by Imperial-Von-wish

First published

I’ve been told destiny has a way of finding people, but I was not expecting it to find me a comic-con. Now I have to fulfill a prophecy, about stopping something call tenebris for destroying the all the realms and life, with just me and my friends.

Three friends walk through the front door of this year's comic con. These three friends in due time will build an empire built to last for eternity, but they will face dangers along their journey to becoming emperors in their own rights. What is needed from them for just giving up their old lives and for new ones. They will be needed by dimensional realms will in the final countdown of the destruction of all realms.

Co/ authors are imperial wish Dr.Foxin Timothy the wanderer

Co/ writer are youTuber foxin, Timothy the wanderer, and imperial wish
Editors Birribi go check them out

All three of us Owen this fanfic so yeah

Ch1: Why You fucking Us!

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This year’s comic-con was ginormous, I can’t believe that I actually managed to get three passes for this year. When I got them I asked two of my friends to tag along.

Timothy, one of my newest friends I met over discord, he was dressed as The Courier with his N.C.R. Veteran Ranger armor he would’ve a sleeve rolled up for a Pip-boy if he had one, but he didn't have enough money to buy one and on his hip a big iron named “Lucky” and Cameron a good friend and fellow gamer, he was going as a Highwayman from Darkest Dungeons. He had almost everything on him to the jacket, the red scarf, leather straps and boots, but he was missing the three flintlocks pistols and the highwayman dagger, the reason was the same for why Timothy didn’t have Pip-boy.

As for me I was going as a Roman centurion from Sons of Rome. I had armor plating, the centurion galea, which was an iconic roman helmet, scutum, a rectangular shield that was also used by the Romans and a gladius, a short sword used during the early days of the Roman empire until it was abandoned in the Late Empire. The only thing I was missing was pilum the iconic javelin of the Romans. This was because I couldn’t find the exact replica of the pilum that was in the game, but maybe I will find one here at comic-con.

Getting through the checkout this year was hard as fuck. While waiting in line I ended up overhearing one of the security guards, talking about how people went missing after purchasing something, but I just shrugged it off like it was nothing, why? Because it sounds crazy? When we finally got out of the security area we could see cosplayers everywhere we looked.

“Alexander, what are we going to do first,” I heard Cameron say.

I began thinking for a moment I want to do something but don’t remember what it was, but I’ll be honest with myself. I don’t even know what I was going to do in first place . Maybe I will go and check out what games will be coming out this year.

“I don’t know about you guys, but I’m starving, I’ll see you guys later.” Timothy interrupted us both while he was walking away from us. Before he got too far away from Cameron and me, I told him that we'd meet up back at the booths.

“So, shall we go and see what’s up this year with the video games, lad?” Asked Cameron with his best attempt at a British accent, with it not even being close to it.


I couldn’t believe what I saw here. Halo: Infinite , Dying Light 2 and even Empire of Sin, while looking at the games, I ended up seeing Cameron look back at the Empire of Sin. He seemed to like that particular game, I could see it in his eyes, but what caught my eyes was the Resident Evil 3 remake. I liked the movie but wouldn’t be lying if I said I didn’t love the game even more, too bad it only a demo, meaning that I only got to play the beginning of it.

After what seemed like forever I began walking towards the booths, like I told Timothy where we’d be meeting up with him, Cameron walking by my side.

After a few minutes of walking, I eventually found Timothy waiting for me and Cameron at a booth where there was a vendor. He looked like the merchant from Resident Evil 4 with him wearing an aged trench coat and oversize backpack with him having the classic purple handkerchief.

Waving at Timothy to get his attention, but instead the Vendor behind points at me and cameron. Soon after word Timothy turned around to see me and Cameron, waving back at us, beckoning us to come towards the booth.

As Cameron and I made our way towards the booth, we got a good look at what this man was selling. Among the many things the vendor was selling there was an energy sword along with a chainsword, they looked rather real but they weren’t. What captured my attention right there before me were some particular items. There among the many prop weapons was a Pip-boy, three flintlock pistols, a dagger, and a pilum.

Then we stared in shock and awe at the sight. Before us were the items needed to complete our attire. Before me and Timothy could regain ourselves, Cameron stepped up and asked, “Excuse me, sir, just how much would these be?”

The man turned his head slowly and said “Well, young man, for you and your friends, free of charge!” The man behind the mask said.

“What!?!” all three of us yelled in surprise and in pure shock.

“Well, you three can have the bits of your outfits, but you will go on a quest for me. Seems fair, right?”

Timothy and I were about to object, but Cameron loved the idea of free stuff, so he snatched up the flintlocks and his newly acquired dagger, smiling dumbly to himself. Both Timothy and I sighed, shrugged and followed suit.

Looking at the vendor just to see him remove his mask for you just to see nothing but pure darkness no face at all. What came next from him might have just changed my life.

“Enjoy your trip my fine emperors of the realms empire.” After that everything went pitch black.

Dream POV
Darkness is coming so Heed my warning, do not trust the one that brings chaos the one that calls himself a god, It is only up to you if you shall trust him or you shall not. Only fate will tell. Now awaken sons of Rome ,man of the wasteland and man of dark secrets.

What was that dream? It felt so dark and empty and that voice sounded ancient, wise and old all at the same time. Soon I began to open up my eyes just to be blinded by the sun Instantly.

Something comes over me with it blocking the sun to when re-open my eyes from being half way close. just to see squirrel, with that my mind going into overdrive only one thing I can say.

Aaaaaaaaahhhh fucken squirrel. . . ! Holy fuck where the hell am I ?!

I begin looking around frantically and notice right away that I'm not at Comic-con anymore. I turn to my right and see Cameron is in a tree and I look to my left and see that Timothy is laid out on the ground. I soon began stumbling to my feet and observed my surroundings and noticed I'm in a forest with both of my friends and they were somewhat passed out. Soon after I heard Cameron groaning from the tree, knowing that they hadn't died on me I felt so relieved.

I was looking around trying to find where my scutum, gladius, and pilum were and I found them neatly piled on each other along with my galea. I began walking towards where my stuff was, ignoring the weight of my plated armor, like it was a t-shirt on my body, which was odd since it was cutting into my skin at Comic-con. I would need to look into this, but for now I just focused on getting my stuff.

After managing, get all of my belongings on myself, and even got my pilum attached to my belt with my scutum, which was easy thanks to the loose leather that was sticking out of it.

Putting on my galea I looked back to see Cameron and Timothy, which were now just slowly starting to wake up, I let them rest while I look around.

Pulling out my phone from where my loculus, a roman bag or purse, which is located around my belt. I turned it on and found out that the Internet Icon was not there and it seemed to be the phones is constantly charging.

Clicking on messages to see that there’s only three conversations, being Timothy, Cameron and Group chat. Furthermore, the contacts icon was not there like it should be, but instead of it I saw that it was replaced with an app called “inventory”.

But before I could even click on it, I heard a scream coming from behind me. Looking around, all I could see was forest, but something in me was telling me not to ignore the scream, but to run towards it, so that I could save it and protect it. Without a second thought I began running in that direction.

After running in this direction which felt like hours but in reality, it’s only been about two minutes and the sound of the screaming seems to get louder and louder, but now the sound of it starting to be more feminine. When I began seeing a clearing up ahead, I started to crouch to make sure that I was not about to run into something dangerous. The fact I just ran into a forest that I have no clue how I even got into, is besides the point.

When I got to the edge of the forest canopy, I moved a bush to the side so that I could see. What I saw next was not something I expected, something that made me dumbfounded. they were wolves, but these wolves were on their hind legs instead of being on all fours, from where I could see, there were about 20 of armed with crudely made swords and Spears with them surrounding what appeared to be six anthropomorphic horses, with them ranging in different colors. Purple, pink, yellow, orange, cyan blue and the last one white.

I noticed that there were cuts and bruises all over them and I also saw that cyan blue one and the yellow one had wings, and the purple one had wings and long horn and the white one had a horn as well but smaller, with the other two not having anything unique about them because anthropomorphic technicolor horses are normal.

What I heard next pushed me over the edge.

“Boss will be pleased with you being his new breeding bitches.” I heard one of the bipedal wolves said.

Without warning I pulled my pilum out of my scutum, then aimed it at one of the wolves that was going for the yellow one. Right as it was going for her I threw my pilum with all the strength that I had and with it making its mark, going straight through the wolf's skull.

After that I began charging right out of the bushes with my gladius and scutum in hand. The first wolf that would fall to my gladius was a scrawny looking wolf, which didn't look over 12 years old. This is just because of how childish it’s face looks. I swiftly decapitated him and his head fell to the ground.

Another one of them tries going for my left side, but instead is met with my scutum, stopping his blade right in its track. bashing the wolf in its face with my scutum, then moving it to the side to let way for my gladius. I jab my gladius through the wolf's stomach, and it collapses to the ground. Quickly spinning around, I stopped another one from stabbing me in the back and I give it the same treatment as the last wolf.

One more tries running right at me, only for it to be cut down by a projectile. Knowing this all I can say is “Looks like the cavalry has arrived.”

The remainder of them being killed by Timothy with his pistol named “lucky” and with, Cameron sneaking up behind them like a true highwayman or was it assassin. After all that was done, we turned to the anthro horses noticing that we were looking right at them, one of them took one step forward. What came next was a big shock for us.

“Greetings I am Princess Twilight Sparkle” said the purple horse

“What kind of name is Twilight?” You heard Timothy said.

Knowing this we were gonna have a long day. A day which we would never forget.