Kamen Rider Symbol Double

by Alphajeager1

First published

Sunset Shimmer has the power of a Kamen Rider and is hunted by Dopants.

Sunset Shimmer has no memory of her life except for the last two years, she is in her early twenties.

She has the abilities to transform into Kamen Rider Symbol with Giga Memories and has been hunted by creatures called Dopants for as long as she can remember.

One day, she is pulled into a pocket dimension by the Dopants and runs into a girl called Kotori.

What is Kotori's connection to Sunset's past?

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End Dream

A theme song played as a small apartment was shown. It wasn’t the cleanest apartment in the world, but it was not the dirtyest either. It was a single room with a door leading to a bathroom. There was a kitchen counter off to one side and a desk opposite it. At the front of the apartment was a door leading to the outside world and opposite it was a single bed with a dresser next to it. On the dresser was a laptop which the theme song was coming from.

Before the laptop could do anything else, a hand reached up and turned it off. “Why did I leave that on all night?” grunted the figure in the bed as she got up.

She was tall, around six feet and looked to be in her early twenties. She had pale skin and bright green eyes. Her hair was short and cut into a crop style, it reached the base of her neck. Her hair was blazing_red with the tips turning sunset-yellow. She had hundreds of tiny crisscrossing scars over her body.

Her name is Sunset, no surname.

“Well, here goes another day,” she got up and had a shower. Then she pulled on a black t-shirt, black jeans, a rose red coat that reached past her butt, black combat boots and rose red fingerless gloves. Around her neck was a black choker with a red amulet hanging from it.

She made herself a quick breakfast and went to her laptop.

*Knock! Knock!*

Then a knocking sound came from her door.

“I wonder who that is,” Sunset got up and started walking towards the door. “I’m coming!”


The knocking got louder.

“I said I’m coming! No need to break down my door!” shouted Sunset. She reached the door and flung it open. “WHAT?!”

Standing outside her door was a girl that looked to be a few years younger than Sunset. She had fair skin, bright blue eyes and bright orange air that was pulled up to the right in a short ponytail by a red ribbon.

She wore a white maid cap and two white puffy ball-shape earrings. Around her neck was a bright red ribbon tied into a bow at the front, it was wrapped around a white lace choker. She wore a black dress with a short black skirt that had white lace around it. The dress had short sleeves that were puffy and just covered her shoulders. Around each wrist was a white puffy bracelet. She wore a white apron that covered her front and had straps going over her shoulders that were tied into a bright red ribbon just above her butt. White stockings reached to just below the skirt, she wore black dress shoes and around each of her ankles was a bright red ribbon tied into a bow.

“What on earth are you wearing?” asked Sunset.

The question was ignored. “You were careless, you left a trail! Now she’s onto you.”

“What are you talking about? Who’s onto me?” asked Sunset.

The girl looked around. “The Wolf Dopant!”

Sunset’s eyes widened. “How do you?!-”


She was cut off by a loud roar.

The maid looked around. “She’s here!”

Standing down the street was a monster. She was humanoid and female based on her shape. Her skin was dark grey and she was covered in black fur. Her head was in the shape of a wolf's head and she held a bright silver hunting knife. Strapped to her right leg was a grapple gun. She wore thin leather armour on her right leg and thicker leather armour on her left leg. She had glowing yellow eyes.

She is the Wolf Dopant.

She gave out a loud howl and a pulse of red energy spread out from her body. The air turned red, giving everything a reddish coloured to it as blood red rock spikes burst out of the ground.

The people around Sunset turned into black silhouettes that could barely be seen.

“It’s too late,” spoke the maid.

Sunset looked at her and did a double take.

Ever since she could remember, Sunset had been hunted by these creatures called Dopants. They had the ability to create this pocket dimension that they could pull their victims into, well, the more powerful Dopants had this ability. Each Dopant was based on a word and had a variety of abilities based on that word.

While in this, Slip Dimension, Sunset could not interact with anything from the real world. She had found that the only way to get out was to kill the Dopant that had pulled her in.

Also, people from the real world saw things differently. When Sunset was really killing Dopants, they saw her killing people. It was how she had been labeled a terrorist.

As stated above, while Sunset was in the Slip Dimension, people looked like black silhouettes and she could not make out any details or interact with them. But this girl had turned a hazy white, Sunset could see her clearly and had just heard her speak!

“She’s dragged you into the Slip Dimension, you’re going to have to fight your way out,”reported the maid.

“Dopant scum,” muttered Sunset.

The Wolf Dopant leapt up to a building and jumped away.

Sunset turned around and saw another Dopant appeared.

She was humanoid and female. Her skin looked to be made of solid bright pink latex. She looked like a combination of a human female, an ant and a prey mantis. The top of her head, her breasts, her shoulders, her feet and her hands solidified into dark pink leather armour. Coming out of her back was a dark pink leather tail, her eyes were compound and coloured bright red. Coming from the top of her head was a pair of antennae and her right arm was a kevlar scythe from the elbow down.

This is Drone Dopant.

Sunset looked down as a bright red flash came from her waist. A belt appeared it was coloured pitch-black with a red S shaped buckle that had a slot in the centre of it. On her belt’s right hip was a black slot and on the left hip was a white slot.

This is the Symbol Drive.

Sunset held out her hand and there was another bright red flash. Now she was holding a USB memory stick in her hand. It was coloured bright red with a black square-shaped sticker in the centre of it. In the centre of the sticker was a capital A that was coloured bright red and stylized so it was made of lightning. At the bottom of the device was a small red circle-shaped button.

This is the Active Giga Memory.

Sunset pressed the button, turning it on. ACTIVE! “HENSHIN!” shouted Sunset as she slotted it into the Symbol Driver’s Memory Slot. ACTIVE! A field of energy surrounded her, bright red in colour.

Sunset’s clothes were dematerialized as her skin from the neck down turned into a pitch-black bodysuit. Her hands transformed into pitch-black leather gloves and her feet turned into pitch-black leather combat boots.

Sunset’s hair glowed and transformed into a bright red helmet with a red gem in the centre of her forehead, two pale red spikes came out of it, forming a V. Her eyes glowed and turned into two bright red circle-shaped compound visors. Then the rest of her face glowed and turned into a bright red faceplate.

Several more bolts of bright red energy struck Sunset. Her chest solidified into a chest plate made of two bright red kevlar circles. Her abs turned into four bright red kevlar ridges that were two columns of two. Her shoulders turned into bright red circle-shape shoulder guards. The outside and sides of her forearms turned into bright red kevlar bracers. Her wrists and ankles turned into pale red wristlets and anklets. The front of her knees turned into bright red circle-shaped knee guards. The front and outside of her lower legs transformed into bright red kevlar shin guards.

A weapon appeared on her back, it was a four-foot long sword. The blade was bright silver while the blade of it was pitch-black. It was completely straight, the handle was pitch-black with the grip being bright silver and it had a bright red trigger. The blade was connected to the handle by a guard that lacked a cross guard and doubled as a black Memory Slot.

The field collapsed, throwing the Dopant back.

She was now Kamen Rider Symbol and was armed with the Active Blade.

Let the battle begin!

The Drone Dopant gave out a loud scream and attacked with a downward slash from her scythe arm.

“Nice try!” Symbol dodged to the side and slammed her hand down on the Active Giga Memory once. ACTIVE FIRST DRIVE! Bright red lightning sparked around her fist as she brought it back and punched the Dopant in the face, sending him flying back through the air.

The Dopant screamed in pain as she flipped through the air and landed on the ground. She darted towards Symbol and brought her tail around for a tail smack.

“Not bad!” Symbol reached up and pressed down on the Active Giga Memory twice. ACTIVE SECOND DRIVE! Red lightning crackled around both of her fists as she held them up, forming a circle-shaped barrier of bright red lightning in front of her.

The Drone Dopant roared in pain as her tail hit the barrier and the lightning was conducted throughout her body.

“It’s time I ended this!” Symbol removed the Active Giga Memory from the Symbol Drive Memory Slot and loaded it into her belt’s Maximum Drive Port, the black slot on her right hip, before pressing down on it. ACTIVE! MAXIMUM DRIVE! Symbol crossed her arms and then threw them out to the sides. “Ha!” her body was covered in bright red lightning that was pulled into her right boot. “ACTIVE EXTREME!” she ran forwards and jumped into the air before coming down with a flying kick. Her boot slammed into the Drone Dopant’s chest. She went flying back through the air and then exploded.

Symbol landed on the ground and the rock barriers that had kept her trapped vanished.

“Sunset! This way!” shouted the Maid’s voice.

“Who said that?!” shouted Symbol as she ran down the hall and jumped off the balcony. She landed on the ground and ran forwards, dodging around a car and jumping over a bus.

She landed on the ground and darted across the road, then she noticed something.

Hanging from a lamppost was a bright red backpack. It had pitch black outlines and on the right strap was three buttons in a column. The top button was bright red, the middle button was white with black outlines and the bottom button was yellow.

This is Crescent Rose.

“How did my weapon get up there?!” shouted Symbol in shock.

She darted forwards and ran up a wall. Then she leapt off it and grabbed her backpack. Symbol flipped through the air and landed on the ground. “I missed you,” she hugged her backpack and then slung it across her back.

She ran forwards and jumped onto a box before flipping over a fence. She landed on the ground and combat rolled to absorb the fall.

Suddenly, part of the wall above her broke off and slammed into the ground in front of her, blocking her way out. Then the walls started to close in! The Slip Dimension was trying to crush her!

“Nice try!” Symbol ran up to the wall and ran along the side of it. She leapt over the rubble and then landed on the ground. She hit the ground in a roll and then slid under a bus.

Symbol saw another piece of road crack and hurl itself at her. “Nah!” she stomped on the ground and jumped over the piece of road. “Woah!” she had to twist in the air as another piece flung itself at her while she was still in the air.

Symbol landed on the ground and a new type of Dopant appeared. She looked like a Drone Dopant, only she had four insect wings coming out of her back, keeping her in the air. Instead of scythe, she had a cannon for a right arm and there was a glowing orb in the centre of her chest.

This is a flying Drone Dopant.

Let the battle begin!

The Flying Drone Dopant pointed her cannon at Symbol and fired a sphere that glowed bright orange at the Kamen Rider.

Symbol rolled to the side as the sphere hit the ground and exploded. “That was too close!” she pressed down on the Active Giga Memory four times as she drew the Active Blade. ACTIVE FOURTH DRIVE! The framework of the Active Blade opened and then changed shape. When the framework closed, the Active Blade had transformed into a crimson rifle with a silver barrel and a black handle.

This is the Active Rifle.

Symbol took aim and fired eight bullets of red lightning that shot through the air and slammed into the Dopant, they exploded violently, sending the Flying Drone Dopant crashing into the ground.

The Flying Drone Dopant got back up and fired a barrage of explosive orbs at Symbol.

Symbol reached up and pressed down on Crescent Rose’s red button. SWORD DRIVE! The framework broke into pieces and then Symbol held out her hand as she felt a handle appear. She closed her hand around it and the framework snapped back together, revealing Crescent Rose had transformed/ It was now a four and a half foot long sword. The handle was red with a black guard that doubled as a Maximum Drive Port. The blade was silver, while the back of it was black and the blade had a slight curve to it that narrowed into a point.

This is Crescent Rose, Sword Drive.

Symbol removed the Active Giga Memory from the Symbol Driver’s Memory Slot and loaded it into Crescent Rose’s Maximum Drive Port. ACTIVE! MAXIMUM SWORD DRIVE! “Time to end this!” Symbol darted forwards as her sword was covered in bright red lightning. She slashed down to the right, across to the left and up to the left, cutting the Dopant to pieces that turned to ash.

With the battle over, Symbol was about to continue her hunt for the Wolf Dopant.

The Maid ran up to her. “Sunset!” she called.

Sunset spun around and had the Active Rifle aimed at her in a second.

“Don’t shoot!” shouted the Maid as she skidded to a halt. “My name is Honoka. I’m not a Dopant! I’m still in the real world, you’re in the Slip Dimension.”

“How come I can see you clearly?” asked Symbol. She clearly did not believe this Maid.

“It’s an ability that I have. I can phase into the Slip Dimension while still being in the real world. I can see you, hear you and talk to you but I’m not really in the Slip Dimension with you,” explained Honoka.

“And if I pull the trigger?” asked Symbol.

“I’ll die,” whispered Honoka. “I’m risking my life for you, I want to help.”

Symbol would have scowled if she was in her human form. “I don’t need your help,” help always had a price in her experience. She turned around and started to walk away.

Honoka ran in front of the Kamen Rider. “The Wolf Dopant has dragged you into the Slip Dimension. I can get you out.”

“I’ve been in here before. I know how to get out. You kill the Dopant that dragged you in and then you’ll appear back in the real world!” snapped Symbol.

Honoka shook her head. “You don’t want to fight the Wolf Dopant. He’s not your normal Dopant,” she turned and ran off. “Follow me, now!”

Symbol was about to follow her, when barriers came up and she was trapped once more.

Let the battle begin!

A flying Drone Dopant appeared in the air and fired several balls that Symbol was too slow to dodge. They exploded and sent her flying back with sparks coming from her body.

Symbol grunted as she hit the ground hard. She drew the Active Rifle and pressed the Active Memory six times. ACTIVE SIXTH DRIVE! She took aim and fired ten bolts of bright red lightning that shot through the air and slammed into the Flying Drone Dopant.

The Dopant landed on the ground and roared in pain as the lightning crackled over her body.

“Time to end this!” Symbol removed the Active Giga Memory from her Driver and placed it into the Active Rifle’s Memory Slot. ACTIVE! MAXIMUM DRIVE! Red lightning built up around the barrel of the Active Rifle. “ACTIVE BOLT!” she fired a beam of red lightning that blasted a hole through the Fly Drone Dopant’s stomach and caused him to explode.

Suddenly, a Drone Dopant appeared from the ground and slashed Symbol across the back with his scythe arm.

“Argh!” Symbol hit the Active Giga Memory three times as she stumbled forwards. ACTIVE THIRD DRIVE! She jumped into the air and came down with a downwards slash that cut a glowing red line through the Dopant. Red lightning exploded out of the cut, stunning the Dopant.

“Time for me to end this!” Symbol removed the Active Giga Memory form the Double Driver and loaded it into the Active Blade’s Maximum Drive Port. Bright red lightning crackled around it before Symbol pressed the trigger. ACTIVE! MAXIMUM DRIVE! The lightning raged around the sword now. “ACTIVE SLASH!” Symbol stabbed forwards, driving her sword through the Drone Dopant and making him explode into ash.

“Now, where did she go?” Symbol ran into an alley and jumped between the builds to get a better view.

She looked down and saw Honoka looking around for her. “There you are!” she leapt off the building and landed on a roof of a building that was at an angle.

She slid down it like a slide and landed a street away from Honoka. Symbol ran forwards and ran up the wall of a building, pulling herself up to the top via handholds when her momentum ran out.

“Here we go!” Symbol darted forwards, she ducked under a bar and landed on her gloves, using them to thrust herself forwards and off the edge of the building. She landed on the ground, not even feeling her boots impacting the ground.

The barriers came up and the Dopants arrived.

Let the battle begin!

A Drone Dopant appeared out of the ground and lunged at Symbol, stabbing at her with her scythe arm.

“Looser!” Symbol pressed down on the Active Giga Memory twice. ACTIVE SECOND DRIVE! She held up both of her hands and formed a circle barrier of bright red lightning that stopped the Dopant’s arm.

The Drone Dopant screamed in pain as lightning was conducted up her scythe arm and then through her body. She staggered back, smoking from the amount of lightning that had just been put through her.

“My turn!” Symbol pressed the Active Giga Memory once. ACTIVE FIRST DRIVE! She covered her right hand in bright red lightning and punched forwards, slamming her fist into the Drone Dopant’s face.

The Drone Dopant roared in pain as he was sent flying back by the force of the blow and crashed into a wall with enough force to dent it.

Symbol reached up and pressed Crescent Rose’s yellow button. SCYTHE DRIVE! The framework of the backpack opened and it moved down Symbol’s left arm. She reached down and closed her hand around the handle as it appeared. Crescent Rose had transformed into a scythe, the shaft was black, the back of the blade was dark crimson and the blade itself was bright silver.

Symbol removed the Active Giga Memory from the Symbol Drive and inserted it into her scythe’s Maximum Drive Port, located at the bottom of the shaft. Bright red lightning crackled over Crescent Rose as Symbol hit the trigger. ACTIVE! MAXIMUM SCYTHE DRIVE! She slashed down three times. “Time to end this!” firing three waves of bright red lightning along the ground that slammed into the Drone Dopant and caused him to explode into ash.

With the battle over, Symbol darted off. She ran into an apartment complex and dashed up the stairs. She had to jump over a gap as part of the stairs fell away.

Symbol leapt onto the wall and jumped off it, she landed on the ground and vaulted over some stairs. She ran over to an elevator shaft and pried it open, jumping down the shaft and back down onto the ground floor.

She ran through a corridor and dodged as it turned to the side. Then she jumped over part of the ceiling as it came down, blocking her way out, or at least it would have if she had not jumped. She landed in a roll and burst into the entrance hall of the apartment complex.

Suddenly, the entrance hall expanded, the doors slammed shut and were then blocked off by barriers of red rocks as the Dopants arrived.

Let the battle begin!

A Drone Dopant burst out of the ground and lunged forwards, swinging his arm blade down towards Symbol’s head.

“Missed!” called out the Kamen Rider as she jumped into the air. She pressed down on the Active Giga Memory three times. ACTIVE THIRD DRIVE! The Active Rifle transformed back into the Active Blade and shone with red lightning. Symbol came down with a downwards slash.

Another Drone Dopant came out of the ground and hit Symbol in the back, knocking her off course. She missed the first Drone Dopant and took on damage from the slash.

“Argh!” Symbol reached down and tapped the Active Giga Memory once. “Let’s give this a go!” ACTIVE FIRST DRIVE! She covered both of her fists in bright red lightning. She threw a punch at the second Drone Dopant.

She blocked with his scythe arm, only to scream as lightning flashed through her body. Symbol hit her the face with a second punch that sent her flying back.

The first Drone Dopant had been charging up energy in her scythe and then slashed down, cutting a glowing line through Symbol’s back in a shower of sparks.

“ARGH!” screamed Symbol as she fell to one knee, she could feel it, one more hit like that and she would change back!

Suddenly, a glow came from her back. She reached around and drew a Giga Memory, it was bright green with the letter being a capital, bright green S that was stylized so that it looked like it was made from claws.

“You?” questioned Symbol. She had gotten this Giga Memory when she first transformed but had never been able to get it to work.

Now though.

She hit the button. SLASHING! The Giga Memory floated out of her palm and landed in the Form Drive Port. “I’m shocked I never figured that out,” commented Symbol as she hit the button. SLASHING! FORM DRIVE! The Slashing Giga Memory’s logo appeared behind her and broke down into four streams of energy that wrapped around her arms and legs.

Each of her shoulders pauldrons gained a bright green curved spike that pointed upwards. Each of her forearm bracers grew three bright green segmented sections on the outside of them. The tips of her fingers gain bright green armour. The outsides of her shin armour grew three bright green segmented plates. Coming out of the back of each heel was a bright green spike that curved up.

She was now Kamen Rider Symbol, Active Suit, Slashing Shift.

Let the battle continue!

Symbol pressed down on the Slashing Giga Memory once. SLASHING FIRST DRIVE! Her wrists each drew a two foot blade that curved backwards slightly.

These are the Slashing Claws!

Symbol lunged forwards and slashed up with her right arm, breaking through the first Drone Dopant’s guard. Then she slashed down before slashing to the right, cutting two lines of sparks out of the Drone Dopant. “Ha!” Symbol pulled back her right fist and punched the Drone Dopant in the chest.

The Drone Dopant shouted in pain as sparks exploded from the impact point.

Symbol turned to the other Drone Dopant. “Here we go!” she pressed down on the Slashing Giga Memory twice. SLASHING SECOND DRIVE! Both of the Slashing Claws became charged with bright green energy. Symbol darted forwards and slashed down to the right with the left Slashing Claw. Then she punched up with the right Slashing Claw, cutting two lines through the Drone Dopant that unleashed a spray of sparks.

The Drone Dopant screamed in pain.

“Time to end this!” Symbol removed the Slashing Giga Memory from her belt’s Form Drive Port and placed it into her belt’s Maximum Drive Port before hitting the button. SLASHING! MAXIMUM DRIVE! Symbol curled her fingers into claws and crossed her arms in an X. Then she threw them out to the sides. “HA!” bright green energy exploded out of her body and was pulled into the Slashing Claws.

“SLASHING EXTREME!” Symbol darted forwards and slashed down in an X, cutting the first Drone Dopant into four pieces that then exploded. Then she darted around and slashed up in an X, cutting the second Drone Dopant into pieces. All of the pieces turned to ash.

With the battle over, Symbol darted out of the building. “Woah!” she had to duck back to avoid a knife that was thrown at her. She glanced off to the side and saw the Wolf Dopant jumping away.

“This way! Come on!” shouted Honoka as she ran past Symbol.

“Where are we going?” asked Symbol.

“There is a rift up ahead! I will take you back to the real world! We can come back for the Dopant later!” shouted Honoka as the place started to come apart around them.

Symbol leapt over a hole that appeared in front of her and then jumped up, dodging around a pillar. She leapt to one pillar and then jumped off the side of it, landing on another pillar and dropping down to the ground. She combat rolled and ran towards a funhouse.

“In there!” ordered Honoka.

At that moment a wave of sonic energy raced past and slammed into the funhouse, causing it to collapse.

Symbol turned towards the Wolf Dopant. “Allright, you want fight?”

The Wolf Dopant jumped down to the ground.

“Let’s fight then,” finished Symbol.

“Be careful,” warned Honoka. “The Wolf Dopant is an Alpha Type and they were brutal fighters.

“Yeah? Well so am I!” replied Symbol.

Let the battle begin!

Symbol hit the Active Giga Memory three times. ACTIVE THIRD DRIVE! She jumped into the air and came down with an overhead slash.

The Wolf Dopant dodged to the side and came back in, slashing her across the backplate as she landed on the ground.

“Argh!” screamed Symbol in pain. With a wireless snarl, she pressed the Active Giga Memory four times. ACTIVE FOURTH DRIVE! The Active Blade shone with bright red lightning as she spun around.

The Wolf Dopant leapt out of the way and while Symbol was in recovery, she darted forwards and slashed the Kamen Rider twice with her hunting knife.

“Argh!” shouted Symbol in pain as sparks sprayed out of the wounds. She slammed her hand down on the Active Memory five times. ACTIVE FIFTH DRIVE! The Active Blade transformed into the Active Rifle and Symbol fired eight bolts of bright red lightning from it.

The Wolf Dopant spun her knife, deflecting the energy bolts. She had covered her knife in bright silver light that stopped the lightning from conducting through it.

“Ok, that helps,” Symbol pressed down on the Active Giga Memory six times. ACTIVE SIXTH DRIVE! She fired ten more lightning bolts from the Active Rifle that shot at the Wolf Dopant.

The Wolf Dopant was able to deflect eight of them but the last two hit her. She howled in pain and then shot forwards, stabbing Symbol in the chest plate with her knife and sending the Kamen Rider flying back.

“Argh! THAT HURT!” shouted Symbol. She summoned the Slashing Giga Memory and pressed its button, turning it on. SLASHING! She loaded it into her belt’s Form Drive Port and then hit the button. SLASHING! FORM DRIVE! The Slashing logo appeared behind her and broke down into streams of energy that combined with Symbol, transforming her into the Active Suit, Slashing Shift.

The Wolf Dopant lunged forwards and slashed Symbol three times with her knife before kicking her in the side.

Symbol grunted as she pressed down on the Slashing Giga Memory three times. SLASHING THIRD DRIVE! There was a flash of bright green light as each of her ankles grew a bright green single sided blade that curved upwards slightly.

These are the Slashing Claws, Leg Mode.

Symbol spun around and threw both of the Slashing Claws at the Wolf Dopant, sending them spinning through the air. They both blurred into disks.

The Wolf Dopant used her knife to deflect both of them and ran towards Symbol.

She narrowed her visors. “Time to end this!” she moved the Slashing Giga Memory into her belt’s Maximum Drive Port and hit the button. SLASHING! MAXIMUM DRIVE! Both of the Slashing Claws were covered in bright green energy as they came at the Wolf Dopant from behind. “SLASHING RETURN!” roared Symbol.

The Wolf Dopant charged her knife with bright silver energy as she spun around, knocking the Slashing Claws out of the air.

“WHAT?!” shouted Symbol.

The Wolf Dopant spun around again, firing a wave of brilliant silver light that shot through the air and slammed into Symbol. Sparks exploded from the impact as she was sent flying back and smashed into a wall.

“ARGH!” Symbol could feel it, one more hit like that and she would change back! She looked up and saw the Wolf Dopant charging at her. “I will not die here!” her body released a pulse of bright purple light as he visors shone bright purple.

The pulse slammed into the Wolf Dopant and sent her flying back through the air.

The remaining energy formed into a new Giga Memory that floated in front of Symbol. It was bright purple with a bright purple B in the centre of it that was stylized to be made of a staff and a wand.

Symbol gaped. “I can make new Giga Memories?! That’s so cool!” she grabbed the Giga Memory and removed the Active Giga Memory from the Symbol Driver’s Memory Slot. She pressed down on the new Giga Memory’s button. BURST! Then she loaded the now named Burst Giga Memory into her Driver’s Memory Slot and pressed down on it. BURST! She was covered in a field of bright purple energy and the transformation started.

Her helmet turned bright purple with the gem in the centre of her forehead shifting into the same color. Her visorts changed from pale red circles to pale purple diamonds. Her chest plate turned into two bright purple kevlar diamonds. Her abs transformed into six ridges in two columns of three. Her shoulders turned into two bright purple shoulders pauldrons that pointed outwards. Her forearm bracers now encircled her forearms and turned bright purple. Her anklets and wristlets got thicker and turned pale purple. Her knee guards turned bright purple and shifted into diamond shapes. Her shin armour shifted into bright purple and now encircled her lower legs.

The Rising Blade vanished, leaving only the Maximum Drive Port floating in the air. Then bright purple chunks of kevlar appeared, connecting to the right side of the Maximum Drive Port, forming into a tuning fork. Then pieces of pale purple kevlar appeared, connecting to the left side of the Maximum Drive Port, forming into a four foot staff.

She was now Kamen Rider Symbol, Burst Suit and was armed with the Burst Staff!

Let the battle continue!

The Wolf Dopant got back up and charged at Symbol with her knife glowing bright silver.

“No you don’t!” Symbol pressed down on the Burst Giga Memory once. BURST FIRST DRIVE! She held out her right hand and fired three thin beams of purple light that shot through the air. They hit the Wolf Dopant’s right shoulder, left elbow and left knee.

The Wolf Dopant howled in pain as she was sent flying back. She flipped in the air and landed on her feet before charging at Symbol.

“Nice try!” Symbol hit the Burst Giga Memory twice. BURST SECOND DRIVE! She held up her left hand and fired six thin beams of bright purple energy that slammed into the Dopant and sent her flying back through the air.

The Wolf Dopant roared as she smashed into a wall, denting it. She got back up and charged at Symbol, she threw her knife at the Kamen Rider’s head.

“Bring it on!” Symbol pressed down on the Burst Giga Memory three times. BURST THIRD DRIVE! She took the Burst Staff off her back and took aim as a sphere of bright purple energy appeared between the tuning fork. With a mental command she the orb turned into a beam that washed over the knife and destroyed it.

The Wolf Dopant howled at the destruction of her weapon and charged at Symbol with her claws outstretched.

“Are you ready?!” Symbol pressed down on the Burst Giga Memory four times. BURST FORTH DRIVE! The staff part of the Burst Staff extended back from the Maximum Drive Port, revealing that the top half foot of the Burst Staff was telescopic. Then four bright purple energy wings appeared from the narrower section just below the Maximum Drive Port. A sphere of bright purple energy appeared between the Burst Staff’s prongs and a thin beam of light came from the wing tips, adding to the orb's energy. “Ha!” Symbol thrust the Burst Staff forwards and fired a massive beam that washed over the Wolf Dopant.

The Wolf Dopant screamed as she was sent flying through the air and slammed into a wall, putting a large crater in it. She got up, painfully and slowly.

“Time to end this!” Symbol removed the Burst Giga Memory from the Symbol Driver and loaded it into her belt’s Maximum Drive Port. Then she pressed the button. BURST! MAXIMUM DRIVE! Symbol’s body was covered in bright purple light that turned into bright purple energy as it collected in front of her. She pulled back the Burst Staff and slammed it into the sphere. “BURST BREAKER!” the orb turned into a massive beam of bright purple energy that flowed over the Tiger Dopant. After a few seconds there was an explosion and a fireball came screaming out of the beam and crashed into the ground, revealing it to be the Wolf Dopant.

Her body was already turning to ash.

Symbol walked over to her. “Game over.”

“Daughter of Haruka,” began the dying Dopant.

“Daughter of who?” asked Symbol.

She was ignored. “You have been found. You are dead! Just like your bitch Mother.”

“‘Bitch Mother’? I don’t know my Mother but if you are calling me the Daughter of a Bitch, then you wouldn’t be the first!”

The Dopant was gone.

Symbol reached down and touched her neck, where her choker and amulet remained, even in her Rider Form.

That had always puzzled Symbol: All of her other clothes and anything she was carrying on her would dematerialize whenever she transformed. Except that amulet.

What was so special about it?

‘My Mother,’ thought Symbol as she appeared back in the real world now that the Dopant holding up the Slip Dimension had been beaten. ‘I can barely remember her,’ thought Sunset.

Half an hour later:

Sunset was walking away from the warzone as emergency vehicles shot in the other direction.

A car drove up to her.

Honoka was at the wheel.

“Are you ok, Sunset?” she asked.

“How do you know my name?” asked Sunset.

“My boss knows you, she wants to meet,” replied Honoka.

Sunset said nothing.

“Please? I risked my life for you back there,” pointed out Honoka.

Sunset scoffed. “I didn’t need your help,” she leaned on the open window.

Police cars raced past.

With a sigh, Sunset got in the car.

Honoka pulled a U turn and drove in the other direction. “I’m with an organization called U’s, heard of it?”

“Something to do with that masked lady on the net?” asked Sunset.

“That’s my boss,” pointed out Honoka.

“Wonderful, can’t wait!” Sunset didn’t bother to hold back on the sarcasm.