> Indulgence > by DrySpell > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > To Satisfy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Be careful, mom. Wouldn’t want to see you choke.” “Oh, please, Shiny. You’re twenty years too late to make me choke.” Laughter cropped up around the room, lowering the tension of the moment just a bit. The following silence did wonders to ramp it back up, though, and soon, Twilight Velvet found herself back in the same position. With an expertise and preciseness none of the other three around the table could imagine her to possess, she activated her magic once again and quickly slipped a block out from the Jenga tower. Two of the four began clapping. One sat with his mouth agape, and the final triumphantly twirled the block around in the air before placing it triumphantly on top. “Looks like you’re in quite the pickle, Shiny.” Even his mother’s taunting tone wasn’t enough to get him to recover. “What did you say before, honey? This was your ‘comeback story’?” “I mean, it still is,” said Shining Armor, focusing on the tower. His mother had seemingly pulled off the impossible. The tower was held up by just two blocks near the bottom, making the entire thing incredibly wobbly. She pulled from the middle, but, through some miracle, managed to keep the tower standing. He had to focus if he wanted to— “Be careful, sweetie.” His mom whispered at him from across the room, chuckling slightly after. “Wouldn’t want to see you choke.” He simply grumbled in response, then focused on a piece that looked relatively sturdy. He slipped it mostly out, leaving only a single corner before he was home free. Of course, that corner was all it took to mess him up. The tower crashed on top of the table, the blocks from the game flying all over the tabletop, and some even falling. The piece Shining had taken out was still floating above the chaos. The other three around the table laughed, while Shining was only left to pout. “Cheer up, son.” Shining’s father offered him a gentle smile. “I could never beat your mother at any board game since we were young.” “Mom is just good at these kinds of games,” said Twilight with a shrug. “How did you get so good at board games, mom?” “Your grandma always used to beat me,” she said, putting her hoof up. “See, sweetie? It’s not such a bad thing to be in second place.” She placed the hoof on the table, then smiled innocently at Shining. “But what was that you said about the dishes if you lost, hmm?” “Oh, yeah, you see, the thing about that is... hehe,” Shining fumbled around while trying to think of what he could say to stop himself from drowning in dishes for the rest of the weekend, but his mother’s smile took all hope away from him. “I’ll get right on that after dinner, ma’am.” “Good! Now, who’s hungry?” After dinner, the house was always silent and serene. Although everyone would still be up just a bit longer, the house just seemed to slowly and quietly fall asleep itself. “I think I’ll retire first.” Twilight Velvet looked over to her husband, who could barely keep his eyes open. For years, he’d been going to bed relatively early. True to his name, he would always be out like a light soon after he laid down, even if he told her that he wasn’t tired. Velvet chuckled, then gave him a quick kiss goodnight before he left the living room.  Her daughter was always quite the handful. Before she’d left home, she could easily stay up forever if she was caught in a book, and even after becoming a princess, nothing seemed to have changed. Still, with the clock ticking closer to the midnight hour, Twilight closed her book and put it among the rest in her saddlebags. “Night, mom,” she said, slowly trotting towards her room. “See you in the morning.” “Goodnight, sweetie.” After Twilight closed her door with a click, Velvet decided that she should get some sleep of her own. She hopped off the couch, slowly making her way to the bedroom in the back. As she did, the subtle sound of water running pricked her ears, and she took a little detour.  “38 bottles of beer on the wall, 38… bottles of beer.” When she trotted into the kitchen, Shining hadn’t noticed her just yet. His magic movements were sluggish, and his eyes fluttered open and closed every few moments. Velvet chuckled as he sloppily continued his song. “You take one down, pass it… pass it around. 37 bottle of—” Shining jumped when his mother’s mane tickled his back, nearly causing him to drop his glass. Velvet caught it with ease, reassuring him with a smile. “You want to finish these in the morning, sweetie?” she asked, patting him on the side with her hoof. He sighed, then took the plate back from his mom, continuing to wash it. “I’m fine, mom,” he said, slipping the soapy dish to the side. “I lost the bet, so I should do what I said I would.” Velvet frowned up at him. “And I, as the one who won the bet and as your mother, say you can go rest. I’ll finish these up for you.” She saw him open his mouth to respond and put her hoof over it. “A young stallion needs his rest, remember?” “I’m not a kid anymore, mom,” he mumbled, half asleep already. Velvet chuckled, patted him on the side again. “Of course not, sweetie,” she said. “But I still want my goodnight kiss.” Shining lazily leaned down and pecked his mom on the cheek. She smiled up at him, then pointed a hoof to the entrance. “Now off to bed with you.” “Mmhm,” he hummed, slowly trotting to his room. “Goodnight, mom.” She waved slightly until he was out of sight. She waited until she heard the click of his door before she put her hoof over her cheek. She kept it there for a few moments before sighing, then turning her full attention to the dishes. There weren’t many left, but every dish only made her feel slightly hotter. Running cool water over her hooves didn’t help much, only showing her how much heat she felt. By the time the last dish had been cleaned, she could feel every bead of sweat sliding down the nape of her neck. She could barely put anything back properly before she stumbled out of the kitchen.  The door to her bedroom was at the end of the hallway, but she hadn't gotten far down the hall without stopping. She pressed a shaky hoof onto the first door down the hallway, and quietly pushed it open. The room beyond was dark with cool air. She took a few steps before stopping near the entrance once again. A small smile inched onto her face as she spotted Shining laying haphazardly on his back. She was glad to see that he hadn’t changed all that much from before he’d moved out. She trotted into the room, making sure to close the door behind her. Shining took after his father so much. There were clothes strewn about the room, with papers all over the desk to the right of the bed. More importantly, he was quite the heavy sleeper. Most importantly, he was incredibly hung, the tip of his cock quite literally pitching a tent using his cover. Twilight cast the cover away to marvel at her son’s impressive size. With how hot she was getting again, she didn’t want to waste time just staring. “I hope you won’t mind, Shiny…” She moved on top of the bed, lining her mouth up with his tip, then slowly pushed her head down. She moved her tongue around the shaft when she got to the medial ring only to keep pushing down. She hadn’t gotten it all down yet, but she pulled back to give herself some room to breathe. Though the sudden embrace of his mother’s warm, wet mouth made him stir slightly, he was still far off from waking up.  She kept sloppily sucking on the shaft. She hadn’t done something like this in a while, but she knew she wasn’t going to gag any time soon. His tip flared every time it slid further down her throat, making her body go wild in expectation for his hot cum to line her belly.  “C-Caddy…” he mumbled. Velvet finally pushed past where she stopped before, being rewarded with a hot jet of cum on the roof of her throat. She didn’t dare pull back for even a moment as he filled her stomach with his spunk. When he calmed down, she pulled herself back, making sure not even a single drop would stick to the shaft. Once his tip popped out of her mouth, she put a hoof to it, making sure to swallow it all down. After a few breathless moments, she glanced over to Shining Armor, finding him still happily sleeping.  “I’m sorry, Shiny,” she said, nuzzling his softening cock to get it back to full readiness. “Mommy wants a bit more than that.” She clambered above him, her clit winking with extreme ferocity. Shining was incredibly quick to get back to full readiness, which only excited Velvet more. Just pushing the top past her cunt made her shudder with pleasure. She let out a soft moan before she continued. Shining was an impressive size, managing to squeeze even his mother’s experienced pussy. Once she fit most of his length inside of her, she paused.  “Shiny… mmmm… Oh my.” She pulled herself up, slowly stretching and squeezing herself on her son’s cock. She had no idea why this just felt that much better than her husband, but something inside of her sparked up every time Shining’s tip squished against her soft g-spot. Her mouth fell agape and a warm stream of saliva fell onto his stomach as she rode him. “Shiny, c-cum for mommy… I need it!” “M-Mom?” Hearing his voice send an icy dagger up her spine, but it was already too late. She was so close to orgasm, her body wouldn’t stop for anything. She bit down on her lip, then looked directly at her son. “W-What’s happening?” “Don’t worry, sweetie,” she whispered. “Mommy will be done soon, so j-just hah… just sit there like a good boy and wait, okay?” Shining’s eyes flicked from hers to his bottom, and back. Velvet closed her eyes, her breaths getting increasingly heavy. Her entire body flared up in heat, her entire lower body seizing up as she came. The moan slipped out louder than before, and her shaking pussy slowly stopped clenching down as hard. “Mom…” On some level, Velvet was scared to open her eyes, but she knew the consequences of doing this before she started.  Her body was flipped over quickly, disorienting her when she opened her eyes. All of a sudden, she laid on her back, her hind legs spread out impressively far. When she looked up, Shining’s face was completely red, but his eyes were serious.  “It’s… It’s rude not to let me cum, mom,” he said, pressing his hooves on either side of her. She opened her mouth to respond, but his thrust only ripped a loud moan out of her mouth. She covered her mouth for the next thrust and bit down when he started pumping into her over and over. “Y-You’re so tight, mom.” “More…” her voice leaked out from behind her hooves, her mind quickly swirling around. “More, Shiny, more!” He paused only for a moment to bring her hooves together and lift her just a bit. With a better angle, even more of his length reached into her. While he pounded into her even harder than before, his tongue quickly lapped at his mother’s soft frogs, causing her to shudder even more than before. “Pleasing the goddess of love left me with a few tricks, mom,” he said between licks. She didn’t trust herself to respond. If she even opened her mouth, she might let out a moan to wake up the neighborhood. “Get ready, mom. I’m gonna blow everything inside!” She nodded her head wildly, biting down even harder as he pushed even harder than before. With him pumping so fast and hard, he couldn’t possibly make her cum any sooner. When her body tensed up, it was met with another hot jet of cum. This one, though, was longer, more fierce than the one before. She could feel Shiny try to pump every bead of cum right into her womb. And it seemed to have worked. When he pulled back, a tiny bit of cum dribbled out of her, but the rest nested itself inside. The two were both breathing hard, sweat sliding down both of them. More than ever before, Velvet felt satisfied. “Alright, who’s ready for breakfast? Anyone got suggestions?” Velvet stared back at three sleep-deprived faces. She didn’t feel bad at all, with a smile big enough for the three of them. She glanced over at Shining, who immediately looked down at his hooves when she did. She chuckled, then turned to the kitchen.  “What’s wrong, Shiny?” said Velvet, with a chuckle. “You look like you’ve been working all night.” “T-That’s not… well, I just didn’t get enough sleep.” Shining chuckled nervously. “Me neither,” said Twilight. “It was hard to sleep through mom’s moaning.” Velvet froze in her tracks, a blush spreading wide across her face. She swung her tail back and forth wildly, before turning back to the three. “I… erm, don’t know what you mean,” she said. “Maybe I should work on my snoring problem, then.” “The jig is up, mom,” said Twilight, smirking. “At least dad knows how to keep his mare quiet.” Shining and Velvet looked at Night Light, whose expression hadn’t changed at all since they’d started.  “It looks like we’ve um… got some talking to do,” said Velvet.  “Yep,” said Night Light, turning to Shining. “I’ve got to tell Shining how to deal with you properly, or else you’ll be keeping us up every night.” Velvet sighed, then turned back to the kitchen. “Waffles for breakfast it is, then.”