> Pound Town > by Some Leech > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Pumpkin Cream Pie > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Peeking his head around the corner, staring down the hallway, Pound Cake checked to see that the coast was clear. Staying still, he intently listened for any signs of movement. His mom, dad, and Pumpkin had gone out to see a play at the School of Friendship, leaving him home alone. The event was supposed to be spent as a family, although he’d feigned illness and stayed in bed; of course, he wouldn’t normally lie to them like that, but there was something he had to investigate. Having grown up with his twin sister, Pumpkin, he’d spent his entire life around her. Growing up, going to school, bathing together, the pair were almost inseparable - that was, until they began getting older. As time passed and their bodies grew, they were each given a room to call their own, allowing them some modicum of privacy. Neither the young stallion or mare minded much, having excitedly decorated their perspective living space to suit their fancy, but something had been nagging at Pound. He’d been learning about the birds and the bees in school, over the past few weeks. He knew most of the material, having been told by his parents, yet there was one fact which left him perplexed. Apparently, most mares didn’t have a stallionhood. It was an odd notion, considering his sister had one. If he had to guess, he’d probably become desensitized over the years, since he’d grown up around the thing, although that wasn’t what held his interest. As a budding young stallion, filled with the hormones of youth, he’d found himself thinking about Pumpkin more and more frequently. Truth be told, back when Pound and Pumpkin were younger and slept together, they’d regularly snuggle in bed. He couldn’t say why he’d always ended up as the little spoon, but he didn’t mind. With his back to his sister’s chest, it wasn’t uncommon for him to wake up with her morning wood pressed against his rump; at the time, he’d never given it much thought, yet things had changed. Maybe it was because they no longer shared a bed, or perhaps it was due to his growing sexual interests, but he’d found his thoughts drifting to her while he masturbated. As fraternal twins, they had a few differences. Besides the color of their coats, manes, tails, and eyes, Pound was a pegasus, while Pumpkin was a unicorn. There sizes, however, were almost a mirror match for one another, save for one small variation. Pound’s colthood was absolutely dwarfed by his sisters. Even though they were still relatively young, Pumpkin’s junk easily rivaled that of a full sized stallions, and she wasn’t even done growing! Sure, it wasn’t like he tried to pay attention to it - at least, not until recently - yet he kept catching himself stealing glances of it. To make matters worse, that wasn’t the only attribute which had been seizing his attention. Pumpkin had blossomed into quite the little tomboy, often teasing the other colts and playing with them - as opposed to spending her time with the fillies. Charming personality aside, there was also the subtle matter of her aroma. If Pound had to guess, it had something to do with her entering puberty, but she smelled absolutely amazing. Simply walking past her, after a long day of school or helping in the shop, catching her natural perfume, was enough to send shivers up the colt’s spine. Sweet Celestia, he’d done everything he could to get his mind off her, but nothing had worked. He’d even gone so far as to start dating one of the fillies in his class, Ruby Gleam. She was cute, demure, and sweet as can be, yet it hadn’t been enough. Even though he spent plenty of his free time with her, playing games or simply being with her, he kept finding his thoughts drawn to his sister. Regardless of what he tried, Pumpkin had become somewhat of a lustful obsession. On many nights, he’d get off to imagining what lewd things he’d do to her or, more often than not, the things she’d do to him. Sometimes, his yearnings became darn near overpowering, much like they had this particular afternoon... Pound Cake hadn’t intended to skip out on the school play, though he’d hastily lied about feeling ill. After having gotten home, he and his sister had gotten into a playful disagreement about who was stronger. One thing led to another and, well, they’d ended up roughhousing in the living room. It was all in good fun, with the two of them laughing and jockeying for position - at least, until the colt found his face trapped between his sister’s thighs. The headlock had brought Pound’s muzzle a scant few inches from Pumpkin’s equipment. As if the sight of her sheath and ripe, heavy nuts hadn’t been bad enough, the musk was darn near overpowering. Earthy and tangy, the bouquet had drained what little strength he had, leaving him helpless in his sibling’s grasp. Tapping out, jokingly begging for mercy, the lighthearted conflict had ended, though not before he started devising a plan. Pretending to have a stomach ache, waving away his mother and sister’s concern, he’d curled up in his bed and waited for his family to leave. He actually felt fine - no, more than fine, if his carefully concealed erection could be believed. The wrestling with his sister had filled his head with all manner of scandalous, confusing thoughts, though finding privacy adequate enough to relieve one’s self, while living in a home of four, wasn’t exactly easy. So, with the first phase of his plot enacted, Pound crept to his sister’s room. Poking his head inside, he swore that he’d simply borrow an article of hers; something, anything which was marked with her scent. He’d bring it back, of course, but not before he’d given himself some time to savor her perfume and have a clop. Quietly opening her door, the colt let himself inside. It was dark, although that wasn’t a problem; having spent so much time in there, playing and whatnot, he essentially had the layout memorized. Slinking deeper into the room, settling on the notion to temporarily steal a pillow, he trotted forward. Moving towards the bed, a pang of guilt struck Pound. Something about sneaking into Pumpkin’s chamber, while having outright lied to his family didn’t feel right, yet he was compelled. Some part of him, buried deep within his id, begged him to give in to his newfound and confusing urges. Caving to his coltish yearnings, attempting to console himself by saying that it wasn’t that bad to borrow a pillow, he reached his destination. Rearing back, he placed his forelegs on the bed and reached forward. Standing by the lower end of the mattress, leaning forward, a curious odor tickled his nostrils. Closing his eyes, sniffing out its source, he crawled forward. It was only when his his snout had drifted towards the center of the bedspread that he realized what it was. The spot over which Pound’s nose hovered was right where Pumpkin’s groin would be. Pressing his muzzle to the sheets, breathing deeply, he silently crept onto the bed. His colthood slipped from his sheath, dangling between his meaty thighs, as he savored her lingering aroma. Bracing himself on one forehoof, he reached for his groin. It wasn’t like he planned to stroke himself off on her bed, but he found himself doing just that. Easing his chest to the mattress, he stroked his hardening length. Stars above, what he wouldn’t give to sleep with her again. Besides any amorous interest in her, the act of lying with her, sharing her warmth, was deeply comforting.  Becoming enrapt in the moment, Pound fantasized about exploring Pumpkin’s body. As his sister, he’d never actually done anything naughty with her, but the notion was extraordinarily appealing. Besides being taboo, he’d hate to alienate his sibling, so he’d never broached the subject. Still, the mere thought of burying his face in her crotch, of worshiping her, was undeniably hot. He was so absorbed with the idea that he failed to hear the steady approaching hooffalls until it was too late. The sudden sound of the door opening was immediately followed by the lights flicking on, causing Pound Cake to freeze. Peering over, he found none other than Pumpkin standing just inside the room, with Ruby Gleam behind her. “What did I tell you,” Pumpkin chuckled, trotting towards the bed. “I knew he wasn’t sick.” Blushing heavily, ashamed with himself, Pound swiftly rolled off the bed to confront the pair. “I...I can e...explain!” he stammered, waving a hoof at the mares. “Explain why you’re getting off on my bed while pretending to be sick?” Pumpkin scoffed, incredulously raising an eyebrow. “Sure, I’d love to hear it…” “I - uh - well - ummm…” Pound sputtered, desperately trying to justify his actions. Realistically, there was no reasonable explanation for having a clop in his sister’s room. Put on the spot, without any sort of excuse, he fidgeted in place. “Is it true?” Ruby asked, taking a step forward. “I...is what true?” he stammered. Sitting himself down, hiding his shame between his forehooves, he timidly stole a glance in her direction. There was no way he could bring himself to look at her face, so he stared at the floor. “That you lust after your sister…” Ruby sighed, inching nearer. Pound’s blood ran cold, as he heard his marefriend’s assertion. His eyes flitted over the carpet, while his mind went blank. There was no way he could have known that Pumpkin had any idea of his interest in her, so he was stunned. Swallowing hard, despite how dry his mouth felt, he was at a loss for words - that was, until a hoof gently rested against his shoulder. “Pound, it’s alright,” Pumpkin murmured, drawing her brother’s attention. As he looked up, she pecked his cheek. “We’re not mad, I promise...” “Y...you’re not?” Pound bleated, looking between the mares. The admission, while sounding sincere, left him confused beyond belief - which begged the question…”Then why are you doing this.” “Because you’re my brother, I love you, and you need to accept who you are…” Pumpkin whispered, pressing her lips to his. It was true. Given how well she knew her brother, and because they saw each other every single day, it was impossible to miss the signs; the way he looked at her, how he’d ‘accidentally’ walk in on her when she showered, and all the times she’d caught him peeking at her package, all smacked of a smitten stallion. Honestly, she found it cute, but that wasn’t all. Pumpkin harbored similar feelings for her sibling, albeit in a slightly different direction. He was positively adorable, in comparison to other stallions, with a lusciously plump behind, slightly marish features, and a delightfully coy demeanor. She had, without his knowing, daydreamed about dressing him up in rather scandalous outfits, while shamelessly cranking herself off. In short, her intervention served a dual purpose. While she did fully intend to help her brother, if she played her cards right, she’d be helping herself as well. Forbidden or not, she had a keen longing for Pound and she was aware that he thought the same of her. His attempt at dating had been what pushed her over the edge, fearing that she may lose her chance. Caught off guard by the kiss, Pound went rigid. Before he could react, she wrapped one foreleg around the back of his head and pulled him closer. Acting on instinct, he closed his eyes and submitted. Even though his conscious mind was grappling with the situation, some deep part of his id was more than eager to reciprocate. Slowly, almost cautiously, his tongue crept into Pumpkin’s mouth. Reaching up, he caressed her neck and hummed into her mouth. Being held, relishing her warmth, Pound swooned in her grasp. Her delicate scent, like confection and wild flowers, wafted to his nostrils. Peeking out, noticing his sister’s azure eyes peering back at him, he pulled away. Unsure of what to say, his colthood throbbed at his groin. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been so turned on, yet he was reluctant to act. Pumpkin’s actions, paired with Ruby’s presence, left him perplexed and aroused. As he attempted to stand, his marefriend nonchalantly strolled to the mattress. Pound watched as his sister crawled on top of the bed, eased herself down, and rolled to her side. Raising one hind leg, Pumpkin gave him a picturesque view of her groin. Her equipment, a dark apricot color, contrasted sharply against her light yellow coat. Ripe and inviting, a pair of weighty testes sat below her semi-flaccid stallionhood. His mouth began to water, as he gazed longingly at her package; easily double the size of his own, a large, angry vein snaked along her length. Celestia only knew how much cum she could produce with those fat balls of hers, but he had to guess it would be at least a pint or more. Licking his lips, he started, when something nudged his shoulder. Looking up, he found his marefriend smiling down at him. “Go ahead…” Ruby began, her eyes wandering to the dickmare’s exposed loins, “I know you want to…” As undeniably aroused as he was, Pound was compelled to ask a question. Getting to his hooves, trying not to fixate on his sister’s junk, he shook his head. “So, what, you just expect me to go over there and…” he trailed off, unwilling to finish the statement. “It’s up to you,” Ruby casually began, giving him a shrug. “It’s pretty clear, judging by your boner, that you want to bond with your sister. Tell you what,” she continued, wrapping a hoof around his shoulder, “if you let me watch, I’ll cover for the both of you. As far as anyone else will know, I’ll be your marefriend, even if you and Pumpkin are an item.” “I...wait…” Pound mumbled, processing the information.  It was a darn tempting offer, that much was certain. It definitely wouldn’t be good if anypony knew he and his sibling were fooling around, so having Ruby around as a camouflage would be a tremendous boon. Turning his head, gazing at Pumpkin’s come hither expression, he dumbly nodded. He’d been pining after her for so long, staving off his carnal urges, that he couldn’t deny himself the opportunity. Wheeling around, Pound sluggishly trotted towards the bed. Pumpkin’s face, painfully seductive pose, and hardening length were like a siren’s song beckoning him closer. Shakily placing one forehoof onto the mattress, he hauled himself upward and moved towards the presenting mare. It was only when he was within reach that he slowed. The earthy, sinful redolence struck him like a brick wall. It was the same bouquet which he’d found on her sheets, only magnified many times over. Drifting closer, drawn in by the assault on his senses, his snout strayed to the source. Hovering a scant inch or two from her crotch, just above Pumpkin’s nuts, he stopped. A part of Pound knew it was wrong, that he shouldn’t be as turned on as he was, giving him a moment for pause; Pumpkin, however, seemed to have other plans. Noticing her shift slightly, seeing her hoof moving towards his head, his heart fluttered. He didn’t resist at all, as his face was pressed against the base of her sheath. The sensation of her velvety flesh against his nose broke something within him; his inhibitions melted away, as he realized just how much he needed her cock. Drawing his tongue up her shaft, gingerly fondling her balls in his forehoof, he groaned. The salty, savory flavors of Pumpkin’s unwashed tool danced over his taste buds, adding fuel to the lecherous fire. No sooner had he reached the tip than he slipped it past his lips. Humming contentedly, delighting in her brother’s service, Pumpkin enjoyed the show. Bobbing his head and stealing the occasional glance up at her, his mocha brown eyes met her own. Peering down at him, she couldn’t help but smile. She’d dreamt of seeing him like this, with her dick in his mouth, so she couldn’t help but… The hoof resting on the back of Pound’s head pushing him downward, forcing more of her dick into his maw. Closing his eyes, doing what he could to stay calm, he aided in her efforts. Caressing the sensitive underside of her shaft with his tongue, he pressed onward. Unfortunately, his enthusiasm couldn’t compensate for his lack of experience; as soon as the broad tip bumped against the back of his throat, he gagged. Pumpkin watched, as her brother coughed and sputtered, though her hoof didn’t stray. Holding him steady, she applied more force and drove her member into his gullet. Her grin broadened, when she realized he wasn’t fighting her efforts. It left little room for doubt; he was a hungry little cocksucker, so she was going to give him exactly what he wanted. Choking, squirming on the mattress, Pound did his best to accommodate the girthy shaft worming into his esophagus. Thankfully, as soon as he felt himself being forced down, he’d taken a breathe. His eyes watered slightly, while he watched Pumpkin’s crotch getting closer and closer.  In spite of the discomfort, his colthood twitched uncontrollably and dribbled pre-cum. Given the circumstances, with his face trapped in place, he had no way of knowing Ruby was sneaking up behind him. A stifled yelp of surprise was all he could, as something cold and viscous dripped onto the cleft of his ass. Smiling to herself, Ruby applied a copious amount of lube to Pound’s rump. She and Pumpkin had thoroughly prepared for their little intervention, having gone so far as to bring several items for the event. Squirting more of the gooey substance onto a dildo she’d brought, she dragged the sex toy between his pillowy buns, prodded his pucker, and sunk the silicone lenght into his tush. Pound writhed, while he was penetrated from both ends. The feeling of having his ass played with, while his throat was being swabbed, was insane; it was intense, that much was for sure, yet he pined for more. Arching his back, he swung his tail to the side. “Jeez! I didn’t think he’d be this easy to break!” Ruby exclaimed, pistoning the toy into his taut hole. Breathing hard, noting Pound’s tear streaked cheeks, Pumpkin’s lust soared to greater heights. Her brother would need air soon, so she released his head, though that was only part of the reason. Pulling his head up and drawing her length from his esophagus, she stared down at him.  She didn’t want Pound to be too broken in, before she utterly ruined him, so she waved Ruby away. He coughed and gave her a pleading look, before wiping precum and drool from his pouting lips. As he went to speak, she held a hoof to his face. It wasn’t the time to ask questions - no, that time had passed. “You know what to do…” she whispered, rolling to her belly and standing. Nodding, Pound shuffled forward. Moving to the center of the bed, in roughly the same spot he’d been caught sniffing the blankets, he pressed his chest to the mattress. Splaying his hind legs, raising his tail, he presented himself like a mare in heat. While he was a bit nervous, the excitement of the moment overshadowed any trepidation within him. “Here, you’ll need this,” Ruby murmured, passing him a pillow.  Beyond being a kind gesture, hoping to help make him comfortable, she realized the cushion would likely serve a double purpose. Yes, it would give him something to rest on, though he’d likely be needing something to bite on in short measure. While they were alone, stifling any rapturous screaming wouldn’t be a bad idea. Trotting around to her brother’s behind, Pumpkin appreciated the sight. His coin purse and erection, while comparable to any other stallion’s his age, were pitiable compared to her equipment; not like it really mattered, since he wouldn’t be needing them. Running a forehoof up his chubby thigh, over his backside, and to his hip, she drew a shaky breath. At long last, she’d finally get to claim him. Rearing back, locking her forelegs over his ample waist, she took a step forward. Pound shuddered, as Pumpkin’s weight crashed upon him, yet he held steady. Something hot and blunt impacted his backside, ricocheting off the right cheek of his rear, as she bucked against him. Angling his lower half, he sought to aid in her endeavor. Again and again, she missed her mark, until one fateful thrust struck home. When the tip of her length finally hit its target, pressing against Pound’s backdoor, Pumpkin ground her hips forward. Even though she appeared relatively cool and collected, it was but a facade. Her pent up desires, years having been spent fantasizing about her dear brother, had finally come to fruition and she could barely contain herself.  Pumpkin gradually applied more force, as she tightly gripped her sibling’s waist, until it happened. With a resounding pop, the first few inches of her shaft sunk into his entrance, causing them both to go rigid. Warm, snug, and divinely inviting, she gave herself a moment to relish his embrace - incidentally giving him time to adjust to the intrusion. The sudden penetration left Pound breathless. Full beyond reasoning, with his pucker tightly seized around his sister’s turgid length, his body attempted to cope with the massive log of flesh within him. The feeling was singular; on one hoof, it was slightly uncomfortable, yet exquisitely captivating. Gnawing his bottom lip, doing everything he could not to tense up, assistance came from an unforeseen source. Reaching under Pound’s belly, Ruby delicately massaged one nipple on his abdomen. “Such a good boy. Just look at you, your ass in the air like a filly on prom night! I bet you like being fucked in front of your marefriend, don’t you…” she teased, staring at his bobbing colthood. Any sort of reply died in Pound’s throat, as he went to answer, when Pumpkin started thrusting. While her movements were slow, the sensation of having his canal plumbed by her tool was jaw dropping. The most he could manage was an unintelligible whining, while her length gradually pumped deeper and deeper into his rump. “You can’t even talk, can you?” Ruby chided, moving to his face. Stroking his chin, she delighted in his expression. His face, contorted in some combination of discomfort and bliss, was priceless and spoke more than words ever could. “Maybe you’d like me to get that dildo so you could have something to suck on, you sissy bitch…” The dirty talk, paired with his sister pistoning his rear, was too much to bear. Rocking back, yearning for more, Pound gave in to his craven desires. “Y...yes,” he whimpered, a strand of drool creeping down his chin. “Then beg for it, you fucking slut!” Ruby demanded, turning his face towards her. “F...fuck my ass!” Pound bleated, shaking his behind in compliance. The confusion of Ruby’s sadistic turn was eclipsed by his maddening arousal. Her words stung, but they stoked the inferno of lust burning within him. Wanting - Needing more, he pushed back to meet Pumpkin’s plunges. Synchronizing her movements to his, feeling his pathetic colthood slap against his belly, he did everything he could to slake his depraved appetite. Mercifully, taking note of his plea, his sister started pounding him harder and faster with each passing moment. Little by little, Pumpkin drove more of herself into Pound’s supple hole. She had to admit, Ruby’s taunting was painfully arousing, adding another layer to the experience as a whole. She wasn’t even aware of how far she’d plunged herself into her brother’s backside, until her medial ring bumped against his entrance.  Under normal circumstances, had she been rutting anypony else, she may have paused, yet that wasn’t the case. Steeling herself, she gave him a particularly forceful thrust and entombed the remaining few inches of her dick in his ass. The act elicited a loud, marish squeal from Pound, only spurring her to continue. Feeling Pumpkin begin to withdraw, Pound clenched himself around her girthy shaft. His hole, squeezing down tightly on her length, was tugged outward, as he struggled to keep her inside himself. Sadly, his efforts were in vain, when her medial ring popped free. Her tool gradually retreated, halting around the half-way mark, before it was violently rammed back into him. Peering downward, Pumpkin’s gaze wandered to Pound’s backside. Bucking her hips, deep dicking the effeminate stallion, she watched her tool sink into and reappear from his behind. As the thick band of flesh around her cock ground past his prostate, with every plunge, he mewled and groaned. It was, all told, the hottest thing she’d ever seen. Filled with righteous zeal, aroused beyond all comprehension, her composure broke. Tightening her grip on his waist, she savagely pounded him from behind. He was hers, marefriend or not, and she was going to make damn sure he never forgot it. Her groin rhythmically slammed against his tush, filling the air with a cadenced Plap Plap Plap; ripples rolled across his rump and thighs, as their bodies collided, while she claimed him. Under the full might of his sister’s fucking, something clicked within Pound. Of course he was made for Pumpkin. They were twins, best of friends, and nopony knew him better than she. He could almost feel his insides molding for her, conforming to best suit her needs. Clamping his battered entrance around her, he milked her length for all he was worth. A sublime heat was welling up within him. The sensation was akin to an impending orgasm, though wholly unique. Welcoming it, desiring nothing more than to embrace the newfound feeling with open arms, he gave voice to his body’s yearning. “Yes!” he cried desperately. “Breed me!!!” The whorish request pushed Pumpkin past her limit. She’d been so engrossed with the sights, sounds, and sensations her brother afforded that she failed to take note of her approaching climax. Grunting furiously, pulling out all the stops, she peaked. The head of her tool flared within him, practically locking it deep within his bowels, as the first gout of spunk rocketed through her shaft. Pound was woefully unprepared for the unquestioningly divine heat and pressure of his sibling’s cum, when it surged into his colon. Braying to the heavens, trembling from head to hoof, his colthood spewed his load onto the blankets below. It was an epoch of existential proportions; in that moment, he knew he belonged to Pumpkin. Ruby, having abandoned the couple, sat by the bedside. Furiously massaging her snatch, bearing witness to the sinful union, she shamelessly got off to the display. Her marehood winked and squirted, spattering the carpet with her nectar, as the pair came in tandem. Draping herself over Pound’s back, digging her hoof into his mane, Pumpkin turned his head to the side. Jamming her tongue into his mouth, moaning into one another, they rode out their rapture. Grinding to an eventual halt, overcome with ecstasy, she relished every part of his being. Overwhelmed in mind, body, and soul, Pound’s legs gave out. Slumping forward, the rigid marecock impaling him slipped free, leaving foalbatter to gush from his abused hole. Quivering uncontrollably, on the brink of passing out, he panted on the mattress. He’d been claimed, in more ways than one, and he couldn’t be happier. Easing herself down beside her brother, lying on her side to face him, Pumpkin wiped the sweat streaked hair from his face. He was adorable, there was no doubt about that, and she was deeply grateful that she had him in her life. A heartfelt smile graced her lips, as he met her eye. “I...I...lo-” Pound’s admission was cut short, as Pumpkin pressed a hoof to his snout. “I know,” she whispered, “I feel the same way about you…” Looking past her head, Pound noticed Ruby getting to her hooves. “S...so you’ll cover for us?” he wheezed, praying she’d keep her promise. “As long as I get the occasional show like that, sure. Heck, I’ll even go on ‘dates’ with you, if it means you and your sister can be happy,” the mare admitted, wiping her forehoof on the sullied bedspread. Rolling over, Pumpkin cheekily smirked at their accomplice. “You’re really into this cuck thing, aren’t you?” she chuckled. “Like you’re one to talk about kinks, considering you were balls deep in your brother,” Ruby jovially shot back, giving the pair a wink. “Anyways, I’ll be headed home. You guys should probably get cleaned up before your parents get home.” “We will,” Pumpkin said, turning back towards Pound, “in a bit…” Wiggling over to his sister, folding his wings around her, Pound buried his face in her chest. Grinning like an idiot, sublimely pleased with the unconventional arrangement, he pressed his body against her. He swore to himself that, no matter what, he’d be with her for the rest of his days…