> Don't Call Me Sister > by manarose > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: Never Forget > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The moon shined like a torch in the night sky surrounded by a thousand scattered little embers. Princess Luna had not witnessed such a beautiful sight in 1000 years. For the past hour she could not pull herself away from the edge of the balcony adjacent to her room in the tallest tower in Canterlot. Her vivid cyan eyes searched the stars intently all that time. She was determined to hold her vigil over the night sky, partially as a force of habit and partially in a vain effort to distract herself from the sorrow in heart. This proved far more difficult than she had anticipated, and she could not help but shiver in the frigid night air. “You should come inside now, little sister,” called Princess Celestia from inside Luna’s bedchamber. Luna looked to her sister over her shoulder and smiled weakly. Princess Celestia looked as regal as ever, her pristine white coat a mesmerizing reflection of the moon’s glow. Celestia had spent the entire evening by Luna’s side, helping her adjust to life in the palace after her millennium-long exile. Luna could never ask for a more patient and caring sister. Remorse gripped her heart and she looked away shamefully. “Thank you for helping me raise the moon,” she said. “You scarcely needed my help. You are a natural. You are the true Princess of the Night.” Celestia beamed. Luna met her sister’s praise with rueful silence. She lowered her gaze from the skies to the sleepy land of Equestria sprawled out beneath her. She recalled the trembling faces of their subjects when she had made her return as the terrifying Nightmare Moon, and she knew they would not sleep so soundly now if the magic of the Elements of Harmony had not banished the darkness from her heart. An icy draft swept across her body and she shivered again. “Luna, I am here for you,” Celestia said, taking a step forward. Luna shut her eyes tight, stung by the sincerity of her sister’s soothing words. She sighed and turned to meet her sister’s concerned gaze. “I know,” she said, forcing another smile. She felt grateful for every second she spent in her sister’s presence, but she could not look upon her sister’s benign face without feeling a heart-wrenching pang of guilt. On the one hoof she did not want Celestia to leave her side for a second, but on the other hoof she did not feel she deserved the kindness. If those six young ponies had not assembled the Elements of Harmony in time, the malice in Luna’s tainted heart would have driven her to commit heinous acts. Worst of all, she could have harmed her sister. She could never—would never—forgive herself. “You belong here, Luna. With me,” said Celestia. She always had a mystical ability to see into another pony’s heart, and Luna knew Celestia could sense her lingering sorrow. Celestia’s doting only frustrated Luna. No amount of gentle reassurance could assuage Luna’s conscience, but the Princess of the Night nodded. With some hesitation, Luna shuffled across the balcony to her sister. She looked up into Celestia’s pale magenta eyes, an unspoken apology in her countenance. Celestia bowed her head, pressing her forehead against Luna’s so that their majestic spiraled horns crossed. This sympathetic gesture of sisterly love comforted Luna more than anything Celestia might say. Like any pair of siblings, the princesses experienced their share of tiffs growing up. Whenever either of them wanted to make amends, the loving gesture of crossed horns would always follow a tearful apology. Luna recalled that she did most of the apologizing back then. As they pulled away from each other, Luna gave Celestia a pleading look. She felt like a filly all over again and hated it. “You will stay with me? Tonight?” asked Luna, feeling more vulnerable than when the Elements of Harmony stripped her of all her dark powers. “Yes, little sister,” said Celestia. “There is nowhere else I would rather be, and nopony else I would rather spend this wonderful night with. Do not fret. Come inside and warm your hooves before you catch a cold.” Celestia made her way back into the bedchambers. Luna lingered a moment longer to cast a sidelong glance up at the moon before following Celestia inside. Candlelight flickered all around the room, draping the dark stone walls with a faint orange hue. Celestia found a comfy spot to lie down on the large bed with lacey satin sheets propped against one side of the expansive room. “Come lie with me, like when we were fillies,” Celestia said, patting the sheets next to her with her wing. Luna required no invitation. She could think of no better way to spend her first night back in Equestria than to have her big sister right by her side. She trotted over to the bed and collapsed onto the sheets next to Celestia. She buried part of her face in sister’s shoulder, closed her eyes, and fought the urge to cry. “I know this is so difficult for you,” Celestia whispered. Her cool breath tickled Luna’s mane. “I cannot begin to imagine how you feel, but I know how I felt without you.” Luna’s ears perked and her brow furrowed in sympathy. She spent those 1000 years bitter and alone, so she hardly ever stopped to consider Celestia’s feelings in the matter. Celestia had been the one forced to make a truly awful decision, threatened by dire consequences. “I have spent the past 1000 years in agony without you, little sister.” Luna looked to Celestia with tears flooding her eyes, her older sister’s words having struck a painful chord all over again. “Celestia, I’m so—“ Before Luna could utter her hundredth apology for the night, Celestia nuzzled her adoringly. “Sssh.” Celestia gave her sister a proud smile. “Rest, now.” Luna nodded and nestled her head against Celestia’s shoulder again. Celestia blanketed Luna’s smaller body with her wing, pulling them closer together. The warmth of their bodies lulled Luna into a state of repose. She had not felt the warmth of another pony in so long it felt like a wondrous new sensation. “It’s all right,” Celestia whispered. Her lips brushed past Luna’s flinching ear. “We are together now, and we need never be apart. The past is naught but a shadow, little sister. We can choose to leave it behind us and look forward into the light of the future.” Luna stifled a giggle, as much from Celestia’s flowery prose as the feeling of Celestia’s gentle breath blowing across her little ear. Luna had never been as optimistic as her sister, but Celestia’s words soothed her like a lullaby. “This is all I have ever wanted, Luna,” continued Celestia, her voice adopting a husky intonation. So weary from the day’s events after 1000 years of magical imprisonment, Luna did not think much of the subtle change in tone. “I wanted you to come back to me to be my little sister again.” Luna felt Celestia’s lips press against her cheek in an affectionate kiss. She blushed and attempted to give her sister a quizzical look, but she could not move her head with Celestia’s muzzle so close to hers. “I spent every year thinking of you and only you,” Celestia admitted. Her wing tightened around Luna’s body, causing Luna to shiver. Celestia chuckled and then lowered her muzzle to plant a kiss full of longing on Luna’s neck. The kiss ignited a pleasant, prickly feeling that traveled down Luna’s spine. “Celestia…”Luna whispered, her voice quivering. Celestia responded by giving Luna’s neck a long, tender lick. This time Luna felt a sharp buzz of electricity from the affection, pulling away so that she could give Celestia a look of astonishment. “Celestia! What are you--?” Luna stammered until she found her lips locked against Celestia’s in a sudden kiss hot with desire. She tried to gasp only to find Celestia’s probing tongue slipping inside her mouth. This was no chaste kiss between sisters! Celestia sucked on Luna’s lip as Luna broke away, an icy chill coursing through her veins as her heart began to beat rapidly and her skin crawled. “I have waited so long for this.” Celestia spoke as if in a trance, her eyes glazed over. She inched her way towards a dazed Luna. “I have wanted this—wanted you—for so long.” Luna shrunk away from her sister until she reached the edge of the bed. Celestia swept over her in a heartbeat, anchoring one hoof next to Luna’s shoulder to keep her from rolling away. Luna looked up at her sister with the fear of uncertainty in her bright cyan eyes. She pulled her forelegs up to her chest defensively, but she could not bring herself to push Celestia away. “To hold you close. To caress you. To kiss you. To please you.” Celestia chanted quietly as she planted one soft kiss after another along Luna’s slender neck. Luna’s breathing became shallow and frantic. She suddenly felt very hot, a bead of sweat trickling down her brow. “I never wanted to send you away.” “C-Celestia, we…” “I never wanted you to leave my side.” “We can’t. We-“ Celestia locked her lips with Luna’s, silencing any further protests. Luna could only manage a muffled moan before Celestia’s tongue slipped inside her mouth to play with hers. The kiss felt like it lasted 1000 more years. When Celestia finally lifted her head to catch her breath, Luna licked her lips. Feeling ashamed, Luna blushed cutely and her head sank back into the pillow. Celestia smiled. “I love you, Luna,” Celestia said, nuzzling Luna and giving her a light kiss on the forehead next to her horn. Luna stared up at her in disbelief, her cyan eyes wide and trembling with anticipation. Luna felt so flustered that she could hardly begin to think of an appropriate response, instead biting her lower lip. “I have waited.” Celestia spoke in between pants as she adorned Luna’s face and neck with a flurry of tender kisses. Luna squirmed underneath her sister. “I have waited so long to tell you that… to show you.” “Did you? Did you wait?” Luna shouted on a sudden impulse. Her head was swimming and she could not even bring herself to look at her sister, but the outburst gave Celestia pause. “What about your faithful student?” Luna asked bitterly. An awkward streak of jealousy tainted her heart and a knot formed in her stomach. Her words almost caught in her throat. “The way you spoke to her… the way you looked at her…” “My sweet, little sister,” Celestia chided. “No silly filly means more to me than you do.” Celestia’s saccharin words and warm-as-pie smile only made Luna feel more uncomfortable than ever, and before Celestia could seize Luna in another sweet kiss the smaller mare placed a restraining hoof against Celestia’s chest. Luna did her best to look defiant, or resilient, or anything but helpless. For all her efforts, Celestia merely seemed amused. “Does this not feel right, sweet sister?” Celestia asked in a seductive tone. “For 1000 years I have yearned for you. Yearned to touch you…” She curved her neck down so she could lick Luna’s hoof sensually, her gaze locked with Luna’s. Luna yelped and her hoof recoiled from the contact. Celestia grinned. “Yearned to taste you.” “No….” Luna tried to object as Celestia began to caress her up and down her flank. “T-Tia, you know I have never done anything like this before… I have never had a special somepony.” “We have each other now,” Celestia said with cool confidence. Her hoof circled over Luna’s stomach a few times as it crept closer and closer to Luna’s nethers. Luna gasped each time her sister’s hoof passed within inches of her marehood. She could feel a stirring sensation in her loins and began to hyperventilate. Celestia cooed. “I-I… I spent the last 1000 years alone, n-naught but spite in my heart…” Luna said, attempting to reason with her own emotions. They were making a mistake. They had not seen each other in several centuries and they were both letting their emotions get the best of them. Luna was certain of it. She had to convince her sister that what she was feeling was simply desperation. Yes, that was it, of course. “B-but I forgive you, my sister. I forgive you. You do not need to—“ “To show you how much your big sister loves you? To show you how much she missed you?” Celestia answered for herself, rubbing Luna’s slim body with greater vigor than before. Luna could feel her inhibitions melting away in the face of Celestia’s onslaught. Everywhere Celestia touched her, Luna's skin tingled. She shut her eyes tight and bit her lip to stifle another moan. Celestia lowered her lips to Luna’s ear. “To give you the attention you always wanted,” Celestia whispered with a sultry hiss. Luna’s eyes went wide and her mouth agape at the accusation. She felt a surge of heat rushing through her body to her loins. Try as she might, Luna could not muster a denial as Celestia renewed her assault on all of Luna’s senses. She tasted Celestia’s sweet lips on hers, heard the sucking and smacking sounds of Celestia’s furor. She felt Celestia’s touch exploring every curve of her body, caught the fragrant scent of Celestia’s cloying perfume. She moaned lecherously with each new sensation. She hoped that she had simply fallen away into a naughty but blissful dream, and she did not want to wake up. Celestia’s lips and tongue ventured over Luna’s lithe body, down from her face and neck to her chest. She kissed and sucked Luna’s bosom as the younger mare became slick with sweat and saliva. She licked Luna’s breast with a nurturing tongue. “Ahh, mmmf—“ Luna brought her own hoof up to her mouth in a feeble attempt to keep quiet. She bit down on her hoof and shut her eyes tight. Celestia chuckled. “You look cuter when you try to resist enjoying it,” she joked coquettishly. Luna was absolutely mortified by the appraisal. With her prey stunned, Celestia’s wandering hoof slipped down Luna’s flank to cup her rear. She tugged Luna’s rear up with surprising strength. Luna fell for it again and gasped only to find her lips pressed firmly against Celestia’s. This was the most passionate kiss Celestia had given her sister yet, her tongue curling all around Luna’s as she sucked at Luna’s lips. The frenzied makeout session lasted several minutes full of moist, smacking noises, with Celestia only breaking away long enough to catch her breath. When she finally pulled back, Luna chased her lips lustfully. They shared one last, lascivious kiss before Luna lowered her head to the pillow. They stared into each other’s eyes expectantly for a moment. Celestia smiled and Luna looked away bashfully. Celestia took the opportunity to kiss Luna’s exposed neck as her hoof traced over Luna’s thigh, crawling right up to Luna’s marehood. Luna yelped and pushed Celestia’s hoof away. “N-no! You mustn’t. We mustn’t—“ Luna exclaimed. Celestia forced her hoof forward in spite of Luna’s demands, easily overpowering the younger mare physically weakened from her defeat to the Elements of Harmony. She pressed her hoof against Luna’s slit and rubbed delicately. Even this small amount of contact threatened to send Luna over the edge, and she arched her back and cried out in ecstasy. “See? You are enjoying this,” Celestia taunted. As she massaged Luna’s slit her hoof became wet with her sister’s juices. As a point of fact, Celestia lifted her drenched hoof up to show Luna the result of her tampering. Luna blinked and blushed sheepishly. Celestia smirked and took one long, provocative lick of her hoof to drink in Luna’s love juices, flicking a bit off the tip of her tongue. Luna was utterly spellbound by the change in her sister’s demeanor. Everything was happening so fast she could barely comprehend how the two of them had come to this point. She could only tremble when Celestia lowered a hoof to spread her legs apart and she froze as Celestia lowered her mouth down to her exposed marehood. “Mmm,” Celestia hummed and licked her lips as she hovered over Luna’s flower. “S-stop! Sister, p-please,” a panicked Luna pleaded, shaking from a fit of goose bumps all over her dark coat. In response Celestia gave Luna’s mound a quick, deft lick, the tip of her tongue ever so delicately whisking Luna’s clitoris. Luna squeaked and her body quaked. “Uhh! N-no! Stop!” Celestia pressed onward. Her tongue slid across Luna’s folds, twisting and swirling. Luna convulsed in ecstasy, panting and moaning between shouts of dissent. “Stop! Please! S-stop!” Luna cried out, but her words fell on deaf ears or drifted out of the room into an empty hall. It did not take long for a horrified Luna to realize that Celestia must have ordered the royal guards to keep away from her room—or, worse, she may have explicitly ordered them not to interfere in the affair. Celestia seemed to pick up on her sister’s train of thought, lifting her head from her diligent work to smack her lips. “Isn’t this wonderful, sister?” Celestia said with vulgar zeal as she idly rubbed Luna’s inner thigh. “Now that we rule Equestria together again, nopony can come between us. Nothing can interfere with our love.” "Unless you want them to!" Luna shouted in teary defiance. Her mind flashed to Celestia's pretty little student, Twilight Sparkle. She saw hundreds of faceless mares Celestia must have taken over the years, and she felt like another piece of Celestia's perverse collection. Celestia frowned, apparently taken aback by Luna's accusation. "What I want, sweet little sister, is you," Celestia assured Luna in a hushed tone, softly pawing Luna's navel. "I meant every word I spoke today before the ceremony. We were meant to rule together and to be together. Forever." Luna shifted, regarding Celestia with apprehension. Her heart pounded against her chest like a wild beast thrashing in a cage. "Do you love me, Luna?" "I-I... yes. Of course I do." Celestia pressed her lips against Luna's marehood. Her tongue danced around Luna's clit and she sucked Luna's juices. Luna shuddered and squealed, and she nearly clapped her thighs together as a reflex. Celestia swallowed a mouthful of Luna's seeping fluids before wisely lifting her head away for a moment to speak. "Tell me. Say it," She urged. “C-Celestia, this—!“ Luna’s quavering voice broke off into a wail of pleasure as Celestia resumed sopping up Luna’s gushing juices, her tongue sweeping deeper and deeper into Luna’s crease. “I-I love you!” Luna cried, squirming and making a wrinkled mess of the silky sheets on her bed. Celestia continued unabated, squelching noises filling the air. Her slippery tongue pressed against Luna’s walls as they contracted involuntarily. A rush of euphoria flooded Luna’s body, from her hooves to her burning loins. Her throbbing marehood felt like it was ready to burst. “I love you!” She whined just before her erratic breathing reached a fevered pitch. Celestia painted every nook of Luna’s inner walls with her skillful tongue, quickly bringing the younger princess to her climax. Luna pressed her hips out, her hind legs digging into the sheets as she placed her hooves on either side of Celestia’s crown. As if taking these actions as a cue, Celestia pressed the base of her tongue against Luna’s clitoris. Her tongue then undulated rapidly, sending Luna careening over the edge. “Ahh!” Luna screamed as she reached her peak, unleashing a torrent of hot, sticky juices squirting out of her marehood and splattering all over Celestia’s muzzle. Drained of every last ounce of strength, Luna collapsed onto the bed. Her breathless panting filled the ensuing silence of the night, her body drenched from horn to hoof in a cold sweat. After a brief moment spent admiring the sight of her spent sister beneath her, Celestia went to work methodically licking Luna’s essence from her lips and hooves, dutifully swallowing every last bit she could gather. “Mmm,” Celestia crooned. “In all my life, nothing has tasted sweeter.” Luna groaned. A sinking swell of mixed feelings cast a dark pale over her thumping heart. She had never before experienced such a powerful climax in all her life. Celestia’s expertise in the erotic arts was undeniable. After all, the ruler of Equestria had the practiced grace of a hundred lifetimes. But Luna was not ready for this. Not by a longshot. She was not even sure she could bring herself to look into Celestia’s eyes ever again. If she felt like an outcast before, she could not begin to imagine how she could ever face her subjects now as her own sister’s mistress! But then she felt another spasm of pleasure rocking her body, only this time the source was her own horn. Celestia had positioned herself to lick the base of Luna’s horn, seized by a wanton thirst. “I have learned so much while you were away,” Celestia said slyly. Luna was in no state to reply or resist. She had never felt anything quite like her sister’s nimble tongue deftly slipping and contorting around her firm horn. Her horn soon glistened in the moonlight. To her astonishment, the excitement in her loins began to build anew, an insatiable tightness forming. “For instance,” Celestia continued, her warm breath ruffling Luna’s mane. “Did you know the magic in a unicorn’s horn can… rejuvenate her?” “C-Cel… please….” “You did not think we were finished here, did you?” Celestia pressed her hoof up against Luna’s slit, confirming her private research findings. From a little stimulation on her horn, Luna was becoming moist all over again. Unicorn magic was truly miraculous. “You wanted me to stay with you tonight. All night.” Luna attempted to reply, but Celestia’s hoof stirring over her wet slit made speech impossible. Luna’s marehood felt extra sensitive after her first orgasm in 1000 years, pulsing pleasurably from the barest wisp of a breeze or the faintest stroke of her sister’s hoof. “Give yourself to me, sweet sister,” Celestia implored. As if on its own accord, Luna’s body levitated into the air, compelled by Celestia’s magic. “I only want to give you what you always wanted.” It was at that moment a horrified Luna came to the realization that the thought of having sex with her sister had always excited her. With her unique gift to see into a pony’s soul and discern her deepest desires, Celestia must have discovered the lust in her little sister’s heart even before she became Nightmare Moon. Struggle as she might, Luna could not fight the truth. All her life, she never felt close to anypony but her sister. They shared a special connection that transcended traditional bonds of friendship, family, and even love. Celestia turned the now complacent Luna over and placed her back down on the bed on her stomach. She took a moment to savor the sight of Luna’s little rump and dripping sex presented before her on a platter of satin sheets. She placed her hooves on Luna’s flanks, pulling Luna’s rear up so her trembling hind legs were fully extended. Luna wrapped her forelegs around her pillow and squeezed it tight, happy tears welling in the corners of her eyes. Celestia brought her lips to Luna’s marehood and exhaled smoothly, blowing a steady stream of air across Luna’s slit. Luna buried her face into the sheets to muffle her sinful moans, exactly as Celestia predicted. The tip of Celestia’s tongue circled around Luna’s inner thighs, eliciting more whimpering moans. Then she tickled the little nub of Luna’s naked clitoris before plunging deep into Luna’s slit again. Her tongue fluttered rhythmically deep inside her younger sister’s tight walls, sending Luna into wriggling fits. Luna hopped from one hind leg to the next, stomping and grinding her hooves into the sheets as her moaning became louder and louder. “Ah! C-Celestia! Oh!” “Hmm, so it is true. Ponies do call my name in passion,” Celestia teased. But even as the intensity became greater, Luna began to settle in her spot, adjusting to the pattern of Celestia’s tongue that sent waves of pleasure rippling through her body. She felt determined to deny herself a second orgasm in an effort to exert some small amount of control over the encounter. Unfortunately, Luna had nowhere near Celestia’s level of experience in the bedroom, as Celestia was already a step ahead of her. Before she lost her younger sister to the dreadful spirit of rationality, Celestia brought up her hoof to forcefully massage Luna’s clitoris as she continued to diligently suck on Luna’s moist flower. “Ahh!” Luna bit into the pillow to stifle her scream. Her hind legs became rigid and her entire body felt electrified by the force of a lightning strike. Just as the moon outside her window reached its zenith in the starry night sky, her hot love juices exploded out of her marehood, squirting all over Celestia’s face and the bed in a much greater volume than ever before. Even Celestia seemed surprise by her sister’s reaction, but she was not in the least bit displeased. When the last drops of her juices sputtered out of her slit, Luna’s legs became weak and her knees buckled. She flopped onto her stomach, her legs splayed out uselessly. Once again the sound of her heaving, panting breaths filled the quiet room for several minutes. She heard the smacking sound of Celestia’s lips, but she could muster neither the strength nor the spirit to look in Celestia’s direction. The exhaustion of the day started to dramatically take its toll in the wake of her quaking orgasm. She felt Celestia drop gracefully onto the covers next to her, snuggling up against her. As they cuddled together, she felt Celestia plant another affectionate kiss on her neck, her teeth biting down ever so gently. “Mmm, my sweet, little sister,” Celestia whispered sensually into her ear. “Never forget how much I love you.” The words echoed in the recesses of Luna’s mind as she fell into a peaceful slumber in Celestia’s embrace.