Fifteen Years Younger

by Wandering Pigeon

First published

Rarity needs a model, and the only girl fit for the job is Applejack.

Rarity is in a bind. She has a chance to get an internship with the Hoity Toity. But to clinch it she has to make an ensemble for the worst possible theme.

Applejack is in a bind. She hates modeling, but her friend is desperate and needs her help. But it’s just for a little bit. How bad could it be?

Warning: diapers, diaper usage, ABDL themes, and blackmail.

The Unfortunate Muse

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“Consarnit.” How did she let herself be dragged into stuff like this?

Every now and again she gave in to Rarity’s pleas. “Only for five minutes” or “It’s nothing fancy” or that one laughable time she’d asked her to “Just hold my pincushion”. Today what had broken her down was “It’s not even for a dress”.

Applejack sighed as Rarity took her by the hand, leading her inside the fashionista’s home. She had no idea why, but it seemed she had wound up as Rarity’s “muse”. Whatever that meant. Why it couldn’t be Fluttershy or Pinkie Pie or Sunset or, heck, even Rainbow Dash, was beyond her. She was just lucky like that it seemed.

“Oh, wipe that dour expression off your face, darling,” Rarity said without even turning back to check.

“Tryin’ to,” Applejack mumbled, making little attempt to do so.

“Why must you be so fussy?” Rarity asked, finally letting go of Applejack’s arm in order to look at her.

“Why do you always need my help?” Applejack fired back. “Don’tcha have mannequins or somethin’ for this type of stuff?”

Rarity rolled her eyes, as though the obviousness of it all had yet to penetrate Applejack’s thick skull. “Darling, this is much too important for the guesswork that comes from mannequins. Even if they would complain less. I need an actual person to work with. And you are—”

“—I’m your muse,” Applejack filled in dryly. “Hooray.”

Hands to her hips, Rarity pouted in her general direction. “Applejack, this is important.”

“You always say that, Sugarcube.”

“And I always mean it. But this time it’s really important.” Rarity put her hands on Applejack’s shoulders. “It’s for the internship.”

Applejack jolted to attention; this was serious. “That one with Hoity Toity? You got it?”

Rarity squealed, tapping her feet in excitement. “Not yet! But this new outfit is my audition. If all goes well…” Her smile only grew.

“That’s amazing news, Rarity!” Her dour expression was finally gone. “Landsakes, why didn’t you say so earlier?”

Rarity shrugged, but her grin was too hard to play off. “Oh, I didn’t want to make a big fuss at school in front of everyone, what with it only being a chance and everything…”

“Shoot, Rarity. Knowing you, you’re gonna get it no problem!” Applejack clapped her on the back, nearly knocking the girl out of her thin frame.

“Yes, well, thank you.” She recovered quickly, her smile too bright to fade now. “But I do need to make sure of it. I must leave nothing to chance.” She nudged at Applejack. “Which is why…”

“You need your muse,” Applejack filled in, not nearly as dry as before.

“I need my muse!” Rarity clapped.

Applejack sighed, but without reservation. She knew she was on the hook for this one now. An internship with Hoity Toity would mean the world to her friend. He was the biggest name in fashion right now; so big even Applejack had heard of him. Though, mostly because of Rarity. But still, that didn’t diminish the many accomplishments Applejack was sure he had.

“Well… as long as it’s not a dress,” she relented.

Rarity’s explosive grin imploded into a more nervous expression. “Mmhmm.”

That sent Applejack’s brows narrowing. “Rarity. I don’t have to wear a dress. Right?”

“No, no…” she tapped her index fingers together. She tried for eye contact and failed. Miserably. “Nothing like that…”

Applejack’s brows narrowed again, all but folding over her eyes. “Rarity.”

A premature wince. “It’s not a dress, I swear.”

“That’s not making me feel any better right now, Sugarcube.” Applejack raised one of her brows, arms crossing. “What exactly are you going to have me wear?”

Rarity clapped her hands together, a prayer. She was begging, nearly on her knees. “Applejack, you have to Pinkie Promise me you’ll put it on.” She brought out her biggest doe-eyed expression, and every heart within a hundred miles melted. “Pleeeease?”

Applejack bit her lip. Against her better judgement, she eyed the door. Rarity turned up the volume on her pleading eyes.

What am I about to get myself into? It was a massive red flag that Rarity wasn’t telling her about the outfit. Normally Applejack’s problem was that she couldn’t get the fashionista to shut up about her work. Either it was worse than the worst thing Applejack could come up with… or it was even worse than that.

“Will you at least give me a hint?” Applejack tried. She wished she could just give a flat-out no. But now that she knew how much this meant to Rarity, that was shaping up to be a tall order.

“It’s got… um… overalls?” Rarity’s shaky smile managed some teeth.

“Huh…” Applejack blinked away her reservations. They came back in full force not a second later, but she had to admit she was surprised. Was this… farmwear? Maybe Rarity was worried about Applejack’s opinion on it, given that field clothes were the only fashion she was an “ista” for.

Partially convinced, Applejack brought a finger to her chest. “Cross my heart, hope to fly.” Her palm met her face. “Stick a cupcake in my eye.”

“Phew.” Rarity let out enough breath for the two of them. “Thank you, darling.”

“Shoot, don’t mention it.” Applejack shrugged. Even if it was destined to be a form over function situation, Applejack was certain she could wear any outfit that included overalls. Guess Rarity got all worked up over nothing.

She pointed herself to the nearest hallway, ready to get her time as a model nice and over with. Rarity hopped to her side, now eager to share all the gossip about how she was selected to audition for the internship.

Applejack put in the effort to listen. But Rarity devolved into squeals and industry lingo faster than usual. It was all she could do to latch on to the few words she understood. “Oh yeah? His secretary, huh? There was a bathroom too? Yep, I’ve been in one of those before.” She was able to ride out most of the conversation like that.

They came to Rarity’s workroom mercifully soon. Applejack reached for the doorknob, only to hear a “wait, not—” from Rarity before she opened it.

On the other side, a jungle. Rolls of empty spools littered the ground, yarn and string forming thick foliage above them. Up, done, side to side, and every angle in between. It looked like the product of a spider hopped up on caffeine.

“Landsakes…” she managed in surprise.

“Sorry.” Rarity shut the door to all the chaos. “Sweetie Belle had an accident with the sewing machine and some thread earlier.”

“Did not!” A voice shouted from the stairs to their right.

Rarity scowled hopping onto the steps. “Did too!” She shouted to the second floor. “And I thought I said to clean it up.”

“I’m busy!”

“Gah!” Rarity rolled her eyes, turning to Applejack. “Sorry about her. I managed to finish the work in my bedroom. Do you mind?” She pointed upward, and Applejack shrugged.

They climbed their way to the second floor, Rarity stopping to shove the door to her sister’s room open. “I asked you to clean up.”

“Ah!” Sweetie Belle jumped, falling out of her tiny chair, clothes slipping.

It looked like she was wearing a dress two sizes too big for her. A formal black gown with a feather boa, and the jewelry to match. Flanking her at the table was a giant stuffed pony and a doll who’d seen better days. A plastic tea set spread out between them.

“Stay out of my room!” Sweetie Belle yelled.

“Hey, that’s my dress!” Rarity snapped.

Sweetie Belle’s eyes darted down to her oversized outfit, so much bigger than her that it had comfortably fit over her regular clothes. She looked back to her big sister. “No it isn’t.”

“Errgh.” Rarity rolled her eyes. “Just clean up my office already.”

Sweetie Belle stuck out her tongue. “It’s not your office, it’s dad’s man cave. You just stole it!”

“A lady doesn’t steal anything,” Rarity shot back. Hands to her hips, she marched away to her own room. “And stop playing those stupid games. You’re too old for tea parties.”

Applejack couldn’t fight back a snort as she passed the sight in Sweetie Belle’s room. It sent the fuming freshman into a blush, but she didn’t retaliate. Once the two had passed, the door slammed shut again.

“Sorry about her,” Rarity said as they made it to her room at last. “Quite the handful.”

“Oh, she’s no Apple Bloom, that’s for sure.”

Rarity sighed, reaching for her sewing glasses on her nightstand. “She’d be far better behaved if our parents were home tonight. She thinks she can get away with anything when I babysit.”

“Tea party looked fun at least,” Applejack chuckled. She shouldn’t mock others, but she was just a bit stuck on that sight. It was pretty embarrassing, after all. And it got a laugh out of Rarity too.

“Yes, well…” Her eyes caught sight of something across the room and that laughter faded. “Erhem. So… about the outfit.”

Applejack’s brow rose at that. She followed Rarity’s eyeline, and her own smile died soon after.

A mannequin stood in the center of the room. Wrapped around it was a white blouse with bubble, ruffled sleeves. Except, as Applejack’s eyes tracked downward, she could tell it was no blouse.

It went all the way down, looping at the mannequin’s crotch to meet with fabric from the other side, buttons fastening the two flaps in place. A onesie. It was a onesie.



“What the heck.”

The fashionista cleared her throat, side stepping out to the outfit like she was a presenter. “Well, this is… um… it. Part of it, at least.”

“Rarity, that’s a god dang—” She froze, and lowered her voice to a whispered hiss. “That’s a god dang onesie.”


“For babies.”

“I know.”

“What the heck?”

“Applejack, Applejack.” Rarity had her arms up in damage control mode. “I know what this looks like.”

“Why’s it so big?”

“And I can assure you—”

“You don’t actually expect me to wear that thing, do you?”

“—There is a perfectly reasonable…” Now she froze, dropping her voice to mind her sister a few rooms over. “There’s a perfectly reasonable explanation for this.”


“There is!” Rarity protested. Her cheeks burned slightly with embarrassment. “Applejack, look: the internship’s audition… we all had to pick a theme—"

“And you picked baby clothes? For grown-ups?”

“—out of a hat!” Rarity snapped, face even redder now. “We had to pick a theme out of a hat! Let me finish.”

Applejack crossed her arms, but she was in no mood to listen. “Fine.”

“We went around the room… it was random chance, I swear. Suri got gothic Victorian, the bi—”


“Right, right. Lily Lace drew a contemporary urban theme, Inky Rose has to use autumn colors only…”

“Skip to you.”

“My theme was something that would make one look twenty years younger,” Rarity explained. “And when I told Hoity Toity that I wasn’t even twenty years old, he shrugged and said ‘make it fifteen then’. And I didn’t— I knew if I argued the matter I could lose my consideration, so…” Her face was beet red at the point. “If I had the choice, I assure you I would’ve picked something else.”

“So, you had to make something that makes me look one year old?” Applejack cringed her way into another look at the onesie. It made her shiver.

“Well not you specifically, but you are my muse, so I was keeping you in mind when I made it.” Rarity coughed into the back of her hand. “Sorry.”

Applejack sighed. “Rarity, I can’t do this.”

“Wait, no!”

But Applejack was already heading for the door. “I’m sure you could find someone else to—”

“You Pinkie Promised!” Rarity cried out.

Applejack froze. And winced.

Consarnit. No matter when it was made, or what the circumstances were, it was nearly impossible to break a Pinkie Promise. Somehow, Pinkie always knew and could always spring up to reprimand you at the worst possible time.

The last thing Applejack needed was Pinkie Pie shouting at her from across the cafeteria about how she promised to wear baby clothes for Rarity.

With a heavy, heavy sigh, Applejack stepped away from the door. Her fingers were clenched so tight that the knuckles were practically white. Should she risk it? Surely Pinkie Pie couldn’t fault her for this one. Rarity had practically tricked her into this. It wasn’t fair!

Then again, the Pinkie Promise seemed to transcend fairness. It was sacred as far as that lunatic was concerned. Which meant breaking it would be sacrilegious at best. And reputation destroying at worst.

Applejack’s chest was tight. There was no backing out of this one.

She held up a finger. “No pictures.”

“No pictures,” Rarity repeated, nodding.

“This one time only.”

“I only need to make sure it looks good.”

“You tell no one.

“It goes with me to my grave.”

Applejack narrowed her eyes. “You gonna Pinkie Promise on that?”

Rarity crossed her heart, sticking an imaginary cupcake in her eye. Binding, even without the words.

Applejack let out a long, slow breath. Her chest didn’t feel any less tight. But at least she’d ensured this ordeal would never leave this room. “Fine, I’ll wear your stupid onesie then.”

A hug tighter than any she’d ever experienced before gripped Applejack. Rarity’s high-pitched squeals threatened hearing loss.

“Darling, you are a queen among commoners. A goddess among mortals. A—”

“Let’s just get this over with already.” Applejack wriggled free of her friend’s grasp.

Rarity cleared her throat, shaking away her blush just as one started to grow on Applejack. “Yes, of course. Well, you know the drill, muse.”

Applejack rolled her eyes. She set her Stetson on Rarity’s bed before peeling her shirt off. Rarity darted across the room to get things ready. Kicking off her shoes, Applejack found her face only growing redder the more she stripped. She’d done this before, that wasn’t the problem. It was just the imminent onesie that had her so flustered.

Lastly, she dropped her skirt, kicking it away and crossing her arms over her bra. She observed the ceiling. Anything to keep her eyes off the clothes on that mannequin.

From her peripherals, she caught Rarity coming back over, holding something bulky. “Um… you’ll need to take your panties off too, darling.”

Applejack’s head snapped down. Resting in Rarity’s arms was a pack of giant, plastic squares. The label “Cloudee Hugz for Big Girls” dispelled any other notion of what they could be.

“DIA—” Applejack snapped her jaw shut, and dialed it back a bit. “Diapers?!

“Y-Yes.” A bashful look warped Rarity’s face. “Was that not obvious?”

“Whoa nelly,” Applejack shook her head. “I agreed to wear the onesie—”

“You agreed to wear my outfit,” Rarity pointed out. “This is… unfortunately, part of it.”

“WHY?” Applejack barked, not caring if Sweetie Belle heard that one.

“The theme requires looking like a baby, not like a potty-trained toddler.” Rarity’s stressed tone made it clear she didn’t want Applejack raising her voice again. “I know, I know…” she insisted to the face Applejack was about to make. “But you agreed, and you promised, and you made conditions, so no whining!”

Applejack clenched her jaw. Rarity was not one to talk about being too whiny. But she had, and she had, and she had. With enough force biting down to shatter her teeth, she managed to spit a “fine!” out. “But my panties stay on!”

“Well… I suppose they won’t cause any harm.” She took note of the face Applejack was still making. “Now don’t pout,” Rarity tsked.

“Don’t—” Applejack’s rage dispelled into defeat. “Just… here.” She held out her hand.

And Rarity nudged her head to the bed, asking Applejack to lie down.

“What?” She shook her head in response. “No way, I’ll do it.”

“Yes, because diapering yourself is so easy,” Rarity deadpanned.

“Like you would know,” Applejack retorted.

Rarity pinched the bridge of her nose. “Just lie down. Please? This will go faster if you let me do it.”

Applejack wasn’t jumping at the idea. But then… the sooner she was in diapers, the sooner she could be out of diapers. She shivered. Landsakes, the fact that I even have to make these considerations…

She sat down on Rarity’s bed, kicked her feet up, and let her head fall back. She kept her eyes trained to the ceiling, her face growing red at the sound wrinkling plastic. Rarity tore a hole in the pack and Applejack cheeks burned hotter. Rarity slipped a diaper out, the padding’s crinkling such a distinct sound that Applejack didn’t even need to look at it. Then Rarity approached the waiting girl.

Applejack’s face paled, turning her red blush pink while her orange skin went white. This was really happening. Her heart beat faster and she dug her fingernails into Rarity’s comforter. Second, third, fourth thoughts leapt into her head.

Rarity’s cold hands touched her calves.

“Mm!” Applejack winced.

“Goodness,” Rarity stifled a laugh. She nudged Applejack’s legs. “Up, please.”

“R-Right.” Applejack’s face retreated behind a red glow. Her heart refused to slow down. Why was she feeling so anxious? She tried to convince herself there was nothing weird about what was happening. But that was hard as she raised her legs for the diaper change.

Rarity unfolded the garment, and laid it flat. Applejack closed her eyes, stiff legs pointing skyward for as long as they could. But eventually she heard a huff. “Down, please.”

Applejack swallowed before she complied. Her rear came to rest on soft, plush padding. Even with the buffer of her panties, she winced. It was cushier than the comforter, and for all the wrong reasons. Why size had Rarity gotten again? They just seemed so big!

And the worst was yet to come. Rarity’s wrapped up Applejack’s pelvis in the garment. Like a hug from a pillow, the diaper smothered her. She shivered, thankful she’d kept her underwear on. Who knows what this would’ve felt like bare-bottomed.

As Rarity taped down the diaper, Applejack finally found the courage to peek. And she winced. The stupid think looked even poofier than it felt, which was not a good sign. Her inner thighs couldn’t full escape its embrace, and she felt the gentle caress of padding anyway.

And did she mention it was big?

Now that the diaper was fully on her, Applejack knew she’d have trouble closing her thighs. Even trying produced too many crinkles for her liking. Not to mention the way padding bunched up against her, pressing into the crotch of her panties.

“A-Ah…” Applejack forced out a shaky breath, her face a red delicious.

“Oh, please, it’s not that bad,” Rarity insisted, mistaking the reaction for discomfort.

“Why’s it gotta be so dang… poofy?” Applejack managed.

“Well it needs to be visible,” Rarity said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “What’s the point of wearing one if you won’t notice it under everything.”

“You put a lot of thought into this,” Applejack grumbled, sitting up. She winced as her butt squished the diaper underneath. Air hissed as it escaped.

Rarity’s cheeks flushed just a little bit. “Well I have to you know. I can’t afford to fail this audition.”

“Uh-huh.” Applejack stood up, wobbling at first. She had to spread her gait far to keep the diaper from touching as little as possible. She looked like a little girl that didn’t know how to walk just yet. And true to that image, she lost her balance on such a wide stance and flopped back down on the bed, diaper crinkling.

“H—" Rarity’s hand jumped to her mouth. She’d almost laughed at her!

Applejack frowned her way into a deeper blush, crossing her arms when she got back up. She groaned the back of her throat.

“Oh, darling, I’m sorry.” Her tone betrayed the chuckle still at her lips.

“Let’s just get this over with.” Applejack mumbled.

“Right, of course.” Rarity cleared her throat; her serious mode was back. “I’ll just—” She scampered over to the mannequin, helping the plastic doll out of its clothes.

Applejack tried not to cringe herself out of existence. Even with her legs spread wide, the diaper was an unavoidable presence. A perpetual hugger that would give Pinkie a run for her money. The way it so snuggly fit her was upsetting. She new that’s what they were designed to do, but it left her with an inescapable feeling of the diaper being made for her. That it was hers.

She gripped her biceps and squeezed. Her jaw hadn’t stopped clenching since first contact with the padding. She was too tense.

“Here we go.” Rarity held the onesie in her arms. She motioned for Applejack to raise hers, opening the bottom of the clothes to slip onto her.

Applejack sighed. She put her hands to the air and pretended not to care as the onesie swallowed her. She resisted the urge to fight as the fabric came down over her face. Instead she just popped her arms through the poofy sleeves. Her head soon followed and pushed the onesie down over her abs and to her waist.

Rarity stooped low and went to work on the buttons. Applejack tried not to pay attention as the girl’s swift fingers trapped her already diapered crotch behind a layer of childish fabric.

“There,” she said upon finishing. “Was that so bad?”

“No,” Applejack grumbled. It was even worse. Fitting tightly across her chest, the fabric contorted around her breast, the last thing that made her feel even a bit grown up right now. That much was comically juxtaposed against her giant rear. The poofy diaper squeezed by the fabric, pushing against the buttons and otherwise just making Applejack feel ridiculous.

She outstretched her arms. “There. Happy?”

Rarity scratched her chin. “Yes, its not bad. How does it feel?”

“Fine,” Applejack all but spat out.

“Well there’s no need to be so brutish.”

“Well I don’t take kindly to liars,” Applejack snapped.

“Ah!” Rarity put her hand to her chest. “I didn’t lie to you to get you in that onesie, Applejack.”

“You said I’d be wearing a pair of overalls.” Applejack fired back. “And now here I am, diaper, onesie, no overalls.”

“Well this isn’t everything,” Rarity insisted.

“Beg pardon?”

Hands on her hips, Rarity huffed. “Applejack, did you honestly expect me to audition for an internship with Hoity Toity with nothing but a plain white onesie?”

“Well I’m starting to now.” Applejack’s face was still red, but now it was more from anger than anything else.

Rarity took a deep breath, maintaining her composure far better than her farmer friend. “There’s only a few more things. I promise.”


“You’re through the worst of it,” Rarity promised. She made her way to the otherside of her bed, fetching something resting atop her dresser. Applejack had been so focused on the mannequin with the onesie when she’d first walked in that she had no idea what Rarity was grabbing now. “Here.”

Clothes flopped onto the bed, and Applejack wrinkled her nose at them. Something folded into a neat square at the bottom, indecipherable for now. Atop it, far more obvious things. Baby mitts, rolled up stockings, and ballet slippers. All of them colored a pale seafoam green that even a baby wouldn’t want to be caught dead in. At least they weren’t pink.

“Y’all’ve gotta be kiddin’ me.” Applejack picked up one of the slippers with a pinch, keep her arm extended.

“For goodness sakes, it’s not toxic, Applejack.” Rarity joined her beside the clothes, swatting the slipper from her hand.

“Yeah, that ain’t my main concern.” Applejack chewed the inside of her cheek. She already felt childish enough with her current clothes. The way the diaper hugged her butt sure wouldn’t let her forget that. “Do you really need to see me wear all of this?”

“Yes!” Rarity was exasperated. “Just for a minute… nay, a second. Just to make sure my work is acceptable.”

I can already tell you it isn’t. Applejack bit back her retort with a sigh. Come on, I Pinkie Promised, I Pinkie Promised, I Pinkie Promised already. Just get it over with. “O… Okay.”

She grabbed the stockings first. They were just long socks, she told herself. Long socks… with ruffled tops. Applejack whined in the back of her throat as she unrolled them. But a withering glare from Rarity cut it short. She slipped them on over her legs, letting them devour her calves and even part of her thighs before they were satisfied.

The translucent silk was soft to the touch. Not unlike her diaper, but far less embarrassing. Applejack bent down to slip on the slippers, and was reminded of her padded friend once more. Her pampers crinkled as her butt pushed high into the air, and she could feel the buttons of her onesie strain to keep it at bay. She jerked up suddenly, biting her lips in silent protest of trying that again.

Rarity rolled her eyes. “Alright, you big baby.”

“Watch it,” Applejack grumbled. “I will walk out that door.”

“Looking like you do now?” Rarity smirked as she knelt down with the slippers. “Boy, wouldn’t that be something.”

Applejack’s only comeback was the return of her blush. Chastened, she lifted one foot, then the other, Rarity slipping on the ballerina shoes for her.

Applejack wiggled her toes, feeling far too dainty in these shoes. But she did have to admit the green wasn’t a bad color on her. Rarity really did consider her a muse.

“Almost done,” Rarity promised to her distressed friend. She picked up the baby mitts, holding one open for her.

Applejack just hung her head, accepting it. One hand, then the other. Rarity pulled the mitten’s strings tight, tying them into a bow for good measure. Applejack tried to extend her fingers, but the bulky glove had other plans. It was as padded as her diaper! And the tight knot didn’t allow for much room. Her fingers could only stretch out into a half fist like this.

“Looking fabulous, darling,” Rarity attempted. This time Applejack got to do the withering glare. Apparently she was good at it, because her friend coughed, looked away, and grabbed the final piece of the humiliating puzzle.

“As promised,” she said, unfurling her final concoction.

Applejack groaned. It was a pair of overalls after all. But with that same, seafoam green color, incredibly short legs, and even heart shaped buckles as opposed to, you know, anything else. It definitely looked like something meant for a baby. In fact, Applejack swore up and down that Applebloom had worn something like that when she was much younger. But, of course, it was going to be on her, not a baby.

“Just get it over with.” Applejack grumbled, arms crossed.

Rarity held out the overalls, holding them open. Applejack stepped into them, and let the fashionista pull them up her body. They smacked into her diaper, nearly giving her a padded wedgie. Applejack’s blush conquered what little orange remained on her face. Even her ears were burning. “H-Hey!”

“Sorry, darling. Sorry!” Rarity moved the straps over Applejacks sleeves and buttoned them up for her.

It was finally done. Applejack was now stuck in the full, humiliating ensemble. Her diaper was now bunched up between her thighs, the legs of her overalls didn’t even reach the tops of her stockings. Fabric bulged around her rear thanks to the ungodly size of her diaper, and the ballet slippers felt slick, even against the carpet of the bedroom.

“Okay, perfect!” Rarity took a step back, absorbing her handiwork.

Applejack’s cheeks were on the verge of third degree burns. “Can we wrap this up now?”

Rarity flicked her finger. “Turn around.”

A groan, a roll of the eyes. Applejack held her arms out and spun around in place. “Okay?”

Rarity squealed. “It’s perfect! Oh, Hoity Toity is going to eat his hat when he sees it!”

“Fantastic.” Applejack should be happier for her right now but spending so much time diapered had obliterated all her goodwill. Not to mention she could actually feel a pressure building up in her bowels right now. There’s no way she’d mention it to Rarity, but she needed to go to the bathroom.“Now hurry up an—”

A ring cut her off. Rarity held up a finger and tugged her phone out. “Oh god!”


Rarity’s brow furrowed. “That horrible wench, Suri!”

Applejack rolled her eyes. So nothing important then.

“She just posted her audition piece on Instagram.”

“And it’s bad?” Applejack guessed.

“No, it’s amazing! And she’s already gloating like she’s going to win!” Rarity let out an unladylike snarl, the type she’d normally suppress. “Everyone knows she has that poor freshman do all her work for her anyway. Who’s she fooling?”

Applejack just sighed. She found it hard to care when a diaper was still smothering her waist. “Well shucks, looks like you’ll have to show her up then. Here, get me out of this and— What are you doing?”

Rarity slung her purse over her shoulder. “Applejack, I’m sorry, but my outfit isn’t done yet! I’ll need sequins, more silk, and enough glitter to bury that awful bit—”

“Rarity!” Applejack whined, her friend halfway out the door.

“Go ahead and undress dear, you’re done for today,” Rarity waved her off. “Just leave everything on the bed when you leave. I must get to the shops before they close!”

“But—” The door slammed in her face.

“There isn’t a moment to lose!” The fashionista called from the other side, no doubt sprinting down the hall.

Applejack stood, dumbfounded one moment, annoyed the next. “Ugh.” She can’t believe Rarity had just tricked her into being her doll and then just run off like that. “I’m going to have to have a talk with that girl about respectin’ your friend’s boundaries.” But first things first.

Applejack wasn’t going to spend another minute dressed up like a baby. Everything was coming off. Now.

She went for the buckles on the overalls, ready to snap them open. But her mitts practically bounced right off.

Applejack blinked, confused. The furrowed her brow. She tried again, this time trying to pinch the buckle through the excessively padded mitts. But it was no good. Her fingers couldn’t get a hand on anything.

“Fine, you’re coming off first.” Applejack tried to pry the mitts off, but again her hands struggled to get anything. The knots were too tight to just slip the whole thing off. She bit down on one of the strings and tried to pull it undone. But no matter how hard she tugged, they didn’t budge and inch.

She spat the string out. “O-Okay…”

Maybe her stockings… nope.

The slippers? Surprisingly, no.

Applejack bit her lip. “You gotta be kidding me.” Could she… not get any of her clothes off?”

Her cheeks flared a familiar red. No no no. She tried the buckles again. The knots. No no no!

She really couldn’t get anything off. She tried yanking at the overall’s straps, kicking off the slippers, biting at the stockings, even squeezing the mitts between her knees and pulling.



Applejack couldn’t believe her luck. With her fingers so useless, she wouldn’t be able to text Rarity to come back and help her! And if she couldn’t get out on her own that would mean waiting until she got back. And knowing that shopaholic…

I’m… stuck…

Applejack’s heart was beating a mile a minute, but her blood felt like ice. She was stuck in a diaper!

The cursed garment crinkled, as if laughing at her. It was still bunched up from Rarity’s accidental wedgie. Finally sick of the feeling, Applejack grabbed at it with her mitts and pulled at it. Somehow, she only made it worse. The padding was pressing up against her in a way that made its comfortable interior very uncomfortable. Not for the first time today, Applejack was glad to have kept her panties on.

“I can’t believe this,” she grumbled. Briefly, she thought about finding some scissors and cutting herself free, but she couldn’t do that to Rarity. Even if her friend had doomed her by suddenly leaving like that, this was still important to her. Applejack wasn’t going to return thoughtlessness with more thoughtlessness.

But if she didn’t, how was she going to get out of this?

Before that scary thought had time to take shape in her brain, the door behind her all but slammed open, making her jump and whirl around.

“Hey! Rari…ty…” Sweetie Belle froze at the entrance, pupils shrinking at the unexpected sight she’d just stumbled into.

Every nerve in Applejack’s brain short-circuited at once. As the younger girl slowly started to process the situation, she knew she had to do something—at least get a word in edgewise—before a bad situation became worse.

And so, embarrassed and startled, Applejack managed to whimper out pathetic, “I-it’s not my diaper!”


The Unwilling Doll

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“I-It’s not my diaper!”

Those words all but sealed her fate. Because maybe, maybe, there had been a chance that Sweetie Belle hadn’t noticed the bulge around Applejack’s hips. And if she had then maybe, maybe, she hadn’t suspected it was because Applejack was wearing a diaper. And if Applejack had just slammed the door shut, or ducked behind the bed, or anything else, then maybe, maybe, what happened next wouldn’t have happened.

Sweetie Belle laughed.

Applejack’s cheeks flared a whole new shade of red. Her glow only brightened as Sweetie’s squeaky laugh continued.

“Wha-hahaha-t are you wea-hah-ring?” She choked out, wiping a tear from her face.

Applejack covered her bulging rear. Then her crotch. Then her rear again. “Don’t look!” she demanded, Sweetie’s laughter only growing louder.

Her whole bottom lip was in her mouth. Biting down, Applejack failed to hold back a blush from scorching her cheeks. She grabbed her hair, nearly pulling two fistfuls right out of her scalp. This wasn’t happening. This was not happening.


Applejack froze, looking up to see Sweetie Belle had her phone out. She clicked the screen again.


“H-Hey!” Applejack stammered. There was no way that she’d just—

She backed up into a chair at Rarity’s desk, grabbed it, and pushed it in front of her spread gait for damage control. “Don’t take any pictures!” she squeaked out.

Sweetie Belle snickered. “Oh… too late.”

“Grr…” Applejack almost lurched forward for the phone, but kept herself behind the chair. She couldn’t let this get any worse. “Look, I’m just doing this as a favor, I don’t normally… come on, stop laughing!”

Sweetie Belle put a hand over her giggly mouth. She was trying to say something, but couldn’t get the words out. Finally, “not—huh-HAH!—not so much fun when you’re the one being laughed at, huh?”

Applejack’s ears burned. Sweetie Belle wasn’t still sore about being caught in her tea party was she? Given that she still had Rarity’s dress and feather boa on, she clearly hadn’t let the intrusion interrupt her too much.

“C-Come on, that was different.” Applejack managed. “I was just… I couldn’t help myself.”

“Well me neither,” Sweetie Belle remarked. Her laughing fit had finally calmed down to just a wry smirk. She looked like she was enjoying the shoe being on the other foot. “I wonder if Apple Bloom and Scootaloo won’t be able to help themselves if they see these pictures…”

The blood rushing under her cheeks went cold. “You wouldn’t.” Her own sister seeing her like this? Not to mention if Scootaloo saw this her big mouth would tell Rainbow in no time. “You’re not going to!” She marched out from the chair, determined to rip the phone from the middle-schooler’s hand.

“Ah-ah-ah!” Sweetie Belle’s finger hovered over the screen. Applejack froze. For all she knew, Sweetie could be about to hit send on one of those pictures.

Her tune changed immediately. “N-Now don’t be too hasty, ya hear?”

Sweetie Belle snickered. “Hmm… I dunno… you haven’t been really nice to me lately.”

“What do you want?” Applejack asked. She couldn’t help eyeing Sweetie’s unmoving finger. Maybe if I can distract her for a second, I could… no no, too risky.

“Apologize for laughing at me,” Sweetie Belle demanded, hand on her hip.

“Okay… ‘m sorry,” she mumbled at the ground.

“What was that?” Sweetie cocked her head, cupping her ear.

“I’m sorry!” Applejack shouted. “So please—”

“I don’t know if I believe you,” Sweetie Belle said. “You don’t sound very sorry.”

Applejack clenched her jaw. This girl was getting too big for her britches right now. “F-Fine. I’m sorry! I’m so sorry that I laughed at you. It was a lousy thing to do.”

“Hmm…” Sweetie Belle’s finger circled her screen.

A bolt of fear gripped Applejack. She calmed herself, and swallowed her pride. Or, what little pride the situation currently offered her.

Bending down, Applejack got onto her knees. Her diaper crinkled noisily as she did, make her face glow all the redder. She bowed her head near Sweetie Belle’s feet, rear forced into the air by the size of her padding. It really didn’t help that moving like this was exacerbating an earlier problem. Applejack felt the pressure in her bowels growing; she was about to really need to go.

In spite of it all, she bit her tongue and managed, “I’m real, real sorry I laughed at’cha, Sweetie Belle. Please delete those photos now.”

“Mmm… okay, I think you were sincere that time.”

Applejack breathed a sigh of relief.

“But I don’t know if I should forgive you…”

Her head shot up. “What?!”

Sweetie Belle’s smile was so innocent, yet so devilish at the same time. “I still think you’re looking down on me for having a tea party.”

“I’m not!” Applejack lied. “Honest!”

Sweetie Belle giggled and bent down to pat the older girl’s head condescendingly. “Don’t worry, I know how you can make it up to me.”

“Oh no…”

Sweetie Belle’s smile was very much an “oh yes” response. Pinkie finger out, she snarked in a faux fancy accent. “Baby Jackie should join me for a spot of tea and some crumpets!”

“Consarnit!” Applejack breathed. And Baby Jackie? Really?

“What was that?” Sweetie Belle’s eyebrow shot up, her finger flicking just over her phone screen.

“I-I-I said… Let’s do it?” She forced a smile.

Sweetie Belle sheathed her phone, knowing she had the diapered high-schooler under her thumb now. Her mood brightened from sadistic joy to just joy. Grabbing Applejack’s padded mitten, she dragged her up and out of Rarity’s room.

Applejack struggled not to face plant. Not just from the force of Sweetie’s pull, but from her diaper. It was so cumbersome that she could barely keep on her feet. And when she finally corrected herself, she was forced to waddle from her wide gait, dragged behind Sweetie Belle like luggage with a broken wheel.

To make matter’s even worse, she was really starting to feel nature’s call. All this moving around must’ve convinced her bowels she was heading to the toilet, because the urge to poop only grew with each step.

Applejack grunted. No! No way! She tightened her hold back there and prayed the feeling would pass.

“Okay,” Sweetie Belle said excitedly. They burst into her room, the stern control from earlier melted away, as the little kid deep down came out to play. “So, first you have to meet everyone!”

She spread her arms to reveal the tiny table of merely four seats, only three of which were occupied. “This is Sir Bristlefur,” Sweetie said, waving a teddy bear’s arm at Applejack. She waited a moment, then motioned for Applejack to wave back, face indicating she was being rude.

Applejack managed a passive wave of her mitten. “H—ello?”

Sweetie Belle darted to their next toy, a plastic doll wearing a smart business suit, hair done back into a bun. “And this is Pauline Pocket. She’s the CEO of the tea set company. She here to check the product for us. And also she really likes tea.” Sweetie Belle waved the dolls stiff arm for her.

Applejack swiped her hand across the air. “Hi.”

Sweetie Belle was already moving to the last toy. A stuffed white alicorn with a colorful mane leapt out of her chair to greet Applejack. “And this is Celly! She’s magic, and also a princess.”

She had the magic princess pony gallop across the air towards Applejack, only to grab her forearm and lead her to the pony’s chair. “You two will have to share you spot for now.”

“Th-That’s okay,” Applejack insisted. “I don’t mind stand—”

She was flumped down into the low seat without any fanfare, save her noisy diaper announcing it.

“—ing,” she finished.

Well… here she was. Knees bent and spread thanks to the height of her chair and the girth of her padding, butt sinking into the cushion that was her diaper, face dour and tense.

Sweetie Belle plopped the stuffed animal in her lap, then graciously took her own seat at the head of the table. Her smile was too big for Applejack’s liking.

“Does Baby Jackie want some tea?” Sweetie Belle held up her aggressively pink, plastic tea kettle.

Applejack looked at the matching teacup in front of her. Empty. She grumbled out the answer she knew Sweetie Belle wanted to hear, “…yes.”

Sweetie hummed as she poured her a cup, imaginary liquid filling to the brim. “One sugar or two?”

“One,” Applejack mumbled. She shifted in her seat, diaper crinkling. It was already uncomfortable, and the pressure wasn’t easing up either.

Sweetie mixed fake sugar into the cup of air, and held it out for her. Applejack awkwardly cupped it in her mitted hands. Sweetie flashed her teeth as she sat down, pretending to take a sip from her tea. She motioned for Applejack to do the same.

Groaning in the back of her throat, Applejack pretended to take a sip.

“Share with Celly!” Sweetie Belle pointed to the pony in Applejack’s lap. “She wants some too.”

Applejack just sighed. She held the cup down to the plushie’s snout for a few seconds, before setting it down.

“She says ‘thank you’,” Sweetie said.

“You’re welcome,” Applejack mumbled in the vague direction of the fake horse.

Sweetie Belle smirked, topping off her empty cup. “What’s that, Sir Bristlefur?” She pretended to listen to the stuffed bear to Applejack’s right. “He’s says it’s nice to have you here, Baby Jackie.”

“Happy to be here,” Applejack choked through her teeth.

“Hmm…” Sweetie Belle pressed her lips together. “Oh? Great idea, Pauline!”

Applejack looked from the tiny CEO to Sweetie Belle. “What?”

But Sweetie Belle was hopping up, struggling not to trip on the oversized dress as she darted to her dresser. Pulling back a drawer, she dug around inside for a bit. “Hmm… No. Not quite. Uh…”

“What?” Applejack demanded. She didn’t like being left in the dark when it came to Sweetie Belle’s plans for her.

“Aha!” Sweetie popped her head out of the drawer, two long, dark green ribbons in hand. “Pauline said you didn’t look enough like a baby to earn you nickname.”

Not enough… Applejack was wearing a diaper for pity’s sake! “Well Pauline should get her eyes checked,” she pouted.

“Don’t be rude! She had a great idea.” Sweetie scooped up a brush from the floor and disappeared behind Applejack.

She tried to turn her head, but one hand nudged her to look forward. Suddenly, Sweetie grabbed a clump of her hair and started brushing it.

“Ah! Hey!” Applejack cried, the rough bristles tugging at the knots in her hair.

“We’re going to give you hairstyle more fitting of a little girl, Baby Jackie,” Sweetie decided.

Applejack whined in the back of her throat, but didn’t protest further, no matter how much Sweetie’s brushing hurt. The more the girl tugged at her blonde hair, the more Applejack would just bring her arms around the Celly horse in a hug. It was almost unconscious how tightly she squeezed it.

When Sweetie Belle decided Applejack’s hair had had enough, she started tying it tightly with the ribbons. Ponytails fell into place on either side of her head. Applejack clenched her jaw.

It’s just my hair, she thought to herself, trying to keep calm. I can undo it later.


Another photo, catching Applejack off guard. She blinked back the light with a grunt, before anger overtook her. “HEY!”

“Aww,” Sweetie fawned over the image. “You look so cute!”

She turned around the phone to reveal Applejack, stuck in a tiny chair, hugging a stuffed pony, dark green bows in her hair to go along with her childish attire.

Her blush had been a lasting fixture on her cheeks for a while now, but it took up a permanent residence all of her face now.

“No more pictures!” Applejack demanded. “I’m doing what you want, alright? So stop—”


“Hehe, you’re cute when you’re mad, too.” Sweetie Belle tucked the phone away, her smile betrayed just a twinge of annoyance. “And I’ll decided when I have enough pictures, okay?”

Applejack bit down, nearly cutting her tongue in half. “Okay.” She was lucky the mittens hid her fingers curling into fists.

The annoyance faded. “And by the way, Celly thinks ponytails suit you.”

Applejack looked down accusingly at the plushie in her arms, as though she’d actually said that. “Gee, thanks.” Realizing what she was doing, she stopped hugging the alicorn.

Their tea party continued at a brisk pace after that. Bristlefur and Pauline seemed to bombard ‘Baby Jackie’ with questions that forced unfortunate answers out of her. And every time Applejack had to swallow her pride and saying something to get an evil chuckle out of Sweetie Belle.

Where did she go to school? Canterlot Pre-K.

Who babysat her? Her big sister, Applebloom.

Could she walk yet? Still crawling, but she could almost stand up straight.

Each question sent Applejack’s brow furrowing deeper. Each answer had her impatience showing in her tone. And Sweetie Belle was taking note.

“Hmm… Celly wants to know if you’re potty trained yet,” she said.

She felt a push from her bowels; they were getting desperate. Applejack’s face burned.

“Of course I am!” she yelled, stomping her feet.

Sweetie Belle hid a giggle. “Now Celly’s asking why you’re wearing a diaper if you are potty trained.” A snicker. “She’s calling you a liar-pants.”

Pink, scarlet, crimson. Applejack’s face couldn’t pick a color. “I’m not lying!” She threw the stuffed alicorn to the ground. “I’m not!”

“Well don’t be rude.” Sweetie Belle tsked, picking up the plushie and petting it. “Now you’ve hurt Celly’s feelings with your temper tantrum.”

At this point, Applejack had had enough. She crossed her arms. “Good.”

Sweetie Belle sighed. “There’s only one thing to do when a baby gets this bratty.”

Panic rang throughout Applejack’s body. For a moment she worried Sweetie would threaten to send out those photos. She was just about to apologize when she saw the girl walking across her room.

She bent down, picking up a rather large baby doll from the floor. From this angle, Applejack couldn’t quite make out what Sweetie Belle was doing. It seemed like… she was grabbing something from the doll’s mouth?”

“Ugh, why did Scootaloo use so much glue last time?” Finally she pulled it free, but kept it sheltered from Applejack’s view as she walked back over. “So are you going to tell Celly you’re sorry?”

Applejack raised an eyebrow, but made no move to apologize. If she gave up here, she wouldn’t have any ground to stand on. If Sweetie wasn’t going to blackmail her, she saw no reason to play along. After all, she just had to endure until Rarity got back… whenever that would be. She’d at least be able to reign in her little sister.

Her bowels ached, and Applejack worried about how long it would take her friend to get home.

“I see,” Sweetie Belle sighed. “In that case…”

Suddenly, she shoved her hand forward. Applejack barely had time to react before something launched into her mouth. A large, rubbery bulb pushed passed her teeth and came to rest on her tongue. Sticky plastic pressed against her lips.

“Use this to calm down!” Sweetie Belle said.

“Mm?!” It didn’t take long to solve the mystery of what was in her mouth. A pacifier. A bright pink and glittery pacifier by the looks of it. “Mmmph!” Applejack cried out.

She immediately tried to spit it out, but found it hard to open her lips. Blinking in confusion, she brought up her hands, but found the baby mitts too unwieldy to pluck the pacifier from her mouth. She tried to spit it out again, but it came off as a suckle.



Blinking lights, more pictures. Applejack looked up at Sweetie Belle with some panic in her eyes. What was this girl doing to her?

“Like it?” Sweetie Belle asked. “Cause it sure looks like you do in these pictures…”

Applejack’s face couldn’t decide if it should pale or blush. She kept trying to spit out the pacifier, and kept failing. “Mmm mm mmph?”

“Hehe.” Sweetie covered her mouth. “I got real mad when Scootaloo superglued my doll’s mouth shut the other day, but it looks like it’s paying off now. If you want, I can take it out for you… if you be a good baby and calm down.”

“MMPH!” Applejack stood up, letting herself tower over the middle schooler. She knew she couldn’t do anything to Sweetie Belle right now, but a little intimidation never hurt.

…Was she even intimidating like this? Diapered, pacified, dolled up… she was probably the furthest thing from it.

Applejack’s pupils shrank. She suddenly felt her gut drop.

That sudden movement just now had not been good for her bowels. They’d only just been keeping an accident at bay this whole time, and even that had taken a lot of concentration. Now that she was up, with her legs spread wide and ready…

Oh no…

She could feel it coming.

“Hmm, maybe I should just send these now… Hey wait a minute!” Applejack pushed past Sweetie Belle, and ran right out her door.

This was bad. This was very bad. Applejack could feel her body about to poop, but she wasn’t anywhere near ready.

Bathroom! She thought frantically. Gotta find a bathroom!

Never mind her inability to undress. She’d forgotten about that entirely. Applejack just bit down on the pacifier’s bulb and sprinted for the stairs.

She knew Rarity’s house decently well. The nearest bathroom should be at the bottom of those steps. If she could just get there in time…

She slipped right at the top. Her ballerina slippers didn’t do well on the carpeted stairs. To make matters worse, she was full on sprinting when she should be toddling. A mistake was bound to happen, she was just unlucky enough to make it before the first step.

Applejack tumbled down the stairs. Back, butt, stomach, face. Every part of her was smacked around. The only thing louder than the thuds was the crinkling of her diaper.

She ended up on the first floor, dazed and butt pointed to the sky. “Mmrrr…” she groaned into the pacifier, jaw stiff. Her lips almost instinctively suckled at the bulb.


A loud, wet fart smacked her out of her confusion. “MMM!” she cried out, realizing it was too late. Already her bowels were pushing.

“Applejack, wait!” Sweetie Belle cried out from upstairs. “If you run away, I’ll… I’ll show these pictures to everyone!”

Her pupils became pinpricks. Sweetie Belle was after her. She couldn’t let that sadistic middle schooler witness this!

Applejack scrambled to her feet, wobbling to gain her balance. She grabbed the first door handle she could get ahold of, threw it open, and leapt in, slamming it behind her.

Frrtt! Bluuurch!

The first wave. Applejack moaned into her pacifier, realizing she was messing herself.

Steamy brown mush rushed out of her, and encounter the first layer beyond her undercarriage: her panties.

The thin clothe had no chance against the mudslide about to hit it. Applejack whimpered as the two met, choking back a sob.

“Applejack!” Sweetie’s cry, closer now.

She had to hide. Just being in this room wasn’t enough. Spreading her legs even further as the accident continued, Applejack took a blind step into the dark room.

And immediately knew she’d made a mistake.

Small, thin, but strong lines of something hit her foot, throwing her off balance. Applejack waved her arms frantically, crying out into her pacifier as she twisted around and fell back.

There were more. Long, tough threads seemed to dominate this room. Applejack’s back connected and she started to thrash about.

Some snapped, others held. She became tangled and twisted. Tied in knots by countless strings and threads. She was caught in a web, and the more she struggled, the worse it got.

It was then that Applejack remembered something. This room, the mess of sewing supplies, Rarity closing the door.

Applejack whined into her pacifier. She’d made a horrible mistake.


The second wave. Mush already pushed up against her panties was forced out as new poop arrived. To make room, the mess shifted out of her panties and into the diaper surrounding it. The brown mush clamored to cover the padding, coat the back of her panties, and snake around up front.

And it just kept coming.




“MM-mm-hmmm!” Tears sprung to her face. She sniffled, and chewed at her pacifier.

The gross, squishy mess in her pampers only grew. Her panties were drowning in the never-ending mudslide. And even still, it only continued to waterfall out of her.

She could hear the diaper crinkle as the mush tried to settle. It was growing to accommodate it all but could barely keep up. The buttons of her onesie snapped a moment later, letting the diaper finally sag freely.

Only then, did Applejack finally stop pooping herself.

She squirmed, unable to escape from the threads that now trapped her. The warm mush slathering her butt was finally settling down for real leaving her diaper to crinkle and squish grossly.

She shuddered at the feeling. The sensation. It was the worst experience of her entire life, and there were plenty of contenders for that on this day alone.

She couldn’t spit out her pacifier. She couldn’t get out of her dirty diaper. She couldn’t even move.

All Applejack could do was let the tears flow, suckle occasionally, and wait for Sweetie Belle to find her.

And, eventually, she did.


Rarity’s heel struggled against her front door, finally turning the knob and letting her inside. She gasped, dropping bag after bag of supplies at her front door. Silk spilled over, spools tumbled out, but it didn’t matter. They were here, and she could make something with that.

“Finally.” How many hours had that taken? She couldn’t say.

She stretched, ready to get back to her sewing. She just hoped Applejack had been gentle when taking off the overalls and onesie. She didn’t doubt the farm girl had ripped them off the second she’d been able to, but at the very least Rarity hoped she didn’t have to sew anything back together before she started marking adjustments.

Just then, a high-pitched, but muffled cry caught her ears. Rarity’s brow climbed her forehead in curiosity. “What on Earth…?”

Rarity moved through the house, approaching the stairs while keeping her eyes trained up against the ceiling.


There it was again!

Rarity’s interest was piqued now. She climbed the stairs, following the muffled cries as they seemed to grow louder and louder. Her nose wrinkled as a bizarre smell hit it, but she was to curious to be disgusted.

Finally, she came to the source of the noise. Sweetie Belle’s bedroom door. Of course.

Rarity rolled her eyes. And what has my sister done now?

“Mmmph-rry! Hmmph mmr!” The muffled cries sounded kind of familiar.

Rarity cautiously nudged open the door. “Sweetie B—Oh my word!”

Applejack, still dressed in the onesie and overalls from before. Except her hair was tied into ponytails by giant bows, a pink pacifier was shoved in her mouth, and the bulge where her diaper was looked far bigger than it had before.

She was sitting at Sweetie Belle’s tea party, tied in place by a countless number of long, loose threads that pinned her mitted hands behind her back, her ankles together, and her arms to her side.

And Sweetie Belle, standing over her, shoving a stuffed pony toy into her captive cheek as though it were kissing her.

When Applejack saw Rarity, her muffled cries picked up with desperation, her red face barely resembling her usual skin tone.

And then the smell hit her. It became so powerful upon opening the door that Rarity couldn’t resist gagging now.

“What is going on here?!” she demanded.

Sweetie Belle dropped her plushie in surprise. “Uh… a tea party?”

Rarity took a moment to process that… and then decided to go look for a fainting couch.