Rainboom For Due

by NikaTheBrony

First published

Rainbow dash is going to perform her first sonic rainboom as a wonderbult, but suddenly gets injured and has a mental brake. Turns out the stallion who helps her get through it, is Soarin.

Rainbow dash is going to perform her first sonic rainboom as a Wonderbolt, but suddenly gets injured in the rehearsals. She also discovers she has a mental brake. Turns out the stallion who helps her get through it is Soarin. While the two get closer Rainbow starts to feel different, but wait, could the awesome Rainbow dash has a crush for somepony? And will the show have the famous sonic rainboom in it?

This is my first story here, and English isn't my first language, so any grammar corrections are accepted:)

The cover is my drawing:) you can see more in my Instagram: the_nk_arts

Chapter 1: A Rainbow Crash

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Rainbow dash woke up to another day in the Wonderbolts Academy. Luckily, today Spitfire wasn’t waking them up for an early practice, so the team could sleep well before a full-time rehearsal. At these days she used to awake everypony early, and by "awake" it means shouting at them at 05:00 AM. At least this is how the week went for Rainbow Dash, and she was very pleased about having more time to sleep. She really missed her naps.
Anyways, there was a performance ahead. A big and important performance! This show was very important, especially for Rainbow Dash. This time she is going to pull her first sonic rainboom as a Wonderbolt! This event will mean a lot to her and every time she imagined this day, she was filled with excitement.

This day will be the best DAY EVER!! She always thought to herself.

Rainbow Dash knew that Spitfire counted on her to perform her best at it, and she is not going to let her captain down! After all, to become a Wonderbolt was a dream come true to her. Flying and performing her best, feeling the breeze and the cold wind while soaring through the sky, brought her happiness. Rainbow was completely certain about one thing: she is not going to give up on this opportunity so soon.


At practice, everypony were standing in line listening to Spitfire, while the latter was talking about the daily schedule.

"Good morning everypony! Hope you slept well after yesterdays' training. I need you focused for todays' rehearsal. The big event is 2 weeks from here and I want to see academy records – I mean RESULTS! Results…today. Anyway, start your warm ups. Crash!" Spitfire turned to Rainbow Dash: "You come here!"

"Yes ma'am!" Rainbow obeyed and came closer to her captain.

"Listen here, I know they say that you need to save the best for the last, but I want you to do your sonic rainboom at today's rehearsal. Can you handle it?"

Rainbow Dash puffed her chest and exclaimed: "Yes ma'am! I can!" with all her confidence.

"Good, go and warm up. HEY!! LISTEN HERE YOU ALL! I WANT YOU READY FOR THE REHEARSAL HERE IN 30 MINUTES!! UNDERSTAND?!" Spitfire returned back to the rest of the team. Everypony nodded in respond to her and Rainbow got back to her warm up.

"I see Spitfire has high expectations from you Crash."

Rainbow turned and saw Soarin talking to her.

"Sure, she does! I'm awesome!" Rainbow responded with an answer she thought was obvious: "But she surely has high expectations from all of us, including herself." She added.

"Yeah…you're right." Soarin said with a small smile.

"She seems very stressed about this show, don't you think?" Rainbow asked him.

"Well she is not THAT stressed usually, but this is just because the big event. But between us, you HAD to see her face when she got the news about us performing in Princess Flurry Heart's first birthday. It was hilarious!" He chuckled when he remembered it.

"Haha! I hope to see it sometime." Rainbow said.

"Maybe after the show." He replied. Then his face got more serious: "Honestly this is the first time that she is so excited about performing. At our first performance she was excited as well, but less…demanding. Get it?"

"I guess…although she is always demanding before shows." Rainbow said.

"You're right, but it was the first time I saw her stressing about it, back in the office after ending the call." Soarin explained.

Rainbow smiled a bit and said: "I bet she can't freak out as twilight freaks out!" They both laughed at that, but were cut by Spitfire. She called all the 'bolts again, to remind some things before rehearsing.

"Surprise, you're a fast flyer, but here I want you to stay in group. Crash, after Misty Fly and High Winds, you fly straight to your position. Everypony ready?!" Spitfire called when everyone took their positions and nodded in respond.

When Spitfire called "Go!" everyone took off.
The rehearsal went well, and eventually, Rainbow's part came. Spitfire, Soarin and Fleetfoot soared high, and Rainbow after them. They flew down in front of the imaginary audience while Rainbow Dash continued to take height. When she reached enough height, she dived down in high speed to create the sonic rainboom, and the others looked at her performing the grand finale. Rainbow was so close to pass the speed of sound, when suddenly she heard a crack from her right wing. It was so unexpected that she almost forgot about the rainboom and about the amount of speed she took. It distracted her and caused her to stop her flying.

While looking at her, High Winds asked Spitfire: "Is she alright up there?"

Because of the instant stop, Rainbow Dash couldn't handle the amount of speed and couldn't control her wing – she screamed.

Spitfire responded to High Winds: "I don’t think so, let's go!" and they both took off to catch the falling Rainbow Dash. Before they got to her, she already crash-landed on a nearby tree. All the members of the team came to see what happened.

"Rainbow Dash! Are you OK?!" Spitfire asked in rush.

"Y... yeah...I guess!" Rainbow was about to get down from the tree but when she tried to move her wing, she hunched in pain.

"Do you need help?" Fleetfoot asked and Rainbow responded with: "No thanks! I am fin – UGHH!!" she screamed in pain.

"We're coming!" before Rainbow Dash refused again, Misty Fly and Fleetfoot took her hooves and helped her get down to the ground.

"Dash! What happened there??" Spitfire asked. Rainbow looked at her and said: "it's nothing really, just a small crack in my right wing that distracted me –" "Your wing CRACKED?!" Spitfire cut her.

"Yes, but everything is good now. See? I can move it like nothing hap – UGHHH!!" Rainbow hunched in pain again.

"It doesn't look good… you should go and check it now." Spitfire said.

"But ma'am – "

"No "buts"! If you are injured, I can't let you fly in the routine. You know we both can't risk it. Go and check yourself now." Spitfire ordered. Rainbow Dash sighed and took her way towards the clinic.

She is right… She thought to herself. I can't risk myself until I check it.

"8 minutes break guys!" Spitfire commanded.

Chapter 2: Of Course I'm Fine! Right...?

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Later that day, Rainbow got a visit in the clinic.

"hey Crash!" Soarin called to her when he opened the door. He saw her sitting in front of the doctor while the latter was checking her wing.

"hey Clipper, how did the routine go?" She asked him.

"Pretty good, although you were missing." He answered. "How is your wing?"

"Nothing bad, it feels better now." Rainbow said and faced the doctor. She was still focused on Rainbow's wing. After a moment of silence, she said: "Well…you are lucky Rainbow Dash. I can see that you just blenched it a little. Just saying that it happens sometimes darling. It's a serious twist but luckily you didn’t break your wing when you crash-landed. All you need now is to rest a couple of days and take exercises." The doctor said.

"So…can I perform in the upcoming show?" Rainbow asked with hope in her eyes.

"Oh no darling. You need to take care of this wing of yours."


Rainbow's jaw dropped and Soarin froze in his place. She was shocked after she heard those words. She couldn't believe it, her BEST DAY EVER just crushed in front of her eyes. When the doctor saw their face expressions, she thought about rephrasing what she has just said.

"Listen honey, honestly I believe you will, but give it as much time as needed to heal. I don’t want to see any injuries, and I think you will agree with me." She said gently and Rainbow's face lit up. Then the doctor added in excitement: "Again, give it time, and your wing will be even better than before!"

Somehow Rainbow heard a motivating tone in her voice. Like a couch.

Huh…no wonder she is an athlete's doctor… Rainbow thought to herself.

"Thanks doc'! I guess I'll go now and…rest" Rainbow said and smiled to the doctor.

"I'll report to Spitfire." Soarin added.
Before the two exited the clinic, the doctor told them: "And guys please take care of yourself! Especially YOU, Soarin." She glared at him with a lifted eyebrow. He slightly blushed and said: "Yeah I know…don’t worry ma'am! I'll be alright! As always!! let's go Rainbow…" he mumbled to her.

The doctor sighed and responded with: "that's exactly why I'm worried."

Soarin chuckled and they both left the clinic: "Bye ma'am!"


When they walked away from the clinic, they had a small conversation between them. Rainbow looked at Soarin with a smirk and lifted her eyebrow:

"So…seems it's not the first time you visit the clinic huh? I should have realized it earlier."

Soarin blushed in embarrassment. He put his hoof behind his neck and chuckled nervously: "I guess doctor Featherheart will kill me if I'll appear again in the clinic huh…by the way, thanks for saving my flank. Twice actually."

"No problem!" she responded, but then she fell deep in thought and Soarin noticed that.

"Hey, are you OK?" he asked her. It took some time for her to answer him.

Of course, I'm OK! Why shouldn't I be?! It's not like I won't perform my sonic rainboom at the upcoming show IN WHICH CASE is my first show ever IN WHICH CASE is also my friend's niece first birthday IN WHICH CASE is also a baby alicorn princess!! What a coincidence!! NOPE! I'M NOT UPSET AT ALL!! I'M COMPLETELY FINE!!
Wait…I am not THAT upset…right?

Rainbow remembered what doctor Featherheart said, it is still just a twist and should recover soon, but she couldn't think about what if her wing won't recover until the day of the performance? OR WORSE! What if it won't recover AT ALL?! What if she won't be able to do the sonic rainboom again?!?! Those thoughts ate her from the inside and she couldn’t get rid of them.

HA! C'mon Rainbow! You sound like Twilight when she worries to much!! You'll be OK!...


"PFF! Yeah, I'm totally fine! Why shouldn't I be?" she tried to put a smile on her face and show confidence, but still she was easy to read. Soarin thought for a second about how to respond to her and then said: "Listen, Rainbow, I am sure you will perform, and you will do your best! But now, if you feel down or even upset…and you need someone to talk to, come over." He gently smiled at her but was freaking out inside of his head:

Eeyup bud…she will probably kill you now after you CLEARLY said that she seems to feel down.

Rainbow sighed and said: "Thanks Clipper but, I'll be fine."

Phew Soarin thought to himself.

"Well, you know, just saying." He replied.

Eventually they came back to the Wonderbolt's headquarters and before Rainbow took off to fly home, she asked him: "Spitfire will be mad…right?"

Soarin looked at her and answered: "Relax, I know how to talk to her." Then he added: "Will you…be able to fly back home?"

"Duh! Remember? 'Just a small twist' nothing more." She said and smiled at him. Now, with a real confidence.

"Alright. Just be careful. It's better not to disobey doctor Featherheart. From personal experience."

"Sure do! Bye Clipper!" She responded and took off, flying back home.


Soarin approached to Spitfire's office. He knocked on the door and when he heard "Come in!" he entered the office.

"Oh, Soarin It's you. Did you check on Rainbow Dash?" she asked him.

"Yes, doctor Featherheart let her go home and rest for a few days. Turned out she blenched her wing." He reported.

"Hmm…I see." Spitfire put her hoof under her chin in thought, and then said: "Did the doctor said if she will be able to perform in two weeks?"

Soarin thought for a moment. Technically, she said no, but according to her visions and depending on Rainbow, she will perform. After all, Featherheart is always right. On one hoof, of course he didn't want to risk Rainbow's safety, but he didn't want to let Spitfire down either. On the other hoof, it doesn't really matter what he will say because Spitfire supposed to get a paper from doctor Featherheart about rainbow's health and her recommendations.

"Soarin?" Spitfire asked him "Are you still here?"

Soarin shook his head from his thoughts and said: "Yes yes! Don't worry! She…she will be fine."


"Yeah! Fine…"

"Are you sure?"

"I am…well…*sigh*…listen Spitfire…"

Spitfire stood up from her chair and approached to Soarin.

"As I know Featherheart, and so do you, she is right about everything she says. The thing is that it depends on Rainbow's recovery. Just in case the doctor didn't recommended her to perform, but she believes that if Rainbow will give it time she will recover and be ready." Said Soarin.
Spitfire thought about what Soarin has just said and then replied.

"I think I know what we will do."

Chapter 3: Pinkie and The Forth Wall

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In the next morning, Rainbow Dash felt relaxed. "I love you comfy bed…" she mumbled.

"I know right? It's just like it is made of a cloud! Wait a second…it IS actually a part cloud! Your house is literally a cloud!! No wonder you love napping on clouds!! Although a real cloud is much softer than a building made of clouds!" a high pitch voice said.

"Yeah, napping on clouds is amazing…" Rainbow mumbled again.

Wait a second…

She heard a girly chuckle and woke up in front of a pink blurry circle. Then she realized it is a pink face with great – and creepy at the moment – smile.

"Hi Dashie!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

"GGAhhh!!!! Pinkie! Get out of my FACE!!" Rainbow Dash screamed. She wasn’t expecting visitors. The mare looked around her room and noticed that all of her five friends were there.

"Guys?! What are you doing here?" she asked them with confusion.

"We came to surprise you! Aaaaand obviously to congratulate you, silly!" Pinkie hopped from rainbow's bed and stood with the other girls.

"Uh…congratulate me? For what?" Rainbow was VERY confused now.
They certainly won't congratulate her for blenching her wing, because they obviously still didn’t know about it. So why are they here? Isn’t Twilight supposed to help with the preparations for her niece's birthday? And what about the others? Well, Rarity was surely going to design dresses for them for the upcoming big event. If something made her stop her "creativity process" it is definitely important.

"Darling you're so funny! It's okay, we won't tell anybody." Rarity said and winked at her.

"Rainbow you have no idea how excited I am!! It's going to be the best birthday ever!" Twilight said in excitement.

"Hey! That's my line!" Pinkie turned to Twilight.

"Sorry Pinkie, but I am just SOOOO EXCITED!!!" Twilight said while jumping in her place.

"Anyway, we are very proud of ya', sugarcube." Applejack said.

"WAIT GUYS!! I seriously have no idea what are you talking about!" Rainbow said and waved her hooves in the air above her head.
The girls looked at each other, looked back at Rainbow, then looked at each other again, and started laughing.

"What are you laughing at?!" She said in frustration and glared at them. Finally, after some minutes of laughing, Twilight spoke up.

"Sorry Dash, after Shining Armor told me about it, I just had to tell the girls. You…you are not mad right?" she asked Rainbow.

Rainbow still felt like she is missing something.

"No…I just have no idea what you girls ARE TALKING ABOUT!!" she said.

Their looks turned more serious and Fluttershy said: "Doesn’t she know?" and the others shrugged.

"What don’t I know?!" Rainbow asked in frustration.

"That you are going to perform your sonic rainboom at Flurry's birthday of course." Twilight answered.

"OH!! That! Su...re…" Rainbow started with confidence and pride but then she realized something and with that, her voice went down. She suddenly remembered what happened yesterday. The girls looked at each other again and Fluttershy asked her pegasus friend: "Are you…Are you alright?" Rainbow didn’t want to disappoint her best friends and especially Twilight, since it was her niece's first birthday, but she also didn’t want to lie.

It's not lying Dash… she thought to herself. You just don’t tell everything…It's not lying… then she felt Applejack's honesty in her. Fine…I'll tell them later.

At that moment Rainbow jumped off her bed and exclaimed: "Yeah! Totally alright! I am excited as well."

Somehow the girls didn’t suspect anything. Or they just decided to not ask to much questions. They just shrugged again and smiled to their loyal friend.

"So, tell me darling, how do your practices go?" Rarity asked.

"Oh, they go great! I won't tell you a lot though. You know, not to ruin the surprise!" Rainbow dash answered and this time she tried to smile more naturally, so her friends won't suspect anything at all. At least so they won't read her that easily as Soarin did last time.

"Sure, but anyways we thought together that we could meet up and maybe talk about it in a picnic or something." Fluttershy said.

"Maybe tomorrow is a good choice?" Twilight suggested.

"Sure guys! Then…I'll see you tomorrow!" Rainbow replied and started to move towards the door to give a hint for the girls that they will better go by now.

Less questions, less suspicion. She thought

As Rainbow was walking to the front door, the girls seemed like they got the hint and approached to her as well. All four except Twilight who was a bit confused.

"So…I guess it's a goodbye for now?" she asked to be sure.

"Exactly! AHH I MEAN, see you later? Tomorrow?" Rainbow said and gestured to the open door.

"Bye…?" Fluttershy said quietly with a questionable tone.

"Bye guys!" Rainbow smiled and waved with her hoof as her friends were exiting her house. Suddenly Applejack stopped in front of her and asked: "Dash…"

"Yeah…?" Rainbow felt nervous.

"Did somethin' happened?"

Rainbow could feel a drop of sweat falling from her forehead.

"Eeyup! Tomorrow we are having a picnic or something right? Don’t you tell me that you have already forgot AJ!" Rainbow responded jokily and gave a light punch to her friend on her shoulder.

"Yeah…see ya' then." Applejack left the house and followed the others. Rainbow Dash exhaled with relief when then, out of the blue, pinkie looked at her in the eyes. She was so closed to her friend's muzzle that they barely touched. Rainbow gulped and she could swear that Pinkie was looking through her soul.

"What are you hiding?!?!" she asked with suspicion.

"Ehh…n…noth…nothing…?" Rainbow hesitated.

"Reallyyyy???" Pinkie asked again and glared at Rainbow's right eye.

Oh my gosh I swear one day she will kill me.

"Pinkie! Stop it! I'm not hiding anything!" Rainbow exclaimed.

Pinkie lifted her eyebrow and stretched her neck back so far, as only Pinkie knows how to. Then, her face suddenly grinned with a smile.

"Alright then!" she said while approaching to the door, and then all of a sudden again, she turned around and basically faced…nothing.

"We will see then!" she said and winked to the reader. Rainbow face hoofed at that, and Pinkie Pie finally hopped outside to join the girls.

Sometimes I really can't understand this mare…

"You don’t even have to try! Bye Dashie!!" Rainbow heard Pinkie screaming to her. She cringed at that comment, wondering how Pinkie does these things, but then she realized that, come on, it's Pinkie.

When everypony left and were out of rainbow's vision she slowly closed the door and exhaled in relief. Again.


Chapter 4: Fleetfoot Investigates

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In the Wonderbolts Academy, everypony was busy in their work. The bolts have just finished their practice and went to their lunch break. Soarin walked to the locker room after taking a quick shower. He opened his locker and grabbed the water bottle to drink some water. His Wonderbolt jacket hung on the wall inside the locker. Next to it, laid a bunch of extra towels and his water bottle. On the locker door hung few pictures: one picture of his parents and him, a day before he joined the team. Another one of him, Spitfire and Fleetfoot flying in one of the shows, and right next to it, hung another one which showed him at the day he was nominated as the second-in-command of the team. Under all these pictures, hung the last one that showed Rainbow Dash and him dancing at the royal wedding. When he looked at the last picture, he thought about Rainbow Dash.

I hope she is alright…

"Hey Soar'! Are you coming for lunch?" Soarin turned around and saw Fleetfoot.

"Hey Fleet! Yeah I'm coming." He closed his locker and joined her.

"I'm starving! All those routines make me so hungry!" she said as they were walking towards the dining room. Soarin nodded in agreement and responded: "I hope they have apple pies today."

"You always hope that." Fleetfoot rolled her eyes and smiled at him. "And besides, yours hopes are always right about pies."

"Of course they are! I'm an expert in pies!" he said proudly.

"No doubt you are" she replied, and after a couple of seconds she said: "OK, now I want a pie too.", and they laughed about it.

Eventually, they came to the dining room and it turned out that they actually DO have pies today. Soarin took an apple pie and Fleetfoot took a cherry pie. They sat down with the others and ate their lunch. As they talked, Soarin was thinking about Rainbow Dash.

Maybe I'll go visit her later, just in case…

"Soar', what's the matter?" Fleetfoot asked him. He snapped from his thoughts and responded to her as if he was surprised by her question: "Everything is fine, why do you ask?"

Fleetfoot pointed at his pie and said: " well…there is literally an apple pie in front of you and you haven't even touched it yet. Something's wrong?" she asked him again, more concerned. Soarin looked at his pie and thought to himself.

Dude, what's is wrong with you? Just eat it!

"Equestria to Soarin! Equestria to Soarin!" Fleetfoot called him and tried to have his attention. Suddenly Soarin stood up and exclaimed:

"I'M FINE!!"

After a couple of seconds, he realized that he is standing on his back hooves and everypony stopped their chats and looked at him with confusion. Another second passed…and another one…and another one…

Soarin sat down at in his place and started to eat his apple pie. Everypony, that assumed that since Soarin is eating his apple pie everything is OK, turned back to their lunch and conversations, and the room was filled with a lot of talking voices again. Fleetfoot looked at her friend and put her hoof on her mouth to hide her chuckling. Once she couldn't wait anymore, she burst into laughing.

"Ha ha…so funny." He said sarcastically, and took a bite from his pie.

"BWAAAAHAHAHAHA!!! Sso…sorry! HAHA!! It was hilarious!" she continued laughing, but then relaxed and asked him again: "OK, at least you are eating your pie now, but I'm completely SURE that something is wrong with you right now! You should be glad that Rainbow Dash didn’t see it! She would have remembered it for like…forever!!" she said and then gave Soarin a light punch in the shoulder, which he responded to with a frown.

"So anyways, tell me. What is bothering you so much?" she asked him and took a bite from her cherry pie. Soarin was about to answer but stopped himself. Come on! He knows Fleetfoot at least as good as she knows him. If he will tell her what is bothering him, she won't stop talking about it, and will bring it up every time when they are alone. Or maybe he is just exaggerating this topic?

Wait, why would I be so stressed about. I'm just a little worried about Crash, and Fleetfoot would understand. But she already likes to call me softie! And I'm not a softie! In any case, I'm not going to fall to this trap AGAIN.

"No really, it's nothing…" he started, glanced at her and continued: "it's just…you know…a little worried about the show, that's all."

Well, technically yes…

"A little?" she asked him.

"Yeah…a little." He answered, a bit more nervous.

"Annnd…that's all?" she asked him again.

"Eeyup…that's all." He responded, and took another bite from his pie.

"Hmmm…alright then." She said and turned to her lunch. Soarin felt relieved. At least she didn't ask him too much questions.

Well, time for the pie!

After the lunch, the bolts continued their practice. While practicing, Soarin thought about visiting Rainbow Dash. But it means that he would need to leave the practice early. He considered it, and when they had a quick break he approached to Spitfire.


"Yes?" she turned to face him.

"Listen, remember what we have talked about Rainbow Dash? In your office?" he asked her. Spitfire nodded and responded: "Of course, why do you ask? Have you heard from her?"

"That's exactly what I wanted to talk to you about. I need to leave early today. I planned to visit her just in case, you know?" Soarin said. Spitfire thought for a second and then replied: "Hmm…that's not a bad idea and I know that I can count on you. I would like to know how she feels and when will she come back. You are allowed to go after this practice."

"Thanks ma'am." He responded.


"Yes ma'am!" everyone replied.

"Soarin wait!" Soarin was about to leave and go visit Rainbow Dash, when he heard Fleetfoot's voice.

"I just wanted to tell you that I totally understand you and I'm here for you. After all it doesn't happen every day, huh?" she said and gave him another light punch and winked.

"Wow…thanks Fleet but…what exactly are you talking about?" he asked and lifted his eyebrow.

"Come on Soar', I have already gotten your point, and as I said, I totally understand."

"You…you do?" Soarin was still confused.

Can't she just once say something clearly without me guessing? He thought to himself.

"I absolutely do!"







"Soarin? I MEAN…what?"

"You don't feel bad…don't ya'? Fleetfoot asked.

"Bad…?" he was still confused.

"Yes, bad about that I know you're stressed before the show, remember? We talked about it at lunch." she said.

"Bad…? Ohhh! Bad! Yes! I mean…no! I don't feel bad! That's OK! Yeah!" he answered and chuckled nervously.

"Exactly! You see, we both know that our captain is really stressed these days and acts weird, and the fact that YOU are the second-in-command! I mean, keeping her calm and maybe taking charge of the team is pretty stressful, you know? And the show is excited as well, and the fact that one of our team members is now injured, is also stressing, and you still have to keep calm. It's actually hard not to freak out…but I, as one of the teammates and your closest friends, totally understand! Besides, you are perfect for the job, but if you feel like you need to, it's OK to talk about your feelings. You don't need to be tough all the time. Come on! Who am I kidding? Outside your job we both know you are a softie!" she winked at him again.

Sometimes, her seriousness is really confusing…and I'm not a softie! That's ridiculous! I'm the second-in-command! he thought to himself.

"Wow Fleetfoot…I…I'm really out of words now. Thanks! But, wait. What have you said before about my umm…feelings…? He responded with hesitation. Fleetfoot smirked at him and said: "What? That you are a softie? No offence though, it doesn't hurt your role here in the team –" she was cut by him.

"What?! No no, before that." Fleetfoot put her hoof under her chin and thought.

"Hmmm…that…it is hard to not freak out?"

"No! Before!" Fleetfoot thought again and said: "Ohhh! That Crash – I mean Rainbow Dash – is injured and it gives more headache to Spitfire and –" Soarin interrupted her again: "Yes! Wait…NO! I mean…ugh…yes, it is stressing a bit but – listen Fleetfoot I have to go now, sorry." He said and flew outside.

"Oh sure! See ya' then!" she called when he went outside, and then walked back to her own matters.

Chapter 5: Unexpected arrival

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It was a quiet and nice morning in Ponyville. It was midday, and ponies were walking in the town's park. The sun was shining above their heads and the weather was great. A perfect day for a picnic. The girls gathered in Ponyville's park in their regular meeting place. They sat together and started discussing the upcoming event.

"And I have just finished my designs for all of us! Believe me they are fabulous!" Rarity exclaimed with excitement.

"That's wonderful Rarity!" Fluttershy said.

"Thank you darling." Rarity responded and turned to Twilight: "And Twilight, how are the preparations going?"

Twilight finished to chew her sandwich and answered: "Well, I guess it goes good. Yesterday we have got a letter from Sunburst, in which he explains everything they are preparing these days. He also asked Starlight to come and help, and now she is on her way to the Empire. He also wrote that Shining and Cadance are very busy and they can't get enough sleep. I hope that they are doing OK there though…I wish I could help them more, but they insist to keep things as a surprise from now. Shining barely writes to me as well. I'm sure that he is very stressed now, MAYBE EVEN MORE THAN I AM!!"

The girls looked at their friend who almost freaked out. Fluttershy approached her and tried to calm her down, by petting her hoof on Twilight's back.

"It's OK Twilight, I'm sure things will work out. Besides, you can always count on us." She smiled to her. Twilight did some deep breathing exercises that Cadence taught her, to help her calm down. After she relaxed, she turned to Fluttershy and returned her a smile.

"You're right Fluttershy. I have you! My best friends who I can always count on. Thank you all." She turned to the others with a big smile, and then they returned her smiles back.

"No problem, sugarcube." Applejack said.

"Anytime, dear." Rarity added.

"And I'm also very happy to hear that you all are doing great! By the way, Rainbow Dash?" Twilight faced her friend, while the latter was drinking some tea that Fluttershy brought.

"Yeah?" Rainbow asked in return.

"How about your practices with the Wonderbolts?" Twilight asked her.

Oh…this again…

"They are nice. Besides, I have already told you that it's a surprise so I can't reveal everything." She answered.

"When do you practice? Didn't you supposed to practice today?" Fluttershy asked her.


"Today we have a day off! Like…only today to…regain energy! You know, we still need to take a break from time to time!" Rainbow answered and chuckled nervously.

"I hope Spitfire isn't stressed…" Fluttershy said.

"No no! She is fine! We are all fine! Everything's great!" Rainbow replied and forced herself to smile. The others looked at her in confusion. Finally, Applejack spoke up.

"At least your wing doesn't hurt a lot by now, right?" She said and took a bite from an apple.

"Nah! It's a lot better – WAIT WHAT?!?! How did you…?" Rainbow haven't told her friends about the accident yet. So how could Applejack know about it?! Maybe Spitfire told Shining Armor, and the latter told his younger sister Twilight, and Twilight told everyone? No, Twilight wouldn't do that…and Shining wouldn't want to worry her, even though it's about Rainbow's health. But Spitfire couldn't tell Shining at all. Only 2 days have passed and besides, she wouldn't want to worry him either. So how could they possibly know? Maybe Soarin told them? But he is focused on the training, and why would he tell them? Rainbow Dash was really confused at the moment.

"Come on darling, when we came here, you were flying much slower than usual. Something surly happened." Rarity explained.

Dang it, I thought they won't notice…

"Also, you never skip training, and even if it's a day off, you would probably show us some tricks." Twilight continued.

Big deal! What if I was about to nap? You know I love napping…

"And ya' can't fool the element of honesty, who just happened to be me, ya' know? I could figure that out." Applejack added. Then, Rainbow remembered her small talk with Applejack yesterday.

OK…I can't argue with that…

"Fine! Alright! I'm injured and I'm not training for now." Rainbow Dash finally confessed. Now she felt even worse. She couldn't look at her friends. She lied to them and they caught her. Rainbow was sure that there was no doubt that they will be disappointed right now, and not only because she didn't tell them the truth, but also because she might not perform at the celebration at all.

After a long silence, Fluttershy was the first to speak up: "How did it happen?". Rainbow still felt pretty bad, and didn't respond. Pinkie Pie tried to encourage her: "Come on Dashie! You can tell us! We are your friends!".

Rainbow Dash took a deep breath and told them everything back from her practice with the Wonderbolts when the accident happened, to the meeting with doctor Featherheart, and finished with the talk she had with Soarin.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Fluttershy asked her friend.

"you know you can tell us everything!" Pinkie Pie added.

Rainbow finally raised her head and looked at her friends. They all looked concerned.

"I didn't want to worry you. Everything was great until I crashed and blenched my wing. Overall, it's not the first time I have got injured and I was hurt even worse before. I didn't think it will matter, but because of the event I didn't want to disappoint you guys. I know how important this event is for all of us, especially for you Twi. I'm sorry I haven't told you before." She faced the ground again with a sad expression.

"What are you talking about darling? We are not disappointed." Rarity said.

"You…you aren't?" Rainbow raised her head in surprise.

"Of course not! It was your decision to tell us or not, and we understand why you didn't tell us. It wasn't because you don't trust us, but because you cared about us and didn't want us to worry. But if something bothers you, you shouldn't keep it to yourself. Thank you for telling us." Twilight said with a smile, and put her hoof around Rainbow's neck.
"Also you should know that I could read you through. Let's just say you are not THAT good at lying." Applejack said and winked to her friend. Somehow, Rainbow Dash felt better and more relieved after opening this subject to her friends and talking about it with them. After all they ARE her friends. Her best friends. Then, they all approached her to a group hug.

"Thanks guys! I promise it won't happen again! – just be careful on the wing! –" she said and smiled to them, and they all laughed. After they ended the group hug, they came back to their "seats". Fluttershy was passing the tea while Pinkie was cutting the cake she brought. Half an hour later, after they discussed more subjects than Princess Flurry Heart's birthday, ate Pinkie's cake and laughed at her jokes, Rarity decided to do some "research".

"So, Rainbow, is your wing better now?" Rarity asked.

"Well actually yes! I hope I will come back to trainings as soon as possible!" Rainbow answered proudly. She surely felt A LOT better now.

"You surely have a great doctor there." Twilight added.

"Absolutely! Doctor Featherheart is one of the best." Rainbow replied.

"I'm sure you'll be amazing Dashie!! And I promise you won't forget this day!" Pinkie Pie said and turned around to wink at the reader. Everypony ignored that gesture because they know Pinkie's weirdness, but Dash was surprised by her comment.

"Thanks Pinkie Pie! No doubt it will be THE BEST DAY EVER! In any case it would be." Rainbow said.

"You're right, but let's not promise anything by now. Ya' know…just in case." Applejack added and the girls nodded in agreement. After that Rarity cleaned her throat to get her friends' attention and to turn back to the subject she wanted to discuss.

"Anyway dear, you have mentioned before that a certain Wonderbolt helped you. It's really nice from his side." She said and sipped some tea.

"You mean Soarin? Oh yeah he's awesome." Rainbow said and took a bite from her cake: "But not as awesome as me!" she added.

"Wait isn't he the one that you saved from crashing? When we had the Equestria Games tryouts?" Fluttershy asked.

"Eeyup! I saved him twice actually. The first time was in the Best Young Flyer competition. Rarity, you should remember." Rainbow said and chuckled a bit. Rarity got nervous for remembering it, and looked at her with an uncomfortable face expression. Then, she replied with a nervous chuckle: "Yes, I do remember. Thanks for saving me as well back then." and sipped more tea.

"That’s nothing!" Rainbow responded to her friend. Rarity cleaned her throat again and said: "besides him, I also remember your other teammates from this issue we had with this Wind Rider."

"Oh yeah, that was NOT a good situation. You were great for solving this kind of "mystery" by the way Rars'." Rainbow said, and the others, who heard about it from the two ponies, agreed.

"Thank you darling. In any case you have great teammates." Rarity replied.

"I know. I mean, COME ON! They are THE Wonderbolts!" Rainbow exclaimed.

"Ya' are still excited about it, huh?" Applejack asked.

"Hey! Even if I AM a Wonderbolt now, doesn't mean I can't get excited from time to time AJ! That's not bad." Rainbow responded to her friend.

"A' guess ya' are right." Applejack said with a shrug.

"Especially when you have great teammates who you can count on, right Dash?" Rarity added with a small smirk.

"Exactly!" Rainbow said with confidence.

"And also, are loyal and kind, and even…let's say…awesome?" Rarity smirked more.

"Absolutely!" Rainbow said with more confidence.

"And of course, help you when you are injured, after you have saved them couple of times." Rarity continued and sipped more tea.

"Yes! Wait, what?" Rainbow asked. What was she agreeing about, again?

"Rarity, what are ya' trying to say?" Applejack asked her, and lifted her eyebrow.

"Nothing darling. Everything is fine." Rarity replied and chuckled together with Pinkie, who probably got the hints. Rainbow Dash shrugged.

I would probably never understand them at situations like this… She thought to herself.

Soon, they finished to eat the food they brought, and continued to talk about Flurry's birthday. Suddenly, Rainbow heard that someone was calling her name.

"Hey, Rainbow Dash! Hey everyone!" Soarin called her and greeted her friends, who waved at him back. Rainbow Dash turned around and greeted her friend.

"Hi Soarin! What are you doing here?" she asked him. Soarin put his hoof behind his neck and answered: "Kind of was looking for you."

"Really? Did something happen?" she asked concerned.

"No no! Everything is fine, it's just that I wanted – I mean, SPITFIRE wanted to know how are you doing and how do you feel." Soarin answered.

"Really? Well… I thought that she expects me to get back when I'll feel better." Rainbow replied.

"Yeah but, you know her. She has a lot of things to take care of, and a lot of paperwork to get done, and the practices now…and she wanted to…make sure you're doing good." He told her.

Come on, if she would know that I came here by myself, she would probably think that I'm a "softie" or something like that. I already have Fleetfoot who teases me about it. He thought to himself.

Rainbow thought for a second and answered: "Hmm…and you came?"

"Disappointed?" he asked and lifted his eyebrow. Rainbow quickly refused.

"No! Not at all! It's actually nice…" she started to say but stopped for some reason. After some seconds of silence between her and Soarin (and the others, who fully listened to their conversation), she came back from her thoughts and continued: "I mean, it's actually really nice from her, and my wing feels a lot better. Although only 2 days have passed. Anyway, we both know that it's not the worst injury I have had."

"I understand, and I told you that Doctor Featherheart is always right." He said with a smile.

"I never doubted that, and thanks for visiting!" she responded with a smile as well.

"No problem. I have got to go now and get back to practice. Hope to see you soon." He said.

"I'm looking forward to return as soon as possible." She said with her usual "Rainbow Dash confidence".

"That's the spirit!" Soarin replied and took off, flying back to the Wonderbolts headquarters.

"See ya' Crash!" he called her from distance.

"Bye Clipper!" she called him back.

After couple of seconds of staring at the sky, Rainbow Dash realized that her friends were looking at her all that time, not saying a word. She turned back to them, noticing their smirks on their faces. Even Fluttershy tried to smirk, but still looked rather cute.

"What?" not understanding the meaning of this, Rainbow asked them with visible confusion. Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy chuckled.

"Handsome, huh?" Rarity said, still smirking at her.

"What?!" Rainbow was REALLY surprised by Rarity's comment, and even more confused at the same time.

Is she trying to say that she is interested in Soarin? Nah. Besides, she is literally interested in every second stallion! Wait…is she trying…no…no rarity you are NOT doing THIS! Rainbow Dash thought to herself.

"Don't you understand? He is into you, darling." Rarity continued.

"WHAT?!" Rainbow said with an angry tone in her voice.

Buck! I was right... she confirmed her own thoughts.

"She is right, sugarcube." Applejack added.

AJ?! Are you serious?! Rainbow thought.

"Guys that's ridiculous! We're friends!" she protested.

" 'Just friends'? " Rarity teased her.

"Do you hide something, Dashie?!" Pinkie teased her friend too.

"Pinkie! Stop it already!" Rainbow responded with a frown. Then Twilight spoke up.

"Girls stop, Rainbow would have told us by now if she was dating with Soarin, right Rainbow?" Twilight couldn't resist but also to tease her at least once.

"TWILIGHT!!!" Rainbow turned to her friend.

"What?" Twilight asked as if she was innocent and unknown to what she has just said. Everypony was chuckling except Rainbow Dash, while the latter crossed her hooves and was glaring at them.

"Sorry Dash, we will stop now. A' think so." Applejack said and let out a small chuckle under her breath.

"Thanks." Rainbow said and rolled her eyes.

Sometimes I wish that AJ wasn't THAT honest… she thought to herself and let out a sigh.