> Parental Guidance > by grey mane > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Life Lesson > --------------------------------------------------------------------------     It had been three hours since Milano started, things were long since past heated as her breasts jiggled as she bounced up and down. Her sexy revealing lace nightgown moved with her as she rocked from side to side, her chest heaved with each heavy breath she took as sweat coated her body matting her fur in several places.     “Oh fuck!” Milano gaspingly groaned as she fell to her knees and her ass stuck into the air, “I’m almost there!” She cryingly moaned, “Harder…” She gasped, “harder you limp dick cum dumpsters!” She cried at the top of her lungs only to groan in frustration as the game announced the enemy team had won, “Are you fucking with me! How in the hell did we lose that, we were winning, we had everything, how in the hell did we lose!?”     “Don’t blame us, it's your fault we lost.” A muffled young voice groaned over the head set.     “Explain to me how it's my fault we lost, I let you all pick up every last item while I went around and killed everyone on the enemy team. Look at my k/d ratio, no pony in this game has a better score than me right now.” Milano replied with a thick tone of disappointment in her voice.     “Well you’re a mare, maybe you should have done what mares do and pick things up. While we boys do the killing like proper stallions do.” A second much younger voice chimed in causing several of the other players to giggle like idiots.     “So what you’re saying is…” Milano began to reply causing the young colt to respond with a superior sounding yes, “that we lost because you boys are too stupid and too lazy to pick something up. Even if the game already does it for you?”     “Yes…” The young colt replied before stuttering and stammering to rephrase himself, “I-I-I mean no, it's your fault for not playing better.”     “Oh I get it.” Milano sighed as she sat down and wiped the sweat from her brow, “So it's my fault because you boys can’t keep up with a real mare, does it bother you to know that I’m higher on the leader-boards while also being a full time mother?”     “Says the virgin.” A third young colt replied with a sarcastic laugh only to get groans from everyone who could hear him, “What?”     “How is she a virgin if she’s a mother?” The first one groaned only to hear the third colt claim she could be lying, “Trust me dude, she’s not and Mrs. Mash is one fine milf.”     “Watch it kid.” She replied as she rubbed the side of her head, “I don’t mind being called that, but not by some colt whose balls haven’t dropped yet. Keep it up and I may tell your mother where you hide your stolen stash of PlayMare magazines, the stash with the limited edition seventy five year celebration in it that you took from your dad.” The young colt groaned how he wasn’t sharing any secrets with Button ever again.     “My balls have dropped.” The second colt laughed as Mrs. Mash groaned how his voice proved otherwise, “Oh trust me they’ve dropped, and they are so big I need a basket to carry them. They dangle down to the floor.”     “If what you say is true then you need to see a doctor.” Mrs. Mash sighed in annoyance as she prepared to enter into another round.     “What’s that sound?” One of the colts inquired as the chat room went silent.     “I hear it too, sounds like a couple of cats going at it.” The second colt replied causing Milano to expose one of her ears.     “That’s not a pair of cats,” Milano blushingly sighed as she knew what the sound was and was grateful that the other colts couldn’t quite tell, “that’s the sound that means it's time I started acting like a parent. Good luck in the next round without me.” She giggled knowing they were going to bomb no matter what claims they made.     Milano was as quiet as she could be taking very light and soft hoof steps across the hardwood floors. As the sound grew louder and louder with each passing second Milano couldn’t help but feel slightly aroused by it, stopping outside the bedroom door she began to prepare herself for what came next. It was more than clear she needed to have a very important talk with her child, one she feared could have been long overdue making her worry she may have missed the signs.     Turning the knob Milano peeked through the door expecting to see her son stroking his dick to an adult magazine, one she would have believed he borrowed from his friend from school. Looking into the room she blushed as she saw far more than what she clearly expected to see, in Button’s hand was a single photo of a young filly from his class with pink and purple colored mane. From what little Milano could see in the photo it was clear it had been taken while the young filly was in the shower, even more so she appeared to be aware it was taken and even teased the pony behind the camera.     Sneaking into the room Milano quietly leaned over Button and whispered in a loving tone, “I always thought you had feelings for her.” She giggled causing Button Mash to jump from where he sat and try to cover his chest while failing to hide his throbbing erection.     “M-mom!” He shouted looking for something to hide his fully nude body, “What are you doing in my room?”     “I heard a strange sound and came to investigate, but now I have to ask…” She groaned with a blush slowly starting to cover her face, “how, when, and why do you have breasts?” Milano asked as she gripped the left mound to see how real it really was, only to jump back and blush all the more to hear her son moan at the sensation.     Button blushed as he tried to keep from looking at his mother, “I wanted that photo of Sweetie Belle and she wanted somepony to try a new potion her and Apple Bloom made. So we agreed to a trade, I get to take a photo of her like that and in exchange I have to drink their potion.”     “So they were trying to make a potion to help them grow their breasts?” Milano groaned as she sighed half expecting she’d have to talk with Rarity and Applejack later.     “No…” Button groaned as he unknowingly began to play with his own nipple, “Pip Squeak was wanting to get a little bigger in size.” He began to explain before eyeing half of what remained in the bottle, “He wanted to grow a few inches taller but the CMC weren’t willing to give him their potion till they knew it would work on a temporary level first.”     Slowly Milano turned her gaze in the direction her son had been staring in, “So this potion just causes breasts to grow?” She asked while slowly picking up the vial and removing the cork to give the potion a small whiff as he explained he was unsure, “Well I guess they’ll need more test subjects.” She sighed cupping her own breast as she fantasizes about having breasts as large as Fluttershy’s, even if it was temporary she had talked with the yellow mare about her massive mammaries and how her back had to take such strain.     In the end the two mares simply laughed about the attention Fluttershy got from several stallions and mares, all of whom mostly stared at her breasts unintentionally and how Mrs. Mash joked about wanting to feel them. While at the time it was just a joke between good friends, she had come to fantasize on the coldest and loneliest of nights about the sexy yet shy yellow mare. Drinking what remained Mrs. Mash soon groaned and coughed as she gave a sour look towards her son.     “How in all of Equestria did you manage to even stomach this?” Milano groaned as she quickly looked for something to remove the taste from her mouth, “You can’t even stand a little spice and this tastes like something I don’t even want to try imagining.” In a last ditch effort to remove the flavor from her mouth, Mrs. Mash dove between her son’s legs and took hold of his still erect cock.     “M-mom!” Button exclaimed, unable to back away from his mother’s grip.     “Just getting the taste out of my mouth.” Milano mumbled around the shaft of her son’s penis, causing the young stallion to faintly groan as one of his hands squeezed his breast. ‘What am I doing?’ Milano screamed in her mind as her tongue slowly slid up the shaft of Button's throbbing member, ‘It’s okay, it’s okay, I am an adult I can control my actions and I will stop now.’ Milano thought to herself as she slowly heard faint moans escaping her lips, ‘I will stop this now…’ She continued to claim as she fought against her own body, ‘right now, I am stopping this right now. Why can’t I stop sucking his dick!?’ She cried out in her mind as she felt the stiff meat rod slowly sliding into the back of her throat, “My baby boy has done quite a bit of growing from when I used to wash his cute little bottom.” Milano gasped as she cupped Button’s sack and made him groan with a faint squeeze, ‘THE FUCK DID I JUST SAY!?’ Milano cried out in her mind, confused as to how and why her body acted of its own accord.     “M-mommy~” Button whimpered as he dug the fingers of his free hand into the carpet, finding an odd enjoyable sensation causing his body to shiver as he pinched his own nipple.     “How many times did you cum to that photo,” Milano inquired as she faintly squeezed her son’s sack as she cupped his testicals, “because these feel a little light to me.” She sighed as she slowly licked the head of his cock, ‘As if I would know how heavy his balls would be had he never gotten off.’ Milano mentally groaned to herself as she blushed looking up at her son, ‘But that is a good question, he is old enough for the talk, and I should take an interest in his actions.’ She began to place logic towards her own actions hoping her body would soon follow commands, ‘M-maybe even teach him how to treat a mar~No, no, no, I am his mother I can’t do that kind of thing.’ Milano claimed as she broke her own train of thought having realized she almost justified spreading her legs for her son.     “M~mom…” Button moaned as his cock began to throb, “p-please…” He panted only to goran as his mother backed away.     “Finally got the taste off my tongue.” Milano teased as she stood up and began to walk away, ‘Fucking finally, my body is doing what I want.’ She praised Celestia within her mind only to find she was now stripping before her son, ‘OH WHAT NOW!’ She cried out in her head before soon noticing she herself had grown a dick, ‘That’s new.’ She thought as she marveled its length going from her crotch down three inches past her knees, “Now its your turn.” She faintly chuckled before squatting down and making the flaccid meat rod rock from side to side, making the head brush against the tips of the carpet with each pass causing the flaccid pole to slowly harden.     Slowly Button crawled towards his mother, her waving ass only hypnotizing him with each pass. Looking between her legs Button soon saw the semi-hard dick waving from side to side, the view only made him far more curious as he gazed at the shining fluid dampening Milano’s thighs.     Reaching up he pressed his fingers into his Mother’s soft most labia lips making her faintly gasp, “What’s this strange fluid?” Button asked as his fingers slipped between the tender folds, and slid up to Milano’s clit where he teased the little nub hidden by the base of his mother’s newly grown cock, “Do all mares have something like this,” He asked only to pinch and twist the nub as hard as he could, “is it like playing with an old game console?”     “OH FUCK!” Milano shouted in pain as she slapped her son’s hand away, ‘Okay…’ She mentally groaned after feeling the sharp pain shooting through her body as her clit achingly throbbed, ‘he needs this lesson far more than I thought. Otherwise he could end up trying to stick it into some poor mare’s eye.’ Milano reconciled with herself knowing now that Button needed more than just The Talk, “Come here,” She sighed as she sat down on Button’s bed and began to spread her legs, “take a good look.” Milano commanded as she lifted her semi-flaccid joystick to reveal her glistening marehood.     Button blushed as he looked at the folds of his mother’s moist labia lips, slowly his breathing hastened as Milano pressed two of her fingers against her tender folds. Spreading herself open Milano felt her heart rate increase and her blood rush as her son looked on.     Only for the arousing sensation to rise as Button pushed his fingers into his mother, only for it all to come to an abrupt end for Milano as Button looked deeper into his mother, “Is this kind of like dungeon crawling?” He asked, causing Milano to stare at the ceiling with a dumbfounded look upon her face, “Shouldn’t there be like zombies, skeletons, or maybe even the legendary dragon Clam Mydia?” Looking up to see his mother blushing and slightly confused Button faintly chuckled, “Did I not say the name right, last time I was at Rarity’s she was on the phone and said it was a dragon that could ruin any Cave of Wonder.”     With a sigh Milano pulled her son’s fingers out of herself, “That is a discussion for another time, for now I need to know how you are unaware as to what you are looking at.” Picking up Sweetie Belle’s photo Milano pointed at the wet naked young mare, “I’m sure you’ve seen hers right?”     “Well ya you can see hers as well in that photo.” Button replied as he cupped his own breasts, “She has the second largest breasts in class.”     Sighing to what she heard Milano grabbed the back of Button’s head and shoved his face into her crotch, “Time for a crash course, where your lips are at is what is called a vagina. It has several other terms and phrases that are used to talk about it, every mare has one and this is where infant foals come out of.”     “I thought foals were delivered by Princess Celestia.” Button claimed through a muffled voice causing Milano to ask him to explain, “I don’t know how to explain it, only that Princess Celestia brings the foals.” He claimed as Milano arched her back with a faint gasping moan.     Her cares on how misinformed her son was, were a drift as the young stallion continued to talk, his voice vibrating against Milano’s tender labia lips as her cock slowly began to harden once again. Each faint throb her meat stick had caused the head to tap against Button’s cheek.     “And who told you all of this?” Milano moaned louder as she gripped her breast and played with her nipple.     “Diamond Tiara told me as her parents told her.” Button claimed, causing Milano to lose focus on the pleasure she had been gaining.     All at once Milano’s thoughts of pleasure and ecstasy were soon traded off with a mental image of a bad nose job, and one massive bitch of a slut glaring down at her as if Milano could never measure up. For half a moment she felt like vomiting into a trash can as an image of Spoiled Rich was now in her mind, only for Milano to realize something far too humorous about the situation.     “Are you telling me that Diamond Tiara’s mother, the rusted cum-dumpster herself has never had ‘The Talk’ with her daughter?” Milano blushed as she tried to withhold her laughter, “Does she also refer to private areas in funny ways.” Milano teased only to hear Button groan as he thought about some of the things she said.     “She called my penis a money maker, does that count as something funny?” He asked, causing Milano to bite her lower lip.     “Only if you’re as greedy as Spoiled Rich.” Milano chuckled under her breath before returning her attention back to her son, “Let’s start with the basics,” She sighed while gently pushing Button’s head back, “take two of your fingers and rub along the sides of my hole.” Milano instructed with a soft loving voice before gasping as she felt Button’s fingers, “That’s it, now make small slow circles and gently move around the hole.” She moaned feeling the fingers slowly moving as she had told Button to move them, “That’s good…” Milano groaned louder as she arched her back a little more, “now take two of your fingers and slowly push them into me.” Her voice rose slightly louder as she felt Button’s fingers enter and spread her gushing love hole, “Deeper…” Milano gasped as her hips began to move causing her cock to grind against Button’s forehead, “get them nice and deep in there, feel around inside me!” Her voice echoed down the hall as she curled her upper body to kiss the head of her own meat stick, “That’s it!” Milano cried out as she fell flat on her back, “More…” She cried out while pinching her own nipples as her back began to slowly arch, “oh fuck yes!”     Button fell back in sudden surprise as a thick fluid gushed forth from between his mother’s legs. His face dripping and glistening from the warm substance, Button starred on as he watched his mother gasping with heavy breaths. After several long minutes of silence Button got back on his knees and took a closer look at what he had done.     “Was dad this good?” He asked only to hear Milano’s heavy breathing turn into an outburst of laughter.     “He bragged that he was the best.” Milano replied only to hear Button ask how his father did in comparison, “He and I met at a party one night, and I was looking to scratch an itch. Had on the sexiest dress I had and nothing else, I wanted everypony there to know I was wanting some but was fishing for only the right partner that night. Your dad had one hell of a silver tongue, but all he was good for was talk. One hour of disappointment later and I walked out smelling like hate, anger, and shame all at once. A week later I learned he was a bigger piece of shit than I first thought, I watched him put on a condom but he clearly removed it at some point.” Button sat there slack jawed to learn he had been conceived in such a way, “But don’t worry, you’re my colt and I’ve been doing all I can to make sure you’re nothing like him.” Milano whispered into Button’s ear as she slowly reached down and cupped Button’s testicles, “Speaking of, its time you learned how to use this.”     Button let out a groaning sigh as he felt his mother’s grip slowly tighten around his balls, “M-mommy~” He moaned as he fell between Milano’s breasts only to look up at her in confusion as he felt Milano’s hand slowly move towards his shaft, “please don’t stop, I liked it.”     Slowly Milano leaned back and rested her flaccid dick on her lower abdomen before lifting her right leg up to her own head, “But you’ll enjoy this so much more.” She purred while guiding Button’s throbbing member towards her labia lips, “Push it in slowly, there’s no need to rush.” Milano whispered as she slowly let go of Button’s shaft.     With a groaning moan Milano closed her eyes as she enjoyed the girth and length of her son’s stallionhood, cupping her own breast Milano began to suck and nibble upon her own nipple while Button’s hips soon met her thighs.     “You feel so warm.” Button gasped as he felt his mother’s right leg resting on his shoulder, “Do all mares feel like this?”      “How should I know?” Milano moaned as she felt Button pulling his hips back, “You forget I didn’t have a dick before now, and I never got my chance with another mare before you were born.”     As Milano began to relax and enjoy the lesson she was giving her son, she soon found her pleasure being turned into a one sided boxing match. Looking down at her own hips she soon saw Button had lifted her other leg and began slamming his hips into her.     “Oh Mommy!” Button groaned as he tried to go faster and harder as the sensation he felt overwhelmed him.     “S-stop!” Milano gargled as she felt her lower half being lifted higher into the air, ‘Is this what the pavement feels like when those construction ponies are using jackhammers!?’ Milano asked herself before forcefully taking control of the situation, “I said STOP!” She snarled as she wrapped her legs around Button’s hips and rolled her body till Button lay under her, “Celestia fuck me in the ass, what was that?”     “Was it good?” Button asked, gaining only a confused look from his mother, “Snips showed me and Snails a video of a stallion doing that to a mare, and she kept talking about how good it was.”     “Por-...” Milano gagged on the word as she tried to fight back on her laughter, “you saw a porn video where.” With a disheartened sigh Milano shook her head, “What you see in those videos are not always the best thing to try, I’m not the walkways and roads out there and you’re not a jackhammer.” Slowly Milano lifted herself off of Button while letting out a faint moan as she neared the tip of his cock, “Besides, you’re new at this and need to learn from the beginning.”     Slowly Milano began to lower herself as she faintly rocked her hips back, as she began to slowly rise her hips moved forward causing Button to let out a gasping moan as he arched his back.     “M-mommy~” Button groaned as he dug his fingers into the mattress beneath himself.     “L-like this.” Milano moaned as she continued to rock her hips as she slid up and down on her son’s throbbing rod, “Always~” Milano gasped as she collapsed onto her son while still moving her hips, “make the mare you’re with feel special!” She cried out as Button let out a low heavy groan, “And please warn them when you’re about to pop, not every mare likes to be filled.”     Button blushed as his limp rod slid out of his mother, “I’m sorry.” He groaned under his breath trying to turn away from his mother, only to look up at her in confusion after feeling her kiss his forehead.     “No need to be ashamed,” Milano blushed as she got off her son, “you’re new at this and need to learn. If anything I should have made sure we had spare condoms stashed around here.” Sliding off the bed Milano slowly licked and sucked Button’s flaccid sausage clean, “Get some sleep sweetie, tomorrow I’ll teach you how to put one on and prepare you how to please a real mare.” Button simply nodded in nervous confusion as he pondered what his mother meant.     However Button believed his questions would be answered the next day, as exhaustion set in for the young stallion. In his dreams he saw Sweetie Belle in the shower, her fur soaked from the steaming water as it flowed and cascaded off her growing body. With each step towards the young mare Button could hear Sweetie Belle and another mare giggling, before long the steam showed the sight of another pair of hands caressing and playing with Sweetie’s young body.     “Mom?” Button gasped as Milano slowly and carefully teased Sweetie Belle.     Before long he soon saw the silhouette of another pony within the steam inching closer from behind the first two mares, “It’s alright.” A faint voice echoed in the shower as a pair of midnight blue hands caress Milano’s and Sweetie’s ass, “Love freely, love often, and love all.” The soft voice echoed once more as the steam began to weaken and reveal the third pony, only for Button’s alarm to go off shaking him from the dream.     “Rise and shine!” Milano sang as she burst through the door only to pause and stare at the stain on her son’s bed, “Maybe I should have sucked you off once more.” Milano groaned having realized Button had a more than pleasant dream, “Why don’t you go take a quick shower, while I strip your bed and wash those sheets. Breakfast is also ready so don’t take too long or it will get cold, and while those sheets dry we are going to Sweet Apple Acres.”     “Why are we going there?” Button inquired as he tried to cover his stallion hood from the sight of his mother, while patting his now flat chest and letting out a sigh of relief.     “Why else,” Milano teased as something caused the flap of her apron to lift from her legs, “I still have something to teach you.”     Looking over towards his dresser Button saw that the vial the CMC had given him was missing, it didn’t take long for Button to learn where it had gone off to or why. And now he was beginning to wonder if he should be regretting last night, or if his dream was much more than that as he tried to piece together who the third mare was. With a faint nod Button grabbed some clean clothes and rushed towards the bathroom, as he passed his mother he soon noticed the apron was all she had on.     The sight of her bare backside and mostly hidden front had Button erect and throbbing as he ran towards the bath. Turning on the cold water he let out a stifled grunt as it hit his body.     “Come on, come on.” He groaned, hoping the cold water would help him go limp, “Why did she have to be dressed like that,” Button moaned as he thought of his mother, “and with such a rocking body.” The more he thought about Milano the harder he became, “What if Sweetie Belle had a body like mom…” He sighed as he began to imagine both mares on his bed, “oh sweet Celestia!” He groaned as he stroked his cock to the imagined image in his mind, “Would mom fuck Sweetie Belle?” He asked himself only to snap out of his fantasy as he felt something stiff nudging his rear.     “Well if she doesn’t know how to properly take care of my little stallion,” Milano teased as she applied soap to her son’s throbbing meat and slowly stroked it, “then I’ll have to teach her properly. But given who her sister is, I don’t believe I have to worry about that.”     “Mom~my” Button gasped as he struggled to stay standing, “why?”     “I used to wash every bit of your body once, why not now?” Milano teased as she began to grind her semi-hard penis between Button’s ass cheeks.     Though it was but a quick moment in the shower to Button it felt like months had passed as he felt his mother’s hand slowly stroking his stallionhood, combined with the sensation of her throbbing meat at his back door. As he began to pant and groan Button soon felt his mother pulled away from him and quickly jump out of the shower.     “Cock tease!” Button grumbled under his breath as Milano ran off in a hurry, groaning that something had begun to burn, “Started something and didn’t even finish, now how am I going to get rid of this thing?” He complained as he slipped out of the shower to dry and dress himself.     Breakfast with his mother appeared to make his situation worse, having sat down for some waffles and eggs Button noticed that Milano had ditched the apron and was now as bare as the day she was born.      “Eat up before it gets cold.” Milano giggled as she sat down with her breasts resting comfortably on the table, her erect nipples sitting on her plate just out of reach of the warm syrup that had been drizzled on her waffles.     Milano feigned her ignorance of her son’s lustful gaze as she ate her food, humming with each small bite she took, allowing the syrup to drip onto her breasts. She even giggled and gave praise to not having a shirt on, as she lifted her massive mammaries and licked herself clean as slow as she could while sucking on her own nipples. Button sat speechless as he watched his mother enjoy her meal, his cock ached as it throbbed from being tied down by his pants and belt.     Sliding his meal forward Button cleared his throat, “S-so what more did you want to teach me?” He asked hoping it was something so boring it would help him calm down as he began to sip his glass of milk.     “I’m going to teach you how to take it in the ass.” Milano calmly stated as she tapped her now empty plate, as Button spit his milk out in shock having heard those words, “Oh come now this is a new day and age, some stallions enjoy it, a few need to be eased into it, and the rest need to learn to love it.” Milano smiled before muttering under her breath, “The last group use their safe words too soon.”     “Safe words!?” Button choked as the image of his mother and Sweetie Belle dressed as dominatrix came into view in his mind, “You’re telling me some ponies are so sick they do that!?”     “It’s not sick,” Milano snapped back as she slowly stood up, “what they do is the ultimate form of trust between one another. To allow another to do something to you and know they won’t cross a line,” She sighed as she wrapped her arms around Button and pulled his head between her soft breasts, “I just wish I had that kind of trust in your father.”     “But why do I need to learn it?” Button inquired with his voice being muffled by his mother’s smooth pillows.     “Because if she’s anything like her sister, then that filly is going to ride you raw night one.” Milano giggled as she let her son go, “Now I’m going to get dressed, eat your food you’ll need your energy.”     Button struggled to swallow his own saliva as he watched his mother walk away, her hips swayed and her ass giggled with each step. While he stared on he began to imagine Sweetie Belle walking alongside in a similar fashion, in his daydream the two mares were walking to share the time they would take up in the shower. He pondered how long they would be in there, an hour, two hours, maybe longer if they moaned loud enough to draw him into the fun.     Shaking his head Button soon turned to his meal only to sigh as he tried to fight against his own erotic wishes. Milano’s time in the shower was only half as long as Button had guessed, and his meal had sadly become cold while he followed his wandering mind though it filled him all the same. As they walked towards Sweet Apple Acres a few ponies complimented Milano on how vibrant and bright she seemed that morning, Button however paid little attention towards them as his mind finally anchored itself on the end of his dream.     As he tried to figure out who the strange pony hidden behind the steam was or even why he had dreamed of them in the first place. Midnight blue hands made him think of Princess Luna but it was a dream and the Princess only comes to those having nightmares. Or at least that’s what he believed to be true, as no pony has ever claimed to have seen Princess Luna in any good dreams.     His constant pondering and questioning soon came to an end as he heard Milano whisper into his ear, “Strip.” Button froze as he looked around in shock only to see nothing but trees for miles.     Looking back at his mother he soon noticed she was already bare and erect, with a bit of precum seeping out the head of her cock. Button swallowed hard as he slowly started to remove his shirt, every little noise he heard made him jump as he stripped off each article of clothing. Struggling to remove his own boxers Button shook and trembled as he twitched to look in the direction of each sound.      “Don’t be so shy,” Milano giggled into Button’s ear as she pulled the boxers off her son, exposing his stallionhood to the cool touch of a gentle breeze and warm kiss of the sunlight.     Button quickly cupped his hands over his flaccid meat and backed himself against a tree, “I don’t like this.” He shakingly said as his head and eyes quickly moved from one noise to the next, “What if somepony catches us?”      “Well I’ll just have to ask them to join us.” Milano softly stated as she got down on her knees and pried Button’s hands away from his crotch, “And there’s no need to hide yourself like this, be proud of your body.” Milano blushingly smiled as she began to lift Button’s slowly hardening rod, “And be proud of this tool the most, not every stallion can brag they have one at this size. But that’s enough pillow talk for now, turn around and stick your ass out for mommy.”     Slowly Button complied with his mother’s wishes presenting his back side to her. Button let out a startled yelp the moment he felt his mother’s tongue teasing the tight puckered hole of his anus, the more she licked the more Button could feel his legs beginning to buckle and weaken under himself.     “M~mommy!” Button chokingly gasped as his cock began to achingly throb.     Without warning Milano stopped licking and stood up, “Don’t worry my baby boy,” She softly stated as she rested the head of her stiff stick against Button’s anus, “mommy’s going to make you feel good.” Milano groaned as she slowly began to thrust her cock into Button’s rectum.     The young colt let out a choked groaning moan as he felt Milano’s stiff girth move deeper and deeper into himself. Button banged his fist against the tree with each passing inch that entered him. As he felt his mother’s hips pressed against his rear, Button gave a silent thanks to Celestia that it was over.     “Good boy, Mommy is proud of her little champ for taking it all in.” Milano giggled before leaning in to whisper, “But that’s just the start of it, Rarity is one freaky dominatrix when you get her started. So I wouldn’t expect anything less of her cute little sister, so be ready to take it like a real stallion.” As Milano began to pull her hips back, Button let out soft panting moans as he felt his rectum slowly go back to normal.     With one hard thrust Milano shoved her throbbing rod back into Button only to stop, “WHAT IN EQUESTRIA ARE YOU TWO DOING!?” A regal voice shouted in shock and disbelief of what now lay before her, “Young stallion, did you not heed my warnings from last night?”     “Button, why was Princess Luna visiting you last night?” Milano inquired in a disappointed tone, “I would have loved teaching you about having multiple sex partners at once, but you need to talk to me first before just trying to ‘ram’ it in.” Milano groaned as she gave emphasis to the single word as she thrust her hips.     “No, I came into his dreams to warn him that this kind of action can have harmful repercussions.” Luna groaned as she thought about her own sister causing her to clear her throat, “Now I understand that he is at the age where he needs to learn…” Luna paused looking for the right set of words only to settle on a rather vague word, “some things. But if this continues he could become dependent on you to sate his needs, rather than going out and communing with others, making friends, and eventually finding the love of his life.”      Milano sighed as she slowly pulled herself out and away from her son with her throbbing meat rod glistening in the sunlight, as it faintly swayed with each step Milano took towards the Princess. With each step she studied Luna’s body language, Luna had been rubbing her thighs together, her breathing had become slightly heavy and irregular, and the whole time she had been talking she never looked at the duo.     “You’re absolutely right Princess, but…” Milano agreed as she neared Luna pausing her words for a moment as she pulled the Royal in, “if you’re going to stand on a pedestal. Please don’t wear skirts so short and open, that those of us looking up can see how wet and exposed you are.” She whispered as she thrust her aching rod between Luna’s damp thighs as she spoke mostly in euphemisms, “Say the word and I’ll put it in you right here, right now, and do you so good you’ll never want anypony else.” Milano teased as she thrust her cock between the damp thighs while grinding against Luna’s drooling starving labia lips, “Say nothing and just grab my ass, and you can help me teach my poor boy a very valuable lesson today.”     Luan bit her lower lip as she looked over Milano’s shoulder to gaze at the young confused stallion, “But is he ready for that?” Luna whispered into the ear of the mare who now teased her, “A talk would be enough, but this is ah~” Luna faintly moaned as the itch between her legs grew all the more, only for her lust to grow as she soon noticed Button had begun stroking his rod at the sight of the two mares.     “I caught him messing with a potion and stroking to a photo of a classmate of his,” Milano softly whispered as she nibbled on Luna’s ear, “if he’s already doing that we are long past a talk. He needs to learn the difference between consent and being teased.”     “Liar,” Luna gasped as she gripped Milano’s plump ass, “you just want to have fun.” She groaned struggling to keep standing as her legs weakened and shook under herself, “You could have gotten him to the edge then left him there, and teased him till he learned better and understood both to a good extent.” Pushing Milano to the ground Luna quickly removed her clothes and stood before the two in all her bare glory, “Colt,” Luna groaned as she took a dominating stance, “come and help your mother in pleasing your Princesses. Or you will face punishment for such deprived acts in a public setting.”     Button slowly rose to his hooves and walked towards the now naked Princess, her midnight blue fur had a faint shine in the sunlight. Her thighs glistened and sparkled nearly the same as her mane, Luna’s supple plump breasts and well toned thighs were enough to make Button blush. As he neared Luna he could feel his heartbeat began to race as his cock throbbed harder with each step he took.     Once Button was close enough Luna turned around and propped herself up against a tree, “Come,” Luna softly spoke as she reached between her legs and spread open her soft labia lips, “feel what it's like to love a Princess of Equestria.” Luna let out a faint gasping moan as she felt the young stallion shove his hard pole into her cave of wonders.     Button nearly dropped to his knees as he felt the soft, warm, and moist inner walls of Luna’s marehood, “M-mommy?” Button gasped in confusion as he soon felt his mother’s twitching cock knocking on his back door.     “Princess Luna said you needed to please her.” Milano blushed as she slowly penetrated her son, “But she didn’t say that I was not allowed to aid you in any way.” With a hard heavy thrust Milano shoved her cock deep into Button’s rear, in reaction Button moved his hips intandom shoving his own throbbing member into Princess Luna.     “By the night sky!” Luna gasped as the length of the young stallion made its way deep into her tight warm marehood, “Wait a minute, wait a minute…” Luna begged as Milano pulled herself and her son back to ready for the next thrust, “I just need to OH FUCK!” She cried as the girthy meat stick spread her as wide as it had the first time, leaving the Princess at a loss for words.     The trio lost track of time soon after only noticing how long they may have gone at it by the setting sun, “The three of ya’ll finally satisfied?” A feminine country voice called out before a figure came walking out from behind a tree.     The three of them sat on the ground too exhausted to run or even cover their shame. They watched as Apple Jack rose her fingers into the light of the setting sun, a faint shine could be seen from them. It wasn’t long till they noticed the mare before them was naked as they were, and the fur on her inner thighs were matted and glistening. They breathed a small sigh of relief knowing she wasn’t mad, but their calm moment was short lived when they watched Applejack pull out a rope from behind the tree next to her.     “Now I don’t mind if ya’ll needed to have a bit of fun where ya can’t be seen, but still want to have yer fun in the warmth of the sun.” Pulling the rope tight till a small snap could be heard, she gave a twisted smile as she walked towards the three of them, “But ya’ll should have come and talked to me at the house first, now I have to teach you what happens to trespassers. And don’t worry, ya’ll ain’t alone in this punishment. Rarity hasn’t learned her lesson yet either.”