> Astronomy Lessons > by Implausible Deniability > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Introduction to Romancing the Stars > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash fell into her chair like a sack of wet cement, her lunch tray clattering onto the cafeteria table. "Friday. Finally. Just a few more hours and we'll be outta here." "I know! It's so exciting." Dash's jaw dropped as she turned to the speaker. "Okay, who are you and what have you done with Twilight Sparkle?" Everyone turned to look at her. "Don't tell me you forgot, Rainbow?" said Rarity. "Of course not!" Dash glared and pointed a finger at her. "In fact, I bet you forgot." Rarity raised an eyebrow. "I assure you, I did not." "Then what was it? You know, to prove you didn't." Applejack rolled her eyes. "Tonight's Twilight's second date with Timber Spruce." Dash leaned back in her chair, a smug grin on her face. "See? Told you I knew it." "Of course you did," Rarity said with a smirk. Her expression brightened to sheer glee as she turned to Twilight. "And we are going to whisk her away to the Boutique immediately after class to make sure she is prepared." "Rarity's doin' th' whiskin'," said Applejack, tipping her hat to said whisker. "I'm jus' the chauffeur." Rarity clung to Applejack's arm, batting her lashes up at her girlfriend. "Dearest, you know I can't be seen driving that blocky monstrosity Father tried to hand off to me." "It's just an SUV, Rares. It ain't gonna suck the fabulous outta you the second you get behind  the wheel." "You can't know that for certain." Twilight cleared her throat. "I appreciate the thought, Rarity, but is this really necessary? I mean, we're just going to the observatory again. Really more of a do-over of the first date than anything." "Which makes it all the more vital!" cried Rarity. "We're addressing all of the issues that so plagued that first date, and that includes you looking any less than your best." "Well, if you insist." A smile slowly spread across Twilight's face, threatening to reach Pinkie proportions. "I have to say, I am looking forward to tonight." Dash shrugged. "I was hoping we’d do some Rainbooms practice, but hey, you have fun. Sunset, you up to jam?" That got a shake of the head. "Sorry, I've got a Shimmercode stream tonight." "You're one of the hottest girls in school and you're gonna spend Friday night playing video games?" Dash frowned. "That's kinda sad." Sunset smirked. "Other people will spend Friday night watching me play video games and paying me for the privilege." "Okay, less sad. But still sad." "And your plans are any better?" "Hey, I thought we were gonna practice." Dash shrugged. "I guess Shy and I can work on some new songs." Fluttershy smiled. "That does sound nice." "Experimental baking!" Pinkie said unprompted. She thrust a fork into the air and cried, "As Sun-God-Horse Celestia as my witness, I will master the souffle!" Twilight sprang to her feet. "I actually saw a fascinating book in the library on why souffles collapse and how to stop them! I'll go get it!" "Aww, you don't have to that—" "Too much nervous energy!" Twilight clutched her face. "I literally can't stop smiling. I need something to do." No one stopped her as she speedwalked out of the cafeteria. Rarity sighed as she watched Twilight go. "That girl. Princess or no, she makes it look easy." "What," said Pinkie, "zapping evil?" "Finding boys. Literally stumble into their laps, the both of them." Dash snorted. "Hey, if that was all it took, Derpy would be the flirting queen of the school." Rarity stared at Dash for a moment, then shook her head. "I simply cannot fathom how anyone, much less one of my friends, could be so totally and persistently oblivious to gossip." "Huh?" Applejack nudged Rarity with an elbow. "Y'know I'm right here, right?" That got a pat on the biceps, one that lingered perhaps a bit more than decorum allowed. "Of course, dearest, but I can't help but compare both Twilights' unthinking success to my own struggles before I realized just what was waiting for me. And Sunset, I am sorry for lingering on the topic." "Um..." Sunset looked around, just in case her human counterpart had popped out of obscurity and was in the room somewhere. "No problem? Why me specifically? We're all single aside from Twilight and you two." "Um, hello?" Dash waved to try to catch everyone's attention. "Can we go back to Flirt-Queen Derpy?" "You don't mind?" said Rarity. "I thought you and Twilight—" Sunset shrugged. "Hey, just because you save someone from her worst impulses made manifest doesn't make you a couple. If that were true, I'd be dating Princess Twilight." Rarity gave her most skeptical pout. "And those longing looks, the lingering touches..." "I have no idea what you're talking about." Sunset crossed her arms. "I'm happy for them. Really." "As you say." "I do say." The two stared in a silent battle of wills, threatening to go on until the end of lunch. At least until Dash cried, "Does Derpy fuck or not!?" "Wouldn't you like to know," the girl in question said as she walked past them. Silence choked the table until Fluttershy cleared her throat. "So, um, I got Twilight something special for the big night." "Ooh, more trained fireflies?" said Pinkie. Fluttershy shook her head. "Condoms." She timed it right when everyone but Pinkie was taking a bite. Choked sputtering sounded from every corner of the table... though Dash joined Pinkie in her laughter once she recovered. "Fluttershy!" cried Rarity, dabbing at her mouth as daintily as she could with yogurt oozing down her chin. "I work at an animal shelter, I can understand birdsong, and my brother is..." Fluttershy shuddered, as did Dash. "My brother. I can't help but recognize the facts of life." Applejack nodded. "Better to have 'em and not need 'em." Rarity looked from one end of the table to the other, utterly aghast. "Twilight is not that kind of girl!" "Have you listened to her talk about Timber?" said Fluttershy. "She wouldn't mind being that kind of girl." A sharp crack drew everyone's gaze to Sunset, whose eyes were fixed on her plate and whose fork had snapped in two in her grip. After a few moments of silence, she looked up, and her eyes widened as she took in the others' stares. Sunset cleared her throat and got up from the table. "Well, I'm done. I'm going to just… not be here." And she stiffly marched away, doing her best to ignore Dash's parting comment. "Oh, she's got it baaaad." Sunset was perfectly happy with her Friday night activities. Sad? It wasn't sad. It was fun! Just her and a few hundred strangers on the Internet who liked watching her get angry at video games. Really, it was a good thing she felt so irritable. Or it would be, if she did. Regardless, she saw plenty of donations and shouting emojis in the chat, both the signs of a successful stream. But eventually, her... enthusiasm waned, leaving her feeling hollow more than anything. "Alright, Code Monkeys, it's getting late and Shimmer needs her shuteye." She scrolled through her games in the Vapor client and booted up an old nemesis. "So we're going to close out the night with everyone's favorite reason for me to curse at the screen, Test of Time VI. How long will I last on Godly difficulty before utter bullshit makes me end the stream?" The game loaded and Sunset took one look at her starting position before facepalming. "Turn one. Turn one is the answer. I play as Caneighda, a civilization that actually wants to be in the tundra, and you put me in the equatorial jungle. Nope. That's it. Stream over. Have a good weekend, Monkeys, I'm going to go resist the urge to hit my PC with a baseball bat." A knock at the door made Sunset forget her definitely played-up frustration. "Or I can go see who that is. Later, Monkeys." She ended the stream and moved for the door. The doorknob started to jiggle. "Hey! Just a second, I'm—" Sunset cut herself off when she realized that the knob was still jiggling. And glowing purple. And had just unlocked itself. Twilight burst into the room just in time for Sunset to catch her. The other girl's magic slammed and locked the door behind her even as she held tight to Sunset, sobbing into her shoulder. "Twi... wha..." Sunset struggled to process everything at once. Then she thought about why Twilight  might be so upset and grabbed her by the forearms, shoving her back to look for any signs of struggle. "Where is he? You can hold him down while I pull out his darkest secrets. Then we can—" Twilight shook her head, looking more miserable than hurt. "Sunset, no." "Sunset yes!" The dress looked fine. Better than fine. It was a gorgeous Rarity original, a sequined, sleeveless, strapless near-black violet that looked like Twilight had wrapped a bit of the night sky around herself. But her tears had ruined her makeup, and that was all the excuse Sunset needed. "I don't know how he hurt you. I don't care how he hurt you! What matters is he did, and—" "Timber didn't do anything, Sunset." If Twilight weren't so close, Sunset might not have made out what she muttered next. "That's the problem." Sunset's flames of rage sputtered out into choking confusion. "Huh?" "It was a beautiful night." Twilight looked off into the distance. "Perfect, even. Everything went so much better than the first time. Everything went according to plan. And while we were looking at the stars and Timber was pointing out constellations, I leaned over, and..." She shut her eyes, grimacing. "And?" "You know how when you're tutoring the other girls and you phrase something in just the right way, you can see it click in their eyes? Well, I kissed him, and..." Twilight sighed. "I saw a click." Sunset shook her head. "I don't understand." Twilight didn't seem to hear Sunset. Her lips curled up in something almost entirely unlike a smile. "You know the worst part? He thanked me for it. For helping him better understand himself. Helping him see how much spending most of his formative years stuck at Camp Everfree had hurt him, stunted him until he couldn't tell romantic love from just being able to regularly interact with someone who wasn't his sister." "Oh. Oh, Twilight, I'm so—" "And it was so tremendously awkward that I found myself agreeing to help him find a boyfriend." Twilight made the saddest fist pump Sunset had even seen. "Woo. Friendship. At that point I asked him to drop me off here." "Um, yeah, I was kind of wondering about tha—" Sunset got cut off, because it was very difficult to keep talking when one of her friends had lips pressed to hers. Along with a tongue. After a few moments of struggle, Sunset managed to pry the other girl off and cry "Twilight!?" Tears welled up in Twilight's eyes. "At Crystal Prep, everyone treated me like a brain on legs. Timber didn’t. You don’t. I want to feel like more than that, and I know I'm two for two on kissing homosexuals tonight." Sunset, still trying to get her thoughts sorted out after the kiss, blurted out, "I-I'm actually bi." "Same." Twilight closed the gap again. "Let's—" Sunset backed away, pulling out of Twilight's grip. "You're hurting right now. I get it. But I'm not going to take advantage of you while you're so emotionally vulnerable." "But I want you to take advantage of me!" Twilight cried, hands to her chest. "I don't want you to do anything you'll regret in the morning." That got a teary smile. "Sunset, I could never regret anything I do with you." "I-I..." Sunset swallowed against a sudden tightness in her throat. "You really mean that?" Twilight took Sunset's hands in her own. "You remember what I told you on the Lux Deluxe, don't you? You mean more to me than anyone in any world. I meant that with all my heart." She leaned in close, less desperate this time. "Let me prove it to you." "Th-that is..." Sunset bit her lip. "Honestly, it's really tempting." Twilight smiled. "And?" Sunset pulled away again. "And I have a bad track record with temptation." She held her hands when she saw Twilight's expression fall. "I won't lie, I want to do this. And, you know, if you still want to later, we totally can." Twilight crossed her arms. "Define 'later.' I don't have anywhere to be. I already called Mom to let her know what happened. No one's expecting me home tonight." "Ah..." Sunset felt herself flush. But she couldn't bear to ruin things for Twilight the way she knew she would. Her mind raced. "I tell you what," she said. "I always keep a few pints of really good chocolate ice cream in the freezer in case of Rarity emergencies. Learned that from Pinkie. How about I scoop us out some big bowls of it, put on a soft sci-fi movie, and we can laugh at the inaccuracies together." It was a good plan. Perhaps the best plan she could make given the circumstances. It was a shame her mouth kept going. "And, you know, we'll see where the night goes from there." It took everything in Sunset's power to keep her hand away from her face. Twilight snorted with stifled laughter. "You're literally asking me to Tubeflix and chill." "I, uh, guess I am. If you're okay with it." That got the happiest smile Sunset could ask of Twilight given the circumstances. "Right now, I'd love nothing more." It started off innocently enough. They changed into two pairs of Sunset's pajamas, then sat on the couch, each with a bowl of Bing & Cherry's finest as the stirring opening of Alien Angels vs. Space Pirates 2 blared from the TV's speakers. They laughed at the vacuum inertia, the all-too-literal explosive decompression, the reptilian pirate queen who still had bigger breasts than any mammal in the cast. It was nice. Normal. Safe. Twilight finished her ice cream first. Sunset wasn't surprised; the girl had a habit of inhaling meals so she had more time to learn and study. But then she snuggled up into Sunset, resting her head in the crook of an orange neck and wrapping her arms around the other girl's waist. "Twi—" "Shh! This is the best part!" "And with our neutrino cannon," the pirate queen crowed, "we shall reduce Halotopia to rubble!" Twilight squeezed Sunset's side as she laughed, kicking her feet in glee. "Yeah, sure. Fire them as long as you want! Maybe in a thousand years something will happen!" Sunset put a hand on one of Twilight's. "Twilight, I—" Painfully gorgeous purple eyes looked up at her. "Is this really so bad?" "W-well... I mean..." It wasn't. It really wasn't. But Sunset knew it wouldn't work. "Sunset, if you want me to stop, just say so." "Um..." She didn't. She knew it. Twilight knew it. After a moment, Sunset sighed, brought an arm around Twilight's shoulders, and leaned into the cuddle. They watched in silence for a few minutes after that. As the movie meandered to a side plot that no one had liked even when it was in theaters, Twilight said, "Do you think this kind of thing happens to Princess Twilight? I don’t want to use the term 'friendzoned,' but, well, Princess of Friendship." "Well..." Sunset made to shrug, but her mind snagged on the idea. "Hmm. Her sister-in-law’s the Princess of Love, and she’s married with a kid, so there may be something to that." "Wait, sister-in-law?" Twilight looked back up. There was love there still, wonderful and terrifying, but also irrepressible curiosity. "Shining got married? To whom?" "I probably shouldn’t say," said Sunset. "Depending on how the worlds are related, that might be giving you information about your future. Probably why Princess Twilight never brought it up when we were in Ponyville.” "Is it Pinkie?" Sunset came within an inch of spraying frozen chocolate all over her carpet. "What!?" Twilight shrugged. "I figured you might have other reasons to not want to tell me, so I went with the most outlandish possibility I could think of." "No. Equestrian Pinkie Pie is not the alicorn avatar of Love. And thank goodness for that." Sunset shuddered at the idea of her ascending. "Lemon Zest, my old classmate from Crystal Prep?" "Not her either." "Hmm..." Twilight pouted in thought. Her tongue edged out from between her lips, the way it always did when she was deep in concentration. Sunset took the chance to put down her bowl before the next guess. "That drama girl with the beret?" It took Sunset a moment to place who she meant. "Who, Watermelody? Are you just picking every pink girl you know?" "Well, you know what they say about the pink ones..." "That is super chromist." Twilight smirked up at her. "Is the Love Princess pink?" Sunset looked away with a huff. "I can neither confirm or deny that. Also, chromism is stupid and humans should feel stupid." "Some stereotypes are based on truth. Tests have shown that physical signs of arousal are generally greater when test subjects were shown pornography of pink women rather than..." The light in Twilight's eyes seemed to dim. "Well, purple, as an example." "Twilight..." "I just... I had plans for tonight." Twilight blushed. "Sexy plans. It took a lot of work to psyche myself up enough to actually execute them. And then I ran facefirst into the one outcome I'd never anticipated. I was ready for rejection, for a delay, even the exceedingly slim chance of Timber trying to take advantage of me. But this..." Sunset frowned and pulled her arm back. "So you came to your Plan B?" Twilight pulled back and faced her, eyes wide and jaw dropped. "Do you think that's what's going on here?" "It's starting to sound like it." "No!" Twilight shook her head fast enough to smack herself with her own ponytail. "I swear, you're the reason I know I'm bi." Sunset crossed her arms. "It still sounds like you just want someone to check off a box on your to-do list. And wow I could have phrased that—" Twilight took Sunset's hand and moved it to her breast. The rest of the sentence died in Sunset's throat. It was smaller than her own, but fit perfectly in her hand. "Um..." "Read my mind." Sunset's eyes went from their hands to Twilight's face and back again. "I can do that while touching you anywhere." "I know," Twilight said in a throaty voice Sunset had only ever heard her use when tearing apart space-time. Sunset licked her suddenly dry lips and tapped into her geode. A marathon of longing looks, idle fantasies, and heartfelt moments streamed past her, all with a common theme: Herself. Every time Twilight had thought herself unworthy of her savior. Every time Midnight's taunting voice kept her from taking the risk. Every time she touched herself at night, picturing a body glimpsed in the locker room at school or the changing rooms at the beach. Sunset tried to at least stay away from those more intimate moments, but they begged for her attention. She saw how she’d competed with Timber in Twilight's mind, heart, and other places, and how they'd come to a perfect draw until tonight. It had all come down to two simple facts: Timber had approached Twilight, and Sunset had encouraged her to pursue him. But now he was out of the running. Now... There were no memories now, no images or sounds or other sensations. Just a feeling of incredible, desperate love, a love on the edge of collapsing in on itself and quietly accepting that it could never be. Sunset shook herself out of the trance and rubbed the side of her head. "Have you been reading romantic poetry lately? I think some of it leaked through at the end." "I felt it along with you." Twilight smiled. Sunset realized her hand hadn't moved and fought the impulse to squeeze. She was still acutely aware of how there was no bra between her and Twilight’s erect nipple. "It expressed how I feel about you very well." "It made you sound like a stalker ready to..." Sunset shook her head. "Never mind. If you were a stranger, I'd be creeped out, but this... I feel bad not noticing before now." She had noticed, of course, but she hadn't dared do anything about it. "Do you at least believe I won't regret this in the morning?" All the doubts, all the reasons why this was a bad idea, rushed through Sunset's mind. And she looked into Twilight's eyes and decided she didn't care. "To Tartarus with it." This time, she lunged forward for the kiss. It was like a hot meal after starving herself for her whole life. Hands roamed everywhere. Tongues met and played against one another. Sunset tried to commit each new sensation to memory, but every time she found something better. Running her fingers through Twilight's hair, tasting the faint trace of cocoa in her mouth, feeling every inch of her body... They parted for breath. "Bed," Twilight panted. Sunset smiled and slipped her hand up Twilight's shirt. "Not sure I want to move." Twilight's eyes flashed. Sunset had already felt like she was floating, but now the feeling intensified. "I'll carry you if I have to." Sunset stuck out her tongue. "If you insist." They stumbled up the stairs, giggling and staggering as they tried to make it up without ever letting go of one another. Both pajama tops got lost along the way. "Did you even come in with a bra?" said Sunset. She hadn’t been trying to watch Twilight jiggle, but she was happy to think back to the mammaries. Memories. Both. "The dress wasn't made with underwear in mind," Twilight replied as she helped Sunset match. "And Rarity said you weren't that kind of girl." "I told you. Sexy plans." Once they topped the stairs, both slipped out of bottoms and panties as quickly as they could. Sunset kicked hers off. Twilight made a point of balling hers up and tossing them off the loft. Sunset held her and laid her on the bed. Twilight held out her arms and smiled. And Sunset looked at the beautiful girl before her, with her slim legs and perky breasts and... fingers… and barely-there lower lips... and complete lack of tail... Um... After a few moments passed, Twilight's expression fell. She curled up on herself, covering as much as she could. "Am... am I that ugly?" "No!" Sunset cried. "No, Twilight, it's not you, it's me and I am not good with phrasing tonight." Twilight frowned and pulled the sheets over herself as she sat up. "I don't understand." "It's... Well..." Sunset took a deep breath. "Okay, I have a confession to make." One of Twilight's eyelids started to twitch. "If you just realized you're straight, I'm scanning my lips for Equestrian magic." "Nothing like that. It's... Okay, I've honestly had feelings for you for a while, but I didn't want..." Sunset shook her head. "No, I was afraid to act on them." "Why?" "Because I have no idea what I'm doing with..." Sunset brought a hand to her own breasts and trailed it down. Twilight followed along, lingering here and there. "You just gestured to all of you." "Exactly. I've never gotten this far with another human. I've never wanted to get this far with another human." Sunset sat on the end of the bed, head in her hands. "The only time I got this far with another pony was by royal decree!" "What." Sunset stared intently at the massive window of her apartment, trying to ignore Twilight's reflection as best she could. "Princess Celestia tried a lot of different tactics to get me to make friends when I was her student. Including hiring me an escort." After a few moments of incredulous sputtering, Twilight got out, "I'm sorry, the god-queen of the nation hired you a gigolo?" Sunset turned around and crossed her arms under her breasts. It was admittedly nice to see Twilight's eyes dart to them. "It's a perfectly respectable profession in Equestria. You people are the horniest prudes I've ever met." She shook her head and slid closer to Twilight. "Look, the point is, I... I want this to be perfect for you, and I don't even know where to begin." "You've never masturbated here?" "It's taken me most of my time here to grow attracted to humans. I'm still processing how I don't have a cutie mark anymore." Sunset glanced at her disturbingly blank hips and shuddered. "You saw me masturbate," said Twilight. "You had the lights off every. Single. Time. I felt it. I know where all the bits are. But I don't know how to—" Everything happened too quickly for Sunset to follow. One moment, she was sitting next to Twilight. The next, she was lying on the bed, looking up at the other girl giving her a half-lidded stare. "Then I'll just have to show you, won't I?" "Huh? What do yooooh." Sunset threw her head back as Twilight started sucking on her left nipple. "Oh, that. Keep doing that." Twilight pulled back up with a pop. "Were you really worried about not knowing what you were doing? I thought you knew me better than that," she said. Her fingers took her lips' place, rolling and tweaking and pinching. "We have a question." Her other hand caressed Sunset's cheek and began a journey downward. "We're not sure about the answer." Neck, shoulder, breast. "We don't fear wrong answers." A loving flick of the other nipple that made Sunset gasp anew. "We keep trying new things." Ribs, abdomen, hips. "We experiment." The feather-soft touch found its way to the inside of Sunset's thigh, and Twilight brought her other hand down to join it. "And so we learn. "As an example, going by your reactions thus far..." Twilight leaned in to a spot just above Sunset's collar bone, wrapped her lips around it, and— Every hair on Sunset's body stood on end. "Twilight! Holy Celestia!" Twilight pulled back, looking more smug than Sunset had ever seen her. "Hypothesis confirmed." "I..." Sunset panted. Her head swam. "I didn't even... How?" "I told you." Twilight kissed the spot she'd found. "I had plans." Another for the other shoulder. "I did research." A quick peck on Sunset's lips. "I come prepared." A shit-eating grin. "And I like to think I've prepared you to—" "Just shut up and keep going." "Alright." Those busy hands pushed. Sunset barely registered opening her thighs. Then the hands moved in a few more inches, and Sunset could barely register anything beyond them. "You're familiar with the vulva, clitoris, labia majora and minora, and so forth." As Twilight's fingers provided an unforgettable review of Sunset's insides, her usual lecturing tone turned throatier and more demanding. "Or you should be. What were you doing during health class, Miss Shimmer?" "Sophmore year," Sunset panted. "Di-didn't want... same room... bunch of horny apes... talking about sex. Blackmailed the teacheeeer!" Her voice went up an octave as Twilight brought the edge of a fingernail against her clit, and she couldn't decide if she never wanted it to happen again or if she never wanted it to stop. Twilight just tsked. "Shameful. Very well, remedial lessons it is. For example..." She went a little deeper, probing for something. And then she found it. Sunset couldn't believe she didn't shatter any windows when Twilight made the discovery. "Ah yes, the Groofenberg spot. Colloquially known as the 'G-spot.' Well done, Miss Shimmer." "Oh Celestia." Sunset covered her face with her hands. "Oh Celestia. I have a teacher fetish." "See? We're already learning so much." Twilight came in for another kiss. Sunset drank in her body as Twilight lowered herself onto her. The eyes, with more happiness than she'd seen all night. Those perky breasts pressing against her own. The hand tending to Twilight's own needs. Hang on. Sunset brought her hands to Twilight's chest. "Let me show you how much, Miss Sparkle." She began kneading her girlfriend's—finally, her girlfriend! Her girlfriend!—breasts, listening carefully for hitches in Twilight's breathing, moments of greater reaction. Twilight lunged forward, bringing their lips together. Sunset brought one hand to the back of her head and let the other explore, tracing a path down her spine and teasing along the cleft of her cheeks. The touch made Twilight shiver and pull away. "Not there." "No?" Sunset fluttered her eyes with all the fake innocence of her bad old days. Twilight chewed her lip for a moment. "Not tonight, anyway." "Alright then." Sunset moved her hand around Twilight's hips and brought it to her crotch. "Su-Sunset, I..." Twilight's rhythm faltered as Sunset’s fingers took the place of hers. Sunset sat up, guiding her to the mattress with one hand and pistoning in and out of her with the other. "Oh goodness, it's so different when someone else does it." Sunset couldn't help but grin a grin she'd thought she'd left behind long ago. "Not so cocky now, huh?" She'd never spoken to any of her old victims that huskily, but the same rush flowed through her. Seeing someone writhe under her power was just as good as writhing herself. "This… I..." Twilight lost the sentence to a moan, and her expression was too beautiful not to kiss.  Sunset brought her head lower, taking her turn to toy with a nipple in her teeth. She pulled away just enough so Twilight could feel her breath on it as she spoke. “You wanted to be mine, Sparkle. Should be more careful what you wish for.” She let her fingers take her place as she stole another kiss and sent her other hand questing deeper. “You just... might…” There? Twilight gasped. There. “Get it.” “Su… Sunset…” Twilight's eyes, near-shut with pleasure, snapped open. "Wait!" "Oh, now you want to wait?" Sunset shook her head. "Here you've been prancing about like a filly in her first heat and—" Twilight grabbed Sunset's hand by the wrist. "No, Sunset, break, stop, safeword, rutabaga." Sunset blinked and shook her head. Coming out of that old state of mind so suddenly almost had her seeing stars. "Um, sure. What is it?" "I'm getting close, and... are you familiar with tribadism?" After a moment without a response, Twilight tried, "Scissoring?" "You can't be friends with Rainbow Dash for more than a month and not be familiar with scissoring." "Excellent." Twilight raised one leg. "If you could just—" Sunset smiled as she adjusted herself to match. "I think I got it." "Okay, now scootch forward, and your leg should—" Twilight gasped as their lower lips met. "Yes! Perfect!" Despite all the wonderful sensations going through her, a bit of the old worry still squirmed in Sunset's gut. "Is it?" Twilight graced her with a smile so pure, it had no business being near what they were doing. "I'm with you, Sunset. Of course it is. This could be the clumsiest, most perfunctory sex of my life, and it wouldn't matter, because I’d be doing it with you." "Phrasing?" That angel's smile turned into a devilish leer. "Fuck phrasing." "Okay, Phrasing." Sunset started thrusting in the middle of the resulting eyeroll. It didn't quite get Twilight's eyes to point in different directions, but it came close. Then her focus tunneled to the heat and sensation between their thighs, the tingle of every nerve, the smell of their sweat and sex. "Sun!" Twilight gasped. "Sunset! I'm close!" Sweat dripped down Sunset’s body even as chills ran through her. "Ahh!" Only then did she realize her tongue was hanging out of her mouth. "Same! Just a..." Twilight clutched her hands tight enough to hurt. Energy surged between them, magical and otherwise. At least two lives flashed before Sunset's eyes. The bed shuddered, hopped, and slammed back to the floor. Both girls fell back onto the mattress, panting for breath, legs still entwined. Sunset felt a trickle of their shared fluids creep down her thigh and couldn't make herself care. After a few moments, she managed to shift herself back towards the end of the bed with pillows. She moved next to Twilight and wrapped her arms around her, loving the feeling of the warm, happy body nestled there. The comforter wrapped around them, Twilight's magic folding the edges up and over without shifting the fabric beneath them. "I'm gonna have to wash that," Sunset murmured. "In the morning," said Twilight. "Besides, I'm savoring the afterglow right now, but in a few minutes, well..." "After that? You gotta be..." Sunset took stock of herself. "Now that I think about it..." Twilight kissed her, quickly but lovingly. "One of the bigger plusses in your column. No male refractory period to work around. And we both keep in shape with the supernatural defense." Sunset rose out of their little woven cocoon, stretching limbs out one by one. "So, who's leading? Professor Sparkle or the queen bitch?" "We can play it by ear," said Twilight, smiling up at her and clearly enjoying the show. "You don't want to plan it out?" "Almost nothing about this evening went as I'd planned since I kissed Timber. I can appreciate a little spontaneity." "In that case..." Sunset went in for another kiss. "Why don't we keep finding new questions to ask?" > Epilogue: Advanced Extraplatonic Dynamics > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity tore her eyes from the display long enough to turn to Pinkie Pie. "And we're not sure how any of this happened?" she asked, batting at rogue crystal constructs like flies. "Heck if I know," said Pinkie, still looking up. "They were like that when I called you all." Her shining geode painted her face in shadows like a flashlight helping a scary campfire story. She made sure to stay on the sidewalk after what happened when she strayed onto the street. Some of the asphalt was still bubbling. All five watched as the demonic Sunset and Midnight Sparkle ground against one another in the sky above Sunset's apartment, neither wearing a stitch of clothing but necklaces that glowed like orange and purple binary stars, making the other geodes shine with overuse in turn. The fabric of reality around the two seemed to turn a deep magenta around the edges... where it wasn't scorched. "Okay, so..." Rainbow Dash didn't so much fidget in place as blur. "How exactly do we rainbow blast them when they're part of the rainbow blaster?" Applejack shrugged. The cracks in the pavement beneath her spread out another inch. "I'm thinkin' a hose or a bucket oughtta do the trick. Like cats in th' street." "Let's hope we don't have to resort to such undignified tactics," said Rarity. "Fluttershy, any i— Fluttershy!" Fluttershy took a step back. Rarity had to stop short of swiping the phone, lest she trample the growing horde of assorted critters gathered at Fluttershy's feet. All the while, Shy kept her camera on the couple. "What?" She might have sounded innocent in a different context. "It's sweet. And good inspiration." One of the magenta auras surged down and struck Rarity right between the eyes. Her geode's glow grew to blinding intensity, her clothing unwove itself, and she pounced on Applejack. It was a bit like pouncing on a mountain, but that didn't stop Rarity from all but trying to swallow her girlfriend's face. A dome of shield crystals snapped into place and hid them from view, but did little to dampen the sound. And Fluttershy kept smiling and recording. "So much material for the next doujin."