Collection of Smut that are potential story ideas

by Ablegabriel

First published

Collection of Smut

A bunch of one shot ideas that may or may not become stories in the future

Empress Cozy Glow (Definite Future Story) (Warning: Dark)

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Empress Cozy Glow was walking through a hall in her palace, casually eating the decapitated head of Rarity. She looked around the the palace as she continued to walk, Everything had been renovated into her image. Cozy grinned every time she saw the art works on the walls. Cozy's favorite was the image of her sitting on a throne of dead bodies, The four Princesses, Starlight Glimmer, Dragon Lord Ember, Queen Chrysalis, Queen Novo, all bowing at her feet.

"Life is good," The filly turned tall goddess chuckled to herself.

She came up to the end of the hall, a giant symbol in the shape of her Cutie Mark covering the wall. She pressed it with the palm of her hand. "Twilight and Starlight." She said simply.

The Mark glowed and turned into a portal. Cozy stepped through it and had walked into a very lavish room with two couches and a nice big TV. The carpet was red the shade of blood, and the room, while being a cell, had a bedroom and bathroom separate of the living room. It was more like a house than a Cell.

"Girls, Master is back~!" Cozy called out, her deep yet still feminine voice sounding out through the cell.

The door to the bedroom threw open and Twilight and Starlight immediately ran out over to her. "Master!" Twilight chirped excitedly as she knelt down and clung Cozy's leg, Starlight hugging the other.

Cozy chuckled as her two slaves hugged her legs. The two most powerful mares that used to be against her now eagerly splayed themselves at her feet.

"Life is amazing." Cozy purred as they nuzzled her legs.

"Is today the day we can have our horns and wings back, Master?" Twilight asked, her tail wagging excitedly.

Cozy smirked down at her slave and chuckled. "Maybe." She said with a grin.

Twilight and Starlight nodded obediently at the answer from their Goddess. Cozy grinned approvingly down at them. "Good. Now get to work."

Twilight immediately began to undress her, taking off one of her blood stained boots, Starlight taking the other boot. They drooled a bit at the sight of their Master's bare feet for a few moments before standing up from their knees and began taking off her regalia. Cozy relaxed her chiseled body as they worked. Her slaves treated every single piece of her clothing with the up most care. Cozy nodded in satisfaction at this. She then stepped forwards and sat in the golden throne in the middle of the room. Her slaves hurried after her and knelt before her feet once more.

"Good pets."

Twilight and Starlight both moaned very loudly at the praise from their Goddess. Cozy chuckled a bit as she began petting them. They both purred happily as they nuzzled into her hand. She ran her hand through their manes. The Slave duo continued to purr. Their Master was so so kind to them. Having given them such a comfortable cell, after being oh so generous and sparing their lives.

"Such good pets."

They moaned once more at the praise.

"You may begin your worship, my Slaves." Cozy said with a grin, placing her head in the palm of her hand.

Twilight eagerly began cleaning her bloody feet, lapping at them happily. "Crush a lot of enemies beneath your feet today, Master?" Twilight asked Cozy.

Cozy grinned down at her slave. "Yes I did." Cozy said with a slight moan. She always did get off on ponies worshiping her feet.

Twilight continued to clean her Master's feet with her tongue as Starlight began her share of worship of The Goddess. She licked at her cock happily, moaning a bit at the taste. Cozy grinned at her slaves, they were so eager to please their Master. They continued their work. Soon Twilight was finished with her task of cleaning her Master's feet. She licked her lips of the excess blood.

"You did a very good job, Slave." Cozy said with a smile.

Twilight began weeping in joy at the praise from her Goddess, causing the aforementioned Filly turned Goddess to smile down at her. Twilight eagerly began worshiping her Divine Penis alongside her Sister Slave, causing the Goddess to moan.

"That's it, my pets! Just like I taught you! From base to Flare! Base to Flare! Get your Master Rock Hard!"

They nodded and intensified their ministrations. They kept licking and kissing, all in attempts to please their Mistress. Soon enough, they got her to about half mast, which was over two and a half feet long and six inches wide.

"Almost There, my slaves! Keep it up!"

They obeyed the order and continued to worship the Godly cock. Cozy continued to give off soft grunts of approval and pleasure as she waited for them to get her to full mast. After five minutes of worship, they managed to bring her to full mast. Her cock was a throbbing monster standing at six feet long and ten inches wide. It was know far and wide through out the world as the Royal Bitch Popper.

"There we go." Cozy chuckled.

She used magic to change her slaves' bodies. They grew in size until they were now twice the size of Celestia, which meant they were one third of the size of Cozy Glow herself.

"Thank You Mistress!" They both shouted in joy.

"Good Slaves." She said with a chuckle. She continued to manipulate their bodies with her magic. She changed their insides around and enchanted them, making sure they could her without popping.

"Can't have my favorite toys breaking on me, now can I?"

"No Mistress!" They moaned as they felt their bodies changed.

"Carry your Empress to the bedroom," Cozy ordered her pets.

They knelt down on their hands and knees for her to sit on their backs. Cozy stood up from her throne and used both of their backs combined to make a seat for her Royal Ass. "Mush," She said with a chuckle.

They crawled to the bedroom, moaning as they did so. Being sat on by their Goddess greatly aroused them. The trek to the bedroom only took them a couple minutes. Cozy sat up off of them, making sure to be extra rough with her movements much to her slaves sadomasochistic delight. The rough treatment already getting them to cum.

Cozy stopped and stared at them. "Did you two just orgasm without my permission?"

They whimpered sadly. "We...we couldn't help treat us so roughly...." Starlight said.

"Pain is so damn pleasurable....especially coming from the Goddess!" Twilight agreed.

Cozy thought about this for second before smiling down at her slaves. "Alright, I suppose I can overlook this just this once, just try not to do it again, okay?" She told her slaves, once again showing them great kindness and mercy.

"We understand, Goddess," They said in unison.

"Good Pets." Cozy said before getting in the ginormous bed.

They climbed into the bed after her and crawled over to her in a submissive manner. "Begin when ready," Cozy instructed.

They nodded obediently and massaged her feet. Cozy purred as they worked. All that mattered was the Goddess's pleasure. She was kind enough to them to ensure that they wouldn't die in the process of pleasing her, so they definitely wouldn't waste this. Cozy grinned as she began to step on them. They screamed in pleasure as they were stepped on, Cozy smirked and continued to apply pressure. They tried their best not to cum from being stepped on by their master. Cozy stepped on them harder, causing them to pant hotly in their sadomasochistic pleasure. This caused Cozy to chuckle.

"Good pets." She said with a chuckle.

They moaned loudly at the praise, staying beneath their God's feet. Cozy wiggled her feet on top of her loyal slaves. They continued to moan hotly. Cozy chuckled as she continued crushing them beneath her divine feet. Their bones started to Crack.

"Aaaahn!!!" Twilight screamed in pleasure.

Cozy pressed down on them even harder. There were audible cracks as she pressed, Both mares screamed to high heaven in their pleasure. Cozy wiggled her toes on top of them. They moaned from the pain it caused, their bones starting to fracture and break.

"How do you feel, girls?" Cozy asked tauntingly, smirking evilly.

"Being crushed by your divine feet is such an honor Goddess!!!" Both of her pets moaned loudly.

"Good girls," Cozy said as she lifted her feet up and stepping down hard on them

There was a loud snap as a lot of their bones shattered. They screamed in pleasure, unable to hold back their torrents of cum. Blood spurted from their wounds. Cozy lifted her feet up. Twilight and Starlight were twitching panting messes. Cozy cleared her throats.

"Master...forgive us for Cumming....that wonderful...." Twilight panted as she wiggled her body to cause herself more pain.

Cozy sighed and smiled. "Very well."

Both her pets smiled up at her. "Master is so kind,"

"Yes I am." Cozy chuckled with a smirk. "only to you two." she added in her head darkly.

Cozy healed them with her magic. "Now, you two got me to full mast...why don't you two take turns pleasing your Goddess?"

"Which of us goes first?" Starlight asked with a head tilt.

Cozy grinned and ignited her horn. Suddenly there was two of her. "Why wait?" Both of the Cozys' said at the same time.

They both immediately started pleasing one of them. Starlight began deep throating her as best as she could, struggling to get past three feet. Twilight was picked up by her Goddess and was impaled by her giant cock. Both of them moaned hotly at their treatments. Twilight was pumped up and down on Cozy's giant cock like she was a living flesh light. Starlight bobbed herself back and forth along Cozy's cock. She hadn't been able to get past 3 feet. She whimpered a bit at the fact that she couldn't get all the way

"Does Glimmy want Master to face fuck her?" Cozy chuckled.

"Mhmmm..." Moaned around the cock in her mouth.

Cozy grabbed her head and stood up, she then began thrusting at an insane speed, shoving all six and a half feet of her godly cock down her throat. Starlight half moaned half gagged on it. Both Cozy's fucked their respective slave without mercy. Both slaves moaned and groaned in pleasure.

They pounded away at their throat and pussy. "Good toys." Cozy chuckled darkly.

They moaned at the praise, continuing their ministrations. Cozy kept fucking her pets for hours and hours. " sweet little eager to please me...."

They continued to moan and please the two Cozys. After another hour or so, they finally began to cum, bloating their respective pet to high proportions. Twilight and Starlight moaned as they were filled to the brim with their Master's divine cum. Cozy pulled out of them and fazed back into one being. She waited for them to clean her cock. They both began to lick her cock clean.

She grinned and sighed approvingly. "That's it...I want to see every drop of cum gone within one minute." Cozy said with a pleasured sigh.

This caused them to speed up with their licking. Cozy petted them when they finished. "That's my girls."

They moaned in pleasure from the praise. "I think it's finally time. You two have earned this." Cozy said before placing her hands on their heads, lighting her horn in magic. There was a flash before Twilight and Starlight had their horns and wings back

They gasped in shock and happiness they then began crying in joy. "Thank you mistress!" They shouted with joy.

Cozy scooped them up and let them cuddle into her. "My lovely wouldn't dream of ever betraying Master, would you?"

"Never!" they both said immediately.

Cozy grinned and teleported a very terrified Rarity to them. "Why!? Why am I still alive!?" Rarity cried.

"Dig in, my pets." Cozy purred, pushing Rarity over to them.

They both eagerly began to eat Rarity alive, causing her to scream and cry in agony. She gazed over at Cozy. "Please Empress....please let me die...." Rarity whimpered.

"You'll never truly die." Cozy grinned.

"W...what?!" Rarity whimpered.

"You will die over and over and over. I'll keep resurrecting you only to kill you again. This is your punishment. For being such a hypocritical whore." Cozy said before Twilight chewed her head up, causing Rarity to die.

Twilight swallowed, as did her sister slave, both of them licking their lips after they finished. They cuddled into their Master, their tails swishing around contentedly. Cozy petted them both.

"Master....may....may we be let out of our cell?" Twilight asked after a couple minutes.

"Convince me you deserve it." Cozy grinned down at her slaves.

"How would you have us do so, my Goddess?" Twilight asked with an eager tail swish.

Cozy shook her head. "Surprise me, my pets." Cozy told them, placing her head in her palm.

Starlight perked up. "Ooh! Ooh! We can torture some Resistance members and have them give away a base?"

"That sounds great. Get to it." Cozy said with a dark grin.

They jumped in place eagerly as They waited for their master to bring in some of them. Once Cozy Glow teleported some of them in, They immediately tackled them and dragged them to the living room and tied them to a bed post. The resistance members struggled against them. Twilight used her magic, shuddering a bit in joy that she could use it again, to electrocute them for a minute. Starlight joined her, and they screamed in pain. They began crying, the moisture only adding to the pain of the electricity.

"Please... please stop..." they begged

"Tell us where your base is and we will." Starlight said with an evil smile.

"Alright! Alright! It's in Ponyville!" They both cried at the same time.

Twilight and Starlight looked to their Master, who nodded. The slave sisters let them down and forced them into a bowing position. "Bow to your Goddess for her Mercy!" Twilight hissed.

"Th-Thank you Goddess Cozy for being so generous...." The resistance members whimpered out.

Cozy's Pets growled approvingly, causing the resistance members to sigh in relief. They licked her feet gratefully, Cozy looking down at them.

"Please.....please don't kill us, Goddess..." They whimpered.

"I won't," Cozy said with a chuckle.

"Our Master is so merciful!" Twilight swooned.

"Yes she is!" Starlight cooed.

"Such an amazing Goddess!" Twilight said, moving as if she were going to faint, Starlight moving behind her to catch her.

Cozy smiled at her pets' antics.

Twilight the Tyrant (Warning: Dark) (Extremely high potential to become a story)

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"Oh my Faust this is SO BORING Twilight thought to herself as she dodged another attack from Tirek.

"Would you stand still already!? This is starting to get annoying!!!" Tirek shouted as he fired another blast.

Twilight rolled her eyes. "Fuck this." She said to herself as she did exactly what Tirek had asked and stood still.

Tirek thought nothing of it as she sent the biggest blast of the fight so far directly at her. Once the blast died down, Tirek looked up with a grin only to see that Twilight was still just standing there, no harm done to her what so ever. She placed a wing in front of her muzzle and yawned tauntingly.

"Well? I'm waiting," Twilight taunted Tirek further.

"What the fuck!?! How did you survive that!?" Tirek demanded in his disbelief.

Twilight ignored him and yawned again. "Are you going to take this fight seriously yet and attack me? No? Alright, then. I'll Just come to you," She huffed with a shrug as she started walking towards him calmly.

Tirek charged up another powerful blast and shot it at Twilight. The lavender Alicorn walked through it with no trouble. Tirek began sending blast after baster her way, Twilight casually walked through them all. As she got closer and closer, Tirek felt the one emotion he hadn't felt in years: Fear.

"What makes you think you're all that and a bag of chips? Your gimmick is magic stealing. Any Unicorn worth their horn could do that easily!" Twilight huffed.

Of course, aside from herself, there was only one other unicorn that could pull that kind of thing off, but Twilight wasn't aware of that. The spell was easy to her anyways.

"I've stolen the magic of every unicorn in Equestria! How are you so powerful!? Even with the combined magic of all of the Alicorns, I should be able to take you!!!" Tirek shouted, stomping the ground.

"I haven't even used the full extent of my OWN power, you weak bitch." Twilight revealed.

"...Fuck This Shit I'm Out" Tirek said before blasting the ground to create a smoke cloud, hoping that would allow him to get away.

As he turned to run, he saw Twilight flying in place with her front hooves behind her head and her hindlegs crossed. " 'sup."

"Get away from me you freak!!" He shouted as he turned around and tried to run in the opposite direction.

"Nah." She said simply from in front of him once again, in the same position.

"I said get away!" He swung his fist at her.

Twilight calmly blocked the fist with a wing. "Wow. That was pathetic. Are those muscles balloons?"

In his desperate mind, Tirek could only think of one thing left to do: Beg. "If you let me live, I'll return all the magic..."

Twilight grew a dark smirk. "But Tirek, You already have," She said, confusing him. Twilight lit her horn in a spell and all the magic went back to their respectful owners. "And you didn't get everyone in Equestria. From what I sense, you didn't even get over three quarters." Twilight chuckled.

Tirek was unable to think of anything to say as he was forcibly returned to his depowered state.

"Now, please do something useful for everypony and die." Twilight said.

Suddenly, all of Tirek's inner organs exploded. He screamed in pain. Twilight chuckled as his body fell to the ground. She then looked over herself, not liking how.....small, she was. She charged magic into her horn to change her body to a much more....proper, form. She was now over one and a half feet taller than Princess Celestia, Her horn now at least fourteen inches long and very pointy. Her mane and tail had grown longer. There were stars and galaxies in her mane and tail now. The area around her Cutie Mark was now the dark blue of the night sky, stars surrounded the purple six pointed star on her flanks. Her legs faded from the lavender color her coat was to the same Night Sky Dark Blue, complete with the stars and galaxies that decorated her mane and tail. She had silver Royal Peyrtal with a purple gem the shape of her Cutie Mark in the middle of it on her chest, Royal shoes on her hooves made of the same silver color with the same blue gems in the middle of all four hoof shoes. Her crown the same silver color as the rest of her regalia, the element of magic back in it's rightful place in the middle of the crown.

As she finished transforming, she thought about how easy dealing with Tirek was. "ugh, so damn Boring!" Twilight huffed once more.

Her thoughts had now turned to the princesses. "...I should probably let them out of tartarus." Twilight deadpanned before doing just that.

The three princesses were unchained and out of Tartarus in an instant. Twilight now towered over Celestia.

"You were able to subdue Tirek, I presume," Celestia said, looking up at the suddenly taller Alicorn.

Twilight sighed as she was once again reminded at how utterly dull dealing with the centaur was. "Ugh, Yes....It was SOOO BORING!!"

This response caused the other princesses to grow worried and concerned. "If you don't mind, could you return our magic?" Luna asked nervously.

Twilight thought about this for a few moments before she grinned and leaned down to the smaller princess's heights. "Nah~."

"What?!?! We gave you the magic to keep it safe from Tirek! Now that he's been dealt with, there's no reason for you to keep it!!!" Luna shouted, very worried now.

"I'm better at magic than all of you." Twilight explained simply. "And I'm the Goddess of Magic, so I should how this much power anyway." Twilight said, unaware that she had been steadily growing in power every single day ever since she became an Alicorn, and absorbing all of this power had only kickstarted that into growing exponentially damn near hourly.

"Since when were you the Goddess of Anything!?" Luna demanded in disbelief.

"Since I grew these wings?" Twilight said like Luna was slow.

"Twilight, being an Alicorn doesn't automatically make you a Goddess....." Celestia tried to explain.

"No, Celestia. It does. You can move the fucking sun, Luna moves the fucking moon, and Cadance can manipulate emotion! Well, you all USED to be able to do that. Heheheheh." Twilight snickered to herself.

"What happened to you Twilight?" Celestia asked sadly.

"Absolutely nothing~! I just gained power that I didn't even need to use to Kill Tirek!"

" that sweet little filly I used to foalsit....?" Cadance asked looking hurt.

Twilight's eyes were shadowed over by her mane. " three are starting to get on my nerves." She said, scaring the princesses. "Go away." She said before teleporting them into her pocket dimension.

"Time to go visit my friends," She thought before she walked over to the place where she sensed her friends.

"Twilight? Is that you?" Applejack asked in shock when they all saw her.

"Yep," Twilight said simply.

They all looked over her rather incredible new body. "You look...nice..." Fluttershy said softly.

Twilight smiled at her timid friend. "Thank you!" She said happily.

"What happened?" Dash asked, for some reason suspicious.

"I cast a spell, Dashie~!" Twilight chuckled.

"I mean with Tirek, Twi." Dash clarified.

Twilight laughed a bit. "Oh! Hahah! I killed him. Pretty easily too. It was sooo boring!"

That made all five mare gasp.

"....What?" Twilight said, looking around, not understanding what was so shocking.

"Did you just say what I think you just said!?" Applejack asked.

Twilight looked at them with confusion. "Why are you acting so shocked guys? He was a threat to Equestria..." Twilight told them.

"We didn't kill Nightmare Moon or Discord..." Rarity pointed out.

"Yeah, cause they weren't evil. Nightmare Moon literally just wanted attention, and Discord gives us an app for talking to other people.

This caused Pinkie to snicker while the others just looked confused. Twilight petted Pinkie's mane, causing the Pink Menace to purr. "Happy that someone else can see The Wall?"

"Yes!" Pinkie shouted as she gave her friend a hug as she laughed.

Twilight wrapped a giant foreleg around her pink friend.

"Pinkie! This is no laughing matter!" Applejack shouted.

"I don't see why you guys are so upset. It's not like I revealed that I like killing people yet. Oh. Whoops."

This made Fluttershy and Rarity faint. "WHAT?!?!?!" Applejack yelled.

"It was so funny when his organs exploded and he threw them up before dying! Ngghahahahahahahaa!!" Twilight began laughing.

"I wish I could have been there!" Pinkie laughed.

"What the hay is wrong with you, Pinkie?!" Applejack shouted, glaring at her soon to be former friend.

"Would you like a list?" Pinkie deadpanned before she burst into even more laughter, Twilight laughing with her.

"....what about the other princesses?" Dash asked suspiciously.

"They're in timeout." Twilight told everypony.

"So not cool!" Dash said, glaring at her.

Twilight shrugged. "So anyways, I'm offering all of you to join me." She told them all, making sure to wake up Fluttershy and Rarity before she spoke.

"I'm in!" Pinkie shouted immediately.

"Honestly Twilight, I can't even look at you right now." Applejack turned away

Dash's response was to try to fly away. Twilight grabbed Dash by the wings with her magic before she looked back to Applejack. "Okay then!" She before teleporting her into her own torture chamber separate from the princesses in her pocket dimension.

Rarity fainted once more and Fluttershy started whimpering. Twilight forced Rarity to wake up. "Dash, what about you?" She said to the pegasus in her grasp.

"Right now, Twi, I don't know. I want to be loyal to you, but you betrayed the princesses..."

" like being able to fly, right?" Twilight asked, causing Dash to freeze.

"...y-y-yes..." Dash said, terror suddenly taking hold of her.

"Then I'll make this easy." Twilight chuckled. "Submit and keep your wings, or fight and lose them."

Knowing Twilight wouldn't give her any other option, Dash sighed and nodded. "Okay Twilight,"

"Good girl!" Twilight said, forcing immense pleasure through Rainbow's body. Dash screamed from the pleasure and came almost immediately.

"Rarity?" Twilight pressed.

"You weren't being generous when you didn't return the magic to the other princesses..."

Poof. Pocket dimension.


While Twilight had been distracted with the other ponies, Fluttershy had taken the opportunity to run and hide. Twilight chuckled at the futility of such an action before using magic to scan the area and teleported the buttery colored mare to her hooves. Fluttershy eeped and tried to run away again.

"Fluttershy, will you submit?" Twilight asked.

Fluttershy was silent.

"1..." Twilight began counting.

Fluttershy's lips tightened.


Fluttershy looked away.

"3. Last Chance..."

Fluttershy's eyes suddenly narrowed. "No."

"Okay." She shrugged before lighting up her horn. Fluttershy immediately lost the bravado she had and began to beg, but not before she was poofed into her own room in Twilight's Pocket Dimension. Twilight smiled as she heard her screaming and crying.

"W...why?" she heard Fluttershy whimper.

"because you wouldn't submit. I'll give you one more chance." Fluttershy heard Twilight's voice all around her before she was filled with immense pain.

Fluttershy screamed loud, but otherwise didn't react. Her willpower was stronger than Twilight expected of the normally shy Pegasus.

"just for that, you will never know a day without pain now."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I'll submit!" Fluttershy screamed.

"Beg." Twilight's vice echoed from all around the mare.

"I'll do anything you ask!" Fluttershy screamed, the pain becoming too much for her.

"go on" Twilight said with an amused chuckle.

"If you ask me to kill Angel, I will. If you ask me to kill my parents, I will!" Fluttershy cried.

"Kill Zephyr. Slowly." Twilight ordered.

"...okay..." Fluttershy answered.

Poof. Fluttershy was in front of Twilight, who glared down at her. "Thank your Goddess for her mercy."

Fluttershy threw herself at Twilight's hooves and started worshiping their regalia. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"Good girl."

Dash couldn't help but turn away. "C'mon Dashie, this'll be fun," Pinkie tried to cheer her prismatic friend up.

"Yay, fun..." Dash sighed.

Twilight began walking to the tree of harmony.

"Twilight, may I go home? After everything that's happened today, I need a nap," Dash asked the Goddess of Magic.

Twilight nodded, allowing her to take the nap she wanted. "If I find out you tried anything...." Twilight trailed off.

"Not like I could try anything with Pinkie there and the princesses, Applejack, and Rarity in your weird dungeon thing," Dash muttered as she flew off.

"Fluttershy, you can go home too. But you better behave yourself or you'll be missing an organ." Twilight told her.

"Give them an ultimatum. I like Maud and Limestone and it would be a shame if they died without any real reason. And if I find out you lied to me I'll cut out your tongue so you can never lie again." Twilight said with a dark chuckle.

Pinkie laughed for a few seconds before her expression turned hard and she got more serious than she's ever been. "You know you can't hurt me."

Twilight responded by ripping off one of her ears. "Oh would you look at that! Yeah, I can."

Rather than scream in pain or fall silent, Pinkie just started laughing again. "Tear off the other one!"

Twilight grinned and did what the mare asked. This time, the pain was so intense it made her orgasm.

"But seriously, don't you lie to me." Twilight said, serious once more.

"I Pinkie Promise I'll never lie to you," Pinkie said with a nod as she did the requisite motions.

Pinkie bounced off, using her tail to agitate her ears so she could be in pain the whole while. Twilight popped the ears in her mouth and idly chewed them as she continued walking. They tasted like cotton candy and bubble gum.