> Mother Lovers > by Shakespearicles > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Roommate Ruminations > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "And this is the kitchen. Pretty standard really," the realtor said as she walked through the Ponyville condo with Sunburst following behind her. Now that the unicorn was the Vice Headpony of Princess Twilight's School of Friendship, he needed a home in Ponyville. "All your basic amenities. Sink, fridge, oven." She continues walking towards the hallway. "It does have two bedrooms. So even if you don't have foals, you could always turn it into a study. Are you married or-" The front door opened and an earth pony stallion walked in to look at the condo open house. "Oh. Hello there. What's your name?" The realtor asked. "Button Mash?" Sunburst greeted, recognizing the former student of the school. "Vice Headpony Sunburst?" Button greeted back. "You're not in school anymore. You don't have to use my title. What have you been up to since you graduated?" Sunburst asked. "I design video games for arcade machines. It's pretty good work. Fun too," Button said. "Well that's good to hear. So you're getting your own place now?" Sunburst asked. "Yeah. But what about you?" Button asked. "Things with my marefriend have... changed. So I had to move out," Sunburst said. The realtor quickly got Button caught up on the current tour and then picked up where she left off with Sunburst. It wasn't a very big condo, but the rooms that it had were nice. Each of the bedrooms had a large walk-in closet. The kitchenette, though small, was very well designed. And the living room had plenty of space to entertain a small party if one were so inclined. The bathroom had a walk-in shower stall with nice sliding glass doors and an entire linen closet. "It's nice," Sunburst said. "A bit expensive though. Especially on a public education salary." "Yeah I was thinking the same thing," Button said. "I need to get my own place, and I could afford this, but that would be about it." "I'm sorry," the realtor said. "But there isn't a whole lot else available in town right now." "What if it was half the cost?" Button asked Sunburst. "Yeah that'd be great!" Sunburst said. "That's what I was thinking too," Button said, "... Roommate." "What?" "Why not split it? We're both single adults. Let's save some bits," Button suggested. "I don't think that would be appropriate. You used to be my student." "But like you said, I'm not anymore. And you're not my vice head pony. You're not even that much older than me. You're what, thirty?" "I'm twenty nine." "Yeah, not even ten years difference!" Button said. He could see that Sunburst was considering it. "Come on, It'll be fun. We'll get some ciders and Applejack Daniels. I can set up my SwitchStation 360 in the living room and you can be player two in Dragon Drop 3D." "I have the board game version of that game!" Sunburst said excitedly. "Okay. Okay let's do it!" After a visit to the bank, the two stallions co-signed the lease to the condo. After that, was the relatively easy step of moving in and unpacking. Either bedroom was more or less identical and they each took one. Button Mash got to work setting up the entertainment center with the big screen TV and the gaming console while Sunburst set up his bedroom. Sunburst opened up the last of his boxes and took out a portrait to set on his dresser. Button walked in. "Hey, I finished setting up the TV. Do you think we should get a mini-fridge for the living- whoa! Is that your marefriend?" Button asked, seeing the portrait. "Wow dude, she is hot! I can see why you were dating her. I'd be tapping that all day every day!" Sunburst quickly snatched the picture frame away from his new roommate and clutched it in his hooves. "That's... my mom," Sunburst said, blushing with embarrassment and irritation. "Oh, dude, I'm sorry!" Button quickly apologized. "I was talking out of my flank!" "No, it's okay. I'm used to it," Sunburst said. "I've been hearing colts tell me that my mom is hot my whole life." "Yeah, me too actually," Button said, putting a hoof on his shoulder. "But it doesn't get any easier hearing it. Trust me, I know. Hearing all your friends say how lucky you are to have such a hot mom..." "And then when they find out your mom is single, you know they are going to clop themselves off later while thinking about her," Sunburst added. "Your mom is single too?" Button asked. Sunburst nodded. He reached over to put the picture back on his dresser. It slipped out of his hooves and fell to the floor. The backing popped off and some other photos fell out of the inside of the frame. Sunburst dove to the floor to gather them up. Button knelt down to help. The other photos were of the same mare, but of other parts of her body. Mostly under her tail. "Dude!" "It's- uh, my Dad's!" Sunburst said quickly. "The pictures. I mean, the picture frame is my Dad's. Was my Dad's, I mean! So those must belong to him. Must have, I mean." Sunburst quickly gathered up all the pictures and stuffed them back inside the frame and clasped it shut. His face was redder than an apple. "... Okay. Yeah. Sure. Makes sense," Button said calmly and turned around and went back out to the living room. "I'm gonna go run down to the store... to get some cider. For the fridge." "Okay," Sunburst grumbled and continued to unpack the rest of the boxes for the common rooms. Button returned from the store and put the cider bottles in the fridge. He heard the toilet flush and he headed down the hallway. Sunburst stepped out of the bathroom with an old magazine under his armpit. "That's my Playcolt!" Button snapped. "Why do you have it!?" "It was in the bathroom box," Sunburst said. "MY bathroom box!" Button said. "Sorry. I found it when I was unpacking," he said. "And I gotta say, the mare in this one is pretty hot though," he said, holding it up to let the centerfold flip open, revealing a mare laying spread eagle. "That's my mom!" Button yelled, immediately regretting the words as he grabbed the magazine away from him and carefully folded it back up. "Oh. I thought I recognized her," Sunburst said. "Yeah! You met her at that parent-teacher conference!" he said. "Ah, right right." Sunburst remembered. "So... your mother is a Playcolt model?" "She was," Button emphasized. "She's a pediatric nurse now." "Okay. She was in Playcolt magazine..." Sunburst said, looking at it in Button's hooves. "So why do you have it." "It's my Dad's!" Button said. "But you just said that it's yours," Sunburst said. "It is. I meant that it was my dad's," Button amended. "I keep it because it's sentimental." "Is that why it was packed with your pocket pussy?" Sunburst asked, pointing at the masturbatory aid still in the bathroom moving box. Button glared at him. "You're one to talk, with your spy photos of your mom." "I- I told you those aren't mine!" he retorted. "Yeah, well you didn't seem too keen on throwing them away," Button said. Sunburst glared back at him and grit his teeth before taking a breath. "You know what? I think maybe we should just pretend that none of this ever happened," he said, trying to deescalate things. "Yeah. Maybe we should," Button agreed, grabbing the moving box with his personal items to bring them back to his room. Sunburst walked out to the kitchen and saw the bottle of Applejack Daniels on the table. He grabbed a glass from the cupboard and poured himself some. Then he poured a glass for his roommate. He had the feeling they could both use it. Button walked out of his room a minute later and saw the proverbial olive branch waiting for him on the table. Button was happy to accept it and sat down across from his roommate. He threw back the shot and winced from the familiar burn of the whiskey. Not to put off the drinking purist, but he didn't care for his liquor to be room-temperature. He grabbed some ice from the freezer and poured himself another glass, and refilled Sunburst's cup as well. "Cheers," Sunburst said, lifting his glass. Button raised an eyebrow. "Are we toasting to something?" Button asked. "To us? New roommates?" Sunburst offered. "To a hell of a first day," Button said without a smile. "May it only get better from here on." "I'll drink to that," Sunburst said, clinking his glass against Button's before the both drank them and poured up another. The third drink on an empty stomach made his head rush. "Here's to forgetting about tonight," Button toasted. Another clink. Another drink. Sunburst finished his drink and poured another. "Um, hey, before we forget about tonight, can I ask you something?" Sunburst asked. Button sighed. He had the feeling he wasn't going to like the question. "Yeah, sure." "Was it just the one issue?" he asked. "Of the magazine? That she was in? I'm just curious." Button rolled his eyes but didn't get mad. "No. There were two other issues that my dad had before he left. I was only able to get the one because I was..." Button looked away for a second, "... borrowing it when my mom found his stash and destroyed them. That was shortly before he left." "Oh." Sunburst's tone was less of sympathy and more one of interest. "Why do you ask?" "Well, I just so happened to have met Huge Heifer one time when I was visiting Las Pegasus," Sunburst said. "Wait- the Huge Heifer? The steer that owns Playcolt? How in the world did you meet him?" Button asked. Sunburst rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Well, I, uh... may have been visiting his ranch... as a... customer," he said. "How much did that set you back?" Button asked. "Too much," Sunburst said. "But by chance, I crossed paths with him in the lobby, we chatted briefly and he mentioned that they have all the back-issues of Playcolt in an archive, so I could special order those other issues for you... You know, for sentimental reasons." Button Mash stared down at his glass. "Yeah, I'd..." he trailed off, swirling his drink before gulping it down. "... I'd appreciate that." "I've got to say, I'm actually rather envious," Sunburst admitted. "No you're not," Button cut him off. "Living in fear of someone finding out. And then all it takes is for one of your friends to find out and you never hear the end of it. And you end up punching them in the mouth so they never speak of it again, and then they're not your friend anymore." Sunburst sat up suddenly. "I remember that fight!" Sunburst said. "I couldn't believe that was you. You were always so polite and quiet. I never took you for the violent type. You ended up knocking out one of his teeth! I never did get either of you to tell me what the fight was about." "Yeah..." Button said, sipping his drink now. "Because he wanted to keep the rest of his teeth." "I guess what I meant was... I'm envious that you have a big three-page centerfold, and all I have are a few blurry snapshots," Sunburst said. Button looked over the rim of his glass at him. "Yeah, the photos are mine," he admitted. "My mom started dating this guy for a while after I had moved out. I got in touch with him. Told him I was an ex-coltfriend. I asked him to take the pictures. I offered to pay him a lot of money for the photos and for his discretion. I was able to get those few from him. He was going to do more but when he found out who I was he backed out and broke up with her." Button reached across the table and refilled his roommates glass and then his own before lifting it up. "To Mom," Button said. "To Mom," Sunburst echoed. Clink Drink. Refill. Button chuckled. "I'll tell you what, you order me those issues, and I'll date your mom and take some more pictures for you," Button said. Sunburst laughed out loud. "Ha. Yeah right." "No, I mean it." "Okay, sure, it's a deal," he said. Changing gears, he got up from the table to grab a couple cider bottles from the fridge. His imagination started to drift away with him. "Heh, maybe you can get my mom to go to a swinger's party and you can swap partners with your mom's colt-friend there," he said. Button popped the cap off his bottle. "No, that wouldn't work. My mom would recognize me obviously." He took a swig of his bottle. "And she doesn't even have a coltfriend to swap with." A smile slowly crept across Sunburst's face. "... yet." Sunburst added. "Hmm?" "Your mom doesn't have a coltfriend, yet!" he repeated. He pointed at himself and grinned. "Wait, so what? We date each other's moms?" Button asked. "Yes. Yes!" Sunburst was nearly dancing in his seat. "And then what? Swap them? That's the plan?" Button asked. "That's not a plan, that's a goal," Sunburst said. "But luckily, I was raised by a mare that taught me a thing or two about having a plan..." > Take My Mother, Please! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Okay, I already power-leveled your World of Witchcraft character, so you should be able to meet up with my mom online for a raid. Just follow the cues I gave you and you should be able to set up the date," Button Mash said. "What about you? Do you have everything?" Sunburst asked. "The itinerary, the checklist, the planner schedule...?" "For the hundredth time, yes!" Button said, opening his bag to show him that he had everything, including the round trip ticket to Sire's Hollow, where Sunburst's mother lived. "Alright. Good luck. And don't forget the Golden Rule," Sunburst said. "Don't cum inside your roommate's mom!" they recited their sworn oath together. Button Mash left to head to the train station while Sunburst settled in front of the TV with the video game console. He looked at the clock. It was 4:57. The raid would be starting soon. He put on the headset and logged into the game. DrH3alG00d has logged in He waited and watched the notifications area. n00bCreamer<3 has joined the raid party Bingo! That was Button's mother, Cream Heart. He turned on his microphone and trotted his character over to hers. Before he could greet her, he heard her voice crackle loudly in his headset. n00bCreamer<3: "Hey, you're a Nurse class! What's your skills loadout?" Sunburst quickly grabbed his reference sheet that Button had made for him and listed off his Nurse class skills over his microphone. n00bCreamer<3: "Perfect. You're my healer for this raid. You're level ninety one so I assume you know what you're doing so don't screw this up!" Sunburst knew enough to be competent. But luckily, he didn't need to know better. Button Mash had equipped him with a custom controller with command macros built in. He remembered what Button had told him. Once you find her, target her character and select Auto-Follow. While she's in combat, you alternate between running macro one and two. Those are your primary healing skills and damage booster suites for her. When she's not in combat, use macro three. That will boost her passive buffs. And most importantly, if she gets killed in combat, macro four will resurrect her with a fifty percent bonus. But if you just stick to the other macros, you shouldn't have to do that. Do NOT try to flirt with her while in combat. She will be the one talking. And she'll just be telling you to do what you should already be doing anyway, heals and buffs. You can chat with her outside of combat and once the raid is over, if she likes you, she won't immediately log off. Got all that? Sunburst ran macro three to boost her passive buffs before the raid started. n00bCreamer<3: "Ah, a competent Nurse for once." The raid started and the first enemies appeared. Sunburst alternated between macro one and two. His screen was a harmonized symphony of perfectly choreographed spells and effects stacking with precise order. Cream Heart's character turned into a nigh invincible hurricane of damage, laying waste to anything that crossed her path, and making short work of the first wave. There was a calm period after the first battle. n00bCreamer<3: "I don't think I've seen you on this server before." DrH34LG00d: "I just moved into a new place. I live in Ponyville." n00bCreamer<3: "Me too. Have you been to Berry's Saloon yet?" DrH34LG00d: "Yeah. If you want, we could-" n00bCreamer<3: "MOB!" The next wave started and it was back to business. Once it was over she resumed talking again right where she had left off. DrH34LG00d: "We could-" n00bCreamer<3: "BOSS!" DrH34lG00d: "We could meet-" n00bCreamer<3: "STOP PULLING AGRO YOU STUPID TWAT!!" The other big damage dealer in the raid party attacked the wrong enemy that Cream Heart's tank wasn't currently kiting and got killed by some poorly timed critical hits without a dedicated healer. The extra mobs' focus shifted to Cream Heart's character. She was overwhelmed and killed next. n00bCreamer<3: "REZ!" DrH34lG00d: "Sorry sorry!" He resurrected her and resumed healing and buffing. n00bCreamer<3: "REZ THE OTHER PLAYER!" Sunburst frantically tried to target the other player and switch back in time. n00bCreamer<3: "HEALS!" DrH34lG00d: "Shit shit!" They narrowly finished the rest of the raid and defeated the boss. He received a portion of the loot. n00bCreamer<3: "Give me your +69 Staff of Penetration." DrH34lG00d: "Um... what?" n00bCreamer<3: "The weapon loot. I need the armor piercing. You don't need it as a Nurse class. You know that." DrH34lG00d: "Yeah... I knew that." He traded the weapon to her. n00bCreamer<3: "I'm heading over to Berry's Saloon after I log off. You should come too and I'll let you buy me a drink." DrH34lG00d: "Yeah I'll-" n00bCreamer<3 has disconnected DrH34lG00d: "..." DrH34lG00d has disconnected "Welcome to Sire's Hollow," the town gate greeted Button Mash. The train ride was shorter than he had expected and it was still mid afternoon when he arrived. Sunburst was likely still getting bossed around in the raid mission. Button focused on the mission of his own. He checked his bag one final time and walked into town. Just as Sunburst had described, the town looked like it was in the middle of an identity crisis, at once filled with both archaic structures, intermixed with modern buildings. One of the modern buildings read: Stellar Realty. He recalled Sunburst's advice as he reached the door: Trust me dude, just use the word 'plan' the way most ponies use a comma and I'm sure that she will be in love with you. The door in front of him opened and the mare he recognized from the photograph stood in front of him. "Oh, hello there! Welcome to Stellar Realty," she greeted him, wearing a sharp-looking pants suit. "Were you interested in checking something out?" she asked. Button suppressed his grin. "That's the plan," he said, already off to a great start. "Well, we are a small gated community, but I do have a few listings I could show you, mister...?" "Button Mash," he said. "Button Mash, I'm Stellar Flare." She glanced up at the sign above her. "As I'm sure you've probably guessed." "Charmed. But I don't leave any guesswork in my plans, Mrs. Flare," he said. "Miss Flare," she corrected with a small blush. "But please, call me Stellar. Why don't you follow me around and I'll show you what I've got?" She walked past him and his eyes followed her flank as it shimmied back and forth inside her pants with each step. "Sounds like a plan," he said. The new housing development featured a row of identical, utilitarian-looking houses. The interior of the first one they looked at had all the modern luxuries one could want without being outright opulent. After touring the inside, they went back outside. "... and the solar panels on the roof provide all the electricity you could ever need. In fact, you can sell the extra electricity back to the town!" she said as part of her practiced tour speech. They walked to the house next door and went inside. "And this house is... well, it's pretty much the same. But you could take any one of these and turn them into whatever you want them to be," she said. "I'm planning on it," Button said. "Now there is one more listing I could show you if you want." "Lead the way." They walked a couple streets down to the next block. "This is one of the older houses of the town," Stellar said. "I'm not a big fan of it, but you're welcome to take a look and let me know it you like what you see." She went to put the key in the old lock but dropped it. She bent down to search of it in the gravel. "I'm liking what I see so far," Button said as she found the key. "I'm just admiring the exterior." "Oh. Well, we can talk and walk around it if you want." She rejoined him on the lawn to walk around to the back yard. "This old thing is really not much to look at." "Oh I don't think so," Button said, turning to her. "I don't care how old it is. It looks rather beautiful to me. It just needs somepony who's planning on giving it a little love." "Well personally, I prefer the younger ones," she said, matching his flirtatious tone with a smirk. "They're more... energy efficient." "Well I like what I'm looking at right now," he said, pointedly looking into her eyes. She blushed harder "This one hasn't had anypony inside for a long time," she said. "That's a shame," he said. "I bet once we got the heat going it would be warm and cozy inside." "We'll have to walk back around to the front. The hinges on the back door are pretty rusty," she said. "Well I'm sure with a bit of patience and lubrication, we'll be able to get in the back door," he said with a grin. He followed her to the front of the house again. She unlocked and walked inside the front door. She turned to look at him on the porch. "Would you like to... come inside?" she asked. "I was planning on it," he said. She blushed. "A- an old house like this, I- I hope you're planning to insure it," she said. "Of course I'm planning on having protection." Button reached into his bag and pulled out a square foil packet from his bag. "And this 'younger model' is very 'energy efficient'," he said, sidling up closer to her, leaning over to whisper in her ear, "Energy to spare." "This house has two bedrooms. Which one would you like to see first?" she asked. "Which would you suggest?" he asked with a whisper, just a inch from her face. "Mine." Sunburst walked into Berry's Saloon. It was just after Happy Hour so there were quite a few patrons. He scanned the room and spotted Cream Heart over at the end of the bar with a mixed drink of some sort. He was about to walk over and speak to her when he realized that he rightly shouldn't know her name or even know what she looks like. He tried to think of a plan. The only thing he could think of was if he asked every mare in the room if she was n00bCreamer. Wait, he didn't have to ask every mare, he realized. Just the ones close enough to Cream to hear him attempting the strategy before he asked her. It would be embarrassing, but he kept his eyes on the prize. If both he and Button succeeded, it would be worth everything. Once he was within earshot of Cream, he started. "Are you n00bCreamer?" he asked. "No," the pink earth pony replied. Behind her, Cream Heart looked up from her drink at the mention of her online handle. "Are you n00bCreamer?" he asked. "No." The mint-colored unicorn looked at him like he had ten heads and then laughed. "Are you n00bCreamer?" he asked. The white unicorn glanced at him from behind her tinted sunglasses and took of her headphones. "Are you n00bCreamer?" he asked again. She just shook her head and put her music back on. "Are you n00bCreamer?" he asked Cream Heart. She looked him up and down. He looks almost exactly like she expected. The glasses, the goatee, even the cosplay wizard cape. "Buy me a drink and I'll tell you," she said. He sat in the bar stool next to her and waved the bartender over and ordered a drink for himself. "... and whatever the lady will have," he said. "A Manehattan Iced Tea," she said. Berry Punch returned a minute later with their drinks. Cream took a long sip and set her glass down. "Doctor Heal Good, I presume?" Cream Heart greeted with a raised eyebrow. He cocked his head and it finally dawned on him that was what DrH34lG00d meant. "The doctor is in," he said in the suavest tone he could manage. "So were you going to poll every mare in here until you found me?" she asked. "Well I was hoping to just 'pole' one mare," he said, followed by an awkward chuckle. Cream smirked. "Cute." She looked at him again and the gears turned in her mind. "I recognize you from somewhere..." "Me too," he said without thinking. She blushed and looked away. He remembered that she had been a model in a magazine shoot that she probably wasn't particularly proud of. "So are you actually a doctor?" she asked. "I'm a pediatric nurse. I haven't seen you at Ponyville General." "No, I work at Princess Twilight Sparkle's School of Friendship. Vice-Headpony Sunburst," he introduced himself. "Ah, that's right! That's where we know each other from!" Cream Heart said, happy to hear that he was a bonafide decent stallion working at the school, and that he didn't know about her checkered past. "My son went to school there a couple years ago. I'm Cream Heart." "Well it's nice to meet you. Again." He feigned checking over his shoulder. "Um, should I be worried about his father seeing us?" he asked. Her smile faltered somewhat. "Brewing Mash hasn't been in the picture for a long time," she said. "Oh. Sorry." "No, it's okay. It was tough for a while, but I got my colt through school and now he has his own place. So that's a mission accomplished, to me." "Cheers." They tapped their glasses together. "So now that you're done being a mom, you've got some free time and... World of Witchcraft?" "I'll never be 'done' being a mom. But yeah. I used to be a gamer filly back in the day. I actually still have my original Joy Boy. But I put all that aside when I became a parent. And he got me into the new games generation. I hear he's making games of his own now." "Wow! An original Joy Boy? I'd love to try playing that some time. Does it still work?" he asked. She smiled. "Yes, in fact," she said. "Just because something is older, doesn't mean it's not still fully functional. As long as it's shown a little tender loving care." She gave him a coy grin. "I have to wonder though, Sunburst, if you would even know what to do with an... older model?" she asked, putting her hoof on his leg. "Well I do like to go antiquing." His eyes scanned the room briefly before looking back into her eyes. "I know how to pick out a real treasure. Real treasures are ageless. And I find that they don't make things..." he looked her up and down, "... quite like they used to. So when I find something that's been neglected for far too long, I'd like to think that I'd know exactly what to do... to give it precisely the kind of hooves-on care it needs..." he put his hoof on her leg, "... and deserves." Cream chewed her lip for a moment, clearly thinking it over. "Okay... Okay. Yeah." Cream Heart finished her drink quickly and called for the check, grabbed him by his goatee, and practically dragged him back to her house. Weeks later "Welcome back," Sunburst greeted as his roommate walked in the front door of their condo, back from his most recent trip to Sire's Hollow. "Hearth's Warming came early this year." He pointed at the discreet, plain cardboard box on the kitchen table in front of his roommate. The return address was an unassuming post box number in Las Pegasus. Button nearly dove on it. "Ah ah!" Sunburst pulled the box away. "Did you get what I asked for?" Button Mash reached into his bag and tossed the envelope of photos across the table. Sunburst opened the envelope and looked at them. It was photos of Stellar Flare in a wide variety of very lewd and explicit poses. "Holy shit, these are incredible! How did you get these?" Sunburst asked. "Camera technology has come a long way," Button said, taking off his glasses and sliding them across the table, pointing at the pinhole lens integrated into the frame. "I don't normally wear my glasses Stella, but I really want to be able to see you while we're making love!" he recited. "And! I got you a bonus." He reached back in his bag and tossed Sunburst a pair of Stellar's used panties. He caught them with his magic and brought them to his nose to smell her. "She smells like heaven!" Sunburst was practically wearing them on his face while Button tore open the box. Inside was every mint back-issue printings of Playcolt magazine featuring Cream Heart. He flipped through each one in turn, seeing new old pictures of his young mother. "You didn't cum inside her though, right!?" Sunburst asked, lifting the panties away for a moment. "No." "I'm serious! Did you cum inside my mother!?" "For the hundredth time, NO!" Button said. "Trust me, she wanted me to, but you and I swore an oath! Plus I needed to leave her wanting to come to Ponyville. And besides, I'm saving up for tonight!" "Okay.... Okay." Sunburst relaxed back into his chair with Stellar's panties over his face. "Oh, and one more thing," Sunburst's muffled voice said from under Stellar's panties. "I did a little cross-referencing and it turned out that your mom did more than just Playcolt." He held up a separate padded envelope. "She also did a video... for Rustler!" "Rustler!?" Button gasped. Playcolt magazine featured lewd images of mares in a variety of provocative outfits and poses. And while still considered 'smut' by many, Huge Heifer prided himself on at least trying to be tasteful about it. Rustler, on the other hoof, was nothing like that. It was just as hardcore and perverted as the printed medium could be. And that was before Steel Flint expanded his industry into the pornographic video market. Sunburst slid the envelope across the table. "I don't know what it is," Sunburst said. "I haven't watched it. I haven't even opened it. I don't know if you want to watch it. But you know how Rustler is, and we can destroy it right now if you want." Button picked it up. It was likewise discreetly packaged. Indeed, it was still sealed. "A Rustler video... It could be my mother taking a dump on a pony's chest. Getting knotted by a pack diamond dogs! Or in the center of a fucking zebra gangbang watersports bukkake! It could be ANYTHING!" Button shrieked. "Of course I want to watch it!" Button tore open the envelope and the video case slid out. "What is it?" Sunburst asked, taking the panties off his face again. Button turned it around to show him. "Rustler's Best Bloopers?" "A collection of the best actresses and funniest scenes that never made it into the final cut of our videos," Button read the back. He looked up at Sunburst. "Of all the things she could have been in, this is by far, the BEST possible thing!" he squealed. He ran over to the entertainment center and put the video in. The title popped up and they started the series, fast-forwarding and skimming through the scenes until they could find her. "Blowjob barf... messy anal pullout... queef super-cut?" They watched that for about thirty seconds. "Okay, that got old fast. Let's see, stallion cums so hard he craps himself, billiard ball gets stuck, a slip-and-fall super-cut... Where's Mom?" He skipped through a few more scenes. "Oh shit." "Oh shit!" There laid Cream Heart on a bed, a mare with legs spread, a hoof playing with herself. There laid Cream Heart, a heavily pregnant mare. "I guess this means that technically you were in a porn video too," Sunburst said. Button was an inch away from the screen, watching his pregnant mother masturbate. On the screen, a stallion walked into the bedroom, wearing a schoolbag. "I'm home early from school." "There's no way that pony is a student," Sunburst complained. "I mean look at him, the dude has a five O'Clock shadow!" "Maybe it's the husband taking night courses or something?" Button said. "Good thing, too. It looks like you need it bad, Mom!" the stallion said, throwing off his book bag. "MOM!?" Button and Sunburst said in stereo. The stallion pulled her over to the edge of the bed and began fucking her without any foreplay whatsoever. "Incest porn?" Sunburst mused. "The plot thickens..." "Oh Son!" Cream Heart moaned. "Don't cum inside Mommy or else you'll get her pregnant again!" "Bum bum bum!" Sunburst said, feigning drama. The stallion started getting really into it and so did Cream Heart. "Yes! Mash Mommy's button! Mommy's so proud of you, Son!" Button's jaw nearly reached the floor. Sunburst just turned and looked at him before laughing so hard he was nearly in tears. "D.P.S. me harder!" she said. Sunburst was rolling on the floor, dying of laughter. "I can't- I can't breathe!" "You're gonna make Mommy cum!" Cream said. A moment later her pussy squirted a huge gush of liquid out from around his dick. "Oh shit! Oh shit!" she yelped. The stallion immediately stopped fucking her and backed away. "I think my water broke!" The camera shook and was left laying at an oblique angle with the mic boom hanging in front of it as the camera and sound ponies rushed into the frame to help her. "Get some towels!" "Not those towels, clean towels!" "We need to take her to the hospital." "Watch out for the-" The camera shook suddenly and went sideways as the camera pony slipped and fell. The video went to static before going black and the next blooper scene started a moment later with a different actress. "I can't believe you were born on a porn set," Sunburst said. "I can't believe I was named after porno dialogue!" Button said, returning to the beginning of her scene before turning it off. "Well I hope you're still ready because our big dates are tonight," Sunburst said. "You're not gonna back out on me, are you?" "No, of course not," Button said, gathering up the magazines to put away in his room. "We've been planning this for weeks and weeks." "Is your room ready?" Sunburst asked. "It's been ready!" Button said. "Just don't take too long once I get her ready." "I'm more worried about going off too soon," he said. "Are you nervous?" Button asked. "I'm terrified," Sunburst admitted. "But I want this more than anything else in the world." "Yeah, me too," Button said. "For both." They sat there in silence for a moment. "What's going to happen after tonight?" Button asked. "I mean, we planned for everything up to this point. But depending on how things go..." "They're single mares..." Sunburst said. "Yeah, but we're not our fathers," Button said. "We're better than that." "Are we?" Sunburst asked, considering what they were planning to do. "Are we really better? How are we not almost certainly worse?" "Because we love them!" Button said. "And... and I don't want this to just be a one-time thing!" "Button, if we-" Sunburst bit his words. "That's a big commitment. The biggest!" "I'm willing to do it. But you have to be as well!" he said. "Why? Would you not want to?" he asked. Sunburst opened his mouth to reply but thought about it. He really thought about it. "I do want to," Sunburst said at last. "Yeah! I will! I'll ask for her hoof if it come to that." "Really?" Button asked. "Absolutely! It would be my honor to be your new stepfather!" Sunburst said. "It would be my honor to be your new stepfather!" Button said back. The clock on the wall chimed the time. "The hour approaches. She's on the next train. You better go get ready." > The Best Laid Mares of Mice and Plans > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A short while later, Stellar Flare knocked on the door of her coltfriend's condo. "Good afternoon," Button greeted her when he opened the door. "May I come inside?" Stellar asked. He grinned. "Funny. I was thinking of asking you the same thing," he said as he stepped aside to let her walk by. "Behave," she chided as she gave his face a light slap with her tail. Her scent was extra strong this evening. It was that time of the season. "Well you were saying how you've been wanting to have another foal," he said. "That's true," she said. "Being a mother is one of the best things I've ever done with my life. But I'm sure you probably don't want to be a father. It's a lot of responsibility." "And I'm prepared for that," he said. "And I'd do the right thing by you if it comes to that," he said as he led her into his bedroom. "Is that a proposal?" she asked. "Well, call it a conditional proposal, for now," he said, sidling up beside her. "On what condition?" she asked, expecting a prenuptial of some kind. He reached over and rubbed her belly. "Just... in the event of..." He trailed off with a smile. She smiled back. "Yeah, alright you ol' smoothie," she said, kissing him. "I've got a surprise for you tonight," he said. He directed her attention to the end of his bed. It was a sturdy, metal-frame bed with bars at the headboard. Dangling from the frame was a pair of hoofcuffs. "Ooh. Kinky. Are those for me?" she asked. He nodded, motioning for her to lie on the bed. She set her purse on his nightstand and slipped out of her dress. She climbed onto the bed with nothing on but her decorative panties. Button gave her an eye mask to put on and then he leaned over to help put her hooves into the cuffs. "I've got it." Her magic glowed and even blindfolded, she was able to unlock the cuffs and manipulate them to put them onto her hooves without any trouble. Sunburst had planned for this and left a little extra surprise in Button's nightstand. Button opened the drawer and put the surprise into his mouth. He leaned over the bed and started to give Stellar a horn job the way that he knew she liked, sucking and running over the ridges of her horn with his tongue. It had taken some convincing, but she had gotten him to accept that it was 'totally not gay' to felate a unicorn mare's horn. Besides, it was a necessary skill for him to have practiced in order for all of this to work. She started to moan, enjoying this foreplay. He slipped his mouth off of her horn after he managed to work the magic-inhibition ring onto it. In the haze of her lust and pleasure, she hadn't noticed yet. If all went well, she never would. But neither of them wanted her to use her magic to peek while her son was in the middle of rutting her. As soon as the ring was securely in place, Button backed away from the bed and silently opened the closet door. Sunburst had been waiting inside, watching through the slats of the door with the video camera in his hooves. At last, the time had come. Button wordlessly waved him over. As he passed the video camera to Button, Sunburst's heart was beating so hard in his chest that he was certain that his mother would hear it. But she was just laying there spread eagle on the bed, on full display before him while she just idly smiled and wondered about what was going to happen next. But it was no wonder to Sunburst and Button. They had carefully rehearsed all of their choreography ahead of time. Sunburst slowly moved over along the side of the bed. His eyes drank in the view of his mother's body as his hoof gently touched her belly and slid up along her torso and neck to caress the side of her cheek. He leaned over and kissed her. First on the cheek, and then just at the corner of her mouth. Button followed along, recording every second of it. Stellar turned her head toward Sunburst and kissed him back, full on the lips. Sunburst was surprised for just a second, but met her passion with his own, opening his mouth to hers. His tongue extended to dance with hers as he finally got to kiss her the way he had always dreamed. He could have just laid their all evening and kissed her and he could have died a happy colt. But his mother's heavy scent in the air told him that neither of them would be satisfied if it ended with just that. Sunburst looked out of the corner of his eye. Button was watching from close by. Not that Sunburst wanted an audience for this special, intimate moment with his mother. And not that Button wanted to be a voyeur to it. It was an unfortunately necessary part of the plan. Regrettably, Sunburst eventually broke the kiss. Button leaned in close and whispered, "I love you." "I love you, too," Stellar said. Sunburst looked at his mother. This mare had been in control of his life for so long, always telling him what to do and where to go, and to always have a plan. Well he had been planning indeed. Ironic that this was his greatest plan of his life and she would never get to know of it. Years of fantasizing and dreaming about this day. That he might have convinced a coltfriend of hers to allow him to do this with her was something he'd have never thought would actually happen. But here she was, served up before him ready for his taking. Even though Stellar was mare nearly a decade senior to Cream Heart, she barely showed it. She worked diligently to keep herself attractive while she was in the dating scene. She had done all the right things to make stallions want her. She knew exactly the effect she had them. For years, Sunburst resented her for not considering that she had that same effect on him more than anypony. The blurry photos that he had lusted over for years were nothing, nothing compared to this. They did no justice to the reality of her before him right then and there. How many nights had he endured his mother with her coltfriend? When she would have him over for the night and she thought he couldn't hear them through his bedroom wall. At once aroused by the sounds of her moaning in pleasure, and furiously jealous. So many times that he had to bite back his raging desire to storm into her bedroom and scream at the stallion, "Stop fucking my mom!". When the Crystal Empire returned, with an abundance of available homes, he jumped on the opportunity to get his own place. Not because he wanted to be away from her, but because he needed to be. And then, Stellar's coltfriend would break up with her, Sunburst had to listen to her complaining about how 'no stallion wanted to treat her right, settle down, and finally give her another foal'. It burned him up inside that he couldn't tell her just how badly he wanted to do exactly that for her. And even though he might not be able to be the one walking down the aisle with her, or laying beside her and kissing her good night, he was okay with his friend Button being that stallion. Sunburst could accept that, as long as he could at least do this... Sunburst moved onto the bed with her, between her legs. His hooves slid up along her thighs until they got to her panties' waistband. He started to tug at them. "I had better get those back, this time," she said before lifting her hips. "I know you like to steal them." He smiled and pulled them off of her, revealing her pussy underneath. Her panties had been positively soaked from her estrus, and her already strong scent was now even more potent. He wouldn't steal the undergarment this time though. He wanted the real thing. And he wouldn't wait another second to have it. He wasted no time and went straight into rubbing as much of her pussy as he could with his hooves. "So eager!" she purred. "Can you feel how hot I am?" she asked. Button Mash watched from over Sunburst's shoulder while he filmed everything. "Well yeah," Button answered. "You are one hot mama!" "Do you think I'm still hot, even though I'm a 'mama'?" she asked, clearly fishing for compliments. "You're hot because you're a mama," Button said. Her smile faltered a little, a bit surprised at the response. "But you're my hot mama!" he added. "I'm certainly old enough to be," she said. "And I'm a good colt. I always eat what my mama puts in front of me," he said. That made her grin again. "Well go on then," she said. Sunburst leaned down and happily began to lick away at her pussy with gusto while savoring her taste. Rather than putting off playing with her clitoris, he licked and sucked it early on, making her squirm in pleasure. "Ooh, you're gonna make me cum quick doing that!" she squealed. Sunburst stopped what he was doing and waited. "Oh don't stop! Why'd you stop!? Please! I need this so bad!" she begged. Sunburst grinned. He had never heard her beg for anything before in his life. And now she was at his complete mercy. He resumed licking her if only just to bring her back to the edge and stopping again. "Naughty colt!" she playfully scolded through her ragged breath. "Didn't mama teach you not to play with your food?" He lifted himself up and climbed over her. He leaned down to kiss her, forcing her to taste herself as he did. It didn't deter her in the slightest as she kissed him back. "Dirty colt! You'd kiss your mama with that mouth? Do you have any idea where it's been?" she teased, really getting into the role. Sunburst just kissed her again harder, making it extra sloppy, smearing her perfect lipstick like a whore. His dick bobbed under him, tapping against her belly. He shifted his hips and slid his shaft back and forth against her pussy. Her hips rolled and bucked under him trying to rub against him harder. She became increasingly frustrated. "Alright, that's enough playing!" she scolded playfully. "It's getting late and it's time for you to get inside!" Sunburst reared up to penetrate her. Button stopped him and pointed at his dick in shock. What the fuck is that!? he silently mouthed. They had tried to plan for everything to keep their mothers from noticing anything was amiss. Sunburst had shaved his goatee so when Button went down on his mom. They didn't want her to notice 'Sunburst' suddenly missing his facial hair. They used the same brand of mouth-freshening toothpaste for when they kissed them. They had even gone so far as to compare their dicks in a totally-not-gay way, just to make sure that there wasn't a noticeable size difference. And there wasn't. Until now. Sunburst was harder than he had ever been before in his life. But there would be no stopping him now. Sunburst reared up and did his best to angle himself downward with his hoof, remembering to not use his magic. It was a challenge. He rubbed his tip against her pussy and angled it into her vagina. With a firm push, he was back inside his mother for the first time since he had been born. And it felt so so good to be home. A few short thrusts and he worked more of himself inside her. Her copious lubrication eased his progress. Pushing into her completely to the hilt, he lightly bumped her cervix. Something that Button had never done with her before. "Oh my gosh! You're so big!" Stellar moaned. "Did you take a potion or something?" Sunburst and Button looked at the bulge he was making in her abdomen, and then they looked at each other nervously. "Uh no," Button said. "I guess I just... really like blindfolds." "Well then we should definitely do this more often," she said. The cock inside her throbbed at the suggestion. "Hmm, I can tell you like that idea." She wiggled her hips. "Come on. Momma needs it bad!" Sunburst began thrusting in and out. Slowly, deliberately at first. Trying his best to draw out the pleasure. He didn't trust to hopes of ever doing this again. This might very well be the only chance he would get to do this. He wanted to savor every moment. He looked down at where their bodies were connected. So many nights of clopping to some blurry photographs of his mother's marehood. And now he was balls-deep in it. He committed it all to memory. He leaned over her body and hugged her tight as he humped her, as he had so many times with his body pillows. But it was her. It was really her. He nuzzled against her cheek with his and pressed his face into her mane. She had been somewhat emotionally frigid with him as a colt. He finally claimed the intimacy he had been denied and craved from her for so long. With her hooves cuffed, she couldn't hug him back. At least not in the usual way. But her legs wrapped around his hips and held him tight. Getting the pseudo hug back from his mother washed away the lingering pangs of guilt about the whole ordeal. It just felt right. It was almost too much for him to take. He tried to stall. "Don't slow down! I'm still so close!" she moaned from her earlier edging. Fuck it, Sunburst decided he had put this off long enough. Years, in fact. He would not deny himself any longer. He cast aside his last shred of restraint and fucked his mother with reckless abandon. His pelvis mashed against hers, hitting her winking clit with each hard thrust. She writhed and thrashed in his hooves, holding her tightly as she bucked her hips back against his in time with his rhythm. "Yes. Yes! YES! Fuck me!" she moaned. He hardly needed any more encouragement as she came. Her pussy quivered and quaked and he fucked her right through her orgasm. Her powerful muscles rippled and squeezed his dick, begging him for his release. He could feel his climax fast approaching. She felt it as well once he flared inside her. "Yes! Give it to me!" His balls tightened and his muscles clenched as he went over the edge, past the point of no return. It was all Sunburst could do to stifle his grunt, kissing his mother hard as he hilted her a final time, pressing his flare against her cervix, throbbing thicker, stretching her depths. The first powerful pulse of his cum rushed up through his penis, bursting deep inside her vagina, instantly filling what little space was left. Torrents more cum pumped forth. His flare sealing any exit. Her legs wrapped around him squeezed him into her harder, lining up his urethra perfectly with the tiny entrance to her womb and forcing his cum in. Her own orgasm continued to have her pelvic muscles milking him, instinctively drawing her stallion's semen deeper into her, unknowingly flooding her fertile womb with her son's incestuous seed. Stellar broke the kiss to catch her breath. "Finally," she said between gasps. "I didn't think you were ever going to cum inside me." Sunburst glanced at Button Mash. He smiled. True to their oath, they never came inside their roommate's mother. That was reserved for them to do it themselves. Button was happy for Sunburst, that he finally got to fuck his own mother, but he was also intensely envious. Stellar jiggled the cuffs on her hooves. "Are we done with these yet?" "Yeah. Let me get them," Button said, shooing Sunburst away. Reluctantly, Sunburst kissed her one last time and pulled out. A thick white rush of his semen poured out of her, soaking her tail and the bedding. He took one last look at his handy work before he silently took the camera from Button and slinked back into the closet. Button leaned over and sucked her horn again. "Easy, it's sensitive," she moaned. He deftly took off the ring with his tongue and stowed it back in the nightstand. Then he unlocked her cuffs with the key and took off her blindfold. She blinked in the light of the room and focused her eyes on him. "Wow! That was by far the best sex I've ever had!" She looked down at the cream dripping from her pussy as she idly rubbed her belly and purred in satisfaction. "That should stop the flames of my estrus right in it's tracks. I hope you're ready to make good on your marriage promise," she said. "It would be my honor," Button said. "Happy Mother's Day." Stellar's expression soured slightly. "Hmf, I'm glad you remembered," she huffed as she got dressed. "I talked to my son yesterday and he didn't even mention it. Said he was 'unavailable' today because he had a 'big date' that was more important than spending time with his mother." In the closet, Sunburst winced. Even though he knew she was mistaken, her bitter words stung him nonetheless. "I'm sure he loves you more than you know," Button said. "Oh I know how much he loves me," she said in a tone that was hard to pin down. Somewhere between smug or implicating. "Well you know, I'm on a date today, too," Button said. "Have you wished your mother a happy Mother's Day yet?" she asked. "Not yet. But I'm going to," Button said. "I'm having her over this evening." "Oh. Well now I wish I didn't have to catch the train back to Sire's Hollow. Then I could stay and finally meet her," Stellar said. "Have you told her about us?" "Not yet." "Well you're going to have to tell her soon," Stellar said, rubbing her tummy as she finished dressing and walked back to the front door. He stepped out onto the front porch with her in the mild afternoon air. "You don't want her to find out about us from a wedding invitation." "I know," he said, giving her a kiss farewell, waving to her as she headed back to the train station. He turned and went back inside. Sunburst was poking his head out of the bedroom, beaming with a smile from a mission accomplished. "Alright dude, my mom is going to- gah!" Button grabbed his nose. "Okay, after getting that bit of fresh air, I realize that you really need a shower now." "What? No! I'm never washing this off!" Sunburst said, smelling the heavy musk of his mother's wetness soaked into his fur. "Dude, there is no WAY you can greet my mom smelling like that! Don't fuck this up for me now! Come on!" Button couldn't believe he had to be the rational one of the pair. "Ugh! Fine!" Sunburst grumbled and got into the shower. Button worked quickly to air out his bedroom. Sunburst had gotten to bed his mother. Button would be damned if he wouldn't get to as well. By the time Sunburst finished showering, Button had the house as presentable as it possibly could be. Sunburst dried and combed his mane, ready at last. "Alright. My mom will be here any minute. Second verse, same as the first." Button said. Sunburst nodded. There was a knock at the door. Button silently took the video camera and hid in Sunburst's closet. > The Heart Wants > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cream Heart knocked on the door of her coltfriend's condo. "Good evening," Sunburst greeted her when he opened the door. "Oh, you shaved the goatee?" she asked. "Yeah. I wanted to try a new look." He stepped aside to let her walk by. She sniffed at the air. "It smells like another mare in here," she said, giving him a suspicious look. "Oh, uh, well my mother was actually visiting earlier," he said, which was technically true. "For Mother's Day" "It smells like another mare in heat," she said with emphasis. "Well, it is 'that time of the season' for everypony," Sunburst said. Her eyes narrowed. "Yeah, well it smells like sex," she said. "Yeah well... she was here with her coltfriend..." he said, which was also technically true. Cream's expression shifted. "Oh. Oh my! That must have been awkward for you," she said. "I hope that hasn't put a damper on your mood." "I'm trying not to think about that right now. I'm focusing on thinking about you," he said, leading her to his bedroom. "I've got a surprise for you tonight," he said. He directed her attention to the hoofcuffs dangling from the frame of the head of the bed. "I never took you for the BDSM sort." He laid her back onto the bed and put her hooves into the cuffs. "And this," he said, grabbing a sleeping mask out of his nightstand, fitting it securely over her eyes with the straps. "And one last thing..." He turned and walked over to open the closet door. Just as before, Button Mash had been waiting inside, watching through the slats of the door with the video camera in his hooves. Now it was his turn. Sunburst wordlessly waved him over and Button passed the video camera to him and slowly moved over along the side of the bed. Button was even more nervous than when he had lost his virginity. His shaking hoof reached out, gently caressed the side of her cheek and ran through her mane. He leaned over and kissed her. First on the cheek, and then just at the corner of her mouth. Sunburst followed along, recording everything. Cream Heart turned toward Button and kissed him back. Button was only too happy to kiss her for as long as she would let him. Sunburst watched with the camera from close by. Button eventually broke the kiss. Sunburst leaned in close and whispered, "I love you." "I love you too, Sunburst," she said. Sunburst was suddenly struck with a brilliant idea. "Just call me Sun," he said before he backed up a bit to give Button room. She smiled. "I love you, Sun." I love you, Son. Button was nearly in tears. Part of him knew that it wasn't how she meant it, but it sounded just the same in his ears. His mouth opened on reflex. I love you too, Mom. More than you'll ever know. He didn't allow himself say it. He swallowed back the words. Button kissed her again and started planting little pecks down along the edge of her chin, onward to her neck. Down past her collar bone and along her chest. He shifted his position on the bed and moved between her legs. He resumed kissing down across her belly, finally to her teats. It had been many years since she had last breastfed him and now her teats were little more than a pair of large nipples. Try all he might, no milk would flow. Though Button didn't care. He happily suckled each one in turn as he pressed his nose into the fine fur of her abdomen. Beyond the strong musk of her marehood, there was a nostalgic scent in the fur around her teats, subtle pheromones that just made him feel so absolutely safe and comfortable. He pulled away from her teats to look just below them. There, in all of its glistening beauty was his mother's marehood. For a long minute, he just hovered there and stared at it. He had seen it so many times in his trashy magazines, but that was nothing, nothing compared to the real thing. To have it before him in real life wasn't just a sight to behold, (though it was), it was an entire experience. Even as Sunburst recorded everything from over his shoulder, Button tilted his head from side to side, mentally committing every line, every curve, every shade and hue of his mother's flower to memory. For the rest of his life, when he closed his eyes at night, he wanted this image burned into the back of his eyelids. And when he closed his eyes he focused on her scent. The sense tied closest to memory, it tugged at a distant recollection from his youth. When this time of the year came around and his mother insisted that he spend extra time outside 'enjoying the spring weather'. He didn't know what it had been at the time. But he knew now, and he would never ever forget it for as long as he lived. His face felt flushed with excitement. He was practically sweating. He was sweltering. But it wasn't him, it was her. Barely a few inches away, he could feel the heat radiating off of her pussy. He realized that he hadn't taken a breath in some time, taking a sharp breath and a ragged pant. His hot breath on her pussy made her needy clitoris wink at him. "Oh Sun-" Cream whimpered. Button bit back on his lip. He reached out with his hoof, slowly, nervously, as though she were made of glass and might break at the slightest contact. His every heartbeat was a thunderclap in his ears. At last he closed the distance and barely grazed the side of her vulva. It was soft and warm and just as absolutely wonderful as he could have possibly dreamed. Her clit winked at him again, though his hoof was nowhere near it. He moved his hoof to the side slightly, parting her dark-tan lips to reveal her beautiful pink interior. Just to see and touch her in this way at all, after all those years of stolen glances under her tail and dirty thoughts, Button was terrified. No longer out of fear of being caught, no. But that he might awaken once again in his bed amid sticky sheets, shame, and shattering disappointment, as he had hundreds of times before. Of all the stars he had wished on in the past, he prayed harder than ever before in that moment. Please, please don't let this be a dream! Of all the days that Sunburst had come home from a date with the damp fur on his hoof for Button to smell, it was a treat, and a damn tease that he refused to settle for any longer. He wanted to taste her pussy, his mother's pussy. He wouldn't wait another second to bury his face in it! He closed the distance and pressed his muzzle into her folds, giving her a long, wide lick with his tongue, capturing as much of her essence in one pass as he could. Her clit winked against his nose as he moved, making her moan louder as he just barely brushed against it. He moved back down, probing his tongue as deep into her as he could. He made his way back up, licking up and down along each side of her pussy. Even as her clit winked at him, flashing like an urgent beacon, he deliberately avoided the one spot that would send her over the top. He wanted to prolong it as much as he could and build up her climax higher and higher. Metal clattered as she writhed against the restraints on her hooves. "Sun, please!" she begged. By the power of 'please', Button could not deny his mother any longer. He cupped as much of her pussy as he could with his mouth and thrashed her clit with his tongue at last. "Sun I- ah! I'm cumming!" she cried. Just as Sunburst had warned him, Cream Heart was a squirter. And how! A jet of her marecum erupted into his waiting mouth and he swallowed it eagerly. He might not be able to nurse of her milk, but he greedily drank of her honey, taking all that she would give. Her body bucked and heaved as her muscles clenched and squeezed again and again, spurting nectar from her pussy until she fell limp as her orgasm subsided. Button buried his face into her pussy, probing deeply into her vagina with his tongue again. He wanted nothing more than to drown himself in his mother's wetness until he had to evolve gills. He licked her clit again but he felt her bring her leg back and plant her hoof on his shoulder, pushing him away. "S-sensitive! I need a break," Cream panted. Button reared up and began to re-position himself between her legs. Sunburst put a hoof to Button's chest to stop him. He made a bulge in his cheek accompanied with a 'sucking' motion and pointed at her. Button shook his head. They had planned on having her suck Button's dick, but he felt like he was too close. And her mouth was not where he wanted to finish. He reared up and his erection sprang up under him like a steel beam. He was so hard that it hurt. Sunburst stopped him, and pointed at his dick. Button just shrugged and pointed at his mom. Stellar Flare was a plenty attractive mare by any measure. But simply no other mare turned on Button Mash like his mother. He was sporting extra inches in both his length and girth. And consequences be damned if she noticed, after everything that had already happened, Button Mash would not be denied claiming his mother's pussy at last. He grabbed her hips and looked at Sunburst, nodding at his horn. Lift her, he mouthed to him. Sunburst's magic lifted her lower half and Button propped a throw pillow under her butt. He held his mother's thigh in one hoof and pulled himself toward her. With his free hoof, he had to forcibly angle his dick downward. He had to roll his hips along with it. It was like trying to bend iron. He brought his tip to bear against her vagina. He could feel her soft warmth against his most tender flesh. He rubbed against her just a bit, gaining a bit of her copious lubrication for himself. Like a poor soul, cast adrift at sea for years, at last returning from whence they came, entreating entrance. Button shifted his hips slightly forward. She was very wet, and very ready. With just a bit more pressure, her tight, yet pliable pussy yielded and allowed him to enter. His blunt tip stretched her and slipped inside. Button Mash could not keep the tears of joys from silently rolling down his cheeks. He was inside his mother at long last. In all of his wildest dreams, he could never have fathomed that he'd ever actually get to have this, this one thing he so desperately craved more than anything else this mortal world could offer. He pushed deeper into her. He wanted to be as deep inside her as he could possibly be. He wanted to be completely inside her, to be entirely enveloped in her warmth and safety. While his conscious mind could not recall his time in the womb, a deep, unconscious part of his brain sought to return to that perfect state of bliss in the ultimate, purest form of nostalgia. But he had to settle on hilting his shaft into her. His blunt tip resting lightly against her cervix. The size and shape of his penis filled the contours of his mother's vagina perfectly, as though they were meant for each other like lock and key. He shifted to look down at himself, where his pelvis met her hips and his heavy, full balls rested against her ass. As he did, Sunburst's camera could see Button's unyielding erection shifted upwards within her, visibly bulging through her abdomen. "You're so big, Sun!" Cream moaned. "You must really like blindfolds!" "Yeah," Sunburst said. "You being here, in my bed, with the hoof cuffs and blindfold. This is my fantasy," "Then we should do this more often!" she said. If Button's dick throbbed any harder, he would have passed out from a lack of blood. "Come on now Sun, don't keep a lady waiting!" "As you wish," Sunburst answered. Button Mash held onto her and began to slowly pull back. It was just the tiniest amount at first before he pushed back in. He was afraid that if he ever left this wonderful paradise, he'd never get another chance to feel this again. He wanted to just stay there, together like that forever. But he did move again, a bit more each time. His brain wanted to stay there forever. His dick wanted to fuck as hard and as fast as possible. Of the two, one was quickly beginning to monopolize the decision making process. With each passing thrust, she became less his mother, and more a mare in heat that he needed to breed. He wrapped his hooves around her and pulled himself up into her harder. He leaned over her and pressed his face into the crook of her neck, burying his face into her mane. His hips thrusted on their own, desperate for relief. Her hips thrusted back to meet him. He began to move faster and faster. His shaft throbbed thicker, making it harder to pull back. But he was nearing the point of no return. He felt his balls tighten and he pushed as deep and as hard as he could. His tip flared deep inside her vagina, pressed flush against her deepest barrier. "F-fuck!" Cream moaned, feeling herself cum again, barely recovered from her previous orgasm. Button could feel her muscles gripping him as he struggled to keep thrusting. He stifled a grunt as his balls flexed and clenched. His shaft throbbed and pulsed as his potent seed pumped deep inside his mother. The first gush exploded into her and filled what little space was left in her vagina. His broad flare gave no exit and the rest of his sperm was forced to go nowhere else but in through her cervix, flooding her womb with a torrent of his pent up, virile sperm as more and more of it spewed forth. Even after he finished ejaculating, Button's legs pushed against the mattress to keep himself buried as deep inside her as possible. His instinct driving him to keep his mare plugged, ensure as much of his semen stayed inside her as possible. He held her face with his hooves and kissed her hard. It slowly shifted from passion to intimacy as they each came down from their sexual highs. He didn't think it would be possible, being inside his mother, but he actually did start to go soft. His flare diminished, letting her cervix relax closed and seal itself shut. He spent so much of his foalhood cursing his penis for acting beyond his control, getting hard when he didn't want it to. And now, just as then, he cursed it for his lack of control. Against his will, his penis began to retreat out of her and hung limp under him. Luckily, he learned from Stellar Flare's leaking cream pie. With Cream Heart's butt propped up on the pillow, barely any of his prodigious cum leaked out. "Wow," Cream breathed. "What was that all about?" she asked, between panting for breath. "In all the time- we've had sex- it has never been- like that! That was probably- the best rutting- I've ever had- in my whole life!" Button smiled and kissed her again. The flood of concentrated testosterone sloshing around inside of her made short work of putting out the flames of her heat. It was relief without compare. "I love you, Sun!" Cream said. "I love you, too," Sunburst said. Button kissed her one last time before he started to climb off the bed. There was a knock at the front door. And then the sound of it opening. "Hello!? I forgot my purse!" Stellar Flare called into the house. Oh shit! Sunburst and Button locked eyes in panic. "Who's that?" Cream Heart asked. "Uh- uh- shit, It's my mom," Sunburst said truthfully. "I guess she forgot her purse. I'll be right back. Stay here." "Not like I have much of a choice," Cream said, jiggling the cuffs on her hooves. Sunburst looked at Button and aggressively waved him off to go deal with Stellar. Button ran out of the room while Sunburst stayed behind, standing there in silence with the camera in his hooves. "Hey," Button greeted Stellar, keeping his voice down and trying not to look panicked. "Hey, I forgot my purse and I-" Stellar's nose turned up and she sneered. "Oh my gosh!" "W-What? What!?" Button asked. "You stink of sex!" she said. "Well you and I just had sex earlier," Button said. "I definitely smell another mare!" she said angrily. "Wh- wha- I can explain! I told you my mom was coming over to visit," he said, still trying to stay quite. "Well explain that!" she said, pointing at his still-exposed penis, glistening with fresh wetness. "I- I-" Button tried to think of something but Stellar Flare marched past him to his bedroom. She found her purse where she had left it on his night stand. She looked at where he move to, now standing in front of his roommate's bedroom door. "S-she's sleeping!" he tried. Stellar grabbed him with her magic and shoved him aside. "Fuck! Fuck! FUCK!" Button freaked out. There was no time to warn Sunburst as she barged through the door, towing Button in behind her with her magic. First she saw the other mare on the bed, hooves cuffed and blindfolded just as she had been, not even an hour earlier. Next she saw the stallion holding the video camera. She blinked and did a double take before she realized it was- "Sunburst!?" she shrieked. "Oh fuck!" "Oh, this is embarrassing," Cream Heart chuckled from under her blindfold as she closed her legs, doing her best to hide her modesty. "This isn't how I wanted us to first meet. But I'm Cream Heart. You must be Sunburst's mother." Stellar's magic released the cuffs on Cream and she pulled off the blindfold. Cream Heart rubbed her eyes with her hooves, blinked in the light of the room, and looked over at the other mare. And then she saw the other pony. "BUTTON!?" She shrieked and grabbed the blanket to cover herself. "You seem surprised. Do you know this pony?" Stellar asked. "He's my son!" "Is he?" Stellar held the ashamed colt in her magic out in front of her. His limp penis still glistened with wetness. "What is the meaning of all this!?" Cream Heart yelled. "I- I can explain!" Button said. "Oh I would love to hear an explanation for this," she said. Stellar looked at Sunburst. He stood there, frozen in panic, as if he might not be seen if he didn't move. "Luckily, you need not give one." Her magic snatched the camera out of his hooves, took the tape out of it, and walked back out to the living room. Cream Heart followed after her. "Mom!" "Wait, WAIT!" they begged. Stellar turned on the TV. The tape in the VCR started to play. Cream Heart's younger, heavily-pregnant self was getting rutted on the big screen. Her moans filled the room in full surround sound, as she and the other pony on screen audibly played the parts of a mother and son until her water broke. Cream Heart was mortified. "I can't believe you found this!" She put her face into her hooves. Stellar Flare ejected the tape and put the other one in, rewound a bit, and pushed play. Cream Heart was moaning on screen again. She looked up at herself on the TV, hoof cuffed and blindfolded from just minute earlier. The camera panned over to the stallion rutting her. It was Button Mash. Her son. Stellar glared at her cheating coltfriend. In the video, he slammed it home one final time and the camera zoomed in. Watching the scene, seeing her son's shaft pulsing and throbbing as he delivered his sperm deep inside her, Cream Heart could feel a pang in her belly remembering the feeling of that moment. Standing there, watching, she finally began to feel the warm cum, that was surely her son's, dribbling down her inner thighs. "That was probably- the best rutting- I've ever had- in my whole life!" Cream Heart panted on screen. "I love you, Sun!" "I love you, too," Sunburst said to her from behind the camera. Stellar bristled and stopped the tape, rewinding it to an earlier point. She already knew what to expect, but it couldn't really prepare her to actually see it. Her own son, Sunburst, rutting her with a look of pure determination on his face. The same close-up of him cumming deep inside her. "That was by far the best sex I've ever had!" she heard her own voice say on the screen, practically echoing what Cream had said. She stopped the tape and turned off the TV. The two mares turned around and glared daggers at the two stallions behind them. Faces absolutely crimson, they looked like little colts with their hooves caught in the cookie jar. This was obviously much worse. But it was hard for their mothers to see them any other way than as their little colts. Even as extremely naughty as they have been. "Oh yes, I would really love to hear an explanation for this!" Stellar said. If looks could kill, they would be dead where they stood. Indeed, Tartarus hath no fury like a mother's scorn! "Okay, Mom, I know this looks bad-" "LOOKS bad?" Stellar snapped. "It sounds bad, smells bad, and FEELS bad!" She put her hoof to her belly. "This offends my EVERY sense! My sense of decency! My sense of trust! This is NOT how I wanted to have grandfoals!" "Button, we're not mad. But we're very disappointed," Cream said. "Speak for yourself! I'm livid!" Stellar said. She pointed at Button. "And you, you little cheating shit-" "Do NOT speak to my son that way!" Cream said. "Sunburst probably put him up to it! He used to be his Vice Headpony! He must have influenced him! My little Button would never have done this otherwise!" "Says the mother who did incest porn," Stellar sniped. "FAKE incest porn! And I'm not proud of that! I did what I had to in order to make ends meet. And I quit once my son was born." Cream Heart glared at Sunburst. "You didn't need to tell him about that!" "I already knew you did porn," Button said meekly, staring at the floor. Cream Heart's expression softened. "The other colts at school told me a long time ago. They teased me about it." "Oh, Button, I'm so sorry! I tried to protect you from that part of my life." "I didn't want to believe it. But then I found Dad's old magazines," Button said, still unable to look her in the eyes. "But I destroyed those!" "Not all of them. And I got the back issues." "But- but why!?" she asked. He couldn't keep from crying any longer. The tears ran down his cheeks as he looked up at her at last. All of his worst fears had come to pass and his deepest, darkest secrets had been revealed. All that was left was the final truth he had tried to keep buried for so long, from even himself. But he couldn't deny it any longer. The elephant in the room could no longer be ignored now that it was mid-stampede. "Because I love you, Mom," he said. "I'm in love with you. Even though I know I shouldn't be. But... I can't help it. The heart wants what it wants." "Button..." "Did you mean it?" Button asked. "When you said it was the best you ever had?" "Button-" "Look, I know I'm in trouble," he said. "I know I'm probably going to the gelding clinic, or jail or Tartarus, or all three! But I just need to know first." In a flash, the smile that briefly appeared and she quickly suppressed was all the answer he needed. "Mom?" Sunburst asked, looking at the floor. "What about you?" "Oh, no, your ass is not smooth-talking your way out of this shit!" Stellar said. "I know." He glanced up at her over the rim of his glasses. "But that also doesn't answer my question." "It doesn't matter if it was," Stellar said. "That's not a 'no'." "Sunburst!" she snapped. "The son of an incest porn star? I can understand his infatuation-" "FAKE incest!" Cream insisted. "But you, Sunburst!? What's your excuse?" Stellar asked. "What? You think it was easy growing up with my room right next to yours?" Sunburst asked. "The walls were paper thin, but it wouldn't have mattered if they weren't! You were so loud I could hear you every time you had a stallion over!" "I- I was trying to find a new stallion to be a father to you." "You were only trying to get off!" Sunburst said with angry tears in his eyes. "And I had to listen to all of it. And yes, I heard all of it. Enough to know what turns you on, and what your favorite position is." "I'm a mare of flesh and blood! You think I didn't have needs? Needs that weren't being met?" "Oh believe me, I knew!" Sunburst spat. "You told me every time! Every disappointing one-night-stand, it was me that you vented to!" "I- I was trying to be candid about sex so that you wouldn't keep being so shy with other mares!" "Every time you had another stallion over, I would think, oh, here we go again! Another disappointment that I'll have to hear about! I just wished that you would have stopped dating those other guys and actually have a relationship with somepony who actually cared about you! I would get-" Sunburst clenched his teeth. "I would get just so jealous and angry! I just wanted to kick the door in and tell those stallions t- to-" He balled up his hoof. He was shaking. He looked up at her. "And tell them to stop fucking my MOM!" It was Stellar who had to look away now. "I didn't want another stallion fucking you because I actually care about you!" he said. "And I knew I could do it better!" She couldn't look at him. "And I did, didn't I?" She pursed her lips. She was angry. She was angry about what he had done. She was angry at herself for her mistakes raising him. But now she was angry because he was right. She nodded. "But that doesn't make any of this okay," she said, looking at him again. "I know," Sunburst said. "I don't expect you to forgive me. But I just needed you to understand." "Fine. I do." "..." "..." "..." "So what now?" Sunburst asked. "Jail?" "Ha! You're not getting off that easy!" Stellar said. "Neither of you!" "Tartarus then?" Button asked. "Worse," Cream Heart said. "Parenthood!" "What!?" "This is your foal, Sunburst!" Stellar said. "But you better do right by your marefriend! And as for you, Button, I'm holding you to your word! I was a single mother once already. I'm not doing it again!" The colts' jaws were on the floor. "I assume that was your plan, wasn't it?" Stellar asked them. "But she and I would have met each other eventually. Did you really think that we wouldn't figure out what was going on?" They shrugged. Button looked at his mother, plaintively. "Mom?" She turned her nose up at him. "You made this mess. You clean it up. If you promised to marry her, then you better keep that promise! Because I'm not planning on being a single mother again either, Sunburst." "But Mom, I love you!" Button said. "And I love you, Mom!" Sunburst said to his mother. "Well unfortunately, colts can't marry their mothers," Stellar said. Button's face looked like his heart was ripping in half. It was the best sex that any of them had, and now it was looking like it would have to be a tragic memory. "But... that doesn't mean we couldn't all live together," Cream added. Button's face lit up. "After you get married!" "Yeah! Okay!" "But how are we going to find a realtor that can be discreet about our... living arrangement?" Cream asked. A smug grin spread across Stellar Flare's face. A good ways outside of Ponyville, away from prying eyes, a sign in the front yard of a rural home declared the house 'sold' by Stellar Realty. A limousine pulled up to the rural home. Button Mash, dressed in his tuxedo, got out of the back and opened the door on the other side for his new wife, Stellar Flare, still in her wedding dress. They had just come from their wedding ceremony. Another limousine pulled up behind them and Sunburst opened the door for his wife, Cream Heart. Each of them still in their wedding attire as well from their separate wedding ceremony. The limos drove away and they each carried their brides over the threshold of their new home. No easy task with how their brides were now heavily pregnant. Sunburst closed the door behind them with his magic. Once inside, the stallions looked at each other. "Trade ya?" they asked each other in stereo Sunburst's magic levitated the two mares and swapped them. "Thanks, Dad," they both said before they carried their pregnant mothers to their respective bedrooms to start their honeymoons.