> Harmony U > by carlystar525 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: Hide and Seek > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack was squatting behind a potted plant in the Student’s Center, looking through the glass doors that led to the gym. A lot of girls inside were using the different varieties of exercise equipment. She groaned and shifted onto her knees. She had been there for awhile. Her face was a bit red, and her blonde hair was clipped so that it wouldn’t get in her eyes.     “How does she stay so skinny all the time and still manage to be so thick in all the right places?” Applejack mumbled to herself.     “Who? Rarity?”     Applejack jumped and felt her soul nearly leave her body.     “P-pinkie Pie? How long have you been there?”      Pinkie was leaning down over Applejack’s shoulder. She was very flexible. Despite being bent completely double, so that her back was parallel with the floor and her knees locked, she didn’t seem uncomfortable at all.     “‘Bout ten minutes. You sure do squirm a lot when you play hide-n-seek! And you probably shouldn’t moan so much!” Pinkie smiled warmly.     “P-Pinkie, I’m not playing hide’n’seek… now get out of here, I’m… I’m busy!”     “Aw, but I wanted to play too!” Pinkie squat down next to Applejack, her pink skin clashing with Applejack’s now very-red face. “Come on, I’ll be quiet, promise!” Pinkie giggled and squished in even closer.     “P-Pinkie, quit it! I’m serious -”     “Is Rarity ‘It’? Do you think she knows she’s on a treadmill? Maybe she’’s not very good at hide’n’seek either… or MAYBE it’s a ploy! And she’s seeeecretly trying to trick us into revealing ourselves! Heh heh heh,  nice try, Rarity, but you’ll have to try a little harder to beat the five-time hide’n’seek champ!” Pinkie triumphantly flexed her bicep.     “Pinkie, what in tarnation are you talkin’ about? I - I just dropped my… chapstick… and I was, uh, looking for it on the floor. Uh, yeah, that’s it!”     Pinkie looked skeptical and stared into Applejack’s eyes for a few seconds.     Applejack could feel herself sweat under Pinkie’s gaze. Her nervousness was evident on her face, she was sure of it.     “Hmmm… I see!” said Pinkie. “You’re not very good at seeking either. Here, just take mine,” she said, reaching into her pocket to grab her own chapstick.     Applejack let out a sigh of relief. Pinkie had bought her story. She reached out to take the pink chapstick that Pinkie was holding out to her.     “Oh, wait, one sec!” Pinkie quickly opened the chapstick and rubbed it over her lips, puckering and smacking them after she was finished. She put the cap back on and held it back out to Applejack. “There you go! Good luck with hide’n’seek!” she said, dropping it into Applejack’s open hands, giving a wave and a smile, and walking away.     Applejack just stood there, a little dumbfounded. But for some reason her heart was beating much faster now. She clutched the chapstick and looked at Pinkie Pie as she walked away. Her ass wagged in the tight white shorts she was wearing, her hair bouncing up and down her back with each step.     “Oh was that Pinkie-Pie? You know, we should do a girls’ night this weekend! What do you think, darling?”     Applejack was sure her soul left her body. A chill shot through her spine and she slowly stood up. She looked over her shoulder to see Rarity standing before her in her designer athletic-wear. A matching purple and black sports bra and leggings set that hugged her body, skin tight, and showed off every delicate curve and toned muscle.     Applejack nervously dusted off her denim skirt and white blouse. “I - umm, yeah, sure, don’t see why not, that is! Heh… he heh… Er, what were we talkin’ about by the way?” She scratched the back of her head awkwardly.     “I said we should have a Girls Night with Pinkie and everyone. Are you sure you’re alright, dear? You’re looking a bit red in the face. Perhaps you should lie down for a bit. Ooh, or relax with a mani-pedi. That always does the trick for me!”     “Uhh, heh heh, yeah, I think I may try that… er, the lie down thing I mean.”     “Do take care of yourself. Oh and tell Pinkie I say ‘hello’ if you run into her again. It looks like I just missed her.     Rarity reached down and cupped Applejack’s hand in her own for a second.     Applejack’s heart beat in her ears. Rarity’s hand was so soft and delicate and felt small on hers, but was so confident and tender all at the same time.      “Wh-what… P-Pinkie…?” she stammered.     “Why sure, you’ve got her chapstick haven’t you? It’s got her name on it and everything.”     Applejack looked down, only then realizing that Rarity was holding her hand to look at the chapstick that was laying on her open palm. It did indeed have ‘Property of Pinkie Pie!’ written on it in silver marker and with a little smiley and lots of stars and heart embellishments.     Rarity let go and said: “Well, I really ought to be off now to shower and re-apply makeup. The work of a fashionista is never complete! Au Revior, darling!” She gave a backwards wave as she walked away.     Applejack couldn’t keep her eyes off of the glistening white skin of her best friend as she left. And she couldn’t stop herself from imagining what she might look like in the shower either.      Applejack made her way back to her dorm where she could think. She had been at college for around three weeks now, but a lot of stuff still felt foreign. She was able to spend more time with her friends than ever before. She even lived in the same room as Sunset Shimmer now. But more than that, she had more time to spend with Rarity. They had always been unlikely best friends, and certain events in high school had made her believe that they may have been… well, that maybe they could be a different kind of best friend to each other.      But a schism had formed between them. Applejack could feel them grow more distant despite their close proximity. She had been too nervous to ask Rarity to be her roommate, but she hadn't expected for them to become less friendly. Sure they still talked and hung out with friends, but Rarity had seemed somehow more and more reluctant to be alone with Applejack.      Maybe it was all in her head. > Chapter 2: Some Sunlight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset Shimmer crossed the cobblestone road in front of the Throne Room Dining Hall (most students just called it the Throne Room) and cut through the grassy park-like quad to the library.  The campus was organized into several sections. On one side of campus were dorms and a few administrative buildings, the nurse’s office, and campus police. The middle section of campus contained the academic buildings, which ran through the center of campus in a kind of continuous marble promenade with huge ornate buildings on either side, connected by breezeways. Student’s called this section ‘the Castle Wall’ because the three openings between the buildings on either side of the promenade were archways and looked sort of castle-like. The side that Sunset currently found herself on was the larger side, which contained the student center, the library, two cafeterias, and a small selection of specialty shops for the students. These included, among other things, a Starbucks, a campus store, and the Sugarcube Corner dessert bar and cafe.     Sunset jogged up the steps to the library and pushed through the heavy doors. Instead of going through the automatic doors to the main library, she turned to the right and pushed through another, smaller door that led to the quiet study rooms. These rooms were isolated small rooms designed to be used by individuals or small groups who wanted a quieter, more cozy place to study.      Sunset peeked through window after window in the hallway. Some rooms were being used by groups with joint projects. Some had diligent-looking study groups. At least two were being used for naps. Finally Sunset saw the shock of purple hair she was looking for and stopped. She smiled and pushed the door open.    Twilight looked up from her book.     “Oh! Sunset! What are you doing here?” she asked, turning to face Sunset. She didn’t look displeased to see her, only surprised.      “Well you said in your text that you forgot your eraser, so…” Sunset held out a worn eraser brick.     Twilight took it, looking up at Sunset.       “Oh, thanks! You didn’t have to.” she smiled at her friend.     Sunset hadn’t changed too much since starting college a few weeks before. She still wore her leather jackets. She had most of the highscores on the arcade machines in the basement lounge. She could read memories with a touch. But Twilight did think there was something different about her. She couldn’t quite articulate it, but Sunset seemed more assertive, somehow. Not quite how she used to be before discovering friendship, but a little more so than when they had gone to Camp Everfree together.    It was probably a good thing. Even if she held onto some habits from her early highschool career, Twilight knew that she was a good person. If she was expressing her inner-self more, then Twilight was happy.     “So, umm, studying already, huh?” said Sunset, brushing a strand of red hair behind her ear. She sat down in an armchair next to Twilight. The furnishings of Harmony U were lavish. Study rooms came standard with mahogany wood tables, large whiteboards, and even patterned rugs.     “Oh, yeah… Not school stuff though. It’s… well, Equestrian.”     "Equestrian? But we haven’t seen anything magical in a long time. You sure you can’t put the books down for a while and you know, do college stuff? I hear Rarity and AJ are doing a girls’ night thing soon. Well, probably mostly Rarity. You know how AJ feels about girly-girl stuff.” Sunset chuckled to herself.     "I know. I just want to be… prepared, is all. I feel responsible for all the magic stuff we had to deal with. We’re the only ones with these powers and the ability to pony-up, after all. If anything else magical does happen, it’ll be on us to stop it. I don’t know, I guess something has just felt… off, lately.”     Sunset’s grin shifted into a look of concern.     “Hey, you're not responsible for all this. I don’t really get it exactly, but magic just… leaks into our world now sometimes, right? I mean, if anyone is to blame, it’s me...” Sunset looked to the side, losing herself in thoughts and guilt.     “No, no, that’s not what I meant! Sorry, Sunset.” Twilight reached out and grabbed Sunset’s hand apologetically, “I just… I guess I’m just nerding out and overthinking things.” Twilight closed the tome in front of her and looked at the tower of books covering the rest of the table. “Maybe I do need a girls’ night!”     Sunset perked up immediately, smiling. “Really? I mean yeah, ya big nerd, I think you need some sunlight anyway!” she teased. She realized she was still holding Twilight’s hand, but didn’t let go.      “But… how would I get sunlight if it’s girls’ night?” “Eh, don’t overthink it. By the way… how is rooming with Rarity?”     “Oh, it’s fine. You know Rarity. It’s always something!”      Sunset could imagine a room filled with fabrics and sewing machines, wardrobes filled with more gowns and jewelry than one person could ever need. “Oooh, yeah. I know Rarity!” They both laughed.     Sunset stroked the back of Twilight’s hand with her thumb and went on more soberly: “You know, Applejack goes to the family farm every weekend. If you ever need to  get away, you could come over to my place and…”     Twilight blushed and tugged her hand back. “I uh, better get these books put away or I’ll get in trouble. I um… yeah. See you later?” She was blushing and hurriedly started packing books up into small piles to carry out.     Sunset shrugged, smiling. Twilight was more than a little cute when she got flustered. Sometimes, Sunset couldn’t resist teasing her.     She got up to leave, but on her way out she stopped just behind Twilight, grinning.     “See you later, Twi-Twi!” she said, and slapped her hand lightly against Twilight’s ass. Twilight let out a little “Eep!” as Sunset left. She crossed the quad with a big smile on her face. > Chapter 3: Chapstick > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack was alone in her dorm room.  She and Sunset Shimmer had been rooming together for almost three weeks. It wasn’t bad so far, Applejack thought. Sunset was a little messy, and sometimes she stayed up too late playing video games, but she was nice and understanding about most things. Since school had started, they had talked a little most nights, but still weren’t as close as most of the others. Actually, Sunset hadn’t been Applejack’s first choice of roommate. She had asked Rainbow Dash first, but found out that Rainbow would be living at home and commuting to campus. Then she had tried Pinkie Pie, but Pinkie had already put her name into the roommate lottery, because apparently she thought it would be more fun doing it that way. Fluttershy was also living at home and commuting. And she happened to run into Sunset one day and thought, what the heck?     One thing Applejack had learned about Sunset since was that the red-haired girl liked to go out a lot. Applejack wasn’t exactly sure where she went off to, but she knew it wasn’t their dorm room, and that meant that Applejack got some alone time every evening.     On that particular day she was a little more stimulated than she might normally be. Maybe it was just normal hormone fluctuations, or perhaps an all-girls school had turned out to be more of a distraction than she had bargained for. Either way, she had some tension that she desperately needed to relieve. And she had the time and privacy in which to do just that.     She unbuttoned her shirt and let it slide off her shoulders. The plain white bra she had on underneath was a stark contrast to her tan skin. She breathed in deeply and ran one hand up to one of her C-cups, and gave it a little jiggle to test the waters. The simple, muted stimulation of her breast through the bra told her everything she needed to know. She was rarin’ to go. She undid the top button on her skirt with the other hand and then slid that hand inside. Then she leaned back on her bed, tilting her head back against her pillows, and let out a long groan. The familiar sensation of her panties being moved aside by her own work-worn hand, followed by the gentle, rhythmic circles she drew around her moistening lips, sent chills up her spine, and sent her mind spinning into a realm of sexual fantasy. She mostly thought of Rarity when she masturbated. In fact, she had a dozen or more favorite fantasies involving the fair beauty. They often involved Rarity coming to live on the farm for some reason, and ended with the two sharing a bed, exploring each other, first as friends, and then as lovers. Of course she also had more carnal imaginings: Rarity losing an especially naughty bet; Rarity selling lewd favors to pay for expensive clothes. That sort of thing.     But on that night, she couldn’t focus on her normal flame. Something else was occupying her mind. Her lust was fixated not on Rarity, but on Pinkie Pie instead.    With one hand still in her panties, Applejack reached into her skirt pocket with the other and withdrew the chapstick that Pinkie had given to her earlier that day. It wasn’t really Applejack’s style. It was hot pink and covered in unnecessary doodles. Normally Applejack wouldn’t be caught dead with something like it, but looking at it then, it excited her. She remembered Pinkie rubbing the chapstick on her lips and wondered what they felt like. What they tasted like…     Applejack slid one finger into her wet pussy, letting out a moan and closing her eyes. She brought the chapstick up to her mouth and bit the cap off, spitting it out over the side of the bed. Then she brought the stick close to her lips.     Pinkie’s lips had been on it just an hour or two before. And who knows how many times she had used it before then. How much saliva could accumulate on a tube of chapstick? If she used it now, would it be sort of like kissing Pinkie Pie? Her heart beat fast as she pressed the tube to her lips. She rubbed it around and her mind was flooded with fantasies of Pinkie; Pressing her up against the lockers in a cheerleader’s uniform; Convincing Pinkie to play strip-Twister one night with just the two of them; Pinkie’s naked body pressed to her own, seeing the bubbly girl laid bare, in a new, more intimate light.     Applejack licked her lips slowly, and slowly rubbed more chapstick on, repeating the process while she slid her middle finger in and out of her throbbing pussy. Her moans filled the room, along with a soft, wet, repetitive squishing noise as she played with herself.  She pulled her finger out for just a moment to quickly take both hands and tug her skirt down and off, casting it aside and then returning to her hot wet mound. A wet stain had formed on her panties immediately when she had pulled out, when the soft cotton absorbed some of the warm juice that was leaking out of her. She bit her pillow to muffle her moans and renewed her session with a quickened pace. She let another finger slip inside with some effort and a groan. She wasn’t especially experienced in the art of self-pleasure yet. She had started more or less the previous Summer and she still often failed to summon an orgasm from her endeavors. But the pleasure was worth it, and that night was no exception.  She kept going, unable to stop, for what felt like hours but was really more like thirty minutes. She knew she would be sore the next day. She knew that she wouldn’t be able to look Pinkie Pie in the eyes for a while. But she didn’t care. Not then. She only cared about how good it felt to stretch her tight cunt around her fingers. She groaned and felt a heat build inside her sex. It pulsed and grew with every thrust and pull of her fingers. Her sheets were getting wet. She was drooling. She didn’t care. She was going faster, faster, faster, until finally the growing, gnawing sensation burst and she was flooded with electric pleasure that made her entire body tingle and fill with warmth. She gently convulsed, fingers still inside her soaked hole, hips bucking, until it finally subsided and she lay there, panting, breathless, but satisfied. She pulled her glistening wet fingers out and nodded off to sleep, overcome with exhaustion. ___     Sunset Shimmer had not expected the scene she came back to.  Applejack usually wore an overly large T-shirt and some athletic shorts to bed. Nothing sexy, unfortunately. But when Sunset had come back that night, Applejack was wearing her intimates to bed: a white bra and grey-pink striped cotton panties - a pretty cute Victoria’s Secret pair too. Sunset had almost instinctively turned away, afraid that she had caught her friend in a compromising position, but then realized that Applejack was sound asleep.      Sunset stared. She hoped this wasn’t a one-time-only fluke, that Applejack had indeed begun to sleep semi-nude and over the covers, but she couldn’t be sure. Applejack tended to be pretty conservative in her style of dress. Had she passed out before putting PJs on? Was she narcoleptic? Or exhausted from school-work already?     Sunset then noticed the dark wet spot on the crotch of Applejack’s panties.     "Oh, AJ, what have you been up to?” she whispered smugly, raising an eyebrow. Applejack did not strike her as the self-play type.  She tip-toed her way over to the beds, leaving the light on in order to get a better look. Applejack was on her back with one hand by her side and the other resting on her stomach. The hand by Applejack’s side was resting over a patch of the sheet that was severely bunched up, as if Applejack had clenched the sheets in her fist for some time. So Sunset figured her pleasure session had probably ended pretty well.     She leaned down and, sure enough, AJ’s panties were sopping wet with cum, and had even transferred a small puddle’s worth of moisture to the sheets below.     Applejack wasn’t really on Sunset’s radar, sexually speaking. She was more plain than, say, Rarity, but she did have some attractive features. Her tits, for one, were bigger than most of her other friends’. And she was pretty toned from farm work.      Sunset felt the blood rush to her head. Her heart beat a little faster. This was… a unique situation, after all. Her roommate was exposed and looked... pretty fucking hot, at least like that, covered in her own cum and half naked. Seeing AJ in her panties and bra, more girly than she let on normally. It was hard to ignore the sensations building within her own body. She might not ever get to see AJ in such a position again.     Sunset reached into her back pocket and pulled out her phone. She knew it was wrong but she couldn’t stop herself. She told herself it was just for the thrill and that she would delete them later. She knew she was lying even as she snapped the pictures. She would save them, hide them in the hidden folder on her phone, put them on flash drives and in cloud storage. She would masturbate to them whenever she could. She put her phone up after finishing and started towards the light switch to turn it off and head to bed herself, but something stopped her. Her heart was furiously pounding now. The way Applejack was still so soundly asleep, even after she had come in, walked around and took pictures. Sunset took her leather jacket off. Then her top. Then unbuttoned her jeans and slid  them to the ground. Her bra was mint green and had a bow in the middle between the cups. Her panties matched. She crept over to AJ and put one hand very softly on AJ’s hips. Nothing. She moved the hand up and down, feeling the cotton of Applejack’s panties. They were so soft and feminie. So unlike Applejack herself. Still nothing. Her breath caught in her throat and she felt her face flush as she moved her hand lower. Slowly… slowly lower, and around to Applejack’s ass. It felt soft through the panties, and round. She gave it a little squeeze, staring at Applejack’s face. She couldn’t believe what was happening, what she was doing. That she was groping her friend’s ass while she slept. But she kept going. Her other hand found its way to Applejack’s tits. She didn’t dare try to remove the bra, but just feeling the warmth and suppleness of AJ’s well-formed tits through the fabric was enough. Applejack stirred. Sunset withdrew her hand lightning fast and held her breath. But Applejack just repositioned and continued sleeping soundly. Sunset sighed with relief and tugged a blanket up over Applejack’s sleeping form. Then she stood back up, shaking and sweating with nerves and walked over to the light switch, flipping it off, and climbing up to her bed on the top bunk. Within a few minutes, Sunset had made her own mess in her own panties and had fallen asleep just after, dreaming of Twilight and Applejack. > Chapter 4: Good Fruit Punch > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash, Pinkie-Pie and Fluttershy were sitting around a table in the school cafeteria. It was one of the buffet style cafeterias with several lines of different food options and a huge room filled with lots of round tables. Students would sometimes call it the Great Hall, especially when it was cleared out for events like dances or school festivals.     “Soooo, how are classes?” Pinkie asked cheerfully, looking from one friend to the other.     Fluttershy quietly answered, “O-oh, nothing special… all my teachers are very nice.”     Rainbow Dash was resting her chin on her folded arms on the table, idly prodding her spaghetti with a fork.  “Meh. I thought Sports Science would be, I dunno, more sports and less… ya know… science. We already have a 1,000 word essay to work on this week.”     “Well you could always transfer over to the Culinary Arts major! We have cupcakes and regular cakes and pies and turnovers and…” began Pinkie-Pie.     “Uhh, Pinkie, they don’t think they even have that major here… do they?” said Rainbow Dash.     “No!” said Pinkie excitedly. “But I emailed every teacher on campus and delivered cupcakes to all the faculty and staff and asked for it to be added as a major soon! They said ‘maybe’! MAYBE!” she squealed and handed a generously frosted cupcake to each of her friends.     “Oh, thank you! That’s wonderful, Pinkie,” said Fluttershy, “I do hope they accept.”     As Fluttershy was speaking, Sunset Shimmer and Applejack sat down at the table with their lunch trays.     “Hey girls, long time no see! How goes it?” said Sunset.     “Weeeeell,” started Pinkie Pie, “I found out that Culinary Arts isn’t exactly a real major so I went around to every -”     “- It’s fine!” Rainbow Dash cut Pinkie off in an annoyed tone.     Sunset cocked her head to one side, amused by her friends’ quirks. She grinned a little and said, “Well glad to hear it! We still doin girls’ night this weekend? Twi and Rarity said they’re game.”     Rainbow Dash groaned. “Are we gonna have to do girly-girl sleepover stuff again like we did in highschool? Can’t we go to a wrestling match instead? Or like… play soccer or something?”     “Wow... Sports Science is really that bad, huh?” said Sunset. Rainbow just groaned again and buried her face in her arms in response. Sunset shrugged, bemused. “How ‘bout it, Pinkie?” “Abso-tootly! I’ll bring snacks and Twister and every season of Gilmore Girls for us to watch at double speed! It’ll be GREAT!” she said enthusiastically. “Wait, why would we… Actually, nevermind,” said Sunset. “Fluttershy?” “Oh, I don’t know… would we be staying up very late? I try to go to bed by nine on weekends. I wouldn’t want to ruin my sleep schedule…” Sunset and Pinkie Pie looked at each other, almost imperceptibly nodding at one another. They both then turned to Fluttershy and did their best puppy-dog eyes. “Pleeeeaaaase?” they begged in unison.     “W-well… I… I suppose if we finish our homework on Friday it should be alright…” Fluttershy blushed. Sunset and Pinkie threw their arms around her in an exaggerated hug. Fluttershy yelped and smiled nervously, turning a little more red, always uncomfortable being the center of attention.     “Great!” said Sunset, “that just leaves Applejack!”     “Uhh, was that this weekend? Shoot. I forgot I told Applebloom I’d take her and her friends camping. Guess I’ll have to take a raincheck. Sorry ladies.” She snuck a glance at Pinkie-Pie, who looked a little disappointed, and quickly turned away. She could feel herself blushing. It would be hard to look at Pinkie and not remember the night before. She remembered dreaming about Pinkie feeling her body, fondling her and giggling. It had felt so real. She hadn't been able to stop thinking about her for the whole day since.     “Aw, what? It won’t be the same without you there. Can’t you postpone camping for a week?” Sunset asked.     Applejack shook her head. “Afraid not. Sorry ya’ll, I’ll make it up to ya somehow.”     “Whaaat? If Applejack’s not going, neither am I!” said Rainbow Dash.     “Aw, come on girls! It’ll be fun! Plus…” Sunset leaned over to whisper in Applejack’s ear, “Rarity will be there. I can make sure we play some sexy games...”      Applejack felt goosebumps crawl up her body. “Wh-what? I don’t… I can’t… uhh…”     Sunset chuckled to herself seeing how uncomfortable Applejack was. She blushed a little herself too. She could hardly look at Applejack now without imagining her half-naked.     “Well, I guess that’s five ‘yes’s, one ‘no’, and one ‘maybe’. We’ll bring some extra snacks just in case anyone changes their mind.” Sunset winked at Pinkie, who squealed with delight.     “Hey, wait,” said Applejack, still a little flustered, “don’t you mean two ‘no’s?”     Sunset shrugged, “We’ll just have to see what happens,” she said smugly.     Lunch finished and the girls left to finish up their classes for the day. Except Pinkie. She had a free period after lunch. So instead of returning to class, she went to her dorm instead. Her roommate, Sonata Dusk was there in one of the beds, playing on her phone.     “Heya!” she said as Pinkie walked in.     “Hey Sonata! Wanna help me bake some snacks? We’re doing girls’ night tomorrow!” Pinkie skipped over to her closet, which was full-to-bursting with cooking supplies, and grabbed a huge load of bowls, mixers, pots and pans.     “Snacks? Count me in!” Sonata jumped up from her bed.     “Great! Let’s see, can you grab the flour, eggs, milk, yeast and sugar?”     “Totes! Are you gonna pack some party juice too?”     “Party what-now?” Pinkie thought she knew everything there was to know about party supplies, especially on the snack front.     “Uh, hello! Aria says it’s not a party if you don’t have some party juice! I’ve tried it and she’s right!”     “Wh-what? How have I never heard of it before? You must get this for me!”     “Oh, duh! I think I have some left… hold on,” Sonata ducked under her bed and tossed a huge pile of dirty clothes aside. A super micro mini skirt hit Pinkie in the face. “Aha! Found it!” Sonata held up a big clear bottle filled with a clear liquid.     “That’s… party juice?!” Pinkie Pie’s eyes grew wide with curiosity. “I must try it…” she licked her lips and walked towards Sonata.     “Uh yeah, it’s pretty great! Buuut, you girls probably shouldn't drink it straight the first time. Better put it in fruit punch or something. Now THAT’S how you make good fruit punch!”     Pinkie bit her lower lip excitedly. “Ooooh, I’m so excited for girls’ night! Let’s bake the biggest tower of snacks the world has ever seen! I owe you Sonata!”     Pinkie ran off towards the hall kitchen.     “Hmm, I like being owed a favor,” said Sonata out loud, “I bet Adagio will too…” and followed her roommate to the kitchen. > Chapter 5: Girls' Night > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Because it was the closest non-dorm house to campus, girls’ night was held at Fluttershy’s house. Her parents were on some kind of extended cruise around the world and her brother was on some kind of extended couch-surfing tour at a friend’s house, so the girls had the place to themselves.     Sunset was the first to arrive, and Fluttershy was at the door waiting to greet her.      “Hey Flutterbutt!” Sunset waved as she came inside.      “Um h-hey, Sunset!” Fluttershy said meekly, holding the door open.     Fluttershy was wearing a full green pajama set, which included long pants, a long-sleeve sleep shirt, and even a little sleeping cap.     Sunset was wearing her own pajamas: a hot pink loose crop top and tight pink spandex short shorts. Twilight came next in a very sensible purple and white short sleeved cotton shirt and matching shorts. After that was Pinkie Pie in her blue and pink balloon-patterned PJ set. And then Rarity in a short blue and white night gown adorned with lots of lace and a huge bow on the chest. The girls were starting in towards the living room when there was one final knock on the door. Fluttershy opened it. “Uh, hey ya’ll. Got room for one more?” “Applejack!” the girls cried in unison, beckoning her inside. She was wearing a modest pajama set with long pants and long sleeved shirt. Sunset Shimmer smirked. “So I guess the camping trip got cancelled?” She raised one eyebrow skeptically. “Uh, yeah… the weather got to lookin’ bad so we called it off.” Applejack blushed. “Hmm, lucky us,” said Sunset. There was a loud ‘POP!’ as Pinkie Pie fired a confetti popper.  “Well let’s not wait around here, IT’S PARTY TIME!” She grabbed Fluttershy and Rarity by the hands and dashed into the living room. Sunset looked at Applejack and Twilight and shrugged, then all three followed the others into the living room. Fluttershy had already laid out the snacks that Pinkie had brought over the day before. A ridiculous assortment of cupcakes, cookies, full multi-tiered cakes, brownies, turnovers, lemon bars, custard tarts, jellos, candies and even whole pies covered a large coffee table. There were also drinks around, mostly different flavors and brands of soda, as well as a huge bowl of fruit punch. None of the girls looked even remotely surprised. When Pinkie Pie partied, Pinkie Pie partied hard. “IT’S GLORIOUS!!!” shouted Pinkie Pie, diving head-first into the snacks, taking a cupcake in one hand and brownie in the other. “Didn’t you make it all, Pinkie? Aren’t you sick of snacks?” asked Rarity. “Mmm!” said Pinkie, swallowing a huge mouthful of sugar and… well mostly just sugar. “But I haven’t been able to eat any until now! I let Sonata have all the extra.” Rarity grimaced. “Poor Sonata… her figure’s going to suffer! Although…” she looked at Pinkie scarfing down her third triple-chocolate-chip cookie, “maybe some people don’t have to worry about that.” Everyone went around the table getting a little plate of snacks and making small-talk about classes and everyday life.     “Wow, Pinkie, this is all really good,” said Twilight. “What did you put in the punch? I love it!” she said, taking a drink.     Most of the other girls murmured their agreement.     “I don’t suppose you have anything sugar-free and… low carb, do you, darling?” asked Rarity.     “Of course not, silly! Sugar and carbs are the best part!”     “I suppose I’ll just stick to punch then.”     After loading up their plates, the girls sat on the floor around the table to chit-chat and gossip. Twilight sat down next to Sunset.     “Hey, thanks again for helping me get my head out of the books. I know I get carried away sometimes,” Twilight looked sheepishly at the ground.     Sunset smiled warmly at her and put a hand on her shoulder.  “Don’t worry about it, Twi! Plus, I just invited you, you could have declined if you wanted. You’re stronger than you think you are, you know.”     Twilight smiled earnestly.      She was about to say something when Rarity spoke up over everyone:  “Well, shall we get right to business, ladies?” Rarity reached into her bag and pulled out a box of what looked like dozens of bottles of nail polish and other beauty products, as well as a stack of teen magazines. “This is girls’ night, after all!”     Pinkie squealed with glee and even Fluttershy looked excited.     Most of the girls dove in, picking through the nail polish and magazines with gusto.     “Come on, Applejack,” Rarity said, scooting over to where Applejack was sitting with her arms crossed.     “I - I don’t understand what the point of nail polish is when it just comes off after a week anyway… and those magazines are downright hokey if ya ask me.”      Rarity rolled her eyes and tugged Applejack’s arms apart, taking one into one of her own, and grabbing a bottle of polish from the table with the other. “Oh but darling, this color is perfect for your skin tone! Don’t you want to let your feminine side loose for a weekend?”     “You know I don’t have a femenine bone in my body. I would just look weird with painted nails,” Applejack said, but let Rarity keep holding her hand anyway.     “Oh, I don’t think that’s true at all. All girls have a femenine side, dear, you included!” She started brushing paint on one of Applejack’s nails.     “That may be easy for you to say, you’re all… curvy and… cute… and stuff,” Applejack looked off towards the ceiling, avoiding eye-contact with Rarity and blushing.     A small grin tugged at the corners of Rarity’s lips. “Oh? Is that so? And what kind of ‘stuff’ do you mean?”     Applejack blushed even more and stammered: “Y-you know, like fashionable and pretty and… oh, just forget it…”     Rarity giggled as she dipped the brush back into the bottle and started on another nail. “You’re too sweet my dear! But you know, I think you’re those things too, in your own way.”     “You’re just sayin’ that. There ain’t no way I’m ‘cute’ and I’m about as fashionable as a cactus in December.”     Rarity giggled again. “Really now? You don’t think it’s cute when you get all flustered? Or how your accent comes out a little more when you’re nervous?”     “I- I ain’t flustered!”     “- Plus you have those freckles that make your lovely green eyes just pop! I think any boy would die to get to know you.”     “W-well I definitely don’t care ‘bout what boys think!” Applejack was looking everywhere except for at Rarity. She was sure her palms were sweaty, but Rarity finished her first hand and grabbed the second one to start on anyway.     “You aren’t interested in boys? Well... that’s good then.” Rarity quickly peeked up from painting Applejack’s nails for a moment to glance at Applejack’s face, wearing a bit more blush than she had been before.     Applejack didn’t say anything, just squirmed a little on her knees.     “Aaand, finished!” Rarity let go of Applejack’s hands. “Now don’t touch anything until they’re completely dry, understand? They look beautiful!”     Applejack looked at her nails. They were a light peach color, not especially bold, but undeniably more girly. Applejack blushed. She did feel more feminine. “Uh, thanks, Rare,” she said, and very briefly looked Rarity in the eyes. The smile they shared sent electricity down both their spines.     “FUCK, MARRY, KILL!” Pinkie Pie yelled, ruining the mood. Everyone looked up at her.     “That doesn’t sound nice at all,” said Fluttershy with a funny sort of giggle-hiccup combo from where she sat by the punch bowl. She had just finished having her hair braided by Twilight. And she was starting on her third cup of punch.     “Didn’t we try playing that back at Canterlot High? I doubt our answers will have changed drastically from then. One can only have so many celebrity crushes,” Twilight said.     “Yeah,” agreed Sunset, “and most of us haven’t had enough time to care about pop-culture since starting college.”     Pinkie Pie grinned deviously.  “Who said anything about celebrities? We’re playing Fuck, Marry, Kill: Besties Edition! It’s the same concept but you can ONLY choose from the girls sitting around this table at this very moment!” Pinkie’s eyes narrowed as she looked around at all the nervous faces around the table.     “Uh Pinkie, don’t you think that will be a little… awkward?” said Sunset.     “No way, Jose! This is a classic party game! We’ll do it anonymously with slips of paper and count the votes at the end. It’ll be fun! Come on, who’s the party-person here?”     The other girls looked at each other, unable to argue with Pinkie’s logic. Most of them were on their second cup of punch at least.     Pinkie handed out three pieces of paper to each girl. “Any questions before we begin?” she said with a sly tilt of the head.     Fluttershy raised her hand. “Umm when you say ‘fu - f.. the ‘F’ word, do you mean… umm… like if they were a boy or… umm…”     “No! You have to fuck one of your friends, exactly as they are! I’m talkin’ fingers, tongues, and toys! Anything goes!”     Fluttershy turned beet red.     “And umm, we have to choose from… each other?” Applejack asked with concern.     “Yes! You have five choices and you can’t choose the same person twice!”     Twilight also raised her hand. “I don’t understand the concept of this exercise. Unless we’ve taken the time to appropriately measure compatibility traits and weigh a variety of factors that may contribute to -”     “FUCK, MARY, KILL, GO!” yelled Pinkie.     The girls all looked down at the pieces of paper in front of them. Some, like Pinkie Pie and Sunset, began writing right away, while the others stopped to think.      Applejack looked around the table. Rarity brushed her purple hair while she thought. Her face was smooth and perfectly pale, with just enough makeup to accentuate the natural subtle beauty of her features. Applejack hovered her pen between ‘Fuck’ and ‘Marry’ but couldn’t decide. She looked away and accidentally made eye contact with Pinkie Pie. Surely she wasn’t looking at Applejack, right? She must have imagined it. Unless… Applejack grumbled and tried to think clearly. Maybe she shouldn’t overthink it. It’s not like it was a real confession after all. She didn’t have to be honest, she only had to write names. Who would the others choose? Rarity would definitely have tons of votes. She started writing names.     Twilight was stumped. As far as marriage was concerned, it made sense to choose a partner that offered the most stability. In that regard, Pinkie Pie’s baking and Rarity’s clothes making both indicated the possibility of a stable career. But shouldn’t she also want to fuck her life partner? They weren’t allowed to put the same name twice. Could there be more to the game than she had assumed? She had never considered herself very sexual but… even she had urges sometimes. She glanced up at Sunset, who was already finished and smiling while sipping her punch. What had she written? She had to have someone’s name under ‘Fuck’ and ‘Marry,’ right? Could it be… Twilight shook her head and quickly jot down three names.     Fluttershy giggled and sipped at her fifth cup of punch. She was dizzy. She looked around the table at her friends and hiccuped, wearing a kind of bubbly smile. Her head was swimming. She looked at Sunset and vague memories of being bullied in highschool sent tingles through her body. She remembered Pinkie Pie’s words: ‘fingers, tongues, and toys…’ and let one hand slide into her pajama bottoms under the table. She wrote a name, giggling.        There was absolute silence except for the scratching of pens for several minutes until they finally stopped.     “Is everyone finally finished?” Pinkie Pie was bouncing on her knees. “Hand ‘em in!”     “Wait, what? We have to give them to you?” asked Applejack, pulling her sheets back defensively.      “Uh, doi! How else are we gonna know how many people wanna fuck us?”     “B-but won’t you be able to tell who wrote what by the handwriting? I thought this was supposed to be anonymous.”     “It is! I can’t tell handwriting apart! It all looks the same to me!” Pinkie said, grabbing Fluttershy and Rarity’s sheets as she went around the table.     “It’s true,” Twilight shrugged, “she has a kind of rare dyslexia that makes handwriting all look the same to her. These sheets may as well be typed as far as she’s concerned. It’s really quite fascinating! And convenient at times...”     Applejack begrudgingly gave up her sheets to Pinkie.     Pinkie eagerly counted the totals while everyone else waited in the nervous silence. They results ended up like this: Pinkie Pie -     Fuck: 1, Marry: 1, Kill: 2 Sunset Shimmer -     Fuck: 1, Marry: 1, Kill: 2 Twilight Sparkle -      Fuck: 0, Marry: 1, Kill: 1 Applejack -      Fuck: 1, Marry: 1, Kill: 0 Rarity -      Fuck: 0, Marry: 0, Kill:1 Fluttershy -     Fuck: 3, Marry: 2, Kill: 0 Sunset raised her eyebrows, “Wait, three different people chose Fluttershy to…”  “To fuck!” said Pinkie. Fluttershy, now laying down on the floor giggled, “Yay!” “Who in tarnation wants to fuck me?” Applejack asked, confused. Rarity was practically sobbing. “At least someone wants to fuck you! I’m going to die a lonely virgin, probably murdered by one of my friends! There has to be a mistake!” She put her hands pleadingly on Pinkie Pie’s shoulders. “Pinkie, are you sure you read the names right? ‘Fluttershy’ and ‘Rarity’ can look very similar depending on who’s writing!” “Mhm, I’m sure! Well, a few were kinda hard to read. This one says ‘twi-bertt’ but I just kinda assumed that it was supposed to say Twilight. Fluttershy giggled uncontrollably on the floor, “hehehe, oops…” “Uhh, is she okay?” asked Applejack. Pinkie Pie looked at Fluttershy, who was surrounded by at least six empty punch cups. “Meh, she’s fine. I get that way sometimes too when I party! There cannot be a sugar rush without a sugar crash, not without years of training, at least!” Sunset smirked. “So... who’s trying to fuck me? Rarity?” Rarity scoffed. “Absolutely not! You should be more worried about your kill column!” “Meh,” Sunset shrugged, “considering everything that I did before Twilight - er, the other Twilight - came to save me? I’m surprised I only got two.” Pinkie Pie nodded her agreement: “Haters gonna hate!” Twilight offered a consoling hand to Rarity, “Don’t worry, I didn’t get any fucks either. Being a virgin doesn’t matter if you have friendship!” Rarity’s lips quivered for a few seconds before she burst into an out-out bawl. > Chapter 6: Candy Store > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack rubbed Rarity’s back while she sobbed and wailed. She felt just a little guilty, somehow.  “Ah, don’t worry about it, Sugarcube, it was just for fun anyway. I know a lot of people wanna, uh, you know… fuck you.”     Rarity sobbed and took a huge gulp of punch. “I don’t CARE about other people! If it weren’t for Opalescence I would be completely alone! Oh my god, I’m an old cat lady! I’m already an old cat lady and nobody loves me!”     Pinkie shrugged. “That’s the way the cookie crumbles! Fuck, Marry, Kill is an unforgiving trial! But tonight… we became women!”     “Uh, ya’ll? I think Fluttershy is asleep.”     Fluttershy was sprawled out on the ground, one hand in her pants, the other above her head. One leg was bent and her shirt was pulled up to well over her bellybutton. She was breathing peacefully, with a little drool glistening down her chin from the corner of her mouth.     “Maaaybe we should take her to bed…” suggested Sunset. “Can someone get her legs?” Sunset took the opportunity to fish Fluttershy’s hand out of her pants and peek at her panties. White and lacey, as expected. She grabbed her forearms.     Twilight stood up, “Sure! I should start getting ready for bed anyway, too.”     “Aw, we’re only getting started!” said Pinkie Pie.     Twilight grabbed Fluttershy’s ankles and, with Sunset’s help, lifted her sleeping body to take her to her room.  “We’ll have plenty of time tomorrow! Plus the rest of you can stay up as long as you want, I’ll just sleep in Fluttershy’s room. I’m sure she won’t mind.”     The two made their way to Fluttershy’s room and laid her down on her own bed. She didn’t stir at all, even after they had to swing her up onto the bed. She just continued breathing peacefully, and drooled.     Fluttershy’s room was perfectly clean, with a made bed, and no clutter anywhere, an organized desk and symmetrically placed picture frames on the wall. Everything was a pastel shade of pink, yellow, or light green. Her queen-sized bed was plush, with a huge fluffy green comforter and dozens of stuffed animals of every kind. There was a small nightstand next to the bed with a bookcase built into the bottom, filled alphabetically with books about animals and the entire Daring Do collection, plus an odd one about were-bats. The furniture all matched; a little dresser, vanity, and wardrobe, all painted the same soft peach pink with slightly darker pink accents.The only thing that seemed out of place was a small black tv placed on top of a little tv stand in front of the bed, and only because it wasn’t pink.     Sunset sat down on the edge of Fluttershy’s bed with a “Phew!” wiping her brow with the back of her hand.     Twilight sat down next to her and chuckled. “Yeah… she’s heavier than she looks!”     Sunset smiled. “Right?! It’s all in those tits!”     “Have they always been so… big?”     Sunset looked back at Fluttershy’s chest. It was, admittedly, the biggest out of the group. She shrugged. “Ever since I’ve known her. Rainbow Dash says she was a D cup by middle school.”     “No way!” Twilight looked down at her own lacking chest then back at Fluttershy’s generous cleavage. Twilight had never developed past an A-cup.     “Eh, I don’t really care one way or the other. Tits are tits, you know?” said Sunset.     “Really? W-what size are you then?”     Sunset looked at Twilight and smiled teasingly. “You chose me for ‘Fuck,’ didn’t you? I knew it!”     “Wh-what?! No way! I was just curious!”     Sunset laughed. “You’re way too easy to tease, Twi! I’m a 32 B. Wanna compare?” Sunset tugged her top up over her bra. It was teal lace. Except for the intricate lace pattern on the very front of the cups, it was translucent.     Twilight gasped and quickly turned her head.     Sunset broke down laughing. “Twilight! You’re way too shy! You’re adorable! Even Fluttershy was getting into Fuck, Marry, Kill by the end. Loosen up!”     “I- I’m loose! I just… wasn’t expecting that. I’m definitely not as shy as Fluttershy, it’s literally part of her name!”     Sunset laughed again, her shirt still pulled up over her bra. “Yeah, what’s up with that? Did her parents know that she would be shy? ...Do you think she wears thongs?”     “Haha, what? What kind of question is that? No way. She probably doesn’t even know what a thong is.”     “Really? I bet she does. I bet she has a wild side to her. Most shy girls like you and her do.”     “No. Way. And I am not as shy as Fluttershy! I’m... demure… that’s all.”     “Oh really? Demure, is it? Wanna bet on it then? Her panty drawer has to be one of those, right?” Sunset motioned towards the dresser.     “I - Well, yes, logically speaking it would stand to reason that one of those would be-”     “- Then let’s check! If she has even one thong, I win and… let’s see...” she put her finger to her chin as if thinking hard, “you have to go out and buy a thong!” Twilight said animatedly: “We can’t just rifle through her drawers!” Then, more sheepishly, “Plus… maybe I already own a thong…” “Well, in that case you would have to send me proof.” “Proof?!” “Mhm,” Sunset leaned over, close to Twilight, and put one hand on her thigh, slowly moving it up her smooth skin, pushing the leg of her shorts up higher, feeling her inner thigh. “You know, pictures?” Twilight stood up so quickly and stiffly that any onlooker may have guessed that she’d just suffered a severe electric shock. Sunset laughed and stood up too. “That’s the spirit!” She walked over to the dresser. “Let’s see, Fluttershy is too short for it to be the top two drawers but I bet she’s organized it to hold more than just panties, so she’d want easy access to it... “ she opened the third drawer from the top and smirked back at Twilight. “I can read you shy girls like a book.”     Fluttershy’s panty drawer was like a candy store. Everything was vibrant, colorful, cartoony and cutesy. As Sunset had predicted, it was neatly divided into three sections: the left half was in two parts with the top being socks and the bottom being panties, while the right side was all bras. Everything was folded with precision and symmetry. Sunset grabbed a pair from the panty section: lilac-colored bikini cut with little hummingbirds on the front. Sunset giggled at Fluttershy's overwhelming innocence.     “H-hey, wait,” said Twilight, “I haven’t agreed to anything yet! You didn’t even say what I would get if I won. Not that I’m even playing this game.”     “Hmm? What do you want?”     “I don’t know… Come on, are you sure we should be doing this?” Twilight glanced at the door nervously.     “Yeah, we’re all girls, aren’t we?” Sunset tossed the first pair to Twilight, who caught it with a little surprised squeak. “How about… I send you a picture of me in just my underwear every morning until you’ve seen my whole panty drawer? That way you’ll know what a mature woman’s panties look like!” She put a facetious emphasis on the word ‘mature’ and accented it with a little hair toss to mimic Rarity.      Twilight reddened. “W-well, I guess that would be sufficiently appropriate embarrassment… I mean… It would certainly make things even. I guess I’ll just have to win.”     “Mhm, sure you will.” Sunset tossed a pure-white lacey cheekster pair to Twilight. “Bleh, Fluttershy really wears this?” she said, pulling up the next pair: a strawberry pink hipster pair with the word ‘Love’ printed in cursive on the back.      There were a couple pairs of boyshorts, a few bikini cuts, some cheeksters, but the drawer was mostly regular hipsters. The amount of lace frills, colorful patterns, and little decorative bows made Sunset want to gag.     By the time they had gone through the panties, Twilight was holding a sizable pile of pastel fabric bundles that together vaguely resembled an enormous mountain of ice-cream scooped together by the world’s most spoiled child.     Twilight peeked over the pile into the drawer. All the panties were gone. She let out a sigh of relief. “Guess I win after all! Fluttershy is precisely the adorable angel we all know and love! How’s that for mature! Take that, Shimmer! Hah! I knew there was no way I could be more shy than Fluttershy! I’m invincible!” Twilight wobbled a little. The punch was slowly affecting her.     Sunset just rolled her eyes and put one hand on her hips.  “You finished? I told you already, I can read you shy girls like a book.” She reached into the sock part of the drawer and fished through the colorful little fluffy bundles. “Aha! I knew it!”     From the back-most corner of the drawer, buried underneath the socks, Sunset withdrew a small, white bundle of fabric. She unfolded it. The front was pure white cotton polka-dotted with little butterflies and trimmed with pastel green lace, but the crotch tapered into the unmistakable thin string of a thong, all held together by a thin elastic lace waistband.     Twilight’s jaw dropped. “Th-there’s no way! Fluttershy?” She looked back at the peacefully sleeping body of her shy friend.     Sunset leaned against the dresser, smiling smugly and twirling the thong around her forefinger. “Flutterbutt has a little wild animal in her after all! Guess that means you gotta go shopping, huh? I recommend Victoria’s Secret for the cute stuff, but I guess I didn’t say it had to be cute.”     Twilight’s face was cherry red, not least because she realized she wouldn’t be getting her victory prize now. She had been more excited to tease Sunset with those photos than she had realized and losing out on them was crushingling disappointing.     “You… you planted that! There’s no way Fluttershy would wear… that!” Twilight dove for the panties but Sunset easily held them up higher than Twilight could reach and pushed her head down to keep her far enough away that she had no chance of grabbing them.     Sunset laughingly said: “A bet’s a bet! Should we go for double or nothing? I bet Rarity has more thongs than your shy girl brain could comprehend!” She delighted in Twilight’s adorable frustration.     They kept bickering like a married couple, and playfully fighting over the thong until, eventually, they landed on Fluttershy’s bed. Somehow, by the time they had finished, Fluttershy, Twilight, and Sunset were all asleep in the same bed. Twilight’s head rested on Sunset’s chest and in Sunset’s hand was still Fluttershy’s scandalous thong. ___     One morning a few days later, Sunset Shimmer would wake up and check her phone like she always did. Only instead of seeing her daily reminders and a few Facebook notifications like normal, she would see a banner notifying her of an incoming media message from her contact “Twi-Twi”. Upon opening siad message, her face would light up.     In the picture, Twilight was standing facing a mirror, with a very, very embarrassed look on her face. One hand held the phone with which she had taken the picture, while the other held her shirt up enough to expose everything below her bust. Her skirt was tugged down, resting at an angle at her knees. Her pelvis was adorned with tight black scanty panties decorated with little black bows and a little pink heart smack dab in the front middle.      Another picture would follow, this time with Twilight turned around and looking over her shoulder sheepishly to take the picture. Her nearly-bare ass hung out of the thong, perfectly pert and a little more full than Sunset would have expected.      Twilight followed the pics with a quick: “Here. Me wearing one of my old thongs. I guess we made a deal after all…Please Don’t share.”     Sunset would quickly reply with: “Veeeery cute! ;)))) I’ll have to check it out in person sometime! <3 By the way, I never said you had to show me proof of you wearing a thong. You could have just sent a picture of yourself holding it. Thanks anyway though, overachiever! ;) <3 ;)     She quickly sent a follow-up: “P.S. I can tell that’s brand new. Let’s try some on together next time, k? Luv ya! XOXOX :D” > Chapter 7: Twister > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As soon as the door to Fluttershy’s room shut, Pinkie Pie was between Applejack and Rarity, throwing one arm around each. Rarity’s sobbing quieted to just sniffles. Pinkie’s eyes narrowed suspiciously and she lowered her voice to a whisper. “They’re totally fucking.”  “Uh, I… don’t think that’s what Twilight meant when she said ‘gettin’ ready for bed’, Pinkie,” said Applejack with some concern. “Oh poor, naive Applejack,” Pinkie said, crossing her arms and putting on a knowing smile, “the heart works in mysterious ways! Those two are doing the kanoodle by night’s end or my name isn’t Pinkie Pie!” “B-but you don’t think… they’re not really… are they?” sniffled Rarity.     Pinkie shrugged, “No idea! I just like the drama! GIRLS’ NIGHT! WHOO!”     Applejack shook her head. “No way those two are… you know… they couldn’t be anyways. Sunset had a boyfriend, right?”     “Well, that doesn’t necessarily mean she can’t have a girlfriend now, darling. Maybe she was experimenting. Or she could simply have a taste for different styles, if you know what I mean,” said Rarity. “Plus she’s admitted before that she only used Flash Sentry to gain popularity.”     “But Twi and Sunset? No way. I just don’t see it.”     “Really?” asked Pinkie, “Twi has more chemistry with Sunset than she does in her lab!”     “But they’re best friends!”      Rarity looked at Applejack and softly said: “How do you think love starts, dear?”     “W- well… I… um… I guess I never thought about it like that… But still!”     “Actually, you know, I’ve never heard you talk about love before, Applejack. Don’t you have a crush? Haven’t you ever experimented?”     “Me? N- no way! I just… don’t have time for that lovey-dovey stuff,” she stammered.     Pinkie Pie slowly moved to the other side of the table, grabbing a bowl of popcorn and sitting down cross-legged. She turned from Rarity to Applejack as they spoke in turn, eating popcorn as if she were watching a tennis match.     “But surely you’ve had a simple crush before! Someone you find attractive? Even in passing on the street or in the halls?”     “W- well sure, but attractive’s one thing and love is another.”     “But how would you know if you don’t experiment? At least talk to someone you’re interested in?”     “I do talk... to… people. Oh, I don’t know!  Maybe I just don’t know how!”     “Have you tried?”     “Tried what?”     “Why, flirting, of course!”     “Isn’t that just the same as regular talkin’?”     “Of course not! Flirting is an art!”     “Well I don’t get artsy stuff! Can’t people just talk regular and not worry about all this flirtin’ and romancin’ hoo-ha?” “No! Romance is what makes relationships bloom! Don’t you ever get chills when someone looks you in the eye?” Rarity leaned over towards Applejack, “or touches your hand?” She grabbed one of Applejack’s hands as an example, “Or even even when they’re just around?” Applejack yanked her hand away and quickly turned the other way. “No! I told you, I just don’t get all that stuff!” Her arm was covered in goosebumps and her heart was racing so fast she was dizzy.  Rarity huffed. “Well fine then! I guess you’re hopeless after all!” Pinkie Pie was laying on her stomach with her legs kicked back in the air and her chin in her hands by that point. “Juuuuiiiicyyyy…” she said as the two finished their bickering. Both of them blushed and avoided the other’s gaze. “Uh, maybe we should just… play a board game or something, Pinkie,” suggested Applejack. Pinkie smiled deviously. “I have just the thing!” A few minutes and some reorganization of the furniture later, a large area was cleared out in the middle of the living room.      “Oh, are we playing charades?” asked Rarity sassily, “A game where the actor can’t speak sounds like just the ticket. I think Applejack should go first.”     Applejack made a sound like ‘Pffft,” and rolled her eyes.     Pinkie Pie shook her head. “Nope! It’s....” she mimed doing a drum-roll with her fingers, “... Twister!”     “Uh, Twister? Are you sure, Pinkie Pie?” asked Rarity with clear distaste.     “Sure! It’s only the greatest party game EVER!”     “But don’t you think it’s just a bit childish?”     “Not the way we’re gonna play! We’re playing strip Twister!”     “What!” cried Applejack, “There is no way I’m rubbin’ elbows with you two in my skivvies!” She couldn’t help but conjure images from one of her fantasies from the other night involving Pinkie.     Rarity spoke in a slightly annoyed tone: “Actually, you know, I think that’s a wonderful idea, Pinkie. I, for one, am comfortable enough in my own skin that I wouldn’t mind a friendly competitive game like that. But I’m sure someone doesn’t really ‘get’ that kind of thing.”     “Now what exactly are you tryin’ to say?” asked Applejack defensively.     The two stared knives at each other.     ‘Wow, you two really get into it! I CAN’T WAIT!” said Pinkie, rolling out the mat.     “But why strip Twister? Couldn’t we just play… Chutes and Ladders, or somethin’? Asked Applejack. “Becaaaauuuuse, strip Twister is the perfect combination of fierce competition and sexy wild fun! Imagine the thrills as the stakes get higher and higher - the adrenaline rush as you roll the dice of fate, not knowing whether you’ll come out on top… or bare all for the world to see! It’s exhilarating!” Applejack looked to Rarity pleadingly, but she just harrumphed and turned her head. Applejack sighed, exasperated. “Fine, let’s just get this over with.” Pinkie went over the rules: “The game works just like regular three-person Twister except that when a player falls, instead of ending the round, that player takes off one article of clothing and rejoins the game from where they started. Since we don’t have a ref, I’ll just have this handy-dandy app on my phone call out the spins every thirty seconds! Any questions?”     “Uhh, how do ya win?” asked Applejack.     Pinkie smiled. “When everyone else is naked, of course!”     Applejack and Rarity both turned red and began to protest, but Pinkie cut them off.     “- Or when one person goes three rounds in a row without falling. Sheesh, if you wanna play the boring way!”     “Wait, I’m at a disadvantage, I’m wearing fewer clothes than both of you since I’m in a nightgown,” said Rarity.     “Hmm, well I guess you can keep your socks on then and just count those as piece. That way we’ll each have four pieces: tops, bottoms (or socks for Rarity), bras, and undies! Ready?”     The girls stepped up to the mat. Only Pinkie Pie seemed very excited.     From the table, which was now pushed against the far wall of the room, Pinkie’s phone called out robotically: “Left foot, blue.”     The girls all easily slid one foot from their starting circles to a new blue circle.     The game continued for some time until the girls were knotted around each other, breathing heavily from the strain of working themselves into arches and squatting repeatedly to go over or under someone else, and then holding the position until the next circle was called.     Applejack was bent over backwards in the middle of the mat with Rarity and Pinkie pressed close on either side in their own uncomfortable twists. Rarity’s arm was pushing against Applejack’s back while it stretched to reach a red circle, while Pinkie Pie had one leg slung over one of Applejack’s thighs to get to a yellow circle.     The next circle was called: “Left hand, yellow.”     Rarity and Applejack easily slid one hand each to a yellow circle, but Pinkie was in a bad position.She twisted her torso and picked up her left hand, pushing up on tippy-toes to reach over Applejack. Her forearm pushed into Applejack’s right breast as she managed to get her fingertips onto the circle.     “P-Pinkie, your hair is in my mouth!” Applejack spat some  curly pink strands out and squirmed under Pinkie’s arm.     Pinkie giggled, “Sabotage!” She shook her head back and forth, brushing her hair against Applejack’s face.     Applejack spat and tried turning her head. “Pinkie!!!” But her hand slipped and she fell to the mat.     “Ha!” laughed Rarity, “looks like someone needs to work on their flexibility!”     “That’s not fair, Pinkie Pie cheated!”     “Anything goes in strip Twister! Now STRIP!!!”     Applejack grumbled but quickly peeled her shirt off. She was wearing a plain black bra that supported her generous proportions nicely.  “L-like this?” She blushed.and stepped back to the mat to keep playing.     “Ooh, very nice,” Rarity said mockingly, “I suppose the clearance bin must exist for someone.”     Applejack blushed more brightly as she bent to get the next circle. Knowing that Rarity could see her topless made her feel… vulnerable. Plus, she had indeed gotten the bra from a sales rack and was a little embarrassed by Rarity’s teasing.     The next round ended with Pinkie Pie face-planting while reaching too far for a red circle. She pulled her shorts off, but her top was long enough to cover her most intimate area. She rejoined the game as enthusiastically as ever.     Rarity was struggling at this point. She had been in a kind of modified squat for several minutes. The muscles in her legs were burning. The next circle was called and she went for a pretty close, easy circle that would free her leg up and give her a much-needed reprieve. But just as she was about to claim it, Applejack’s foot slapped onto it. Rarity made a little noise of disgust and looked for another circle, sweating a little from nerves and sore muscles. The closest one was behind Applejack’s leg. She reached for it, brushing Applejack’s leg with her own, but ended up falling when her calf muscle finally gave out.     “Guess that’s one each now,” said Applejack.     “Ooh, this is where things get good!” Pinkie squealed.     Rarity took off both her socks and they recommenced the game for several turns.     Applejack was bent over backwards again, this time in a backwards bridge. Pinkie Pie moved slowly but aggressively towards her, one circle at a time. Rarity twisted her arms through each of their legs, mostly uninhibited. Eventually, Pinkie managed to position herself on top of Applejack with her head near Applejack’s crotch and her legs straddling Applejack’s chest.     “Enjoying the view, Applejack?” said Pinkie Pie     “What are you talking about, Pink-” she stopped, suddenly seeing what Pinkie was referring to. Her legs were spread over Applejack, and from where Applejack was, she could see straight up Pinkie’s shirt. The crotch of her hot pink panties was wiggling in Applejack’s face and getting slowly closer.     “Wha - hey, quit it Pinkie!”     “Anything goes in strip Twister!” she quoted herself.     Rarity knit her brow as she watched Pinkie Pie slowly move her pelvis closer and closer to Applejack’s face. “D-don’t you think that’s a little much Pinkie?”     Applejack bashfully tried to keep her head turned, but she couldn’t ignore the pink ass in her peripherals, or the sound of Pinkie’s giggling as her crotch got close to Applejack’s face...         Close enough to touch with her nose...             Close enough to taste if she wanted to...                 Almost pressing against her face...     Applejack dropped.     Pinkie laughed so hard she snorted.     Applejack got up and brushed herself off, grumbling curses under her breath.     Rarity let out an almost imperceptible sigh.     “Aren’t you forgetting something?!” Pinkie Pie teased.     Applejack mumbled and slid her thumbs into the waistband of her pajama bottoms. She shimmied out of them, letting them drop to her ankles. Her panties were purple cotton cheeksters with black lace trim. She got back on the mat and resumed the game.     “Well? Aren’t you gonna laugh at me again?” Applejack grumbled spitefully to Rarity, sliding next to her as the circles of fate forced the three together once again.     Rarity felt Applejack’s hip press against her stomach, while one arm snaked behind her back. Applejack’s arms were… strong… and rugged. Seeing her move and bend in surprisingly feminine underwear… feel her breath against her shoulder… She gulped and simply said: “I th-think you look… fine,” and turned her head.     “Oh, fine is it? I guess that’s a big insult comin’ from one of you ‘fancy folk’. I ain’t good enough to look all ‘fabulous’ like you?” Applejack moved one hand next to Rarity so that she was in a side-plank facing her.     “And what’s that supposed to mean? Fine means fine! It was a compliment!” Rarity moved her arm so that it criss-crossed Applejacks and they were face to face on the mat.     Applejack snorted. “I’ll bet! You hardly been talkin’ to me since we got to school and now I’m just ‘fine’? I only came to this stupid girls’ night to see you!”     “Oh, well don’t trouble yourself on my account, Miss ‘asks everyone but Rarity to be her roommate’!" They were nearly yelling then, and had begun to completely ignore the callouts of the game.     “Uhh, I have to go to the bathroom...  you two keep playing!“ said Pinkie Pie, quickly getting up and leaving.     “Oh is that what this is all about?! You just can’t stand not bein’ everyone’s first choice, can ya?!” Applejack snapped, bringing one arm around Rarity so that she was on her hands and knees hovering over top of her purple-haired friend.     “Uggh, why are you so DIFFICULT!? I don’t care about what everyone else thinks! I only want to be YOUR first choice!” Rarity pushed against Applejack, flipping her over so that she was on top and Applejack now on bottom.     “What, so you can make fun of me? Or maybe just avoid talkin’ to me like you’ve been doing for the last three weeks?”     “I haven’t been avoiding you!” Rarity gasped.     “Yes you have been! Like the plague!” Applejack flipped them both again so that she was again on top.     “You’re being ridiculous! You’re one of my best friends! Now… get off of me!” She tried pushing Applejack, but Applejack refused to budge.     “Not until you tell me why you’ve been ignoring me!” “I have told you, I’m NOT ignoring you!” “Yes you ARE! Now why won’t you talk to me!” “Because how can you speak to someone that leaves you speechless!” Rarity gasped out at the volume of a scream. There was a short, pregnant pause. Both of the girls were red in the face from yelling, and were panting from both the exertion of the encounter and the game. Applejack said quietly: “What do you mean, I leave you… speechless?” Rarity was blushing brightly and avoiding eye contact with the girl on top of her, even though their faces were mere inches apart and she could feel Applejack’s warm breath on her cheek. “Just… shut up,” rarity whispered, and put one hand softly on the back of Applejack’s head, pulling down and closing her eyes. The sensation of another girl’s lips touching her own for the first time made every hair on Applejack’s arms stand on end. Rarity’s mouth was impossibly soft and the kiss itself was tender and warm. Their noses brushed together as the kiss was renewed over and over. Neither of the two could pull away. All of the tension disappeared, replaced with an irresistible magnetic pull. Rarity breathlessly kissed her best friend, and put one hand on Applejack’s back, pulling their bodies tightly together. Applejack’s breasts pushed against her own, through both of their bras. She suddenly wished that they had continued playing for a few more rounds. Without warning, Applejack pulled away. “What is it, darling?” Rarity asked, desperately hoping they weren’t already done. “I.. it’s just that… I’m sorry I didn’t pick you in Fuck, Marry, Kill! Or… to be my roommate. The truth is I was too nervous. I told you… I don’t know how… how to flirt.” She blushed and waited for Rarity to say something. Rarity looked at her for a second, then started laughing. “H-hey! You don’t have to laugh! I knew it, you were just teasin’ me from the start!” Rarity wiped a tear from her eye. “I’m sorry, Darling! You’re just too precious! And I don’t mind. I think you know how to flirt more than you realize… Now where were we?”  Rarity tugged Applejack back into her, and began what would turn into a very long and very passionate night. ---     Unbeknownst to Rarity or Applejack, Pinkie Pie was peeking around the corner to the living room. After a minute or more of watching the two passionately kiss, she turned away and whispered to herself sadly: “Looks like you’ve done it again, strip Twister...” She sniffed and wiped a tear from her eye with a shaky hand, then snuck off to sleep alone. > Chapter 8: Sports Day Dash > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash was horny. It was the school’s ‘Sports Day’, which was a day early on in the year where all the athletic clubs invited freshmen to attend a kind of informational practice session. The newer students could see what a normal practice was like, even participate if they wanted to, and ask the established members any questions they had, and then join the club if they so chose.     Rainbow Dash had decided to go to virtually every intramural sports club session that day - not necessarily to join the clubs, but to see what kind of competitors Harmony U had to offer - and in doing so, she got the opportunity to see a lot of girls in athletic uniforms, which was a pretty big turn-on for her. Her competitive drive could usually overpower this particular fetish of hers, but a marathon session of girls bouncing around in different flavors of short skirt, skin-tight spandex, and even swimsuits was more than a little distracting after a while.      It had started painfully early in the morning when the swim team was holding their session. Rainbow had shown up in her bikini - a sporty red racing-style two piece - along with some other freshmen, and quickly realized the mistake she had made when she had committed to going to every team’s practice.     Upon entering the pool building, she was greeted by Trixie Lulamoon in an extremely tight white school-issue one piece, bending over in front of her, digging through a duffle bag.     “Uh, Trixie? You’re on the swim team?” Rainbow Dash asked incredulously, barely believing her lucky eyes as she stared at the blue scantily-clad ass wiggling in front her.  Trixie was definitely high on Rainbow’s list of would-fuck girls. She was hot, leggy, and loved to wear sexy magician girl costumes. Rainbow had gone to several of Trixie’s shows in highschool just to oggle her and to try to peek up her skirt. She had succeeded a few times. “Who dares address the GREAT and POWERFUL Trixie so casually! - Oh, it’s just you,” Trixie stood up with a swim cap now in-hand. “Hello, Rainbow Dash,” she said, obviously disappointed that it wasn’t some other freshman for her to impress. “Yes, I am indeed the greatest and most powerful swimmer at this establishment! Well, at least on the JV team,” she pointed over her shoulder with her thumb at a couple of other girls.  Wallflower Blush was standing awkwardly near a corner of the pool, barely noticeable in a school issie swimsuit, while Adagio Dazzle was laid out on a pool chair (strangely the only one in the building) wearing her own glittery yellow string bikini.  Trixie continued: “I don’t even know if Adagio can swim. She just flirts with the manager… and the club members… and any spectators. Are you here to join?” “Uhhh, not really. I just want to cream everyone and  prove I’m the best!” “Well,” started Trixie haughtily, “the only thing you’ll be creaming today is your pants! For no one alive can best the GREAT and POWERFUL Trixie!” Without warning, Trixie dove into the first lane.  “H- hey! Wait for me!” Rainbow Dash quickly flung her shoes and bag off and dove into the second lane.  It didn’t take long for Rainbow to overtake Trixie and win by a wide margin.     After getting wet at Swim club, Rainbow headed to the gym for basketball. She had already known that Sunset Shimmer played, but she was surprised to see Lemon Zest in a uniform as well.      They played a short scrimmage wherein Rainbow joined Sunset’s team and won in the second half.     After that was Starlight Glimmer and Sour Sweet for Volleyball. Rainbow Dash wasn’t a huge Volleyball fanatic, but seeing those two in form-fitting spandex short shorts made her want to catch a few home games when she got the chance. Better still, every time the girls got a point, or even sometimes when they lost a point but played well, they would give each other little encouraging slaps on the ass. Rainbow only tried it once herself, but she would never forget the surprising jiggle of Starlight’s toned ass.      Later cameIndigo Zap on the tennis courts. She was wearing the school’s white tennis tank top and skirt. And while the tennis skirts were technically more like skorts in that the fabric below the skirt part was built-in and not the more revealing panties one might expect from such an outfit at first glance, it was still a little arousing to see Indigo’s skirt bouncing up her legs, showing off her thighs in the sporty little outfit.     Fluttershy, Sunny Flare and Aria Blaze all played golf. It was a slightly more tame session than the other clubs had, but all the girls still managed to look pretty cute in the golf polo and skirt.     Juniper Montage reignited Rainbow’s libido with her track and field brief shorts. Seeing her stretch and bend over in what was basically a bikini bottom built for running, and with a super tight shirt on that showed off some midriff, made Rainbow realize just how moist she had become.       By that point, Rainbow Dash had attended a session with every sports club the school had to offer, except for cheer, which Rarity and Pinky attended, but which Rainbow refused to.     That left just one club, and it was the one Rainbow Dash was the least sure about.     When Rainbow stepped into the enormous gymnasium, the lights were dim, with only a few small accent lights illuminating a large performance mat in the middle of the building. A lone figure stood silhouetted in the middle of the mat. Rainbow Dash could tell before she got close that whoever it was had an extremely sexy body. The tight, curvy body, moderate bust and graceful posture made Rainbow almost a little nervous to approach. “You’re Rainbow Dash,” the figure said in more of a statement than a question. “I find it highly unlikely that you will join this club after today’s session, but I have to let you stay anyway if you want” “Oh, Sugarcoat. I… didn’t know you did gymnastics… I uh, well, thought I would see what Harmony U had to offer… you know, competitively. Uh, where’s the rest of the team?” As Rainbow Dash stepped into the lit portion of the mat, she could see that Sugarcoat was standing alone. She was wearing a tight leotard in the school’s colors. The top part was white, down to just below the breast, where it slowly faded into a line of gold, and then became purple below the waist. She also had her hair tied into a single long ponytail, and was not wearing her usual glasses. Rainbow looked around, but no other freshman seemed to have come, and there were no other members of the gymnastics team to be seen. They were completely alone. “My contemporaries on the gymnastics team begrudge my talent. They believe picking on me will force me to quit the team, so they’ve made me handle all of the club’s duties alone,” Sugarcoat said in a matter-of-fact kind of way, and with little to no emotion in her voice despite the gravity of the statement. “I uh.. Sorry to hear that, I guess…” “Put this on and begin stretches. The chances of sports-based injuries occurring are significantly reduced with proper warmup.” Sugarcoat held out a leotard to Rainbow Dash. It looked so small when it wasn’t being worn. This one was pink, violet, and lime green. Rainbow Dash grimaced. “Do I have to? Can’t I just wear normal clothes?” “No. Club rules state that gym wear appropriate to the activity must be worn at all times. Now please stretch or leave immediately.” Sugarcoat turned around for Rainbow to change in the middle of the floor. Rainbow blushed. She didn’t like being talked down to or threatened. But she did want to see what Sugarcoat was like athletically, and she was incredibly turned on by Sugercoat’s lithe body in the little leotard. She stripped and tugged the leo on. “O-okay... I’m ready... “ Rainbow Dash said, covering herself a little bit. She wasn’t used to wearing something like a leotard. Sure, she could do a two piece bikini no problem, but there was something different about a leotard. It was tight and designed to accentuate her body. The way it clinged to her pussy mound, her ass, her tits, made it feel like she was wearing nothing at all, exposing her most intimate side, or worse, drawing attention to it. Sugarcoat turned around. She looked Rainbow Dash up and down coldly, then let out a quick snicker. “H-hey! What are you laughin’ at? Is something wrong with the way I look?” Rainbow challenged. Sugarcoat smiled a little. “I simply wasn’t expecting you to look so… cute. It surprised me, but aesthetically speaking, you have many qualities that may be defined in such a way, and the leo you’re wearing happens to underscore those features whereas your normal attire does not. That is all.” “W-well whatever. Can we just get to gymnastic-ing, or whatever you call it?” Sugarcoat nodded, suddenly serious again. “We’ll begin with stretches. Follow along with what I do. I’ll help you if you aren’t familiar with our stretches.” Sugarcoat began stretching with Rainbow Dash following closely along. They were pretty normal stretches at first: bent over toe touches, torso rotations, arm pulls, and the like. At one point Sugarcoat got up and walked over behind Rainbow Dash. “Here, we’ll do some flexibility exercises now. Drop down on one knee like this.” Sugarcoat put one hand on Rainbow Dash’s waist and with the other she pushed down on one of Rainbow’s knees, indicating for her to drop that knee to the mat.  Rainbow obeyed, and sank onto one knee. Sugarcoat knelt down behind her, keeping her hand on Rainbow’s hip to guide her. “Good. Now stretch your other leg out straight in front of you and hold for fifteen seconds.” She leaned over Rainbow Dash, pressing her breasts against Rainbow’s back, to slide her right hand to Rainbow’s right calf. Rainbow did as she was told, but the feeling of Sugarcoat’s body against her own, the way it felt for Sugarcoat’s hands to be on her waist, then slide down her bare leg to help her stretch… Rainbow felt a little uneasy. “Very good. You should feel it here,” Sugarcoat gave Rainbow’s calf a little squeeze, “and here,” she slid her hand back up Rainbow’s leg, under her knee, then higher, and squeezed the back of Rainbow Dash’s thigh, stabilizing her with her other hand on Rainbow’s hip. Rainbow’s breath caught for a moment. It had been a long time since a girl had touched her like that. Sugarcoat’s hands were soft and powdery, probably from powdered grip chalk, but they were also delicate in a way Rainbow had not expected. Sugarcoat was known for being blunt, tactless, but her hands were subtle and graceful as they flittered up and down Rainbow’s body as she repeated the stretch on the other side. “Great. You’re more flexible than you look, but I suppose that isn’t saying very much. Now sit down and spread your legs.” “Uhh, you want me to…?” “It’s a stretch.” “Oh… Right. I knew that.” Rainbow Dash sat down and made a ‘V’ with her legs. It felt very strange. There wasn’t much between her soaking wet business and the open air, and spreading her legs felt like a risky challenge of the leotard’s ability to cover her. Sugarcoat raised an eyebrow. “That’s it? Here, let me help, you should be able to open your legs at least this far.” Rainbow Dash felt one of Sugarcoat’s hands slide to her left knee, while the other went back to her right thigh. Rainbow slowly opened her legs wider and wider as Sugarcoat gently put pressure on her thigh to guide her stretching. Her hand was so high up though, it was basically at her crotch. She felt Sugarcoat’s knuckles bump the fabric on top of her mound more than once. Rainbow’s inner thighs were tingling at the other girl’s touch. Next, Sugarcoat had Rainbow bend her torso over each leg so that her head was beside her knees.  “Keep your back more in line with the stretch,” Sugarcoat said. And as she said it, she put one hand on the small of Rainbow’s back, and pressed the other firmly to her chest. Rainbow felt one boob gripped in Sugarcoat’s hand for just a moment as she adjusted her posture. Is this what gymnastics is like? Rainbow thought to herself. Does she do this everyday? She just grabbed my tit! I would go crazy after five minutes! I’m about to lose my mind right now! Rainbow could feel her wetness under the leotard, and hoped that it wasn;t so bad she couldn’t give the leotard back after they were done. After she finished the stretch, Sugarcoat had her stand up. “One more before we call it for the day. Bend over and put your palms on the mat.” Rainbow obliged and bent over, keeping her knees locked, and placed her palms on the mat a couple feet in front of her. “Good,” said Sugarcoat, “now raise your heels off the ground.” Rainbow Dash blushed but pressed onto her tippy-toes while keeping her hands down. Sugarcoat could see her, face down, ass in the air, basically presenting for her. It felt humiliating and oddly arousing. Sugarcoat smiled. “Excellent. You should feel it all through your leg, but mostly here.” Sugarcoat put one hand on Rainbow Dash’s ass and gave a gentle squeeze. But she didn’t let go. Her hand lingered for several seconds gently caressing Rainbow’s ass while she finished the stretch. Rainbow felt chills shoot through her spine, and her heartbeat was racing. She finished the stretch and got quickly to her feet. “Uhh, I think I have to, uh go… like right now. I’ll-bring-the-leotard-back-later-bye!” She turned to run out the door. She couldn’t stand it for another second. Her libido was through the roof. Every hormone in her body was firing on all cylinders. She had to get somewhere private and cool off.  But Sugarcoat caught her by the wrist: “Rainbow Dash. You may not know this, but I’m a lesbian. I feel that it may be in both of our best interests to exchange cell phone numbers.” “Wh- what? You d-don’t say?” Rainbow laughed awkwardly. She could barely believe what she was hearing. Sugarcoat nodded. “Plus, that leotard is school property. I’ll need a line of communication with you to ensure it isn’t stolen.” “S-sure, whatever,” stammered Rainbow Dash. She quickly rummaged through her bag and found a marker. She scribbled her number on Sugarcoat’s arm. “There! Call or text. Whatever. See ya!” Rainbow sprinted away at magical speed. She needed to cool off. The drive home was unbearable, and she couldn’t take her mind off of the way Sugarcoat’s hands had felt on her. It didn’t help that she was still wearing the leotard. She got home, ran inside, and tugged the leotard off, then immediately flung herself onto her bed to calm down. She stayed that way for a while, and eventually turned on some music. After about an hour, she felt that she had somewhat stabilized. Her heartbeat had returned to normal at least, and she could close her eyes without seeing Sugarcoat in a leotard, at least for a minute. And then she got a text.  It was from a number that wasn’t in her contacts. She opened it. A picture of Sugarcoat appeared before her on her phone’s screen. In the picture, Sugarcoat was sitting on a chair pointing the camera at a mirror. Her legs were pulled up to either side of her, her feet resting on the chair so that she was in a butterfly pose. She wasn’t wearing any clothes. In one hand was the phone with which she was snapping the picture, while with the other she had inserted two fingers into her glistening shaved vagina. Her face was a little flush, and she was wearing her glasses and biting her bottom lip. The caption she sent with the picture read: “Would you like to fornicate later? I can provide a selection of toys and lubricants.” So yeah... Rainbow Dash was horny. > Chapter 9: Confetti and Conspiracy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- One month prior: Adagio, Aria, and Sonata were sitting in their normal booth. Their favorite diner was some hole in the wall downtown, barely visited by people that weren’t regulars. It was a place where the customers didn’t mingle, the staff was surly, and the food was bad. The only positives it offered were relative privacy and cheap calories. Adagio was fuming. “How in the hell are we still on the bottom rung of this world? We’re literal monsters with magical powers.” She clenched her fist in frustration. Aria and Sonata exchanged a glance and sunk a little deeper into the worn and tearing upholstery of the booth seat opposite to their leader.  Sonata meekly tried appealing to her: “W-well ever since those girls broke our gems and took our magic we haven’t really been able to do anything like we used to… we’re just ordin-”  “Do NOT say ‘ordinary’!” Adagio menaced through grit teeth. “We are sirens! Do you even remember what that means? We were feared once! Creatures adored us! They obeyed us! Can’t you remember what it was like to have the rich and powerful bowing at our feet? And now... look at us,” Adagio growled, “we’re weak.” “We could workout!” Sonata offered. “Ugh, she didn’t mean physically weak, egghead. She means we’re small-fry now,” Aria grumbled. “I am not an egghead! You’re an egghead!” “Shut-up!” Adagio interjected, “We don’t have time for your bickering. We need to come up with a plan to regain our glory and conquer this pathetic trash-pile world once and for all. Then, we can finally find a way to return to Equestria and dominate like we've always been destined to.” “Aw, I kinda like it here though!” Sonata said, “There’s tacos… and the clothes are really cute!”     “We can’t use our singing anymore, so that’s out. And other than the Rainbooms, there’s basically no magic here,” said Aria, cynically. “We’re screwed. We can barely afford rent as it is. I’m tired of doing odd jobs and cam shows to get by.”     “Believe me, no one hates it more than I do. But we’re biding our time,” said Adagio. “There has to be some magic leak between this world and Equestria, some tear somewhere, or a portal still open that pushes everything that leaves Equestria to here instead of to some other dimension or realm or whatever. If we can just get enough power to find it and open it…”     Aria sighed: “It’s pretty hopeless if you ask me. It could be another million years before something magically powerful enough to exploit trans-dimensional physics falls into our laps.”     “Trans-dimensional… whaaa? My head hurts,” said Sonata.         Adagio rolled her eyes. “She means there’s no magic left here and there might not be for a very long time. So we’ll be stuck selling overpriced corndogs and Dippin’ Dots at the mall for eternity.”     “Ooh, I love Dippin’ Dots! ...Oh wait, that’s bad though, right?”     “Yes. It’s very, very bad. We leave for Harmony University in a few days and we know those Rainbooms will be there. This might be our last chance to destroy them and redeem ourselves. But we need a plan. So I need you two to focus and come up with something. Now!”     “What do you want us to do?” Aria said, “No magic, no power. That’s pretty much the end of it if you ask me. I mean we can’t do the singing thing anymore, so what options do we have?”     “Maybe we could just… ask the Rainbooms for help? Or like, be their friends or something. They seemed pretty nice, all things considered,” suggested Sonata.     “Ugh, no, no. no, you’re both idiots! I can’t believe I’m stuck here with you two nitwits!” Adagio cursed.     Aria leaned her head against her elbow on the window sill she was sitting next to.  “Well there’s always that. We could easily take control of the whole school if we’d just use it...” She spoke more to herself than the other girls but Adagio was quick to reply.     “What? How could you know of something that powerful and not bring it up until now?”     Aria grumbled. “Well, we’re not supposed to talk about it, so… ”     Adagio scrutinized Aria for a moment, and then realized what she was referring to. All the intensity drained from her face in an instant..      “Oh. I see… That. The answer is no.”     “Why not?” Aria sat up, suddenly showing her pent-up rage. “Adagio, we could be unstoppable if we used it! We haven’t even tried!”     “I said no!” Adagio slammed her palms onto the table and stood up, glaring down at Aria and a scared-looking Sonata. “If we use that there’s no telling what will happen, but I know it won’t be good. Nothing good ever came from her...”     “Hey, keep it down!” A large and grizzled looking man behind the counter of the bar of the diner shouted at Adagio. “Don’t make me kick you out again!”     Adagio huffed and sat back down. Normally she would have retorted, made some wounding comment to the man, or outright threaten him, but she realized with distaste that she was indeed afraid of the man. Ever since they hand lost their powers, a lot of stuff had scared her. The world was suddenly a lot more dangerous without magic, and survival had become more difficult. Their powers of suggestion were gone, and the laymen no longer turned a blind eye to their aggressive way of life.     “Look,” said Aria threateningly, “I know you have… issues or whatever, but you’re holding us back now. We could have been back in Equestria and living like royalty by now if we had used it during our peak. If you want to bitch and moan about it, at least don’t yell at us for not trying hard enough. Come on Sonata, let’s dip.” Aria got up, pushing Sonata out of the booth and making for the door. Sonata followed, looking back and forth between her two companions as if to ask what she should do.     Adagio watched them go. They left the door and she found herself alone in the booth, the setting sun casting a single harsh ray across the table. She fumed for a few moments, thinking. Then, swallowing her pride, she got up, paid the tab, and ran after her allies.     “Fine,” she panted when she finally caught up to them. “We can use it… But we do it my way, understand? We’ll crush this school and the Rainbooms and suck every drop of power from this world… or we’ll die trying.”     Aria smirked and crossed her arms.  “Okay. You got it, boss. How do we start?” Adagio smiled viciously. “I have a few ideas. We’ll make sure this school”     ---     Present day:     Sonata was lying on her bed on her stomach with her feet kicked in the air behind her, filling out a quiz on the internet to figure out what type of cheese product she would be based on her answers. She had just chosen her favorite food group - all of them - when her roommate Pinkie Pie came in. Although she didn’t really ‘come in’ so much as she slunk through the doorway and flopped immediately onto her bed. Sonata looked up from her phone, concerned.     Pinkie had been acting strange for about a week. At that time, just after the previous weekend, she had come back to the room looking… deflated. Her normal animated demeanor had become sluggish, quiet, and a lot less cheerful. Her wardrobe had changed too. That day, like most other days that week, she had put little to no effort into her outfits, which were normally bursting with color and personality. Instead, she had chosen gray hoodies, muted tees and plain sweatpants. She spent most of her time in bed, or doing minimal effort studying.     “Um, Pinkie Pie, are you alright?” Sonata asked, like she had done each of the previous five days.  And like each of the previous five days, Pinkie responded very simply with a sad sigh: “Abso-tootly…,” although on that day, she didn’t even bother to force a smile. She just crawled into her bed, turned her back to Sonata and tugged the bright pink blanket up over her head. Sonata closed her phone and sat up in bed facing the blanket lump that was her roommate. “Did you wanna watch a movie or something? We could stay up late bingeing Gilmore Girls if you want? Or Pretty in Pink... or Legally Blonde? I kind of looked through your DVDs, I hope that’s okay…” Pinkie’s reply was muffled by the blanket: “No thanks… I’m kind of tired…” It was barely 8:00 at night. Sonata had been instructed to watch Pinkie Pie without getting too close. When she had found out that Pinkie would be her roommate, Aria and Adagio were furious, and berated her for filling out the roommate survey with what they said were ‘stupid answers’. But then they decided that maybe it was a good thing. Sonata could spy on one of the Rainbooms and probe her for information. Maybe even determine the source of their magical powers. It made Sonata nervous. She didn’t like being under so much pressure, and she was worried Pinkie wouldn’t like her because of the battle of the bands incident a couple years prior. Unlike the other two, Sonata was genuinely excited to go to school and meet new people. She didn’t want to be a spy. She didn’t want enemies. But Pinkie Pie had been an amazing roommate from day 1. When they were unpacking their stuff and setting up their room, Pinkie had listened to every one of Sonata’s suggestions, and made it a fun process. They had baked different snacks together almost every day since, And even though Sonata couldn’t really bake, Pinkie always asked for her help. They had started sending each other dumb videos on their social medias and watching them together, making little inside jokes to each other whenever they passed in the halls.. Pinkie invited her to do stuff outside of the room too, and listened when Sonata talked. She didn’t ever make fun of her or say she was ‘the worst’ or bully her. Sonata got off her bed and circled around Pinkie’s so that she was on the side where Pinkie’s face would be. “Umm, I’m not really good at, like, talking or whatever but… if you wanted to, you know, do that… we totally could and that would be fine. Like if you need to vent or whatever…” Sonata trailed off, scratching the back of her head, suddenly feeling that her communication skills were lacking. “That’s okay. Thanks though…” Pinkie said. Sonata anxiously tapped her fingers together, a habit she had picked up after years of being a Dazzling. Touching her forefinger to her thumb rhythmically helped to keep her mind from wandering. She looked around the room, searching for a way to somehow fix her roommate, even though she didn’t really know the cause of Pinkie’s strife. Her and Pinkie’s beds were side-by-side in the middle of the room, pushed against the back wall with about two feet between them. They were both raised about four feet off the ground. Pinkie’s bed had two wide storage drawer towers beneath it, while Sonata’s had a mini fridge and a very old chest. On one side of the room were two desks, on the other two closets, and on the side opposite to the beds was a TV stand filled with DVDs, on top of which sat a medium-sized smart TV.  Sonata went back to her bed and rummaged through the fridge for a minute, then left the room.  About fifteen minutes passed, and Sonata returned, bringing with her a warm, sweet, and slightly burnt smell. She shut the door, crossed the room, and dragged a swivel chair from one of the desks over to Pinkie’s bedside. “So umm, I made confetti cookies! Well, they kinda turned into one big cookie and I think the outside might be a little overdone but… umm… I was wondering if you could, you know, tell me how they taste?” Sonata gulped and held the tray out to where Pinkie’s face probably was. Pinkie Pie didn’t say anything. She didn’t even move. Sonata was worried that she might have fallen asleep in the time it had taken her to bake the cookies. But then one pink hand slithered out from underneath the bedspread. It flopped around in the air a couple times, searching for the cookie tray by feel. Sonata held the tray higher and closer to Pinkie’s bed until the hand found it, crawled over the still warm-surface, and snapped off a sizable chunk of colorful confetti confection. Then the hand retreated back under the covers and a few moments later, the sound of crunching told Sonata that Pinkie had eaten the cookie. Sonata smiled and stood up. “I’ll leave the tray on your nightstand if you want more. It’s okay if you don’t though. They’re not even close to as good as you make them.” Then she started walking back to her bed, satisfied that Pinkie was at least well enough to still eat junk food.     But a hand on Sonata’s wrist stopped her. She looked back at the bed from where the hand had come. Pinkie was peeking out from a little hole she had made in her blanket fortress. Her eyes were puffy and slightly red, and wet lines trailed down both cheeks. Her pink hair hung limply around her face.     “They’re a little crispy but… I think they’re really yummy, Sonata… Thank you.”     Sonata smiled. “They’re not that yummy. But... you’re welcome. I was getting worried there for a sec. I guess you had a crummy weekend, huh?” She put the tray down then hopped up on Pinkie’s bed, sitting with her legs over the edge.     “Yeah… kinda…” Pinkie readjusted under her covers, and popped her head out the top so that she could talk with Sonata without being muffled by the blankets. “I found out the girl I like is into someone else… and all my friends have felt super distant lately... and I’ve been really moody for some reason… and I just… ugh…” Pinkie let out a quivering sigh, scrunched her face up, turned, and started sobbing into her pillow. Sonata nodded, frowning. “Yeah… I kinda know what that’s like. Well, not exactly that, but being overwhelmed and stuff… I’m sort of the ‘third-wheel’ of the Dazzlings. That can get pretty stressful sometimes. But you can let it out here when you need to. I can bring snacks and stuff!” Pinkie sobbed and wiped a tear from her eye, turning to look back at Sonata.  “Why are you being so nice to me?” Sonata raised a perplexed eyebrow.  “We’re roommates, right? And… um… friends?” She looked towards the plate of cookies on Pinkie’s nightstand, suddenly a little embarrassed. She had never really used the ‘friend’ word before. Adagio, Aria and her never really used terms like that. They had just always been together, for as long as Sonata could remember. They weren’t family, technically, but they avoided talking about the subject of their relationship altogether. They were a trio. That’s just how it was. The slightest, almost imperceptible hint of a smile tugged at Pinkie’s lips. “Yeah… of course we’re friends.” Sonata breathed a little sigh of relief and continued: “And, I dunno… I guess I just… missed your smile.”     Sonata’s heart jumped when when she felt Pinkie’s arms wrap around her in a tight embrace, and sent shivers up her when she heard Pinkie say:     “Thank you… I really needed to hear that...” this time with a slight smile and warmth in her voice.     Sonata stiffened. She hadn’t been expecting such a reaction, but Pinkie’s happiness and acceptance of her as a friend made her feel happy. She slowly lowered her hands onto Pinkie’s back to return the hug. Her heart was beating a little faster. She had never been embraced before, and Pinkie’s body was warm and somehow soothing. She could feel Pinkie’s hair on her skin, trace the curve of her back and feel the squeeze of her arms around her own back.     After a few seconds, Pinkie pulled away, releasing the hug, and sat back up. She looked rough, but at least she wasn’t crying anymore. She rubbed the last of her tears from her eyes with the butt of her palm and said:     “Sorry about all of… this. I just get like that sometimes. I’m good at hiding it from my friends but I’m not used to living with a roommate yet. Sorry to unload on you... But it makes me really happy to know I can vent with you. And you can do the same if you ever need to. And umm… if your offer from earlier still stands… a movie would be nice.”     A few minutes later the two roommates were sitting side-by-side at the foot of Pinkie’s bed, a single blanket wrapped around both of them, eating burnt cookies and watching Gossip Girl. Pinkie leaned her head onto Sonata’s shoulder, and smiled, happy again for the first time in nearly a week. > Chapter 10: Intimate Investigations > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The door to Sunset Shimmer’s room swung open.     Sunset was sitting backwards in her desk chair, leaning over the backrest and reading a book. She looked up at her unexpected visitor.     “Twilight? What’s up, you okay?”     Twilight was panting. She had a pile of very old-looking books in her arms.     “Magic,” she panted, “Equestrian magic.”     A few moments later, Twilight had spread out several books, maps, charts and graphs on Sunset’s desk. They all looked way too scientific for Sunset to understand.     “Uhh, what is all this Twi? What do you mean Equestrian magic?”     “Do you remember the magical anomaly detection device that I completed after our CHS graduation?” Twilight asked, rolling out a large map of the state.     “Sure, of course. We used it to track down tons of magical items and send them back to Princess Twilight in Equestria. What’s going on?”     “Well until now, it’s worked perfectly and every time anything magical occurred in our world, I was immediately alerted. But recently, something has felt off to me. Everyone has been acting… strange. But the device never registered any magic at all, so I figured it was just normal life stuff - you know, college and exams and stuff. But then I realized a flaw in my device.”     “Wait, do think I’ve been acting strange lately?” Sunset seemed a little taken aback.     “Well, yes. Er, not in a bad way though.”     “Oh… okay... Sorry, continue.”     “Well you see, until now the magical items and anomalies in our world have been contained to fairly localized areas. The memory stone, the magic mirror, the Dazzlings’ amulets, all could only affect our world within a small radius. My device could detect items like those,” she pulled out a red marker and marked little ‘X’s all over the map, presumably where any magical item or anomaly had been found, “because it was detecting the difference between the natural energies of our world, and the magical energies surrounding the Equestrian items. In other words, the device relied on the magic being condensed within an area. But I modified the device to detect any magical energies, no matter how trace of an amount, and regardless of whether they were contained or not, and…” She took the marker and drew a big red circle around the whole map.      Sunset’s eyes widened. “So then… there’s magic -”     “- Everywhere,” Twilight finished for her. “Canterlot High, Crystal Prep, Harmony U, our homes.”     “That’s… pretty heavy stuff. But what’s it do? I mean, I don’t feel any different. Maybe it’s just sort of residual portal… stuff?”     Twilight shook her head.     “We can’t be sure. We’ve seen how dangerous magic can be. On this scale, I don’t even want to think of the damage it might cause.”     “I see… what are we gonna do?”     ‘I don’t know… I was hoping you might have an idea.”     “You mean because I’m Equestrian?” Sunset raised an eyebrow.     “Oh, uh, actually... because you’re my best friend...” Twilight blushed and rubbed her arm, looking away.     “Oh… Umm, thanks,” Sunset blushed as well. “Have you told any of the others?”     “Not yet… I don’t want to worry them if it is a false alarm.”     “And you don’t have any leads or ideas where it could be coming from?”     Twilight shook her head again. “I have equipment monitoring every portal we know about, and every magical item that we’ve come across is accounted for, either here with us or back in Equestria with Princess Twilight.”       “So then it’s something new?”     “Right. And we have no idea where it is, who has it, or even what it does.”     Sunset nodded and stood up. “I see. Welp, only one thing to do then,”     “Really? You have an idea?” Sunset nodded. “Sure do! We investigate. We’ll start by going around town and seeing if anything out of the ordinary is going on.” “Okay… yes! That’s a great idea, Sunset!” Sunset smiled. “So… maybe the mall? I can pick you up around 6?” “Sounds perfect! I’ll go get ready!” Twilight quickly packed up her pile of academia and allowed Sunset to open the door for her to leave. “Great! It’s a date! See you then, Twi!” Sunset said with a wink, closing the door behind Twilight.  In the dorm hallway, Twilight blushed. “A… date?” she said out loud to herself. Picking out the right outfit to wear suddenly felt a lot more important to Twilight than it had before. ___     A few hours later Sunset found herself walking side-by-side with Twilight in the Canterlot mall. Like always, it was swarming with all the colorful people of Canterlot, including more than a few students. It reminded Sunset of her time at high school after she had met Twilight and all the rest of her friends. It felt nice to be back.     Sunset looked over at her purple-pink friend. Twilight was wearing a white blouse top tucked into a navy blue ruffled skirt, and tall light blue socks in purple ballet flats that had a slight heel on them, and of course, her glasses.     Sunset was wearing a black short sleeved romper with pink trim on the sleeves of the arms and shorts and some hot pink strappy sandals with a slight heel.     “You look… great, by the way,” Sunset said to Twilight.     “Oh, this? I just threw something on…” she replied, blushing. “But… so do you.”     Sunset smiled. “Thanks! Now where should we start - Movies? Shopping? Boba tea?”     “Are you sure this counts as investigating? It doesn’t feel very detective-like.”     “Well if we have no idea what we’re looking for, all we can really do is look around, right? That doesn’t mean we can’t have a little fun while we’re doing it. Plus it’s Friday!”     “I guess you’re right… How about some boba then?” Twilight smiled a little. Sunset always knew how to make things sound simple and easy, and put her mind at ease when she got worked up.     “You got it, boba it is! And hey, it’s on me this time.”     They went to the boba tea shoppe on the second floor, got their drinks, and sat down.     “So, anything feel off yet?” Sunset asked her friend.     “Not really. Actually, it’s more like the opposite. Everything feels… great.”     “Oh yeah? Didn’t you say earlier that I had been acting strange lately? Is that still true?”     “Well… I just meant that you’ve seemed a little more, I dunno, assertive and… like you’ve been a lot more… noticeable lately? Or… Ugh, I don’t know how to say it! It’s like ever since we started at HU, every time I see you It's like I really see you… That doesn’t make any sense though, does it?”     Sunset chuckled. “Well in a crazy sort of way, sure. Was I… not noticeable before? I thought the red hair kinda made me stand out but maybe I should add some color to my wardrobe.”     “No, that’s not it! Of course I’ve always noticed, just… not like this…”     They sipped their tea in silence for a few seconds, both looking through the mall at the throngs of people going from store to store, girls laughing and window shopping together, families enjoying their time together.     Sunset spoke up: “So… I’ve kind of noticed you in that way too, you know. I think.”     “Y-you have?”      Twilight noticed Sunset looking more at her feet and the ground around the table then at her. It was very un-Sunset-like.      “Well yeah, I guess. I mean… I’ve definitely been thinking about you more.     “Really?” Twilight didn’t know why that made her so nervous.     “Sure… Like tonight when you came into my room… I was really happy because I had been thinking about what it would be like to hang out with you… just the two of us.”     Twilight didn’t know what to say. Sunset had been one of her best friend’s ever since they had met - possibly even her very best friend - but when they were alone, especially recently, it felt different than when she was with any of the others.      “H-hey Sunset?”     “Yes?”     “I’m really glad you asked me out tonight.”     Sunset flushed. “Uh s-sure, of course. Gotta do that investigating, you know… heh… heh…”     They both enjoyed the comfortable silence while sipping on their drinks.      ___     Sunset Shimmer pushed Twilight down onto the bed then climbed on top of her, leaning over her and kissing her neck. Twilight whimpered and clutched Sunset’s back, making sure the girl was pulled tightly against her.     After spending hours at the mall together, drinking boba tea, walking around stores shopping, and even catching a movie, it had become more and more clear to both girls that there was a romantic, sexual tension between them. It was everywhere: a brush of the hands, a meeting of their eyes, a flirtatious laugh or pointed compliment. By the time they had gotten in the car to go back to school, it had become unbearable. Sunset invited Twilight back to her dorm room, making sure to point out that Applejack was away for the weekend again. As soon as they made it to the door, the two were all over each other.         “Are you sure this is okay?” Twilight asked concernedly. “I’ve never really… I mean technically I’m still a…” Sunset stifled her lover’s overthinking with a few expert flicks of her tongue over Twilight’s neck that made the inexperienced girl shiver and shake with pleasure.          Sunset moved her face close to Twilight’s ear and whispered: “We only go as far as you want. Do you want to stop?”     “No…,” Twilight whimpered, her eyes rolling back a little at the feeling of Sunset’s warm breath teasing her ear, and the sensation of Sunset’s saliva cooling on her neck after the licking that happened moments before.     “Good,” Sunset replied, sitting up and looking over twilight. She looked adorable to Sunset, laid on her back, looking up into Sunset’s eyes with something between horny desperation and romantic longing, for once not wearing her glasses. Sunset teased her hands over Twilight’s body, finally able to freely explore the intellectual's frame. Her hands slowly wandered over Twilight’s waist and hips, up to her breasts. Even in a support bra and still wearing her top, they felt small. It wasn’t a turn-off for Sunset. She liked small. She liked Twilight.     “Y-you’re staring...,” Twilight said with a blush. “If… If you wanted to take my shirt off… I wouldn’t mind... “         Sunset giggled. “Oh I’m plannin’ on it, Twi. I might take some other things off too. Just let me know how far is too far, okay? But until then…” Sunset moved her hands to Twilight’s top, starting at the top button… and then the second… and third. Twilight squirmed a little as her shirt slowly opened, revealing her pink bra beneath. She knew there wasn’t a lot there to look at, but she wasn’t completely flat either, just… perky. And having herself exposed before the hungry eyes of Sunset made her feel… surprisingly sexy.         Sunset finished unbuttoning the shirt, then helped Twilight out of it, and tossed it over the edge of the bed. Then she reached both arms around Twilight’s back and teased the hooks of her bra. “Can I take this off too?” she asked in Twilight’s ear.     “Okay…” Twilight said, and immediately squeaked when she felt Sunset release the hooks and tug her bra off. It followed her shirt over the edge of the bed. Sunset leaned back to get a better look. Twilight covered herself and looked sheepishly at her partner.     Sunset smiled warmly at her. “Shy? It’s okay if you are. I know I tease you about it sometimes but… It’s something that I kind of like about you. Here, maybe this will make you feel better.” Sunset tugged one arm out of her romper, and then the other, and let the material fall and bunch around her hips. She wasn’t wearing a bra underneath, and her tits popped out in all their glory. Sunset blushed and crossed her arms at her stomach, avoiding eye-contact with Twilight. “So… like what you see?”     Twilight stared, astonished, and nodded. Then, realizing Sunset couldn’t see her nodding, said, “Yes… You’re um… really… really sexy....” Sunset looked at her and smiled in a way that made Twilight’s heart flutter. Sunset’s B-cups were bigger than her A’s. She wouldn’t have thought that one cup size would make that huge a difference, but the subtle heft they displayed, and the slight jiggle they had whenever Sunset moved made Twilight both envious and incredibly aroused.     “S-sorry,” Twilight said, “I don’t really know what to do… I feel bad that I’m just kind of lying here and making you do all the work…”     Sunset leaned back over Twilight, letting their bodies come together warmly. Twilight took a deep involuntary breath of air when she felt Sunset’s boobs slide over her own, their nipples pleasurably rubbing against each other. Sunset looked into Twilight’s eyes and asked: “Do you want to touch me?”         Without thinking, Twilight said: “Yes.” It came out as breathy and urgent. Sunset rested her head beside Twilight’s and nipped at her earlobe playfully, then whispered seductively into her ear, letting her breath tickle Twilight’s neck and tease the poor girl even more: “Then touch me.” Twilight’s toes curled and she wrapped her legs around Sunset’s lower half, moving her lips to Sunset’s neck. She had never been intimate with anyone before. She hadn’t expected her first time to be with a girl. She had never really even thought about it before. Not until she had met Sunset, anyway. Now, as she kissed her friend’s neck, felt her breasts sliding over her naked torso, and listened to the purr-like moans of pleasure coming from the bad-girl-turned-good, she realized that no fantasy could have come close to the pleasure of reality. She was a lesbian. She couldn’t deny it anymore. It felt too good and too right for her to ever say otherwise. She covered Sunset’s neck in wet kisses, and lovingly caressed her back. Sunset moaned, feeling Twilight finally come alive, more than just reciprocating, she began to take control, to maneuver Sunset’s body into the best position for her to please it. Twilight’s hands crawled over Sunset’s bare back, tugging her a bit forwards or a bit backwards as they needed, or just glided along drawing a trail of tingling sensation behind them on Sunset’s skin. Sunset bathed in the feeling, letting it wash over her, losing herself to Twilight. After a long time of teasing each other with neck kisses, playful biting, and caressing of the flesh, Sunset wanted more. She let her hand slide to Twilight’s skirt. The article was already pushed up to Twi’s hips, doing little to hide her modesty, but Sunset didn’t stop there. She let her palm brush the soft thin fabric of Twilight’s panties, feel her mound. It was soft and hot and smooth. She felt the lips part slightly and decided to rub a small circle in the area. Twilight moaned and passionately sucked Sunset’s neck, leaving the beginning of a hickey. Sunset slid her hands into Twilight’s panties. She couldn’t resist any longer. She felt the warm, soft, and slightly fuzzy skin of Twilight’s pelvis region, obviously well-trimmed, and then the hot wet slit of her vagina. She teased her middle finger over the sopping snatch, drew a line back and forth between the lips, making twilight shudder and squeak. Then she slowly let her finger sink inside, into the indescribably tight, warm pussy of her best friend. Twilight stopped. “Uh m-maybe we should take it a bit slower, S-sunset? If you don’t mind, I mean…” Sunset quickly withdrew her hand, slightly embarrassed that she had taken it so far on their first time. “Right! Yes, sorry, Twi. Got a little carried away I guess… My bad.” She sat up, looking Twilight over. The other girl was looking back at her, looking a little guilty, if Sunset had to guess. She was covering herself again and blushing brightly. “S-sorry…” Twilight murmured. “I… I really did enjoy it, I just… I’ve never really done anything like that before and I just don’t know how I feel about everything yet. I just… really like you, Sunset… and I don’t want to ruin things, so when stuff started happening all at once and we were having fun and then having fun fun and then we started you know… I was really happy, but it just felt so fast, I -” Twilight rambled, stumbling her sentences together into one long speech. “Twi, Twi! Slow down!”  Sunset laughed in a friendly way that made Twilight feel relieved. She had been worried that Sunset might be upset or resent her for stopping their sexual escapade too soon.  “I completely understand. I told you to stop me when things went too far, and you did. Thank you, Twi. You were amazing. You are amazing.” Twilight flushed deep red and smiled. “We can still cuddle, if you want. I know it’s not as sexy as what we were just doing but… it can still be a little sexy.” She sat up and found her skirt around her waist, and pulled it off, tossing it to the floor and leaving her in just her baby blue cotton hipsters panties. Sunset smiled back at her, “That sounds perfect,” and tugged the rest of her romper down and off, flinging it to join the rest of their clothes on the floor. Sunset’s panties were lilac bikini cuts with a black polka dot pattern. Once they were fully relieved of nearly all of their clothing, Sunset laid back down and pulled Twilight into her so that they were facing each other. The warmth between the two was pleasant. Their almost-naked bodies nestled into each other, nurturing a sense of safety and belonging. Their noses touched gently at the tips, their foreheads colliding gently. Twilight found Sunset’s hand by her side and took it into her own, interlacing their fingers. “You know… I can’t believe I did all that before I even got my first kiss. I’m glad I did though, I think it kind of made the surprise better…” Twilight confessed. “Oh my god, Twilight, you haven’t ever been kissed? I am so sorry. If I had known, I wouldn’t have… I mean I would have offered… er… well, I hope I didn’t steal a special life moment from you…” Twilight giggled. “Nah, I don’t mind. I never really held any expectations about how this kind of thing would happen to me. I mean I never really thought it would happen at all until recently. So don’t worry about it! I mean, unless you want to kiss me right now to make up for it!” She chuckled at her own playful joke. “We… could. If you want…” Sunset said, very seriously. Twilight stopped laughing and met Sunset’s gaze. The romantic tension between the two was suddenly back. The air was thick with it. Both girls could feel their own heart rates climbing. “O-okay… y-yes… I mean, sure, if that’s alright with you…” Twilight said without making any attempt to hide her blush. She looked into Sunset’s eyes, very aware of the closeness of their faces now. Without saying anything else, they began moving their lips closer and closer together. Twilight stopped centimeters from Sunset, allowing her to close the distance. She did.  Twilight could feel her heart beat rise to a fever pitch before losing all feeling in her body except for her lips. Sunset’s soft lips pressed gently into hers. It wasn’t an especially sexy kiss - there was no tongue or force or movement to it - but rather, a romantic kiss. It was gentle and soft. It was a touching of the lips to symbolize the mutual acceptance of an intimate moment. It was more than Twilight ever could have hoped for.     When Sunset finally withdrew her mouth from her own, Twilight felt like a different person. The kiss had stayed on her lips, absorbed into her skin. Sunset started to speak but Twilight reached up and drew her back in, pressed them back together. This new kiss was more aggressive. Twilight needed it to be. And she needed it over and over again. She couldn’t believe she was making out with another girl. She couldn’t believe she was making out with Sunset Shimmer, her best friend. But she did believe that she liked it. She knew she did. > Chapter 11: Beginnings and Happy Endings > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were sitting in a small waiting room in one of the administrative buildings on campus. It was an extremely bland room which contained a coffee table littered with some of the school’s literary magazines, surrounded by a few uncomfortable wooden chairs and a small sofa. The wallpaper and carpet were both shades of beige.      Rainbow Dash was lounging on the sofa, lying with her head propped on her elbow and one foot hiked up on the cushions, while Fluttershy was sitting in one of the wooden chairs next to her with excellent posture, her hands folded delicately in her lap.     Rainbow groaned. “How come we have to be the ones to bring all this paperwork to admin again? This is so lame. I could be practicing right now.”     “Oh, umm, well Twilight asked us to… I think she and Sunset had something come up last-minute. I’m not sure about Rarity and Applejack though.”     Rainbow  sighed. “Yeah, I know. I asked them too. Applejack has an essay to write and Rarity just got all nervous and said she had to ‘do something… alone’. What a weirdo. I just wish we could, I dunno, email it or something.”     “I don’t think it will take very long. All we’re doing is dropping off the forms so that the Rainbooms can play at the Fall Formal. Aren’t you excited for that?” Fluttershy asked.     “Yeah, yeah. The dance will be whatever. I just hate waiting. I don’t see why we can’t just rock out without filling out a bunch of dumb paperwork first. So lame!”     Fluttershy smiled. Rainbow’s blunt and straightforward attitude was something she liked about Rainbow. She always knew exactly what Rainbow was thinking, there weren’t any secrets or drama. She was an open book and could express herself easily whereas Fluttershy always had trouble speaking up.          “You know, um, it’s not uncommon at the dance for people to go in pairs… so… you know… um…-”     Rainbow Dash’s phone rang, interrupting Fluttershy mid-sentence. She picked it up and looked at the text she had received.     “Aw man, seriously? Does this girl ever take a break? I swear she’s sent me five hundred texts today.”     “Um, who’s that? If you don’t mind my asking, of course.”         “Huh? Oh, it’s just Sugarcoat. We’ve been sort of, well, hooking up recently. I thought it would just be a fling at first but she won’t stop bugging me. I mean, once or twice a week is fine but she can’t get enough. Guess I can’t blame her though. I am pretty awesome.”         “H-hooking up?” Fluttershy stuttered. “Like… that kind of hooking up?”     “Uh, what other kind is there?” Rainbow asked without looking up from her phone.     Fluttershy turned deep red.     “You mean you and her… do that sort of stuff… together… in b-bed?”     Rainbow rolled her eyes and finally glanced up at a disturbed Fluttershy.      “Yeah, Flutter. We have sex. You do know we’re in college right? You’re supposed to experiment. It’s like, sex central. Everyone’s hooking up.”     “They are?” Flurttershy looked horrified. “Does that mean that you… with other girls?”     Rainbow Dash either didn’t hear, or ignored the question, and instead went back to typing on her phone.      Fluttershy shifted uncomfortably in her chair, looking over at Rainbow Dash every few seconds. She squeezed her hands tightly together and struggled to articulate her thoughts.     “Are you… With Sugarcoat I mean… Are you, um, in a relationship?” Fluttershy squeezed her hands even more tightly, waiting anxiously for Rainbow’s reply.     Rainbow snorted. “A relationship? No way! She’s hot and horny. That’s pretty much it.”     Fluttershy seemed relieved.      “S-so um, are you taking Sugarcoat to the Fall Formal? Or um, have you decided yet?”     Rainbow sighed, hit send, and put her phone back on the table, leaning back into the sofa once again. “Take someone? I was just gonna go stag. What’s the point of taking someone when everyone’s gonna be there anyway? Who cares who you’re with when you walk in?”     Fluttershy looked down at her lap again. “Well it could be fun… Going with someone else, I mean. It would be romantic.”     “Romantic? It’s a college dance. It’ll be like, ninety percent grinding, someone’s gonna spike the punch, and if it’s really good, someone might puke. I mean the Rainbooms will make it awesome, but I don’t know if I’d call it ‘romantic’.      “Oh…” Fluttershy looked dejected.      For the first time in a while, Rainbow Dash looked over toward her friend and saw her face. It looked… sad. “Sorry, Flutter. I just mean that sometimes college parties get crazy. It can be romantic too though. We’re the Rainbooms, we can turn it upside down and still be classy as hell!” She punched her friend lightly on the shoulder.     Fluttershy smiled a little and rubbed the place where Rainbow had punched. “If you say so.”         There was a moment of silence in which both girls sat together without making eye contact, then Rainbow Dash smirked and said, “So… you haven’t hooked-up yet, huh?”     Fluttershy’s face turned bright red almost immediately. “W-well… I… I mean, I thought… er... well I wanted… um… and...“     Rainbow was having a good time watching the girl struggle to talk about something dirty. She was going to say something to stop her suffering, but just before she could, the door opened and the administrative receptionist brought them into her office. After that, the moment was kind of over so they went their separate ways.       Back at home, Fluttershy couldn’t shake a feeling of restlessness. She had been feeling restless a lot lately, actually. She had hoped talking to Rainbow Dash would help - that’s why she had volunteered to go to the admin office with her - but it only ended up making things worse.     She sighed as she opened the door to her room, slid her backpack off, and flopped onto her back on her bed. She felt her breasts bounce and jiggle as she did, and had to take a deep breath to center herself.     Oh, that’s right. She had been feeling dirty a lot more lately too. It wasn’t a totally new feeling - she was human after all, and had hormones like everybody else - but lately it had been like she was in heat. Of course the thought had made her turn tomato red, but she couldn’t deny the sensations in her own body. Things had been… sensitive lately. That was the only way she could phrase it without sounding too… well she just didn’t like to talk like that.      Of course, it was probably just college, she had told herself. That’s when you’re supposed to reinvent yourself, right? It was just an instinct, like how birds know to fly south every winter, or bears know to hibernate. College students just try new things, that’s all.      She had gone to Rarity first. That ended up being a mistake. Rarity had adored the idea of Fluttershy reinventing herself, or rather, of Rarity reinventing Fluttershy. When Flutter had knocked on her fashionista friend’s door and explained the situation, it had been like a king cobra snatching its prey in one quick strike, then dragging it back to its nest to feed. Except in this case, the cobra was a girl with way too many clothes, and the nest was her bedroom where she had made Fluttershy try on several dozen outfits. In the end, she ended up picking out some shorter skirts, a couple of party dresses, and a nice flattering one-piece swimsuit, all of which Rarity was more than happy to lend her.     It hadn’t fixed anything. New clothes didn’t make her feel any different. Especially since she was too shy to wear them in public. And the restless feeling was still there.     She thought about what Rainbow Dash had said. Was she really hooking up with Sugarcoat? How could she be so casual about something so… intimate? Weren’t things like that supposed to be more private? More romantic? Or were they just normal things every girl had to try at least once? Fluttershy’s head felt weird. She couldn't stop asking herself questions that she didn’t like answering.     But she did like the feelings that came with her dirty thoughts. When she thought about Rainbow, about her strong, easy going personality, her bright eyes, her toned body…     Fluttershy gulped. What was she doing? What was she thinking?     What was she touching?     She looked down and let out a long, squeaky moan. Her hand was in her skirt. Her fingers were on her… her….     She bit her lower lip and squirmed. But she didn’t stop. She wasn’t sure she could. It felt so good. Was this how Rainbow felt with Sugarcoat? Would Rainbow feel like this? Rainbow… inside her…     Fluttershy squealed and felt something shoot through her; intense, hot pleasure. Something trickled out of her, then, making a little wet spot on her panties. Of course she had chosen that day to wear her thong. She had only bought it because it was cute, and besides, she had thought, it might be good to wear for sports and stuff since it won’t ever bunch up or anything. It only intensified her lust. She blushed, feeling messy and dirty. She had never done this before, but her fingers seemed to know what felt good. She let them work her soft, smooth skin down there. She liked to keep things trim, but leave a little neat pink ‘fluff’ in the shape of a heart above her intimate anatomy.  “Rainbow…” she moaned, sliding one finger inside of herself and hugging her pillow tight against her chest.  She imagined what it would be like if Rainbow were on top of her, kissing her.... She could almost feel the girl’s arms around her, pulling her in tight, so strong but somehow perfectly gentle with her....     She felt something well up inside her, like a dense, throbbing ball of pleasure in her body that she knew instinctively she had to release. Her fingers moved faster, she squirmed harder. Everything felt hot and fast and she moaned out loud. So loud she was afraid her neighbors would hear. But she couldn’t stop. It was reaching a fever pitch but she couldn’t stop. She could only picture Rainbow, feel her, hear her, need her. There were sounds. Wet sounds. And she felt warmth on her thigh. It was on her sheets. Hot and warm, fast and intense and.. .and…     Fluttershy squealed and arched her back as pleasure exploded through her, making her shake all over, her fingers the only things that seemed to still move right. Her brain went crazy - or numb, she couldn’t tell which - and all she could think or feel was pleasure. Her thighs quivered and she dropped back down flat, chest heaving as she panted for breath. She was in a puddle of something warm, some kind of juice leaking out of her that was soaking into her bed spread.  It lasted for several minutes. Eventually she managed to pull her fingers back, noting that her skirt had made its way down to her knees. Her panties were sopping wet, soaked through by her own fluids, but she didn’t want to take them off. She didn’t want to move at all. She lay there, then, and smiled. She hadn’t felt so wonderful in so long. The restless feeling was gone.     After a long while, she got up slowly, onto her knees on the bed, and shimmied out of her skirt and top. She wanted to feel sexy. She had never cared about it before, but after her… experience just then, she felt bold. She was sexy. She took a look at her body in the mirror and thought it again, saying the word over and over again in her head, as if to try it on. She liked how it felt. She liked being sexy.     In fact…     Her heart beat a little faster as she pulled her phone off of the bedside table where she had laid it earlier. She opened the camera. The restless feeling from earlier crept back in, but it was different this time. It was exciting. She liked it. She wanted more of it.     She opened her legs a little, spreading her knees on the now-messy bed sheets, and slid one hand back into her wet panties, pointing her phone at the mirror. The image on the screen made her heart skip a beat. She couldn’t believe that was her. But… it wasn’t enough.     She put the phone down and quickly unsnapped her bra, letting it topple down her thighs and onto the floor just in front of her, then she picked the phone back up and…     By the time she was finished, she had taken nearly 40 pictures. She lost all her self control, allowing herself to feel all the things she had never felt before at once. It was intoxicating. She tried every pose she could think of, tried different model faces, different angles. In the end she picked a favorite - a simple one in which she sat, legs spread, with a big smile on her face and her free hand in her panties. It was sexy and cute at the same time. It was her.