest and the flesh was finicky and didn't always behave how he wished it would. After he was done with the chest and stomach he moved onto all four legs of the mannequin. The realness of his mannequin was his secret, he’d size it up or down depending on the client. The way its body curved naturally is what he got out of the real deal. It didn’t sag in the places it normally would if you used a typical machine. It was just so much more effective this way when it was a real pony. That and he never had to deal with customer's bad behavior. He smiled as he grabbed the white cloth but tragedy struck as it hit the ground and got covered in the blood that had dripped out of the mannequin. He ripped the cloth off the ground and it left a white to red fade behind. It was beautiful, an accident but beautiful. His genius struck as he decided to make a rose inspired dress that fades from red to white. It would be his best dress! Ego was going to love it. It would be one of a kind, the only dress to ever have real pony mixed into it and Fad couldn’t help but smile. It would definitely be quite the statement.