> Harvest Moon > by MyEmpyrean > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Sweet Dreams, Sour Regret > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poorly-smothered snickers from her sister, a filly trapped in an eternal, all-powerful alicorn body roused Luna from her dreams of distant and not quite that distant shame. In plainer speak, Celestia surprised her with breakfast in bed. "Sunny-side up eggs and crescent moon blueberry pancakes!" Celestia beamed. "I call it 'Once in a Blue Moon!' How do you like it?" Such an impossible inquiry. First and foremost, Luna's judgement, still clouded with the fog of dreams, couldn't deem this colorful platter with much more than a discomboulated squawk. Secondly, her sister's actions of unbound glee did little to amend her befuddlement, to say the least. All of it reeked of ulterior motive. Suspicious, Luna stabbed her pancake experimentally, awaiting sudden confetti or sticky paste to reveal itself. No trickery. Not yet, anyway. Unfortunately, the night is still young. She tried not to think about it. Sure, Celestia might have secreted dark intentions within these sky-themed confections, but it was not her right to assume it thusly. She knew that her sister appreciated acknowledgement of her, admittedly sweet acts of kindness. Besides, she did not want another Starlight magical cutie mark switcheroo to occur. She learned her friendship lesson that day, thank you. Before Luna could conceive an appropriate response, Celestia levitated her own platter and seated herself at the end of her bed. She began to eat, graceful and polite, perfect in her royal manners despite the absence of an audience. "Well? What are you waiting for?" Celestia smiled as warmly as a summer afternoon. Luna sighed and cut a piece of her saccharine lunar replica, lifting it to her mouth to bite. As soon as it touched her tongue, sharp, tangy, and sweet flavors all spontaneously combusted her taste buds. Celestia cocked her head, eager. "What do you think?" "T'was... a noble effort," When Luna mumbled that, she immediately wanted nothing more than to withdraw it. She tried not to think about it. After all, Celestia only laughed it off, a bit of pink blossoming on her snout. "Ah, I suppose I allowed my excitement to conquer me," The sun goddess teased apologetically. "I thought I would start your night off right with our mother's old recipe." Oh... our mother. Luna's heart lurched into her throat and transformed into a perilous choking hazard. How could she dare forget? This was a down-right ancient tradition practiced by her mother. Celestia was performing a completely innocuous kindness. How could she forsake her own sister's wholesome nature like that? She tried not to think about it. Bittersweet memories shrouded her in semi-darkness. She watched as her mother skipped into the room with a plateful of stunning delights, only made complete with those crescent moon pancakes. Let's start each day with a blue moon! She would say. Both young princess, who still slept in the same bedroom, cheered as their mother distributed the breakfast made striaght from love. She tried not to think about it. T'was centuries ago. Celestia's subsequent giggles sounded like twinkling stars. Fragile, yet bright. "You don't have to eat it, dear sister, it's an honest mistake. Next time, I will taste-test those pancakes first-" Honest mistake, Luna repeated mentally. Like what happened last night due to her haywire ritual- She tried not to think about it; she just shovelled more pure sugar into her mouth. Celestia froze in shock. Eat it. Don't think about the taste of it, Luna forced herself not to gag. Just eat. When Applejack first came to in a hospital gurney with a freezing metal stethoscope on her chest, she demanded to know what the hay was going on. "Hey! Listen ta' me!" She hollered as a nurse scuttled away, clipboard and stethoscope shaking in ger hoof as she completed her mad dash. "I ain't gonna hurt ya'! Just tell me what's going on!" A little filly with thick-rimmed glasses sprinted over, expression way too serious for such a young thing. "Sowwy," She stammered. "Doctor Carrot Top said dat you would be asleep for a few more days, so-" "Few days?!" Applejack interrupted. The young nurse flinched and Applejack immediately softened her tone, "How long was I out?" She glanced at her teensy-tiny clipboard. "Well, you were only uncon.... uncon-scious for about two hours. Your state was pretty bad, 'cause your body seemed to be under alotta dur-ess, enough to tire out any pony. Dats why Mister Top said you wouldn't wake up anytime soon." The earth pony squirmed in her white, sterile bed. Did she overdo it at the farm again? Head thundering like a cow herd's bouncy castle, Applejack struggled to remember even a thin snippet of what happened. Sacrificial food... it got away, Applejack's thoughts grumbled. What sacrificial... just what? And why was she so upset about it getting away? I'm sorry? Wanna run that by me again? The only response her mind offered was completely unhelpful, Must find it. Now. Now, now, now, now, NOW. Restless of the sudden, Applejack kicked off her sheets and clambered out of bed. The small nurse yelped as she rushed to steady her, but the stubborn earth pony shook her head, able to stand completely by herself. "Ma'am," The nurse filly seemed worried. "I wouldn't get up, you haven't seen Mister Top yet! Just lay down, pwease-" "I'm fine," Applejack retorted. And she did feel fine, really. Except for a strange migraine that clambered louder than Big Mac's ballerina recitals, she feel almost refreshed. Like she had a full night's sleep. The filly glanced about, searching for adult assistance. "Pwease, ma'am, you must see Doctor Top first! He will make sure you are in stable con... con-dict-tion to be discharged." "What's ya' name, sugarcube?" "Nursey Rhyme, ma'am." "Well, Nursey Rhyme," Applejack sighed. "I appreciate ya' help, but I wanna get back ta' the farm so then my family don't have to worry about me no more, okay?" Was she being totally honest? Debatable. Sure, she had no clue what her family's up to and was worried a little, but she didn't know how to explain her unusual behavior. Must consume. My sacrifice, Slobber frothed behind her teeth, so she gritted her mouth to prevent overflow. Nursey Rhyme twisted her curly brown mane in one hoof. "Um... sowwy, I don't-" "Please, I need to see them!" The earth pony felt an abrupt feeling surge through her body. Strength pumped through her blood like sweet apple cider. "You're disorient... you're confused!" Nursey Rhyme pleaded, her nurse persona gone. "Pwease have a seat-" Luckily, her thoughts switched tactics: Go to family. Save them. Protect them. They're your pack now. "Outta the way, sugarcube!" Applejack choked on a snarl that slurred her words, causing the poor filly to squeak into terror. "They're not safe- I know it, I gotta find them-" "Miss Jaqueline Apple-Pear?" Like a chicken cornered by a manticore, the earth pony stilled and turned slowly to see a tall, lanky stallion with frizzy ginger hair. "Ah, there you are," He grinned. "What are you doing out of bed? Please, return to your bed, you must be exhausted." "No, I ain't!" A really small part of Applejack's mind whispered that she was acting like Apple Bloom during bed time, but it didn't stop her from stomping her hoof. "I have to see my family!" Nursey Rhyme scampered toward the stallion, burying her face into his white coat and whimpering. Her outburst of vitality started to ebb, startled at how frightened the young filly seemed. He placed a comforting hoof on top of Rhyme's tremulous head. "I'm Doctor Carrot Top. As soon as you are done with a follow-up examination, you will be able to reunite with your family. They are eager to see you as well." "They're here? Where?!" Doctor Carrot Top only shook his head and patted the gurney. "Have a seat," He bent down to whisper in Nursey Rhyme's ear, who nodded and scurried out of the room, "I'll only allow visitors when you are finished with your examination. Perhaps afterwards I can illustrate your current status and conceive a proper treatment plan for you." He peered at her from over his thin glasses, patiently awaiting her reaction. Applejack tried to control herself; even though she wanted nothing more than to know what happened to her and her family, and find that runaway sacrifice she was being reckless. She has to focus on her health as well; otherwise, she might grow worse off and even become too ill for apple-bucking. And that ain't happenin'. She nodded to the doctor and proceeded to climb back to her medical bed. Doctor Carrot Top wrapped a stethoscope around his neck with a calm smile. "Great, let's start." Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, it's Twilight Sparkle EEEEEEEEEEEEE! These were literal thoughts twirling in Star Tracker's mind as he hid in a berry bush with a telescope, the lens following the titular greatest-mare-that-ever-lived-and-BREATHED. None of this was creepy, by the way. He and Twilight were basically friends; he had her full support (probably) to spy‐ uh, watch her. After all, if she could forgive him for being such a lousy friend, maybe she could forgive him for this too? She watched as best pony walked through Ponyville, head nose deep in a book. Sure, even with his reliable telescope he had trouble really seeing her, but hey. His Twilight radar hasn't been wrong before! Except maaaaaybe once. It involved a water fountain and a bunch of hayburger stains. Not a stellar first impression on a random stranger. Welp, st least he didn't care what other ponies thought! Much... Oooooooh, where's she going?! Star Tracker traced her path with a deft flick of his telescope, spotting a modest medical facility en route. He connected the dots; his mind awhirl with a bunch of fan theories. Did something happen? Is one of her friend hurt? Is she going to visit them?! Aw, the power of the princess of Friendship! He wished he could be as cool as her. While, mayhaps, by sheer proximity, some of her wiseness and kindness and even her coolness can rub off him? It would not hurt to try! Star Tracker practically danced for joy while he relinquished his fine Twilight-spotter inside his telescope case. He must go now! By the by, this is not because he just wants to be next to her. No no no! He just wants to stalk- Er, not stalk, no. More like... guard! Yeah! He's her personal spy-guard, keeping watch from afar like a dark mysterious antihero. Thanks imagination for righting his moral compass! He's such a great character already! So Star Tracker galloped down the slope, picturesque in his beautiful strength and bravery- Ouch, he slipped on a rock. Well. He's still learning to be cool, after all. Dusting himself off and charging once more, he watched Twilight pull her head out of her book to push the door open. He felt his movements slow. Something seemed different about her. Haircut? Different outfit? Eh, it didn't matter. As long as he could keep his eyes trained on her, Star Tracker would be happy. Happy always. Because to him, she's the brightest star in the sky. Moondancer had absolutely zero clue as to why she was being followed. To be fair, the little scamp tried his hardest; when she stepped into the hospital, the young foal slipped past her to attempt to blend in the crowd, but his radiant smile and constant stare was a dead giveaway. She frowned as she sauntered over to the front desk. Was he trying to compromise her position? No, there's no way. What kind of pony would even care about what she was up to? No matter what, she must complete the mission she was sent for. Nopony could exactly fail a royal princess' mission, after all. If she did, she had a feeling the punishment would not be slight. Plus, a lot of what occurred last night... Moondancer frowned harder. Well, it wasn't entirely her fault, but still. She has some responsibility for what happened to Applejack. She must confess to her. The whole truth, and nothing but the truth. "Excuse me," Moondancer called to the front desk stallion. He spared her a brief glance and muttered, "How can I help you?" "May I register a visit with Miss Jaqueline Apple-Pear? She was recently admitted, so I don't mind waiting-" "Looks like you have to get in line," He shrugged. "I'm sorry, sir," Moondancer paused to adjust her glasses. "I don't understand. There is no line that I see." "Applejack seems to be pretty popular tonight," The front desk stallion picked up a quill pen and began to scribble on a piece of paper. "If you want, you can visit her after Miss Rarity. She's number eleven in the list, so I predict about a five hour wait-" "This is more important," She insisted, slamming a hoof down on his desk. Calm down, control your anger. "All visits are important, ma'am," The stallion scowled and sized her up. "Please be patient and refrain from freakouts until everypony has seen her." Don't be angry at him, it isn't his fault. Yeah, but I have to talk to Applejack! All of her friends can wait until I tell her what happened last night. That conversation doesn't have to happen right now. Just wait and be patient! I should tell her now before it becomes more trouble then it's worth! What if she figures it out on her own? Will she know that I participated in the ritual? Will she come and attack me for revenge? "Excuse me," A quiet, calm voice bubbled to the surface of her mental argument. Moondancer whirled around, her rage utterly dissolved as she realized who had spoken. A young chickadee-yellow pegasus with a pink waterfall of a mane. The nervous stammer proved it. The Element of Kindness herself, Fluttershy. "Oh my Luna, I'm sorry," Moondancer sidled aside to allow Fluttershy to move past. Fluttershy shook her head, "Oh, no, it's fine. I'm sorry for, um, interrupting, but it's about Applejack." The stallion's muscles relax, gravitated toward the aura of tranquility around the shy mare. Like a golden oasis in the middle of a barren desert. He offered her a smirk. "Yeah, you'll visit her soon, Miss Shy. Please remain patient," He spoke much more politely to her, Moondancer noted. Don't worry, she's totally not mad about it. Fluttershy smiled, "Yes, thank you. Erm, if you don't mind, I would like to, um... change the time of my visit. Excuse me, miss...?" Moondancer jolted out of her brooding scheme to avenge her fallen pride with this stallion. Was Fluttershy really referring to her? "Hi, I'm Moondancer. Twilight Sparkle's fillyhood friend, maybe she mentioned me?" "O-oh, I don't remember... but that doesn't mean she didn't," Fluttershy turned back to the stallion, "So, can you switch my visit time with Moondancer. I believe I'm number three?" "Are you sure? You don't have to do that," Moondancer gasped. The soft-hearted pegasus giggled, "Please, I insist. It sounds like it's important considering you are, um... yelling." Moondancer returned her grin, her rage draining from her. Why did she plot that stallion's murder, again? Unimportant. Mayhaps someone does care about her? Or, at least, thought to give her the time of day. As the front desk stallion exchanged their times, she kept expressing her gratitude to Fluttershy until the latter glowed a rosy pink with embarrassment. "Thank you," She whispered for at least the thousandth time, "Seriously, you'll never know the extent of the kindness you just did for me." "You're welcome," Fluttershy replied in a mumble. Now, Moondancer can prevent a crisis of dark witchcraft proportions from ever even rearing its ugly head. She will complete Luna's mission for her. She will confess. And she will apologize for the potentially lifelong curse she had helped cast on Applejack.