> Shared Secrets > by Fabulosity > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Shared Secrets > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was the weekend, and Sonata was bored. The girl had been left home alone, again. But had nothing to do. As it was already late evening on Saturday, the youngest siren of the Dazzling trio was walking around their home, trying to find something to do while waiting for Sunset to arrive. The siren had asked for help in regards to studying, as Sonata had been falling behind in classes. Adagio didn't care enough to help, as she was focused on her music and improving their ability to get back to where they'd been before. Aria didn't care, because it was Aria. Homework wasn't her thing and would never be. Sonata, however, had found a friend in Sunset Shimmer. They'd been spending more and more time together, getting to know each other quiet well. So much that every time Sonata invited her around to their home, the poor girl was getting repeated glares from both the other sirens. Soon enough Sunset turned up at Sonata's place, letting herself into the siren den through her use of a personal key; that was how much they trusted each other. As Sunset entered the home, she'd look around and see nothing of no-one downstairs. "Sonata?" She'd call out. Still there was no reply. "Hm?" It was then that Sunset figured, well, she'd be upstairs then. With that thought in mind, the fiery maned teen made her way toward the stairs, taking her first few steps and making her way upstairs. Sunset then moved down the corridor and spotted Sonata standing in her room, the girl seemingly staring out her bedroom window. "Oh? Hey, Sonata!" Sonata heard that beautiful voice. That voice that often showed her compassion and kindness, a soothing tone that carried her lonely soul upward from hearing a mere yip. The siren turned around and smiled widely toward her. "Sunset! I'm so glad you're here! I started to think you weren't gonna show up... for realsies." "Me, not show up? Really? Girl, I'd never miss a date with you, even if it's just to hang out." "Really? I know, I know! Uuuuuugh... I don't know why I keep doubting you, I'm so sorry! It's just because of... Dagi... and Aria, I know I love them and they... love me back, I think, but I can't help but feel... that sometimes, they don't want me around. I haven't seen them since yesterday, nor heard a single word." "Aww, it's okay princess. I'm here now, don't worry. Maybe they're just busy with... whatever it is, siren girls do." Sunset shrugged her shoulders, as she'd move toward Sonata and stroked a hand over her head, rubbing her cheek in a soft chuckle as she stood behind her. "There we go... happy siren." Sonata was content with this, reaching back with both hands - squeezing those buns. "Mmn, very happy siren... that loves her bacon hair." The fiery maned girl chuckled softly, stroking over her head with a soft sigh, closing her eyes. She couldn't blame her for the squeezing of her tush, then kissing her forehead. "Bacon loves her siren." As Sonata slowly, carefully turned around and faced the cute bacon-queen. She'd push her nose against Sunset's own and gave a very gentle kiss to her lips. "Mmn." Sunset hummed softly, dipping in for a kiss as she stroked fingers along her cheeks, lightly caressing across her with thumb as she took the kiss. Nosing back into hers while wrapping arms around her waist. "Feel better?" With a gentle nod, Sonata enjoyed the kiss, for sure. Feeling that arm around her waist, she'd sink her fingers into that plush backside a little more, enjoying Sunset's natural squish. "Mm, I do. Though, I've been alone all day... just makes me think that, no-one cares sometimes... especially Dagi and Aria. Then, I just think... why bother." Sunset shook her head, nosing into her once again as she'd pull her in, nails lightly clawing against her back. "Shh... don't let it get to you dear. They don't deserve you then." Well the amount of fingers digging into her rear was something she was rather used to, chuckling to herself before kissing at her nose. The siren shivered once more as that kiss was placed upon her nose, though of course she'd grab a proper grasp of Sunset's backside and lift it slightly, before letting go, feeling that jiggle against her fingers. "Hehehe, I love doing that... um... did you wanna... do something besides studying?" The bacon fiend snorted a bit at the amount of playful grip she had on her rump, the wobbling ensued as fingers dug into her backside; Smirking a little as her knee came up between the sirens legs. "Can you take a wild guess of my answer?" Chuckling softly as her knee pressed up gently into her crotch, rolling her hips in those hands. Sonata couldn't prevent the gasp that left her lips. The moment that knee came up between her thighs, rubbing against her more sensitive of spots; the siren squirmed lightly within Sunset's grasp and felt a deep shiver, spiraling down throughout her entire body. "A-Aaaah, aha... I wasn't expecting that." The ditsy girl joked, yet she'd bring her hands up, both of them to the front of Sunset's sea-foam green shirt, slipping them up and underneath and immediately tracing her fingers across her breasts. Those very tips, circling across those pointy peaks before pushing in against them on occasion. All of which she'd allow her lips to get closer to Sunset's own, light breaths pulsing on Sunset's own. Sunset sucked in a deep breath at the fingers toying with her breasts, eyes fluttering in her head as her fingers laced together behind Sonata's back, pulling her up further into her embrace as knee pressed into her groin. Working up into the hands that played with her breasts and nips, those fingers toying with her tender nubs with a small groaning shudder as she pressed her lips into her, stealing her breath with a whimpering shiver as her tender little bumps grew stiff, hardening against her fingers. Oh she could tease her with a little trick but... Sonata enjoyed the feel of those soft, plush and smooth breasts. It seemed Sunset wasn't wearing a bra today, how brave of her. Especially considering the bacon-queen had a large set to parade around. Though, as Sonata felt those little nubs hardening, she'd make sure to scroll her thumbs over the tips and push them both inward, denting them back against the full pillows of Sunset's light orange skin. Waiting a few moments for them to pop back out, so she could repeat and do it again. The siren was giggle quietly, she was toying with the beautiful girl and having her own fun, all the while, her own cock was hard as oak and poking upward against her skirt, having already popped free of her panties; forming a bulge on the outside which anyone could see if they looked. "So cute, Sunny..." Sunset eyes rolled back in her skull as Sonata played with them... by no means did she have a bra on, a bra got in the way of various things she liked to do! Even then her breath got heavy as the siren toyed and used her nipples like squishy buttons... her breath hot against Sonata's lips with a little whimpering pants and squirms as she dug her fingers against her hips. Her knee started to pull back as her legs slowly became jelly from the teasing, she enjoyed a decent amount of breast play... she couldn't lie. Though she bit down on her lip as Sunset pushed her breasts into those hands, as her face burned a deep red. "S-Sonata...." Sonata didn't stop, she kept up her breast-play, focusing her hands upon those squishy balloons. Enjoying the delightful soft feeling that was Sunset's chest. They were soft, denting around her fingers as she'd occasionally squeeze them entirely, enjoying their plush and sinking feel. Sonata was quite the cute ditz though, often enjoying the simplest things. Listening to Sunset moan and pant like that, the siren knew she was making her lover feel good. The youngest of the siren trio may have been naive, but she wasn't stupid; and she wielded a lot of sexual knowledge. Teasing was her specialty after all, and with help from her older siblings; she learned how to master it with some girls. Keeping her eyes fixated upon Sunset's own, those hands left those nipples alone completely for now. Each hand taking a full breast within their palm and started weighing them, lifting each one up and down and sampling each's weight, before smooshing them together. "Awww, look... they're kissing... they wanna have sex with each other, Sunny..." Sonata panted lightly, eyes still not leaving those others; focusing on squishing those tits together, allowing them to mold and fold against each other, as she'd enjoy toying with them. Still, her own prick was hard as diamond and remained stretched up and against her body. Honestly Sonata knew how to handle her, this was nothing compared to what she knew Sonata could do to her, physically and mentally. Her breath hot and heavy as her hips pressed up to trap that hard as a rock length between the two of them. Rolling her hips against the stiff prick as her eyes closed and dipped into stealing her lips for a few kissing moments. Breath heavy as she then broke the kiss, her hand coming down between the two as it slipped beneath her skirt. "And look at you, getting bigger and bigger... you're so aroused..." Her eyes fluttered in a small groan, her fingers rolling atop of the tip as she stroked and pulled against that delightful length, seeing how long it would take before Sonata caved in. Sonata As the siren felt Sunset push into her, those hands quickly filled with more breast meat. Her fingers sinking into those soft cushions of silk, with that she'd release a gentle groan of appreciation. "Mmmn!" Sonata grinned with a toothy smile, enjoying the closeness they were both sharing right now, it was utterly delightful. The moment she felt those hips press against her, Sonata then remembered what was happening under her skirt. That stiffened stake was crushed between them both, then she'd feel those tiny fingers work and toy with the tip of her enlarged girl-dick. Which naturally sent shivers down Sonata's spine, as she'd feel some attention be pushed upon her. "A-Aaaah, Sunset... I nearly forgot." She'd snort. "Ooooh, that feels good." The girl moaned lightly, before rotating those fat orbs, moving them both in different directions, though they'd meet up against as she pushed them together in the middle, only to repeat this. Sunset took a slow heavy breath as she worked her fingers along, pulling them up and down along her length as fingers dipped into her panties to caress and fondle her balls happily. A small panted grin growing on her lips, as her silken orange mounds grew out against those hands as she played with, slowly reaching to the point they were wider than the two girls in a short amount of time. Heavily panting into the sirens lips as she bit down on her lip, Sunset was having a hard time keeping from breaking down to taking that long girl-dick into her mouth. Sunset taking the moment to dip her tongue into her mouth to taste every inch of her. "S-Sonata... my delicious... siren... love..." Sonata groaned, feeling that closeness with Sunset get even closer. As the fiery maned girl pushed those lips onto her own, Sonata mumbled into that kiss. She loved it. She loved this girl and enjoyed their time together, each and every time. As the siren felt that tongue inside her mouth, she'd battle back and try to win conquest with the cute girl. Though, her entire body was shaking, her hands continued to squeeze into that large breasts; enjoying the feel of that plush upon her palms. Yet, when Sonata felt those hands work upon her dick, she'd throb in the girls grasp. "Mmpph!" Sonata squirmed once again, even when she felt those hands upon her heavy siren balls, she'd speak when Sunset gave her a chance too as well. "A-Aaah... Sunset... I need you..." Sunset her breath was hot as she closed her eyes, dipping her nose into her neck as she nibbled upon her with delightful whimpers of bliss. "I n-need you as well..." Her breath hot as she kissed along her neck, those fingers pulling back out of her panties as Sunset backed off some. "But... where do you want it... mouth, tits... ass..." Sunset took a slow breath as her thighs opened up slightly, exposing the rather damp crotch of her jeans to Sonata herself as the former mare heavily panted, eyes rolled slightly. "D-Down here... maybe... anything for my girl..." As Sunset took a step back, they separated their closeness for a moment. Sonata couldn't help but observe her beauty and enjoy the sight of that damp spot between her legs. In fact it made the girls heart skip a beat, she was so wet. So much, that it was seeping through those jeans, that was an incredible sight. Sonata panted gently and swallowed hard, reaching down and unhooking her own skirt from the back and allowing it to fall from around her waist. With that, only her pink panties could be seen, painfully kept snug under her heavy and needy balls, while her cock pointed upwards with an eager throb, it almost looked like it hurt; she seemed to desperate for release. "It's uh... it's been awhile... since I last used this thing, uh... but... could I use... your mouth, first, maybe?" Sonata spoke with a dry mouth, one hand resting against the flat of her tummy, while the other moved up so she could chew her pinky finger. Though she'd lean back and fall upon the bed, hoping that it'd make things easier for them both. Sunset lifted the length up to a standing position as she brought down her plush lips and gave the tip a soft kiss. "Mmh... tastes like saltwater..." She muttered lightly before running her tongue around the tip. "Cant believe people would leave this thing alone." The siren looked down at her, as she was tending to her standing length. The moment she'd feel her place a kiss upon the tip, Sonata shivered and groaned. "A-Aaaah..." Of course, she'd mumble before panting gently, feeling that tongue rub around the tip. "Y-You like it, huh?" The fiery maned teen snorted lightly, giving a soft shrug as she ran her tongue along the rim of that tip. "What, not good enough, got your heart set on some other girl sucking you off? Tch... I'm already doing you a favor, you're too selfish." She chided before popping the whole fleshy mushroom tip into her mouth and suckling on it. Sonata blushed deeply as she heard her say this, though she felt another tingle shoot through her body. "I um... hm... no... it's just... that's not what I meant..." Sonata whimpered, arching her back the moment she felt that cute mouth suck in her head like that, making her squirm and shake on the spot. "Aaaaaaah... it's so warm!" The talented Sunset reached down to rub along the girl's thigh, working her length down into the soft mouth of the ex-pony. She closed her eyes after a moment and slid down further, starting to bob her head back and forth, sliding Sonata's shaft into her mouth again and again while massaging it with her tongue. Sonata groaned happily, the feeling she was receiving was heavenly. "Aaaah... yes... that feels, soooooo good!" Sonata mumbled and looked down toward the pretty girl. Watching how she worked her mouth upon her fat siren-dick, to which, she'd bite her lower lip and rock her hips lightly. "Mmmnaaah!" Sunset exhaled deeply as she got herself ready for a few deep breaths before she was pushing Sonata's fat stick into her throat, her muscles rubbing over the siren's tip as her throat started to milk the girl, working it in and out each time her head bobbed up and down on Sonata's fat hog. "Mmh... mmmuaaah..." The siren could feel the whole ordeal, her cock was throat-deep in the pretty darling right now. Her throat was squeezing her cock so willingly, and with such force that she'd release various little squeaks and grunts. It was then that Sonata dropped her head back and arched her back upwards, while curling her toes as she'd feel her cock get more and more sensitive as Sunset worked. "Mmnnagh... feels... so good, hnnnagh... my balls...!" Sonata whimpered, she'd feel her entire piece throb in the girls care. "Aaah... I'm not gonna last long like this!" The fiery haired beauty snickered lightly as she pulled off to stroke Sonata for a few moments to get her really going. She worked her tongue around the tip and smiled at the quivering girl beneath her. "Well, feel free to fill my throat up, okay? Just try not to get any in my hair." She said as she tucked some of it back behind one ear and fed herself Sonata's dick again, pushing it down into her throat and slowly swallowing more until she was kissing Sonata's crotch, taking that dick all the way to the base and nosing the girl's balls gently. Sonata groaned the moment she felt Sunset pull off of her prick. "Ooooah...!" The sudden cool air of the room, caressing her sloppy-coated cock, making her shiver. Yet, she'd feel that hand continue to jerk her dick; which did make it throb and wobble within the girls fingers. "Aaaah, nnaah... fuck..." Sonata stared toward the ceiling, raising both hands to her face and holding it as she tried to focus. Now, it was a battle of wills... she didn't want to cum so quickly, and thus wanted to enjoy the sloppy pleasures of this oral worship for a while longer. "Y-Yeah, just... gonna... ignore me..." Sonata mumbled to herself, but the moment that Sunset wrapped those lips back around her cock, pushing right down like the daring, talented bitch she was; right down until her nose touched her crotch. Sonata released the loudest, lewdest of moans as she'd feel her mind going numb. "T-This... shit... fuck... you're really down..." Her balls twitching, responding to that gentle nosing. Sunset slid herself up again slowly, working about halfway out until her throat was no longer occupied, she rasped a few soft splutters before taking in another breath and starting to push herself down to the base, kissing Sonata's crotch again and again as she bobbed her head up and down, the bulge in her throat evidence of just how much dick she was taking right now. As she worked it down to give Sonata a warm cock sleeve to enjoy all the way to the base. Sunset brought one hand over and started to carefully massaging and knead Sonata's balls, working them back and forth to encourage her to blow even if she was trying to hold off. No sense in denying what she really wanted. As the younger siren of the famed trio squirmed within the company of the cute girl. She'd buck her hips slightly, feeling as Sunset released her cock from her fleshy throat cage only to focus solely on engulfing it again. This time, right back down to her fat balls yet again. Naturally this made Sonata relax, and then perk up again and thus cause her to whimper deeply, groaning in pleasure as she'd feel Sunset try and coax her into climaxing. The blue haired girl knew what was happening, but she tried to resist; but it wasn't working. It seemed this beautiful creature knew what she was doing and with multiple throbs, it was close now, Sonata was on the verge of exploding. "H-HNN! N-No... I'm gonna... nnnagh!" Sunset dicks her head down, swallowing all of Sonata's shaft again and warming it with her throat before sliding all the way back up with a long slurping sound of the fat dick scrubbing her throat as it pulled out. She then just suckled it with her lips and bobbed it in and out of her mouth again, wanting to taste what the fish girl would be giving her to enjoy after all her hard work. She debated sitting on Sonata's face, but this was a gift to Sonata for being such a blue balled mess, she didn't want to make it about her instead. She just squeezed Sonata's balls and pushed her face back down to the girl's crotch all the way from the tip, coming back up with a cough and milking the tip with her tongue. Sonata couldn't believe what she was enduring, sometimes Sunset was too much! Yet, as she felt all these motions, it only served to make her tummy tingle with a feeling of butterflies and suddenly, she'd feel that sudden surge below. That upmost building of pressure, and she'd squirm and buck against the bed, before finally releasing her torrent of creamy, fishy love. "Uuuuuurgh! Aaaarrrghh... c-cumming!" Sonata announced, only to accompany her now erupting siren cock; which of course was shooting heavy wads of thick, white and sticky love right into that gorgeous mouth. "HNNH!" Sonata bucked her hips, each time she released a fresh stream of love. Though this would continue for solid minute, until she was finally finished. Sunset widened her eyes as she realized Sonata was going to blow for a while. She leaned in to swallow more of the girl's dick after the first few spasms spraying into her mouth, using her throat, she was able to swallow down more of it. Squirming as she got most of it down before she had to pull her head back again to let it fill her mouth while she panted for air through her nose. Her cheeks bulged and she had to swallow before pushing Sonata down into her throat again and groaning as the girl continued to cum. Goodness, she was backed up for sure. The poor siren was indeed backed up, clogged nearly. As she released stream after stream, she'd groan like a whore in heat and even looked down to see what Sunset was doing. The girl whimpered and trembled as she felt utterly amazing, before groaning out deeply as Sunset pushed her cock back into her throat. This surge of sensitive pleasure, was enough to force another heavy blast down into Sunset's throat. To which Sonata bucked her hips, and she'd reach either side to grab the sheets. "Uuuuagh... so sensitive, hnnagh...!" Sunset finally needed to just get the dick out of her mouth, and that meant abandoning it quickly and pointing it forward so it would spray whatever was left towards Sonata instead of her. She milked it with her hand for a few moments, waiting for the crazy thing to die down as she knelt there panting on the bed. "Okay yeah... you really needed to blow a load, that was some serious cum..." she licked her lips and sighed lightly as she massaged Sonata's contracted balls back out after cumming. "You feeling any better?" Sonata groaned heavily as that cock was pulled from the dangerous hole, that was Sunset's mouth. Though the tip was facing her now, and with few splatters of remaining cum; it would ink her blue skin neatly with strands of white goodness. Splatters scattering here and there across her flat abdomen, and even as Sunset jerked her cock with her palm - she'd whimper and nod her head. "Y-Yeah, I feel so much better... thank you so much... ugh... I feel so tired, I haven't came that hard in so long." Sonata groaned, flopping her head back on the bed, clearly exhausted. As Sunset let the shaft flop down to her stomach as the blonde leaned in closer to simply lick clean Sonata's cum-stained flesh, cleaning her up and giggling gently. "Yeah, I can tell. You should just come to me in the future when you need to bust a nut, it's a change of pace from all the other weirdos, I gotta beat back with a stick." She teased sheepishly as she brought the blanket up over Sonata's exhausted form. "Get some rest you cum-brained silly girl. We'll do more in the future, promise." The exhausted blue haired girl giggled, upon hearing this and she'd nod. "Hehehe, I think I will... it felt so good, you're amazing at this... and you even cleaned me up, so hot Sunny!" Sonata chewed tightly upon her lower lip. "Mmmn, okay... rest sounds good. Sooooo... look forward to next time together, for realsies!" With a satisfied smile, the younger siren decided to lay down and now focus on getting some sleep. The fiery maned beauty just brushed back Sonata's hair and leaned in to give her a kiss, which was still mildly slimy with cum as she giggled and then nodded. "Oh sure thing. I intend to see how good you are in the future."