> The Day Of The Great Question. > by Thylacine Nightmares > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Single Chapter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Day Of The Great Question. By Thylacine Nightmares Princess Twilight, Ruling Princess of Equestria, and general OCD sufferer, sat in a classroom at her School for Exceptional Beings and was fulfilling one of her greatest loves; teaching students. She could tell why it had been one of Celestia’s loves. Sitting at their desks before her were five ponies, three dragons, two Changlings and a minotaur calf. The school had changed much since her original ‘Friendship School’ and now not only taught friendship but also many other subjects including History. This was the class she was taking now. “... And it was then that the ‘Mane 6’ as we were called became the ‘Council of Friendship’. Are there any questions?” Twilight noticed many hooves raised, but she chose the one ‘hand’ raised to ask her a question. “Yes Honey Horn?” Honey Horn, a small but pretty blonde Minotaur calf stood to ask her question. “Miss Twilight, was that near the time of the ‘Day of the Great Question?” She then sat down and waited on her answer. Twilight’s eyes shrunk to pinpricks as she remembered ‘that’ day. Her mind drifted back to the ‘Day’ and she shuddered. “Erm…” She said with her cheeks turning pink. “Yes… It was about that time.” Honey Horn nodded but stood up again. “Miss Twilight, it’s in the History Books, but none of the books we’ve read say what the question was, could you please tell us?” She, along with the rest of the class looked at Twilight with pleading eyes. ‘By the Ancients,’ Twilight thought as she internally chringed, ‘they are better at it than the CMC used to be.’ She then gave a sigh and nodded. “Alright, everyone, you have to promise never to tell anyone what happened, alright?” “Cross our hearts, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in our eye…” The entire class responded, going through them motions as they said the words. Twilight nodded and looked around at the class. “Alright, it was just after the Council of Friendship was formed…” ====== ====== ====== The meeting had gone to plan. Twilight, Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and Shining Armor had just finished going over the plans for Twilight ascending to the throne in her own right, when Major Domo gave a slight cough. “Yes, Major Domo,” Celestia said in her kind voice, “how may we help you today?” “Your Highnesses,” Major Domo said in an officious tone, “there is a colt here that wishes to see you, shall I send him away?” Celestia looked to the stallion with a ‘stink eye’. “We are NEVER to busy to turn away a colt in need. Did he say what he wanted?” Major Domo shook his head once. “No, Your Highness, just that he’d travelled all the way from the Crystal Empire to ask a very important question.” Cadence, and Shining Armor, both gave slight whimpers at this news. “Then it’s doubly important that he asks it;” Cadence said with a slight sniffle as she turned to Shining, “love I feel terrible that he’s had to come here to ask a question.” Shining sadly nodded his head. “Me too love, I feel guilty…” “None of that,” Celestia said with a sigh, “show him in.” Major Domo nodded his head and slowly made his way back to the doors. He opened them and spoke in an officious tone. “Silver Thread, you may enter now.” He then stood back and waited as the young silver furred colt came trotting forward hesitantly. The young colt was remarkable in two ways, firstly he had a mix of silver and white on his mane, and he was wearing a travelling cloak. Major Domo walked alongside the youngster as they approached the thrones and Royals. “Your Highnesses,” Major Domo said looking up at them, “I present Silver Thread, a pegasus of the Crystal Empire, who wishes to ask a question.” Major Domo seemed to sneer at the youngster which resulted in a glare that could chill the lava pits of the Dragon Lands from Luna. “O… Oh… Princesses, and Prince,” Silver Thread said hesitantly, “I have a question that’s been burning in my mind for the past three weeks. My teachers won’t tell me, so I came to Canterlot to try and find it…” “What is the question?” Cadence asked softly. “Forgive me my Princess,” Silver Thread said with a squeak, “but I came to ask Princess Twilight, she’s a teacher and better qualified to answer I think.” He turned an expectant face towards Twilight. Twilight raised a hoof to cover her mouth as she gave a soft giggle. “Alright, Silver Tread, what’s your question?” She said with a slight lilt. “Well it comes from something I heard at the Palace, I wasn’t eavesdropping, but my mom works as a cleaner there and I came to work with her. Well Prince Armor asked something of the Princess, and I didn’t understand what it meant, so I came to ask you Princess Twilight, ohh great Alicorn of Knowledge.” Twilight blushed deeply at the title the young colt had given her, but nodded. “Alright, what do you wish to know?” “Princess Twilight,” Silver Thread spoke in a serious tone, “what’s a ‘blowjob’?” ====== ====== ====== Honey Horn, along with her classmates, looked stunned for a few moments before she spoke up again. “Oh…” Was all she said before she sat down. “Okay, if there are no more questions, I think we can end class early today…” Twilight said as she rose, she then noticed the heifer’s hand once more raised. “Yes Honey Horn?” She asked in a semi-tired voice. “Princess, what is a ‘blowjob’?” Honey Horn asked with an innocent face. Twilight gulped deeply as a blush crept up her face. She breathed in and out slowly for a few moments before speaking again. “Go ask your parents.” She quickly fled the room. ====== ====== ====== Thus this day went down in the history of Equestria as ‘The Day of the Second Asking and the Great Deflection’.