> No, We've Got This > by Israel Yabuki > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Hardships Left Behind > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Assholes. The world is full of them. They're like viruses that can never be cured all because of their selfish desire for money, power, and dictation.  You decided to quit your previous job because your boss was underpaying you for all the wrong reasons that made you wanna beat his ass. But, thankfully, your mother, who happened to be a lawyer, came to your aid when she saw your latest check during her visit to your house. She had a long, long talk with your boss and got his ass fired. But there was no way you were going back there again since you quit right after your mom fired your boss. You've held that job for 2 years since you were 17. You normally don't ask your mom for help, because she's got a lot on her plate, helping out other clients. And also, you wanted to be able to provide for yourself without relying on her so much. Being stubborn runs in your blood. It's a shame your father isn't here to see it. He didn't walk out on the family, far from it. When you were 13, your dad was murdered by a thug who was after some money. You still had that sketch of the crook who killed your dad and you wanted to get to him first before anyone else did. 3 years later, there was a break-in at your school, which put everyone on lockdown and as it turns out, the same crook was there. He was armed and dangerous and you were still in the bathroom when it all came down. You still remembered how you shut away your own fear and took down that crook with your own bare hands. The guy was a couple of years older than you but you spent 3 years doing an extreme exercise routine: 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and then a 10 kilometer run every single day. The guy was easy to take down and you whispered to him the one thing that scared him. "That's for killing my dad 3 years ago. You stay the fuck out of my life or I'll send you to the slammer in stitches!" You scared him big time when you took him down. When the cops arrived, you told them everything and the crook received 25 years to life in prison. After that traumatizing incident, most of your peers saw you as a hero, while the rest of them were scared of you. You're no bully to innocent people, but you still stand up for anyone who can't defend themselves. That's a code you live by just like your late father. And to this day, you still honor his memory by sticking by your family creed of sticking by others. Even when things seem to be at their bleakest situations. But right now, with all the bills piling up, you had to find a way to get a new job soon or you'll be forced to live in the streets with nothing but the clothes on your back. So, you searched your laptop for any jobs that might be hiring in the city, but sadly, all the easy ones were taken. The only ones available were jobs in office buildings and pharmaceutical departments. None of those were within your reach. You were in a deep pickle this time. Nevertheless, you kept searching for any kind of job that might be available for you. Then, an idea hit you: maybe you could find some work that's not in the city, but might be somewhere that's not too far. And sure enough, there was one opening that caught your attention that fit your area of expertise perfectly. You found a job listing about Camp Everfree looking for a suitable host to help around the camp. You haven't been to camp since that trip back in high school and you still had that crush on the owner of the place: Gloriosa. You quickly applied for the job in no time while in your mind, praying you could at least get called up for an interview by Gloriosa sometime soon. Once the application was sent, you closed your laptop and watched some movies before it was time for you to eat. About 30 minutes later, as you were watching your movies, your phone rang. You checked it and didn't recognize it, but it was within the city, so you answered it. "Hello? Who am I speaking to?" you asked before you nearly fell out of your couch upon hearing a familiar voice. "Hi, this is Gloriosa Daisy. I'm calling because I received your application online," she said. 'Holy shit! That was quick!' you thought to yourself. "Oh, h-hi Gloriosa. Yeah, I... I saw your ad and I was hoping to try and lend a helping," you said, trying to keep it cool. "Well, you're in luck, you're the first one to answer my ad. Anyways, how would you feel about an interview today at around 3 PM, does that sound good?" she asked. "Let's see," you said, checking your watch. It read 1 PM right now and you nodded. "Sure, I don't see any problems with that, you've got a deal, Gloriosa. You can expect me to be there with bells on." Of course, you and her shared a good laugh upon saying that silly, corny line. "Okay, that's good to hear. I'll be waiting," she said before hanging up. "Alright! That was quick. Now let's hope I can ace the interview.” Now that you have a set time, you got up from your couch, then ran down the hall and into the bathroom to get ready. “Okay, everything looks good,” You said to yourself as you looked into the mirror after getting dressed in fresh clothes for your job interview. You look at yourself in the mirror and see your outfit. A black and blue shirt with grey short jeans. “Hopefully this job will be better than my last one,” you said. But the more you stared yourself in the mirror, the more you felt a sense of doubt about all of this. What if you don't land this job or what if you do land this job and find out she might be taken or doesn't like you that way? Gloriosa has always been your crush since the day you went to Camp Everfree on the school trip some time ago. You’ve always admired her smile, her cheerful attitude, as well as her rather upbringing personality that she brings to all her campers. But then again, running a camp that big and taking multiple activities can be tiring, especially if she's working alone all this time. Plus, with the bills piling up and the fact that you might possibly get evicted is pretty high, you had to take what you could get. So after gathering your thoughts, you grabbed your phone, wallet, and keys and left your bedroom, heading on your way out the door with your best game face on. You exit the house and get into your car, which was a 2019 Honda Civic. Your mom had insisted on buying it for you as a birthday present a month ago. To this day, it's been a big help to you whenever you needed to get out of town. You climbed into your car, buckled yourself in, and started up the engine. After the engine warmed up, you drove off to the camp. You hooked your phone to the radio and listened to your own music to keep yourself entertained. Listening to some relaxing music while driving through the country felt soothing enough to drown out your troubles. You even started wondering if Gloriosa remembered your face. Luckily, you didn't have to wait too long because, within 10 minutes, you were soon coming up to the camp. You parked your car to the side and got out, checking out the place. It looked like some people were here and they just started to get their tents pitched up.  Looking further around the camp you noticed that everything was still the same since the last time you were here. Some of the main buildings received a new paint job and the docks that Sunset and her friends were working on was still standing. You chuckled as you remember how many times it got destroyed and you all had to rebuild it again and again.  "What do you know, it's just like I remember it," you said.  “So you have been here before?” asked a kind, female voice behind you. “Good, that’ll make things easier on the tour.” Turning around, you came eye-to-eye with your secret crush: Gloriosa Daisy. Startled, you took a few steps back as she was standing so close to you. "H-H-Hi there, Gloriosa. It's uh… it's great to see you again. You look as… beautiful as I last saw you," you stuttered. She giggled at your compliment. "You're very sweet. Come on and follow me to my office. I'll interview you as soon as I'm done helping out the campers," she said. You nod and follow this kind, pretty lady to this cabin leading to her office. She unlocks the door and lets you in. You enter, then take a seat while Gloriosa heads back outside to help out the campers. "She's even busier than ever before! Wherever that brother of hers is at, he's got a lot of nerve ditching his sister like this. I'll pray to God she hires me so I can at least be here to help her.” You patiently waited for her return to her office. To keep your mind off things you decided to play a little game on your phone until she returned. Your character was nearly at the end of the level. The only thing left now was the boss battle. “I'm baaack,” Gloriosa sang in a cheerful tone. “The campers should be fine for now. They all have their tents set up and are now unpacking their stuff. Now, how about we get started with your interview?” Perfect timing of her, you just managed to defeat the boss battle on your phone. You quickly saved it and put away your phone before she noticed anything. "Ready when you are," you replied with a smile. "Wonderful, so why don't we start with a few questions like what made you decide to apply for a job here?" Gloriosa asked. "I quit my other job because my boss was underpaying me for… personal reasons. Some time after I quit, he got fired from his job. I needed to find a job quickly and no other job in the city was open for me. So I settled for the next best thing: Camp Everfree," you said. "Oh my. Okay then, how about your education, are you planning on attending college or are you already in college?" Gloriosa asked. "No, I don't attend college. Even if I wanted to, I'm struggling to pay the bills as it is. Luck hasn't been on my side lately," you replied while scratching the back of your head a little. "I'm so sorry you feel that way. And if you were to be hired here, when would you say is the best time to start working?" Gloriosa asked. "Immediately," you replied with a confident grin. Gloriosa blinked and her smile grew a bit bigger, happy with your answer. "That's exactly what I like to hear. Tell you what, I'll give you a test to prove if you've got what it takes to help run the camp with me. Should you pass, I'll notify you over the phone," Gloriosa said, offering her hand to you for a handshake. "Alright, sounds great," you said, shaking her hand. "By the way, wasn't there someone else running this camp with you, like where's what's-his-name?" "Oh, you mean my brother, Timber? Oh… yeah he kinda got arrested and doing some time after getting a little too… friendly with a girl, but let's not talk about him right now," she said. You dropped the subject out of respect for her and followed her outside on camp grounds. She lead you to the other side of the cabin where she had a wheelbarrow with an axe in it. "If you can chop down some firewood and help make a fire before the sun goes down, there just might be a job with your name on it. Are you sure you can handle this?" Gloriosa asked. "Yeah, sure. Leave it to me," you nodded. Gloriosa giggled at your confidence and left you to your duties so she could attend to the campers. Not wasting any time you grabbed the wheelbarrow with the axe in it and made your way through the forest. You still remember the many routes you’ve taken when you were still a student of CHS. As you were walking through the beauty of mother nature you hear the birds chirping in the trees and the water flowing from a nearby river.  “Thank goodness this Camp is still standing after Filthy Rich tried to tear it down and make it into a spa instead,” you were relieved that The Rainbooms were able to stop that from happening. You kept looking around the forest in search of some old trees that could be chopped down for the campfire. You managed to find some dry branches here and there, enough to start a fire but not enough to keep it going. You vaguely remember the route that Gloriosa’s brother always took when he was looking for some firewood. “Past the chirping birds and the nearby stream go straight forward and then take the first one on your left, “ you remembered. “So, I did all that, then I must be getting close to the place where Timber always chopped his firewood.” Suddenly a little blue bird landed on his right shoulder, chirping happily at you. You chuckled, you weren’t expecting this to happen. Normally birds prefer to stay away from humans, unless it’s Fluttershy. She always has a way with animals.  “Hey there, little buddy,” you greeted with a soft voice.  The blue little bird kept chirping at you and began jumping up and down rather excitedly. “I’m sorry, I don’t understand what you’re trying to tell me,” now you wish Fluttershy was here to translate what it was trying to tell you. Then, the little bird flew off your shoulder and flew right in front of you as it was trying to show you something.  “You want me to follow you?” Your little blue friend chirped again and nodded at you. Getting the message you grabbed your wheelbarrow again and followed him. “Alright then, show me the way.” Whatever this bird wanted to show you must be important. Was it the chopping spot or was this bird leading you to its nest. No, a bird wouldn't lead a total stranger to its nest if it was trying to protect their little ones. If that's true, it's probably trying to lure you away from its nest. Thankfully, you found out what the bird was trying to show you. This bird had led you to a forest opening with lots of dead trees. Perfect for chopping some firewood. "Hey, thanks little buddy, I owe you one," you said. The little birdie chirped and then flew away to its home.  "Well, no time like the present." Grabbing your axe, you walked up to one of the trees and began chopping at one of them.  To get the job done faster, you swung at it hard and fast, picturing the face of your former boss and kept swinging with intention to kill. In no time flat, you heard the base of the tree crackling, leaning down fast, falling. "TIMBEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!" you shouted as the tree crashed to the ground. "I've always wanted to say that." You chuckled a bit as you chopped up chunks of the tree, then loaded the wood onto the wheelbarrow one by one. Seeing how much wood you’ve got from the dead tree, you’re gonna have to come back a couple of times before you’ve got everything. It’ll take a few hours but it’ll be worth it and Gloriosa will certainly be impressed by your hard work.  With your wheelbarrow loaded, you pushed it back to camp, following the same route you took to get here carefully. Once you got back, the run was barely above the trees in the distance. You looked over, seeing Gloriosa with that big smile of hers, looking so pretty and entertaining the campers like she always does. "Man, she sure is cute," you said to yourself. She then spotted you and noticed how many firewood you’ve already found. She gave you a big thumbs up in which you gladly returned. ‘Don’t worry, Gloriosa. I’ve got this,’ you said in your thoughts You took the wheelbarrow and the axe again and made your way back to the forest to gather more firewood for later on.  It took nearly three hours when you came back with the last chunks of wood from the dead tree you chopped down. Now that there was plenty of firewood, it was time to light up a campfire for the campers. You hurried on back to the campsite, but also made sure not to drop any of the wood you gathered.  “There you are!” You heard Gloriosa from behind you. “I was wondering when you were done. You’ve been quite busy I see.” "You did tell me to bring the fire wood here before the sun went down. And that I should help make a campfire, so I'm gonna do that, too," you replied. "Aren't you tired? I've got this if you're feeling worn out," Gloriosa said. "Don't you worry about me, I keep myself in shape with the training regiment I go through every day since I was 13. Working at a grocery store was also a bonus," you said, getting a few chunks of firewood. "I see. Well then, I guess I'll leave you to it," Gloriosa then left you to take care of the campfire. You carried some of the wood over to the stone circle, setting them on top of each other inside it before getting the lighter fluid. You poured it over the wood, then got out some matches. You lit one up and threw it on the chunks of wood, watching the flames burn beautifully and brightly. "That should do it." After the work was done, you went over to Gloriosa, who was about to come and check up on your work. "So, did everything go al--" she then gasped and smiled at you when she saw the campfire all set up. "Wow, that's great! Thanks so much for your help."  "You're welcome. Does that mean I got the job?" she asked. "Hmm… you might. But for now, why don't you head on home and rest up. I can handle the rest of the work here," she suggested. "Oh… okay then. Take care, Gloriosa. And make sure not to strain yourself too much," you said, shaking her hand. "I won't. Trust me, I learned that lesson," Gloriosa chuckled.  You nodded and left her to tend to her campers while you walked away and climbed into your car. You started up the engine and then drove down the road on your way home. Moments after you arrived, you noticed a familiar car parked on the curb and climbed out, locking your car up. "What's mom doing here?" you asked. You went up to the front door and unlocked it, opening it up and stepping inside. Your mother was sitting on your couch, dressed up in her usual work clothes. Her beautiful brown hair put up in a bun, crystal blue eyes and perfect alabaster skin. It's funny how some people mistake her for being your big sister. "Hi there, dear. Sorry for barging in on you like this. I thought I'd come and check up on you," she said. "I was out on an important interview. What brings you here?" you asked. Your mother didn't say what she was here for, but she did hand you an envelope. You took it and opened it. There was some money for you in it. You counted at least $1,000. "I… I can't take this." "You can and you will," your mother insisted. "I-I-I'll pay you back… someday," you stuttered. "Don't worry about it, just ask for help next time," she said with a caring smile. You weren't sure how to respond to that, which made her sigh. "I swear, you're just like your father. You need to swallow that pride of yours and accept that you're still only human." she still kept her smile as she got up and hugged you. You hugged her back. "When you've paid off your bills, just use the leftover money for food." "I will… thanks again, mom," you said. "I'm really proud of how much you've grown, dear. Keep your chin up," she said before she gave you a kiss on the cheek and then left.  Putting your hand on the cheek where your mother just kissed you, you smiled as she left the house and then got into her car. As you watched her leave you heard your phone going off in your pocket. “Hello?” “Hi, remember me?” you immediately recognized the voice of Gloriosa. "Hey, Gloriosa. How'd your day go?" you asked. "It went off wonderfully without a hitch. You know, I should really thank you for all the help you've done for me. I thought I'd call and give the news. Congratulations, you've got the job. I'll expect you to be here on time at precisely 7 AM. Get plenty of rest and I'll see you here, soon. Do we have a deal?" she asked. Of all the times you got lucky, this is one of those times where you wanted to jump through the roof of your house and shout to the world with joy. "Y-Y-Yeah, sure. I… I can do that," you stuttered a little. Gloriosa giggled. "Glad to hear it. See you tomorrow," she said before hanging up. “S-See you tomorrow, Gloriosa,” you said. It seems like your day is starting to get better. Just then, your belly rumbled. "Heh, guess that means it's dinnertime. Maybe I'll order some pizza." you said, taking your phone out again and dialing the number for pizza. You hear it ringing a few times before someone on the other end picked up. "Hello, Pizza Guys," a man asked. "Hey, I'd like to place an order for delivery, please," you said, already thinking about the tasty pizza dinner you were gonna feast on tonight. > Dinner For Two > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Having finally gotten the job you wanted, you did as Gloriosa instructed some time after you came back home. The routine was simple for you, every day from 7 AM to 5 PM, you would drive down to Camp Everfree, sometimes you'd stay the night there when you were too tired to head home. Gloriosa was okay with that, seeing as you lived in the city and driving to and from the camp took up some time. For a whole week, you've been helping Gloriosa with the camp. So far, during that week, only one family stayed at the camp, mostly for 4 days. The rest of the days went by pretty slow. Chopping up firewood, cleaning up the mess hall, going fishing with Gloriosa for food, etc, etc.  The work was backbreaking for you at first, but you powered through the stress because being able to work with this cute woman was worth it. Right now, it's the middle of the day and you were taking some campers with you on a hike to take a peek at the wonders of nature. Lucky for you, this hiking trip was doing wonders for your legs. Gloriosa was staying behind at the camp so she could fix up some food when you returned. "So, how are you guys enjoying the trip so far? Can you feel your dogs barking?" you asked, keeping a positive attitude.  "Sure am. This uphill trail is tough," an older man said. He looked like he was in his late 30's or early 40's. Behind him was probably his wife. She was probably in her mid 30's, but you didn't ask about her age. Next to both parents were their kids. A boy and a girl. Both looked to be 12 years old and 7 years old with the boy being the oldest. "How long have you worked here? Is this your first time on the job?" "Sort of. I got this job a week ago. I figured Gloriosa could use some help around here. She's done so much for the camp, I think she deserves to wind down a little bit," you explained. "That's nice of you. You're a very generous young man," the woman said.  “Thank you, I do my best to make sure everyone here has a great time at Camp Everfree,” you replied modestly. “And you’re doing a bang-up job at it,” the elder man complimented to you. "Seriously, I think you applying here was the best thing you've ever done. I didn't want that young lady straining herself in running this camp all on her own. If you want my advice, you should ask her out, buy dinner for her. That's how I met my wife." "Did not, I paid for you because you blew your money on Smirnoff," his wife chuckled. He tried to shush her but burst out laughing because of how she was right. "Mom, what's Smirnoff?" the little boy asked. "It's uh… nothing you should worry about," she dodged the question. "If you guys are done cracking jokes and making each other laugh, shall we march onward?" you asked. The family agreed and kept hiking up the trail, only for you to feel your pants being tugged at. You look down and see the cute little girl looking up at you. "Are you Gloriosa's boyfriend? If you're not, can you be mine?" she asked politely. You chuckled while her big brother burst out laughing. "I don't think your dad would approve, young lady. Besides, I'm way too old for you. Dating a little girl like you is a big no-no," you said, which made the girl look down in sadness. "Hey, cheer up. Before you know it, you'll be grown up and all the boys will be looking towards you. And if you stay as sweet as you are now, then who knows, maybe I'll be looking at ya, too." "R-Really?" she asked, her smile returning. "It could happen. But for now, take this time to enjoy your childhood. You got all the time in the world right now, so use it to play like the other kids do. I'm sure your parents think so, too," you said before patting the girl on the head. “Come on, I wanna show you a beautiful flower field and it’s not far from here.”  The girl got excited after you told her that and she eagerly run-up to the front of the group and was ready to continue the hike. You followed her to the front and guided the little girl and her family to the flower field and to many other beautiful places that the forest had to offer. Soon, you came to the flower field and sighed at its beauty. "Well, we're here. Take a look." you gestured to their destination. The parents and little girl stared at this beautiful field with amazement and astonishment. "Feel free to look around or if you're tired, you can sit down and rest your tired legs." Right away, both the boy and his dad sat down. The little girl, however, ran over to admire the flowers and how beautiful the place looked. With everyone either resting or admiring the scenery, you decided to make a wreath as a gift for Gloriosa. And you knew just what kind of flowers to do so with. After finishing up your wreath, you lead the family back down to camp for a nice rest. Luckily, Gloriosa had made a barbequed feast for everyone and had a nice bench set up outdoors. The family sat down, knives and forks ready, and started eating. Gloriosa made a fine spread of hot dogs, hamburgers, grilled steak, potato salad, macaroni salad, and a few 2 liters of soda and some water. But you… you had a special surprise for Gloriosa which made her curious since you had both hands behind your back. "What are you hiding?" Gloriosa asked. "Close your eyes and you'll see," you said. She chuckled and closed them well. You moved the wreath from your back to the front. "Okay, you can open them up." When she opened her eyes, she gasped, putting a hand on her heart. A beautiful wreath consisting of gloriosa daisies, befitting for someone who's name is just that.  "Aww, that's so sweet, thank you," she said, happily accepting your gift. "Were you thinking of me when you left for your hike?" "Sure, you've done so much for everyone and for me. I wanted to thank you for all of that you've done for me and the camp. So I thought I’d make you a new wreath for you.” "That's sweet. No one's ever given me a beautiful gift like this," she says before taking it with her to her office where she hung it above her desk on the wall. Gloriosa then walked out and gave you a big hug. Your face turning bright red. "Thank you so much." Your hands were shaky, but you hugged her back, even though your heart was racing a thousand miles. "Hey, uh… Gloriosa?" you said. "Hmm?" she replied. "If it's possible… do you think maybe one of these days, we can… go out to eat? I'll buy," you said, making the camp host blush. "Y-You mean like… on a date?" she asked. You weren't sure how to answer that question. "W-W-Well.. I… I mean, my schedule's free tomorrow so… sure, I guess I'll go. Where are we gonna eat?" "There's a nice family restaurant close to my house and I got some leftover cash, you want me to drive here and pick you up?" you asked. "Sure. Pick me up at 7 PM. I'll be ready by then," she nodded.  “Alright, looking forward to it,” you smiled happily. So, with the arrangements set, you sat down with her and the family, chowing down on some of the delicious grub she's made. “It’s delicious, thank you, Gloriosa,” you said as you took a bite from your grilled steak.  "My pleasure. And thanks. I'm glad you like my cooking," Gloriosa said. Seeing that bright smile on her beautiful, adorable face just makes you feel so good. It's like when you look at her, everything just makes sense. Soon, the sun was just above the trees in the distance. You checked your phone and it said 4:59 PM, close to your quitting time. But you said nothing and just kept watching the campers as they were having fun over by the campfire. "Quitting time," Gloriosa said. "You did another great job today. I'll see you tomorrow." You nod and hug her goodbye before climbing running off towards your car and climbing in. You started up the engine and drove back home. The next day, Gloriosa had given you the day off so you could rest. You slept in so you could have a bit more energy today. You woke up at 11 AM and did your usual hygienic routine, taking a shower, brushing your teeth, and putting on deodorant. After that, you had a few quick bites and watched some TV for the rest of the day. It was a slow day and you just wanted it to hurry up so you could go on your date already. But you stopped thinking why Gloriosa is always smiling. In fact, you don't know much about her other than what she does for a living. Come to think of it, you wondered why her brother wasn't at camp anymore. Maybe when the time comes, you'll ask Gloriosa about it. Though you need to use your words carefully as she was kinda reluctant to tell you about him during your interview with her. To pass the time, you decided to get to your workout routine. You started off with your 100 push-ups while listening to some music after you turned off the TV. Then, you went to work with your 100 sit-ups, followed by your 100 squats. After you finished your work-out with the 10-kilometer run on the treadmill, you started stretching your body while taking, slow and deep breaths to get your heartbeat back to a normal rate. Now that you finished, you had to go and take another shower just to wash the stink off. Later on, at around 5:45, you left the house, heading back to camp to pick up Gloriosa. You can already imagine how well she's gonna look when you show up. You soon arrive 3 minutes before 7PM. Getting out of your car, you see Gloriosa wearing a lovely burgundy dress that matches her hair. And she had one of the gloriosa daisies tucked in her hair/ "Wow… you look beautiful," you said in a daze. She blushed from your compliment. "Thanks and you look nice, too," she commented. You had on a blue unbuttoned short-sleeved overshirt with a black undershirt and blue jeans. "Glad you like it. Shall we head on out?" you asked, opening the door for her. She happily climbs in and you close the door for her and climb into the driver's seat before driving off. "This is a nice car, is it brand new?" she asked. "I… guess you could say that. My mom bought it for me as a birthday present. I've had it for a month now," you said. "Aww, that's sweet of her. I'll bet your dad is proud of you, too," Gloriosa said, though when your dad was mentioned, your smile went away a little. "Yeah… proud." "What's the matter? Did I say something wrong?" "No, don't worry. I'll tell you later when we get there," you said. Gloriosa understood and remained silent throughout the trip, looking out the window and watching the orange sky slowly turning to dusk. Moments later, you both arrived at the restaurant. You both exit the car and you locked it up. You and Gloriosa went inside. "Hello, welcome to Mario's Pasta Palace, how can we help you?" the host asked. "Table for two, please," you said. "Of course, right this way," the man said. He guided you and Gloriosa over to a table with a nice view of the city. There, he handed you and her the menus. "The waiter will be with you shortly. Enjoy your time here." "Thank you," you and Gloriosa say in unison. With the host heading back to his station, the two of you got to talking. "I don't know how to thank you for treating me out to dinner like this. I mean, I've eaten at these restaurants before, but it's usually either by myself or with my… my brother," she said, looking away a little. "Did something happen to him? Where is he?" you asked. "Well… since you've been a huge help to me around camp, I might as well tell you. My brother, Timber Spruce, he… he's in prison," she said. "Seriously? What for?" you asked. "He was getting a little too… friendly with a girl at a beach. He was working as a lifeguard but wound up falling for a girl who already had a boyfriend. When he tried to advance, he… got beat up by the girl's boyfriend and was carted off to jail. I was there for his hearing and was shocked when he got 5 to 10 years in prison. So now, I've been running the camp on my own. Business is great, but… it can be a little stressful." "I can't believe he'd do something like that!" "He was never the same when he lost his shot with Twilight." "Twilight?" there was only one girl who was named Twilight that you remember. "You mean as in my classmate, Twilight Sparkle?" you asked. "Yes, though I shouldn't be surprised that you two were in the same school." "True. And to be honest, I kinda liked her, but… not in the girlfriend’s kind of way. She's always been more like the cute little sister I always wanted. Her boyfriend, William, however… we're good buds. He's been nothing but good to her ever since they got together." "Oh that's sweet. So then, what about you? Why don't you tell me more about yourself?" she asked, her smile returning. "Let's see, where do I begin…" you said, clicking your tongue as you try to think. "How about your parents, what are they like?" "Okay, well… my mom works as an attorney. She's a very strong and independent woman. She and my dad have always had my back. I kinda have this stubborn trait I inherited from my dad's side of the family. He'd always try to handle his problems on his own as I do. Recently, I've been struggling with paying the bills since my boss at my previous job didn't pay me well," you explained, remembering how much of a nightmare it was. “So, is that why quit your job then? Because your boss didn’t pay you enough?”  “Yeah, but not before I sued his ass with the help of my mom. He got fired by the higher-ups and I had to find a new job quickly after that. I tried applying to some other places in the city, but there weren't any positions open. Then, right when I saw your add online and applied for a spot at Camp Everfree." "Even if it is far away?” “For you, I’d cross the ocean and climb the highest mountain,” you replied sincerely, making Gloriosa blush. “I didn’t know you were a flatterer as well,”  "That's another part of me that I've inherited from my dad. It's one of the traits about him that made my mom marry him." "So, if you don't mind me asking, where is your father?" "Oh… he, uh… he passed away. No, he was murdered. By some money-grubbing thug." Gloriosa widened her eyes in shock. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to bring up such a painful, traumatizing memory. Did the police capture the murder of your father?” "Yeah, but not before I got my hands on the bugger. He came to my school with guns and I was in the bathroom at that time. When he came inside, I surprised him and beat him senseless and gave him a serious warning that if he ever shows his face again, he'd be sent to the slammer in stitches, which scared him. He's doing 25 years to life in prison," you explained. "That's good to hear. But you know, at least you still cherish your father's memory and that you still have a mother. My parents… well… they live up in the mountains in a nice, quiet lodge. They gave me the camp after they retired a couple of years ago.”  “That sounds wonderful. Living high up in the mountains, away from people and nothing but beautiful fauna and flora all-around your house. Peace and quiet, no loud noises from the city,” you rested your head on your hand while you imagined your perfect home. "Yeah, I can agree with you there. I mean, I'm fine with visiting the city every now and then, but I've always felt like I'm more at home with nature.” “Glad to hear that I’m not the only one who thinks that,” you smiled back at her. "Maybe sometime in the future if things work out and if you want, I could… move in," you said. Then, before Gloriosa could respond, the waiter arrived. "Good evening you two, may I start you off with something to drink?" “I would like some orange lemonade, please,” you said to the waiter. “Some water for me, please,” Gloriosa then followed. After the waiter wrote down what you two wanted to drink, he handed you both the menus. “I’ll be right back with your refreshments,” he said before leaving you two. "So, what was it you asked me? If things work out and if I'm okay with it that I'll let you move in with me?" Gloriosa asked. You felt your face heating up when she repeated your question. "I… well, yes, I… that's what I said," now you really felt embarrassed. You've been working with her for a week and already you're asking to move in with her someday. And to top it off, you're barely having your first date with her. You hoped that you weren’t rushing things between you and her.  "Well, perhaps we should take things slow. You're still new to the job, even though you're doing splendidly trying to help me out around the camp. Does that sound good to you?" she asked. Phew, at least she's agreeing to take it slow. "Sure, sounds good. Thanks, Gloriosa." "Don't mention it, anything for my best employee. Actually… no, you're most than just an employee, you're my closest friend… at least for now anyway," she mumbled that last part hoping you wouldn't hear. "Gloriosa… you're the best," you said, making her giggle. Shortly afterward, the waiter showed up with your lemonade and her water.  "There you go, you two. Now are you both ready to order?" the waiter asked. "Sure, I'll have the alfredo pasta with a bowl of salad, please. And can you add in some ranch dressing on the side?" Gloriosa asked. "Of course. And for you, sir?" he asked you. "I'll have some chicken alfredo and a side of garlic bread, please," you said. "Wonderful. I'll have both of your dishes ready in just a few minutes," the waiter said before leaving you two be. "So, Gloriosa, about the camp. Do you plan on running it your whole life? Or do you have other plans for it?" you asked. "Well, the camp was passed down from my grandparents and it would be right if I retired and the camp get run down to the ground. It's like my home and I couldn't just leave it. So I don't think I'll be retiring anytime soon. Not unless someone was willing to keep it going for me after I retire or if I wind up having children, but that's not until later on in the future," Gloriosa explained. "I respect that. Not a lot of people like losing their legacies at some point in time. Maybe one of these days, if it's possible, we could turn your camp into a national landmark. I mean, it's a stretch, but there might be a chance it could actually happen," you said. Gloriosa's eyes lit up from this new idea. "Oh, that'd be a wonderful idea! At least it'd keep Filthy Rich from trying to buy it and turn it into a hotel resort with a spa," she said. "That jerkwad? Is he still trying to get his hands on your beautiful camp that you and your family worked so hard for?” you asked, surprised. "Just what does it take to keep that asshole's hands off your legacy? He's even worse than my former boss." "I'm glad to see you care so much," Gloriosa said, smiling at you. "And I'm happy you think that. Hey, maybe one day when you're not so busy I could show you where I live. I'm not sure if I'll be able to live there much longer since I might be moving out sooner or later. And I was hoping that maybe one day, I could… move in with you," you said. Gloriosa giggled, “I think I’d like that very much, deary,” as she placed her hand onto yours, smiling so warmly. Your heartbeat raced a thousand miles the moment you felt her touch your hand so suddenly. "T-Thanks, I… I'm happy you think that," you stuttered. Gloriosa giggled, making you blush at how cute she is. Moments later, the waiter arrived with a cart carrying your dishes. "Here are your orders, I hope you both enjoy them. If you ever need anything, feel free to let me know anytime you like," the waiter said. "You've been a great help, thank you so much," Gloriosa said. The waiter nodded with a smile and left once more. You and Gloriosa got your utensils out and started eating your food. Gloriosa closing her eyes while her mouth was still chewing showed she was enjoying her meal. It put you at ease to know she likes it.  'Ah dad, I wish you could see this,' you thought to yourself as you ate. 25 minutes later after finishing your dinner and paying the bill, you walked out with Gloriosa next to you. "Mmm, that was great. I really had a good time tonight. Thanks for treating me out to dinner, it was very sweet of you," she said. "It was my pleasure. Only the best for the girl who's made my life worthwhile,” you replied. Gloriosa blushed at your words and playfully hit your shoulder. “You’re such a sweetheart. You know that?” "I try. Truth be told, you're actually the first girl I've ever gone on a date with," you confessed. "I didn't know how it would turn out, so I just did what I could and be myself." "Well, you did a very good job for your first try," Gloriosa assured. "Thanks. Anyways, shall I take you home now?" you asked. Gloriosa simply gave you her hand and you escorted her to your car. You opened the passenger side for her and allowed the sweet flower girl to climb in. You closed the door walked over to the driver's side, opening your door an climbing in. Buckling your seatbelts, you started the engine and drove off into the direction of her camp.  The ride back to camp was fairly quiet. Gloriosa would give you occasional glances. You also glanced at her, but only for a few brief moments since you had to keep your eyes on the road. You sighed happily, celebrating in your head a little from how great your date went with the girl of your dreams. Soon, you arrived at the campsite. By this point, Gloriosa was fast napping in her seat. You adored how cute and peaceful she looks when she's asleep. As much you wanted to watch her napping away, you had to get home yourself. So, you tapped Gloriosa on the shoulder, waking her up from her peaceful nap. "Are we here already?" she asked. "Yup. You were out like a light. I never knew you looked so pretty even when you're sleeping," you complimented, chuckling. "Well aren't you sweet. Thanks for the dinner and… for showing me a wonderful time. You have yourself a goodnight now," Gloriosa opened up her door and before she got out, you felt the lovely lady give you a tender kiss on the cheek. Your face turned into a ripe tomato from this surprise kiss. She giggled and climbed out of the car, closing your door before walking back to her office. "S-She… kissed me," you stuttered, shocked. Your hand lightly touched the cheek she kissed and saw a faint trace of her lipstick on her fingertip. "Best… night… ever!" you did your best in trying to contain your excitement. After gathering your thoughts, you turned the car around and drove back home, looking back on this wonderful night. You can't wait for what lies ahead of you in the future, that's a guarantee. > We've Got This Together > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 months have gone by and your job at the camp has never been better. You had moved into the camp with Gloriosa in the 1st month. Throughout that first month, it was a lot easier for you to get more sleep and more prep time for work if any campers showed up for some time away from civilization. Gloriosa was happy to have you working alongside her. The two of you even had more time to spend together. When you weren't working, you and Gloriosa worked on making Camp Everfree a national landmark in order to keep it from being bought off. Surprisingly, Filthy Rich's daughter, Diamond Tiara actually supported the idea because she's expressed the good times she had at that camp, too.  On the 3rd month during this whole process, you confessed to Gloriosa and ask her if she could be your girlfriend. She replied with giving you a sweet kiss on the lips, in which you gladly returned. It felt even better than the time she gave you that peck on the cheek after treating her to a nice dinner. This was by far one of the happiest days of your life. But the real reward was during the 4th month. After all that time and effort and spreading the word, the people of Canterlot eventually helped make Gloriosa's dream a reality: Camp Everfree had become a national landmark. You never have seen her look and feel this happy before in her life. All the struggles and torment paid off. Since then, people have been coming and going to and from the camp nonstop. Gloriosa was able to make plenty of money and put some of it into adding more space to the bedroom you and Gloriosa sleep in. She even bought a queen-sized bed for the both of you. Each day you both worked very hard to give the campers a wonderful camping experience. Right now, it was the early evening and the final campers -the students from Crystal Prep Academy- just stepped in their bus and were heading home. You and Gloriosa waved the students and Principal Cadance goodbye as the bus drove off to the main road, back to the city.  "Well, Gloriosa, looks like another perfect end for the day," you said. "Yup. All that hard work has left me exhausted. I could use a good soak right now. Would you care to join me?" Gloriosa asked, fluttering her eyes at you.  "Right behind ya. I just need to change into my swim trunks. Meet you there, cutie pie," you said before heading into the cabin. You went over towards your dresser and pulled out your favorite swimming trunk. After grabbing some towels for you and Gloriosa, you made your way back outside. Once outside, you see Gloriosa in her spring green, two-piece bikini with golden flowers on it. She looked absolutely gorgeous as your cheeks were turning red by just looking at her. Gloriosa looked at your figure as well. She blushed as she finally saw how well developed your body was from all those workouts you do every day. "Wow, guess that workout routine of yours came in handy. You look handsome," she complimented. "You're quite the vision of beauty yourself, my little wildflower," you commented. She winks at you as you approach her and give her a hug and a kiss. Afterward, the two of you were about to jump into the lake. Suddenly, a familiar blue birdie flew into your line of sight, chirping away. "Hey, I remember you. You're the little guy who helped me find the firewood during my test." "This little birdie showed you the spot where to chop some wood? Aww, that's so sweet of this precious, cute little thing," Gloriosa said. The birdie flew around you and your girlfriend and then took off into the direction of the forest. "I think he wants us to follow him. What do you say, babe?" you asked. "Sure, that’ll be quite an adventure. Just let me go and get something before we head out. I won't be long," she said. Gloriosa went into the cabin while you waited outside with your little feathered friend, who had returned. "I tell ya, little buddy. Moving out here was the best thing that's ever happened to me. And I owe you big time for helping me get hired. Aside from my mom, you're the only one who's ever helped me with my troubles," you said. Your birdie friend chirped happily, perched on the table of the bench. A few minutes later, Gloriosa walked out of the cabin fully dressed and carrying a picnic basket in her hand, ready to follow your little birdie friend. “I’m ready to go, honey. Shall we?” she grabbed your hand so you could walk together. "You bet. Lead the way, little buddy," you said to your bird friend. The blue little bird gave a small nod and spread his wings and flew off, straight to the forest with you and Gloriosa following. "So where is he taking us?" Gloriosa asked. "I don't know. I'm in the dark just as much as you, babe. But I'm sure he has a reason for wanting us to follow him," you replied. "How do you even know it's a boy?" "Funny story, really. He came to me a few more times during my stay here and one time while I was walking through the forest, he showed me this nest in a tree and this other bird feeding her three babies. And since mother birds always bring home the bacon, I knew this one was a boy," you explained. "Wow, that's very smart of you. Guess you studied well in school," Gloriosa said. "It helps to be prepared," you replied.  Soon, within another 15 minutes, the birdie led you and Gloriosa over to a clearing of the forest. One which you've never even seen before. Your little blue friend flew around some bushes at the far end, wanting to show you something.  "Hmm, what's beyond there?" you wondered as you head over there with Gloriosa. You pushed some branches away to see what was there. What you saw through the bushes was quite the sight. A cozy small beach, with mountains at the far end of the lake and the sun in the background that was about to settle for today. It was quite a romantic place to be. You made some space so that Gloriosa also could have a look. She gasped at the beautiful sight before her. "Wow! It's so beautiful. I've never seen anything so wonderful!" Gloriosa exclaimed. "I'll say. How did we miss this? Gloriosa, we have to show future campers this place when they come by. It'll make the fun a lot more exciting for them," you said. "But for now, what do you say we enjoy this time together?" "You took the words right out of my mouth," Gloriosa said and walked on to the small beach with you following her. "Come, sit. I brought along some food for us before we take a little dip." She set down the basket and opened it up, taking out a cloth and some food. She had made some delicious egg salad, along with some alfredo pasta and some water for you, but for her, a bottle of wine. "Uh, Daisy? That wine's pretty strong. Are you sure you wanna drink it? My mom once drank some of it and she was wobbling around everywhere like a rag doll." you asked. "Relax, I'm careful with how much I drink, so there's no need to worry," she assured. "I won't drink too much. You have my word.” "Okay then," you replied. Gloriosa then got out the plates and utensils for you and her. She took the plastic wrap off the bowl of egg salad and pasta before serving you your portion and then herself before putting the food back in the basket. The two of you started eating while enjoying the sunset. Gloriosa poured herself a glass of wine while you chugged down some water. While she was pouring, she got distracted by you, staring at you with her loving state. She put the wine bottle down and took a sip while you happily ate and enjoyed your girlfriend's company. Before you knew it, you had finished your plate. "Ahh, now that was good. Sweet grub, as usual, sweetheart, you're a na-" but you're soon cut off when Gloriosa surprised you with a sudden hug and giggling. "You're just so sweet, you know that?" she sounded a little slurred when she spoke. "Babe? How much of that wine did you drink?" you asked. "I dunno, I *hic* wasn't looking. But I'm okay," she replied, still slurred a bit. "Looks like someone unintentionally went back on their word. But even so, you look so cute when you're drunk," you replied, cupping her cheek.  "Hey. I have a *hic* idea. Wanna go for *hic* a little dip in the lake?" she asked, trying to sober up a little. "Isn't it dangerous to go out swimming after finish a meal?" you asked. "Aww, are you a fraidy-cat?” she pouted. "Fraidy-cat?! Oh-ho themes fightin' words, little lady. Alright, how about this? I'll go swimming with you, if… you join me for a little… skinny dipping," you challenged back. “Oooh, getting naughty, aren’t we? *hic*.” She circled your chest with her finger with a mischievous look on her face. “Alright, you *hic* sexy beast. I”m in!” "Good. Now take that cute shirt off and show off some of that beautiful skin of yours," you whispered to her seductively. Gloriosa snuck in a little peck on your nose before backing away and took off all her clothes. She was still wearing her bikini underneath her clothes. But now, she removed it, showing off her naked figure. Her perky D-cup breasts with cute freckles above them, making her look even more attractive. You smirked and took off your own swim trunks since they were the only piece of clothing you had and now you had your erect shaft standing at attention from seeing your naked girlfriend. You caught her checking out your big dick, not even trying to hide her hungry stare. "Like what you see, my little drunken wildflower?" you asked. "Oh, I do. You like what you see?" she asked, teasing you by cupping her boobs and rubbing her pussy. "Definitely. Come on, the water's waiting for us," you said, walking up to her. You picked her up bridal style and carried her off into the water. Thanks to the warm weather, the water was at the perfect temperature. Not too hot, not too cold. When you were in deep enough for the water to be up to your waist, you set Gloriosa down in front of you.  "This feels nice. Thanks for carrying me, sweetie-pie," she said. “Anything for my amazing wildflower,” as you booped her on the nose. She giggled seductively and gave you a more passionate kiss on the lips, adding a little tongue action. During your heated make-out session, you and Gloriosa danced around in the lake. You stared into her beautiful eyes as you both held each other close. "What did I do to deserve such a beautiful woman?" "Oh, I dunno, maybe you're just so handsome, kind, hard-working, and honest?" Gloriosa listed, sobering up little by little. “And you’re all mine, now.” "Yes I am," you agreed, stroking her beautiful hair. The two of you continued to dance in the water, sneaking in a few kisses here and there. You were having the time of your lives.  An idea then popped in your head and without hesitation, you grabbed Gloriosa's butt and even reached underneath her and stroked her pussy. Your lady gasped in surprise and moaned from your sudden advances. She shivered to your touch and leaned into you some more, moaning up a storm. "You naughty boy, getting horny are we?” Gloriosa said in a teasing tone. “Can’t help it, you’re so beautiful and sexy. It’s hard for me to resist your sexiness,” you replied with a big grin. "Mmm! You're so sweet as well as you are perverted. I guess that's one of the best traits I love about you, baby. But I'm not gonna let you hog all the fun," she said playfully before stroking your erect cock underwater. You shivered from her advancing so boldly and moaned with her as she kept stroking your massive dick. "And you said I was perverted? You're such a naughty girl," you teased back. You gave her pussy a few more good strokes making Gloriosa moan at your touch. You also sucked on her neck and squeezed her butt cheeks a little more.  Gloriosa was turning wild with all the love you were giving her. She suddenly pushed you onto your back in the shallow water and seductively crawled over to you. Licking her lips at your now erect member. “It’s my turn now to pleasure you, handsome. Are you ready?” You firmly nodded at your girlfriend as she began licking the tip of your manhood. You hissed a little at first but soon after, your body relaxed as she took your entire member into her mouth. The sheer pleasure coursing through your body made you moan. "H-Holy shit, Gloriosa! That feels amazing," you shuddered. Gloriosa hummed on your shaft, slurping, sucking and bobbing on your large phallus. Her big eyes stare at you while she gives you a good time. You moaned and felt your legs twitch. As you were enjoying the blowjob from your loveable Wildflower, you felt the need to pleasure her too. "Hey, babe. I got an idea," you said. She looks at you, stopping for a moment. "How about you keep sucking me off and I'll give your… flower, down there, a good slurping, too." "Hmm, I love that idea. Very well, honey,” Gloriosa turned around so that her sexy butt came into view with her already leaking wet flower. “Do you like i- ah!” you didn’t give Gloriosa the chance to finish her question as you already grabbed her butt cheeks and started licking her soft, sensitive spot.  Gloriosa immediately went back to sucking you off. Now that both of you were pleasuring each other, this day was starting to get better. It'll get even better once you two get to the main event.  Your tongue flicked against her clit while drinking her feminine juices. Gloriosa's tongue swirled in circles around the base of your shaft. You felt her delicate fingers cupping and massaging your balls, too. You feel your heart beating faster. Much faster than Thumper's feet. You massaged and squeezed Gloriosa's sweet booty in the process of your special moment. Gloriosa enjoyed sucking your delicious meat stick. She could actually get addicted to it if she keeps this up. The same thing goes for you with the way you were eating out her pussy. You both loved this intimate moment between you two and wished it could last forever. As much as you wanted to do it out here, it was far too risky and you don't want to get lost in the forest on your way back. Gloriosa must be thinking the same way as she was slowing down sucking your member. After you gave her dripping pussy a few more licks, you stopped to catch your breath while Gloriosa did the same. “That was a nice appetizer that we got ourselves. Don’t you agree, Babe?” Gloriosa crawled off you and laid down next to you into the beautiful water of the lake. “It was heavenly! But I think we should take our main course inside our cabin.” She suggested, giving you a kiss on the cheek. “Agreed, wouldn’t want any perverts looking at us while we’re busy,” you teased her. "Plus, it's getting late and the last thing we need is to get lost on our way back." "That, I can agree with you,” Gloriosa gave you one last kiss and stood up, and held out her hand to you. “Let’s go, the sun is almost under.” Admiring your girlfriend’s gorgeous body for a few more seconds you grabbed her hand and stoop up. Together, you walked back to the small beach you’ve found earlier and started to get dressed and cleaned up your little picnic. After that, you and Gloriosa left this beautiful spot and made your way into the forest down the path back to camp. Thankfully, just as the sun disappeared from the sky, you and Gloriosa made it back to camp, and not a soul could be seen. Entering your cabin, the two of you quickly put everything away from the picnic. After that, you walked over to the bed with Gloriosa and set your girlfriend down on the bed. You climbed on top of her and hovered over her, stroking her cheek and her lovely hair, staring into her beautiful eyes. "I love you," you whispered. "I love you too," she whispered back, wrapping her leg around you. “Now, show me how much you love me.” “As you wish, my beautiful wildflower.” Needing no more invitations, you both got undressed again before you aimed your cock at her dripping flower below. "If it hurts, let me know and I'll stop immediately," you assured her before easing inside her, causing her to bite her lower lip. She holds on tightly before feeling her hymen break. She gasped and yelled in pain and pleasure. "Ouch!" Gloriosa exclaimed, tightly closing her eyes. You stopped where you were and leaned down, giving her kisses to comfort her. "Shhh, it's okay. You're alright, I'm right here," you assured her. Gloriosa managed to calm down from your lovely words and kisses that you gave her. “I’m okay, honey. Don’t worry, as always: I’ve got this!” She managed to smile back at you. Smiling down at her, you softly placed your finger on her mouth. “No, Gloriosa, we've got this,” you kissed her one more time before you slowly started thrusting her, making her moan. This was the moment that made your world light up like the 4th of July. You had just happily given your virginity to the sweetest, most beautiful girl of your dreams. And she was your first. You loved her so much, you thrusted some more. She moaned even more contently. Her arms and legs wrapped around you and smothered your face with kisses. You captured her lips with yours, swirling your tongue with her. Wet slaps could be heard underneath you two. She felt so amazing. But then, you realized something and broke the kiss. "Hey, babe? I… didn't bring any condoms." "It's okay. I took a pill during our picnic. So you can fill me up as much as you want," she reassured you, stroking your cheek. You nodded and resume banging her, giving her more of your sweet, sweet love. Gloriosa moaned once more, keeping you wrapped in her arms and legs, holding you in her grasp. She then went for your neck and started giving you a big hickey. You moaned from that and thrusted faster. Her inner walls hugged you tighter and grew wetter. It was easier for you to slide in and out of her sweet pussy and even poke at her womb entrance multiple times. She yelped a couple of times from your constantly knocking at her sensitive womb entrance. Gloriosa looked like she was about to go nuts. You captured her lips once more and danced your tongue with hers. Right now, your whole body was on fire from all the love you were giving to her. Your hips were moving on their own as well and you were glad to see how much Gloriosa enjoyed this intimate moment between you two. She has done so much for all the campers that came to her camp throughout the years. You were glad that you could do something for her in return because she really deserves all the love and happiness that you can give her.  Then, Gloriosa takes you by surprise by moving you underneath her. “My turn to ride you, handsome,” she said with a seductive look. "Go for it, babe," you replied. Gloriosa chuckled and rode you well. She let out sultry moans, giving you a sweet display of what she can really do. You watched her in all her natural glory. Her breasts bouncing up and down, her hips, moving up and down, and even in circles to get your cock in all her right places. This was a side of her that you haven’t seen before, she was going at you like a wild Tigress. "You can touch me anywhere you want. Go ahead, I love it when you touch me with your strong, perverted hands," she said seductively through her moans. Who were you turn down an offer like that? You gave her hot buns a good grabbing and spanked her. She moaned and squeezed your shaft tighter from this out of excitement. You grunted from how tight her insides were getting, but you were still having lots of fun.  "Damn, baby, you're incredible," you grunted. Gloriosa was moved by your comment and rode you faster, making your wet slaps echo throughout the entire cabin. She leans in and presses her soft boobs against your bare chest, still keeping her rhythm going. You hugged her and she snuck in a french kiss. Her actions were driving you closer to your climax. You tapped her on her shoulder to alert her, but she responded by moving her hips up and down on you faster. You thrusted upwards, hitting deeper inside her wet quarters. Soon, both of you reached your limits and came together, moaning in each other's mouth. Her womanly juices sprayed all over your crotch and on the bed sheets while you painted her insides white with your semen. You held the kiss for a little longer before breaking for air. You kept your shaft still buried inside her pussy while the two of you cuddled. "That… was… amazing. You were amazing," Gloriosa whispered exhaustedly. "You know… I think I'll take the day off tomorrow. I haven't felt this relaxed in a long time." "You deserve to take the day off tomorrow. You’ve been working pretty hard these last few weeks and I could use some time alone with my lady," you replied and pulled her closer to you. "And I could use some time alone with my sweet gentleman. You treated me so well. You know… you're not the only guy who's actually had a crush on me. There were other men outside the camp who wanted me so badly. But all they wanted was to get into my panties, but you… you saw me as a woman and had genuine feelings for me. Everything you've done for me has given me so much happiness in my life. So… thank you… for being my boyfriend. I love you so much." "I love you too… my sweet Gloriosa Daisy," you replied. After sharing one final kiss, the fatigue took effect and the two of you slept together. To think that your life would do a 180 from being a broken-hearted man who lost his father in a tragic murder to a happy man who's found love, happiness, and a brand new home at the amazing Camp Everfree.  If your dad could see you from up and heaven right now, you can bet your ass that he's damn proud of the man you've grown up to be.