by TheShadowKnight

First published

A series of what if Death Battles including MLP characters, OCs, and OOCs

This is a series of what-if Death Battles which would included MLP characters against any foe across the fiction universe. Even some of these battles will have OC vs OC match-ups. So get your popcorn, soda, and candy ready....


S1; Ep1: Fluttershy vs Predator (Edited)

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"I can't believe we're doing this." Boomstick complained, not feeling at least excited for this match up. His co-host, Wiz wasn't very too keen on his behavior.

"Yes! We're doing this. So stop whining like a baby for one minute." He stated with a annoyed expression.

"Urrrgh! Fine." Boomstick replied.

Soon the title card appears on the screen of the TV, starting off the show.

"Throughout the years, there have been many faces of life. But two of them are the most well defined. Such as, life can be caring and gentle; however, there are times when it can be cruel and savage." Wiz stated.

"And today we’re pitting two characters who represent these two separate sides. Cause why not!?" Boomstick said with a sarcastic tone.

"Fluttershy, Equestria's kindest pegasus pony." Wiz stated the first combatant.

"And the Predator; the Galaxy's most feared alien hunter. He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick!" Boomstick stated the second combatant.

"And it's our jobs to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle!" Wiz said.


"The land of Equestria, a marvelous place that thrives in Harmony. Unfortunately, it didn't last very long. As years in Equestria went on, the land had its fair share of foreign invasions, power-hungry tyrants, and has slight discrimination towards other creatures from other kingdoms." Wiz explained the world that Fluttershy comes from.

"Wait! These ponies are racists? I thought My Little Pony was supposed to be a kid's show." Boomstick asked.

"Whoa! Hold on, it's not what you think. Due to several invasions from foreign kingdoms: the inhabitants of Equestria built up some trust issues with other non-pony creatures. So definitely not racist!" Wiz pointed out.

"Yeah, I guess that makes more sense. Anyway, Equestria eventually had a solution to all their problems, such as the "Elements Of Harmony". Little trinkets that can shoot badass magic lasers at your enemies." Boomstick said, sounding a little more pumped up than earlier.

"Each Element represents 6 properties: Magic, Generosity, Honesty, Loyalty, Laughter, and finally Kindness. All of which ended up in the hooves of 6 average ponies. And one of these ponies truly embodies her Element, and that pony was Fluttershy, the Element of Kindness." Wiz stated.


"Awwwww, she's adorable! Why are we even putting her in this fight again?" Boomstick said, awed by the cuteness of Fluttershy.

"Like Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy hails from Cloudsdale; a city literally made of clouds–don't know how they did it–which houses the population of pegasus ponies. As a filly, growing up in Cloudsdale was a rough ride for Fluttershy. She was not a very good flier and was oftentimes shy… Scratch that; all the time. And throughout her life, she was often mocked or bullied by some of the other pegasus." Wiz explained Fluttershy's life.

"Okay, i'm not really a fan of ponies, but i'm certainly not a fan of bullying! Someone really needs to take a shotgun to those bastards." Boomstick stated with a slight angry tone.

"Fortunately for Fluttershy, one day as she was picked on by ponies we shall never mention, Rainbow Dash stood up for her and challenged her bullies to a race; which led to her first Sonic Rainboom." Wiz exclaimed.

A scene is shown where a younger Fluttershy was being tormented by–like Wiz said–ponies we shall never mention. Then out of nowhere, a young Rainbow Dash gets between Fluttershy and her tormentors; defending the shy pegasus and one-upping the ponies.

"Well, that’s nice of her. Who knew Rainbow Dash had a soft spot underneath that oversized ego of hers." Boomstick said.

"However, when the race started, Rainbow Dash and the bullies; unintentionally, knocked Fluttershy out of the clouds, sending her tumbling to the ground-level of Equestria… while no one, or even Dash, paid any attention." Wix pointed out.

"Okay, I take it back. She’s a bitch. Where's my shotgun." Boomstick replied while searching for his shot gun.

"Now hold on a moment. Like I said, it was unintentional." Wiz rebutted.

"Okay, I guess it seems to make sense." Boomstick reluctantly agreed.

"While Rainbow Dash was having her race, Fluttershy ended up in the middle of a random forest, many miles below Cloudsdale."

"Wait, if she lives up in the clouds and can't fly, how'd she survive the fall?" Boomstick asked out of confusion.

"She was rescued by a swarm of butterflies who saved her from ever making a heavy impact to the ground. Upon safely landing, she stumbles upon other animals. She's overwhelmed by the beauty of this and sings a little song and dances with her little friends. And with the added effect of Rainbow's Rainboom, Fluttershy earned her cutie mark." Wiz explained.

"Singing and dancing with animals? Sounds like a Disney princess habit." Boomstick claimed.

"As she grew older, she moved out of Cloudsdale and into a nice little cottage a little ways away from Ponyville and close to the Everfree Forest; a forest which no pony dared to venture forth in." Wiz said.

"Fluttershy lived a solitary life, mostly because of her shyness. However, that all changed when she met a certain unicorn and baby dragon." Boomstick said.

"Speaking of dragons, Fluttershy once climbed to the top of a mountain with her friends to stop a dragon from covering Ponyville in smoke. If we do a size comparison, this dragon had to be the same height, if not 5 feet taller than the Golden Oak's Library, Twilight Sparkle's former living quarters. However in this quest, Fluttershy revealed to everyone that she has a strong fear of dragons." Wiz exclaimed.

"Wait, seriously? But isn’t Spike a dragon?" Boomstick asked.

"Sure, but Spike is a ‘baby’ dragon, not a humongous fire-breathing dragon. But it doesn’t steer away from the fact that Fluttershy is practically afraid of anything." Wiz replied.

Powers and Abilities

"Yeah, that’s about right. But throughout the course of her adventures, Fluttershy has proven that she is no push-over. Aside from the dragon, she's faced a cockatrice, a huge love-sapping bug army called the Changelings. And even helped defeat a pony powerful enough to move the freakin’ moon!" Boomstick explained all of Fluttershy's accomplishments.

"Being a Pegasus pony, Fluttershy can fly across distances. However, she rarely shows this ability until in Season 2." Wiz said.

"She’s proven that she can keep up, and even surpass Rainbow Dash! You know the pony who can fly 3,800 mph. And not only that, she’s proven to be stronger than her. When Dash tried to force her to see a Dragon migration, then Fluttershy easily overpowers her and escapes. And Dash is physically fit to match Applejack, the earth pony that could hold back and kick a giant boulder in the Season 7 finale!" Boomstick stated, excitedly.

"By using granite as the density and measuring the boulder’s size with Applejack’s height. We can estimate that the boulder’s weight is about 1,999 tons. So by comparing all three, Fluttershy is much physically stronger than Applejack… which is… surprising." Wiz exclaimed

"Damn! No wonder why she is always gentle and shy around other ponies. She can easily give Big Mac a run for his money. Anyway that isn’t the only ability Fluttershy has, such as… her “Stare”." Boomstick added.

"The "Stare" is one of Fluttershy's signature abilities which she can use to control chickens and even her own pet rabbit, Angel Bunny, who always gives Fluttershy a tough time when she tries to take care of him. Her Stare was even powerful enough to break the spell of a cockatrice, a creature that can turn any living being into stone with a single glance. However, it's one of her abilities she never likes using unless someone's life is in danger or to maintain order. In fact her "Stare" is what helped her beat the cockatrice." Wiz explained.

"Hot damn, if she's able to scare off a slithery poultry, remind me not to get on her bad side." Boomstick said.


"Aside from the "Stare" Fluttershy has shown to be strong enough to take down a bear three times her size. Even though it was to loosen up the joints, which is difficult since bears have an extremely stable skeletal system and very thick shoulders." Wiz explains how strong Fluttershy is.

"Holy s***! Anyway that’s not the only thing Fluttershy has accomplished. With the help of her friends, Fluttershy saved Equestria multiple times and defeated many powerful threats. Not only that, she even reformed Discord; who is like the GOD OF CHAOS!!!" Boomstick shouted.

"Not only is Fluttershy very athletic, she is also pretty durable. Like the time when she, along with another pony, crashed into a mountainside with extreme force that created an indent in the mountain. Then in a couple of scenes later, she was perfectly fine." Wiz added.


"Damn! You'd think this cute little bundle of joy is invincible!" Boomstick said.

"Not entirely. Fluttershy may be tough, but she can also be very fragile at times. Like when Gilda, a griffon, roared in her face, causing her to cry and run away. She also has a case of stage fright and tends to keep quiet, even going so far as to stop singing around other ponies." Wiz explained.

"Well she did go through a lot as a kid, so I guess that makes sense. I guess that’s..." Boomstick said, just as before Wiz interrupted him

"Hold on a minute, Boomstick. There’s also another thing about Fluttershy that we forgot to look over."


A picture of Fluttershy is shown on the screen; however, she possesses bat-like wings, bat ears, fang, and blood-red eyes. And she does not have the shyness traits that Fluttershy has been known for.

"AHHHH!!! What the f*** is that!" Boomstick panicked.

Fluttershy's alternate form known as Flutterbat. A meaner, faster, and stronger side of Fluttershy that was forced upon her when one of Twilight’s spells went horribly wrong. But eventually, she was reverted back to her normal self; however, even when she reverted back, she still possesses the fangs from her transformation. And in the episode of “Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?”; Fluttershy took the form yet again in the dream world. Due to these two facts, we can only theorize that Fluttershy can take the form of Flutterbat… at any time." Wiz explains.

"Okay, it’s official. I’m now a Fluttershy fan." Boomstick admits.

"Yay" Fluttershy cheered, softly.

The Predator

"Wherever you look in movies, you will always see different creators' interpretations of extra-terrestrial species. For Roland Emmerich, they blow away cities in gigantic saucers. For Ridley Scott, they're bestial hunters. For Paul Fusco, they're goofy lovable family friends." Wiz said.

"But by far the most badass of all alien interpretations is straight from the minds of Jim Thomas and John Thomas. I'm talking about the Yautja, AKA the Predator." Boomstick stated.

"There have been many different Predators over the years, but they all share the same origin; hailing from the planet Yautja, they travel to planets in search of worthy prey to hunt down and prove themselves worthy." Wiz exclaimed

"But for this match up, we’ll be only focusing on the Jungle Predator AKA the “Classic” Predator; the grand-pappy of the Predator franchise." Boomstick said.

"While the Predator’s background origin continues to be a mystery for us; however, the Predator franchise did birth from the forests of Guatemala in 1987. When a group of trained, experienced marines were making their way towards their objective; they would later come across something that Humanity would soon begin to fear." Wiz added.

A scene is shown when the group of soldiers were firing at an invisible object moving around in the trees, until it finally reveals itself; shocking one of the soldiers by its appearance.


"The Predator! A member of an interstellar race of big game hunters. A race that likes to go hunting...for humans." Boomstick stated.

"Known to themselves as Yautjas, these formidable galactic race are high-tech hunters who live for the hunt. Their culture prizes the stalking and killing of dangerous prey" Wiz explained.

"And, they travel across the galaxy, hunting and killing all sorts of weird creatures. And let me tell ya... They enjoy every second of it." Boomstick added.

"Yautja’s are tall humanoids, standing about seven feet tall and weighing over five hundred pounds. They are very strong, and utterly ruthless. They don’t necessarily give a prey a “sporting chance” – which is a human concept – but will often fire from ambush, using their superior technology to take a prey down quickly." Wiz stated.

"And they are UGLY MOTHER-F…"

"Boomstick!" Wiz shouted.

"Wiz, have you seen these guys? It’s no wonder they all wear masks. They have a face that not even an alien monster-humper could love!" Boomstick rebutted

Another scene is shown as the Jungle Hunter removes his mask, revealing it’s horrifying face to Dutch (played by Arnold S.), who simply said in response. “You’re one... ugly... mother******.” Dutch said.

The Predator stares at the human for a minute, before unleashing it’s roar. "RAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"AHHHH! That’s terrifying!" Boomstick jumped back in panic.

"Yautjas prefer to hunt dangerous prey, and they take trophies off of each kill. A Yautja maintains a trophy collection to show his worth." Wiz stated.

"It like the Predator’s way of getting others to respect you; the more trophies you have, the more respect you get." Boomstick added.

"And despite the Predator’s savage nature, he’s highly intelligent. So much so that he created his own advanced tools and equipment to complete his hunts." Wiz exclaimed.

"His equipment comes with some sort of voice mimicking ability, kind of like a killer parrot." Boomstick said.

"Although it doesn't have any real usage in combat; however, it's pretty useful in means to confuse or toy with his prey. And the Predator seems clever enough to use it to communicate with humans." Wiz added.

"But we’re sure the Predator is not the “sit-down and let's talk” kinda guy, that’s for sure. When it comes to hunting, he prefers the direct and brutal approach." Boomstick counterclaims.

Equipment and Arsenal

"But voice mimicry isn't what the Predator is feared for; it's the deadly weaponry and advanced technology that influences the Predator's fear factor." Wiz pointed out.

"He has wrist mounted blades, armor that can deflect bullets, and best of all, a plasma cannon on his shoulder. Using his mask's targeting system, the Predator can fry his enemies with rapid fire balls of plasma. And each plasma bolt that is fired, can travel 78 MPH. So don't try to avoid its range of fire, you're dead before you get far away." Boomstick explains every single weapon in the Predator's arsenal.

"Speaking of the mask, the Predator can use it to scan the environment; see in infrared, thermal and EM fields. And also provides it the ability to breathe on other planets, since the Predator’s means to breathe is only limited to his own planet’s oxygen." Wiz added.

"And what's more terrifying than fighting an opponent that can either slice you and blast you to death, and can do it whilst invisible!? You can never predict or know if he’s standing right next to you, ready to tear your intestines out." Boomstick stated with enthusiasm.

"The Predator's cloaking ability enables it to sneak through environments undetected, although a solid attack can disable it, along with strong EMPs." Wiz stated.

"But the Predator hardly needs to be invisible all the time for it to be a deadly force, as the inhabitants of Earth soon learned; the hard way." Boomstick said.


"The Predator is a deadly force in a fight, capable of taking on entire teams of highly trained soldiers with ease. He can tear through steel doors and rip out an entire human's skull and spin with their bare hands, which would require 102 tons of force to pull off. Or rather, out. Not to mention, the Predator is even fast enough to avoid gunfire from a minigun. The version of the weapon appears to be a M134 Minigun; which can fire 6,000 rpm. Which meant that, in order to avoid those rounds all at once, the Predator must be moving at Mach 2 speeds." Wiz explains the feats of the Predator.

"But what really shows off the strength and might of a Predator is pitting them against their favorite prey, the Xenomorph. These things are fast enough as to not appear on recording footage and their blood can melt through nearly anything. So imagine how metal Predators must be to take them on." Boomstick stated.

"Well, it helps that their blood can neutralize the acidic hemoglobin horror that is the Xenomorph's blood, but their victories against them are still incredibly impressive. And once more, the Predator follows a code of honor when it comes to his hunt and follows the code throughout the hunt." Wiz exclaims.

"Although that “Code of Honor” of his is also one of his weaknesses." Boomstick added.

Faults and Weaknesses

"Probably a good time to mention that whilst the Predator is one of the most deadliest hunters in fiction, they have been often bested by humans using their wits and own physical abilities to gain an advantage. Plus, anyone who can analyze the Predator and their methods can come up with methods to take them on." Wiz mentioned.

"This is how the Jungle Hunter lost to Dutch in the first movie, when Dutch discovered the Predator’s Thermal Vision and covered his whole body with mud to cover his body heat; which worked like a charm." Boomstick said.

"Not to mention, while the Predator had shown impressive durability, he did not enjoy the feeling of pain once in awhile and he can die in a similar ways that humans have die off; such as decapitation or fatal penetration." Wiz stated.

"And hey, if they lose, they can just always activate a self destruction mechanism on their wrist devices and take whoever bested them into battle down with them." Boomstick suggested.

"That doesn’t sound like an effective way to defeat an opponent?" Wiz asked.

"Oh yeah, Wiz. Well you… uhhhhhhhhhhhhh."

"You have nothing to say do you." Wiz said.

"Hey, I’m working on it!" Boomstick argued.

"Anyway, no matter where you are; whether it be in the jungle, or a city, or on another planet. If you ever see skinned bodies hanging from the top of a tree or ceiling. And see an invisible figure hidden in the shadows… Watch your backs, cause you will soon become the prized trophy for the Predator" Wiz stated.

“RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOR!!!!!!” The Predator roared

"Alright the combatants are set, let's end this debate once and for al- Boomstick, what are you wearing?" Wiz asked.

"What do you mean, Wiz? You mean my hat, I always wear it." Boomstick lied.

"No, I mean the shirt you're wearing. Hey, wait a minute, is that a Flut-" Wiz was about to point out what was on Boomstick's shirt, but Boomstick immediately beats him by beginning the fight.


Fluttershy, everyone's beloved animal caretaker and friend was out having a lovely picnic with her animal friends, including Angel Bunny. She poured some tea in her cup and handed some tasty greens to some of her herbivore animal friends. She turns to Angel Bunny, who's eating a yummy carrot. "There, there, Angel Bunny, not too fast now. Or you'll get a tummy ache."

Angel gulped down part of his carrot, then set it aside and drank some water from his bowl. Flutters giggles and starts sipping her tea. While the kind pegasus was enjoying her evening, she rarely notices the camouflaged Predator in the trees that their picnic was next to. It observes the pony in silence; while he has heard of 6 ponies that possess great power on this planet, they sounded to be worthy prey to him. But now seeing one of them in his sights, he figured he started off with the gullible ones then worked his way up, picking them off one by one.

After deciding he’s waited enough, the galactic hunter decides to claim his prize and leaps from the branch he was standing on; landing in front of the pony and her animals, decloaking himself to reveal his terrifying appearance.

Scared by the presence of the alien hunter, the animals immediately sprinted away from the area, leaving Fluttershy and Angel alone with the Predator. "Uh… p-p-please don't hurt me Mr. M-M-M-Monster sir… umm if you don't mind," she said, cowering in fear. However, the Predator ignores her pleas and begins to step towards her. As Fluttershy curled into a ball to expect the worst. Angel Bunny, on the other hand, wasn't so scared and approached this unknown monster, stomping on its foot and punching its ankle. The Predator halts in his tracks, noticing the bunny kicking at it’s ankle. While it was a weak and unworthy prey; however, it was annoying and getting in the way of his prize. After Angel kicked at the hunter a few more times, the Predator now had enough and reached towards the bunny rabbit, grabbing him swiftly and tight in his hand. The hunter brings Angel to his eye level, growling at the rodent in anger, while Angel retaliates by biting the alien hunter’s hand, causing slight, but annoying pain to the Predator’s hand.

The Predator was now furious, so much so that he raised his thumb against the Angel’s head and then snapped the bunny’s neck instantly, killing the annoying rodent and dropping him to the ground.

Fluttershy gasped and held her dead pet in her hooves. "Angel! My poor brave bunny!" she cries, hugging him. But soon, all that sadness is replaced with anger and rage. and uses the "Stare" on the hunter. "How DARE you kill him. He was just a poor little bunny you big… dumb… MEANIE!!!" she yelled. Fluttershy flared her wings up and hunched back, ready to fight this creature who murdered her little Angel.

The Predator sees his prey now more intent to challenge him, guess starting with her wasn’t a waste of time after all. Soon the hunter gets into his battle stance, his shoulder cannon pops out and charges for a blast.

Now, this supposedly quiet picnic… turned into a war.


The Predator aims his plasma caster at the pony and soon fires a plasma bolt towards where the pony was standing. But Fluttershy immediately dodges the attack before it could do it and then flies towards her opponent and then slams her back hooves into the Predator’s abdomen, sending him flying towards the tree he was once hiding in with immense force.

The Predator shakes off the attack and is now furious, he roars out in anger and then continues to fire his plasma caster at the pegasus.

But Fluttershy was too fast for his deadly weapon, dodging the plasma bolts with astonishing agility; in a way that would make Rainbow Dash immensely proud.

Fluttershy then dove in and flew under the hunter's legs, landing behind him and kicking him with her hind hooves before dodging Predator’s attempts to stomp her.

The Predator had enough fooling around and drew out his wrist blades, proceeding to slash at the pegasus. Fluttershy continues to dodge his attack until the Predator finally lands a blow as his fist collides with her body and sends her 5 feet into the air.

The pegasus pony slams into the ground with rough force, laying still on the ground. The Predator laughs with confidence of how easy it was for the pony to go down; only for him to regret doing that.

Unexpectedly to the Predator, Fluttershy quickly recovers from the hit and sends a death glare at the alien hunter; who for some reason is starting to feel intimidated. Fluttershy shrieked in rage and flew at the hunter full speed, knocking him back. She then got behind the hunter, wrapping her hooves around his neck, trying to suffocate him.

Realizing that she couldn’t, she decides to lift the 500 lbs hunter in the air and then slams him down to the ground.

The Predator quickly swipes at the pony in retaliation, sending the pony further in the distance and gets onto his feet, rushing towards where his prey had landed. The hunter ran with unnatural speed until he was at the place where Fluttershy may have landed; a big red barn with a sizable hole in its door, next to an orchid of apple trees.

The Predator suspects his prey in the building, walking up to its doors and kicks it open. He uses his thermal scan to find his prey in the barn. Soon his scan picks up his prey and readys his wrist blades in order to finish this.

But then he notices something odd about the pony; she was in the darkness of the barn so it was difficult for anypony to see her, except for the Predator’s thermal scan.

But he can see the shape of her form; no longer having bird-like wings, instead they were replaced with bat-like ones; her ears formed into ears that were similar to bats; and sharp fangs appeared from her mouth.

But what made her stand out was when she opened her eyes, revealing her iris to be blood-red; with killer intent. Before the Predator could raise his wrist blades, Fluttershy… or now known as Flutterbat, let out a bat-like screech of anger towards the hunter and leaps from the shadows, slamming into the galactic hunter and carrying him straight into the sky.

The Predator tries to impale her while he had the opportunity, but Flutterbat immediately drops him, sending him barreling towards the ground where the apple trees were.

And with a loud slam, the Predator made impact with the ground. Now in pain and bleeding in his left side, the Predator makes one final move to gain an advantage over his foe; activating his cloaking device and proceeds to hide.

Flutterbat lands in the area where her enemy had fallen, but sees that he is nowhere to be found. She then looks at her surroundings, trying to spot him.

As for the Predator, he observes his enemy trying to locate him as he sneaks silently behind her. Raising his wrist blades high, ready to bring them down and finish the fight.

But what he doesn’t know, is that Flutterbat not only has the looks of a bat, but also the abilities of a bat… and that she could hear him sneaking up on her. And he also didn't account for her sense of smell. Especially when it's focused on his blood.

As the Predator brings down his blades for a strike, Flutterbat quickly retaliates and bites down on his arm before it could slash at her. And with tremendous force, she rips his arm–along with his wrist blades–clean off, causing uncontrollable pain to the alien hunter.

The Predator de-cloaks his camouflage, grasping his wound as he roars in pain.

Flutterbat used this opening to her advantage, grabbing the hunter's neck from behind. With a swift twist, she snapped the hunter's neck out of place, cutting him from breathing before letting go of her defeated foe, watching him hit the ground, dead as a proverbial doornail.

She then proceeds to fly away, but stops to turn to the Predator’s corpse. “Nopony messes with my animals.” She said with a venomous tone and then flies away from the area.


Two scenes are shown with Flutterbat at the picnic area, mourning for Angel death as she lay next to his body. And with the Predator's corpse being found by Applejack and Big Mac as they were working in the orchid.

"Whoa!!! Who knew Fluttershy could be so brutal and scary!!!" Boomstick shouted with excitement.

"The Predator may have held the advantage in experience and skill, and his deadly arsenal certainly put up a good fight. But Fluttershy just had him beat in everything else. One of those qualities, being the element of surprise." Wiz stated.

"Hell yeah! She’s 20 times stronger and twice faster!" Boomstick added

Comparing Results



"Also let’s not forget that Fluttershy’s Stare also plays an important role. While the Predator is a more confident fighter than Fluttershy; however there are a few times the Predator is overwhelmingly intimidated during his hunts." Wiz exclaimed

"And let's not forget the times that the Predator underestimated his prey which led to his many defeats in movies and comics. So Fluttershy didn’t have a problem dealing with Predator especially after that poor sucker killed off her little bunny rabbit. Also the Predator can take gunshots and falls from buildings, no problem. But Fluttershy was slammed into a mountain! So there was no way the Predator could hurt her." Boomstick stated.

"The Predator may have been a frightening and brutal opponent to take on; but was ultimately outclassed by Fluttershy’s strength, speed, durability, and overwhelming abilities of intimidation." Wiz said.

"You can say that Fluttershy was the true “Predator” of the hunt." Boomstick punned.

Wiz groans in annoyance from Boomstick's annoying pun. "The winner is Fluttershy."

S1; Ep2: Jack Silver vs Dainn Stonehoof

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=== WARNING: This chapter contains a small scene of sex/rape; but it’s only temporary. You have been warned===

"Wait! We're getting a third host? Why are we having a third host!?" Boomstick complains about the show getting a third host.

Wiz groans from Boomstick's annoying whining. "For the last time, Boomstick. Our sponsor; TheShadowKnight, has instructed us to do a DeathBattle between two fan-made characters and said that we needed a third person in order to analyze these characters." he replied

"But come on, Wiz! We don't even need a-"

Excuse me, but are you the ones called "Wiz and Boomstick" A feminine voice calls out to the two hosts.

Wiz and Boomstick turning towards the voice that called out to them and to their surprise; they see a humanoid, female version of a Death Battle combatant they had once covered; Kiryu/MechaGodzilla. Boomstick quickly has an intense nose bleed and passed out on the floor while Wiz is trying to keep a straight face.

"Well, yes. So you're the third host that our sponsor assigned to us?" Wiz said anxiously.

"Affirmative. I'm instructed by TheShadowKnight to aid in your research on the combatants of this battle you are setting up. I assume you're the brains of the operation." Kiryu asked.

"Well..." Wiz replied, while his face was turning pink. "I don't like to brag, but..."

Unexpectedly, Boomstick immediately gets up from the floor, clean of any blood from his reaction earlier. Almost bumping into Wiz as he did, interrupting his reply. "Yeah, yeah, he's the nerd. YOUR HIRED!!!" Boomstick said, excitedly.

Kiryu stares at the redneck co-host for a minute before turning back to Wiz. "I can assume he's the idiot?" She asked

"Well yes I... Wha- WHAT!?!?" Boomstick shouted with surprise from Kiryu's question.

Wiz laughs his ass off from Kiryu's statement, enjoying that Boomstick gets called out for once. "Ok, let's get on with the show." Once said, the title card appears on the screen. Beginning the prelude for today's battle.

"Throughout history, there have been many warriors known in books, movies, TV shows, and comics. But two warriors were the most savage, bloodthirsty, and ruthless of them all." Wiz said.

"PIRATES AND VIKINGS!!! Like Jack Silver; The self-styled master and pirate captain from Pirates of the Alicorn." Boomstick stated the first combatant.

"And Dainn Stonehoof; The vile, ruthless Caribou-Viking King from Fall of Equestria: For Honor. He's Wiz, he's Boomstick, and I'm Kiryu." Kiryu stated the other combatant, while introducing herself.

"And it's our jobs to analyze their weapons armor and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle." Wiz stated.

Soon a scene is shown with Dainn and an anthrofied Jack Silver standing 10-feet away from each other one of the beaches along the coast of Equestria. And then the two draw out their swords, charging towards each other and clashing their blades while glaring into each others eyes.


"In every story, the life of an adventurer has very small beginnings. Such as the case for the most infamous pirate captain of the high seas; Jack Silver." Kiryu said

"Wait, Jack... Silver? It almost sounds like this guy is the pony version of Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean." Boomstick declared.

"No, he isn't Boomstick." Kiryu replied. "Well, kinda."


"In his humble beginnings, Jack Silver was born in Canterlot, the great capital of the land of Equestria. Studying in Princess Celestia's School of Magic; which is almost like a pony version of Hogwarts. During his years, Jack learned many spells and enhancements, passing his classes with flying colors. However, while he was living the good life, Jack sought one thing above all else: adventure." Wiz explains the life of Jack Silver.

"During his years learning magic, Jack Silver alway preferred to spend his time at sea, where he can truly live a life of adventure and freedom. And soon Jack's dream came true when he discovered his life purpose; and that... was piracy." Kiryu added.

"So after he learned that being a Pirate was his main talent, Jack dropped out of magic school, read from the "How to be a Pirate for dummies" books, built himself a grand pirate ship with his bare hooves, and set off for the adventure of his life. Dang, this guy is really living the dream. He's officially my hero." Boomstick stated.

"During his years out at sea, sailing upon his grand ship, The Golden Alicorn; Jack formed a pirate crew like no one had ever seen before."

"Jack's crew consisted swashbuckling ponies and creatures of any race known in Equestria, such as Diamond Dogs, Griffons, and Changelings. Most of them were lost, poor souls that were either betrayed, abandoned, backstabbed, or screwed over by the worst individuals ever. And Jack took them all in with open arms. And thus, the crew swore their undying loyalty to Jack." Kiryu explained.

"Well, who wouldn't want to sail under the command of this guy, he's freaking awesome!" Boomstick shouted.

"For 50 years, Jack lived out his life as the feared Pirate Captain of the High Seas, finding and taking treasures as he goes and carrying a ferocious reputation on his back. However, his bloodthirsty reputation was a bit... misleading." Wiz said.

"Yeah, despite being known as the ruthless pirate captain that ever lived. Jack was actual a pretty chill guy. The tales and rumors about him being a psychotic, bloodthirsty pirate; were all completly false. He even got married to a beautiful gal during his years of pirating and had a healthy, young daughter - who would later become his first mate - now that's a father figure right there." Boomstick added.

Skills / Abilities

"But even if Jack's pirating campaign had never dropped a single blood of a pony, it doesn't mean that he's never gotten into a fight in his life. As it turns out, Jack has proven that - even at the age of 65 - he's no slouch in combat." Kiryu stated.

"Indeed, Kiryu. Jack has perfected the arts of swordsmanship and navigation. He is also a clever manipulative strategist; relying on tactics and tricks in dominating his foes. Also, he's quite agile and maneuverable in his old age. And back in his days in Celestia's School of Magic, Jack has learned many spells and enchantments that aids him in combat. Such as teleportation, shooting magic bolts, levitation, protection spells, spells that can nullify even the most powerful of enchantments, and he can even create magic portals and create maelstroms. Such as the large maelstrom - which was a very large portal - which sucked up the ship that Twilight and her friends were once sailing in." Wiz explained.

"And that wasn't the only spell that Jack has learned. He even knows a spell that could immobilize your opponents, forcing them to a paralysis state that only Jack could undo if he wanted. And the spell was powerful enough to halt Princess Luna and Twilight Sparkle in their tracks while he was stealing the Elements of Harmony from the castle's vault." Kiryu added, while becoming impressed by Wiz's smarts.

"But even with magic, old' Jack has other ways in taking down his opponents. With the most badass pirate gear that all you pirate fans know by heart." Boomstick stated.


"As all pirates in history, Jack wields his trusty cutlass in battle. Made of forged steel, the cutlass is sharp enough to hack through heavy ropes, canvas, wood, and people. Although it's the only weapon he uses in the storyline." Wiz said.

"But being a pirate, doesn't mean he's only limited to his sword. He also as access to other melee weapons such as daggers, battle axes, boarding axes, and grappling hooks - which are useful in boarding ships and hooking your victims." Kiryu added.

"But that's not all that Jack has in his hooves. When he wishes for firepower and long-distance, he's got flintlock pistols, flintlock muskets, flintlock rifles, blunderbusses, grenados, and my most favorite; cannons!" Boomstick pointed out every pirate firearm and explosives in Jack's arsenal.

"But that's not the only thing that Jack has in his arsenal. In one of his adventures, he discovered and possessed the lost seventh Element of Harmony; the Element of Hope. And when combined with his cutlass, Jack can form his ultimate weapon: The Elemental Cutlass." Wiz proclaimed.

"Combined with his magic and the magic of the element, the Elemental Cutlass is so powerful that with one slash; releasing a powerful wave of magic which can bypass and destroy any ancient powerful curses or enchantments." Kiryu stated.

"And you seriously do NOT! Want to be on the end of this blade when it happens." Boomstick said.


"With all of these abilities and weapons at his disposal, Jack Silver is a force to be reckon with. Over the courses of his adventures, he's escaped custody in many different countries 12 times. Stole the Elements of Harmony in his return to Canterlot, which is impossible for any normal pony. Controlled the vast seas of Equestria for 50 years, without having to kill anypony." Wiz lists all of Jack's accomplishments over the years.

"And even in his old age, Jack is one tough dude. Like the time he survived an explosion which obliterated his own ship! And even after that, he was perfectly fine and rebuilt his ship from scratch in a matter of seconds." Boomstick added.

"By measuring the blast radius and fragmentation yield, the explosion must be equivalent to 20 Tons of TNT. And he's even bested his mutinous Quartermaster and friend, Blackhorn, in sword combat; who was once an experienced Navy Officer for the Equestrian Navy Fleet." Kiryu stated.

"Man, it's no wonder why Jack is the greatest pirate in all of Equestria. Buuuuuut... He did have a few bumps along the way." Boomstick exclaimed.


"Jack may have been a friendly and humble pirate captain, but the one thing that ruins his appearance; is his explosive temper." Kiryu stated.

"Whenever he's provoked or if someone, that is completely stupid, threatens a single member of his crew. Jack immediately roars in rage, so much so that he emits a powerful magic blast which can be felt across his entire ship, and probably across the vast sea. His temper also leaves him predictable and possibly frightening to everyone that follows him." Wiz explained.

"Like the time when three members of his crew captured and tortured poor sweet Fluttershy - I swear I'm gonna kill the bastards - while under his nose, Jack got so mad that he became more strict and aggressive towards his own crew. You really do not want to tick this guy off." Boomstick added.

"But no matter what challenge he faces. No matter how far he'll go. The thrill of an adventure shall never be unquenched for Captain Jack Silver." Kiryu said.

"Well ladies I got to go, it's been fun though right?" he said as he listened to the unintelligible shrieks from his frozen captives. "Of course I can't say for you since I can't understand a word your saying. Either way I certainly had a good time. Do tell Princess Celestia I said hello… oh silly me, I'm so well known throughout the rest of the world I always forget to introduce myself… Ladies, you shall always remember this as the day that you met the great…Captain…Jack…Silver!"


"What is the one thing that comes to your mind about rapists?" Wiz asked his fellow co-hosts.

"They're a bunch of sick assholes and that they should feel sorry about themselves." Boomstick replied, angrily

Kiryu on the other hand, was research her database to find what a 'rapist' means. "<<<<Analyzing Subject: Rapist>>>>" She said in a computer voice, then her yellow eyes turned red with anger. "<<<<System Update: Terminate Rapists and Sex Offenders on sight>>>>"

"Well, what if I told you that in a alternate universe... There's a whole race just like that." Wiz stated.

"Well I guess they need an introduction to my shotgun-leg." Boomstick replied

Kiryu draws out her maser blade from her right arm in response to Boomstick's statement. "Same with my Maser Blade!"

"Oooook... In an alternative universe, the land of Equestria remained a harmonious utopia. Until the day it was invade by an army of anthropomorphic Caribou Viking clans; who sought out to conquer the land and "place all females in their proper place"... Which meant forcing them into their personal sex slaves." Wiz stated.

"THAT IS THE MOST REPULSIVE THING I HAVE EVER HEARD OF!!!" Kiryu shout with pure rage, which causes both Wiz and Boomstick to shiver in fear

"Iiiiiii agree with her, she's scary when she's angry." Boomstick whispered to Wiz.

"Agreed.... Anyway, the Caribou army ravaged the land of Equestria; conquering each territory as they go. Until Equestria was finally theirs and under the rule of their ruthless king: Dainn Stonehoof." Wiz said.


"Under his reign, Dainn dictated Equestria with an iron fist. Corrupting the minds of stallions and male Royal Guards in the land, turning them against their female citizens. And within a year, Dainn and his invasive forces successfully conquered Equestria, enslaving the Elements of Harmony and the Royal Princesses themselves." Wiz continued explaining Dainn's conquests.

"Whoa... It took them a year to conquer the whole country. Wait, how did he manage to corrupted the minds of every stallion in Equestria?" Boomstick asked.

"Well, not all of them Boomstick. But it's due to their armor, the Caribou's armor were enchanted with a spell that could brainwash and manipulate the minds of anypony that is affected by the armor's enchantments. However, there are times where the enchantments don't have an effect on others who have a strong resistant to them." Wiz explained.

Skills & Abilities


"Okay then. Armor or not, Dainn would not have to rely on it to defeat his opponent. He's got all sorts of weapons at his disposal, like swords, daggers, battle axes, and shields. But since he's always sitting on the throne all day ever since he conquered Equestria, he never really fights much." Boomstick stated.

"But Dainn lacked in combat experience, he made up for it with his magic. Dainn can shoot out magic projectiles from his hand, create energy waves of magic, create a magic shield to protect himself from any incoming attack, and any magic ability he has up his sleeve." Wiz added.

"Also being a Viking warrior, means that Dainn's physicality plays an important role. In history, Vikings have been known to be quite strong, so the Caribou and Dainn are probably in the same ballpark." Boomstick replied.


"But physical toughness pales in comparison to Dainn's list of feats. He's united the waring Caribou clans, enslaved the female inhabitants of Equestria, enslaved the Elements of Harmony and the royal princesses, and in many FoE fanfics, he uses his dark magic to corrupt the entire Crystal Empire. By measuring the size of the Empire and the empi-center where Dainn would be; in order to corrupt a city of this size, Dainn's magic powers must be equivalent to 100 Megatons of Energy. That's about twice more powerful than the Tsar Bomb." Wiz stated.

"Not only does he possess power, he’s also got combat experience. Though we weren’t sure what years of experience he has, so we needed to look into history in order to state his years of experience. In history, young Viking would be declared adults and battle-ready at the age of 16; and with Dainn age being somewhere between 44-46. This would mean that Dainn had 28-30 years of combat experience." Kiryu explained.

"Whoa! That's a lot. But even with his impressive feats, Dainn always had some downsides to him - more than he does already." Boomstick added.


Kiryu lets out a sigh in relief that the battle was drawing nearer. "Finally, we're about to finish this. Anyway, while Dainn may have been an effective leader, however he's also quite effective in combat. Although, he may hold his own, but he's prolonging the inevitable. And he's been known to underestimate his enemies time to time, this what made him lost his fight and his life to Wulfric by the second-to-last chapter of Fall of Equestria: For Honor." She explained.

"Which is understandable. Plus even with years of combat and pillaging; after he conquered Equestria, Dainn got lazy and became no part of any battles until his final confrontation with Wulfric." Wiz replied to Kiryu's statement.

"Yeah, but even with his faults. This is the one tyrant that you do not want to come across." Boomstick said.

"Hm hm hm. Typical Warborn trash." Dainn said in an amused tone. "Your clan is nothing but the refuse of those who were cast out or left behind by others. You preach about fairness, justice, equality and honor but you and I know the truth. No such things exist in this world."

"Alright the combatants are set and we run our data through all possibilities." Wiz said.

"Actually, I was the one who analyzed the data; so don't get too cocky." Kiryu stated

"Again, I like her! We should convince TheShadowKnight to have her stick around." Boomstick suggested. "But right now, its time for a DEATH BATTLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!"

Along the hot sunny beaches, along the coast of Equestria, Captain Jack Silver drags his dingy onto shore as he pulls with all his might. Once he had the dingy onto dry land, the pirate captain finally takes a break as he then stretches out his back as a crack can be heard as he did.

"I’m getting too old for this." He grumbled. Then he turns towards the valley that leads into the land of his birth; Equestria. The pirate take a breath of Equestria's air and breaths out in grateful way. "Feels good to return to the place where you began."

Before Jack could continue his visit, he then suddenly hears a sound of a mare screaming on the other side of the beach. He stopped where he was, not taking another step, listening to the screams. When he heard nothing for a minute, he thought it was just a seagull and began walking towards the land of Equestria; however, he halted again when the screaming started again. He was sure now that it's a mare screaming for help, so the pirate captain immediately takes off running towards where the source of the screaming.

As he ran more closer to the source, he sees a wall of rocks in front of him as he could hear the screams coming from the other side.

"PLEASE SOMEPONY! HELP MEEEE!!" The mare cried as Jack hears another voice coming from the other side of the rock wall.

"SHUT UP, YOU WORTHLESS MARE!!!" It sounded like a stallion's voice, and the way he spoke made Jack furious. Whoever they are, they had no right to speak that way to a mare.

Jack immediately began climbing over the rock wall - not knowing what he'll expect on the another - determined to helped the mare from the situation she's in. As he climbed over the rocks and down onto to the other side of the beach, he then instantly hid behind a rock. Reasons why is because he spotted three Caribou warriors - one of them being Dainn - standing in the opening. He also see's the mare, who appears to be a thestral (bat-pony); stripped of any clothing and her eyes red from her tears. The two Caribou warriors were raping the poor mare, one deep-throating her and the other raping her from behind; while their leader Dainn was 4 feet away from them and observing the land he's set to conquer.

"Ahhh, what a decent land; a land filled with corruption under the rule of mares. I shall conquer this land and bring all of those worthless bitches to their knees." He said in a brash tone of voice.

What he said and what his warriors were doing to the poor mare; made Jack Silver very pissed off, he did not like the way Dainn said and he most certainly did not like how his two companions were treating the mare in front of him.

Acting quickly as he can, Jack draws out two flintlock pistols from his belt holsters and, with impressive accuracy, he shot the first caribou warrior in the neck, causing him to fall to the ground, choking on his blood; the second one, he shot in the head, killing him instantly. The gunshots alerted Dainn and sees his troops dead on the sandy beach as Jack walks toward the mare.

"Get behind the rocks," Jack spoke softly to the mare as he turns his focus on Dainn with a glare. "I'll take care of him." he stated. The mare was hesitant at first; however, seeing how the pirate captain saved her from her tormentors, she nodded and ran towards the rocks, hiding behind them. Leaving the pirate captain and the caribou king to face each other in a standoff.

"You and your companions have no right to treat or speak to a lady like that; have you no shame." Jack shouts at Dainn with anger.

The caribou laugh in a way that made the pirate even more angry. "Foolish old stallion, what I'm doing is just. The mares of this land have no right to be free and rule over the more superior males. it's our purpose to put females in their place and rule as the supreme gender." He stated with his sick pride.

The pirate captain growls in rage as his hand grasp the handle of his cutlass tightly, ready to draw it out as he continues to glare at his foe. "You shall never do anything such as that... And I shall not allow." Jack said in rage.

Dainn sees how hostile the pirate is becoming and, he too, grasp the handle of his sword and gets into and battle stance. "You dare challenge me, old stallion." He asked with a glare of his own.

Jack Silver smirked at the caribou king's question and draws out his cutlass, pointing it at his enemy. "Who're you calling "old"?" The pirate captain taunted in response.

Dainn huffs in anger and draws out his broadsword, charging at the pirate while giving off a battle cry. Jack does the same, charging at the caribou at the same pace as him, despite his age. The two ran closer and closer to each other, until they finally meet at the center; clashing their blades against one another, sending intense force at a 10-feet radius, blowing away the sand from where they were standing.

The battle was on.


The two combatants glare into each others eyes before they draw back their swords and then clash in a sword duel. Dainn tries to hack away at the old pirate; however, Jack blocks all his attacks with his cutlass before slashing his blade at the caribou. But luckily, Dainn's armor deflected the attacks.

The caribou king laughs at the pirate's futile attempts. "Hahaha... you think your sword could penetrate my armor. It's enchanted with my magic, so it can defend against any attack." He bragged.

Jack wasn't unfazed by his taunts and instead draws out a blunderbuss - which was strapped to his shoulders, just in case - and aims it at the caribou. "Oh yeah... Can it defend against this." the pirate asked as he fires a blast of pellets/shrapnel at his foe. While he was gloating, Dainn wasn't able to see the attack coming and his armor took the blunt force from the shot and was sent plummeting to the ground.

His armor was able to save him from the attack, but has taken major damage. Dainn gets up from the attack, growling in annoyance before he blocks an upwards slash attack from Jack's cutlass, with his sword. The two glare at each other before Dainn's free, left hand emits in magic and then blasts a magic projectile sphere at the pirate's torso and sending him backwards with extreme force.

Jack slams into a boulder and falls to the ground, but immediately gets up from the attack. His horn glows with magic as he levitates himself in the air and then flies towards his enemy. Seeing his foe now in the air, Dainn then casts a levitation of his own and then flies towards his opponent. The two met once again, clashing their blades in the air as their battle continues. Dainn tries to attack Jack from all sides but Jack's swordsmanship was clearly more effective than his. As their swords clashed again, Jack pushes his blade against Dainn's downward to their left, giving the pirate captain an opportunity to land a hard left hook to the caribou king's face; causing him to stagger back from the hit and dropping his sword to the ground.

Dainn becomes more furious and then draws out his Warhammer from his back and the charges at his foe. Jack raises his blade in the air, attempting to defend from Dainn's attack; however, the force from Dainn's Warhammer as it collides with his cutlass, shatters the blade upon impact and the sends Jack flying, splashing into the depths of the sea.

Believing that his foe his defeated, Dainn levitated over to were the pirate fell and then gives off a smirk. "No one challenges me, old man." he mocked. But what he doesn't know, that Jack wasn't so able to get rid of.

Without expecting it coming, the area where Jack fell soon began to change. The clouds began to turn dark, with lighting striking from the skies and the water where Jack was last seen begin to spiral faster and faster, forming into a large maelstrom. The force of the maelstrom begins pulling Dainn into it's mouth, the caribou king tries to escapes it's pull, but was unable to.

Soon he spots something from within the mouth of the maelstrom. It was Jack Silver, protected in a force shield of magic, his eyes and horn glowing brightly; revealing him to have caused the maelstrom and the massive storm. The pirate captain sees Dainn now at the mercy of his creation, he levitates up towards the caribou until they were facing each other from each side of the mouth of the maelstrom.

The caribou king glares at his enemy while he was trying to escape the maelstrom's pulling force. Jack does the same, with an expression that shows he isn't fooling around anymore. Now, he was out for blood.

"You have seen what I'm capable." Jack calls out to Dainn as he held out his shattered cutlass and pulls out something from his coat pocket; it was the Element of Hope. "Now it's time I end your pathetic life!” He shouts as he combines his broken cutlass and the Element together, forming them into his powerful weapon: The Elemental Cutlass. The blade looked completely repaired and the hilt of the cutlass had the Element on it, which looked like skull you see on the "Jolly Roger" flag.

Jack raises it the air as the blade of the Elemental Cutlass emits in a magic emerald-colored aura, with the glow causing a bright light which could caused blindness. The pirate captain then drops his shield and then charges at his foe, with his Elemental Cutlass in an inside-right position.

Dainn, now left with no means of escape, charges at his opponent. He raises his Warhammer in the air, while enchanting his weapon with his magic, ready to give final blow to the pirate.

The two meets at the center as they clash their weapons, which create a force which caused the mouth of the maelstrom to widen from it. The two are locked weapons together, until a smirked appeared on Jack's face which brought confusion to Dainn. Before Dainn could even comprehand why his opponent was smiling, Jack's horn glowed one more time, sending a wave of magic with immediately caused Dainn and everything else to be immobilized. With opportunity in his hands, Jack raises his Elemental Cutlass once again and easily cuts through Dainn's Warhammer; bringing a shock expression upon the caribou king's frozen face. Then the pirate captain undos his spell, allowing the caribou to move freely; however, it was too late as Jack swiftly impales his cutlass into the Dainn's chest, cutting through his enchanted armor like butter. Dainn screams in deep pain as Jack pulls back his blade, allowing the caribou to fall hundreds of feet to the exposed seafloor inside of the maelstrom.

As Dainn clings onto his fading life, Jack pours more of his magic into his cutlass and then sped down towards his wounded adversary. With a feared expression on his face, Dainn was unable to fight anymore as Jack lets out his final battle cry as his blade collides into the caribou king, onto the sea floor. The collision caused a massive explosion with erupted from the mouth of the maelstrom, causing it to collapse on itself and soon the waters return to normal.

On the beach, Jack fell onto the sandy ground from safely teleported himself there before the maelstrom had closed in on itself. He takes a few heavy breaths before standing up straight, and then raising a decapitated head of Dainn.

"Never pick on old men, scalawag." He said before tossing the head of his enemy out into water, sinking beneath the waves and out of sight. As Jack watches the head of his foe disappear beneath the waves, he turns around to leave the area before he felt the thestral mare he saved earlier hug him tightly, without him noticing she was there.

"Thank you! Thank you for saving me!" she cried happily. Still noticing that she was bare of any clothes, Jack quickly removed his coat and then wrapped it around her body.

"Your welcome," He replied, warmly. "What would be your name, madam? And is there anypony with you?" He said in a way a gentlestallion would.

The mare look up to him with a smile on her face. "My name is Amber Dawn, sir." she stated. "And no, I don't have anypony with me... or anypony in my life." She sadly said.

But Jack, being the beacon of hope as he always was to his crew, he then gives the mare a proposition. "Well then... How would you like in being a part of my crew?" he asked. Amber was surprised by his answer, but suddenly felt happy that he was accepting her into his pirate crew, she immediately said "Yes." And then Jack removes his hat and places it on her head before walking with her away from the beach.

"Let's head into town and get you some clothing. And if there's time, treat ya with a nice bottle of rum." Jack said while doing his pirate laugh as he and Amber left the beach.


"Whoa, who knew old Jack can fight like that!" Boomstick said with utter surprise.

"Being more younger and well fit, Dainn held a solid physical advantage over Jack Silver." Wiz stated.

"But even when Dainn had youth on his side, Jack had the Caribou King beat in every category. With his main solid advantage: experience." Kiryu added.

"Yeah, while Dainn had 30 years of combat, Jack had 50 years of piracy and combat experience under his belt. That’s 20 more years of experience than Dainn’s record, so Jack certainly held the advantage in experience." Boomstick also added.

"But let's not forget that Jack also had the advantage in magic. Due to learning magic in Canterlot, Jack had full knowledge of magic spells and enchantments than Dainn did and during his 50 years being a pirate, Jack has not only taken treasures in his time, but he's also gotten his hand on many books in his adventures, most of them containing new spells. And also, Jack's spells such as the Immobilize and Magic Negation spell were more effective in combat. So to simply put it, Jack had many options in controlling and ending this fight." Wiz explained

"And despite magic, Jack also had many weapons and arsenals in his hands. Weapons that could attack Dainn from a long distance. That was something the caribou had never guard against before. But even if Dainn could get a hit on him, Jack was way more durable than him. He survived an explosion that was worth 20 Tons of TNT and in our research, Dainn had never survived a feat like that." Boomstick stated.

"Also, let's not forget that Jack's magic was much stronger than Dainn's magic. Remember how Dainn's magic was able to corrupt the entire Crystal Empire, a feat that was equivalent to 100 Megatons of Energy. But that was no where near Jack's magic power; remember the time jack created a massive maelstrom - which was a giant magic portal - which sucked up the ship that the Mane 6 traveled in. When we look into the seasons of My Little Pony, we know that creating something of that size, requires a lot of power. So by measuring the size of the maelstrom and analyzing the amounts of magic needed to create a portal of that size; we can estimate that the energy that Jack used to create the two at once, would require 5 Gigatons of Energy. That's 50x more powerful than Dainn's magic feat." Kiryu stated the comparison of power-levels of the two fighters.

"Damn, who knew the old unicorn could posses that kind of power?" Boomstick replied.

"While Dainn certainly was a worthy foe, but was clearly outmatched by Jack's awesome power and experience." Wiz said.

"You can say that Dainn walked the plank in this one." Boomstick punned.

Kiryu groans in annoyance from the pun and lean more towards Wiz. "Is he really this stupid?" She whispered to him.

"Just ignore him, he's always does this," He replied with his annoyed tone. "Ahem, the winner is Captain Jack Silver."

S1; Ep3: Israel Yabuki (OC) vs Supernova

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“BOOOOOOMSTIIIIIIICK!!!!!! I told you to stay away from my weapon shelf!!” Kiryu shouted with rage after finding her weapons and gear all dirty and busted up.

"HEY! When you have weapons of mass destruction, you know I’m gonna use them." Boomstick exclaimed.

"I will tear you to pieces!" Kiryu replied with anger.

"Oh, I don’t think I’ll mind that at all." Boomstick responded.


"What did I just walk into? Uh, guys if you're done going at each other's throats, we've got another Death Battle to do. And we've got some interesting characters, too." Wiz stated, breaking up the argument between his two co-hosts.

"Whatever you say, handsome." Kiryu replied with a giddy tone while also booping on Wiz’s nose, before turning to Boomstick with a glare. "I'll kill you later." she whispered.

"Awww c’mon, why doesn't Wiz get the yelling treatment?! He’s the most annoying person I know!” Boomstick complained. "Back me up, Wiz!... Uh, Wiz?"

After the 'boop' that Kiryu gave him, Wiz was left frozen and shocked. "I honestly have no idea why she booped me." He said.

"Let's just get on with the show." Boomstick stated.

"They say a traumatizing experience can change a person's perspective on life. Sometimes good, sometimes bad, but it's their actions that bring out their true colors." Wiz said

"Like Israel Yabuki, a unique unicorn with amazing magic power given to him at birth by the spirit of a strong deity." Kiryu introduced the first combatant.

"And Supernova, the alternate evil side of Eternal Flames and almighty son of a monarch." Boomstick introduced the second combatant. "He’s Wiz, she’s Kiryu, and I’m Boomstick."

"It's our job to analyze their weapons, armor and skill to see who would win… a Death Battle." Wiz stated.

Israel Yabuki

"Equestria, the land of mythical creatures, from ponies, to dragons, changelings, centaurs and many, many more, has always been a land of peace and prosperity, especially for a unicorn who grew up in the small town of Ponyville. This unicorn is known as Israel Yabuki." Wiz said.


"Psych! You all thought it was Twilight. Naw, this is a different universe of My Little Pony; meaning it's going by a different set of rules." Boomstick stated.

"Israel Yabuki was an ordinary unicorn, born to a beautiful unicorn mare named Christina Yabuki and to his father, Discord, a draconequus who's known as the lord of all chaos and disharmony." Wiz explained Israel's beginnings.

"And yes, it’s the same Discord." Kiryu stated to the audience/readers. "Since his birth, Israel’s parents raised him to live a peaceful normal life. And during his time growing up, he met his best friend – and future soulmate – Fluttershy."

"The pony who kicked the Predator’s ass in one of our episodes." Boomstick hinted the first DEATH BATTLE episode.

"But, Israel's life wasn't always sunshine and rainbows. One night, when he was fast asleep, the evil tyrant of the Crystal Empire, King Sombra, snuck into his house and kidnapped Israel after learning of a prophecy he discovered during his rule of the crystal kingdom. According to legend, a young unicorn would be chosen to wield incredible power that originally belonged to the legendary deity: King Cosmos. And Israel Yabuki bears his spirit within him. King Sombra's goal was to extract the spirit of this deity and use his powers for his own selfish gain. For 3 years, King Sombra tortured, abused and experimented on the poor, defenseless colt to extract his hidden powers." Wiz explains the hardships of Israel's journey.

"But even after 3 years, Sombra could not extract the spirit of King Cosmos from Sombra. Apparently, it's permanently attached to Israel’s soul, so removing it was impossible." Kiryu stated.

"Whoa wha Wait! This guy tortured a kid for 3 years because he wanted to take a power from him that was impossible to remove?! Man, Sombra, that is low… even for you!" Boomstick said out of disbelief.

"Despite his failed attempts, all that hard work eventually led to his demise. One day, Israel's inner rage unleashed a powerful amount of dark magic and he used that power to destroy Sombra. He showered him with a barrage of dark blast waves and dark electric balls, but the spell that did the evil tyrant in was the infamous Reaper's End spell. With this spell, he opened a dark portal underneath Sombra, causing a boned claw to grab him and drag him down into the depths of the underworld. A highly advanced spell only an alicorn or highly trained unicorn can use." Wiz stated.

"Talk about brutal instant karma." Boomstick commented.

"Though I wish that happens to you as well." Kiryu whispered.

"After escaping the clutches of the evil tyrant, Israel wandered off on his own to find his way back home to his parents. But it wasn't until halfway throughout his journey, that he was discovered by one of the most legendary unicorns in Equestria. Starswirl the Bearded." Wiz said

"Hey, it’s the pony version of Gandalf." Boomstick proclaimed.

"The powerful sorcerer saw great potential in the young unicorn and asked that he take him under his wing and train him in the arts of magic and sorcery." Kiryu added.

Magic Abilities and Skills

"Though he was hesitant at first, Israel knew he had to find a way to get stronger or face the wrath of another tyrant unprepared. So, he then joined Starswirl and under his tutelage, along with the remaining 6 pillars of Equestria, he gained newfound magical abilities, as well as made his own dark magic controllable. Through Rockhoof's guidance, he learned how to use Earth magic and gain physical strength. Meadowbrook helped him gain the ability to use water magic with its special healing properties. Mistmane's tutelage helped him gain the knowledge of controlling wind magic, while also increasing his speed. Under Flash Magnus' guidance, he helped him achieve the ability to use fire magic. Somnambula gave him a sense of peace in order to control his dark magic, giving him artificial weaponry. And finally, through Starswirl's careful teachings, Israel learned to harness the power of light magic, which allowed him to enhance his allies' capabilities and strengthen their defenses. They can also be used to purify anything his magic comes into contact with." Wiz explains the training Israel had endured.

"That is a lot of insane powers, where do I get any of them." Boomstick asked.

"Pfft, I don’t think you’ll last through what Israel went through. Israel wasn’t bestowed these powers, he had to master them in many regions where these powers dwell." Kiryu stated.

"That's true, since he had to scale steep mountains, travel through the hottest volcanoes, read many books, meditate for nearly 18 hours a day in order to connect with his own spirit, nature itself and even the spirit that rests within him. And speaking of spirit, King Cosmos was not only the king of the universe, but he was also the father of his two daughters, Princess Celestia and Luna." Wiz added.

"So if King Cosmos’ spirit resides in Israel… Does that officially make him their dad? Better make up for all the birthdays you missed, dude." Boomstick said

"You’re an idiot." Kiryu responded to Boomstick's statement.

"Its only Cosmos' spirit that's related to the princesses, but Israel is King Cosmos' vessel. Should Israel ever need to use the king's power he'll do so when the time is right." Wiz explained

"But even without the Spirit of a Deity, Israel has proven that he’s anything, but a nopony." Kiryu added.


"By the time he was 20 years old, he was able to return home and aided Twilight and her friends in a number of incidents when evil threatened their peaceful home. He single handedly took down 50 changeling soldiers on his own, stopped his own father from laying waste on a kingdom for ridiculing him and even held his own against Tirek while the Mane 6 used the Elements of Harmony to stop Tirek." Wiz stated all of Israel's accomplishments.

"Damn, who knew that Israel could start from being an average guy to a complete badass! Too bad, the only thing missing is a special girl." Boomstick said.

"There is, in his adventures, he and his best friend Fluttershy fell in love and got married at the ripe young age of 21." Kiryu replied.

"OH, COME ON!!!!" Boomstick shouted with disbelief.

"But there was one accomplishment that has topped all his others: A fight against the King of the Shadow World: Grogar, the Necromancer. During his arrival, he took the kingdom by surprise using his army of the dead. The Pillars of Equestria tried to stop him, but failed and in that blunder… a casualty came out of it: Starswirl. Grogar faked the legendary sorcerer into thinking he won, but did him in using the Skull Scythe spell." Wiz explained.

"Aww, not the Pony-Gandalf guy!" Boomstick complained.

"The death of his mentor, left Israel in a tornado of rage, so much so that the unicorn challenged the necromancer in a duel; although, Grogar didn’t take the threat seriously." Kiryu stated.

"Boy, did that come to bite him in the ass." Boomstick added.

"With the death of his mentor fresh in his mind, Israel's inner rage unlocked the hidden power that laid dormant within him: Cosmic Magic. According to legend, Cosmic magic is said to be one of the most powerful elements of magic that no one could control, except for a deity. And considering the spirit that rested within Israel, he became a force that even Grogar feared. With Cosmic magic, he had the power to become immortal, became stronger, more faster and even smarter than Grogar." Wiz explained about Israel's most powerful form.

"All that is true; cause once he unlocked this form, he gave Grogar a beating of a lifetime. It was like Rocky vs Drago; only Rocky is a pony with cosmic powers." Boomstick commented.

Cosmic Magic

"With his cosmic magic, he unleashed a barrage of powerful spells on the demon ram. The Prism Stars: Artificial magic meteorites that pass through an enemy and leave them with excruciating pain. The Cosmic Blade: an artificial blade that forms on his horn and his most powerful attack which did Grogar in: Black Hole and just like the name states, the Black Hole spell can suck in anything and warp space and time. But luckily, Israel was smart enough to contain it within a magical dome that shields anyone else outside. This black hole consumed Grogar from inside his cold, dead heart." Wiz stated.

"That’s how I feel whenever my ex-wife comes over to give me a hard time." Boomstick commented about his divorced life.

"Gee, I wonder why?" Kiryu said with sarcasm in her voice. "But even with awesome powers, Israel is not invincible."


"True. Since Israel isn't a deity, his cosmic is in a league of its own. And can only sustain his cosmic form for an hour. After his time expires, he's left without any magic powers for 24 hours so they can recharge. Not even his normal magic spells like levitation magic can be used. And even when his magic is restored, he is still a mortal unicorn. Even his immortality has a time limit. He's also very emotional, which can lead to some bad judgement calls." Wiz explains Israel's weaknesses.

"But hey, at least his victories outweigh his failures. We covered a lot of powerful fighters on this show, but none of them were as pure-hearted and fearless like Israel Yabuki." Boomstick stated.

"And now, with the danger finally gone, Israel was able to lead a peaceful life with his wife, Fluttershy and their newborn son, Asriel." Wiz added.

"You might have taken my teacher from me, but as long as I got my friends and family, you're just another vile monster that needs to be erased from this world. I will make this land prosper again!" Israel said.


"Across multiple universes, you can expect that in each and every one of them is a different version of yourself. Some who are famous, some who are living regular lives different from yours, or they’re possibly a villain who wishes to rule the world." Kiryu said

"I wonder what my alternate counterpart is like? I bet he’s awesome like me." Boomstick proclaimed.

"I highly doubt that." Kiryu replied.

"And in this alternate version of Equestria, there was one pony who turned to the dark side and caused nearly the entire destruction of Equestria: Supernova, the evil alter ego of young Prince Eternal Flames, who is the son of Princess Celestia. He was once a proud, tedious student just like his friend, Twilight, who he treated as the sister he never had." Wiz explains the life of Supernova.


"Wait, he’s the son of Princess Celestia? Since when did she get married? More importantly, who was lucky enough to score a VIP card with her." Boomstick asked.

"A unicorn stallion, who went by the name of Blaze Burn. He was a traveller who wanted to start a new life after leaving his village. Celestia took him in and the two had a long talk over tea and cake. She took a liking to the stallion's honest and caring personality and within a couple of years, she gave birth to Eternal Flames, who is 2 years older than Twilight. Eternal studied with Twilight because he liked her intellect and devotion to studying magic. He treated her like the sister he always wanted but never had." Wiz explained

"Awwwww. That just warms my mechanical heart." Kiryu said with a warmth expression

"I thought you didn’t have a heart?" Boomstick joked.

Kiryu didn't take Boomstick's sense of humor lightly and then small compartments on a few parts of her body latched open and in them were small missiles; all locked on Boomstick. "DIE!" She screamed.

"AAAAAAAAAAH!!!" Boomstick screamed like a little child while avoiding the small missiles that fired at him from every direction. Soon, after the missile barrage stopped, leaving Boomstick unharmed. "Ha, you miss- AAAAAH!!!!" Before he could taunt, Boomstick soon feel through a hole in the floor, which was caused by a few of the missiles. "I’M OKAY!" He shouted with pain.

“Anyways, one day, Celestia sent Eternal Flames with his dad to go and visit his grandfather. He stayed at his grandfather's village, learning about the place where both his grandfather and dad grew up, even got to know them more. Sadly, his grandfather passed away from natural causes and was given a proper burial. When Eternal went back to Canterlot, the home he returned to… wasn't the same.” Wiz stated. “The kingdom was overrun with royal guards all dressed in dark blue or black. And worst of all, the kingdom was being ruled by the mare in the moon herself, Nightmare Moon.”

“Who we all recognized as the corrupted version of Princess Luna, the younger sister of Celestia. Who was banished to the moon for a thousand years and after she had been set free, Twilight and her friends saved her from her corruption with the Elements of Harmony and she was welcomed back into society.” Kiryu mentioned.

“Which worked in the normal universe; however, in this alternate one, the results were different. Instead, Nightmare Moon succeeded and took over Equestria…. Not without taking out the competition first.” Boomstick added.

“Nightmare Moon had not only taken control of Equestria, she also destroyed the Elements of Harmony and sent Celestia to the moon. When Eternal arrived, he was captured by her soldiers and brought to the queen of the night. Nightmare Moon despised her own nephew to the point where she ridiculed him, humiliated him and even went so far as to abuse him. All so Eternal could find a way to see his old friend once more. But was proven to be all in vain when he learned a gruesome discovery: she killed his childhood friend, Twilight Sparkle.” Wiz explained. “Eternal's sanity couldn't take the shame and torture anymore and through his own rage, his whole entire being was engulfed in flames, transforming him into the one and only Supernova.”

“After Supernova had been born, he immediately challenged his corrupted aunt in a duel for the entire kingdom. But this time, Supernova quickly overpowered her with his insane magic and defeated her… by incinerating her and all her followers.” Kiryu stated.

Magic Abilities and Skills:

Damn, that is… I got no pun for that! That is the most badass way to make your foes disappear without a trace!” Boomstick said.

“But even after the demise of his evil aunt and her followers, the ponies who hated her scorned and jeered Supernova, which caused him to produce a massive solar flare that consumed all of Canterlot, Ponyville and even the Everfree Forest. A large chunk of Equestria was turned into a deserted fiery wasteland which no life could be sustained.” Wiz explain Supernova’s path to tyranny. “Supernova was no longer in the right mind and planned to destroy the rest of Equestria and turn it into his own fiery kingdom for which no one can stop him. There were only 3 individuals who could stop his tyranny from spreading any further.”

“Which so happens to be 3 of MLP’s most hated villains; Tirek, Chrysalis, and Sombra. But hey, in an alternate world, anything could happen. Chrysalis, with her changeling army, King Sombra and Lord Tirek, who was released from tartarus for the sake of stopping Supernova. The two agreed to this task; mostly cause there won’t be anything left to gain if Supernova is left unchallenged; and if every minute of opportunity is wasted, Equestria will end up as a dead wasteland of a kingdom” Kiryu stayed.

“Well they need to, cause apparently Supernova is a way powerful dude to take on.” Boomstick said.


“Supernova fought these three tyrants in an epic struggle. During the battle, he easily reduced the entire changeling army into ash and absorbed the dark magic and life force out of King Sombra, then tossed him into a pool of molten lava. Tirek, being the only one left, absorbed the dark magic within Supernova and eventually matched up against the corrupted young prince. Their powers produced a powerful explosion that created a crater where they both laid in, weak from the battle. In the end, Tirek emerged victorious.” Wiz explains Supernova’a conflict with the Evil Trio.

“But even when his reign was short lived, he did manage to get revenge for Twilight before he met his end.” Boomstick commented.


“Speaking of end, as it turned out, not only was Supernova’s magic extremely powerful but it was also fatal to himself also. Before his defeat by Tirek, Supernova’s magic was killing him on the inside each day, cause not even Eternal himself was immune to the extreme heat of his solar power. But it was never a problem until his confrontation with Tirek, Sombra, and Chrysalis; when he used his power to it’s critical limit, it incinerated him after his apparent defeat.” Kiryu explains Supernova’s apparent weakness.

“And once the prince was defeated and incinerated by his own solar magic, Tirek decided to use his restored power to try and restore the kingdom of Equestria back to its peaceful state. And he got to reunite with his brother, Scorpan. The two brothers worked together through hard work and determination to revive Equestria and await the day when Celestia would return.” Wiz said.

“Although his time was a little short, but even with that, Supernova has proven that he is a destructive force to be reckoned with. And all of Equestria knows it.” Boomstick stated.

“Stop calling me that! I am fear! I am your undoing! I am the timeless curse, the end of all things! You brought this upon yourself, mortals! Now you learn the way of DARKNESS!!!” Supernova said.

"All right, the combatants are set and we run our data through all possibilities." Wiz said.

"But first, leave a like and a follow in case you wish to see more Death Battles in the future." Kiryu stated

"Cause you really don't wanna miss any of them." Boomstick added. "But right now, it's time for a DEATH BAAATTLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEE!!!!!!"

It was a lovely day in the quiet, peaceful town of Ponyville. The sun is shining and the birds are singing. The towns-ponies were all going about their day on the streets of town; saying hi to their neighbors and visiting local stores and restaurants.

But unfortunately, things were never really peaceful and quiet in Ponyville. And today was about to get crazier... and heating up. Just beyond the borders of town, the evil alter ego of Eternal Flames, Supernova, was walking towards the direction of town; with a grim expression and full of burning rage. As he walked, the path behind him was scorched and burnt, leaving nothing alive.

As the evil Solar Prince observed his surroundings, the ponies could see him arriving on the outskirts of town and ran away in fright of his appearance and from the damage his magic caused upon the land. The prince's glare became even more strict seeing how the ponies cowered in his presence.

"Huh, they all rather fear me than bow at my presence. Then they all will burn for their insolence." Supernova said with a venomous tone before his horn ignited in flames and magic. Then he fires a blast of fire towards one of the buildings of town.

But before it could made contact, a wall of stone had risen from the earth; blocking the fire from reaching town. The solar prince growls in anger from whatever caused the formation of that stone wall. Soon after his judgement was denied, he hears a voice called out to him.

HEY!!! the voice said. The Solar Prince turned to whoever dared to speak to him, till he was focused on the bridge that led to Ponyville. And at the bridge's entrance, stood Israel Yabuki; who was sending a glare of his own towards the fiery unicorn. "Whatever your business is, I suggest you take it elsewhere!" He stated.

"And what makes you think that I will listen to your demands?" Supernova replied in a monotone voice as he continues to stare down at the yellow unicorn.

Israel begins to walk towards Supernova, still keeping a serious look on his face. Then he stops about 30 yards away from the fiery unicorn. "Its not a demand. So leave the ponies of this town alone or face consequences, I won't ask twice. He scolded.

Supernova raises his hoof up to his chin, while thinking to himself before turning back to Israel. I'll reconsider." He replied before he unleashed a blast of fire towards Israel. The yellow unicorn immediately uses his Fire Magic and created a fire shield which blocked Supernova's attack.

Looks like there won't be any talking after this one.


As he was holding back Supernova's fire blast, Israel switches from his Fire Magic to Water Magic and then summons a stream of water from the Ponyville's river and the sends it flying towards Supernova. The fire prince canceled his assault on Israel and fires a magic blast at the water projectiles, vaporizing them before they could reach him.

But it was a big mistake cause it formed a mist of water vapor which made it difficult for him to spot the other unicorn. Now seeing that his opponent is blinded, Israel then uses his Wind Magic – granting himself speed – and then rushes towards his enemy. As he leaps into the air, Israel then uses his Earth Magic – granting himself strength – and then slams his hooves into Supernova; sending him further away from town and crashing into the dirt.

Supernova quickly recovers from the attack, grunting in anger as his opponent charges at him. Supernova lets out a cry of anger before unleashing many projectiles of fire at the unicorn. Israel sees the incoming projectiles spiraling towards him and in a quick moment, he taps into his Dark Magic and then fires a row of Dark electric projectiles; countering and colliding with Supernova's attack in mid-air.

Supernova becomes even more upset, his body igniting in more flames and charges at the yellow unicorn. Israel quickly cast a protection spell with his Fire Magic – to protect him from the heat – and then enhances his strength with his Earth Magic, and then charges at Supernova.

The two collied in the middle, landing blows on each others bodies. Supernova lands a hook to Israel's head, which may have caused a burn to the yellow unicorn's fur; and Israel lands a hard kick to Supernova's abdomen, causing the fire prince to reel back in pain and out of breath. Supernova quickly recovers from the blow and then fires a powerful solar projectile at Israel, colliding with his body and sending him into a nearby river.

Supernova then takes a long breather before cackling to himself. "Not so tough now, weakling." He taunted. But as he was enjoying his supposed victory. The water in the river shot upwards, startling the evil fire prince. The water fell down into the river, revealing an unburned and healed Israel Yabuki – who was smiling in confidence – levitating in the air with his magic.

"Sorry 'Fire Boy', I'm all healed up." Israel said, before closing his eyes and channeling with his inner spirit and the Spirit of King Cosmos. Then after a few seconds, Israel's body is then transformed into his Cosmic form; his eyes glowing white as he stares down at his foe. "Now you shall face me at my full strength." He stated in a god-like tone.

Supernova is left shock by the appearance of his combatant, but immediately shook it off and stares at Israel with anger and hate. You think that this form means anything!?! I shall crush you like the weakling you are!!! He called out to him, his body erupted in more flames. And then he levitates himself, charging towards his foe.

But before he was able to reach him, Israel unleashes his Prism Stars upon the fire prince. Supernova evades as much as possible, but was eventually hit with one of the Prism Stars; causing agonizing pain in his body.

With pain on his mind, the levitation spell he casted immediately breaks and Supernova was sent spiraling towards the ground. He crashes into the earth, screaming in pain as the aftermath from the hit was taking its toll.

But Supernova soon began to ignore his excruciating pain and began to get up from the sizable crater from his fall, despite his body's protest. He then turns his focus on Israel, who was staring down at him while he was getting up from his fall.

"Y-You... *painful grunt*... t-think you'll defeat... *painful grunt*... I-I AM FEAR! I AM YOUR UNDOING!!!... A-and I-I shall not... be... undermined!" Supernova shouted in pain and anger.

Israel stares at his foe with an expressionless face, before his horn glows with magic again forming into his Cosmic Blade. "So be it." He said.

Then Israel charges at Supernova at high speed while the fire prince was trying to move his body or use his magic, but was unable due to the pain. Then in an instant, Israel strikes his Cosmic Blade at Supernova; causing a massive explosion of magic from where the two were.

After the smoke cleared, Israel is left standing – who was no longer in his cosmic form – exhausted of magic and his body physically weak. he looks over the carnage of the battlefield before his eyes were caught on something. Laying in the massive crater cause by the explosion; was a battered, yet still breathing Eternal Flames. Israel looks up to the skies and sees a royal carriage coming towards the area where the two were in.

As it landed, Israel could see Princess Celestia and a few Royal Guards running towards the weak Eternal Flames. Smiling that the prince was getting the help he needed, Israel Yabuki then makes his way back to Ponyville; hoping to get some much needed rest after today.


“Wait, what!? But neither of them died! Who won?!?!” Boomstick asked in disbelief.

“Calm down, Boomstick. I'm sure Wiz has a hypothetical reason behind this.” Kiryu replied.

“Thank you, Kiryu. Supernova may have been a serious and aggressive foe in battle; however, Israel had him beat in every other category we can think of.” Wiz stated.

“Israel had way more magic versatility than Supernova and 3 of them were perfect defenses and counter-offenses to his solar magic. Also Israel's magic has allowed him to take on many of MLP's most strongest villains, so fighting someone like Supernova was no problem at all.” Boomstick added.

“Also it's no surprise that Israel's magic was a lot more powerful than Supernova's. Remember Supernova's massive solar flare feat? By using the map of Equestria and scaling the distances between Canterlot, Ponyville and the Everfree Forest; the energy of the solar flare must be equivalent to 210 Gigaton of TNT. Which is impressive, but nowhere near Israel's feat of magic.” Kiryu explains the difference in both combatants’ power outputs.

“Israel's magic was powerful enough to create a Black Hole; in order to do this, Israel's magic must be equivalent to 14 Petatons of TNT; 66,666x more powerful than what Supernova's capable of,” Wiz added.

“But that still leaves us an important question; who won the fight if both of them are alive?” Boomstick asked.

“A good question, Boomstick. Kiryu, would you mind giving us the answer.” Wiz kindly gestured.

“Sure thing, my sweet geek.” Kiryu replied, happily.

“What was that?”

“Nothing!!! Anyway, to answer the question for all you readers. Supernova was not actually Eternal Flames, but is his separate personality. And in the outcome of the fight, we can only guess that Israel combined his Light Magic with his Cosmic Blade; not only for to destroy Supernova, but to also save Eternal from his grip on him. So to answer it simply, Eternal Flames is alive; however, Supernova and his tyrannical influence was destroyed.” Kiryu explains the outcome of the battle.

“Oh... Well, I guess that makes more sense.” Boomstick responded.

“Its called science; you should study it more often.” Kiryu said in a taunting expression.

“Supernova may have been an aggressive and powerful opponent to take on. But Israel's wider magic arsenal and cosmic might gave him the perfect means to take down the Solar Prince.” Wiz stated.

“You can say that Supernova just couldn't handle his own 'heat'.” Boomstick punned. Which was so bad and lousy that it made both Kiryu and Wiz groan in annoyance.
“The winner is Israel Yabuki.” Wiz said.

S1; Ep4: Blue vs Ember

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“I can't believe we're finally doing this!” Boomstick said in a exciting tone.

“You sound... a bit excited about this than I thought you would be?” Wiz said.

“Are you kidding? THIS IS AWESOME!!!” Boomstick replied, loudly.

“Well, looks like we won't be hearing any complaints from him in this episode.” Kiryu guesses.

“No, we won't.” Wiz agreed.

“Well then, let's begin.” Kiryu said.

“While many could argue or debate about them, there's only one undeniable truth that they both share.” Wiz said.


“Indeed, Boomstick. And today we're pitting two of these prehistoric and mythical characters; head-to-head. But in this match, we'll only be focusing on their natural abilities, meaning: No armor, no magic artifacts, and no human or pony interference. Just a good old fashion one-on-one duel to the death.” Kiryu stated.

“Blue, the last surviving raptor of Jurassic World.” Wiz introduced the first combatant.

“And Ember, the Dragonlord of the Dragons Lands.” Boomstick introduced the second combatant.

“He's Wiz, he's Boomstick, and I'm Kiryu.” Kiryu said

“And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skill to find out would would win, a DEATH BATTLE.” Wiz added.


“A long time ago, dinosaurs had ruled the world. The age of man would come several thousands, maybe millions of years later, and giant lizards would walk the earth. These were the first dominant species before man. And the time they lived in was peaceful, thriving, and free of pollution.” Wiz said.

“Then every single one of them died.” Boomstick stated. Then the screen shows a meteor colliding into the earth, which kicked off the extinction of the dinosaurs. “Well, I guess all good things can't last, right?”

“It would take thousands of years for a new dominant species to enter the world, and this would come in the form of humanity. The two legged creatures with opposable thumbs and the abilities to survive.” Kiryu said.

“And you know what happened at that point. Literally, it's all history. We advanced, we killed each other, we sorta fucked up the planet as a whole. Man, we kinda suck, honestly.” Boomstick exclaimed.

“Though the destruction of their planet and their own civilizations wasn't enough. For the humans, so instead they decided to try and play god. They decided that they were going to bring back a long dead race. They were going to bring back... the dinosaurs.” Wiz stated.

“So some old guy with way too much money on his hands decided that he wanted to bring back the dinosaurs, which...he did! And so he did anything a sane person would do, put them all in a simulated habitat and let people stare at them!” Boomstick explained.

“And this dinosaur exhibit was called...Jurassic Park.” Wiz said. Then the Jurassic Park Theme played in the background relive the moment. It plays for a few seconds before a needle scratch, then the music stops.

“But then everything went to shit.” Boomstick bluntly stated.

“As it turns out, keeping dinosaurs in pens and not having...any real way of stopping them if they go wild, is a really bad idea.” Kiryu said.

“Yeah, no kidding!” Boomstick replied in agreement.

"After a big incident with the dinosaurs escaping from captivity, and causing havoc among the general populace, the Jurassic Park would, of course, have to shut down." Wiz said

"And then a few years later or whatever, they decided to do the same thing again, except this time it wasn't Jurassic Park. They put a shiny new name on it and called it Jurassic World!" Boomstick added.
"And unlike the previous park, Jurassic World succeeded where it's ancestor failed; opened to the entire world and became the #1 popular family theme park for 10 straight years. In the park, they had all sorts of attractions, including some of the originals like the Brachiosaurus, Triceratops, the T-Rex herself, and... velociraptors." Kiryu explained.

"You all remember them, they're the speedy dinosaurs that killed Samuel Jackson in the first Jurassic Park. But this time there's no longer three of them... now there's four! And the park decided to name them." Boomstick stated.

"These raptors were called the... Raptor Squad, of course... And all of them were female and each of them had their own unique name: there's Echo, Charlie, Delta, and last; but not least... Blue." Wiz said.


"Born and raised in captivity, Blue was like every other dinosaur in Jurassic World. She was genetically altered and hatched in a science lab, possibly with no recollection of the world she had awoken into. However, Blue was born along side her siblings in the lab, so Blue wasn't isolated at birth." Kiryu explained the beginnings of Blue's life.

"And the best part of all, Blue and her sisters were trained and raised by none other than... Starlord!" Boomstick stated.

"Uh, not quite, Boomstick. But, Blue was raised by a man called Owen Grady, who was-" Wiz replied, but was then interrupted by Boomstick

"Starlord in disguise, of course!" He said.

"Able to imprint himself onto the velociraptors in order to train them. He was recognized as the alpha of the pack and was able to make them stop attacking people." Kiryu explained how Owen managed to train the raptors.

"Which was all part of the park's plan. Cause handling raptors were a rough job; however, Owen managed to finally pull it off.... well slightly, but at least we'll give him credit. Also after battling it out with one of her siblings, Echo; Blue became the Beta of the Raptor Squad." Wiz stated.

"Damn, this is like two kids fighting for their daddy's attention and love; only way brutal and vicious. Anyways, she has the DNA of Black-Throated Monitor Lizard to fill in the gaps of her Velociraptor DNA. This gives her her massive size, scales, and iridescent blue coloring." Boomstick added.

"Indeed Boomstick. But while Blue was deemed a average velociraptor... She's really something much more than that." Wiz proclaimed.

Powers & Abilities

"During her training with Owen, Blue was taught in the field of Search and Rescue, which allows her to track prey much easier than other raptors. Not to mention, Blue learned other methods even without Owen's training. Such as tactics in stealth, plan perfect ambushes for her prey, and she even learn how to adapt and strategize in desperate situations. She's one smart gal." Kiryu stated.

"Indeed Kiryu, and that's what made Blue so unique. After her birth, Blue had shown extreme intelligence at a young age; she even learned how to respond to Owen's commands and even learned how to feel emotions like humans do, such as: interests, concern, compliance, and most of all... empathy. Possibly more so than mankind could ever be." Wiz said.

"Yeah, Yeah, compassion and everything.... But that's not what makes this raptor so freakin' deadly. She's got powerful jaws - which had very sharp teeth - with a bite force that is similar to the Spotted Hyena; which is about 1,100 PSI. Also, she's got razor sharp claws and a sickle claw that can tear at flesh easily. Hell, they also capable of cutting and ripping a steel fence - which is what the raptors did in the original park. Also, she's freaking strong! Like how she tossed the Indoraptor out of a bedroom window; and that thing weights about a ton!" Boomstick explains Blue's physique.

"Not to mention, Blue has proven that she is a strong survivor and fighter. Like how after 4 years since the incident which brought down Jurassic World, Blue had thrived on Isla Nublar all on her own. Without the aid of humans or the aid of her sisters, which were all killed by the Indominus Rex." Wiz added.

"Rest In Peace, you wonderful Dino-badasses." Boomstick said while shedding a few tears.


"Not only is she smart and deadly, Blue is also pretty durable. She can take on and take hits from dinosaurs that were bigger than her, even taking on the genetic hybrids like: the Indominus Rex and the Indoraptor. Like the time when the indominus Rex knocked her to the side with enough force to break a stone pillar; and a few scenes later, she got up like it was nothing." Wiz stated.

"But that is child's play when Blue once tanked a lab explosion while she was escaping. By measuring the size of the blast and calculate the destruction. The explosion must have equaled to 40 lbs of TNT." Kiryu stated also.

"Dang, she's tough. But let's not forget that Blue is also really fast, as it was said in the movie; Blue can run up to 40 MPH. But they might have miscalculated that, when in a few scenes later; Blue is shown to keep up and even surpass the speed of a motorcycle! The model of this bike is a Triumph Scrambler, which has a top speed of 135 MPH." Boomstick added.

"Blue has even defeated genetic Dino hybrids, highly trained soldiers, and has evaded capture for 4 years. Thats a lot of impressive feats for a raptor." Wiz said.

"No matter who or what she goes up against, Blue would always remain vigilant and fight to the bitter end." Kiryu remarked.

"SCREEEEEECH!!!!!" Blue screeched.


"The Land of Equestria, a magical land where ponies dwell. Filled with lush valleys, forests, and rainbows; a place where harmony truly thrives in." Wiz said.

"But in some other land, that was found on the other side of the Celestia Sea, there was nothing like what Equestria has." Boomstick added.

"This is the Dragon Lands, the vast volcanic wasteland that was habited by Equestria's most feared creatures; the Dragons, ferocious flying, fire-breathing beasts that are the complete opposite of the ponies of Equestria." Kiryu stated.

"Yeah, they're way more badass than the huggable, friendly ponies. And the dragons are not very social with one another, so they keep to themselves and they fight with each other a lot." Boomstick said

"But while the dragons are less-sociable and greedy, it doesn't mean that they can't be bossed around. For thousands of years, the dragons were ruled by a Dragon Lord; who commands all the dragons with an iron fist. A leader that the dragons have to obey, unless they want to feel their wrath. The last dragon that took the title was Dragon Lord Torch, the biggest and strongest of all the dragons; however, the one thing that he could not command over... was Time itself." Wiz explained.

"So in the final moments of his reign, Torch summoned all the dragons to his domain and let them to compete for the title of DragonLord in what is known as the Gauntlet of Fire. And all of them were happy of this and they all fiercely competed for the title; however, only one of them can have the title and the only way to do that was to claim a dragon artifact that is called the Bloodstone Scepter. But in the end, only one of them claimed the scepter and the title and that was Torch's daughter; Ember." Kiryu stated.


"While we know nothing of her past, Ember lived her entire life in the Dragon Lands. And as you can say, she's sort of the rebellious daughter type. And we've seen that sort of act when she was not allowed to compete in the Gauntlet of Fire for the title of Dragon Lord. So what did she do... Well she placed on a disguise - by painting her scales and putting on armor to conceal her looks - and competed in the gauntlet." Wiz said.

"Damn, talk about bad parenting on Torch's part. Anyway, throughout the event, Ember tries her very best to get to the scepter first, but she failed her first attempt and almost gotten herself killed; like how she was knocked out and fell into a lake where she almost drown. Luckily, she was saved by none other than Spike; who was also competing in the Gauntlet of Fire in order to prevent his arch rival Garble from becoming the next Dragon Lord." Boomstick stated.

"After saving her life, Spike tries to form an alliance with her so that they can both reach the scepter. While she was refusing his proposal at first, Ember reluctantly agreed and both of them worked together throughout the Gauntlet of Fire. And in the end, Spike claimed the scepter and - at the moment - became the next Dragon Lord." Kiryu said.

"Until he, stupidity, gave up the title and handed it to Ember. I mean, what the f%#@ dude! You could have been living the life of luxury and power, but instead you gave that up! WHAT THE ACTUAL F%#@ IS WRONG WITH YOU!" Boomstick shouted in rage and disbelief.

"Understandably affected by his act, Ember sought to changed the greedy ways of all the dragons and bring them to a new belief... which is the aspect of friendship. Of course it was a struggle at first." Wiz stated.

"Cause apparently, competition and greed is part of the dragons' nature; so when they tried the friendship thing out, they eventually keep getting into more fights." Boomstick explained.

"Like a bunch of children who fight over candy, or a group of idiotic boys who fight over something they can't agree on." Kiryu added, which then caught both her co-hosts's attentions.

"What did you say?" Wiz and Boomstick asked.

"Uh... Nothing." Kiryu replied, sheepishly. Hoping that they don't realize what she meant.

Power & Abilities

"Being a dragon, Ember has all the abilities and features of the dragon world; she has tough scales that can withstand the heat of lava, can lift boulders that weight about a ton, and she can breathe fire! But her fire is no joke, it's powerful enough to obliterate boulders." Boomstick explained Ember's abilities.

"Not to mention, she also has her wings, allowing her to fly across distances. And thanks to a Discord user name HaloKnight; we're given information that Ember could fly at 60 MPH - even reaching 100 if she wanted to." Wiz said.

"Also Ember has powerful jaws, since in the My Little Pony series; dragons were known to eat gems. Which in real life are pretty hard to scratch and damage." Boomstick added.

"Also Ember is an effective leader, capable of getting other dragons to obey her and do want she wants them to do; and we all know how difficult these dragons are at listening." Kiryu mentioned.

"Not only that, Ember is also has more brain power than all the other dragons; not like Einstein-level smart, but pretty smart. So that meant she can trick any predictable opponent and use it to her advantage." Wiz stated.

"Ember is beyond badass." Boomstick proclaimed.


"Over her first years as Dragon-Lord, Ember had help the Dragon Lands made alliances with other kingdoms such as Equestria, The Changeling Hive, Yakyakistan, Griffonstone, and Mount Aris/Seaquestria." Wiz explained Ember's accomplishments.

"Also she had also gain more friends along the way; such as Thorax, King of the Changelings. Also she has brought the dragons to a better society, no longer greedy and fighting; united under the strength of friendship." Kiryu stated.

"Urrrrgh, that sounds more lame. Either way, after all her accomplishments and the challenges she faced; Ember will always prove that she is the most badass Dragon-Land in the history of Equestria." Boomstick added.

"I don't care what my dad said! I'll show him and every dragon who thinks I'm just a little princess; There are better things than being big and strong!" Ember said.

“Alright, the combatants are set, let's end this debate once and for all.

"Ahhhh, I love it when you say that." Kiryu whispered silently.

“What did you say?” Wiz asked in confusion.

“NOTHING!!” Kiryu replied with total anxiety in her voice.

“Oooook...” Boomstick said, while feeling like the moment got awkward. “It's time for a DEATH BATTLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEE!!!!!“

Flying in the sky above, observing the Dragon Lands below, Ember was eyeing anything that'll excite her day. After all, she hasn't got anything better to do except sitting on a throne, giving orders and demands, and always disputing small conflicts between dragons; although, she had gotten into the conflicts a few times and won.

She has been dying of boredom and needed something to focus her mind on, so she decided to go on a morning flight around the Dragon Lands; hoping that it'll ease her boredom. After what is to be, several hours of flying, she then spots something moving on the ground; just along the borders of the Dragon Lands - which was made up of a thick forest and vast plains.

She lowers herself closer to the ground to get a better look. Once she got closer, she sees Blue the Raptor, moving along the trees of the forest. Scavenging for a meal, until she was able to catch a raccoon wandering nearby and devoured it in a few gulps and tearing.

Ember, who was unsure what kind of dragon is the raptor, dived towards the ground and lands on her feet and fist - which cause an indent in the earth. Ember's entrance catches Blue's ears and the raptor turns to face the Dragon-Lord, snarling as if she’s a threat.

“Hey! What are you doing next to the borders of the Dragon Lands? You don’t look like any dragon I’ve seen before? So I demand that you state your business here or leave!” Ember spoke in a demanding voice; however, Blue was not intimidated.

“SCREEEECH!!!!” Blue screeched in reply, probably stating that she was not intimidated by the dragon’s threat and wishes to be alone.

After hearing Blues’s reply, Ember flares up her wings and gets into a battle stance.

“I am the Dragon Lord of this land! Either you listen to my command... or I’ll make you.” Ember shouted at the raptor with a dead serious tone.

Blue ignores Ember’s commands, hissing in reply, and she also gets into a stance; preparing to charge and pounce on the dragon. Barring her sharp teeth and claws as a display of intimidation.

Ember takes this as a challenge and instead smirked with confidence. “I was hoping you were gonna say that.” She said.


Soon the young Dragon Lord makes the first move, flying towards the raptor with incredible speed. Blue does the same, running towards the charging dragon with her own impressive speed.

The two later meet at the middle, with Blue leaping at Ember and then pounces her to the ground with her weight.

Blue ferociously claws at the dragon, but luckily Ember’s scales were enough to take the attacks. The Dragon-Lord uses her legs and kicks the raptor off of her. Then she raises her fist and then lands a hard blow to Blue’s abdomen, sending her flying towards the ground

Blue roughly lands into the dirt, but she eventually recovered quickly from the counter-strike and faces her for with an angry snarl.

Ember find it impressive and shocking that the raptor could tank her punch. “Okay, you seem tough.” Ember said with an impressed tone, but the she smirks afterwards. “But can you handle the heat?”

Then without warning, Ember unleashes her fire breath at Blue, who miraculously jumped out of the way and then leaps towards the dragon with her claws out to slash at flesh.

Ember flaps her wings and manages to get out of the way as Blue lands onto the ground and quickly turns to her foe. Ember lands on her feet and then runs to the raptor, raising her fists to deliver another punch. But Blue somehow notices the attack coming and immediately took a step to the side before the young Dragon-Lord could land the blow.

Then with swift movement, Blue then catches Embers arm as it was in motion, with her mouth. Ember grunted in pain as the raptor's teeth dug in; even though it couldn't penetrate the dragon's scales fully, but it was enough to inflict pain. Then Blue uses her jaws and then tosses Ember with enough force to break a nearby tree in half.

Ember immediately recovers from the attack as Blue attempts to pounce on her. The dragon sees the attack coming and jukes out of the way, grabbing the raptor's tail as Blue landed. Ember then pulls on the dinosaur's tail, spun around and then flings the raptor a mile away from the area; further deep into the woods.

Ember then uses her wings and takes off into the air, hovering over the forest, searching for her enemy. She search for a few minutes before seeing an opening in the forest, where a couple of branches and twigs were on the ground as if something had crashed there.

The young Dragon-Lord takes this as a sign that the raptor was in the area and then lowers down to the ground to inspect the crash landing. However as she got closer, she sees that Blue was nowhere in sight. Not only that, as she got a good look at the broken tree branches; she realizes that the branches were not broken by any forceful impact... they look to be clawed off judging by the the claw marks on them.

Now knowing that she was baited into a trap, Ember becomes fully alert; expecting the raptor to reveal herself if she decides to strike.

And so she did, when out of nowhere, Blue runs out of the bushes and then claws at the Dragon-Lord's body and then runs back into the bushes. Ember grunts from the impact and then tries to locate the raptor again; however, Blue returns again for another hit-and-run attack. As Blue continues the attack 2 more times, Ember's scales began to give and a few of them fell of her body.

Soon the Dragon-Lord becomes extremely upset and then unleashes her dragon-fire on the forest around her. Blue immediately runs out of hiding, escaping the fire while have a few burns on her skin. As the raptor was forced into the open, Ember smirks and flares up her wings for take off.

"Now I got you." She said with confidence, as she flies towards the raptor.

Blue sees the dragon coming towards her and runs in the other direction, with Ember following in pursuit. The chase was long and epic, as Ember continues to spew fire balls at the raptor, as Blue avoids the attacks below. While Ember was effectively keeping up with Blue, but the raptor was a little faster than her; keeping her distance from the dragon.

As the long chase arrived to an area with small water fall, Ember dive bombs toward Blue, tackling her as they rolled onto the ground and into the small pool that was next to the water fall.

After a few second, the two resurface from the water and duke it out in close combat. Ember throws hard punches at the raptor's head and side; while Blue repeatedly slashes at the dragon's body and delivers a jump kick which stumbles Ember back.

Ember then flares her wings again, attempting to take the advantage of the battle in the air; however, Blue instantly realizes what the dragon was about to do and doesn't want to give her the edge. Before Ember could take off into the sky, Blue quickly pounces on her from behind and then bites into Ember's left wing; breaking it with one chomp.

Ember screams in pain as she tail smacks the raptor off of her back. The Dragon-Lord expects her wing, seeing that it was broken; meaning that she could not fly. She turned to her foe, growling with anger. Blue does the same.

The two blue reptilian combatants charge at one another and proceeded to tear/beat into one another. Ember continues to punch and wrestle with the raptor, while Blue claws at Ember's chest and soon her face; attempting to find any weak spots.

Soon Ember manages to gain the upper hand, grabbing at Blue's tail again, and then tosses the raptor into a tall boulder with enough force to crack it. Blue slowly gets up from the attack as Ember prepares to unleash her fire breath again. Blue notices the attack and then stares at the water she was standing in; then the clever raptor had an idea.

With a swift movement, Blue uses her tail to create a big splash of water towards the Dragon-Lord; with some of the water entering Ember's mouth, extinguishing the fire inside her mouth. Ember coughs out the water from the mouth and then tries to spew fire at the raptor, but suddenly realizes that she couldn't, her fire was extinguished by the water splash that Blue threw at her. she could not breath fire at the moment.

Blue then jumps onto Ember, who saw the attack coming and grabbed her before she could pounce on her. The two fell onto the dry edge of the pond and continue to wrestle with one another.

During the struggle, Ember manages to grab Blue's right arm and then breaks it, causing the raptor to screech in pain. The raptor locks eyes with the dragon as Ember smiles at the raptor's pained expression.

"Not so tough now, huh." She taunted.

Blue growls in anger until she notices something; an exposed spot on Ember's neck, her scales must have fallen off while the two were locked in combat. The raptor gives off a sly smile on her face, which puzzles the Dragon-Lord. Without warning, Blue swipes at Ember's face with her left claw; scratching the dragon's eye and causing her to stumble a bit. But then seizes this opportunity and then reels up her left hind leg; and with her sickle toe claw, she aims and punctures it into the exposed spot on Ember's neck. The Dragon-Lord squirms in pain as Blue sinks her sickle claw deeper; soon the life in the dragons eyes began to fade and her body became limbed.

Blue then tosses Ember's corpse off of her and then gets up from the ground. As she inspects the Dragon-Lord's lifeless body, Blue then rears her head towards the sky and cries out her victory screech.



”That was the most epic fight I have ever seen in my life!” Boomstick shouted in excitement.

“Indeed, this was by far the closest match-up we ever had on Death Battle. Blue and Ember were certainly matched with one another. Both of them countering blow for blow in this fight with both of them struggling to gain an edge over the other.” Wiz stated.

“But while Ember may have held a few physical advantages, Blue has proven time and time again that she can take a hit. Her battles with the likes of the Indominus Rex and the Indoraptor proved that pretty well.” Kiryu explained.

“But this battle was tricky to decide; Blue and Ember were pretty dead equal in strength and their durabilities proved that they couldn't hurt one another with brute force alone.” Boomstick added.

“However, Blue held the speed advantage; while Ember could fly at 100 MPH, Blue was fast enough to keep up with a motorcycle driving at 135 MPH. About 35 miles more faster than Ember.” Wiz stated the differences between the fighters.

{Blue's Speed: 135 MPHEmber's Speed: 100 MPH}

“Damn, that's fast.” Boomstick said.

“But speed wasn't the deciding factor of the fight; in fact, what gave Blue the edge in this match-up; was her intelligence. After all, for her entire life, Blue was trained to test her intelligence and she's more effective in strategizing and coordinating her attacks in any situation. Even setting up ambushes and analyzing for any enemy weaknesses; which was Blue's plan from the start, she knew that she could not pass through Ember's tough scales, so her only method was to prolong the battle so that she can spot any weaknesses. And luckily, she found it in the nick of time.” Kiryu explained.

“And while Ember is smarter than all the other dragons; however, she doesn't really rely on strategy in her fights. For years, dragons were pretty much used to having brute strength and being dominant, as their main advantage.” Boomstick added.

“Also Blue had a much strong biting force than Ember. Although, gems like diamonds are extremely tough; however, research has stated that diamonds can be shattered by an ordinary hammer. And in the MLP series, Ember's bite was strong enough to bite into a gem pillar, by measuring the distance at the pillars width; we can estimate that Ember has the bite force of 1,067 PSI. And when compared to Blue's bite force, it's nowhere near as close.” Wiz stated.

{ Blue's Bite Force: 1,100 PSIEmber's Bite Force: 1,067 PSI }

“Damn, those are some really powerful bites.” Boomstick replied.

“While Ember certainly was a difficult opponent to take on, but Blue's speed and superior intelligence gave her the perfect tools to take out the young Dragon-Lord.” Wiz said.

“You can say that Ember was beaten by a "Claw" in the fight.” Boomstick punned.

“The winner is Blue the Raptor.“ Kiryu said.

S1; Ep5: Dark Renegade vs Inferno Blaze (EDITED)

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“Hey Wiz, Where’s Kiryu? I thought she was gonna be here for the episode?” Boomstick asked.

“Well she didn’t tell you, She’s off on a family reunion, so she won’t be here today.” Wiz replied.

“Oh… Well, I guess it’s just you and me for today. Just like old times.” Boomstick stated.

“That it is,” Wiz said.

"Sometimes, the police can't do squat to help our broken world. So who do we call to take care of these criminal bums? The vigilantes!" Boomstick said. "And we've got two badasses to get the job done right."

"Inferno Blaze, the legendary Shadow Knight of Equestria." Wiz introduced the first combatant.

“And Dark Renegade, the Massacre Phantom of Canterlot City,” Boomstick introduced the second combatant.

“Although these two fighters originate in the same EqG fan-made universe; however, these two deadly vigilantes have never met… until today.” Wiz added

"He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick!" he said.

And it’s our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills; to find out who would win a Death Battle!” Wiz added.

Soon a scene is shown on the TV screen behind the two hosts; showing Inferno Blaze and Dark Renegade having a shootout out in a dark alleyway.


"Canterlot City hasn't always been a happy place like Equestria. Like our own world, it's filled with endless crime which no one can escape from. But it wasn't until years ago when a young man stepped up and showed the crime world, who's boss.” Wiz said.

“But don’t feel relieved by this fact, cause that’s when it gets from bad to worse… well for the criminals and thugs of the world.” Boomstick added.

"One such individual has achieved such a feat that he became feared not only by lesser criminals, but by policemen as well. And his name is Dark Renegade, the oldest of 2 brothers," Wiz said.


"At the time when he was younger, he wanted to bring people together with music, become a hip-hop singer and idol to his little brother Israel Yabuki. He had his whole future planned ahead of him, earning passing grades and making his family proud. But sometimes, he would hit a few bumps on the road, which he believes were the plagues of his society: bullies." Wiz said.

“Which is what schools these days, always deal with on a daily basis. Like the time, I got bullied back in middle school. Then highschool came and I returned the favor by stuffing their lockers with dynamite.” Boomstick explained parts of his childhood. “It… didn’t go as planned.”

"You stuffed dynamite in kids' lockers?" Wiz asked in disbelief.

“Don’t worry they’re fine…. Well until they wake up from their coma, then they’ll be fine.” Boomstick explained.

"Anyways, because of all the bullies he's come across, he's developed a habit of getting in fights with bullies, including his own. Every time he fought, he'd come out with bruised knuckles and blood on parts of his face. Blood he spilled from his bullies. Then one night, while his brother was out on a little snack break, he was jumped by 2 high schoolers who almost killed him, which made Dark Renegade so mad, he killed them first… brutally." Wiz explained

“DAMN! Not even I would do that to my bullies… Well, intentionally.” Boomstick said in shock.

"With his little brother as the only eyewitness, he told him to head home and not speak a word to their parents before Dark left his family and never returned. Throughout the years, he's maimed, killed and destroyed countless criminal lives using nearly every method he could think of: stabbings, cremation, butchering and even feeding them to stray dogs he trained for years to crave human flesh." Wiz said.

“Whoa! Ok this guy sounds really scary. But that’s not all Dark can do. When he plans to take on the many crime lords and syndicates of the world, he’s gonna need his most favorite tools to get the job done.” Boomstick said.

Arsenal & Equipment

"His weapons of choice include two sharp knuckle dusters, throwing knives and a pistol which appears to be a Glock 19 which comes with a suppressor. His knuckle dusters were even onced used to kill a serial rapist who targeted minors and even once beat his family tree into bloody mush. His throwing knives stopped countless muggers and kidnappers with one swift throw to the back of their necks. When it came to stealth, not even a trained S.W.A.T sniper could compare to him. He's shot down corrupt businessmen and dirty cops with these. And if that wasn't enough, he delivered their dead bodies to the front door of the police stations with multiple criticizing notes." Wiz said.

“Damn! That must be frightening for the cops. ” Boomstick said. “But that’s not all he has in his arsenal. He’s got all sorts of melee weapons at his disposal such as baseball bats, metal pipes, crowbars, machetes and all sorts of things. Cause if you want to kill criminals, you might as well get creative. He also got access to other firearms – which he stole from the cops on the run – like the Colt M4 Carbine and the Mossberg 590A1 tactical shotgun.”

"Speaking of cops, the police once arrested his little brother because they thought he was behind some of the murders at his school. The police even went so far as to resort to police brutality. They believed Israel Yabuki was the cause of some of his own bullies' deaths. Dark Renegade had found out about it and laid waste to the cops who did this to him and wrote on the wall with their blood "Try that sh*t on the wrong guy again, see what good it does you." Wiz said. "By the time he was 25, he had gathered some followers who chose to walk his path of "justice" and was also given the name "The Massacre Phantom" by the police."

“You got to admit Wiz, that’s a badass name. I’m giving him a 10/10 for that one.” Boomstick said. “But here’s a question that everyone’s been asking; how come the cops couldn’t find this guy?”

"Because in previous cases, the cops tried to hunt him down, but every time they pinpoint his location, he plants bombs and sets them off to cover his tracks and disappear. Hence the "phantom" part of his title," Wiz explains.


“DAMN! No wonder why everyone fears this guy!” Boomstick shouted.

"Fear is right, Boomstick. By the time he was 27, the police were willing to place a bounty on his head worth $50 billion dollars, even going so far as to grant people permission to kill him, but none were brave enough to seek him out, fearing he might go after them, too… until one person called him out on live TV," Wiz said.

“And it was his own little brother; that’s got to be one harsh family reunion.” Boomstick suggested.

"Tired of his brother's tyrannical reign, he challenged him to a fight that would decide the fate of so many lives. Dark's followers led him to his hiding place and set up live footage of their brotherly war against each other. Dark had the upper hand in strength and speed, but he had one weakness that was his undoing," Wiz said. "The strong love for his family, including his little brother."

“I don’t know whether to call it bullshit or feel sad at the same time.” Boomstick said while struggling not to cry.

"In the end, he convinced his little brother to pull the trigger, ending the reign of the infamous Massacre Phantom and securing his bounty for him and his pregnant wife, Fluttershy," Wiz said.

“While he was hesitant at first, Israel eventually gave in and shot Dark, out of mercy. Jeez, that must have scarred him for life.” Boomstick said.

"It's always hard to kill someone you love. But in the end, at least his brother didn't have to suffer anymore and the people were freed of Dark's tyranny.” Wiz stated.

“But even in death, every criminal organization around the world and the thugs on the streets forever remembered the name and the terrible crusade of the Massacre Phantom.” Boomstick added.

"My word… is my law. And I say crime will forever be… ERADICATED!!!" Dark Renegade said.


“Loneliness, Depression, and Vengeance... These are the three basic things you might expect of a full-fledged vigilante. And these three descriptions were the perfect ingredients in the life of Inferno Solaris Blaze, Equestria’s deadliest assassin and the Hunter of the Devil himself.” Wiz said.

"Whoa-ho, an assassin who can hunt down ol' Satan? Man you know you're a badass if you make the devil piss his pants," Boomstick said.

“I wouldn’t put it that way, but sure.” Wiz stated. “In his beginnings, Inferno lived in Equestria’s great capital, Canterlot. As a young foal he lived and grew up with his father Magnus Blaze and his mother Fleur De Lis.”


"Wait, a badass living in a kingdom of snobs? How does that work?" Boomstick asked. "And how was he lucky enough to be born by such a good-looking horse lady?"

“Well, Inferno’s father Magnus was once a common earth pony living in Ponyville until he left for Canterlot to join the Royal Guard to fight in the Pony-Griffon War. Where he met Fleur, who turned out to be an undercover Royal Guard. After the war ended in 2 years, Magnus and Fluer fell in love and were married by the blessing of Princess Celestia and King Blaze Burn… much to the dismay of the other Canterlot nobles.” Wiz explained. “During his childhood, Inferno was once a bright happy soul. Of course he dealt with a few insults and backlashes from the rich ponies and nobles in Canterlot, but he always had his family to look out for him… Until a tragic event happened which changed Inferno’s life, forever.”

"And that tragedy was…?" Boomstick asked.

“One day, Inferno and his father were visiting the Canterlot Gardens until Inferno strayed too far and got lost. After he had searched for several minutes, he found his father struggling against a strange cloaked figure, who stabbed a demonic-looking dagger into Magnus’ heart. But Inferno managed to look at the attacker's face and it was the face of the Lord of Tartarus… Grogar. And after Grogar left, Inferno rushed over to his father in an attempt to help him, even calling out for help as loud as he could; however, nopony heard his cries and Magnus died soon after.” Wiz explained.

"Damn, I feel sorry for the little guy. And what kind of country are they running anyways if they couldn't hear his cry? Canterlot keeps really lousy company," Boomstick said.

“After that tragic day, Inferno’s childhood turned from an innocent life into a path of vengeance. For a whole week, he spent his days at the Canterlot Library, to study everything he could find on demons. However, life continued to screw him over when one night in the library, he witnessed the murder of King Blaze Burn. And without proof or hearing his side of his story, the Royal Guards and Princess Celestia herself accused him of the King’s murder.” Wiz explained.

"That's it, Princess Celestia is officially on my hit list, because she doesn't know shit!" Boomstick blabbed out.

“However, Inferno managed to escape custody and was forced on the run. He was never heard from again until 3 years later. One day a peaceful village was terrorized by a demonic creature that could not be killed by mortal weapons or magic. The village ponies lost hope, until a mysterious stranger appeared out of the blue and fought the demon, who happens to be Inferno. The battle lasted for a whole day until Inferno finally slayed the demon. From that day on, Inferno was remembered as the ‘Assassin that Slayed the Demon’.” Wiz stated.

"Damn, first Fluttershy's a badass, then Ember, now this guy? Are we sure this show is meant for little girls?" Boomstick asked.

“Inferno killed the demon by using weapons made of Moonstone Steel, which is sort of the Equestrian version of Holy steel. For 10 years, Inferno was on the run until one day he turned himself in.” Wiz said.

"What?! I wouldn't have handed myself in! Why would he throw his life as an assassin away?" Boomstick asked in disbelief.

“Well, no one knows for sure. But we can only guess that maybe he felt guilty for leaving his mother for 10 years and wanted to be near her again, even if it's in a heavily locked jail cell.” Wiz explained. “But after 4 years of imprisonment, he was eventually released and hired by… Princess Celestia herself. In exchange for his freedom, all he needed to do was protect her eldest son, Eternal Flames. Who was in the human world, which we all know as the ‘Equestria Girls Universe’.”

"Now that's some irony shit right there. Why would she hire him to protect her son? Isn't he strong enough to fight on his own?" Boomstick asked.

“Well, actually, Eternal Flames had a curse which was placed upon him by the demon that Inferno hunted for years; Grogar, and was eventually gonna be his heir to the throne of Tartarus. So Inferno sought this as an opportunity for his long-lasting revenge.” Wiz explained. “So without complaint, Inferno took up the task and left for the human world to protect the prince; however, he was also accompanied by Twilight’s apprentice, Starlight Glimmer. And during his stay in the human world, he would encounter more of Grogar’s demonic army. But luckily, he has the tools and skills to get the job done.”

Arsenal and Equipment

"I wonder if he lives by Grand Theft Auto logic because I have no idea where he keeps all those weapons he owns," Boomstick said. "He carries around a Kukri dagger which he carved out of moonstones, even his ammo is solid moonstone. His main weapons are his twin 1873 Colt Peacemaker revolvers, which he dual-wields like a boss. He’s also got all sorts of sidearms, shotguns, and rifles that I can't count! His usual favorites are the Smith & Wesson Model 17-8, the Winchester M1887 shotgun, the M14 assault rifle, and his Winchester Model 54 bolt-action rifle.”

“He even has a few melee weapons up his sleeves; like his twin Ninjatō swords, his Karambit Knife, and moonstone smoke pellets. Which - when dropped - release mass gusts of smoke which are laced with moonstone dust… guess who’s that for.” Wiz stated.

"In a nutshell, he's basically Snake from Metal Gear Solid. Say, you think maybe I can hire him to kill my ex-wife?" Boomstick asked. "I can pay in 6-packs of beer!"

“Actually that won’t do at all, besides that would be just a waste of Inferno’s skills.” Wiz replied.

"Shit! Wait! Maybe I can have Dark Renegade kill my ex-wife," Boomstick said.

“But not only is Inferno armed to the teeth, he’s also extremely skilled; his marksmanship surpasses that of any professional gunslingers and he’s even mastered several forms of martial arts from Kirin.” Wiz added.


"Anyway if weapons aren’t required, this assassin is extremely tough; he’s withstood the tenfold increase of gravity pulling down on him, was freaking electrocuted, and he’s even survived being thrown out of a castle with a dislocated arm in his fight with a demon king," Boomstick added. "If that isn't true strength, then I don't know what is."

“Inferno has also proven over the years that he’s a force to be reckoned with. He’s gone toe-to-toe against the likes of Eternal Flames, Grogar, Demon Elites, and the Alpha of the Drakais.” Wiz stated

"Alpha of the what-now? Is that some kind of weird demon hippy occult?" Boomstick asked.

“No, Boomstick! They’re basically 7ft tall, humanoid, demonic creatures that are known as the Hellhounds of Tartarus. And they’re also the foot soldiers of Grogar’s army.” Wiz explained

"Hellhounds, eh? Does that mean if you see them 3 times, you kick the bucket?" Boomstick asks as he literally kicks a bucket.

“No, basically they will eat you alive since Drakais’ are pure flesh eaters.” Wiz stated. “Anyway with all these accomplishments, Inferno has really earned his famous legacy. Even along the way, he gained something that would turn his life for the better. The day he found friends and the love of Starlight Glimmer.”

"Oh great, he's gone soft. Why is it that all the badass guys get the girl?" Boomstick asked.

“Actually, having friends and a girlfriend didn’t make him go soft. It actually strengthened his confidence and morale; he then became more focused on protecting the people he loved… in his own violent way.” Wiz replied.

"Still, it's always the badasses that get the girl. What's up with that?" Boomstick asked.

“Actually, Dark Renegade was single right until he died. So technically not all badasses get the girl.” Wiz stated.

"*Sniff* Oh happy day! You're my hero, Dark! But anyways, back on the subject of Inferno, though he's gone above and beyond the call of duty, putting demon heads on MILLIONS of platters, this assassin still has some flaws," Boomstick said.

“Indeed Boomstick, while he has accomplished things that make him look superhuman; however, he’s still a mortal and can be hurt like one. Also, he can sometimes have an explosive temper which could prove useful but would leave him predictable.” Wiz explains. “Also even when he isn’t aggressive; he does act a bit hostile towards others.”

“Well can ya blame him? He lost his dad, got framed for something he didn’t do, and was screwed by his own country.” Boomstick said.

”Which explains why his mentality is unstable and shattered for a decade of his life.” Wiz added.

“But hey, at least his awesome feats make up for his flaws. Inferno is possibly the toughest guy we ever had on Death Battle; physically and mentally at that.” Boomstick commented.

“And no matter what comes in his way, Inferno Blaze will always stand up and fight for his friends; even going far as sacrificing his life for them in the end.” Wiz added.

“But even in death, his spirit continues to thrive. So this assassin will one day make his big comeback and all you demons out there beware.” Boomstick stated.

“Tell your boss to quit sending your guys here; or else, I’ll send you back to where you came from… without your heads.” Inferno said towards Frostbite.

“Alright, the combatants are set and we run our data through all possibilities. Let’s end this debate once and for all.” Wiz said.

“But first, a quick reminder to everyone in the audience. If you all wish to see more of Death Battles in the future be sure to leave a like and follow on our sponser’s page so that you all can be notified for any latest battles in the future.” Boomstick stated. “But right now… IT’S TIME FOR A DEATH BATTLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEE- YEAH!"

The moon rose high above the tallest skyscraper in Canterlot City. Sirens wailed in the distance and the sounds of a man screaming in agony could also be heard. In the streets, Dark Renegade has his hand gripped around another man's throat. The man kept flailing, trying to escape. "Okay! Okay, you made your point! I'm sorry! I'll give myself in, just please… Please, get off me!" the man begged.

"I told you before, you have no right… to exist," Dark said before taking out his knuckle duster and pounding the crook into the ground with punch after bloody punch until his body stopped flailing and his face was deformed and covered in his own blood. Dark stood, panting heavily with a sinister grin on his face. "Another creep bites the dust. Who's next on my list?"

Dark took a piece of rolled-up paper from his pocket and checked his list, seeing who else needed to be eradicated. "Hmm… ah yes, the pedophile… God should have never made scum like you.”

Before Dark realized it, he heard footsteps coming from the other direction behind him, and heard voices calling out to him. “GIVE IT UP, PUNK! WE HAVE YOU SURROUNDED!” they said. Soon Dark sees a couple of police cars parked 10 feet in front of him..

"Ungrateful pigs!" Dark said. He reached into his pocket and swiftly pulled the trigger on his grenade, tossed it in the air, then ducked for cover behind some trash cans.

"GET DOWN! GET DOWN!!!" one of the policemen shouted.


In the midst of the explosion, Dark disappeared in the shadows. Meanwhile, as the situation was going down, about a couple of yards from the crime scene; Inferno Blaze was walking down the sidewalk after leaving one of the town’s stores. He carries a large bag with him, which had an awesome and expensive kite in it; which he had bought for Starlight as a gift in their new relationship.

“I hope Eternal’s right about Starlight liking kites, cause I really want this gift to be special.” Inferno said as he checked the bag while he was walking. But what he doesn’t know is that Dark was running towards him from another direction. Eventually, Inferno is bumped into by Dark Renegade, causing both men to fall to the ground. The impact of the fall also caused something to snap and break.

After hearing the noise and feeling something underneath his back, Inferno gets a worried expression on his face, then reaches his arm behind him, only to pull out the bag which had the kite he bought for Starlight. He quickly checks inside the bag and to his shock, he sees the kite broken. The assassin immediately gets upset and jumps back onto his feet, glaring at Dark who was getting up from the ground.

“HEY! Do you have any idea what you’ve done?!” He shouted.

"Can't say I do, but I got other things to worry about so out of my way," Dark said, pushing Inferno aside, about to run off. But the assassin was not letting this slide, and then grabbed Dark’s arm and pulled him back.

“Oh no! You are gonna pay for this! It was a gift for my girlfriend and I spent all my sweat, money, and blood trying to get it!” Inferno stated with rage.

"I only pay for what's worth buying. Plus, I don't give a fuck about relationships. Now, let go of me or I'll turn you into a pile of bloody much like I did that stupid porch pirate!" Dark threatened. But that earned him a harsh left hook from Inferno.

Then the assassin pulls off his cape before drawing out his twin Colt Peacemakers and aims it at Dark, who gets up from the punch. “You’re gonna pay for this… one way or another.” Inferno stated. Suddenly, something sharp was thrown past Inferno, slicing up his cheek a little and drawing blood.

"I've spilt blood before… this won't be any different!" Dark said, showing off his sinister smile and bloody face.


After Dark’s retaliation, Inferno unleashes his bullet rounds from his pistol straight at Dark. Dark immediately avoids the first round of bullets, pulls out more of his throwing knives and tosses them at the assassin.

But Inferno saw the projectiles coming and he too dodged most of them, even shooting at a few to deflect them in mid-air. But as he was evading the knives, he was tackled by Dark when he didn’t expect it.

Dark, with his knuckle duster in hand, threw three hard punches at Inferno; 2 in the gut and 1 to the face, before throwing him over his shoulder and slamming him to the ground. But just as Dark was to deliver another punch, Inferno delivered a kick to his face and then jumped back to his feet.

Before Dark could get a chance to prepare, Inferno charges in with a punch to the side of his head before delivering a double sidekick to his gut and then later deliver a roundhouse kick.

Dark retaliates by throwing several hooks and jabs at the elusive Shadow Knight; however, Inferno easily dodged all of them before blocking the last one with his arm and then delivered a quick punch to Dark’s throat, causing him to stagger back.

Taking advantage of this, the assassin then threw a combination of punches at Dark, a few to his gut and many to his face. Dark attempts to retaliate a few times; however his opponent was too quick for him and continues to dominate him in close quarters. Inferno then delivered a savage uppercut to his chin, before grabbing him and tossing him through a window of a sports store.

After Dark was tossed into the store, Inferno then reaches behind his back and grabs his Winchester M1887 before heading inside the store to find his enemy. Once inside, he looked around the store to find Dark, but was unable to.

“Where did you go, asshole?” Inferno whispered silently as he searched. But then out of nowhere, he was knocked to the ground by an object. He looked up and saw Dark with a baseball bat in his hand, then raised it up high for another grand slam. Upon instinct, Inferno rolls out of the way and reaches for his shotgun. The assassin jumps back to his feet and immediately dodges an incoming swing from Dark’s bat.

Inferno takes aim with his shotgun and fires a shot at Dark, who immediately dodges after it was fired. Dark then swings upward and downward with his bat, but the assassin was too quick for him to land a hit. Inferno jumps out of the shop’s broken window and onto the streets, with Dark following behind.

The two continue to dodge each other’s attacks as they both try to land a killing blow on the other.

Then both fighters started to engage in a short close-combat; with Inferno delivering several swift kicks and using his weapon as a blunt weapon. Dark managed to land a few hard hits which had the assassin staggered back, but his opponent wasn’t going down easily.

But soon, Inferno’s shotgun runs out of shells, which got Dark smiling that his foe was out of ammo. Inferno gives off a weak smile in worry… before he reaches behind him and pulls out his M14 assault rifle out of nowhere, which shocks the Massacre Phantom.

Dark then resorts to one of his other weapons, which is a silenced pistol and aims it at Inferno. Which now results in an all-out gunfight on the street, Inferno fires his M14 while Dark unleashes rounds from his pistol. The two dodged each other's bullets while they also took cover behind a few parked cars or any large object on the sidewalk. It wasn’t long until Inferno ran out of ammo from his rifle, which left him to resort to melee combat as he drew his twin Ninjatō swords and then charged at Dark.

Dark sees Inferno charging towards him and raises his pistol to shoot him, but as he pulls the trigger, nothing comes out. He was out of bullets, and at a disadvantage.

Once Inferno was close to him, the assassin then began to slash at him with his swords as Dark stepped back a few times to evade the blades; with only one of the swords leaving a small cut against Dark’s chest. Then Inferno rears back his blades and then delivers a kick to Dark’s gut which knocks him into the window of another building.

With his opponent out of his sight, Inferno drews closer to the broken window and sees Dark walking out with two objects in both of his hands; a crowbar and a machete, while staring at Inferno with a devilish grin on his face.

“When you will learn to just stay down!? Face it, man! You can’t keep up with me!” Inferno stated.

"I've dealt with mob bosses bigger and stronger than you and made them piss their pants with the work I can do. I don't stop for shit. Not until all criminal shitbags are wiped out of existence," Dark Renegade replied.

“That’s nice… But… I’ve hunted the Devil himself and slayed millions of creatures from Hell!” Inferno replies as he runs towards Dark with his swords in hand.

Dark charges forwards as well. Once the two meet at the center, they both engage in combat with their melee weapons. Inferno slashes at the blood-thristy vigilante with his swords, with Dark deflecting them with his crowbar and machete. Dark tries to hack at the assassin with his machete, but Inferno uses his swords to block the blade and then delivers a jump kick to his face.

The Massacre Phantom retaliated by throwing his head back to lessen the damage while swinging upwards with his machete, trying to get Inferno's leg. The assassin immediately sees the attack coming and then brings both his swords to block the machete’s impact. While doing that, Inferno’s swords immediately shatter upon impact, but at least prevented his leg from getting hacked. But Dark was far from done as he used his other weapon, his crowbar, to finish the job by whacking into Inferno's knee. The assassin yells in pain as he falls to the ground, clutching his knee.

In retaliation, he reaches into his pocket and pulls out his karambit knife and then plunges it into Dark’s leg. Which causes the Massacre Phantom to shout in pain as he dropped both of his weapons in the process.

While it gave him time he needed, Inferno grabs onto his knee and then violently pops it into place, allowing him to get up on his feet; barely. While he was getting up, Dark pulled out the knife Inferno stabbed into his leg and got onto his feet as well.

The two vigilantes stare down at each other, both bruised and bloodied from their conflict. Inferno slowly reaches to the side of his belt and then pulls out his Kukri knife from its sheath, and then he then tears of what was left of his shirt to reveal his bare chest as he gets into a battle stance. Like Inferno did, Dark pulls out his last throwing knife, removes his torn jacket, and gets into a fighting stance as well.

The two combatants stood shirtless and ready to end this battle once and for all.

"I've had it up to here with your shit! If you had just let me go, I'd have spared your life. But you forced my hand, you little twat!" Dark growled.

“Hey, you're the one who talked shit about my relationship with my girlfriend; so basically, you brought this upon yourself.” Inferno replied with a scornful tone in his voice.

After the two had their say, they charged towards one another and engaged in close-quarter combat. Their knives clashed against each other as they resorted to hand-to-hand techniques to gain the upper hand. Inferno delivers a knee kick into Dark’s stomach while the Massacre Phantom elbows Inferno in the face. In retaliation, Inferno throws an uppercut to Dark’s chin while Dark throws a right hook to Inferno’s head. The two swing their blades at each other, slashing and giving each other small cuts into their bodies.

Dark raises his knife and brings it downward, only for Inferno to catch his arm before it could land a killing blow. The assassin brings his Kukri upward towards Dark’s abdomen, only for Dark to catch his wrist before it reaches its target. The two are locked in combat-bound as they glare into each other’s eyes as they struggle to break free of each other’s grip.

Soon, Dark rears his head back and delivers a headbutt to Inferno, causing the assassin to lose his balance. Dark seizes the opportunity and then stabs his knife into Inferno’s stomach. The assassin shouts in pain as he nearly feels his legs go limp.

Dark gives off an evil chuckle as he looks into his enemy’s eyes. “Any last words before I end your miserable life?” He asked.

Inferni looks up at him with a pained, yet angry expression. While he, unbeknownst to Dark, reaches towards the side of his belt. “Yeah I got one…” He said, right as he pulls out his Smith & Wesson Model 17-8 revolver and points it at Dark’s leg. “Never leave home without the big guns.” He started with a cocky smile as he fired a bullet into Dark’s knee. He shouted in agony and fell on his rear end, gripping his shot leg.

Giving Inferno the chance to stand up straight and pull out Dark’s knife from his side. Grunting in pain after he pulled out the blade. Soon after, he walks over to the wounded Dark, staring down at him while he is clutching his leg.

“Sorry I had to do this to ya,” Inferno said as Dark stares daggers towards him.

"If you kill me… this world will never be safe. Criminal fucktards will keep thriving and the lives of innocent people will be lost by their cruel acts. You kill me, you'll be no different than them," Dark said with a sinister grin. He gave a cruel chuckle, trying to give him a sense of doubt.

“The world is always broken, it always will be.” Inferno stated. “That’s why it needs good people…
And not you.” Inferno stated before holstering his revolver. And soon he reached down and grabbed Dark by the throat, lifted him up onto his one good leg, and then stare into his opponent’s eyes with a glare that kills.

And for your information, I'm no killer...” Inferno stated. ”But tonight... I'll make an exception.” he added.

Then in a quick flash, Inferno started to mercilessly beat into Dark’s body. Delivering harsh jabs/hooks to his face, uppercuts and knee kick him right into the gut, and then brutally twisted and dislocated his right arm before savagely kicking him at his injured knee.

While feeling so much pain, Dark fell harshly to the grown growing and grunting in pain as Inferno comes up from behind him and wrapped his arms around his head and neck. And with one swift move, the assassin brutally snaps the Massacre Phantom’s neck and lets his lifeless body fall flat on the streets of Canterlot City.

After killing his assailant, Inferno walks away from Dark’s corpse and stops to pick up his stetson hat that was on the ground, and placed it back on his head. Later he turns his head to the dead body with an emotionless glare.

”Good riddance.” the assassin snarled in a dark tone as he walks away from the scene with the light of the full moon shining down on him.


"Damn!!! That was one hell of a badass clash of the vigilantes!!! I wish I had brought some popcorn with me!" Boomstick said.

“This was certainly a brutal and ferocious battle to decipher, both Inferno and Dark were both deadly in their own rights. They both had arsenals design to kill and an unwavering drive to win. However, The Shadow Knight earned the edge in almost every other way.” Wiz stated.

“Dark might've had the strength advantage, but Inferno had the upper hand in strategy and in arsenal. If it had come down to them using only their brute strength, there'd be another victim of the Massacre Phantom left on his trail," Boomstick said. "And Inferno was much faster."

“Indeed, Inferno once fought one of the Fallen Soul, Lightning Burn, who was considered one of the fastest demons and the stealthiest. Who, in our research, is said to have ‘lightning speed.’ If that's true, this demon would have to be moving at 320,000 ft per second - which is equivalent to 220,000 MPH." Wiz explained. “That puts Inferno’s speed at Mach 287.”

But to give Dark the benefit of doubt, we tried looking for a speed feat for him, and luckily we found one. The one time he dodged a bullet from a sniper rifle that was aiming at him directly.” Boomstick said.

“The model appear to be a Remington 700; with a muzzle velocity of 2,475 fps. That means Dark had to be moving at Mach 2.2 speeds to avoid the bullet.” Wiz stated. “Which is impressive.... but just about 130.5 times slower than Inferno.”

"And speaking of strong opponents, Dark even had the strength to overpower a mob boss who's the same size and weight as the Kingpin from the Marvel Universe using only 25% of his strength," Boomstick said. “And as we know King Pin is strong enough to go toe to toe with Spider-Man; who can lift 10 tons. Using the percentage, this meant Darkis strong enough to lift 40 tons.”

“Which is impressive; but luckily for Inferno, he’s proven that he's had a history fighting opponents that possess superhuman strength like demons, the Fallen Souls, and Eternal himself. And he's proven to be strong enough to overpower EqG version of Applejack; who can lift boulders weighing around 415 tons; about 100x than Dark’s strength. Also Inferno’s toughness made it very difficult for Dark to actually hurt him. So basically, Dark's strength didn't really matter.” Wiz stated.

“Yeah sure, Dark was more brutal and more frightening, but he didn’t have the means to put Inferno down for good. And Inferno had the skills and experience to nab a victory. And that's what gave the assassin the win; experience.” Boomstick added.

“While Dark had 9-years of hunting criminals and crime lords; Inferno had a decade of assassinations, demon-hunting, and evading the Equestrian Army. And also he's been training all his life; while Dark was just a average teenager before he became a vigilante.” Wiz said.

“And Inferno is an expert when it comes to marksmanship; although, Dark is pretty handy with a gun; there’s no way he could compete with Inferno’s gunslinger skills,” Boomstick commented. ”And with Inferno’s skills in martial arts training, he was more than capable of close-quarters combat than Dark with brute force alone.”

“Dark was a strong and resilient foe, and could have taken the win with his strength and brutal tactics. But the Shadow Knight’s speed, wider arsenal, combat skills and experience turned the tides of the battle,” Wiz stated.

"You can say that Inferno was ‘Blazed’ up for this fight ," Boomstick added.

“The winner is Inferno Blaze.” Wiz said.

S1; Ep6: Ruby Rose vs Rainbow Dash (EqG)

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Wiz is standing in the room, waiting impatiently for Boomstick to arrive so that the show could start. Until he felt two metallic hands cover up his eyes from behind him. Then he heard a familiar voice behind him as well.

"Hello, Wiz. Did ya miss me?" The co-host turns around and sees Kiryu smiling towards him.

"Oh, Kiryu. You're back from your trip; How was it?" He asked her.

"Oh, it was normal as always," Kiryu replied. 'If you count fighting your daughter on a daily basis. He said in her mind. "And what about you and Boomstick? What's it like to spend a single day without me?" she asked.

"Well, besides Boomstick's long-lasting habit of making puns, not much." Wiz replied.

"Awwww, so you miss me." Kiryu responded while booping Wiz on the nose with her finger and giggle afterwards.

Boomstick walks into the room and sees Wiz and Kiryu. "Oh hey, Kiryu. You're back." He said.

"And unfortunately, you're still here." Kiryu replied.

Boomstick notices the shock look on Wiz's face. "Hey Wiz... you good." He said.

"Why... does she keep... booping my nose?" Wiz responded while he kept his paralyzed expression.

"Ok.... let's get on with the show." Boomstick stated.

“Speed is the rate of motion that humanity has longed studied on for years. While on our work time, we try to decipher it; while during our free time, we try to see if we can go faster.” Wiz stated.

“And in Death Battle, we covered a lot of combatants who are the masters of speed. And today we’re pitting two speedsters of two iconic web series.” Boomstick mentioned.

“Ruby Rose. The silver-eyed huntress and leader of team RWBY.” Wiz introduces the first combatant.

“And Rainbow Dash. The speedy, rainbow-haired, high schooler of Equestria Girls.” Boomstick.

“They’re Wiz and Boomstick; and I’m Kiryu,” Kiryu introduces herself.

“And it’s our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills, to find out who would win a Death Battle." Wiz said.


”The world of Remnant is a world of many mysteries, including many things like the dark creatures of Grimm, Huntsman/Huntresses, and possibly racial violence and discrimination.” Wiz said.

“A world that one huntress was forced to grow up in; and her name is Ruby Rose.” Kiryu stated.

“Yeah, it was terrible place, but Ruby had a good life before she faced the dark future ahead of her.”


“Born to Taiyang Xiao Long and Summer Rose, who passed shortly after, Ruby grew up in Patch, outside Vale, where she spent her childhood training with her uncle Qrow and father at Signal, and playing with her half-sister, Yang. She is a positive and friendly girl. With a unique desire to help others.” Wiz explained.

“But don’t let her childish demeanor fool you, cause she isn’t no ordinary girl.” Kiryu stated.

“She’s a freakin’ natural when it come to combat; she’s even skilled with her most prized possession, Crescent Rose. Which is a giant scythe that is also a sniper rifle! Where do I get one of those?!” Boomstick added, while excited about Crescent Rose.

“Actually Boomstick, Crimson Rose was customized and designed by Ruby herself, so you’re not gonna find it in any local store.” Wiz pointed out.

"AWWWW! Oh well, you can't get everything nowadays." Boomstick replied.


"Crimson Rose, is Ruby's main-to-go weapon in combat." Kiryu stated. "Its own size is large enough to support her own weight and it can transform into 3 different forms; the scythe form for melee combat, sniper form which can hold up to 30 rounds, and inactive form in case she's not using it. And surprisingly -- for a second time -- It can even fire while its in scythe form. The rounds she uses in her weapon are all composed of Dust, an energy in which all huntsman and huntresses use. Ruby uses several types of elemental dust ammunition: such as Ice, Fire, Lightning, and Gravity."

"That's my dream weapon right there." Boomstick proclaimed.

"Weapons talk aside, Ruby had been trained under the tutelage of her father and uncle, learning all the skills and lessons of being a huntress. Although she had a small beginning to becoming a warrior, life decided to give her a shortcut." Wiz stated.

"After stopping a dust-store robbery, facing off against Roman Torchwick and his gang, Ruby was then accepted and transferred into Beacon Academy the age of 15. Apparently being a badass gets ya a one-way ticket into college." Kiryu explained.

"And after going through a few tests and being thrown off a cliff, Ruby was then assigned to and became the leader of her very own team; going by the name: RWBY." Boomstick added. "Get it... cause that's the title name of the show and kinda like her name... uh, never mind."

"Even though she may sound and look like she's over her head, but she has shown that she's a much capable fighter." Wiz mentioned. "All thanks to her semblance."


"Her semblance allows her to move at great speeds, and as she runs, she transforms into a wisp of rose petals which further increases her speed. Also her semblance can allow her to duplicate herself, confusing her opponent. And she's fast enough to create tornados, ones powerful enough to slam Team JNPR against a stone wall and lift large Grimm in the air." Kiryu explained Ruby's semblance.

"Indeed Kiryu, so to make this fact true, we needed to find out what was Ruby's speed is. Luckily, an outside source had give us the information needed to determine Ruby's speed. In order to create the tornado in the food fight with Team JNPR, Ruby must have been moving at 121 MPH. But her speed doesn't stop there, Ruby's speed can also be compared to her sister Yang, who can move at Mach 6. Which is more than enough to create the tornado that is capable of lifting a Grimm," Wiz stated.

"Damn that's fast! And speed isn't the only thing she does. She's also strong too, like the time she lifted a Nevermore up a cliff. And from information we collected, the Nevermore’s weight would be around 642 tons!" Boomstick mentioned. "And in volume 3, she once kicked a griffon which penetrated through the steel hull of a ship. To do that, Ruby's kick must have exerted 1.42 tons of TNT."

"And also while Ruby isn't used to hand-to-hand combat, but after the fall of Beacon and during her journey to defeat Salem, Ruby has gotten better to fighting hand-to-hand, without needing her weapon." Kiryu added. "And she's also proven to be durable, like how she survived an explosion in her battle against Cordovin's Colossus, by measuring the size and fragmentation of the blast, the explosion must be equivalent to 12 Tons of TNT."

"But that wasn't the only thing, after the fall of Beacon, Ruby has gained a powerful ability: her Silver Eyes." Wiz said. "A blinding flash of god-like light that emits from her eyes, which when used, can petrify or disintegrate Grimm in a matter of seconds. And can even cripple the power of Maidens."

"That's so freaken awesome!" Boomstick shouted in delight.

"But there's one thing about it that ruins it's purpose." Wiz mentioned. "The power of the Silver Eyes can only work on Grimm and Maidens as it was stated in the series. And Ruby can only use it when she feels a great sense of loss or the need to protect others."

"Awww damn it! Oh well, at least Ruby doesn't need her silver eyes in her battles," Boomstick responded. "After all, she's so skilled that she can hold her own against way more experienced huntsman and huntresses on the regular. And cut down hordes of Grimm in seconds."


"Throughout the series, Ruby Rose has proven time and time again that she's a threat that you should never take lightly. She's slain many creatures of Grimm without tiring out, went toe-to-toe with Roman Torchwick and Cinder a couple of times, petrified a giant Grimm with her Silver Eyes, and she's even taken blows from many heavy hitters." Kiryu stated.

"Not only that, she's also a clever strategist; able to planned her battles and come up with tactics while during a fight. Also she's also very determine to fight for her friends, like the time when Crimson made fun of Weiss's scar, Ruby instantly grabbed Crescent Rose and threatened to fight the guy. You seriously do not want to get on her bad side." Boomstick proclaimed.

"In any case, her speed and tenacity are almost unrivalled, and her never say die attitude means this young huntress is always prepared to carry on fighting to the very end." Wiz added.

"I don't care what you say. We will stop them, and I will stop you. Bet on that!" Ruby Rose stated.


“Living in a mirror world that is similar to our world, but with a MLP atmosphere to it; Rainbow Dash is a high school student at Canterlot High and the member of the Human 7.” Wiz explained.

“Basically, she’s the human counterpart of the Rainbow Dash from pony world; Although, while she looks different, she still has the same personality like her pony counterpart.” Boomstick stated.

"Perhaps, too much of her pony counterpart's personality." Kiryu added.


"Back in her freshman year, Rainbow was good friends with the other human Mane 5, until that friendship was severed by a certain red & yellowed hair girl." Wiz explains Rainbow's earlier life.

"We'll get to that soon in the future. After her fallout with her friends, Rainbow continued on with her life in CHS. You know like, participating in sports and stuff" Boomstick stated.
“While Rainbow Dash may be a your average high school student; but one day that all changed when Twilight Sparkle – the pony, not the human – arrived to CHS” Wiz stated.

"After playing in a one-on-one soccer match and winning in the end, Rainbow willingly agreed to help Twilight in winning Fall Formal Princess, in order to get her Element of Magic back." Kiryu said.

"And so after helping Twilight winning her crown back and later get into a tussle with a She-Demon, the pony princess invoked the magic of her element, which is passed onto the humane 5. Rainbow briefly channels the element of loyalty and gains pony-like attributes; as in the ears and wings. But after Twilight left the the human world, Rainbow's wings and pony ears vanished." Boomstick explained.

"But even without Twilight's crown and presence, along the way, Rainbow Dash had discovered a few ways to unlock her magic." Wiz stated.


“Rainbow is also a very skilled athlete, being the captain of all the school's sports teams. And is the lead vocalist and electric guitarist of the band, the Rainbooms.” Kiryu mentioned.

"And speaking of music, as Rainbow shreds some of her guitar skills, she regains her pony ears and wings and harness her magic again, but only for a brief moment. And while during the Friendship Games, she can tap into her magic again if she shows signs of loyalty. But again, only for a brief moment." Boomstick added. "But luckily for her, she doesn't need to rely on playing the guitar to use her magic."

"Right you are, Boomstick. After a wild trip at Camp Everfree and defeating another She-Demon for a third time, Rainbow gained a magical artifact, which the EqG fandom dubbed, the Geode of Loyalty. Which allows her to harness and call upon her magic whenever she likes." Wiz explains.

"But that's not all it does for her, it also grants her super speed and fast reflexes! Like her pony counterpart, Rainbow Dash can run up to 3,800 MPH, about Mach 5 speed. And she can also do a Sonic Rainboom, like the one she did in her singing video; which can double her speed." Boomstick said.

"Rainbow is no slouch when it comes to power in her attacks, like the time she kicked a soccer ball at mach speeds, that it catches fire. By averaging the weight of the soccer ball and combine it with the speed of the object in order to burst it into flames; Rainbow's kick must have yielded 661 kilojoules of energy." Kiryu stated.

"Not only is Rainbow fast and strong, she's also tough. Like when multiply times she and her friends had taken magic blasts from powerful enemies; however, they're usually blocked by a magic shield and it's not something Rainbow posses alone. So we're not counting that. But luckily, in a newest EqG song video "Cheer You On", gave us Rainbow's durability feat alone when she was tossed through a brick wall by an evil toaster-head machine. By measuring the size of the hole in the wall and to Rainbow's height and the robot's; Rainbow must have been taken a force of 0.25 tons of TNT." Wiz explains Rainbow's durability feat.

"And got up like it was nothing." Boomstick added.


"Ever since she got her magic, Rainbow had went through a wild ride over the years in CHS. She faced off with power-hungry villains on a monthly basis, competed in the Friendship Games and a musical showcase, and has saved her school and her classmates; time and time again." Kiryu said.

"Dang, when does she ever get a break? Though Rainbow may have some awesome feats; however her biggest weakness is that oversized ego of hers, which got her into trouble; multiple times. And if she ever gets too caught up with her emotions, she tends to lose her loyal spirit. Like the time she and the other human 5 ditched Sunset when they though she was posting their secrets on the web." Boomstick explained.

"Yeah, the MLP fandom weren't too happy about that." Wiz added. "But even with her faults and bashfulness, Rainbow Dash would always stand with her friends and fight by their side, no matter what."

"Of course you lost. I'm awesome! But I'm not gonna help just anybody try and beat Sunset Shimmer. The Fall Formal Princess should be someone with heart and determination. You've proved that you've got 'em both!" Rainbow said to Twilight after beating her in soccer and helping her up.

"Alright the combatants are set, let's end this debate once and for all." Wiz said.

"And if you like to see more Death Battles in the future. Be sure to follow us and give a like for more." Kiryu added.

"But right now, its time for a DEATH BATTLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!" Boomstick shouted.

At Canterlot High, all the students were at the track field, all itching to watch an exciting event go down. At the starting line, was CHS's star athlete, Rainbow Dash; who was stretching out her limbs. And beside her was Ruby Rose, who was also limbering up. Both speedsters were getting ready for their biggest debut; a race around the city.

Rainbow's friends and everyone in her school, came to watch her compete against the huntress. Her friends were sitting on the stands, cheering her on.

"YOU GOT THIS DASHIE!!!!!" Pinkie cheered.

"You can do it!" Sunset cheered as well.

"Show her what yer made of." Applejack stated.

"Well be right here cheering you on, darling." Rarity proclaimed.

"Do your absolute best," Twilight said.

"Yay." Fluttershy cheered quietly.

"Course I do! Cause I'm awesome!" Rainbow replied back.

As for Ruby, her team and also Team JNPR were also there to watch her race and give her support.

"Kick her ass, Ruby!" Yang shouted.

"Yeah! Crush her!" Nora shouted as well.

"You can do it!" Jaune yelled.

"Try not to lose focus!" Weiss stated loudly.

"Give it you're all!" Pyrrha cheered.

Ruby gave a wave and smile to her team and friends for giving her a lot of support. Soon both racers placed themselves at the starting line, with the huntress looking at the rainbow-haired teen and raising her hand up to shake her hand.

"May the best fastest girl win." Ruby said.

"Yeah, let's see who's the fastest." Rainbow replied.

Ruby and Rainbow get into their stances as a CHS student stood in front of them with a flag in her hand. She raised the flag up in the air as she gets ready to send the racers off. "Ready... Set... GO!" She shouted, waving the flag down. In an instant, both Rainbow and Ruby ran past the student with their unnatural speed.

They sped away from the field area and we running across town in a matter of seconds. The two were keeping pace with one another; neck-and-neck as they run, and they're not even at the finish line yet. But of course, while Ruby was giving her efforts, Rainbow got a little too competitive and determined to leave her opponent in the dust.

The athlete notices a small tree on the sidewalk they were racing on, in front of them. As they drew closer to it, Rainbow pulls a fast one and grabs onto the tree's branches. As she pulled on it, she released it which smacks into Ruby's face, causing the huntress to fall onto her back.

"Sorry, kid. See you at the finish line!" Rainbow smirked and runs off. After she did, Ruby got onto her feet and had an angered expression on her face.

"So that's how you want to play," She said as she pulls out her weapon, Crescent Rose, from her back. "Fine by me." In a quick sprint, Ruby rushes after Rainbow Dash. And in seconds, she finally caught up with the rainbow-haired athlete and then forms Crescent Rose into rifle mode and then fires an Ice dust shot in front of Rainbow, which forms a small wall of ice, which halted the CHS Wondercolt in front of it.

"HEY! What gives?!" Rainbow shouted, turning towards the angry huntress behind her.

"Are you serious? You hit me with a tree branch!" Ruby replied back while forming Crescent Rose back to its scythe form.

"Well, its a competition, so I can sometimes get carried away." Rainbow responded, just as Ruby attempted to strike her with Crescent Rose. "Whoa!" Rainbow dodge the attack and Crescent Rose's blade was planted into the ground.

But that didn't stop Ruby from swinging on her weapon and deliver a kick into Rainbow's body, which sends her across the street. After the attack, Rainbow gets up and angrily faces the huntress. "All right, Red Riding Hood, you wanna go!" Rainbow said as she taps into the magic of her Geode of Loyalty and pony-ups, growing her wings and pony ears. Once she transformed, she gets into a fighting stance with a smile on her face. "Lets go."

F I G H T ! ! !

The two girls charge towards each other, with Ruby doing a spin attack with her scythe, trying to slice down her opponent. Rainbow immediately took to the skies to avoid the attack and then flies towards the huntress to deliver a punch to her face.

Ruby was taken back by Rainbow's punch, but she stood her ground and continuously, swipes Crescent Rose at the Wondercolt. Rainbow does her best to dodge her attacks and try to land a blow, but the huntress had kept her at a distance. Ruby then takes aim with her scythe and then fires rounds at Dash.

Rainbow sees the shots coming and quickly invades every single one of them. Ruby continues firing at her target before her clip finally runs out. Dash sees this chance and runs towards the huntress, then delivers a swift kick to the gut, which sends Ruby 20 yards away. Rainbow then takes off into the air again and chases after the huntress.

Ruby quickly recovers from the attack and later sees Rainbow Dash coming from the air. With quick thinking, Ruby then replaces the clip to her weapon, which contains gravity dust rounds, aims Crescent Rose at the ground and fires. Sending her straight into the air, right towards Rainbow.

Rainbow Dash sees the huntress actually coming towards her from the ground. Which initially shocks the athlete very much.

"What the? How did you did that?" She asked just when she was forced to maneuver when Ruby was inches away from slicing her with Crescent Rose. And every time the huntress was slowly falling, she uses her gravity dust rounds to keep her in the air and aiming at Dash.

The two combatants were locked in arial combat, and both were too fast for the other to land a blow. Rainbow tries to end the fight by tackling Ruby and then plummeting the two straight to the ground. The two landed in the dirt with intensive force, leaving both of them a bit bruised and scratches all over their bodies.

The force of the ground impact, made Ruby lose her hold on her weapon and drop it. The huntress slowly gets up from the small crater that was made from their fall; however, before she could retrieve her weapon, Rainbow Dash comes out of nowhere and socks her in the face.

Ruby staggers from the attack before Rainbow then knees her in the gut. As the CHS Wondercolt was going for another punch, the huntress catches it and then delivers a jab to Dash's face.

Soon the two went at it for minutes, punching, kicking, and dodging each other's blow. Ruby then takes control of the battle by using her semblance, she transforms into a wisp of roses speeding around Dash and suddenly duplicates another rose wisps. Rainbow is left confuse on which of the rose wisps were the huntress, and then in a desperate action, she then took off into the air and then flied in a circle, faster and faster, creating a tornado.

The strong winds of the tornado blew away the rose petals that were formed by Ruby's semblance, clearing away the fake duplicates. Soon after, Rainbow looks around to see if her bold move worked, and it did. Ruby was out in the open and she has regained Crescent Rose.

"Ha! Looks like your rose petal thing didn't work." Rainbow taunted the huntress.

"Or maybe that you ain't so smart." Ruby taunted back as she takes aim with Crescent Rose in rifle mode, and fires a bunch of rounds at the flying high schooler. Rainbow quickly maneuvers to avoid the bullets fired at her and after that she begins to dive bomb towards the huntress down below.

As she dive bombs, Rainbow's speed kept getting faster and faster, until she made her Sonic Rainboom. Which both stunned and awed Ruby, which also distracts her as Rainbow slams into her full force of the Rainboom. Dust and dirt shoot out from the impact which creates a crater.

Rainbow slowly gets up from the impact and looks around the small crater to see if the huntress was still around. After a full minute, she starts felt prideful that her opponent was defeated.

"Huh, guess I was too cool for her." Rainbow said, just when she heard a few gunshots and soon felt her whole body covered in ice. "W-what!" She said in shock.

"Think again, Skittles." Ruby spoke out to the rainbow-haired teen; who had survived from Rainbow's full on collision. As Rainbow tries to break free of her icy prison, Ruby starts to run in circles around the Wondercolts. Possibly much faster than Rainbow had anticipated.

The huntress's speed soon creates a tornado, a very powerful one that it begins to lift the frozen teen up into the air.

Ruby soon reaches the top of the tornado and then ready Crescent Rose for its final attack. Soon the huntress begins to spin around and around, faster than she would have and then shot towards Rainbow who was caught in the vortex of the tornado.

As the distance between the two shorten and shorten each second, Ruby then delivers her final swing and cleaves the ice the high schooler was trapped in and Rainbow in half.

Ruby then touches the ground and the tornado she created had began to disperse. After the huntress takes a few deep breathes from her exhausting fight, Rainbow's two halves of her body fell to the ground behind Ruby. The huntress turn towards the amputated corpse of her opponent, with a angered yet sadden expression on her face.

"You made me do this," She said.

K O ! ! !

A scene is shown with Ruby Rose digging up a grave for Rainbow Dash, showing her one final act of respect. And another scene is shown with the 6 remaining Rainbooms, team WBY, JNPR and the entire crowd of students watch a news video on their phones ( or scrolls in RWBY case), which revealed the conflict between Rainbow and Ruby go down and the brutal ending to it, which made them all shocked.

"Whoa! That was a little brutal for Ruby. Looks like the Rainbooms are gonna need a new 7th member." Boomstick said.

"While Rainbow's skills and athleticism were enough to keep her in the fight, but Ruby's abilities and arsenal were far more effective and versatile than you might think." Wiz stated.

"Ruby's semblance was enough to overwhelm Rainbow, especially in a one-on-one fight. Also Ruby had way more combat experience than Rainbow and was a better strategist in the field." Kiryu explained.

"Also Ruby had a weapon and Rainbow didn't, so that was the obvious advantage." Boomstick added.

"But lets put weapons and strategies aside, and compare the power output of the two fighters. While Ruby could run up to Mach 6 speeds; however, when using the Sonic Rainboom as a boost, Rainbow can run up to Mach 10, which is twice faster than Ruby." Wiz explained.

"So when it came to speed, it looks like Rainbow actually had the advantage," Boomstick said.

"Except it hardly matters, Ruby's power output outdid Rainbow throughout the fight. Even when scaling Ruby kicking a griffon through a ship's hull and comparing it to Rainbow's soccer ball kick feat; Ruby is almost 8,875x stronger than Rainbow." Kiryu pointed out the fighter's strength. "Also Ruby was a lot tougher than Rainbow; like how Ruby survived an explosion that was worth 12 tons of TNT and Rainbow was survived a force of 0.25 tons of TNT."

"Damn! So it just goes to show that Rainbow just couldn't stand up to Ruby; she was just too strong, too tough, too experience, and 20% more cooler. Ruby was just a... Dash away to victory." Boomstick punned.

"The winner is Ruby Rose." Kiryu said.

Season 1 Finale: Sunset Shimmer vs Tai Lung

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“Woohoo! It’s finally the Season 1 finale. Time to celebrate!” Boomstick shouted with Joy while opening a can of beer.

“No time to celebrate, Boomstick. We still have an episode to do.” Wiz stated to his co-host.

“C’mon Wiz, let him celebrate the moment. Besides it’s been a long season. So we might as well celebrate.” Kiryu assured the scientist as she had her arm around him.

“Well... I guess we could celebrate. Hey Boomstick, hand me a beer, would you?.” Wiz asked.

“Coming at ya buddy!” Boomstick replied as he tossed Wiz a beer.

The scientist opens up the cap and takes a taste, his face tensed up from the taste. “Damn that’s strong.” He said, causing Kiryu to giggle quietly to avoid him hearing her.

“A toasts to one hell of a season.” Boomstick spoke. His two co-hosts both cheered with him as they celebrated before the episode was about to start.

"In many universes, we have seen all kinds of relationships. Such as relations between friends, soulmates, and families. But in some major universes; like Star Wars for example; the relationship that is well known is between student and master." Wiz explained.

"And in most universes, the student would always end up turning to the dark side. Like Sunset Shimmer, the first and former student of Princess Celestia." Boomstick introduced the first combatant.

"And Tai Lung, the adoptive son and former student of Master Shifu." Kiryu introduced the second combatant.

"To ensure this to be a fair fight, we'll only be focusing on the abilities that both fighters possess on their own. Meaning we won't be including any magical artifacts they stole from others; so in Sunset's case we will not be including Twilight's Crown or her Demon Form; sorry." Wiz mentioned to the fans.

"He's Wiz, she's Kiryu, and I'm Boomstick." Boomstick said.

"And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills, to find out who would win a Death Battle!" Kiryu proclaimed.

"Wow, she's getting the hang of it." Wiz spoke.

"Yeah, a whole season would do that to ya." Boomstick replied.


"Sunset Shimmer, you all know and love her; well at least after her first appearance in the Equestria Girls Universe." Wiz said.

"Yeah, cause in her beginnings, she was kinda a, like how everyone at CHS puts it; the school's biggest meanie." Boomstick. "Hell, she was even in the school year book for that."


"But as we know, Sunset didn't start out that way. As a unicorn filly growing up in her original home-world, the land of Equestria, Sunset's talent in her magic was so impressive that it even impressed Princess Celestia herself." Kiryu explained.

"You all know who she is, the solar princess who misjudges others and sits her butt on her throne all day; and is also a cake addict." Boomstick stated.

"Thanks for that information, Boomstick. Anyway, after an impressive display in a magic test, Princess Celestia took Sunset on as her personal protégé and taught her how to harness and control her magic." Wiz said.

"She went on training the young unicorn until, like a lot of teachers in fiction, end up doing something the student was not ready for." Boomstick added.

"One day, Celestia decided to show Sunset a powerful artifact that she had kept under lock for many years. One that will change her fate for the worst. A magic mirror." Kiryu stated.

"Mirror, mirror, on the wall, why am I still here?" Boomstick asked, sarcastically.

"This mirror showed Sunset what she believed to be her destiny. She saw herself as a powerful princess. An equal to Celestia; if not, her superior. So after that impactful moment, she goes to the Celestia and demands that she be made a princess. Celestia refused and Sunset was her student no longer." Wiz exclaimed.

"So after she was disowned by her teacher and forbidden to enter the royal palace, Sunset returned the mirror and instantly jumped into it. There Sunset arrived into a new world. A strange world with a race of aliens called... Humans." Kiryu said.

"Dun dun duuuuuuun!... So yeah somewhere out there we got a unicorn pony walking around." Boomstick stated.

"You would be correct, Boomstick. But after entering the human world, Sunset was no longer a unicorn. She too had become a human." Wiz mentioned

"..... How?!" Boomstick asked in disbelief.

"Magic, Boomstick. Magic." Wiz replied.

"And after entering this strange world, Sunset soon learned that she could not return home. At least not for another 30 moons." Kiryu stated.

"Uhhhh..." Boomstick said with confusion.

"Two and half years, you idiot." Kiryu answered him simply.

"Oh, thank you." Boomstick replied.

"During this time, she went to Canterlot High School where she became, in a way, its ruler." Wiz said.

"I couldn't be a ruler in my home, so I'll take over a high school from another world. Yeah that'll be just as good as a kingdom." Boomstick responded with sarcasm in his voice.

"Later after 30 moons, Sunset found Celestia's new student, Twilight Sparkle became a princess. She returned to her home and stole her crown." Kiryu mentioned.

"So after stealing the crown, then losing the crown, both of them went to the human world to get the crown back. One of them should gotten Spongebob to help. He could get the crown back." Boomstick jokes a bit.

"In the end, Twilight and human versions of friends, they faced off with Sunset. And thanks to the magic of friendship, they not only defeat Sunset, but reformed her as well." Wiz stated.

"Blast someone in the face with a fucking rainbow and they become your friend. Because why not?" Boomstick replied sarcastically.

"After her defeat and had been dethroned from her title as the Queen Bee of CHS, Sunset was sadden with regret of what she had done to others and vowed to change her ways and make up for everything she did. Of course her road to redemption and forgiveness was long and hard." Kiryu explains.

"And along her journey, she would come across many other magic wielding villains. But luckily she has her friends and new magical abilities to overcome them." Wiz stated.



"Even though she started as a newest member in the Humane 7, but as time went on, Sunset has shown incredible skills of leadership and has been the voice of reason in the group when in difficult situations like the Battle of the Bands and Camp Everfree." Wiz said.

"And like Rainbow Dash, Sunset has her own geode; the Geode of Empathy as the fandom calls it. But instead of it giving her the super speed like Dash's; Sunset's geode gives her the ability to read people's minds and see their memories. Don't bother trying to hide your secrets from her, cause not even Sunset knows how to turn it off when she doesn't like to hear what she doesn't want to know. And with the geode, she can transform into 2-separate forms, such as her Pony-Up form and her Crystal Guardian form; both which doubles her physical abilities and magic power." Boomstick stated Sunset's geode's abilities. "But that's not the only ability it provides her. As it was shown in a music video, starring her, Sunset can shoot magic beams and lightning out of her own hands!"

"Also, while she may be a high school student, Sunset also knows how to hold her own in a fight, especially in hand-to-hand combat." Kiryu mentioned. "She's also strong as well, like the time she once crushed a skull made of coal; which turned into a diamond; with her bare hands. In order to do this, Sunset must have applied 11.19 MegaJoules of Energy, which is equivalent to 0.0027 tons of TNT."

"Damn! Who knew Sunset was so strong." Boomstick replied.

"But that is child's play when she pony-up. Her power increases more than her original power output alone." Kiryu added. "And the greatest feat is when she and her friends use their magic to create a massive explosion which blow apart the massive tree dorm that surrounds Camp Everfree. By measuring the height of the surrounding pine trees, the size of the dome and the size of the blast. The explosion must be equivalent to 11.9 Kilotons of TNT. But since we're focusing on Sunset, we had to divide the explosion by 7; which are her friends and her. Which means that Sunset, alone, is capable of exerting 1.7 Kilotons of Energy."

Boomstick was too shocked to say anything.

"Not only that, Sunset once even dodge a blast from her former rival; Midnight Sparkle. And we did close inspection to the scene in Friendship Games; with the blast having the qualities of being actual lasers, the blast took 2 seconds to reach their target. So by using that time result and determining the reaction speed; Sunset must have reacted at a speed of 335,308,214 MPH. Which is about 50% the Speed of Light." Wiz said

"Holy shit! She's that fast?! What else does this bacon haired chick have." Boomstick asked. "Oh wait, I can think of something. Like how in the first movie of Equestria Girls, Sunset once took a magic blast to the face, which formed a big crater in the school yard. By measuring the size of the crater and the explosion itself; the blast is worth over 40 tons of TNT."

"But Sunset's most powerful magic of all, is the Magic of Friendship. Of course, she does need her friends to use this power; however, in the events of the Friendship Games; Sunset can call upon the Magic of Friendship and use it on her own. And when she does, she transforms into her most powerful form: Daydream Shimmer." Kiryu said.

"Daydream Shimmer? Whoever made up that name is a pure genius! Anyway, in this form, Sunset becomes a freakin goddess! Her magic and physical capabilities are increased exponentially, and she's even powerful enough to match Midnight Sparkle, the EgG villain who is powerful enough to literally break holes through the boundaries of reality across dimensions!" Boomstick said.


"With all this power in her fingertips, Sunset has accomplished many amazing feats over the course of the Equestria Girls series. She's defeated numerous magic villains, saved her school countless times, risk losing her memories to protect her friends, and also she returned to Equestria for the 3rd time and made amends with Princess Celestia." Wiz stated.

"Yeah, while Sunset seems to be a strong-willed, powerful high school girl; however she does have a few downsides." Kiryu mentioned.

"Yeah, she has troubles containing in her anger and would unknowingly take it out on others. But that also leads into her other great weakness. After being defeated at the Fall Formal and showed the error of her ways, Sunset is led to believe that she'll never live up to others' expectations and be the good person that her friends believe that she can be." Boomstick explained. "Dang, that's really tough for her. Someone needs to give this gal a hug and an extensive paid trip to Hawaii."

"But even with her self-doubt, Sunset Shimmer would always stand up and face any danger alongside her friends; no matter what comes in her way." Wiz said.

"True magic comes from honesty! Loyalty! Laughter! Generosity! Kindness! I understand you, Twilight, and I want to show you the most important magic of all..." Sunset destroys Sci-Twi's device and then transforms into Daydream Shimmer. "The Magic of Friendship!"


"Tai Lung has been known for many things. He was a student of Kung-Fu, the adoptive son of Master Shifu, and resides in the Jade Palace. But being passive and merciful, was never a fact about him" Wiz said.

"Yeah, if the phrase 'No more Mr.Nice Guy' rang anyone's bells? Well let's say that phrase perfectly fits Tai Lung's picture." Boomstick stated.


"Left at the threshold of the Jade Palace gates when he was a cub, Tai Lung was taken in and adopted by Master Shifu. The master cared and raised him as his own and lovingly trained him in the arts of Kung-Fu. As he trained and cared for the young cub, Shifu was fully convince that Tai Lung was the Dragon Warrior that was foretold in legend." Kiryu explained Tai Lung's early life.

"Awww, lucky bastard. I never got any of that from my dad. All I got was a sore cheek and him not even being a part of my life." Boomstick expresses his sad life.

Wiz and Kiryu didn't had the guts to reply towards his statement. "Okay then, over time, Tai Lung became proud and overly confident in his abilities, having mastered the Leopard Style of kung fu and advanced techniques such as nerve attacks, as well as all one-thousand scrolls of kung fu. Despite all his accomplishments, Tai Lung still sought the power of the Dragon Scroll and firmly believed he was the Dragon Warrior." Wiz said.

"But it was this overwhelming pride and lust for power that alerted Oogway of the darkness in Tai Lung's heart. And so the master of the Jade Palace, denied Tai Lung the title; which surprised and disappointed both Shifu and him. When Tai Lung look to his father for support; only to see that his father could not disobey his master's decision; which put Tai Lung through dismay." Kiryu added.

"Welcome to the club, Tai Lung, ole' buddy." Boomstick said to the Kung Fu snow leopard.


"Confused and outrage by this, Tai Lung went on a rampage on the Valley of Peace. And after that, he attempted to take the Dragon Scroll by force. But was stopped by Master Oogway before he could and was sent away to Chorh-Gom Prison. There, Tai Lung was chained and fitted with a restraining tortoise shell, with various acupuncture needles in crucial places along his back, keeping his chi blocked and making him almost fully immobile." Wiz stated.

"Damn! But that really wasn't gonna stop him cause 20 years later, Tai Lung got out. All by breaking a locking mechanism with nothing but a feather and his tail! Oh and beating up the 1,000 guards that were in the prison with him." Boomstick mentioned.

"His escape from the prison, really showed everyone how dangerous Tai Lung is." Kiryu added.


"After his escape, Tai Lung made his way towards the Jade Palace. Along the way he came across the Furious Five and fought them all at once. Even matching the strength of Tigress, who is powerful enough to destroy a large rock when she was younger. By measuring the size of the rock and calculating the force needed to shatter it. Tigress must have exerted 1,614,600,000 joules; equivalent to 0.39 tons of TNT." Wiz stated.

"Not only is Tai Lung is strong, he's also fast. Like the time he travelled up the stairs of the Jade Palace during the period of lightning. In the video it took around 2.5 seconds, and lightning bursts like that last for around 2 seconds apparently. So my using that time length and the length of the massive stairwell of the palace; Tai Lung must have traveled around 280.4 MPH." Kiryu explained.

"Also the big guy can take a hit, like the time he fought Po, who crashed him through multiple buildings without any visible damage, and the amount of force he took, is likely around the same ballpark with Tigress's rock shattering feat." Boomstick added. "Man this guy sounds unstoppable!"

"Well, really Boomstick. Tai Lung still has some major flaws. His overconfidence had gotten the better of him not once but three times. And he's mentally unstable, so should he be angry; he would become reckless and careless in battle. Which resulted in his demise by Po." Wiz explained.

"Well, the guy may be a bit loco in the head, but he's proven to all of China and the world, that he's one tough badass you don't want to mess with." Boomstick stated.

A scene is shown with Tai Lung jumping behind the Furious Five. "Shifu taught you well." He said as he disables Monkey with a nerve strike. "But he didn't teach you everything." He said again as he lunges at the remaining Furious Five members while growling.

"Alright the combatants are set and we run our data through all possibilities." Wiz said.

"Lets kick of this exciting match-up and end this long lasted debate, once and for all." Kiryu added.

Then it was left to Boomstick to start them off. "Its time for a DEATH BATTLLLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!"

It was a nice sunny day in Canterlot City, and another quiet day at Canterlot High. It was during lunch period and every student in the school was in the cafeteria, eating their lunch and conversing with friends. Well, except one of them.

Outside, sitting on the steps in front of the school, Sunset Shimmer is writing another message to Princess Twilight. To keep tabs with her since it's been awhile since they spoke to each other.

"Dear Princess Twilight,

How's life in Equestria? I bet it must be great for you, since you're now the Ruler of Equestria. I don't know, I guess I just want to keep in touch with you, since we never spoke to each other in... well, months. If you received this message, maybe you and I could hang out some time. Like the good old-"

Sunset paused in her writing when she heard a loud thud in front of her and felt a small shock wave that nearly pushed her off from her seat. After the bacon-haired girl gets herself up and sees Tai Lung, standing in a small crater, in front of her.

Surrounded by smoke, the leopard kung-fu master observed his surroundings and had a grim, yet calm look on his face while doing so.

"Well... This isn't the Valley of Peace. Seems the old wretch from outside of this village, gave me the wrong direction." He said to himself. As he observes the area he's in, he then hears Sunset's voice calling out to him.

"Hello, Is there anything I can help you with?" She asked.

Tai Lung turns around to face the CHS student, he doesn't have a very amusing look on his face as she stares down at her. "You there, what village is this? Where can I find my way to the Valley of Peace?" He asked with a commanding tone.

Sunset didn't really appreciate the kung-fu master's tone and approached him with caution.

"Well, Mr...... Uh..." Sunset tries to respond nicely.

"Tai Lung. A Kung-Fu master of the Jade Palace and the rightful Dragon Warrior." Tai Lung replied.

"Well then, Mr. Tai Lung." Sunset spoke, anxiously, as she was faced to face with the kung-fu leopard. “Since you're new around these parts, allow me to show you around and-” As soon as Sunset placed her hand on Tai Lung’s arm, her Mind Reading ability is then activated.

She soon sees all of Tai Lung’s memories and his past.. She was a bit happy to see how Tai Lung was raised by Master Shifu; however, that feeling went away when she saw his path to destruction and sorrow, pain and misery; but mostly, rage. And soon she sees all the horrible things he did and the many lives he’s hurt.

Seeing too much of this, Sunset immediately lets go of Tai Lung’s arm and breaths uncontrollably in shock. "Don't you have any shame for what you've done to those poor villagers and the torment you put them through?! Dragon Warrior, my foot. You're far from being that if all you do is lust for power. Trust me, you're better off giving up that selfish dream," she said.

Tai Lung was surprised that Sunset had knowledge of his past and the deeds he commited. "It seems you're no ordinary girl, my dear. I'm not sure how you figured it out, but now that you know, I'm afraid I can't let you live." Tai Lung said. The evil leopard took on a fighting stance, and then charged at Sunset, lunging at the highschooler while growling at her.

However, Sunset swiftly raises up her hand and soon a bright beam of golden light shoots out from her hand and stunned Tai Lung, sending him flying in the air.

The kung-fu master swiftly landed on his legs and paws, while staring hatefully and snarling at Sunset, as she grasped her Geode of Empathy and transformed her Pony-up form. She then gets into a battle stance as she and Tai Lung stare at each other.

“You should not have underestimated me.” She said.


Tai Lung charges in, striking at Sunset with intense ferocity, slashing and kicking from above and below, but she dodges and blocks all of his attacks. She retaliates with a swift light beam, but Tai Lung backs away in time to avoid the blast. Sunset shoots out artificial lighting at her corrupt adversary.

He dodges most of the attacks, but gets grazed by a few of them. He's knocked off balance, but recovers and charges again.

He delivers swift high flying kicks and strikes at the high schooler, Sunset dodges the majority of them until one of Tai Lung’s kicks landed a blow into her abdomen and sent her flying across the school grounds.

Sunset lands harshly into the pavement, but immediately gets up from the attack and faces off with Tai Lung as he draws closer to her with his claws out. Sunset dodges him by jumping to the side. Tai Lung gains his ground and turns to Sunset, who surprises him with a kick to the face.

Tai Lung growls in anger as he continuously throws many kicks and punches at the bacon-haired girl, who effortlessly dodges the leopard’s attacks while taking a few hits from them.

Sunset then goes on the offensive and delivers several kicks and punches of her own. Being the more experienced fighter, Tai Lung blocks and dodges her attacks and retaliates by doing the same. But unbeknownst to the kung-fu master, everytime Sunset’s hand touches his skin, she sees his memories and thoughts, allowing her to see his attacks before he could throw them.

Soon, Tai Lung realizes that his opponent was keeping up with his fight pattern and matching his speed. The two combatants traded blow for blow, Sunset taking much of Tai Lung’s brute force in his strong punches; and Tai Lung took many of Sunset’s small magic blasts and quick attacks.

Tai Lung then yells in anger as he forcefully pushes Sunset, sending her flying and crashing into the Canterlot High statue. As Sunset slowly regains consciousness, Tai Lung runs at her on all fours, growling with rage. Right when he was just 2 feet from her, Sunset regains consciousness and immediately rolls out of the way, just as Tai Lung makes a rough impact right into the statue’s base.

The rogue kung-fu master gets up from his forceful crash and stares at Sunset, who was facing towards him with an exhausted look on her face.

"Impressive reflexes… but it won't save you here," Tai Lung then charges at Sunset quickly and uses his signature Nerve Strike.

Every nerve in Sunset’s body was numb, instantly. She fell to the ground, unable to move her limbs as she stared helplessly towards her opponent.

“Seems that you’re now at the mercy of my hand.” Tai Lung boasted. “What ever shall you do?” He said as he stomped harshly into Sunset’s side. She grunts as her evil foe continues to humiliate and abuse her.

Right as Sunset was losing her will to go on, she then hears several voices calling out to her. They were the voices of her friends.

"Come on, Sunset! You can do it!" Twilight's voice called out.

"Hang in there, sugarcube!" Applejack's voice called out.

"Go for it, Sunset!" Rainbow's voice echoed.

"We believe in you, Sunset!" Fluttershy's voice echoed.

"Don't give up, darling!" Rarity's voice rang inside her head.

"Show him true strength, Sunset!!!" Pinkie called out to her.

Hearing the voices of her friends, slowly restores Sunset’s will to fight on. Soon streams of magic aura, each in different colors like a rainbow, forces Tai Lung off of Sunset and from into a large ball of white light. Tai Lung watches as Sunset is levitated up from the ground and into the massive magic sphere.

He shields his eyes as the light grew brighter and brighter until it finally ceased. As it did, Tai Lung turns to where he last saw Sunset, only to see her hovering above the ground and transforming into her most powerful form: Daydream Shimmer.

Daydream stares down at her foe, with a serious look on her face.

“You believe that power is the only thing that’ll aid you to achieve your goals.” She said with a commanding tone of voice. “Well… You’re wrong.”

"Impossible! No one could recover from an attack from the Nerve Strike! How can this be?" Tai Lung asked, staring in disbelief.

“You may be a skilled fighter and you may have more experience than I could have. But I have something that you never took into account. A power far stronger than any power you seek…. The Magic Of Friendship.” Daydream stated.

"How cheesy," Tai Lung cringed. Sunset aimed her palms at Tai Lung and blasted him with a strong energy blast. Which indefinitely sends Tai Lung soaring through the air and crashing into the earth, creating a long, deep crater.

After the strong blast, Tai Lung tries to get up, despite his critical injuries. But before he could get up completely, Daydream Shimmer teleports right in front of him and grabs at his neck. Then later, she spins round with supernatural speed and with massive force, she tosses the leopard 50ft straight into the air.

Tai Lung yelled in fright as he was flying into the air, then after a few seconds, he then began to fall straight to where Sunset was standing. As he fell, Tai Lung then decided to dive towards his opponent, attempting to deliver one final strike to end her.

But as he was falling, Daydream lifted herself into the air and then brought her hands together to form a magic sphere in between them. As Tai Lung was drawing closer, Sunset then brings her hands up towards the falling kung-fu master and then unleashes her most powerful attack she could give.

It sped towards Tai Lung like a speeding missile and instantly, engulfs and incenerates him down to the last living cell in his body until nothing remains.

"How sad. If only you learned what true martial arts and what true power… was all about," Daydream Shimmer said.

Soon she starts to hear sounds of cheering and shouting behind her. Daydream turns around and sees all her classmates and including her friends, standing by the front entrance of the school. Clapping and cheering for her.

Seeing her friends cheering for her and clapping for her, brought a warm smile to her face.


"DAMN!!! That the most AWESOME fight I've ever seen! The chick's got some serious kicks!" Boomstick complimented.

“There was a lot going on here, while Tai Lung had the most combat experience and is a well skilled fighter, so it would have scored him a victory. However Sunset had him outclassed in everything else.” Wiz stated.

“Sunset had all the advantages needed to take Tai Lung out. Her mind reading abilities allow her to see into Tai Lung’s thoughts and predict his attacks before he could unleash them. Also when it came to speed, Sunset was over 17.5 million times faster than Tai Lung. And when it came to durability, Sunset withstood an explosion worth 40 tons of TNT in the first Equestria Girls Movie, while Tai Lung can withstand a force that is equivalent to his own attacks. So surprisingly, Sunset is tough enough to take all of his punishment.” Kiryu explained.

“But durability and speed aside, we still need to compare both combatants’ power output. And obviously, that advantage goes to Sunset. By taking her dome destruction feat and comparing that to Tigress’s rock destruction feat; Sunset Shimmer is 4,360x more powerful than Tai Lung.” Wiz said.

“This bacon haired high schooler, is on a whole different level than the kung-fu leopard. And soon as she called upon the Friendship Magic and reached her full potential, Tai Lung just didn’t have any skills or badass moves to prevent the inevitable.” Boomstick added.

“Tai Lung may have been a serious and difficult opponent to take on; but was ultimately outmatched by Sunset’s speed, magic abilities, durability, and awesome power.” Wiz stated.

“Yeah, it looks like Sunset had traveled a ‘lung’ way to ‘shimmering’ victory.” Boomstick punned.

"Ugh! I swear I should punch you for that cheesy joke," Kiryu said.

"The winner is Sunset Shimmer," Wiz said.

Author’s Note: FiMFiction Death Battle Season 2

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Hello my fellow Bronies and Pega-Sisters, since now season 1 of FiMFiction Death Battle has come and passed. It’s time for season 2, and I’m gonna go all-out; more action, more carnage, more of Boomstick’s lame puns.

And if you like, feel free to PM any battle commissions you wish to see in the future. But right now here’s a first look into the FiMFiction Death Battle Season 2 Premier.

Mandalorian vs Abyss Spike

Star Wars The Mandalorian vs Revenge of the Shadow Pony

S2; Ep1: The Mandalorian vs Abyss Spike

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"WE'RE BAAAAAAAAACK!!!!!" Boomstick shouts, loudly.

"I think they get the picture, Boomstick," Wiz said.

"Hey, I just want the audience to know. They can't get enough of the entertainment we give them." Boomstick stated.

"Yes, we are very entertaining. And we aim to please." Kiryu responded.

"That's very true, Kiryu. Now let's get started." Wiz proclaimed.

"Sometimes we all have legacies to live up to and when it comes to legends, those are pretty big shoes to fill in," Wiz stated.

"Believe us, readers. We tried." Boomstick whispers to the audience.

"But for these two fighters, they follow their destinies and walk their paths of fate," Kiryu said.

"Din Djarin; the rouge Mandalorian from the Star Wars." Wiz introduced the first combatant.

"And Abyss Spike, the corrupted Shadow King of Equestria." Boomstick introduced the 2nd combatant.

"He's Wiz, she's Kiryu and I'm Boomstick!" He introduced himself and his fellow co-hosts.

"And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills. To find out who would win, a DEATH BATTLE!" Wiz said.


"For thousands of years, the Jedi Knights were the peacekeepers of the galaxy and the Galactic Republic. An order of sorcerors who wields powerful energy that flows through all living things and everywhere in the universe; which is known as the Force," Wiz said.

"Yeah, these Jedi are pretty powerful; some could throw a fleet of star destroyers from planetary orbit, while some could keep a planet from going kaboom, while others can move black holes with a thought. Man, who could stand up to these guys?" Boomstick stated.

"Besides other force wielders like Sith Lords, there was one other group who had the guts to take on the Jedi, these were creed of warriors called Mandalorians," Kiryu explained.

"The Mandalorians were a proud group of fighters who lived in the heart of the battle. For many years, they would come into conflict with the Jedi Knights, only later to fight each other in a civil war, and soon fall to the merciless occupation of the Galactic Empire, which forced any remaining Mandalorians to go into hiding." Wiz said.

"Until after the fall of the Empire, the Mandalorians were now able to come out of hiding, but only one at a time. Since they swore secrecy from all across the galaxy, as a means to survive. They even took upon awesome careers such as bounty hunting to provide for their foundlings. While these were badass fighters who continue to be tales and myths, only one of them became a legend." Boomstick

A scene is shown from the first episode of the Disney Orginal series The Mandalorian, where the Mandalorian (Din Djarin) enters a bar with everyone inside staring at him in silence as he walks in.


"This is Din Djarin, or has everyone preferably called him; The Mandalorian. As a child, Djarin grew up in the treacherous times of the Clone Wars - which was the most memorable conflict in Star Wars history - and it wasn't before long until the war made it to his home village." Wiz explained about Mando's early life.

"Yeah, cause for some unknown reason, Separatist battle droids invaded and blow up the buildings in the village as they marched; killing everyone that was in the area, including his parents," Boomstick added.

"But fortunately for Djarin, he was saved and rescued by a Mandalorian terrorist organization known as "Death Watch". With his parents killed, his only family since then were the Mandalorians. Under their care and supervision, he quickly learned to accept their way of life and customs. He learned to fight, to kill, and survive, and he would soon earn his Mandalorian armor and since then, he's never taken off his helmet in front of any other living being, as the Tribe's code says that if he did, he would not be allowed to put it back on ever again." Kiryu stated.

"And with his training complete and receiving his armor, Djarin transformed into the badass that the galaxy remembers as the Mandalorian - or Mando for short - and that's all they call him by since he never told anybody his name. Hell, even he has forgotten his name. But unfortunately for Djarin, he graduated Mandalorian High School a little too late, just in time for the rise of the Empire." Boomstick said.

"Becoming a bounty hunter like so many other Mandalorians, Din's name was only ever used by members of the Tribe, and his identity was known to only a few. He worked for the Bounty Hunters Guild and soon became its legendary member, collecting reward after reward from the most profitable jobs." Wiz explained Djarin's career.

"And eventually, his skills and experience were put to the test when he takes up a job from an Imperial client. He was to recover a mysterious asset and return it to the officer; alive, though he would soon learn that the object in question was a mere child." Kiryu said.

"And this was no ordinary child, this was a force-sensitive child and is the same species as Jedi master, Yoda! And so the Star Wars fandom dubbed this cute little guy as... Baby Yoda." Boomstick proclaimed.

"That's... Kinda too easy of a name to give." Wiz questioned.

"Hey, it's a fitting name. Just go with it!" Boomstick rebutted.

"Anyway, after delivering the child to the client and receiving a complete upgrade with his armor. Djarin was nearly close to leaving for another job but soon felt a deep feeling in his soul; guilt and worry." Kiryu proclaimed.

"So he decided to rescue Baby Yoda from the client... While beating the shit out of stormtroopers along the way! While using his badass weapons and gear known throughout the galaxy." Boomstick said with excitement.


"As all Mandalorians, Djarin has a bunch of tools and equipment for any outcome in a fight. His vambraces come with a fibrecord whip launcher which allows him to catch and ensnare targets, even be used to climb vertical surfaces. And like Jango and Boba Fett, his vambraces also have mounted flamethrowers that can spray fire in a 5-meter cone; and easily melt through Stormtrooper armor. Also, his vambraces are mounted with Whistling Birds; small guided projectiles, which hone in on targets in the vicinity before killing them with miniature explosions. " Wiz explained.

"But if he wants a bigger explosion, he's equipped with sticky bombs that can attach to any surface. A single one is capable of obliterating walls and destroying the head of an AT-ST walker. Used two of them to damage a TIE fighter and make it crash, making them roughly comparable to thermal detonators. And he also possesses flash charges, which are devices that fire flares which release flashes of blinding light; which can be useful as distractions to blind snipers" Kiryu added.

"But if he prefers to take out his targets from a distance, Djarin brings out his heavy blaster pistol which he wields like an expert marksman that he is. Which is capable of piercing droid armor that is normally blaster proof. And if he wants more firepower, he's got his Amban pulse sniper rifle. What's sweet about this baby is that with a single shot, it can disintegrate humanoid targets such as Trandoshans and possesses a taser function, electrocuting enemies when attacking them with the two prongs extending from the barrel. It's a deadly combo of total annihilation and Mother of all bitchslaps." Boomstick explained.

"And if he wants to get right up close, he's got his Vibor-knife, which is capable of piercing objects normally immune to blasters, such as the hide of a Mudhorn or blaster-proof droid armor. And he's also has a spear completely forged from pure Beskar; allowing him to hold his own against lightsaber wielder." Kiryu said.

"And why do we keep speaking of droids? Well, it's confirmed from the beginning of the series that Djarin has deep hate towards droids. I mean seriously, this dude hates them so much." Boomstick added.

"But it's not the weapons that make a warrior, for Djarin has skills and mindset that makes him a warrior."




As we have seen in the series, Djarin's strength and speed are nothing to be overlooked. His strength would be comparable to Trandoshans and Wookies. He's staggered a Blurrg beast with only a few punches, knocked out a mercenary with a single strike, and has even gone toe-to-toe with Burg, who can lift and toss security droids like rag dolls." Boomstick said.

"His speed is also baffling. He once caught up to Jawa Sandcrawler, outran an Imperial AS-ST walker, capable of keeping up with Death Troopers in melee; who were trained to be beyond human, and he even reacted to a bypassing Imperial TIE fighter, which can reach Mach 1 speeds. And not only that, his skills as a marksman are incredible; he can draw both his blaster and rifle faster than four Imperial Stormtroopers, and he can aim and accurately shoot his target while they had their aiming sights on him." Kiryu explained.

"While strength and speed are what makes him a deadly bounty hunter; however, his durability is what truly shocks all the Star Wars fans. Back before he received his Beskar, he took a blast from a heavy blaster rifle while he was wearing his weaker Durasteel armor. Survived being electrocuted by a volley of Jawa blasters, survived a fall from the top of Jawa Sandcrawler, survived being battered around by a Mudhorn, tanked shots from an MK sniper rifle while wearing his Beskar armor, and he even survived being in the center of an explosion that originated from a heavy repeating cannon design to penetrate Beskar. And from what we have seen in the show that beskar was tough enough to survive a blast from a starship cannon." Wiz stated.

"Damn! Who can stop this guy?" Boomstick asked.

"Not many. Throughout his years, Djarin has proven to be a quick and capable strategist. Capable of using all of his tools in useful ways and come up with basic plans on the fly, though they all mostly compose of improvising following the initial step. And he's an excellent stealth expert; capable of infiltrating various facilities, including secret Imperial hideouts and the New Republic ships, and can appear to vanish from one position only to one way or another reappear behind the victim." Kiryu proclaimed.

"My God... he's like freakin' Star Wars Batman!" Boomstick stated.

"In a way... yes," Wiz replied.


"Throughout his career, Djarin has accomplished many feats. He's defeated a group of thugs in seconds, fought off a Ravinak, defeated a band of mercenaries, slain a Mudhorn, infiltrated an imperial compound, fought off the entire Bounty Hunter Guild, help defend a village from raiders, tracked down and captured an elite mercenary, infiltrated a New Republic prison ship, and went toe-to-toe with Moff Gideon's TIE Fighter." Wiz said.

Damn! This guy sounds unstoppable!" Boomstick said with excitement.

"Not entirely, Boomstick. Djarin does have some faults. For starters, his distrustfulness of droids weighs him down in any situation; however, he soon learned to trust them after IG-11's reprogramming and his sacrifice to ensure the child's safety. Also, his Mandalorian code forbids him to remove his helmet in front of a living thing, which means he'd rather die than receive medical attention if it meant removing it." Kiryu stated.

"To be honest, Kiryu... That's a hardcore way to go out." Boomstick added.

"But even with his faults, Djarin has proven and shown the entire galaxy that he truly earned his name and title as the Mandalorian," Wiz said.

"Listen, I can get you more credits..." the Mythrol target tries to bargain his way out, but Mando wasn't buying.

"I can bring you in warm," Mando said while he moved his hand towards and grasped his heavy blaster pistol. "Or I can bring you in cold."


"Out of all the characters in the MLP series, what is the one character that we can sympathize with?" Wiz asked

"The Cutie Mark Crusaders?" Kiryu said.

"No," Wiz replied.

"Fluttershy?" Boomstick suggested. Not that he's biased by this fact cause he's a Fluttershy fan by heart.

"Close, but no. The character that the MLP fandom can all sympathize with, is Spike the Dragon." Wiz said.

"Ohhhhhh." Kiryu and Boomstick said, simultaneously.

"While throughout the series, Spike has been the one non-pony character that everyone can respect and have in common with," Wiz stated.

"Mostly because Spike has been abused and degraded over the whole series, but proven that he's one tough and bright young fellow," Boomstick said

"But that's in the canon universe of MLP, when in a different universe; everything that Spike was known for, has been altered," Kiryu stated.

"In this universe, the Mane Six and Spike were setting up some kind of festival between the union of dragons and griffons, until an incident happened that involved a gem statue being cracked in half, which was just a harmless accident. But in a surprise twist, Spike was blamed for it... By the pony who took care of him!" Boomstick shouted.

"Which was the most lack of character for Twilight, which goes to show how completely different this universe is and how everything turned for the worst after that incident," Kiryu added.


"After being banished by Twilight and her friends for a crime he didn’t commit, Spike stumbles across a malachite crystal heart in a deep cavern. Lured by its hypnotizing beauty, the heart grafts itself onto the dragon’s chest and becomes one with him, granting him abilities given to Stygian, the Pony of Shadow’s former host." Wiz stated.

"And then later, he became the new Pony of Shadows! Or Dragon of Shadows if you like to call him by," Boomstick stated.

"Using his newfound abilities, Spike assembles an army of various species and begins his campaign against the entire Kingdom of Equestria, taking every last city and resource after establishing himself as the King of Shadow of Equestria," Wiz added.

"The dark being that corrupted him and provided his newfound powers was known as The Abyss or Ooze simply, a dark parasitic essence that is the total opposite of light and Harmony and wants nothing more than to consume and corrupt everything in its path," Kiryu explained.


"For his abilities, Spike has his natural dragon physicality. He can breathe fire and lift heavy objects with ease. But with the Ooze, he's gained more abilities that make him all the more terrifying." Wiz explained.

"He can shapeshift his limbs into multiple forms of weaponry and can manipulate the Ooze on his body in various ways; such as separated it from his body and use it to corrupt and manipulate anyone that comes into contact with it, including having them experience hallucinations," Kiryu stated.

"That's not all! He can even duplicate himself with the power of the Ooze and create black holes by tearing time and space with his bare claws!" Boomstick added.

"And even if the Malachite Crystal Heart were to be separated from Spike's chest, the Ooze can still move on its own and is capable of possessing any opponent who defeated the young dragon," Wiz said

"So basically this evil entity is hard to put down, even when you blast it with a shotgun," Boomstick commented.

"And it doesn't steer away from that he's also a clever strategist; able to outmaneuver his opponents whenever he wants," Kiryu added.


"During his evil reign of terror, the Abyss/Spike have nearly accomplished their goals. They went toe-to-toe and defeated powerful foes like Discord, the Royal Princesses, and the Mane Six. Rallied over various species into a massive army. Dominated and conquered Equestria, destroyed the Crystal Empire, and the worst acts he ever committed; he broke the will of the Mane Six... and gotten them all killed." Wix explained.

"Wait!? Even Fluttershy?!" Boomstick asked.

"Even Fluttershy," Wix replied.


Wiz and Kiryu were extremely stunned and a bit frightened by Boomstick's angry outburst. "Whoa, I never saw him this angry before?" Kiryu said.

"Neither have I," Wiz replied while Boomstick continues to throw a tantrum.


"But It soon it was eventually that Spike's tyranny had come to an end when the Oozes' weakness had been discovered; which was fire and electricity. Which Starlight and Tempest Shadow used to defeat him." Wiz stated.

"HaHa! Serves him right! That's what happens to Fluttershy killers, they get f***ed!" Boomstick commented.

"Anyway, Spike had also revealed serval faults to his frightening appearance. For starters, he lets anger cloud his judgment and makes him unable to strategize his battles. Also if the Malachite Crystal Heart were to shatter, the Ooze, along with Spike and everything it corrupted, would die with it." Kiryu explained.

"While I have a lot of hate towards the little guy now, but I cannot hate him normally when it was stated that Spike had no memory of ever being possessed when he was freed of the Ooze. I guess everything turned out ok for him; even if he is responsible for the destruction of Equestria and the massacre of thousands of ponies, and even killed nearly all his friends and family. Damn, that's a lot of guilty things he's done." Boomstick said.

“AFTER EVERYTHING YOU DID TO ME… HUMILIATING ME… BELITTLING ME… AND ABUSING ME… YOU AND YOUR KIND WILL PAY FOR EVERYTHING!!!” Spike roared once again as he prepared to deal the final blow to Starlight.

"Alright the combatants are set and we run our data through all possibilities," Wiz said.

"It's time to see who will reign victorious, or be left lying lifeless in a ditch," Kiryu added.

"It's time for a DEATH BATTLLLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEE!!!!!" Boomstick shouted.

Outside the walls of Canterlot, the capital of the new Shadow Equestria. Mando's ship, Razor Crest lands somewhere hidden in the mountain where Canterlot is built upon. Inside the cockpit, Mando shuts down the engines of his ship and heads down into the cargo deck of his ship, and opens the entrance ramp of the ship to go find his target. But before he could leave, he notices the Child standing right beside him, which he realized that he wanted to go with him. But Mando knows too well that this world was too dangerous for him, so he picks up the Child in his hands and carries him to the hidden compartment in the ship, and places him inside.

"Alright, I'm gonna go out and take care of Guild work, so I need you to stay put and don't leave the ship," Mando instructed the Child, who looks at him with a curious expression. "I mean it, don't... leave... the ship," he said again before closing up the compartment, with the Child inside. After having the kid in a safe, secure place, Mando then opens up his weapons compartment and takes out the gear and equipment he needed. Once he did, he then exits out of his ship and closes the ramp entrance, and engaged ground security protocols to prevent anything from entering the ship. Then Mando makes his way towards the city.

Meanwhile, in the throne room of the royal palace, Abyss Spike sat quietly in his throne while two of his guards held a chained, beaten-up earth pony in front of him. The pony cried and wept for hours on end, begging for mercy. But the Shadow King was never about mercy and soon he ordered one of his guards to behead the pony in front of him.

"Clean up this mess and toss it with the others," He said. And soon his guards dragged the headless body away. Leaving the Shadow King alone in his throne room.

He sat quietly for minutes until he soon heard a commotion going on behind the doors into the throne room. And before he could get off his throne, the doors were slammed open, and then one of his guards was tossed through the doors and landed roughly on the ground and laid there lifelessly.

"What is the meaning of this?!" Abyss Spike asked in confusion and irritation of this intrusion. Before his eyes looked upwards towards the doors and see the Mandalorian stand silently in the doorway. "Who are you and how did you infiltrate my castle?" the Shadow King demanded, but Mando did not answer and proceeded to walk towards the corrupted dragon.

"Did you not hear me! I said what is your purpose here?!" Spike shouted in anger as Mando stopped about 10-feet away from the shadow dragon. The two locked eyes for a while until the Mandalorian reached towards his belt and pulled out a bounty puck in his hands and soon the puck projected a hologram of Spike's face. Soon the Shadow King got the picture of who was this intruder.

"So... You're a bounty hunter, aren't you?" He asked with an emotionless, snarled expression. "So that would mean someone has hired you to destroy me. Is that right?" He added again while getting up from his throne and staring down at the Mandalorian. "Why is the world always against me when I was the one is wronged!" He stated loudly.

"I can bring you in warm, or I can bring you in cold?" Mando replied after staying silent for the whole conversation while grasping his heavy blaster pistol in its holster. The two legends of two different universes were in a long quiet stand-off for a while, waiting for the other to make their first move.


Spike let out a battle cry as he leaps towards the Mandalorian, with his claws ready to skewer the rogue bounty hunter. But Mando evades the Shadow King by stepping to the side as Spike lands on the ground with a loud thud. After avoiding the attack, Mando draws out his blaster pistol before the corrupted dragon could even react quickly enough and let loose with plasma bolts at the Shadow King. As they made contact with his skin, Spike grunts in pain, and the Ooze reacting violently by the burning feeling of the blaster shots.

Angered by this, the Shadow King charges at the Mandalorian, with his arms forming into black blades made from the Ooze, and then swings them at Mando. The bounty hunter does his best to avoid the swings, but soon the last swing made by the dragon struck him in the Beskar armor and staggered him back. Mando looks down at his chest plate, seeing that the blades did little to no damage, and then he continues to fire his pistol at the Shadow King, inflicting burning pain to the corrupted dragon.

Spike was then annoyed by this and then let out a roar before forming his arms into long black spears and extending them towards the Mandalorian. As he was seeing them coming, Mando dodges the first one before the second one made contact in his shoulder area, which then causes him to lose his grip on his blaster pistol and drop it. Luckily, the Beskar pauldron on his shoulder deflected the attack, preventing any penetration. But unfortunately, he dropped his weapon in the process.

After he was knocked to the ground, Spike rushes over to the Mandalorian and picks him up by the neck and putting pressure on it. "You dare to come in here and challenge me!" He shouted at the bounty hunter before Mando reaches for his Viber-Knife in a desperate attempt, and once he grabbed it, he pulls it out and then slices it against the dragon's chest, causing sheering pain to the Shadow King and releasing his grip on Mando's neck. Soon the Ooze instantly repaired damage made and Spike faces off with his opponent before he was delivered a jab to his face by Mando.

Mando then throws a few more punches towards the corrupted dragon's face and gut before Spike retaliated by catching Mando's fist and then delivers a punch to Mando's body and later tosses him over his head. Mando roughly rolls on the ground from being tossed and then lets out a couple of painful grunts until he finally gets up onto his feet. While he did, Spike then manipulates the Ooze to form 11 other duplicates of him which then surrounded the Mandalorian. The bounty hunter looks at all the 12 corrupted dragons that surrounded him and is then confused about which one is the real one.

"HAHA! What will you do now, bounty hunter? You're no match for all of us." they all said in unison while taunting him.

Mando then thinks of a solution to his situation and then puts away his knife, gets onto one knee, and aims his left vambrace towards the ground. Then he arms his Whistling Birds, and before the shadow dragon clones could pounce on The Mandalorian; Mando releases all of his Whistling Birds which all target and take out all of the clones, who were knocked back after they felt the tiny missiles penetrate their skin and exploded.

In a quick attempt, Mando then takes out his Amban sniper rifle and aims it at the closest clone and fired, completely disintegrating him, and then he reloads and fires at another clone. He proceeds to vaporize each clone one by one until the original Shadow King was left the last one standing and charges at the Mandalorian with full force, swing his arms which formed axes by the Ooze. Mando takes his rifle and deflects the blades and brush them off before attacking the dragon with the two prongs on his rifle, which sents out an electric shock into Spike's body, which causes the Ooze in the dragon's body to react violently and soon Spike let out an unnatural roar in pain before knocking the bounty hunter 10-feet away with a backhand punch.

Mando rolled along the ground before getting back up onto his feet. Once he did, the Mandalorian pulled out his beskar spear and aimed it directly at Spike. The corrupted dragon scoffed in response before forming his arms back into axes and then engaged the bounty hunter in melee combat. The two fought hard for minutes, as Mando uses his spear to deflected and parry Spike's axes while the corrupted dragon tried to overwhelm his foe. But the Mandalorian proved to be very skilled with his spear, and soon Mando used the end of his spear to blunt the side of the dragon's face, causing him to stumble and leaving him open for the bounty hunter to impale his spear into the Spike's abdomen.

The corrupted dragon roared with anger and pain as he brings his arm upward and then sends the Mandalorian flying across the throne room.

Mando then slammed into a stone pillar and lands roughly on the floor. Spike, on the other hand, was now totally furious as the Ooze spewed from the Malachite Crystal Heart in his chest and formed a black shell over his entire body until he truly looks the part as King of Shadows. Then he busts out his powerful move by using his claws to rip open the fabric of Time and Space, forming a black hole in the throne room.

The gravitational force of the black hole began pulling Mando towards it as he tries to hold onto the pillar he was slammed into. But it proved useless as his grip on the pillar had begun to slip and soon he was pulled towards the mouth of the black hole.

"Good riddance," Spike said with a grin on his face. But soon that grin had been forced away when he heard a roaring sound before he witnessed Mando shot out of the black hole with his jetpack. Then the Mandalorian flew around the black hole and then straight towards the corrupted dragon. Once he was closer, Mando then launches his whipcord from his right vambrace and ensnares the Shadow King by the neck and then bust through the painted windows of the throne room and pulls Spike through with him.

The Mandalorian took the dragon for a joyride before he grabs onto the whip and then swung Spike around three times before he tosses and slammed the corrupted dragon into one of the castle's towers. Soon after that, Mando then lands onto the castle courtyard and then proceeds to plant his sticky explosives on the ground, right as Spike landed into the courtyard with an angry, snarling look on his face.

"You think you can outpace me forever?!" He shouted in rage until he hears the sound of beeping noises around him and soon looks down to see several of Mando's sticky bombs around him.

"No, I don't," Mando replied to Spike's statement before the bombs around the dragon exploded right in his face, as the Ooze that encases Spike's body was exposed to the explosion's flames, causing the Ooze to retreat into the Malachite Crystal Heart. Leaving Spike's mortal body exposed, and before the dragon could see it coming, Mando had his Amban rifle aimed at him and fired, the shot then vaporized Spike entirely, leaving only the Malachite Crystal Heart in his place.

Believing that his foe was finally defeated, Mando walks over to where the Malachite Crystal is and then inspects it with curiosity on his mind. And while he was looking at it, he was then greeted by loud laughter from the crystal, and soon the Ooze, or the Abyss, itself appeared from it, in its truest form, and shot out multiple tentacles from its body which began to ensnare Mando's body.

"You have defeated my host, you are a strong warrior indeed. A perfect replacement for me to consume, and with your impenetrable armor, we'll be unstoppable!" The Aybss spoke out to the Mandalorian as it was wrapping its grip around his legs.

Mando struggled to break free from the entity's grip, but to no avail. Then out of a desperate attempt, Mando reaches towards his holster belt and eventually grabs one of his flare charges. And with the hope that it'll distract the entity, Mando aims the flash charge towards the Abyss and releases flashes of blinding light towards it. Soon the heat and fire from the flash charge inflict sheering pain to the Ooze which forced it to let go of the Mandalorian as the bounty hunter watched the entity shriek in pain from his distraction.

And while he got up on his feet, Mando then realized the Abyss' weakness, seeing how it reacted violently to the flash charge. "So you're not fond of fire... Well then... why not crank up the heat," he said as he prepares to use his final weapon. He raises both of his arms towards the entity as it towers over him, he then activates his flamethrowers, mounted on his vambraces, and spews a 5-meter cone of flames towards the Abyss, which shrieks out in pains and a dying moan as felt the overwhelming heat from the Mandalorian's flamethrowers.

As Mando continues his attack, the Abyss began to slowly shrink and vaporize from the heat of the fires, and with its final dying moan, it was now gone. After seeing the entity now destroyed, Mando ceases his flamethrowers and observes the place where the Ooze was, only to find the Malachite Crystal Heart, surrounded by scorched earth. Wasting no time at all, Mando raises his left foot above the crystal and then stomps the crystal into pieces.

"Good riddance," he said as he walks away from the area.


"What? Really, I thought for sure Spike had this fight in the bag?" Boomstick asked his fellow co-hosts.

"Now hold on, I'm sure there's a logical explanation for this," Wiz stated. "With the Ooze, Spike may be a powerful god-like being, but the Mandalorian had everything he needed to take him out."

"While Spike had many interesting abilities, but Mando had everything he needed to counter them. His whistling birds prevent Spike from attacking him with clones, his jetpack helps him from getting sucked in by Spike's black holes, and his Beskar armor allows him to take hits from the dragon's brute strength." Kiryu explained.

"But that's not all, what gave Spike the big L was the Ooze's vulnerability to fire and electricity; and as it turns out, Mando's weapons and gadgets harness those two weaknesses. His explosives, flash charges, and flamethrowers can release big amounts of fire that the Ooze couldn't shake off. Also, his blaster pistol and rifle harness plasma, which can be found in natural lightning, so that means they contain electricity as well," Boomstick stated.

"That's... scientifically correct? Wait, since when did you gain knowledge of plasma being found in lightning?" Wiz asked.

"I did my research," Boomstick replied.

"But you're always busy with drinking beer than to do research," Kiryu said.

"Hey, I can be smart too, ya know," Boomstick responded before drinking from the beer can in his hand.

"Alright then, while Spike and the Abyss entity may have the might and powers to make themselves feared across Equestria; but Mando's tactics, overwhelming offensive, and unstoppable defense were too much for the Shadow King," Wix stated.

"Yeah, you might say that Mando was just 'oozing' badass in this fight." Boomstick gave a lousy pun which annoyed his co-hosts big time.

"The winner is Din Djarin; the Mandalorian," Kiryu said.

S2; Ep2: Captain Rex vs Shining Armor (EDITED)

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"Places, people! Places! We have about a minute till the show starts!"Wiz shouted as he was putting on his lab coat.

"Sorry, I was taking hours to recharge! I have a battery that only lasts for 2 hours you know." Kiryu replied.

"Where's Boomstick?" Wiz asked. And before Kiryu could answer, Boomstick walked into the room with a crutch in hand... and missing something.

"Hey! Has anyone seen my shotgun leg? I can't find it?" He asked.

"Well, where did you last had it?!" Wiz replied with a question.

"Before I went asleep! And when I woke up, it wasn't there!" Boomstick replied.

"Well no use in finding it now, we're about to go on in 30 seconds," Kiryu informed the two.

"Awww! Seriously! Worst day of my life." Boomstick stated.

"Maybe this episode will help cheer you up," Wiz said.

"I guess so," Boomstick responded.

"In the coming of war, countries or worlds build their armies to march into battle and fight off invasions or dominate enemy territories. But to ensure the stability of these armies, a single soldier is assigned to command and lead them." Wiz said.

And today, we're pitting of two commanders in a battle to see who will come out on top." Boomstick stated.

"Captain Rex, the commanding clone trooper of the 501st Clone Battalion." Kiryu introduced the first combatant.

"And Shining Armor, Captain of the Canterlot Royal Guard." Wiz introduced the second combatant.

"He's Wiz, she's Kiryu, and I'm Boomstick," Boomstick said.

"And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skill, to find out who would win a Death Battle!" Wiz said.


"Long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. A galactic civil war was waged between the Republic and the Separatists; this great conflict was remembered as the Clone Wars." Wiz explained the history of Star Wars.

"And honestly, it was the most destructive war in the history of Star Wars! And it was the most dramatic and action-pact than all the other wars in the future." Boomstick stated.

"Anyway, with countless battles being declared, both the Republic and the Separatists had to mass produce their armies at a quick rate; so both them had their methods in making their armies quickly. The Separatists created mass legions of battle droids to enforce and dominate the galaxy and spread their tyranny. For the Republic, they genetically engineered an army of clone troopers, cloned from the DNA of Jango Fett, the galaxy's feared bounty hunter; before Boba Fett." Kiryu said.

"Unlike the droid army, the clone troopers all had a free will of their own, despite always following orders without question. And each was individually different from the other and had their own unique names." Wiz explained about the clones.

"But above all them, there was one clone trooper that was the most badass and one of the greatest soldiers in the Republic. This is CT-7567, or like everyone, including himself, called him... Captain Rex." Boomstick introduced.


"Like many other clone troopers, CT-7567 was bred from the DNA of Jango Fett and trained from birth to serve the Republic. After his training, Rex fought in the Clone Wars against the Separatists as a clone captain, nicknaming himself "Rex"." Kiryu explained

"During the war, Rex commanded the 501st Legion alongside Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and Padawan Ahsoka Tano; taking on battles that were too difficult and impossible to win; From the Battle of Christophsis to the Seige of Mandalore. Earning his division a high reputation," Wiz added.

"And Rex is a good soldier, always following his orders and always be the first to charge into battle. And he has a strong belief that in war; experience outranks everything. It's kinda his motto." Boomstick said.


"What makes Rex an effective soldier are the skills he acquired during his years of Clone Wars. With his high rank, his increased capacity to have independent thoughts allows him to be a skilled tactician and leader. Coming up with plans and strategies to win battles, and they always succeed." Kiryu explained.

"Also he is proficient in hand-to-hand combat; which comes in handy when you're going up against skilled fighters like Mandalorians and Commando Droids. And he's also a capable pilot of walkers, starfighters, and speeder bikes throughout his career." Wiz said.

"And he's also a badass marksman; excellent at aiming and firing most firearms he's wielded in the Clone Wars, and he's never missed. Like the time he once shot a giant eel right in the eye with just a single blast! Badass." Boomstick commented.

"Even though Rex is just an expendable clone; however, he's proven that he isn't. His physicality is far from the average man. His speed and reaction time are incredible; he once dodged blaster shots, outran explosions, and even was quick enough to keep up with Anakin Skywalker," Kiryu stated.

"And his durability is surprising. He once tanked a few hits from blaster shots, survived a shot by a Commando Droid, fought off the infection of the Blue Shadow Virus before eventually being cured by it, and survived being inside a ship while it had crashed down... twice." Wiz proclaimed.

"And let's not forget that Rex is also physically strong; he has the physique of the man he was cloned from, Jango Fett, who once kicked down a durasteel door with one kick. And among other things; he once carried an astromech droid and those things weigh a lot, snapped and ripped off the heads of battle droids, crushed a Commando Droid's head to the ground, and once held back a Mastiff Phalone while protecting an injured Anakin." Boomstick added.

"Not only is Rex physically strong; he's also strong in the mind, like the time he resisted the Force mind control trick of the Sith assassin, Asajj Ventress. And as we all know, the Force has a strong will over the weak-minded; and Rex has now become one of the few that has the strong will to resist it." Kiryu informed.

"But the clone trooper does not rely on his physicality to fight his battles; especially with the kind of equipment and arsenal he possesses," Wiz said.


"Like all his brothers, Rex wears the Phase II Clone Trooper Armor; although, his armor is a hybrid combination between his Phase I and II armor. Which meant that it's comfortable and flexible, but also durable. His helmet also has unique features; its antenna can flip down as a secondary scope to improve his accuracy, and also provides night vision." Wiz explained about Rex's armor.

"His armor also has other features like his pauldron, which he wore over his armor and around his neck; which adds in more protection from, let's say a sniper shot to the chest. His armor also has kama added in around his waist; a flexible anti-blast leather armor, designed to protect the wearer from low-flying debris and shrapnel. He's also has a built-in comlink in his gauntlets, which allows him to communicate with his fellow troopers or Anakin and Ahsoka." Kiryu stated more about Rex's armor.

"But to lockdown on what makes Captain Rex one of the greatest soldiers of the Republic, let's look into his massive arsenal of weapons." Boomstick proclaimed. "Into battle, he brings his DC-17 hand blaster; with a 50-shot limit; but luckily Rex carries two of them, and each blast is equivalent to 16 kilograms of TNT; I don't care what kind of armor you're wearing, one shot from this baby and you're done. He's also got his DC-15A Blaster Rifle; which has a range of over 10 kilometers; that's over 6 miles! And even on minimum power, this baby can penetrate armor easily. But if Rex wishes for something smaller, more mobile; he brings in his DC-15S Blaster, which is the carbine version of the DC-15A and with a higher rate of fire; plus it comes with a grappling hook in the butt of the folding stock." He described Rex's weaponry while taking a big breather. “And he’s also got a jetpack that allows him to fly across distances. Ok, I'm done.”

"Once more, Rex also brings in thermal detonators; which creates a highly unstable explosion, with a blast radius of 6-meters; which would be worth around 8 tons of TNT," Wiz stated. "But when he wishes for an explosive that does harm to his droid enemies and not himself; he goes with the Electro-Magnetic Pulse Grenades; or preferably, 'droid poppers'." He added.

"Due to their name, these little explosives release a 3-meter blast of disruptive energy that damages and disables electronics," Kiryu said.

"To demonstrate how droid poppers work, we brought in a willing candidate to test it, DUMMI," Wiz said as a hovering robot appears into the room with an unsatisfied digital face on it.

"Hello, Wiz. How would I be exploited today?" DUMMI asked.

"Aww, do we have to do this to him? He's just so cute!" Kiryu awed at the little robot.

"To activate the droid popper, press this little button here, and in 10 seconds, it will send off its disruptive energy to affect every electronics in its range," Wiz stated.

"Wait? Every electronic thing? Does that mean...?" Boomstick asked before he and Wiz came to a realization.

"Oh no?!" Wiz panicked as the droid popper went off, disabling DUMMI and Kiryu who were both in its blast radius and fell to the ground lifeless. Then later, the spirit of Kiryu; who is the spirit of the first Godzilla, appears in front of the two co-hosts with an angered expression.

"Hehe... I didn't plan this far ahead." Wiz said with an anxious tone of voice.

"YA THINK!!!" The Kiryu's Spirit shouted in reply.


"Over the majority of his years, Rex has proven time and time of how much of a good soldier he is," Wiz said.

"He's fought in almost all the battles during the Clone Wars and after it ended, he joined the Rebellion to fight against the Imperial Empire, even taking part in the Battle of Endor. And even in his old age; he's still a badass." Boomstick commented.

"He's also proven that no matter what condition he is, he'll always keep fighting. Like the time when he was shot in the chest by a commando droid sniper, which left him crippled for a day. And yet, he still proves that there's still fight left in him." Kiryu's Spirit stated.

"And he's even fought and survived against powerful warriors like Jedi and Sith lords. Even fought against Mandalorians, and we all know how badass they are." Boomstick proclaimed.

"Rex is also a clever strategist and tactician; devising many tactics used by the Grand Army of the Republic that were still used by the Empire 16 years later," Wiz said. "But we all know Rex didn't have a perfect record."


"While Rex has done feats and accomplishments that make him superhuman; however, he's still a man, with normal human weaknesses. Also, his aging speed is double that of a normal human and like his commanding officer, Anakin Skywalker, he can be very reckless and dives into situations without thinking." Kiryu's Spirit stated.

"And more importantly, he's most effective when he's fighting with his men and can be very prideful of his service as a Clone Captain; since he never liked being promoted to a Clone Commander during the Seige of Mandalore," Wiz added. "Also during his career, Rex had begun to question his and his brothers' purpose in the galaxy, and what would become of them if the war would come to an end."

"But even with his downsides, Rex is one tough soldier. And he's willing to fight for what's right and go down fighting as a clone does; which makes him such a freaking badass." Boomstick commented.

"I used to believe that being a good soldier meant doing everything they told you. That's how they engineered us. But we're not droids. We're not programmed. You have to learn to make your own decisions." Captain Rex said.


"Like all kingdoms in the real world, the land of Equestria would be such a vast and large country without a monarchy to govern it. Such as the two Royal Sisters; Princess Celestia and Princess Luna." Wiz said.

"However, since they alone cannot defend a country from any threat; and this is before the Mane Six came along; so the country had to form its own means of defense," Boomstick explained.

"And thus, the Royal Guard was established. And for a thousand years, the Royal Guards were the watchful sentinels of the city of Canterlot. But a royal military division isn't without its commanding officer, and so one pony would be appointed as the Captain of the Royal Guard, entrusted the protection and safety of Equestria's capital." Kiryu stated.

"And that responsibility was entrusted to one such pony, a unicorn named Shining Armor. And a lot can be said about him, he is the current/former Captain of the Royal Guard, husband of Princess Cadance, older brother of Twilight Sparkle, and..." Wiz explained most about Shining until Boomstick swoops in and interrupted.

"He's 100% full of shit!" He exclaimed.


"Boomstick! Did you really had to point that out?" Wiz asked his co-host.

"C'mon Wiz, don't tell me that anything else about this guy doesn't piss you off?" Boomstick replied.

"Boys! Can we move on please," Kiryu informed? "Anyway, during his childhood, Shining grew up in Canterlot along with his family and his young sister, Twilight Sparkle. His relationship with his sister was one he cherishes the most until he was recruited into the Royal Guard and had to leave his family."

"The most painful process all families had to go through when one of their own joins the military. Just like mine when my dad left to join the army." Boomstick painfully brings up his past.

"Anyway, his training in the royal guard was never mentioned in the show or the comics; however, it must have taken about many months or a year for him to be ranked up to Captain of the Royal Guard," Wiz stated.

"And would score him a date and marriage with Princess Cadance. Ah, young love." Kiryu said in admiration.

"Seriously, what did she see in this guy; especially with that surfer-dude accent of his?" Boomstick asked.

"Wait? He has a surfer dude accent?" Wiz replied in confusion.

"You didn't notice?" Boomstick responded in reply to his co-host not knowing about it.

"Uhhh no?" Wiz said.

"I guess none of us or even some parts of the fandom never noticed," Kiryu stated.


"Anyway, like all his fellow Royal Guards, Shining Armor wears the traditional Canterlot Royal Guard armor. Which is entirely fitted with gold-plating and the design itself inspired by the armor of Roman centurions." Wiz continued the research.

"Sure you all might think that an armor made of gold would likely be the weakest choice for protection, but it does increase your chances to impress the ladies." Boomstick hinted. "Maybe that's the real reason why Shining scored a date with a princess?" He guessed.

"Though surprisingly, gold is actually tougher than what people think it is. After doing a lot of research, we concluded that gold itself has a tensile strength of 120 MPa. Which is equivalent to 17,405 PSI. It's not that extremely tough, but certainly helpful when you wish to survive any extreme blunt force or simply getting run over by a car." Kiryu stated.

"But despite having a poor choice in armor, Shining has shown incredible feats of magic and spells," Wiz commented.


"As for physicality, while the strength of the Royal Guards is rather unknown and the only feats of impressive strength are shown by the Mane Six and other noticeable characters that are not Royal Guards," Wiz stated. "But to know the physical strength of Shining, we researched the punching power of real-life horses in the modern world. And horses are stated to kick with a whopping 2,000 psi."

"And its way stronger striking power than what any professional boxers are capable of," Boomstick said.

"But as we know, Shining won't rely on physicality in combat. Like all unicorns, Shining can perform many spells and enchantments as he pleases," Kiryu stated.

"He can also do a lot of crazy stuff like shooting magic lasers and can lift anything with his telekinesis," Boomstick added.

"But the spells that Shining is most perfected in are protection spells and forcefields. Meaning that he more relied on defense rather than offense." Wiz explained.

"Well that takes the fun out of magic when used in combat, but it's a good excuse when you're wearing shitty armor," Boomstick commented.

"Shining could also manipulate magic energy in his attacks. Like the time back at the Canterlot Wedding, he and Cadence were able to send massive shockwaves across the city of Canterlot and overpower Queen Chrysalis and her changeling army. But let's not give him too much credit since it was all in Cadence's part." Kiryu stated.

"And when measuring the speed of the shockwaves moving across the entire city of Canterlot in just 16 seconds. That would mean Shining's attack speed would be about 518x the speed of sound." Wiz pointed out.

"And that's crazy fast," Boomstick responded. "And let's not forget about how he was able to form a massive forcefield around the entire city of Canterlot."

"While its hard to get the size of Canterlot since it was also shown parts of it across the MLP show. However, in the MLP movie, we finally get its full size on display." Wiz stated.

"And it's freaking huge!" Boomstick commented.

"So with the size of the city and the height of the towers and the palace itself; we can determine that Shining would need to summon an energy yield that is worth around 420 kilotons of TNT. Thats 28x more powerful than the bomb dropped on Hiroshima." Kiryu proclaimed.


"While there can be a lot said about his feats and accomplishments. Though... it's not much." Boomstick exclaimed.

"Though we'll try and list it down for you. He's defended Canterlot and held the forcefield that surrounds it all on his own for days. And has helped defeated Chrysalis and the Changelings; even helping his wife defend the Crystal Empire from King Sombra. And he's even formed the Crystal Guard after he and Candence were established as rulers of the kingdom." Wiz explained.

"He's also gone up against Lord Tirek, but he lasted in less of a second before having his magic removed," Boomstick added. "The dude's pathetic."

"Though we can't argue that his will and courage to protect Canterlot and the ones close to him, is quite admirable," Kiryu commented.


"But using his magic comes at a cost. As seen in the Canterlot Wedding in season 2 of MLP; the constant use and casting of Shining's protection spell around Canterlot left him with serious migraines and headaches." Boomstick stated.

"And it even drained him of his stamina and magic to the point where he was unable to cast any more spells until Cadence gave him a recharge with the love between them," Wiz exclaimed.

"Also, even though Shining does seem like a brilliant strategist with his time in the Royal Guard; However, his mental state is not as strong as many think. And he has been under the control of a couple of powerful villains, time and time again." Kiryu added. "He was even manipulated by Queen Chrysalis so much that he didn't realize that the Cadence he was with was a fake and had his own sister kicked out of his own wedding." She explained.

"Well, unfortunately for him... and fortunate for all of us... that came to bite him in the ass in the end," Boomstick commented.

"But while he has many flaws and mistakes in his life, Shining continues to improve his judgment and personality for the better. Even though he doesn't seem like it, he truly is a respectable leader and soldier of the Royal Guard." Wiz said.

"The burden of keeping Canterlot safe and secure rests squarely on my shoulders." Quoted by Shining Armor in part 1 of the Canterlot Wedding 2-part finale.

"Alright, the combatants are set and we run our data for all possibilities," Wiz stated.

"Let's kick off this epic match-up of the captains," Kiryu commented.

Then it was time for Boomstick to shout out: "ITS TIME FOR A DEATH BATTLLLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEE!!!!"

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.

In sector Equus-2011, one of the Republic's greatest ships; The Resolute, is orbiting the planet of Equus; Home of the Equestrians. Soon exiting out of the Republic flagship, is a Corellian G9 Rigger-Class light fighter (or better know to all hardcore Clone Wars fans; the Twilight) is flying towards the planet and enters its atmosphere.

The ship flies over the land of Equestria for a long while, soaring above the entire landscape before arriving at the Frozen North of Equestria. The Twilight then decreases its speed as it arrived at one of Equestria's grand kingdoms... The Crystal Empire.

The ship hovers for a while before landing about 200 meters from the entrance into the empire. After it had landed, the loading bay doors open to reveal 3 familiar characters that Star Wars fans know by heart. Walking off the ship are Jedi knights; Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi. Besides the two was Anakin's padawan, Ashoka Tano. Following behind her is everyone's lovable astromech droid; R2-D2.

Following behind the two Jedi and padawan, are 4 Republic clone troopers: Commander Cody, ARC troopers Fives and Echo trooper, and last; but not least, Captain Rex himself.

After they all had exited their transport, the group observed their surroundings while Ashoka was amazed by the beauty of the land.

"Whoa... I never thought this place could be so... beautiful." She said in admiration.

"We're not here for sight-seeing, Ashoka. Remember our mission." Anakin stated.

The Jedi padawan let out an annoyed sigh as she turns to her master. "I know, master." She replied.

"Don't worry, Ashoka. Maybe you can take a look around the city after we established an alliance with the inhabitants." Obi-Wan suggested.

"You know... I still unsure as to why are we here?" Anakin responded to his master.

"This sector is untouched by the war. And to ensure that it doesn't fall into Count Dooku's hands, we must establish an alliance with the planet to ensure its protection and to prevent the Separatists to take hold of this world." Obi-Wan explained.

As the Jedi were discussing, the clones have their own conversation as well.

"Never thought I would be pulled from the front lines and assigned as political bodyguards," Fives commented.

"Well, to be honest, I kind of enjoy the new setting. Gives me time to refresh my mind before going back blasting droids," Echo stated, which then receives a few beeps from R2. "Uh, no offense, R2." He replied.

"Well, Rex... What do you think of this new setting? It'll be like this across the galaxy once the war ends." Cody asked his fellow trooper.

"It's... fine. More than fine, of course." Rex replied with unsureness. "I'm just... Still having those thoughts in my head."

"Well... Try turning off that head of yours before you overthink too much." Cody humored.

While the clones were chatting, soon they are approached by the Jedi and padawan; and as such, the troopers halted their chatter and stood attention for their generals and commander.

"Alright, boys. Time to head into the city. Now, remember, we're here on a diplomatic mission." Anakin informed the troopers.

"Indeed, that means we must not pose any hostility towards the inhabitants of this planet. We're here to ensure a peaceful relationship with the leaders of this nation." Obi-Wan added on to Anakin's statement.

"That means no blasting or fighting today," Ashoka stated straight to the point.

"Well that's difficult at all," Fives sarcastically whispered to Rex, which earned a laugh from the clone captain.

"Alright then. We'll head into the city and establish negotiations. Rex, you'll be staying with the ship." Anakin instructed.

Rex was surprised by the orders he was given. "With all due respect, sir. I prefer to tag along to provide much better protection," he responded.

"I'm afraid that's not an option. We need someone standing guard with the ship and provide us transport in case things become complicated." Obi-Wan stated.

"Sorry, Rex... Maybe next time." Ashoka assured the clone captain while feeling sorry for him.

Soon the Jedi, Padawan, and R2 proceed to walk towards the Crystal Empire while the Fives and Echo follow behind them. Cody stood with Rex for a while longer, reassuring his brother.

"Don't be upset. You should consider yourself lucky," He stated before walking away and joining up with the others. Leaving Rex by himself next to the Twilight.

"Lucky?... You call this lucky?" Rex mutters to himself as he turns around to look at the ship. "Looks more like I'm not welcomed. Just because I don't take it easy, doesn't mean I can't handle politics for a day." He said.

The clone captain stood by the ship for a while before he decided to head inside it. "I could be out on the front lines or infiltrating a Separatist base. But no, I have to be here guarding a ship for no reason." He grumbled to himself.

But before he could even set his foot on the ship's ramp, he is halted by a commanding voice with a surfer dude accent.

"What's your business here?!" It shouted.

Rex turns away from the ship and soon he comes face to face with none other than Shining Armor, wearing his usual royal guard armor and staring at the clone with suspicion. Rex was confused and shocked to see a talking horse right in front of him. But seeing the horn on its head glowing with strange energy; the clone trooper couldn't help but feel alerted and on guard.

"I should be asking you the same thing," Rex replied while he and Shining locked eyes.

Shining was unsure what this creature was that stood before him. But he believed that it was not up to any good. Plus, it stood alone out here next to its airship from what he can tell; dangerously close to the Crystal Empire. The Royal Guard captain was now on the defense.

"Whatever you are, or wherever you came from. I advise that you come quietly for interrogation." Shining instructed.

Soon the two began slowly circling one another, not keeping their eyes off of one another. Rex had his hands inches away from his dual blaster pistols while Shining flared up his horn with more magic.

"Listen here. I was brought along here on some diplomatic meeting and had been advised to watch this ship. So I'm gonna have to decline your offer," Rex responded.

Soon the two halted in their tracks as they are, not turning their eyes away from one another as they ready to draw. As they stood in silence, a tumbleweed was bouncing along with the wind in the background. After a moment of silence between them, Shining breaks the silence with a response that starts it off.

"I'm not offering... I'm ordering you." He stated.


After the reply, Rex instantly draws out his dual DC-17 blasters and began firing at the unicorn. In reaction to this attack, Shining casts a protection spell, forming a forcefield around him, which halts the plasma shots in their track. Rex seizes fire after seeing what the unicorn can do, just before Shining drops his forcefield and unleashes a magic blast from his horn.

Seeing the attack coming, the clone captain jumps out of the way and resumes firing his blasters as he was running around his opponent to try and outmaneuver him.

Shining forms another forcefield to deflect the attack and returned fire with his magic blasts. With a 20-foot gap between them, Shining and Rex ran in similar directions while trying to shoot one another.

The clone captain dodged and jumped over Shining’s magic blasts while the Royal guard captain’s magic shield deflected the plasma shots from Rex’s blasters.

But as the firefight raged on, Rex soon starts to notice that his dual blasters were reaching their 50-shot limit. Soon as expected, they were spent on any ammo. The clone trooper halted in place, attempting to reload his blasters

Seeing that his foe was disarmed for a minute, Shining then casts a telekinesis spell on his assailant and lifts the clone 10-feet into the air. Rex was surprised by this.

“What the hell?!” The clone shouted as he was struggling to break free. But it proved to be pointless as Shining tosses Rex straight towards the Twilight; with the clone crashing into the ship’s cargo hold.

Shining then stood calm to himself as he scoffs at how easy that was. “Guess he wasn’t as tough as he looks.” He commented.

But soon his comment is met with a plasma bolt was shot from the ship’s cargo and speeding straight towards the unicorn stallion; forcing him to jump out of the way to avoid it.

After doing so, Shining turns his attention to the ship and sees Captain Rex walking out of the vessel, with a DC-15A blaster rifle in his hands and with his T-12 jetpack in his back.

After appearing out of the ship, he then calls out to the royal guard captain.

“Sorry horse-face, I don't go down easy!” Rex started. And before Shining could react, the clone captain took off into the air and began blasting at the unicorn stallion below ground.

Shining quickly raises his magic shield to deflect the incoming shots. Then the stallion fires back with more magic blasts; which Rex saw coming and dodge effectively in the air before returning fire.

Shining dodge most of the blasts from ground level before one of the blasts grazed his left front hoof; leaving a severe burn on his leg. The captain of the Royal Guard grunts in pain as he stares up angrily at his foe.

The clone captain notices a pattern in the unicorn's attacks and continues his ariel offense. Feeling overwhelmed and losing his patience, Shining charges up his horn and unleashes a wave of magic which spreaded for about 100 yards.

Captain Rex was caught in the blast radius, with the magic causing his jetpack to short circuit and malfuction, causing him too lose control. However, the clone trooper was able to keep himself stable for while as he fell towards the ground before making a rough crash-landing.

"Urgh! Karablast." Rex grunted as he was slowly getting up from his rough landing.

But as he was recovering, Rex wasn't able to see Shining charging at him until he turned around as the unicorn stallion tackles him to the ground.

The two get up from the ground and proceed to engage in close-quarters combat. Shining attempts to smack the clone with his his fronts hooves, but Rex evades them. However, Shining does land a blow when he kicks his back legs into Rex's abdomen. The clone captain grunts from the force of the kick, but does not let it get the best of him. When Shining tries to attack Rex with another back kick, the clone captain dodges out of the way and grabs the stallion's back legs. He then lifts Shining over his head and slammed him down on the ground.

Feeling the blunt of the attack, Shining was dazed and grunting from the impact as Rex then proceed to bash his fist against the stallion's muzzle, repeatedly. In retailation, the stallions uses his back hooves to kick the clone off him and get quickly to deliver another kick to the clone's chest; knocking him a few feet.

Rex gets up and turns around to see Shining charging towards and leaping at him. In a effort to defend himself, the clone sidesteps and graps Shining while he was in mid-leap; and for the finish he then body slams the unicorn towards the ground. The two fell to the ground and laid there in pain and bruised from their fight.

However, the two fought through the pain and struggled to get themselves back up. Once they did, Rex and Shining stare at each other for awhile as the clone pulls out his other weapon; the DC-15S blaster carbine, and aims it at the unicorn.

In response, Shining brings up a forcefield in time to deflect the plasma shots as Rex fires upon the stallion. Soon the combatants ran around each other as they reverted to long range combat as Shining returns fire with his magic blasts while Rex continues firing his blaster.

But as he was constantly changing from offense and defense, using his magic more and more; it started to take a toll on Shining as he began to feel migrains and headaches. But he didn't let that stop him.

Seeing that his foe was using energy shields, Rex decided to revert back to his secret weapon. He pulls out a droid popper, activates it and rolls it towards the unicorn.

Seeing this coming, Shining brings up his forcefield once again. Once he did, the droid popper does not pass through the magic shield - much to Rex's dismay and disbelief - Although, when it detonated; the intense flash the emp device it made, blinded the unicorn stallion. And combined with the migrains, Shining unknowingly dropped his shield, leaving himself exposed.

Seeing that his opponent was temporarily blinded, and that the droid popper didn't work. Rex decided that play time was over.

"You know what... I'm getting tired of this." He stated as he reached towards his belt and brought out a thermal detonator in his hand. "Time to end this." He exclaimed as he ran towards Shining.

Just as Shining was now getting his vision back, he is met with Rex running towards him and then delivering a punch straight to his face, dazing him. Grabbing this small opportunity, Rex takes the detonator; activates it and attaches it onto Shining's armor. The clone captain kicks the stallion away as he gets a good distance from him.

After the punch, Shining turns around to face Rex and tries to attack until he hears the beeping sound of the detonator as it was seconds away from detonation. Realizing that it wasn't good and seeing that it was inevitable, the captain of the royal guard had only one thing to say.

"Oh pony fe-" KABOOM!!!!!

The detonator erupts into a big explosion which left a crater behind, with a 6-meter radius. As for Shining Armor, he was incinerated instantly from being in the epicenter of the blast.

With his foe defeated, Rex lets out an exhausted sigh of relief as he falls onto his back. As he was laying there, he soon hears Anakin's voice calling to him. "Rex?"

Upon hearing this, the clone captain sits upward to see general Skywalker; along with Ashoka, Obi-Wan, and his fellow clones. He then turns to their left and see 4 other ponies standing next to them; as you can guess correctly; they are Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadence, and Twilight Sparkle. And all of them had shocked expressions on their faces, and Cadence being more shocked out of all of them.

Without even hesitant to say it, Rex turns to his brothers and said: "Next time... One of you is staying with the ship!"


"Whoa! That was more intense than I thought it would be!" Boomstick commented.

"While it may not seem like it, Shining Armor held numerous advantages over Captain Rex. He was physically stronger, had a much stronger defense, and was potentionly less reckless in his fights; depending on his mindset." Wiz stated.

"However, due to his mind having been weak and under the influence of many powerful villains over the years. It wasn't guaranteed that he would make any smart tactics and decisions." Kiryu exclaimed.

"But still his magic power is too OP! You might think that with that kind of power, he would have easily one-shotted Rex." Boomstick suggested.

"But unfortunately for Shining... He would need to hit him first." Wiz claimed.

"While Shining can attack at a speed 518x the speed of sound. Rex's reaction speed was comparable to his jedi general Anakin Skywalker; who can keep up with Obi-Wan Kenobi; a jedi who can react down to a nanosecond." Kiryu explained.

Examples :
Rex (compared with Anakin + Obi-wan) - 1 nanosecond / 670,616,629 MPH
Shining Armor - 397,560 MPH

"A reaction speed that is compareble to lightspeed! And at least a thousand times faster than Shining's attack speed. So Rex was for sure to evade Shining's attacks and avoid getting hit." Boomstick stated.

"Also Rex held the advantage in offense. Due to his varied arsenal of weapons and firepower that can attack at long range; plus his years perfecting exceptional battle tactics and plans that brought many Republic victories." Wiz said.

"But of course, due to Shining's incredible power and skills in protection spells were enough to help him stay in the fight." Kiryu commented. "Which made this a incredible battle between offense and defense."

"But due to constantly using his magic and switching from his forcefield and long-range attacks, put a major strain on Shining's body. Up to the point where he could not keep up his magical defense for long. And since Shining was heavily dependant on defense, he didn't have any offensive attacks to counter Rex's." Boomstick responded.

"And that leaves us to the most important factor of the fight... experience," Wiz stated.

"While Shining may have the highest rank in the Royal Guard, he didn't really took part in any battles or conflicts; which was a rare thing in Equestria," Boomstick said.

"As for Rex, he was battle-harden from years of participation in many wars and battles; like the Clone Wars and the rebellion against the Empire. Also, Rex was taught and trained in military tactics and skills after his birth. Which meant his training was far more complexed and extensive than Shining's." Kiryu added as DUMMI hovers into the room with the 3 hosts.

"Shining Armor was a formidable oppenant. But Captain Rex's reaction speed, overwhelming offensive, and years of experience was enough for him to overpower the unicorn stallion. But you all knew that." DUMMI disclosed the discussion before he was pulled in for a snuggle by Kiryu.

"Awwww, you're so CUTE!!!" Kiryu awed as she hugged the little robot.

"Looks like this was Rex's time to Shine-ing!" Boomstick punned.

"The winner is Captain Rex." Wix declared for the fandom.

S2; Ep3: Princess Luna vs Freddy Kruger

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“I have no idea how the audience is gonna handle this?” Boomstick spoke out with a doubtful tone of voice.

“Well, we do provide them with what they want. So we give them what they want." Wiz replied.

"Especially if this is the battle that they all have been dying to see," Kiryu commented while she was holding DUMMI close to her. "Isn't that right my little DUMMI," She spoke to the little robot-like she's talking to a baby.

"I feel appreciated and loved." DUMMI responded with a smile. Which made both Wiz and Boomstick weirded out by this.

"Ooooooookay then... How about we just get on with the show?" Wiz suggested.

"Yeeeah... I was thinkin' the same thing." Boomstick responded.

"I let you boys take the full rings, I'm gonna be busy with lil' DUMMI here," Kiryu commented while nuzzling and hugging the little robot.

"Yay" DUMMI responded.

"When we usually go to sleep at night, we would always find ourselves experiencing our wildest dreams... or our worst nightmares," Wiz said.

"Oh, I constantly experience nightmares all the time whenever my ex-wife is around. And let me tell ya... it wasn't pretty." Boomstick commented while shuddering.

"Though there are a few that have mastered and bent the realm of dreams and nightmares to their will," Wiz added.

"Like Princess Luna, the lunar alicorn princess of Equestria." Boomstick introduced the first combatant

"And Freddy Kruger, the Nightmare on Elm Street." Wiz introduced the second combatant.

"While these two powerful dreammancers have never met, they have been the most paired-up rivals in their respective fandoms. So let's give the fandoms what they want and have them fight to the death." Wiz added on.

"He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick," Boomstick said.

"And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills; to find out who would win... a DEATH BATTLE!" Wiz proclaimed.


"As you may already know, the land of Equestria was a sovereign nation of harmony and tranquility. With its citizens being multicolored, talking ponies; all of whom are diverse within three pony tribes: Unicorns, Pegasi, and Earth ponies." Wiz stated.

"But in the beginning, these ponies didn't exactly get along. Which brought on evil dark forces and entities such as the Windigos, which are scary horse ghosts that cause blizzards." Boomstick added.

"And so the pony tribes were forced to move to a new land, that would later become Equestria. And eventually, the pony tribes put aside their differences and came together in harmony. But while that drove off the Windigos... It didn't prevent any threats that came their way." Wiz explained. "Such as the powerful God of Chaos, Discord; who ruled over Equestria for a while until two ponies arose to challenge him and later defeat him."

"But these aren't your normal ponies, these two were kinda the "all of the above" type of ponies," Boomstick commented.

"These two ponies were a powerful species of equine, known as alicorns. And after their victory, the two alicorn sisters were appointed as the rulers of Equestria. The eldest sister of the two is named Princess Celestia. And the younger sister is named Princess Luna." Wiz stated.


"Like her older sister, Luna is an alicorn princess of Equestria; although, Luna is the princess of the night while Celestia is the princess of the sun.” Boomstick commented. “Which means she’s a night person… or pony.”

“Not just that, Luna and Celestia were also the students of Equestria’s most powerful sorcerer, Starswirl The Bearded. Learning all kinds of spells and conjures he could teach them.” Wiz added.

“Or Pony Gandalf!” Boomstick proclaimed. Wiz groaned in annoyance from his co-host’s comment. “And another thing, she and Celestia are... OVER 1,111 YEARS OLD!?!?!! And yet they both look like they have better odds on Tinder than any of the horse ladies in Equestria!? What’s their secret?!”

“Immortaility, Boomstick. Anyway, there’s more to Luna than what we might think. After the strange disappearance of their mentor, Celestia and Luna were left to govern all of Equestria by themselves. With Celestia raising the sun to begin the day, and Luna raising the moon to begin the night. A balance that was kept for the years to come.” Wiz explained.

“That is until Luna began to grow jealous all because the ponies favored her big sister and the day she brought them, while they didn't give a crap about the night she gave them. I mean… Sure we all do need to sleep, but, look at all the stars in the sky, you don’t see that in the day.” Boomstick commented.

“And with that, bitterness grew within Luna’s heart, and thus transformed her into the Mare of the Moon… Nightmare Moon.” Wiz added. “Vowing to shower the land of Equestria into eternal night... Until she was banished into the moon by Celestia herself.” Wiz said.

“And for a thousand years, Nightmare was trapped on the moon until she broke out and set off on her diabolical plans… Until she was defeated and reformed back to good ol’ Luna by a certain group of 6 ponies.” Boomstick added.

“After returning back to her own state of mind and reuniting with her sister Celestia, Luna was reinstated as the co-ruler of Equestria alongside her sister.” Wiz said.

“And she took up a side job as an inspector of all the dreams of the ponies in Equestria. And I wonder what kind of dreams she had to witness at her job… Probably ones that no one wants to be found out about. If you know what I mean.” Boomstick commented.

“GETTING OFF TOPIC HERE!” Wiz exclaimed. “While adjusting to the modern times, Luna eventually won the hearts of all the ponies. And even participated in a holiday that was made about her: Nightmare Night.”

“Having a holiday named after you is gotta be the most honorable thing you can think of. And upon spending this night with the ponies of Ponyville, Luna was soon adored by the bronies of the MLP fandom. Even some stating her as “Best Princess”. And I wouldn’t blame them. If you had a halloween party going on, Luna would definitely be your gal to party down with.” Boomstick commented.

“While Luna can surely be a princess of fun, but with her powers and abilities… she’s more than that.” Wiz stated.


“Being an alicorn, Luna has all the traits of the 3 pony tribes; she has endless stamina similar to that of an earth pony, her wings grant her flight and incredible agility, and her horn allows her to manipulate and harness her magic. But the physicality and actual speed of the alicorns is unknown, so for this battle, we will be comparing Luna’s own physicality and speed to two characters that showed impossible feats.” Wiz continued explaining.

“Like Applejack, when she lifted that 2,000 ton boulder in the Season 7 finale. And for speed, there’s also Rainbow Dash, who can fly over Mach 5 speeds; 10 when using her Sonic Rainboom. But for Luna, we’ll go with the Mach 10 option.” Boomstick stated.

“But that’s not what Luna’s true speed is. In the IDW MLP comics, she once flew from the moon and back to Equestria in a matter of seconds, likely putting her true flight speed at 28,890,875 mph; that’s about 4% the Speed of Light.” Wiz explained Luna’s true flight speed.

“Not only that, with her magic, she can shoot badass lasers, form magic shields, lift objects with her telekinesis, banishing her enemies to other places, turning her enemies into stone, and all sorts of combat spells that I do not know.” Boomstick commented.

“Well, they’re actually magic beam projections; however, they do have the same qualities and speed as actual lasers. For example, in the episode of The Summer Sun Setback, a group of 4 ponies fired their magic up to the sky and reached the moon all in a time frame of 0.36 seconds.” Wiz stated.

“Whoa! That’s hell of a fast. And since Luna can use magic like unicorns, it's kinda obvious that her magic attacks have that kind of speed.” Boomstick said.

“Well, Luna can do all sorts of things with her magic. She can shapeshift her own body to the highest degree, changing her size and appearance, becoming anything she wants – to several ponies and inanimate objects. And she can manipulate the weather, causing thunderstorms and windstorms. And she can also bring inanimate objects, like toy spiders, to life. And she can sense corruprtion and dark energy anywhere and within individuals. And she developed a resistance to corruption, possession, and mind manipulation after her time as Nightmare Moon.” Wiz stated.

“She also has the ability to absorb magic energy, as stated in the comics when she attempted to absorb the dark energy of the Dark Water from within Applejack; until she was interrupted.” Boomstick added.

“But this ability was also proven when she absorbed the Tantabus, a dark magic dream entity that she created to punish herself for her deeds as Nightmare Moon.” Wiz said.

“Really? Man, that pony lady really needs to chill out. And speaking of dreams, She can also control and manipulate the energy within the Dream Realm. Pretty much bending it to her will alone. And one time, she can even combine the dreams of an entire town of ponies, which wasn’t easy for her to do, but she pulled it off like a champ.” Boomstick commented.

“But what's really Luna’s greatest feat of all, is her ability to move the moon and celestial objects… no, I’m not kidding.” Wiz stated.

“And another thing, Luna’s magic can compete with Celestia’s magic, and Celestia is powerful enough to move the Sun. Which is way bigger than the moon.” Boomstick added.

“That’s because, despite their abilities being different, they’re actually equal in terms of power. In fact, their magic is so powerful that it caused the Pony of Shadows to become obsessed with it. He even stated that both Luna and Celestia were capable of possessing, and I quote: “infinite power”. And there have been cases in the comics where it has shown that, like how Luna could perform the Dimensional Doorway Spell; which opens pathways to infinite universes and dimensions. And there’s her ability to warp reality, like the time she reversed the effects of Discord’s chaotic magic, who’s stated to be powerful enough to rip the fabric of reality ” Wiz explained.

“Well DAMN!!! This moon pony is fucking powerful… I like her already!” Boomstick commented.


“Over the course of her immortal life, Luna has accomplished a lot of feats. Along with her sister, Celestia; they defeated the chaotic god Discord, the magic absorbing Lord Tirek, and King Sombra. And with a bit of slight help from the Mane 6, she even defeated her own creation, the Tantabus.” Wiz stated.

“And in an alternate timeline, as Nightmare Moon, she defeated and banished Celestia to the moon. And she corrupted the Nyx race. And in the comics, she was even stated to be a serious challenge for the Pony of Shadows!” Boomstick commented.

“And among other crazy adventures, she helped the CMC and Spike free the Mane 6 from the corruption and dark influence of the Dark Water. And she, along with Celestia, helped the remaining Mane 5 and Spike to… ahem… lasso and pull the moon down to earth. No, I'm not kidding!” Wiz explained.

“And not only that, she’s considered to be the hottest princess out of all 4 of the alicorns.” Boomstick exclaimed.

“What? Nobody said that?” Wiz replied.

“To you. But to all the Luna fans out there, they know what I’m talking about. Here, let me search it up.” Boomstick proclaimed as he took to the internet.

“Boomstick… NO!” Wiz protested, but it was too late.

Boomstick searched up on the internet and out of nowhere, an image of an anthro version of Luna appeared on screen. Causing the co-hosts and everyone in the studio to go ballistic.

“WHAT THE HELL!?!?!” Boomstick shouted while having a nosebleed.

“BOOMSTICK! WHY WOULD YOU SEARCH THAT UP?!?!?!” Kiryu shouted from afar while covering DUMMI’s eyes.

“AH!! CUT THE CAMERA! CUT THE CAMERA!!” Wiz informed the camera crew.


“Uh, anyway… This moon princess sounds unstoppable!” Boomstick said.

“Not necessarily, Boomstick. Luna still has a few faults. Her overbearing guilt over her crimes as Nightmare Moon weighs her down all the time, and it's what led her to create the Tantabus, to punish herself. Until the Mane 6 helped her learn to forgive herself.” Wiz stated.

“And also, as Nightmare Moon, she was defeated by the Elements of Harmony… twice!” Boomstick added. “And of course, she, along with her sister, the mane 6, Spike, and the royal couple and their kid, were kidnapped by Chrysalis and the Changelings. Infinite Power… MY ASS!”

“But even with her slight faults, Luna has always dedicated herself to the protection and safety of her subjects. And she’ll always watch over their dreams to ensure that.” Wiz stated.

“Sometimes we can worry about a thing so much, the fear can make us feel we’re trapped in a nightmare.” - Luna.


“In a town called Springwood, legends speak of an immortal serial killer that haunts its inhabitants. A being of pure unsympathetic and unreasonable evil and cruelty, a damned murderer who preys on the young sleeping at night… from within their dreams.” Wiz stated.

“You guessed it. The Nightmare on Elm Street himself… Freddy Kruger.” Boomstick said.

Then soon clips of Freddy Kruger appeared on the screen and laughing in his casual, fear-reckoning

“Uh, this guy is helluva creepy!” Boomstick said loudly.


“Frederick Charles Kruger was born to a nun working in an insane asylum, one who had been violently raped and left for dead by a hundred of insane imates. Which earned him the title of “Bastard Son of 100 Maniacs''.” Wiz explained Freddy’s origins.;

“What the?! How come this guy has 100 fathers while I can’t even keep one?!” Boomstick responded in sorrow, reminded of his non-relationship with his father. “Well, anyway, after that young Freddy was given away to be adopted by one Mr.Underwood; the most abusive foster parent you do not want. And under that torment, Freddy became depressed and eventually decided to cut himself with a razor… and later he used that same razor to kill Underwood.”

“But don’t take this in the way you might expect. Because of that first kill, Freddy would later come to start a career that he believed would suit him: murder.” Wiz stated.

“So with this newfound calling, Freddy grew up to be an infamous serial killer in his home town. Even taking up the name: “the Springwood Slasher”. I’ll give a 5/10 for him.” Boomstick commented.

“Freddy even picked his choice of prey for his murderous pleasure; children.” Wiz added. "During his killing spree, Freddy murdered and mutilated up to 20 children in Springwood. That was until he was arrested and put on trial for his crimes. For the parents of Springwood, justice was about to be served."

"Buuuuuut it didn't. Due to some paperwork mishap and the judge being drunk during the trial, Freddy got a free pass. And of course, the parents of Springwood didn’t take that lightly. So they all took justice into their own hands by heading to Kruger’s hideout and set the whole place ablaze; while burning and killing Freddy himself when he was still inside.” Boomstick explained Freddy’s demise.

“From the looks of it, it would seem Freddy’s story had reached its end; However, this was only a new beginning. Upon his death, Freddy was approached by the Dream Demons. Yes, literal Dream Demons. Mysterious malevolent beings who seek to break down the border between the real world and the Dream World by gathering souls. Though to do this, they would need to recruit the worst of humanity as one of their agents to gather souls for them.” Wiz explained.

“And to their luck, Freddy was the perfect candidate.” Boomstick commented.

“So the Dream Demons struck a bargain with Freddy; that he will live on in undeath and continue to kill to his heart's content as long as the people of Springwood fear him. And in an instant, Freddy agreed to their terms. And thus his killing rampage continued.” Wiz added.

"But this time, thanks to the Dream Demons, Freddy was granted powers and control over the dreams of all of Springwood. Making his serial-killer hobby even more fun." Boomstick commented.



“While Freddy could kill his victims in all manner of different ways, his go-to weapon for his killings would be his iconic glove. Built by Krueger in life, this four-bladed death garment is simple and straightforward, but extremely dangerous.” Wiz stated.

“But in the dream world, Freddy's method of killing involves him infiltrating people's dreams as they sleep. There, he can manipulate their dreams to his will. And if he attacks or fatally harms them in their dreams, all injuries will affect their psychical bodies as well in the real world. So basically, if you die in the dream, you die in real life. Man, if that were real, I would have died of alcohol poisoning years ago.” Boomstick said.

"But Freddy's not an entirely hand-to-hand based fighter. You see, he likes to toy with the victim, wearing down their psyche until the exact moment he can strike. And he kills and scares based on his victim's personal fears and histories." Wiz commented.

"Basically what Wiz is saying, is that the guy's got abilities pretty much solely based on messing with your head. Pyrokinesis, teleportation, manipulating gravity, the ability to create things out of thin air, can control all of technology, can make his damn skeleton a separate entity to start killing people, time manipulation, intangibility, near instant regeneration, and a lot more!" Boomstick takes a heavy breather after spouting all of that.

"You good?" Wiz asked his co-host.

"Yeah, I'm good." Boomstick replied.

"There are other abilities that Freddy also possesses, like he can shape-shift his body to whatever fuels his victum's fears, alter and change the environment, can summon the elements, and can change his victims into anything he wants. Like the time he transformed an insect-phobic girl into a cockroach." Wiz explained another set of Kruger's abilities.

"Jesus Christ! Is there anything this guy can't do?!" Boomstick.

"No. You see, in the Dream World, Freddy's strength grows exponentially, gaining almost god-like powers in this realm. He gains telepathy, telekinesis, can grow higher than clouds, the ability to have complete control over someone, possession, can fuse with people, the ability to resurrect, matter manipulation, and the ability to break the fourth wall. He also grows stronger with every kill, consuming their souls, with 62 confirmed kills." Wiz explained more of Kruger's abilities.

"Well, I guess Freddy is one scary son of a bitch." Boomstick commented.



“In the dream realm, the dude has accomplished many things. He can increase his size to that of a building, or even a mountain. He even once created a small planet out of cars, sent a house into space, trapped his victims in time loops, murdered every single child in Springwood, and he’s even manipulated and resurrected Jason Voorhees.” Boomstick explained.

"While he's most dangerous in the victim's dreams, Freddy is still a threat in the real world. Able to throw dodgeballs hard enough kill a person, fast enough to keep up with his zombie rival, Jason Voorhees, who can dodge point-blank bullets, and practically invulnerable to pain, it's pretty clear to see why he's been around as long as he has." Wiz explained.

“Not to mention that this guy was also tough in the real world; he survived having his limbs ripped off, was thrown into a building, survived bring reduced to a severed head, and tanked a shell from a tank point-blank!? This guy is taking tons of punishment!” Boomstick commented.

“And there was even one instance where he briefly became a god in the real world; when he fused with the Necronomicon Ex Mortis. A demonic book bound in human skin which allows the person who has the book to summon the dead and grants great demonic power upon the person who has the book.” Wiz mentions.

“With that book, Freddy could be able to use his dream powers in the real world; with some additions like summon forth bolts of lightning, a rain of fire, or create seismic shockwaves. Or even better, summon an army of demons at his beck and call.” Boomstick added.

“But even with all these powers and abilities, Freddy does have some downfalls.” Wiz commented.


“While Freddy is basically omnipotent in the Dream World, he is not technically invulnerable. Freddy actually requires people to remember and fear him to continue existing and to keep his powers. Also, if one were to bring him into the real world, he would become mortal; despite all the hits and punishments he’s survived.” Wiz stated Freddy’s faults.

“Also, being a nightmare, he's weak against mirrors, as they reflect back at him all the pain and torment he's caused others. And because he was burned to death, he's actually vulnerable to fire.” Boomstick added.

“Also his victims are able to fight back unless they have a strong will to resist his manipulation and trickery.” Wiz exclaimed.

“But still that’s pretty difficult when dealing with a demonic dream killer, who’s abilities and arsenal makes him a formidable foe.” Boomstick commented.

“After so many years of terrorizing Elm Street, everyone knows why they shouldn't fall asleep.” Wiz said.

“Because one, two, Freddy’s comin’ for you.” Boomstick stated.

“Welcome to my world, bitch!” - Freddy Kruger

“Alright the combatants are set. And we ran our tests through all possibilities! Time to kick off this nightmarish showdown.” Wiz proclaimed.

My only nightmare is my pointless existence.” DUMMI exclaimed.

Kiryu hugged the robot close to her chest; hugging him with motherly care. “Oh you poor thing.” She said.

Wiz and Boomstick stared at the two robots with blank and wide-eyed expressions before they turned towards each and shrugged their shoulders.

And all there’s left is for Boomstick to say: “ITS TIME FOR A DEATH BATTLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEE!!!!”

It was a calm, quiet night in the land of Equestria, as everypony in Ponyville were all tucked away in their beds and dreamed of pleasant dreams.

Well, all except one.

Laying in her bed, soundly asleep, a young unicorn filly named Dinky Hooves was tossing and turning. Her face bore a fright and anguish, as if she was experiencing her worst nightmare as of now.

*In the Dream World*

Young Dinky found herself running through the corridors and pathways of, from her perspective, a boiler room.

Exhausted and frightened, the young filly didn’t dare to stop running as she could hear his horrible laughter closing in behind. She felt like she had been running forever, but somehow, she keeps finding herself nowhere out of this boiler room.

But she kept running, because she fears of what he might do to her if he catches her.

She kept her pace until she was forced to stop at a dead end; which she remembers, wasn’t there before.

Cornered and exhausted, the little filly turned her back against the wall as she could hear metal scratching against metal… moving towards her direction.

She look through the smoke and vapor as the Springwood Slasher himself, slowly approaches her; dragging his claw blades against the pipes on the wall.

Dinky whimpered in fear as Freddy creepily sang the song.

“One, two, Freddy’s comin’ for you…”

he drew closer.

“…Three, four, better lock your doors…”

And closer.

“… Five, six, grab your crucifix…”

And closer.

“… Seven and eight, better stay awake…”

Freddy soon stood in front of the and towered over the cowering filly. The Springwood Slasher more a sinister hint as he raised is glowed hand above his head, curled up in a fist.

”… Nine, ten, never sleep AGAIN!” he finished his rhyme as he opens up his gloved hand to display his 4-fingered blades; ready to strike down the young filly.

Dinky screamed in terror, helpless to do anything as she was at Freddy’s mercy.

But before Kruger could go in for the kill, a portal formed underneath Dinky and she fell right through it; and when she disappeared, the portal closed.

Freddy was both confused and angry by this turn of events.

“NOOOOOO! WHAT THE HELL!?!?” He roared in anger.

“Your fun is over, Kruger.” A female voice called out to the Springwood Slasher, which echoed across the dream world.

Freddy turns around to see where the voice came from.

He looks up and sees a spark of light forming in the air; until it manifests and took shape. Appearing out of thin air, was the Princess of the night; Princess Luna.

And the dark alicorn was giving Kruger an aggressive scowl that would make other ponies have a chill in their bones.

Kruger, on the other hand, had a unamused expression on his face, while crossing his arms as he stares back at Luna.

“Oh great, it’s the moon bitch.” He commented. “Just had to ruin my fun didn’t you!”

“If you call tormenting children as fun, then yes.” Luna replied.

“Hey! That’s part of my charm.” Freddy proclaimed, bringing his gloved hand up and displaying his 4-fingered blades.

Luna flares up her wings while her scowl intensified.

“ENOUGH! Thou intruder shall leave the Dream Realm and halt thy torments towards the ponies of Equestria! Or thou shall face the dire consequences of thy actions!” Luna spoke with her Canterlot Royal Voice. Which almost blew Kruger away due to the intensity of her vocals; and holding onto his hat to make sure it didn’t blow off his head.

Freddy’ was left wide-eyed and speechless as he fixed up his hat and stared at the alicorn with a calm and casual expression, while holding up his hands as a sign of surrender.

“Ok, ok, you win, I’ll leave. But first…” Freddy said as he looked at Luna dead in the eye before a sinister grin formed on his face. “… You’ll have to catch me.” He stated while chuckling evilly before he vanished into thin air.

Luna was surprised by this and turned her head left and right, searching for Kruger. And appearing directly behind her, was the Springwood Slasher, with his gloved claw raised high, ready to slash at the alicorn.

But Luna could sense his presence, as tilt her head a little, looking directly behind her, and spotting Kruger.


As Freddy brings his gloved hand down to slash at Luna, the alicorn uses her magic and teleports out of the way before he could land the hit.

Then Luna appears directly behind him and fires a concussive blast of her magic, sending Kruger flying and crashing through a wall of metal pipes.

Luna hovered down and landed on the floor of the boiler room as she stared at the hole in the wall where she threw Kruger. She stares at the hole in the wall for a while before he could hear the sounds of Freddy's blades somewhere above here.

The alicorn looks up and sees the Springwood Slasher standing on a catwalk above her, looking down on her with a creepy smile while staring down at her.

"Missed me!" Freddy proclaimed.

Then with the wave of his hand, Freddy uses his telekinetic powers and caused the the pipes and metal panels in the boiler room to tear off the walls and shoot straight towards the alicorn princess.

Seeing the incoming attack, Luna quickly took off into the air to avoid it, but of course, the pipes and metal scrap followed her like heat-seeking missiles; leaving Luna to dodge and weave in the air to avoid all the projectiles. Kruger laughed at the alicorn's misfortunes.

Starting to grow annoyed of this, Luna pulled a UNO reverse card on the Springwood slasher by casting her own telekinesis spell, causing all the metal pipes and scrape to halt in place; overpowering Freddy's control over them.

Freddy was puzzled by this sudden turn of event as Luna smirked at the Springwood slasher and said....

"My turn."

The alicorn princess sent the metal barreling towards her nightmarish foe at tremendous speed, to which that Freddy had no time to dodge as he was soon impaled in the torso by a few pipes as the rest strikes against the ground around him.

"GAAAAH!!!" Freddy lets out a scream in pain as she held onto one of the pipes.

Luna stares at her foe, watching him scream in pain, with a glare in her eyes. But that expression changed as she saw Freddy went from whining in pain to laughing in a mocking way. Then the Springwood slasher disappeared from his spot, which puzzled and shocked Luna greatly. The dark alicorn turned her head side to side, searching for her foe.

But soon she started to sense where he was, and he was... right behind her?! Luna turns around and sees Freddy Kruger, fully regenerated from his wounds, and manifesting himself as a large shadow figure of himself, bringing down his clawed glove straight towards her.

Luna quickly dodges the attack and tries to maneuver, but Kruger decides to manipulate the environment around them, causing the pipes and chains in the place to move like snakes and attempting to strike at the alicorn princess.

Luna sees the incoming attack and expertly dodges and evades them while hovering in the air to blast the moving pipes and chains away. But soon she learns that Kruger had set her up for him to strike her as shadow form raises his clawed hand up to send it crashing down on her.

Luna quickly conjures herself a magic shield in quick reaction time as Freddy strikes at its barrier, forcing the alicorn princess back and flying across the boiler room at fast speeds before she crashed through the walls, and then tumbles across the floor of wherever she landed in.

Luna recovers and gets up from the attack as she quickly observed her surroundings, she is shocked to find herself in the throne room of the Castle of the Two Sisters; she and her sister's old castle. Just seeing this old place again brought back bitter memories from her past as she is overwhelmed with stress and guilt.

And on cue, Freddy's voice echoed across the room, taunting and tormenting her.

"Aww, what's wrong, Luna? Aren't you happy to be back home? You must've have swell memories of this place. Especially what you had become on that very day?" Freddy taunted.

Soon a puff of black smoke appeared all around her, and in their place stood Luna's evil persona, Nightmare Moon; staring down at her with a devilish grin. Then more Nightmare Moons appeared all around Luna, laughing at her in a mocking manner; with Kruger's laughter echoing along with them.

Luna is near a mental breakdown as tears fell from her eyes when she looks up towards the two thrones in the room. Her sights moved up towards the banners and the large window above the two thrones. And all she see were that both of the banners were identical, with images of her darker half; Nightmare Moon, on them. Upon seeing this, Luna forces herself to look away and down towards the floor as her eyes closed tightly and her tears flowed from them.

Seeing the alicorn vulnerable, Freddy manifests into the room and then he steps closer to his prey, twitching his clawed finger blades, causing metal scratching sounds from them. As he moves closer and closer to the alicorn, Kruger raises his glowed hand high, ready to slash her into pieces.

But before he does, he adds one more taunt. "What's wrong, little princess? Gonna cry?" he proclaimed as Luna barely moved from her spot or responded.

Then with a swift swing of his arm, Freddy slashes at the alicorn princess, believing that this was the end. But to his surprise, as his finger blades were inches away from slicing her into pieces, Luna manifests into a cloud of dust and soon that cloud of dust evaporated. Leaving the Springwood slasher literally slashing at air.

"What the f$%@!?" Freddy said in disbelief, confused and annoyed by what just happened.

Then the Springwood slasher is met with the sounds of Luna's laughter echoing all around the room as he looks around the places, angered and more confused. And soon Luna's voice could be heard calling out to him.

"Did you really think that you had me there? Did you think that little, puny, stunt would cripple me?!" Luna spoke to him, as if she was mocking him. Freddy continuously turn his head side to side, trying to locate where the alicorn is as Luna continued to speak.

"I have already conquered the darkness of my past and I am immune to your pathetic... mental..." As Freddy turned around for the final time, he is met face-to-muzzle with Princess Luna, who bore a glare on her face that lets him know that she was done playing. "...TRICKS!" She screamed before she conjures her magic and unleashes a massive blast of magic, filling the room with bright light, engulfing both herself and Kruger. The floors and walls of the room cracked and shattered, as the environment as reduced to nothingness.

As soon as the light show ended, both Luna and Kruger find themselves in the astral plane of the Dream Realm itself, as Luna stood on the astral pathway of the Dream Realm, while Kruger was laying on his back, on the path.

The Springwood slasher soon gets up onto his feet, but was struggling a bit as he felt his body aching in all places; something that never happened to him before. Because of this, he turns his eyes towards his foe with malicious and aggressive intent, while Luna stares at him with a stern, yet calm expression.

In a fit of rage, Freddy Kruger conjures his pyrokinesis and sends a massive stream of fire towards Luna. The alicorn conjures herself a magic barrier to deflect the attack. As she was doing this, Freddy enlarges himself to grow as large as a building. After successfully blocking the fire attack, Luna notices herself being inside someone's shadow, which causes her to look up and see the gigantic Freddy Kruger lifting his foot and bringing it down to crush her. Luna teleports out of the way before Freddy's foot hit the ground, and soon she appears in the air at eye-level with the giant Kruger.

Freddy then tries to swipe at the flying alicorn in the air, but Luna was too fast for him as she evaded his massive hands. Then the alicorn princess conjures her magic yet again to form massive storm clouds above herself and the giant Freddy. The Springwood slasher looks up at the clouds before a barrage of lightning bolts appear from the dark clouds and struck his body, causing him searing pain and forcing him to shrink down to his normal size.

With her foe back to his normal size, Luna then halts the lightning barrage and then commands the clouds to generate massive gusts of winds, which blew right towards Freddy.

The Springwood slasher tries to hold his ground, but soon the strong winds swept him off his feet and sent him flying in the air. With that, Luna casts the Dimensional Doorway spell and opens a portal within the dream realm and into the real world; to which Freddy, unfortunately, went flying through. Then Luna flies through the portal and arrives into the real world; that being Equestria.

Freddy crashed and tumbled into the grassy field, of wherever Luna sent them, before stopping and laying on the ground in pain.

Luna hovers in the air before she lands onto the ground, about a seven feet away from Kruger. As the alicorn stares at her weakened foe, robbed of his powers, she is then met with a surprising sight as she witnessed the Dream Demons manifest above Freddy and demanding him to get back up.

"What are you doing, you fool?!" Dream Demon #1 said.

"This is not over!" Dream Demon #2 exclaimed.

"Get up and get back in that fight!" Dream Demon #3 instructed.

Freddy rises back on his feet and then he argues with the Dream Demons. "What do you think I'm doing!? Sleeping on the job!?" he shouted.

Seeing the source of her enemy's evil powers, Luna decided to remove these evil deities from the equation. As she summons forth her magic as her eyes glowed brightly as she casts a spell which ultimately rendered the Dream Demon under her command.

"COME FORTH, FOUL DEMONS!" She spoke with her Canterlot voice.

The Dream Demon tried to fight Luna's control, but her power over them was inevitable and the 3 deities obliged in her command.

"Yes, mistress." All three of them said as they left Freddy's side and approached the alicorn.

"No! What are you three doing! Stop!" the Springwood slasher tries to get the Dream Demons to halt their actions, but failed.

The Dream Demons soon stopped in front of Luna as the alicorn was disgusted by their appearances.

"Now... BEGONE FOUL CREATURES!" She shouted as she fires a blast of purified magic which caused searing pain for the Dream Demons and soon it reduced the deities into dust.

After disposing of the Dream Demons, Luna sets her sights back on Freddy, who she sees charging at her with his clawed glove ready to strike her down. But Freddy doesn't get to reach her as Luna casts her telekinesis spell on him, halting him in place as he struggles to try and kill her.

Luna and Freddy gave one last glare towards each other before exchanging their final words.

"Tis' the end for thou, Kruger." Luna stated.

"F#%@ you, moon bitch." Freddy insulted.

With that Luna charges up her horn and then she fires her biggest magic beam right in Kruger's face. The Springwood slasher felt his burnt flesh melt and burn away, as his entire body and soul was disintegrating into nothing, and all Freddy did was let out an agonizing and dying scream as it soon silenced as the nightmare serial killer was no more.

Breathing heavily with exhaustion and relieved that the threat was finally vanquished, Luna turns around and casts Dimensional Doorway and returns back into the Dream Realm. And as she was back in it, Luna conjures up a single door along the pathway of dreams, and opens the door to look into it.

And behind the door, she sees the filly that she saved earlier, Dinky Hooves, experiencing her most happiest dreams of playing in a land of muffins with a dream manifestation of her mother, Derpy Hooves. Luna gave a warm smile upon seeing the young filly safe and being happy.

Knowing her job was done, Luna silently closes the door, leaving the child to her dreams.


Princess Luna:

+ Far more powerful
+ Far more faster
+ Has over a thousand years of experience
+ Can sense Kruger’s presence at all times
+ Can remove Freddy from the Dream Realm & into the real world via Dimensional Doorway spell
+ Has superior control over the Dream Realm
+ Most of her abilities & spells counter all of Kruger’s abilities

Freddy Kruger:

+ Has a wide array of abilities
+ His regeneration can repair damage; at least in the Dream Realm
Far less powerful
Far slower
Cannot absorb Luna’s soul unless he kills her (which is easier said than done)
His immunity to magic is overtaxed by Luna’s infinite magic power
Luna’s magic absorption can take away his powers

"WHOA! Not only Luna is the hottest princess, she's a badass too!" Boomstick proclaimed.

"While Freddy Kruger had a lot more abilities that gave him a wide array of attacks, and as long as he was in the dream world, he can heal and recover faster after taking a hit. But unfortunately for the Springwood Slasher, Luna proved to be too much for him." Wiz stated.

"Try as he might, Old Freddy was never gonna stack up against this pony princess. I mean sure Freddy had about a decade or 2 killing in the dream world, but Luna had centuries of knowledge and experience within the realm of dreams. Which meant she's been doing this dream business for way longer than Kruger has." Boomstick explained Luna's experience with the dream world.

"Not to mention, Luna had a much superior control over the Dream Realm than what Freddy could ever hope for, and due to her resistance to mind control and possession, Freddy had no way to manipulate or read Luna's mind. And thanks to her extrasensory perception, Luna could be aware of Freddy's presence in the Dream Realm, without having the need to see where he was. In fact, pretty much a few of Luna's abilities countered most of Freddy's abilities," Wiz explained Luna's defenses against Kruger.

"She was way faster too! Sure Freddy can keep up with his rival, Jason Voorhees, and that guy has outran gunfire from a helicopter. But Luna can fly at speeds about 4% the Speed of Light, which is way faster than Jason outrunning gunfire." Boomstick stated.

"But to better solidify Luna's victory over Freddy, we needed to discuss about how much power these two have. For Freddy Kruger, his most powerful feat was when he created a small junkyard planet." Wiz said.

"And by calculations according to a helpful source, to achieve this feat, Freddy would have to conjure up energy equivalent to about 462.24 tons of TNT." Boomstick confirmed.

"And to scale Luna's full power, we knew who to compare her to for a direct comparison: her sister, Princess Celestia. And the biggest feat that Celestia ever did was moving the sun with her magic. And by calculations according to another helpful source, we can confirm that the energy needed to move the sun would be around 4.089 * 10^47 joules of kinetic energy; thats equals to about... 98 UNDECILLION TONS OF TNT!" Wiz explains.

98,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 tons of TNT vs 462.24 tons of TNT

"And when we did the comparison... uh... its not looking good for Freddy." Boomstick commented.

"But there are other powerful feats that Freddy has done that we could also add into the pile, like the time he lifted a house into planetary orbit. And thanks to a helpful source, the kinetic energy needed to do this would be at least 290 Megatons of TNT. Over 5.8 times greater than the Russian Tsar bomb, but no where close to Luna's greater level of power." Wiz stated another Kruger power feat.

98,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 tons of TNT vs 290,000,000 tons of TNT

"But we can hear you all shouting in the back. What about the Freddy's time loop ability?! And the Necronomicon Ex Mortis?!" Boomstick exclaimed.

"Well, we looked into the factor of Freddy putting Luna in a time loop, which should have scored him a few victories; but when considering the massive power gap between them, Luna could easily force her way out of it. And we also looked into the factor of the inclusion of the Necronomicon Ex Mortis, and the difficult thing was that while Freddy could gain god-like powers from it; the Necronomicon could see Freddy unworthy of its power and take it away from him, as well as the powers he gets from the Dream Demons." Wiz explained.

"And speaking of the Dream Demons, you all might be asking about the final outcome of the fight. While the Dream Demons are ancient and powerful, but remember back in the IDW MLP comics when Luna, back in her days as Nightmare Moon, corrupted the Nyx race? Yeah, these guys were pretty much the MLP equivalents of dream demons. And there's also the fact that Luna, with the mental support of the Main 6, overpowered and absorbed the Tantabus, which is also an equivalent to the Dream Demons as well." Boomstick explained.

"Furthermore, Freddy didn't have the power, nor the control, to defeat Luna before his own options were spent. While Freddy's abilities and killer mental capacity certainly put up a fight, but Luna's infinite power, experience, and superior control over the dream world, gave her the winning edge." Wiz proclaimed.

"On this day, Freddy Kruger met his worst Night-Mare!" Boomstick punned.

Wiz groaned at his co-host's pun. "Seriously?" he asked.

"Hey! My puns are great! At least I'm not the one complaining about your new habit of talking about Kiryu in your sleep!" Boomstick responded which had Wiz flustered and caught Kiryu's attention.

"Wha-Wha-What?! No I don't!" Wiz protested.

"Yeah, you do. One time I caught you sleeping on the job and you were mumbling all sorts of stuff about how you admired Kiryu's smarts, and how you think she's beautiful, yada yada, etc." Boomstick explained.

Wiz tried to come up with a rebuttal or a counterclaim, but was too flustered to answer. Then before he knew it, Kiryu was standing directly behind him and then she turns him around to have him look her dead in the eye.

"Is what he's saying true?!" She asked with curiosity. Wiz replied with only mumbles and scrabbled words, for he was too flustered to answer. But for Kiryu, that was as much as a good of an answer for her as her eyes lit up in a pink color and heart shapes formed on them as the mechanized-kaiju girl smiled. "C'mere, handsome!" She said before pushing her lips onto Wiz's and the two started making out.

Then the two fell onto the floor and offscreen as Boomstick watched everything from his point of view, with wide eyes as he looks back at the camera and back towards the two.

"Uh guys? Can you two go get a room? We're live, you know?" He tries to get them to cease their actions.

But it wasn't working as sounds of moaning increased in volume, sounding like the situation was escalating very quickly.

"GAH!" Boomstick's face turned red as he was the only one to see what was happening and soon he turns towards the camera and the crew running them, screaming: "CUT THE CAMERAS! CUT THEM NOW!"

"Eh... Th-The w-winner... is Princess Luna." Wiz's voice spoke to declare the victor, though his voice sounded like he had came back from Heaven.