> Keep Your Eye on the Birdie > by TittySparkles > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Well That Escalated Quickly > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The faint tick of a clock could be heard throughout the large classroom, periodically accompanying it were the sounds of pages turning in books. Along with that, there was the loud and awkward snores of a lazy teacher sleeping at her desk. Most of the students didn’t care for it though, instead they just focused on their reading assignment they had been given at the start of class. In truth, none of them cared at all. Their teacher was usually very active, yet with midterm exams coming up, Rainbow Dash had to sadly focus on the written and reading portion of her classes. In the back of the classroom stationed at the furthest desk to the left was a sole human, a recent addition to the school and even more so to the land of Equestria as a whole. For this human, that went by the name of Anon, he had arrived about seven months prior, thanks to what he assumed was a portal between his home world and the current one.  A portal he found purely by chance as a result of taking a long hike into the large, untapped wilderness near the mountain ranges of his world. After coming across a natural water spring that seemed to shape the land around it to be more colorful and vibrant than humanly possible, his curiosity got the best of him, and stripping down, he dove into the water before he resurfaced and ended up in the colorful land he was currently in. At first he tried to figure out what happened, and after a bit of experimentation with the spring, he realized there was a portal deeper in that could be activated by diving deep enough. Upon first glance the land of Equestria itself had slight similarities to Earth in terms of society, yet it seemed mostly untouched by the views of greed, religion, politics, and even lacked an online network of any kind. It was simple and peaceful, and in his first months of visiting he was greatly surprised of how accepting everyone was to him. It was only after a bit of studying, he learned that thanks to Equestria's current ruler, the Princess of Friendship, Twilight Sparkle, borders were opening up more and more around the vast and distant land. Sure he was met with resistance at first from a few creatures, but overall he was accepted quicker than most, considering he lacked any magical properties of any kind, thus not making him a threat in any way. The creatures and inhabitants in question were varied in many forms of races and cultures, ranging from ponies that could either fly or use magic, to changelings that could switch species and genders at will, to Hippogriffs that could take different forms of  either flight or a more nautical sea based form. Stuff he could only dream of were present in the magical land and even with him able to return to the human world at his own leisure, he opted to stay, and learn everything he could. At the same time he kept the portal a secret while feigning ignorance about how he arrived in Equestria. Along the way, it landed him in Princess Twilight's School of Friendship. Thanks to being considered a foreign creature, he had the luxury of staying in the student dorms. Similar to colleges in his world, just minus the absurd tuition costs and staggering debt that followed. Though he didn't want to be in a school again, thanks to flunking out from a college in his world, he nonetheless took what was given to him. He was grateful for it, and while he could have idly attended school and lived a carefree lifestyle, he opted to get a job as a part time laundry boy at the local spa. Eventually he moved up the ranks to part time masseuse thanks to his hands, something that wasn't prevalent in the land. Sure, claws and talons were a thing, but having fingers that could knead into one's flesh and scales without the worry of breaking skin was a boon. Though he became a sort of attraction, he was still a bit of a social recluse and even in the friendly environment he was in, he only made a small number of 'true' friends in the time he was there. "Psst." Anon broke from his daze, blinking and refocusing himself as he was lost in his thoughts. Pulling his body from its slouched position at his desk, he groaned quietly and stretched out his arms and legs, letting his stiffened joints pop and awaken. "What's up, Gallus?" he asked in a hushed whisper, turning his head to face his classmate. Inspecting his friend for a second, Anon wondered how his first true friend was a gryphon. With their race often being depicted as rude, sarcastic, and blunt, he never thought he would be able to stay on the same wavelength as them. Fate said otherwise, and on a day where Anon felt like pranking a few teachers, he learned that his fellow gryphon classmate was just like him when it comes to pranks and such. They connected and Gallus became the equivalent of a good friend and wingman. "Bet you three bits I can land this on Professor Egghead's face," he wagered, as he held an elastic band between two of his talons, while a piece of folded paper rested in the middle of it, cocked and ready to fire. "Land it in her mouth and I'll make it six," Anon added in, reaching into the pockets of his gray sweat pants as the sound of gold coins jiggled from within. "Get ready to pay up." Gallus smirked with confidence, turning his attention to the sleeping mare at the head of the classroom. Anon went quiet as he pulled out the bits and watched Gallus take aim. Gallus in turn spent a few seconds lining up his shot, and without warning, he fired it upwards. Both watched the folded paper arch and sail through the air with bated breath as it made its way to the mare in question. Sadly the shot came up short and landed on her desk, before it bounced off and hit the floor below. Gallus grumbled under his breath, hung his head down in defeat and crossed his arms, while Anon grinned with satisfaction before he quietly stretched out his open palm towards Gallus. The gryphon said nothing as he lifted the lid of his desk to reveal a small storage compartment underneath. Reaching for a bag of bits, he pulled out the golden coins and handed them over. "Not sure how you make it look so easy," he grumbled as he dropped the bits into Anon's hand. "All in the technique, my feathered friend," Anon replied with a boast of bravado. "Let me show you how it's done." Reaching into his own desk, Anon dropped the bits in and grabbed his own elastic and folded piece of paper. Loading it up and firing it in quick succession, both in turn watched it fly. Sadly his overconfidence proved to be his downfall as it missed its mark completely. Both watched it hit the wall behind Rainbow Dash before it fell into a metal trash can. A soft ting played out and a few fellow classmates looked up momentarily before resuming their written assignments. "All in the technique you say?" Gallus asked, his words a mix of amusement and sarcasm. "Can't win them all." Anon shrugged. "He hit the garbage can though, so that counts for something right?" A new voice spoke up, causing both of them to turn their gaze to the creature sitting in the desk in front of Anon. The creature in question was a pink Hippogriff named Silverstream. She was one of the more bubbly students at the school, ignoring the thinly veiled pun behind his thoughts. Fun, energetic and full of personality, and though she was a bit too persistent and overly eager to become friends with Anon, he found it more of a lovable trait than anything. It was something he wasn't used to at first considering she was part gryphon, but having a friend that was almost the complete opposite of Gallus was refreshing and it made it even better since the two were already friends prior to Anon’s arrival.  “She’s right you know,” Anon said, looking from her to Gallus. “You gotta look at the positives in life, my Birb.” “Whatever floats your cloud, bud,” Gallus answered nonchalantly. “But humans can’t float on cloud I thought?” Silverstream cut in, tilting her head in a quizzical manner as she put a talon to her lips and looked upwards. Gallus sighed with annoyance while Anon smiled and gave his head a slight shake. As nice as Silverstream was, she had one little quirk. Thanks to spending most of her life under the sea with only her race, the concept of sarcasm between friends was lost upon her. She understood it for the most part during her school years but periodically she would relapse and forget things sometimes. Anon wasn’t going to shame her for it, since he was the only human they had the pleasure of getting to know. “No you’re right. Gallus and I tried that once already,” Anon replied, causing Gallus to stifle a chuckle under his breath. “It’s a figure of speech. You remember the definition right?” “Oh that’s right!” Silverstream chirped almost like a lightbulb turned on inside of her head. “A figure of speech is an intentional deviation from ordinary language, chosen to produce a rhetorical effect. Thanks for the reminder, Nonny,” she finished, lifting a talon upwards. Anon just smiled sheepishly, but didn't know what to say next. Instead both just awkwardly smiled at each other, while Gallus rolled his eyes, still unamused.  Anon loved that outspoken and hyperactive behavior she exhibited. Even more so he loved it when she called him ‘Nonny’. It was very similar to how one of the residences in Ponyville liked to address him, that being the resident party mare. Though for him, being called ‘Nonny’ by an older married mare with children was slightly off-putting. Having Silverstream call him that was less so, even going as far to give him a warm and fuzzy feeling instead. He wasn’t oblivious to her feelings. Thanks to him having prior experience, he knew how to read a female when she was interested in him. However, knowing and acting upon it are two very different things, and because of that their conversations always seemed awkward and janky. He didn’t have it in him to attempt to push a commitment of any kind; he was scared to take a step, fearing it would end in a heartbreak that he knew too well. As the air went quiet around them, Silverstream turned back around and continued her work, and Anon did the same. He didn't get far into it though as he could feel Gallus staring at him. "What?" Anon asked, shrugging his shoulders. Gallus didn't say anything but Anon could tell he wasn't happy about something. He figured it out though as Gallus started to switch his glance between him and Silverstream. Anon knew Gallus hated the awkwardness between the both of them as it made hanging out as a group uncomfortable. Anon said nothing and sulked his head down back into his book which resulted in a loud, exaggerated sigh from Gallus. *** Time continued to pass by and the clock read eight minutes to three. Anon finished his work and just stared aimlessly at the clock, hoping it would go faster, causing himself to almost fall into a daze watching it. Thankfully zoning out wasn't a thing he could do as the side of his vision was greeted by Gallus tossing crumbled papers to Silverstream. She would open them up and write something, before tossing it back. He could see a few scribbles, noting they had to be notes of some kind, and though he was curious he didn't want to draw attention to them. For all he knew Gallus could have been asking her to hang out later, and he would have believed that until the notes stopped passing. Another minute ticked by, until Anon saw movement at the corner of his eye. He averted his gaze from the clock to the desk in front of him. He watched Silverstream lay her head down on her desk while pushing her lower body back in her seat. Thanks to how the chairs were constructed there was a large gap in the back for tails to have free leeway to move around. He continued to watch as her tail swished for a second and his eyes were greeted by her privates. He didn't think much of it though, considering his job was him working with nude creatures all shift, coupled with the fact that barely anyone in Ponyville wore any clothes, made him accustomed to the whole aspect of nudity. He simply thought she was just attempting to relax herself, but that thought got shattered when he saw her talons get added to the mix. Specifically put, the talons of her right hand had started to slowly rub against her dry pussy. Anon tensed up and blinked several times before he looked up in an effort to read Silverstream's face. He couldn't though, as her head was laying on the desk and her blue, multi-colored mane blocked his view. He quickly turned his eyes to Gallus and he could see the gryphon was preoccupied with reading. Grabbing a pencil, Anon quickly tossed it at him to get his attention. It hit his shoulder and Gallus turned his vision to Anon, before giving him a questionable cock of his brow. Anon in turn shifted his eyes back to Silverstream, who was still rubbing herself, before he looked back to Gallus. Gallus caught on and turned his eyesight to Silverstream before his own eyes went wide. For a second Anon wondered what Gallus was thinking, his expression a twist of surprise and shock as his eyes flickered between Silverstream and Anon. Yet Anon himself could see a smile starting to form on the gryphon's face as Gallus' eyes stopped back on him. His smile turned into a cheeky grin before he looked back to Silverstream's rear, put his front arm on his desk in an upward position, and rested his chin against it. That's when he realized what the notes were about. Anon continued to stare at Gallus, but at the corner of his vision he could see Silverstream's tail swishing and her talons getting more adventurous. He didn't want to stare but he couldn't stop himself from focusing on her completely as she started to stroke it further. It got to the point that she began to spread her vulva with two of her talons, letting Anon see the growing wetness and neediness in her body. Watching her go like she was, Anon couldn't help but feel his loins stiffen as his growing erection began to poke awkwardly at both his boxers and sweats. He clenched his legs in a vain attempt to cease his arousal from growing, and when that failed he opted to simply grab his junk and squeeze it in between his thighs. Nothing worked to stop his erection from growing, and he knew he was going to fail miserably in his endeavor. Considering he hadn't gotten laid since his arrival, he instead relied on simple masturbation to sate his urges. Even with that, the past week he had been going through a dry spell and he hadn't touched himself at all. Now, with all that pent up frustration starting to surface, he realized the next few minutes would be very uncomfortable. Shifting his legs he could already feel it; that wetness starting to coat the tip of his erection. He could feel the precum leaking out, getting his boxers wet, and it worsened further as he shifted his body. His erection slipped through the crack in his boxers and poked awkwardly at his pants. He tensed, took in a deep breath, and felt his body stiffen more. Almost like she could sense his body getting more excited, Silverstream stopped rubbing herself, and with a quick motion of a talon, she slipped it inside her needy pussy. A soft 'shlick' played out that was barely audible to him, yet it was accompanied by a small gasp from Silverstream that he could not ignore. Anon felt his erection ache to be touched and as a rush of blood ran through it, he felt it throb uncontrollably. He winced and groaned and his will faltered for a second as he shot his hand into his pants. He gripped his erection and tried to stuff it back in his boxers, yet thanks to the contact of skin against skin, it made him shudder.  His resistance grew more and more futile, and as the stickiness coated his hand, it loosened and a few of his fingers gingerly stroked the length of his dick. He couldn't deny how good it felt, yet the fear of being caught in the act scared him into not giving in. Silverstream on the other hand was going as hard as she could. She turned her head and he could see her face was flushed while her eyes were closed tightly. He could see her panting softly and he noticed her hips were slowly starting to rock against her talons. A periodic wet shlick filled his ears, and he was utterly amazed at how hot she looked while him and Gallus were the only two students that seemed to notice her. It even amazed him more when she opened her eyes. He froze up as she looked right at him. There was no fear or hesitation in her eyes as she continued to finger herself. He could see that lust and need in her expression and any inkling he had that she was just doing it for his own enjoyment left his mind. He knew she was interested, he just didn't know it was this much. It made his will falter more and he was ready to shamelessly give in, until a white ball flew in front of his face and landed on his desk. His attention grabbed, Anon watched as a roll of toilet paper rolled across his desk before it made its way to the ledge. For a second he was confused by its appearance, until he remembered him and Gallus had plans to cover all the statues in the hallways later on. He quickly grabbed it with his free hand and in turn focused his attention on the direction it came. Both Anon and Silverstream turned to Gallus and both watched the gryphon shrug with a cheesy smile plastered across his face. He then turned his body the opposite direction and focused back on reading, allowing both of them to refocus on each other. Both eyeballed each other, Anon still holding the roll on his hand while his other was now firmly latched onto his cock. Silverstream on the other hand stopped her talons for a second before she slowly pulled them out as the wet tips glistened in the light. He watched her spread her tight wetness for his viewing pleasure. As her lips parted, he was greeted by a very needy pussy, clenching aimlessly around the cool air, voicelessly begging and yearning for him to fill it. He stared deadpanned at it, his will on its last legs. She wanted him; he wanted her. No longer able to deny the need to jerk himself, Anon gripped the roll of paper, unraveled a hefty amount of plies and scrunched it up into a ball. If he was going to cum, then he was going to make sure his orgasm wasn't mediocre in the slightest. No one was paying attention to them anyway, so his fear from earlier quickly became nonexistent. He pulled his upper body back up, pushed his lower body forward while letting his legs relax. His erection no longer smothered by his legs, it stood straight up and it almost felt like it was ready to burst through his pants. Even with no one but Silverstream looking at him, he kept his erection hidden under his pants while shoving the hand with the scrunched up ball of plies into it. She watched him get comfortable and he couldn’t help but notice a big grin grow on her face as she closed her talons. Quickly she stuffed them back inside and continued to finger herself for both his and her enjoyment. Anon started to stroke himself with his hand, doing his best to match the speed of her fingers. Able to work the entirety of his length, he felt utter bliss as the pain and frustration ebbed to nothingness. He leaned his head back and sighed, all the while making sure his eyes never left her soaking backside. She in turn brought up her free hand to her mouth and bit the tip of her talon. She continued to look at him with needy eyes and her face grew more flushed while her other talons grew faster. Had she not had the class surrounding her, Anon knew she would no doubt be moaning loudly at him. He could tell she was holding it in and he had to keep himself in check from getting out of his seat and plowing her on the spot. Instead he let his imagination do the work for him. He didn’t close his eyes, but he could picture all the sexual positions he wanted to try so badly. From simplistic visions of mounting her backside while she stood on all fours, to visions of him propping her upwards against a wall to fuck her, to even more kinky ones of him delivering a mating press while holding hands. He let his imagination go wild and it in turn fueled him to an eventual finish. It came quick, thanks to being pent up as long as he was. He couldn't help close his eyes, the images in his head becoming more vivid and clear for him. He jerked himself as fast as he could as he felt a surge building up in him. He got the paper ready and placed it against the tip, ready to soak up everything. Then it hit him. He felt a particularly violent spasm in his cock as the initial burst hit him hard. Had it not been smothered by the paper, it would have shot with enough force to hit Silverstream in some way and cake her backside with semen. The rest came out in smaller bursts with decreasing intensity, yet his hand didn't slow down. Making sure to get as much pleasure as he could out of it, he opened a single eye and focused on Silverstream.  She was still going as hard as she could, her own eyes closed as she was lost in her own thoughts. He watched her talons instead and how her hips rocked against them. That neediness was so prevalent, Anon knew she was close to finishing. "AAAH-mmph!" Anon stopped his hand. Silverstream halted her talons before she quickly brought both sets up to her mouth and covered it. Almost everyone in the class suddenly perked up and turned their attention to her. Thanks to being part gryphon, she got so into it that she failed to suppress a mating call at her climax. Anon knew what it sounded like, thanks to having the displeasure of being in Ponyville when estrus hit all the creatures in spring. Hearing a mating call directed at him would have excited him greatly, but it was quickly outweighed by how horrified he now was. "Sorry! I just- I just got excited since class is almost over!" she stammered out to the viewing audience as Anon watched her turn her head to the clock on the wall. Thankfully on queue the clock struck three and the bell began to ring. Some continued to stare at her with questionable looks, but as most of the class started to rise from their seats, they began to pour out of the room. With no one else focused on her, she relaxed her body and fell forward into her desk. Anon watched her breathe heavily, his own heart racing from the excitement as both came down from their orgasms. As Anon calmed down, his eyes couldn't help but latch back onto Silverstream's quivering pussy; the seat underneath her coated in fluids while some of it dripped onto the floor. He found it hot but failed to get more aroused as he was too spent and fatigued to do so again. Suddenly Silverstream moved her body and lifted herself up from her seat. As she stood up on all fours, her body wobbled slightly, before she steadied herself and turned to him. "Ummm, sorry about that," she meekly spoke up, her eyes on the mess she made. "Can… I borrow that toilet paper roll for a second?" Anon said nothing, his eyes still on the mess and his mind still trying to process the chain of events that just transpired. "Hey dweeb, she wants your roll." Anon refocused and turned his attention to Gallus who, surprisingly, was still present and in his seat. "Sorry! Sorry I just zoned out for a second," Anon replied as he looked to Silverstream, letting go of the cum soaked tissues in his pants, before he reached up and grabbed the roll of paper, and outstretched his arm to give it to her. "It's okay," she quietly replied as she took the roll and ripped off a bunch of sheets before she started to clean up. Silence filled the air, that familiar awkward feeling they always seemed to experience starting to set in. Anon quietly watched Silverstream clean up her mess, while at the same time he could feel Gallus staring at him from the side. Anon knew what Gallus was thinking and Anon knew he couldn't let it go after that kind of event. "Hey Silver?" Anon asked, mustering up his nerve. "Yes?" she replied, quickly focusing back on him. "After we… clean ourselves up, you wanna hang out somewhere private for a bit?" he asked nervously, hoping he didn't come across too awkward. She instantly smiled at him, her eyes almost radiating with a beam of light. Her smile grew ear to ear and her body almost started to tremble like a fizzy bottle of pop ready to burst. She calmed herself down, but kept her smile before she replied. "I would love to hang out. Where do you want to go?" she asked. "We'll figure that out as we go. How about I meet you at your dorm in about twenty minutes?" he rebutted. "Sure!" she chirped as she quickly cleaned up the rest of her mess. "I'll see you in a bit, Nonny!" With those words spoken and her mess taken care of, Silverstream walked off with a hint of a spring in her steps. Anon watched quietly as she made her way to the classroom door, before she stopped, looked in his direction one final time, and waved at him. Anon started to raise his hand, but found it was still in his pants, holding onto his deflating erection. Instead he waved with his other, before he rested his chin on his desk. He wanted to relax for a few minutes longer but before he could settle into it, the feeling of a clawed hand greeted his shoulder. "Look at you, scoring a date finally!" Gallus spoke, his voice overloaded with sarcasm. "You better make the follow up just as good."  Anon wanted to blow off his cheeky remark, but he knew he couldn't. Considering it was Gallus' meddling that made what just happened possible. "Yeah you're right," Anon replied, doing his best to mimic Gallus' sarcasm. "I'll make it even better," he added as his sarcastic mood died down and he took a more sincere tone. "I appreciate this by the way." "What can I say? I'm a genius," he replied, that Gryphon nature showed in its fullest. "Though to be honest, I just told her to try and be creative with getting your attention. I was just as surprised as you were when she started to rub herself. But that's besides the point right now. You gotta get ready for your date, so go clean up and get ready for round two." He ended his final words and he outstretched his free hand into a closed fist.  Anon stayed quiet for a second, as the realization of it set in. Sure Silverstream was kind of featherbrained and over the top, but actually coming up with the idea to masturbate in front of him exceeded his expectations in every way possible. It made him wonder how much more creative and willing she could get if the situation called for it. "Thanks Gallus," Anon replied as he brought up his hand and gave Gallus a fistbump in return. "I'll pay you back for this effort somehow." "Oh, I trust you will. I'll figure something out later. Anyway, stop by my dorm and tell me how it goes after." Gallus gave Anon a pat on his shoulder before he walked off and exited the classroom.  Now by himself, Anon pondered his thoughts as a mental checklist played out in his head. Get to see a Hippogriff finger herself in front of you? Eeyup, definitely worth it.