A Thousand Discordant Nights

by Chameleon Ark

First published

The show has ended, much to the dismay of the Brony fandom. Discord is here to help.

The show is over, and the last Bronycon has come to pass. The moment that everyone has dreaded finally arrived, but some just weren't having it. In a drunked stupor, one man invokes the name of Discord to make sure that the show and everything about it would never be forgotten one way or another. Who was Discord to ignore such a fun request from across space and time? Now he is going around the Earth turning random people into ponies, dragons, and other races that inhabit Equestria's with little twists that are sure to trigger sexual adventures.

Warning, Contains: Transformation, Gender Bender, Cum Inflation, Deep throat, Impregnation, Physics defying hyjinks, Character development (how scandalous!), etc.
(M/F), (F/F), (M/F/F)

My Discord: https://discord.gg/Hu7EuZ

A Much Obliged Request

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~A Thousand Discordant Nights~

By Chameleon Ark

1. A Much Obliged Request

The midnight air was crisp outside the local mall. The parking lot empty save for a lone van emblazoned with depictions of majestic unicorns galloping through a supernova towards the full moon atop of rainbows. It was an eyesore produced by a lapse in the owner's judgement, and he knew and regretted it well. Thankfully that rather cheesy depiction was currently obstructed from the world by the open slide door where the owner of the van, Ian sat with his third beer in his hand. His hair was a dirty blonde pulled back into a short ponytail. Scruffy on the chin, his looks were about early thirties. His chest felt heavy as he looked back on his years. He was a Brony, a fan of a little show about small magical horses that surprised everyone despite the ridiculous premise. For nearly a decade he had been a leading part of it, but now he met the threshold. The end of it all marked by the last convention to celebrate it. He was not alone. Surrounding him in a circle of folding chairs were three of his young adult brony friends looking almost as decidedly sullen as he was.

Together they all sat around a familiar looking draconequus lamp center of them where their light source for the night came from. In their drunken stupor they dare not attempt to make a pit fire, and chose to instead pull the collector's lamp from the van with an extension cord and turn on the van heater to full blast. It wasn't perfect nor completely logical, but they were drunk enough not to care.

The silence was broken by David, his dark haired friend on his far left. Like the rest of them, he wore a 'My little Pony' themed shirt of various depictions. Unlike the rest of them, he wasn't quite as centralized in the fandom, but he loved it nonetheless, "Well, we had a good run lads. Had to end somewhere you know." He took another drink. It was very much like him to just want to rip the feeling off like a band aid. He meant well, but not everyone appreciated the sentiment.

Tom, their youngest member scoffed, "Shadup, David. Good run? Great more like it." He drank, "Couldn't of thought a better way to spend time with blokes like ya if not fer this whole insane thing. Silly as that is." How he became part of their group was of pretty interesting circumstance. Since his early college days, Ian had been distant pals with Tom's Father, who was then his history professor. After getting word of his interest two years ago, he thought it would be good to entrust his brony son to him two years ago so as to keep him out of trouble. The now 19 year old boy may have been a foul mouthed scott, but he was an excellent addition to the group. He pated his pal to the left. "Least this convention was nice, huh Jackie boy?"

The man in question, who unlike his other friends was wise enough to bring his warm aviator jacket. Jack was perhaps Ian's closest friend. They met each other nine years at one of the cons during his grand entrance. Ian was setting up the outdoor panels for the guest when the man came down in a fricking helicopter! The panels and everything flew away to Ian's dismay. He was going to angrily have a few words with the pilot, bit the guy ran out of the landing pad and couldn't apologize enough. When he asked Ian if he wanted to take a ride as a way to make up for it, they had both been inseparable.

He blinked for a moment as his hand touched him. He had been staring intensely on the lamp, the gesture breaking his trance, "Huh? Oh yeah, the convention." Something important seemed to eat at the back of his mind, but the alcohol he consumed made his thoughts all cloudu, and couldn't quite remember what was bothering him. "They pretty much outdid themselves this time." He answered.

"Well, It was the last one after all." David replied kicking back in his chair, "I'd be very disappointed if they didn't. Loved a lot of the cosplay chicks they had."

Tom rolled his eyes, "Sheesh, is that all you old men ever think about?"

David scoffed, "Old man? I'm only thirty two, dude. Anyway, you're one to talk. Don't think I didn't see you eyeing the girl in the Princess Ember costume Tom."

Tom shrugged with a sly smile. Out of all of them he was the most good looking of the bunch. The way he slicked back his brown hair, and wore his leather jacket over his brony shirt. He was gifted with the looks, no one could deny, but nobody knew it like he did. People often eyed him as much as he did them, "What can I say? Pony cosplay is nice, but the predatory dragon and griffon ladies are where it is all at. Isn't that right Ian?"

Ian did not respond, he only gripped his bottle tighter. They were trying their hardest to lighten the mood with their usual banter, but he wasn't having it. Perhaps it was the alcohol in his system, but he looked up with fire in his eyes, "This isn't right." He got up from his spot at the edge of the van, "Ten years we have been apart of this fandom. Ten bloody years! And they end it like that. What are we?" He put a thumb to his chest losing his footing for a sec before regaining his composure, "Fans who are willing to travel a day and a half to celebrate it. Herds of fully grown men and women in love with a show meant for little girls. That's never hap-happened before." He stumbled. Seems he had more than he thought.

"I think you had one too many, man." David said, getting up, "It's not that big a deal."

"Not that big a deal!" He growled, "We helped build this thing from the ground up!"

"Oi! Calm down mate." He held up his hands in case Ian wanted to hit him, "We get ya, but there is always gen 5 ya know. Hasbro won't put away their cash cow forever." Tom replied, looking a little concerned for him.

"They'll fuck it up. I know they will, just wait!" He took his bottle and drank the last of it. He never drank often, and rarely ever got drunk. But this was a time to be drinking hard in his mind, "I love the show, but the qua-quality hadn't been the same since the ascension thingy." His head felt fuzzy, looking at the bottle he regretted the hangover he just gave himself for tomorrow, "God i'm so shitfaced right now." He whispered leaning against the car.

David groaned, sitting back down "Ah dude, you still on about that? I thought we moved past it years ago. Sure, none of us were thrilled about Twilight's Alicorn ascension, but plenty of great things happened after that made up for it. Lots of juicy new lore, characters and species in equestria to write fanfics about."

"Yeah, we still have those." Tom added taking a light sip from his nearly empty bottle, "And look at the bright side, there's nothing now to contradict any lore we could add to those."

"There is no bright side Tom. Our era is over." Ian replied, rubbing his face, "The show connected everyone, and soon enough, it will only be a fading memory. People will forget why we loved it in the first place, and then it is back to square one. A freaking loser in the closet who no one understands."

They looked at him with sympathy in their eyes. Jack's gaze met his and locked, "You'll always have us mate. The show's over, but it happened, and it brought us together." He stood and took his friend's shoulder. "We'll always be friends no matter what." Ian sighed, and they hung together like that. After a moment of reassurance, Jack sat back down.

The wind from Ian's angry sail was efficiently removed, and he sighed. They were right afterall. It was the alcohol talking.

"He's right ya know." Tom added, "I may be the latecomer, but we'll always have what it gave us."

"How about a toast before we hit the hay?" David suggested, "You, Ian" he pointed with a shake, "say something before I pass out."

Ian sighed before holding his bottle up. It was empty, but it didn't matter. For a moment he thought of what to say before glancing at the lamp when something came to mind, "Gentlecolts, may our group pray this night to our lord of chaos. Tonight I invoke the name of Discord for a promise. That everything about the show we love will never be forgotten one way or another, and that we will always be brony friends!"

"I'll toast to that!" Tom laughed clinking his bottle with the others. Jack wasn't paying attention though, he was looking directly at the lamp.

"Don't leave a Scotsman hanging Jack." Tom gave a chuckle, but Jack sat up straighter.

His face was deprived of mirth, "You know the lamp is not plugged in right?"

They all looked at him like he was crazy before their eyes turned to the brightly glowing lamp and trailed the cord where it ended not plugged in inside the van.

A familiar chuckle echoed all around them, "Was wondering when you would all notice." There was a flash, and where there was the lamp stood the actual draconequus standing at nine feet tall. The serpentine chimera looking at them with his glowing yellow and red eyes. All party members crashed backwards in their chairs while Ian scrambled deeper into his van. The light was gone now, but his yellow glowing eyes were on him and Ian's heart beat like a drum. He wanted to scream but nothing would come out.

The creature grinned, "Don't worry Ian. Your wish shall be granted. It wouldn't be fun otherwise." He chuckled, "What a fun indigenous people. If you're confused now, just wait till you wake, morning come." He chuckled darkly, "As compensation for letting me discover this world, I shall bestow upon you a gift with your new life. I'll be back, but for now I have some business to attend to. Tah tah." He snapped his fingers and the world went dark.


Ian woke up with a maddening headache beating like a steady drum. He groaned feeling the stinging light pierce his eyes painfully. It was official. He had way too much to drink. He shifted around noting his body felt strange. When he pulled the weight of his limbs, everything felt like it was in the wrong place. He was sure he was laying on the carpeted floor of his van chin down on a warm and soft pillow. It was a nice open space within the vehicle with no seats beyond the front two, which made it quite roomy for two of his friends to sleep in their sleeping bags on that floor, while he and the other would sleep in the chairs. It was a fair arrangement, and since it was his car, he got the more comfortable reclining chair during trips.

He didn't seem to get that luxury in this instance. He reasoned that he must have just climbed in and passed out after their small drunken party. On the bright side, he was currently surrounded by very warm, fuzzy things… that were breathing.

After a moment of sitting he dared to open his eyes. His first blurry look brought only confusion. His head was positioned between something purple. He blinked again with even more confusion. His head was sitting on a tail between purple scaly legs that ended at a puffy lavender pussy right where his snout was.

His face grew hot and he jerked backwards on his haunches with a surprised scream, jutting upright with alien motion that resulted in his newly found unicorn horn piercing the roof of his car. "Agh!" He yelped, and several feminine yelps of surprise followed him.

"Ahh! Jesus Ian. What the…" The grey mare with the green mane looked up with flabbergast. Before her was a six foot tall white unicorn stallion sporting a luxurious white-blue mane and straight beard, struggling to get it's horn out of the hole it made in the metallic surface of the roof. There was a strange mental tugging sensation that drew her to him, and her heart quickened. One explaination came to mind, "Holy fuck, did someone slip me acid? I'm gonna be pissed if someone put acid in my drink." Her voice felt strange in her mouth 'This has to be a trip." She reasoned. Anything else was too absurd to consider.

The mare found herself trying to get up, but was too hung over and wobble down back on her haunches with a thump. Wait, she had haunches? Her thoughts were disturbed by one of her fellow yelpers, which was the light pink pony nearest to her. Unlike the giant stallion before her that was twice her size, this one pegasus sat eye level, looking down at her hooves curiously and intently. She found her actually quite cute. with her pink coat and cream colored mane, she would have made a pleasant and simple oc. The mare in question turned to her with a inquisitive look, "... David?"

The mare blinked at her name. She was about to say something when they heard more yelling.

"Holy mutherfacking horseapples!" All party members looked at the medium sized purple dragon that collected herself as she huddled to a corner gawking at them, "I'ma either dreaming or there's three ponies in the van!" The scottish accent was unmistakable.

"Actually Tom," the pink mare calmly started, pointing a hoof at David, "We are ponies." She turned the hoof to Ian, "He on the other hand is far too large. Stature I reckon is more that of a fully grown alicorn. Clearly a unicorn though due to only having one large protruding horn. Got to say though, digging the beard Ian."

Ian recognized that kind of break down, ignoring the last statement, "Jack? Is that..? Oh holy hell." The blood in his veins ran cold as he remembered bits and pieces of the night prior. The night that Discord himself showed up.

With one last jerk he managed to free his horn. He looked at the ponies and dragon, turning to each of them, "David, Tom, and… Jack? Oh Christ almighty. This, this is…" his face turned beat red as he realised his face was just in Tom's crotch. May their father have mercy on him.

The dragoness in question was finally lucid enough to realise his own changes, "What the, what…" his hands ran along his entire body until they found themselves between his legs. In stock still silence he realised that he was now a she.

The motion ran alarm bells in David and Ian's brains as they both looked down at themselves. Ian sighed in relief. It wasn't his usual equipment, but it was still there. David wasn't quite so lucky. He looked to be at the brink of crying.

Jack looked curiously, "Seems we're all female save for Ian here." She got up and warbled a bit trying to stand on her four hooves as best she could. Her wings twitched but stayed folded to her back. Turning to the window she looked out, "Same place we were before. No transportation to another world kind of scenario. Shame that. This is going to be more difficult."

"Is your head screwed on right?" Tom asked having recovered from his unwelcomed revelation, "Did ya forget the part that we're all fucking ponies!" Her tail swished violently.

Jack seemed unaffected by the outburst, "Well, as I said, me and David are ponies of earth and pegasi. You on the other hand are a dragon while Ian looks to be a unicorn stallion of a larger variant."

"How the hell are you so calm?" David asked still with some upset to his, her, voice. Honestly Ian wanted to know the same. He was pretty quiet thus far, but his heart was going a million miles an hour with questions running through his head.

The pony in question shrugged, "I read a lot of fanfiction. I always entertained the thought at the back of my mind. Also I'm a trained pilot, we're taught to keep our cool in surprising circumstances like these."

"Well lucky you." The dragoness sneered, "Not all of us were looking for scales and a cunt! Did ya have a pretty new name in mind to call yourself too?! What are we supposed to do now!"

"Calm, the fuck down Tom!" Ian yelled. His horn flared white involuntary, and the Dragoness' jaw snapped shut. Something that even Ian wasn't expecting. He sighed,his headache getting worse, "Okay, now does anyone at all remember what happened last night?"

They all stared at him as they tried recalling the night before. Jack was the first to recant, "Well, we you drove us into the parking lot at five in the morning, BronyCon started at 9:30 am, ended at 10:00 pm, and for the rest of the night we drunk outside the parking lot lamenting about the show's end." The other nodded in agreement.

He blinked, "That it? None of you remember that Discord himself crashed our party?"

They all stood still as their minds reeled with that information, "Ya bullshiting!" Tom accused, but the serious look on Ian's horse face made her eyes widen, "Holy fuck you're serious…" The others didn't know how to reply.

"Look guys," Ian sighed, "We're in a pickle, and I can't help but feel partially responsible. What happened last night… I made a toast to Discord for the promise that the show may never be forgotten. That's when he showed up and I guess… did this while we were sleeping." He looked to where the lamp was supposed to be but found it was no longer in it's spot.

"This is insane." David replied placing a hoof on her temples, "One; How in the flying fuck does he exist?! Two; Why would he do this?!"

Jack almost laughed, "Why wouldn't he do this? Discord? Lord of Chaos hello? For the first though," she rubbed her chin with her hoof, "obviously it would appear the show isn't as fictional as we thought."

David couldn't rebut so she just deflated. She turned to Ian, properly upset, "Why, Ian? Why did this happen?"

The pitiful way the question was asked made Ian feel like he had a frog landed in his throat. While some bronies fantasized about this kind of scenario, there were massive challenges and complications it would likely impose on their lives, and they knew that. This mare, his friend looked at him with such sad and scared eyes thinking of their now uncertain future. He had never seen David look like that before and it made him worry. He sighed again feeling suddenly claustrophobic in the space he was in. He took up the majority of it, making it feel smaller than it was."I don't know," He replied. He looked about him. He was the group leader and he needed to act like it. Thankfully planning and strategy was his specialty, and though he didn't admit it, he like Jack had explored this kind of thing through fanfiction. "but right now the better question is how to minimize the impact. We're practically in the middle of nowhere with half a tank of gas, with a low amount of food left, and we can't go anywhere public. Our first priority should be heading back to our home town and gathering what we can before hiding out somewhere." His mind turned to people he could trust. His folks lived far back in the States, so they wouldn't be much help, not that he would want to involve them. He grimaced. He knew there was one person who he could trust in this, but the thought didn't make him feel better. Still, they needed a human confidant.

"How are we gonna drive out there anyway?" Tom asked, "Case ya haven't noticed, ya don't got the proper equipment."

"Well Tom," Ian sighed, "seeing as you're the only one with opposable thumbs, you're gonna have to be the one to." He was severely gonna miss having hands.

Tom flinched as she realised, her heart sinking at the thought, "Wait, wait, wait, come now man. You know I don't have a license yet. 19 remember?"

"I seriously doubt that really matters right now." Jack replied, "Not that we could show ID if we get pulled over. Where is my wallet anyway? Our clothes too for that matter?"

"Only now you worry over that? I must be the only one who cares about decency." Everypony realised that Tom was still covering herself. Unlike them and their natural equine cover, her womanhood was completely at risk of display.

Ian turned his face from her with an uncomfortable blush and looked for something, anything that might help. Thankfully he still had his backpack. The car creaked as he moved, pushing the bag to himself, "I might have something in here for you Tom." They didn't bring any extra clothes unfortunately, but there was that one T-shirt event at the con, "Mind opening that for me?" He looked to the Dragoness who sighed taking one of her claws to unzip the bag. From it she pulled out between what was left of their dry snacks and a large purple T-shirt with Twilight Sparkle's cutie mark stamp.

Tom sighed, "Better than nothing." She turned around as she slipped it on, swishing her tail lightly. Poking her head though the top hole, she pulled the shirt down over her wings to her waist. It was barely large enough to cover her from unwanted eyes, but it was enough to feel a little decent. She looked to the stallion with grateful eyes, "Thanks Ian." Looking at him, she felt a disturbing pull at the back of her mind, before shaking it off.

"Not a problem." He could only imagine how awkward she felt. At least he and the rest of them didn't risk presenting. They were all friends in any case. "Anyway, we need to get out of here asap. We're exposed out here and I'm not entirely sure how people would react to us." Well, he had a couple of ideas. Not all of them looked good for them though. He'd sooner die than let any one of his friends become government test subjects locked in cages or worse. Trying to appeal to the better side of humanity would be too risky unless he had a plan of action.

He began looking around realising his car keys were in his now missing pants. Quickly looking out the window he confirmed that their missing items were not out where they sat. In fact, their chairs and cooler were neatly folded and put away at the corner of the van where they were originally. Odd that Discord would clean that up for them. Unfortunately that meant no key, thankfully he always kept a backup, "Emergency key should be behind the front seat cover. Just between the foam. Let's get out of here."

Tom looked uneasy, bit took a deep breath as they climbed to the front seat and felt around where Ian instructed, feeling the small metal item and pulling it out, "Couldn't find your main keys?"

"Lost wherever my clothes went."

Tom shrugged and tried to sit back, but found she couldn't because her tail and wings got in the way, "This is such a nightmare." She pushed the seat up, but even then her feet barely touched the pedals. This was unsafe in every sense of the word, but it was the only thing they could do. With a deep breath, Tom turned on the ignition. His lack of experience behind the wheel was honestly quite embarrassing. For years he got by with cabs and buses. Sure, he drove around a parking lot a few times, but that is where his experience ended.

Luckily the store hadn't yet opened so there weren't many cars to ram into, "Careful Tom. Hold just a moment." Ian wanted to climb into the passenger seat to help her out, but he was too big to fit. Luckily little ponies were just the right size. He turned to David who still looked moppy. Best give her something to take her mind off of the uncertainty, "Dave, can you take the passenger seat to coach her?"

She turned to him with a flinch, "Umm, won't that increase the risk of being seen?"

"Can't be helped right now. Tom is inexperienced with driving and needs someone up front to tell them what to do. Besides, on the highway it's likely that anyone who sees will think it their imagination." Probably, anyway. At least it wasn't central london. With that traffic they'd be screwed.

With a sigh she climbed up front to the passenger seat ready to give instructions.


Not gonna lie, getting from the mall to the highway was fucking terrifying. Turns were too jerky, the vehicle kicked up a lot, they nearly fell into a ditch, and the fact that the driver was barely large enough to put her feet on the pedals didn't put any minds at ease. Thankfully after a while with David's help, she got the hang of it, and the ride got smoother.

Ian laid down on the carpet next to Jack, who honestly through this whole thing had been taking this rather well. They looked back at Ian, or more precisely at his horn.

"You know, that was glowing earlier?"

He looked surprised, "Was it now?" It suddenly dawned on him that he may actually be capable of magic. How good he could get he did not know. Even so he he knew it would be useful.

"Want to try levitating some shit? I think the boys, well, girls" She snickered, "would flip their lids if you did."

Tom growled, "I heard that! Fuck you!"

Jack rolled her eyes, "I'm just getting acquainted with our new reality. Not telling ya specifically to change your sexual identity or anything, but I do think we have to accept the fact that we don't got junk between our legs anymore."

Tom grumbled, and David stayed silent.

The guilt twinged in Ian's heart. In theory he knew for a brony, this sort of thing could be exciting. So much would change because of this, but the impact it would have on their livelihoods had consequential implications between their jobs and family. They would all have to disappear for a time before they could figure this out. Which was fine between him, David and Jack since they all adults that lived and provided for themselves, but Tom's situation was more difficult since he still lived with his folks.

"Ya know, I actually have thought about a name to go with." Jack admitted. Ian broke away from his thoughts and everyone turned to look at her.

"Pink fur and cream mane." She looked to her flank. Interestingly enough none of the ponies seemed to have cutie marks. A wonder what that meant? "No indication there, but I think I like the name Rosey Gale."

Tom laughed, "You're not serious right?"

"Keep your eyes on the road Tom." David instructed him with a sigh. The dragoness shut it and turned her face forward, swiveling a bit in the process.

Jack shrugged, "I am a pony, might as well go with the naming convention. Rosey for my color, Gale for my pegasi ancestry."

"You don't have pegasi ancestry." David pointed out rolling her eyes.

"She's from a family of pilots. That probably counts for something." Ian defended, "I think it's a perfect pony name." He couldn't see it do to her pink fur, but Jack suddenly grew flush.

"T-thanks, Ian. Alright, then we're set. Call me Rosey, or Rose from now on."

The two up front looked a bit uncomfortable, "I don't know, feels like givin up on our humanity." Tom replied not too happy about it.

"As far as we know, Discord is the only one capable of giving it back. If he wanted us like this, I have my doubts he'll just do it if we asked nicely." Jack, er… Rosey stated.

"I agree. It may be worth a try, but I doubt it would bear any fruit, at least without some sort of twist that might just make it worse." His mind wandered to a thought where the draconequus turned him and his friends into chairs or something and shivered. They grimaced knowing what he meant. He instead turned his thoughts to the potential magic his unicorniness could bear, "In any case, I think we should give our new assets a try. We might find something about these bodies we could all benefit from."

Rose snickered and David's eyes widened and turned away.

"Bet you'd really like that huh lover boy. You can fucking forget that." Tom's grip on the wheel tightened, and a faint blush could be seen on her face.

"Oh, get your mind out of the gutter!" Ian admonished, "I'm talking about magic and flight and stuff." Why would they think that?

Rosey chuckled, "You know, useful things? In case you haven't noticed Tom, you're a freaking fire breathing apex predator who can soar through the sky, and skinny dip in lava. Probably got a several hundred year lifespan out of this too." She smirked, "Honestly, I don't really know why you're complaining."

Tom didn't say anything. He had to admit, that did sound pretty baller. Her wings ruffled under her shirt at the thought of soaring through the sky and laying claim to one of Scotland's great castles as a place for her hoard of glittering gold and jewels. Right center Ian the majestic and powerful Unicorn stallion standing strong to defend it and her with his life for all of etern… She shook her thoughts from the fantasy that took a disturbing turn.

Meanwhile, David muttered something that no one heard, and several quiet minutes passed before Rose got up, wobbly walking to her bag. With her teeth, she, with some difficulty opened the zipper and pulled out a hoof sized Rainbow Dash figurine with her mouth, spitting it out right in front of Ian who frowned at it and her, "Magic 101. Fire up that horn, and perform levitation."

Ian blinked, "We're really doing this now?"

"We're testing out the assets." Rose told him with a wink, "Magic on our side will be indispensable in our current situation, so you might as well familiarize yourself with it."

Ian looked unsure. He remembered all the magic accidents on the show, and it usually resulted in big explosions, "I'm not really sure that's safe J-Rosey." He corrected himself and his friend smiled at that, "What if I accidentally make the van explode, or accidentally turn you guys into plants?"

"Yeah, please don't do that." Tom replied.

"Yeah, please." David added.

Rosey shrugged, "It's just a little levitation. I doubt much could go wrong with that."

Ian sighed doubtfully, looking at the figurine. Levitation huh? Should be easy. It was an easy feat on the show. He focused hard on the object, and his eyes widened as it seemed to trigger something in him. Arcane knowledge of everything to do with levitation suddenly passed through his mind instantaneously. A pixelated 1up sign suddenly crossed his vision with a ding.

I sincerely hope you are enjoying my gift. The familiar voice echoed through his head with a laugh, There is much more to come.

Ian blinked with disorientation at the knowledge dump into his head. Handy, but very disconcerting. Effortlessly his horn glowed a soft white and the object lifted into the air with ease.

"Holy shit you're actually doing it!" Rosey laughed in surprise as the figurine zipped around as his mind instructed." The feeling was ecstatic. He remembered all those times as a star wars kid trying so hard to force levitate objects, so to see it actually work was exciting beyond belief.

They all gawked and hollered in excitement, which make him smirk, "Windgardium Levi-fucking-osa bitches!" He laughed, and they all joined in.

"Gotta admit, that, is fucking cool man." Tom chuckled, "Wonder what else you can do with that thing?"

With a thought he plopped the object back in the bag and zipped it, "Probably a great deal once I get the hang of it. Maybe we could publish a book on unicorn magic afterwards."

"Or use it to conquer the world." David added. He seemed to feel a little better.

Ian thought about it for a moment. It was a potential as far as he knew. He imagined himself sitting on a throne, King of the world surrounded by beautiful women. He realised that his friends were amongst those women and shook the thought "Let's not consider razing the world in flames just yet." Levitation was just a basic spell in any case. Though he guessed that if he had to defend himself, he could always force choke people. No, no! He wasn't gonna kill people.

They chuckled again, and the van grew quiet once more."


"That looks like a good place to park for now." Ian said looking over at the parking space near an empty meadow. The sun was going down in a few hours, and it seemed like the perfect place to stretch their legs where nobody could see.

With a thump they came to a stop, "A little outside the lines, but otherwise not bad work Tom."

Tom slumped with a breath of relief, "I'm just glad it is over for now. That was fucking terrifying."

"Ya did good Tom." Ian complemented. He looked at the gas gage which had a quarter of a tank left. He wasn't looking forward to having to figuring something out at the gas station tomorrow since they had no money and couldn't be seen, but that was something to worry about later. Without further ado, he magic'd the sliding door open, and stepped out with a clopping of hooves on asfalt. The two ponies stumbled out with him.

"Whoa!" David nearly tripped, "This is a bit tricky." Awkwardly she put one hoof in front of the other.

It's not that ba-wha!" Rose fell over and David laughed before stumbling on the ground herself.

Tom slid out with an eye roll, "Ponies…" the two in question glared at her as she walked by with her bipedal locomotion.

"This is a lot more difficult than it looks." David defended.

"Ian seems to be doing just fine." The dragoness pointed, which was true actually. He had no problem at all adjusting to walking like this.

As she pointed, he was already on the grass stretching and walking in place until his name was called, "What's that?"

"How the hell are you doing that?" David asked clearly annoyed that he got it so quick.

Ian gave a horse shrug, "I'm not thinking about it. You guys usually think about walking when you're doing it?"

Both ponies blinked. Was it so simple?

Ian looked between Tom and Rosey, "You guys want to give flying a shot?"

Rosey looked excited about the prospect, but Tom seemed unsure.

"Definitely! With my piloting experience, I'm sure to fly circles around this guy." Rosey pointed to the dragoness.

Tom scoffed and rolled her eyes at the challenge, "This isn't a plane Jack."

"Rose." She corrected.

"... Rose. Besides, I'm a mother fucking dragon. If I wanted to, I could probably outfly anything. Manmade or natural."

"Please," Rose scoffed back, "In case you forgot, it was a pegasus who broke the sound barrier in the show, not a dragon."

Tom was stumped by that one, "Well, I'm certain I could get the hang of it quicker than you! You can barely walk!"

"Wanna make a bet?" Rosey smirked with a glint in her eyes. She was not only pumping herself up, but slaying Tom's uncertainty in the matter. Hotheaded as Tom sometimes was, it wasn't hard to egg her on.

"What are the terms? Dish them out, I can take it."

"If you win…" she thought for a moment and smirked, "I'll give you my Walker Colt that I know you've been eyeing back at my place."

The Dragoness' eyes widened with shock at the large potential boon, "And if I lose?"

"Then you have to figure out a fitting new dragoness name to call yourself."

Tom bit her lip and thought for a moment, "Grrr, that's cheap." Images of the revolver that sat on her friend's mantlepiece flooded her mind. It was a beautiful gun. While her own family were pretty wealthy, they were quite strict about ownership of such things, not that it was unwarranted, but they weren't home often enough to enforce it. She suddenly reasoned that it was worth the risk, "Fine, but I'm aiming to win, so don't expect otherwise."

"Fair enough." She cleared her throat, "The challenge will be maintaining three feet of steady lift racing to that far tree there." She pointed to a lone distant tree, starting seven meters atop that hill."

"You're on!" She ran out to the spot.

Rosey was about to head out too when Ian and David halted her, "You really doing this man? You said that thing had been in your family for generations."

Rose smiled, "And it will stay that way. Walking may not come as naturally to me, but flying? I've never been more sure about anything in my life."

She was a great pilot to be sure. Several years of friendship made that too obvious, and it was complemented by the intelligent and kind head on her.

"Wish me luck fellas," She easily trotted towards the spot the dragon picked, leaving Ian and David looking surprised.

"She just betted her gun to a teenager you know?" She turned to Ian, "Aren't you concerned?"

"About her losing? No. I just hope Nigel never hears about it." His mind was filled with images of Tom's father ripping his head off. Considering the circumstances, he might do that anyway for getting his son, now daughter mixed up in this. He shivered thinking about it.


To say she crushed it was an understatement. Fortuitously for the mare, she had time in the car to experiment with the movement of her wings while Tom drove and hid her wings in her shirt. Rather than take it off for her flight, and expose herself, she just tore holes in the back to fit them through.

On the mark, Rosey took air almost immediately, dashing to the tree while Tom flapped unceremoniously in the dust, cursing up a storm as the pony did a lap around the tree whooping excitedly. She really was a natural.

As soon as she got a groove going, she took to higher heights at a faster pace, hooves in front of her like superman as she sped into a cloud and back down bringing a piece of it down, "Oh my god you guys! This is so freaking soft!" She hugged the piece of cloudy fluff while the others looked at it in confusion.

Ian tried touching it with a hoof, but it just passed through, and came back wet, "Weird." Some cogs worked in his head. If they had to hide from civilization, at least they could rely on the pegasus for a constant source of water they could just snatch from the sky.

The Dragon's grumbling suddenly pulled him from his thoughts. At this point she was flying almost as naturally as Rosey was, but not quite at her speed. Notably there was smoke building in her mouth as she landed near them, "This is fucking bullshit." She billowed not noticing the emission.

"Dude, your uh…" David started.

"What is it!?" Her mouth glowed blue.

"You're, smoking at the mouth." David finished.

She blinked, noting the smell of smoke. With a huff she blew a puff of blue flame, "Whoa!" She laughed, spilling flames on her shirt, "Ha ha, Yes!" She huffed again with a stronger flame in the air, "I really am a motherfucking fire breathing dragon!" Her shirt burned. "Fear me mortals! I am Fire! I am dea…"

"Dude, your shirt is on fire!" Ian panicked.

Her cheering stopped as the shirt was engulfed with blue flame, "Wha-Ahhh!" She dropped and rolled to try and put it out, but the deed was done. Her body was in fact fire proof, but unfortunately the shirt wasn't. Perhaps there was a reason dragons didn't wear clothes.

She got up stading stock still holding the burned scraps covering her nethers, but with an embarrased growl threw on the ground, "Ya know what, I don't fucking care anymore! I'm a dragon! This was a victory! I'm goin back to the fucking van! Good night! Fuckity bye!" She stormed off to the van and sat in the passenger seat, turning her face from the world. Everyone stood in silence for a moment at what just happened to their scottish friend.

At this point the sun was at the edge of the horizon, "... perhaps it is time to hit the hay."

They all filtered inside the van arranging their sleeping bags as comfortably as they could. Tom stayed huddled, curled into a ball with her blanket about her when she suddenly said, "Ness."

Everyone looked at her, "What?" Ian replied.

"Jack said to pick a name, and I did. Ness is what I chose, after the Loch Ness."

"You mean Ness as short for ol Nessie." Rose smiled, "I like it. Suits you."

Tom, or Ness, as he was going by now, wanted to retort, but decided to take the compliment.

David sighed, "Well, if we're really going along with this insanity, I guess I'll go as Morning Brisk."

The others looked at her.

"What? I like cool morning walks." She defended.

"It's fine. What about you Ian?" Rose turned, and the rest looked at him.

He shrugged, "I thought about names. None I have come up have really stuck though. I'll let you know when I figure it out." He yawned, "For now though, lets just go to sleep. We'll be home tomorrow." Supplies were definitely a necessity considering they ran out of food just earlier.

The Dragon uncurled herself, " You know, my family does have a cabin up in Galloway. We could probably head there after we get what we need."

That wasn't a bad idea actually. It was far, but secluded, "Sounds like a plan." He yawned, well discuss more on it tomorrow. Good night."


Ian woke up from a poking at his side, "Ian, hey Ian. Wake up." Rose whispered.

Ian stirred, opening his eyes, neck sore from waking up on the ground. He looked around to see that it was somewhere around midnight, and everyone was asleep, "Whats up?" He quietly asked.

"I-I need you to go on a walk with me. Don't wake the others" She replied, "Would you do that?" There was a nervousness about her. That much he could see from the pale moonlight that filtered in from the window.

Ian stared at her and sighed. It was an odd request but, "Sure. I'll go." He magicked the door open carefully so as not to disturb everybody. They both walked out, and Rose with a quickened step led them onto the field beyond a hill where the car disappeared under. Illuminated by the full moon, it wasn't that difficult to see that she was breathing heavily.

Soon as they were far enough away, Rose asked, "Are you open minded Ian?"

Ian blinked suddenly not knowing where this was going, "Uh, yeah, I think I am. Why?" Perhaps she was admitting that she liked her new body? He hypothesized

Rose turned around towards him. Surprising him as she stood on her hind legs, wrapping her front around his neck. Her face barely a hair's length away. He froze in shock and his heart quickened.

"Would you be opposed to kissing me?"

His throat felt dry as his heart now beat widely in his chest. Without waiting for a response, her lips met his, and he melted into her, caressing her mouth, feeling her breath, it was an intoxicating and a spark tingling feeling he felt go down to his loins.

They parted with a dribble of spit that stretched between their mouths. Panting, he looked at her staring back at him starry eyed, "That was… incredible." He finally said. Something felt heavy below him, and she looked down with a smirk.

He blushed profusely in embarrassment, realizing he'd gotten hard, "Uh uhm, I'm sorry." He looked down in shame but she held his chin up to meet her gaze again.

"Don't be sorry Ian. I'm flattered actually." She jumped back down on four hooves and walked under him.

His brain stopped working, "Uh um I, I-I…"

He was cut off by her saying, "Holy shit your hung!" She looked at his erect member with wide eyes. His two and a half foot horse cock waited illuminated by the moon. The scent filled her senses and her equine instincts yearned. It may have been half the size of her, but that was not going to stop her now.

His mind was reeling with how close she was, "R-rosey, I'm not sure we should, ohh!"

"Yes, that's right. Keep saying my name," She gave an experimental lick at the tip, "Not, as bad as I thought." She said before taking a large mouthful of his meat. She had to admit, she never saw herself in this position, nor did she thought she would enjoy the taste of it. The gact that it did both thrilled and terrified her The scent and taste was enough to drive her mad. At his moan she began bobbing slowly.

Ian couldn't help but whiny at the pleasure that shot through his cock, wrapped in the velvety warm mouth of the mare gently suckling and licking his tip entrance. It took all his willpower not to buck and plough her tight throat.

She pulled him out and licked her lips with a sultry look, "Hey Ian, I just discovered something."

Frustrated that she stopped, he grunted, W-what?"

"Ponies don't have gag reflexes it turns out." In a swift shocking motion she slammed his cock into his mouth down her tight throat until it bulged out. He barely kept himself from unloading there. She moaned in bliss and came right back up with a cough, feeling wet between her nethers, "Fuck my throat hard you stallion you." She took a deep breath and wrapped her lips around his cock again and he broke. In a swift motion of raw sexual instinct he bucked hard inside her. The force making her sit on her haunches as his cock bottomed out straight into her belly. She moaned and it reverberated along his cock as he started rutting her. Heavy balls slapped her face as they both lost themselves in the bliss of their carnal passion.

Thrust, thrust, thrust. He lost himself and time faded away from his mind. The moment turning into eternity.

He couldn't hold it any longer. He felt the tightening in his sacks from the building pressure. Bottoming out with one last thrust, he ejaculated harder than he ever had before.

Her eyes rolled to the back of her head as she was filled with his seed. String after string shot in and endless wave until the Mare's belly swelled larger and larger until she looked almost pregnant.

His vision grew dark as he slid out of her. She coughed and took a large gulp of air. A blissful look about her as she slumped on her side massaging her engorged belly.

Ian's bliss ended as his senses returned to him, realising what he just did, "Oh shit Rose, are you alright?!" He knew he was in her throat for a long time, and was terrified he might have hurt her.

To his relief she nodded with a smile, "Nothing but a little hoarse." She coughed a weak laugh at her joke, "I hope you got another one in you though. I really need it now."

Looking at her belly, he didn't think he did. It was the largest orgasm he'd ever had, but he'd hate to disappoint. If only… suddenly his mind reeled as another info dump of the arcane filled his head, and another 1+ binged along his vision.

He blinked. Giving a small smile as his horn glowed, and he felt his cock harden and grow erect with new invigoration.

Her eyes grew wide looking down at it, "Learned new tricks I see?" She turn to his face giving him her bedroom eyes.

He was going to reply but she didn't let him. She got up and covered his mouth with a hoof, "This is my first time. I would be lying if I didn't say I was a little scared." He blinked wondering how considering she just did what even sword swallowers would say difficult? "That said," she kissed his snout, "would you give me some love first?" She got down, rolled on her back, exposing her puffy love canal glistening with her lubricating juices.

Like T-err, Nessie's, it was surprisingly human shaped. Not that he believed it mattered, but he thought it was a nice plus. Taking the image first in mental memory, he got to work pressing his snout against her. She gasped as he gave the first lick like lightning through her body, "Oh! That feels so much better than I imagine! Oh god!" She moaned lightly bucking her legs expressing the cutest face Ian had ever seen. He may have been inexperienced, but he'd read enough eronovels to get an idea of what he should do. It was only fair to work his hardest. His tongue began by lapping circles around her clitorus. She gasped loudly arching back, "Holy fuck! Ian! Where did you learn to do that!? Ha! Don't," she huffed, "Please don't tell me you've done this before. I'd ha! I'd sooner die than be left with the thought of you getting laid before me-ohh..." Her tongue lolled as he massaged the entrance of her tight canals with wet laps. For the finale, he put the length of his equine tongue to use, and pushed right along the walls into what he thought was the G-spot with a wet slurp. He hit the mark dead center, and her reaction was of overloaded bliss as she arched back with a yell. Feeling of ecstasy ran through her body as she experienced her first girl orgasm.

Proud of his work, he moved his mouth away. She slumped, eyes rolled and panting hard, "I… don't ever… want to go back. Too good." She glanced over at his cock, getting up off the ground a bit shakily. She took a deep breath, and gave him those bedroom eyes again. "On your -huff- back big boy. It'd be rude not to at least ride you once."

He did as she was told, positioning himself, laying his back on the grass with his member up in the air like a tall tower. Slowly she climbed atop of him, pressing her well lubricated lips along the base of the monster that reached to her body's midway point. Her distended belly tilting his cock a bit as she grinded a bit with soft moans.

He desperately yearned for this, but there was a small dissent at the back of his mind that he had to address, "A-are you sure about… this?"

She chuckled, climbing closer to him which pushed his cock to his belly, "As sure as I am about helping you to make the others yours too."

His eyes widened at that comment. The thought of all three of them on him like made him harder.

She lined the tip to her lips, which looked just a little too small and petite for the hung stallion. She winced as she tried to push without yield, "Fuck. It's like trying to push a football in a golf hole." She pushed harder for what should have been an impossible fit. After a few moments she grew frustrated, but even the lord of chaos could provide small miracles. Despite the odds, she gave one too forceful push, and a fourth of the giant hunk of meat pierced her insides. She let out a yelp of pain as it tore open her hymen, and tears streamed down her face as the stinging spread around her stretched nethers.

Ian nearly toppled her off, "We need to stop! Your hurt!" But she shook her head.

"It… ow, ow, ow, sssss… it just needs to pass. I-I can do this." Seeing his friend in pain hurted him, but she thought she could do this.

A couple minutes pass like that. Parked there with him partially inside him. As he softened from the lack of stimulus, she would periodically move around a bit to keep it erect.

Slowly the pain ebbed, and her wall adjusted to the way too big foreign object. Gently she pushed the member further inside her, releasing gasps from the stallion who was tightly pressed from all side by her passage, "Not… so bad now." She winced still feeling the pain, but now accompanied by an unfamiliar fullness inside of her. "It feels so odd Ian. The way you fill me up." Looking down she could see the outline of his member inside of her. His mast was halfway inside her when he met the roadblock that he believed sealed the womb. After a moment she steadied herself with soft back and forth motions. As the pain ebbed she began to feel the pleasure, and she moved faster, eliciting moans from both of them. Harder and harder she rammed his head against her wall, growing more confident of what she was doing. Suddenly it turned from a moment of painful hell to an eternal heaven, panting hard as she began to fervently drill him into her. It took everything in them both not to release too soon. Suddenly she grinned as she flapped her wings into the air, pulling him out save for the head before descending all the way down hard. His cock pressing hard on her inner entrance until it at last gave way with a hard pop. Rosey's eyes rolled to the back of her head and tongue lolled as he bottomed out in her into her cervix. He could hold it anymore, and neither could she. Like a river, he flooded her with his seed painting her walls white. Stronger than the first, the sticky baby batter shot out of his member like a fire hose and she began bloating some more, "Max capacity! Max capacity, max capaci-oh my god!" She gripped her rising belly feeling the seed slosh around in her with clenched teeth. He kept going for another couple seconds until he was completely spent.

After several long breaths between the pair, the pink pony sat there panting and looking down at his handiwork. Not a drop spilled from the tight seal of his tip in her cervix. She fell backward light headed and giddy, "Sweet… mother. I'm… so full Ian. How is this even… possible."

He huffed, looking at the night sky, "I don't know. Guess ponies are very flexible."

She rubbed her belly panting. There had to be at least two and a half gallons worth inside both her belly and womb combined. That much should have made her sick but it felt strangely soothing sloshing around inside of her, "You know what? I think I like it. Being full of your spunk.

He had no reply. Instead she slid off to the side of him with a pop. Pushing her legs together she forced herself to keep everything inside for a little longer. Moments passed, and she eventually gave in and the excess cream evacuated her, pooling heavily into the grass. She felt a wave of exhaustion hit her as she wiped her brow of foamy substance, "Oh, would you look at that. Seems I'm soaping."

Ian blinked, "Huh?"

"Soaping. It's how horses sweat. Called that because it looks like soap was rubbed into their fur." She chuckled, "Looks like your doing it too."

"... heh." They probably just had the most mind blowing sex ever, and she's noting horse biology facts.

They sat like that without a word for perhaps twenty minutes simply just staring at the moon that hung above them. The occasional gale sweeping at the grassy hills.

"You don't hate me right?" Rosey finally asked after a moment.

Ian tuned to her. She sat up and looked at him with big sad and fearful eyes at what he might say, "Why would I hate you?" He asked.

She bit her lip and looked back at the sky, "I'm sorry I did this. I was curious, and I took advantage of you." There was shame written on her face, "I wasn't thinking straight, and I didn't think of the possible impact it might have on our friendship." She looked near to tears at this point, "I-I jeopardised everything we had because I felt I needed this. I didn't take you, and your feelings into account."

Ian gave her a serious look, "Look at me Jack." She stared, holding back the threshold of tears, "You are my best friend, and nothing will ever change that. I admit, I was a little more than surprised by your advancements, but I realize now that we'd always kinda had that chemistry. I guess I just never thought to move forward with it until now."

Her eyes glazed heavily with water, and a few streams poured down, "Everything about this may be new and a little scary for our relationship, but I know we'll get through this thick and thin. I… I love you Jack, Rosey, however you want to be called. I love you."

She began balling her eyes out, moving to nestled into her friend and laid there contentedly alongside him. He put a hoof around her as she cried, "I love you Ian."

"I love you too." He chuckled, "Guess that makes you my marefriend now."

She chuckled between sniffs, "I wouldn't be jealous if you got the others involved with you too you know? Make a herd?"

He blushed, "I-I'm not so sure that's a good idea." Morning was one thing, but Ness was a decade younger than he was. He severely doubted they would be interested anyway.

She chuckled, "Don't worry, I'll help you with the hard bits. It won't be hard for us to turn them around to the idea."

"I'll… think about it." He didn't say anything more on the matter, and after a while they both looked up at the endless night sky. "I think I know the perfect name now."

She turned her head to look at him.

His blue eyes reflected the white globe in his eyes, "I think I'd like to be called Midnight Moon."

Genius at Work

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High above in the aether in the impassioned moonlit sky sat invisible to the world, not cupid with his bow and arrow as one would expect from a night of realized love, but instead sat one cackling lord of chaos.

"Whaa ha ha! Whoo hoo hoo! this is too good!" Staring down at the debauchery he just witnessed, (and maybe even aided) the chimeric draconequus couldn't help but be mirthful. He wiped a tear from his eye, "Hee hee, to think they would get into it so soon. What a wonderful surprise." However it was the result he wanted. Despite any mixed feeling they would have about such things now, it would happen eventually. The spell he laced into the Brony's transformation was after all derived off of one special enchantment invented by Love Butt Princess herself and designed specifically to strengthen any bonds a pony may share as well as make them more suggestive to the idea of romantic partnership to the one the spell is rooted to. In this case, the Unicorn Ian.

For one to have already expressed such a strong display of love and passion must have meant that those seeds of blossoming romance were already there to begin with. He couldn't wait to see how this scenario would unfold. Unfortunately he knew he had to tear himself away from from the group, and by that he meant quite literally.

Grabbing himself by the horns, he tore himself into another complete version of himself, "Horse apples! I wanted to watch them make more love." The clone complained hoping to see the others in action.

Discord rolled his eyes, "Don't whine, you'll see it in memory when you become one with me again." The clone pouted, but he continued, "I'm sure you'll have just enough fun with the next group of people you pick. That'll be very important, and do make sure to be subtle about it."

The clone crossed his arms, "Fah! Subtlety never was our strong point. Loud and obvious has always been our typical game." He glanced back down at the two ponies. The female just gushed a gallon of spunk that was pumped into her snatch. The draconequus stroked his beard in amusement at the antic, "But then again, I suppose this method has its own kind of fun in its own unique way." He stood straight up with a military garb, "Worry not sir!" He saluted, "Troops are ready at your command sir!"

"Engage. Operation Q is a go." OG Disord replied. In a puff of pink smoke that smelled of salmon, the duplicate was gone.

He smirked, often he forgot how handy it was to be in multiple places at once. He'd hate to miss out on any scenario he would create on a world like this. That wouldn't be nearly as fun. Like the threads of a knitting sweater, each line of event he created will spin, meet each other and tie into a strong fabric of chaotic causality for him to play with. Love, drama, Mystery, and carnal passion. Those were his chosen tools to play with. Ian, or Midnight Moon as he was now calling himself would indeed get his wish. "What better way to make sure no one forgot than to always have you staring it in the horse's mouth?" He chuckled at his own joke, "Hello humanity, welcome your newest denizens. The races of Equestria!" He cackled.

Meanwhile during his moment of thoughtful exposition, his clone zipped off all the way to the other side of the world, "Good morning world, it's looking like today's forecast is going to be chaotic with a chance of Discord. Likelihood of transmorphification is 30% so watch out." Speeding like a bullet across the world, he pulled out an umbrella, opening it up to release several hundred versions of himself, falling like water droplets along the way to enact the next stage of his game.

Meanwhile he himself landed in a small town in the State of California. What he wanted was quite specific. Sure, he could have picked any sorry sod on his path to transmorphificate into Equestrians and watch them make a mess of themselves, but there would be enough of those. What he wanted was deliberate and sophisticated. A counter piece to one placed in England.

Now at this point you may be wondering what our local lord of chaos' purpose is in all of this? The answer was quite simple. Something he'd picked up from his communion with pony-kind, was a little thing called Character Development. No longer was he simply Discord, Lord of Chaos, but Discord... Lord of Chaos, lover of Fluttershy, Pain of Sparkle butt, and Grandmaster of Ogres and Ogliets (self appointed). What does that all mean exactly? Not much actually, but he grew tired of his usual antics and material. Creating plaid landscapes and cotton candy clouds sadly had lost their luster. That kind of chaos that he grew accustomed to for thousands of years now was too predictable of him and seemed just too juvenile and boring. Luckily however in his maturity, he discovered a new kind of chaos. Passion, adversity, and drive! The chance one might lose, but fighting to win at all cost. Chaotic forces that actually bear weight, and ironically had been the main component to his past defeats. It was time to set it up as a tool in his grasp rather than a sword in his chest.

Equestria may have been off limits for his games, but he had an entire new world he was invited to play with. Fluttershy couldn't be too mad at him if the end result of his game was beneficial of course. He might be messing with their lives just a little bit for the sake of entertainment, but he did make sure to get consent first by a human to do so, why the sap practically begged for him to do it, and really, he couldn't help but see plusses in their lives. New bodies, new experiences, facing the unknown future. He couldn't help but think about the reaction the world will have when it wakes up to these new species that they thought were fictional manifestations of their imagination.

With his thoughtful musings he began to slither from the air into a quaint looking suburban house. The tingling in his brow whiskers vibrated, telling him that this was the perfect place to begin his moment of mischief.

Humming to himself, he slid up through the wall invisibly into a decent living room looking only slightly disheveled. Several Shoes dominated a corner, backpacks were thrown about, and textbooks were stacked on tables. All indications pointed to, "College students. Five by the look of it." Discord mused. He browsed one of the books depicting a wave function and read Quantum Computing, "Some of them quite intelligent too it seems." Opening up he saw sections of paragraphs crossed out and note papers haphazardly placed between them. He got an idea as to who the counterpiece would be.

A loud snore hit his ears. He turned to the tacky looking red couch that sat at one side of the room. Atop it a guy laid fetally in his covers, completely ignorant of his presence.

Discord grinned slithering over. It was apparent on first glance at his bumpy face that the raging hormones of adolescence had not been too kind to the boy. With a talon he touched the man upside his forehead, gleaning into his life.

Vernon Mook. Age twenty two. Drama major. For years since childhood, the man was infatuated with tantalizing tales in science fiction. Specifically films such as Star Wars, Star Trek, and Doctor Who. Dreaming to make the marvels he saw on the screen a reality, he had originally aspired a career in Science. However lacking the aptitude and dedication, he flunked out and found his true passions in the art of acting. Theater, drama, storytellin. That was his calling, but by then he'd hadn't a penny to his name to advance his skills and career. Feeling pity, his best friend who was a great bit more successful in science schooling than he was, offered him housing and tuition money until he got his life together.

"I sense a lot of self loathing and identity issues." Discord put a claw to his chin with a smirk, "Got the perfect thing in mind for you." Discord's eyes glowed yellow as he started the spell. The Man's body was engulfed in light, his clothes disappearing as he shrunk in size to a more familiar equine shape, but not quite. Instead of fur, the once human now had a sky blue chitin. Tucked on their back a darker blue elytra that covered their insect wings, and a smooth curved horn adorned atop their head. Changelings were hardly Discord's favorite race, but he was warming up to their healed counterparts. In any case, the addition of the transformation ability would bring an interesting twist to this dynamic. They were a gender fluid species, and considering the now neutral looking changeling, thought it all too fitting.

His work done, he giggled as he made his way to the next bedroom. Slithering through the wall he came into the next room, his eyes baraged by bright colors muted only by the night light. Posters of marvel super heroes lined the wall. Bookshelf containing variety of comics and stuff as well as action figures. "Definitely the room of a geek." He assessed knowing all too well the pattern from home. Suddenly his eye caught something, "Hello, what is this." He noted on the shelf amongst the plastic men in tights was a small Twilight Sparkle figure. Looking at some of the comics he found a collection of MLP IDW comics. "Another brony it would seem." He sifted through one particularly riveting tale where he took the CMC'S on an adventure through time and space, "Quite tasteful." He stuffed the comic in a pocket in his fur before promptly vanishing. Turning to the bed, he saw the dark curly haired man sleeping on his side. With a poke from his talon he peered into the inner psyche.

Sydney Foreman, 21 year old Art Major. Born with the desire to become a self starting cartoonist, little Sydney had drawn pictures with prolific vigor for a better part of his life, and is currently working on his bachelor's degree in fine arts. Favoriting drawings are of superheroes and more recently in the last couple years, ponies.

Discord took a look around at the posters and realised they were all in fact drawn by him. Damn this kid was good. He thought. Almost made him feel bad for taking away his hands. But, he had an alternative that may serve as an even more versatile tool. A snap of his fingers and the boy's body glowed and morphed into a yellow unicorn stallion with a head of curly red hair. The newly christened pony stirred a bit, but remained asleep.

One last destination. What he came for. Slipping out through the wall, he made his way around the hall and into the final bedroom. Unlike the others this one was not decked with fan memorabilia, but instead, oaken shelves on one side full of Oxford volumes. The other a desk full of papers and drafting instruments.

"Ah, the Genius' bedroom." Discord said thinking of dear Twilight. He looked right to the center of the room where a queen sized bed sat. In it two figures slept atop each other lovingly. Both a man and woman.

Discord slithered over looking at the couple, "Sly dog." Discord chuckled looking at the young man. He considered the fair woman for a moment, but decided it would be more fun to at least leave one.

He regarded the young man carefully. Yes, they will be important for what was to come. He felt it in his eyebrows. With a wiggle of his index taloned finger, he touched the tip to their head. The amount of information that flooded his own almost made him feel dizzy.

Charlie Manor, age 23. Scientific genius. Born from a family of russian immigrants in the U.S. charlie had shown unique mental prowess from an early age. Skilled in many subjects of scientific nature, they were accepted into many prestigious schools across the country, only to promptly expose the falsification of their prestigious relevance in modern academia after entry. As such, most of those kinds of schools these days wouldn't touch him with a 39 and a half foot pole in fear of his scrutinous crusade. It didn't matter to him though since he firmly believed that online schooling was the future, but that was only the first step, and he was past that. He was so close now. It was only a matter of time. Time for his vision to be realised.

Discord pulled away, "Oh ho ho! Gotta say, you sir could seriously give Twilight a run for her money." The man in question seemed to already be playing a game of his own. One that would fit quite nicely in his own. The perfect counterpiece for the other side of the board.

Weaving his magic together, he began connecting the threads of the spell. Much like Ian, ponies and other races would be pulled into an attraction to him.

A pony for this individual would be too much of a waste. He had something else in mind. Like the Unicorn Primes, the Felideons were a rare species of Equis. Though the bipedal cats didn't have magic, they were a powerful and cunning race to be reckoned with. They were also, he remembered, quite easy on the eyes.

Like the rest, the human started glowing, their form growing more feline and feminine as he spun the spell, becoming only slightly shorter. Two bumps bulged from his chest forming into luscious breasts as black fur covered their entire body. Like that the glow disappeared. 'Quite easy on the eyes indeed.' Discord thought. He felt the woman near him stir from her slumber by the light.

With a push of his will he forced her back asleep.

He was turning to go when a lightbulb came over his head, "How about one last parting gift." And with a cackle his presence disappeared into the aether.


'Something's not quite right.' Charlie thought to himself as he stirred into consciousness. Shifting around in his bed, he noted several inconsistencies to the placement and structure of his musculature as well as strange weights on his chest. Opening his eyes staring at the ceiling, he noted a new sharpness to his vision that he never knew before. Pushing himself upright he looked down at himself. His night clothes were gone, and where his familiar person should have been, he was replaced by something black furred, and altogether not entirely human. He held his hands up examining the prehensile padded paws "How peculiar." His voice was definitely high pitched. He touched his throat. Soprano instead of his usual tenor. Thinking back to the unfamiliar weight on their chest, he looked down more closely grasping at the soft mammalries that sat there. Pulling the blanket off of him, he looked down between their legs, "Just as I thought." There sat a female sex organ between what she assumed were bipedal based hind legs and a tail.

Definitely not the kind of thing you just wake up to. Biologically impossible by any evolutionary standard, technologically impossible at a human level of physical modification, and genetically improbable due to no evidence of genetic aberrations previously detected in his DNA. Ruling those out by occam's razor, that left only the possibility that there were certainly some kind of extraterrestrial forces at play here with too little data to pinpoint.

She suddenly felt eyes on her, and her ears perked from atop her head. Turning she looked at her girlfriend Sarah who was staring at her in the covers with a frozen look.

Charlie blinked, "Um, I can only imagine how absurd this must look. Please do remain calm."

She did not remain calm. Her fight or flight mode kicked in and she immediately yelped before rolling to the opposite end of the bed to the floor where she crawled against the wall breathing heavily, "What the fuck!"

"No need for alarm Sarah." Charlie tried reassuringly holding her hand out. Unfortunately that gesture resulted in her rather impressive claws to retract from her fingertips.

"Whoa! No no no no! This is a bad dream!" She slammed between the corner of the desk, knocking over a lamp.

"I'm afraid not my dear." Charlie held her paw to her hand, "How extraordinary." They looked impressive enough to be deadly to most things. She knew she had to be careful about that. Relaxing her hand, the claws detracted. She looked back at Sarah and got up from the bed trying her new legs, wobbling only slightly. "Believe me when I say I'm Charlie, Sarah. I'm afraid I've gone through a rather unforseen metamorphosis."

Thankfully a good portion of her fear turned to confusion, "W-what is going on? This… this is impossible." She put a hand through her disheveled hair never taking her eyes off of the anthropomorphic cat before her.

The cat chuckled, "Believe me my dear, I intend to find out." She glanced down at her naked self, noting that below her two breasts were four more less pronounced nipples. If whatever she was, was a naturally occurring creature, she speculated that the top mammalries developed the way they did during the transition from quadrupedal to bipedal motion, and the evolutionary advantage it had in child care. She looked back to the still frightened Sarah, "Come now, I'm not going to hurt you." A thought struck her, "I don't look hideous do I? That would be unfortunate."

"... No," She gulped, "Y-you look like a cat. Is that really you Charlie?"

"Oh yes I do hope so, and a cat you say? Figured as much. Certain anatomical features point to such."

Before Sarah could say anything, the cat suddenly turned to the room's bathroom where she looked herself in the mirror, "I say, what a fine specimen." She stroked her chin. Facial features had all of the distinctive traits of a feline species, but was a great deal more expressive. Her large ears she reckoned had an audio range roughly 10 times of human hearing. Large blue eyes stared back at her as she looked around her sharp teeth, "Oh! Look at this Sarah, I'm not purely carnivorous." She pulled back her lip to see the back of her mouth where there were a couple rows of jagged molars built for crushing plant matter. With such evolutionary advantages this thing could have definitely overpowered humanity if it developed on this world. She knew she had to quickly document everything in full. 'No, not yet.' She shook herself. She'd nearly forgotten it was her humanity she'd just lost. Humanity, social identity, and most importantly right now, civil rights only designed for human beings. As she was right now she was vulnerable, noticeable, and isolated amongst inconsiderate and fearful hairless apes. They'd cage or destroy her in a heartbeat if she wasn't careful. "Time for a game plan. You still with me Sarah?" She turned.

"I'm still here… Charlie." She replied a little unsure.

"Good. I think you understand that this… transformation I underwent, though marvelous, puts me in quite a tight spot. You do believe me when I say I'm Charlie correct?"

She gingerly moved away from the wall with a look of concern about her, "I think… It took hearing you speak to convince me." Only he would get excited about small details such as molars while in such a state.

"Good, good. I'll need your level headedness to rely on to get out of this mess." She exited the bathroom, "I shall have to do a full biological examination later."

Sarah grimaced. The man she loved was now some strange feminine cat creature. Very feminine, she observed. While she thought she had fair assets between her own C-cup size and cute waist, Charlie seemed to have a proud E-cup, followed by a voluptuous figure and child bearing hips. Apart from his, her catieness, Sarah couldn't help but feel a little jealous.

Charlie meanwhile was swishing her tail back and forth with her will, then began jumping in place, "Light, strong, and agile. I daresay that whatever I am must be quite the formidable predator." Her breast bounced around as she did so.

Sarah couldn't take it anymore, "Maybe you should get decent?" Honestly she didn't know how she felt. She was trying hard and failing to make sense of any of this.

Charlie stopped and looked down at herself, "Oh, I see. Wonder what happened to my night clothes. Not that they would fit me anyway. I'll have to borrow some of yours for now."

"Fine." She sighed. She moved to open her dresser pulling out articles of her clothing onto the bed. Jeans, underwear. Her bra would be much too small for the feline, so she left that out. Walking to the closet she nervously sidestepped Charlie to grab one of her blue shirts. "Here." She handed it to the cat, "I honestly don't know how you're dealing with this so calmly."

Charlie considered the shirt with a frown, "Panicking won't be of any use to me. There is far too little time to act for me to panic." She pulled it over herself. "In any case, my fascination with it far outweighs my worries."

"Leading theories?"

"Baseless conjecture at this point." She grabbed the purple panties from the bed, slipping it on with a little difficulty from how tight they were on her rear, "Important question; Are we finished Sarah?"

She blinked at the question, "What?"

"I know you're not into women." The cat continued, "Probably significantly less so for one of the… feline variety. I just want to know if our relationship is finished because of this. I won't hold the answer against you."

Sarah bit her lip feeling guilty about her actions. She was being rather insensitive. The thought circulated in her mind. Charlie was right. She never did see herself with a woman, or at least attracted to one, but this was Charlie, her boyfriend whose brilliant mind had swept her away since highschool, who'd always been supportive and encouraging of her own scientific pursuits. Though oblivious to certain things, he had always been a bit too understanding, even right now which broke her heart, "I-I don't know. I… don't know how I feel about it yet."

"Then I'll give you time to process it." She grunted trying to fit the pair of jeans over her and failing, "These are too tight." She grunted, "My hips are a bit too pronounced."

The comment irritated Sarah, "Alright, fine." She went back to her dresser pulling out some sweatpants instead, "Are we going to tell the others?"

"Hard to hide things like this from people who live in my house." She grabbed the sweatpants and slipped it on with better ease, looking herself over.

She looked adorable if Sarah was being honest.

"Hmm, doesn't feel very me. Can't be helped right now though. I have a few favors I need to cash in."

Their thoughts were disturbed by a crash, followed by a scream. Charlie's ears perked, "That was Sydney." The cat turned to the door much to Sarah's dismay.

"Wait! Charlie you can't just…" But the cat was already out in the hall.

Flying through the hallway and opening the door to Sydney's room, the cat blinked. Sat there at the corner of the floor was a small yellow horse-like creature with red curly hair just staring at his hooves, eyes wide as dishes.

"Uhh…" The cat blinked, "That is quite unexpected." The horse in a quick motion turned to her and yelped.

Sarah came through the door, "What is..? oh… my god."

"All my things are horse things…" The pony turned to her, "Sarah! It's me Sydney! What the fuck is going on? Who-at is that?!" He pointed a hoof at Charlie.

She meanwhile stroked her chin now noting the horn. 'Large cranium and eyes. Four and a half feet tall. Equine build of unspecific relations. Curiously bright fur patterns.' This day just got more and more fascinating."

"Believe it or not this is Charlie." Sarah pointed.

The pony's eyes widened further, tuning back to the curvy cat feeling a tug on his mind, "No, you have got to be kidding me."

"I'm afraid not my dear fellow." She turned to Sarah, "We should probably check on Vernon. I may be beginning to see a pattern here. Stay here and do whatever you think you should do to help. This is quite the exciting development!" She walked through the door ignoring the confused eyes on her.

She walked down the hall to the living room, turning to the couch, "Ah, and there we are." Honestly she wasn't surprised that he was sound asleep through all of that, or transformed for that matter. What did surprise her was that Vernon wasn't just another horsey creature like Sydney, or even a cat like her. Instead they looked to be an insectoid equine hybrid of some sort, "Bug traits on a mammalian build. How very curious." She touched and ran her hand over Vernon's neck. It wasn't like any chiton she ever felt. Feel it softly and it was almost like warm leather, but put pressure on it and it toughened into a hard natural armor. She placed her hands on their elytra, pulling it back a little to see wings underneath.

Interesting since according to the laws of aerodynamics, this thing should not be able to get in the air at all. She uncovered the rest of her friend looking at their strange tail-like insect wing appendage. Motor control maybe? She lifted their hind leg stifling back a surprise when she found there was quite literally nothing there. No insect or mammalian sex organ at all to speak of. Everything in the crevice of the posterior ended in absolutely no orifices to speak of. It looked like natural evolution had taken a sick day, at least by the logical standard she was acquainted with.

Suddenly the buggy horse thing opened their eyes having been prodded. They looked up to a cat lady looking between their legs, "... Holy shit I've had dreams about this." He said looking starry eyed. Quite notably his voice sounded strange. While it still sounded like him, his voice was much higher. Likely due to the lack of male genitals and testosterone. "Are you performing an interspecies exchange ritual oh intrepid space explorer?" He blushed.

That was definitely Vernon alright. She put his leg down, "Afraid this isn't one of your space fantasies Vern. Though I do think this may be an otherworldly phenomenon."

The bug blinked, eyes a milky white. His senses felt strange, swirling in the air he saw the air circulated colors. Light blues, warm golds and reds. A stream of yellow greens passed over him and he took a whiff. It smelled like… emotion? confusion, anger, sadness, sympathy. He turned his head and saw it originating in Sydney's room, "What's going…" He looked down at himself for the first time and froze.

"Take it easy. Deep breath. Don't panic." The cat lady tried to reassure him. He looked at her. Icy blues and purples wafted from her, hitting him like a train. He couldn't quite describe the emotion. It was fierce, determined, curious, forceful, yet protective. It was also calmingly familiar.

Sarah walked out, "Well fuck, him too it seems."

"Technically not a 'him' since they don't seem to have any genitals to speak of."

Vern blinked and the calm was gone. Looking down at himself he saw the smooth space where his manhood ought to have been. "Ahhh!" He fervently scooted away from the pair looking down, "It's gone, it's gone, it's gone!" So much for his alien sex fantasy. He turned back to them, "Give it back!"

"What back?" Sarah asked alarmed.

"My dick! Can't you see I'm missing a crucial piece of equipment?!" He pointed a slender hoof at the smooth space.

"I think you have the wrong impression, Vern. We're not the ones who did this." Charlie rebutted.

A clopping sound came from the hall, and all eyes turned to see the yellow horse, "Why are you guys screaming? I admit I was quite startled, but you're gonna get complaints from the… holy hell a Changeling!"

"You familiar with this kind of creature Sydney?" He too recalled the term from his old literature stories. Old European folklore. Centralized primarily in germanic and english regions and revolving around the notion that one's child had been replaced by a fairy kin.

"Sydney?" Vern's eyes were wide, "Dear god what is going on? Is this some kind of alien invasion?"

"No Vernon." Sarah sighed, "Whatever is affecting you is affecting them too. This," she pointed to the cat, "Is really Charlie. We woke up to find him and the rest of you like this."

"Wait, what the fuck, really?" He looked at his friend turned curvy cat up and down, "You got turned into a chick?" A smoking one at that. Damn that ought to be a trip. He knew he would have much preferred to be turned into a woman than the unfortunately genderless thing he was. Suddenly there was a buzz from his thoughts, and before Charlie could respond, he was enveloped in a blue light. His body morphed shrinking down in size as his neutral changeling form grew curvier with more delicate features. A flow of estrogen filled his veins as an opening appeared in his lower half.

Everyone blinked away the light, "Holy shit that was intense." A more feminie Vern said.

Charlie blinked, grabbing and pulling Vern's legs apart again and looking closely, "Extraordinary." In between looked to be a fully functional female sex organ as well as small teats on their lower belly.

"Whoa!" Vern bucked sliding on the couch, "At least buy me dinner first."

"You had no problem when you thought I was an alien from one of your fantasies."

"That was before I knew you were Charlie!" She was Charlie right? He questioned, "Why do you even want to…" He looked down to see what the cat was looking at, "Whoa mama!" It was the first time he ever saw a real one. He just never thought he would see one on himself.

"Spontaneous metamorphosis. Literally in a flash you somehow adopted a gender. Quick! What exactly were you doing before you changed?"

"Well, He's a changeling. They have the ability to change into whatever they're thinking of becoming." Sydney replied. Charlie and Sarah turned to him. Vern still looked down, puzzled, "It's… one of their abilities."

"What makes you so certain? What are you not telling us, Sydney?" Charlie enquired with that look about her. The kind of scrutinizing look she had whenever trying to solve a mystery. That it was aimed at him made him nervous.

"L-let me get something from my room. It may help in trying to figure it out." He stumbled on out back to his room where the party heard a crash and a curse of words following it.

A moment later he came back out with a few comics in his mouth, "phut!" He spat them onto the ground, "Bleh, dust. Hooves and bookshelves do not go well together." He took a moment to lament for his hands.

Charlie picked up one of the comics, "Well how interesting." There was an amalgam of cartoonie mythological creatures printed on its cover. A bipedal cat such as herself, a white pegacorn, small dragon, and several other creatures. Most of which dressed in regalia. She picked up another depicting the same looking creature Vernon was. She read the title on them, "My Little Pony. Certainly the last thing I would expect to find a clue to this phenomenon. Thank you Sydney, that was quite helpful."

Sarah took the comic from her and looked through it with her face scrunch up, "I don't understand. This is all fictional though."

"Recall that one hypothesis we discussed a while back in regards to fiction?"

Her eyes widened, "Never seriously though. It was all just a fun thought to entertain. Baseless conjecture without any real feasible way to test such a thing."

Charlie smirked with a glint in her eye, "Until now that is."

"I'm kinda lost here guys. What are you talking about?" Sydney asked puzzled.

"Same here." Vern broke from their stupor, "Sorry, bit transfixed by my overall… everything."

"Don't worry, it's quite elementary." Charlie crossed her arms.

Vernon laughed in glee, "Oh! You did the thing! This is going to be good."

They turned to the changeling with a raised eyebrow, "Yes… anyway, a while back me and Sarah were formulating a hypothesis regarding plausibility of occurance in an omnidimensional multiverse."

Sydney frowned, "What does that mean?"

Sarah cleared her throat, "It means that if true, every story ever told is real and actually happened somewhere in the cosmos. Including every rule, and physical laws that exist in that particular reality."

"So wait," Vern moved from the couch and plopped down on their hooves wobbly, "You mean to say that Captain Kirk could actually exist and is flying around somewhere in the universe?"

"Yes, that is what it means." Charlie answered.

"Yes." He tried to fist pump but the motion shifted his balance too much.

"But how does that explain this?" Sydney gestured to their group, "How does this even happen?"

The Cat scratched her chin, "It's because Vern is right in a way." They all cocked their heads while Vern looked about proudly, "This is an invasion. Not from outer space, but from somewhere far, far stranger." She looked down at the comic curiously.

"Who or what is invading Charlie?" Sydney asked nervously.

She looked down at him, "We are my friend."

Everyone grimmanced at her word.

"We've been turned into pawns at the hands of a supernatural power for some sort of purpose. What that is I can't say, be it good or bad."

"You need a bit more than three people to start an invasion dude." Vern replied.

The cat raised her brow, "What makes you think that this is an isolated event?" From the living room table she grabbed a controller to turn on the TV.

A concerned news lady flickered on,"... This just in. Strange things seem to be happening today that are putting people of the nation in a mass wide panic. What started as a normal weekend saturday morning has turned into something more concerning when businesses around the country found that half of their employees just didn't show up to work. Even employees in our very own studio seems to have just suddenly disappeared. I'm going to take you to Bob who is on the scene. Can you tell us what is going on Bob?"

The screen shifted to a guy on the street, "It's a perplexing mystery that has us all scratching our heads Mary. Highways that are usually bustling with traffic as you see here are near completely empty today. I can hardly believe what I'm seeing. Local stores have closed down for the day since no one is running them. I talked to a manager of the dollar store earlier before he closed up, and he said he tried calling everyone who didn't, but no one seems to be answering their phones."

"Anything else to report Bob?"

"Word around the street is that there seems to be unusual activity going on. Strange sightings as it were of horses of all things. Yet to be confirmed but strangely consistent in many areas."

"Thank you Bob for sharing your report." The picture turned back to her staring at the screen, "It is recommended that until this the source of this behavior is explained that people stay indoors and…"

Charlie flicked the television off. Everyone was silent, "Full scale invasion of the world's own people. Better get to work before this country loses its head."

They stared and considered the cat's words, "What do you mean?" But Charle scurried off into the other room where they found their computer. The others followed.

"Charlie?" Sarah said.

The cat opened the computer and started typing something, "If I'm right, this is going to set the powder keg to blow a couple decades earlier than it's supposed to." They began typing furiously as screens popped up over each other, "Thankfully I started early on a contingency plan. It hasn't been fine tuned to perfection yet, but there is no helping it now. There are millions of people displaced within themselves and need help."

"What are you talking about Charlie? What plan?" Sarah asked confused.

"My plan from the getgo Sarah. Save the world." She clicked another button and folded her arms, "Ladies and gentlemen, guess who the proud owner of Apple, Microsoft and Google is?" Dead silence. "Alright not everyone applaud at once now."

"Y-you're not serious are you?" Vern replied, mouth dry. In the years he'd known Charlie, he knew joking from him was a seldom experience.

"Dead serious. Can't you see it yet?" She asked looking at blank expressions from all of them, even Sarah, "Good god, you can't can you." She sighed, "In any case Sarah," The cat moved from the computer and held her hands to her with a serious look. Sarah stared back at those large blue orbs that seem to penetrate her soul. The shape was unfamiliar to her, but the soul that reflected was undeniably Charlie's, "I'm going to have to heavily rely on you most for the time being since you're our only human. Despite that, I wouldn't put trust in anyone else other than you for this."

"You really did it didn't you?" She took a breath, "You can rely on me. I'll do anything for you Charlie."

"Good." She looked at her intently, "Now promise me you won't freak out about what I'm going to tell you next."

Alarm spread over her face but she pushed it down, "I-I promise Charlie."

She nodded, "Okay, when I said I just acquired Apple, Microsoft, and Google, I really meant you aqquired Apple, Microsoft, and Google. It's all done in your name."

She stared at her in stunned silence, blood draining from her face.

The cat let go of her and looked at the changeling, "Right, now let's test out your supposed transformation abilities."

"WHAT!" Sarah yelled.

The neighbor next door groaned in defeat as he heard the last yell to the house next door. He'd make a complaint to the neighborhood association about the disorderly conduct… again.


After getting a thorough scolding from Sarah, and eventually heading off to do what Charlie instructed her to do, she began documenting Vernon's changing ability and Sydney's 'magic' ability by levitating objects. After the initial shock, they found them enjoying themselves.

In a flash of blue, Vern changed into David Tenant, "Ah, now that is propper awesome." He said looking in the mirror, "Alonsey!" He laughed.

"I'll say." Sydney laughed alongside him holding a pen and art pad in his magical grip, "You could put every actor and impressionist in the world out of a job if you do that."

Vern chuckled, "Yeah? Check this out." They changed again, this time into Morgan Freeman, "Hello, I am Morgan Freeman."

Sydney snickered and Charlie smirked from her computer, typing something.

"Everything that was, everything that is, and everything that will ever be, in and about the entirety of the cosmos, will sound infinitely better in this voice." He and Sydney laughed.

"That is very spot on dude. What do you think of this?" He turned the pad to him. On it depicted a photo realistic drawing of Charlie sitting at the computer."

Vern (Morgan Freeman) looked impressed, "Damn dude, I swore that page was empty a moment ago."

Sydney smirked, "Instantaneous signals from the brain to the pencil on the page. Hands are good, but there is a delayed time between the thoughts and actions of human limbs. Though I do miss them, there is nothing quite like this."

With a teasing look at his friend, he flipped the page and began rapidly drawing a picture of the changling's female form in a sultry, alluring, and just barely exposing pose, "Want me to draw you like one of my french girls?"

"Wha-ah! Really funny of you dude, and Titanic references are just plain out of line." He changed back into his male changeling form, "Though…" He put a hoof to his chin, "did I really look like that? It's actually kinda hot."

"Heh, Narcissistic much?" Sydney teased.

"Oh shut up." He turned, but leaned closer to the pony's ear, "Think you can draw one of Charlie?"

"You know my hearing is ten times more sensitive than a human's right?" They both closed their mouths and froze, "Flattered though." She shut the computer screen, "Alright, got the new lab and compound ready. Now we just wait for Sarah to come back for us. We'll leave and get ready for what's to come."

Sydney cleared his throat, "I'll be honest, my mind is still in that weird place that says what you did was impossible. How did you even do it? And aren't there like, Monopoly laws or something that make this illegal?"

The cat shrugged, "I've utilized a few loopholes regarding those monopoly laws. By my estimate it would have taken a couple decades more before the next Rockefeller emerged from these tech companies anyway. When that would have happened, the new company would get such a stranglehold on the entire Government and its affairs, it would turn the whole thing into a Corporatocracy."

"What makes you think U.S. could fall? Surely not for a long time." Sydney laughed nervously.

She blinked, "I… just explained to you… Right, you don't know how much power a corporation can hold." She sighed, "There is a lot of unrest Sydney, and like a powder keg it's bound to explode into violence, the kind that weakens nations, when that happens, Governments lose power and influence, leaving a chance for the next strongest powers to take over."

"The corporations." Vernon replied looking in deep thought.

"Bingo, and I just eliminated the biggest threats by making them our assets under Sarah's control. My plan would not only keep that kind of power from the wrong people, but give me the assets I needed to fix things right before the country, and the world goes critical from the power imbalance. That is what Project Rhea is designed to do." She got up and stretched, "It's been a work in progress for the last few years. As for how I accomplished purchasing the companies? You'd really think I'd let that info leak before it's time?"

"What about Sarah? That's a lot of power you'd given her." Sydney pointed, "You don't think she may…"

"I'd trust her with my life." She cut him off quickly, shutting him down, "She is a remarkable woman. In any case if you were wondering, I did indeed always plan on owning it myself, but there's the problem. I'm not myself am I?"

"You have a point." Sydney replied. He looked to Vernon who seemed dazed by something.

Right then a strong emotional wave crashed into him. He tried to shake it off, "... I have to say, I always knew you were a genius since we were kids, but to think you had something like this in the works?" Vernon took a breath, drunk from the cat's emotional intensity. It wasn't the same kind from Sarah and Sydney. He found that their emotions were a steady stream of pleasant colors that wafted from them, but for Charlie, this cat, it changed between feeling little to no emotional presence to a storm suddenly breaking loose, one this time that was particularly icy with a sense of irritability, protectiveness and determination, "Ugh, sorry, I don't think I can get used to that."

"Get used to what I might ask?" Charlie cocked her head, "Ah, those emotion senses of yours. Is it overstimulating you right now?"

"No, nothing like that. Your emotional readings are just a bit more intense than the others, and it's occurring in short rapid bursts. It's making me rather dizzy."

"Fascinating," A warmer front of jovial colors hit the changeling, making him wince. It was the more common kind of wave he noticed, whenever Charlie found something that caught their interests, "I'll have to record that. Perhaps through your abilities I can produce a means to create an empathic detector. Oh there would be a multitude of applications for such a thing, from attaining quantifiable psychological data, to emotional research in forensic investigations." She saw her friend wincing, "Ah, my apologies. I'm afraid that while I have a fair degree of emotional self control, I have very little in the way of regulating its intensity when felt."

"It's kind of crazy. With this much joy you're producing now, I'd have half expected you to be bouncing in glee or something."

"Ah, I see." The wave stopped, "That does make sense." She paused for a moment before turning back to them, "Let me tell you guys something." She clasped her hands and sat back down, "For as long as I can remember, I had been… overly sensitive to the world I must say, sometimes to an overwhelming degree. That is where my prowess originates from, but in my youth, before I met you," She looked to Vernon who felt the icy wave again, "that had resulted in rather erratic behavior and led me to do some immoral things I'm not proud of, or would like to speak about at this time, so do not ask."

The two both quietly nodded, and the icy feeling disappeared, "Right," the cat got up, "I'm going to take a shower real quick. The both of you should get ready, Sarah will be coming back with several professional body guards that will protect us should anything go wrong, though I sincerely doubt it. Pick up the phone if she calls." Before they could say anything she walked off, tail swishing.

"... Damn. I'm both weirded out and intrigued. Her figure is completely perfect." He whispered very quietly.

Sydney shouldered him, "Dude, that is all you have to say after all of that? They literally just moments ago bought the most powerful companies in the world and hinted at a dark past, and you're left thinking about her perfect hips? Get your priorities straight. That's still Charlie under all… that."

"Believe me my man. I know better than most that, that is pretty undeniable. I just can't help but think…"

"Sarah is still her girlfriend you know, and she's pretty clear in that she would rip you a new one for less. Don't meddle in their relationship, that is my advice as a friend."

Vern let that thought uncomfortably sit in. The woman barely tolerated him the last year he'd been under their roof, and only did so because of her respect and affections to Charlie. He was, though ashamed to admit it, a mooch that deserved it.

Sydney continued, "In any case I doubt that Charlie is all that interested in guys anyway."

Vern smirked, "He'd never been clear on that, but you know, I don't have to be a guy." In a flash of blue he changed into Scarlett Johansson in full Black Widow attire.

Sydney tripped over himself starring boggle eyed, but shook himself, "N-not cool dude. Also, how are you making the clothes for your transformations?"

She looked down at herself grabbing a handful of her chest, making Sydney gulp, "I think it's an illusion or something." She began fondling herself much to Sydney's dismay, "I feel that my body has physically changed, but the clothes don't feel like they are actually there."

Sydney gulped again, cursing Vern with that thought. He knew super girls were his weakness, "S-so, you're all naked underneath?"

"You know, we're all naked underneath my delicious stallion." Vern said very sultry.

Sydney shivered.

"You more than most." She reached out and ran her hand through his mane. "Maybe you wanna…"

Sydney shook, "I'MBERYSORRYIGOTTAGOBYE!!!" He bolted, tripping over his hooves and running to his room, magic shutting his door with a slam

"Wait, dude! I was only kidding!" She groaned. Perhaps she was too good at acting now. She sat down and thought, turning back to their base form. They stared at their reflection in the blank television screen.

Where there should have been conflict about their appearance there was resolve. He'd always hated his face. There was too much of his dad there, and his bad acne over yhe last few years had only made it worst. Despite his misgivings about his looks, Charlie had only ever encouraged him to take comfort in his identity and brand it as he made it to the acting world. But now he could be anyone. Any face, any gender, any species. Since he'd discovered he could transform, not once did he change back into himself. Why would he? He sighed, thinking about that one thing his Shakespearean teacher quoted often, "To be honest as this world goes, is to be one man picked out of ten thousand." He chuckled, "What a perplexing thought indeed."


Charlie closed the door to her room and entered her private bathroom when she heard a slam of one of the doors. Honestly those two were unbearable at time, but she couldn't help her fondness for them. They had great potential. Sydney was a fantastic artist, and though Vernon had a long way yet to go, they had amazing potential as an actor. For years his sci-fi addiction had thrown him off course for what he really wanted. Though initially it was the cornerstone for how they became friends as children, Charlie always felt that the actor would have done better if he did not meet her. Her own pursuits and ideas only goaded him on the path not meant for him, and providing him housing and schooling to hone his craft was her way of rectifying that.

Quietly she slipped off her shirt and stripped away her pants. She sighed. She now knew why animals hated clothing accessories put on them. Fabric over fur was extremely uncomfortable, not to mention the clothes for her lower half were not designed for a tail or hind legs at all. She'd have to get tailored pants made for herself. Besides that, she'd have to get used to it. Not wearing clothes wasn't an option with her alluring figure.

With that thought she looked back to herself in the mirror with curiosity. She knew she would have to test it at some point. For science if nothing else. Now seemed as good a time as any. Peeling away her panties she got a good look at her vulva. It was quite fascinating both by how human it looked, and by how different it was from any known animal.

Most mammals, even the ones furry all over have overall relatively thinner to no hair on the genital area. Around it yes, but for her there wasn't a place on her body, save her orifices where her fur stopped. Shorter yes, but relatively uniform and smooth. She ran a paw across the lips and felt a shiver down her spine. Pulling away she moved to the shower, turning the water on until it was the right temperature.

Her heart beat fast in excitement, she turned to one of the bathroom drawers full of Sarah's stuff. From it she pulled several dildo's of certain shapes and sizes.

Sarah wouldn't mind if she used a couple of her toys she didn't think. She blinked when she found a large empty wine bottle, recalling it from their romantic anniversary in Boston several months back.

She sighed. She knew she and Sarah would have to make a decision for their relationship. She'd be fine with whichever choice she made, but she hoped that the brilliant woman would stay with her. Even so she trusted her dearly and knew she would do fine with the new company, and her plan.

Stepping in the shower with her toys, she sat down on the bench within feeling the warm wetness plesently absorb into her fur and skin. Seems being a cat didn't affect her opinion of showers. Although as the warm water continued to hit her, it felt heavier on her.

Thinking to herself that she might as well get over it, she took one of the medium sized pink dildos, looking it over. The floppy thing was smooth and only remotely reminiscent of a penis. She thought for a moment before grabbing the bottle of lube, slicking it over with the solution before positioning it at her entrance.

With a soft push she was met with stinging resistance. Gritting her teeth she opted to rub the object back and forth along her slit, letting out an involuntary moan from the unexpected sensation that resulted.

A warm fire building up. In principle the sensory reaction was not all that different from that garnered of male arousal, however the hormones were what really made the difference, and whereas male built arousal outside the body, females seemed to build it internally.

She sighed as the rising warmth continued to flood her senses. Heart beating at a faster rate as an almost electrical feeling passed through her, "How… fascinating." She felt her lips grow moist with lubricant from the stimulation.

Feeling the tip of the dildo glide much easier along her slit, she began applying force again, slowly pushing it through the threshold.

Her lips parted against the object, feeling a stinging sensation that made her wince, "Ergh, that is rather uncomfortable." Pulling the object out she saw a tiny stream of blood. It pulsated, but didn't hurt quite as much as she thought it would. "Guess some women get lucky." Either that or it had something to do with her new biology.

After the moment had passed and the blood stopped, she went back to sliding the object back inside herself. Noting now that the pain was gone, the feeling of pleasurable warmth was accompanied by a strangely pleasant sensation of being filled. Ready to continue she began a slow pumping motion. Almost immediately her muscles constricted as electrifying waves passed through her with a building internal pressure.

She huffed, sticking the dildo as deep inside her as she could until she hit the cervix barrier. Pumping harder and deeper she closed her eyes, feeling the boiling point of her efforts of self love. Suddenly she arched her back with a surprised and a lustful look about her. Her whole body trembled as she was enwrapped in euphoric bliss from her spraying orgasm. But it didn't stop. 1… 2… 4… 6… 10... 12! She gasped as her body convulsed in rapid succession, overtaking her mind gratifying rapture before it suddenly stopped.

"That was… intense." She let the water from her shower beat over her head. Unlike the male orgasm which was a single large release, women, as it turns out can experience it multiple times in one setting. She had nearly forgotten Sarah mentioned something like that.

She panted, noting something else. She was tired, but still very much horny, much more than when she first started.

Flushed from the excitement and exercise, she turned her head to the collection of dildos with fire in her eyes. It was a unique experience to feel the sensation of the opposite sex. If she wanted to write a comprehensive comparison from the male to female experience, she needed to do it to the fullest.

She looked them over. Sarah had used a good number of them during their more passionate nights. She had experimented with them once when she was still a guy, but declared that they weren't for her.

There was one amongst them that didn't look quite familiar to her. It was blue and ridged with a knot at the end of it, just a bit thicker than the one she used. Must have been a new one Sarah purchased.

She picked it up noting how warm the object was, and saw it had a sucker at the bottom. The length was too long for the knot though, at least for her, she thought, but she didn't need to go that far.

She got up from her seat and placed it directly in the middle of it, pushing the sucker in place until it was stuck firmly to the bench. Her heart began to thrum as she readied herself. Bending down she positioned her rear to the phallus shaped object, she grabbed the object along the length until it touched her lips.

She shivered in excitement. The head pushed in, filling her with ecstasy.

Looking down at how thick the object seemed to get after that, she began to think that she might have overestimated the size. Before she could reconsider she slipped in the puddle of her previous love juices, "Whoa Shiii-!" She slid fast onto the piercing object that pulled her apart. At once as she fell to the bench it rammed straight into her cervical wall before a pop!

Frozen, she sat there a moment, heart racing, and muscles tightly clenched. Spouting a girlish cry as she looked down at the bulge inside her with wide eyes. Somehow despite the normal physical impossibility, she's broken through her cervical barrier and knotted herself.

She faced palmed, blushing profusely, "Ah god damn it!" The fact that it happened didn't bother her so much as the fact that it was a human impossibility, meaning that anything she wrote about the comprehended sex change expirience would be invalid due to the unique quality of her inhuman species. 'At least she could still document it as a species guide.' She thought.

There was another pressing matter. Suddenly a warm feeling budded from inside of her as the dildo pulsed. It was strangely fleshy, she noted.

She blinked, and her body began moving on its own. Wincing with gritted teeth, she pulled herself up, feeling the knot pop out of her, before ramming back in, forcing out a yelp as it broke through her entrance and her womb again.

She would have been more alarmed had she not been in a haze of pleasure from the action. In an in and out rhythm, her walls constricted against the object that penetrated her more easily. There was something wrong about this she knew, but the feeling was far too overwhelming. In response, the object seemed to grow thicker and longer until the small bulge became much more pronounced as she pushed herself in and out. Her body tightened and her legs crossed with a tremble as the growing girth and length pulled her apart.

"Need to… stop!" She panted fighting against the will. She was close, so very close. Her hips, though stopping for a second from her will gave in and thrusted the object deep inside her with another loud pop! And the knot swelled inside her.

She gasped as hot liquid shot inside of her with a steady powerful pour. The dildo at once constricted along her G-spot. She screamed in ecstasy, stars filling her vision as the tension broke with her climax.

The dildo softened into a gelatinous texture, seemingly coming to life as it wormed its way further inside her body. Her belly bulged outward as the object slinked up and fully nestled into her womb.

She panted from her final series of climaxes. As her senses returned to her, confusion and concern found its way onto her face.

She looked down to see her stretched out pregnant looking belly, "Well this is… something." She got up and poked her belly. It jiggled with movement in response.

She turned off the water stepping out. She had gotten too into it to actually wash herself with soap, but that seemed not to be a pressing matter at the moment.

Taking a towel she dried herself and looked in the mirror. She looked almost nine months pregnant. It was quite heavy. Was this what it was like? She poked her belly again, feeling this time tremorous waves.

She gasped feeling something slide out of her in response. Her knees shook as she leaned against the counter. Looking down she saw a blue ooze seep out of her with a viscous creep.

The rest of it hit the floor with a slurch. It twitched for a moment before popping up in the form of a small gelatinous six-legged canine creature, "Arf! Arf!" It barked happily staring up at her.

She blinked staring down at it, "... You know, I surprise even myself with how calmly I'm dealing with this kind of absurdity."

The creature tilted its head looking up at her. She bent down closer to it, "Quite curious." With her hand she gingerly poked it. The creature licked her hand affectionately, "Well, you don't seem hostile. I'll have to get a better look at you in the lab."

She looked up, "Have you enjoyed your little joke?"

There was silence for a second before a deep chuckle rumbled in the air, "How very clever of you." In a blink she stood on a floating grass covered island in an endless space of purple plaid. Before her floated a familiar serpentine chimera, "Might I ask how you figured it out that I was watching?"

She smirked, "You placed a lot of care in how you designated these particular species to me and my companions. Honestly I must say, they have never been better at performing their craft. For such dedication to his own craft, I doubted the meistro would not choose to attend his own symphony."

He chuckled, "Such flattering words to describe my handywork, though your freedom from mirth suggest a lack of amusement."

She folded her arms, "Well, considering the fact that you hijacked the corporeal forms of me and a third of my race, brought unnecessary stress while our world was on the precipice of disaster, which I was handling by the way, and well," she looked down at the blob, "that surprise was in very poor taste."

He gave his best hurt look, "What? You don't like old blobby?" He slithered up to the creature, scratching its chin rousing a growl from it, "He's a Tenusian clam crawler." He pulled his hand back before it could snap at him, "Symbiotic organism. Protects its host at all cost in exchange for housing. Quite the loyal thing. Slime is also antibacterial and a cure for all known STD's. Figured you might like him very much."

She looked down at the creature then back at him, "What's your game? Discord, I think you are called? Surely a being such as yourself has better things to do than mess with the likes of us mortals."

"Oh? Mess with? Is that what you think?" He gave a coy look, but then shrugged, "Well yeah, I am in fact messing with you, but!" He raised his claw appearifying a halo and angel wings, "with good intentions. Your kind is long overdue for a wake up call from the cosmos. If it wasn't me, you would have gotten something far more threatening eventually. That Chuthulu guy is just a cosmic block away you know? And believe me when I say he's bad news. I just gave your world tools to handle such things. Magic, physical and psychological resistances and the likes."

"You hardly seemed the altruistic type going from the material I've read up on you."

"Oh you can hardly come with an accurate judge of character from only a jumbled glimpse beyond the veil. I must say though, that Lauren Faust is quite the gifted seer to peer directly into a reality so far away, even if she didn't know it. In any case, I have renounced my childish ways. I am here only to serve." He did a mock bow.

She gave him a sceptical look, "I imagine that there is a price tag to your gift?"

He chuckled, "Only amusement my dear." He got up real close to her face, making Blobby growl more fiercely at him, "I never saw it before you know, but there is something beautifully chaotic about how your mortal minds whirl to life when faced with a challenge, something new. You come up with such inventive things and grow. I'd like to see that in action. Your whole planet, scrambling for the brave new world." He straightened, "Clever people like you will keep it from crumbling. My failsafe so to speak should my game go wrong." He explained stretching, "Seems you're making quick work of the first problem." He snapped his neck, "Oh, I wonder how those blokes in England are doing?"

The cat put a paw to her chin, "I don't suppose you'd tell me your motive?"

He gave her a cold smile, "I wouldn't want to spoil the fun too much now. Got to leave room for a little uncertainty." He coiled his body and at once uncoiled it with a series of pops along his spine, "Oh, yeah." He said quite pleased, "I'm going to return you now. Just know I won't help or make myself appear again anytime soon. Ta ta." He snapped his fingers and the cat and slime returned to the bathroom.

"... Well that was informative." She looked down to the slime, "Not much I can do now other than move forward."

The blob barked happily.

She bent down to scratch the creature, "Guess I should probably introduce you to the others now huh?"

At the mention of other people, the goo barked happily and scampered and slid underneath the door.

There was a shriek on the other side.

Charlie couldn't help but face palm.