> Fun Size > by Hardcover > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Or; Smolder's Little Problem > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Gahh! Fuck!" Smolder cried out as she plunged her talons into her sloppy wet cunt, her body spasming as her folds squirted a gush of clear, musky juices all over her belly and thighs, not to mention the bedsheets below. She rode the waves of pleasure as tongues of fire rolled through her body, leaving her sweaty and breathless as she withdrew her claws. But as powerful as the orgasm was, it wasn't quite right. Her claws still felt too big and clumsy, somehow... She wiped the sweat from her forehead and flung herself back down on her pillow, staring up at the silent bedroom colored blue by the night sky outside. She was lucky Silverstream was spending time with Spike tonight so she could have the room to herself. She certainly needed it. Trails of smoke drifted up from her nostrils as she snorted in frustration. She hadn't been this horny in a long time. And while it certainly wasn't the first time she had rubbed her clit while thinking of Gallus, usually she reserved those thoughts for the rare moment she was feeling flirty and feminine. After all, Gallus was a good friend. He just happened to be pretty cool too. And funny. And handsome... But she had never wanted him before. Not really. The fantasies were just fantasies. And usually when she fantasized, she imagined the snarky griffon rearranging her guts with a nice, long, thick cock he would use to fuck her brains out for hours. But now... Now she had seen what he was really packing. Three-and-a-half inches was small by anyone's measurement. Not just below-average; Gallus was tiny. When she first saw it during the Inspection earlier that week, she felt a lot of curiosity, and she was amazed that it looked even smaller than it sounded. She couldn't even be disappointed - it was far too hilarious to be anything but amused. And when she was offered the chance to batter his balls, she knew she couldn't pass that up. Gallus was such a cocky little prick sometimes, and he reminded Smolder of her brother, Garble, in that way. No, she relished the opportunity to put a guy in his place like that. But that was days ago. It should have been over and done with. And yet, she couldn't stop thinking about it! How cute his little dick was. How funny the noises he made were. How adorable his little balls were. What it must feel like to take the whole thing in her mouth without having to choke on it... Smolder felt the heat rise in her body again, her pussy burning with need and her clit screaming with desire. She couldn't help it anymore. After the Inspection, every guy in school was bragging about how big their dicks were, and since everyone passed, it seemed like each guy was bigger than the last. And they were so cocky about the whole thing, practically waving them around all the time, getting the girls to "ooh" and "aah." And a few days ago, Smolder might have been just like them. She knew that the revelation of Spike's massive dong should be getting her all hot and bothered right now. But Gallus had something the other guys didn't. Something different, exotic, elegant, succulent... With a sigh of defeat, Smolder grunted as she plunged her claws back into her sopping wet cunt. She couldn't stop thinking about Gallus's tiny cock, how hot it made her feel, how badly she wanted to use every inch of her body to pleasure it. And she knew she could be knuckle-deep in herself all night and it wouldn't do her any good. She had to have that little dick. She had to slobber on it, ride it, let Gallus do whatever he wanted with her until she had milked every last drop of cum from those cute little balls of his. She gasped and grunted again as she imagined it vividly, bringing herself to another powerful, squirting climax, making a further mess of the bedsheets, herself, and even the walls and ceiling. Breathless, Smolder knew she would have to talk to Gallus tomorrow. And she knew that was the last thing she wanted to do. Smolder stepped into the cafeteria with her tray of food in-claw. She spotted Gallus wandering toward a table, and it looked like the rest of their friends hadn't arrived yet, which meant that this was her chance. As she approached him, she could hear some other ponies call to him. "Hey Chick-Dick!" they would say just to see if he would turn his head to look. Which he did, and they laughed. Gallus just wore a flat expression. Smolder couldn't help but feel a little responsible for the nickname. She didn't think it was particularly funny or even catchy, but it appeared to have stuck. Even Professor Dash had slipped and called Gallus "Chick-Dick" earlier in class that day. But Smolder didn't care about all of that. Just seeing Gallus brought her intense feelings to the forefront of her thoughts. Just the other day, she only thought of Gallus as a friend first and an objectively attractive male second. But now the sight of him made her chest feel tight and her nethers warm, and vivid images of that little griffon cock spewing its load played through her mind. It took all her effort to shove those thoughts back where they came from so that she could manage to speak to him. She tried to cover her awkwardness when she spoke to him. "Hey, Gallus, how's it hanging?" she said casually as she took a seat next to him. "Oh, you know, not very much at all, actually, 'cause it's so small and all," Gallus said in his aloof, sarcastic tone. Smolder didn't know whether she was supposed to laugh or not. So she just laughed awkwardly. "Yeah, I remember..." From the way Gallus glared at her, she figured that wasn't the best response. But she had to keep the momentum going, so she sucked a big breath into her lungs and kept talking. "By the way, about the other day..." Gallus just stared straight ahead, his brow even. "Don't worry about it. Every creature had a lot of fun at my expense, and I technically got my first climax from a girl, so it's a win-win all around," he said, but his tone still seethed with bitterness. "Still..." Smolder pressed as she rubbed the back of her head. Gallus wasn't making this easy. "I should still probably... You know, apologize for, uh... kicking you in the nuts repeatedly? So I'm, uh... sorry for kicking you in the nuts repeatedly." "My nuts accept your apology," Gallus responded in his sarcastic tone before tearing into his fish sandwich. Smolder didn't feel relieved, though. Or that she was any closer to talking to Gallus about how she felt, let alone finding the right words to say. Her courage waned, and she couldn't scarf down her meal fast enough. She left the cafeteria with a slightly upset stomach and a burning frustration in her chest. Why did Gallus have to be so stubborn and sarcastic about everything? Normally she played well with his attitude, since she wasn't exactly an emotional open book herself, but now that she had something serious she wanted to say, he was like a wall to her. And seeing how bitter he was only made her feel worse about what she had done. It was funny at the time, - hilarious, even - but Gallus clearly wasn't laughing. But that only left her more curious about what had happened during the event. It was understandable for him to be hurt and embarrassed, but the mystery of his orgasm still lingered with no evidence. As Smolder went through her classes and walked the halls, she occasionally heard some chatter about it: "I heard some stallions like it. It's like this whole thing with whips and leather and stuff." "Guys who are into that want other stallions with bigger dicks to fuck their girlfriends." "It's only a matter of time before he asks Smolder to be his dominatrix, and he starts walking around with a collar!" That kind of talk only made Smolder more nervous about the situation. Was that what Gallus wanted? If so, it was no wonder he was embarrassed about it. But it sounded like an awfully big move for Smolder. She just wanted to have some fun and see the cocky griffon squeal; she didn't want it to become a whole thing. And even if she did, would she like that? She supposed Gallus did, given all the evidence, but she didn't feel like it did anything for her. Then again, spending all night with her claws in her cunt said otherwise. But she hadn't been fantasizing about whips or leather or holding a leash on Gallus. Why not? After classes let out, she hoped things would be less tense when she and Gallus met up with the rest of their friends. But when they stepped out onto the lawn to hang out, Gallus was absent. "Probably still applying the ice after the Inspection," Sandbar said, then added with a wince, "Even mine feel kind of tender after seeing the number you did on those balls, Smolder." "He's gonna be okay though, right?" Smolder asked. Despite having a brother, male anatomy was still very much a mystery to Smolder. "I think so?" Sandbar answered. "If he wasn't he'd probably be in the nurse's." "He's probably just embarrassed. I bet he's all shut up in his room. He'll get over it in a few days," Silverstream said. "I don't get it!" Smolder said, throwing her claws up. "I said I was sorry!" "Maybe he doesn't want an apology," Ocellus suggested. "Maybe he wants you to do it again..." "He seemed to like it an awful lot the first time!" Yona said, suppressing a chuckle. Smolder groaned. "I don't know if I want to do it again. I just want things to go back to normal." She sighed. "Sandbar, you're a guy." "So you noticed that, huh?" the pony joked, waggling his eyebrows at her. Smolder ignored him. "What should I do? How can I make this up to him?" Sandbar just shrugged. "I dunno, Smolder. Gallus and I are obviously two very different guys. I barely get griffons as it is. They're so proud, and they never want to talk about how they're feeling or what they need. You're probably just going to have to suck it up and ask him." Smolder groaned again. Gallus laid on his bed, merely staring at the ceiling that evening. He wasn't the brooding or introverted type, but he found himself with few options these days. Going out was just asking to be teased after the Inspection. He could hang out with his friends, but all the females were probably all having some huge gangbang with Spike he imagined. He didn't know where Sandbar was, but he suspected his roommate might actually be getting laid for real. He had been staying out late almost every night since the Inspection, and the night before he didn't even bother coming back. Gallus supposed he could find out where his roommate was going or report him, but both of those would require heading outside. He hated this. He hated being forced into isolation for something that wasn't his fault. It's not as if he could help having a tiny dick, but for that reason alone he was having the worst week of his life. Just sitting there thinking about it made his chest feel weighted down with all the shame and humiliation. He could still hear his classmates laughing, feel the burn of their eyes as he desperately tried to cover his tiny bits to no avail. And now, every time he left his room he pinned his tail down between his legs trying to hide what every creature already knew. Every time he spoke or locked eyes with someone, he was reminded that they knew his most embarrassing secret. He would rather stay inside. Normally when he had the room to himself like this, Gallus would while away the hours by masturbating, as any teenaged male would. He knew where Vice Headstallion Sunburst hid his massive porn stash in the library, and it wouldn't be too hard to sneak down there at this time of the evening, but he just couldn't muster the effort. Just the thought of touching his dick filled him with a mixture of disgust and resentment. How was he supposed to touch himself without thinking about how pathetic and inadequate he was a male? Needless to say, he hadn't jacked off once since the Inspection, which left his balls aching in an entirely different way. So Gallus just sat alone in the dark. Until he heard a knock at the door. He sat there for a long time, debating whether to answer before he heard a second knock, more aggressive this time. Smolder. So he fluttered down from his bunk and opened up. Sure enough, there she was, looking both surprised to see him and just as agitated as she was at lunch. He raised an eyebrow at her. "What are you doing here? I thought you'd be riding Spike's footlong dick like the others." Smolder couldn't bear to look at him, rubbing her arm. "Funny you'd mention that, because I actually was hoping to talk to you about dicks." "You're kidding," Gallus replied flatly. "Specifically yours. And, uh... everything that happened to it at the Inspection," she said, her voice getting quieter the more she spoke. Gallus could tell she wasn't here to make fun of him. He didn't know what she wanted, but it wasn't that. Admittedly, she had been acting very different since the Inspection. He had expected to get some of the worst teasing from her, but she had been surprisingly timid lately. So with a little sigh, he stepped aside. "Well, come on then." Smolder stepped inside, taking note of how dark his room was. "I really am sorry, by the way," she said suddenly. Gallus sighed. "I know, okay? It's fine." It wasn't fine though, and he knew it. With a groan, he added, "Just... Why did you do it?" "I... I don't know! A lot was happening so fast, and I just got caught up in the moment!" Smolder exclaimed. "I guess I was kind of... curious, too." Gallus just looked at her, and she continued with a sigh. "I've never really had a chance to see a guy's junk before up close, and since you're my friend and all, I've spent a lot of time with you. I guess I've always been a bit curious about what yours was like, so when I had my chance, I took it. I shouldn't have done that to you though." Gallus felt a blush rising to his cheeks. This was not at all what he expected out of Smolder. "You know, if you wanted to see my dick, you could have just asked. I've never had a girl interested in me before, so I don't think I'd turn down the chance to fool around with one." "Maybe..." she groaned. This was a lot more honesty than either of them were used to, but Professor Applejack had drilled the virtue into them pretty well during their time at the Academy. "I uh... I didn't because it's not like I had a crush on you or anything. I just always thought you were, well... handsome." Gallus stopped to stare at her. "Handsome?" he asked. No creature other than his mother had ever called him handsome before. "Yeah..." Smolder admitted, and she looked more embarrassed than Gallus. "You know. You're uh... cool and witty and kind of a smooth-talker, and... you're pretty good-looking, as far as males go... And I know for a fact I'm not the only girl that thinks that. Even after the Inspection..." Hearing all of that only made Gallus more confused. "So, you kicked in my balls because you thought I was handsome?" Smolder rubbed the back of her head. "I think it's a dragon thing... Usually we say 'I like you' by wrestling or something." She quickly changed her tone and added, "I swear it isn't a crush or anything. It's not like I'm in love with you. I just... never had a male friend before. I think you're really cool." Smolder had never been so candid with her feelings before in her life, and it was a bit awkward for both to hear. But Gallus absorbed it all quietly before flapping up to his top bunk. "I think you're pretty cool, too," he said, his tone accepting. He patted his bunk for Smolder to sit. She landed across from him, and they sat comfortably facing each other. A lot of the tension had dissolved between them now that Gallus had heard and accepted a proper apology, and for the first time in a while, he was feeling okay. It felt good to get a compliment for once. Especially from a girl, even if that girl was Smolder. Although, the more he thought about it, he didn't mind that it was Smolder. Sure, she wasn't as cute as Ocellus or as sexy as Seabreeze. Even Yona had plenty of cushion for the pushin'. But Smolder was fiery, and that wasn't nothing. "So... I've been meaning to ask, if you don't mind...?" Smolder started, looking him in the eye for nearly the first time that night. He sat back and nodded. "Sure." "Well, ever since the Inspection, every creature's been wondering why exactly you... you know... came?" she asked. Gallus winced a bit. "Yeah. I guess it was a pretty weird thing for me to do." "It's fine that you did," Smolder reassured him. "I'm not judging or anything. But every creature's got a different theory, and it would be hard not to be even a little curious." "Yeah, I guess I can't blame you for asking," Gallus said sheepishly. "So... What was it? Did you... like getting kicked in the balls?" Smolder asked softly. It was the question Gallus had been asking himself for days now. He wanted to tell himself that he didn't like it, but the evidence to the contrary was pretty compelling. And it had felt good... "I... don't know, to tell you the truth," he finally answered. "It hurt. Like a lot. But... after things got kind of numb down there, and I got used to it, it started to feel... pretty good. I don't know how to explain it." Gallus sighed, and Smolder didn't press him. She just sat quietly and listened. "I think... I don't think it was getting kicked in the balls, per se. Physically, I suppose that's what did it, but I don't think I had an orgasm because I was getting kicked in the balls." Gallus looked at his footpaws hard, struggling to find the words as he went through the memory. "So why did you have an orgasm?" Smolder asked simply and honestly. Gallus took a deep breath. "I think I had an orgasm because... well, you were the first female to ever touch me down there. And that was the first time any creature had ever seen my junk before. In Griffonstone, it's hard to get any attention. We're not exactly the most loving species. I think, even when two griffons do like each other, they don't really say it. So back home, I never thought anyone would ever touch me there. Or even want to. I just assumed if I ever did manage to lose my virginity, it would be a pity-fuck or something. But then, all of a sudden, there I was, with my tail up, and everyone looking at my junk, talking about it, Headmare Twilight's rubbing it, and you started touching it all over the place... It was a lot more attention than I thought I'd ever get in my life." Smolder nodded sympathetically. "I'm just sorry that was how your first time with a girl went. And now, every creature's making fun of you for it." "Yeah. But what can a guy with a tiny dick do?" Gallus said with a shrug. Now Smolder bit her lip, and Gallus sensed she had something more to say. "You know, for what it's worth... I don't think there's anything wrong with your dick." "What do you mean?" Smolder hesitated before explaining. "Well, I know most girls prefer 'em to be on the bigger side, but... Lately, I've been thinking that maybe I like smaller ones better..." Gallus didn't know how to react to that. "Are you serious?" The heat rushed to Smolder's face, and she rushed to backpedal. "It's just something I was thinking! Don't read into it too much!" "But... why?" Gallus asked, tilting his head. "Well..." Smolder began, unsure of how to explain her feelings, especially when she wasn't entirely sure of the answer herself. "I guess it just seems... easier? If a guy's big, it seems like it would stretch you out and hurt and all... And besides, the, uh, 'sweet spot' isn't even on the, uh, inside part, so anything should be good enough..." Gallus just stared at her, and once she started the words came more easily. "And if I wanted to, uh, do stuff with my mouth, that would be easier too. Not as much of a choking hazard; you can just focus on doing a good job. And, maybe I think a big one would just look... silly? Flopping around, it just looks unwieldy. But I think yours looks really, uh... nice, and compact, and..." her voice grew quieter and quieter as she bit down on the last word. "...Cute?" Her embarrassment was only exacerbated by Gallus stifling a laugh. "You do really like cute things..." "It's not like that!' she hollered at him, but her face was burning. "Liking teacups and stuffed animals and cute dresses is totally different from this!" Gallus raised an eyebrow. "Oh yeah? How?" he asked with a cheeky grin. "Well, I just like things that are small and soft and-" Gallus interrupted her with a snicker, and Smolder felt a surge of humiliation run through her. "I'll kick you again" she roared at him. "Calm down," Gallus said as he overcame his amusement. "I can't really complain. I'm just flattered at least one girl likes it." Smolder didn't know what to say, but Gallus seemed to read her mind. "You know, if you wanted to take a closer look at it, i wouldn't mind..." he offered, his eyes darting away. Smolder's pupils narrowed to pinpricks, but her gaze locked onto him. "...Are you serious?" "Yeah. If you like it so much..." he trailed off. He nervously made eye contact and said, "Do you want to?" Smolder gave a shallow exhale. "Yes! I mean- If you're sure. I've, uh, kind of been thinking about it ever since the Inspection." "Really?" Gallus raised a brow. Smolder nodded slightly. "...A lot," she added quietly. Gallus gave a soft grin, and Smolder watched with riveted attention as he spread his legs for her. Sitting across the bed, he was totally on display, and she saw his tiny, cream-colored coinpurse and fuzzy little sheath. "Knock yourself out," he said. It took Smolder several moments to work up the nerve to crawl over to him to get a closer look. On her claws and knees, she studied every curve and detail. Now that his balls weren't so swollen after her punishment, everything was back to its normal size and proportion. The whole package was barely the size of her palm, but perched so delicately between his thighs, all in one neat, soft package that made her heart pound with excitement. "...Wow..." she found herself muttering. "It really does look nice..." Gallus chuckled at the flattery. "Never thought I'd hear that from a girl." She looked up at him. "Can I... touch it?" she asked. "Yeah! Uh, knock yourself out," Gallus said, his ears perking up with the excitement at the prospect of getting a little stimulation. "Just be gentle this time," he joked. "I will, I swear!" Smolder said with total seriousness. She gulped and then added, more for herself than for him, "Okay, here goes..." With a delicate claw, she reached out between Gallus's soft, toned thighs and placed her palm onto his package, right where his sheath met his ballsack. She felt the downy-soft feathers of his sheath and scrotum brush like velvet against her scales, and a warm, cozy heat rolling off his most sensitive parts. Her heart was pounding in her chest, and already she felt a fierce burning between her own legs at the anticipation, but she kept it slow, watching for Gallus's reaction. He didn't move or say much at her first touch, but she let her palm trace down his dainty little fruits until she was gently cupping his balls in her palm, feeling their silky softness and heat, as delicate as a pair of faberge eggs but as small and cute as a pair of cherries. Gallus let out an exhale, a shiver running down his spine. "Ahh... That's nice, Smolder..." She was glad he was enjoying this. "More?" she asked. Gallus nodded, and Smolder nodded back, another tingle passing through her in anticipation of more. She released his scrotum gently, using the tips of her claws to stroke along his bits, feeling the contours of his groin around where his package met his body, where his soft little balls, and of course the curve of his protruding sheath. She saw the opening where his cock would emerge, and passed her digits over the warm area, Gallus's sighs passing through her ears. She looked up at him to make sure he was enjoying this before taking another daring step. With her thumb and finger, she pressed into the tip of his sheath and began to pull down. She could feel the cock within, a distant pressure beneath the flesh, and she began to gently stroke the sensitive appendage within. "Ahh... Smolder," Gallus moaned as pleasure began to trickle into his veins. Smolder knew she was jerking him off, and she could tell it felt good for him. Both looked down at his sheath with heated attention, and Smolder could feel the shaft moving inside, throbbing as it engorged. Being so pent up the past week, it didn't take long for Gallus to develop a full and stiff erection, and within moments the pink tip of his penis emerged, quickly followed by the rest of the shaft. In only a few strokes, Smolder had brought his cock out into the open air, and she smiled as she felt his knot pop free from his sheath, and he was completely exposed before her. Gallus groaned loudly with arousal as he watched his boner grow to its full length. Smolder kept her palm wrapped around his shaft now, pumping it firmly, not daring to punish Gallus by stopping now. But even as she masturbated her friend, her attention was entirely transfixed on his maleness. Everything about it was small; the tip barely poked out of the top of her fist as she worked him, knot and all, and now she could see just how little three and a half inches really was. It might have looked bigger if he was thicker, but the shaft was barely thicker than two of her fingers, and the knot barely thicker than three. She couldn't stop herself from blurting out, "It's so small..." But her voice was dripping with admiration. His flesh was the perfect shade of cherry-blossom pink, with hardly a vein to disrupt the perfect smoothness of it, slickened by his sheath's natural lubricant for the smoothest and softest thing she'd ever held in her claws before. The shaft tapered up perfectly to the triangular tip, so rounded and twitching so cutely, and the base bulged out to the two perfect little orbs of his knot, hard and firm, but still curved to be so gentle that she knew it would never hurt to have it pushed inside of her. But perhaps the cutest part was the way his little ballsack jiggled and bounced as she pumped his cock, his fruits looking so soft and warm in their downy little pouch beneath his twitching, eager little cock. "Celestia, that feels sooo good," Gallus moaned, and Smolder felt another rush of excitement pass through her. Even his moans were cute! Smolder couldn't take it anymore. After days of fantasizing and masturbating, she finally had Gallus right where she wanted him, and it was hotter than she imagined it would be. She couldn't think. She could only feel that insufferable heat burning in every scale, her mind blank and her breath shallow. On pure impulse, Smolder opened her maw and dove down, shoving Gallus's cock into her mouth all in one gulp. "Fuck! Smolder!" Gallus cried out in shock, but the immediate pleasure that rushed through him was too much to protest. He froze in shock while Smolder held his dick in her mouth, still for a moment. It tasted fleshy, a little salty, a little musky, but it wasn't bad. She expected it to taste a little gross, but now that she could feel the slick shaft on her tongue, she found herself enjoying it. And then she realized that she was all the way down, her cheeks even puffed out a bit to accommodate his knot, his tip poking at the back of her muzzle, but he wasn't even close to causing her discomfort. It was no trouble and all pleasure, and Smolder wasn't about to stop. So she began to bob her head, letting her lips pop off and on his knot while she worked her tongue along his shaft. Smolder had never sucked a cock before, but Gallus's size made it pretty easy to work the whole thing at once, and she could feel it twitching, throbbing, oozing precum into her mouth, letting her swallow and stroke his meat. As he huffed and puffed above her, she breathed through her nose, excitement rushing through her as she realized where she was and what she had accomplished. She was sucking Gallus's cock! And his cute little dick felt oh-so right in her mouth where she could lick it and suck it and make it nice and happy. And it was clear she was doing a good job, too. "Celestia, Smolder... Yeah..." Gallus groaned. He even placed his talons on the back of her head, but he didn't have to push at all. Smolder happily, willingly sucked his cock, loving the feeling of the plunge as his prick prodded around in her mouth and the warmth of his balls on her chin when she popped his knot into her muzzle. Smolder found herself moaning back around his cock, not even having to come up for air due to his size. She could stay down here as long as she wanted, heaping all kinds of loving onto his fantastic little cock. And the longer she did, the more she enjoyed herself. "Fuck! Smolder!" Gallus cried out above her, gripping her skull tighter, his eyes widening and pupils narrowing to pinpricks. A big grin spread across his face. "I'm gonna- I'm-!" That's when Smolder felt his cock throb, his knot expand a little more, and she felt the first warm, bubbling blast of salty, brackish cum hit the back of her mouth. "-Cumming!" Gallus squeaked. His breath came hard and fast as he emptied his load into Smolder's maw, who gulped down as it game. He put out more than she expected, but she found herself liking the taste quite a bit. A little fishy, a little gritty, but for a girl who ate gems regularly, it had a flavor she could appreciate. So she gently sucked his dick, swishing the cum around on her tongue until he was all done. Then she gave one last gulp and pulled off his cock with a pop. "Ahh," she exhaled. "Wow. You like that? Didn't take you very long to pop," she commented. Gallus was still somewhat breathless. "It's- It's been a while," he said. Then he looked nervously at Smolder. "Did you... like that?" Smolder's face was still flushed, but she licked her lips and responded, "Yeah, actually. It might sound weird, but, I didn't think giving a blowjob would be so... fun." Gallus's ears perked up in surprise. "R-really? Even when I jizzed in your mouth?" Smolder chuckled but nodded. "Yeah. It's not as tricky as I thought it would be, and it tasted pretty good. Turns out that sucking your dick is even more fun than kicking it." Gallus chuckled back nervously and said, "That's good..." Smolder looked between his thighs. Instead of retreating back into its sheath, Gallus's cock had made a spirited rally, and was hardening up again, throbbing lightly, pointing directly at Smolder again. "Uhh, Gallus? Is it supposed to still be hard?' she asked. He looked between his legs and answered, "Oh! Uh, yeah it does that. Usually takes a couple times before it goes away. Why?" "Pretty sure most guys have to wait soft for a while before they can get hard again, Gal," she pointed out. "It was soft for a few seconds. Kind of," Gallus said. Smolder grinned wide. "Well well, then. Looks like you do have a hidden talent after all. Maybe what you lack in size you make up for in endurance," she said, taking a claw and tracing it down his chest before delivering a light flick to the tip of his dick. Gallus's attitude shifted, a smile spreading across his beak and his chest puffing out in pride. "Oh yeah? I bet I could go all night at this rate, you know. Would you like that, Smolder?" It had been some time since Smolder had seen this side of Gallus, the cocky, snarky, confident Gallus that made him seem so cool and aloof. And now that it was coming back, Smolder felt her own grip over the situation slipping. "I mean... If you want to... I'd do whatever you're cool with. If that's cool with you," she stammered. Whatever shame or embarrassment Gallus had about his dick size before was all but vanished now. He leaned back against the cushions of his bed and spread his thighs wide, offering his twitching prick to her like it was on a silver platter. "Then why don't you crawl over here and suck me off again?" he ordered with all the confidence of a stallion four times his length. Smolder was powerless to resist. She clambered over to him on her belly, jamming her head between his thighs only for him to place his talons on her forehead to stop her. She looked up at the grinning griffon who just said, "But only if you ask nicely, first. Let's hear it, Smolder." He expected to get a "please." Or maybe even a "Please let me suck your dick, Gallus." But he didn't know just how deep Smolder's fantasies ran. So with the heat rising in her throat, all of her horny thoughts tumbled out all at once. "I love your cock!" she blurted out. "I love everything about it! I've been thinking about it nonstop since the Inspection. I can't stop thinking about it! It's so perfect and cute and hot! I even masturbated like a hundred times last night just thinking about sucking it! I can't help it! It's all I can think about! So please let me suck your cock Gallus! I'd do anything! I'd suck your cock all night if you wanted! And tomorrow night! And any night after that! Just please please please let me suck your dick!" Gallus was a bit stunned by the horny confession, but it only served to bolster his sense of machismo. With his cocky smirk wider than ever, he said, "Sure thing, Smolder." And with his talons still on her head, he shoved her down onto his dick all at once. Smolder groaned as she felt that cock invade her mouth, that knot popping past her lips and the skinny tip prodding the back of her muzzle. "Mmmm..." Gallus hardly had to use his talons to move Smolder, who eagerly bobbed her head fast on his shaft, pulling on his meat with her lips, coiling around his length with her tongue, and slobbering over all three-and-a-half inches like it was her life. She couldn't help herself. The taste, the texture, the feeling of lavishing Gallus's cock with her attention was too good to stop. Every throb sent a ripple of pleasure through her, and every droplet of precum that spread over her long tongue only made her nethers hotter. And she could tell Gallus was enjoying himself, too. Seeing how hungry she was for his malehood, he released her head from his talons and reclined, relaxing with his arms behind his head, sighing with pleasure as he laid back and enjoyed his blowjob. "Ahhh, yeah... That's it, Smolder. Good girl," he praised her amid the loud, smacking, sucking sounds that issued from her passionate blowjob. And yet it wasn't enough for her. Smolder burned with even hotter desire, more than any fire that had ever passed through her mouth, her lips burned for more. This cock felt like the fulfillment of every horny adolescent desire she had ever had, and she knew she wouldn't be satisfied until she felt it spewing cum down her gullet like a hose again and again until Gallus had completely emptied his cute little ballsack into her. So she worked him even more, reaching up with her claws to fondle his little cherries, rubbing them delicately, palming them, tugging on them just enough to add another layer of sensation to her coiling, twisting cocksucking. She looked up at Gallus's whose face was riddled with ecstasy. He had never looked happier in his life as he lounged like a king, letting her do all the work for his pleasure, absolutely worshiping his tiny dick as he moaned down to her, "Ohhh, that's good... Suck my dick, Smolder. Don't stop until I'm done... Fuck, you love sucking my cock, don't you?" Smolder could only nod back at him earnestly. "Mmmmm!" she groaned desperately, her lips tingling with the sensation of her efforts, but she wasn't going to disobey Gallus any time soon. If he wanted her to, she would suck him off until sunrise. Anything for this confident, studly, poorly-hung griffon. So she twisted and bobbed, slurped and sucked, moaned deep in her throat and rolled his little balls in her palm. Gallus began to pump his hips up into her after only a minute or so, and it seemed that while he had endurance in spades, his individual stamina was quite weak. But Smolder didn't care; it just meant that she would be getting that sweet cumshot all the sooner. She didn't slow down her pace at all as he bucked his crotch up into her, popping his knot in and out of her lips while he groaned, his upper half still laying back and relaxing. "Yeah! Yeah, I'm gonna fucking cum, Smolder! That's it! Yeah! Ahhh! I'm cumming!" No sooner than he said it did Smolder feel another heavy pulse in his shaft and another gout of warm, creamy cum gushing into her maw and sliding around on her tongue. Smolder moaned back with her own ecstasy, her hips trembling as she stroked him with her tongue and tugged on his balls, milking him for every drop as she gulped it down greedily once more. "Ahhh!" she groaned as she swallowed the last drop and released his cock with another pop. "Celestia, I think that was even better than the first one!" "I'll say," Gallus said, breathing hard again, but still looking quite pleased with himself. "Believe me, you're going to be doing that a lot more from now on." Those words alone were a dream come true for Smolder, but both of them looked down to see if Gallus could make good on that promise. His cock looked a bit limp and his knot a little deflated, but not ten seconds later it began to throb back to life, still small, but hard and eager. "Another one?" Smolder offered. Gallus began to move, standing up on the bed and shifting around her. "I've got something else in mind." Smolder watched him move alongside her, wondering just what he had in mind until she felt him grab her ankle in his talons and yank up. "Ah!" she yelped, her font half tumbling off balance and her lower half twisting, laying on one hip. Gallus lifted one of her legs into the air, spreading her perky dragon butt and her burning hot dragon slit, her entire crotch soaked with boiling, bubbling moisture that oozed from her horny sex. "Gallus...?" Smolder asked in a small voice. "I think after becoming the laughingstock of the school, it's high time I lost my virginity," Gallus said. "We'll see who's got a chick-dick around here after I'm done with you." He paused and looked down at Smolder, fondly rubbing his talons along her thighs. "How does that sound? You want me to pop your cherry?" Smolder didn't expect things to go this far, but she couldn't deny that she wanted it. It was almost too much, too good to even fantasize about. She couldn't possibly pass this chance up. She had heard her first time would hurt, but it would be worth it, right? Her desire outweighed her nervousness at this grand, weighty moment, and she only had one priority, one answer. "It's all yours, Gallus. Do whatever you want to it." The blank check her words had written sent a thrill of pride and eagerness through Gallus. The excitement coursing through him was palpable. Like most females, Smolder's excitement was tempered with plenty of nerves, but Gallus had been dreaming of this moment ever since his little balls had dropped and the urge overtook any kind of finesse or self-control he might have had. It was all he could do to line himself up and thrust. It took several moments, his hips pumping eagerly and jabbing his tiny cock into Smolder's crotch without success. But with his talons still wrapped around her ankle, he managed to lift her hips up somewhat from her position beneath him, and then he found his purchase. Gallus slammed himself home all at once, and the two cried out together. There was no pain. Only a blinding, searing pleasure that crackled through every vein. Smolder could feel him, barely, her lips spread around his knot and her clit pressed to his groin, but that was about it. She couldn't detect the tip of his cock in her anywhere, but it seemed that was a blessing. He was far too small to even touch her hymen, even with the deep penetration the position offered, which meant all she could feel was the ecstatic sensations of being penetrated by a real, throbbing, warm cock. Gallus was clearly in heaven as well, the pleasure overwhelming in every sense of the word. Smolder's grip on him was tight, hot as a furnace, and soaking wet and slick with her juices. His hips started to move on instinct, and lacked in any experience or finesse. He fucked her hard, jumping straight from zero to a hundred, pounding the daylights out of her, stretching her legs wide, slapping his balls against one of her asscheeks, popping his knot in and out of her pussy with ease. He could hardly moan, let alone form words, his balls tightening with ecstasy and his cock singing with triumphant pleasure at the final threshold of masculine achievement: he was no longer a virgin, and it felt incredible. It felt incredible to Smolder as well. Every stabbing thrust of his cock into her, every impact of his hips against hers that echoed throughout the room was a jolt straight from her pussy to her brain that left her breathless and moaning. She didn't know what Gallus was doing so right - was he hitting her g-spot? Her clit? No, deep down she knew it was a different reason. It was that he wasn't hitting either of those spots. He wasn't long enough to reach her g-spot, and he wasn't thick enough to really stimulate her clit. Rather, it was what she couldn't feel that was so hot. She couldn't feel his thickness split her in two. She couldn't feel him stabbing deep into her guts. All she could feel was the small sensations of his little cock jabbing just a few inches inside of her, no deeper than her fingers could go and barely any wider. There was no denying it. Even when he was fucking the hell out of her, she couldn't help but scream it: "Celestia, Gallus! You're so fucking small!" Whether it was the thrill of his first time, or the confidence Smolder's passionate blowjobs had instilled in him earlier, Gallus didn't falter for a moment. In fact, he rolled with it. "Yeah, you like my tiny little dick in you?" he said as he pounded that three-incher into her. Smolder's claws sank into the sheets for stability as she fought for breath through the white-hot pleasure. "Fuck...! It even feels tiny!" Sweat beaded Gallus's face as the heat rose higher. "I bet you can barely feel it, it's so small! Yeah, who's the shrimp-dick king!?" he bellowed. Smolder started seeing stars. Everything inside of her was set to explode. "You are Gallus! You're the king of shrimp-dicks! I love your tiny little cock! FUCK!" she roared, a jet of flame bursting from her gaping maw while her pussy spasmed, clenched, and then rocketed its own jet of juices all over Gallus's crotch, the bed, and the wall behind her. Smolder had never had an orgasm even close to this strong before, and the overwhelming force of it had her gushing hard, soaking everything in her immediate vicinity for several moments with clear, sticky fem-cum, her face screwed up in slammed-out bliss as she squirted her brains out. Gallus couldn't even last longer than his blowjobs, but realizing he had actually brought Smolder to climax sent him right over the edge. With an orgasmic screech, he did the only thing his instincts would allow and buried his knot as deep as he could into Smolder's snatch, unleashing a tide of fresh, bubbling cum into her as his brain short-circuited with ecstasy. Smolder felt that fluid pump deep into her, mixing with her spurting juices, creating a sticky cocktail that splattered her crotch until she felt that warmth ooze deep into her and fill the furthest recesses of her belly, into a place she had never felt before. But now she could feel her womb fill up with Gallus's cum, and could feel the heated satisfaction of it. The high ended after several long moments, with Gallus slouching onto Smolder's body, the two panting hotly. Smolder stroked his arm, feeling him still buried inside of her, even if he could easily remove his knot. She didn't want him to. He was so warm, sweaty, musky, masculine, handsome... She really was in bliss. "That was amazing, Gal..." she moaned. "Fuck yeah..." he agreed with a sigh. She chuckled. "How does it feel not to be a virgin anymore, stud?" "Incredible," he answered. He withdrew his cock with a pop and a gasp from both of them, not to mention a small splash of cum onto the soaked sheets. The two turned their heads to look down at the pink, hard, eager little prick. "I love having a little dick," he said. Smolder agreed with a kiss on his cheek. "I love your little dick too. So whenever you want to plow me with that thing, you just go right ahead, champ." Gallus grinned. "Okay." And with that, he thrust forward and slammed his cock right back into Smolder's pussy. She cried out, gripping the sheets as she felt him pumping into her hard and fast again. "Ahhh yeah..." he groaned. "Think I'm gonna need another round or three, Smolder..." he taunted as he gripped her hips in his claws a rutted her like an animal. Smolder could only scream in ecstatic response. "Yes! Please, yes! Give me every inch of that tiny little cock! Fuck, Gallus!" Her body wrenched with pleasure as Gallus brought her to yet another squirting orgasm, the second of many she would have that night... "Gahh! Fuck!" Smolder cried out as Gallus finished her off again, pumping his cream deep within her. He ground his cock into her until he had spilled every last drop. Smolder couldn't even squirt anymore. "Ahhh, yeah..." he sighed as he rolled off of her back, laying his tired body down next to her as they finished their last round. "I. Am. Spent," he said. Smolder tucked up into the crook of his arm, laying her head on his sweaty chest as they breathed hard. Golden sunlight played over their bodies. "Wow..." she cooed. "You really are a beast in bed, Gallus. You fucked me all night." "Heh. So maybe size does matter, it's just that small cocks are where it's at," Gallus quipped. "You can say that again," Smolder said, tracing her claws through the feathers on his chest. "I'll never go over four inches again." "How many times was that?" Gallus asked. "Dunno. Lost count," Smolder responded. The two found themselves laughing tiredly, but happily. "Thanks for that, Smolder. You're... You're the best," Gallus said. Smolder just leaned up to kiss the side of his beak. "Anytime, Gal. I mean it. If any creature gives you a hard time over that tiny cock, you just come to me and I'll remind you of why it's awesome." Gallus was quiet for a moment. "Do you think... You'll tell anyone we did it?" Smolder hesitated. "I... don't know. I haven't really thought that far ahead yet." She looked up at the ceiling. "It might make things weird with our friends if we told them. They might get the wrong idea." "You mean they'd think you were my girlfriend," Gallus said. "Yeah," Smolder agreed. But she backpedaled, saying, "Not that I wouldn't, I mean- argh..." But Gallus interrupted her, sitting up a bit to look her in the eye. "Smolder... Would you be my girlfriend? Maybe?" he asked. Smolder felt her heart stop. But there wasn't a doubt in her mind about her answer. "Of course, Gal. I'd... I'd like that a lot." With a sigh of relief, Gallus laid back down and Smolder cuddled up to him even more sweetly than before. Another thrill of excitement ran through them, but this was more romantic rather than sexual, not that it was any less potent. "Wow," Gallus said aloud. "I went from almost failing Penis Inspection Day to losing my virginity and getting a girlfriend. Not bad, Gallus." Smolder chuckled. "Want to tell every creature when we go to class? I can tell them all about how you impressed me with your tiny little dick." Gallus grinned. "Nah," he said. Smolder frowned and looked at him, but he just said, "How about we skip class, you suck my dick all morning, and we tell them at lunch?" Smolder grinned back. "Yes, please," she said. Gallus groaned a few moments later when he felt Smolder slip down between his thighs, wrap her eager lips around his three-and-a-half inch cock, and lavishly began blowing him anew.