> Equestria, Debauched > by avidreader07 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Visiting Family (Twilight Sparkle) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *KNOCK KNOCK* “I got it!” Twilight called, mostly out of habit, as the castle magically echoed the gentle knocking at the front door in every occupied room. Then she shook her head, slightly exasperated. “Of course I’ve got it. I’m the only one at home.” she grumbled to herself, as she trotted unhurriedly out of the main kitchen, where she’d been fixing another pot of coffee. (Her third, today—a princess’s paperwork was more exhausting than she’d ever imagined.) A moment later, as she passed through the map-room, whoever was at the door knocked again. Sure, Twilight could easily open the door with her magic from here, now that she had a clear line of sight to it, but as a foal, her parents had taught her that it was basic manners to be within at least three body-lengths of the door when she opened it. So Twilight briefly sped up to a quick canter, before coming to a stop in front of the doors. Opening them, she saw two unicorns on her front step. A grey mare with a grey- and purple-striped mane and tail, and a blue stallion, with a dark blue mane and tail. “Mom! Dad!” she said brightly, moving to hug them. Her mother first, since she happened to be standing closer. “This is a nice surprise. What are you two doing here?” As Twilight Sparkle moved to break the hug, Twilight Velvet used the leg around her neck to pull her daughter into a kiss. After enjoying the feel of the younger mare’s lips for a second or two, the elder slid her tongue between the purple lips. The alicorn happily accepted her mother’s advance, opening her mouth to meet the other mare’s tongue with her own. Night Light stood to one side, watching his wife and daughter make out. While the sight was nothing unusual, it was still exciting—especially since it had been several moons since he’d last seen it—and his cock started to drop from its sheath. After a minute or so, the two Twilights separated, and Twilight Sparkle turned to her father. She reared up slightly, aided by her wings, and wrapped both her hooves around his neck. After a chaste hug, Twilight kissed Night Light, and was quick to add her tongue. The pair quickly lost track of time as they made out, but when they finally separated, Night Light saw a bright smile on his wife’s face. One which took on a hint of naughtiness when she noticed him shuffling his hind legs. She may not have hit middle-age yet—her magical power was high enough that her life expectancy could be as much as 180 years—but at 61, she had more than enough experience recognizing the subtle differences in stance (and gait) that identified an aroused stallion. “Not that I’m complaining, because I’m always happy to see you, but what are you doing here?” Twilight asked again. “We haven’t seen you in a couple moons, and haven’t had a real visit in even longer.” Twilight Velvet said, her tail swishing in a way that made her arousal clear to her 67-year-old husband. His magical power was a little weaker than hers, but he was still expected to live to at least 140-150, so was just entering middle-age. (Then again, even Twilight, at age 28, could recognize the signs of arousal in other ponies of either gender as easily as anypony her age. It was one of the few aspects of socialization that she hadn’t missed out on when she was younger.) “Well, you know, the school keeps me pretty busy. Hehe.” Twilight said sheepishly, rubbing the back of her neck with one hoof. “Oh, that’s perfectly alright, Twily, dear.” Velvet said, pulling her daughter into another hug. “We understand how busy you are. That’s why we decided to get off our plots and come visit you for once, instead of waiting around, hoping for an opening in your schedule.” As the elder Twilight continued to comfort the younger, Night Light sauntered over to the pair. He stopped when he was shoulder to shoulder with his daughter, and leaned against her slightly, offering comfort and assurance that they weren’t upset with her. Though as he took a couple steps forward, the pressure against her body took on a different meaning. One that made her tail twitch in anticipation. Night Light kept moving, rubbing his body along his daughter’s. As he came even with Twilight’s flanks, he ducked his head, sticking it right under her tail, without breaking his slow stride. He managed to sniff at her marehood for almost a full second, before he gave a quick snort and pulled his head away, his neck unable to bend any further. The blast of hot air made Twilight gasp slightly, and her tail flagged high. A second later, Night Light cleared the other, still closed, door and turned himself around. Then he stuck his nose back under the dark tail and started sniffing again. The scent of feminine musk was stronger than it had been before Twilight ascended, and more complicated, but no less pleasant. If anything, the mingled scents of all three tribes was even more erotic, and Night Light’s cock was as hard as it could get almost instantly. Now that he was ready, Night Light nuzzled his daughter’s lips for a second, using his sensitive nose to determine if she was ready, too. Finding her not quite wet enough, he started licking her. After a few swipes of his tongue, he felt her wink against it, and he nuzzled her again. Her pussy now felt more swollen, and much wetter. ″Ready, baby?″ Night Light asked, bringing one hoof up to rub Twilight’s cutie mark. She bucked slightly at the contact, and he also felt her haunch muscles flexing as she widened her stance. ″I’m ready, Dad.″ Twilight moaned, once she’d positioned her hind hooves in preparation for the extra weight she was about to support. ″Mmm. Do it, Nighty.″ Velvet urged, opening her eyes and looking at him over their daughter’s back. She didn’t stop nuzzling and kissing the purple neck. ″Mount our little girl and ride her like you’ve been wanting to.″ After a few more seconds of rubbing the purple and white starburst, Night Light reared up, his chest just landing on the strong, purple back. He had to shuffle forwards to bring his dick up against the purple lips. Then he gripped her barrel between his hooves and hopped forward again, driving his cock deep into her wet heat. ″BUCK!″ Twilight shouted, her wings flaring out wide. She loved having a stallion bury himself in her all at once, that way. Another thrust, and she felt Night Light’s hips slap against hers, and his cockhead brush against her cervix. A second or two later, after Night Light had steadied his hooves, he started moving his hips, thrusting in and out, hard and fast. Twilight quickly lost herself in the passionate rutting of a stallion who’d intentionally blue-balled himself for three days in preparation. She was so wrapped up in the feeling of the hard cock filling her that she barely noticed her mom kissing up her neck. And she completely missed the gentle pressure of the grey hoof on her neck pulling her head down. But the words suddenly whispered in her ear couldn’t be missed. ″That’s right, Twily, dear.″ Velvet whispered huskily. ″Feel your father’s weight on your back. Feel his cock filling you up. As you stand here in the door of your home. Your castle. In public, where everypony can see it. Where anypony who comes will see you being rutted by your dad. Isn’t that exciting?″ ″Yes! It’s so exciting.″ Twilight moaned. Exhibitionism was more Velvet’s thing, but she knew how to drive her daughter wild with it, all the same. ″And do you know what would make it more exciting?″ ″Wha—Ahh!″ Twilight yelped, as a warm, wet mouth closed around her horn. The feel of her mother’s tongue gently swirling around the fluted shaft made her moan louder as her eyes crossed. Then the suction started, and her thoughts became too fuzzy to keep track of. For the longest time, Twilight just stood between her parents, mindlessly being pleasured from both ends. But eventually, something caught her attention. A tingling feeling. Two, actually. One in her horn, and a matching one in her nethers. They built quickly, feeding off each other, before sparking a dual climax in the young alicorn. Twilight felt her pussy winking madly around her dad’s cock, at the same time as a pulse of raw magic blasted from her horn. The magical charge filled Velvet’s mouth in an instant, washing over the rest of her body in the next second. It raced along her nerves, lighting them up with pleasure, and making her fur stand on end. It also triggered her climax, making her moan even louder around the purple horn, which only drew out Twilight’s orgasm even longer. The feel of his daughter’s pussy milking his cock and his wife’s orgasmic noises pushed Night Light over the edge, and he groaned as he unloaded his full balls deep inside his little princess. Not as deep as he could get, though. Since she wasn’t in season, her cervix wouldn’t spread far enough to let him into her womb, but he was still bumping against it. After her orgasm waned, Velvet took her mouth off Twilight’s horn, and a moment or two later, Night Light dismounted the purple mare, too. His softening dick pulling out with a wet slurp, making Twilight shudder with a minor aftershock. Her horn also flared with another pulse of magic, making his coat fluff up as it washed over him. A few seconds later, Twilight’s body relaxed, and her tangled tail drooped. Her head, too, to the point her muzzle almost touched the floor. Her wings, which she hadn’t even noticed had flared while she was being rutted, hung loose. Her mane was as frazzled as her tail, and her coat was scuffed in several areas and covered in a light lather. She was clearly asleep on her hooves. Night Light was little better, after unleashing three days of pent up lust into his daughter’s marehood. The result of which was now dribbling down the inside of one leg. He was struggling to keep his head up. ″We should take her up to her room.″ Velvet said, startling Night Light from his half-asleep daze. ″You look like you could do with a nap, too, Nighty.″ she added with a giggle. ″I’ll be fine for a few minutes.″ Night insisted, lighting his horn and wrapping Twilight in his magic. She was heavier than she had been the last time he’d done this, thanks to the heavier, earth-pony muscle and denser pegasi bones that came with her alicornification, but he didn’t have much trouble carrying her, despite that. At least for a while. He did have to set her down eventually, after he and Velvet got lost in the castle’s labyrinthine halls. Twilight’s legs had gone limp in Night Light’s field, so she stumbled when she was set down. That woke her enough to get a good look at her parents, and she barely resisted giggling at them. Their manes and tails were frizzed out, like they’d been struck by lightning, and their coats were puffed out as much as they could be. It was a natural result of their bodies safely shedding the raw magic her horn had emitted, but it left them looking more like walking powderpuffs, than ponies. After learning why they were in a wing of unused guest rooms, Twilight insisted on guiding them to her room. And on doing so on her own four hooves. But by the time they arrived, her second wind was starting to fade. Even though ponies could sleep on their hooves easily enough, it was really only good for giving them a second wind. Like a short nap. So Twilight didn’t resist when Velvet urged her into her bed. Though she was a little surprised when her parents climbed in with her. Night Light in front of her, holding her close, and Velvet behind her. The elder Twilight made sure she was touching the younger’s horn, which would allow the alicorn’s horn to absorb her expended magic back into herself. It would help Velvet’s hair settle back down quicker. An hour or so later, the three of them woke up, and once they were completely aware, they started talking. Catching up on what had been going on in their lives. A lot of talk was about the political maneuverings of the nobles her parents were acquainted with. Her family was a member of the nobility, but so minor it was practically in name only. Twilight Velvet was descended from the last leader of the Twilight Coterie. The ponies who’d been responsible for moving the sun and moon, until Celestia had come along. The members of the Coterie had lost most of their power when Celestia had appeared, and Luna’s appearance, decades later, had stripped them of almost all they’d had left. They’d remained on as advisors, and minor nobility. The Twilight line had been one of the few to retain any degree of power and influence across the centuries since, even if it was only scraps. But when Twilight Sparkle had become Princess Celestia’s student, the family had regained a measure of importance. In the eyes of the nobility, at least. But much like the princess, Twilight’s parents had wanted to protect her from the political games, so they’d never talked about that part of their lives where she could hear. All of which meant it was strange, talking to her parents about politics. But since Twilight had become a princess, it had been nearly unavoidable. Even useful, on occasion. It wasn’t long before the conversation shifted to Twilight’s life, though. And the natural topic of interest there was Spike. ″So how has Spike been doing, these last few weeks?″ Night Light asked. ″Ah, so that’s why you’re really here.″ Twilight said with a teasing smile and a knowing nod. “That’s not really much of a surprise, is it? After all, it’s been over a moon since Spike molted, and we haven’t even seen him once, since.” Velvet said. “You just want him to rut you, don’t you?” Twilight accused, still half-teasing. “Well, call me old-fashioned, but I think a colt’s first time should be with his mother.” Velvet responded. “Spike’s almost twenty. He’s not really a colt, anymore. He just seems like it, since dragons age so much slower than even the most powerful ponies.” Sparkle explained. “He’s more than mature enough to decide who he wanted his first time to be with.” “And who was it he chose?” “Rarity—” “That cradle-robbing fashionista?” Velvet interrupted, before Twilight could say that the all of the girls had been there, too. Mostly so that just in case something weird happened, they could be right there to determine how bad it might be, and what to do about it. “Mom!” Twilight scolded. “Rarity isn’t stealing him away from you.” “Then why hasn’t he at least visited? It’s been almost six weeks, after all.” “That’s because he’s embarrassed. He can’t really control when he gets hard.” “So what? That happens to everypony! Well, every stallion, at least. Especially when they first become active. Honestly, it happens at any age, really. Even my grandpa would pop boners randomly until the day he died, and he lived to over a hundred and sixty!” “Except that Spike’s not a pony; he’s a dragon.” Twilight pointed out. “And this is one of those times when it does actually make a difference.” “How so?” Night Light asked. While the family and their close friends mostly didn’t think about the fact that Spike wasn’t a pony—at least physically—there were times it really couldn’t be ignored. Dietary issues were a big one. Not just the gems, but meat, too. While ponies could eat small amounts of meat, from time to time—and the more powerful ones could eat it more often—Spike needed it regularly. Not as much as a griffon, admittedly, but still maybe half a pound a week. And medical issues had thankfully been few and far between, but they were always a minor emergency that they’d always had to talk to Princess Celestia for. When Twilight became an alicorn, the princess had confided that almost any information she’d given the family came from talking to the old Dragon Lord, Torch. Nowadays, they could just ask Ember or Smolder directly. “Well, when stallions get hard, their bodies mostly hide it from all but the shortest ponies.” Twilight started. “But as a biped, when Spike’s cocks drop, they sit right out in front of him, in plain sight for everypony to see.” “Wait. Cocks? They?” Velvet asked, before Night Light could. “Yeah, like snakes and some other reptiles, Spike has a hemipene. Two shafts, one above the other, in his case.” the alicorn added, with illustrative gesticulation, at the confused look on her parents’ faces. “After he molted, they replaced the…retractable urethral extension that he had before. He pees out of the bottom one, now. And they’re not shaped anything like a pony’s cock. There’s no flare at all—or even a discernible head—and the tips are pointed, which Fluttershy says is like a dog’s penis. But the top edge of the top shaft and the bottom edge of the bottom one both have little barbs, like a griffon’s. Or a cat’s.” “That certainly is different.” Velvet agreed. “Yeah, and that, plus the fact that his gonads are internal—also like a reptile—means that everypony stares when they see them. Which makes Spike feel really self-conscious. The townsponies around here are starting to get used to it, but he’s worried about how ponies elsewhere would react. Especially Canterlot.” “That does make sense.” Velvet grudgingly agreed. “Too many ponies there would react all kinds of bad to something so unusual.” “On the bright side, at least, that means we’ll have a good reason to visit more often.” Night Light pointed out. “At least you will. With how different his anatomy apparently is, I don’t know about me, really.” “I don’t know if he’s been with an actual stallion yet, but Pinkie, Rarity, and I have all fucked his ass before, with those futa-necklaces I made.” Twilight Sparkle said, recovering enough to sit up in bed. “Sweetie Bell, too. He prefers to stick his cocks in us, but he likes anal well enough. And we’re teaching him to be careful with his teeth while sucking cock with some of our toys. He’s not quite ready yet, but his claws are so much nicer than hooves, at least.” “Really?” “Yeah. They’re a lot softer than they look—softer than a pony’s frog, since they’re not calloused—And they feel great wrapped around a hard cock. A little lubrication, and it’s almost like fucking somepony’s ass.” “I think I might have to try it. Where is Spike, anyway?” Night Light asked, a little surprised he hadn’t shown up yet. “He’s, uh, helping Rarity dig up some gems.” “Her again.” Velvet said, scowling playfully. “Twilight, are you sure she isn’t trying to keep him all to herself?” “Yes, Mom.” Twilight answered, rolling her eyes. “She’s made it clear to him that she’s not looking for a permanent relationship with him. He ages too slow and would live too long for her.” “Well, if you’re sure. I think I might have to have a talk with her, anyway.” “If you insist, Mom. Just keep in mind, her magic’s a little stronger than Dad’s, though she almost never shows it. And she’s even more dexterous than me.” “I don’t know why that should matter, Twilight.” Velvet said, rolling her eyes. “I only said I was going to have a talk with her.” “I just wanted you to know, in case it turned into one of those kinds of talks.” “I don’t have any idea what you’re talking about.” Velvet insisted, with a little sniff. One that was so like Rarity, Twilight couldn’t help smiling. “If you say so, Mom.“ Twilight said, twisting her head around to give the grey mare a quick kiss. That didn’t end up being all that short, actually. She finally broke the kiss when she felt her dad’s cock growing between their bodies. “Seems you’re ready for round two—“ *GURGLE* After the lengthy pause that followed her stomach growling, Twilight sheepishly spoke up. “Oops. I must’ve missed lunch while doing that paperwork.“ “You haven’t changed, have you, Twily?“ Night Light teased. “This is why we let Spike live with you. You’d have starved, otherwise.“ “Round two can wait. Just guide us to the kitchen, and I’ll whip us up something to eat real quick.“ Velvet said, as she moved to the edge of the bed. Still smiling sheepishly, Twilight followed her parents out of bed, looking forward to the promised lunch. > Visiting Family (Big Mac) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *CREEEAAAK* ″You might want to fix that door, when you get the chance.″ Braeburn said, as he stepped into the shaded interior. ″Ah did, a couple weeks after Hearth’s Warming.″ Big Macintosh told his cousin, as he kicked the barn door closed, out of habit. ″And it’s creaking again already?″ ″Eeyup. Life in Ponyville can be rough on things, sometimes.″ Mac explained. ″Ah’ll take a look at it when Ah get a free minute.″ ″Hopefully not while I’m still here.″ Braeburn said with a smirk. ″Nope.″ Mac responded, with a smirk of his own. ″As long as you’re here, my free time is taken up.″ ″Well, ain’t you a charmer.″ the smaller pony chuckled, before reaching up and pressing a soft kiss against the red lips. The larger stallion shuddered with pleasure before stealing another kiss. With a soft nicker, Braeburn stole it back. The two spent the next couple minutes trading quick kisses, that got ever-so-slowly longer. Until eventually, Macintosh slipped his tongue into Braeburn’s mouth. ″Whoa there.″ the yellow stallion said breathlessly, pulling his head back. ″No need to rush, ya big lug. We still gotta get ready, after all.″ He removed his hat and vest as Mac took off his yoke. Big Mac then watched as Braeburn muscled a couple hay bales together, making a bit more of a show of it than strictly necessary. Which Mac appreciated enough to return the favor, moving slowly and deliberately as he grabbed a nearby checkerboard cloth to toss over the cobbled-together platform. He also added a sway to his steps that set his scrotum swinging. And with his short tail purposely held low, he knew Braeburn would get no more than teasing glimpses. It was one of the red stallion’s most seductive moves, and it worked like a charm on just about everypony. “The best fruit in the family, and they don’t grow on any tree.” Braeburn thought to himself, as he watched for the tantalizing flashes of dark red like a hawk. ”Hay, they ain’t even really apples.” Not only was the bigger stallion’s purse darker than just about any variety the family grew, it’s precious contents were bigger than grapefruit. Once he had the blanket in place, Big Mac climbed on the improvised platform and laid down. He could feel a warmth building in his sheath, just from anticipation. Both his anticipation and his arousal increased when Braeburn teased him back, much less subtly, by flipping his tail up over his back to blatantly display his honey-brown purse as he bent over to take something from his hatband. Braeburn opened the metal case and carefully removed one rather large pill from it. Holding it on his hoof, he sauntered around behind Big Mac, who flagged his own short tail. Braeburn nuzzled against Mac’s purse for a few seconds, taking a deep breath. They’d both rinsed up before going in for lunch, so the scents of sweat and male musk were mild, but he enjoyed what was there. He even spent a few seconds sucking and lipping the dark skin, enjoying the way his partner was squirming. “That’s nice, Brae.” Mac moaned, as his cock grew underneath him. The soft wool of the blanket did nothing more than tease him further as he squirmed against it. “It sure is. But I know it’s not what you want.” Braeburn mumbled, before dragging his tongue up the loose skin, over the dark taint, and across the pouty ring of Mac’s anus. Mac drew a deep breath, pushing back against his cousin’s muzzle. Like most ponies, Big Mac was careful about cleanliness, so apart from twin hints of bitterness and sweat, Braeburn tasted only skin. He kept licking for several seconds more, watching Mac’s big body move with his deep breaths. “You ready?” Braeburn asked, once he’d finished lubricating Big Mac’s entrance. “Eeyup.” The answer was a soft groan. Braeburn then grabbed Mac’s tail in his teeth, to keep it out of the way—and gently pulled it taught, the way Big Mac liked—before pushing the large pill still on his hoof into Mac’s anus. A quick flex of the muscular ring pulled the suppository inside the stallion’s body completely. Now it just needed a few minutes to do its work. And both stallions knew just how they were going to spend that time. Braeburn walked around in front of Big Mac, feeling his mostly hard cock bouncing beneath him. He stood side-on to the other stallion, stretching one leg back, to show off his honey-brown member. “Like what you see, Cuz?” he asked, flexing his muscles to make his cock slap loudly against his belly as it finished growing to full-mast. His cock wasn’t as big as Mac’s—length or girth—but it was on the high side of average for thickness, and a few inches longer. Mac nodded. “You want it?” he asked, belly-slapping again. “Eeyup.” Mac said, with another nod. “Alright, then.” Braeburn said, with one more, unintentional belly-slap. “Open wide.” he added, putting his forehooves on the hay bales. Big Mac looked at the round cock head in front of his face for a second or two, taking in the familiar sight, before leaning forward to kiss it. Quick pecks soon turned into harder kisses, which quickly grew into a sloppy make-out. Mac listened to his cousin’s deepening breaths as he ran his tongue around the scalloped crown a couple times and he heard it hitch when he plunged his mouth down the hard shaft, his lips easily reaching the medial ring. “Oh, yeaaah, Mac.” Braeburn moaned, as the bigger stallion wiggled forward a little bit, until he had a comfortable mouthful, and started bobbing back and forth. He resisted the urge to move his hips, since for all his experience, Mac had never learned to suppress his gag reflex. He was great with his tongue, though. He loved how it felt, slathering all over his shaft. And his tightly sealed lips bumping over Braeburn’s medial ring was pretty good, too. Big Mac, meanwhile, was making love to his cousin’s dick, and loving every second of it. As he did, memories of their relationship rolled, unbidden, through his mind. Like most colts, his first sexual experience with another male had been his father, but Braeburn, at only half a dozen years older than he, had been his first male lover of similar age. Those few extra years had made Braeburn big enough that it was only natural for Mac to bottom for him. And even after he’d grown bigger than almost everypony else, they maintained that dynamic, eight out of ten times. With his size, everypony always expected him to be on top—which he did enjoy—but now and then, he wanted to be on the receiving end. And Braeburn was just about the only stallion who felt comfortable serving as the spear to his sheath. While this was going on, the suppository Mac had been given was surrounded by his personal magic, soaking it up. And when it reached the saturation point, the spells it contained activated. The first spell cleaned out his bowels, while the second left behind a coating of lubrication. When Mac felt the bursts of magic in his hindquarters, he started bobbing his head faster, going from quick but steady to almost frantic. He also started humming a quick-paced tune. With that, it wasn’t long before he heard Braeburn start to pant, and soon after, Mac felt his cousin’s crown start to flare. But he didn’t stop moving his head until he heard Braeburn shout. “Ah, buck. Ah’m cumming, Mac!” When Mac heard that, he pulled his head as far back as he could comfortably, as Braeburn finally gave into his instincts and started jerking his hips, at the same time as he came with a strangled cry of relief. “Buuuck!” the golden stallion groaned, as his first shot fired off. “Take it, Mac! Take my cum!” A burst of cum filled Big Mac’s mouth, and he quickly swallowed it, only for it to be just as quickly replaced. For several seconds, he gulped down mouthful after mouthful of slightly-sweet seed. But Braeburn’s orgasm eventually tapered off, allowing Mac to focus on more than just not choking. A moment later, as he felt the cock in his mouth start to soften, Mac took it down to the medial ring one more time. Then he tightened his lips around the shaft as much as he could before pulling back slowly, until Braeburn’s cock came out of his mouth with an audible, *POP!* “Wow, that was great, Cuz. You’ve really got a magic mouth.” Braeburn said, as he lowered his forehooves to the floor. Big Mac just hooked one hoof behind Braeburn’s neck and yanked him into a kiss. Their tongues tangled immediately, and Braeburn was given a healthy taste of his own cum. The two spent some time sharing the mouthful Mac had saved, and then even longer just kissing. But eventually, Braeburn broke away from Mac’s lips and kissed up to one ear, which he caught in his teeth. “Ready for the next round, big guy?” he breathily growled into Mac’s ear, as he playfully nibbled on it. “Ready whenever you are.” the big stallion answered. With a final nip, Braeburn moved around behind Big Mac. A quick glance under the orange tail at the glistening ring confirmed that the prep pill had done its job. All that was left now was for Braeburn to get himself ready. So he closed his eyes and focused inwards. Tapping into his tribal magic, he channeled his stamina in a way unique to earth ponies—and until recently, useful only to stallions. Beneath his belly, Braeburn’s limply hanging cock quickly rose to full-mast, as the yellow stallion cut his refractory period short. Now that he was ready too, Braeburn climbed up on the hay bales, moving slowly until his hard cock bumped up against Mac’s slick pucker. Then he set his hooves and with a firm push, he slipped several inches into the warmth of his cousin’s hole. It was as tight as it ever was, and Braeburn took a second to enjoy the grip, before he started gently bucking his hips, working himself deeper. Macintosh did the same, and soon, Braeburn was hilted in the red stallion. “Oh, Celestia, you’re always so tight.” Braeburn groaned, grinding his hips in small motions. “That’s because almost everypony around here expects me to top them. Even Thunderlane prefers to top from the bottom, when we hook up.” Big Mac explained, not for the first time. “Their loss.” Braeburn said, as he pulled back slowly. “My gai~n~n~n.” he half-neighed, slamming back in. ‘’Is there anypony around here who enjoys this plot like they should?” he asked, as he pulled out again. “Mi-Miss Cheerilee.” Big Mac started to say, stuttering as Braeburn pushed back in. “She’s pretty dominant, and almost always willing to top when I ask.” “Yeah? Anypony else?” “AJ’s friends, sometimes. Miss Rarity is kind of a switch—Ooh—but she’s good at both roles. And Miss Pinkie doesn’t seem to have any preferences about much of anything. Ahh…so she’ll do just about anything a pony asks her to. And AJ’s usually willing to oblige family, even if it’s not her favorite thing. Ahh. So is Apple Bloom, but…Mm!…but she’s not very experienced yet.” Braeburn had by now settled into a slow, steady pace of hard thrusts. “And how about—Ngh!—How about your marefriend, Sugar Belle?” Braeburn asked, leaning over to nip the larger stallion’s back and neck sensually. “She’s kinda…in the same…the same boat as…as Apple Bloom.” Mac answered, snorting softly with every love bite. “She’s never really…topped anypony to any…any real extent before…So she’s learning. But she’s more of a…of a bottom. Mmm. Faster, please, Brae.” “Patience, Cuz.” Braeburn cooed, not changing his slow, hard strokes. And when Big Mac tried pushing back into him faster, he just squeezed the big body tighter between his forelegs . He had plenty of partners, but he didn’t get to spend nearly as much time with Macintosh as he would like—especially not since he moved to Appaloosa—and he wanted to savor this opportunity. But no matter how much he wanted to make it last, he couldn’t hold back forever. It was just too good. The slightly rough coat mingling with his fluff. The hard muscles flexing under him as Big Mac moved underneath him. The warmth of the big barrel soaking into his own. Not to mention the heat of Mac’s insides, and his ass’s vise-tight grip around Brae’s cock. Macintosh, meanwhile, was enjoying this rare pleasure just as much as Braeburn. The weight of the smaller stallion on his back, the legs gripping him around his middle, and the long cock pushing deep inside his body all felt amazing, as did the extremely soft blanket rubbing against his hard cock. All those tactile sensations, along with the scents of exertion, sex, and masculinity; the sounds of their hips slapping together and both of their grunts; and the flavor of sweat blooming against his lips all combined to make Braeburn pick up his pace after a few minutes. And once he did, it wasn’t long before he was reduced to frantically pounding away at his cousin’s ass. Once their rutting reached full speed, it was barely a minute before the head of Braeburn’s cock flared, and the first shot of cum burst from the tip a second later. And those feelings triggered Macintosh’s orgasm, the contents of his heavy balls forced out of his trapped cock. They mostly just smeared in the fur of his barrel and the blanket, with each shot making the mess bigger, but Mac didn't care. He was too caught up in the feeling of his balls emptying and his bowels filling with cum. Once Braeburn's cock finished shooting, he rested most of his weight on his larger cousin's back, and took a few moments to relax. Snuffling the orange mane and licking the sweat off Mac's neck, while listening to the bigger stallion gasping and sighing. When he eventually felt his cock starting to retract, he backed off his cousin, and looked at Mac's rear end. His tai was messy and kinked, from being pressed them, and his ass was gaping slightly. As Braeburn watched, the hole slowly closed up, before any of his cum could leak out, though a quick sniff made it clear that the leakage would start soon. So after a few quick licks to clean up the sweat around Mac's ring and on the back of his purse, Braeburn grabbed the big, red hips and turned the larger stallion over. "You sure made a mess, huh, Mac?" he said rhetorically, looking at the big stains on the blanket and barrel. "You helped." Big Mac pointed out, after looking at the stain, and then at the stallion. "That I did." Braeburn agreed, with a sexy smile. "So it's only fitting that I help clean it up, ain't it?" Another rhetorical question, since he was already climbing up on the haybales. He locked his smoldering, green eyes on Big Mac's as he lowered his muzzle to the softening cock and licked the head clean of cum. It was pretty mild, with just a hint of tang, and Braeburn loved it. So he kept going, moving up to Mac's barrel and dragging his tongue over the short fur, without breaking eye contact. Braeburn was very thorough, and when he finished his long, slow licks, there was nothing left in Big Mac's fur except his saliva. That left only one place for Braeburn to clean, so he carefully backed down to the dirt floor, finally breaking eye-contact, to see where he was going. And as he went, he made sure to run his tongue over the thick, veiny shaft that had hardened back to full, without ever completely retracting. He also threw in some sucking kisses When he reached Big Mac's scrotum, Braeburn licked and sucked the available portion clean of sweat, before nuzzling his way under the purse. This not only filled his nose with the stallion's scent, but it also let him tongue Mac's pucker again, cleaning up his cum, which had started leaking in the meantime. The slight sweetness of his own cum was cut just slightly, by the faintest hint of bitterness. For several minutes, Braeburn alternated between running his tongue in circles around his cousin's ring and pushing it as deep into the pucker as he could. Like Big Mac's, his cock had never gotten more than half-soft, and it was becoming increasingly more difficult to ignore the hard, throbbing thing, but Braeburn just focused on working his tongue deeper and faster. When Braeburn could no longer taste his cum, only Big Mac's ass, he backed up a step or two, and looked his cousin over. "You look as ready for the next round as I feel." he said, his green eyes meeting Mac's over the quivering, dark red cock. "Eeyup." Mac agreed, with a smile that matched the one Braeburn was wearing. "So, frotting or filling?" "There's a few stallions around town that like frotting." "So filling it is, then." Braeburn said, moving forward and aiming his cock at the slightly looser, but still pleasantly tight ass. This time, he buried himself completely in only a few thrusts. Once he had, he bent down, took about a third of Mac's cock in his mouth, and started sucking. Thus positioned the way he wanted, Braeburn started bucking his hips. Even at the steady pace he'd set, Big Mac wouldn't last too long, being stimulated in two places. But that was okay. They had the rest of the day off, after all. And even they didn't take advantage of that, Braeburn wasn't headed back to Appleloosa until next week, anyway. > Visiting Family (Rarity) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *TING-A-LING* ″Welcome to—oh!″ Rarity cut herself off, as she saw who had just walked through her door. ″Mother, Father. What brings you two to my shop?″ she asked, her expression changing from a polite, customer-service smile to a warmer one. ″Have you finally decided to let me make you something that would make you look really fabulous?″ she teased, half-serious. ″What’s wrong with what we’ve got on, now?″ Cookie Crumbles mumbled, looking at the blouse and pants she had on. It was her most comfortable outfit, even if it wasn’t exactly at the forefront of fashion. ″Afraid not, Rarity.″ Hondo answered at the same time. ″This is just a quick visit. We were just at the bank, you see.″ ″Oh, yes.″ Cookie agreed, looking up from her clothes, which she’d found no problems with. ″Hondo was depositing his paycheck, and we decided to take a short stroll around town.″ ″Decided to make a little date of it. It’s the little things, after all, that make a marriage last. And spontaneity. That helps, too.″ Hondo explained, not for the first time. ″You should remember that for when you get a husband of your own, Rarity. Or a wife.″ he added, remembering that just because his marriage had been hetero didn’t mean everypony’s would be. ″Oh, Hondo, don’t pressure the mare.″ Cookie giggled, batting at him with one hoof. ″She’s still got her whole life ahead of her, after all. She’s not even thirty, yet. Besides, she’s so busy with this store, and saving Equestria all the time.″ ″Yes, quite.″ Rarity interrupted, blushing slightly. ″Anyways, you were saying, you were taking a stroll?″ ″Oh, right!″ Cookie said. ″Well, we were a couple streets over, and Handsome Hondo, here,″ she explained, smiling lovingly at her hubby, ″suddenly felt the need to empty his bladder. And since we were so close, we decided to stop in here so he could take care of it.″ ″I’m always happy to help with that.″ Rarity said, levitating away her glasses and measuring tape, as she stepped up to Hondo and started nuzzling his throat. She worked her way down to his chest, taking in his familiar, comforting scent, as she levitated a couple stools over. She set them down on each side of her just as she reached the pale chest-fluff. It was pretty thin, being the middle of summer, but there was still enough to tickle her lips, and to fill her nose with his scent. As Hondo stepped forward slowly, Rarity lowered herself to her belly. She kept her head angled up as he put his hooves on the stools she’d provided, which let her continue to nuzzle and lick her way down his barrel. It may have seemed awkward, but it was just something unicorns had to get used to. If a unicorn didn’t want their horn to go sticking something vital when they sucked cock, their lover had to either raise their front half, or lay on their side. And Hondo preferred to be vertical for what he was about to do. Soon, Rarity had her muzzle pressed right up against Hondo’s sheath, and his scent was almost overwhelming. She inhaled deeply, savoring the aroma of a unicorn stallion—of masculinity and mild ozone—before sticking her tongue out. After a couple licks, she felt the head of her father’s cock drop, and after a couple more, he was nearly a quarter of the way out. Now that he was out far enough, Rarity took his head in her mouth. Like most ponies, Rarity found the taste of bare skin erotic, since it was almost exclusively encountered in sexual situations. But what came next was even better, in her opinion. From high above, she heard her father sigh in relief, at the same time she felt the first splash on her tongue. The taste was rather mild—Hondo had been a sports-pony when he was younger, so he understood better than most, just how important hydration was—but the warm fluid quickly filling Rarity’s mouth had distinct tangs of salt and acidity. With a hum of pleasure, Rarity closed her eyes as she swallowed the first mouthful. For several seconds, she just revelled in the experience. In the taste, and the slightly sour scent filling her mouth and drifting up the back of her nose. Even while swallowing fast enough to keep her mouth from overflowing, Rarity savored it, much like she would a fine wine. She quickly got lost in the moment, aware of nothing besides the cock in her mouth, and the wonderful liquid streaming out of it. ″Oh, I just love that sight.″ Startled by Cookie’s cooing, Rarity opened her eyes, to see her mother looking at her. She was on her foreknees, with a mix of pride and lust on her face. Cookie didn’t want to surprise her daughter too much, since it might make her choke on Hondo’s urine, so she waited until she was sure Rarity was aware of her presence. Then she reached out with one hoof and pressed it gently against the pale throat. ″I’m so glad that you enjoy this as much as we do.″ Cookie said, as she felt the rhythmic pulsing of her daughter gulping down mouthful after mouthful of Hondo’s piss under her hoof. ″I just wish Sweetie Belle had taken to it like you did.″ The youngest member of the family had tried joining in with her parents and sister in their fetish multiple times, but it just never aroused her. Not like it did Rarity, whose intimate scent was already filling boutique’s showroom and getting thicker. Maybe half a minute later, Rarity’s swallowing slowed down, and Cookie immediately recognized that that meant Hondo’s bladder was nearly empty. So she got to her hooves and moved around behind her husband. A moment later, he moaned contentedly, signalling that he was done peeing. Before he could do anything else, though, Cookie brushed his brown tail aside and extended her tongue. The sudden swipe over his grey pucker surprised the stallion, and jumped slightly, with a small snort. But then he relaxed as his wife started rimming him in earnest. At the same time, his daughter’s tongue was caressing his cock. Lapping slowly over the head and flicking around its unflared rim. When Cookie had moved out of sight, Rarity had idly wondered what she was doing, but didn’t pay too much attention, since she was still focused on drinking the last of her dad’s piss. She’d started taking bigger mouthfuls when she felt his stream dying down, so she got to enjoy the salty-sour flavor more. As the trickles finally died away, Rarity held her last mouthful for a couple seconds, swishing it around in her mouth, before swallowing it. Then she licked the last drop or two off his head, just as he jumped. The soft cock in Rarity’s mouth suddenly throbbed and started to stiffen. Twisting her ears forward, she heard the sound of her mother’s tongue in action, so she started wiggling. As she scooched herself backwards, she worked her tongue over the growing cock. After a few seconds, the cock was as hard as it was going to get, so Rarity tilted her head to one side—to avoid accidentally poking her father with her horn—and started bobbing on it. Meanwhile, Cookie was enjoying herself as she worked her tongue all over Hondo’s backside. She took long, slow licks from the top of his purse, over his taint, around his top door, and then back down where she started. Every few cycles, she’d focus directly on Hondo’s pucker, vigorously lapping at it for a few seconds. Rimming her husband wasn’t her favorite sexual act, but she enjoyed treating him to it once in a while. Fortunately for her, Hondo was careful to always use the bidet when he used a toilet. Almost obsessively so, in fact. So Cookie only tasted his skin, with just the slightest hint of mustiness. ″Oh, that’s good.″ Hondo sighed. Rarity wasn’t bobbing more than a few inches, but she was passing over his medial ring every time. And combined with Cookie’s rimming, he wasn’t going to last too long. ″Sweet Celestia!″ he yelped, when Cookie’s tongue suddenly breached his entrance, pushing inside of him. He also bucked his hips, pushing his cock far enough to touch the back of Rarity’s throat. She gagged slightly, at the unexpected thrust, but she recovered quickly. Cookie quickly pulled her tongue out of Hondo’s ass, though, since he wasn’t quite as clean inside as outside. Almost, but not quite. She only got a faint, sour tang before pulling back. She then went right back to licking around his pucker. Cookie soon lost herself in the moment. Her ears honed in on Rarity, and she spent some time listening to her daughter bobbing on her father’s cock. After listening to the steady glurking and slurping for a moment or two, Cookie’s pussy winked, drawing her out of hre sexual stupor. When it winked again, Cookie started licking and kissing her way down Hondo’s taint, slowly approaching his balls. When she reached them, she kissed each one, before taking one of them between her lips and gently sucking on it. ″Oh, buck!″ Hondo groaned, as he felt his balls pull up. ″Rarity, baby, I’m about to—Gnyaaa…″ Rarity heard her father start to warn her at the same time she felt his cock flare in her mouth. She pulled back until his flare was just behind her teeth, just before his first shot burst forth. The thick cream coated her tongue and the roof of her mouth in an instant. She didn’t have a chance to enjoy the flavor before she had to swallow it, though. She only had just enough time to swallow her current mouthful before the second shot replaced it. The third shot came just as quickly, as did the fourth. After that, Hondo’s ejaculation slowed down, allowing Rarity time to actually taste his cum. Which she savored as she wiggled backwards. Once she was sure his orgasm had run its course, Cookie moved away, letting Hondo step down off the stools. He took a moment to flex his legs, before laying down near the checkout counter. As he did that, Cookie moved the stools away from Rarity, before pulling her into a kiss. Cookie flicked her tongue across her daughter’s lips teasingly, several times, before eventually worming it between them. The two mares spent over a minute sharing Hondo’s slightly sweet cum between them. Then a few more seconds were spent lip-to-lip, before they broke apart. ″Mm. Mother, I still have some room if you need?″ Rarity offered. ″No. Hondo took care of me before we left home.″ Cookie said. Then she felt her pussy wink again. ″But I could use another kind of relief, if you’re interested.″ ″Definitely.″ Rarity agreed, getting her forehooves under her. She gently pulled her mother into another slow kiss with one hoof, as her magic went to work opening Cookie’s blouse. She knew that most of the reason her mother wore clothing so often was because she enjoyed being undressed. Rarity used her free hoof to caress the bared fur. When they eventually parted, Cookie smiled naughtily at her daughter, before turning around slowly, teasingly. There was a large wet spot on her pants. One which would’ve been unmissable, even if her tail weren’t flagged. She quickly felt the touch of her daughter’s magic grip her tail and the top of her pants. While she preferred to be undressed by hoof or mouth, or even by wing, Cookie knew that for many unicorns, magic was the only option. Or at least the only convenient one. Rarity eased the white pants back, revealing the fuschia flanks slowly. When she got them to her mother’s dock, she pulled the purple tail free, before taking the fabric gently between her teeth. She tugged it down carefully, revealing the hole she’d entered the world through, almost three decades earlier. The scent of aroused mare, no longer contained by the clothing, hit her hard, making her wink hard enough to squirt her own fluids on the floor. But she ignored it, tugging the pants down her mother’s thick legs, while keeping her eyes locked on the winking marehood before her. Once her pants were on the ground, Cookie stepped out of them and tossed them aside. She only vaguely noticed Hondo picking them up and leaving the showroom. Most of her attention was on Rarity’s tongue as it worked its way up the insides of her legs, cleaning the arousal from her coat. Rarity took her time cleaning the pink legs before her, before finally reaching her mother’s frantically winking pussy. And still, she took her time, with long, slow licks that carefully avoided the swollen clit. She gradually made her way closer and closer to that bundle of nerves. When she finally reached it, Rarity suddenly started working her tongue back and forth over the nub quickly, making Cookie explode in pleasure. The older unicorn screamed out wordlessly, loud enough to be heard all through the building, and even outside, on the street. Cookie was so lost in pleasure, she didn’t even notice that she’d fallen to the floor. Not until her orgasm faded, and she could pay attention to the world around her again. ″Mother, are you okay?″ Rarity asked, as her fainting couch appeared beside them. ″Better than okay.″ Cookie answered, a little absently, as she was lifted in her daughter’s magic and placed on the soft chaise. ″Now come here and let Mama take care of you.″ she added, gripping Rarity’s dock in her magic, and maneuvering her so she was face-to-ass with the younger mare. She put her hooves on the blue gem cutie-marks to hold Rarity still and took a moment to bask in the young mare’s scent. After a few seconds, it finally occurred to her to wonder, ″Rarity, dear, do you need to pee?″ ″I’m afraid not, Mother. I went a couple hours ago.″ Rarity answered. ″Oh well. That’s too bad.″ Cookie said, using her hoof-magic to grope and squeeze the white haunches. After spending a couple moments thoroughly cleaning Rarity’s nethers of her nectar, Cookie pressed her muzzle up against the swollen marehood and stuck her tongue as deep as it would go. She took her time exploring Rarity’s inner walls, and drinking her juices. Eventually, she pulled her tongue back out, and started kissing the soft, wet lips. Several long seconds later, Cookie wrapped her lips around the bulge of Rarity’s clit and started sucking on it hard. ″Oh buck!″ Rarity yelped, before fading off into random, semi-profane mutterings. Her legs gave out a few seconds later, but Cookie’s firm grip on her flanks kept her on her hind hooves, at least. When her orgasm finally passed, and Cookie finished licking her clean again, Rarity turned stumbled onto the chaise, alongside her mother. She cuddled up with the older mare for half an hour or so, until Hondo came back from the laundry room, with Cookie’s freshly laundered pants. Cookie got dressed—slowly, to tease both of the others—and then she and Hondo left, headed for home. Rarity, meanwhile, got started cleaning the boutique, opening the windows to air it out. > Visiting Family (Fluttershy) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BZZZZZ “Now who could that be?“ Night Gale wondered, looking up from her cabinet. She put the milk pump back, and made her way to her door. Gale lived in an apartment owned by Manehattan General Hospital, her employer. As a live-in nurse, she didn’t have much need of an apartment, so when she’d been hired, she’d picked a small one. Mostly, she used it to store her personal belongings, but she didn’t really live in it. Usually, she only stayed for a few days when she was between patients—like right now—or brief visits when family were in town. She didn’t think it was very fair to her family or her patient, to have the former in the latter’s home. BZZZZZ She moved slowly, being careful of her swollen, tender teats, so the buzzer sounded again, just before Gale’s dark cobalt wing reached for the intercom. “Who is it?“ “Uh, Mama Gale—“ “Fluttershy? Why, come on up, honey-child! I’ll buzz you in.“ A couple minutes later, the middle-aged mare had her hooves and wings wrapped around the slender neck of her daughter. “It’s so good to see you, Fluttershy.“ “Hi, Mama.“ Fluttershy said, hugging back just as tightly. After a long, long embrace, Night Gale pulled away, but not before kissing Fluttershy on both cheeks. "Let Mama Gale look at you, dear." she said, brushing the pink mane back from the taller pegasus’ face. She scrutinized her for a few seconds, grey-blue eyes looking for signs of stress, exhaustion, malnourishment, or any of her other common problems. Then she tilted her head to check the rest of the yellow body. First one side, then the other. "Hm, you’re still as skinny as ever, but you look like you’re getting enough to eat." Gale decided, turning away to return to the kitchen. "You could always use more, though. Even as naturally lean as you are, you could stand to put a little more meat on your bones. I wasn’t planning to make supper for a while yet, though. How long you here for?" "I have to meet my friends tomorrow. We’re all helping Rarity get her new property ready, and I decided to come up a day early, to see you. I hope that’s al—" "Don’t be silly, girl. Of course it is." Gale interrupted, waving one wing dismissively. "I’m always happy to see family. You didn’t get yourself a hotel room, did you?" she added, looking at Fluttershy suspiciously. "Oh, um, no." "Good." Gale nodded, her silvery mane bouncing. "There’s no need to waste your bits on one of those, when my bed is big enough for three." The mini-herd-size bed had been one of the few things Gale had demanded when moving in. She may have been freshly divorced from Posie Shy and Cumulus Breeze at the time, but that had just been so they didn’t feel obliged to move with her. Their youngest, Zephyr Breeze, was in his next-to-last year of school, and he had enough difficulties without without moving halfway across the country, into such a different culture. ″So, would you like something to eat?″ ″I’m not hungry, but I could go for something to drink. If you’ve…got any.″ Fluttershy said hopefully. ″You’ve got perfect timing, filly. I was just about to use my pump when you rang. Come with me.″ Gale told her, looking back with a smirk. She also took the chance to flick her tail flirtatiously against Fluttershy’s muzzle. Fluttershy crinkled her muzzle cutely, gave a little snort to clear her nose, then followed her mom’s swishing tail to the apartment’s bedroom, where Gale hopped onto the bed and rolled onto her back, spreading her legs wide. Fluttershy took in the sight of the dark lips and swollen teats, and smiled as she caught the first hints of arousal in the air. Locking eyes with Gale, she gave her the most adorably sexy look she could as she approached the older pegasus. When she reached the bed, Fluttershy reached out with her wings and laid them on Gale’s hind legs, holding them in place. More symbolically than anything, but it still aroused Gale to see the filly she’d raised since she was a toddler standing between her legs, staring at her with such desire in her eyes. Teasingly, Fluttershy slowly moved her head forward and took one blue-black nipple between her lips. A few seconds of gentle sucking later, she felt the first drops of milk hit her tongue. A second or two after that, the sweet liquid started flowing for real, and Fluttershy heard Gale sigh in relief. A second later, a hoof started stroking her head as she swallowed the first mouthful of mother’s milk. As she suckled, Fluttershy relaxed into the nostalgic comforts. She savored mouthful after mouthful of sweet milk, and leaned her head against the stroking hoof. Two or three minutes later, the flow petered off, but Fluttershy kept suckling for a second or two more, to make sure she’d gotten every drop. Once she was sure she had, she pulled back slowly, pulling the teat with her, until it slipped out of her mouth with a small pop. Gale moaned at the extra suction, and the look of burning heat in the blue-green eyes. Then she shuddered as Fluttershy slowly dragged her tongue over her still-full teat, licking up the few drops that had leaked out. And when yellow lips closed around her nipple, and she felt her milk being let down, Gale sighed with relief again. As the pressure eased, Gale kept her eyes locked with Fluttershy’s, a bonding technique she’d been taught about in nursing school. Her instructors had warned against using it, since it risked developing too much of an attachment between a foal and their wet nurse. (They were inevitable enough as it was, and there was no need to make them worse, after all.) So she only used it with her family. At the same time, she ignored her straining wings and winking pussy. She knew it was perfectly normal for mares to get aroused while breastfeeding, and after more than three decades as a wet nurse, she could easily tune it out. After all, this was about emotional bonding between a mother and her daughter. Not lust. That could wait until Fluttershy had drunk her fill. A couple minutes later, Gale’s other teat ran dry, and Fluttershy started nuzzling the area. Gale let it happen for several seconds, before gently applying pressure with the hoof that was still stroking the younger pegasus’s pink mane. Keeping her eyes locked on Gale’s pale ones, Fluttershy let herself be guided down towards the dark pussy she could hear winking almost desperately. When it was in front of her, she pressed down a little harder with her wings before shoving her tongue between Gale’s lips and flipping her upper lip over her pink clit. Gale came almost instantly with a choked scream that almost covered the sound of her wings going out of control. She was a flapper, which meant that unlike most pegasi—whose wings locked up at full extension during orgasm—her wings flailed during climax. But like other pegasi, her magic went unchannelled. So she only created a small breeze, instead of something more extreme. Fluttershy caught the spurting marecum in her mouth and swallowed it greedily. And once it had slowed to a steady trickle, she pulled her tongue out and gently ran it over the plush lips, tenderly cleaning them. When she had licked up most of the light, faintly tangy secretions, Fluttershy pinned Gale’s hind legs with her forelegs, and pushed her tongue into Gale’s pussy again. She dug deep, collecting every drop of Mama Gale’s juices as she could, before pulling her tongue out and focusing on the swollen lips, the way the older pegasus preferred. She licked and nibbled on them gently, occasionally swiping her tongue over Gale’s clit when it winked out. It wasn’t long before the older pegasus was on the edge of orgasm again, but Fluttershy switched to kissing and licking around the dark mound, denying her mother release. A minute later, she started pushing her back to the edge. And a minute after that, Night Gale gasped desperately as Fluttershy’s mouth moved away from her sex again, going back to her rock-hard teats. When she managed to focus her eyes, she saw the mischievous twinkle in the cyan ones staring back at her and knew she was in for a lot of teasing. By her third near-orgasm, she was begging for Fluttershy to let her cum. By her fifth, she’d been reduced to inarticulate babbling. When she neared her peak for the sixth time, Fluttershy finally had mercy on Gale. She caught the winking clit between her lips and sucked on it hard. The dark pegasus’s voice raised in the most exultant of bedroom hymns as her whole body arched, her wings flapped madly, her legs kicked, and her cum gushed from her slit. Fluttershy felt the first wave splash across the bottom of her chin, and opened her mouth wide to catch the rest of Gale’s deluge. She also went back to flicking her lip over her winking clit, to milk the orgasm for all it was worth. Eventually, Night Gale’s orgasm ran its course, and the dark pegasus collapsed on the bed, completely limp. After taking a moment or two to collect herself, Fluttershy took wing and hovered slightly above the bed. And once she confirmed that Mama Gale was unconscious, she carefully manipulated the body so she was laying on her belly before gently preening the incredibly messy wings. When the last feather was in place, rather than try to maneuver her under the covers, Fluttershy went out to the main room and took a blanket off one of the couches to cover her mother with. With Night Gale snugly tucked in, Fluttershy made her way to the kitchen for a glass of water. As much as she loved the taste of her mother’s cum, it could quickly become unpleasant if she didn’t cleanse her palate. Knowing that it would be some time before Gale woke up, Fluttershy set about tidying up the apartment while she waited, ignoring her arousal as best she could. > Three Little Pones, And The Big Cat-Owl (Sweetie Belle In The Straw Fort) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Aha! There you are.“ the huntress said to herself, excitedly. She’d just caught the scent of her prey among the trees. Keeping her beak low to the ground, she moved forward steadily and stealthily. The trees she slunk amongst weren’t close enough to really hide her, since she was in an orchard, not a forest. And since it was early afternoon, there weren’t many shadows for her all-grey body to blend into. But orchards tended to be well cared for, and this one especially so, which meant she didn’t need to worry too much about tree debris that might give her position away, if she stepped on it. She still kept half an eye out for such things, of course, because all griffons knew that a complacent huntress never caught anything. But she only gave the ground cursory attention. Most of her focus was on following the scent trail. Her three targets made it easy for her. They’d stuck together, like the herd animals that they were. Of course, while that made them easier to find, the strength of numbers was not to be underestimated. Especially since her prey were nearly her size. She wasn’t a fully grown griffon, after all. She was barely mature enough to not be considered a chick, anymore. The huntress didn’t run too fast or fly at all, because she didn’t want to risk losing the trail just because she missed them making a turn. That would be so embarrassing! Even if there were no other hunters around to witness such an amateur mistake. She also didn’t want to miss one or more of them splitting up. She fully intended on catching all of them. Even as big as they were, her appetite was bigger. She felt more voracious then she ever remembered feeling before. There was one other reason the huntress was moving at a steady prowl instead of a quicker pace. And that was the purse between her hind legs. She’d been bespelled to have the genitals of a tom. It made moving awkward, having them hanging back there, bouncing with every movement she made. She could only imagine what it would be like when her new cock came out of its sheath. New anatomy notwithstanding, it was only a couple minutes before the huntress had tracked her prey down. She followed the trail up to a big barn, with a door cracked open just enough to fit her claws in. She winced at the creak it made as she pulled it open far enough for her to slip in. “So much for the element of surprise.“ she thought. Ponies were known to have better hearing than griffons. Especially at a distance. “Then again,“ she thought, as she looked around but saw neither hide nor hair of her quarry, “since they aren’t in sight, maybe they’ll pass it off as just the wind?“ Another look around the ground floor of the barn, and that part of the hayloft she could see from the door, still revealed no sign of the three little ponies she was hunting. She did spy a pitchfork, which she leaned across the gap between the open doors. It wouldn’t be enough to stop her prey escaping, of course, but it would slow them down briefly. Maybe even long enough for her to catch one of them. After making sure her prey couldn’t slip past her without her knowing, the huntress started searching the barn. Even though they probably knew she was there, she stalked around the room quietly, just in case they didn’t. She looked everywhere. Over, under and around all the farm equipment. She looked high and low, her owl-like wings flapping silently. She was just inspecting the back wall for any nooks or crannies they might have hidden themselves in, when she suddenly froze. She’d just looked up—as all griffin huntresses were trained to do periodically, to protect themselves and their prey—when she spotted a purple eye looking down from a crack in the hayloft’s floor. Now that she’d spotted her prey, the huntress rushed up to the hayloft, where she found the ponies she’d been tracking had hidden themselves inside a fort of hay bales. She could easily have torn it down, but she wasn’t in that much of a hurry to catch them. And besides, that would make way too much of a mess. Fortunately, there was a broad piece of wood inside the fort, serving as a door, which would take no effort at all to get through. Since her prey knew she was there, there was no point in sneaking anymore, so the huntress swaggered up to the fort’s door, like the apex predator she was. She put one of her clawed forelimbs against the wooden portal and casually pushed at it. It took her a second to realize it hadn’t opened, so she shoved it harder. But the plywood sheet still didn’t move. Puzzled, the huntress resorted to her default; she knocked politely. “Who’s there?“ three giggling voices answered. “CMC? CMCee~, let me ii-inn⁓!“ she sing-songed. There was another second or two of giggling, before an answer came. “Not by the fur of our chinny-chin-chins!“ her prey said in three-part unison. “Hmph.“ the huntress huffed. Then she puffed up her chest proudly, as she thought of another way to get in. She’d spent enough time on this property to know there was a window on the other side of the hay bales. A foolish mistake, considering her wings were perfectly functional. The huntress spread her wings and flapped them a few times, to warm up for the sprint she was about to undertake. Her wings were built more for stealth than sudden bursts of speed, but she could be pretty fast when she needed to be. So a second or two later, she passed through the barely-wide enough gap in the barn door, by squeezing her wings tight against her side at exactly the right time. Then she snapped them open immediately afterwards, and swooped up to roof level. It was a complicated bit of trick-flying almost worthy of the Wonderbolts, and a small part of the griffon wished there’d been somecreature around to witness it. Once the huntress had the height to do so, she looked around quickly, then glided over to a tree and settled on top of it. Using her keen, avian vision, the huntress looked through the distant window, observing her prey. The first thing she noticed was the three hay bales leaning against the sheet of wood. That explained why it hadn’t opened like she’d expected. Especially when she saw the fourth bale that the ponies were moving away from the makeshift door. “Silly ponies. Locks work both ways.“ she thought. She allowed herself a quick giggle, before considering the most important question. Which of her prey would she catch first? Of course, any good huntress went after the slow or the weak. And while none of the three foals in her sights really qualified as either of those, the white unicorn was the least athletic of them. Plus, she still struggled with her magic sometimes, so she was the obvious choice. Having made her choice, the huntress found a suitable branch, spread her wings, and tensed her hind legs, getting ready to strike. Now it was time to wait. She watched the three foals move the bales holding the plywood in place, and when the panel lit up in the unicorn’s green magic, her hind legs snapped out, pushing her forward fast. Within a second, she blew through the open window and flared her wings wide, stopping her forward movement. This had the added benefit of startling her prey, causing the unicorn to drop the door. By chance, it was open just wide enough to let one foal through at a time. The huntress’s paws touched down right behind her chosen target, and her claws grabbed the foal tight, startling her and making her squeak. The noise drew the attention of the other two, who looked back at her. “Sorry, Sweetie.“ the pegasus said, the grin on her face and her tone at odds with her words, before slipping through the gap, and escaping the fort. “Yeah, sorry ya got caught.“ the earth pony added. Like her friend, her words were entirely unsupported by her face and voice. Also like the pegasus, the earth pony shot out of the fort without a second backwards glance. “Aw, come o—Oof!″ Sweetie’s protest was interrupted when she was pushed to the floor. She looked up at the predator looming over her, her eyes wide. Her pupils narrowed to pinpricks as the huntress opened her sharp beak wide and lowered it towards the pristine, white throat. Slowly, she closed her beak until she could feel the racing pulse against it. Now that she had her prey right where she wanted her, the huntress moved her eyes upwards, meeting the green eyes of her prey, and then… Gabby nibbled playfully on Sweetie’s throat, in a way that could’ve been called gumming, if she actually had gums. “Oh no, I’ve been caught by a vicious, pony-eating griffon. Whatever can I do?“ Sweetie lamented melodramatically, which made Gabby break out in a huge giggle-fit. Sweetie soon joined in, and the pair spent a couple minutes trying to get back into the mood of the roleplay. It was no use, though, because every time their eyes met, the giggling started anew. Eventually, Gabby gave up and just pulled Sweetie Belle into a kiss. She was still inexperienced enough that kissing was awkward, especially when her beak was trying to mesh with soft, pony lips. And even though Sweetie’s muzzle was as small as Sweetie herself, it was still a lot wider than Gabby’s beak. And her tongue! Gabby’s tongue was as owl-like as her wings, with a small notch in the tip and a shallow scoop shape. Whereas Sweetie’s was flat. And rounded in front. And broader than Gabby’s beak. But those differences made kissing her so exotic, so enticing. Almost as enticing as the scent wafting up from Sweetie’s hind end. While Gabby was the wrong species to have an instinctual reaction to a mare’s pheromones, she’d been with all three of the Cutie Mark Crusaders enough times to have a learned one. But the feeling of her cock dropping and swelling was weird enough to distract her from Sweetie’s lips. “Oh, wow. That’s…that’s new.“ Gabby mused, considering the feeling. “But…I think I like it.“ she decided. “I don’t know. You might need to experiment a little more, before you can be sure.“ Sweetie Belle said suggestively. “You’re right.“ Gabby agreed, leaning down for another slow kiss. Then she started working her way down Sweetie’s neck, giving little nips and licks. As she went lower, Gabby rolled Sweetie onto her back, before making her way down the fluffy chest and soft belly. She spent a little extra time on the filly’s developing teats. One more difference between her tongue and a pony’s was that hers had little barbs, like a cat’s—just smaller. And while they were good for grooming and preening, the roughness could become uncomfortable before too long. So after a dozen or so swipes of her tongue and a few nibbles with the tip of her beak, to each nipple, Gabby moved on to the aroused lips. “Be careful down there.“ Sweetie said, as Gabby’s mouth reached her marehood. “Aren’t I always?″ Gabby asked, as she started rubbing her beak into the wet slit. Nuzzling the curve of the slightly rough keratin against the pony’s winking clit, which was the best she could do, since her mouth was just all wrong to provide oral for a mare. (Not that they were much better with stallions. Or even their own kind, for that matter. Oral sex wasn’t very common amongst griffons in general.) Her claws, however? So long as she kept the sharp edges filed down, they more than made up for other shortcomings. And Gabby had visited the spa just this morning, so her claws were freshly blunted. Which meant she wasn’t worried about slipping two of them into her friend’s hot, wet pussy. “Yeeaah, you arrrrrre.“ the filly moaned, as Gabby’s claws started moving in and out. “Haaah. Sorry…ah…Gabby. It’s just habit. Oooh.“ Gabby didn’t say anything; she just sped up the thrusting of her claws, wiggling and spreading them as she did. She also brought her thumb-claw to the filly’s clit and started rubbing it. Altogether, it took a little less than a minute for Sweetie Belle to squeal in orgasm. Gabby just kept pumping her fingers, wanting to make sure Sweetie was as wet as she could be. Once Sweetie Belle’s orgasm finally wound down, Gabby pulled her claws out and licked them clean. "It’s okay, Sweetie. I get it." Then she stepped forward and nuzzled up Sweetie’s neck, until her beak was right next to the white ear. "And now, so will you." the griffon added, just before thrusting her hips forward. ″OH MY GOSH!″ Sweetie yelped at the sudden fullness, even as Gabby squawked with pleasure above her. The cock was about as thick as the average colt their age at the base, but the tapered shape allowed the griffoness to hilt in her with one thrust. They both took a moment to get used to the new sensations. For Gabby, the wet heat had rendered her speechless. It was like nothing she’d ever felt. She’d been expecting it to be like when she stuck her claw in a her lover, but it was magnitudes more sensitive and pleasurable. A few seconds later, Sweetie felt her inner walls clenching around the exotic cock. The very un-pony-like shape felt pretty strange on its own, but even stranger were the little, backwards pointing spines that she could feel moving slightly when she squeezed. Thin, fleshy protrusions, with blunted tips that dug into her walls and stimulated her in ways that were as strange as they were pleasant. Eventually, the two of them adjusted to the sensations. So, with the utmost care, Gabby twitched her hips, pulling back only an inch or two. Sweetie squeaked, but didn’t show any signs of real discomfort. Not even when Gabby pulled the rest of the way back. Or when she thrust in and out again. Now that she felt more confident that she wouldn’t hurt her friend, Gabby stopped pausing after every thrust, and started moving her hips steadily. She did keep her pace slow at first though, still erring on the side of caution. But the barbs on her taper were so stimulating that Sweetie came within a dozen strokes. Gabby gave two or three more painfully slow strokes, to maximize the filly’s pleasure, before stopping to let her catch her breath. And to let herself ease back from the edge the clenching walls had pushed her to. A moment or two later, Gabby was no longer on the brink of orgasm, so she started thrusting again. Faster than before, but still fairly sedate. Sweetie lasted a little longer than the first time, but it was still less than a minute before those wonderful barbs made her cum again. This time, the tight grip of Sweetie’s pussy was just too much to resist, and Gabby realized she wasn’t going to be able to hold back her own orgasm again. So she started pumping her hips as fast as she could. Four or five seconds later, her mind went blank as she was overwhelmed by an unfamiliar pleasure. Some part of her dimly noticed the screech she let out, but most of her attention was focused on her cock. On the pulsing around her taper, as it was milked. On the cum racing up her shaft and being fired into the wet heaven surrounding her. Eventually though, Gabby’s orgasm died down, and she became aware of other things. Like her legs, which felt ready to give out on her, for instance. Mustering her strength, Gabby carefully lowered herself so she was laying on top of Sweetie Belle, who didn’t seem to be much better. She then rolled onto her side, wrapping her forelegs around the filly and holding her close. They lay there recovering for several minutes. At some point, Gabby’s cock softened enough to come free of the channel which still clenched at it sporadically. As nice as it was, enjoying a post-coital rest with the little unicorn, Gabby got back to her paws eventually. The first thing she did after that was check Sweetie Belle’s nethers, to make sure there weren’t any obvious signs of anything wrong. She looked a little redder and more swollen than Gabby was used to seeing, but not enough to worry her. The trickle of cum leaking from the slit did make her curious, and she couldn’t resist tasting it. She didn’t know what to expect, exactly, but she wasn’t too surprised to find it tasted pretty much like the couple griffon toms she’d sampled. As Gabby considered how she felt about everything that had just happened, especially the cock Princess Twilight had given her, she made sure the still recovering Sweetie was comfortable. The spell had been a bit of a risk, according to the princess, since it was meant for ponies, and had needed some tweaking to work on a griffon. She decided it had definitely been worth it, though. That settled, the griffon exited the barn through the window and made her way to the roof to start looking for the two fillies who’d escaped her earlier. The hunt was back on. > A Relaxing Dinner Out (Or…Scene From A Fuck-araunt) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had been a long day—well, a long week, actually. Raven Inkwell, personal assistant to Princess Celestia, could barely believe just how little her workload had decreased, even after Princess Luna had taken her rightful role as a full-fledged ruler of the nation. She was, in fact, just barely back to the level she’d been at before the night princess’s return. Though she couldn’t help but be impressed that Princess Luna had managed to catch up on enough of what she’d missed to take the throne in a little over a year. “And just in time, too. At least if the palace rumors about Princess Cadance planning to propose to Captain Shining Armor are true.” Raven thought, stopping in the middle of the street to shudder at the thought of all the extra mountains of work that would come with a…a ROYAL WEDDING! “There is no precedent at all for something like that in Equestrian history. Literally! The last princess to get married was Platinum’s mother, for Celestia’s sake!” After a moment of silent dread, Raven finally realized she’d stopped in the middle of the street, and started walking again. Fortunately for her, the streets weren’t very busy at the moment, so she hadn’t caused any problems. Also fortunately, it wasn’t but a half-dozen blocks to her destination, and it was only a few minutes before she was reached the large, but nondescript building. Despite being well away from the castle, Raven thought it was well worth the walk. It was one of the unicorn’s overall favorite places in the city, and her favorite place to eat. And with good reason. Pushing open the door, Raven walked right through the waiting area, approaching the maître d’. Who was also one of the owners of the place. “Good evening, Miss Inkwell.” the well-groomed cow behind the podium greeted the friendly-if-maybe-not-quite-a-friend regular, warmly. “And a good evening to you too, Bless.” Raven replied, just as warmly. “The usual?” Bless asked. “All the way.” Raven confirmed. “Then follow me.” Bless said, with a smile and a nod. Then she turned around and started heading towards the back of the building, with Raven automatically falling in behind. As she followed the large, black form—which moved across the semi-crowded main dining room with almost as much casual grace as Celestia—Raven casually glanced around at the other patrons. The pony majority was no surprise, and neither was the cattle minority. The five zebras along the near wall were, though. As was the red-colored guernsey being milked by two of them. If only because they were doing it by hoof, when most of the cows preferred to be suckled. Which was exactly what was happening at another table, on the other side of the room. A small filly, a little too young for a cutie mark, had one pink teat in her mouth. The waitress had her head down, and appeared to be returning the filly’s favor to her father. And the young mare—who could’ve been the filly’s older sister or her mother—was casually fondling under the cow’s tail. Just as Raven looked away, the young mare brought her hoof to her mouth to taste the cow’s crème. And at another table, a stallion had his dick out. It was fully hard, and leaking pre-cum into a cup of something Raven couldn’t identify from where she was. In addition to the cup he was seasoning, the waiter was holding his cock in his magic, so he didn’t stain his uniform, as well as a second cup awaiting his attentions. Though considering there were three mares at the table, he’d probably already finished with one. A minute later, Bless was showing Raven into one of the many private rooms, which were what really set this restaurant apart from its many competitors. While the cow servicing the stallion might be skirting the line of what the restaurant allowed in the public areas, the private rooms—where Bless was leading Raven—were much more permissive. Just about anything went, so long as it was legal. (Being nowhere near Restaurant Row, the establishment had needed to develop a gimmick to ever be more than a small neighborhood eatery. And conversely, the gimmick they had come up with made sure they’d never be able to move or expand anywhere near the Row. After all, a restaurant was for eating, socializing, and being seen—or at least glimpsed, in the most exclusive establishments—not rutting.) “Is there anything I can get you while you wait?” Bless asked, as Raven approached the plush couch in front of the table—big enough for four cattle—and arranged the cushions. “No, I’m fine.” Raven told her, settling on her side and removing her collar. “Any preferences regarding your companions’ genders?” “One of each.” Raven told the maître d’. “And an extra fruit bowl for us to share, please.” “Of course, Miss Inkwell.” Bless said, smiling. “I’ll send them in with the fruit bowl right away, and someone else will bring your meal once it’s ready.” And with that, the cow closed the door, leaving the pony alone, though she knew it wouldn’t be for long. While she waited, she poured herself a small glass of ice water from the pitcher, which was the only thing on the table. She’d sipped most of it by the time the door opened again, letting in two young unicorns. One was a forest-green colt with light blue eyes, adorably messy mane—black, or a really dark brown—tail in a wrap the same color as his coat, and a leafy sprig of some kind for a cutie mark. He was well into his growth spurt, at the lanky, almost awkward stage. Her favorite. “Hello, Miss. My name’s Sage.” the colt introduced himself. His voice hadn’t dropped yet, but she could easily imagine it cracking, especially during the throes of passion. “And this is my sister, Aqua.” he added, leaning against the filly and nuzzling her neck, smiling naughtily Raven’s way. At least, it was supposed to be. It actually came across as slightly goofy, but that only made him more appealing to the older unicorn. “Hi there, Miss.” the filly said, in a voice aiming for breathy, but was a little too squeaky. Her bedroom eyes were dead on, though. She was a head shorter than the colt, and built the same way, though she was a touch more filled-out. So she was probably within a year or two of the colt. Strangely enough, she had a robin’s egg coat and dark green eyes, the exact opposite of the colt. Her mane was the same black-brown as Sage’s, and done up in braided pigtails. Her tail was wrapped, like Sage’s, though in a light blue cloth that matched her coat, instead of the colt’s green. Also like Sage’s, the wrap covered most of her tail, leaving just the tip free, like a cow’s. Raven couldn’t see her cutie mark, with the way Sage was leaning against her. Raven hadn’t seen the two of them before, so they probably hadn’t been working here long. And while Raven doubted they were really siblings, their colors at least made it seem possible. But she had no reason not to play along. So she beckoned the foals over with a lazy wiggle of her hoof. Sage’s horn—mostly hidden by his messy mane—started glowing, and the bowl of fruit the pair had brought was levitated by a reddish-brown field. “Is there anything we can do for you while we wait?” Aqua asked. “Well…” Raven started, before stretching, as slowly and sexily as she could, making sure the foals got a good look at her. Then she settled on her belly, legs spread loosely in front and behind her, before continuing, “It’s been a long week, and I could really use a massage.” Aqua quickly climbed on the couch with Raven and started pressing her hooves into the white flank. Sage quickly joined her after setting the bowl down, going to work on her shoulders. Everypony was quiet for a moment, before Raven spoke up. “So, you’re brother and sister, huh?” she asked lazily. “Which one of you is older?” ”I am.” ”We’re twins.” they answered together. “But I’m still older.” Sage added, with self-satisfaction. “Only seven minutes.” Aqua complained. “But I was born just before midnight, so technically, I’m a day older than you.” “No, you’re still only seven minutes older. Technically or otherwise.” the filly insisted. Raven was almost convinced they actually were siblings—they sure had the bickering down pat—but their story was just over the top. “Maybe enough to edge into ‘too ridiculous to be made up’ territory?” she briefly wondered. But then she internally shrugged it off as unimportant, and just enjoyed the massage, with all three of them taking the occasional bite of fruit. It wasn’t the best, of course, since the two were barely into their teens, if that, but just the thought of being pampered by a couple adoring foals was relaxing enough. Plus, the way Sage was standing, she could see his scrotum swinging as he worked his hooves. A minute or two of that view had her tail flagged as high as it would go and her scent filling the room. As he moved further down her body, she turned her head and slowly breathed out, wafting warm breath across his balls. When he moaned and shuddered, she smiled and did it again. Just then, the door opened, and in walked a greyish-blue unicorn, with a tray on his back. He approached the table and moved the tray off his back. “Fall blossom salad with the house vinaigrette dressing.” he announced, moving a bowl and a bottle off the tray. Then he set a large platter in front of her and lifted the cloche to reveal, “Butternut squash ravioli, in butter sauce.” After letting her see the food, he covered it back up to keep it warm. Next came, “A bowl of seasonal fruit, and a carafe of extra-fresh milk.” He finished the setup by placing three glasses beside the insulated container. “Can I get you anything else?” he asked, picking up the tray. “No thank you, Service. I’m good. Sage, Aqua? Do you two need anything?” “I’m good.” “Me, too.” “In that case, have a good evening.” Service said with a quick bow, before taking his leave. Once the stallion was gone, Raven picked up both foals in her magic, then moved the food to one side. Then she set them both on the table, Sage facing her, and Aqua facing away. “Can I get you something to drink, Miss?” Aqua asked, lighting her horn. “Or would you rather we put on a show before your meal?” “A little of both.” Raven said, lifting the filly’s tail. She also picked up her glass from earlier and drained the last o the water in it, before telling Aqua, “Get yourself off for me.” “Yes, Miss.” Aqua said happily, reaching back to rub her pussy with one pale blue hoof. She moaned softly as she moved her hoof up and down. After a few seconds, her pussy winked for the first time. Then a few seconds later, it happened again. And again. Raven couldn’t actually see the filly winking, because of the blue hoof, but she could hear the distinctive sound. She could also smell the waves of arousal coming off the filly with every flex of the dark lips. As the winking sped up, Raven reached out with her magic and gripped the tiny, undeveloped nipples in her magic, making Aqua gasp and work her hoof faster. “I’m getting close.” Aqua gasped, after several seconds of gentle tugging and tweaking. “That’s it. Keep going.” Raven said, in her sultriest voice. “Keep rubbing that pretty little pussy for me. Mm, it smells so good. I can’t wait to taste your cum.” “I’m almost there.” Aqua squeaked, her hoof moving even faster. “Move your hoof.” “What?” “Move your hoof so I can finish you off.” Raven told her. She did, and Raven’s magic wrapped around Aqua’s clit, during the next wink. She pinched it softly a couple times, pushing Aqua over the edge, and the filly came with a squeal, her whole body jerking. Raven held her glass up to Aqua’s squirting pussy, even as she kept working the filly’s clit and nipples, extending her orgasm. She managed to catch almost all of the filly’s ejaculate, filling the glass almost a third of the way by the time the filly calmed down. And when Aqua’s legs gave out, the older mare caught her in her magical grip. Then she rolled onto her side and tucked the filly between her forelegs. Once she had the filly settled, Raven took a sip from her glass. The taste was slightly bitter, with a metallic hint. Maybe not great in big gulps, but definitely good for sipping. “Now it’s your turn.” Raven said, turning to look at Sage. “But first, pour your sister something to drink.” “Alright. Hey, Aqua, you want milk or water?” he asked. “Water, please.” Aqua murmured tiredly, and Sage quickly poured a glass, before floating it over to her. She quickly gulped it down as Raven sipped from her glass again and Sage poured himself a glass of milk. After watching what happened with Aqua, his mouth and throat were pretty dry, so he also poured himself a glass of milk, chugging most of it in one go. Thanks to the insulated carafe, the milk is still just as warm as when it had come out of Maybelle. (Who also happened to be Bless’s wife.) “Ready now?” Raven asked, as Sage set the glass down. “Yeah. Where do you want me?” he answered. “Right here, in front of me.” she told him, and he stepped forward. Watching Aqua clop herself had also made his cock hard as a rock, and he felt it bouncing underneath him. “Now spread your legs. I want a clear view of that hard colt cock of yours.” was Raven’s next order. “Ooh, mottled. That’s rare.” she said, taking in the pink head with its almost-black splotches. “Yeah, everypony says that.” Sage admitted, a touch self-consciously. “Well, it’s not like it’s a bad thing. It’s just kind of neat to look at. But what I really want to see right now is you, slapping off.” “Really? Now that’s rare.” Sage said, before flexing his pelvic muscles. *WHAP!* His cock hit his barrel solidly, the head a bit behind his diaphragm, which was about average, especially for his age. Another flex… *WHAP!* …Another solid hit rang out. This time, Sage shivered as he really noticed the softness of his coat against the top of his heated shaft. *WHAP!* The third slap felt even better, and he started to pick up the pace. The hungry look in his customer’s eyes as she absent-mindedly stroked Aqua’s side and cutie mark only spurred him on. A couple dozen slaps later, Raven licked her lips and leaned in as close as she could, her nose brushing through his thin chest fluff and between his forelegs. Then she exhaled heavily, and the puff of warm air washed over the head of his cock, making him shiver again and lose his rhythm. The next breath followed the next slap, and made his tip flare and his hind hooves start stomping. The one after that made his flare reach its full size. Raven was so surprised by how huge Sage’s flare was, she almost stopped her teasing exhalations. And she almost missed the half-restrained whinny the fourth wave of warm breath drew out of the colt. That meant she barely moved her head back and levitated her salad bowl under the green barrel in time to catch the first blast of his cum. She recovered qui ckly, though, and oved her mouth to whisper in his ear. “That’s it, baby.” she growled huskily. “Dress my salad with your. Thick. Hot. Jizz. Get alllll that tasty foal-batter out of your little balls. Just keep slapping that speckled cock until the very last drop shoots out of your great big, huge flare.” Her voice in his ear made Sage shudder and gasp, his cock flexing one last time, releasing a surprise surge of cum. The colt’s quivering body let Raven know that he was finished, and she moved the bowl away, before easing him to the table’s surface, a little to one side. Then she set the bowl back in front of herself, finally ready to eat. The salad was a little over half kale, while various flower petals made up the rest. Not that Raven could see much of anything under all the cum. Sage had shot more than Raven had expected, but she wasn’t going to complain. Even if it was a little more dressing than she preferred on her salad. “Here. Let me toss that for you.” Aqua said, lighting her horn. She grabbed the utensils and spent several seconds mixing Sage’s cum into the salad, getting it on every leaf and petal. And while she was doing that, Sage poured himself another glass of milk. He sipped it slowly, recovering, as he watched Aqua feed their customer while nuzzling her. She rubbed her nose up and down the mare’s neck sensually, occasionally snuffling her mane or ear, or nipping her playfully. About halfway through the salad, Sage felt recovered enough to join in again. “Is there anything I can do for you, Miss?” he asked. And when Raven spread her hindlegs to reveal her teats, Sage took the hint and hopped off the table. He quickly moved around the couch until her small, grey breasts were in front of him. He took one nipple between his lips and started gently suckling, letting his eyes slip closed. For the next few minutes, Raven just enjoyed the tender ministrations of the foals, while slowly being fed the cum-covered salad. And while she wasn’t lactating, Raven found the faux-nursing relaxing, instead of arousing. Even more than the filly’s nuzzling and nipping. Eventually, the salad was all gone, and it was time for the main course. But first, it was time for a refill of her drink, which she’d been almost finished. So she moved Aqua around in front of her and kissed the filly, quickly working her tongue between the blue lips. And after a few moments of kissing, Raven worked her magic between the filly’s swollen pussy lips to grab her clit. A couple minutes of kissing, caressing, and magical teasing later, and Aqua was squirting again, refilling Raven’s glass. After taking a quick sip, Raven levitated Sage onto the table, so he could pour Aqua something to drink. And after she drank the still-cool water, Raven tucked her up against her belly, facing opposite the opposite direction as herself. That put the filly’s muzzle in easy reach of her teats, and Aqua obeyed the unspoken order, taking one between her lips. Seeing his proclaimed-sister occupied, Sage lifted the cloche from the ravioli, and started feeding it to Raven. Unlike the salad, where Sage’s semen had overwhelmed the delicate flavors of the flowers, Raven could fully enjoy all the seasonings in the thick sauce and in the filling. She even shared a few bites with both foals. Halfway through, Raven finished her second serving of filly-cum, but instead of having Aqua refill it again, she opted for milk—still warm, thanks to the carafe. When she was done eating, Raven was finally ready to deal with her arousal. And after Aqua had given her so much to drink this evening so far, it was only fair that she give the filly a little in return. “Aqua.” she said, getting the attention of the still suckling filly. “It’s time to put your mouth to another use.” As the filly got to her hooves and stretched, Raven rolled onto her belly, wincing slightly as her tender nipple rubbed on the cushion. She repositioned herself so she could watch the filly eat her out. Despite that, she couldn’t help gasping and jerking when she felt the small tongue touch her heated flesh. She didn’t even bother trying to hold in her moans as Aqua carefully ran her tongue over her pouty, swollen lips. But after almost an hour of arousal, no amount of caution would’ve kept Raven from cumming hard and fast. In fact, it was only a few seconds before the filly’s tongue brushed against the mare’s winking clit, and Raven screamed as she came. She also squirted all over Aqua’s face. To her credit, after the first shot, Aqua managed to catch most of Raven’s cum in her mouth and swallow it. After smelling her client’s arousal all through the meal, the taste was exactly what she expected. Mellow, with a hint of sweetness. Aqua worked her tongue carefully, easing Raven down from her orgasm, but not extending it by much. She didn’t let the older mare ease all the way down, though. As powerful as that orgasm had been, her job was to leave her dinner companion as relaxed as possible, and she knew the mare needed at least a couple more orgasms to reach that point. As Raven recovered from her stupor, her arousal climbing again as Aqua’s small tongue worked all over her pussy, she noticed Sage standing on the table, his cock fully extended. “Buck her.” she told him, nodding towards Aqua, and she saw his eyes light up. “Alright!” he said—all but shouted—eagerly, moving to the edge of the table and hopping down. The lanky colt scrambled up behind the blue filly, mounted her, and shoved his cock into her roughly, making her yelp. He barely gave her a second or two to adjust before starting to pump his hips, but knowing that Raven’s scent had been teasing him for the whole meal, neither of the others could blame the young teen for being overeager and graceless. Seeing the colt rutting the filly so frantically and feeling the filly’s tongue pushing deep into her had Raven racing towards orgasm almost as quickly as Sage. Or more quickly, as it turned out, since her throaty groan of release made his tip grow to its full, oversized flare. And feeling both of her partners cumming set off Aqua’s third orgasm of the evening. Though after the earlier two, she was able to keep her tongue working over the grey flesh in front of her. Some minutes later, as Sage pulled out of her, Aqua started working Raven up to another climax. Forty minutes later, the three ponies were cuddled together, sharing the last of the fruit. All three of them were completely relaxed. Even Sage, who had no real interest in doing anything with his half-hard cock. Three times in two hours was enough for him. (For now, at least.) “Thanks very much, you two.” Raven eventually said. “I really needed that.” Despite her words, she showed no sign of getting up anytime soon. While her legs were no longer weak from her five climaxes, she had nowhere to be, and all weekend to get there. And she always reserved the private room until closing. “We’re happy to be of service, Miss.” Aqua said, lazily nuzzling Sage. “Yeah, totally.” the green colt agreed. “You should ask for us the next time you’re here.” “I prefer variety, so probably not the next time.” Raven admitted. “But the time after that…maybe.” ”Probably not then, either, but there’s no point in being rude.” she thought, popping another orange wedge in her mouth.