> Pegasus Sweater Puppies > by Some Leech > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Filling Out and Filling Up > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Twilight!” Rainbow Dash shouted, pounding at the front door of the Castle of Friendship. “Oh come on,” she grumbled, impatiently pacing on the front steps. “Coming! I’ll be right there!” Twilight Sparkle yelled, briskly trotting towards the entrance. Casting the door open, finding the familiar cerulean pegasus tapping her hoof outside, she knit her brow. Something was definitely off. A pained look of concern rested on Dash’s face, but the peculiarities didn’t end there. Her friend was wearing a long trench coat, for whatever reason, concealing her from the neck down. The strangest and most concerning thing was that the mare appeared flushed or possibly ill. Stepping aside, she motioned for her companion to enter. “I...is everything alright?” she asked, closing the door behind the pegasus. Conspiratorially looking around, checking the corridors leading from the entryway, Dash held up a hand. “Is anyone else here?” “Well Spike is-” Twilight silenced herself, as her friend frustratedly pinched the bridge of her snout. “Come on,” the pegasus began, grabbing the alicorn’s wrist, “I’ll tell you in the lab, once we have some privacy…” Turning and dragging the Princess behind her, she stomped off to Twilight’s workshop. Trekking through the winding hallways, having memorized the course by heart, the Wonderbolt soon reached her destination. Letting herself in and the hauled-along Princess inside, she slammed the door closed and locked it behind herself. Now that they were away from any prying eyes, she could finally get her issue dealt with. Grabbing the collar of her coat, squaring off against the alicorn, Dash pulled the garment open. “You didn’t say it would do anything like this!” she groused glaring at her friend. Twilight’s eyes widened with surprise, as she saw what her friend had been hiding. Resting upon the mare’s chest were two absolutely titanic bosoms; each breast was double - no, triple its original size. Staring openly at her companion’s rack, wondering how soft and heavy those oversized sweater puppies were, she licked her lips. “I said I wanted to be a little more feminine! I definitely didn’t expect to end up looking like some busty cheerleader!” the pegasus groaned, cupping one tit in each hand. Just a few days prior, she’d sheepishly gone to Twilight Sparkle to address a concern she’d been having. Despite being exceptionally fit and athletic, she’d grown concerned that she wasn’t as appealing as she could be. Where other mares had soft curves and supple bosoms, toned, corded muscle could easily be seen over most of her body. Sure, some ponies found it attractive, yet she’d reluctantly sought aid in embellishing her features. “Well don’t just stare at them! For buck’s sake, how am I supposed to go to Wonderbolts practice like this?!” Dash bleated, hefting her substantial rack. “And, before you ask, yeah, I did try flying. The drag on these is awful! I can’t manage half my normal speed!” The results of the potion she’d concocted - a mixture of changeling venom and isolated hormones - had worked far better than Twilight could have imagined - still, appearances aside, she would have to perform a rudimentary examination. Even though the sporty Wonderbolt’s chest had ballooned outward, it didn’t explain the mare’s rosy complexion. Reaching out, Twilight sunk her fingers into the soft flesh of one teat. “H...hey! Careful!” Dash blurted, her cheeks darkening. “Do they hurt?” Twilight inquired, withdrawing her hand. “No, they’re just tender. Like…” she swallowed hard, “n...not in a bad way.” They didn’t hurt in the slightest - in fact, they felt positively astounding. Almost appearing overnight, her massive mammaries were extraordinarily sensitive. While the breast meat itself was absolutely amazing to massage or caress, her nipples virtually felt like a pair of clits on her chest. Much to her shame, shortly after making the discovery, she’d gotten herself off in bed...Then maybe again in the shower...Ok, several times around the house. With her lust for empirical data stoked, a wonderful idea crept into Twilight’s mind. Since she did need to thoroughly investigate the situation, she saw no reason not to have a little fun herself. Clearing her throat and straightening to full height, she crossed her arms over her chest. “Alright, strip…” “Wh - huh? Seriously?!” Dash blurted, caught off guard by the abrupt instruction. “Dash, we’re friends and it’s nothing I haven’t seen before - besides, I need to get a few measurements to document the elixir’s effects!” the alicorn explained, sauntering over to a workbench and retrieving a length of measuring tape. “Ugh...Fine,” the pegasus groaned, tossing her coat to the side. She guessed it was a valid reason, but she hadn’t expected to be getting naked or anything. Pretending to busy herself with rifling through a desk drawer, Twilight eagerly watched her friend strip. Dash had always had a provocative, tomboyish build - not unattractive in and of itself - but the addition of the huge tits really kicked the appeal up to a whole new level. Spying each breast come into view, as the mare hauled the shirt up and over her head, her loins began to stir. “T...the pants too?” Dash murmured, hoping she’d be able to maintain a touch of her dignity. Sadly, as the alicorn nodded her head and confirmed her fears. Grumbling to herself, she hitched her thumbs over the waistband of her shorts. As the garment was slowly dragged down the Wonderbolt’s thighs, the front of Twilight’s skirt began to tent. Now fully nude, the mare bashfully covered her bosoms and crotch as best she could, yet her efforts were sorely lacking. The barest glimpse of a prismatic, well trimmed bush sat on the girls crotch, while her attempts to cover her chest fell comedically short. Wincing slightly, feeling herself pressing against her dress, she bit her lip. Glancing to the alicorn’s groin, Dash’s expression fell utterly flat. “Really…?” she muttered, redoubling her attempt to cover herself. It was no secret that Twilight Sparkle, having ascended to an alicorn, was a dickmare. Besides gaining a pair of wings with her promotion, she’d been bequeathed with a rather sizable stallionhood and pair of fully functional, remarkably productive nuts. Hell, she’d spent nearly a month playing with and experimenting on her newfound appendage, so all of her friends were aware of the additional bit of anatomy. Coughing into her hand, Twilight tried to play off her growing erection. “Alright, hands above your head,” she instructed, stretching the length of fabric between her outstretched arms. Quietly complaining to herself, Dash did as she was asked. Raising her arms, clasping her hands together, she fidgeted uncomfortably - not just because her nude form was fully on display, but because she couldn’t take her eyes off the bulge at Twilight’s crotch. For whatever reason, she couldn’t help but to focus at the swell under her friend’s skirt. “Let’s see here,” the Princess began, trotting up to the pegasus.  Leaning forward, reaching around her friend’s back, she breathed hotly upon one of Dash’s diamond-hard nipples. The mare squirmed slightly and gasped, as she accidentally caressed the sensitive bud. Retreating, seeing the measurement, she beamed. “Holy cow! Dash, you went from an A cup to a full F - maybe even a G!” Twilight exclaimed. “So are you done?” Dash lamented, rolling her eyes. Taking a moment, inspecting her friend from head to toe, Twilight hummed to herself. From the looks of it, the rest of Dash’s physiology was unaltered or, at best, only marginally so. As her gaze wandered to the mare’s crotch, she thought for a moment. She probably didn’t need to get a waist measurement, but it couldn’t hurt. Squatting down, bringing her face before the Wonderbolt’s groin, she extended her arms a second time. Feeling Twilight’s breath against her marehood sent a shiver of delight up her spine. Sweet, merciful Celestia, even the sensation of warm air was enough to get her slightly worked up. Gnawing her lip and holding her breath, she did her best to stay still. As the alicorn finished up, pulling away and getting back to her feet, she slowly exhaled. “Not much bigger, only a millimeter or two, but there’s some growth to your hips,” the Princess commented. “Also, I couldn’t help but notice, are you aroused right now?” “What? Pffft - No!” Dash scoffed, trying and failing miserably to mask her deceit. Levitating a clipboard to herself, the alicorn jotted down a few notes. “Physical dimensions accounted for. Now then, on to stimulation response…” she whispered to herself, nonchalantly flipping her skirt to fondle her pendulous balls. “Twilight, what are you…” Dash trailed off, as the Princess abruptly pressed a hand to her snout.  Breathing deeply, her sinuses were filled by the ambrosial, heady musk of unwashed testes. Her heart skipped a beat and her eyelids fluttered, while the scent assailed the most primitive parts of her brain. Her marehood clenched and grew moist, as her body responded to the olfactory assault on her senses. Glancing at Dash’s slickening loins, spotting a bead of lubricating juices trailing down the girl’s inner thigh, Twilight’s suspicions were cemented. Not only had the potion affected her friend’s body, but her mind as well. Taking a step backward, she idly cranked her slowly stiffening length. There was only one last thing to check… “Dash,” she purred, squeezing the base of her shaft, “do you want it?” Staring at Twilight’s cock, Dash’s mind was awash with all sorts of lewd thoughts. Besides smelling downright divine, the alicorn’s stallionhood was colossal. Nearly as long as her forearm and as thick of her wrist, the appendage had the slightest taper to it. From root-like base to broad, fat tip, an angry vein ran along one side of the thing. As impressive as the byzantium tool was, it didn’t hold a candle to the pair of ripe, succulent nuts hanging from the Princess’ groin. Dash wasn’t sure if it was due to Alicorn anatomy or magic, but Twilight’s balls were massive. Each testis had to be the size of a small grapefruit, being able to produce untold billions of sperm. As Dash longingly eyed her friend’s nuts, wondering just how much foal batter they could churn out, she subconsciously reached for her groin. “Dash! I said, do you want it…?” Twilight repeated, snapping the pegasus from her reverie. Blinking rapidly, finally having heard what her friend had asked, Dash looked downward. At some point in the last minute or so, she’d started delicately massaging her sopping wet marehood. There was no denying it, she had an itch which desperately needed to be scratched. Without taking her eyes off the hardening dick in Twilight’s grasp, she slowly nodded to herself. “Well then, if you want it so badly, help yourself,” Twilight chuckled, releasing her dick to unbutton her lab coat. Sinking to her knees, Dash shuffled forward. Drawn by the siren’s call of the girthy stallionhood, she inched closer and closer until her nose was lodged between the weighty testes and rigid cock. Sniffing, breathing in yet more of the mesmerizing bouquet, she sunk two fingers into her sex. Some part of her almost felt ashamed for acting like a wanton harlot, yet she couldn’t control herself. Slipping out of her fully unbuttoning her lone garment and tossing it aside, Twilight placed her hands on her hips. She’d had no idea that the aphrodisiacal properties of her elixir would be that effective! At most, she’d hoped that Dash’s libido would be marginally increased, but she’d ended up acting like a horny highschool filly! Watching the mare lick and kiss the trunk-like base of her tool, she fondled one breast and enjoyed the show. Licking and kissing her way up the alicorn’s shaft, unabashedly playing with herself, Dash’s sex seized upon her fingers. Grabbing the root of Princess meat, just as she reached the tip, she angled the fat fuck-stick towards her face. Despite not being that experienced with oral, she was compelled to give it a try. Slipping the head past her lips, she swabbed the underside of the regal rod with her tongue. “Mmmmmmmmm,” Twilight hummed, while her fingers drifted through the pegasus’ mane. Gingerly resting her hand at the back of her friend’s head, she gently bucked her hips. The blowjob, while mediocre, wasn’t nearly as hot as the fact that it was Rainbow Dash administering it. Gagging slightly, Dash screwed her eyes shut. Though her technique may have been lacking, her zeal practically made up for it. Loudly slurping, hungrily applying suction and bobbing her head, she did everything she could to please the dickmare. Fortunately, her excitement proved all the motivation she needed. Bucking into her hand, she jammed a third and fourth finger into herself. The sight of watching Dash all but fisting herself flipped a switch in Twilight. Rearing her hips back, clearing the pegasus’ eager maw of her member, she stepped away. Looking down, seeing a strand of saliva connecting the Wonderbolt’s face to her equipment, her length throbbed. Her friend needed her, and she was more than happy to oblige. “D...did I do something wrong?” Dash squawked, licking the cloying and salty pre-cum from her lips. Raising a finger to speak, Twilight stopped herself. She had been planning to ask her friend to lie down on an exam table at the opposite side of the room, though she was stricken by inspiration. Motioning for her friend to stand, she stepped back as the pegasus scrambled to her feet. More than a little curious to see what Dash wanted her to do, she cocked her hips. As her eyes darted over the alicorn, trying to see what the holdup was, Dash started to panic. Stars above - there was no way Twilight was that clueless! For buck’s sake, anyone would have picked up that she wanted to be bent over and fucked eight ways from Sunday! Looking around, seeing what options were available, she ran over to a nearby wall. Spreading her legs and steadying herself with one arm, she reached back and pulled at one toned glute. “Just fuck me already! Jeez, do I have to beg you for it?!” she pleaded, peering back at the Princess. Making a mental note to possibly make the needy pegasus beg, at some point in the future, Twilight sauntered over. Positioning herself behind the girl, slipping her length between her friend’s thighs, her tool glided over the hot, wet marehood before her. Suppressing a shiver of excitement, she prodded the Wonderbolt’s snatch. Feeling the bloated tip of cock poking at her sex, Dash’s patience shattered. Gritting her teeth, pressing both palms against the wall, she angrily pushed herself backwards. Between the fact that she’d been finger-banging herself and was dripping wet, her entrance yielded little resistance. Her eyes flew open and she gasped, as she was penetrated by the mammoth appendage. The sight of Dash in such a pitifully aroused state caused the domineering portions of Twilight’s brain to ignite. Beyond being a trusted friend, the pegasus was a mare in desperate need of a rutting. Reaching forward and grabbing her companion’s hips, exercising some modicum of self restraint, she slowly ground more of her shaft into the Wonderbolt. Dash’s breath hitched in her throat, while her canal was gradually packed with stallionhood; it may have been due to the size of Twilight’s member, but she swore she could feel every vein and ridge along its shaft. Closing her eyes, she focussed on the sensations of the immense intrusion - that was, until it came to an abrupt halt. As the alicorn bottomed out within her, pressing against her womb, she whimpered blissfully. Sinking her fingers into Dash’s waist, Twilight began to withdraw her length. Just as nearly half of her tool slipped free, she plunged back into her friend’s snug marehood. Under the impetus of her thrust, the pegasus lurched forward. Like a locomotive rumbling to life, she steadily started deep-dicking Dash. Hot, tight, and supremely inviting, the pegasus’ cunt felt amazing. Maybe it was because of how athletic the Wonderbolt was, but Twilight could swear she’d never fooled around with a mare who had so much pelvic muscle control. With each and every backstroke, the mare tightly clung to her retreating member, almost as if trying to keep her inside. Glancing downward, watching her tool rhythmically piston into and out of her friend’s sex, she began to pick up speed. Throwing her head downward, Dash looked down her chest - well, she would have looked down her chest, if it hadn’t been for her massive rack. Given the size of her bust, she was only able to get tantalizing glimpses of the alicorn’s thighs and swaying nuts. Regardless of the sight, the rapture the Princess dealt out was nearly indescribable. Every plunge of Twilight’s titanic stallionhood sent lightning bolts of raw pleasure surging through her - still, she wanted more. “P - Mmmph - play with my tits!” she implored, her desires overriding her reservations. “Oh ho!” Twilight snickered, draping herself over the pegasus’ back.  Reaching around the girl’s chest, blindly groping her friend’s bust, she soon found what she wanted. As her fingers grazed one nipple - followed shortly by the second - she playfully twisted and tugged the sensitive nubs. Almost immediately, she could feel the Wonderbolt trembling beneath her. Dash couldn’t be about to cum that fast - could she? Bracing her legs, she sought to test her theory. Dash’s pupils shrank to pinpricks, as Twilight’s slow, steady humping transitioned into a short, brutal jackhammering. Between the unforeseen and overwhelming change of pace and getting her knockers toyed with, she rocketed towards release. Her marehood winked uncontrollably around the alicorn’s fat cock, her thighs quivered, and she felt like her mind may go blank. Igniting her horn, sensing her friend was on the brink, Twilight enacted her coup de grâce. As her sorcery surrounded her friend’s engorged clit, she magically vibrated her magical grasp on the overly sensitive organ. Feeling the girl go rigid, she could only think of one thing to say. “Cum for me…” The Princess’ words were the finishing blow for Dash’s crumbling resolve. Howling in ecstasy, her snatch gushed climactic juices to the floor. A nova of nigh incomprehensible pleasure devastated her consciousness, leaving her thoughts foggied and uncoordinated. She was so preoccupied by her orgasm that she failed to notice the alicorn’s movements losing cohesion. With one final, tremendous thrust, Twilight hilted. Her testes snuggled against her groin, disgorging what had to be pints of spunk through her violently throbbing shaft. As the head of her cock flared to double its original size, locking it against the entrance to her friend’s womb, the floodgates broke. Wave after seething wave of scalding seed erupted into Dash, causing her climax to redouble. The heat and pressure alone were insane, far more intense than anything she could ever remember experiencing. As her eyes rolled to the back of her head, her knees buckled; with a shudder, she collapsed to the floor. As the pegasus fell, dislodging her still turgid prick in the process, Twilight painted her back and ass with her jizz. Seeing her friend lying there, panting lewdly and covered in foal batter, did nothing to quell her arousal - if anything, it somehow got her even more excited. Just as she went to bend over and offer a hand, something remarkable happened. Shakily pushing herself up, Dash crawled over to Twilight. In a dreamy, trance-like state, she pawed for the Princess’ cum slick stallionhood. She wanted - no, needed more. Dredging forth every ounce of strength she had, she angled the dick towards her face and began licking it clean. Something told her she had to get more, after being dealt such a carnal blow, so she had every intention of sating herself. Magically levitating her friend into the air, she moved Dash towards the exam table. As an alicorn, she was more than capable of going several rounds in rapid succession. Stroking herself, while she set the cum drunk pegasus down, she grinned. Without having been asked, the Wonderbolt reclined to her back and splayed her legs - yeah, she could certainly work with that. Practically skipping over, Twilight leveled her cock at the mare’s drooling entrance. Stepping between the girl’s thighs, she effortlessly sank her length into the warm, cream filled snatch. Unlike before, when she’d given her friend some time to warm up, she immediately began pounding away. As her body rocked forward and back, rocked by the alicorn’s bucking hips, Dash peered down at the Princess. The rutting was just as good as it had been mere minutes ago - if not better. Grasping one of her breasts in each hand, she shamelessly tugged at her tender nipples. She couldn’t care less about what Twilight thought of her behavior, given how unbelievably amazing she felt. “I...is - Huff - it good?” Twilight groaned, enthralled by the sight of her friend. In all her years of knowing Dash, she’d never seen the pegasus acting so obscenely - needless to say, it was painfully hot. “S…so - Oh buck - good!” Dash mewled, locking her ankles around the alicorn’s waist. Flexing her legs, she goaded the Princess to pull out all the stops. “H...Harder…” Observing her friend’s salacious enjoyment, Twilight couldn’t help but kick things up a notch. Slipping one hand from the girl’s hip to her groin, she caressed her friend’s winking clit. In the blink of an eye, hungry for more, Dash started bucking into her hand. With her balls slapping against the pegasus’ buns, she acquiesced to the mare’s request. The pleasure was maddening, driving Dash into a rut-lust. It almost felt like her insides were being rearranged by the huge stallionhood within her. Releasing one bosom, she caressed her belly; much to her amazement, she could feel the imprint of the alicorn’s gargantuan cock. Giving it a squeeze, just beneath the sensitive glans, she effectively stroked the length through her midriff. Under normal circumstances, Twilight could have lasted for much, much longer before reaching her limit, although things were far from ordinary. Between just how slutty Dash was acting, the giant tits, the sublime stimulation, and having gone for nearly a week without blowing a load, she was soaring towards a second climax. Clamping her marehood around Twilight’s tool, sensing it starting to throb, her voice raised an octave. Despite having just gotten one load pumped into her, she was about to get a second. Closing her eyes, fixating on the impending release, her cunt seized upon the throbbing length in her depths. “Cum inside me!” she implored, her wings twitching on her back. And just like that, Twilight came again. Unlike before, when she’d hilted, she continued to vehemently pound into Dash. Slamming against the mare’s cervix, she deposited yet more of her essence into her friend. Glancing down at the pegasus’ stomach, her eyes went alight.  To her astonishment, the pegasus’ belly slowly ballooned outward. Though some of the jizz escaped the girl’s stuffed entrance, spackling her thighs and the floor below, the overwhelming majority surged into her uterus. It was, without a doubt, one of the most wildly captivating and provocative things she’d ever seen. Allowing herself to relish the nirvanic climax, Twilight slowed - at least, she’d planned to, until she noticed Dash beginning to move. Reaching for her snatch, still full of the Princess’ shaft, she continued rubbing herself off. Whatever had gotten into the girl was bad, especially considering she wasn’t sated after being railed out twice in rapid succession. Smiling to herself, she started to languidly thrust again. What followed were hours of debaucherous rutting and downright brutal plowing. At some point, having exhausted places screw or be screwed upon in the laboratory, Twilight had teleported them to her bedchamber; of course, the fucking hadn’t ended there - far from it, in fact. It was only well after the sun had set that the duo finally became too weary to continue.  At some point, after nearly a dozen rounds, the pair had given themselves a small break. Twilight, having been the more active of the two, nodded off. Dash, however, wasn’t quite as worn out. Crawling between the Princess’ legs, she brought her snout to the alicorn’s package. Their romp, as fun as it was, hadn’t allowed her to get much oral action. Even flaccid, Twilight’s member was an imposing size. Tinged with the aroma of their sex, the dickmare’s natural scent still shone through. Dragging her tongue over the pair of plump nuts and to the base of the floppy cock, Dash surreptitiously serviced her friend. Considering everything they’d done, she felt like she’d earned a bit of an evening snack. Slowly but surely, the alicorn’s dong roused itself. Growing in length and girth, swelling with blood, it gradually expanded to full size. While Dash could have been content using her mouth, the weight on her chest gave her an idea; her rack, while cumbersome, would allow her to try something she’d never been able to before. Pushing herself up, she sandwiched the rigid length between her tits. Peeking out from the top of her cleavage, the dark purple tip wound up being just within reach of her snout. Eagerly craning her neck down, she popped the blunt head into her mouth and began sucking. It was a bit awkward at first, shifting her torso forward and back while fellating the dickmare, but she quickly adjusted. As she ravenously mopped the appendage clean, savoring every residual drop of foal batter, she massaged the Princess’ shaft with her heaving bosoms. As badly as she would have liked to get herself off to the experience, she was compelled to bring her friend to climax. Angrily seizing upon itself, her marehood was left ignored. Twilight couldn’t tell exactly when the heavenly sensations caused her to stir, but she awoke to a captivating sight. Dreamily looking downward, finding the lascivious mare titfucking her, she wearily thrust her hips upward. Even half asleep, she couldn’t bring herself to deny the insatiable pegasus. Resting one hand on the back of Dash’s head, she put her magic to good use. In the blink of an eye, her sorcery stimulated her friend’s ignored clit. The Wonderbolt’s muffled cry of bliss was cut short, when she rammed nearly half of her girthy prick into the girl’s throat; if nothing else, it the rough fellatio would serve as a subtle punishment for awakening her. Starved of air, having her marehood played with, and doing everything in her power to please the Princess, Dash fatigued body was pushed to the limit. The thrill of it all was beyond reproach; not only were her breasts extraordinarily sensitive, but the lack of oxygen was having an effect. In what felt like mere moments, she soared towards yet another climax. Feeling Dash’s throat convulsing around her tool and hearing the muted gags was hot, although seeing the priceless expression on her friend’s face was even hotter. Without even looking, she could tell the pegasus was suffering through another orgasm and, like it or not, she was about to get one hell of a protein shake. Jamming as much of herself into the mare’s gullet as she could manage, given most of her length was entombed between the girl’s tits, she came. Whereas most of the prior cum had been pumped into Dash’s cunt, this particular load went directly into her stomach. With her eyelids fluttering, she writhed in uncontrollable rapture. Yeah, she could definitely get used to being stacked. Just before she lost consciousness, with her vision beginning to tunnel, she found herself being lifted up and off the erupting dick. Lifting the pegasus off of herself, coating Dash’s face and chest with spunk, Twilight levitated her friend up and off her well-worked tool. The last thing she needed was to cause her friend to pass out! Gently guiding the Wonderbolt to the empty bit of mattress beside herself, she hoped they’d both be able to get some well deserved rest. Lying side by side on the bed, covered in sweat and all manner of salacious fluids, Twilight and Dash heaved air into their chests. The alicorn, for the most part, was no worse for wear; fatigued and basking in post-coitus euphoria, yes, but still functional. The pegasus, on the other hand, was an absolute mess. Dash’s abdomen was positively bloated with cum, giving her the appearance of being on the cusp of delivering a foal. A steady stream of spunk leaked from her slightly gaping sex, though the overwhelming majority of cream remained within her distended womb. In a blissful stupor, she rested beside the Princess. Gazing over at the pegasus, Twilight’s mind was left to wander. If the potion had worked that well in the span of a week, she wondered what other changes may take place in the near future. Rolling to her side, snuggling up against her inflated and nearly comatose friend, she drifted off to sleep.