> Clothes Don't Always Make The Woman > by Enclave2277 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Once Upon A Time In Manehatten > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1 Rarity’s Apartment, Manehatten There was something to be said about taking a bubble bath after a long day. A luxury some may not have been able to afford, in terms of time or expense, but one that I indulged in quite regularly. If not for the sake of getting squeaky clean, but also to relax the muscles and unwind. To cleanse one’s mind of unpleasant thoughts as well. With a contented sigh, I reached over and brought my favorite wine goblet to my lips. It was such a gaudy thing. A gift bought for me at some Renaissance Faire that Twilight had attended with a few of her other friends a while ago. Despite this, I cherished the goblet as if it were made of actual gold instead of gold-plated. After all, it did an excellent job keeping my wine cool. And more importantly, from spilling all over the place. Upon taking a few generous swigs (by that I mean half the glass), I placed it on the plastic bath tray I had sitting by the tub and sunk deeper into the water. Yes, I know what you’re thinking. What’s a sophisticated lady such as myself doing with a tacky, plastic tray? For one, hardly anyone ever sees the blasted thing and it’s practical for eating and drinking off of when one is inclined to do so whilst bathing. Simple as that. In any case, it was an investment well spent on my part. Upon lifting my foot out of the water, the distinct pitter-patter of little claws clicking along the tiled floor pervaded the air. Just as I suspected, my loyal companion has arrived to join me for bath time. Extravagance, or “Trav” as I like to call him, is an English Bulldog. I bought him as a puppy about two years ago and I absolutely love him to bits. His coat is nearly all white save for a large brown spot on his right eye. Since the bathtub is a bit too high for him to climb into on his own, he let out a soft “whuf” and looked up at me with his pudgy little face. Bizarre as it may seem, he actually loves taking baths with me. Far be it for me to dissuade a canine with proper hygiene habits. “Be patient, darling. I’ll get you in here with me in just a moment. I promise.” I had to lift myself out of the tub a bit, but the effort was well worth it to see his jowls turn upward into a happy smile. After Trav got comfortable, he let out another whuf and nuzzled his snout against my leg. In turn, I proceeded to lather up his fur with conditioner. While I was washing him, my mind began to imagine new jewelry designs. That’s my profession, you see. I studied at Canterlot’s most prestigious academy for gemology and general metallurgy a few years back. Upon graduation, I decided to say goodbye to Ponyville and move to Manehatten, so that I could open up my own shop. It had always been a life-long dream of mine, ever since I was a little girl. You know, outfitting people with beautiful jewelry to enhance the natural beauty already present. But I digress. Once I finished washing Extravagance and lounged in the tub for a little while longer, I decided that it was time to get out. I didn’t want my skin to get all pruney. A quick toweling off later, I stood in front of the mirror and observed my reflection. I considered myself fortunate for having good genes and a splendid figure. My breasts have never been terribly large; they are quite firm actually. But with enough jiggle to be appealing to those who would admire them. My areole, on the other hand, are noticeably large. Come to think of it, my mother’s areole are as well. I imagine it must be a hereditary trait amongst the female members of my family. With wide hips, a toned waist, pale complexion, and what my friends deemed as a “Desirable Posterior”, I suppose I was what many would consider an attractive woman in her early twenties. Although, I think it had more to do with the fact that I ate healthy and took very good care of my body through a regular exercise routine. Such as yoga, pilates, jogging, you get the idea. It didn’t hurt that I felt extremely comfortable in my own skin. People tend to pick up on that sort of thing while I’m in public, even if I happen to be wearing clothes. Suffice to say: I am quite confident about the way I look and I’m not afraid to let people know it! As for personal hygiene, I prefer to keep as clean shaven as possible. Wax and various micro-dermal treatments do wonders for keeping those irritating little red bumps from appearing. There is one place, however, that I prefer to keep my hair intact—erm aside from my head, that is. Between my legs lies a neatly trimmed triangle of royal purple pubic hair. I’d tried waxing all of it off once, at the behest of my friend, Rainbow Dash. Being an athlete, she seemed to prefer being as close to hairless as possible. Something about fitting in spats and being more aerodynamic? I honestly don’t know. Whatever the case, I couldn’t help but feel childish at the time when I looked down at my bare womanhood. I’m not certain if this is the case with most women, but I rather like having some semblance of hair covering me. It makes me feel—how shall I say—more mature. As sure a sign as any that I am a grown woman. After brushing my teeth, I searched the cupboard for a dental bone to give to Trav. Given how much he licks me and is in my general vicinity, I’d rather not have to smell dog breath all of the time. With a few noisy crunches, he finished his treat and we headed out into the living room. I immediately made myself comfortable on the couch, waited for Trav to sit in-between my legs, and turned on the tv. Nothing beats watching a crime drama after a hot bath! Just as I was starting to get into the program, I heard the doorbell chime. I glanced over at the clock and cursed. Who the hell would want to visit my apartment at nine forty-three at night?! Honestly! Thinking fast, I grabbed the silk robe hanging near my door (specifically for greeting unannounced guests) and wrapped it around my body as best I could. I’d rather not bother with the damned thing, but society demands that I preserve my modesty at times. My annoyance at having to clothe myself evaporated in an instant when I saw who it was. The teal-haired woman standing in the doorway was none other than my esteemed colleague and good friend, Coco Pommel. We exchanged a quick hug and then I welcomed her inside. Once I’d gotten her a mug full of hot chamomile tea, I took off my robe once more and sat next to her on the couch. She seemed rather stressed out: dark circles underneath the eyes, clammy skin, a slight flush to her complexion. All the usual signs of an unhappy, anxiety-laden Coco Pommel. Like any good friend would do, I wrapped my arm around her and began to rub Coco's back. Trav, in turn, took the opportunity to sit atop her lap. “Whatever is the matter, dear? You seem… stressed out. Is there something I can do?” Coco sighed. “I’m sorry for barging in on your evening time, Rarity. It’s just that I’m really anxious about the new dress order I got today. The client is well-known and very influential amongst the wealthy circles here in Manehatten. What if I mess it up?!” “Why don’t you take a moment to calm down, then we can talk about it.” I suppose you’re all wondering why Coco didn’t have an adverse reaction to my nudity. Well, there’s a perfectly reasonable answer to that question. Albeit, a long, and complicated one. We must start at the beginning. During my childhood, more specifically. You see, my parents have been devout naturists their entire lives. They raised both me and my sister in a clothes-free household. Most people would find this sort of lifestyle strange, but it was quite normal for the both of us. Therein lies my general dislike of anything involving textiles. Intimates or otherwise. If I had a motto it would go as follows: “Nude when possible, clothed when practical”. There are plenty of advantages to be had when one decides to embrace naturism. For starters, there is little laundry that needs to be done. It is far more comfortable doing anything in just your bare skin and it promotes a positive attitude regarding one’s personal image. My sister and I were quite fortunate in that regard. We never had to struggle with the awkwardness of puberty’s effects on our bodies, since it was plain to see every day. It gave us the opportunity to deal with it directly instead of hiding from it. That and our parents were very straightforward when it came to answering any questions regarding sex and intimacy. I thank my lucky stars every day for it too. I have no doubt that it has made me into a well-adjusted adult. Even though I’m comfortable being a naturist, it was never an aspect of my life that I advertised to others. Mostly out of fear that they would misunderstand and label me a pervert or a loose woman. On numerous occasions during high school, I would make up excuses just to avoid having a sleepover at my house, knowing full-well that my family would’ve been uncomfortable being forced to wear clothing in front of my friends for the sake of propriety. I’m not sure if the girls ever picked up on my reluctance, but they never called me out on it either. To date, the only people I’ve ever told the truth to are Coco and Applejack. Being a former unicorn, I suppose Sunset would understand but she and I aren’t exactly what I would call close friends. The topic was simply never broached between us. In any case, now that I’m older, I shall make it a point to be more forthright with the rest of my friends should the opportunity present itself. Coco took a sip of her tea. “It’s the Oranges, Rarity. They’re hosting this year’s charity gala and they picked ME, of all people, to design all of their outfits. I-I’m not nearly as famous as some of the other fashion moguls like Sassy Saddles or Hoity Toity. Oh goodness! I’m never going to sleep tonight. This is terrible! What should I—” I held Coco closer to me while simultaneously stroking her hair. “Listen to me, Coco. I know for a fact that you’re an excellent designer of the highest caliber. If there’s anyone in Manehatten who deserves to have her talent recognized, it’s you.” “That’s easy for you to say! How can someone who hates wearing clothes as much as you do possibly be an expert on what’s fashionable in today’s market?” I chuckled. “Guilty as charged, I suppose…” “I’m so sorry, Rarity. I didn’t mean to insult you or your lifestyle. I know you have an eye for aesthetics, otherwise your jewelry wouldn’t be so beautiful. I’m just so… frazzled right now.” I leaned over and kissed Coco’s forehead. “It’s quite alright, darling. I completely understand. There have been days where I’ve wanted to do nothing more than rip my hair out and scream at the top of my lungs like some crazed lunatic. Is the tea helping at all?” “A little. Would you mind if I… stayed here for a little while? I’m afraid that if I went back to my apartment right now, alone with my thoughts, I’d have a panic attack. Again, I’m REALLY sorry for imposing on you all of the sudden. If there’s anything I can do to make it up to you…” I got up and poured myself a glass of water. “Nonsense, darling. The friendship we share isn’t about keeping score. It’s about trust and being there for each other when we need it most. I’m certain you’d do the same for me, were I in your situation. Now, what would you like to do?” Coco blushed. “Well, if it’s not too much trouble, could I lay my head down on your lap?” In a way, it was very humbling to know that Coco trusted me so much. She was usually such a skittish girl, to the point of being an anxiety-ridden mess whenever physical contact was concerned. It was a wonder in and of itself how she managed to cope with Manehatten’s crowds on a daily basis. Nonetheless, I patted my lap and she laid her head down without a shred of hesitation. As I brushed her hair with my fingers, she finally began to relax. “Mmm. You smell really good, Rarity. What kind of soap did you use?” “The usual,” I replied, “plumeria with just a hint of lavender.” “That’s nice. Skin’s soft too. S’like I’m laying a big marshmallow.” I smiled. “A proper lady must always take good care of her body, you know.” It wasn’t long before I heard Coco’s soft snores. Ever so carefully, I lifted her head off of my lap and placed down a pillow for her to use. Ever the gentledog, Trav fetched a spare blanket and made sure that Coco was comfortable before he headed over to my room. I quickly followed suit after letting out a protracted yawn. It was only a little after ten-fifteen but I didn’t see any sense in staying up later if I was tired. Once I crawled into bed, put on my sleep mask, and pulled the covers over myself, I drifted off to sleep. Hopefully, Coco would feel better in the morning. I awoke the next morning feeling refreshed. After going through a few stretches to limber up, I padded over to the window and peered outside. My apartment was situated on the ninth floor, so I got quite the stunning view of Greenway Park every day. Not to mention, I was close enough to it that I often took the opportunity to go for a walk, weather permitting. Even though it was already late spring, the weather had not become unbearably hot yet. As was my custom, I always slept in the nude but I knew that I’d done my fair share of sweating during the night. With that in mind, I took a quick shower and brushed my hair just enough to make it look presentable. I could tell that Extravagance was up as well, for I felt him give my ankle an affectionate lick as I applied a light coating of make-up to my face and some lip gloss. I glanced towards the couch while I made my way into the kitchen to make some breakfast. Coco was still fast asleep, of course. Not entirely surprising given that she needed the rest. I made sure to be as quiet as possible so as not to wake her prematurely. Hmm. What to make was the question. I was no slouch when it came to cooking, but sometimes one just wishes to do away with the effort and prepare something simple. I figured that French Toast fit the bill perfectly. Once I got the coffee brewing, the smell of it managed to rouse Coco from her slumber. I had to stifle a giggle when she shuffled into the kitchen. Her normally pristine bob-cut was an absolute mess, strands askew everywhere, and her clothing was severely wrinkled. Not at all surprising, given that she’d slept in them. I was still in the process of preparing the French Toast, but I did turn around and greet her with a smile. “Good morning, Coco. Did you sleep well?” “Mhmm. Morning.” I gestured the spatula towards the coffee pot. “I believe the coffee is nearly finished brewing. Feel free to pour yourself a mug and have a seat at the table. Breakfast should be ready soon.” Coco didn’t say much after that. I all heard was the occasional sound of her sipping, but otherwise we didn’t converse with one another for quite some time. When the French Toast was finally done cooking, I slid a piece onto her plate as well as my own and took a seat across from her. After a few dainty bites, Coco’s cheeks flushed red and she let out a frustrated sigh. “What’s the matter, darling?” Coco shuffled her feet underneath the table. “I’m a mess. I want to take a shower and freshen up but…” “You don’t have any spare clothing. I understand. Well, why don’t you go hop in the shower and I’ll launder them for you.” “What’ll I wear in the meantime? Our sizes aren’t even remotely close.” I grinned. “I think the answer should be obvious: nothing all, darling.” Coco blushed even harder. “I don’t know if that’s—” “Appropriate? Pardon my frankness, but who the hell cares? It’s just you, me, and Extravagance. What exactly do you have to lose, Coco? Your dignity? Pshh! We’ve seen each other naked plenty of times before during our trips to the spa. Seriously, it’s not a big deal.” “Umm… I suppose so. I’ll take you up on your offer then.” With a nod, I finished up my slice of French Toast and watched her head towards the bathroom. While I waited for her to finish freshening up, I picked up Trav and sat him on my lap. Since it was my day off, I decided to indulge in reading the newspaper for a bit. Sure enough, the headline talked all about the Charity Gala and how the Oranges were hosting it at their estate across town. A sudden knot formed in my stomach. Had I dismissed Coco’s concerns too blithely? My thoughts were interrupted when Coco finally emerged from the bathroom and padded over to the table once more. Her steps were shaky and hesitant; it was clear to me that she wasn’t entirely comfortable with walking around in the nude so casually. Unfortunately, she’d always been very self-conscious about her body. Seeing her tense expression saddened me somewhat. In my honest opinion, I didn’t think she had anything to be ashamed of. She had a petite figure, long, slender legs, and a crème-colored complexion very similar to my own. Her breasts were on the smaller side, but beautifully shaped, akin to tear-drops. The pièce de résistance was, of course, the fuzzy little patch of teal-striped hair nestled between her legs. She was the epitome of adorable, no, I would even go so far as to say that she was stunning. I put down my paper and flashed her an encouraging smile. “See? Doesn’t that feel a whole lot better than wearing a bunch of wrinkly, sweaty clothes? Go ahead and take a seat. I’ll fetch another cup of coffee for you.” Once Coco had a chance to acclimate being nude, she visibly relaxed. I imagine that Trav was a big help as well, considering that he made a point to sit next to her and give Coco a few affectionate licks. After she was about halfway through her mug, Coco began tapping her fingers against the table. Whether it was the caffeine, nerves, or a combination thereof, I couldn’t say. “You understand why this commission is such a big deal to me, right? The who’s who of fashion will all be there. Not to mention a pretty big gathering of celebrities. If I mess this up, my name will go down in history as the girl who ruined the Charity Gala.” I reached over and rubbed her thigh. “I understand perfectly, dear. This is, dare I say, a once in a lifetime opportunity for you to make your brand shine. But I know you can do it! I’ve caught up with all of my orders for the week, so if you need someone to support you through this, all you need do is ask. I shall be at your shop in two shakes of a lamb’s tail!” “Umm… about that. I may have mentioned your name to the Oranges.” I raised my brow. “Oh? Why is that?” Coco bit her lip. “Well, they asked me if I knew any good jewelers. Because they were looking to commission a centerpiece for the auction as well. I hope you’re not angry…” “Heavens no, darling. I’m glad that you did. Crafting a centerpiece for one of the most famous events in the city shall no doubt get me more customers! It’s practically the best advertisement a girl could ever hope for! Did they happen to mention when I would be contacted?” Coco blushed furiously. “Not exactly. Ah—that is to say… I told them that you would be accompanying me to the luncheon to discuss details.” “Coco, darling. I get the distinct feeling that you aren’t being forthright with me.” “Sorry! The luncheon is later today! Since you had the day off, I-I figured it would work out.” I let out a deep sigh and rubbed my temples. “I suppose it’s fortunate that I’m laundering your clothing then. Not to worry dear, I’m a woman of my word. I promised that I would help you in your hour of need and I shall. Just… try to give me more of an advanced warning next time, ok? I don’t enjoy being put on the spot. Especially when it concerns potential clients.” Coco practically jumped out of her chair and hugged me. “Thank you, Rarity! You’re a lifesaver! I don’t what I ever did to deserve such a wonderful friend.” “You’re quite welcome, dear. Now, back to the matter at hand. Is this luncheon a formal event or will casual attire be acceptable? I’d rather not have to wear anything fancier than is strictly necessary. I’m sure you understand…” Coco coughed and composed herself. “Oh no, they insisted that it was supposed to be casual. I wouldn’t be going in just a skirt and blouse otherwise.” “Excellent! I have just the outfit in mind.” Coco and I remained nude for the rest of our time together before the important meeting with the Oranges. It surprised me that she hadn’t immediately rushed to the dryer to retrieve her garments when the buzzer rang. Perhaps this was a sign that she was finally starting to get more comfortable in her own skin. That was my hope, anyway. As for me, I chose something simple to wear: a long, flowing summer dress that reached just below my knees. It was butter-yellow and contained a repeating pattern of daisies. It was a gift from Sweetie Belle on my birthday last year. Needless to say, I wore absolutely nothing underneath the dress. I only ever clad myself in underthings when the situation truly necessitated it, like if I was wearing a mini-skirt or something. A pair of stylish sandals completed the outfit. Coco seemed to think I looked cute. That was enough for me. After a few last-minute touch ups, we took a taxi to the other side of town where Orange Manor resided. It was a splendid palace of old-world grandeur and money. Something that would not have looked out of place in the middle of Prance during its heyday. Upon notifying the security guard, we were escorted to the main room where two members of the esteemed family met us: Mosely & his wife, Dalia Orange. The patriarch of the Orange clan was a man in his mid-forties. Tall, clean-shaven, and impeccably combed forest green hair. He was dressed in a tan suit with a light purple tie that accentuated his bronze complexion. Dalia was around the same age, clad in a fashionable, maroon pant-suit. Her honey-hued hair was styled in a tasteful bun. She had much lighter skin than her husband and I could see clear evidence of freckles, despite how little she showed. Both of them greeted us warmly and with a firm handshake. As we walked to the dining area, I took a moment to admire the paintings hung along the walls. While I hardly considered myself an expert on such matters, a few of them appeared to be classics from the bygone eras of yore. All of them must have been expensive. Before long, we arrived at the table to be seated. Much to my surprise, there were a few other guests seated across from us. And two very familiar ones at that! Applejack and her cousin Braeburn had decided to join in on the festivities as well. This, of course, made perfect sense as they were family to the Oranges and most likely involved in the preparations. Food and beverages, I would imagine. After a great, big bear-hug, Applejack grinned. “Howdy, Rares! Didn’t think I’d ever find ya at my uncle’s manor. What’re ya doin’ here?” “Coco invited me, as a matter of fact. We have some business to discuss with your aunt and uncle in regards to the Gala. I do hope I’m not imposing.” Applejack waved her hand. “O’ course ya ain’t! Go on and git situated, we’ll serve ya up some grub. Ah reckon my aunt n’ uncle ordered some o’ that famous Manehatten pizza they’re always ravin’ about. Speak o’ the devil, here it comes now!” Sure enough, an impeccably dressed waiter brought several boxes of hot pizza to the table. Coco looked as though she was about to have a panic attack over the lack of decorum, and everyone else simply dug in. It was rather… anti-climatic to be honest. Being famished myself, I opened up a box and chose a few choice slices of mushroom and prosciutto. The taste was heavenly! Dalia wiped her mouth with a napkin and turned her attention towards me. “I do hope the pizza is to your liking, Ms. Belle.” “Certainly, Mrs. Orange. It’s quite delicious, thank you.” “That’s good to hear. I believe you’re already well-acquainted with my niece and nephew, so I’ll skip the introductions and get straight to business, if you don’t mind.” I clapped my hands together. “Ah! Straight to the point. A woman after my own heart.” “Here’s how we’ve set everything up so far: Applejack will be in charge of the deserts, while Braeburn will be providing the refreshments for all of the guests. Fine spirits and whatnot. Ms. Pommel will be making a matching set of outfits for my family, as tradition dictates.” “Naturally.” Dalia took a big swig of her iced tea and continued. “As for you, Ms. Belle, I have something special in mind. I’d like you to create a one-of-a-kind necklace to serve as the centerpiece for the auction. Budget is of no consequence, since the proceeds will all be going to charity anyway. Coco told me that you are quite the skilled jewelry smith. Is this true?” “I don’t like to brag about my work, but I do consider myself a skilled craftswoman.” Dalia reached into her pocket, held up one of my black pearl earrings, and admired it. “My dear, this is far beyond what I would call mere ‘competence’. It’s exquisite! I’m convinced now more than ever that you are the right woman for the job. That is, if you’d be willing to work for me.” I blushed at the praise. “Thank you, ma’am. I’m honored to hear such a compliment.” “Well deserved, I assure you. What say you, Ms. Belle? Will you accept my commission?” “It would be my pleasure to craft whatever you’d like, Mrs. Orange.” “Excellent. I’ll email you all of the details later. For now, let us enjoy ourselves!” The rest of the luncheon went by as well as could be expected. I chatted a bit with Applejack and Coco seemed to calm down after her third slice of pepperoni. You know, for such a petite girl, my fashion-conscious friend packed quite an appetite. I couldn’t help but giggle at the impressed whistle Applejack directed at her while Coco was busy wiping her sauce covered lips. Seeing Coco blush like that was both precious and adorable at the same time. Applejack nudged my arm. “Man, Rares. Look at ‘er go! That gal-pal o’ yers could put Big Mac ta shame with them choppers. And Ah thought Ah was a hearty eater!” “Indeed. Coco is quite an interesting character, once you get to know her.” AJ adjusted her Stetson and looked over at Coco. “Is that so? Reckon Ah might need to go introduce mahself and get to know ‘er a bit better. She’s the one designing the outfits, right? Sorry, Ah just sort of assumed that. Uh—given the posh look she’s got goin’ on.” “No need to apologize, dear. She’d take that as a compliment.” “Good. Ah didn’t want ta make ‘er feel awkward or whatever. See ya around, Rares.” While Coco and Applejack got better acquainted with each other, I took the opportunity to finish my sparkling water and glance over at Braeburn. It had been a long time since I’d last seen him. We’d last conversed at an Apple Family reunion in Ponyville about three years ago. Right when I had begun attending college to perfect my craft and learn more about jewelry making. From what I remember, he still looked just as handsome as he had before, perhaps even more so with age. Back then, I wasn’t terribly interested in getting involved with anyone because I was too busy focusing on my studies. But now that things had finally begun to settle down for me, I found myself intrigued by the idea of a relationship. In any case, my romantic life had been neglected long enough. It was time for a change. Fortune favors the bold, Rarity! After a quick napkin wipe, I dusted off the crumbs from my lap, and approached Applejack’s cousin. “Hello, Braeburn. It has been far too long since we last met! How are you doing?” Ever the gentleman, Braeburn tipped his Stetson. “Afternoon, Rarity. I’m about as well as Ah could be, given the circumstances.” “Pardon my curiosity, but what do you mean by that?” Braeburn rubbed his neck. “Aw, it ain’t nothin’ a gal like you should be worryin’ about.” “No, please do go on. I don’t mind listening.” Braeburn sighed. “Well, alright. As ya might well imagine, mah Auntie put me in charge o’ the refreshments. Since there’s gonna be quite a few folks at the Gala, I’ve had to make sure that there’s enough ta go ‘round for everybody. Involves a bit of heavy liftin’. Casks and whatnot.” “I see. So, I take it that your muscles are sore?” Braeburn frowned. “Yeah. They’re all pretty worn out. Normally, I wouldn’t be too bothered by it, but… Ah got this nasty crick in mah back for some reason. It’s buggin’ the hell outta me.” “Aww, you poor thing. Do you think a massage might do you some good?” Braeburn shrugged. “Ah dunno. It might. Regular aspirin doesn’t seem ta help much.” “You’re in luck! I happen to know a wonderful spa downtown. If you’re interested, I could take you with me as my plus two. And afterwards, we could grab a bite to eat. What do you say?” Braeburn shifted in his seat. “Uhh… ya mean like a date?” “Mhmm. What? Is that a problem, Braeburn? If you’ve already got plans, I can—” Braeburn waved his hands. “NO! Ah mean—hold yer horses for a second, Rarity! I’m definitely interested. Just let me know when ya wanna go out, so I can plan accordingly.” I couldn’t help but grin like a Cheshire cat. “Perfect! It’s a date then.” Before he could even formulate a response, I whipped out my phone and sent him my number via infrared. The astonished look on his face and the slight redness that colored his cheeks told me all I needed to know regarding his personal interest in me. As I walked away, it took everything I had to maintain my composure when I met up with Coco again after the luncheon concluded. How long had it been since I openly flirted with a handsome man like that? Far too long, I say! Once we were in the taxi, I let out a breath that I hadn’t known I was holding. “SWEET MERCIFUL HEAVENS! I can’t believe I just asked Braeburn out on a date!” Coco nearly jumped out of her skin when she heard me shout. “Am I missing something?” “Sorry, darling. My excitement got the better of me. To make a long story short, I just asked one of the Apple Family’s most eligible bachelors out on a spa date~ Isn’t that marvelous?” “Umm—I don’t mean to sound judgmental, Rarity but aren’t you jumping the gun a bit? You only just met him and at a business meeting, no less. He might think you’re a floosy.” I snorted with laughter. “I assure you he won’t. Braeburn and I have known each other for quite some time, darling. I was always attracted to him but I never found the right time to ask if he was ever interested in me as well. Now, I have my answer! Ooooh! This is going to be so much fun!” Coco smiled and took hold of my hand. “I’m happy for you, Rarity.” “I appreciate it, dear. By the way, how was your chat with Applejack?” Coco leaned back in the seat and closed her eyes. “We’ve got a lot of different interests, but I feel like we got along really well despite all that. I think we’ll be really good friends.” “Indeed. You couldn’t ask for a more honest and dependable friend than her.” The rest of the ride, we shared a comfortable silence, knowing that we had plenty of things to look forward to in the coming days. I kissed Coco on the cheek as she exited the taxi, and waved one final goodbye to her as she ascended the stairs to her own apartment. When I finally got home, I stripped out of my dress and got comfortable on the couch. With Extravagance snuggled up against my side, we binge-watched a crime drama series and ate a Chinese take-out dinner together until I decided it was time for bed. Starting tomorrow, my life was about to get a whole lot more interesting. > Reconnecting With An Old Friend > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2 Rarity’s Apartment, Manehatten A week had passed since my luncheon meeting with the Oranges and I was already hard at work drafting up a design for their commission. It had progressed far enough to my satisfaction that I decided to indulge myself with a bit of leisure time. That said, the hour or so after breakfast presented the perfect opportunity for me to catch up on my exercise routine. The name of the game was yoga today, so I dug through the closet to fetch my trusty silicone mat. With a flick of the wrist, I unfurled it onto the living room floor and placed my bare feet atop the center. Before I got started in earnest, I scampered into the kitchen to fetch a hair scrunchie from one of the drawers. While I wouldn’t consider my hair to be unreasonably long, it did tend to get in the way when I was exercising. My voluminous, purple locks were thus tied into a ponytail. I was just about to initiate some warmup poses when I heard my phone vibrate against the table. One quick swipe of my finger later, revealed the caller to be none other than Braeburn. I couldn’t help myself. I let out a girlish squeal of excitement and performed a little happy dance. After taking a moment to compose myself like a proper lady, I finally answered the phone. “Good Morning, darling. How are you doing today?” “Mornin’ Rarity. Still a might sore, but fine otherwise.” Braeburn answered. “Hmm. I’m sorry to hear that. Hopefully, we’ll get those muscles of yours sorted out when we visit the spa. Have you given any thought as to when you’d like to accompany me there?” Braeburn hummed in thought. “I’m free later this afternoon. Reckon we could grab somethin’ light fer dinner afterwards… uh—you know, if you’re partial ta the idea.” Just by the tone of his voice, I could tell the Braeburn had very little experience when it came to dealing with matters of romance. Not that I had much room to talk. I’d only dabbled in dating a few boys here and there during the twilight of my high school career. Nothing terribly serious or of consequence, save for gaining some experience and losing my virginity. It wasn't what I would call storybook, but generally speaking, a teenager's first foray into sexual intercourse rarely ever is. Braeburn’s voice was full of nervousness and hesitation, but to his credit, he was direct about what he wanted. I preferred a man who behaved that way, honestly. It made figuring out what they wanted so much less of a guessing game, and more of certainty. In turn, I made it my mission to be as forthright as possible about communicating my own desires too. So many women did the complete opposite, and I never quite figured out why. “Of course, I am~ What time would you like to meet up?” “How about two o’clock?” Braeburn suggested. “Perfect! Where should I—” “Don’t ya worry about that, Rarity. I’ll come over ta your apartment and pay fer the taxi ride as well. It’s the least Ah can do. Now—uh—if ya don’t mind, could you send yer address to me? Heh. Can’t very well pick up mah date if Ah don’t know where she lives…” I giggled. “Certainly, darling. I’ll see you then!” With a quick goodbye, we ended our call. I was ecstatic! In all of the excitement, I didn’t hear Extravagance come pattering into the room next to me. The only reason that I knew he was there was because I felt him rub up against my ankle. When I finally noticed him, he plopped his leash at my feet and looked up at me with an expectant expression. What a cheeky little pup he was! Those adorable, pudgy eyes never failed to melt my heart. I knelt down and played with his ears. “I imagine you’d like to go out for a walk then?” Trav barked softly and wagged his tail. To be quite honest, I really didn’t feel like getting dressed. But it would be incredibly selfish of me to ignore my dog and practice yoga instead. He deserved to have a little fun too. With that in mind, I went into my room and tried to pick out a comfortable outfit. Normally, if I was to go jogging on my own, I would don a sports bra to keep my breasts from bouncing around. Panties didn’t matter as much since I typically wore a pair of tight-fitting spats. This time, I slipped on the later and wore a comfortable, slightly oversized t-shirt instead to match. More so to avoid gawkers than anything else since I wasn’t wearing a bra. After I put on my running shoes, I connected Trav’s leash to his collar and we made our way towards Greenway Park. Extravagance, being the stubby little bulldog that he is, was never quick on his feet. In that regard, I had to make sure that I didn’t walk too fast or it would tire him out too quickly. It was a nice day outside anyway, so I felt like it was appropriate to take a slower pace, if not for any other reason than to enjoy the abundant, late-spring sunshine. There weren’t very many people out and about in the park. Mostly because it was still during the workweek and a bit on the humid side, if one wasn’t properly attired. However, when Trav and I reached the duck pond, I spotted a familiar face sitting on one of the park benches. It was none other than that insufferable lout, Trenderhoof. For whatever reason, he took an instant liking to me and my jewelry designs by extension. This was back during my university days when I really didn’t have the time or the energy to deal with someone like him. By that I mean he practically stalked me for two months. I was just about ready to report him to the police one day, until he relented and promised to leave me alone. I tried my best to just keep walking, in the vain hope that he wouldn’t notice me. But alas, it was to no avail. Poor Extravagance simply could not walk fast enough past the park bench. I very nearly cringed when I spotted Trenderhoof practically jump off of the park bench to follow. Oh, good heavens! He has that desperate look on his face. I suppose it would be rude to ignore him. “Rarity, wait! Hold up a second. I need to… tell you something.” I scoffed. “Trenderhoof, I thought I made it very clear that you are not to bother me.” “Wow! Are you wearing a ponytail? It suits you really well! Super cute.” “I swear, if you’ve interrupted my morning walk just to flirt with me, I shan’t hesitate to kick your testicles until they’re black and blue. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to—” Trenderhoof winced. “I get you loud and clear, Rarity. The reason I stopped you is because I… wanted to apologize for the way I treated you back in college. A beautiful, talented, amazing woman like you should never have been harassed like that. For what it’s worth, I’m sorry.” “Hmm. Well, better late than never I suppose. What brought this on?” Trenderhoof rubbed his neck. “I did a lot of thinking after what happened between us. It was one night, while I was along, drinking tea, that I realized that I needed to turn my life around. Uh—here I want you to have this. It’s the least I can do to make up for practically stalking you.” Much to my astonishment, Trenderhoof reached into his satchel and pulled out an envelope. It didn’t appear to be anything out of the ordinary, so I tore off the top to investigate what was contained within. I gasped when I saw it was a rather thick stack of cash. Without seeing what the denominations were, I had no way of telling how much it was worth. “Trenderhoof, exactly how much money is in here?” The bespectacled man blushed. “It’s around 500k. All proceeds from my culinary magazine.” “HOW MUCH?!!” I screeched. Trenderhoof shuffled his feet in the grass. “If that’s not enough, I can always go get—” “No, that’s not what I meant. Five hundred thousand dollars is a massive amount of money, darling. I can’t possibly accept this much. Even if it is, as you say, an apology gift.” Trenderhoof’s expression deflated. “I’m sorry, Rarity. But I didn’t know how else to show you that I’m truly remorseful for what I did. My therapist told me that I needed to make some kind of gesture because actions are more poignant than words but…” I placed the envelope back in his hands. “If you truly want to show your sincerity, then donate this money to the Charity Gala. That way, you’ll have a meaningful impact on people who’re less fortunate than us. I think that would be for the best, darling.” “Yeah, you’re right. I’ll do just that. So—uhh—does that mean we’re cool?” I bit my lip and chose my words carefully. “I’m not sure that we shall ever become friends. However, I think that it’s high time we both put the issues between us in the past and move on with our lives. I accept your apology, Trenderhoof.” I nearly screamed when he grabbed my hands and shook them. “Oh, thank you! This means so much to me, Rarity. You don’t even know! Hahaha! I feel like a gigantic weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. I swear I’ll give that money to a good charity. Just you wait!” “Good to hear, darling. I’m glad to see you’ve come around to your senses.” Like the wind itself, Trenderhoof was off to go do whatever it was he had planned. Despite my lingering hatred towards him, I could see that his life was clearly on the right track now. All’s well that ends well, I suppose. A sudden wave of exhaustion hit me like a freight train. More emotional than physical. Even so, I decided to sit down in the grass and watch the ducks for a while in order to regain my composure. Trav joined me and barked at one of the squirrels. “Oh, no! Don’t you get any ideas, mister.” Trav barked several more times and showed me the most pathetic puppy-dog eyes he could muster. Under any other circumstances, I might have been swayed. But not this time. “My answer is no and that’s final. You know damn-well what happened the last time you decided to go on a squirrel hunt. I WILL NOT go swimming around in a filthy public fountain just to save you from drowning again. Do you hear me, Extravagance?!” My fabulous bulldog simply whuffed in response and laid down on his belly. Even though I knew he was being melodramatic, I reached over and rubbed his back. In no time at all, he was wagging his stubby little tail again. While we relaxed in the grass, I checked my phone to see what time it was. It was only about a quarter after elven. Still somewhat early, but an acceptable time to each lunch if one was feeling peckish. If memory served me correctly, there was a delightful food truck in the park that sold some of the best Indian food I’d had in ages. I believe it was called “The Tasty Treat”. Run by a father and daughter team by the names of: Coriander Cumin & Saffron Masala respectively. Now that I started thinking about their delicious naan wraps, my stomach growled in response. It was to be expected. I’d gotten up early and eaten little more than a banana and some coffee for breakfast. As I got in line (there was no one in front of me), Saffron waved to me, a polite smile on her face. “Hello again, Rarity. What can I get you today?” “Hmm. I’ll take a beefy naan wrap and a bowl of curry chicken for Extravagance.” Coriander looked over his daughter’s shoulder quizzingly. “Are you certain it is a good idea to feed your dog curry? I cannot imagine it sits well in their stomachs.” “Pssht! He’ll be quite alright, I assure you.” Coriander cocked his brow. “If you insist, Miss Rarity. After all, you are the paying customer. But do not blame me if he winds up shitting all over your carpet later.” I can’t blame Mr. Cumin for warning me. Indian food does tend to upset sensitive bowels if one isn’t used to the spices. My good friend Fluttershy learned that lesson the hard way one day when we were at a carnival. The poor dear had to go home early due to a sudden bout of diarrhea. I made sure to get her some medicine before I left her house that day. Trav, on the other hand, is a VERY hardy eater. As if to prove my point, he immediately dug into the curry bowl when it placed in front of him, happily slurping it up like a pig at a feeding trough. Coriander laughed. “Gandhi’s ghost! You certainly were not kidding! Look at him go!” I sighed. “Yes, Trav can be a glutton sometimes. Do forgive his poor manners.” Saffron got out of the truck and petted Trav’s head. “No worries. I’m just glad that he likes our food so much. Such a cute little doggie too! Please come back again soon.” “Not to worry, darling. You’ll see me again soon enough. Ta-ta for now!” While we walked back to the apartment, I finished up my wrap and started to plan out how my date with Braeburn would unfold. He would obviously be picking me up, so it’s not as though I had to go anywhere. That still begged the question: how much effort should I put into presenting myself? Clothing was a no-brainer. I’d wear an outfit that was easy to slip in and out of, considering that neither of us would need them once we got inside the spa. Makeup, on the other hand, was always such a tricky thing. I had more than enough confidence in myself to know that I looked good without it, but what kind of impression would I leave? Knowing Braeburn as I do, he likely wouldn’t care what kind of outfit I wore (especially if it was my birthday suit). My presence was far more important to him. In the end, I decided against wearing any cosmetics simply due to the fact that it would all get washed off anyway. Once inside, I quickly stripped out of my t-shirt and spats, and tossed them into the laundry bin nearby. They’d gotten a bit sweaty and I wasn’t about to do something as uncouth as wearing them to the spa and then a restaurant afterwards. Yuck! Instead, I searched my closet for something cute but appropriate for the setting at the same time. My eureka moment came when I found a modest pair of crème-colored capris and a purple blouse. I finished it all off with sandals. The perfect outfit for a casual date~ But first, I needed to take a quick shower. What? I’m not some heathen who uses the spa as an excuse to bathe. Two o’clock arrived faster than I had anticipated or rather, Braeburn had arrived an entire half hour early to my apartment with a taxi in tow. The spa itself wasn’t the sort of place that required strict appointment times, but I was grateful that Braeburn was so punctual. I can’t even begin to tell you how many times I had to put up with my supposed ‘date’ being unreasonably tardy or not even bothering to show up at all. Granted, I wasn’t quite as interested in them as I am with Braeburn but how can so many people not understand the most basic rules when it comes to dating etiquette? Do you have any idea what it’s like to be dressed to the nines, seated in the middle of a high-end Italian restaurant, awkwardly sipping water all by yourself while everyone else is enjoying themselves?! It’s absolutely dreadful. Let’s just leave at that. When I opened the door, I was at a complete loss for words. Braeburn showed up in a red dress shirt, black jeans, a button-up vest, and a dapper little bowtie. The trademark Stetson he typically wore was absent upon his head and Braeburn’s beautiful, amber-colored hair was combed neatly. I burst into a fit of snorting giggles when I saw the bouquet of red roses in his hand. Oh, Braeburn! Never change, darling. “Uh… Rarity? Is there somethin’ wrong?” I smelled the roses. They were quite lovely and fragrant. “Nothing at all, dear. I’m just impressed at what lengths you went to impress me this afternoon. I truly appreciate the effort but you didn’t need to dress so formally. We’re going to a spa, not a cocktail party.” Braeburn blushed furiously. “Aww shit! Ah nearly forgot all about that. Had my attention focused on dinner. I just wanted ta make a good impression is all…” I took hold of his hands and smiled. “Not to worry; you already got that out of the way years ago. It’s one of the many reasons why I cherished our friendship and kept in touch with you.” “Shucks. Ah didn’t think a plain ole guy like me could catch the eye o’ such a sophisticated lady. Thought you’d have found yerself some well-to-do boyfriend by now. All Ah can say is that I’m relieved ‘cause ya done stole mah breath the first moment we met. Haven’t been able ta stop thinkin’ about ya since. I know that sounds a might creepy, but that’s how I feel.” I leaned forward and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. “Thank you, Braeburn. I’m very flattered to hear you say that. However, it’s not always about who has the fanciest clothing or the most money. Don’t get me wrong, I think you’re plenty handsome. But I’ve always loved your personality the most. Perhaps, that’s why all my previous relationships never went anywhere…” Braeburn chuckled. “Uh… well, I ain’t exactly an expert on such matters.” “Are you ready to depart, darling? I, for one, am ready for some serious pampering!” After taking my hand, Braeburn led me to the elevator. “Sure am!” The distance between my apartment and the spa was not a particularly long one. As such, we arrived at the entrance within about fifteen minutes or so. It helped that there wasn’t a lot of traffic either. Ha! The beauty of going out in the middle of the afternoon whilst the majority of the city is still at work. Being self-employed certainly has its perks, if I do say so myself! Grüne Wiese spa was a rather non-descript building if one wasn’t looking for it specifically. It was several stories tall, made of gray stone and had nature motifs carved in various places. From what I understand, it had been established well over a century ago by a couple of Griffonian immigrants looking to make a better life for themselves in the new world. What I knew and Braeburn did not (that was part of the surprise) was that the spa was a lot more relaxed when it came to nudity than its native counterparts. That is to say, customers were not only allowed to, but encouraged to shed their clothing while enjoying the spa’s amenities. The entire place was, in fact, designed with this philosophy in mind. I positively adored it and frequently visited the spa with Coco whenever we wanted to relax after a long day at work. The real question was: how would Braeburn react? Would he go along with the flow, or would he be offended by the idea of casual nudity? It was difficult to say, since I never broached the topic with him. Applejack herself was a very modest girl. She tended not to wear much make up, show off her body in flashy outfits, and behaved in an awkward, hesitant manner whenever we went to the spa together in Ponyville (it had always been difficult to persuade to do so). It was my sincere hope that Braeburn didn’t have the same hang-ups as his cousin, but I wasn’t about to hold my breath. At the very least, when I finally found the courage to confess that I was a naturist, Applejack had been very supportive and treated me no differently than before. She said something along the lines of: “Some folks just have a different way o’ livin’.” What a refreshing point of view! I wish more people thought that way. Braeburn had always treated me with the utmost respect and kindness ever since I first met him when I was a teenager, so I felt like I needed to be honest with him about my lifestyle. Otherwise, our relationship would be based on a sandy foundation. Trust, once lost, was a difficult thing to regain, after all. Even if the idea of my entire family being naturists were to turn him away somehow, I had no desire to lie to him or omit the truth. He didn’t deserve that. With all of that weighing on my mind, it was a wonder how I managed to remain composed. Upon entering the main lobby, Braeburn’s eyes widened in childish curiosity while he surveyed the décor. It was simultaneously amusing and adorable at the same time. Soft classical music played through the intercom, accompanied by the trickle of two elaborate, bronze water fountains on either side of the reception desk. With white marble walls and floors, the interior felt more like one was stepping back in time to the Roaman era. Braeburn rubbed his hands together nervously. “Rarity? Are ya sure it’s alright ta be payin’ mah ticket fer this place? Seems awful fancy. Can’t be cheap either…” I patted his shoulder reassuringly. “Nonsense, darling. I gave you my word that I would be treating you today, and I stand by it. Come along, now! We need to speak with the receptionist and pay for our admission.” The woman behind the desk recognized me as a regular. Her name was Gilda. One of the proprietor’s daughters and a lovely young lady at that. With silky, white hair (violet tipped), a slender frame, golden eyes, and rich, bronzed skin, she was the epitome of traditional, Griffonic beauty. She smiled at us in a way that I can only describe as mischievous. I’d chatted with her on occasion when the spa wasn’t terribly busy. Despite her demure manner, she was a sucker for gossip. Especially, anything to do with people’s significant others. That sparkling glint in her eye told me that Braeburn was about to be embarrassed. “Guten tag! Welcome to Grüne Wiese. Is this your first time here, sir?” Braeburn nodded shyly. “Sure is, ma’am.” “Ah! How wonderful. I assure you that my family’s spa will be to your liking. Miss Rarity was wise to bring you here as her plus two. Are you… here for anything in particular?” “Got some aches n’ pains in mah back. Muscle soreness from too much liftin’, Ah reckon.” Gilda rubbed her chin in thought. “Hmm. Yes, a common ailment. Within this facility we have: jacuzzies, an Olympic-sized swimming pool, a steam room, and massage tables. All included in the ticket price. Not to worry, sir! I’m certain we’ll have you right as rain in no time.” “Wow! There sure is a lot o’ stuff in here. Didn’t seem that big from the outside.” Gilda shook her head. “Not length wise, no. However, we divide the areas by floor.” “Nice! Anythin’ else Ah should know about?” Gilda tapped her fingers on the desk. “There is one thing. I assume you two will be using the couple’s changing room? If so, I can apply a fifteen percent discount to your admission fee. It’s a special we’re running today for couples only.” Braeburn’s eyes widened like dinner plates. “Ehehe… Rarity? What’s she talkin’ about?” I rolled my eyes at Gilda. “It’s rather simple, darling. The couple’s changing rooms are unisex.” “But! That’d mean we would—” I couldn’t help but chuckle at his expense. “Yes, Braeburn. That’s literally the entire point of this spa. We’re not supposed to wear anything while we enjoy it. How did you think it worked?” Braeburn turned pale for a moment as he tried to formulate a response. “Ah dunno. I’ve never been ta a fancy place like this before. Can’t Ah wear a robe or towel at least?” “I suppose you could. But why on earth would you bother? It’s such a hassle.” Braeburn’s mouth opened and closed like a fish. “Really? Is that… normal ‘round here?” Gilda nodded. “Many of our customers prefer to lounge about in the nude, sir. That was the original intention of the spa’s founders. It is advertised as such in our brochure.” Braeburn let out a sigh of defeat. “Well, if that’s how it works, who am I ta refuse?” “Splendid! Now, if you’ll follow me, I’ll show you where the couple’s changing room is. Please feel free to stay as long as you like and have a good time!” Fortunately for the both of us, the couple’s changing room was practically deserted at this time of the day. And, by extension, most of the spa. It afforded us a bit of privacy and an overall more intimate experience. That being said: it was still difficult for Braeburn to feel comfortable in a setting where nudity was the norm. I immediately began taking off my blouse and capris, folding them neatly into a pile, then storing them in the locker for safe-keeping. I glanced over at Braeburn who was still fiddling around with the buttons of his dress shirt. He was clearly trying to delay the inevitable. I could also tell that he was trying his hardest not to stare at my unclad body, as his eyes were pinned to the tiled floor instead facing forward. For his benefit, I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around his shoulders, making sure not to press my bare breasts against his back by accident. I didn’t want him to get the wrong impression and think that I was some loose hussy without any moral standards. “Do you need any help taking those off, darling?” I asked, in what I hoped was a gentle tone. “N-no, Ah think I got it. Just… gimme a minute, alright?” While he continued to unbutton his shirt, I slipped off my scrunchie and let my hair down. I didn’t want it to get wet. “Ah, that’s better! Ponytails can be cute sometimes, but I’d much rather wear my hair down like this. Makes me feel more mature too. What do you think?” “Yeah. Ah like it that way too.” Braeburn mumbled. I decided to take a seat on one of the padded benches while I waited. A lot of places either used wood or metal for the seating and that obviously was uncomfortable on bare bottoms. I kicked my feet back and forth while humming a wordless tune. When I looked over to check on Braeburn, he’d finally removed his shirt and I couldn’t help but appreciate his muscled chest. Oh, and those delicious abs! What? Just because I’m a naturist doesn’t mean that I can’t appreciate an attractive person’s body! With eager anticipation, I couldn’t wait to see what the rest of him looked like. I had to hold in an excited squeal as he removed his pants. Plaid boxers. I should have known. If memory serves me correctly, Applejack was also a fan of wearing utilitarian undergarments. As in nothing lacy or fancy at all. Just those plain, cotton panties and sports bras one buys at a large retailer in packs of six. Braeburn seemed to freeze up at that moment. Unsure if he could take the last step. Sensing his uncertainty, I got up off of the bench, walked directly in front of him, did a twirl, and allowed my beau to see me au naturale. “See? It’s not difficult at all, darling. Don’t worry about what’s underneath that thin piece of cloth wrapped around your waist. Let it all hang out!” Braeburn blushed like a tomato and hesitantly placed his fingers along the waistband of his boxers. “Ah… ok, I’m gonna take ‘em off now. Just… promise me ya won’t laugh.” I nodded encouragingly and waited. In one, fluid motion, he got rid of his boxers and tossed them into the locker. I tried my very best not to focus my attention below his waist, I really did! But how can one possibly miss what’s literally dangling right in front of them? For years, I’d often fantasized wondered what Braeburn looked like underneath all of his clothes and now that I’d finally gotten the chance see him in the nude, I can’t say that I was disappointed. Mmm~ Taut muscles everywhere. His stomach, his legs, his arms. And yes, even his rear end. All of it chiseled from years’ worth of manual labor. He had an average amount of body hair overall, but I noticed that his pubic hair was particularly unkempt. A country boy like Braeburn didn’t strike me as the type to manscape. No matter. I happened to think it suited him. And as for his member? Well, it certainly wasn’t small. But neither was it grotesquely oversized. Having seen my fair share of penises over the years, I’d say that it was only slightly larger than average. However, it was quite thick and veiny. With a stifled giggle, my mind immediately likened it to a yellowish-orange tree trunk. His fuzzy ballsac was noticeably larger than average, though. In fact, one testicle seemed to hang a bit lower than the other on the left side. In case you’re wondering, yes, he did look at me too. With the same level of scrutiny, I would imagine. I didn’t mind, of course. Quid pro quo as it were. I had nothing to hide or be ashamed of. I reached out my hand and offered to escort Braeburn out of the changing room, to which he accepted, but cupped his free hand over his privates. The end result made his gait awkward and gangly, like that of a penguin on ice. I stopped in the middle of the hallway and turned around. “Braeburn, dear. You don’t have to cover yourself up like that. No one is going to care if your manhood is dangling about like a Christmas ornament. I want you to relax and have fun while we’re here. You can’t very well do that if you’re always on edge and feeling self-conscious.” Braeburn slowly uncovered his privates. “I’m sorry, Rarity. This is all so… alien ta me.” I gently rubbed his back. “Hmm. I suppose it can be for first timers. All I can say is: eventually, you’ll forget that you’re even naked. What would you like to do first?” “Could we… maybe get a massage? I’d like ta loosen up a bit before we do anything else.” I smiled and led him towards the massage parlor. “Certainly, darling! I’ll lead the way.” The parlor had a very simplified layout. They were individual rooms with two tables lined up, side by side with a small station nearby filled with the supplies necessary for massages. Oils, heated towels, lotion, those sorts of things. What many people weren’t aware of was that one had to schedule the massages in advance if it was to be done professionally. Otherwise, regular clients were welcome to use the parlors as they so desired. I had planed on the later. Don’t get me wrong; I didn’t consider myself a professional masseuse by any stretch of the imagination, but I’d had them enough times to know what I was doing. In this sense, I figured that Braeburn would be more comfortable if he had someone familiar working his body rather than a complete stranger. Especially, considering that he would be nude for the entire duration. It would also serve as a more intimate experience for us overall. Perhaps, if I could coax Braeburn out of his shell a little bit more, he would be open to the idea of giving me a massage too. One thing at a time, though. I didn’t want to push him too far outside his comfort zone. I padded over to the control console on the wall and turned on some relaxing, Chinese flute music. “Pick whichever table you’d like, darling.” Braeburn shuffled his feet and stared at me. “Who’ll be doin’ the massage?” “Why, me of course! Lay down on your belly and we’ll get started. By the way, do you happen to have any preference on which scented oil I should be using?” Braeburn looked like he’d just swallowed a putrid egg. “Oh. Umm… whatever ya think is good, Rarity. Ah don’t care either way. Say, how’s come there’s a hole in the middle o’ the table?” “Hmm? Oh, that. You place your privates in there, dear. It’s to make sure your penis doesn’t rub up against the surface of the table and cause any… unwanted erections. Go on, lay down if you would please. Just as a fair warning, the first squirt of oil might be a bit cold.” Braeburn awkwardly laid down on the table as instructed. “Hehehe. Ah reckon that makes sense. Sorry that Ah don’t know much about this kind o’ stuff. Didn’t mean ta sound like an idiot…” “It’s quite alright. I’m going to use rose oil with just a smidge of lavender. Is that ok?” “Uh… sure. Ready when you are.” Rather than squirt a cold glob of massage oil directly onto his back, I decided to put a dollop in the palm of my hand and rub it between them to warm up the oil. Even so, I felt Braeburn’s muscles tense immediately when I touched his shoulders. The poor dear simply wasn’t used to this sort of physical contact, and I felt a little sorry for him because of it. Nonetheless, I persevered and made sure to be as gentle with my ministrations as I could. Once he finally started to relax, Braeburn sighed. “Wow. Ah didn’t know I was so bunched up back there. That’s… mmm… yeah. Yer doin’ great, Rarity. Ah really appreciate it.” “You’re welcome, dear. I’m going to massage your buttocks, is that ok?” “That’s not—erm—well, Ah guess it is technically a muscle. Go ahead.” I tried my best not to let my fingers linger there for too long, but my goodness! He had one hell of a firm tushie! It’s no wonder why his behind looked so sexy in those tight blue jeans. Ehem! Now’s not the time to entertain such lewd thoughts, Rarity. Focus on the task at hand. A few moments later, I could tell that it must have felt good, for he moaned softly. Always a good sign. “Braeburn, do you mind if I tell you something personal?” “Sure. Anythin’ ya want, Rarity. I’m all ears.” I bit my lip while working his thigh. “It’s about my family. Or rather, the way I was raised.” Braeburn’s tone grew uncertain. “Rarity, you’re not part o’ the mafia, are ya?” “No! Nothing like that, darling. You see, my family comes from a long line of devoted naturists and my parents raised my sister and I as such. We were taught that the human body is nothing to be ashamed of. That’s why I prefer not to wear clothing if I can help it.” “Ah was wonderin’ why you looked so comfortable. Now, I’ve got mah answer.” I rubbed my hand along his leg. “I will also admit that I knew full-well that this spa allowed their clients to roam about in the nude. I’m sorry if I didn’t mention it beforehand but I wanted to test the waters, so to speak. To see if you… would be ok with me being myself.” Braeburn suddenly took hold of my arm and stroked it tenderly. “Rarity, you’ve always been a special gal ta me, and Ah can’t possibly fault ya for livin’ yer life the way ya see fit. It’d be dishonest otherwise. Besides, Ah might’ve been a little uncomfortable with this whole situation at first, but I’m startin’ ta enjoy it. So… thanks fer givin’ me that push.” I began to tear up. “Thank you, Braeburn! I was terrified that you might reject me. Not everyone is as open-minded as you are when it comes to my lifestyle. Some people think that naturists nothing more than a bunch of exhibitionist perverts. It’s a difficult stigma to shake off.” “Well, fuck ‘em then! It ain’t nothin’ but slander as far as I’m concerned. Ah know you’re a proper, high-class lady, Rarity. Even if ya don’t like ta wear clothes. Anybody gives ya trouble about it, just send ‘em my way and I’ll give ‘em a what for. Ya can take that ta the bank.” Forgetting myself, I climbed up on top of the massage table, pressed up against Braeburn’s back, and wrapped my arms around his waist in an awkward, but equally sincere hug. It was such a simple thing, giving someone a hug. Yet, it felt so much more intimate when you could feel their bare skin against your own, and the heat of their body. I slowly extracted myself from him after about thirty seconds or so and proceeded to wipe my hands on a towel. “My apologies, darling. I got a bit caught up in the moment.” Braeburn laughed it off. “Nah, it’s alright. I don’t mind gettin’ hugged by a nekkid woman.” In a moment, I was about to see just how much he didn’t mind. After getting up off of the table, Braeburn stretched his arms above his head and let out a contented groan. While he was rolling his neck from side to side, I nearly choked on my own spit when I saw that he was sporting a rather stiff erection. How it had managed to escape his notice was beyond me. “Rarity, what’s the matter? How’s come yer cheeks are all red?” I merely pointed down towards his waist. The moment he realized that his member was standing at attention, he scrambled to cover himself up. Not that it really mattered. I’d already seen the thing in all its full-masted glory. And my goodness! It truly was a sight to behold. For the sake of sparing Braeburn any further humiliation, I turned around while he sorted himself out. “Land’s sake! How did I not notice that?! Rarity, Ah didn’t mean ta—” I blushed furiously. “It’s quite alright, Braeburn. These things happen from time to time. We’ll just… wait a little while until you—erm—calm down, then proceed to our next activity.” “Sure. No problem.” Ten painfully awkward minutes later, Braeburn was back to being flaccid again. I was astonished at how long it had taken, but then again, he was alone in a room with an attractive, nude woman. In a sense, I should have felt flattered by his reaction. And I did on some subconscious level, but I still felt bad for him. Once all that business was behind us, we walked down the hall, hand in hand, towards the stairs and climbed to the next level. We took a quick soak in the hot tub just to relax and chat for a bit. It was quite lovely. I talked about my life’s passion and how the designs were coming along for the Charity Gala, while he discussed what sort of alcoholic beverages were going to be served. I, for one, was excited to try out his latest batch of oak-barrel aged Apple Whiskey. It sounded delicious! To avoid getting our skin all wrinkly, we got out after about fifteen minutes and dried off our bodies with some fresh, fluffy towels. Then next thing Braeburn suggested was going for a swim. I was somewhat surprised by this, but I decided that it might be fun to get a little nude exercise in before the day’s end. I needed to make up for skipping out on my yoga session, after all. Much to my astonishment, swimming with Braeburn was an absolute delight! We pretty much had an entire Olympic-sized pool to ourselves and you’d better believe that we took full advantage of it. After a few serious laps, we wound up acting like a couple of kids. There was some splash fighting, dunking, and all around tom-foolery. We shared a good laugh together and a surprisingly intimate embrace towards the end. This was what erased all doubt in my mind that were we an excellent match for one another. With a heavy heart, we finally left the spa to go pick up a light dinner at a quaint little gastro pub I’d discovered with Coco one day. We ate in comfortable silence for the most part, chatting only occasionally. When we finished our meals, Braeburn called for the taxi, and before I knew it, we were standing at the entrance of my apartment complex. I checked my phone and realized that it was barely past five thirty. To think, we’d done all that in just under four hours. Before I opened my door, I took hold of Braeburn’s cheeks and kissed his lips. It was brief, but there was plenty of warm affection put behind it. “Thank you for giving me such a wonderful date, Braeburn. I haven’t had that much fun in years.” “Yeah, me too. Would ya like ta meet up another time?” I nodded vigorously. “Of course, I would! Just let me know when and where.” “Great. I’ll—uh—see ya later then, Rarity. Have a good evenin’.” When I entered my apartment, I leapt onto the couch and squealed like a school girl. This date couldn’t have gone more perfectly! And I was absolutely over the moon that Braeburn had accepted me for who I was without the slightest bit of reservation. I slept like a baby that night, my dreams filled with visions of a bright future. I couldn’t wait to see what tomorrow brought. > A Bold Proposal For Charity > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3 Orange Manor, Manehatten With my design proposal finally completed just yesterday evening, I emailed Dalia with all the details and awaited her response. She was quick to get back to me. From what I could tell, she was very pleased with my proposal and wanted me to meet with her at Orange Manor to iron out a few things before the piece was crafted. After getting dressed in a simple business jacket, skirt, and heels, I took a cab and waited patiently at the entrance for their invitation. Being that it was Saturday, I didn’t have to worry about closing the shop early. The number of customers I’d gotten this week had been steady, but not anywhere near what I would consider overwhelming. In the back of my mind, I knew that the Charity Gala would drastically increase the foot traffic at my shop, IF I played my cards right. That’s why I’d poured so much time, energy, and effort into making the show piece a memorable one. My brand was on the line! One of the service staff greeted me politely and asked me to follow him. Seeing as how I’d only visited the estate once, I acquiesced and once again marveled at all the wonders Orange Manor had to offer. A few minutes later, we arrived at a set of doors that led to an indoor pool. While not quite as large as an Olympic-sized one, it was roomy enough to swim in laps if one was so inclined. The décor was clearly designed to give off an Ancient Roaman vibe. Doric columns, nude statues of various athletes in heroic poses, frescos, ect. Tasteful without being tacky. The staff member gestured towards the shallow end where I caught a glimpse of Dalia. She was about neck deep in the water, and enjoying a cup of coffee while she relaxed. Just as I was about to ask where we were meeting, the staff member was already gone. As I drew closer, I noticed little vapors of steam rising off the surface of the water, indicating that it was heated. Given the general humidity within the room, this didn’t surprise me. However, what did surprise me was Dalia herself. When she rose up out of the water to greet me, it immediately became apparent that she was wearing nothing more than a polite smile. I wasn’t embarrassed, per say. A woman has the right to dress (or not in this case) as she pleases in her own abode. Rather, I was a bit taken back. Unsure of what else to do, I waved and greeted her with a smile of my own. “Good Afternoon, Rarity. I hope you don’t mind the casual attire for today’s meeting. I’ve never once bothered to wear a swimsuit when I go for a dip, so why start now? Ha! I can tell you for a fact that my husband certainly doesn’t mind. Come on in! The water’s just the right temperature. We can chat once you’ve gotten the chance to get situated.” When in Roam, I suppose. I disrobed quickly and placed my clothing atop the counter over by the doors. Upon entering the water, I let out a contented sigh. It was indeed heated! Not quite as warm as a hot tub, but it felt extraordinarily pleasant nonetheless. I waded over to Dalia and sat next to her. She stretched out her arms with a loud groan, and took another sip of her coffee. “Isn’t this a whole lot more relaxed than sitting around in some stuffy office?” I nodded. “I would imagine so. Mrs. Orange, what would you like to discuss—” “Please. I must insist that you call me Dalia, dear. There’s no need to rush. It’s Saturday, after all. Take some time to decompress from the work week. Would you like something to drink?” “Erm—yes, please. Tea would be lovely.” Dalia lifted her foot out of the water and wiggled her toes. “To be honest, Ms. Rarity, I already knew quite a lot about you before we met at the luncheon to discuss terms.” “What? Did Braeburn say—” Dalia giggled. “No, my nephew had nothing to do with it. As you already know, my dearest niece, Apple Bloom, is close friends with your little sister. They’ve come to play here at Orange Manor on occasion. That’s how I became acquainted with both Sweetie and Cookie Crumbles. Pardon me, I meant to say your mother. We became fast friends too.” I rubbed my hands together underneath the water. “I take it that you know about our lifestyle?” “Mhmm. I’m aware that your family are nudists.” How very typical of my mother and sister. It’s just like them to—my apologies, I suppose I should elaborate on the point that I’m trying to make. You see, my family has always been far more forthright when discussing our lifestyle with others than me. Father, in particular, believes that any friends worth their salt should accept us for who we are entirely, or not at all. Suffice to say: I had a rather unpleasant experience in grade school regarding the matter. About a year and a half after Sweetie was born, I’d invited one of my closest friends (and neighbor) to the house for a playdate. At the time, we were still living in a suburb of Whinnyapolis and the neighborhood was a fairly tight-knit community. Me being the naïve seven-and-a-half-year-old that I was, believed that my “friend” wouldn’t have any issues meeting my family. Unfortunately, I could not have been more wrong. Daffodil simply was not prepared to accept the fact that we didn’t normally wear clothing around the house. My father had been sitting on the couch, watching football as he is often wont to do, and my mother was busy breast-feeding Sweetie in the kitchen. All in plain sight of my “friend”. Daffodil promptly freaked out and ran back to her house before I had a chance to explain that nudity was the norm for us. The situation only got worse from there. Daffodil proceeded to tell her parents all about the “weird nakey people” living two houses down. My father had a rather heated telephone call with Daffodil’s father trying to get him to understand our way of life. It only partially succeeded. When I went to school the next day, salacious rumors had already begun to spread about me. Everywhere I went, the other children would bully and tease me for being different. My father finally drew a line in the sand when I came home one day in tears, wearing a completely ruined dress. It was at that moment, he decided that Whinnyapolis wasn’t the best place for us to live. So, we wound up moving to Ponyville where I was promptly enrolled in a different school. A fresh start, as it were. From that point forward, I did my best to keep my identity as a naturist from others. I couldn’t risk being bullied and ostracized by the very people whom I thought were my friends again. That’s why I’ve been so reluctant to share it until now. I cringed slightly. “Ah… that term is a bit gauche, Dalia. We prefer to be called naturists.” “My apologies, Ms. Rarity. I wasn’t aware there was a distinction between the two. I’ll try to be more sensitive about it from now on. I… hope that I haven’t offended you.” I waved my hands. “Oh! Of course, not! I’m just happy that you’re trying to understand our lifestyle in the first place. And I—ehm—also appreciate the gesture you’ve made today.” Dalia laughed melodically. “Not a problem at all~ To be honest, I’d much rather conduct business matters in my birthday suit than a pantsuit any day of the week. Nothing is as comfortable or fits a woman better than her own skin, eh?” “Certainly not.” I agreed. Dalia suddenly dove underwater. When she surfaced once more, she began floating on her back. “I can see why being a naturist would appeal to some people. It feels very freeing not to have to worry about wearing a swimsuit in the pool. I don’t imagine I’d ever go to a nude beach or anything like that, but I do enjoy skinning dipping from time to time.” “As I do. It’s even better when you’re outdoors. Nothing quite can compare to it.” Dalia swam over to the edge of the pool and took a swig of her coffee. “Seeing as how it’s getting close to lunch time, how about we just eat in here? And before you ask, no I don’t plan on getting dressed. It’s my manor; I can damn-well wear whatever I please. Even if it happens to be nothing at all! What would you like, dear? My chef can cook just about anything.” My stomach rumbled in response. I blushed accordingly. “Well, I—erm—I’m not quite sure what I’m in the mood for. You said just about anything, right? What about a big, greasy bacon cheeseburger? Goodness, I haven’t had one of those in ages! And if it’s not too much trouble… could we get a plate of curly fries too?” “Consider it done, Miss Rarity.” A nonplused butler came strolling into the pool room about twenty minutes later with the requested dish. Ever the professional, he set the platter by the edge of the pool and gave us a polite bow when Dalia thanked him. I decided to get out of the water, dry myself off, and head over to one of the tables situated near the far side of the room. Dalia joined me shortly thereafter. One of the best parts about dining in the nude is that you don’t have to worry about staining your clothes. Given how messy cheeseburgers are, this most certainly counted as a blessing. I nearly choked on a french-fry when a piece of bacon landed on Dalia’s breast. She promptly plucked the meaty morsel off of herself and tossed into her mouth without hesitation. I ended up getting a glob of cheese on my thigh shortly thereafter. We both shared at laugh at how proper ladies like ourselves were eating like a couple (including the naked part) of pigs. Neither of us cared at all! Dalia leaned back in her chair and let out a contented sigh. “I took a look at your design for the necklace, Miss Rarity. And I must say, it’s quite stunning. What was your inspiration?” “I was watching a documentary about the ancient Aztecs and I had an epiphany. In a bold move, I decided to recreate the mysterious splendor of their lost civilization! I like to call it Native-chic. What do you think, darling? Does that sound catchy enough for Manehatten’s elite?” Dalia nodded in agreement. “Most likely. They’re all suckers for anything retro. You know, I have a feeling that many people will be visiting your shop after the Charity Gala concludes. If you wanted to make an even bolder statement, you should show up in Aztec dress too!” Even though she’d meant it as a joke, I seriously considered what it would mean to do such a thing. Seeing as how the Aztecs wore very little clothing, and I detested cumbersome cocktail dresses, it was a marriage of what one might call: “The best of both worlds”. The wheels of my mind turned for a few moments. A rather risqué idea came to me as I glanced down at my feet. What if I became part of the showpiece itself by way of embodying the art? “You might just be onto something, Dalia.” Dalia cocked her brow in confusion. “Whatever do you mean, dear?” “What if I modeled the necklace myself but incorporated it into a work of living art? By that, I mean body paint. I’ve seen pictures of it done before and it’s quite remarkable!” Dalia rubbed her chin in thought. “Well, it would certainly turn heads at the Gala. I have to warn you though, Miss Rarity. If this isn’t done with the utmost care and professionalism, you could cause a massive scandal. Some people might even denounce you for it. But, at the end of the day, it’s your body, your necklace, and ultimately, your decision.” “I’m not terribly concerned about myself, Dalia. But I appreciate your concern for my wellbeing. I have no issue letting others see my body. I’m also proud of who I am and how I look. What does concern me, however, is ensuring that we raise as much money as possible for those in need. To that end, a proper lady must be willing to make sacrifices for the greater good.” Dalia stood up and clapped her hands together. “Alright, then. If this is the path you wish to take, I shall help you as much as I can. Fortunately, I know some of the best make-up artists in Manehatten. I’m sure we’ll be able to work something out. I’ll let you know when I find one.” I have her a big hug. “Thank you, darling. It means a great deal to me.” “You’re quite welcome. This will be one hell of a Gala. Ha!” When I got back to the shop, I immediately began work on Dalia’s commission. The major base components of the set (I would be wearing more than just the necklace) were comprised mostly of gold and turquoise. Luckily, I had plenty of both in my storeroom. With a pulse of magic, I called out to them, and bade the minerals to heed my command. Ehehe. Right. I really ought to explain the magic bit, shouldn’t I? Lest everyone think I’m some lost pony princess. The birth of my powers, as it were, began when my friends and I stayed at Camp Everfree. The forest had been kind enough to provide us with crystals infused with magic that eventually transformed into geodes we could wear around our necks. Each of us were granted different abilities: super speed, mind reading, telekinesis ect. I received the power to manipulate minerals with my will. That included: moving them, melting them, shaping them. You get the idea. Call it fate or whatever you’d like, but these abilities had helped me immensely with my craft. I still went to college and got the proper background for understanding them. Someone randomly opening a shop with no prior training and fabulous jewelry was bound to raise questions. Just to err on the side of precaution, I was fully trained and certified on how to craft jewelry the old-fashioned way too. I will admit that sometimes, I prefer to make pieces that way. Even though the molten gold obeyed my every command, I made sure to wear plenty of protective gear to ward against burns and whatnot. I directed it towards the custom mold sitting on my crafting bench and poured the appropriate amount into each section. I could cool it quickly with my powers, but I found that letting it do so naturally was best. In the meantime, I surveyed the raw chunks of turquoise and began shaping them into smooth ovals. After two hours, I was satisfied with how the necklace had set. It was shaped similarly to a crescent moon, and designed to cover both the neck and parts of the collar bone. Each segment was rectangular was stylized with motifs of Aztec animals and interlocked with the next portion for stability. The only part that was different was the segment in the very center. Instead of being rectangular, it was shaped like the head of a high priest. I began fusing the turquoise to each segment, roughly in the center. Once they were set, I levitated a small ingot of silver, melted it, and used that as a contrast to make the motifs stand out against the gold background. The final touch was a pair of polished moonstones. I carefully placed them within the eye sockets of the high priest. When I stood back and surveyed my work, I let out a satisfied grunt after wiping the sweat from my brow. To quote a certain archeologist: “It appeared as though it belonged in a museum”. That wasn’t the exact quote, as Rainbow Dash would have immediately corrected me on my cinematic faux pas. I was paraphrasing, of course. Well, whatever. We can’t all be perfect when it comes to memorizing lines from a movie. In any case, I was quite pleased with how the piece turned out. I repeated the process for a pair of gold bracers. Same motifs, same gems. I also created a pair of gold hoop earrings, and a clasp to keep my hair fastened in place. With the later, I decided to add an amethyst in the center to accentuate my natural hair color. Not bad for five hours’ worth of work, if I do say so myself. I glanced over at my phone and realized that I really ought to get some dinner in my belly and clean up too. Even though I was covered in soot and sweat, I threw on an old t-shirt & running shorts (my go to outfit for post jewelry smithing) and jogged back to my apartment. Thankfully, it wasn’t very far away. A block or so, to be precise. I’d always been grateful for the short commute. Some people had it much worse than me. One luxurious shower later, I was yet again nude and squeaky clean. As a happy Rarity should be! The first thing I did was send the photos I’d taken of the jewelry to Dalia. Mere moments later, she responded and was thoroughly impressed by the designs. I sighed in relief. It was one thing to show a client a concept drawing and quite another to present the finished product. Extravagance came pattering out into the kitchen while I was scrambling up some eggs, diced vegetables, and hash browns. He nuzzled his moist snout right up against my ankle and I patted his head in return. I know it wasn’t the healthiest meal choice, considering that I’d had a bacon cheeseburger for lunch but I didn’t feel like cooking anything more complicated. I was quite exhausted and simply wanted to get dinner over with. I made more than enough for the both of us (yes, I know he’s a spoiled pooch) and took my plate out into the living room so that I could relax and watch a little tv while I ate on the couch. I ran my fingers along Trav’s coat. “What do you think, darling? Am I making the right choice?” Trav looked up at me inquisitively. He probably wanted me to elaborate. “It’s just that I don’t want to draw the wrong kind of attention to myself. I suppose all I can do now is trust that Dalia has some top-notch artists to help make me look fabulous. And—um—I’d also like to see Braeburn’s reaction. I imagine he won’t be able to take his eyes off of me.” Trav whuffed in response. “What? A lady is allowed her fantasies. Yes, I realize that I shall be wearing little more than a few layers of paint in front of a large crowd of Manehatten’s elite. But showing some skin here and there—ah—well, pretty much everywhere, has never bothered me before and it certainly won’t now. I’ll be nervous, of course. But that’s to be expected.” Trav smacked his chops and snuggled up against my thigh. “Hmm. You probably don’t care either way, do you? Alright, then. It shall do me no good to obsess over the whole thing. Let’s just eat, relax, and watch a documentary about penguins.” At Dalia’s behest, I awoke early the next morning and dressed in nothing more than a silk robe and flip flops. She insisted that I come over to Orange Manor to have the body painting done so that I wouldn’t have to deal with the awkwardness of traveling there myself by cab. The Charity Gala was due to start at eight o’clock that evening but since it would take several hours to apply the paint, I would need to begin the process post haste. One ride in a luxurious Orange Family car later, I arrived at the entrance and was greeted by Dalia. We exchanged a brief, but warm embrace and set about getting my body painted for the evening’s festivities. I’d gotten the impression that the Oranges were patrons of the arts, so it didn’t surprise me in the least that they had an art studio. Inside, the floor had been covered by a white tarp, a tall mirror had been set up, and there was a chair nearby for me to sit in. The expert in question stood a few paces away, looking outside the window. He was tall, muscular, and had skin as dark as coal. The tight, tan-colored chinos and pink polo shirt he wore did little to disguise the fact that he was in fantastic shape. I found myself blushing at the thought of removing my robe in front of him. He was quite an attractive man, after all. When I announced my presence, he finally turned around, his long ebony locks swaying behind him. “Buenos días, Miss Belle. It is a pleasure to meet your acquaintance.” Much to my embarrassment, I laughed and snorted at the same time. Way to be a proper lady, Rarity. “Hello there! I’m going to be your model today.” “Si. Mrs. Orange informed me of this. My name is Juan Pablo De Sombra, but you can just call me Sombra for short. I shall be painting your body today. Please undress at your leisure. I would like to see what I’m working with today.” I slipped out of my robe and kicked off my flip flops in an instant. There really wasn’t any point in being bashful about it. I would be functionally nude for the foreseeable future. Mr. Sombra studied my body with the practiced eye of an artist, appraising each and every one of my features. After jotting something down on his notepad, he clapped his hands together. “I must say, Miss Rarity. You have a magnificent figure. It is no mystery to me why you would want to show the world your natural beauty. Such a fine body as this would be spoiled by a mere dress. That is why I shall transform you into a living canvas. Is this what you desire?” I nodded enthusiastically. “Yes, sir! Did Mrs. Orange happen to clue you in on the details?” “She mentioned something about making you look like an Aztec priestess? If so, this is a grand idea. I am confident that you will make my people proud by embodying our culture.” “My goodness! I hadn’t realized that your ancestors were Aztec. How splendid!” Sombra knelt down and fixed his gaze in-between my legs. I very nearly cupped my hands over my privates at the sudden invasion of my personal space. “Hmm. While your vello púbico is lovely and well-groomed, I’m afraid that it must be removed. It will interfere with the painting process, otherwise. My sincere apologies, Miss Rarity. I hope you understand.” “Removed? But I didn’t bring anything to—” Sombra waved his hand. “Not to worry. I am quite skilled at Brazilian waxes. If you would just take a seat on the chair, I’ll have your coño nice and smooth in no time at all.” I suppose that I should have expected this. I really didn’t want to remove all of my pubic hair but Sombra had a point. It would only get in the way if I kept it. While I spread my legs apart to give him easier access, I was impressed at the speed and gentleness with which he waxed me. In a matter of minutes, I was as bare as a baby’s bottom. A slight shiver went down my spine. It was a little bit draftier in the room now that I didn’t have anything covering my womanhood. I chuckled awkwardly while he cleaned his hands in the sink. “Well, that certainly feels… different. I appreciate that you made it as painless as possible.” “I could tell that keeping it intact was important to you. But know that your sacrifice will be worth it in the end. Think of how many people will marvel at your body when we are finished.” Before Sombra got started in earnest, we discussed what sort of color scheme I wanted. He suggested red ochre as the base with jade lines to contrast with the gold jewelry. In my mind’s eye, I tried to get a good picture of it but I’d never seen enough Aztec priestesses to make a judgement call. In the end, I decided to trust his artistic opinion and go with the flow. What transpired over the next few hours was both exhilarating and dreadfully boring at the same time. I was glad that the weather was warm because the paint wasn’t at all when Sombra applied it to my skin. Just as we’d agreed, he applied a few layers of red ochre to my entire body and horizontal lines of jade that started at my feet and went all the way up to my eyes. Sombra applied several layers of silicone-based paint over the entire length my vulva and nipples. He explained that this was to ensure that they were properly obscured, otherwise they would be very easy to spot by the public. Those particular areas were fashioned to resemble strategically placed gold symbols. The piece covering my vulva was removable via a thin plug, so that I could use the restroom if the need arose. I thought that was very clever of Sombra. I took it upon myself to begin donning the jewelry. First came the bracers, then the necklace itself. I’d half expected it to feel cold against my skin, but I was surprised to find that it was pleasantly warm. Perhaps, it had something to do with the fact that I’d used my magic to craft it? I wasn’t an expert on such matters. At some point, I would have to ask Twilight or Sunset. Dalia helped me with my hair. We manipulated it into a stylized bun and used the clasp to keep it in place. Once that was finished, she fetched a few colorful parrot feathers to set in my hair at different intervals, in order to mimic the headdress of the priestesses. Lastly, I put on the earrings. For a brief moment, I considered wearing sandals but decided that they would ruin the aesthetic. I’d gone barefoot plenty of places before and I was quite comfortable doing so. I didn’t think that Orange Manor wouldn’t be too hard on my feet. I gazed at my reflection in the mirror and was left speechless. I didn’t look at all like myself. Rather, I was like a vision straight out of the ancient jungle. I gasped when I felt warmth pour out of the necklace and envelop my entire being like a lover’s embrace. It was unlike anything I had experienced before or ever since. This only further reinforced my theory that the necklace had some kind of magical presence or, at the very least, minor properties. “It’s absolutely stunning, Sombra. I don’t know what to say…” Sombra smiled. “Then don’t say anything at all. Let your body do the talking.” “Erm—yes, of course. Thank you again, darling.” Sombra held up his finger. “Just remember: the paint is not water soluble. This is to ensure that it does not come off while you sweat. Whenever you wish to remove it, use the solution I provided. Above all else, have fun tonight. I will be at the Gala as well if you wish to chat. Who knows? Perhaps, I will be the one to bid on that remarkable necklace of yours.” When he finally left the studio, I hopped up and down like a giddy schoolgirl. Not too much, mind you. I didn’t want to make my hair all ruffled and out of place. In just a few hours I would make my grand entrance at the Charity Gala. And hopefully, I’d make a name for myself as not only a talented jewelry maker, but a woman who wasn’t afraid to be bold and adventurous! > Leaving A Lasting Impression At The Gala > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4 Orange Manor, Manehatten About a half hour before the doors to Orange Manor opened and all of the guests would start the Charity Gala in earnest, I roamed the halls trying to find out where Braeburn was. As fate would have it, I ran into another Apple Family member while passed by the dining room. Unlike her usual tomboyish getup, Applejack was wearing a beautiful red silk dress that went down to her ankles. A pair of apple-shaped, ruby earrings complimented her stylish bun. I could tell that she had worn a little bit of make-up but it was only enough to accentuate what was already there. With a wide grin, I padded over to my best friend and awaited her reaction. Rather than saying a word, Applejack’s eyebrow about raised up to the ceiling. She stared at me for a good thirty seconds before shaking her head and wrapping me up in an affectionate hug. “What in tarnation are ya wearin’, Rares? Or rather, lack thereof…” I giggled. “Body paint for the most part and a few pieces of jewelry. Do you like it?” “Uh… it’s somthin’ alright.” “What’s wrong, darling? Do you think the colors are off or—” Applejack sighed. “It ain’t that at all. Rarity, fer all intents and purposes, yer practically buck nekkid right now. Now before ya get all righteous with me, I know that’s how ya prefer ta go about yer business. But c’mon! Are ya seriously gonna go out like that?” “Applejack, while I sincerely appreciate your concern, I’ve already made up my mind. This is the perfect way to attract attention towards the auction piece and, by extension, promote my jewelry shop. Just think of all the publicity!” Applejack suddenly walked behind me and gave my bottom a firm smack. I yelped in response. “Oh yeah? And I’ll bet every feller who’s got a pulse will be noticin’ yer bare ass n’ boobies jigglin’ around too. I know yer not a hussy, Rares. But some folks might get the wrong idea.” I couldn’t help but blush slightly. “Yes, well I’ve already taken that into account. And you know what? I could care less what they think! It’s my body and I’m damn proud of it. If they don’t like me showing it off, then they can kiss my pearly-white derriere!” “Heh. Be careful what ya wish for, Rares. Ah imagine some fellers might take ya up on that offer. Anywho… what can Ah do ya fer? Can’t imagine yer lookin’ fer a snack.” I cleared my throat. “I was looking for Braeburn. Have you seen him lately?” “Last Ah seen ‘im, Brae was settin’ up the bar with a few bottles o’ whiskey. He won’t be the one pourin’ the drinks tonight, o’ course. Mah Aunt’s got that covered. Ya plannin’ on takin’ ‘im along as yer plus two? ‘Cause if ya are, it’d make me feel a helluva lot better.” I nodded. “I was, as a matter of fact. And my own thoughts mirror yours. I feel safe around him and I do believe he shall do his best to protect my honor from scallywags and ne’er-do-wells.” Applejack laughed. “Reckon he will. Seriously, though. Keep safe. Ah don’t want ta see ya get hurt or taken advantage of, ya hear? A gal like ya doesn’t deserve that kind o’ trouble.” I kissed her on the cheek. “Don’t worry! I know how to handle myself should the situation run awry. I can’t imagine a potential molester would expect me to be an expert in Judo.” “And a crazy, nekkid Aztec priestess ta boot. Alrighty then, Rares. Go on n’ find mah cousin.” I waved goodbye to Applejack and made my way to the bar as she suggested. In no time at all, I found my beau. He was dressed in a dashing, black tuxedo with a rose pinned to the pocket. He had also slicked back his hair for the occasion. I thought he looked every bit the part of a handsome gentleman meant to escort a noble lady. While Braeburn was turned away, I snuck up behind him and wrapped my arms around his torso, locking him in a surprise hug. “Guess who?” I whispered into his ear whilst nibbling on it playfully. “Rarity, is that you?” “The one and only, darling~ How are you doing this fine evening?” When he finally turned around to see me, his eyes widened in disbelief. I’m quite certain that he felt my breasts press up against his back, despite wearing clothes himself. He took a few steps back, face flushed, and tried to come up with an intelligible response. I made sure to twirl around so that he could get a good look at my body from every angle (and to allow certain assets to jiggle around a bit as Applejack had so bluntly pointed out). Even though it was adorable watching him blush like that, I really wanted to get an answer from him. “So… what do you think of my ‘outfit’ for the Charity Gala?” Braeburn coughed awkwardly. “Fer Pete’s sake, Rarity! Yer practically nekkid!!” “Come now, Braeburn. It’s not like you haven’t seen me without clothing on before.” Braeburn twiddled his fingers together. “Yeah, but this is different. We’re in public and—uh—people are gonna see ya. Lots of people, Ah might add!” “Yes, I know that.” Braeburn carefully placed his hand atop my shoulder. “Ah obviously can’t force ya ta make decisions, Rarity. That’s fer ya ta decide. But Ah want ya ta know that Ah don’t think this is a very bright idea. What if… ya get taken advantage of? Ah ain’t a city boy, but even I know there’s bound ta be paparazzi and unscrupulous characters here tonight.” “I already put a lot of consideration into this decision, Braeburn. I’m well aware of all the risks involved. Rest assured, I am quite capable of taking care of myself and handling the sort of players that shall be present here tonight. However, I’m very touched by your concern.” Braeburn caressed my cheeks and planted a gentle kiss upon my lips. “Ah just don’t wanna see ya get hurt is all. Ah care about ya a whole lot, Rarity.” My heart fluttered in my chest. “Your cousin said something along the same lines. To that end, would you mind accompanying me as my official date tonight? I’d like for us to have some fun together and relax, if possible. Would you do me the honor, Braeburn?” He bowed politely and offered his arm. I took it without hesitation and we began to make our way towards the entrance of Orange Manor where all of the guests would be arriving. While we walked down the hall, I glanced over at him discreetly, in order to gauge his reaction. Sure enough, his eyes were roaming all over my paint-clad body from top to bottom. A warm, tingling sensation filled my loins. Braeburn’s obvious interest made me feel incredibly sexy~ “Like what you see, darling?” I breathed in a husky whisper. Braeburn blushed. “Sorry fer starin’ at ya so much. Ah just…” I giggled. “There’s no shame in admitting that you’re having thoughts of a more lascivious nature, Braeburn. In fact, feel free to look at my body as much as you want from now on. I truly don’t mind. But remember: always ask permission first before you touch a lady~” “Fair enough. Ya look breath takin’, Rarity. Really accentuates all o’ yer curves and whatnot. It’ll be hard fer me ta keep mah thoughts straight if I’m next ta ya all night long.” I nearly lost my composure and let out a girlish squeal. Braeburn was such an honest boy. But that was one of the many things I loved about him. “I’m glad you like it so much. I’m sure that everyone else will too. What about my perfume? Is it too much?” “Nah, it’s fine. Smells really good too. What kind is it?” Some women like to drown themselves in the stuff. I, on the other hand, take a more conservative approach. Just a few dabs in strategic areas: like my armpits, neck, underneath my breasts, and in-between my thighs. Areas that tend to get a bit sweaty. Please don’t get the wrong impression. I most certainly DID NOT have any issues with body odor. A lady such as myself takes great pride in smelling her best. Although, I’d read somewhere that those areas had higher concentrations of pheromones. Might as well cover all my bases. “Just my usual blend. Vanilla and rose oil.” Braeburn offered me his hand, to which I took with pleasure. “Suits ya. Shall we go then? Ah imagine you’ll be the star attraction of this here Gala. Everybody’ll wanna talk to ya.” “You said it yourself, darling. My ‘outfit’ is rather eye-catching. If at any point you feel overwhelmed by it all, please let me know. That way we can go retreat somewhere quiet and have a little alone time together. Does that sound amenable to you?” Braeburn merely nodded in reply. With everything going on tonight, I could tell that he was very anxious. And yes, I realized that I was a contributing factor towards his discomfort. Still, it made me very happy that he appreciated all of the hard work that had been put into my ‘outfit’. I took a deep, shuddering breath to try and calm myself before we made our grand entrance. Even though I’d been amongst large groups of people before at naturist resorts, it had never been under these specific circumstances. And most certainly not with a boyfriend in tow. That was something I had never managed to work up the courage to do during my youth. Knowing my father as I do, he would have never allowed two teenagers alone together, and for the most part, unsupervised at a naturist resort. It probably all worked out for the best, if I’m being honest. My heart pounded in my chest and my legs felt like rubber. As Pinkie would say: “I was nervouscited.” Technically, my naughty bits were covered up from prying eyes and camera lenses but… it essentially felt the same as being nude. My very first foray into the world of high stakes business was putting my body on full display in front of Manehatten’s rich and powerful. Suddenly, I could feel the breeze tickling my bare skin as we walked into the courtyard. Oh drat! Why did that have to happen now of all times?! Erm—allow me to explain. You see, I have an awful habit of sweating like a pig whenever I become nervous. Since I wasn’t wearing any clothing, the effect wasn’t all that noticeable. However, there was one area of my body, primarily in-between my butt cheeks, that would never fail to become drenched in sweat. The uncomfortable, clammy feeling of having a wet bottom was terribly distracting. I was glad that the paint did a good job at concealing my normally fair complexion. Otherwise, the rosy blush coloring nearly my entire body would have been visible to everyone. Braeburn seemed to pick up on this, bless his heart, and looked at me with an expression of concern. I tried my best to put on a brave face, but it wasn’t enough. “What’s wrong, Rarity? Are ya havin’ second thoughts about all this?” I let out a frustrated groan. “Well, I am a bit more nervous than I thought I’d be. But—ah—it’s a different issue than that, I’m afraid. One of a rather… personal nature.” “Anythin’ Ah can do ta help?” I frowned. “Not unless you have a washcloth that I could stick up my bum.” Braeburn blinked owlishly. “Uh… beg pardon?” “If you must know, my butt crack is starting to get all sweaty!” I hissed. “Oh. OH! Well, that’s—hahaha—Ah didn’t realize women had that problem.” “Of course, we can—ugh! I really don’t need this tonight. Curse my nervous habit! I’m sorry for being so cross, darling. It’s just a very uncomfortable feeling. But at least I don’t have to deal with getting a wedgie at the same time. That would simply be the worst!” Braeburn reached over and rubbed my back. “Do you—erm—need me ta get ya some papers towels ta… dry it up or somethin’?” “No. That won’t be necessary. I’ll let my sweat dry out naturally. I suspect that it shall take a while, but I don’t want to look like an idiot, constantly wiping my bottom with paper towels or the like. Thank you for the offer, though. I really do appreciate your willingness to help me.” Braeburn flashed me an encouraging smile. “Yer welcome.” It hadn’t escaped my notice that Braeburn placed his hand upon my hip while we continued to walk. He caressed my skin gently, as a way to help me calm down and show his support. Most couples might not make a fuss over such a gesture, but I felt that it was a significant step in our relationship. He was starting to get more comfortable showing physical affection towards me, even though I was clad in little more than paint. This was a good sign. Especially, considering how conservative his family was regarding intimacy. And nudity in general, I suppose. I moved my hand over his and returned the gesture with an affectionate smile of my own. With newfound resolve, I focused my attention forward on the other guests. As I expected, a great deal of them ceased their conversations and cast their gaze towards me. Some of the looks I got were far beyond mere curiosity. I could practically sense the naked lust radiating from within their eyes. However, like a proper lady, I merely nodded politely and waved on occasion. That said, the vast majority of guests seemed genuinely impressed by Sombra’s handiwork (and my own too). From what I understand, he is a rather famous artist with a legendary reputation amongst those in the know. I wasn’t at all familiar with his work prior to tonight, but I promised myself to peruse some of his pieces when I had the chance. After sweating so much, my mouth felt as dry as a bone. So, I left Braeburn to chat with a few of the guests while I scampered over to the buffet table for some liquid refreshments. While I was enjoying a delicious fuzzy navel, I nearly choked when I saw who was standing next to me. It was none other than Countess Coloratura herself! She wasn’t wearing any of her usual, over the top outfits, but rather a simple navy dress that went down past her knees. A cute pair of white slippers accented the rose she wore in her hair. Elegant and to the point. I liked it. “Enjoying the Gala so far, Miss Rarity?” she asked politely. “Bwuh?” The Countess giggled. “Oh, I’m sorry! Applejack talks about you so much that I forgot we’ve never met in person before. You can just call me Rara if you want.” I hesitantly shook her hand. “Good evening, Rara. I’ve always been a big fan of your music! So—erm—what exactly has Applejack told you about me? Only good things, I hope! AHAHAHA!” Great way to make a first impression, Rarity. Acting like a starstruck buffoon. “Lots of good things! I must say, I’m really digging the getup you’ve got there. The necklace looks like it came straight out of a Daring Do novel. Did you make that yourself?” I cleared my throat. “Indeed. I designed all of the jewelry myself. Mr. Sombra was the one who created my ‘outfit’ as it were. You can take a closer look if you’d like. I don’t mind.” Rara did just that and traced her fingers along my chest. With a slight blush, she pulled them back and suddenly found a plate full of swiss cheese cubes to be the most interesting thing in the world. Had she somehow thought I’d been offended? I took another sip of my fuzzy navel and nibbled on a slice of smoked salmon. When the awkward silence stretched on for more than thirty seconds, I decided to ask her what was the matter. “What’s wrong, darling? Are you not feeling well?” Rara shuffled her feet. “I didn’t realize you were only wearing paint. That means…” “I am essentially walking around in the nude right now? Yes, I know. Believe me, I do. It’s a bold strategy for advertising my brand, but I think it will pay off in the end. What do you think?” Rara looked at me again. “I think you look absolutely stunning, Miss Rarity. Don’t get me wrong; I’m a girl who loves her crazy costumes, but I don’t think I’d ever be brave enough to pull something like that off. Takes some real guts. And a great body too…” It was my turn to blush. “Thank you, dear. I appreciate the compliment.” Rara nodded demurely. “No problem. I guess it’s like the old saying goes: ‘If you’ve got it, flaunt it’. Nobody’s given you any trouble over your… costume yet, have they? Most of the people here are pretty open-minded but Manehatten has its share of perverted creeps.” “Not yet, thank goodness. But I have received some wantonly lewd stares. In a sense, it should make me happy that my body is attractive enough to do so but… ugh! It’s complicated. I only want one man to look at me that way. To have… lewd thoughts about me.” Rara’s tone suggested that she was disappointed somehow. “Oh. Who might that be?” “Applejack’s cousin, Braeburn. He and I have been acquainted for several years. Before I moved to Manehatten, I’d been far too busy to pursue a relationship. But now, I feel like my life has stabilized enough for me to get back onto the market. Well, briefly anyway.” “I only met Braeburn a few times. He seemed nice enough, though. Handsome too.” I let out a dreamy sigh. “All of those things and more.” Rara let out a dejected sigh after taking a swig of her martini. “Must be nice being in love…” “Pardon? Oh… I hadn’t realized that you were—” The countess munched on the olive floating in her drink. “Single? Yeah. It’s tough dating anyone who’s impartial when you’re as famous as I am. It’s funny, you know. I’m surrounded by adoring fans, but I still feel like there’s this big, gaping hole in my life. I’m sorry, Miss Rarity. I didn’t mean to bring up such a dour topic. I just—being lonely really sucks.” I patted her back. “Perhaps, I could be of assistance?” “How so?” I nibbled on another cheese cube. Oh! Cheddar. “Assuming that you’re attracted to women, I have a certain fashion-savvy friend who’s cute, single, and ready to mingle~ She’s—um—how shall we say, a bit skittish around strangers though. Very shy and introverted.” “How’d you guess that I was a—” I snorted. “My dear, as a jewelry designer, I have an eye for fine details. Which can just as easily be applied to people as well. The way I see it: your body language thus far, has spoken volumes about what your proclivities are. Not to worry; I’m not judging you or anything.” Rara blushed profusely, which I thought was rather adorable but I kept my mouth shut. “I wasn’t lying when I said you had a great body, Rarity. There’s gonna be a lot of women here who’ll be jealous that you’re showing it off so causally too. WELL! Now that we’ve addressed the pink elephant in the room, let’s talk about this shy friend of yours.” “Indeed. Her name is Coco Pommel. She’s a fashion designer living in the city. Born and raised in Baltimare, but as I said before: she has a few issues with keeping her anxiety under control. The poor dear is prone to having panic attacks whenever she gets stressed out sometimes.” “Aww. That’s unfortunate. Do you think she’d be too nervous to have a chat with me?” I shrugged. “Honestly, I have no idea. She never mentioned listening to your music before. The only thing I would suggest is try to be as patient as you can with her. It might take a little while, but once you gain Coco’s trust, she’ll open up to you. I promise.” Rara’s expression brightened. “Is she here at the Gala?” “I believe so. Hold on a moment, darling. Let me go bother my boyfriend for a moment. As you might well imagine, my ‘outfit’ fits like a glove and is extremely comfortable, but it wasn’t designed to carry anything.” Braeburn was busy nursing a pint of ale and a handful of crackers when I politely asked him if I could borrow his phone for a moment so that I could text Coco. I had no idea where she was currently and wanted her to meet Rara right away. He was about to ask why I didn’t have mine on hand, when I danced in place to make everything jiggle a bit. With a sheepish blush, he dug into his pocket and fished out a very plain-looking smartphone. I rewarded him with a kiss. Once I finished texting her, I returned to Rara. “She’s on her way as we speak. As it turns out, she was taking a little break from the crowd in the gardens.” The gardens weren’t very far away from the main reception area, so Coco arrived within minutes. She was wearing a beautiful strapless dress, black velvet with sequins. Coco walked carefully due to the black stilettos gracing her feet, and her hair was set in its usual, pristine bob-cut. When she finally saw Rara and I together at the buffet table, her eyes widened in shock. In a stumbling gait, she rushed over to me, grabbed my arm, and pulled me aside. “Rarity, what on earth are you wearing?! That looks like—OH NO… you can’t be serious. You’re wearing nothing but a little bit of jewelry and paint! WHY?!!” I placed my hand on her shoulder. “Relax, dear. It’s all part of my plan.” “Plan? What plan? You mean the one where everyone thinks you’re an exhibitionist?” I let out a heavy sigh. “No, I assure you that I have everything under control. I wanted to draw attention to the auction piece. And what better way to do that than model it myself?” Coco huffed in frustration. “Maybe that part was a good idea, at least. But why did you have to show up in nothing but paint? Even as a naturist, you should know that people aren’t going to keep their eyes fixed on the necklace alone. What about your reputation? You’re practically walking around buck-naked at Manehatten’s most famous charity event!” “Yes, I know.” Coco began to hyperventilate and hugged me tightly. “Please don’t be do anything rash like this ever again, Rarity. You’re my best friend and I love you. I don’t want to see you get hurt or taken advantage of.” I kissed her forehead. “I love you too, darling. Just about everyone else who’s important in my life has told me how thoughtless it was to do this. But I have no regrets! Sometimes, putting your brand out there incurs risk. Thus far, however, I’ve received mostly positive feedback.” Coco seemed to calm down a bit. “Well, to be fair, you do pull off the whole: sexy, Aztec priestess look flawlessly. I’ll bet Braeburn was practically slobbering over you, huh?” “For the most part,” I admitted, “Like I said: you needn’t worry about me so much. I can handle myself, and with Braeburn by my side, I’ve made it very clear that I’m spoken for. Now, might we discuss the actual reason why I asked you to come see me?” Coco twirled a strand of her hair. “Sure. Who did you want me to meet?” “Before you go meet her, I have to warn you: she’s somewhat of a celebrity.” Coco bit her lip. “Rarity, I don’t need any more stress right now…” “Are you, by chance, familiar with Countess Coloratura?” “Of course, I am. She writes great music and has an amazing sense of fashion. Why are you—wait a second! You can’t possibly be serious! She’s here?! NOW?!!” I chuckled and tried to act nonchalant. “Erm—well—yes, darling. I might have mentioned that you share many of the same interests and also happen to be single right now, so—” “A FAMOUS POP STAR IS LOOKING FOR A DATE AND YOU SUGGESTED ME?!!” Before Coco could have a full-blown panic attack, I grabbed ahold of her head and placed it in-between my breasts like a natural pillow. For some reason, Coco always found this particular type of affection to be therapeutic. This time was no exception. After stroking her hair a few times, she began breathing normally again and seemed to compose herself once more. “Everything will be alright, dear. Rara is a normal girl with normal needs just like us, except she happens to be famous. If you need any further proof of this, ask Applejack. They’ve been close friends since childhood. Besides, what exactly do you have to lose by talking to her?” Coco sighed. “I guess you have a point. Alright, I’ll go talk to her.” I was very pleased to see that Coco caught Rara’s undivided attention while she walked towards the buffet table. The look in both of their eyes when they met was that of genuine interest and curiosity. Although somewhat awkward at first, the two of them were laughing and talking about their favorite music and whatnot like they’d known each other for years. They looked absolutely adorable together! When I was sure that no one else was looking, I squealed to myself. Once I regained my lady-like composure, I set off to find Braeburn again and allowed the two of them to have some private time. It didn’t take long before I found my beau. He was chatting with his aunt amongst a few other party-goers and motioned for me to join him. I obliged, of course. It would have been rather rude of me not to. With yet another fuzzy navel in my grasp, I padded over to Braeburn, gave him an affectionate kiss on the cheek, and wrapped my free arm around his waist. I wanted to make it VERY clear to everyone that we were a couple. Dalia took a sip of champagne and smiled. “Rarity, my dear! I was just talking about your fabulous costume and svelte physique. Take a look everyone! Doesn’t she look stunning? And the best part of all: what you see before you is, for the most part, au naturale Rarity Belle.” I giggle snorted and nearly choked on my drink. It seems that I was destined to be embarrassed tonight. “Oh, please! Give credit where credit is due, Mrs. Orange. Mister Sombra was the one talented enough to craft such an amazing costume in the first place.” “Yes, but you’re the one owning it~ Not to mention, you created all of the jewelry too.” Sombra flashed me an award-winning smile and held up his dirty martini. “Mrs. Orange is correct. Art is only as good as the canvas it is painted on. And, if I do say so myself, what a remarkable canvas it is! Truly, you are one of the most beautiful models I have ever had the pleasure to paint. The honor was mine, Miss Rarity.” My entire face flushed bright red like a garden-ripe tomato. I could tell that other guests were studying me with great intensity, examining every curve of my body in lurid detail. It was both exhilarating and terribly nerve-wracking all at the same time. The sudden urge to vomit struck me like a wave crashing against a ship in a storm. For a brief moment, I wasn’t entirely certain if I was going to be able to keep down my drink. I’ve never felt so ashamed of myself. Save for the day I walked home from school in a tattered dress. For a woman who was supposedly comfortable with her own image, I was terrified that everyone would assume I was a harlot for wearing little more than paint. Would they shun me for adopting such an unconventional lifestyle like my ‘friends’ in grade school did so many years ago? It was an irrational fear, born of childhood trauma, but one that I could not quash easily. Luckily, Braeburn noticed that I was feeling overwhelmed and began rubbing my lower back. He apologized to everyone present and insisted that I needed to get some air. So, he ushered me over to a less inhabited corner of the reception area. It took every ounce of my willpower not to curl up into a ball on the floor and sob with reckless abandon. After taking in a few deep breaths, I calmed down a bit. It wasn’t my proudest moment that night. “Are ya gonna be ok, Rarity?” “Yes, darling. Just give me a moment to compose myself.” I croaked. “Hrmmm. Ah don’t like the way some o’ them folks are lookin’ at ya.” I sighed. “It’s to be expected, Braeburn. I’m literally the showpiece.” “Maybe so, but… ya ain’t some piece o’ meat ta be drooled over.” I huffed in frustration. “What would you have me do, then? I’ve already made my choice.” “Ah dunno. How’s about ya git up on the balcony over yonder and give a speech.” I blinked owlishly. “I’m not quite sure I follow…” “Tell ‘em how much ya love makin’ jewelry, bein’ generous ta others in need, and most importantly, that ya ain’t afraid ta be yerself. Those kinds o’ things!” I looked down at my feet and whimpered. “If only it were that simple! Braeburn, I’ve—public speaking has never been my strongpoint. What if they… ridicule me for being a naturist? I just couldn’t bear it, darling. Not again…” Braeburn cupped my cheeks. “Then it’s their loss! There’s absolutely nothin’ wrong with ya, Rarity. All ya gotta do is speak from the heart. Let ‘em know what yer all about. People, no matter what walk o’ life they come from, tend ta respect confidence and sincerity.” “You’re right, of course. It's time that I stop trying to hide who I am.” Braeburn kissed my forehead. “Don’t worry; I’ll be standin’ right next to ya.” I asked Dalia first if it was ok to make a speech regarding the showpiece. She agreed without hesitation and set about transforming the balcony into a makeshift stage. Within ten minutes, everyone had started to gather around, waiting to hear from me. Dalia handed me the microphone and I walked up the stairs carefully with Braeburn at my side. I surveyed the crowd and noticed that everyone appeared curious rather than upset. As good a sign as any, I suppose. “Good evening, esteemed guests. My name is Rarity Belle and I’d like to take a moment to introduce both myself and the centerpiece that shall be up for auction. First and foremost, I am a jewelry designer by profession. I own a small shop downtown called: Diamond in The Rough. If you like any of my pieces tonight, please stop by sometime. All are welcome! “I’m certain that many of you are wondering why I’ve chosen to appear in body paint. I will admit that this particular costume may seem a bit risqué, but I wanted to embody the spirit of the culture that inspired me to make the pieces. My sincere thanks to Mr. Sombra for doing such a marvelous job! A round of applause for him everyone, if you would please.” After the guests stopped clapping, I resumed my speech. “That being said: I have another reason. I was born and raised in a naturist household, so nudity has always been the standard for me. I was taught that the human body is not something to be ashamed of. In fact, it is to be celebrated not matter the shape or size. Some here tonight may believe that I’m simply showing off or that I’m a shameless exhibitionist. I don’t give a damn what they think! “I’m proud of my lifestyle too. Every day, I work hard and eat healthy to maintain my figure. There is no miracle pill or secret technique to be had here. It’s all about dedication. I’m also dedicated to providing comfort to those who are desperately in need of it. Whether it is clothing, money, food, shelter, or otherwise. So, yes. Look at me if you want but keep in mind what’s at stake here tonight. Your bids will help people less fortunate than us. Thank you.” My entire body shook with nervous energy. It had taken every ounce of my willpower to deliver that speech and I felt emotionally exhausted afterwards. Much to my surprise, everyone seemed to have enjoyed the speech and I found many guests nodding their heads in silent agreement. Quite a few of them even came up to me and asked about my contact information for future commissions. My declaration had gone far better than I’d dare hoped. Braeburn smiled at me. “See? Told ya they’d get the message.” “Indeed. But to be frank, I’d rather not do that again anytime soon.” Sombra walked over to me and kissed my hand. “A wonderful speech, Miss Rarity. I would even go so far as to say that your fiery passion ignited the souls of all present. I’m certain your centerpiece will fetch an astounding sum. If not, I will be sure to bid on it myself.” The expression on Braeburn’s face was somewhere between cautious and protective. Sombra was an exceedingly handsome man, after all. So, perhaps Braeburn felt that I was being wooed or something to that effect. It’s true that the artist was both polite and charming, but I never sensed that he had ever been coming onto me. Oh well. Boys will be boys. Before I had a chance to defuse the situation, a rugged looking man in his early forties, dressed in a white tuxedo came over to Sombra and they shared an affectionate kiss together. I had my suspicions about Sombra’s preferences but this confirmed them without a shred of doubt. They looked quite adorable together. In a sort of… machismo homosexual sort of way. “Hola mi amigos. I am Dr. Ricardo Caballeron of the Manehatten Institute of Archeology. Juan has told me much about you, Miss Rarity. It is an honor to finally meet you in person.” The befuddled expression on Braeburn’s face was priceless. I couldn’t help but giggle. “A pleasure, Doctor. I’ve heard many good things about your expeditions. In fact, one of the documentaries I watched featuring your commentary helped inspire my outfit tonight.” “Muy Bueno! It’s always nice to see a fellow enthusiast of Aztec culture. By the way, your necklace looks so authentic that I wouldn’t have been surprised if you’d told me it was a thousand years old. Juan! You simply must bid on it! I want it in our home.” Sombra wrapped his arm around Caballeron’s waist and gave him a quick kiss. “Of course, my love. I will make every effort to buy it. That is… if we are not outbid.” “Si. Such is life. In any case, Miss Rarity, I will leave you my business card. Even if we do not win the bid tonight, I’m definitely interested in commissioning a piece from you. Enjoy the rest of your evening.” I handed the business card over to Braeburn seeing as how I had no pockets in which to place it. We watched as the two of them walked over to the buffet table for some more refreshments and to mingle with the other guests. Upon finishing my second fuzzy navel, I put my hands on my hips and glared at Braeburn. He seemed to wilt in place. “There was no reason to give Mr. Sombra the stink eye.” Braeburn had the decency to look ashamed. “Rarity, Ah didn’t mean ta—” “Come now, darling. Do you think I was born yesterday? I know what jealousy looks like.” “Fine. I’ll admit that Ah thought he was… flirtin’ with ya.” I pressed my body up against his chest and purred. “Good boy. I like it when you’re honest. While Sombra was indeed handsome, you should know by now that I’m only interested in a certain studly member of the Apple Family~ I wonder who that could be?” “Glad ta hear it. Ah was just makin’ sure.” Braeburn mumbled. I locked arms with my beau and we took a stroll around the grounds. I wanted to get a little fresh air and clear my mind. We came upon the gardens and I immediately understood why Coco had been drawn to them. They were spectacular! Marble fountains, colorful flora of every type imaginable, neatly trimmed bushes, and a lovely greenhouse in the center of it all. I led Braeburn to a more secluded part of the gardens, away from other people, wrapped my arms around his neck, and kissed him passionately. When we broke apart, I placed my hand on his chest. “It’s so romantic out here. Almost like a fairy tale. Would you dance with me, Braeburn?” He smiled at me. “Certainly, Miss.” That was how we spent the remainder of our evening together. In each other’s embrace, dancing under the pale moonlight. I probably should have attended the auction just to see what my necklace had fetched, but spending time with Braeburn was far more important to me. Besides, I could always just ask Dalia later when I got the chance. There was a point where Braeburn took hold of my bottom and gave it a firm squeeze. I was a bit surprised, but I honestly didn’t mind. I thought it was only fair since he’d shown so much self-control around me the entire evening. I was essentially nude, after all. Unfortunately, things abruptly became awkward between us when I felt him fondle my breast. He wasn’t rough about it, mind you, I just wasn’t quite ready to take that step in our relationship yet. I pulled away from him with a heavy heart. The look of disappointment on his face was palpable. I shuffled my feet in the grass, unsure of what to say. “I’m sorry, Braeburn.” “Ah messed up big time, didn’t Ah?” I held his hand and stroked it gently to reassure him. “Not exactly. I suppose it’s partially my fault. I may have gone a bit too far with my flirting and gave you the wrong impression. My lack of attire probably isn’t helping matters either. Now’s just not the right time or place, darling.” “Oh. Ah don’t wanna—umm—force ya ta have sex or anythin’…” I leaned over and kissed his cheek. “And I appreciate that. For the time being, let’s get to know each other better, romantically, then we’ll see what happens. Rest assured, I am very much interested in making love to you, but I don’t want us to make any rash decisions.” “Shit! Yer right. Ah don’t even have a condom on me right now.” I giggled. “Precisely my point, darling. Neither of us are prepared right now.” Braeburn’s face glowed with an adorable blush. “Could we maybe lie down in the grass, watch the moon, and snuggle fer a bit instead? I’d like that.” “Certainly. I’d like that too.” > The Annual Belle Family Vacation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 5 Rarity’s Apartment, Manehatten After a particularly long week of working on commissions non-stop, I’d finally decided to take a little break. Had I been feeling more self-conscious of my image, I would’ve put some effort into the attire I wore after the jeweling process. But I was simply too exhausted to care. I settled on a tank top and gym shorts. While the diamond geode did make pieces easier to craft overall, it consumed my energy on both the physical and mental level. Not that I was complaining, mind you. Power, whether of the magical or mundane variety, always came with a price. That being said, I shuffled over to a quaint little pizza shop on the corner called Tonio’s. The restaurant had been there for generations and they used an authentic, coal-fired brick oven to bake all of their pies. Since I’d been running around, sweating like a pig all day, I decided to forgo my normal dietary habits and splurge on a meat lover’s pizza. It had everything a girl with a salt tooth could possibly want! Peperoni, Sausage, Bacon, Ham—you name it~ I was quite certain that Extravagance would love it too. In smaller portions, of course. As soon as I entered the apartment, Trav camp scampering over to me, his tail wagging back and forth like a happy little metronome. I put the pizza on the counter, picked up my puppy, and gave him a big kiss on the forehead. He responded by licking my face enthusiastically. I allowed him to do so for a little while (I imagine he enjoyed the salty flavor of my sweat), then put him down. I heard him whuff excitedly when I opened up the pizza box. “Yes, I know how much you love meat. Please be patient, darling. Mommy only just got back from the shop.” To be quite honest, I desperately wanted to take a good soak in the bathtub first. But the pizza wouldn’t stay hot forever, so I settled for washing my face and hands with warm water and soap. Once that was done, I lifted out a slice and cut it up into bite-sized pieces. I’d made the mistake of giving Trav a whole slice one time before and he’d made an absolute mess of the kitchen! Pizza sauce, greasy cheese, and pepperoni slices were scattered everywhere! When I slid the paper plate in front of him, his pudgy face lit up with unbridled joy. It made me laugh. I grabbed a slice of my own and started devouring it like a starved maniac. What? Just because I normally have the table manners of a lady, doesn’t mean I have to eat that way ALL the time. My appointment with Dalia should have clued you in on that. Who’s going to judge me anyway? An English Bull Dog busy stuffing his own jowls full of pizza? I don’t think so~ Oh drat! A glob of greasy mozzarella landed on my tank top. Well, at least it’s black and won’t be difficult to wash out. Whenever I had no other choice but to wear clothing, I preferred darker colors like navy blue, black, or magenta. They happened to compliment my light complexion and made stains less noticeable than, say, on white or tan. The same could be applied to lingerie, I suppose. Although, I’d rarely ever had issues with underthings considering that I went commando most of the time. Ugh! Such a crude term. I wish there was a more elegant one. Even though I’d only ordered a small pizza, it still had eight, generous slices. Upon finishing my fourth slice, I cut up another one for Trav and put the rest in the fridge. One of these nights, when I wasn’t in the mood to cook, I would eat up the rest of it as leftovers. With dinner concluded, I saw no reason to delay my precious bubble bath. I immediately took off my sweaty clothes and chucked them into the waste hamper near the bathroom door. As was my custom on Friday nights, I poured a flowery concoction of scented oils into the water and topped it off with just a hint of bubble mix. Once the water was high enough, I slid into the tub with satisfied groan. It was one of life’s simplest pleasures, but one that I cherished all the same. Extravagance soon followed, and I picked him up and set him in-between my legs. While I reclined in the tub and laid my head back upon the bath pillow, I thought back to the email Dalia had sent me. Initially, I’d felt somewhat guilty about skipping the auction at the Charity Gala. No, I didn’t regret it. The time I’d spent with Braeburn was, in my humble opinion, much more important as it gave us a chance to connect and become closer than ever before. Besides, everyone’d had the chance to get a good look at both me and the jewelry while I was mingling. And during the speech afterwards too. If that wasn’t enough, Dalia had posted high definition photographs of everything as well. To that point, I hope that she focused more on the jewelry than my—mostly—unclad body. I’d already seen a few images of myself in the paper and on various news websites in the days following the Gala. All tasteful, thankfully. It seemed as though I’d struck a chord with Manehattenites. I was praised for my avant-garde choice of attire, and more importantly, my dedication to charitable causes. As for the buyer? Well, one need look no further than Mr. Sombra. I can’t say I was terribly surprised to find out that he’d bought the entire set. The amount, however, was what nearly gave me a heart attack. Everything had sold for a whopping three million dollars! I’m not ashamed to admit that I fainted upon reading the figure. Thankfully, Trav was nearby to lick me back to consciousness. Mr. Sombra even went so far as to email me and show me a picture of it on display in his home. He told me that it was worth every single penny he spent and more. A priceless treasure beyond compare, crafted by a talented beauty. He was such a charmer~ No wonder Braeburn was so jealous. I mean, had I not known that Mr. Sombra was staunchly homosexual, I would’ve gladly rubbed my body all over his muscular—EHEM! Ok, Rarity. Let’s not think about him too much. Seeing as how I’d just eaten half a pizza on my own, I decided that alcohol was probably not the best choice of beverage for me during my bath. Instead of my usual goblet of wine, I opted to sip on a nice, hot cup of Oolong to help settle my nerves. The honey and lemon wedge weren’t strictly necessary but I always went the extra mile when it came to tea. Like a proper lady! I yawned while massaging Trav’s head. “Goodness. I’m a lot more exhausted than I initially thought. If I’m not careful, I might very well end up falling asleep in the tub.” Trav looked back at me and snorted. “Have you no faith in me, darling? I promise that you won’t have to wake me up again.” Trav simply gave me a non-committal whuf and nuzzled my leg. Who knows what he was actually thinking? Some days, I found myself jealous of Fluttershy’s geode. It must have been amazing to be able to communicate with animals as if they were human beings. Well, I imagine some people would be jealous of my powers too under certain circumstances. Having seen what happens when said powers are abused firsthand (Sunset Shimmer came to mind), I always made it a point to never take them for granted or flaunt them openly in public. My own family was only vaguely aware of my gift. It is an unavoidable topic of discussion when one’s friends have similar gifts as well. I took the bull by the horns and decided to tell them about if first before they started asking questions. They were very supportive of me, as always. At the time, I was terrified that they would treat me differently because of my mystical abilities but they took it all in stride and said that the geode suited me. We all had a big family hug and a nice, long cry afterwards. Well, more so my sister, mother, and I. Father had always been… a man’s man, so to speak. He tended to reign in his emotions most of the time. It had more to do with his job than anything else, I think. He was the head coach of the Baltimare Badgers. Yes, you heard correctly. The Baltimare Badgers from the illustrious Equestrian Football League. And for quite some time too. Fifteen years to be exact. His profession was one of the reasons why our family was so well to do. We weren’t the type to flaunt our wealth in front of others, but I never had to worry about how to pay for college or buying my own apartment in Manehatten. Father had insisted that I didn’t need to pay him back for the expenses, but I insisted. When I finally handed him the check, he gave me a big hug and said how proud of me he was. I considered myself fortunate to have such a loving father. It was quite possibly one of the most emotional moments I’d ever shared with him. Other than the incident in grade school, that is. To this day, I can still picture his expression. A deep frown set upon his lips, and glassy eyes. He was so upset that he’d gone mute and his body trembled with unimaginable rage. When he spoke to the principal later that day about the incident, his voice was filled with icy venom, cold enough to frighten even the most composed individual. I was upset at the time too, but I’ll never forget what happened. As it turns out, the school district was negligent when it came to addressing the issue of bullying. Teachers and staff would often do very little to stop it. Even if a formal complaint was filed. With his connections to various news organizations, my father made sure that the incident was highly publicized. The principal wound up resigning in disgrace and stricter rules were enacted to protect students. I’m just glad that Sweetie never had to deal with any of that nonsense. By all accounts, our friends and neighbors in Ponyville were far more accommodating than the ones in Whinnyapolis. From what I understand, Sweetie was also transparent about our lifestyle and had told her friends as such. They seemed to accept her with open arms and treated her exactly the same as before. It was an immense relief for me. I was terrified that she’d be bullied like I’d been. My reverie down memory lane was abruptly brought to a halt when I heard my phone vibrate. I kept it on a plastic tray just in case there was some kind of emergency, but I wasn’t too keen on chatting with anyone during bath time. I dried off my hands and swiped the screen to see who it was. Speak of the devil… it was my father! He called occasionally to check up on me but his calls were few and far between. It was usually Sweetie or Mother who called. I immediately hit the accept call button and put him on speaker. “Good evening, daddy. How are you doing?” “Hey there, Rare-Bear,” he replied, “I’m doing pretty good. Saw your picture in the paper yesterday. Said your jewelry sold for a few million. That’s really something, don’tcha know.” “Yes, I was astounded by the amount as well.” Father hummed in agreement. “Can you imagine my surprise when I saw my girl dressed up in nothing but paint? Took some real cahoonas to do that in front of all those fancy Manhatten folks. Regardless, ya look great and I’m proud of ya. Your mother and sister are too.” I found myself blushing. “Thank you, daddy. I wanted to make sure we raised plenty of money for charity. I—um—there were quite a few requests for commissions thereafter. That’s why I’ve been so busy as of late. Tell mother I’m sorry for not calling her sooner.” “Nah, it’s alright. We understand that you’ve got your own life to live now.” I lifted my foot out of the tub and wiggled my toes. “How are things going in Ponyville?” “Eh… nothing too exciting. Your sister’s been having some personal issues.” “Issues? Of what nature? Is she hurt or sick?” Father chuckled awkwardly. “Not exactly. She’s—uh—oh gosh. I’m not sure that she’d want me to say anything about it. Let’s just say that she’s REALLY starting to resemble her mother… in many different ways. Ya know, like transforming into a beautiful, young lady.” Ah, so that’s what it was. As naturists, we were always comfortable with our bodies. However, as I mentioned before, any physical changes that occurred were immediately noticeable. Sweetie, being the tender age of sixteen, meant that she was in the late stages of puberty. I hadn’t seen her nude in a while, so there’s no telling how much she’d matured since then. Given mother’s… physique, it was safe to assume that Sweetie’s feminine assets had grown considerably. “Oh goodness! She’s caught the attention of her male peers, hasn’t she?” “You betcha. Your mother has talked to her about it but I don’t think Sweetie knows how to deal with being… buxom yet. Gah! I feel like a creep for talking about my own daughter that way. I just don’t know how else to describe it, though. She’s filling out everywhere, Rare-Bear.” I giggled despite my sister’s predicament. “I completely understand, daddy. When I see her again, I’ll be sure to have long chat with Sweetie about it. I promise.” “Appreciate it. Now that we’re on the subject of seeing your sister, I’d like to invite you to our annual family vacation. Since ya haven’t gone with us in a few years, I thought it’d be… nice if ya came along this time. It’d be a good chance to reconnect and whatnot. Whaddaya say?” You can’t imagine how much I needed a vacation. I’d practically worked non-stop since my university days, and any time off I had since was few and far between. Luckily, the vast majority of my commissions from the Gala had already been completed at this point. My geode powers owing much to the speed and precision with which I could craft high-quality pieces. It was only about mid-June, early for a summer vacation, but not unreasonably so. I took a sip of tea and pondered to myself. “I’d really love to go, daddy. But there are a few things that I would need to work out first. First and foremost, would you mind if I brought along my boyfriend? He’s been working hard too and I think it would do him some good to relax.” “Erm—boyfriend? When did this happen?” I sighed mentally. Even though he always meant well, my father tended to gloss over such things. I know for a fact that I told Sweetie and Mother about Braeburn. “A little while ago. His name is Braeburn Apple. We’ve only known each other since high school.” “Oh! He’s one of the Apples! Sorry, Rare-Bear. My mind’s been on training camp lately. We’re good friends with them too. Well, the ones in living in Ponyville at any rate. Does he—uh—know that we’re all naturists?” “Yes, I told him. I wanted to make it perfectly clear to Braeburn what sort of lifestyle I’ve adopted. Otherwise, keeping it hidden from him would have been a betrayal of trust.” Father cleared his throat. “Can’t say I disagree with ya on that. Does he know that we usually go to a naturist resort every summer? Being nude around your partner is one thing, but to be around a lot of people all at once is… a different matter entirely. Is he comfortable with that?” “I honestly don’t know, daddy. Up until now, I wasn’t even aware that I would be going to a naturist resort anytime soon to test such a theory. I shall simply have to ask him.” I could tell that my father was blushing, given the hesitant tone of his voice. “Hmm. A fair point. I just want to make sure he treats ya right. It’d break my heart if he left ya over something like that. Some folks don’t understand our way of life and never will. It’s sad but true.” “I don’t believe there’s any need to worry about Braeburn. He might feel little uncomfortable with the idea at first, but I’m sure that I can convince him to come along with us. Who knows? Perhaps, he might even take a liking to naturism. Please do me a favor and try not to be overbearing, though. Braeburn’s treated me with the utmost respect thus far. I’d rather not have to deal with him feeling nervous around you all the time. Do we have an understanding, daddy?” Father laughed nervously. “Crystal clear, Rare-Bear. You know I only want what’s best for ya.” “I know. And I shall forever be grateful for that.” I heard father shift in his chair a few times. It was an obvious sign that he was trying to avoid an emotional conversation with me that he clearly wasn’t prepared for. Instead, as was his custom, he plowed forward with a more practical topic. I wasn’t at all surprised by it but I felt slightly disappointed nonetheless. “So… we’re thinking about going on vacation in about two weeks. Gotta make sure Sweetie is finished with school. Does that sound like a good plan?” “I’ll have to check my calendar and make sure that all of my commissions are completely finished before then. Someone will also need to look after Extravagance while I’m gone and I’ll have to see what Braeburn’s schedule is like. He’s rather busy most of the time too. If all of those details are agreeable, then I don’t see any reason why we can’t join you.” “Well, that’s honestly the best answer I could hope for. I know it would make your mother and sister very happy to see ya again. I’ll be sure to book a separate bungalow in case ya want some privacy with your boyfriend. Hehe! Ya know, since it’s a romantic setting and all…” A rosy blush colored my cheeks. “I agree, daddy. I think that’s a prudent decision.” “I’ll—erm—make the arrangements, then. It was nice talking to ya, Rare-Bare. See ya soon.” “Have a good night.” I replied. With our conversation concluded, I slid deeper into the water until it reached my chin. There were times when I swear that Trav could sense what I was feeling. Whether by design or not, he turned around and looked at me directly in the eyes. I reached out and rubbed his ears. He always liked it when I did that. After letting out a soft whuf, he prodded my thigh with his snout. “You’re probably wondering what I’m so anxious about, aren’t you?” Trav sat patiently and awaited my answer. “Ha! I suppose there’s no harm in telling you. It’s been so long since I’ve… had an intimate relationship with anyone. Much less a person whom I can honestly admit that I’m in love with. I’m terribly out of practice, Trav! It’s been years! You know how things are at naturist resorts.” Extravagance cocked his head inquisitively. “No, of course I don’t mean they’re—UGH! What I meant to say is that young couples, who are bereft of clothing, and in a romantic setting tend to engage in certain types of activities together. Ok, fine! I’ll just lay it out for you plainly! We’re going to be tempted to have sex.” Trav whined at my harsh tone. I leaned forward and kissed him. It seemed to assuage his fear. “My apologies, darling. I didn’t mean to sound so crass. But it’s the truth! Even though I’ve been a naturist my entire life, I am still a perfectly healthy, fertile woman at the end of the day. I have needs, desires, fantasies! Who amongst us doesn’t? It shall be even more tempting to Braeburn because he’s not accustomed to seeing everyone in the nude yet. How do I even approach this?” Trav whuffed and licked my fingers. “I suppose I’ll just have to take things one step at a time with Braeburn. Perhaps, a frank discussion of the matter would do us both some good. It’s just so… embarrassing to admit my shortcomings. At any rate, if I stress out about this now, I’ll never get any sleep tonight.” As it turns out, I didn’t get much sleep last night despite my best efforts to calm myself down with tea and breathing exercises. It is as they say: “An idle mind is bound to wander”. Judge me as you wish, but I got up much later and much crankier than usual. After a quick shower to freshen up, I glanced over at the clock and realized that it was already a quarter till eleven. No point in eating breakfast, I suppose. A Saturday brunch it was. I set about trying to find all the appropriate accoutrements for a midday meal in the kitchen. With the coffee pot brewing and the bacon cooking in the oven, I decided to give Braeburn a call. I wanted to invite him over to my apartment so that we could share a meal together. It was what one might call a stay at home date. The best part about this arrangement is that I didn’t have to worry about what to wear or how much money to bring along. If I wasn’t going out, I wasn’t going to bother putting on any clothes. I giggled to myself at the thought. Casual attire indeed. By coincidence or fate (whatever you may believe) he had today off from his normal duties. I was quite happy to hear that as I hadn’t been able to spend much time with him as of late. It was the direct result of having a successful business enterprise. On both of our ends, mind you. Being busy in that sense was a blessing that I accepted graciously. Until the Gala, I hadn’t realized how popular Apple Family brand liquor was with the upper class. I knew it was of the highest quality, of course. But once I’d tasted a shot of whiskey, it immediately became apparent to me how flavorful and smooth it was. Braeburn certainly knew his craft! About fifteen minutes after our call, he arrived at my apartment. Upon hearing the bell ring, I opened the door (sans my customary silk robe), and with a furious blush, he shuffled inside. “Good day to you, Braeburn. Please make yourself comfortable. Our brunch should be ready shortly. Would you like some coffee in the mean time?” “Uh… yeah, that sounds good. Thanks.” When I returned from the kitchen with his coffee in hand, I found Braeburn sitting on the couch. His posture was rigid and it was abundantly clear to me that he was uncomfortable. With a heavy sigh, I deposited his mug atop the coffee table and took a seat next to him. I reached over and placed my hand on his leg, stroking it gently a few times. He still seemed rather tense. “What’s wrong, darling? Am I… making you feel uncomfortable?” Braeburn bit his lip. “I’m sorry, Rarity. Ah should be used ta ya bein’ nekkid by now but…” “Ah~ So that’s what it is. Why don’t we try a little experiment, hmm?” Braeburn carefully glanced over at me. “What did ya have in mind?” “I want us to spend the rest of the afternoon together completely nude.” Braeburn bit his lip. “Ah dunno if that’s a good idea, Rarity. What if Ah—” “You have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. If you get another erection, then so be it. That’s simply how a man’s body functions. I just want you to get used to idea of casual nudity. Neither my parents nor my sister wear clothing the vast majority of the time. How do you expect to meet them if you’re this nervous just being around me? Take a deep breath and relax.” Braeburn did as I suggested, but he didn’t seem all that relaxed to me. Hmm. How do I approach this situation without being forceful about it? An idea came to mind instantly, yet I wasn’t sure what his reaction would be. Would he resent it? Would he become angry? Would he… storm out of the apartment, humiliated and confused? Despite my trepidation, he needed to understand that there was nothing wrong with being nude. I encouraged him to stand. “Here’s what I’m going to do. Piece by piece, I shall remove your clothing for you. That way, you’ll get used to the sensation gradually rather than all at once. How does that sound?” Braeburn blushed but nodded in agreement. I started with his flannel t-shirt first. Unbuttoning it carefully, until I was able to slide it off of his broad shoulders. To reassure him, I planted a soft kiss onto the center of his bare chest. He reached over and rubbed my shoulder in return. So far, I was encouraged by his response. Next came the jeans. Those were a bit more awkward to remove because of the denim fabric, but we got the job done. All that was left now was his briefs. I crouched onto my knees and slid my fingers underneath the waistband. Pulling them down gently, I was greeted by a tuft of his orange-blonde hair and his semi-turgid member. It became readily apparent that he was in the process of getting an erection. I could see it happening, albeit slowly, right in front of my eyes. The little voice in the back of my mind urged me to reach out and begin stroking his manhood. What would it taste like? What would it smell like—I quickly dismissed such unladylike thoughts. This exercise was about trust, not desire. Just like that, he and I were nude together once more. Even so, there was an incredibly awkward air of tension between us, only further fueled by his fully erect penis. The poor dear. I felt like it was entirely my fault that he’d gotten that way and I was tempted to offer him a reprieve from it. He made a token gesture of trying to cover himself up but it was pointless, given the sheer girth of his member. Oh goodness! I couldn’t stop looking at it! Ok, Rarity. Get ahold of yourself. “You see, darling? It’s not so HARD being nude once you—” I immediately regretted my poor choice of words. Why did I have to phrase it that way?!! Braeburn’s cheeks flushed. “Hells bells. Guess Ah got no self-control…” “No, it’s perfectly fine! I’m not upset, Braeburn. In fact, it’s my fault for not taking into account that you might interpret my actions as being sensuous. I’m so sorry. Please forgive me.” He grabbed hold of my shoulders and caressed them with the utmost care. “Nah, it’s like ya said: Ah gotta get used ta ya bein’ a naturist somehow. Yer just so beautiful that Ah can’t help mahself whenever Ah look at ya without anythin’ on.” I pressed my forehead against Braeburn’s, and ran my fingers through his hair. Even though his words had touched me, an icy knot formed deep within the pit of my stomach. Taking responsibility for one’s actions isn’t always an easy task. “I’m overjoyed to hear you say that, Braeburn. Truly, I am. But I still feel guilty about evoking such a… strong reaction from you in the first place. Would you like me to—ah—take care of the problem?” “As much as I’d enjoy it, I’m gonna have ta decline. Ah want our first time bein’ intimate together ta be special, not somethin’ forced by circumstances, ya know? Although, Ah do appreciate the offer, Rarity. Mighty generous of ya regardless.” When I pressed my lips against his in an affectionate kiss, a wave of relief flooded my entire body. Would I have actually gone through with pleasuring him had he said yes? It’s not as though the idea was offensive to me, but I just… wasn’t ready to put myself out there like that quite yet. The spark was definitely there, oh yes! I had no doubt that when the time was right for the both of us, we would make passionate, satisfying love to one another. I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him into a tight embrace. It felt so much better than usual because there was no pesky clothing in the way. “I love you, Braeburn Apple.” He whispered the same to me under his breath, as if it was difficult for him to say it aloud. I could certainly understand the sentiment. Those three words were so simple yet they held an immense amount of meaning and weight behind them. My parents always taught me to never utter the phrase unless I truly meant it. Otherwise, it was merely an overused platitude. We held each other like that for what felt like hours, basking in the warmth of each other’s skin. Eventually, Braeburn’s erection subsided and was completely forgotten about while we ate brunch together, laughed, and conversed about trivial things. It was lovely. I also happened to notice that he was becoming much more comfortable lounging around in the nude as time passed. It made me hopeful that our conversation about the family trip would go smoothly. With out bellies full, we decided that a movie was in order. I suggested we watch a documentary about the wild songbirds of the tropics. Mind you, I didn’t want to watch anything too romantic, lest we get into the mood again. Much to my surprise, he agreed. Braeburn laid down on the couch and scooted over so that I could recline in front of him. It was somewhat like spooning but the most important part was that we got to snuggle. Like all proper couples should. Oh, how marvelous it was! I felt warm, safe, relaxed, elated, and loved all at once! To be quite honest, I’d never felt this way about anyone before. I suppose it was because I’d never cared about any of my previous boyfriends as much as I did with Braeburn. About halfway through the documentary, I rolled over, wrapped my arms around him, and rested my head against his chest while our legs intertwined. Before I knew it, we were both fast asleep. Roughly forty-five minutes later, my eyelids fluttered open and I peered over at the clock. The TV itself had shut off automatically long beforehand and the only sound in the room was the background noise of Manehatten. It was only a little past two thirty in the afternoon. Trav seemed to have taken a queue from us and was enjoying a nap as well. You’d think a bulldog like him would snore, but he was actually a very quiet sleeper. For a moment, I took in a deep breath and relished Braeburn’s natural scent. It was surprisingly complex. Cologne was the primary ingredient. Probably one of those generic brands that men tend to use for just about every occasion. Even so, I still liked it. Next was an undercurrent of muskiness and sweat. It wasn’t unpleasant, per say, but I suppose one could describe it as being distinctly masculine and… well, Braeburn. I took one more sniff and kissed his chest. Braeburn awoke and slid his hands over my butt cheeks, caressing them gently. I shivered in response. “Mmm. That was a pretty good nap. Needed it after such a hectic week. Not to mention, it’s always better when ya wake up in the arms of a beautiful woman.” Two can play at that game! I reached over and did the same to his bottom. “Agreed, Darling.” Not much else was said between us for a little while. There was plenty of kissing, snuggling, and exploratory touches but nothing that would have constituted as foreplay. I got the distinct impression that Braeburn was testing the boundaries of what was acceptable with me. And to be honest, I was doing the same with him. It was just something one did during a relationship. Sensing an opportunity when I saw one, I decided to bring up my family’s plans for the summer. “Braeburn, there’s an important topic that I’d like to discuss with you.” “Umm… it ain’t somethin’ gravely serious, is it?” Braeburn replied nervously. “Of course, not,” I assured, “I spoke with my father yesterday and he invited me to come along with him on the annual Belle Family Vacation. It would also include my sister and mother.” “Oh. Well, that sounds nice. Ah always enjoyed mah family get-togethers.” I played with a few strands of his chest hair. “Would you be interested in coming along with me? I haven’t seen my family in quite some time and I’d like them to meet you.” “Yer pa’s not the overprotective type, is he? I don’t wanna make things awkward if—” I let out an irritated huff. “He is, in fact. But we have an understanding! You see, my family is already well aquatinted with the Apples due to Sweetie and Apple Bloom being best friends. Not to worry though; I already told him we were dating, and that you were of noble character.” “Alright. Ah guess it wouldn’t be so bad, then. Where are they stayin’?” I slid my fingers along Braeburn’s hip. “A place in the southern tropics called Cala Concha.” “Really? Sounds fancy.” I nodded. “It’s an exclusive, semi-private resort owned by mother’s best friend. They’ve known each other for many years, and she often lets us stay there for free. Erm—however, there is one important detail regarding the resort that you should know about before agreeing to anything.” “What’s that?” I cleared my throat, hoping that Braeburn would still be interested after revealing a certain caveat. “Cala Concha is a naturist resort, darling. Not clothing optional, mind you. But full nudity, all the time, every day. It’s a regulation that’s strictly enforced due to the zoning laws… or so I was led to believe. Braeburn, I understand if you need a moment to think this over. It’s not something that I would normally ask of someone who isn’t accustomed to our lifestyle.” Braeburn stewed in silence for a long time, or so it felt like to me. His expression was difficult to read. Somewhere between trepidation, confusion, and frustration. I can’t say that I blame him. It’s not an easy thing to do, being nude in front of so many people if you’ve never done it before. That and if you bundled it with the pressure of meeting my equally unclothed family, it made for a rather stressful scenario. I made sure to rub his back softly as a show of support. At the very least, it seemed to have made his muscles a little less tense. “Rarity, Ah appreciate yer honesty. Takes a lot of guts ta mention somethin’ like that. Ah dunno what exactly I’m tryin’ ta say. It’s—umm—this whole situation ain’t anythin’ like I’ve ever dealt with before. If it’s that important to ya that Ah go, then… the choice is clear, Ah reckon.” My heart fluttered in anticipation. “Does that mean… you’ll come with me?” Braeburn let out an uneasy sigh and grasped my hand. “Yeah, I’ll go along. Just don’t expect me ta act like everyone bein’ nekkid ain’t a big deal. ‘Cause it is ta a fella like me. I’m havin’ enough trouble gettin’ used ta seein’ ya in yer birthday suit. Please be patient and understandin’ with me is all I’m askin’. Other than that, Ah reckon that Ah could use a vacation.” I hugged him tightly and squealed. “I promise that we’ll have lots of fun together!” > A Tropical Paradise Unlike Any Other (I) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 6 Cala Concha, Eastern Coast of Mareborne It was with no small degree of trepidation that I left Extravagance behind in Manehatten. As much as I loved his company, the resort wasn’t what one would call pet-friendly. Plus, he never handled hot weather very well. With that in mind, I decided to ask Coco if she would doggie-sit my beloved companion while we were on vacation. She seemed amenable to the idea and I even left her with plenty of money to purchase supplies, grooming products, water, ect. The two of them had always gotten along swimmingly, so I wasn’t worried about him causing Coco any trouble. After giving Trav a big smooch, Braeburn and I set off to the airport. We arrived in Mareborne without issue after a ten-hour flight. When one combined the jetlag along with the time difference, it made for a very weary pair of travelers. Even though we were on the verge of sleeping where we stood, the journey for us was far from over. Cala Concha was off the beaten path, as it were, so it took an additional hour-long drive by car to reach it from the airport. Fortunately, we had packed only what was strictly necessary. Naturist resorts were convenient in that regard. We didn’t need to waste any space for clothing or swimsuits. A few years had passed since I last stepped foot on the grounds of Cala Concha. It was just as pristine and beautiful as I remembered. White sand beaches, palm trees, a refreshing breeze that tickled your skin, and crystal-clear water that was so clean it looked like a topaz. I took in a deep breath and relished the scents and sounds of the tropics. Braeburn seemed a bit more relaxed than I’d seen him in a long time, but I could tell he was radiating nervous energy just beneath the surface. I reached over and took hold of his hand, caressing it gently with my thumb. “We talked about this, darling. There’s no need to be afraid.” Braeburn let out a heavy sigh. “Ah know but… this is all so foreign ta me. Can’t help feelin’ a bit cautious over how everyone’ll react. Just gimme a second. Ah need ta collect mah thoughts.” I frowned and looked out towards the sea. Logically, I knew there was absolutely nothing he needed to be nervous or embarrassed about. The simple fact of the matter was that Braeburn hadn’t grown up as a naturist. Casual nudity was still a deeply ingrained taboo from his perspective. I’d tried my best to get him accustomed to it over the past two weeks, but that was, more or less, in a private setting with just me. Being outdoors, amongst other guests, was a lot more intimidating. I grasped his hand tighter and we walked towards the main building. As soon as we entered the lobby, I thought Braeburn was going to pass out. Not so much from the jetlag but of sheer embarrassment. Let’s just say that Cala Concha was about as casual as one could get regarding uniforms. It didn’t help matters that the blonde-haired receptionist was quite attractive. She had some of the perkiest breasts I’d seen in a while. What? Women are allowed to admire other women. It’s perfectly normal, I assure you. I couldn’t very well fault Braeburn for looking at them. They were directly in front of him, jiggling slightly while she spoke. “G’day and welcome to Cala Concha. Do you have a reservation?” “Good afternoon to you as well, darling,” I replied as I fished around in my handbag for the tickets, “Ah! Here they are. Would you be so kind as to direct us towards our room?” The receptionist bowed slightly. “Of course, ma’am. Please follow me and I’ll escort you there.” There weren’t a lot of people milling about the halls but we did run into a few other guests. Mostly middle-aged, perhaps a few younger children. Nothing terribly unusual for a naturist resort tucked away along one of Mareborne’s secluded coasts. I couldn’t help but notice that Braeburn was trying his absolute best not to stare at anyone and act as if nothing was awry. Suffice to say, he was doing a very poor job of it. My hope was that he would eventually get used to it and move on from the novelty of seeing everyone naked phase. Once we arrived at our room, the receptionist reached into her fanny pack and handed me a pair of keycards. I thanked her, we went inside, and placed our luggage by the closet. I wasted no time kicking off my flip flops and slipping out of my sundress. Braeburn followed my lead, albeit at a slower pace. A thought suddenly occurred to me. With my fair complexion, the intense rays of the sunlight down here in the tropics would surely give me sunburn if I wasn’t careful. Sunscreen was an absolute must. And trust me, it would need to be applied everywhere. I reached into my bag and took out a bottle of SPF 50. “The first rule of staying at a naturist resort is protecting your bare skin. I know exactly what you’re thinking right now and the answer is yes. We will need to apply it everywhere. I realize that doing so can be a bit awkward but it is absolutely necessary to avoid getting sunburnt.” Being a seasoned professional at such things, I squirted a few globs onto the palm of my hand and made quick work of lathering it all over my body. I’d even brought along a long-handled loofa that was specifically designed to reach all of the difficult spots, such as my lower back and shoulders. I made sure to help Braeburn get a nice, even coating everywhere that I could. Well, everywhere except for his privates. I didn’t want to open that particular can of worms. For a moment, I considered wearing my favorite scrunchie, but decided against it. I preferred letting my hair down and Braeburn seemed to think it looked pretty, so I kept it that way. That only left eye protection. I found my designer sunglasses and propped them up in my hair until I needed to wear them. I handed Braeburn his own pair, which he donned immediately. It wasn’t particularly bright indoors but one could easily get away with the aviator look in a place such as this. To be quite honest, I think he was wearing them more as a security blanket rather than for any practical purpose. It meant that he could avoid making eye contact with guests who happened to be walking by. No matter. Braeburn looked handsome regardless. For the time being, I wasn’t terribly concerned about wearing sandals. The vast majority of people went barefoot at naturist resorts most of the time, so it’s not as though we would be breaking any social taboos by doing the same. Even in the dining areas and whatnot. I mean, come on now. It’s not as though there was any sort of dress code we needed to adhere to! I took one final look in the bathroom mirror at myself. As a rule of thumb, I tried to keep my cosmetics to a bare minimum while I was on vacation. Just a light coat of lip gloss and smidge of navy-blue eyeshadow. That was all. I applied some lady’s antiperspirant to my underarms and placed a few dabs of perfume in all the strategic places. Perfect! Well… almost. It was still bit disheartening to see how little my pubic hair had grown in since the Gala. I was no longer completely bare, but the only thing that covered my privates was a modest little wisp of royal purple. Of course, I always kept it tidy as befitted a lady. Some might even go so far as to say that the minimalist style was in vogue now. Braeburn’s hair, on the other hand, was thick and curly. Given how much body hair he had in general, I doubt he ever manscaped. He padded into the bathroom and used some mouthwash while I rinsed my hands. “Braeburn, do mind if I ask you a personal question? You don’t have to answer it, but I am curious.” He spit into the sink. “Sure. Don’t get much more personal than this…” “Have you ever considered sprucing up your privates?” Braeburn coughed awkwardly. “Say what now?” “Trimming your pubic hair, darling. Have you ever given it any thought?” Braeburn reflexively cupped his hands over his manhood. “Uh… can’t say Ah have.” “I see. Well, I’m not suggesting that you shave all of it off. That would just be silly! However, it might be more hygienic if you trim up a bit. If you’re afraid of doing so, I would be more than happy to assist you. I’ve had a lot of experience keeping mine tidy.” Braeburn blushed. “Yeah, I noticed…” I crouched down on my haunches and twirled a strand of his pubic hair. “Oh ho~ So you admit that you’ve been looking down there, eh? What do you think of my kitty?” “It’s just as pretty as any other part of ya.” Braeburn blurted out. Feeling cheeky, I leaned forward and kissed his penis. “Thank you, dear. And I adore every part of you as well. What do you say? Are you interested in my proposal? I promise that it wouldn’t take very long and I’ll be gentle about it. All you have to lose is a little hair.” Braeburn shuffled his feet. “Ah suppose. Just don’t make me look like a kid.” With an excited squeal, I rushed over to my bag and dug out a bottle of hair removal cream. It was a lot safer to use than, say, a razor as it got rid of the hair at the follicle instead of causing little red bumps. It was a product specifically geared towards ladies, and thus had a floral aroma. Plumeria to be exact. Not the manliest scent, but it would have to do. I instructed Braeburn to stand in the tub while I fetched a damp wash cloth. When I sat down in front of him and began rubbing the cream all over his fuzzy balls, he adopted the most peculiar expression. It was somewhere between pleasure and anxiety. Understandable, I suppose. He’d never experienced anything like this before. I made sure to be extra gentle and encouraging. At least he didn’t get an erection this time. That would have made things… awkward. In no time at all, his testicles and the area surrounding them were as smooth as polished glass. When it came to the pubic hair just below his waist, I used a special electric trimmer to cut it down to a more manageable length rather than remove it entirely. The end result left him with a rectangular patch of orange-blonde hair that served to accentuate his flaccid manhood and made him look much cleaner at the same time. I was quite proud of my handiwork! “What do you think? Do you like it?” Braeburn studied his reflection in the mirror with a critical eye. “Erm—well, everythin’ feels a might breezier, Ah reckon. Didn’t realize how trimmin’ down made mah fellah look bigger.” I giggled. “I assure you that it’s merely enhancing what’s already there, darling.” Braeburn blushed furiously. “Thanks, Rarity. Ah think ya did a great job.” “Now that we’re all properly groomed and ready for adventure, what would you like to do first?” Braeburn rubbed the back of his neck. “What about yer folks? Won’t they wanna know we’re here? Ah don’t mean ta sound like I’m patronizin’ ya, I just figured that’d be yer priority.” I cursed underneath my breath. How could I have been so stupid? Of course, meeting my family should have been the first thing. There would be plenty of time later to engage in all the activities Cala Concha had to offer. Thinking fast, I texted Sweetie and asked her what room they were staying in. She replied near instantaneously and said that she had her own suite, while our parents were staying in another room. I had to admit that it was a bit unusual for father to give Sweetie so much leeway at a naturist resort, but perhaps he felt she deserved her own lodging. “That’s odd. I was under the impression they were all staying together. But it would appear that my sister has her own room and my parents are staying on the floor just above it. I’ll ask Sweetie if we could all just meet together somewhere instead. That would make it easier.” “The beach sure looked pretty. Wouldn’t mind goin’ fer a swim or a stroll.” I clapped my hands together. “A marvelous idea, Braeburn! I’ll let her know.” Sweetie agreed that frolicking along the shore all afternoon was in line with what our parents wanted to do. I informed Braeburn what we were heading down to the beach and he packed a small tote bag with a few towels and some water bottles. Walking through the building with Braeburn at my side was a bit of an adventure in and of itself. His movements were stiff and unsure. The poor dear. Braeburn was likely under the impression that everyone was staring at his naked body, but that was most certainly not the case (For the most part, anyway. He was exceptionally handsome). I suppose it could have been worse. He could have refused to go out with me at all and locked himself away in our room instead. The great thing about Cala Concha was that it had a limited booking arrangement. In practical terms, this meant that only a certain number of guests were allowed to stay on site at any given time. It made the resort feel more personal and less crowded because the staff could actually focus their full attention on you. I think it was a plus for Braeburn as well, considering that this was his first time experiencing the naturist lifestyle in earnest. We spotted my parents first; they were reclining, side by side, on a beach towel, underneath a large bamboo parasol. Father was burly, hairy, and fair-skinned like my sister and I. A bushy brown moustache graced his lips as always. Mother possessed a bubblegum pink complexion with hair colored similar to my own, only with streaks of grey mixed in. Her physique was, what many would consider, ‘pleasantly plump’. She was a professional baker and had given birth to two children, after all. They were your typical middle-aged, married couple except nude. When they saw us approach, Mother practically scrambled across the sand to greet me. As was her custom, she wrapped me up in a bone-crushing hug and smothered me with kisses. I returned her affection with equal warmth but much less enthusiasm. Most people would probably be embarrassed by such a display. As for me? I was used to it by now. Father followed a few steps behind, a smile spread across his lips. I gave him a quick peck to the cheek and a hug as well. He returned it, but like I mentioned earlier, he was not the type of man who was keen on showing displays of public affection. Even with mother. That’s not to say they didn’t love each other. Heavens no! Nudity was one thing, but physical intimacy was another matter entirely. They liked to keep that aspect of their lives private. Not that I could blame them. My father offered his hand to Braeburn once he put down the tote. “Ah~ So you’re the boyfriend we’ve heard so much about. My name’s Magnum Belle, but you can call me Dad if ya want.” Braeburn shook his hand firmly and chuckled. “Pleasure ta meet ya, sir.” My mother was next. Without even thinking about it, she hugged Braeburn like he was her own son. I tried not to laugh but the look on Braeburn’s face was priceless. I don’t believe he knew quite how to react to being smothered by curvaceous, middle-aged woman like my mother. Nonetheless, he was the perfect gentleman about it. He patted her back and stood next to me. “Oh, my gosh! Braeburn’s even more handsome in person! And ya managed to get him to take off all of his clothes too. Yes, indeedy! You’ve got quite the catch there, Rare-Bear. Between you and me, you really ought to pop the question soon. He’s a keeper for sure!” I blushed. “Mother, stop it! You’re embarrassing me!” “Psshht. It’s my job to embarrass ya, sweetheart. C’mon and join us, young man. There’s no need to be a stranger. We’ve got plenty of room here for two more. Would you like something to drink? I brought along some homebrewed iced tea if you’re interested.” “Uh… sure, ma’am. Iced tea sounds lovely.” Mother giggled while she handed him a mason jar. “So polite too! It’s no wonder you managed to catch my daughter’s eye. Well, ya know, besides the equipment you’re lugging around.” I blushed even harder and buried my face in my knees. Why did you have to bring that up, Mother?! Seriously, would it kill you to have a little tact sometimes? I suppose I should have expected this sort of reaction. You can’t very well hide certain anatomical details when you’re walking around in the nude. At least she had the decency to employ a euphemism instead of calling Braeburn’s manhood for what it was. Ugh! That would have been dreadful! “Oh? Well—um—the tote wasn’t all that heavy. Just put some towels in it fer the most part.” Mother snorted with laugher. NO! DON’T YOU DARE! “I’m referring to your bait & tackle, young man. No need to act so shy! We’re all human beings here. To be fair, you can see every nook and cranny of my middle-aged body, so why should we be afraid to talk about ourselves?” Father placed his hand on her shoulder. “Now, sugarplum. Let’s not embarrass the poor boy too much. He isn’t a naturist, remember? I don’t want him to get scared off because—” Mother gestured towards his manhood. "What’s there to be scared of, dear? Your Magnum PI is dangling right out in the open too. I’m just trying to give Braeburn an honest compliment is all. I mean, I’m sure Rarity didn’t hook up with him just because of how thick his—” Father blushed profusely. “We’re moving onto a different topic NOW! End of discussion!” Mother simply shrugged and took a sip out of her own mason jar. Between the rest of us, I think our faces were red enough to resemble a grove of apple trees. I scooted closer to Braeburn and rubbed my hand along his thigh. He flinched ever so slightly, more due to the fact that his mind was elsewhere rather than being uncomfortable. As a sort of apology, I shrugged my shoulders and offered him a sheepish smile. He smiled back but avoided looking over at my mother. “Daddy, am I to understand that Sweetie has her own room this year?” Father nodded. “Yeah. She just turned sixteen not too long ago. I figured it was fair to start treating her like the young lady she’s become. Not that I didn’t before it’s just that… well, I care a lot about the both of ya. Don’t wanna see anyone get hurt or taken advantage of.” “Darn tootin’,” Mother added, “You haven’t seen in her a while, but I assure ya that puberty’s hit Sweetie like a freight train. Your father’s worried all the boys will try to hit on her now that she’s got some womanly curves. Might even think she’s older than she looks. Those sorts of things.” Braeburn sipped on his tea. “Ah know exactly what yer talkin’ about Mrs. Belle. Mah cousin AJ was a lot like that too when she was growin’ up. Although she can be a might dense when it comes ta womanly matters sometimes. Ah hope Sweetie ain’t that way.” Mother waved her hand. “Please, I insist that you call me either Mom or Cookie. Mrs. Belle is way too formal, dear. And to answer your question, Sweetie is keenly aware of the changes going on with her body. More so than most of the girls around her age. I think it’s because she’s always nude at home like we are. Makes it easier to see. Hmm. I guess she would have known what to expect when Rarity went through puberty too. Who knows?” As if summoned by magic, the very subject of our conversation emerged from the surf and walked over to where we were sitting. Upon seeing my teenage sister, I let out a quiet gasp. My parents weren’t kidding when they said she’d grown. Sweetie’s lanky, prepubescent body had filled out quite… generously. Her round, voluminous breasts (easily two sizes larger than my own) jiggled even with the slightest bit of movement. They were sure to make boys stare. Sweetie’s hips, thighs, and bottom were also quite curvaceous. She wasn’t overweight by any means, but let’s just say that whatever fat she did possess went to all the right places. I could easily tell that she was physically active, as evidenced by her trim tummy and the lithe muscle tone that flexed just below the surface of her skin. A thick, curly tuft of pubic hair lie nestled in-between her legs. It was well groomed; a clear indicator of her womanliness. No wonder my poor sister was having a teenage crisis. She had the figure of a professional magazine model! I glanced over at Braeburn and realized that he’d been staring at Sweetie as well (even with sunglasses on, I could tell what direction his eyes were pointed). I wanted to be angry with him for gawking at my baby sister, but then that would make me a hypocrite. The good thing about Sweetie though was she had always been a modest and unassuming girl. She definitely wasn’t the type to flaunt her assets like some other unscrupulous characters I know. Even now, I could tell that she was blushing up a storm as her eyes wandered over to Braeburn. Attraction works both ways, it would seem. “Hello, everyone. Did I miss anything?” Sweetie asked with an awkward smile. I got up, walked over to my sister, and wrapped her in a warm hug. “It’s been a while, my dearest baby sister. How are you doing today?” She shuffled her feet in the sand. “Ok, I guess. Is that guy sitting over there your boyfriend?” “Yes, that’s Braeburn. He and I have known each other since we were teenagers, but I only recently started dating him. I wanted him to come along so that he could meet everyone.” Sweetie pulled me aside, away from prying ears, leaned over, and whispered into my ear. “Why didn’t you tell me that your boyfriend was so hot?!!” “I beg your pardon?” Sweetie huffed. “I know you heard what I said the first time, Rarity! I thought it was just gonna be us as a family this time. Why didn’t you tell me that Braeburn was coming along? Because I would’ve put some makeup on or tried to make myself look more presentable…” “Trust me, darling. You really don’t need to worry about that.” Sweetie blushed. “You m-mean… he was looking at me?” “Yes! Honestly, Sweetie. What did you expect? I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to sound so harsh when I said that. I know you’ve been going through some personal issues regarding your body image.” Sweetie sighed. “Yeah. That’s the understatement of the century.” I gently rubbed her back. “We can talk about it in private later, if you’d like. I promise. But right now, isn’t the most appropriate time or place to do so. Let’s just act like everything is normal between us and go sit on the towel next to Mom & Dad, ok?” “Ok. Mom tried to talk to me about it at home earlier, but things just got way too weird. And Dad, well… he’s not exactly the greatest person to talk to about stuff like that.” With one Sweetie Belle related crisis averted, we walked back to the spot where everyone was sitting and tried out best to act casual. Mother and Father gave us both a strange look, but I assured them that nothing was wrong and we were just having a typical sisterly spat. Nothing out of the ordinary. WAHAHA! Oh dear. It’s times like this that remind me how much of a terrible liar I am. Better than Applejack, but not by much. I really hope they didn’t see through it. Father laid back and wrapped his arm around mother, pulling her closer to him. She sighed contentedly, rested her head against his shoulder, and began playing with a few strands of his chest hair. “Ain’t this the life, Cookie? Just lounging around on the beach all day, without a care in the world, next to the ones you love. A big margarita would make it perfect though.” Mother placed a few kisses along his neck. “That could easily be arranged later, I’m sure. Just make sure ya save up some energy because we’re gonna be VERY busy tonight, mister~” Our parents were at it yet again. Just to clarify: mother always liked to show her affection in the most direct (and often public) way possible. Father tended to take it in stride since he’d been married to her for so long. Besides, it’s not like they were hurting anyone or causing a ruckus by doing something naughty. You know what? I’d rather not think about my parents shagging in any way, shape, or form. Forget I even mentioned it. While I was cuddling up against Braeburn, I noticed that Sweetie seemed a bit dejected. Upon thinking it over for a moment, I realized why she would be. Oh drat! She was at that awkward stage in one’s life when it seems like everyone else has a significant other and obtaining one is an insurmountable challenge. It hadn’t even occurred to me to ask her if she was interested in dating yet. Even if she was, who could possibly be a good match for her? I hadn’t heard Sweetie mention any male acquaintances that’d managed to pique her interest as of late. I reached over and rubbed her shoulder. “What’s the matter, darling? You seem upset.” “Sorry. I’m just a little tired from all the swimming I did today. And I was thinking about some… stuff. Nothing you need to worry about, Rarity. I’m fine.” I wanted to press her further, but I decided not to. At least not until I was certain that we were alone together. “I know what’ll put a smile on your face! Some ice cream. An old-fashioned tub of rocky road always does the trick with me. How about we head on over to the concession stand? My treat~” Sweetie stared back at me with a deadpan expression. “You do know that all of the food around here is included in the ticket price, right?” I’d completely forgotten that it was. I laughed off my faux pas. “Yes—well, it’s the sentiment that matters. Would you like to get ice cream with your big sister or not?” “I dunno. I’m kind of watching what I eat right now. Besides, don’t you usually eat ice cream whenever you get super depressed? Like that time when you got dumped by your last boyfriend.” My face flushed in a mixture of embarrassment and anger. “Sweetie Belle, you’re still a perfectly healthy, growing girl. You don’t have to worry about dieting just yet. One little ice cream cone isn’t going to kill you. We’re on vacation for heaven’s sake! Live a little.” Sweetie eventually acquiesced (not so much verbally but with a surly grunt) and took a walk with me to the concession stand. I wasn’t too keen on leaving Braeburn alone with my parents, but I really needed to talk to my sister and figure out why she was being such a sourpuss. It was probably just her being an angsty teenager, dealing with typical teenage issues. Loathe as I am to admit it, I was once in her shoes. Erm—well, not literally… but you get the idea. I settled on a small bowl of chocolate custard, while Sweetie got salted caramel fudge swirl with a pretzel cone. And to think, she’d just informed that me she was on a diet! You can’t pull the wool over my eyes, baby sister. We enjoyed our frozen treats together at one of the tables around the corner. Thankfully, the seats were cushioned with soft fabric. Not that horribly sticky faux leather stuff. Sitting on bare wood or metal is never a pleasant experience when one is nude. “Are you enjoying your ice cream?” Sweetie took another lick and nodded. “Yeah, it’s pretty good.” “I’d rather not beat around the bush, so I’ll just come out and ask. What’s bothering you?” Sweetie let out an exasperated sigh. “I don’t even know where to begin, Rarity.” “Alright, then. Let’s trying going over your issues one thing at a time.” Sweetie gestured to herself. “I’m sure you’ve noticed how my body has changed. Hah! It’s pretty much impossible to miss unless you’re blind. Anyway, the changes happened so fast that I… never figured out how to deal with them. Beforehand, I was just starting to get interested in boys but they never seemed to notice me. Now, they ogle me all the time… like I’m some juicy slab of steak! I might as well start calling myself ‘Sweetie Cow’. Look at how big my boobs are!” I reached over and caressed her hand. “Yes, it seems as though you’re taking after mother in that regard. Pardon my frankness, darling but has anyone tried to molest you in any way?” “No. I work out and practice kick boxing with Scoots at the gym every week. It’s a lot of fun. Oh! And I’ve gotten pretty good at it too. At least… that’s what she tells me. In any case, I know when people are being perverted creeps. I stay away from them as much as possible.” I hummed in thought. “Good. I was worried about that. I’ll say this much, Sweetie. You’re transforming into a beautiful young woman. I know it can be difficult to endure all the lavicious stares, but you needn’t be ashamed of your body. The best advice I can give is that you should stop worrying about what other people think and own your look.” “I get what you’re saying but it’s gonna take some time.” I took another bite of my custard. “Understandable. I don’t expect you to do so overnight.” Sweetie bit her lip. “The other thing is… I’m jealous.” “I imagine I know the reason why, but humor me anyway.” Sweetie played with a strand of her hair. “I feel like I’m the odd one out.” “Oh? In what way?” Sweetie flushed a rosy shade of pink from her cheeks all the way down to the tops of her breasts. Probably more out of embarrassment and frustration than pure anger. Well, that’s what you get for dodging the subject, little sister. “C’mon, Rarity! You know exactly what I mean! I can’t believe that you’d try to—” I booped her nose. “I’m doing this for your benefit, Sweetie. Assuming that I know what you’re thinking isn’t quite the same as YOU discussing it openly. Otherwise, it would defeat the purpose of our discussion. Go on, darling. Say it out loud. I promise that I won’t judge you. “Ok, fine! I’m jealous that you have a hot boyfriend and I don’t. Are you happy now?! Look, it doesn’t help matters that you guys are being all snuggly and lovey-dovey. Mom and Dad too. Normally that wouldn’t bother me too much, but it makes me feel like I’m intruding.” I put down my custard and gave Sweetie a hug. “I know it’s tough being a teenager. Especially, when your body is going through so many changes all at once. Not to mention the ridiculous volume of hormones pumping through your veins. It’s enough to drive anyone crazy. But I want you to know that we all love you, and enjoy your company.” Sweetie’s voice cracked. “I know you do! That’s why I feel so bad about the way I’ve been behaving. Rarity, I’m trying my best to have fun and relax at the resort but it’s impossible for me not to think about all those things. UGH! Why does life have to be so complicated?!” I kissed her forehead and began to run my fingers through her hair while I sat beside her. Sweetie immediately buried her head in-between my breasts and cried for a little while. I didn’t say anything more until she regained her composure a bit. Sometimes, it was best to just let these sorts of situations play themselves out. Especially, when it came to hormonal teenage girls. “I know there aren’t very many guests staying at the resort right now, but isn’t there anyone else you could hang out with around your age?” I asked. Sweetie nuzzled her cheek against my breast while I continued to play with her hair. The gesture wasn’t exactly what most people would consider appropriate between sisters. However, we’d grown up together in the nude and were used to various body parts being out in the open instead of covered by cloth. Neither of us felt that it was any more unusual than, say, a hug or a kiss. Besides, I enjoyed showing affection towards my baby sister and it helped calm her down. “How the heck should I know? We’ve only been here for like a day, tops. S’not the kind of thing I would bother looking up before going to a naturist resort.” Sweetie replied in a clipped tone. “I seem to recall that there’s a state-of-the-art entertainment pavilion near the main entrance.” Sweetie frowned in confusion. “What’s that got to do with anything?” “Well, if there’s any place around here that would appeal to teenagers…” Sweetie took in a deep breath and let it all out at once. “I guess there’s no harm in checking it out. Although, I’m not getting my hopes up. Adults are usually the ones who stay here, not teenagers. You know as well as I do how hard it is to find anyone our age who’s a naturist.” “Fair enough. Why don’t you go ahead and visit the entertainment pavilion now? I’ll tell mom and dad where you are when I head back. At the very least, it’ll give you something to do instead hanging out with all of us all day, feeling like a third wheel.” Sweetie got up out of her seat and used a napkin to blow her nose. “Are you sure? I got the impression that you wanted to spend some more time with me.” “There will be plenty of time for catching up, dear sister. I want you to have some fun.” Sweetie gave me another hug and kissed my cheek. “Ok. I’ll see ya later then.” I smiled despite finding out that the remainder of my custard was a goopy mess. With a shrug, I simply slurped the rest of it down like a thick milkshake. I mean, it still tasted just as good, so why not? I sighed to myself after tossing the cup into the wastebasket. Sweetie did have a valid point earlier. It was downright impossible trying to find fellow naturist youths to mingle with at resorts such as this one. Given how expensive it was to plan and pay for a trip down here, grown adults were the bulk of the clientele. Even so, I hoped that Sweetie would find a new friend. When I finally returned to our little spot the beach, Braeburn looked like he was having a pleasant conversation with my parents. Thank goodness! I was worried that he would never loosen up. He patted the spot in-between his legs, inviting me to sit there. I wasn’t opposed to the idea, mind you. I simply wanted to avoid any situations that might cause him to get an erection, if possible. It’s not like he would be kicked off the beach if that happened, but he would never live down the embarrassment of having to walk back to our room with it bobbling around. Braeburn wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my neck. “Welcome back, Rares. Did ya have a good time with yer sister? She seemed kind of uncomfortable before y’all left.” “We had a sisterly talk over some ice cream. Suffice to say, Sweetie was feeling a bit left out.” Mother looked over at me and sighed. “Darn it! I had an inkling that she was still upset. I tried to talk to her about all that’s been going on but I suppose it wasn’t what she was looking for.” “Please don’t blame yourself, Mother. I’m certain that you did the best you could. Sweetie simply required a more… nuanced approach. It’ll take some time, but I believe she’ll get through this rough spot feeling more confident about herself. Both physically and emotionally.” Mother laughed it off, but I could tell that she felt bad about not being able to give her youngest daughter the advice she do desperately craved. “She’s lucky to have such a wonderful big sister.” I blushed at the praise and tried to change the subject as quickly as possible. “So! Are there any interesting events coming up that we should be aware of?” Father rubbed his chin. “As a matter of fact, there is. Tonight, there’s going to be a seafood bake around six and then a salsa dancing party afterwards. Your mother and I are looking forward to it! Why don’t the two of you come along as well? It’ll be fun!” “Braeburn, darling. What do you think? Should we go?” “Ah reckon it’s a possibility. Just so long as Ah can squeeze in a quick nap beforehand.” As if on cue, I yawned at the thought of sleeping under the covers with my beau. “Hrmm. Yes, I think we could both use one. Goodness! The jetlag is really starting to hit me hard. Mother. Father. If it’s all the same to you, I think we’ll head back to our room now and get some rest.” They both nodded in agreement. “No problem, Rare-Bear. See ya later tonight.” > A Tropical Paradise Unlike Any Other (II) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 7 Cala Concha, The Beachfront We napped together for about an hour or two. Had it been for any longer, we wouldn’t have been able to sleep a wink when night finally arrived. It was already difficult enough adjusting to the eight-hour difference in time zones with jetlag added in. Throwing off our circadian rhythm even further by sleeping through dinner would have done us no good. After freshening up in the bathroom a bit, we locked arms and made our way down to the beach once more. There was a fair number of guests attending the seafood bake. Most of them, as I mentioned before, were middle-aged couples on vacation with a few families mixed in. While I was filling my plate with a couple of crab cakes, a little girl with the most adorable set of pigtails tapped my leg and politely asked me to assist her in getting some food. I happily obliged (she wanted chicken fingers and cheesy mac of all things) and waved to her as she scampered off towards a young couple. They smiled and waved back at me. I presumed they must have been her parents. Braeburn loaded up on fried oysters, cilantro-lime rice, and lobster tail. The latter being a complete surprise to me. He informed me that while he was staying in Manehattan, he’d developed a taste for the crustacean, but it wasn’t something that he ate often. I preferred crab myself when the occasion presented itself. We ate our meal in comfortable silence, watching the glowing orange sun as it spread across the horizon. Dare I say, it was quite romantic. Tropical-themed steel drum music played in the background while we finished up our meal. I thought it was a bit out of place considering we were staying in Mareborne, but it was far more tolerable to listen to than, say, the ubiquitous digeridoo the locals loved so much. Me, personally, I was never a fan of the damned things. If I listened to the instruments long enough, I would get a headache from the low, warbling tones they produced. Culturally insensitive, I know, but true. A few paces beyond the buffet tables was an impromptu dance floor that had been set up in the grassy hills overlooking the beach. It was little more than a raised platform with a smooth, wood paneled surface (to avoid getting grass and sand everywhere) and tiki torches placed all around it to create an atmosphere of tropical ambience. I was surprised to see that an actual mariachi band was set up behind it. All of the musicians were performing in the nude. Well, except for their sombreros. I couldn’t help but giggle at such a ridiculous sight. I’d never seen anything like it before. Mother & Father were nowhere to been seen. It wasn’t terribly late yet, only a little after seven thirty. However, it’s quite possible that they’d already had their fill of salsa dancing and seafood. They might’ve gone back to their suite to engage in more… rigorous evening activities. With a slight blush, it finally dawned on me why Father was so agreeable with letting Sweetie have her own room this time around. Let’s just say that my parents had a VERY active and healthy sex life, even though they tended to keep all the details private. Not that I had any issue with their choice, of course. I didn’t like to kiss and tell either. I saw no reason to wait around for my parents, so I took Braeburn out to the dance floor and let the rhythm guide our feet. The music was fairly fast paced but we danced at whatever tempo we felt comfortable with. Brisk but not the sweaty, gyrating that one might find in a typical nightclub. Did I ever mention how wonderful it feels to dance without a shred of clothing on? It’s very similar to skinny dipping in the sense that there’s nothing in the way to restrict your range of motion. The downside you may ask? Well, not that anyone at a naturist resort particularly cares, but certain body parts tend to jiggle around when one dances in their birthday suit. I’d long since gotten used to it, so I didn’t mind. Braeburn didn’t either, for that matter. Panting slightly, I pulled Braeburn closer to me and pressed my lips against his. “Mmm. There’s something incredibly romantic about salsa dancing under the moonlight, wouldn’t you say?” “Reckon it is. Ah can’t believe I’m sayin’ this but… I’ve been havin’ a great time so far.” I slid my hands along his waist and let them rest over Braeburn’s backside. He let out a surprised gasp when I began massaging his delectably firm buns with my fingers. What can I say? Physical affection amongst naturists tends to be a bit more intimate due to ease of access and differing standards. “And you were so nervous when we first arrived! Why, if I didn’t know any better, Braeburn Apple, I’d say you’re well on your way to becoming a naturist.” “Heh. Well, umm—Ah wouldn’t quite go that far, Rares. But Ah have ta admit that the longer Ah stay nekkid, the less Ah seem ta notice it. Fer the most part, anyway.” I smiled. “Excellent! I’m glad to hear that you’ve finally started to enjoy the resort without feeling so self-conscious about your body. I’m very proud of you, Braeburn. Both for stepping so far outside of your normal comfort zone and getting to know my parents better. This whole… experience simply wouldn’t have been the same without you here beside me.” He cupped my cheeks and returned my affection by kissing me deeply and without reservation. To be honest, I’m glad that the lighting was dim and there weren’t many other people on the dance floor. Because it got quite heated between us! His tongue wrestled with mine on several occasions and we both felt hungry for more. There was even a point where he cupped my breast and began caressing it ever so gently. The more rational part of my mind urged me to tell him to stop, but I just couldn’t. It felt far too good. A haze of lust clouded my better judgement. Right as he was rolling my nipple in-between his thumb and index finger, I felt an electric tingle run down my spine all the way to my loins. How long had been since I’d become this aroused? Far too long, in my humble opinion. Since were we so close to one another, I felt something hot brush up against my stomach. It was quite clear to me that Braeburn’s member was becoming stiffer without any signs of stopping. OH NO! Please! Anything but that right now! I could already tell that my inner flower was slick with arousal. If one were the optimistic type, this peculiar trait could be considered a blessing from the Belle family gene pool. Back when I was still going through puberty (I was about twelve), I’d had a rather intense erotic dream one night. The following morning, I’d woken up with a large, sticky wet spot underneath me. At first, I thought I’d wet the bed, until Mother explained that I’d simply ejaculated during the dream. I wasn’t even aware that women were capable of doing such a thing at the time, so you can imagine how embarrassed I was to find out that I was one of the rare few who could. Beyond that, my arousal had a very distinct aroma to it. Not an unpleasant one, so I’ve been told, but it was sharp and musky, akin to a complex perfume. When one combined this with my propensity to—erm—squirt during orgasms, I’d always been a bit self-conscious when it came to matters of the bedroom. Mainly out of concern as to what my partner would think. I can’t imagine such a thing would make any different to Braeburn, but I wasn’t certain. Skin flushed with excitement, I tried to reign myself in. It was difficult to do so because my entire body screamed at me—nay—begged me to spread my legs apart and allow Braeburn to ravish me all night long. I shan’t lie. The idea was appealing to me on many different levels. Especially now that I could feel his hot, erect shaft pressed up against my abdomen. In a strained voice, I held both of his hands. “We really need to stop, darling.” Braeburn looked down at his waist and squeaked. “Shit! I’m so sorry, Rares! A-Ah didn’t even realize that mah pecker had gotten so—uh—stiff all of the sudden. Harder ta notice when ya ain’t wearin’ any clothes. Hehe. No resistance n’ such.” I poked his chest. “Surely, you must have felt your manhood rubbing up against my tummy…” Braeburn blushed deeply and avoided eye contact. “Maybe? Ah got caught up in the moment.” “As did I, darling. Perhaps, it’s time that we have a talk about—” While Braeburn awkwardly shuffled around, unsure of what to do next, I looked over his shoulder and spotted my little sister approaching us. Drat! Why did Sweetie Belle decide to come to this particular part of the resort at a time like this?! Thinking fast, I placed myself in front of Braeburn so that his erection would be hidden from her view. I wasn’t in much better shape than him, but my own arousal was a bit more difficult to spot unless someone was looking for it. “Remain calm, keep your hands on my waist, and DO NOT even think about pressing up against my back. That will only make things worse. Understood?” I hissed. Braeburn nodded mutely. I hadn’t meant to sound so bossy but I was frustrated and horny. Not a particularly good combination of emotions to be experiencing at the same time. While I forced myself to smile at my sister and wave, it dawned on me that another person was standing right next to her. Sweetie’s mystery guest was a teenage boy with an average build and chocolate colored skin. His short, orange hair was somewhat messy but the style suited him somehow. My mouth nearly gaped open when I realized that the two of them were holding hands. The possibility of Sweetie finding another naturist her age was, admittedly, slim but I didn’t think she’d connect with a boy that quickly. I-I mean, granted… she’d always preferred to show her affection towards others physically, even when it was platonic. Just like mother, in that regard too. But my baby sister having a boyfriend?! Ok, Rarity. Let’s not jump to conclusions just yet. For all you know, they might not be dating but merely holding hands as a gesture of friendship. Sweetie looked at me with a confused expression. “Uh… Rarity? How’s come you look like you’ve just run a marathon? And no offense, but you smell kinda funky. Like sweat or something. You should probably take a shower when you get back to your room.” I giggle snorted and ended up sounding like a pig. Damn it! I hate it when I do that! Nervous habit. “Oh, well—erm—Braeburn and I just got finished a lively bout of salsa dancing. The funny thing is: it’s far more intense than we anticipated it would be. Isn’t that right, darling?” Braeburn shook his head vigorously. “Yeah! A real workout, Ah reckon.” “Huh. What do you know about that? Anyway, I just wanted to introduce you guys to my new friend. We met at the entertainment pavilion just like you suggested, Rarity! We chatted for a while, went out for a nice walk along the beach, and even played some video games together. Turns out, we have a lot in common! His name’s Button Mash, by the way.” I was truly happy for my sister. They might just be friends for now, but it was clear to me that there was a certain spark between the two of them. Mind you, I was mainly reading their body language. They did look quite comfortable together. As good a sign as any, I suppose. I was even more surprised to hear that this Button fellow seemed to be genuinely interested in my little sister as a person, instead of a buxom, young woman to lust over. Even though I’m certain he found Sweetie physically attractive (with a figure like that, who wouldn’t?) as well judging by the way his eyes wandered towards certain parts of her body on occasion. He was still a red-blooded, teenage boy, at the end of the day. I honestly couldn’t fault him for it. “Hi, I’m Button. You must be Sweetie’s big sister.” I shook his hand. “Yes, I am. It's a pleasure to meet you, darling. You’ll have to excuse me for not giving you a hug but I’m—ah—terribly sweaty at the moment. I hope you understand.” “No problem. My Mom says I shouldn’t hug people if they’re uncomfortable with it. That’s why I offered you a handshake instead. You’re just as pretty as Sweetie said you’d be, heh—even though you’re all flushed and sweaty right now. I can tell you guys are related!” What an underhanded way to compliment someone. I didn’t sense any malice behind his tone or intent, so perhaps this was simply the way he spoke? “Thank you, dear. I’m glad you think so.” “You’re welcome~ Oh! Is that dude standing behind you your boyfriend? Hmm. He looks like one of those cologne models who wear super tight briefs to show off their junk.” Oh goodness. This boy has absolutely no mental filter, does he? Ever the country gentleman, Braeburn took his hands off of my hips and went to greet Button. I silently prayed that his erection had subsided by now, but I wasn’t entirely sure how long he could last in that state. It was a question that I would definitely be putting to the test later—EHEM—focus, Rarity. While he walked forward, I glanced down towards his waist. Braeburn’s member remained semi-turgid in all it’s thick, veiny glory. Not at full mast like before, but it was still slightly engorged and pointing forward to some degree. I practically had to bite down on my cheeks to keep silent. There was a glistening bead of precum oozing from the tip! The worst part was: I don’t think he even noticed his condition. Button remained oblivious while he shook Braeburn’s hand, but I caught Sweetie starting at his penis quite intently. Her cheeks flushed red like a cherry tomato. As the two men chatted, I scampered over to my baby sister and pulled her aside. “Just so you are aware, things got a bit…. heated between the two of us whilst we were dancing. Yes, what you smelled earlier is EXACTLY what you think it is and the same applies to Braeburn.” “Yeah, I figured as much,” Sweetie admitted, “I just didn’t want to embarrass you.” I placed my hand on Sweetie’s shoulder. “I truly appreciate your discretion, darling. Believe me, I’ve tried my best to take things slow with Braeburn, but temptation is always right around the corner. Especially, when our state of undress makes certain parts of the human body easily accessible and, by virtue, the acts of affection associated with them more… convenient.” Sweetie chuckled. “Tell that to Mom and Dad.” “My point exactly. There are worse things, I suppose.” Sweetie nodded in agreement. “For sure. I’m glad they love each other so much.” “So, am I to assume you’re interested in becoming more than ‘just friends’ with Button?” Sweetie blushed and played with her hair. “I dunno yet. Maybe? We’ve only known each other for like, a couple of hours at most. I really do like-like him, though. He’s fun to hang out with and we share a lot of common interests. At first, he was completely dumbfounded that I wanted to hang out with him. It was really cute watching him blush so much!” “Fair enough. Just be sure to use protection if you decide to have sex with him.” “Rarity,” Sweetie hissed, “We haven’t even kissed yet! How could you think that I’d—” “Relax. I’m not trying to imply that you’d immediately spread your legs for Button, dear sister. I’m simply looking out for your wellbeing. These sorts of things can happen to teenagers when the mood strikes. And, may I add, adults too as you’ve seen with Braeburn and I.” Sweetie let out an annoyed whine. “You sound just like Dad. I’m not a naïve little girl anymore!” I pulled Sweetie into a hug, allowing her to rest her head against my chest. “No, you’re a young woman now. We tell you these things so that you can make an informed decision. Part of being an adult is understanding that your actions can have serious consequences.” Sweetie held me tighter and nuzzled her cheek against my collarbone. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to sound ungrateful. It’s just kinda… embarrassing to talk about stuff like that, ya know?” I ruffled Sweetie’s hair affectionately and kissed her forehead. “Naturally. If you should ever need someone to talk to about those sorts of things, I’m always here.” My little sister hugged me one more time and we walked over to where the boys were chatting amongst themselves. They both looked at us with an expression of concern, but I informed them that we were merely having a private word together as sisters, nothing more. Thankfully, Braeburn appeared to be completely flaccid now that enough time had gone by. I wrapped my arm around his waist, huddled closer to him, and rested my head against his shoulder. “Button, might I ask what a young man such as yourself is doing at a naturist resort?” Sweetie inched ever closer to Button Mash and then looped her arm around his elbow. It hadn’t escaped my notice that she made a point to sandwich his arm in-between her breasts. Sweetie, of course, grinned like a Cheshire cat when the poor boy became flustered and started blushing up a storm. It seemed that she was determined to send a very clear signal to Button of her intentions. “My mom actually works here during the summer. She’s the head pastry chef. Pretty cool, huh? We basically get to live at the resort for free during that time. It’s a pretty sweet deal.” “Interesting~ Have you and your mother always been naturists?” Button nodded emphatically. “Only for my entire life!” I chuckled. “I can certainly see why my little sister took a liking to you, then.” “Hehe… y-yeah. You’re cool with us hanging out, right?” I held out my hand and gazed at my finely manicured nails. “That depends, Mr. Mash.” “On what, exactly?” Button asked hesitantly. “What your intentions are. After all, my sister’s maidenhood is at stake here.” Sweetie wasn’t looking quite so smug anymore. Her face flushed with what I can only imagine was a mixture of embarrassment and anger. The glare she gave me could have melted steel. “Rarity, you didn’t have to mention that I was still a virgin out loud!” Button tried his best to mollify my sister by rubbing her back, but she was furious. “Hey! Don’t sweat it, Sweetie. I don’t have any problem with you being a virgin. I—um—I’m one too…” Sweetie let go of his arm and pointed her finger at me accusingly. “See what you did?! Button had to admit something embarrassing too! Rarity, you can’t just say stuff like that in front of—” “Why not? It’s my prerogative, as your older sister, to interview any of your potential suitors in lieu of our parents. They aren’t here right now, so I rest my case. Besides, what’s wrong with being a virgin at your age? You’ve just barely turned sixteen, Sweetie Belle. Sexual intercourse isn’t some race to win first place amongst your peers. I hope you understand that.” Rather than think rationally about what I was saying, Sweetie stormed off in a huff like a typical teenage girl. To where, I could only assume that she was headed towards her room. This left a very confused and distraught Button Mash who, for the life of me, looked like he was about to cry. I quickly rushed over to his side and offered him a reassuring pat to the back. “It’s alright, darling. Sweetie can sometimes get that way. She’s still growing up.” Button offered me a meek smile. “Should I… go after her?” “No, I’d advise against it. She needs some time to vent.” Button shuffled his feet. “Oh. Sorry, I’m not used to dealing with girls.” “Pardon my curiosity, but is Sweetie the first girl to show any interest in you?” Button rubbed his neck. “Yeah. I didn’t think someone like her would ever want to talk to me. Sweetie’s the kind of girl who would usually be WAAAAAY out of my league.” Braeburn offered an encouraging pat as well. “Ya never know until ya try. Ah felt the same way about Rarity and look at us now. Granted, Ah ain’t no expert when it comes ta matters of romance but Ah can tell Sweetie’s really taken a shinin’ to ya.” “You mean… she like-likes me?!” I couldn’t help but laugh at how sweet and innocent Button was. “As her older sister, I can confirm, without a shadow of a doubt, that she does. Button, I want you to understand that I wasn’t trying to put you on the spot earlier. I was simply trying to gauge your character.” “I’d never force her to have sex with me! Only creeps do that sort of thing.” I breathed a sigh of relief. He truly was a kind-hearted boy. “Indeed. But that does beg the question: are you attracted to my little sister? In the physical sense, I mean. You don’t have to be shy. Just be honest. I promise that your answer won’t upset me in any way.” Button blushed furiously. “Mhmm. Sweetie has a great body. And her boobs are super soft!” “Well, I certainly can’t argue with you on either of those points.” Button bit his lip. “So—um—you’re not mad at me for looking at your sister?” “Of course not. I would expect as much from a teenage boy. However, I do take issue with anyone who mistreats her in any way. Physically, verbally, or emotionally. If I find out that you’ve EVER done anything to harm her, I WILL END YOU. Have I made myself clear?” Button chuckled nervously. “Crystal, ma’am.” I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. “Excellent~ That being said, I think you’re an upstanding young man with a keen sense of morality. And you’re a naturist too. Those factors combined makes you an excellent match for my little sister. She’s been looking for someone like you for quite some time now. Should you be interested in dating her, you have my blessing.” “Thank you, Miss Rarity! I’m probably gonna go back to my room now, since it’s getting late. Have fun with Mr. Braeburn and I guess… I’ll see you guys later. Bye!” I yawned while we watched Button scamper off towards the main building. “My goodness! I can’t believe how tired I am. It’s been quite a long day.” “Sure has.” We began walking along the beach at a sedate pace, arm in arm. The crescent moon rose high above us and the stars twinkled around it like a tapestry of nature’s design. A cool breeze tickled our bare skin, as the surf washed over our feet. It was surreal. During the daytime, the ocean was a place so full of sound and vigor… yet at night it was quiet as the grave. Not that I minded the tranquility, of course. I just happened to notice how much of a stark contrast there was. “Do you mind if we head back to the room and call it a night?” I asked softly. “Ain’t no harm in it, Ah reckon.” When we finally took a shower and got ready for bed, I couldn’t help but get the sense that Braeburn was disappointed somehow. I snuggled up against his back and made myself comfortable, basking in his scent. He squeezed my hand one last time, then promptly fell asleep. As I listened to him breathe, I sighed to myself. Tomorrow, I would make it up to him. We were going to do something special together and no one was going to interrupt us! For now, though, I needed my beauty rest. I wrapped my arms around his stomach and fell asleep too. The following morning was a fairly standard affair. We woke up, showered, had a light breakfast of fruit and oatmeal, then drank a cup of coffee together while looking out at the ocean. Braeburn didn’t appear to be in a bad mood, per say, but he seemed distant… dare I say, melancholic. I tried to lighten the mood by rubbing my foot along his leg underneath the table. His eyes widened slightly in surprise, but he didn’t react otherwise. I looked down at my coffee and sighed. Perhaps, I’d underestimated how great his desire was to consummate our relationship. “What’s the matter, darling? Are you not feeling well this morning?” Braeburn blinked owlishly. “Huh? Oh—um—nah, I’m just a little tired. Nothin’ ta worry about.” “Are you sure? If there’s anything bothering you, I’d be more than happy to talk about it.” “I’m good. What’ve ya got planned fer today, Rares?” Braeburn asked. I clapped my hands together. “Well, I was thinking that we could go for an early morning walk along the beach. Since we haven’t gone swimming yet, I think that could be bundled into the itinerary as well. What do you think? Does that sound like a good idea to you, darling?” “Ah suppose so. Ain’t like I’ve got anythin’ better ta do.” I frowned inwardly at his less than enthusiastic response. “Splendid! We’ll just need to pack a few things: like towels, a couple of water bottles, and sunglasses. I took the liberty of bringing along some stylish fanny packs for us to put our belongings in too. They’re matching colors~” Braeburn rubbed the back of his neck. “Really? Ah don’t think I’ve ever worn one of those things before. How’s come we can’t just wear backpacks?” “Because the straps will dig into our skin, dear. One must be mindful of chafing.” Braeburn cocked his eyebrow. “And these fanny packs won’t? They’ve got a strap too.” “If you must know, they are specially designed for naturists by naturists. And I got them buy one get one free from the website that sells them, so sue me! And don’t even think about complaining. You’re just going to have to swallow your manly pride and wear one.” With a resigned sigh, Braeburn agreed. Once we finished our coffee, we headed back to the room, applied sunscreen as needed, and donned our equipment. My fanny pack was royal purple (it matched my hair, of course) and Braeburn’s was a handsome shade of cherry red. I thought it complimented his complexion quite well, but he still didn’t seem too thrilled about wearing it. We took our time walking along the white sand beaches of Cala Concha. It was an absolutely beautiful day outside. Big, fluffy clouds floated lazily in the sky while a cool ocean breeze accompanied the songs of seabirds. I took in a deep breath and appreciated the salty air. This place truly was a tropical paradise. I just wish that Braeburn would stop being such a Debbie downer and try to enjoy himself as well. Maybe a refreshing dip would do him some good. Even if it didn’t, what I had planned afterwards would certainly make him feel better. At least… that was my hope. I tried not to overthink my strategy, lest I become a neurotic mess like Twilight Sparkle. Our world’s version of her, not the pony princess. I mean, for all I know she could have similar tendencies but I never got the chance to spend much time with her. She very rarely had time to visit us (probably because of her royal duties) and I wasn’t about to step through some magic mirror portal to another universe. Geomancy was more than enough magic for a girl like me, thank you very much! Earlier, I’d studied a map of the surrounding area to try and find the most secluded spot possible for our day together. It wasn’t nearly as difficult as you might think, considering that Cala Concha was designed to be a semi-private resort in the first place. So far, we hadn’t really run into any other guests yet. I suppose that also had to do with the time of day it was. I found the perfect little cove surrounded by rock on one side and a smattering of tropical vegetation on the other. That’s where we decided to set up camp, as it were. We took off our fanny packs, placed them by a palm tree, and got out our water bottles to take a drink. I immediately began stretching (I made sure to bend over towards Braeburn) and encouraged my beau to do the same. He did so absentmindedly, more due to the fact that he was distracted by my body, rather than his melancholy. That was a good sign. I definitely had his attention~ “Catch me if you can, darling!” I whispered into his ear. You should have seen it. A grown woman running full throttle towards the ocean with her boyfriend chasing her close behind. It was utterly ridiculous but so much fun! I laughed and played in the surf like a child would, without a care in the world. Ah~ The water felt absolutely wonderful. It was the perfect temperature and crystal clear too. I could see all the way to the bottom. As I dove underwater, a few exotic fish swam around me like I was part of their school. I took one more look at the beautiful coral reef and headed back up to the surface. For a moment, I was worried because I couldn’t see Braeburn anywhere. It was as if he’d just disappeared into thin air. Mere moments later, I let out a lady-like scream of terror when he suddenly surfaced in front of me with a shit-eating grin plastered on his face. He proceeded to boop my nose. “Now, I’ve got ya.” My cheeks flushed red. “Braeburn! You nearly scared me out of my wits!” “Who’s bein’ the sourpuss this time, huh?” With a lovely smile like that, how could I possibly stay mad at him? “No harm done; I suppose.” Braeburn swam over to the shallows and I followed shortly thereafter. The water was low enough that it only went up to our waists. He waded over to me, placed his hands on either side of my head, and pulled me into a passionate kiss. Since there was no one else around, we took our time exploring each other’s mouths, wrestling for dominance with our tongues. Now, I had my answer. He really did want to pick up where we left off the night prior. I broke free from his lips and smiled. “Trying to set the mood, are you?” “Eeyep. Sorry if Ah was actin’ strange earlier. I’ve been feelin’ a bit frustrated.” We embraced each other and I kissed his neck. “In what regard?” “Ah dunno. It’s hard ta explain. Kinda like we’re always bein’ interrupted.” I let go of him and began walking towards our spot. “Come along, darling.” The poor dear looked utterly baffled. I’d already begun spreading the oversized towel on top of the grass by the time he joined me. Without a word, I laid down and beckoned him to come join me. I’m not sure how long we lounged around like that, letting the sun dry our skin. Just as Braeburn closed his eyes to take a quick cat nap, I took the opportunity to shift my position and nestle myself in-between his legs. My heart thundered in my chest. There was no going back after what I was about to do. Calm yourself, Rarity. You’re just a little bit out of practice is all. I carefully wrapped my fingers around his shaft and began massaging it. That alone might have done the trick but I wanted to take it a step further. I leaned forward and started peppering his entire length with little butterfly kisses. This, of course, had the intended effect of rousing him from his cat nap and attracting Braeburn’s undivided attention. In both senses of the word. Oh, goodness! The smell of his manhood was incredibly musky. It was like inhaling the pure, concentrated essence of Braeburn Apple. I immediately felt my loins begin to stir with excitement. At the risk of sounding like a trollop, I was horny and wanted more. So, I did the only sensible thing I could think of and began performing fellatio. By now, Braeburn was fully erect and I was having some difficulty accommodating his girth in its entirety. In that regard, I took my time pleasuring him orally while I gently fondled his balls with my other hand. Braeburn moaned softly when I swirled my tongue along the tip of his head. “Heavens above, Rares! Ah ain’t gonna last much longer if ya keep that up. Unnnhh—feels so good…” As men are often wont to do, he placed his hands on either side of my head and began stroking my hair. It didn’t feel unpleasant by any means, I just never figured out why they chose to do it. Perhaps, it was simply an earnest desire to reciprocate the pleasure they were feeling, despite being in a compromising position. Who knows? I never claimed to be a clinical psychologist. I could tell Braeburn was getting close to his limit. There were subtle signs of it if one cared to read them. Like more frequent moaning, moving his hips forward ever so slightly, and his breathing becoming more labored. Feeling emboldened by his positive response to my technique, I decided to test something I’d read in a magazine once. I pressed my fingers against the area right where the root of his ball sac ended. Supposedly, this was the male equivalent to a g-spot. The effect was immediate. Braeburn cried out and I felt him ejaculate directly into my mouth. Embarrassed as I am to admit it, I nearly gagged and started coughing. It was very difficult to swallow but I did so anyway. You see, my troubles were caused by the consistency of his semen. It was sticky and viscous, similar to honey but vastly different in so many ways. There wasn’t much flavor to it initially but his semen did have a distinct, briny, almost fishy aftertaste. I removed his member from my mouth with a slick pop, and went about squeezing his shaft for any residual cum that might have been left behind. His eyes widened in amazement when a little glob came out of the tip and I licked it clean. I laid down next to Braeburn as he wrapped his arm around me and we cuddled for a little while. After a bout of comfortable silence, he looked over at me with the most peculiar expression. It was as if he was having difficulty forming words. “That was just… amazin’. Thank ya, Rares. Ah really needed that.” I kissed his chest. “You’re quite welcome, darling. I got the sense that you desperately needed some kind of release from all the sexual tension that’s been building up between us. I’m sorry that it took me so long to pleasure you, but I wanted to make sure the time was right.” “Rares, there’s somethin’ Ah gotta tell ya. It’s of a personal nature.” I rubbed my hand along his abs encouragingly. “Go on. I promise that I shan’t laugh.” “Well—erm—the thing is… I’m still a virgin. Never been intimate with a woman before. Especially one as beautiful as ya. That’s why I’m at a loss as ta what I’m supposed ta do next. Ya seem so experienced that I’m afraid I’ll just end up disappointin’ ya if Ah try anythin’.” I cupped his cheek and looked directly into those dazzling, emerald pools. “To be quite honest, I’m not as experienced as you might think. In fact, it’s been ages since I last had sex with anyone. My point is: I don’t care that you’re a virgin, Braeburn. We can just take things slow and experiment a little. That’s what love is all about. Consider this a learning experience, ok?” Braeburn’s cheeks lit up in the most adorable blush. “Alright. Land’s sakes! I’m more nervous than a jackrabbit in a fox’s den. What do ya want me ta do first, if ya don’t mind me askin’.” I rolled over onto my back and used my fingers to spread my lips apart, so that he could get a good look at my flower. “I’m sure you know what this is. Try kissing it, licking it, or whatever strikes your fancy. I promise that I’m not picky. Take as much time as you need, darling.” “Yer pussy’s such a pretty shade of pink, Rares. Kinda reminds me of smoked salmon,” Braeburn remarked as he carefully ran his finger along my folds, “Is it supposed ta be all shiny?” It was my turn to blush. “Yes, dear. That means I’m aroused.” He took in a deep breath and smiled. “Ya smell good too. Ah like it. Wonder how ya taste?” Without any warning whatsoever, Braeburn plunged face first into my kitty. I could tell that he was an amateur but what he lacked in skill, he more than made up for in enthusiasm. His tongue probed my depths like a velvety snake, wriggling and writhing while he teased my nubbin with his thumb. It was a sensation I hadn’t felt in such a long time and it felt so VERY right. I laid back, gripped the towel, and moaned unabashedly as an orgasm wracked my entire body. Thankfully, I wasn’t one of those poor, unfortunate souls who required a vast amount of simulation and time to achieve them. A blessing, in my humble opinion. When Braeburn pulled away, his face glistened and he was absolutely covered in my nectar. Rather than be off put by it, he seemed to enjoy that fact that he’d made me ejaculate. “Damn. Do all gals—uh—squirt so much when they get an orgasm or…” “No, I’m afraid that’s something specific to me. I’m sorry if it bothers you, but I can’t control—” Braeburn kissed my lips (the lower ones) and chuckled. “Nah, Ah don’t mind. Ya taste sweet. Heh. Almost like a marshmallow. Appropriate, considerin’ the color of yer skin.” I let out an embarrassed squeak and blushed profusely. “Don’t you dare say that in public!” Braeburn grinned and began peppering my tummy with kisses and raspberries. It made me break down into a fit of snorting giggles, which only served to embarrass me further. He, of course, enjoyed every second of it, laughing in amusement as I tried to compose myself. Panting heavily, I watched as he positioned himself above me and brushed an errant strand of my hair away from my face. The unrestrained passion I saw in his eyes almost made me want to cry. “Rarity, Ah wanna make love to ya. Would ya be ok with that?” I reached up and caressed his cheeks, trying my best to keep my emotions in check. “Yes, I would be honored to be your first, Braeburn.” We kissed one more time and then Braeburn scooted back a bit so that he could have easy access in-between my legs. I thought that his penis would have become flaccid by this point, but it was just as stiff as it had been before I made him cum. I held my breath while he gripped the base of his shaft and rubbed it all over my lips, making his entire length slick with my arousal. I didn’t want Braeburn to accidentally penetrate the wrong hole (unlikely but still possible), so I spread my lips apart once more in order to show him exactly where he needed to insert his manhood. “Please make sure that you enter me gradually. Otherwise, it can be quite painful.” Braeburn nodded and began pushing forward. I gasped as his thick, veiny cock inched deeper and deeper inside of me. I can personally attest that he is the most well-endowed man to have ever penetrated me. The sensation of being filled so thoroughly, even gradually, was… indescribable. It was as though my poor kitty was being stretched to absolute the limit! When he finally bottomed out and we were joined as one, I grunted. “Oh goodness! You’re just so thick, Braeburn. I got a sense of your girth beforehand but… this is something else.” Braeburn shot me a look of concern. “Does it hurt? Ah can pull out if ya want.” “No! Really, I’ll be alright. I just… need a moment to adjust.” Braeburn nodded. “Ok. But ya gotta let me know if it starts ta hurt.” After an embarrassingly long adjustment period (it was only about thirty seconds but it felt like an eternity to me), I let him know that I was ready for him to start moving. He lifted my legs into the air and took hold of my thighs, a position that was meant to make us more comfortable. His thrusts were slow and methodical at first because… well, he had no experience doing it before. As time wore on, however, Braeburn found a good rhythm that we both enjoyed. I gripped the towel and desperately tried to catch my breath. Braeburn was moving his hips at a much faster pace than before and I could tell that my own body was mere moments away from another mind-blowing orgasm. “Nnnngh! Yes! Keep going! I’m about to cum!” Braeburn plunged his manhood into me until his balls brushed up against my pucker. My walls responded by constricting around him like a velvety vice while I moaned in ecstasy. Soon after, I arched my back as the electric pleasure of an orgasm radiated throughout my body. After hearing a loud grunt, I felt something hot fill my belly to the point of overflowing. We both collapsed into a sweaty pile of flesh and limbs atop the towel afterwards. Exhausted but utterly satisfied. I sighed contentedly and rested my head upon Braeburn’s chest. “Mmmm. You performed admirably for a virgin, darling. I haven’t enjoyed sex like that in ages! Thank you again for being gentle. It meant the world to me that you were so considerate of my needs. Just remember: practice makes perfect. And you’d better believe that we’re going to be practicing quite often~” “Ah enjoyed makin’ love to ya as well, Rares. Mah pecker ain’t too big around fer ya, is it?” I started playing with his pubic hair. “In all honesty, it was at first. You must understand that I’ve never made love to anyone so… handsomely endowed before. Not to worry though! Given enough time and practice, I’ll get used to your girth eventually. I promise you that.” “Good. Ah got the impression ya were tryin’ real hard not ta show how much of a struggle it was. Also, yer real tight and slippery down there, if ya catch mah meanin’. It ain’t a bad thing, of course. It’s just that… a couple of times, Ah though ya were gonna milk me dry. Heh.” My cheeks turned a rosy shade of pink. “Yes, well I do keep in shape. Such is to be expected.” Braeburn reached over and began massaging my breast with the gentlest of motions. He would occasionally tease my nipple with his fingertips every so often too. I don’t think he was trying to arouse me; it was just an affectionate gesture to make me feel good. I enjoyed it, so I didn’t ask him to stop. “Ah know. Even when we were teenagers, Ah could always tell that ya took good care of yer body. It’s even more obvious now that we ain’t wearin’ any clothes.” “Indeed. The same could be said for you too, darling. I admit that I might have looked forward to those hot summer days when you had your shirt off. The view was quite breathtaking.” Braeburn laughed. “Funny ya should mention that. Granny always warned me not ta do that whenever guests were around. Particularly, any of Applejack’s gal pals from CHS. Ah listened ta her fer the most part, except when ya came over. Then, I’d do it just ta see if ya would notice.” I leaned over and nibbled on his ear. “You sly dog! Now, at least you know that it worked~” “Only wish I’d have worked up the courage ta ask ya out years ago.” I embraced him tightly. “Let’s not waste our time on hypotheticals, dear. We’re together now, and we love each other. That’s all that matters in the end. Wouldn’t you agree?” “Yeah. Ah reckon you’re right about that.” As much as I didn’t want to end our post-coital cuddling session, I knew that we couldn’t stay on the beach for the remainder of the day. Too many questions would be asked by my family and I would eventually get terrible sunburn all over my body. Unfortunately, sunscreen only offers so much protection for people with a fair complexion such as myself. That’s why I would always try to lay under a parasol and limit the amount of time I spend swimming outdoors. Well, at least when it was under direct sunlight. Forested areas posed no such risk, and why I preferred them. Indoor pools, like the one Dalia had, were even better. I got up off of the towel and stretched. “I think we should prepare to head back to the main building soon. I don’t know about you, darling but a good shag always makes me hungry. I’d like to grab a bite for lunch, if possible.” Braeburn walked up behind me, wrapped his arms around my waist, and kissed my neck. “Can’t argue with ya there. Mah stomach’s been growlin’ somethin’ fierce since we finished up. Do ya think the chefs ‘round here can make decent fried chicken? Been cravin’ it fer a while now…” “It’s possible, I suppose. We won’t know until we ask. In the meantime, I think it would be prudent for us to go for a quick swim in the ocean. If only to freshen up. We can’t very well walk around the resort smelling like we just had a rigorous bout of sweat-inducing sex.” Braeburn sniffed himself and blushed. “Hehe. Ya got a point there, Rares.” I glanced over at the soiled beach towel we had just made love upon and crinkled my nose. “My apologies, Braeburn. In my haste, I’d forgotten to pack any extra towels to dry off with. We’ll just have to let the sun and the wind dry us off the natural way. It shouldn’t be an issue.” Except for my hair. Saltwater, sand, and wind tended to make it extremely frizzy. Nothing a good bottle of conditioner couldn’t fix but it was still a hassle nonetheless. With a resigned sigh, I ran towards the surf and dove right in, washing myself as best I could. Braeburn did the same and before I knew it, we were already making our way towards the main campus. We enjoyed a lovely lunch together in the cafeteria (which I assure you had resort quality meals), then contemplated what we would do for the remainder of the day. > Sizzle Fizzle Toil And Trouble > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 8 Cala Concha, Rarity & Braeburn’s Suite The dawn of our third day together at Cala Concha arrived far faster than I anticipated. With everything that had happened yesterday, I suppose it shouldn’t have been that much of a surprise to me. Time flies when one’s having fun, after all. I rolled over in bed and watched as Braeburn slept peacefully beside me. He looked so serene that I didn’t want to disturb his slumber. With that in mind, I carefully extracted myself from the covers and padded out to the kitchenette. A shower would come later. For the time being, I was more interested in brewing a fresh pot of coffee instead. I mean, it’s not as though bathing was that much of a hassle, given the fact that I didn’t have to worry about wearing anything for the remainder of the day. Besides, I’d already taken one yesterday evening. I couldn’t very well go to bed with frizzy, saltwater-soaked hair. Don’t even get me started on my skin! I spent nearly a half hour applying shea butter moisturizer everywhere possible. Braeburn, of course, enjoyed watching me do so the entire time. I smiled to myself while the coffee pot started heating up. It was such a wonderful feeling, as a woman, to know that you are loved and desired. Ever since our wild little romp on the beach, Braeburn began showing physical affection towards me on a more regular basis. Such as kisses along the neck, caressing my skin, snuggling, playing with my hair, and the occasional bottom tweak. Mind you, most of this was kept between us, within the privacy of our own suite but I considered it progress. It gave me hope that he would eventually come to enjoy social nudity. I carefully opened the patio doors and allowed the fresh ocean breeze tickle my bare skin. It felt absolutely lovely~ The sun was just beginning to rise over the horizon and I could hear the seabirds chattering amongst themselves. Upon taking in a deep breath, I pondered what I would do before eating breakfast. Normally, I would engage in a bit of light yoga just to get the blood flowing and stretch out my limbs. I’d neglected to take along my trusty mat, so that was out. There was always the possibility of stepping outside to perform a few sets directly on the beach. However, I had no desire to be coated in gritty, white sand all over again so soon. That left me with my Judo stances. I preferred to do them on a flat, padded surface but carpet would do just fine in a pinch. Judo was a martial art that used throws and grapples most of the time. Therefore, I focused my sets on upper body movements, and added a few kicks just to round things out. By the time I was finished with a dozen sets, I started to work up a sweat. Since I was feeling thirsty, I walked over to the fridge to fetch a bottle of water and nearly chugged down the whole thing in a matter of seconds. Only after that point did I feel like I was ready to pour myself a cup of coffee and rest for a bit. It wasn’t the vilest stuff I’d ever drank, but it certainly wasn’t what I would call high quality arabica. In all likelihood, I’m sure the coffee they served at the cafeteria tasted better. Oh well. I didn’t feel like going the whole way down there just for a drink. I stood in the patio doorway and watched the ocean while I nursed my mug full of coffee. An older couple were out for a morning jog and waved to me, I returned their greeting politely, albeit with less enthusiasm. I wasn’t quite one hundred percent awake just yet. But getting there, certainly. Just as I closed my eyes to savor another sip, I felt a familiar pair of arms wrap around my waist. In a matter of seconds, Braeburn was pressed up against my back, resting his head on my shoulder. I let out a contented sigh and enjoyed his butterfly kisses. “Mornin’, Rares. Did ya sleep well?” Braeburn asked. “Yes, very well thank you. Pardon me for being so sweaty and disheveled, darling. I just finished up practicing some Judo sets. You know, to get the blood flowing and whatnot.” Braeburn inhaled my scent deeply. “No biggie. Ya look and smell great as always.” I blushed at how enthusiastic he was about it. “Is that so?” “Eeyup. Never been a time where ya weren’t sexy ta me, Rares.” My heart fluttered in my chest. “Ever the gentleman, even this early in the morning. Why, one might even say that such flattery could lead to some very interesting consequences…” “Hmm. Wonder what those might be?” Braeburn whispered while he slipped his hand in-between my legs. I bit my lip and let out a soft moan when he began teasing my folds with the tips of his fingers, inserting them once I became wet enough. Why was he so frisky right now of all times? For goodness sakes! I hadn’t even gotten the chance to take a shower yet. With his other hand, he cupped my breast and began massaging it in slow, lazy circles, teasing my nipple every so often by rubbing with his thumb. After a few minutes, my whole body felt hot. Now, I was excited! Just as I was about to have a shuddering orgasm, Braeburn abruptly stopped his ministrations. I very nearly turned around and slapped him. One does not simply tease a lady in such a manner! “Oh, come on! Why on earth did you stop, darling?! We had a good thing—” Braeburn grinned and carried me princess style over to the couch and laid me down. “Because I wanna make ya feel even better. Rest yer head on that pillow over there, get comfortable, and stick yer rear end in the air. I’ll do the rest.” It was an extremely compromising position to put myself into, but I trusted Braeburn and knew that he wouldn’t take advantage of me or laugh at my expense. My trust was rewarded immediately as I felt him gently pry apart my lips, and expose the glistening, pink flesh of my flower with his fingers. Then came the tongue. Braeburn’s marvelous, dexterous tongue~ Unlike yesterday, his cunnilingus technique wasn’t quite so amateurish this time around. I think it was because he’d tasted me once before and was more confident about what I liked. The lewd slurping noises he was making were almost too much for me to bear. I would’ve died of embarrassment had anyone else been around to hear them. Sweet merciful heavens! When he began teasing my nubbin with the tip of his tongue, my body quivered in ecstasy and I gushed like a fire hydrant on a hot summer day. In the back of my mind, I pitied the poor soul who would eventually have to clean the couch after we were finished. I promptly collapsed onto my belly, panting heavily from the blissful orgasm I just experienced. When I looked over my shoulder, Braeburn wasn’t on the couch with me anymore. Where on earth could he have scampered off to? I wanted to return the favor and he was nowhere to be found. Fine, be that way! You’ll just have to go without a proper morning fellatio from me then. While I was pouting, I saw him return from the bathroom with a bottle of scented massage oil in hand. He squirted a big glob onto my back and began rubbing it all over my body. The massage he gave me was simply divine. In the haze of post orgasmic bliss, my entire body felt like it was floating on cloud nine and my brain, well… let’s just say I wasn’t doing much thinking and leave it at that. Everything felt more sensitive than usual too. I moaned softly while he kneaded my butt cheeks with his fingers, slowly spreading them apart and—wait a moment. NO! He wouldn’t—HE DID! I let out an embarrassed squeak as he exposed my anus. “Would ya look at that,” Braeburn commented playfully, “Honestly didn’t expect yer lil’ pink starfish ta be this cute!” My entire body erupted in a rosy blush. Why did you have to say something like that? “Braeburn, darling… you really shouldn’t be sticking your fingers there. It’s filthy!” “There ain’t a single part of ya that’s filthy, Rares. Just relax and lemme make ya feel good. Ah promise I’ll be gentle about it too. Go on, relax. Unclench yer cheeks. There we go… that’s it.” Just like he promised, Braeburn took the utmost care with his ministrations while he massaged my unmentionables. I will admit that it felt good, dare I say it even caused me some degree of excitement to have my… pucker teased in such a way. It took everything I had to restrain the squeaky moan of pleasure that escaped my lips, but escape it did. And wouldn’t you know it. Braeburn had the smuggest look of satisfaction on his face before he bent down to kiss my back. I felt like a giant blob of Rarity pudding but I had enough wherewithal to glance back at Braeburn as he continued to massage me. A carnal hunger filled my loins while I watched his erection bob back and forth. He was so very… stiff. Almost to the point where it looked painful. The whole time, he’d done nothing but selflessly attend to my needs and not his own. I wanted needed to do something for him too! I propped myself up and wiggled my rump enticingly. “I cannot express how much I appreciate what you’ve done for me this morning, darling. But right now, I want you to help you sate your own desires. I couldn’t call myself a proper girlfriend if I left my lover… in such a state as that without attending to his needs.” Braeburn traced his thumb along the wrinkled edge of my anus. I quivered and gasped. “Like ya told yer sister yesterday, sex ain’t a contest. I’m doin’ all of this because Ah want ta. Makes me happy ta see mah gal when she’s feelin’ good.” “Be that as it may, I’d feel even BETTER if you stuffed your thick cock inside me.” Normally, I wouldn’t have had the courage to utter something so vulgar. But I momentarily forgot my ladylike manners because I was desperate. My earnest declaration had the intended effect of flustering poor Braeburn. A battle must have been raging in his mind. It was as if he was trying to decide if he should just stick to the plan or mount me like I suggested. In the end, I suppose his own desires must have won out. He squirted another glob of massage oil onto his hands and coated his entire length with the stuff. It practically glistened afterwards. I licked my lips in anticipation while he aligned the tip of his manhood to the entrance of my kitty. “That’s it, darling. Just a little more and we’ll be joined as one. I can’t wait until we—” The thing about lubrication is that it tends to make everything so much slipperier than usual. Including a penis. Braeburn barely put any effort into pushing forward and within the blink of an eye, he’d stuffed his entire length inside me right up to his balls. Being penetrated so suddenly made me cry out in surprise. It wasn’t exactly painful, but it did take me a few seconds to adjust. “Nnngh! Oh goodness! I’m—ok now. You can start moving.” By George did he thrust! The pace at which we made love was much more intense. We were well beyond the exploratory stage of our relationship and simply wanted to feel as much pleasure as possible. Braeburn gripped my buttocks to keep himself stable, while I listened to the lewd sound of flesh slapping against flesh. I swear, there were even a few instances where I felt his balls brush up against me. They were quite hefty and dangled a fair bit, as you might recall. I cannot even begin to tell you thankful I was to have an IUD installed just prior to our vacation at Cala Concha. It’s not that I didn’t trust Braeburn to use protection. Rather, I knew for a fact that having sex without a condom felt better for both parties. The possibility of bearing Braeburn’s children wasn’t completely off the table, mind you. I simply had no desire to become pregnant in my early twenties or go through a shotgun wedding with the Apple Family. Such life changing decisions would come later, when we both decided the time was right. The tingling haze that I typically associated with an impending orgasm spread throughout my entire body. I was getting so very close! Braeburn’s panting became heavier and his thrusts more frequent as he pushed his hips forward. I suspected that he wouldn’t last much longer either. My mind temporarily went blank as I felt my inner walls constrict around his shaft, milking Braeburn for every last drop of his precious seed. He gripped my buttocks tightly and cried out my name. I moaned loudly in response and plopped my head onto the pillow. Immediately thereafter, I felt a rush of heat enter my belly while he ejaculated into me. Braeburn collapsed atop my back, carefully extracted his slick, semi-tumescent penis from inside me, and began caressing my hair. “Land’s sake. That was the most intense round of sex I’ve ever had. We should try out that position more often, Rares.” I giggle-snorted. “Darling, it’s literally the second round of sex you’ve ever had. Period.” Braeburn blushed. “Well, Ah stand by what Ah said. It was great.” I turned my head around and kissed him on the lips. “Indeed, it was. And thank you again for being so attentive to my needs. I could tell you were pouring your heart into every touch.” “Of course, Ah was. As a gentleman, Ah gotta do everythin’ in mah power to make the gal Ah love happy and satisfied. It’s the proper way of things, after all.” I rolled over onto my side and embraced him tightly. “Congratulations~ You’ve succeeded.” Braeburn rubbed my back. “Good. Ah was a might worried that I’d caught ya off guard with the spontaneity of our—erm—little mornin’ escapade.” “To be honest, I’d prefer a little bit more of a warning the next time you decide to get frisky. By all means though, I rather enjoyed getting swept up in the heat of the moment. Your technique certainly seems to have improved from whence we first made love. Easily a solid B+.” “Only that? Reckon Ah need to practice pleasurin’ ya a bit more, huh?” I traced my fingers along his hairy chest. “Luckily for you, I’m quite diligent when it comes to such matters. Not to worry; we’ll get plenty of practice. With breaks in-between, of course~” Everything that I’d said to Braeburn was in jest and not meant to be taken as a serious critique of his love-making skills. To reaffirm that sentiment, he pulled me into an affectionate kiss and we snuggled together for a time. In fact, it was so comfortable on the couch that we almost didn’t want to do anything else. However, our rumbling stomachs and the smell of our unwashed bodies convinced us otherwise. With some reluctance, we got up, took a brief shower together, and ate a light breakfast of scrambled eggs accompanied by two slices of sourdough toast. Don’t get me wrong. Having passionate morning sex on the couch with the man you love is a wonderful experience. But it does present some of its own unique… challenges. Immediately after breakfast, we ventured towards the lobby to see what sort of events were planned for the remainder of the day. We took care to walk around gingerly because our genitals were still quite sore. I had to resist the subconscious urge to massage my aching kitty because that would have been extraordinarily uncouth. Even at a naturist resort. I was a proper lady damn it! There were certain standards that I needed to uphold at all costs, despite my own personal discomfort. Braeburn didn’t seem to be faring much better than I was. I happened to glance down towards his waist and noticed that his penis was slightly red and inflamed. Particularly, around the shaft. My cheeks flushed a rosy hue when I realized that it was the direct result of my tightness and milking him so fervently. In the end, I decided not to dwell on Braeburn’s apparent discomfort too much. It took a pair of lovers to perform the horizontal tango and we were both equally responsible for what had transpired earlier this morning. Not that I regretted doing it, mind you. I let out a deep sigh and rubbed Braeburn’s lower back. “For pity’s sake, I’m half-tempted to just sit spread eagle in a chair somewhere and place a giant ice pack atop my lady bits. I can’t even remember the last time I was this sore…” Braeburn winced. “Sorry, Rares. Ah feel like it’s partially mah fault fer bein’ so enthusiastic.” I kissed his cheek. “There’s no need for such talk, darling. We’re both grown adults and we chose to engage in a consensual activity together. I’m not upset nor do I regret making love to you this morning. I am… simply in need of an aspirin tablet. You as well, by the looks of it.” “Reckon Ah do. Gonna be sore fer a while.” Braeburn admittedly bashfully. “In that case, I suggest we do something that doesn’t involve much physical activity.” Braeburn glanced over at the resort map. “How about we take a nice soak in the hot tub?” I clapped my hands together. “An excellent idea, darling! Hot water should do wonders for the both of us. After that, maybe we could come up with some sort of game plan for the day.” As luck would have it, we were literally the only two people in the entire spa. That said, I took full advantage of the situation by locating one of the bubble jets and spreading my legs apart in a most unladylike fashion. To answer your question: no, I wasn’t trying to pleasure myself in a public hot tub. It did feel divine, yes, but it was merely to sooth the dull ache of my sore kitty. I laid my head back on the bath pillow and groaned. “Oh yesssss~ That’s just the right spot.” “Heh. Ah take it ya found one of the bubble jets?” I cracked open one of my eyes and scoffed. “Yes, if you must know. And you’d best withhold any judgement of my decision, darling. Otherwise, I shan’t hesitate to twist your nipple in a most painful and embarrassing fashion. Have I made myself clear?” Braeburn laughed. “No need ta get all bent outta shape, Rares. Ah ain’t judgin’.” “Good. You’re a smart man, Braeburn Apple.” Braeburn leaned back and closed his eyes. “Only when Ah have ta be.” We didn’t say much to one another for a while. There really wasn’t a need to, quite honestly. We simply relaxed and rested our bodies as need be. I will admit that hot tubs are great for a nice soak but one mustn’t stay in them for too long. Not only will the heat start to make you feel lightheaded, it tends to make the skin all wrinkly too. After about twenty minutes, I’d had my fill and the dull, achy soreness in my kitty dissipated. Braeburn appeared to be feeling better as well. While we walked through the spa and towards the exit, I couldn’t help but notice that there was someone else using the facility other than the two of us. A woman to be precise. She was in the fitness room doing a few sets of one-handed pushups. I know what you’re thinking: impressive, right? Well, yes… but I mean that in the most literal sense possible. Simply because the woman only had one arm. The other ended in a stump just above where her left elbow was located. Other than that, she was the epitome of female athleticism. A lithe, muscular frame, well-toned abdominal muscles, powerfully built legs, and butt cheeks that were so firm you could probably bounce a coin off of them. Her breasts were small and compact, of course, but that was expected of a woman who had so little fat on her body. The woman’s taught, mauve-colored skin glistened with sweat, a testament to how hard she’d been working out. One side of her head was nearly shaved bald whilst the other was grown out just a bit. Sort of in a punk-rocker style, I suppose. The raspberry pink strands seemed to separate out a little due to how damp they were with sweat. She kept her pubic hair styled in a meticulously groomed landing strip. Situated just below that was a silver-studded clitoral piercing. I should also mention that she had a prominent scar along her left eye. Overall, it gave her a rough, almost intimidating appearance. The nude athlete finished her set of pushups, wiped her face off with a white bath towel, and walked over to greet us. “Why, if it isn’t Rarity Belle! It’s been a while since I last saw you, kiddo. Welcome back to Cala Concha.” “Good morning, Fizzle! How are you doing this fine day?” “Not too bad, all things considering. Who’s your hunky friend there?” Fizzle asked. “The man standing next to me is Braeburn Apple. We are currently dating. That said, I decided to invite him along on the annual family trip. We were just heading back to the main hall after taking a quick dip in the hot tub. Our… muscles were a bit sore; you see.” Braeburn bowed slightly. “Much obliged Miss Fizzle.” “You don’t have to act all proper around me, hun. Just call me plain, old Fizzle. I can’t very well have Rarity’s boyfriend treat me like I’m some old school marm. How’s my resort treating you two so far? Good, I hope. Oh—um—sorry if I stink from all the sweaty funk. Just finished up my morning workout routine. Do you mind if I go take a quick shower?” I smiled politely. “No worries. Might I say how fabulous you look, darling?” “Thanks, Rarity! As you can clearly see, I work hard to keep my body in peak physical condition,” Fizzle explained to Braeburn while we walked towards the shower room, “It’s kind of a habit of mine that carried over from my days in the Marine Corps.” I caught Braeburn staring at Captain Berrytwist far more intently than was considered polite. Even by naturist standards. However, I’m not sure if it was just because she possessed the kind of physique that would have made an Olympian jealous or that he simply found Fizzle’s missing appendage unnerving. Personally, I believed she had her own unique charm. When she turned on the faucet and allowed the water to wash away the sweat, Braeburn looked over at me with an uneasy expression. I put my hands on my hips and tapped my foot. “So—uhh—that woman’s the owner of the resort?” Braeburn leaned over and whispered in my ear. I nodded slowly. “Yes, darling. She also happens to be a close family friend.” Fizzle rinsed her hair with shampoo and began lathering up with a soapy bath pouf. “I know you’re probably curious about how I got this way, aren’t ya? C’mon~ There’s no need to feel so shy, Mr. Braeburn. Lots of folks have that reaction the first time they meet me. I’m not upset or anything like that. Do you really want to know? I’d be more than happy to tell you.” “Yeah… Ah do. Sorry, Miss. Wasn’t mah intention ta put ya on the spot.” Fizzle continued her story, unphased. “It was Rarity’s mom who first introduced me into naturism, you know. Remember it like it was yesterday. I’d just gotten back from a tour in—that’s how I lost my arm and got his sexy scar, by the way. My Humvee ran over an IED.” “I’m so sorry fer starin’ at ya earlier. Mah curiosity got the better of me, I’m afraid. Ain’t seen too many folks in your… condition before. Ah had no idea what ya went through.” Fizzle grinned. “Hey, don’t sweat it. No harm done. It took me a while to get used to retired life even though the Corps gave me a pretty lavish pension. I’d recovered physically but… I was in bad shape mentally. Had some pretty dark thoughts. Heh. It’s funny, ya know. If you’d have told me that I’d wind up opening a naturist resort back then, I’d have laughed my ass off.” Braeburn shifted uncomfortably. “How’s come? Ya seem pretty comfortable bein’ nude ta me.” Fizzle stood under the nozzle and rinsed off all the suds. “I am now. But for the longest time, I shied away from nudity because I thought that my injuries made me look gruesome. Even when I was wearing clothes, I felt like people were disgusted by my appearance. Cookie convinced me otherwise. She said I was still beautiful despite what anyone thought and that my injuries were a badge of honor, a testament to my service.” I smiled. “I’m so glad you decided to give naturism a try, darling. It really suits you.” Fizzle wrapped me in a one-armed hug. “Thanks, Rarity. Granted, there are days when I still get a little nervous around strangers, but those instances are becoming less and less frequent. Anyway… do you guys wanna grab a smoothie? I could really use something cold and refreshing to drink right about now.” After soaking in a hot tub for a while, a cold drink sounded delightful! With a slight nod, Braeburn grasped my hand and we followed Fizzle out to the café for some much-needed refreshments. The menu was your standard fare for a tropical resort, including but not limited to: virgin piña colada, strawberry kiwi etc. I settled for blueberry vanilla, Braeburn went with classic orange mango, and Fizzle… lemongrass, apple, and banana? Erm—not the most appetizing combination to me personally but some people are into healthier options for their smoothies. Fizzle took a seat across from us at one of the tables. They offered a lovely view of the ocean and were situated outdoors. As an added bonus, many of the tables had cute little umbrellas propped up in the center to offer a little shade for guests while they enjoyed their food or in our case, a beverage. Braeburn took full advantage of the seating arrangement and wrapped his free arm around my shoulder while we sipped on our smoothies together. I, in turn, felt that it was fair game to place my hand on his thigh and stroke it affectionately. He smiled and leaned over to kiss me on the cheek. Before I knew it, Fizzle was snickering at us. “What? Is there something wrong?” I asked. “Oh, nothing~ You two are just super lovey-dovey is all.” We both blushed slightly and I pursed my lips into a sour expression. “Pardon my frankness, darling but you’re just going to have to deal with our proclivities when it comes to PDA. I have gone far too long without finding that special someone to share my life with. I’m certainly not going to waste any chance I get to show Braeburn how much I love him.” Fizzle waved her stump in a placating manner. “Woah! Easy, Rarity. There’s no need to get your non-existent panties in a twist. I think you guys look adorable together. Really! I’m happy for the both of you. What I said was just a harmless joke. So—uh—are we still cool?” I blushed even harder when I realized that she was just teasing me. “Erm—well, alright. I’m sorry, dear. Sometimes, it’s difficult for me to handle criticism. Even in jest….” An inevitable bout of awkward silence stretched between the three of us for quite some time. I know she was just kidding but I think Fizzle genuinely felt bad about teasing us. I also got the impression (Mother knew her far better than me) that she felt jealous of our relationship too. Not so much in words, but by the slightly pained expression and deep sigh she let out afterwards. Damn it! I didn’t realize that Fizzle was so self-conscious about being single. By all accounts, it seemed to me like she was brimming with confidence. However, one must take into account that the market for female combat veteran amputees (not to mention naturists) isn’t exactly broad. Don’t get me wrong; I believe that Fizzle is the best family friend anyone could possibly ask for and always has been. She just comes off as a bit intimidating to most some people. Despite knowing Fizzle as well as I do, her physical appearance combined with her outspoken personality, more often than not, tended to make strangers feel uncomfortable. At least, initially. I really wish people wouldn’t be so skittish around her but even amongst naturists, there are times when we judge a book at face value. It is a core tenant of human nature, unfortunately. Unable to bear the painfully awkward silence any longer, I got up out of my seat and carefully placed my hands on her shoulders. My goodness! I could feel the layers of taught muscle wound tightly just underneath her bare skin, but I gave her a comforting massage to the best of my ability regardless. Braeburn even seemed to pick up on her discomfort. Not… that it was in any way difficult to miss. Fizzle always wore her emotions on her—ah—sleeves, so to speak. The vet sighed, took a big slurp of her smoothie, and fiddled with the straw. “I’m sorry for being such a wet blanket, guys. I didn’t mean to make our little get-together super awkward or anything. It’s just that seeing you two act all lovey-dovey with each other made me realize how much it sucks to be single at a place like this. Let’s face it: I’m not exactly what anyone would call a spring chicken anymore. I just turned thirty-five a month ago!!” I gently rubbed Fizzle’s back while she continued to vent. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught Braeburn’s astonished expression while he was taking another swig of his smoothie. I don’t think he was aware of how old Fizzle truly was. Quite frankly, she didn’t look like someone in their mid-thirties to me. Of course, it helped that she kept her body in such fantastic shape. As I said before, she could have easily passed as a professional athlete if one knew nothing else about her. Come to think of it, (you’ll have to excuse me for stealing one of Applejack’s famous countryisms) I wasn’t entirely certain which way her barn door swung myself. Fizzle had never given any clear indication as to what sort of preferences she had concerning romantic partners. Mother never mentioned the subject before either. Did Fizzle even have a type? Well, I suppose she must or—for goodness sake, I can’t believe I’m agonizing over this! What should I say? I closed my eyes and let out a deep breath. “Fizzle, my dear. I understand how frustrating it can be to find the right romantic partner. To be perfectly honestly, it took several years for Braeburn and I to finally reconnect and begin our relationship together in earnest. I’m… sure you’ll find someone. You just have to be patient, keep a positive attitude, and put yourself out there.” “Yeah, of course. Ok then! Let’s move on, shall we? So—um—what do you guys wanna do next? I’m pretty much game for whatever. If I’m not mistaken, I believe Cream Heart is hosting a baking class in the Recreation Center right about now. Does that sound like fun?” I scrunched my brow in confusion. “Pardon my ignorance, but who is Cream Heart?” Fizzle slapped her forehead. “Oh, shit! Sorry, Rarity. I forgot to mention that she’s the one in charge of creating all of the delicious baked goodies around here. Her son stays with her at the resort during the summer free of charge. Had to give her some kind of employee perk, right?” “I take it they’re both naturists, then?” Fizzle finished her smoothie and nodded. “Yep. Lifelong too. It pretty much goes without saying that enticing professionals to come work at a naturist resort who aren’t accustomed to the lifestyle is an uphill battle at best. Don’t worry; I pay her quite handsomely. She and her son don’t exactly live around here, so that’s why she only works for me during the summer.” Braeburn didn’t seem to have any objections, so I clapped my hands. “Very well, then. I think a nude baking class could be quite fun~ It’s been ages since I last made any sort of pastry.” While we walked together towards the Recreation Center, I couldn’t help but notice a familiar face along the way. Erm—well, not so much a face but a backside and far more than I cared to ever see. For whatever reason, Trenderhoof had decided to visit Cala Concha and he was crawling on his knees with his bottom pointed straight into the air. It’s rather difficult to ignore a man’s testicles when they’re dangling about like a sack of artisan cheese hanging from a hook. I really shouldn’t stare but—they were most definitely waxed. There wasn’t a single hair to be found anywhere. UGH! Glistening too. I’ll bet he must’ve rubbed Vaseline all over them. He was taking photographs apparently, but I failed to see why he couldn’t just do that while standing on his own two feet. I looked back at Braeburn and Fizzle, pleading to them with my eyes for us to just mind our own business and simply move on. However, it was not to be. Trenderhoof chose that very moment to get up and turn around. He even smiled at me. “Oh! Hello there, Rarity. Fancy meeting you here. What are the odds?” I forced my lips to turn upward into a polite smile while I shook his hand. At least he was maintaining eye contact. “Likewise, darling. Are you here for business or pleasure?” Trenderhoof held up his camera. “Mostly business. After reading about your little speech from the Gala, I decided to give this whole naturism thing a try. Kudos by the way. That was a pretty bold move you made there. Everyone’s raving about your awesome body paint showcase.” “Ah. Is that so? Well, I’m glad that I was able to make a small contribution towards everyone’s understanding of naturism and body positivity in general. Are you enjoying your stay thus far?” Trenderhoof jabbed his thumb towards his chest. “You bet! I didn’t realize how good it felt to just let it all hang out, ya know? When I first arrived, the staff at the spa even offered to give me a full Brazilian wax on the house. Isn’t that great?! I’m smoother than a baby’s bottom. Ha!” “Umm… yes, I noticed.” Thankfully, Fizzle decided to walk in front of me and offer a friendly handshake to Trenderhoof before the dreadful awkwardness could continue. “G’day! My name’s Fizzle. You must be that magazine reviewer from—uhh—sorry, I can’t seem to remember the name.” Against all odds, a bashful smile spread across Trenderhoof’s face. Not only that, but he actually blushed! “Trendy-Scene Magazine, Ma’am. You must be Cala Concha’s illustrious owner! I must say, I’ve really been enjoying my stay here so far. The food, the accommodations, and especially the views are all spectacular. Major props~” Fizzle smiled. “Thanks. I poured my heart and soul into making Cala Concha the best naturist resort anyone could possibly ask for. Honestly though, most of the credit should go to my staff. Without them, this entire operation wouldn’t be half as successful.” “Well, I’m sure everyone appreciates all of your hard work as much as I do.” “Braeburn,” I whispered into his ear, “Am I seeing what I think I’m seeing?” “Maybe? That fella sure does like ta keep himself tided up. He’s all shiny too. How’s come—” “Vaseline, darling. It keeps one’s skin silky smooth and helps retain moisture. But enough about that! Did you see the way he looked at Fizzle? I’m almost positive he’s got a thing for her.” Braeburn scratched his head. “Uh… what makes ya think that?” “Just look at him! He’s blushing up a storm. Trenderhoof only does that when he’s nervous around a woman he fancies. I can’t honestly tell if this is a good thing or not.” Braeburn shrugged. “You’d know better than me, Rares. Seein’ as how you’ve known the two of ‘em longer than Ah have. Ah mean, if they’re both willin’ ta give datin’ a try, what’s the harm?” I had to resist the urge to roll my eyes when I witnessed Fizzle twirl a strand of her hair and giggle. It was surprisingly girlish and cute. How …unexpected? I immediately recognized her intent. As a woman myself, I could tell that she desired to learn more about Trenderhoof, perhaps even to the point of considering him as a potential suitor. She was blushing too! Oh, for pity’s sake! Why on earth did she have to be interested in HIM of all people? Why?!! “That’s exactly my point, darling. Trenderhoof hasn’t exactly been… the most outstanding character. Or at least, he wasn’t when I first met him back in college. Maybe I’m not giving him a fair chance. He seemed to have turned over a new leaf when we last met in the park.” Braeburn patted my shoulder. “See? There’s yer answer. Ain’t no reason ta get all bent outta shape, Rares. They’re grown adults and they’re allowed ta make their own mistakes.” I crossed my arms underneath my breasts and huffed. “Well, it’s not as though I can expressly forbid the two of them from getting to know each other better. But! I reserve the right to kick Trenderhoof’s shiny ball sack into next week if he mistreats Fizzle in any way whatsoever.” Braeburn chuckled. “Totally with ya there, hun. Like Ah said: just let things play out organically and see what happens. Who knows? Maybe they’re exactly what the other needs right now.” I glanced over at Fizzle. She was probably laughing at some asinine joke Trenderhoof had told her. Damn it all! They really did seem to be ‘clicking’ as it were. Against my better judgment, I decided against telling her about Trenderhoof’s sordid past with me. Fizzle could find out about that straight from the horse’s mouth. That is, assuming that he had truly become a changed man as he claimed. Seeing as how they weren’t going to stop on their own, I walked in front of them, cleared my throat in an exaggerated manner, and stomped my feet on the ground to get their attention. Was it a bit immature of me? Yes, I suppose it was. But it had the desired effect. Fizzle chuckled bashfully. “Oh! Sorry, Rarity. I got a bit carried away chatting with Trender.” I cocked my brow. “So, it would seem. Braeburn and I are still interested in attending the baking class later on. Are planning on coming with us or has your itinerary changed?” Fizzled shuffled her feet. “Could I possibly get a raincheck for that?” “I don’t see any harm in it. What do you intend to do instead?” Trenderhoof held up his hand. “If I may interject for a moment…” I didn’t even bother responding to him verbally. I simply narrowed my eyes. “Hey! What’s the stink eye for? I’m not trying to be a creep! Look, I’m not asking you to forgive me for what I did to you back in college, but could you at least give me one chance to prove that I’m not the same person I was back then? Please. I’m begging you! Just this once…” I pulled Trenderhoof aside and waved my finger at him. “In the spirit of fairness, I shall give you ONE chance. Given Fizzle’s… physical appearance, anyone can see that she’s been through some very trying circumstances as a veteran. She’s suffered mentally too. In layman terms, it means that her confidence as a woman is quite fragile right now.” “Uh… really? That’s not the impression I got. What? Do you really think that I’d make fun of Fizzle because of her battle wounds? Rest assured, nothing about that handsomely sculpted, muscular physique of hers bothers me whatsoever. Mmmm~ In fact, I think it serves to further enhance the whole badass amazon warrior vibe she’s got going on.” I rubbed the bridge of my nose and groaned. “You’ve got a thing for strong women, don’t you?” Trenderhoof blushed but nodded in agreement. “Mhmm. That’s for sure. Well, and… the fact that she’s completely naked is, like, a major turn-on for me too. Oooooh~ Look at all those GLORIOUS muscles! I can’t wait to see what they fe—” I slipped my hand in-between his legs and grabbed hold of his testicles. Then, I began to squeeze them just hard enough to cause some discomfort. “I’m happy to hear that you’re genuinely attracted to Fizzle, but… keep your libido in check or I WILL DESTROY YOU. Got it?” “Perfectly clear,” Trenderhoof responded in a pained voice, “can you pleassssse let go of my balls now, Rarity? They’re an essential piece of equip—OW!” “Just wanted to make sure you and I were on the same page, darling.” I whispered venomously. As soon as I released his Vaseline-coated ballsack from my grasp, Trenderhoof awkwardly waddled back over to Fizzle so that he could continue his conversation with her. I felt just a tiny bit guilty for letting my temper get the best of me but there was absolutely no way that he misinterpreted my declaration. Not a threat, darling. A promise. With that matter resolved, I joined Braeburn once more, kissed him on the cheek, and looped my arm around his. Fizzle rubbed the end of her stump (a nervous habit of hers) and cleared her throat. “Like I was saying earlier, since this is my day off, I’d like to spend some more time with Trender—uh—discussing his magazine article on Cala Concha… and other stuff. Is that ok with you guys?” I chuckled. “I don’t suppose this involves wine and a romantic dinner by the seaside?” Fizzle blushed furiously despite her dark complexion. “So, what if it does? You’ve already got yourself a hot boyfriend, Rarity. Cut me a little slack here…” “Oh, my goodness~ It seems the attraction, against all odds, must be mutual between the two of you. Alright. Who am I to deny you, Fizzle? Have fun and remember to pace yourselves.” We watched as the unlikely pair scampered off towards the beach. I highly doubt they were ever going to discuss any magazine publications, but Fizzle deserved to relax and just hang loose for a while. I’m not really sure what she saw in Trenderhoof. Perhaps, it was simply because he accepted her so readily? I mean, it’s not as though he was ugly but—whatever. I’m not going to work myself into a paranoid stupor thinking about what could happen between them. Braeburn and I had a baking class to attend. > Button's Mom Has Got It Going On > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 9 Cala Concha, Recreation Center Like everything else in this tropical paradise, the recreation center was modern and full of the best equipment money could buy. There were a fair number of guests milling about, but I think there were fewer of them than normal simply because it was so nice outside by comparison. The receptionist greeted us warmly and led Braeburn & I to where the baking class was to be held. Considering the resort’s clientele, I couldn’t help but wonder what sort of precautions would be taken to avoid accidental burns and whatnot. Suffice to say, cooking in the nude was not without its risks. Just ask my mother. She’d regale you with all sorts of hilarious, but cautionary tales. I breathed a sigh of relief when I spotted a rack along the wall lined with aprons. There were also hot pads and oven mitts placed at every baking station as well. It would seem that guest safety was indeed a priority at Cala Concha. Marvelous~ The receptionist pointed towards our assigned station and I made sure to thank her as she walked away. Come to think of it, I never asked Braeburn if he was handy in the kitchen or not. I would assume so, given the Apple Family’s penchant for baked goodies and various country dishes. Better late than never, I suppose. While we waited for the other guests to arrive, I wrapped my arm around Braeburn’s waist. “I’m terribly sorry, darling. But I… don’t recall if I ever asked if you could cook. Is that something all of the Apples are trained to do since birth or is delegated to certain family members?” Braeburn placed his hand in-between my shoulder blades. “Ah can cook, but ain’t anythin’ fancy. Just the basics. AJ’s the one who’s got a real knack for bakin’ and some of the other Apples are masters of pit BBQ. Depends on who ya ask. Ah can get by with what Ah know.” I shrugged, not really sure what I had been expecting to hear. “Then, I imagine we shall both be learning quite a bit by the end of the class.” “Ah thought yer ma was a baker by profession. Didn’t she teach ya how ta do it properly?” I nodded. “That is true but I never developed a talent for it. Neither did my sister for that matter.” “What does she know how ta cook?” I rolled my eyes. “She can barely boil water. In fact, on one particular occasion, I recall that she brought mother a bowl of greyish liquid one morning for breakfast. Turns out, the primordial goop was her attempt at making oatmeal but somehow managed to burn it to oblivion.” Braeburn winced. “That bad, huh?” “Yes, I’m afraid so. She won’t be wooing any suitors with her culinary skills. That’s for sure.” No sooner had I uttered those words, did the devil herself appear. Sweetie, along with her beau, awkwardly shuffled into the kitchen (holding hands I might add) and took their place right next to our station. Being a considerate older sister, I walked over and kissed Sweetie’s cheek. She returned the kiss in kind to my left cheek and looked at me expectantly. What exactly did she wish for me to say? Was this her way of seeking my approval? If so, I’d already decided that Button was a decent, young man and a good match for her. “Hi, Rarity!” “Hello, sister. I’m… surprised to see you here, actually.” Sweetie blushed slightly. “Well, um—about that…” “Go on. You might as well be honest with me. It’s not as though baking is taboo, dear.” Sweetie chuckled and rubbed the back of her neck. “Button suggested it. He said his mom runs the baking class and that she’s really good at her job too. Ya know, maybe I could… learn something? Hehe. As in other than burning stuff to a crisp, that is.” “Hmm. That remains to be seen, quite frankly.” Sweetie put her hands on her hips and pouted. “Well, it’s not like YOU’RE Gordan Ramsee.” “Of course not, darling. I never professed to be an expert in such matters. You know as well as I do that mother is the one who would take that title. Hands down. I’m merely… concerned that your eagerness to learn could cause a lot of unnecessary accidents.” Sweetie grabbed hold of Button’s arm and sandwiched it in-between her breasts. The poor teenager blushed like a tomato and tried to act casual. “That’s why Button’s with me!” I shot him a sympathetic look. “Very well. I shall entrust my baby sister’s culinary education to you, Button Mash. Be warned though: Sweetie is capable of creating some truly horrible eldritch abominations. It’s not too late. You can back out now if you’d like.” Still blushing, Button smiled when he glanced over at Sweetie. “I’ve always been pretty good at cooking. Heh. At least that’s what my mom tells me. Maybe she just needs the right teacher?” I practically had to bite down my own tongue in order to suppress the urge to let out a girlish squeal of delight. Those two were simply ADORABLE together~ It was quite evident (to me at least, I’m not sure about everyone else) that Button would take the time to admire my sister’s, admittedly, stellar physique but he could hardly be blamed for such behavior. As hormonally-driven teenagers were often wont to do. Although, to be fair, Sweetie seemed perfectly fine with him not only looking at her body, but touching it on occasion too. The attraction was mutual. I think the biggest factor for the continued success of their budding relationship was that they were both accustomed to the naturist lifestyle. What normally would have been an extremely awkward interaction between the two of them, was now just a slightly awkward one. You know, new date jitters and all that. I can’t even imagine how difficult a time Sweetie would have had if she’d started dating a boy who wasn’t used to seeing so much bare skin on a daily basis. Painful memories of my own childhood trauma threatened to rear their ugly head, but I brushed them aside. There was no point dwelling on them. I had a better life now and so did my baby sister. I titled my head slightly, grinned, and gave Button a gentle pat to the shoulder. “Perhaps, you’re right, Button. Just make sure she doesn’t burn the entire kitchen down. I’m sure Cala Concha has an excellent insurance policy but… one mustn’t become lax in situations like this.” Button’s face paled and he appeared quite apprehensive all of the sudden. “Umm—really? Gosh, I didn’t realize that Sweetie was a walking disaster in the kitchen. I mean, she mentioned—” Sweetie glared daggers at me. “FINE! I’m a terrible cook, ok? That’s why I wanna get better.” Button gently rubbed her back. “It’s ok, Sweetie. Anybody can learn!” I chuckled while they chatted amongst themselves, confident that Button Mash would probably wind up being the ‘House Husband’ in their relationship. Goodness me! Did I really just imply that my sister would get married to him? Calm down, Rarity. Best not to jump to conclusions yet. They probably haven’t even had sex yet, let alone—AHEM… moving onto other matters. While Braeburn & I were busy washing our hands and donning our cooking aprons, a middle-aged woman came padding into the kitchen. Her brunette hair was tied up with an adorable pink scrunchie, but otherwise, she was just as nude as everyone else present. The woman’s peach-colored skin looked soft and smooth, a testament to how well she cared for herself. Her most… distinguishing feature, shall we say, was her incredibly voluptuous figure. With voluminous breasts, puffy, pepperoni-sized nipples, wide hips, a jiggling bottom, and a dense patch of pubic hair gracing her loins… I’d wager that many of the other guests (the male ones in particular) would qualify the baking class instructor as a Grade-A MILF, if you’ll excuse the term. I found it an apt description, if a bit vulgar. She greeted us all with a polite smile and donned a frilly pink apron. I noticed that quite a few men were enraptured. Figures… “Hello, everyone! My name is Cream Heart and I’ll be your teacher today~” Almost immediately, sexy shenanigans ensued. Cream Heart cried out in surprise when she managed to drop her clipboard underneath one of the metal tables. Suffice to say, she gave everyone present a generous view of her unmentionables whilst she was crawling on her hands and knees trying to retrieve the aforementioned clipboard. I scoffed when I caught Braeburn staring. Seriously? I know it’s IMPOSSIBLE to miss such a thing but you don’t have to stare so intently. I promptly elbowed him in the stomach. “That’s quite enough, darling. Show the poor woman some respect. She’s probably not even aware of how… exposed she is right now.” Braeburn slowly nodded and tried to look anywhere other than Cream Heart’s backside. “Sorry about that, folks! I’m a little clumsy. Today, we’re going to be making spanakopita. For those of you who don’t know, that’s a traditional Greek pastry made from phyllo dough and stuffed with spinach and feta cheese. Sounds yummy, huh? Well, it is!” Cream Heart walked over to the fridge and got out a few sheets of prepared dough and distributed them amongst the guests. Each of our stations already had the spinach and cheese set out for us, so we simply had to make sure the dough was placed onto the baking pans properly. She took her place at the head of the class and showed us how to arrange the ingredients. After a quick demonstration, Cream Heart walked around all the stations to make sure everyone was incorporating the feta and spinach into the triangles of dough correctly. When she got to Button Mash, Cream Heart didn’t hesitate to wrap her son in a bone-crushing hug. She then proceeded to smother him with affectionate kisses. Much to his credit, Button didn’t seem to be bothered by the act but it did manage to earn him a few jealous looks from the other guests. “Oooh~ You brought your girlfriend with you today! She’s really cute, Button.” Button blushed furiously and looked down at the floor. “Mom, we’re not—well, I don’t actually know if we’re officially dating yet. Uh… are we, Sweetie?” My baby sister seemed to mull it over for a moment but ended up nodding in agreement. “I guess so. Don’t you want me to be your girlfriend?” Button grinned sheepishly. “Yeah. I’d like that. So long as you’re ok with dating a guy like me.” Sweetie leaned over and kissed his cheek. “Yep!” Cream Heart clapped her hands together. “Awww~ You guys are so adorable together! What did I tell you, Button? Sometimes, it takes a while to find the right girl.” In all the excitement, Cream Heart had managed to drop her clipboard again. Button let out a frustrated groan when his mother began crawling around on the floor with her butt up in the air. Almost instantly, everyone’s gaze gravitated towards the middle-aged woman and Button decided that enough was enough. He found the clipboard and helped his mother back onto her feet. Her cheeks flushed rosy pink and tried to laugh off her apparent clumsiness. “Mom, you can’t keep doing that.” Cream Heart blinked owlishly. “Do what, honey?” “Showing everyone your brown eye.” Cream Heart’s brow furrowed in confusion. “But my eyes are blue…” Button sighed to himself and continued folding pastries. “Never mind. I dunno how long Sweetie and her family will be staying at the resort for but we do plan on keeping in touch afterwards. If there’s time, do you think she could take some one on one lessons with you, Mom?” “Certainly, sweetie. I just have to make sure it’s when I’m off the clock. Or maybe I can check with Fizzle to see if we can arrange something during work hours, since Sweetie is a guest. Oh! I’m sorry, miss. I got caught up chatting with my son. I didn’t mean to ignore you.” I waved my hand. “Not a problem, Ms. Cream Heart. My name is Rarity Belle, by the way. Sweetie’s older sister. A pleasure to meet Cala Concha’s premier pâtissière. I must say, those blueberry scones you made the other day were simply marvelous!” “Thank you! It’s an old family recipe with my own personal twist. Between you and me, I’ll let you in on a little secret. Friday morning, I’m going to be baking some baguettes and croissants. If you swing by the dining hall around six, I’ll be sure to give you some fresh ones.” I squealed with excitement. “That would be lovely, darling. Goodness! I can’t even recall the last time I had a proper baguette or a croissant, for that matter. I usually stick with bagels for breakfast since they’re the mainstay in Manehatten. Do you serve Quiche Loraine as well?” Cream Heart pursed her lips in thought. “Hmm. I honestly don’t know. Doesn’t sound familiar. But I can check with the head chef once I’m finished teaching today’s class. If nothing else, I imagine the kitchen has all of the ingredients to make one.” I nodded politely whilst I helped Braeburn mix up more of the feta filling in a bowl. “Well, aren’t these pastries shaping up nicely? I dare say, they look professionally made. Braeburn, darling, are you certain that you don’t have a knack for this line of work?” Braeburn chuckled sheepishly. “Nah. Hung out around mah cousin long enough ta pick up a few things is all. Plus, Miss Cream Heart did a good job showin’ us what ta do in the first place.” “Sounds like another excuse to stare at her breasts, if you ask me.” Button looked absolutely mortified while his mother left our station to go check up on a few of the other guests. “Can you guys please stop talking about my mom that way? Or at least wait until I’m not around to hear it.” I cleared my throat and placed my hand on his shoulder. “Sorry, darling. I didn’t mean to make the situation more awkward for you. I suppose I’m just a little jealous of how much attention your mother manages to attract. Particularly, from red-blooded males…” Button let out a resigned sigh. “No worries. This isn’t my first rodeo, Miss Rarity. I just wish there’d be at least one decent guy out there who’d treat my mom like the nice lady she is instead of a walking sex buffet. To make matters worse, my mom can be a bit airheaded as you might have noticed. She doesn’t always realize when other dudes are trying to flirt with her.” “What about your father? Is he—” “Died when I was really young. So, don’t feel bad about asking. I never got the chance to know him. At all… really. Hehe. Can’t miss what you never had in the first place, right?” I rubbed Button’s back gently. “I’m sorry to hear that, dear.” “It’s ok. My mom did an awesome job raising me by herself anyway.” I smiled. “And it clearly shows. You’re a mature young man, Button.” It filled my heart with joy to see how supportive Sweetie was being. She’d stopped mixing the feta (the only task she could perform without burning something) and instead concentrated on hugging Button from behind with her arms wrapped around his waist. If I hadn’t been convinced before that they were destined to become a loving couple, this act sealed the deal for me. I’m not entirely certain if Sweetie told either of our parents about her newfound relationship with Button Mash but I was confident that they would reach the same, inevitable, conclusion I had. The rest of the class went by as you’d expect. Some people were much better at baking than others. But overall, it was a smashing success. Braeburn and I took a doggie bag full of the pastries with us while we walked along the beach back to our room. Button and Sweetie tagged along for a while, until they decided that some private time together was in order. I can’t really blame them. They were a couple of teenagers in love, after all. I waved goodbye while they headed off to go snorkeling. Immediately thereafter, my stomach began to growl. Given that it was getting close to dinner time, I suggested that we head over to one of the nicer venues Cala Concha had to offer for a bite to eat. Since it was still so early in the evening, there were very few guests milling about the restaurant. It was a quaint little place. Upscale without feeling too pretentious. Of course, it’s rather difficult to do that when the dress code is non-existent. Maybe in a few years, I could try and make nude fine-dining a trend in Manehatten. We took our seats at a table that gave us a gorgeous view of the ocean. It was so beautiful with the sky painted in orange, purple, and red. The waiter lit a candle for us, set a basket full of mini-baguettes in the center, and took our drink order. I perused the menu while Braeburn seemed to be somewhat confused by it. Then an errant thought struck me. He probably wasn’t familiar with the vast majority of gourmet meals listed. I got up from my seat, stood behind him, and placed my hands on his shoulders, rubbing them affectionately while looking back at me. “Damn it. Ah feel like an uncultured buffoon, Rares! Can’t understand most of the stuff on the menu. Like Au Gratin ‘Taters, Foie Gras Pate, and just what the hell is Consommé?” I giggled. “Those are all Prench cuisine terms, darling. Most of them just make simple items sound fancier simply because they are in a foreign language. Foie Gras, for example, is just mushed up goose liver pressed into a little patty.” “Uh… yeah, no offence. But that doesn’t sound tasty at all. Anythin’ you’d suggest?” I leaned forward and kissed the back of his head. “Of course, ~ I am a woman of exquisite taste, after all. Just leave the ordering to me, darling. I promise to get something you’ll like.” Much to Braeburn’s surprise, he was shocked to learn how delicious fried frog legs were. I will admit that it was not a dish that I often indulged in, but since it was available, I figured why not? I decided to shy away from things like Fois Gras and Escargot, out of respect for Braeburn’s more… rustic tastes and well, I didn’t care for either of the dishes. I never quite understood the appeal of eating rubbery little snails, soaked in garlic butter. Blech! I was about to curse when a glob of cream sauce from the pasta I was enjoying landed directly on my right breast. I paused for a moment and suddenly remembered that I wasn’t wearing any clothes for it to stain in the first place. Maybe it was the wine getting to my head but I let out a most unlady-like giggle snort. Erm—actually, make that several. Braeburn started to snicker and we both wound up laughing together in a manner that I’m sure would have been far more embarrassing had there been more people dining near us. I was having fun and didn’t care. Braeburn reached across the table and took hold of my hand. “If Ah haven’t said it before, I’ll say it now. This whole naturism thing ain’t too bad once ya get used ta it. Mind mah sayin’, but this is the most fun I’ve had durin’ a vacation in a long time. Glad ya suggested it.” “You’re quite welcome, darling. I just knew you’d warm up to it eventually~” Braeburn chuckled. “Don’t get ahead of yerself now, Rares. Just because Ah don’t mind bein’ nekkid here at the resort, doesn’t mean I’ll be runnin’ around in mah birthday suit all the time.” I showcased my most exaggerated pout while simultaneously rubbing my foot along his leg. “Well, I happen to think you’re at your best au naturale. Gives you the opportunity to showcase all those wonderful, toned, muscles you’ve built up over the years. And I can feel them a lot more readily as well since there’s nothing to get in the way, Mr. Braeburn Apple.” “Fair point, darlin’.” After another swig of wine, I leaned back in my chair. “Can you believe it?” “Believe what?” Braeburn asked. “That my sister would be inclined to go snorkeling.” Braeburn took a bite from his frog leg and hummed in thought. “Ain’t too surprisin’ ta me. Sweetie seems like the spirited type. The kind of gal who likes ta try out new things. And well, if she’s spendin’ time with her boyfriend, all the more reason for her ta go along with it.” “I suppose so. Would you be interested in such a thing?” Braeburn gave me a noncommittal shrug. “Reckon Ah could be persuaded ta go. Beautiful views of the ocean, and present company included. Sounds like it might be fun.” I raised my brow. “Oh? Trying to butter me up after gawking at Cream Heart, eh?” “Heh. Ya got me there, Rares. Ah still feel bad about it though.” I looked out towards the ocean and sighed. “Don’t be. Men and women alike are naturally inclined to seek a desirable mate. Our ancestors were polyamorous, after all. As I’ve said before, whenever you look at other women, it makes me a wee bit jealous. Like I’m inadequate or something. But it’s harmless if you leave it at that. I’ve done it too, so I can’t claim the moral high ground. I’m sorry if I lost my temper with you, Braeburn. I’ll try to keep in check better from now on.” I nearly jumped out of my seat when I felt Braeburn trace his foot along my leg. It was a completely unexpected gesture of affection from him. Much to my embarrassment, I did squeak and blush quite profusely afterwards. He laughed accordingly. “We’ll be alright, Rares. Reckon this is what every couple goes through. So long as we’re honest and faithful, things’ll work out.” “Indeed. I know they will.” The rest of the evening was rather uneventful by Cala Concha standards. Sometimes, the best way to enjoy a vacation is to relax and do nothing of consequence at all. After dinner, we took a quick soak in the hot tub, walked along the beach for a little while, and returned to our room for some light reading. It wasn’t long before I began to feel drowsy (having a full belly and wine does that to one’s composure), so I closed my novella and snuggled up against Braeburn. He ran his fingers gently across my shoulder blades, which made me feel even sleepier. My eyelids became heavier and heavier until I drifted off to sleep. Somehow, I found myself aboard a ship. Not a modern one, mind you, but of those sail-driven triremes from ancient times. I looked down at myself and instead of hands, hooves appeared before me. Having known Princess Twilight and Sunset Shimmer, I immediately recognized one of the passing crew members as an Equestrian. An earth pony, given his lack of additional appendages. Or so it seemed. His coat had an odd, glittering sheen to it. Almost like crystals. I gazed out towards the sea and it was dead calm. In fact, the water was so flat that it resembled a pane of polished glass. The full moon hung in the center of the starry, night sky, shining down on the earth like a massive pearl. I don’t ever recall the moon being so beautiful before. It was as if the celestial body was calling out to me. A grizzled, mulberry-coated pony ambled over to where I was standing and took a big gulp from what I could only assume was a wine skin. His dark purple mane was cut short, and he appeared to be missing his left eye. The very picture of an ancient sea captain if I’ve ever seen one. Erm—if they were a pony, that is. He offered me a swig and I politely refused. Not knowing the gentlestallion’s name, I waited for him to start the conversation. He remained silent for a few moments longer and then let out a heavy sigh. “We’re gettin’ closer, Ada. The stars have never led me astray before and they won’t now. Even so, I can feel the tinglin’ deep inside the marrow of me bones. Powerful magics afoot, I tell ye.” Suddenly, I felt exactly what he had just described. It made me shiver despite the warm evening air. “Closer to what… exactly, if I may ask?” The captain laughed. “Our death or a new world ta explore.” “Would you mind elaborating, good sir? Just to refresh my memory.” The captain closed his eyes. “Aye. The Emperor bade us ta explore a magical anomaly ‘round these uncharted waters. Heard tales of it fer years, but nopony’s ever come back with solid proof. That is, until now. Even brought along a seed crystal ta keep our magic charged up. Ya know, since we can’t very well take the Crystal Heart along with us.” “Do you have any idea where the portal will lead us?” “Can’t say I do. Might be a gateway ta another world, if the rumors are ta be believed.” I felt the blood drain from my face. “How can you be so cavalier about all of this?! We might die out here. Never to be heard or seen from again!” The captain shrugged and took a big gulp of wine. “Then we die. What better death could ye expect, Ada? The gods of the sea’ll take care of us. Certain as the moon in the sky.” Before I could voice my protest, the sky darkened with an eerie green haze. The water began to become choppy and rough as well. Had I been in the right state of mind, the rocking of the boat would have made me seasick but I was far too frightened to care about my stomach. As we continued along, the air began to smell of ozone. Not unlike the aftermath of a lightning strike. I let out a frightened cry after spotting a gigantic, swirling mass of… I’m not really sure what it was. It looked like a hurricane but glowed like a nuclear reactor. I’d never seen such a thing before and I’m not ashamed to admit that I soiled myself on the spot. Thankfully, these ponies didn’t seem to wear clothing, so I didn’t have to throw away a good pair of panties. “WHAT THE BLOODY HELL IS THAT?!!” I screeched while gripping the mast. “Our destiny, Ada.” the captain replied with a wild look in his eyes. “You can’t be serious! We’re basically sailing right into a MAGICAL HURRICANE!!” The captain laughed. “Aye. So we are. Alight, lads! Full speed ahead! Gods be with us.” My world ended in a brilliant, neon-green flash and for a while there was simply… nothing. When I finally regained consciousness, I coughed a few times. Apparently, I’d swallowed quite a bit of seawater at some point. I blinked a few times and surveyed my surroundings. By some quirk of fate, we’d gone from the middle of the ocean to a tropical paradise. It was then that I realized the ship had wrecked into a shallow reef nearby. I began to sob when I felt a hoof touch my back. When I turned around, the captain offered me a sad smile. “Yeah. I know. Looks like we ain’t gettin’ back anytime soon.” I accepted his hug and sniffed. “What of the others?” “Unfortunately, most of ‘em drowned. One lad survived but I couldn’t save him. Poor bastard got cut up by the reef. Was bleeding too much fer me ta save him. At least he died quick.” “Are we the only ones left now?” The captain nodded. “Aye. Appears that way.” I didn’t notice any bodies lying around the beach but that was probably because many of the sailors had already drowned while the ship was further out to sea. And, subsequently, their corpses would have quickly become a meal for any predators prowling the waves. Sad, I know, but at least they didn’t go to waste rotting in the tropical sun. Despite it being the middle of the day, the captain had managed to build a fire and it was set up in front of a lean-to made from palm leaves. We walked over to the fire and he offered me a coconut. “Here, Ada. Ye best drink some of this. It’ll help stave off dehydration. Gods know seawater won’t do nothin’ but make ye mad.” It was delicious, yet I found it difficult to enjoy the beverage properly when I had so much on my mind. “What are we to do? We’ve no means of transportation and we don’t even know if we’re still in the same world as before. It is a forgone conclusion that no one will come looking for us.” “Yer correct on all accounts. Best we can do is survive, Ada.” Out the corner of my eye, I spotted a beautiful gem sitting next to the fire. It was about the size of a human fist and glittered in a rainbow of colors. Not unlike a gigantic version of an opal. Yet, it was far more translucent than one at the same time. I admired the gem for a few more seconds until my curiosity got the better of me. I turned towards the captain and cleared my throat. “Is that the seed crystal?” The captain nodded. “Aye. Pretty, ain’t it? At least we won’t ever hav’ta worry ‘bout our magic runnin’ out anytime soon. Assumin’ we live very long in the first place…” I reached out to touch the gem with my hoof and cried out in surprise when my senses were assaulted by a myriad of visions. They didn’t seem to be organized in any sort of sequential order, just bits and pieces. Most disturbing of all was when I saw a desolate cave with a pair of pony skeletons lying next to one another, the gem nestled in-between them. Before I knew it, the vision abruptly stopped and darkness soon followed thereafter. My eyes suddenly shot open and I let out a loud gasp. I panicked for a few seconds, trying to take stock of my surroundings and just what the hell I’d been through. I could tell that my heart was beating at a furious staccato within my chest and my skin was drenched in sweat. A sigh of relief escaped my lips when I realized that I was back to being my normal, human self. Braeburn was somehow still asleep when I glanced over at him. Since it would basically be impossible for me to go back to sleep myself, I decided to clamber out of bed and walk over to the patio. The cool ocean breeze felt marvelous on my bare skin. It was still quite early, judging by the semi-starry sky and the orangish glow of the sunrise cresting above the horizon. I leaned against the railing and took in a deep breath to calm myself. The dream I’d experienced, if one could even call it that, was the most vivid I’d ever had in my entire life. It all felt so… real. More importantly, what did it all mean? What was the significance? Why did it choose me? By some quirk of fate, I sensed a gentle tingling sensation in the back of my mind. It was familiar to me somehow, something I should have recognized, I—it was my geode calling to me. It had never done such a thing before, and I was afraid of what it might mean. On a whim, I padded over to the velvet-lined jewelry box I kept it in and fastened the geode around my neck. I was rewarded with a pleasant warmth filling my entire being. I grasped it and sighed. “I feel like an idiot talking to a piece of jewelry. But what other choice do I have? Darling, if you can understand me, what were you trying to tell me last night? Did those poor ponies actually wind up here at Cala Concha in the distant past?” As if to affirm my suspicion, the geode glowed twice. “Well, damn. I suppose you do have some level of sapience. At some point, I’ll have to ask Sunset if this is at all normal or if you’re the exception to the rule. Why give an ordinary girl like me all of this… magical power? Am I really that special?” The geode glowed once and urged me to go… swimming? Exploring, would be more exact. I glanced towards the bedroom where Braeburn was sleeping and debated if I should wake him up or go out exploring on my own. Come to think of it, I don’t believe I ever explained my powers to him or how they worked. But surely, he must have known about the geodes since Applejack used hers quite frequently. In the end, I decided to write a brief note for him and explain that this was simply something I needed to do on my own. After grabbing a quick breakfast from the canteen, I rented a set of snorkeling gear from the vendor and headed out towards the beach. I didn’t have a clue where I was going exactly, rather the geode gently prodded me in the right direction from time to time. An hour and a half later, I arrived at a secluded section of the beach beyond where Braeburn & I had first made love. To be honest, I felt a little ridiculous wearing nothing but a snorkel mask and a pair of rubber flippers. Oh well. It’s not as though anyone else was around to see me. I held the geode in my hand once more and it told me to swim out towards the coral reef. After a few deep breaths, I dove into the turquoise water and watched the fish swim underneath me. Most of them were quite beautiful. As most tropical fish come in a vast array of colors, shapes, and sizes. I was aimlessly swimming along until I spotted a large rock formation. Upon closer inspection, I realized that it was not just a formation, but an underwater cave. Had it been any deeper, I would’ve had serious doubts about diving down to explore the entrance. Drowning was not on my immediate ‘to do list’ or ever, for that matter. The geode assured me that I would be fine. I surfaced for a moment, took in a deep breath, and maneuvered into the entrance. Much to my amusement, it was indeed a short trip through the cave. I’d barely been underwater for thirty seconds when I saw the telltale distortion of surface water. It was rather dark, so the geode lit the way for me. Granted, I’m no geologist, but I was a bit perplexed as to how there was breathable air so deep inside the cave. Then, as I looked around, I realized that the walls and ceiling were covered in a blueish-green moss. At least I wouldn’t die of asphyxiation. There wasn’t much else to see while I explored the cave. Mostly because it wasn’t very large to begin with and I didn’t want to risk straying too far from the entrance, lest I get lost. I was about to give up and head back when I spotted a pair of pony skeletons. They were the exact same size and shape from my dream and it was then that I realized I’d witnessed a vision of the past. I couldn’t help but shed a few tears for the poor creatures. However long they’d lived beyond the shipwreck, it was entirely here in this world and not their own. After taking a moment to collect myself, I happened to spot something glitter out of the corner of my eye. Even while coated with centuries worth (I was making an educated guess) of dust and muck, I recognized the seed crystal from my vision. I bent down, carried it over to the water, and washed it off as best I could. It was so beautiful that I took some time to admire it. Given that it was roughly the size of my fist, I’d have to break it apart to craft it into proper jewelry but— My thoughts were interrupted by a blinding flash. The crystal suddenly began floating in the air, filling the cave with iridescent beams of light. It frightened me so badly that I managed to fall straight on my bare bottom and onto the hard, mossy, ground below. While it did indeed hurt, I was more concerned about if the thing would explode or vaporize me with a magic beam. “Please wait a moment! I didn’t mean to disturb your rest. I’ll just leave now if you want—erm—power crystal or whatever you prefer being called.” I closed my eyes and waited for my body to be reduced to ash but slowly opened them again when it didn’t happen. Instead, the geode had been torn off of its chain and was orbiting around the gem like a tiny moon. They began to spin faster and faster until the two gems fused together. The glowing ball then floated across the room and stopped directly in front of me. “What do you want me to do? Am I… supposed to place my hand there?” A single flash was a clear indication of the geode/gem’s intent. I did as I was told. The next thing I knew, my body was floating in the air and I felt a sensation akin to having the most orgasmic massage in the history of mankind hit me from head to toe. I know it’s a rather crude way of describing the experience, but I had nothing else to compare it to. When it was all said and done, I gently landed on my feet with a newfound sense of power. Whatever had just happened, it fundamentally changed my magic abilities. I blinked a few times in disbelief when I noticed that my skin was glowing with the same rainbow-like hue as the gem before. “I can’t even begin to imagine what this all must mean. For starters, I hope the glow isn’t permanent. Because there’s no way I’ll be able to provide a rational explanation for it.” As if by my will, the glowing immediately ceased. Well, that was one problem solved. But I couldn’t help but wonder if this was just the beginning of my troubles. The gem had clearly chosen me as its bearer, yet I couldn’t fathom why. Perhaps, it recognized the Equestrian magic in my geode and thought me to be a pony. Who knows? Why must life be so complicated?! In any case, one of the first things I would need to do is contact Sunset Shimmer and see if she could provide some answers. I’d never been particularly close to her in terms of being a friend, but I did chat with her from time to time. She and Twilight were like peanut butter and jelly though. Besties if I ever saw them. Hopefully, she wouldn’t mind helping me out. I whispered a silent prayer for the deceased and made my way over to the entrance. Since my geode was no longer lighting the way, I found it much more difficult to see where I was going and subsequently tripped over a jagged piece of rock. What I expected was pain, but I never felt any. When I looked down at my foot, it glittered like a quartz crystal. How bizarre! To test my hypothesis (a rather foolish one, I know), I kicked the same chunk of rock as hard as I could with my bare foot and it wound up crumbling apart. My skin was literally harder than solid rock. “Are you serious?! I have even more gemological abilities now?! Damn it all! I never asked for this, you know. Ugh… why does the universe always see fit to continuously throw curveballs at simple girl like me? All I ever wanted out of life was to live my dream as a jeweler and settle down with a nice boyfriend. IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK FOR?!!” With a resigned sigh, I put on my snorkeling gear and swam back to the beach. The entire time I walked back to the resort proper, I couldn’t help but wonder what was in store for my future. What would I tell Braeburn? More importantly, HOW would I tell him? There simply wasn’t any way I could fathom where he would take the news in a calm and rational manner. If I were in his place, I’d certainly freak out as well if my significant other said she had magical super powers. It also occurred to me that Sunset Shimmer might not even be familiar with the gem I fused with. Given how ancient it was. Perish the thought but… I might even have to visit Equestria and seek Princess Twilight’s help for my condition. When I finally returned the snorkeling gear, I glanced over at the wall clock. It read eight thirty-two am. Though I’m ashamed to admit it, I made a beeline for the cocktail lounge and ordered a large piña colada with an extra shot of rum. The bartender looked at me as though I’d grown two heads. No doubt, he was judging my choice of morning beverage but I didn’t care. When he didn’t immediately start mixing my alcoholic tonic, I crossed my arms underneath my breasts and gave him the stink eye. After that, he performed his job in a competent and timely manner but hesitated to slide the tiki-head shaped glass my way. I let out a frustrated huff. “Yes, sir. I’m quite serious about drinking. Go on. Be a good chap and slide it over. Please? I’d rather not have to get cross with you. Trust me; you don’t want to see me when I get cross. It’s been… a rather trying morning for me and I’m in desperate need of a distraction.” The bartender blushed and slid the glass towards my open palm. “Apologies, ma’am. I don’t see too many guests ordering… libations this early in the day. Would you like any snacks to go with your drink? We have a special on bacon-wrapped conch fritters.” I nodded enthusiastically. “That sounds lovely, darling.” > All That Glitters Is Not Gold > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 10 Rarity & Braeburn’s Suite, Cala Concha In hindsight, I probably shouldn’t have guzzled down two, full-sized piña coladas with such gusto before nine o’clock in the morning. But I was distraught and on vacation, so I was far less concerned about what other people thought of my behavior while I was in public than under normal circumstances. That said, I felt a marvelous buzz from all of the rum~ Mind you, it wasn’t as if I was staggering around like an uncouth drunkard but I was definitely tipsy. One stroll down the hallway later, I entered our suite with a greeting full of giggles. I burst into outright laughter when I spotted Braeburn sitting on a recliner, one leg crossed over the other, reading the newspaper and drinking a cup of coffee. I couldn’t help it! He looked EXACTLY like my father did during his morning routine. Braeburn shot me a quizzical look but didn’t say anything to me for a few moments. I think he was just politely waiting until I finished my laughing fit. Such a gentleman! All the more reason I loved him so dearly. “Mornin’ Rares. Back from yer little adventure, Ah take it?” At that very moment, my bladder decided to remind me just how much I’d drank earlier. “For the time being, anyway. It was an… interesting experience to say the least. Ah… pardon me, darling but I have to pee something fierce. I’ll be right back in a two shakes a lamb’s tail~” I want to say that I walked towards the bathroom with the dignity and grace befitting a lady but that would be a lie. I practically scrambled to the toilet, squatted over the bowl, and let out a sigh of relief as my bladder emptied itself. Hopefully, Braeburn wasn’t paying close attention to the embarrassingly loud tinkling sounds coming from behind the bathroom door. Some things, even amongst couples, are sacred and must remain private. Potty time is one of those things. After cleaning myself up, I pattered across the room and did a happy little twirl. Suffice to say, it was probably not my best idea. The mild sense of vertigo I felt from the alcohol was only compounded by the act and I very nearly fell flat on my face as a result. When I finally regained some of my composure, I offered Braeburn a sheepish grin. He put down the paper, got up out of the recliner, and placed his hands on my shoulders in order to keep me steady. “Are ya feelin’ alright?” I hiccupped. “Perfectly fine, darling. Never better!” “You’re drunk right now. Ah can smell it on yer breath. How much booze did ya have, Rares? And why’d ya go and start drinkin’ so early in the day?” I began playing with a few strands of his chest hair. “Two piña coladas. You know, the ones in those fancy tiki-head glasses. What? Why are you staring at me like that? I’m on vacation, damn it! I can do whatever I want. You’re not—HIC—my father. Learn to live a little, darling.” Braeburn sighed. “Well, Ah guess there ain’t any harm in it. But I’ve never seen ya do somethin’ like this before. It worries me, is all. Are ya sure ya don’t wanna talk about what happened? Ah promise I’ll listen ta whatever’s on yer mind. Please, Rares. Ah just wanna help ya.” I took hold of his cheeks and kissed him on the lips with every ounce of passion I had in me. Considering that I was slightly drunk, my inhibitions were considerably lower than usual. Braeburn’s response was a bit half-hearted at first, until I started playing with his tongue. Before long, we were both panting and I reached down to stroke his manhood. I made sure to rub his head in-between my fingers a few times because I knew just how sensitive it was. I got down on my knees and eyed his now fully erect penis with hunger. I smiled and took hold of his ball sac, massaging it lovingly while I looked back up at him. It was quite apparent that he was enjoying my ministrations, but at the same time he seemed conflicted. Almost as if he thought I wasn’t aware of my own actions and felt guilty about going along with them. I leaned forward and kissed his shaft, then gently sucked on his balls. Mmm~ What a manly aroma! It was musky and smelled slightly of sweat mixed with cologne. I loved it. After Braeburn’s penis twitched, I stopped sucking and ran my fingers through his pubic hair. “I may be a bit tipsy at the moment but I assure you there’s nothing to feel guilty about. I am fully aware of my own actions right now, darling. Just relax and let me take care of you~” Braeburn’s cheeks reddened with an adorable blush. “Alright. If that’s what ya want, Rares. Just keep in mind what Ah said earlier, if ya still wanna talk.” I laid my head against his thigh. “I truly appreciate the offer, dear. We can talk about what I experienced later, when I’ve had some time to collect my thoughts. For now, however, I simply wish to make love to my wonderful, caring, ever-attentive, boyfriend. Without further ado, let us proceed. I hope you’re ready for a good shagging!” Braeburn merely nodded in agreement, but I wasted no time attacking my intended target. With my fingers wrapped firmly around the base of his shaft, I tilted his penis forward a bit until it lined up with my mouth. Just to tease him, I used the tip of my tongue to tickle his head, eliciting a whimper of pleasure from him in the process. Without warning, I took in as much of his prodigious girth as I could handle and began fellating him in earnest. As payback for what he did earlier, I slid my hand in-between his legs and teased his anus with my fingertip a bit. I know it can be an extremely embarrassing act of intimacy for some couples, but I knew that it was pleasurable for men in particular, since their prostate is located near that area. It was basically the male equivalent of G-spot, as I understand. I was rewarded with a guttural groan and some heavy panting. Excellent~ Even without any verbal warning, I could tell that Braeburn was approaching his limit. Therefore, I increased my pace, and sucked as hard as I could to ensure that he experienced the most pleasure possible before his oncoming orgasm. Within moments, I heard him cry out my name and a few spurts of hot, sticky semen erupted into my mouth. You’d better believe I swallowed every last drop. Once I was certain that he finished cumming, I extracted his penis from my mouth with a slick pop. I couldn’t help but giggle when it twitched a few times afterward. Braeburn collapsed onto the floor, legs spread apart. “Hot damn. Ah still don’t know how ya got so good at givin’ head. Seriously, that felt amazin’.” I sat down in front of him Indian style and smiled. “A fair number of women’s magazines nowadays have articles regarding the most effective sex techniques. I like to think the techniques help in some way, but most of it is just being attentive to your partner’s reactions.” He leaned forward to kiss me on the lips, despite the fact that I’d just swallowed his seed. “Well, keep up whatever it is that yer doin’, hun. Mercy… feels like mah balls have been sucked dry.” Noticing that his penis was still quite erect, I took the opportunity to stroke it. “Really, now? You could’ve fooled me. Just look at how hard you still are~ How about round two? Are you up for it yet, darling? Because I’d love to stuff that thick, meaty cock of yours inside of me right now~” Braeburn’s eyes widened when I used my fingers to pry apart my lips, revealing the glistening, salmon-pink flesh contained within. Just to drive him wild, I decided to masturbate for a while, even going so far as to rub my kitty along his leg. While I won’t deny that it felt good, I was mostly doing it to give him some time to recover some of his stamina. After I was nice and wet, I pinned Braeburn onto the floor and pressed my body up against his chest. Goodness! I could feel his hot, stiff erection pressing up against my belly. I pulled him into another kiss. “Rares… Ah want ya so bad. Can ya please just—” I placed my finger on his lips. “In due time, darling. I want to try something new. Just lay back, and lift your legs into the air. There we go, that’s it. I’ll take care of the rest.” It pained me to make Braeburn wait, but I wanted to make sure that I wouldn’t hurt him (or myself for that matter) accidentally by being too eager. I couldn’t help but giggle at how embarrassed he was. A reasonable reaction, given that his current position left all of his unmentionables completely exposed and at my mercy. But at the same time, my heart swelled with joy, knowing that he trusted me so much. I caressed his cheek affectionately. With some effort, I managed to stand up again, then squat onto my haunches. I gestured for Braeburn to loop his legs underneath my arms, so that we would be more stable once the love-making began in earnest. His manhood firmly in my grasp, I carefully lowered myself onto it and let it slide inside me, slowly, inch by inch. It took a fair amount of effort on my part to accommodate his girth comfortably, since he penetrated me so much deeper than normal. But I managed well enough. Once we were joined together, I smiled at him lovingly. I began to gyrate my hips up and down in a thrusting motion. It was very similar to when one adopts a cowgirl position but more intense and required a fair bit more effort. I considered myself in pretty good shape but it was still a lot of work to keep up even a modest pace. Not that Braeburn seemed inclined to criticize me for it. His face was flushed (mine as well) and twisted into an expression of unadulterated bliss. At that moment, I felt like the queen of the amazons. Proud, confident, and sexy. We continued on with our carnal dance for what felt like hours, and Braeburn gripped my ankles while I gyrated at an incrementally faster pace. By then, we were panting and moaning like a pair of animals in heat, lost in the throes of lust. The lewd smacking sound of our flesh as it made contact every time pervaded the room. I was glad that there weren’t many guests staying adjacent to ours, otherwise… I’d imagine we would have gotten a noise complaint. Neither of us needed to say a word. We were both nearing our respective climax. I made sure to thrust Braeburn’s manhood into me as deeply as I could tolerate and grind my hips fervently whilst doing so. My efforts were rewarded when I heard him grunt and felt the heat of his seed fill my belly while an orgasm rippled throughout my entire body. I threw my head back and let out a throaty moan of my own, utterly satisfied in every way imaginable. We proceeded to collapse onto the floor in a sweaty, heaving pile of limbs. I was just about to enjoy a post-coital snuggle session when I spotted Mother and Sweetie standing a few paces away. HOW LONG HAD THEY BEEN STANDING THERE?!! Seeing as how there was no point in denying what had just occurred, I felt my skin flush an even brighter shade of red than it already was. Sweetie blushed furiously and covered up her face with her hands. As for Mother… well, she looked slightly sheepish but otherwise unaffected. I proceeded to do what any proper lady would when confronted by such a scenario; I buried my face in Braeburn’s chest and pretended that they would disappear. Mother rubbed the back of her neck and chuckled. “Wow. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anybody bump uglies quite like that. Gotta suggest that pose to your father sometime. I’m pretty extra sure he’d like it, even though it’s a wee bit compromising. Rare Bear, where’d you learn how—” “MOTHER!!” I screeched. “What? I’m just giving you a compliment, dear. You sure know how to please your man.” I let out a frustrated huff. “That’s beside the point! How much did you see and why didn’t you say anything?! We could’ve—stopped for a while, you know.” Mother laughed. “No offence, but I seriously doubt that either of you could have. I know I wouldn’t have either. Hoo wee! To answer your question: we didn’t want to be rude and interrupt your special sexy time. Come on, Rare Bear! Don’t look at me like that. The key to any healthy, lasting relationship is makin’ whoopee. Keep it interesting too, remember!” Sweetie shuffled her feet and refused to make eye contact with me. “Sorry, Rarity.” “Besides, it gave your baby sister a real-life demonstration of what sex between a loving couple is really like. The internet and books can only go so far, ya know.” I wanted to curl up into a ball and die but settled on letting out an embarrassed squeak instead. “Alright. Let’s just… put what happened behind us and move on. If you don’t mind, Braeburn and I are going to freshen up for a bit. Then we can chat, ok?” Only after we’d showered did it occur to me that the entire suite probably reeked of sweat and sex. Mother had enough wherewithal to realize it, so she’d already taken the liberty of squirting a few puffs of spring-breeze scented aerosol spray around the room. I suggested we talk out on the patio anyway because it would help us all get our minds off of what had just happened. And the fresh air was nice too. I leaned against the railing and sighed. “I’m still not sure how the two of you managed to get into our suite.” Sweetie let out an awkward chuckle. “Um… the door was unlocked, Rarity. We heard some weird noises and decided to check out what was going on and—hehe—well, you know. To be fair, we did try to get your attention but you guys just ignored us and kept going.” I blushed and bit my lip. “I’m never going to live this down, am I?” Mother looped her arm around Braeburn’s shoulder and mine, pulling us into a hug. “Don’t be so glum, Rare Bear. There are worse things. In fact, I’m happy for the two of you. Makes me feel better knowin’ that my daughter and her boyfriend have a strong, healthy relationship.” “You could have just asked like a normal parent!” Mother leaned over and kissed my cheek. “Aww! Now, where’s the fun in that? I’ve got somethin’ to tease ya about now. And by golly, will I remind ya of it all the time. That’s a promise! Anywho… we swung by to let ya know that we’re heading home tomorrow.” I looked at Braeburn and squeezed his hand. “Thanks for letting us know. I think… we’ll likely leave within a few days too. As nice as it is down here, I can’t keep my jewelry commissions on hold forever. That and Braeburn has his own business matters to attend to.” Mother nodded emphatically. “That’s life for ya. We’re gonna throw a little family get-together first. Why don’t ya come join us? It’ll be fun!” The party was a low-key affair. I declined to partake in any alcoholic beverages, but the virgin cocktails they served were still quite tasty. We danced on the beach, ate BBQ, played some volleyball and all around had a good time. After many hugs and kisses, we said our goodbyes and planned our trip back to Manehatten. I was a bit sad at the thought of having to wear clothing in public again but I tried not to let it get me down too much. I had bigger fish to fry, after all. Two weeks had passed since we came back from Cala Concha. I had a steady stream of custom orders to keep me busy, so the loneliness I experienced from not being able to see Braeburn on a regular basis was not as intense as it could have been. Even so, I still had Extravagance to keep me company. And bless his heart, he remained at my side whenever I worked. As for my powers? Well, I was able to work my craft with greater ease than ever before. Sometimes, I merely had to think of a design and my body would respond to it as if by mag—actually, let’s just forget I even said that. Cliché as it may have been, I was not about to start calling myself a Fairy Godmother or anything of the sort. Just plain, old, Rarity thank you! Part of me knew that I’d been procrastinating. In the modern age of emails and instant text messages, it was practically effortless to get in touch with people. I finished up the necklace I was working on and picked up my phone. After flipping through my contacts, a certain, bacon-haired woman appeared at the bottom of the list. When was the last time I even spoke to Sunset? I sighed and put down my phone. “How exactly does one bring up magical powers in a casual conversation? Sunset’s not stupid. She’ll know that I want something from her right away. Should I even bother with light topics or just get straight to the point?” Trav whuffed and nudged my ankle with his snout. “Alright! I get your point. I need to stop stalling and just call her.” I took in a deep breath, closed my eyes, and counted to ten. Some liquid courage would have been much better at calming my nerves but I was still on the clock, unfortunately. With a flick of my finger, I tapped the icon that showed Sunset’s picture and waited for her to pick up. It rang about six times before I got an answer. When she finally spoke, Sunset almost sounded like she was half asleep. Oh great. Now, I’ve gone and made things even more awkward. “Hmm. Rarity? Is that you?” Sunset asked. “Hello, darling. It’s been a while since we last spoke, hasn’t it?” “Yeah. How’s come you’re calling me?” I twirled a strand of my hair. “Oh, you know. I felt like it was time we caught up with each other. I—erm—I hope I didn’t interrupt anything important on your end. Hehe.” Sunset smacked her lips. “Nah. Not really. I just woke up from a nap. Rarity, I know you didn’t make the effort to call me just to shoot the shit. What’s going on?” “I’m terribly sorry, Sunset. But you’re the only one I can turn to for this!” Sunset let out a heavy sigh. “Don’t tell me; it’s magic related.” “I’m afraid so, darling. It’s a rather long, and complicated story. One I’d rather talk about in person, if you don’t mind. Would it be possible for me to meet you somewhere?” Sunset yawned and I heard something that sounded a lot like scratching. “Sure. I don’t mind. Can it wait a little while though? I’m not even dressed yet.” “Certainly! Again, you have my gratitude. Out of all of my friends, you’re the only one I know of who’s familiar with magic and its workings. Just call me back when you’re ready. No rush~” I hung up the phone and leaned back in my desk chair. “Just as I figured. She saw right through my ruse. But that’s Sunset Shimmer for you. The girl always did like to get straight to the point.” Trav let out a tired whine and scampered over to his doggie bed. I kept one in my workshop just in case I decided to take him along at any point. Which, I will admit, I have done many times because he keeps me company throughout the day. I crouched in front of the bed and massaged the back of his head. An act of affection that he always enjoyed without fail. The canine equivalent of a smile spread across his lips and Trav slowly began to close his eyes. I ruffled his ears one final time and got back to work. Since the necklace was now complete, I moved onto drafting a sketch for a commission piece I received about two days ago. I should point out that I was open to most requests, save for those that I deemed inappropriate. Like personalized sex toys etc. As a naturist myself, I saw no issue with crafting jewelry that was intended to be worn on the genitals, just so long as the client understood that I did not perform the actual piercing. However, I did know a few professionals they could be referred to. As fate would have it, my request came from none other than Fancy Pants. The premier men’s fashion mogul and all-around charitable chap. To put it bluntly: he had a ridiculous amount of wealth tied to his brand. I had no doubt that he’d worked hard for his fortune; he’d built his fashion empire from the ground up, after all. I conversed with him for a while at the Gala and he seemed very down to earth. Not pretentious at all. I made a mental note to try and get together with him again sometime and maybe even chat with his lovely wife as well. In any case, his request was a surprisingly simple, if unusual one. He expressed his interest in commissioning a clitoral stud piece for his wife, Fleur De Lis. I can’t imagine it was going to be seen by many people, but then again, she was Prench. Their culture was well-known for being fond of casual nudity and nude recreation in general. I could certainly relate. However, I wasn’t very keen on the idea of having my own nubbin pierced. The thought of having the stud accidentally get caught on something, and causing a painful tear, made me shudder. Funnily enough, Fancy Pants was quite candid in his email to me. I’d made it no secret that I was proud to be a naturist at the Gala, so I guess that fact alone made him feel more at ease talking to me. Or rather, that I was deemed trustworthy in his eyes because I’d boldly bared my body in front of high society and showed them that I didn’t have anything to hide. Ha~ Well, at least in the physical sense. Magical prowess was another matter entirely. I couldn’t help but coo at how much he loved Fleur. Even though he may not have said it directly in the email, it was apparent by the way he described her and what he wanted the design to be. In short, the clitoral stud was made of rose gold and featured a sculpted rose with a pink diamond in the center. I giggled at the obvious symbolism. Yet, I recognized it as a romantic gesture. Most jewelers would have had difficulty sculpting such a tiny, delicate thing out of a soft metal like gold, but I had the power of geomancy on my side. I took my sketch along with me down to the smelting station and pinned it along the wall. In one of the drawers, I kept a modest stock of different precious metals and gems for client orders. I picked up a small nugget of rose gold and placed it on the table while I envisioned what the finished product would look like. Once I had a good grasp of the piece, I began to heat up the furnace. To that end, I didn’t spend a lot of effort trying to keep this area of the shop air conditioned because it was basically a waste of money. So yes, it was sweltering hot and I had to wear protective gear as well. However, as I was slipping on my apron, I felt a surge of mystic power course through my entire body. I blinked owlishly when the furnace seemed a lot less sweltering than it had before. In fact, I barely felt any heat at all other than a dull, lukewarm sensation. If I had to compare it to anything, I’d say it was akin to taking a bath in tepid water. Curious, I took off my work glove and inched my bare hand closer and closer to the center of the furnace. I still felt very little heat despite the fact that my skin should have been blistering by this point. Lo and behold, when I pressed my finger against the surface, it didn’t hurt at all. How strange…. I took a good look at my hand and noticed that it appeared crystalline again. Yet, for all intents and purposes, it still behaved and felt like human skin. I put down the nugget and walked over to my tool rack to find a jeweling hammer. Not wanting to incur serious injury to myself, I tapped the hammer lightly against my palm (which normally would have hurt) and found that my skin resisted damage and pain. I put away the hammer and began to hyperventilate. “This is insane! What other crazy abilities am I going to discover? UGH! Next thing you know, I’ll be able to shoot diamond spikes out of my body like a fabulous porcupine. Well, I’m glad that I got Sunset to meet with me at least. We’ll have plenty to talk about, I’m sure.” Even though I wanted to have a good cry and eat a tub full of Rocky Road ice cream, there was still work to be done. Instead of freaking out, I simply used my nervous energy and poured it into the stud. I pictured a blooming rose and placed my hands upon the nugget of gold. Without even heating the thing up, it transformed into an exact copy of what I’d pictured in my mind. The gem too, responded to my will effortlessly. It floated over to the rose and practically fused with the metal simply because I told it to. I turned the piece around a few times, trying to find any flaws or imperfections but I couldn’t find any. Given how everything was turning out so far, I may not even need to maintain a furnace or any tools in the future. Well, I could still make pieces the traditional way if I so desired but it was more to keep up appearances. One can’t very well explain away how a jewelry shop has no tools or furnace to craft said products. I carried the stud with me back up to the office and wrapped it in a velvet box. At a later time, I would invite Fancy Pants over to the shop so that he could see how his commission turned out. And, by the way, he offered to pay me an extraordinarily generous amount of money for the piece, regardless of how little material was required to craft it. If business continued to be as brisk as it has been in the past few months, then I would become a wealthy woman too. Not that huge profits were the most important thing to me. Don’t get me wrong; I love fine wine and dining as much as any lady, but I wasn’t the type of person who sought and collected material possessions. In particular, clothing came to mind. But you knew that already~ Speaking of clothing, I was sorely tempted to ditch my current outfit and continue to work in the nude (now that I technically did not require protective gear anymore) but I don’t imagine my customers would find that level of casual attire very professional. Such is life, I suppose. One of the best things about owning your own business is that you could set the hours of operation to suit your needs. Personal or professional. I took a picture of Fleur’s stud and attached the image to an email that I eventually sent off to Fancy Pants. Much to my surprise, he responded almost instantaneously and commended me for my fine craftsmanship. That said, I checked the clock on my computer and realized that it was nearly two-thirty in the afternoon. I’d been in the office since six o’clock in the morning, so I felt like calling it a day wasn’t too unreasonable. After a quick response, thanking him for his business, I turned off my computer and started cleaning up the shop. It was at this point that Trav finally stirred from his slumber. He clambered out of his doggie bed, yawned, and licked the back of my leg. “Did you sleep well, darling?” Trav smacked his chops and looked up at me with those adorable, pudgy eyes. I imagine he wanted to sit in my lap. If we were at home, I would have obliged his request. “I’ll take that as a yes. Terribly sorry, Extravagance. But mommy can’t hold you right now. I’m too busy trying to clean up the shop. However, we can walk around the park if you like.” He whuffed once in response and began wagging his tail. “There’s a good boy! Don’t worry; I’ll be finished soon.” After a brisk walk through the park, I dropped Trav off at Coco’s apartment. I wasn’t a big fan of leaving her to take care of my beloved furry buddy on such short notice but I didn’t want to complicate matters with Sunset by bringing a dog along. I swore to Coco that I would make it up to her by taking her out for a fancy dinner, just the two of us, at some point. She merely laughed it off and said that it was fun having Trav visit every so often. Once I gave him a quick kiss goodbye, I whipped out my phone and called Sunset again. This time, she picked up immediately. “Hey, Rarity. Sorry that I didn’t call you back in a punctual manner. I—uh—lost track of time. I hope that’s not too much of a problem.” I chuckled. “No, it’s quite alright. I had to finish up a commission and walk Extravagance around the park. He needs to exercise every once and a while or else he tends to gain weight. I can’t have my fabulous doggy turn into an obese slob!” Sunset laughed. “For sure! So—um—how do you want to do this? I don’t exactly live close to Manehatten. Plus, my bike’s getting worked on right now. Can’t really drive at the moment.” “That’s fine. I’ll just swing by your place to chat if you don’t mind.” My phone beeped as Sunset sent over directions to her abode. “Here’s the thing, Rarity. Flash is living with me now so… yeah. We went out to dinner one night and well, things just sort of clicked between us again, I guess. Just don’t be surprised if he’s here is all I’m saying.” “Are you two serious? I mean, as far as your relationship goes.” Somehow, I could tell Sunset was blushing. “Yeah. I think we’ll get married soon. Babies are a totally different story, but I can see myself being his wife. It’s… nice.” I squealed with excitement. “Oh, how marvelous! I’m so happy for you, Sunset.” “Thanks.” “Alright then. I’ll drive over as soon as I can. Ta-ta, darling~” “See ya later.” Sunset responded then hung up. The distance between Manehatten and Canterlot wasn’t particularly far but it was significant enough to take me around an hour to arrive. I was half expecting Sunset to be living in an apartment, but she’d directed me towards a quaint little ranch house in the suburbs. It was unclear to me who actually owned the home but I suppose it didn’t matter if they were both living in it. I knocked on the door and Sunset answered it wearing only a black bath robe covered in orange flames. Oh, and a pair of fuzzy slippers too. Casual chic perhaps? Sunset scratched her stomach and yawned. “Sorry about the getup. This is my day off and I didn’t get much sleep last night. Didn’t really feel like getting dressed, ya know?” “I completely understand, dear. You’re talking to a life-long naturist, after all.” Sunset shuffled over to the pantry and poured herself a cup of coffee. “Huh. I forgot about that. To be honest, I tend to walk around the house naked most of the time if nobody else is around too. Except Flash, of course. He’s used to it by now. It’s—ah—a pony thing, I guess. When I was growing up in Equestria, I only wore clothing on formal occasions.” “I always wondered why Princess Twilight was so confused when they caught her streaking on school grounds. That must have been when she originally came through the portal, correct?” Sunset sat down at the table and nodded. “Mhmm. I had a similar experience when I first came through the portal. Although it was during the dead of night in summertime. I snuck around the park for a little while and figured out that humans wore clothing in public. I wound up nabbing a tracksuit and sneakers from one of those donation bins. Fun times.” “Would you consider yourself a naturist, then?” Sunset took a sip of her coffee. “I guess so? I feel a lot more relaxed when I’m nude.” “That’s to be expected. I’m much the same way.” Sunset leaned back and sighed. “If you don’t mind, let’s get down to brass tacks.” “Erm—sorry, darling. I know you’re not a big fan of small talk.” Sunset shrugged. “Small talk is fine every once and awhile, but we’ve got WAY more important things to talk about than our wardrobe preferences. Let me ask you this: what sort of things have you noticed? Magic wise. Did you start getting new powers or something?” “It all started during my vacation. I found some sort of large, magical opal in an underwater cave. When I touched it, the gem fused with my geode and became… part of me, I think. For the life of me, I can’t even fathom why such a thing would happen in the first place.” Sunset whistled. “Damn. This is a hell of a lot more serious than I thought. What happened afterwards? Did you notice anything different about yourself?” “As a matter of fact, while I was creating some jewelry, I realized that my skin could turn semi-translucent… like a crystal and became resistant to heat, damage, and pain. There’s also the ease with which I can manipulate metal and minerals at will. Should I be concerned?” Sunset scrunched her lips together. “I’m sorry, Rarity. But this kind of magic is near alicorn level. Way outta my area of expertise. You might have to ask Princess Twilight about it.” “What are you suggesting? That I write to her in your journal?” Sunset shook her head. “No, you’d have to see the princess directly for something like this. I know that it’s a pain in the ass, but you don’t exactly have any other options here in the human world. If you want, I could tag along as your guide. When you go through the portal, I mean.” “You can’t be serious!” I yelled. Sunset twiddled her fingers. “Again, I apologize for the bombshell but I don’t want your powers to get out of control. Just look at what happened to me. I transformed into a literal she-demon, Rarity! We stand a much better chance of understanding what exactly is going on with your body and what this new magic is capable of if we go to Equestria. Simple as that.” I let out a dejected sigh. “Very well then. I suppose I have no other choice. How long do you think we’ll be gone for?” “Who knows? There’s also the time dilation between dimensions to consider.” I frowned. “Can’t I at least let everyone know what’s going on? Within reason, of course. I’m not just going to blurt out that I have magical superpowers. That would be a disaster.” “Take all the time you need, Rarity. Oh, and you can just shack with us until it’s time to leave. I’ve got a spare set of clothes, towels, and a guest room if you wanna use it.” > I'm A Little Horse, How About You? (I) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 11 Sunset & Flash’s House, Canterlot I wound up accepting Sunset’s offer of staying the night. It at least gave me the opportunity to communicate with all of the concerned parties that I was going to be away for some time. For the sake of simplicity, I told everyone that I had to take care of a family issue. Generally speaking, most people would believe my explanation without a second thought. In particular, I felt terrible for Coco, as I had essentially pawned off Extravagance’s care in her capable hands. She didn’t seem to mind, but nonetheless, I felt as though I was taking advantage of her. Since she was one of my closest friends, I’d told her about my powers and what the situation was. She took it about as well as I could have hoped but there were many questions that I had to answer afterwards. I lounged around the house in nothing but a t-shirt and a pair of gym shorts. No bra or panties. Well, I should clarify that none of Sunset’s undergarments would have fit me anyway. We had completely different body shapes and bust sizes. Sunset was… decidedly more curvaceous than I. Don’t get me wrong; she was in excellent shape! It’s just that her proportions were noticeably more filled out than my own. Flash was indeed lucky to have captured the eye of such a beauty. Speaking of, Flash Sentry himself appeared a few hours after I’d arrived. Much to my surprise, he was dressed in a rather dapper navy-blue suit and looked happy but tired at the same time. I gushed with joy when I saw the two of them kiss. It was so adorable~ After taking off his suit coat and tie, he poured himself a glass of whiskey, sat down on the couch, and sighed. When I finally managed to gather enough courage, I sat down next to him and placed my hand on his shoulder. You see, it had been quite some time since I last spoke with him. “Good evening, Flash. How are you faring in life?” Flash blinked several times; I assume he was trying to figure out if I was real. “Hey, Rarity. I—uh—didn’t expect to see you here. Is there something going on that I should know about?” I couldn’t help but chuckle. “You always were a clever one. Very well then. I shan’t beat around the bush. Recently, I happened to acquire some rather potent magical abilities. Abilities that, shall we say, are beyond human comprehension. To that end, I’ve asked Sunset to accompany me to Equestria, so that I might find an expert to help me control my powers.” Flash took another swig of whiskey. “It’s always magical shenanigans with you girls. No matter how much time passes, I can’t ever seem to get away from them. Eh. Whatever. I wouldn’t trade it for the world. Any idea how long you two are going to be away ‘on vacation’ for?” Sunset took a seat next to him and rested her head against his chest. “The jury’s still out on that, hun. I’ll leave my journal here just so we can communicate with each other, but this might take a while. Based on what Rarity’s told me so far, I suspect we might need Twilight’s help.” “Why not just call her then? I know she’s busy with hadron collider experiments but—” Sunset laughed and booped his nose. “Not that Twilight. I’m talking about the Princess.” Flash blushed. “Oh yeah. Sorry, I still get them confused sometimes. The booze probably isn’t helping either. In any case, I guess you guys don’t really have much of a choice, do you?” I shook my head. “I’m afraid not, darling. Believe me, I wish there was another way. But humanity isn’t in a position right now to help me with any issues regarding magic. If I revealed my powers to the public, I would be treated like a scientific specimen for the rest of my life.” “Alright. Just be careful.” The three of us didn’t say too much after that. I mean, what else could be said? After making a simple dinner of spaghetti and meatballs, Sunset kicked off her fuzzy slippers and stripped out of her robe. I shot her a questioning look and she merely shrugged her shoulders at me. Flash didn’t seem to be phased by her nudity in the least, so I padded over to the sink to pour myself another glass full of water. After I finished, Sunset stood before me and tapped her foot on the tile floor. “You might as well take your clothes off now, Rarity.” “I’m sorry?” Sunset let out an exasperated sigh. “I keep forgetting that you’ve never gone through the mirror portal before. Here’s the deal: whenever a being goes through to either side, their bodies change shape drastically and instantaneously. So, whatever you’re wearing will just end up getting ruined on the trip. Traveling completely nude is our best option. That applies to jewelry as well, I should add. Trust me; it sucks having piercings suddenly shifted to the wrong spot.” I winced. “Oh. Yes, I suppose that makes sense.” With some degree of hesitance, I looked over at Sunset to make sure if it was ok to take off my clothing. Not that I was ashamed to do so, but rather… I wasn’t entirely certain about how Flash might react. I don’t believe there was ever an occasion where he’d seen me nude before. With an encouraging nod, I proceeded to strip and fold the garments in a neat little pile atop the table. Sunset padded over to Flash and kissed his cheek. “We’re ready to go, hun.” As expected, when Flash looked over at me there was a moment of awkward silence between us. I tried to remain calm and casual about the whole thing, but I could easily tell that he was distracted by my naked body. With a loud cough, he blushed furiously and tried to focus his attention on Sunset instead. My fiery-haired friend responded by standing in front of her beau, and pressing her ample bosom against his chest. This seemed to have the desired effect. “Sorry. I-I didn’t mean to… stare at her.” Flash mumbled. “Don’t worry about it, hun. Rarity’s an exceptionally beautiful woman. It’s hard not to appreciate all of the hard work she’s put into maintaining her physique. Especially, when it’s on full-display. Just remember that you’ve got an equally beautiful, equally naked, girlfriend right here in front of you~” Flash kissed her on the lips. “Thanks for being so understanding, Sunset. Sometimes, I wonder how I got so lucky having such a wonderful woman like you in my life.” Sunset blushed and played with a strand of her hair. “Yeah. Well, the feeling’s mutual. Alright! Enough of the rom-com theatrics. We’ve got a mission. Let’s get to it!” Without preamble, we walked out to the car. Sunset and I sat in the backseat together while Flash took the driver’s seat. Given that we were right in the middle of a suburban neighborhood, it was bizarre to be riding inside of a car whilst completely nude. I highly doubt any of their neighbors would report us for indecent exposure, since it was quite dark outside. Even so, I felt incredibly anxious and hoped that my sweaty bottom wouldn’t leave a wet spot on the upholstery. Embarrassing for a woman to admit, I know, but it was an involuntary reaction on my part. I must’ve looked the part because Sunset reached over and began stroking my thigh. “Just take a deep breath and try to relax, Rarity. We’ll be at CHS before you know it.” “That’s not what I’m concerned about, darling. I just—never mind, you’ll think I’m being silly.” “No, I won’t. Promise. Tell me what’s on your mind.” Sunset whispered encouragingly. I let out a shuddering sigh. “The very thought of traversing across dimensions terrifies me to no end! From a logical perspective, I know that it’s a relatively safe process, considering that both you and Princess Twilight have done so on several occasions. But… I can’t help thinking of all the things that could go wrong. What if my magic interferes with the transfer? I don’t want to wind up losing my limbs or come out on the other side as some disfigured monstrosity!” Sunset bit her lip. “Damn. That’s… actually a good point.” “Hold on a second,” I shrieked, “You don’t actually know if it’s safe for me to cross?!!” Sunset chuckled and looked down at her feet. “Uh… that is to say, Twilight and I went over all the specifics a while ago and we believe that the transfer should be safe. But neither of us can be one-hundred percent sure what will happen until it… well, happens.” My skin flushed red with equal parts anger and stress. “SO, HELP ME, SUNSET! IF I END UP A BLOODY MESS, I’LL—” “Rarity, that’s enough,” Flash reprimanded, “I know you’re feeling anxious right now but yelling at Sunset isn’t going to help the situation. If something goes awry, you’ll have the best magical experts in their world on hand to fix the problem. Let’s try to be civil about this, ok?” I felt like a complete fool. “I’m terribly sorry, dear. I didn’t mean to snap at you.” Sunset wrapped me in a sidearm hug and kissed my cheek. “I know. You’re just not used to dealing with magical situations and this is scary for you. But Flash is right. There are plenty of ponies who’ll be able to help us if shit hits the fan. I don’t think it will, but it’s nice to know that we have options. Do you need a tissue or anything?” “No, I’m fine thank you.” My nerves were calmed for a time, but my pulse began racing once again when Flash finally parked the car next to the statue. I’m glad that Sunset held my hand when we exited our seats because my gait was wobbly and unsure. Walking on hard pavement in only your bare feet is never a pleasant experience but I endured it with grit and determination. It was only a few steps, after all. When I looked up at the statue, it didn’t appear any different than normal. However, when I placed my hand upon the surface, it rippled and made a strange, fluctuating sound. I pulled my hand back and gasped. “Has the portal been turned on?” Sunset nodded. “Yep. Princess Twilight devised a way to make it work all the time now.” “Well, I suppose we might as well get this over with. In for a penny, in for a pound as they say.” Before we stepped through the portal, however, Sunset made sure to give Flash a very passionate goodbye kiss. Part of me felt guilty for watching such an intimate moment unfold. Yet, along with that guilt came a mixture of melancholic regret. I’d only mentioned being gone for a little while due to my powers instead of visiting Braeburn directly. Just to be clear: I did tell Braeburn that I loved him but not in the same, dramatic fashion as Sunset had done with Flash. When they finally broke apart, Sunset stepped through the portal without a shred of hesitation. I, on the other hand, stood in the pale moonlight, legs trembling, heart pounding. It took every ounce of willpower that I possessed not to vomit all over the pavement. Upon swallowing the lump that had begun to form in my throat, I took a few shaky steps forward, closed my eyes, and proceeded through the portal at full tilt. Hopefully, I would come back out in one piece. The experience of having your entire body reshaped in an instant is both terrifying and fascinating at the same time. What did it feel like, you ask? Well, I can’t say that it was painful… but more like my skin was being stretched and compressed simultaneously. Somewhat like an extreme form of yoga, I suppose. I could instantly tell that I was a quadruped when my hooves gently clopped on the marble floor. Oddly enough, my new body felt natural to me. As if I’d always been a pony since birth. Given how disorientated Princess Twilight was when she first arrived, I suspect my experience was completely different because the opal had fused with me. Near as I could tell, I was in some sort of annex that was specifically designed to house the mirror portal. Before I had the chance to look around further, Princess Twilight and Sunset cantered over to where I was standing and greeted me with warm smiles. I’d never seen either of them in their original forms and I have to say, they looked positively adorable! Like mythical creatures any seven-year-old girl would love to have at their birthday party. Princess Twilight raised her hoof. I bumped it with my own. How I knew to do that, I’m not sure. “Welcome to Equestria, Rarity! I hope the trip over wasn’t too jarring for you.” “It was certainly an interesting experience, your Highness.” The alicorn fluffed her wings awkwardly. “Please, just call me Twilight. I’m not real big on titles and—um—you’re technically not one of my subjects anyway.” “If that is what you wish, I shall abide. Pardon my frankness, darling but would it be too much trouble to fetch a mirror? I’m rather curious to see what I look like as a pony.” “Sure! Follow me please.” The three of us walked down the hallway of what I can only assume was a school. There were plenty of young ponies (foals?) going about their business, heading to class, and a few other creatures too. Such as: dragons, yaks, griffons, and even hippogriffs. I was genuinely surprised to see so much diversity amongst the student populace. I always assumed that Equestria was a nation-state that catered specifically to ponies and no one else. I cantered over to Sunset and nudged her flank with my own to try and get her attention discreetly. “Where are we exactly? I thought Equestria was the exclusive domain of ponies.” Sunset chuckled. “That used to be the case for quite some time, but we’re in the School of Friendship. Erm—allow me to explain: Princess Twilight decided that it would be a good idea to start a school that was open to all species.” “Ah~ What a wonderful idea! You’ll have to excuse me for staring so much… I’m simply not used to seeing so many mythical creatures in one place. I feel as though I’ve been transported directly into the pages of a children’s storybook.” “Don’t worry about it. Everyone here is super friendly and understanding.” Princess Twilight gestured towards a wooden door that had a pink, female symbol over it. As in the standard representation of Venus on earth. How odd. I’m not sure how that was even possible, since the Greeks wouldn’t have existed to invent the symbol in this world. Perhaps, it was just one of those coincidental quirks of reality that parallel universes shared? Who knows? With a shrug, I entered the room, and sure enough, there was a large mirror near the sinks. When I looked at what I’d become, I expected to see an alien creature stare back at me. However, that wasn’t the case at all. In fact, many of my features had carried over. My mane and tail were set in the same style and color when I was still human. My coat was a very similar shade to what my skin had been, but it was glossier and sparkled like crystal. Quite fetching, I must admit. I didn’t have a horn or wings, so I assumed that I must be what Sunset referred to as an Earth Pony or a subspecies thereof. I wasn’t sure if coloration made a difference in that regard. I’d have to ask the princess. I turned sideways and discovered that I had an honest to goodness Cutie Mark branded upon my flanks. It was a set of three golden rings interlocked with each other and had a single diamond placed within the center. I honestly couldn’t tell you what it meant. From what Sunset had told me earlier, she said that they represented a pony’s passion in life, their destiny. She also mentioned that they could, oftentimes, be very symbolic. Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted Twilight scribbling down notes on a writing pad that appeared out of nowhere. After a few more moments of scribbling and intense staring, I blushed slightly when she stuck her snout underneath my barrel and got a little too close to my nether region for comfort. Seriously! Do ponies have no concept of personal space? “Do you mind? I’m not some purebred on display at the dog show!” Twilight’s entire face turned beet red. “SORRY! I got a bit carried away with my observations. Ehehe. You have to understand that Crystal Ponies are pretty rare around these parts. I—erm—was just studying all the differences between you and our Rarity. It’s extremely fascinating!” I raised my brow. “I’m glad you found my lady bits so interesting.” The flustered princess gave me, what I can only describe, as the most awkward smile I’d ever seen followed by a snorting giggle. “I-I mean, that wasn’t my—THEY LOOK VERY HEALTHY, erm—that is to say: there’s nothing wrong with them at all! Nope!” I couldn’t help but laugh at her expense a little. “I should certainly hope so. After all, I go to great lengths to keep my body in tip-top shape. I assume my Equestrian counterpart feels much the same way about her own physique?” Twilight nodded vigorously. “Yeah. Again, I’m sorry for—ah—observing your genitalia with such intensity. Sometimes, I can get a little carried away when studying new things and I… forget to use common sense.” “No harm done. I suppose I should feel flattered that a Princess complimented me.” Twilight rubbed the back of her neck and blushed. “Sure. Let’s go with that…” After taking a quick tinkle break, we made our way down the hall towards the canteen to grab a bite for lunch. Judging by the clocks hanging on the wall (again, they used Roman numerals), it was nearly lunchtime. Sunset wasn’t kidding about the time dilation. Although, I wasn’t entirely sure what the exact difference was by comparison. I slowed down my pace so that I could have a private word with Sunset. Something about Twilight’s reaction seemed a bit… unusual to me. I used my hoof to gently tap Sunset on the back. “What was all that about in the restroom?” I asked. “If I had to guess, I’d say that Twilight’s into mares. Um… more specifically, I think she’s got a MASSIVE crush on your counterpart. She never mentioned it to me before but judging by the way she reacted to you, implies years’ worth of repressed feelings. Talk about awkward…” My throat suddenly felt dry. “Oh, dear. In retrospect, that explains a lot, actually.” “Yeah. I’d hold off on bringing it up with her. Knowing how clueless Twilight is about matters of romance, she probably hasn’t even gotten to the point where she’s fully aware of her feelings for Rarity. Let alone confessing them out loud. Just try to keep things casual if you can.” I closed my eyes for a moment and sighed. “Duly noted. Is there anything else I should be made aware of? I’d rather not cause a scandal while I’m here.” “I’m probably not the right mare to ask. I mean, yeah, I talk with Twilight in the journal every once and a while but it’s not like I’m super interested in what goes on around here.” I shot her a quizzical expression. “Why not?” “Think about it, Rarity. I’m an orphaned unicorn who lives in the human world most of the time. Nearly all of my friends and everyone I care about reside there. Equestria holds no greater meaning to me other than the occasional visit. I know that sounds kinda harsh, but it’s true.” My ears folded and I blushed at my apparent faux pas. “I’m terribly sorry, darling. I had no idea that you were an orphan. This just goes to show that I should’ve gotten to know you better. I promise that from now on, I’ll try my best to be a better friend to you, Sunset.” Sunset nuzzled my cheek. “Hey, it’s cool. I’m just as guilty of it as you are. But I appreciate the sentiment all the same. Maybe we could even hang out with the girls more often too!” I simply nodded in agreement. Unfortunately, life has a way of making one lose touch with former high school girlfriends. Mind you, it’s not always done on purpose … but it happens all the same. The main reason, in my opinion, is that people often go their separate ways after graduating high school and in doing so, it becomes more difficult to meet up with friends. Ruminating my own life choices aside, we arrived at the canteen without any issue, save for a few curious looks. I can’t honestly say that I was hungry enough to eat a full meal, but a cup of coffee and a snack would go a long way to making me feel more comfortable in this alien land. Twilight ordered a burger and what she called “Hay Fries” (they didn’t look very appetizing to me), Sunset a cup of tea, and a caramel latte with almond biscotti for me. We sat together at a table over by one of the windows that offered a lovely view of the courtyard. While I was sipping on my latte (don’t ask me how I was able to grip a mug with hooves, I have no idea), Princess Twilight proceeded to devour her burger with the gusto of a competitive eater. Ketchup, Mustard, and little bits of… food, fell onto her tray in a goopy mess. I tried my best to act like it wasn’t a big deal but heavens above! She had the dining etiquette of a swine! Truly, I felt embarrassed for her if this was a regular occurrence. I blushed and cleared my throat. “Pardon my frankness, darling. But—um—do you always eat your meals that way?” Snout covered in sauce, Twilight looked at me and offered a sheepish smile. “I love hayburgers!” “Yes, I can see that.” Sunset levitated a napkin over to her face and wiped it clean. “I think what Rarity is trying to say: is that you should probably pay more attention to your table manners in public. Like it or not, you’re royalty now. Just think what the press would do if they caught you eating like one of Applejack’s pigs. It could cause an international scandal.” Twilight clopped her hooves together and chuckled. “Funny you should mention that…” I groaned and massaged my temples when she produced said newspaper article. “Really now? I can’t imagine that being called “Burger Princess” is particularly flattering.” “What? Nocreature seems to have any issue with the way I eat. In fact, whenever I travel, I get free food! See! Here’s my platinum card. It’s the same with Princess Celestia. She gets cake sent to her all the time. As for Princess Luna, I’m not so sure. You know, come to think of it, I don’t believe I’ve ever asked her what kind of stuff she enjoys drinking or eating…” I let out an exasperated sigh. “This is, without a doubt, one of the most ridiculous things I’ve ever witnessed. But I shouldn’t jump to conclusions. Equestria is a different world, after all.” Without missing a beat, Twilight proceeded to wolf down her hayfries. I shrugged and dipped my biscotti into the mug whilst taking a dainty bite from the end. We finished our respective meals in silence and moved onto Twilight’s office. I just found it odd how a princess could also be the headmistress of a school but, once again, I realized that I should stop applying human standards to other races and keep an open mind instead. She motioned for me to lay down on a couch, and pulled out a larger version of the notepad she’d been using earlier. “Before we begin the thaumatic testing phase, I need to conduct a preliminary investigation. Essentially, a list compiling all of your known abilities, so that we can get an accurate picture of what we’re dealing with. All in the name of safety and science, of course!” I tapped my chin in thought. “I’ll try my best to give you as many details as I can, but please bear in mind that I am not an Equestrian native. Magic is not something I’m accustomed to.” “Not to worry; I understand. The human world doesn’t have much magic to begin with. Just try your best to be as detailed as possible, Rarity. Even if you may think a particular detail is mundane.” “Very well then. For starters, I am able to manipulate minerals and metals with nary a thought. Since I’m a jewelry maker, these abilities have proven a boon to my business. There is also the matter of changing the durability of my skin to become as hard as crystal. I only used that one briefly and have not tested it as extensively as the jewelry crafting.” Twilight scribbled something down on her pad. “To what degree can you manipulate everything?” “Whatever way I want. Which includes but is not limited to melting, reshaping, and fusion. As for the skin texture… I’m not sure. I have yet to explore its potential properly.” Twilight’s wings twitched excitedly. “Absolutely fascinating! I don’t think you realize just how rare and powerful your abilities are. Most ponies who have a talent for metalworking are proficient at understanding how metals behave under certain conditions. But I’ve never heard of anycreature able to melt and cast objects by pure willpower alone or dermal-morphing.” I frowned. “Dermal-morphing? Is there really such a term?” “Yes. It applies to cockatrices for the most part. Their magical gaze can turn creatures into solid stone. What about you? I assume your ability must be different somehow.” My stomach began to churn and I felt clammy with nervous sweat all over. What if Sunset was right? Was I some kind of magical superbeing now? Blast! This is exactly what I’d feared from the very beginning. Believe me, I wanted to scream and throw the biggest tantrum the world has ever seen but that would have only been cathartic for my own benefit. A proper lady faced adversity with a stiff upper lip and unshakable resolve. Tubs of Rocky Road ice cream too. “From what I remember from mythology, a cockatrice turns their victims into solid stone. However, that is not the case with me. My skin seems to retain all of its elasticity and sensations with the properties of crystal. I suppose you could say that I have the best of both worlds.” Sunset reached over and placed her hoof over mine while Twilight busied herself with more notetaking. “Everything will be ok, I promise. We’ll get through this somehow.” My ears folded downward while I peered into the empty coffee mug. “Thank you, darling. I appreciate all of the support you’ve shown me thus far. I’m terribly sorry for freaking out so much about this whole situation but these powers of mine are a great responsibility to bear. I shan’t lie to you; it will be difficult for me to manage them. What do I tell my family? Can I even tell them in the first place? I don’t know what to do!” “They already know about your geode, don’t they?” I waved my hoof. “In a very general sense. You must understand that my powers, compared to the rest of the girls, aren’t flashy like Rainbow Dash’s super speed or Pinkie’s exploding cupcakes. I didn’t see the point in making a big fuss over them. I don’t… enjoy that kind of attention. I just wanted to lead a relatively normal life, free from mystical drama.” Sunset nodded in understanding while Twilight gave me a wing-hug of sorts. “I felt much the same way as you when I first ascended, Rarity. You’re right, though. Power is both a choice and a responsibility. There are times when I still wonder if I was the right mare for the job…” “What do you think, darling? Will you be able to help me figure what’s going on?” Twilight sighed. “I’m afraid it’s not that simple. The kind of magic we’re dealing with is rare and, quite frankly, obscure to modern spellcasters. Including myself. At the very least, I think we’ll need to call in some experts before any practical testing can be done.” “What kind of experts do you have in mind?” Sunset leaned back in her chair. “What about the Crystal Empire? That sounds like a great place to start. Considering that Rarity seems to be a crystal pony and all.” “I agree but we might need more than what they have to offer. You see, a lot of ancient records were either destroyed or lost during King Sombra’s reign. Plus, we don’t know how old the artifact Rarity absorbed actually was. It could even predate the Empire. Tell you what: I’ll contact Cadence and see if she’ll let us visit the place for a few days. I’ll also send a scroll out to Dragon Lord Ember and ask if her father would be willing to share any information too.” Sunset’s brow furrowed in confusion. “Lord Torch? Why would we ask him?” “Because he’s one of the oldest living creatures on the entire planet. Yes, he’s even older than Luna and Celestia. I—erm—asked the princess one time. What? Don’t give me that look! I was just a filly at the time. You can’t blame me for being curious.” Sunset laughed. “I can totally see that happening. In all seriousness though, how old is he?” “I seem to recall that he’s pushing six-thousand? I’ll have to ask Spike. He’s been in contact with the Dragon Lands more frequently than I have.” “Spike,” I asked, “As in the dog you brought along with you?” “Mhmm. He’s actually a dragon. I also appointed him as Equestria’s first, official ambassador to Dragonkind. Before Dragon Lord Ember came along, we didn’t have any diplomatic relations with them at all. Dragons aren’t exactly the most hospitable race…” I clopped my hooves together. “Good for him. Is there any chance I might meet Spike again at some point? He seemed to enjoy my company and I was rather fond of him as well.” “If there’s time. I apologize if we’re skipping all of the usual pleasantries, but I don’t want to keep you two here any longer than necessary.” I nodded. “Duly noted. We’re in your capable hooves, then.” > I'm A Little Horse, How About You? (II) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 12 Twilight’s Castle, Ponyville Princess Twilight was gracious enough to allow Sunset and I to use a couple of spare rooms in her castle while we stayed in Equestria. While the accommodations were indeed luxurious and as comfortable as one could possibly hope for, I hardly slept at all. Being in a foreign place, stuck in a foreign body, has the tendency to make one restless. Suffice to say, when I finally managed to drag my quadrupedal pony-self out of bed, I felt sore and exhausted. Sunlight had just barely begun to creep through the windows and the sky was that lovely purplish-orange hue. A quick glance at the grandfather clock standing next to the dresser confirmed my suspicion. It was around a quarter after six in the morning. Not terribly unusual for me to wake up at such an hour, but it wasn’t as if I had to get to the shop or anything. My body must have been set on autopilot then. Oh well. Forcing myself to try and get more sleep would’ve been pointless. After letting out a loud, unladylike yawn, I smacked my lips and cantered out into the hallway. To be quite honest, I had no idea where I was going but I figured that I would end up running into someone who knew the castle layout better than I did eventually. As luck would have it, I did just that within the span of thirty seconds. A rose coated unicorn dressed in a maid uniform, by the name of Morning Glory, gave me a polite bow and smiled. “Good morning, Miss Rarity. Were the accommodations suitable to your liking?” I blinked slowly, hoping there wasn’t any noticeable crust in my eyes. “Of course, darling. They were excellent. On par with a luxury hotel, I dare say! Unfortunately, I didn’t get much sleep last night. I’ve always been a creature of habit and adjusting to new surroundings is difficult for me.” Morning Glory let out an audible sigh of relief. “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. If you should have any further issues, Miss Rarity, please don’t hesitate to come get me. The castle staff can provide you with whatever you need to feel comfortable during your stay in Ponyville.” “Splendid! I’ll be sure to keep that in mind. Erm—that being said, you wouldn’t happen to know where the restrooms are, would you? I’d like to freshen up before I start my day.” Morning Glory nodded. “Please follow me, Miss Rarity.” In hindsight, I probably should have asked Morning Glory how to work the showers while I was at it. My sleep deprived brain only realized how difficult it was to turn shower knobs when I looked down at my hooves. No fingers with which to turn them. Was I supposed to grab it with my mouth? That didn’t seem sanitary or good for my teeth either. I plopped onto my rump and let out a frustrated huff. What was I supposed to do now? The tell-tale clip clop of hooves on bathroom tile sounded Sunset’s arrival. She seemed a hell of a lot more refreshed than I was and must have noticed my distressed state. I got onto my fee—hooves once more and rushed over to her. What surprised me the most was when she leaned over and nuzzled me against the cheek. It wasn’t awkward or embarrassing… just unexpected. Come to think of it, I’d seen a lot of ponies perform the same gesture amongst their friends and loved ones, even during the short time I’d been here. I suppose it was simply their way of showing affection. Not unlike actual horses back home. How curious… “Thank goodness you arrived when you did, Sunset!” The bacon-maned mare chuckled. “I’ll bet. Lemme help you with the shower knobs.” Although I was embarrassed about having to depend on Sunset’s help, the hot water felt refreshing against my coat and helped clear the fog that had clouded my mind all morning. She and I got to chatting while we showered together, and Sunset explained that most earth ponies did indeed manipulate objects with their mouths. Of course, she also admitted that unicorns had a much easier time of it but I wasn’t sure if I wanted to deal with having a boney magic antenna attached to my skull and all of the responsibility that came with it. No thank you! After drying off, Sunset also helped brush my mane and coat. It felt marvelous, I must say. Thankfully, my mane retained most of its natural curl and I didn’t have to use any special conditioner, just shampoo. The same applied to Sunset. Her mane remained much the same way it had when we were on earth too. Small wonders. With a few quick dabs of vanilla-scented perfume underneath my neck and barrel, we set off to find something to eat for breakfast. Princess Twilight trotted down the hall to join us, looking as immaculate as ever. She must have been a morning pony. “Good morning, girls! I hope you both slept well.” “Not as well as I would have hoped, but I shall manage.” Twilight’s ears folded downwards. “Why not? Was it the bedsheets? Oh gosh! I knew I should’ve gotten higher thread count! The Saddle Arabian merchant I ordered them from assured me they were made from the finest cotton—” I booped her snout with my hoof “There was nothing wrong with the sheets, darling. I assure you. In fact, the hospitality you’ve shown me thus far has been of the highest caliber. However, I am still in the process of getting used to my new pony body and this world. That’s all.” “Oh! Hehe. I totally forgot about your transformation. Sorry, Rarity.” I smiled. “No need to apologize, dear.” Sunset’s stomach gurgled loudly. “Hey, Twi. Do you have staff around the castle that takes care of food prep or… we just gonna go out for breakfast? I’m a growing mare who needs chow!” Twilight cleared her throat. “I usually do have kitchen staff on hoof but they have the day off today. It’s not a problem because the School of Friendship has a nice cafeteria that we can go get breakfast from instead. C’mon! Follow me and I’ll show you where it is.” Whatever I thought a School of Friendship would look like, it wasn’t this. I should clarify that, in no way, were my expectations subverted. No. I dare say, I was pleasantly surprised at how modern and chic the school was. Or at least as much as one could be coming from a more technologically advanced society than Equestria. Considering how early in the morning it was, most of the student population were still asleep or just starting to get up. Thus, the hallways were practically devoid of foot traffic whilst we made our way towards the cafeteria. Nonetheless, I managed to attract quite a few odd looks here and there. Surely, it wasn’t just because I happened to have a sparkling coat? For heaven’s sakes, there were actual dragons, minotaurs, and changelings meandering about. Why would a simple mare (with an admittedly fabulous coat) cause so many students to turn their heads? Princess Twilight must have noticed my frustrated expression, for she extended her wing and pulled me closer to her side. “Don’t take all their stares personally. It’s just that you look very similar to our world’s Rarity. Everyone is probably just confused because you’re clearly a crystal pony and have a completely different cutie mark. They might even think you’re her long, lost twin sister or something…” I shrugged. “Well, I suppose that is to be expected. I mean, technically speaking, we could be considered sisters. How am I to introduce myself then? You did tell everyone that I was visiting from another universe, right? Twilight! I don’t like that look. Not one bit! DON’T TELL ME YOU FORGOT!!!” Twilight grinned sheepishly and rustled her wings. “There is a slight possibility that I—” “I should have known. Karma simply does not want me to have an easy time of this. Alright then! How do you propose I introduce myself, Miss Alicorn Princess? Am I supposed to make up some elaborate story about how I’m one of the Belle family’s distant cousins?” Twilight blushed. “No, I assure you that such measures won’t be necessary. We never kept the existence of the mirror portal a secret, so everyone pretty much knows there are other universes out there. I—erm—I dunno, maybe you could just say that you’re another Rarity?” I cocked my brow. “Hmm. Isn’t that interesting. I would have assumed that more creatures would be interested in using the portal if they know it exists. Curiosity killed the cat and all.” It was Sunset’s turn to blush. “Well—uh—I might be the reason why security is so tight regarding the portal’s usage. I did abuse it to serve my own nefarious purposes, after all.” “WHICH, I may add, we have all forgiven you for, darling. In any case, I’ll just stick with the alternate Rarity story because it’s true. I’m not a very convincing liar nor do I enjoy being deceitful. Tends not to make you many friends in life, I’ve found.” Twilight nodded in agreement. “Honesty is the best policy in this sort of situation.” With all that drama finally out of the way, we continued down a long corridor that led to the cafeteria. The décor and overall setup were pleasant if a bit kitschy. By that I mean, the room resembled your stereotypical school-cafeteria setup. Various posters advertising proper hygiene habits and extracurricular clubs adorned the walls. Most ridiculous amongst these was a large, colorful poster with Starlight Glimmer’s face plastered on a kite. Ah, yes. Kite flying club. An age-old Equestrian tradition. How could I have forgotten such a cultural mainstay? I tapped Twilight’s shoulder with my hoof to get her attention. “Pardon my ignorance, darling. But what, precisely, does Starlight do here at the School of Friendship? I only met her briefly during her time on earth and she didn’t say much about her profession.” “She’s our student councilor. The whole kite thing is just a hobby of hers. Erm—well, to be honest more like an obsession. But I guess it could be worse. At least she isn’t trying to steal everypony’s cutie marks and become an egomaniacal dictator anymore.” “If you say so, dear.” Believe me, I wasn’t about to open that can of worms. I simply accepted the fact that the denizens of this world were nowhere near what I considered sensible. In short, it was as if I really was living inside the pages of a colorful children’s storybook. I was craving something hearty for breakfast. Like bacon and eggs but realized that my herbivorous pony stomach probably wouldn’t be able to digest animal proteins efficiently. They had something called “Hay Bacon” that I assumed must have been an ersatz substitute for the greasy, salty strips of meat I knew and loved (Sunset too). Yet, the more I looked at them, the more I wanted to gag. They looked soggy and didn’t smell particularly good either. Almost like someone deep fried some grass and let it sit out for too long? Thankfully, there was plenty of fruit and other baked goods to be had. I chose a croissant and cup of berries mixed with yogurt. Sunset and Twilight got big plates of waffles slathered in butter and maple syrup. As for beverages, those two stuck with milk, while I sought something with a bit more zing to it. Oh, what I wouldn’t give for a large caramel macchiato right now. Against all logic and odds, my eyes were drawn to an honest to goodness coffee stand. Thank goodness ponies know about the nectar of the gods!!! I let out a girlish squeal and trotted over to the stand, eager to get my hooves on a cup of precious brew. Unfortunately, my hopes were dashed in an instant when I saw a yak dressed in an apron standing behind the counter. How on earth do they expect A YAK TO MAKE COFFEE?!!! I wanted to plop onto my rump and cry. “Professor Rarity! Good to see you. Can Yona make you strong coffee drink?” I blinked slowly. “Terribly sorry dear, but did you just ask if I wanted a coffee?” Yona stomped in place. “YAKS BEST AT MAKING COFFEE!!!” “Um… alright. If it’s not too much trouble, I’d like a caramel macchiato please.” “Fat milk or no fat milk?” Yona asked politely. “Do you mean cream, darling?” “That’s what Yona said. Yona not understand why ponies drink sissy, watery milk. Not taste good. Fat milk good for growing strong bones and taste better.” I offered her a hesitant smile. “Very well then. Cream it is.” Yona nodded sagely. “Good choice! Yona not mean to be rude but did Professor Rarity get mane cut? Hair looks all sparkly and shiny, like diamond. Cutie mark different too.” “I’m not exactly the Professor you know. I came from a different world. From the other side of the mirror portal to be precise. So, I am Rarity just not the one you’re used to dealing with on a daily basis. Does that make sense?” With a practiced hoof, Yona poured the steaming hot espresso into a cup. “Yona not really understand but call you ‘Sparkly Rarity’ to avoid confusion. Only one more minute until fancy coffee drink ready. Make sure not to burn self.” Sure enough, Yona handed me a lovely, steaming cup full of caramel macchiato as I had requested. For a few moments, I was rendered speechless at the degree of professionalism with which it was made. Lacking any method of my custom on my person, I hesitantly asked Princess Twilight if she could pay for my drink and breakfast. The alicorn laughed aloud and assured me that everything was prepaid out of a tuition fund set up by the Equestrian government. Even so, I felt immensely guilty about not giving Yona a big tip for her fine work. The yak looked at me expectantly. “Does Sparkly Rarity like coffee?” “Yes, darling. It’s quite delicious. Thank you.” Yona smiled. “Yaks always make best coffee! Yona feeling hungry. Going on break now.” “I assume yaks must require a lot of food to satisfy their appetites?” I asked while Yona trotted over to the grill for some fresh pancakes topped with whipped cream and fruit. Twilight let out a tired sigh. “Yeah, yaks are constantly hungry due to their size. Kind of like Dragons. In Yona’s case, her stomach is definitely bigger than her eyes, that’s for sure. You can’t imagine how much of a headache it was trying to create a menu that suited the dietary needs of so many different creatures. I’m just glad that we’ve got it down to a science now.” Sunset let out a loud burp, rubbed her stomach, and leaned back in the seat. I scowled at her for being rude but the princess didn’t seem to be offended by my friend’s lack of decorum. “Thanks for breakfast, Twi. It’s super tasty. Just one question, if you don’t mind. What’s the game plan?” “I’m sorry,” Twilight replied, blinking owlishly, “What do you mean?” Sunset waved her hoof in a circle. “For Rarity and I. We need to figure out what we’re doing first. You know, with the whole opal fusion thing. What do you think we should do?” “Oh. Right! I’d almost forgotten about that with all of the excitement going on. Like I mentioned before, it’s probably best to visit Lord Torch first since he might have direct knowledge of it.” Sunset’s ears flattened while she took a sip of milk. “Wouldn’t that involve visiting the Dragon Lands? Last I checked, that place was super fu—freakin’ dangerous.” “In the past, yes. But I assure you that the dragons will be much more amenable towards a pair of traveling ponies than they were before Lord Ember’s rule. I’ll just have to send Spike a letter and let him know that you’re coming. Dragons tend not to… like unannounced visitors.” Still unconvinced, Sunset bit her lip. “Alright. If you say so, Twi. I trust your judgment. But that still leaves us with the problem of transportation. How are we gonna get there in the first place?” Twilight stuck her hoof into the air. “You’ll take my private airship, of course!” “I beg your pardon. But did you just say airship?” I asked. “Yep! Each of the princesses gets their own airship for royal business. To be honest, I don’t use mine much because I can just teleport or fly wherever I want, but you girls are free to use it if you like. Really, it’s not a big deal! So, don’t feel about flying on my ship. I’ll—erm—just have to make sure the pantry is stocked and a crew is available to pilot her.” “One question, darling. Equestrian airships aren’t filled with hydrogen gas, are they?” Twilight vehemently shook her head. “No way! That’s far too dangerous. We only use helium.” I let out a sigh of relief. “Thank goodness! Humanity had its own issues with hydrogen gas-filled airships in the past. It caused quite a few disasters, as I seem to recall.” Twilight looked like she was about to go into lecture mode (her human counterpart did it often enough around me) when a ball of emerald green flames erupted out of thin air. Startled by the sudden interruption of our conversation, I reared back on my hind legs and let out a shrill, high-pitched whinny. Panic soon transitioned into embarrassment as every creature in the room focused their undivided attention on me. Having a white coat meant that my blush was all too visible as well. I carefully sat back down at the table and twiddled my hooves in shame. Sunset offered me a comforting nuzzle. “Don’t sweat it, Rares. I was awkward as hell back when I first came to the human world. You’ll get used to all the magic around here, I promise.” I cleared my throat. “My apologies for the outburst, Princess. As Sunset said, I’m unaccustomed to spells, save for the ones my friends perform and my own, of course.” “No harm done. Well, aside from scaring you out of your wits, the puff of fire means that Spike finally got back to me regarding Lord Torch. Hmm. It looks like he’s willing to talk with the both of you, provided that you bring along some turquoise.” “For what purpose? I can’t imagine dragons wear much in the way of clothing or jewelry.” Twilight shook her head. “They don’t. Dragons eat gemstones as part of their diet.” “I see. Turquoise is considered a semi-precious stone where I come from. Is it rare in Equestria? I’d hate to have to make you dig even deeper into the royal treasury to help us…” Twilight fluffed her wings. “Yes and no. In this particular region it is rare, but not overall. The same applies to the Dragon Lands. Turquoise is considered a rare treat and not found over there. Don’t worry though! I’m sure Pinkie can get her hooves on some.” “As in Pinkamena Diane Pie?” “The same. Like on earth, she spends most of her time baking at Sugarcube Corner. However, the Pie family still owns a sizable rock farm. It’ll take a few days to make the arrangements, but I’m sure that we can procure some turquoise for a good price.” I chuckled nervously. “Yes, well…. I’d rather not upset a Dragon Lord, thank you very much! Besides, I wouldn’t want him to get the impression that we were rude. I pride myself on being a proper lady, even if I’m less lady-like than I’d prefer at the moment.” Twilight giggle-snorted. “You’re different from our Rarity but so similar too!” Sunset threw a playful punch to my shoulder. It hurt a lot more than I cared to admit (she was exceptionally strong for a unicorn mare and a human too for that matter) but I bore the pain stoically. “That’s another thing you won’t have to worry about either. Even as a nudist and a crystal pony, you’re still a lady if I’ve ever seen one.” “Despite behaving like a tiny horse?” Sunset broke into a fit of giggles. “C’mon, Rares! Don’t be like that. In case you haven’t noticed, you are, quite literally, a tiny horse right now. It’s only natural that you’d act like one too.” I huffed indignantly. “Easy for you to say, little miss dimension hopper! Oh, fine then! I suppose it can’t be helped. I’ll just have to deal with my new body and all its eccentricities for the time being. Things will only get stranger from here, I imagine.” The airship ride from Ponyville to the Dragon Lands was rather uneventful. I mean, really. What more needs to be said about it? It was essentially like living in a floating luxury hotel for three days straight. Not that I’m complaining, mind you. Bed in breakfast, spa sessions, an open bar, and a full body massage did wonders to help me relax and unwind. At least, to an extent. I’d never met a real-life dragon before (technically that’s not true but Spike was a dog at the time) and I wasn’t quite sure what to expect. How big were they? Did they have any manners? Did they consider ponies as snacks or friends? Ok, maybe that was a ridiculous/paranoid question on my part. If Spike was the official Equestrian ambassador, then it stood to reason that dragons viewed ponykind as a fellow sapient race worthy of establishing diplomatic ties with. Even so, I couldn’t help but feel a queasy sense of unease bubble up in the pit of my stomach. Standing atop the deck, watching the desolate, boulder strewn wasteland pass underneath the ship certainly didn’t help matters. I crinkled my snout in disgust at the smell of sulfur and… some other foul odors that I couldn’t quite put my finger on. Sunset trotted up next to me and began rubbing circles along my back, in what I can only assume was a gesture of reassurance. “The Dragon Lands sure are something, aren’t they?” I snorted. “I appreciate you trying to lighten up the mood, darling. But there’s no sugarcoating this wretched place. Please don’t tell me that pungent aroma is what I think it is…” Sunset chuckled nervously. “Uh… probably? Look, dragons aren’t real keen on maintaining a high level of personal hygiene. I mean, they do swim in lava but certainly not bath water.” I sighed. “Oh joy. I can’t wait to suffocate on the noxious fumes of dragon body odor.” “From what I understand, Spike, Lord Ember, and Lord Torch aren’t like that. Just—erm—most of the dragons living are. I think. Sorry, I’m not one-hundred percent sure. I’ve never been out here myself, so this is a new experience for me too. Try not to let it sour your mood, ok?” I scoffed. “Yes. Sour is indeed an apt description.” “Rarity…” I let out a sound that was somewhere between a whinny and a whimper. “I’m terribly sorry, Sunset. I didn’t mean to be so sarcastic. It’s just that I’m so… nervous and apprehensive right now. The stress alone is giving me a stomach ache and I’m not sure if I’ll be able to stop myself from vomiting all over the place or possibly fainting when we finally meet with the dragons.” Sunset pressed her body so close to mine that I caught a whiff of that delightful strawberry-scented shampoo she liked to use. Not to mention the gentle warmth I felt that radiated from her recently brushed coat. Whether by instinct or subconscious desire, I nuzzled my cheek against her neck. It felt good. Dare I say, it felt natural. Like it was what I was supposed to do all along. We embraced for a few more moments, then I hesitantly broke away in order to collect my thoughts and muster the courage to press forward. “Thank you, Sunset. I don’t know what I would have done had you not accompanied me through the portal. In all likelihood, I would be a sobbing, nervous wreck right now. Ha!” Sunset smiled back at me. “Hey, it’s what friends do.” I leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. “Still, it means a lot to me.” It was brief, but I saw her blush. “It’s the least I could do considering how much you girls helped me get back on my feet after the Fall Formal. What I did back then was terrible and—” “As I said before, we have all forgiven you for your transgressions, Sunset. What I’m more concerned about now is reconnecting with you, as a friend and deepening our relationship. After we graduated CHS, I feel like all of us drifted apart somewhat. Just promise me that we’ll both try to be more involved in each other’s lives from now on.” Sunset shuffled her hooves. “Yeah. I’d like that too. I guess I got so caught up with my own career and trying to be a good wife to Flash that I kind of neglected you girls. I promise, I’ll make an effort to keep in touch and do stuff with all of you more often from now on.” “Good. That’s all I ask.” The airship’s captain came out onto the deck a few minutes later and advised that we were going at a nearby clearing. A spot decidedly less filled with jagged rocks and liquid hot magma, but still uninviting nonetheless. Despite having hooves, I was cautious about stepping onto the rocky surface without any kind of protective wear. One false step and I could easily cut one of my frogs. Sunset cast a spell on our hooves to prevent it and we trekked onward towards what the dragons considered a settlement. Quite honestly, it was little more than some caves. We barely walked two kilometers and I could already tell that my fabulous, crystalline coat was drenched in sweat. Physically, I wasn’t tired but merciful heavens was it hot! I know, it was due to all the geo-thermal vents and volcanic activity but a lady was never meant to brave such extremes! To make matters worse, my mane became a sweaty mess and stuck to my coat. I prayed that our dragon hosts would allow us to freshen up a bit before getting down to business. I glanced over at Sunset and noticed that she looked no worse for wear. “Just how in the name of all that is holy are you not sweating to death right now?! Waaaahhhh! This is just dreadful! I can’t go waltzing into a foreign leader’s home like this. And what about my poor skin?” “Oh, shit. I’m sorry, Rares. I forgot to cast the cooling spell on you. Here—uh—hold still for a sec. Ok, there we go. Nice and cool, right?” “ARE YOU SERIOUS?!” I shrieked. Sunset rubbed the back of her neck. “I’m pretty sure there’s some hot springs around here where you can take a dip in. Like, I’m sixty-five percent certain there is. Just don’t throw a hissy fit if there isn’t. We’ll need to—ah—figure some other way to make you less… icky if not.” “Where did you even come up with that percentage?” Sunset waved her hoof. “Well, I’m pretty sure which is more than fifty percent. But not sure enough for it to be even close to ninety percent since I’ve never been to the Dragon Lands before. Ok, fine. I read about the geothermal springs in a book once when I was still a filly. So long as the dragons didn’t somehow blow them up with their fire, you should be ok.” I groaned. “Very well. I suppose that’s the best I can hope for at this point.” “Hey, I totally get it. Being all sweaty and gross sucks. But it’s not the end of the world.” I pointed my snout into the air. “For you, perhaps. I pride myself on cleanliness.” “What? You think I’m a slob and don’t take care of my body?” “No! That’s not—I didn’t mean to imply either of those things, darling.” Sunset cocked her brow. “Oh yeah? What exactly did you mean, then?” “Well, you’re somewhat like Rainbow Dash. That is to say, you have tomboyish tendencies.” Sunset tapped her chin. “Huh. Yeah, I guess I do.” “Again, I’m sorry for my outburst. I’m simply not used to dealing with a sweaty fur coat. Even so, I highly doubt a human body would be any more suitable for this sort of climate. Can you imagine what all of these rocks would do to bare feet? In that regard, I’m glad I have hooves.” “Don’t swe—I mean it’s not a big deal, Rares. I know it’s tough to adjust to new things.” My ears drooped downward as I looked over at Sunset. “It truly is. Ugh. You’re probably tired of hearing me complain about it all the time, aren’t you? I sound like a broken record…” “On the bright side, you won’t have to complain much longer because we’ve almost made it to Lord Torch’s cave. But first, we need to meet up with Spike. He’ll introduce us and make sure everything goes smoothly, so that we don’t cause an international incident or something.” “Pardon my ignorance, but did you just imply that Spike has his own dwelling out here?” Sunset nodded. “Yep. From what I hear, he’s got a pretty sweet pad and a girlfriend too.” Eventually, we reached a complex of caves and found one that looked far tidier and inviting than the rest. It even had a welcome mat and an actual door. Not wanting to be rude, I knocked a few times with my hoof and asked if anybody was home. Much to our surprise, we were not greeted by Spike but another dragon altogether. She was rather… bulky? I guess that’s the correct term. I think muscular would be a more apt description. Her tail alone looked like it could smash a log in two. Despite all the muscle, it was clear that she was a dragoness. Of course, it helped that she had shiny black scales accented with a pink underbelly and fins. And, as you may have guessed, her eyes were pink too. Overall, her coloration reminded me of a classic hotrod from the bygone era of greasers and sock hops. Before either of us could utter so much as a word, she ushered us inside the cave and ruffled our manes. It was… not ideal. “You must be Spike’s pony friends! I’m Talon.” I cleared my throat. “Good day to you Talon, I’m Rarity Belle. The mare standing next to me is Sunset Shimmer. We’ve come to the Dragon Lands to discuss—” “Yeah, I know. Talk with Lord Torch. Something about a magic jewel? Sounds interesting.” I subconsciously ran my hoof through my mane. Yes, it was still quite damp from all the sweat. “Ah, so you are aware of our purpose here. How, may I ask, did you come by this information?” “I’m Spike’s mate and assistant. He taught me how to read, write, and other boring friendship stuff. At first, we all thought he was a total dork for living with prissy ponies his whole life, but now… we think he’s cool. Plus, Lord Ember gets pissed off if we make fun of other dragons for things like that. So—um—do you ponies want some gems to nibble on or something?” As if summoned by magic, Spike padded towards the door and shook his head. Sunset seemed to be surprised by his appearance, which indicated that he’d changed from the last time they met. His coloration was consistent with when I saw him as a dog, but he was much taller as a dragon and had developed some muscle around his chest, legs, and arms. When he came closer to Talon, I saw her entwine her tail with his. I suppose it was the dragon equivalent of holding hands? “I’m sorry if Talon gave you girls a hard time. She’s still learning about Equestrian customs. Can I get either of you anything to drink or eat? There are some fresh-baked chocolate chip cookies in the kitchen if you want one. Milk too.” I smiled. “Yes, darling. That would be lovely. Might I ask if you have a bathtub? I got rather sweaty during our journey here and I’d like to freshen up if possible.” “Wow! Twilight wasn’t kidding. You really do look and act a lot like our Rarity. But I can see all the subtle differences, considering that you’re a crystal pony and not a unicorn. Hmm. A completely different cutie mark too. I wonder what it means…” I tapped my hoof against the ground and huffed. “I was under the impression that you were a respectable gentleman, Spike. But you seem to enjoy staring at my derriere just as much as your older sister does. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.” Spike blushed furiously. “What?! No! I wasn’t trying to—” Talon laughed, lifted her tail, and shook her rump. “I know, right? He can’t get enough of my thick, scaly ass. Doesn’t take much to get him in the mood either. In fact, was just finished fu—” “TALON! We talked about this. You can’t discuss private matters in front of guests!” A bemused smirk spread across my lips. “Private matters indeed~ Tell me, Talon. How is Spike as a lover? Does he satisfy you daily? How would you rate him against other drakes?” Talon tapped her chin in thought. “Let’s see. He’s got a pink monster tucked underneath those scales. You wouldn’t know it by his size, but I swear it’s true! I love how thick and bumpy it is. Never fails to fill me up every time! Also, before I met Spike, I didn’t realize how much fun it is to snuggle and kiss after a good mounting. So yeah, pretty good, I’d say.” Spike looked mortified. “You’ll have to excuse Talon’s… candor. Dragons are a lot more open about expressing their opinions on certain matters. Uh—sex being one of them.” I burst into a fit of giggles. “I think it’s cute how much she enjoys your company.” Talon hugged Spike closer to her. “Not company. MATE! He’s mine, so don’t get any ideas.” “No worries, dear. I didn’t mean to imply that I was going to take him away from you.” Talon looked at me with a wary expression. “Ok, I believe you. But don’t think for a second that I’ve forgotten how much Spike loves female ponies. He used to slobber over that other mare that looks like you but not quite the same as you. She had a horn. Not as shiny either.” Spike’s wings sagged. “Can we please not talk about this right now?” “Ah, so you had a crush on my unicorn counterpart. That would explain why you were so friendly with me as a dog. Interesting~ Very interesting indeed.” Spike coughed loudly. “Yes, I did. But that was a long time ago.” Talon broke her embrace and gave me a once over. “You know, she is pretty for a pony. Just kind of sweaty. Not that it matters. She’d get sweaty after fucking anyway. What do you say, Rarity? Do you want Spike to mount you? I’ll allow it this once, just so long as I can watch.” It was my turn to blush. “I beg your pardon!” Talon seemed confused. “What? I thought ponies liked sex too.” Meanwhile, Sunset watched the entire scene unfold and cackled with laughter. I had to fight hard to keep my entire coat from turning a rosy shade of pink. What would sex with a dragon even feel like in this body? And why was I even contemplating the idea? At the very least, I was grateful that Spike was able to keep his member fully sheathed. I don’t think I could have tolerated seeing it out in the open, just dangling about like a regular penis. Regardless of how uncomfortable I felt, I needed to make it clear that I was exclusive with Braeburn. And human partners in general. I didn’t feel comfortable testing out my pony body in such a manner. “You are correct, Talon. I enjoy having sex from time to time as well. However, I am mated to another partner and cannot have sex with Spike. It would make my mate angry and upset.” Talon shrugged. “Ok. I get it. But you can still watch us fuck if you want.” “I think I’ll… pass on your offer, darling.” Sunset laughed even harder and thumped my back. “What a shame. You don’t know what you’re missing, Rares. Might have missed out on the opportunity of a lifetime.” I scrunched my muzzle in disgust. “No, and I’d like to keep it that way.” After wiping away a few tears, Sunset composed herself once more. “In all seriousness, we really do need to freshen up. It was a long walk just getting here. Do you mind if we use your bath?” Spike jerked his thumb towards the back of the cave. “Sure. It’s back there. Can’t miss it.” “We’ll try to be quick about it so we can talk about the meeting with Lord Torch.” Spike waved his claw. “Go ahead and take as much time as you need. I have to sort out some paperwork with Talon anyway. I’ll leave out the cookies in case you want some.” > How To Tame Your Dragon Lord > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 13 Lord Torch’s Chambers, Dragon Lands According to Spike, since Lord Torch was not technically the acting Dragon Lord, he did not require a formal appointment to be seen. However, as was customary in the Dragon Lands, all dragonkind still referred to him by his title as a sign of respect. We were advised to do the same, lest we offend him. I suppose it wasn’t much different than my own world’s leaders. Despite what I’d heard about him via Spike, we didn’t want to just show up in his quarters unannounced. To that end, I insisted that he be told in advance of our intention to discuss the opal. While our hooves clopped along the stony surface of a gigantic cavern, I looked back at Sunset and noticed that she seemed rather collected given our current situation. I, on the other hand (hoof technically), was about as nervous as one could be. My legs felt wobbly, my stomach was doing backflips, and I’m certain that I was sweating buckets underneath my fabulous coat. I tried to do some breathing exercises but it only resulted in me hyperventilating for a spell. I had to close my eyes for a moment to prevent myself from vomiting breakfast all over the ground. Sensing my precarious emotional state, Sunset nuzzled her cheek against mine. “Relax, Rarity. I’m sure everything will be ok. It’s not like Lord Torch is a mountain sized monster who—ok, I forget I said that. From what I heard, he’s MASSIVE. Like, unbelievably huge.” I scrunched my muzzle at her. “Sunset, darling, I appreciate what you’re trying to do but it’s quite simply NOT helping right now. Please be quiet so that I might pull myself together.” Sunset chuckled awkwardly. “Uh… sure. I’ll just shut up.” And just like that, we reached his quarters. My mind went blank when I finally laid eyes upon the monolith that was Lord Torch. He was far larger than any dragon I had seen so far, by an unimaginable margin. My mouth gaped open a few times while I tried to find the courage to speak to him directly. He took a few thunderous steps towards us and lowered his head down to our level. The former Dragon Lord snorted once and laughed. I nearly fainted on the spot. “It would appear that you’re the guests Ambassador Spike told me about. Welcome to my humble abode. To what do I owe the pleasure?” Sunset bowed. “Greetings, Lord Torch. My name is Sunset Shimmer and the crystal pony beside me is Rarity. We’ve come a long way to see you and were wondering if you might be able to share your insight with us. Concerning a certain… gem that we came across recently.” Torch nodded. “Pardon my ignorance, but isn’t Lady Rarity one of your element bearers? And for the matter, isn’t she a unicorn? You see… ponies look so very similar to us dragons.” “You’re not wrong, Milord. The Rarity you see before you hails from a different world.” Torch rubbed his chin and hummed. “Interesting. What world might that be?” “The one beyond the mirror portal. Perhaps, you’ve heard of it?” Sunset asked. “Hmm. Only in passing. Such a thing was considered a mythical legend by our kind. Do you mean to say that it exists and is used for travel?” Sunset rubbed the back of her neck. “Princess Twilight keeps it in her castle now. The portal itself connects to a world full of ape-like creatures called humans. Rarity, as it so happens, was born there and is one of their kind. We found a strange opal in that world and came here to inquire about it. You know, since you’re so ol—wise, we figured you might know something.” Torch ruffled his wings and chuckled. “Indeed? You needn’t be shy about telling the truth, little ponies. I am ancient by anyone’s standards.” Sunset nudged my rump, sending me stumbling forward like a newborn foal towards the reptilian behemoth. When I finally found the courage to speak, my voice cracked loudly like a teenager’s, causing a pinkish blush to spread across my coat. “Good day to you, Milord. I am Rarity Belle, owner of the opal in question. A pleasure to meet your acquaintance.” Torch offered me a polite, tooth-filled smile. “The honor is all mine. I can’t recall the last time I hosted a trans-dimensional traveler. So, what can you tell me about this gem of yours? I can’t promise I have the answers you’re looking for, but I’ve seen a great many things during my prolonged existence on this planet. Ask away, little mare.” I cleared my throat. “Ah, yes. I found a rather large, pristine opal in an underwater cave while I was exploring a beach. Mind you, I already had a magic geode attuned to my will before I even found the gem. Somehow, when I touched the opal it fused with the geode and with me.” “Dearest, please come see our visitors.” Torch bellowed. Mere moments later, a dragoness nearly as large as Torch came ambling into the room. She had a lovely mauve coat of outer scales with aquamarine scales lining her belly. In contrast to Torch’s craggy, muscular form, her body was sleeker, and distinctly feminine. She looked down at me with her ruby red eyes in what I can only assume was a curious expression. I curtsied out of respect and tried my best to show her an award-winning smile. “Well, isn’t she the loveliest little thing? Looks just like an opal. One must wonder if she tastes like one too.” The dragoness remarked with an amused grin. Torch entwined his tail with hers, in what I could only assume was a form of draconic affection. “The mares below us are named Rarity Belle and Sunset Shimmer. They came to visit us from another world! Since you know so much about gems, I figured that you’d like to be the one to discuss the matter with her. Ponies! This is my lifemate, Violet. She is also Ember’s mother.” My ears folded downwards when she lowered her head to get a closer look at me. “Thank you for the kind words, Milady. Like I was telling your—erm—lifemate earlier, I found some sort of a magic opal in an underwater cavern and it somehow fused with me. I was wondering if you might know anything about it?” Violet tapped her index claw against her chin. “I might. But I must warn you, Rarity Belle. The story I am about to tell you is ancient and shrouded in myths and legend. For all we know, it might very well be fictional rather than historical fact at this point.” I sat down on my rump and tapped my hooves together. “Be that as it may, any information you can provide us will be useful. Please, do go on by all means.” Violet took in a deep breath and adjusted her wings. “Many millennia ago, there lived an ancient seafaring race of earth ponies known as the Orestae. You may know their descendants as Crystal Ponies. The Orestae were masters of trade, shipbuilding, and their craftsmanship knew no equal in the ancient world. As such, their coastal kingdom soon grew vast and wealthy. “However, as with any burgeoning empire, many of their neighbors became jealous and their enemies multiplied over the ensuing decades. The opal was their solution to containing them. That is to say, it was designed to be the ultimate artifact capable of creating anything it’s user desired. In those days it was known as the ‘Forge Stone’. Limited only by one’s imagination.” I nodded slowly. “Yes, that makes perfect sense. When I was back at my workshop making a piece for auction, it was as if I could create things merely by thinking. I suppose, if I put my mind to it, I could also create weapons with my experience. Not that I would, mind you.” Violet swished her tail back and forth. “What you claim is consistent with the stories. However, I only heard them from the dragon elders when I was but a hatchling. The events of that bygone era are considered ancient even to Torch and I.” Sunset raised her hoof. “So, how ancient are we talking?” Torch scratched his head. “At least ten thousand years, perhaps more.” Sunset frowned. “Damn. That is old. No wonder nobody knows anything more than stories about the stupid thing. Rarity, what do you make of the opal? Do you think it’s legit?” I bit my lip. “Honestly, dear, I’m not sure. I can only tell you how it felt and what I experienced. And my instincts are telling me that what is now currently a part of my physical being is, as you so aptly put it, legit. My only suggestion would be to perform some more tests to be certain.” Violet tapped her claws against the ground. “If it’s any consolation, I can smell the pony magic radiating from your tiny, little body. Powerful magics at that. Hmm. Not unlike that of an alicorn, but unique in its own way. Most curious.” “How is that even possible? I didn’t realize that magic had a scent.” Violet lowered her head and stared at me. “It is an innate ability that all dragons possess. We can tell which creatures have what type of magic. Useful for hunting and protecting ourselves from powerful foes. Again, I must stress that your scent is typical of a Crystal Pony, but intertwined within is something that I cannot place my claw on. It is without doubt, very powerful though.” Sunset tapped my shoulder and sighed. “I’m sorry that we couldn’t get more useful information, Rarity. I feel like this whole trip was just a big waste of time.” I nuzzled her cheek. “I wouldn’t say that, darling. At least we know that the opal was some kind of ancient superweapon. My goodness! I can’t imagine my life will resemble anything close to normalcy after this. I suppose that magic shall simply be an intrinsic part of my very being from now on. Even though I’d rather just be plain, old Rarity Belle instead.” Sunset returned my nuzzle with equal fervor. “Where’s the fun in being boring?” I pawed at the ground. “I suppose so. Pardon my curiosity, Violet. But do you know what happened to the Orestae? Surely, an empire as vast as theirs should have ruins somewhere.” The dragoness snorted. “You would think. However, the fall of their empire was swift and all encompassing. Little did those ponies know that the capital of their empire was settled near a hyper-volcanic island. It erupted in a great cataclysm, sending massive tsunamis along the cost and burying the land beyond deep in pumice and ash. Few survived, let alone structures.” I felt my stomach drop. “Oh, how dreadful! Those poor souls…” “Sounds an awful lot like Atlantis, except with ponies.” Sunset commented. “Do you think it could be related? I mean, the opal got to our world somehow.” Sunset shrugged. “I’m no archeologist, but it’s possible. Perhaps, the reason why people haven’t ever found Atlantis is because it was never in the human world to begin with. That just leaves the question as to how they managed to cross the dimensional boundary.” My eyes widened in understanding. “THAT’S IT!!” “Uh… Rarity? Care to elaborate?” “Violet said that the opal could create anything, right? What if a group of survivors used it to make a portal of some kind? But rather than a single mirror portal, it must have been much larger in order to accommodate a ship. What do you think, Violet?” The dragoness crunched on a chunk of iron ore. “Oh, pardon me. I was just enjoying a little snack while you two conversed. Even if the opal was capable of creating a dimensional portal, the one wielding it needed to have the accompanying knowledge to construct it properly. That is why the Forge Stone is so selective about who it allows to wield its power.” My ears pointed upward while I stomped my hooves on the ground. “But I thought you said it was only limited by a person’s imagination?!” Violet let out a bellowing growl-laugh. “So, I did. Allow me to clarify. Powerful magic artifacts have a certain level of sapience within them. Not true intelligence like living creatures, mind you. They can sense who is the most appropriate wielder for their designated purpose. In your case, I suspect the Forge Stone chose you because of your abilities as a metallurgist.” “You mean, it was just waiting to bond with someone like me? Because why else would it have called out to me, specifically? Damn it all! I’m so tired of all these magical shenanigans…” Violet shrugged her wings. “I am not an expert on such matters, but it would appear so.” I let out a frustrated whinny. “Why must destiny be so cruel to me? WHHYYYYYY?!!” Sunset stroked my back with her hoof. “C’mon, Rarity. Don’t look an artifact in the—you know what, that expression doesn’t really work. Look, there’s no law that says you have to follow some grand, heroic path. Just use the stone for creating jewelry and other artsy stuff. Honestly, I don’t think its creators would mind that at all. They were master craftsponies, remember.” I felt my entire body sag. All of the stress, fatigue, and sleepless nights aboard the airship seemed to catch up with me all at once. It nearly overwhelmed me. I could barely muster the strength to respond to my fiery-maned friend. “Very well then. I don’t see any way to separate the Forge Stone from my body at this point. I might as well accept that it’s a part of me now.” Much to my surprise, the Dragon Lord and his wife were very accommodating hosts. They offered Sunset and I a selection of smoked cold cuts (which we told them was ok), assorted fruit, and cheeses to nibble on for lunch while we took some time to just decompress and relax. While Sunset was sipping on some ale, a burst of green fire signaled a letter from Spike. I let out a very lady-like scream and choked on my apple juice. Somehow, she was able to receive them. “Could you please warn me the next time you get one of those blasted things?! You know that I get startled quite easily whenever anything involves magic.” Sunset snicked. “Sorry. I wasn’t expecting him to send a letter to me here. Hmm. Let’s see… Spike says that Lord Ember is due to arrive any minute now. Apparently, she wants to see us off or something to that effect. I’ve never met her personally, but Twi says she’s cool.” Speak of the devil, the lithe blue dragoness came padding into the chamber no sooner had Sunset finished her flagon of ale. For some reason, I immediately sensed that something was off. I don’t really know how to explain it. A primal sensation of impending dread, deeply rooted within the subconscious mind. Not from me, but the Forge Stone… somehow. I tried my best to project feelings of calm and peace, letting the artifact know that Ember meant no harm to us. It was then that I noticed the Bloodstone Scepter’s massive ruby began to emit a harsh glow. Ember’s wings flared. “Hey! Quit it you! I’m not—DAD, what’s going on?” Torch grumbled. “I’m not sure, Ember. I’ve never seen it react this way before.” Before I knew it, my body felt feverishly hot. Energy raced through my veins like a bolt of lightning, which frightened the living daylights out of me. Then, my body became more translucent and emitted a glow not unlike an opal in the sun. Just what the hell was happening to me? It’s not like I was doing any of this on purpose. I sent a flurry of angry questions to the Forge Stone, demanding an answer. To my surprise, it actually sent me an answer. Bloodstone. Predators. Danger. Must protect end user. “What on earth are you talking about,” I shouted, “We aren’t in any danger! The dragons have been courteous to us the entire time, you stupid ROCK!” I could tell that Sunset was trying to keep her cool but she still looked worried. “Ok, Rarity. Calm down. Let’s just take a second and try to analyze the situation before things go FUBAR.” Ember had no choice but to relinquish the Bloodstone Scepter as it began to float on its own accord. “Seriously! This is not cool! I command you to stop… whatever it is that you’re doing! I am the Dragon Lord! You’re supposed to do what I say.” A wave of ruby red energy pulsed from the scepter, which surrounded the dragons with a shield and immobilized them temporarily. Oddly enough, it had no effect on Sunset or I. Mere moments later, a similar pulse, expect a rainbow-hued one that came from my body, echoed through the room. A tremendous headache wracked my skull, bringing me to tears. I wailed unashamedly like a child because I just couldn’t stand the electric pain that shot through every nerve ending in my body. Why? What was going on? Why was I having so much trouble moving my limbs? It was as if I was no longer in control of my own faculties. I cursed the Forge Stone once more. I must insist that you stop this at once! You’ll end up hurting everyone. Unable to comply with end user’s request. Initiating countermeasure sequence. I screamed while I was lifted higher and higher into the air by the sheer volume of mystical energy flowing through my body. The rainbow aura seemed to have surrounded Sunset too, as she flailed about, trying to use her own magic to counteract the involuntary spell being cast throughout the entire cave. It was no use. The Forge Stone’s power was simply too great for us to counter. I could scarcely think straight as the room began spinning around, making me feel dizzy. My body grew even hotter and then… in a blinding flash of rainbow light we disappeared from the cave. To where, I had no idea. Everything lost its meaning when we slipped into unconsciousness. I can only hope that we weren’t vaporized by the Forge Stone. There was no telling how much time had passed since the incident. However, the one thing I knew for certain was that I could feel pain. Seeing as how such a thing wasn’t possible if one were dead or in a dream, I had to assume that I was still counted amongst the living. I opened my eyes slowly, rubbed my temples, and groaned in agony when a fresh wave of pain assaulted my senses. My head hurt—nay—my entire body seemed to have a deep ache about it. The sensation was so overwhelming that I proceeded to vomit my lunch quite ferociously. Thus weakened, I collapsed onto the cool grass beneath me and began to cry. Wait a moment. Grass. Yes, I was laying atop a bed of grass. It took me far longer than I cared to admit, but I lifted my hand in front of me and wiggled my fingers. Apparently, I was back in my natural form, or I should clarify that it was my au naturale form. Somehow, the Forge Stone had managed to change me back into a human at some point. I surveyed my surroundings and realized that I was in the middle of a forest or at the very least, a nature park of some sort. Still lacking the energy to walk properly, I managed to sit up and take stock of my situation. The first thing I noticed was that it was the dead of night and a bit chillier than I preferred. Patently obvious, right? You know, given the fact that I was bereft of clothing. I suppose it would have been too much to ask the Forge Stone to conjure me a hoodie and a pair of jeans. That said, I didn’t waste any more time lamenting my state of undress and instead, focused on finding Sunset. She had to be nearby, if her inclusion in the spell was any indication. I heard, rather than saw, my fiery-haired friend at first. She sounded close by, so I investigated a small clearing in the brush and found her curled up in the fetal position, skin glistening with sweat in the moonlight. I rushed to her side and lifted her head up. She blinked a few times, as if trying to determine if I was real or just a fever-induced vision. I ran my fingers through her hair. “Take it easy, dear. Don’t try to exert yourself.” “Rarity? Is that you? Where… are we?” Sunset croaked. “I haven’t the foggiest clue. But it would appear that we are, once again, human.” Sunset wiggled her toes and let out a weak chuckle. “Heh. How lucky can two girls be? That stupid rock just decided to randomly dump us somewhere, naked, in pain, and confused. If that thing had an ass, I’d be sure to kick it. Ugh. Do you think we might be in the human world?” “I suppose it’s possible, given our current state. However, I haven’t seen anything obvious that would indicate our precise location. Drat! What I wouldn’t give for my smartphone right now!” Sunset closed her eyes for a moment. “Shit. I feel like death warmed over. By the way, in case you were curious, this is exactly what it’s like to experience a magic hangover. I must’ve used more power than I thought trying to keep us anchored to Equestria. Then again, I shouldn’t be surprised that the Forge Stone trumped my spell. That thing had Alicorn levels of magic.” I furrowed my brow in confusion. “Pardon my ignorance, but do you mean ponies with wings and horns like Princess Twilight? I’m not intimately familiar with all of the races in Equestria.” “Yeah. It’s not just the visual differences. Alicorns are way more powerful than any other race. It’d be like comparing a firecracker to a nuke, in terms of explosive potential. Granted, I was considered an extremely gifted caster by Equestrian standards… but it just wasn’t enough.” I felt my stomach twist in an icy knot. Then the hyperventilating began anew. “I have that much power stored inside me now?! What—I don’t—what if something goes terribly wrong? What if I can’t control it? I DON’T WANT TO BE VAPORIZED IN A NUCLEAR EXPLOSION!!” Sunset placed her hand on my thigh and caressed it as a gesture of reassurance. “Trust me, Rarity; that won’t happen. The Forge Stone may be a ridiculously powerful artifact, but it was made by the most skilled artisans the ancient world had to offer. Did you… ever hear it speak?” “I beg your pardon?” Sunset coughed once, then smacked her lips. “It’s like Violet said. The most powerful artifacts have a crude form of sapience. They… choose their users and only obey the commands of those they find worthy. Since it’s a part of you now, it should have access to your mind.” I repositioned Sunset’s head, so that she could rest on my lap. “Come to think of it, I did hear something while we were in the cave. It warned me that the dragons were dangerous. But what I don’t understand is why it only did so when Lord Ember entered the room.” Sunset’s eyes widened as she gasped. “The Bloodstone Scepter. Even the dragons don’t know exactly how ancient it is or when it was originally created. But if I had to bet, I’d say that the Forge Stone recognized its power, and considered it a threat to us. Since we were ponies…” I sighed. “We can sort out all of the details with Princess Twilight and Lord Ember later. For now, our priority is to figure out where we are and receive medical attention. That is, assuming, we aren’t arrested for indecent exposure or considered a couple of raving lunatics first.” Sunset chuckled weakly. “See, this is what I’ve been talking about for years. Humans are way too uptight about the whole nudity taboo. It’s just skin. What’s the harm in showing some?” “Well, I agree with you on that matter but I don’t make the laws around here. Are you able to walk or do you need to rest for a while longer, darling?” Sunset grunted in pain as she rose to her feet. “For the record, I’m going to say that this is about as pleasant as diving headfirst into a pool full of broken glass and lemon juice. Ngh. What I wouldn’t give for a couple of extra-strength aspirin right now. Alright. Enough bitching. Let’s get this show on the road. I’ll manage well enough, I guess.” It didn’t take long for me to recognize where we were. Within a few steps, we discovered a paved path and the electric lamps that lined it along the way. Given, what I could only assume, was the late hour, there wasn’t a single soul around in the immediate vicinity. Both a blessing and a curse for us. My suspicions were confirmed when we happened upon the public restroom. This was indeed Greenway Park. The Forge Stone had dropped us in the middle of Manehatten. While Sunset splashed her face with warm water from the sink, I gently rubbed her back. “I’m afraid that I have some—ah—interesting news to share. I know precisely where we are but… getting help might prove challenging.” “Why’s that?” I shuffled my feet and twirled a strand of my hair. “We’re in the middle of Greenway Park, darling. The good news is: Coco’s apartment is close by. The bad news is: we’re a couple of young, attractive, naked women wandering around a major urban center in the dead of night.” I became a bit flustered when Sunset decided to make use of one of the toilets and take a quick potty break. She didn’t even bother to close the stall door. Apparently, doing her business in front of others didn’t faze the woman in the least. “Man, that ale went right through me. I mean, who knows how long we were unconscious. Could’ve been hours. Anyway, I see your point. If we’re not careful, we might get taken advantage of by some unscrupulous character.” “I’m proficient in Jiu Jitsu but I’m not sure that shall be enough to defend our honor if we get into a spot of trouble. Oh, what I wouldn’t give for a taser or even a bottle of pepper spray!” Sunset cocked her brow while she finished cleaning up. “Why not just use your geode powers?” I blushed profusely. For one, because I hadn’t even considered using my geode, and well… when I actually tried to summon my abilities, they didn’t respond whatsoever. The resulting effort only managed to worsen my pounding headache. “No use, I’m afraid. This has never happened to me before. I can’t seem to get my magic to function properly. Any suggestions?” “Looks like you’ve got magic exhaustion too. Can’t say I’m surprised. Trans-dimensional spells are a doozy, as Pinkie would say. Uh—not our Pinkie, but the other Pinkie. The earth pony one.” I waved my hand. “Of course, she said that. Well then, it would appear that we are on our own for the time being. We must use our combined wits and guile instead of magic. Tally ho!” Sunset stood on her tip-toes and peered out the window. “Like you mentioned earlier, the park is practically deserted at this hour. No surprise, given that it’s one thirty in the morning. Even so, we need to be careful and not draw any attention to ourselves. Stay in the brush, off the paths.” I nodded in agreement. “Indeed. Coco’s apartment isn’t very far from the edge of the park. But we’ll still have to cross the street in order to get there. Not to mention, somehow find a way up to the tenth floor, rouse her from slumber, and explain everything that happened. All whilst in the nude. Wahaha! No challenge at all I say! Easy as a summer breeze!” Sunset scratched her head. “Hmm. Yeah, that’s gonna be a problem alright. We’ll just have to cross that bridge when we get there and hope that luck is on our side.” By some miracle, lady luck must have favored us. We didn’t run into so much as a mouse while we crept along in the bushes and trees, edging ever closer to the street. The darkness helped to conceal our naked bodies, even if someone happened to catch a glimpse of us. Mostly because we made damn sure to keep our distance from any streetlamps that might alert anyone to our presence. I let out an excited (if premature) squeal when we finally reached the limit of Greenway Park. I could literally see our salvation across the street. Now, came the tricky part. Sunset tapped my shoulder. “Look, I know this is supposed to be dangerous but, I—uh—I’m kind of excited at the same time. Once this is all over, I’m going to town with the fattest dildo I can get my hands on. What? Don’t you dare judge me, Rarity! Sex helps relieve my stress.” I groaned while rubbing my temples. “Focus, Sunset. You can pleasure yourself as much as you wish once this whole sordid affair is behind us. Ok, here’s the plan: we’ll cross the street as quickly as we are able. Just make sure not to injure yourself in the process. Pavement is very unforgiving to bare skin. Then, we’ll make our way behind Coco’s apartment building.” Sunset pointed towards the building. “You mean that spooky, super creepy unlit alleyway?” I crossed my arms underneath my breasts and huffed. “Well, do you have any better ideas? Go on, Sunset. I’ll all ears. Let’s hear what brilliant solution you have to propose instead.” Sunset’s cheeks flushed rosy pink. “No, I don’t. Rarity, I’m trying my best to be brave but this is just about one of the craziest things I’ve ever done. Uh… sans being a magical she-demon, fighting a plant monster of the Everfree, and other Equestrian hijinks. I’m scared, ok?” “And I’m sorry for losing my temper with you. This whole ordeal is frightening to me as well. I just want to be safe and enjoy the comforts of my own home again. Preferably, starting with a hot bath. I can’t imagine how filthy we are, traipsing about in the brush and mud. Let’s just hope that Coco is either already awake or easy to rouse. I’d rather not clamber up the fire escape…” Sunset’s eyes narrowed. “At two in the morning?” “Yes, she can be a night owl on occasion. Coco claims it’s when her muse is most active. Personally, I prefer to work early in the morning myself. But to each their own, I suppose.” The former unicorn simply grunted in response. With nothing more to be said on the matter, we stuck close to one another and ran across the street as quickly as our bare feet would allow. Which is to say, not fast enough for my liking. When we finally reached the alleyway, the both of us hugged and celebrated our small victory. Despite everything having gone as smoothly as one could hope for thus far, I had a sneaking suspicion that we weren’t out of the woods yet. Before I could curse Murphy and his insipid law, we spotted a group of thuggish brutes huddled together a bit further down the alleyway. Ironically, they were right in front of the apartment complex’s back entrance. There was no doubt in my mind that something shady was going on but Sunset and I had little choice other than to bide our time and wait for them to leave. While we hid behind the relative safety of a dumpster, we listened in on their conversation. “How many times have we been over this, Joe? If you can’t pay the tribute you owe to the family, we take it outta your hide. Simple. Easy ta understand. So, where’s the dough? And I ain’t talkin’ about the kind ya make doughnuts outta. No excuses this time.” A middle-aged, brown-haired man dressed in chef’s attire knelt before the lumbering mobster, his hands bound behind his back and a pistol pointed to his temple. “Lorenzo, I paid as much as I could. It’s just that the shop hasn’t been turning as much of a profit lately. You understand, right? I got a wife and kid to feed…” The slick haired mobster clicked his tongue while he cocked the pistol. “Sure, I believe ya. The younger crowd are into the paleo diet or whatevah the hell they call it. Nobody wants ta eat sweet, delicious doughnuts for breakfast anymore. That’s why ya gotta diversify, Joe. It’s one of the most basic principles of capitalism. You know I’m a reasonable man, but the boss ain’t. He tells me ta shake ya for the money, I gotta do what I’m told or I get whacked.” Joe began to sob quietly. “Please. I just need a little bit more time. That’s all I ask!” Lorenzo sighed. “Honest ta Pete! Quit the waterworks already! The thing is, Joe, we already gave ya an extension last week. Ya should be grateful the boss even allowed that. Were we in a saner world, I’d just beat the shit outta ya as a warning and leave. BUT! The boss has lost his patience. So, either ya cough up the green or die. C’mon, Joe. Don’t make me pop a round in your skull. I really don’t wanna. It’s messy and my boys will have ta clean up afterwards.” “Sunset, what are we going to do,” I hissed, “We can’t just let them kill that poor man!” “In case you haven’t noticed, we’re not in the best position to be helping anyone right now. What, do you think those goons will let him go just because a couple of crazy naked chicks jump out from behind a dumpster and ask politely? Yeah, I don’t think so, Rarity.” My shoulders sagged. “But they’ll murder him…” Sunset let out a frustrated groan. “Well, life sucks sometimes. Even if we wanted to help that guy, we don’t have anything resembling a weapon to defend ourselves with. Not to mention, charging in there would just get us both shot to pieces. What do you propose we do, Rarity? I’d like to help him but not without a solid plan first.” “I have an idea but I’m not sure it will work.” Sunset rubbed my back encouragingly. “Oh, yeah? Let’s hear it.” “The Forge Stone. If I can somehow call upon its power, my skin will become as hard as diamond. Theoretically, they shouldn’t be able to harm me if I am able to do so. Perhaps… I might even be able to knock them out too? Don’t look at me like that! It’s worth a try!” Sunset grit her teeth. “Ok. I guess we don’t have any other options. Just promise me that if you can’t get the Forge Stone to work, don’t do anything rash or stupid. This isn’t a fight we can win without magic on our side, Rarity. I—um—don’t want to lose you…” I wrapped my friend in a bone-crushing hug. “Thank you, darling. It means so much to hear you say that. But I shall endeavor to save that man to the best of my ability, regardless of the odds.” Forge Stone, are you still there? I’m sorry for being so cross with you earlier. It’s just that you used my body without my express consent. That’s not the sort of behavior I’m able to tolerate. Duly noted but irrelevant. Safety of the end user is my primary objective. Fine. But we shall have a long discussion about this later! In any case, I was wondering if you might be able to harden my skin like before. Do you have enough magic left to do so? Affirmative. Magic stores nominal. Does the end user wish to execute a command? Yes, darling. Do it quickly. I’m afraid we don’t have much time left… Unlike before, the transformation was far less dramatic. In a mere instant, I felt a pleasant warming sensation wash over my skin and watched as it glowed that lovely rainbow hue. Not exactly what I would call inconspicuous, but a lady must be willing to make such sacrifices in the name of justice. With renewed determination, I charged ahead and stood before the group of mobsters. I must have been quite the sight, for they all started at me with stupefied expressions. “I demand that you release that gentleman at once!” Lorenzo directed his attention towards me. “What the actual fuck? Why should I listen ta a sparkly, naked bitch like you? Not sure if that’s body glitter or whatever. I don’t care. Get her boys! Maybe we can have a little fun taking turns with her while we’re at it too. Joe can wait.” I struck what I assumed must have been a heroic pose. Lessened, perhaps, by the fact that I was nude and in the middle of a dark alley. “Have it your way, scoundrels. HEEEEYAHHHH!” With all the grace of a prancing gazelle (thankfully), I leapt through the air and managed to bring my foot down on the first thug. I winced when I felt his collar bone shatter underneath my foot. He let out the most wretched howl of pain afterwards. Not that I blame him, of course. Injuries of that magnitude must have been incredibly painful and difficult to deal with. Even though he was a scallywag, I couldn’t help but feel guilty for hurting him in such a way. After all, I hadn’t put much strength into my kick. Why had it given him such a grievous injury? Your skin is harder than their bones by several magnitudes. The Forge Stone answered. I paused for a moment. “Ah, yes. I suppose I should be more careful then.” The second assailant was not taking any chances with me. He whipped out a rather large knife and tried to plunge it into my abdomen. Unfortunately for him, the tip snapped like a twig and left him with little more than a useless pommel to wave around. Rather than hit the man directly, I slipped behind him while he was distracted and put him in a chokehold. Within moments, he was unconscious and out of the fight. Only one thug remained standing: Lorenzo. “I didn’t sign up for this crazy bullshit! What, are ya some kinda self-righteous vigilante allergic to clothes? Well, whatever. Doesn’t matter at this point. I gotta kill ya. What a fucking waste. You’re smoking hot but a nutjob I don’t wanna deal with. Bye, lady. It was nice seeing ya!” Lorenzo didn’t even hesitate emptying his pistol into me. The nine-millimeter rounds ricocheted off of my bare breasts as if they were bullet-proof body armor, making dull thud noises as they did so. Oddly enough, it did cause me a little bit of pain but like that of a bee sting rather than a grievous chest wound. When he finally ran out of ammunition and realized that shooting me was pointless, the raven-haired mobster tried to full body tackle me into submission. With a girlish scream, I tumbled to the ground while he began punching me at random. Again, I must emphasize that the blows caused me very little discomfort but seemed to have an adverse effect on the mobster’s hands. After about thirty seconds, they were bloody and bruised. I asked the Forge Stone if it were possible to lessen the hardness of my skin so that it wouldn’t cause so much damage when I struck people. He (I assume the stone took on a male persona) responded with a curt “affirmative”. Quite frankly, I should come up with a name for him at some point. A smug grin plastered upon my face, I held Lorenzo up by the scruff of his collar. “I do apologize, darling. But this shall hurt quite a bit. Still care to be reasonable about all this?” Lorenzo spat in my face. “Not a chance, you sparkly bitch! Do your worst.” Despite his rude response, I decided not to prolong his suffering. A quick punch to the face did the trick quite nicely, if I do so say myself. He was knocked out cold and I don’t believe I broke anything. Well, perhaps his nose. I’m not sure. According to the Forge Stone, my skin’s hardness was adjusted down to the level of oak. Which was still very hard in comparison to human flesh. Ignoring the crumpled heap of injured mobsters, I padded over to an ecstatic Joe and released the binding that held his hands in place. I gasped in surprise when the man hugged me quite abruptly. “Oh, thank you! Whoever you are, naked stranger. If you should ever come around to my shop, you’ll get free food and drink for life. No questions asked. Although—um—just make sure that you’re decent when you do. I’d rather not have the cops visit for anything other than a cup of coffee and some doughnuts…” Blushing furiously, I cleared my throat. “You’re quite welcome, dear. I couldn’t just stand by and let those awful men kill you. The whole—ah—nudity bit is due to extenuating circumstances. I assure you that I am usually dressed whilst out in public.” Joe laughed. “See ya later, lady. Thanks again for the save. I’m in your debt.” With that, Joe ran off to who knows where. I really hope that he didn’t get a good look at my face. The chances were slim, but still entirely plausible that I might run into him someday. It felt good to do something nice, yet… I wasn’t the type of girl who wanted publicity of that nature. Upon dusting myself off, I walked behind the dumpster and took hold of Sunset’s hand. “That was fucking nuts, Rarity! I thought they were gonna kill you!” Sunset blubbered while she buried her head into my chest. She embraced me for dear life for quite some time and I wasn’t sure what else to do but hug her back and let her get it out of her system. I kissed her forehead and stroked her hair while she had a good cry. “Not to worry, darling. I’m fine. A little bruised perhaps, but no worse for wear. Once you’ve had a chance to calm down and collect yourself, we should focus on getting into Coco’s apartment.” Sunset sniffed loudly. “Yeah. I’m sorry for being so emotional. Everything just caught up with me all at once. So, what’re we supposed to do with the unconscious goons? We can’t just let them sit there. They might try to hurt the people in the apartment complex or worse…” “A fair point. I’ll have to improvise something, I suppose.” As it turns out, dumpsters are a good place to find bundles of discarded twine. Who knew? In any case, I used the twine to tussle up the ruffians so that they couldn’t go anywhere. Not… that they were in a condition to do so easily. After a minute of careful consideration, we agreed to move them into a patch of bushes in Greenway Park. A hospital would’ve been better, but a pair of nude women didn’t have the luxury of carrying three grown men a few blocks. It had been risky enough just dragging them across the street. Once again, Sunset and I lucked out when it came to the back entrance. I’d half expected someone from maintenance to be lurking about, making the night rounds. But that was not the case. There were a few security cameras here and there, I should mention. However, they weren’t much of a concern because most of them were concentrated in the lobby. Sweaty, exhausted, and running on fumes, I carefully knocked on Coco’s front door. At the very least, it was more comfortable standing on plush carpet than pavement while we waited. The door opened slowly with a confused and groggy Coco standing behind it. “Rarity? Is that you? What are—OH MY GOODNESS, WHY’RE YOU BOTH NAKED?!!!” I let out an awkward chuckle. “I can explain everything, dear. But—ah—might we do so inside?” Oh, how wonderful I felt after a hot bubble bath! Coco being Coco, offered to let us wear a spare set of her pajamas and sleep on the futon. We both declined because we were perfectly comfortable lounging about in the nude until it was morning. Well, later in the morning. Neither of us would be sleeping anytime soon. Not after the ordeal we had. Extravagance was elated to see me again and I returned his affection in kind by allowing him to sit on my lap while I stroked his back. It wasn’t long before I heard his soft snores. With the utmost care, I carried him over to his doggie bed, planted a gentle kiss upon his head, and wished him pleasant dreams. Sunset let out a heavy sigh while she sipped on a glass full of whiskey and crossed her legs. “So, that’s pretty much the whole story, Coco. I hope you don’t mind us staying with you for the time being. We—uh—kind of got the short end of the stick in this whole mess.” Coco frowned. “How awful! I can’t imagine going through something like that.” “Indeed. It was quite the ordeal. Did Extravagance behave himself? I hope he wasn’t too much trouble. And if there’s anything either of us can do to repay you, please name it. I must insist.” Coco shook her head. “Everything’s fine, Rarity. You don’t owe me anything. I’m just helping out a good friend. I know you’d do the same for me if I was in trouble.” I padded over to the teal-haired designer and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. “It’s good to see you too, Coco. How have things between you and Rara been progressing? Good, I hope.” “Oh, yes. Very much so. Tomorrow, we’re going out on our third, official date! Not to sound TOO forward but… I’m looking forward to doing something special with her afterwards. You know, the kind of something you do in bed. Together. With someone special.” I chortled. "No need to be coy, darling. Sex is a healthy part of any relationship.” Sunset responded with a slurred giggle of her own. “Pffft! Ain’t that the truth, sister? Flash might not have the biggest cock around but he’s got wicked skills, I tell ya! Like, he does this crazy thing with his tongue. It twists around n’ shit, then when he nibbles on my—” Coco blushed. “Um… is Sunset drunk?” “Yes, I’m afraid so. Don’t be too hard on her. She’s had a rough time.” Coco fidgeted in her seat, clearly uncomfortable at the prospect of discussing her (potential) sex life with Rara so openly, even with her closest friend. “I know! Why don’t we watch some TV together? Hmm. Let’s see: it’s almost six o’clock. Some of the early morning news programs should be airing right about now. Would either of you like some coffee?” The only sound that came from Sunset was heavy snoring. I made sure to cover her with a blanket while she slept. If nothing else, she seemed to be out cold and oblivious to the outside world. Not exactly the healthiest coping mechanism, but she deserved some rest. In the meantime, I padded out into the kitchen and fixed myself an egg bagel with cream cheese while the coffee pot continued to brew. Despite losing my cookies earlier, I didn’t have much of an appetite. A satisfied smile spread across my lips when I took my first swig of coffee. It tasted like the sweetest ambrosia to my palette. I sat down on the couch, wrapped a blanket around my shoulders, and rubbed my feet together. Like Coco mentioned, the morning news had just begun. Good Morning, Manehatten. This is your host, Ace Jackpot with the news. Today’s breaking story comes from a local doughnut shop owner by the name of Doughnut Joe. Several hours ago, he was held at gunpoint by the notorious crime syndicate known as the Magnolias. Death was all but assured, until a mysterious Samaritan showed up just in the nick of time to save him. According to Joe, she handled the assailants with grace befitting of a super-heroine and wore nothing but a beautiful smile. When asked to elaborate on her lack of attire, she did not provide him with a clear answer. However, what is clear to us all is that a life has been saved today. For that, the citizens of this great metropolis are indebted to you, O mysterious unclothed crusader! Coming up next, we’ll explore the restaurant row. For all of you paleo-dieters out there, a new— I nearly spat out my coffee when I heard the report. A cold sweat broke out all over my body and I felt like curling up into a little ball and dying of embarrassment. Even though the report hadn’t mentioned my name specifically, the details fit the story that Sunset had told Coco to the T. For her part, my fashion forward friend gaped like a carp and was rendered speechless. Not a good sign. It meant that Coco was having a major anxiety episode. I did the only thing I could to calm her down: I snuggled up next to her and began to stroke her hair with my fingers. She didn’t respond right away but at least her breathing seemed to have become less labored. “Sunset didn’t mention that you were stabbed and shot at by mobsters! What were you thinking, Rarity?! You could’ve been permanently maimed or killed! The worst part was that you weren’t even wearing clothes at the time. I can’t—that’s just—AAGGHHHHH!!” Coco squeaked. “Well, to be fair I’m not wearing any now either…” I offered weakly. Coco’s face turned redder than a cherry tomato. It was definitely not out of embarrassment. “I’m not in the mood for your jokes right now. Look, it doesn’t bother me that you’re a naturist. But you can’t do stupid stuff like running around naked, fighting organized crime. I know you have magic powers but you shouldn’t be so reckless. There are people who care about you, Rarity!” I felt ashamed of myself for worrying both her and Sunset so much but I didn’t regret saving Joe’s life. Not one bit. “I know, darling. I know. For that, I’m truly sorry. But I had no other choice. Joe would’ve been murdered had I not intervened. How would his wife and child have felt? I certainly couldn’t have lived with myself had I done nothing. It was well worth the risk.” Coco rolled over, nuzzled her cheek against my breast, and proceeded to kiss my chest. I don’t believe there was any prurient intent behind the gesture, rather she simply enjoyed the feeling of my bare skin and the warmth it provided. “Well, I’m glad that you saved his life. Just promise me that you’ll be more careful from now on. Super powers don’t give you the right to be reckless.” I’d intended to give Coco a firm answer to her request but she fell asleep before I could do so. With everyone in the apartment now fast asleep, I felt like the odd woman out. For a brief moment, I contemplated staying awake and watching more television. However, a moment later, I found myself letting out a terrible yawn. It seemed that caffeine was no match for a combination of magic and physical exhaustion. So, I gave in instead of resisting. Coco was just so snuggly and warm that I had no trouble falling asleep myself. I’d call Braeburn later. > An Interesting Internship > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 14 Rarity’s Apartment, Manehatten Braeburn was understandably upset when I explained what had happened in Equestria and the events that followed thereafter. Amongst my closest confidants, I couldn’t very well brush off the whole incident and claim to be perfectly fine. It exacted a toll on me mentally more so than physically. However, I would only discuss the matter with family if asked directly, rather than bring up the subject of my own volition. Braeburn and Coco were the exception, of course. My parents would worry themselves to death if they knew that I’d willingly put myself in harm’s way, magic powers or not. Especially, when I stood up to those thugs clad in nothing except for my birthday suit. As for Sweetie, I’m not so sure. Given her penchant for graphic novels, sci-fi, and video games, she might be inclined to encourage my vigilante behavior and romanticize it to a certain degree. Neither appealed to me. Best to relegate such fantasies to the big screen. Like I’d told Braeburn, what happened between Doughnut Joe, the Magnolias, and I was a confluence of, shall we say, unique circumstances, unlikely to be repeated anytime soon. I was a jewelry maker, not some self-styled comic book heroine, intent on cleaning the streets of criminal scum. That was a job suited for the brave men and women of MPD. Even so, I shall openly admit that it felt good to save a man’s life. Since I was technically still out of the office until Monday, I had another three days to decompress, and relax from my ordeal. In case you’re wondering, the deadline to open up shop wasn’t set in stone. I’d decided to resume work on that day, given the fact that I was no longer in Equestria. Due to the time dilation between worlds, I’d only been gone for what amounted to four days in total. How odd. It seemed much longer on the other side. At some point, I’d have to ask Princess Twilight if she ever figured out the exact ratio. I suppose it truly was like Einstein had said: “time is relative; it’s worth depends upon what we do as it is passing”. Imagine that. Me, quoting a famous scientist! I sighed to myself as I looked up at the ceiling from comfort of my own bed. The silk sheets felt marvelous against my bare skin, as always, but the experience would have been infinitely better with Braeburn by my side to cuddle. Had circumstances allowed, I would have made sweet, languid love to him all morning long, then ordered greasy hamburgers and fries in bed for lunch. Alas, it was not to be. Harvest time was near and his family needed him back in Ponyville. Perhaps, sensing my loneliness, Extravagance hopped up onto the bed and nestled himself in the crook of my arm. I began massaging his scalp and he immediately began wagging his stubby tail back and forth. As a show of gratitude, he barked softly and began licking the side of my breast. The tickling sensation of his rough tongue against my nipple made me break out into a fit of giggles and helped to break me out of my funk somewhat. I scratched underneath his chin. “I feel as though I should be doing something productive today instead of lazing about in bed.” Extravagance looked up at me and whined. “Is it really ok? I’m not the kind of woman who enjoys having idle hands. What if I—” The bulldog whuffed loudly and placed his paw on my stomach. “Oh, alright! I will refrain from working on anything for the time being. But I would like to check my email at the very least. Do I have your permission to retrieve my phone, darling?” I reached over towards the nightstand and took hold of my smart phone. Obviously, it wasn’t a piece of technology that would have functioned in Equestria, so I left it at home. There wasn’t much in the way of texts or voicemail messages, as I had informed everyone about my absence prior to leaving. However, when I checked my email, there was a message sent by Sweetie at the top of the pile, so to speak. The subject title read: “Internship”. I tapped the screen and began to skim what she wrote. I’m sorry if this is kind of last minute, but mom said you’d be ok with me asking. The good news is that I managed to get a sponsored internship! You know, the one they set up for gifted young students. Anyway, I’m set to follow Countess Coloratura for two semesters. Isn’t that cool?!! Since her studio is in Manehatten, I figured that I could just stay with you for a while. I promise that I’ll pull my weight while I’m there. Please, sis! You’re the best. -Sweetie What irritated me the most was typical behavior of my little sister. She neglected to inform me when she was supposed to arrive. I mean, sure, I had the guest room already set up and ready to go but I don’t want her showing up at some unholy hour of the night. Not only that, but I don’t think I had enough food in the pantry for the both of us. With a frustrated huff, I decided to worry about grocery shopping later. A hot shower was my first priority. I clambered out of bed, padded into the bathroom, and turned on the water jets. Extravagance followed along, as he was often wont to do. Far be it for me to criticize a dog who enjoys bathing with his mistress. Once we were nice and clean, I stepped out of the shower and began drying off. I had to wrap the towel around my hair instead of using a hairdryer, otherwise it would get frizzy if I dried it too quickly without using conditioner first. And no, I didn’t feel like going the extra mile today. Rest, relaxation, and reoperation were the name of the game. Just as I was about to pour myself a delicious cup of hazelnut crème coffee, the doorbell rang. Normally, I’d have the wherewithal to don a robe when answering the door, but I was so exhausted and used to being nude that I forgot. When the door opened, my sister stood in the hallway with a sheepish smile. I ushered her inside and opened the fridge in order to retrieve some creamer for my coffee. While I was stirring, she set down her luggage, fidgeted in place, and waved to me. Unperturbed, I walked over to my recliner, sat down, and crossed one leg over the other in a ladylike fashion while I took a dainty sip from my mug. Still standing, Sweetie paused for a moment, unsure what to say or do. I gestured her to sit on the couch. “Good morning, dearest sister.” “Hey, Rarity! Did I—um—catch you at a bad time?” She asked nervously. “Not really. I just got out of the shower, as you can see.” Sweetie chuckled. “Yeah. Do you normally answer the door like that or…” I shook my head slowly. “No, I do not. However, your arrival was unannounced and sudden. That combined with the level of exhaustion I’m experiencing, left me out of sorts. Now, would you be a dear and please explain why you neglected to ask my permission to stay here?” Sweetie bit her lip. “Because I thought you’d be cool with it no matter what?” “Be that as it may, there are preparations that need to be made in order to accommodate you.” Sweetie looked down at her feet, rubbing them together as she did so. “Sorry. My bad.” I took another swig of my coffee and sighed. “It’s not a big deal. We can go out grocery shopping later. The guest room is already made. Feel free to take off your clothes and get comfortable. Might I offer you some refreshments? Coffee, perhaps?” Not wasting a second, Sweetie stripped, awkwardly flailing about to get her pink panties free from being wrapped around her leg, then carefully folded her clothes into a neat little pile once she was done. It hadn’t escaped my notice that she’d packed light for staying an entire two semesters. I suppose, she figured that she wouldn’t have to worry about what to wear while she stayed with me. Worst came to worst, we could always go out and buy her some more outfits. I handed Sweetie a mug, which she accepted gratefully before taking a slurp. “So, I heard that you’re interning with the Countess. I’ve met her before at a social gathering here in Manehatten. A lovely woman by all accounts. How did you manage to catch her attention, if I may ask?” My little sister perked up. “Everyone sent in audition clips. She must have liked mine the best, considering that I got the job—erm—internship, I mean. The best part is that I actually get paid to work with her! If you want, I can pay you rent. I know it’s a lot to ask, me staying here for so long. But my only other option is to ask mom and dad for hotel money or cancel it outright.” Extravagance came waddling into the living room, clambered onto the couch, and sat atop my sister’s lap. Sweetie was more than happy to offer him affection, which he ate up voraciously. “Money is hardly an issue, darling. I’m more concerned about the lack of respect you have for my generosity, and by extension, my home. I know Father taught you better manners than that.” Sweetie’s rosy blush colored not only her cheeks but spread all the way down towards the tips of her bountiful bosoms. It was a display I was all too familiar with, given that we both possessed similar, pale complexions. She clenched her toes while tears began to fill her eyes. “I’m sorry for being such a shitty little sister. You deserve so much better than that. I guess I got so excited about the whole thing that I forgot to take your feelings into account. I’m sorry, Rarity.” I got out of the recliner, motioned for Sweetie to come over, and we shared a sisterly embrace. She immediately began crying as soon as her face touched my shoulder, but I expected as much. Sweetie was the type of girl who’d always worn her emotions on her sleeves, so to speak. After a minute or two of hair-stroking, back rubbing, and reassurances that I wasn’t upset, she finally calmed down a bit. I lamented the snot and drool that now coated my chest, but decided it wasn’t anything some soap and a washcloth couldn’t fix. Thus cleaned, I unwrapped my towel, and stretched out in front of the patio window. So be it if my neighbors got a peep show. “Are you, like, one hundred percent sure you’re not upset?” Sweetie asked. “Annoyed, perhaps, but I could never stay angry at my baby sister. I wasn’t planning on opening up shop until Monday, so we have the entire weekend to hang out together. We could go see a show, walk around Greenway Park, or just… laze about inside my apartment. Honestly, I hadn’t set any concrete plans before you arrived. The sky’s the limit, as they say!” Sweetie ruffled Extravagance’s ears while he laid next to her on the couch. “Um… I don’t think I’ve ever seen a Wideway show before. I’d love to go but aren’t they expensive?” I placed my hands on my hips and surveyed the city skyline. “They can be, depending on the show. Older ones such as Poltergeist of the Playhouse, are relatively affordable. Like I mentioned before, Sweetie, I am a woman of considerable means. You’re not going to break the piggy bank while staying here, I assure you. Would you like to see it this evening?” Sweetie practically sprang off the couch like an Olympic gymnast and started jumping up and down excitedly. This caused her breasts to bounce around considerably but I declined to say anything, lest I put a hamper on her childish glee. “THAT WOULD BE AWESOME!!! Could we get dinner out too?! Oh! How about pizza? It’s supposed to be good in Manehatten, right?” I chuckled. “Of course, darling. I know just the place.” The weekend progressed far faster than I would have liked. But it’s as they say: time flies when you’re having fun! As adorable as it was to witness Sweetie’s childlike wonder watching the razzle dazzle of musical theater, we both had to get down to brass tacks once Monday arrived. Just like when we were still living together with our parents, my baby sister had a difficult time waking up in the morning. It made me giggle thinking of the numerous occasions where she almost walked out the door without a stitch of clothing on. Imagine the scandal! Oh ho~ I, ever the early riser, already had a pot of coffee brewing and breakfast prepared. Well, prepared is probably a generous term. We’d bought some bagels from a local bakery yesterday morning, and I’d just toasted them and spread some cream cheese on top. Along with a small glass of orange juice, I microwaved some bacon as a side dish. While I was sitting at the table reviewing my schedule, Sweetie shuffled into the kitchen, yawned, and plopped into the seat across from me with the grace of an elephant seal. I smiled and invited her to join me for breakfast. “Good morning, dear. Did you sleep well?” Upon scratching her stomach, Sweetie smacked her lips. “Hrmm. Guess so.” “Just remember to take a shower and comb your hair before we depart.” Whilst nibbling on a strip of bacon, she looked out the window. “Not to sound rude, but what exactly is it that you do for a living, Rarity? I know you’re into jewelry design but Mom & Dad don’t ever go into detail about it. Maybe you could give me a tour of your shop sometime?” I ran my fingers through my hair. “No worries, darling. I don’t mind you asking. For the most part, I create pieces, display them in my shop, and people buy them. Lately, however, I’ve gotten an influx of commission requests from clients due to my appearance at the Charity Ball.” Sweetie’s eyes widened when she saw the picture of my ‘costume’ on screen. “Wow! I can’t believe you showed off that much skin in front of such a huge crowd! I know we’re nudists but that took a lot of guts. You look so beautiful! Did you do all the painting or someone else?” I blushed at the compliment and cleared my throat. “A lady must be bold and properly represent her brand, after all. Thanks to the attention I garnered, a great deal of money was generated for charity that night. But to answer your question, a professional artist helped paint my body. Ironically, he was also the one who happened to buy the jewelry I was wearing too.” “Anyone I would know?” Sweetie asked. “Juan Pablo De Sombra. I had a lovely time working with him. He’s quite the consummate professional, if I do say so myself. I would gladly collaborate with him again.” Sweetie nearly spat out her orange juice. “You got THE SOMBRA to paint your body?! I showed my baby sister yet another picture, this time with me standing next to Sombra and his boyfriend at the ball. “I assure you that I am telling the truth.” Sweetie’s mouth formed into an ‘o’ shape. “Holy cheese and crackers! Look at all those rich and famous people! I didn’t know you were so well connected with Manehatten’s upper crust. You know, I’m starting to think that maybe I didn’t earn my internship on merit alone…” An icy knot of guilt formed in the pit of my stomach while I shuffled around uncomfortably in my seat. Yes, I’d met Countess Coloratura at the ball, but it wasn’t as though we were particularly close friends. More like associates, really. Oh, dear. I hope Coco didn’t whisper sweet nothings into her ear and convince—no, I mustn’t think like that! My little sister was a rising star; a talented musician in her own right. She’d earned her place at Coloratura’s studio. I looked over at my sister and noticed that her expression had soured considerably from before. I closed my eyes, took in a deep breath to center myself, and placed my hand atop her own. She didn’t pull away from my gesture of affectionate support, but her eyes were downcast. Just when I thought we were getting along swimmingly, this happens! Such is the fate of sisters, I suppose. What could I possibly say in order to convince her that she was a beautiful, talented, young woman destined for greatness? The awkward silence between us was nigh unbearable. “Listen, dear,” I encouraged, “I won’t deny that I’ve rubbed elbows with the rich and famous. However, that does not mean my presence at the Charity Ball was the sole reason you caught Countess Coloratura’s attention. For years, you’ve practiced and worked hard, improving your vocal acumen. That is yours, and yours alone, to claim. I suppose what I’m trying to say is don’t sell yourself short. Take pride in what you have accomplished in your young life, thus far.” Sweetie let out a watery chuckle, sniffling as she did so. “Sorry if I’m getting all emotional again, Rarity. You’ve gotta understand that I’m a total nervous wreck right now! I’m under a ton of pressure to make a good first impression with her. What if I mess up?” “Then you pick yourself back up, apologize, and try again. Coloratura is as human as you or I. She makes plenty of mistakes herself, I’m sure. My advice might seem rather cliché, but you have to keep your chin up and put your best foot forward. Is there anything I might offer to help calm your nerves? Quite frankly, I’d suggest a stiff martini but that wouldn’t be appropriate.” Sweetie laughed. “No, nothing like that! Seriously though, your advice is helpful. And—uh—all the emotional support too. I wouldn’t be able to do this without you, Rarity.” “I should think not! Otherwise, you wouldn’t have a place to live in Manehatten.” I joked. Sweetie rolled her eyes. “Yeah, yeah. I know. For the record, you don’t have to drive me there every day. I can just take the subway. It’s not as though her studio is super far away from here.” “I am aware. However, I wanted to be there with you on your first day.” Sweetie cocked her brow as she finished what remained of her breakfast. “OH NO! Don’t you dare pull a dad on me! He tried to do that freshman year and it was sooooo embarrassing. Took me forever to live down the shame. In fact, I still get teased for it to this very day! Look, I get that you’re trying to be a supportive big sister and all… but I have to do this on my own.” I waved my hand and scoffed. “I would never do something so gauche, darling. Allow me to clarify. The Countess wanted to discuss an upcoming show with me. Or more precisely, a piece of jewelry that she would like to have commissioned for it. We just so happen to be going to the same place and meeting the same person today. That is all~” “Oh. Talk about a coincidence.” “Indeed,” I admitted, “I am quite looking forward to working on a project again. All this idling around simply isn’t my style. Feel free to use the shower, I already bathed earlier.” While Sweetie made her way towards the bathroom, I decided to get dressed in the meantime. I don’t imagine Rara would mind if showed up in something casual, but looking one’s best in a professional setting is a must. A nice, white ruffled blouse to match my complexion, a black mini skirt, and cherry red heels to finish off the fabulous up-and-coming businesswoman look! I wasn’t terribly fond of donning cosmetics or undergarments for that matter, but both would be necessary in this case. Even a minor application of violet eye shadow and matching lipstick went a long way. As for panties and a bra, I fished around in my drawer until I found a comfortable set. Nothing scandalous, I assure you. Just your average cotton piece that came in packs of six. A lot of woman went out of their way to buy flashier, sexier variants. I didn’t bother, being a nudist. As the saying goes: “If one doesn’t wear panties, they can never get into a bunch”. Just as I finished getting dressed, sans my heels, Extravagance waddled into the room. Ever the drama king, he whined loudly and gazed up at me with his sad, puppy-dog eyes. Over the years, he must have made the connection between me wearing clothes and going out. What a clever little doggie he was! I knelt down and ruffled the fur atop his head, assuring him I would return. “Oh, stop being so dramatic! You have plenty to eat and drink. We’ll return before you know it.” Knowing full-well that his cries for attention had no effect on me, he scampered towards the guest room where Sweetie was busy combing her luscious curls. She’d gotten dressed as well, albeit her outfit was decidedly more conservative than my own. A simple, yellow dress with a pink cardigan draped over top, accompanied by a pair of white sneakers. Extravagance nudged the back of her ankle with his snout, whuffing loudly to get her attention. Sweetie petted his head. “I’m sorry, buddy. But I can’t play with you right now.” The bulldog whined pathetically, his ears drooping as he sat on his haunches. “Don’t mind, Extravagance. He’s just upset that we aren’t going to be around all day to spoil him rotten. I suppose I’m to blame. I dare say, he’s the most pampered bulldog in the entire city.” Sweetie giggled. “That’s for sure! So—um—how does my outfit look?” “It should suffice. Conservative is definitely the way to go, darling.” Sweetie took in a deep breath and blew it out slowly, presumably to calm herself. “How’s my hair? Sometimes it can be a real pain in the butt to make presentable and—” I grasped her hand and ushered her along. “Everything is fine! We mustn’t dawdle. Traffic at this hour of the morning can be—ah—challenging if one doesn’t take the proper time to account for it. I have some chewing gum in my purse if you want to freshen your breath. Let’s go!” Even with the inclusion of downtown traffic, we managed to make it to Countess Coloratura’s studio on time. It was one of those buildings that looked far more impressive on the inside than would appear at first glance. The same could be said of many places in Manehatten. After the security guard confirmed that we were expected, he escorted us to the main office where Rara herself was busy attending to something on her laptop. Normally, such mundane tasks would befall to a manager, rather than the entertainer. Maybe he was out sick today. I’d half expected that we’d chat with an assistant for a while rather than talk to the star of the show. Then again, I was basing my assumption on what I knew of the entertainment industry. Perhaps, she preferred the personal approach when it came to her employees and or guests? Whatever the reason, I was grateful to be able to speak with her in person, face to face, considering that she was the one who would be wearing the piece I was going to craft. Similar to how I’d seen her at that Charity Ball, she was not clad in her performance regalia. Rather than a silk dress, this time she wore a simple black blouse that cut off around the shoulders, a gold half note necklace, blue jeans, and sneakers. Very casual. Her navy-blue hair was styled in a plain braid along the side with a teal scrunchie that matched her highlights. Sweetie seemed surprised to see her in such a mundane state, considering that she looked so exotic and extravagant while performing on stage. But that was all part of that act. I gave Coloratura the customary hug and kiss to the cheek. Once that was finished, Sweetie and I took a seat across from her. “Good morning, darling! How are you doing today?” “About as well as can be expected, given the circumstances.” Coloratura answered in a tired voice. “What’s wrong? You sound utterly exhausted. No, offence, of course.” I quickly added. “None taken. I probably look like something the cat dragged in too. Heh. Let’s just say that I had to let Sven Gallop go because of a disagreement we had regarding marketing deals. It’s only been a week, so I’m still interviewing new candidates for his position. In the meantime, I’ve had to take over some of his duties while trying to prepare for a show. It’s pretty rough…” I nodded in sympathy. “I can only imagine. Oh! Where are my manners? Sitting next to me is my little sister, Sweetie Belle. She’s going to be your new intern for the foreseeable future.” Under normal circumstances, I would have let her introduce herself. However, given how nervous she looked, I figured it was better if I broke the ice first. After all, Rara and I had already met once before. Coloratura stood up and offered her hand. “Hello, Sweetie! It’s a pleasure to meet such a young talent. Glad to have you aboard! Sorry, this isn’t the glamourous introduction you might have imagined, but this is the business side of the industry.” Sweetie’s voice squeaked slightly when she answered. “Likewise, Miss Coloratura.” The songstress laughed. “No need to be so formal. Just call me Rara. Would you like something to eat or drink? I think there might be some doughnut holes and apple juice leftover.” “N-no thank you. We already ate before driving to the studio.” Coloratura shrugged. “Well, ok. Feel free to partake if the mood strikes. When I listened to your audition tape, I have to say that I was very impressed with your vocal range. Not only that but your grades are top notch! There’s no doubt in my mind that you deserve to be here.” Sweetie blushed like a tomato at the praise and squirmed in her seat. “Thank you, ma’am.” “That being said, I have to warn you. While I would like to focus on improving your vocals, being in the music industry is more than just having raw talent. It’s about discipline, proper communication, and hard work. That’s why I’d like to teach you about the managerial side of the business too. I think you’re plenty smart enough for that part!” Sweetie pointed towards the laptop. “Is that what you’re doing right now?” “You could say that but more like cleaning up a mess.” Once again, I could tell that Rara was trying her best not to seem irritated for Sweetie’s sake. Whatever had transpired between her and Sven Gallop must have been incredibly stressful. Not to mention the extra work load she had to handle with his absence. Luckily, there was a certain dress maker who would ensure that she was well taken care of. And speak of the devil, so shall he appear! Or her, in this case. Coco shuffled into the office with a coffee caddie in hand. She placed it onto the table, leaned over, and kissed Coloratura on the lips. It was a chaste display of affection if I ever saw one, but spoke volumes about how much they cared for one another. Once Coloratura began taking a sip from her cup, Coco began rubbing her shoulders. “Are you still revising those proposals? You’ve been at it for hours! Take a break. You need rest.” Rara sighed. “I wish I could, Coco. But you know how contract negotiations are.” “That’s what lawyers are for. Let them do their job. Can you at least look at the concept drawing I made for you next show? Might as well show it Rarity while you’re at it since she’s here.” They invited me to come take a look, so I did. Coco’s attention to detail and drawing were beautiful as always. However, I couldn’t help but notice how risqué the outfit was. I was under the impression that Coloratura was going for “Arabian Princess” chique, given the near-translucent, flowing silk motif and the generous amount of skin it would reveal. Not only that but the design called for a what amounted to bejeweled version of pasties. They weren’t impossible to create from a metallurgical perspective, rather prohibitively expensive for most clients. I coughed, feeling somewhat uneasy. “Are you certain this is an appropriate outfit for the show?” Rara cheeks flushed and she looked over at her girlfriend with an affectionate smile. “I was inspired by what you wore at the Charity Ball. I figured that if you could show that much confidence in your own skin, then so could I. For years, I’ve relied on hair dye, copious amounts of makeup, and wild outfits. This time, I’m going for a look that’s closer to the natural me.” “I’m flattered by your compliment, darling. Truly, I am. But are you absolutely certain that you wish to proceed with the jewelry design? I only say this because what you’re asking for will just barely cover up your—erm—unmentionables. You’ll most certainly need to wear an adhesive underneath them in order to ensure that you don’t fall victim to a wardrobe malfunction.” The singer nodded emphatically. “I’m sure. To be quite frank, it’s been a long time since I’ve felt sexy and free on stage. Not only do I owe it to myself, but my fans too. Besides, it’ll give Coco something nice to watch while I sing and dance. Isn’t that right, my dear?” In response to the comment, Coco buried her face behind her sketchbook. “RARA! You shouldn’t discuss what we like to do in private. Especially, in the workplace! Ooooh, if I didn’t love you so much, I’d—well, I don’t know what I’d do, but consider yourself put on notice.” I couldn’t help but laugh. Coco was just so adorable when she got flustered. “Alright then. I’ll make sure to use rubies and gold to match the red silk Coco suggested. One piece of advice that I shall pass on is make sure that you don’t bend over too far. Lest you wish to give everyone an intimate look at your backdoor, as it were. Oh, and make sure to wax as well!” “Duly noted. If you don’t mind, could you please submit the outfit plans for approval? Thanks, dear! With that business concluded, we can finally discuss your commission price, Rarity.” While the dress designer organized her sketchbook, she glanced over at Sweetie. “My goodness! I’m sorry for not noticing you earlier, Sweetie. I didn’t know you apprenticed under your sister.” Sweetie shook her head. “I’m not. My internship is here, at the studio.” “Oh. Well, congratulations! It’s nice to finally meet you in person.” The two of them exchanged a brief hug, then Coco scampered off to submit the paperwork. I leaned back in my chair and let out a loud yawn. “Pardon me, darling. My morning coffee must be wearing off already. If you’d like, you can just send me an email copy of the drawing. Hmm. As far as price goes, if you want it in solid gold, the price will be significantly more than plated.” “Not surprised there. I assure you, Rarity. Price is not an issue.” Rara answered. I clapped my hands together. “Very well. I’m afraid that I can’t give you an exact quote until I’ve had a chance to sit down in my workshop and measure out the materials needed. However, I can provide a ballpark estimate. Since this will be a three-piece set, I’ll give you a bundle price. I believe two million should just about cover it. Does that sound fair to you?” Sweetie looked as though her eyes were about to bulge out of their sockets. Well accustomed to dealing with such high amounts of money, Rara barely batted an eyelash at my estimate. To be quite honest, I think she believed that I was going to charge her at least twice that amount. With a firm handshake, we reached a verbal agreement. I bade my little sister goodbye, wished her luck on her first day, and headed to the shop. Finally! A new project to drive my creative engine. Molecular Gastro-Pub “Proton”, Downtown Manehatten Monday nights were not exactly prime time to go bar hopping. Especially, at upscale, trendy places like Proton that catered to more affluent clientele. Yet, this is where Sven Gallop, former manager of Countess Coloratura, chose to drown his sorrows and while away the hours. He sipped on his artisan avocado foam martini with a sour expression. Not even the dehydrated, gluten-free salted peanut puffs were enough to make him forget what had transpired a week prior. Upon finishing his overpriced cocktail, he ordered another. The bartender knew it was already his third round, but declined to admonish a paying customer. With a sigh, Sven watched the latest news report on the television positioned above the bar. A stout little man with a white mowhawk, grey skin, and dressed in military fatigues hopped up onto the barstool next to Sven and ordered a beer. He began stuffing a handful of peanut puffs into his mouth like a squirrel, earning him a few dirty looks and further alienating him from the rest of the patrons. Unfortunately for Sven, he had no other choice but to put up with the uncouth man’s behavior. It was the price one paid for dealing with hired muscle, or guns, in this case. “Swanky place ya picked, boss. Not my usual watering hole but hey! You’re paying the tab!” “If you don’t mind, Mr. Grubber, I’d let to discuss our arrangement.” Sven intoned. “A straight shooter. No, problem! I can respect a man who gets down ta business. But—erm—wouldn’t ya like ta sober up a bit first? I can’t imagine that’s your first drink. I’m not judging, by the way. There’s plenty of functional alcoholics out there. Trust me! I know a few.” Sven closed his eyes and groaned. “I am NOT nearly drunk enough for this conversation, Mr. Grubber. In any case, I am ready to discuss the plan now, if you please. Proceed.” “Sure thing. So—um—you want this to be a standard kidnapping and ransom, right? I know a few PMCs who’d be willing to go along with the plan but are you sure this is what you wanna do? I mean, it is like… SUPER illegal and you could go to jail for a while.” Sven pounded his fist against the bar. “Yes! Just like we discussed in the email. As far as I’m concerned, that glittery bitch owes me for everything I did for her! Without me, she would never have become the star she is today. Those marketing deals were perfectly legitimate!” Grubber took a sip of his beer and frowned. “If you say so, boss. Just so we’re clear, do you want me and the boys to rough her up a bit? In my experience, a little pain goes a long way to making people do what you want. Obviously, we won’t do anything too extreme. We’re mercs not butchers. So… cuts and bruises are ok with you then?” “Whatever you believe is necessary, Mr. Grubber.” The mercenary chuckled nervously. “Cool. Looking forward to working with ya, Mr. Gallop.” > Madam Adamantium: Manehatten's Unclothed Crusader > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 15 Rarity’s Apartment, Manehatten A rather uneventful week had passed since Sweetie’s first day at her internship. For the most part, we got along swimmingly, living together under the same roof again. There were some arguments regarding my little sister’s hygiene habits. By that, I mean she tended to be a little messy. Like not cleaning up the dishes and making her bed regularly. Typical behavior for a teenager. At least she had enough sense to get up early in the morning of her own volition. I remember a time, not so long ago, when mother had to practically drag her out of bed by the feet in order to get ready for school. As for myself, I was enjoying a cup of coffee at the table, nibbling on a bagel, and reading the latest news on my phone. I’d planned to work on some commissions today. By her own initiative, Sweetie decided to purchase a bicycle and use it to commute to Rara’s recording studio. I insisted that it wasn’t a bother to drive her there every morning, but she was adamant about relying on herself for transportation. I suspect it was because she felt guilty for relying on me so much while she was staying in Manehatten. While the ride wasn’t terribly far, in terms of city blocks, it was a decent workout. Quite frankly, I think she enjoyed the exercise and fresh air. I’d even started to notice a little muscle tone developing along her legs and bottom. What? You shouldn’t be too surprised by my observation. Neither of us wear a stitch of clothing inside the apartment. Changes such as those are easy to spot when they’re laid out in the open. When I heard the tell-tale plodding of Sweetie’s bare feet against the tiled floor, I put down my phone and directed my attention towards her. She was a mess. I had to stifle a giggle. Her curly hair was frizzy, uncombed, and pointed in every direction. She glared daggers at me while pouring herself a cup of coffee. I smiled in response and patted the seat next to mine. “I just got up. Didn’t take a shower yet.” Sweetie grumbled. I crossed my legs and began reading my phone again. “You have plenty of time, dear sister. By the way, make sure that you keep hydrated. It’s going to be rather hot today, I hear.” Sweetie laid her head down on the table and groaned. “Why’s it gotta be so dang hot here?” “Because, darling, Manehatten isn’t Ponyville. The climate here is much milder by comparison.” “Wish I could just ride my bike naked. It’d make things a heck of a lot easier. Did I tell you how much I HATE having to put on underwear underneath the outfits I wear to work? It sucks!” I reached over and patted her back. “In principle, I agree but… you’d be arrested by the MMPD for indecent exposure. Not to mention, it would not bode well for your internship.” “S’not like I go around flashing everyone at the studio. I know better than that, Rarity.” I chuckled. “True, but I was referring to the whole ‘nude biking’ bit. Partially joking, dear.” Sweetie took a big, noisy slurp from her coffee and stretched out her legs underneath the table. “Right. My brain’s still stuck in sleep mode. Caffeine needs to kick in. UGH! Why’s it taking so long? Do I have to chug down the whole pot all at once? Maybe I should—” I grasped my sister’s arm to prevent her from getting up. “Let’s not be hasty. The last thing you need is to get jittery and the massive withdrawal headache that follows. Be patient, darling. In the meantime, why don’t you find something to eat? I imagine that will help energize you.” While not the healthiest option for breakfast, Sweetie had that childish side to her that still enjoyed sugary cereals. She shuffled over to the cupboard and poured herself a bowl of Fantastic Fruity Flakes™, filling it to the brim, then drowning her breakfast in milk. Thus satisfied, she began shoveling the cereal down her gullet in a decidedly un-ladylike manner. I looked over at my little sister, raised by brow, and cleared my throat loud enough to let her know that I disapproved of her atrocious table manners. Perhaps, she was a lost cause, but I would try my best to instill some proper dining decorum into her yet. “Sweetie Belle, you are not a barbarian. Stop eating like one.” Mouth still full of mushy cereal, she nearly spat it out while replying. “Who cares? We’re the only people living here. Unless, you think Trav will be offended somehow. Chillax, Rarity.” I flicked her forehead, not very hard but enough to get my point across. “My apartment; my rules, baby sister. I don’t want you behaving like an uncouth slob while you’re living here. That means cleaning up after yourself as well. Don’t think I haven’t noticed how messy your room is.” Sweetie pouted in her seat and huffed. “Fine. I’ll try to be more considerate. You sound just like dad when he scolds me at home. Thought you’d be cooler than that…” I laughed after taking a sip of my coffee. “You’ll understand once you become a responsible adult, dear. Besides, I don’t see you paying rent, so you have to pull your weight somehow.” Sweetie sat in contemplative silence, save for the ever-present crunching of cereal. Either that or she was upset with me and decided to stop talking. Oh, well. It simply meant that she had more growing up to do beyond the physical sense. Given her curvaceous physique, she had that part down in spades. Extravagance finally decided to grace us with his canine presence, waddling into the kitchen while his claws clicked against the floor. He yawed once, then smacked his chops expectantly. I gestured towards his silver doggie bowl, filled to the brim with bacon n’ eggs breakfast kibbles. Next to it, some orange juice to wash it all down with. With a satisfied whuff, he began eating his morning meal in the same manner Sweetie had. My sister finally stood up and placed her bowl in the dishwasher. “So… what are you working on today? At the jewelry shop, I mean. We don’t really talk much about what you do there.” “Honestly, there’s not much to tell. You probably wouldn’t find metallurgy interesting.” Sweetie placed her hands on her hips. “Try me. You might be surprised.” I couldn’t very well tell her that plying my craft was as simple as imposing my will on the materials placed before me. It was not what I would consider mass production; my imagination was still very much a big part of the process. However, the ease with which I forged works of art continued to astonish me, even though I’d had time to acclimate to my powers. My customers were equally impressed, given how much they’d been willing to pay for my pieces. To that end, I was building up quite the reputation amongst wealthy jewelry aficionados. Before long, my brand was destined to become world renown. At least, that’s what my clients assured me. Like I mentioned before, Sunset, Flash, Braeburn, and Coco were the only people aware that I had additional magic abilities. My family knew of the gifts granted to me by the geode during our ill-begotten trip to Camp Everfree. I wonder how Gloriosa and Timber are doing. Dear me, I should really reach out to them at some point. It’s just that I’ve been so caught up with work and extra dimensional travel—focus Rarity. Back to my other train of thought. So far as everyone else was concerned, the geode had nothing to do with my ability to forge metal. For now, I suppose, keeping Sweetie in the dark would be the best course of action. It shouldn’t be that difficult to conceal from her, given that she never asks to watch me work. I mean, as a rule of thumb, I don’t allow anyone into the forge room while I craft… for safety reasons. It would—erm—also be a bit difficult to explain why I was handling molten metal in the nude. To answer your question: no, I don’t bother wearing protective equipment anymore. I assure you, it’s completely safe. My skin can withstand just about anything short of a nuclear explosion. How do I know that? Well, I don’t. Not for certain. I’d rather not test the limits of my abilities in such a dangerous fashion. It’s more like an… intuitive feeling, you could say. When the opal fused to my body, and by extension, my consciousness, it retained some level of sapience. Rarely does it speak to me directly anymore. Communication between us is performed through emotions and dream-like visions. It’s very difficult to explain. Kind of like a sixth sense, I suppose. Sweetie stared at me expectantly, tapping her foot. Oh, dear. I must have gotten lost in my own thoughts longer than I realized. With a slight blush, I coughed and turned my attention back to her. Hopefully, she isn’t upset with me. I have been known to gather wool in the past. “My apologies, darling. I zoned out a bit there. You wanted to know about my job, yes?” Sweetie nodded; her expression softened somewhat. “Mhmm.” “I don’t believe now is the appropriate time for storytelling. We both have to get ready for work.” Thankfully, she bought my misdirection. Because it was true. One look at the clock told her that we both were living on borrowed time. She scrambled towards her room nearly tripping in the process, while I elegantly strode towards my own. A perk of being self-employed, Oh ho~ For today’s outfit, I stuck with a simple, yet stylish grey pantsuit and a pair of black heels. As for my hair, a utilitarian knotted bun was sufficient. I held it in place with two decorative hair pins. Made of real silver with sapphires on the ends. What? I had to show off my wares somehow. Let it not be said that I cannot look fabulously professional when the occasion calls for it! I had planned on meeting with some clients today to discuss upcoming commissions and price negotiation. To that end, I’d taken the liberty of installing a small office in my shop that doubled as a reception area. A two-story business venue with a basement wasn’t cheap in Manehatten, but with the income I generated, paying the bills was no longer an issue. In fact, I owned both my apartment and shop outright. I’d barely begun to dab some perfume on my neck, when Sweetie ran past the door, shouting goodbye as she exited the apartment. Her shift wasn’t supposed to start for another hour and a half, but it took a while to reach the studio on a bicycle. Strange. I’d never seen Sweetie wear a polo before. It was violet and matched her complexion well, but—I digress. She also seemed to be wearing khakis more often than dresses nowadays. No doubt due to the fact that it was far easier to ride a bicycle in those without getting the frills caught in the gear assembly. With a shrug, I grabbed my keys and was promptly stopped by a whimper. Like clockwork, Extravagance was at my feet, putting on his sad puppy routine. He knew better than to chew or slobber on my pants. We’d already had a conversation about that! Well, more like I withheld his favorite treats for an entire week. Nothing but the most basic, dry kibbles and water. The austere diet he had to endure had left a lasting impression. Even so, he was still a little stinker when it came to craving my undivided attention. I knelt down and ruffled the fur along his forehead. “You know the drill, Extravagance. Mommy has to go to work.” He laid down on his belly and tried to look even more pathetic. I sighed. “If there’s time, I shall buy a bag of your favorite canine cookies from the baker on 4th Street. But! You have to be a good boy until I return. No ripping up the furniture or relieving yourself anywhere but within the confines of your puppy potty. Do I make myself clear?” He got back up again, started wagging his tail and let out a single, deep bark. I scratched his chin one last time and made my way to the car. The traffic this morning was going to be atrocious, but I would make it to the shop with plenty of time to spare. Two clients met with me today to discuss their commissions. Three, technically, if you count the young couple as separate. However, their piece was part of a set and I priced it as such. A pair of wedding rings made from a mixture of platinum and silver with opals inlaid. Very expensive but also tasteful in the design. I didn't have a large stock of platinum or opals to work with at the moment, but it was more than enough to create a pair of rings. The other client was decidedly less wholesome, in my opinion. Mattia Magnolia, the head mafioso of the Magnolia Crime Syndicate, to be precise. Apparently, word of my skills had reached the Manehatten criminal underworld too. I nearly refused to take his commission out of sheer principle. On the other hand, I reasoned, it would be unwise to provoke his ire. Mattia Magnolia leaned back in the chair, put his feet up on the desk, and smiled. Olive-skinned with slicked back, oily-black hair and a purple suit, he was the spitting image of a mobster. His crocodile leather shoes must have cost a fortune. When he didn’t say anything for a moment, I began to sweat. His beady little eyes reminded me of a rat’s. He was merely looking for shiny baubles to horde, completely uninterested in me as a person. “I must say, Miss Belle, your eye for design impresses me. My wife will love the necklace and your prices are fair. As a token of my gratitude, I’ll throw in an additional fifteen percent to your commission price.” “Truly, sir, you don’t need to. I have yet to create the necklace.” Mattia waved his hands. “No, no. I insist. Generosity begets generosity. Don’t think I haven’t heard about all the money you’ve donated to charity. It’s quite noble, I think. Besides, I’ve seen the pieces you’ve made for other folks. Impressive, all of them. I know I’ll get what I paid for.” I began to break out in a cold sweat. His words were kind, but a cold, slimy malevolence slithered just underneath the surface. Every instinct in my body screamed that he was a vile man in every sense of the word. I closed my eyes for a moment, and took in a deep breath to compose myself. The rings could wait. I would work on his wife’s necklace as soon as our meeting was adjourned. Just to get it out of the way and conclude my business with him. Mattia stood up and cracked his knuckles. “Something wrong, Miss Belle? You don’t look so good. I’d say pale but—erm—well, with your complexion it ain’t easy to tell.” I cleared my throat. “Yes, I’m fine, thank you. My blood sugar must be getting low.” “Luigi, get this woman a cannoli!” While his henchman scrambled out the door to fetch the pastry, the mafioso paced back and forth, inspecting my display cases with genuine interest. I didn’t say anything for fear that I might offend him somehow. Sometimes, a lady mustn’t take chances! In two shakes of a lamb’s tail, Luigi arrived with the aforementioned cannoli and I must say, it looked fabulous. When he set it on the table, I took a dainty bite and was in heaven. The best cannoli I’d ever tasted! The filling was rich, creamy, and smooth with just the right blend of chocolate and cinnamon. I must have looked foolish with my lips covered in powdered sugar. Mattia laughed and gently patted my shoulder. “That’s what I like to see! Mama’s cannoli are the best. Enjoy the rest of your treat, Miss Belle. I gotta get going. Pleasure doin’ business with ya.” Once I was done stuffing my face with cannoli, I waited for Mattia and his entourage to exit the room. When the door finally closed shut and they were out of sight, I heaved a sigh of relief. My nerves were utterly frazzled. Instead of dwelling on the situation, I headed back to my workroom and began sifting through the raw materials I would need to craft the necklace he’d commissioned. Forging would help take my mind off of the world around me. Let’s see… the first thing I’d need was gold, of course. Then a few pearls, and a moderately sized ruby. The idea was to make a magnolia as the body, using the pearls as petals and the ruby would be placed in the center in order to tie it all together. Mattia had been smitten with my sketch and said that his wife would wear it proudly. I’m not sure if that was his way of saying coerced or if she really did enjoy having a seat of power within a criminal organization. I’m willing to bet it was the latter. Regardless of my personal opinions, a customer was a customer. With practiced ease, I shed all of my clothing, and folded the outfit into a neat pile by the door, placing my heels next to the pile. I shivered when the air caressed my bare skin, even though it wasn’t exactly cool. Finally, I felt calm, collected, and ready to forge. It took very little effort to create the necklace. I merely had to think of what it looked like in my mind, and the metals would respond to my will. Gold bullion melted into liquid, then took the shape of a chain, and the flower began to form in the center. The pearls were a little tricker, as they had to be reshaped from spheres into flattened petals, but with enough heat, the task was done. Finally, I levitated the ruby and pressed it ever so gently so that it would fuse to the gold. When the necklace was completed, I glanced over at the clock on the wall and realized that it was already a half hour past lunch time. Over two hours had passed since I started the piece. I hadn’t even noticed! I suppose time becomes relative when one is absorbed in their work. As far as I was concerned, it was time well spent. The sooner I could conclude my business with the Magnolias, the better. Stomach rumbling, I wiped away the sweat and soot from my face with a towel, then headed back up to the office level for a much-needed lunch break. The air conditioned environment of the office helped cool my body down after working around a hot furnace for well over two hours. My abilities protected me from being injured by the heat but they did not make me completely immune to its effects. Furthermore, I could technically melt metal through sheer force of will, but it saved me a lot of effort by using the furnace instead. Forming the jewelry itself was already taxing enough on my magic reserves. And yes, if you must know, I hadn’t bothered to put anything back on just yet. That was the beauty of running your own business. You could set your own hours and rules. Lunch break was most definitely clothing optional in Rarity’s jewelry shop~ I plopped onto the couch with my legs spread far apart, in a most unladylike position. It felt good to air everything out. There was no shame in it, as I had no company to offend. My skin felt grimy and unpleasant all over from the sooty, sweaty coating I’d accumulated. It made me want to take a shower quite badly. I know that I probably didn’t smell very pleasant either. However, bathing would have to wait until I got back home. For the time being, I was content to nibble on a turkey wrap while I cracked open a can of flavored seltzer water. With my hunger sated, I got back up and stretched out my limbs. I padded down the stairs once more and began looking at the design sketch of the wedding rings. Then it hit me. A strange compulsion to create something else. I tried in vain to ignore the sensation, but it only became stronger the more I resisted. In a frustrated huff, I set down the sketch and tapped my foot against the floor impatiently, expecting the opal to explain what was going on. No verbal answer. How very typical! The only response I received was an image of a mask showing up in my mind. Somehow, I knew that carbon fiber was the best material to craft it with. It was strong and light. Not only that, but I had plenty of carbon to work with. With a wave of my hand, I began levitating charcoal briquettes from the bottom of the furnace and fused them together in one, solid lump. I closed my eyes and concentrated on forming it into the shape I desired when something extraordinary occurred. A surge of magic pulsed through my arms, coursing through my fingers and into the carbon. I was no longer in control. The opal was doing something. A brilliant flash of light filled the basement, temporarily blinding me. When I opened them again, vision somewhat blurred, I found that the carbon had become clear. That could only mean one possible thing: it had become diamond. I reached out and tested the weight, finding it light and flexible. How was this possible? It dawned on me that through the use of powerful magic and modern metallurgy, I had essentially created diamond fiber. A material impossible to forge with humanity’s current level of technology. All that was left to do was color the mask, then add something to cover the eye holes. I bonded two sapphires to the slots, making them far harder than they would be otherwise, and reinforced their atomic structure. Gold and pearl were inlaid just underneath the surface, giving the mask an ivory color that matched my complexion quite nicely. When I was finished, it looked very similar to a Kabuki mask but offered the protection of an armor-plated starship. Feeling quite fatigued, I collapsed into a boneless, sweaty heap, desperate to catch my breath. All the food I had eaten for lunch earlier seemed like a distant memory. My stomach groaned in protest, my body ached everywhere and I had to fight the urge to fall asleep on the dirty floor. Creating the mask must have taken a lot more out of me than I previously thought. I struggled up the stairs and dragged my ivory rump to the fridge where I gorged on whatever I could find. It took nearly an hour, but I finally felt like I could move around again without collapsing. A quick glance at my phone told me that it was about three o’clock in the afternoon. I simply couldn’t stand it anymore. I needed to take a shower! My apartment was too far of a drive, so I opted to visit a fitness center nearby. Thankfully, I spent enough time at the shop to keep a few sets of clothing on hand. Not bothering with undergarments, I threw on a pink sundress and sneakers, packed a bag with all the necessary toiletries, a tank top, and a pair of gym shorts. One hot shower later, and I felt like a new Rarity. I’d decided that my business for the day was concluded, and sent a quick email to Mr. Magnolia informing him that his commission was complete. His reply was surprisingly quick for a mafia boss, but he was overjoyed at the prospect of picking up his new necklace. He insisted that it was no problem picking it up tomorrow. And so, I laid back in the big, comfy recliner at the fitness center and watched the news while I relaxed. At least, I tried to… until I saw a very familiar recording studio appear on screen. The news feed switched then from the reporter on scene to a conference being held by the MMPD Chief of the special operations branch. He urged everyone to be quiet so that he could speak. I can say with the utmost conviction that we are doing everything we can to bring these terrorists to justice, and ensure the safety of the two hostages taken. On that note, I have assembled the MMPD’s finest anti-terror strike force for this mission, and a plan is already underway to breach their base of operations, when we find it. I will now take questions from the media. What are the terrorists' demands? Do you plan on negotiating with them? We’d prefer not to discuss such details as they’d compromise the security of the mission. Moments later, my phone began to ring. The caller ID revealed that it was Coco. An icy knot of dread began to form in the pit of my stomach just thinking about what the police chief had said. The MMPD certainly didn’t sound like they were in the mood to negotiate with the kidnappers. My baby sister’s life was on the line! How could they—deep breaths, Rarity. Try your best to keep it together for Coco. She has a loved one in danger too. I tapped the accept call button and placed the phone to my ear. This was not going to be a pleasant conversation… “Hello? Rarity?! Are you there?” Coco replied in a quavering voice. “Yes, darling. What’s the matter?” I could clearly hear her hyperventilating. “It’s the studio. Earlier today, a group of… I don’t know—soldiers maybe, stormed in and kidnapped Rara along with your sister. Oh, dear! I don’t know what to do! I can’t—WHAT IF THEY HURT HER?!!” “Calm down, darling. One breath at a time. You said they were kidnapped?” “Yes,” Coco affirmed, hiccupping a moment later, “The MMPD is trying their best to track down the kidnappers, but so far, they haven’t had much success. The heist was too quick. All I know is that they’re holding Rara for some kind of ransom. I’m not sure who’s behind it.” I bit my lip. “What about Sweetie? Why did they take her?” “Again, I don’t know. Maybe they didn’t mean to. She was in the recording booth with Rara at the time. Rarity, please don’t do anything rash. I know your baby sister is in trouble but—” I gripped the arm of the recliner. “Coco, if you had the power to stop these thugs, wouldn’t you take action? I can’t sit idly by and let the police handle this. They might not be able to reach a negotiation with the criminals before someone gets hurt or killed. I have to do something!” Coco let out a shaky, shuddering sigh. “I guess so. Rarity, I just don’t want you to get hurt.” “I appreciate the sentiment. Truly, I do. You have my word that I shall be careful.” Coco didn’t seem the least bit mollified by my declaration, but she is a neurotic worry-wort. Not that I can blame her, of course. “Ok. I’m not really in a position to stop you even if I wanted to. Be safe. And please let me know if there’s anything I can do for you in the meantime.” “Make sure that Extravagance gets his supper.” Coco giggled. “Of, course. To be honest, I could use a little company right now anyway.” “It’s settled then. I’ll try my best to find Sweetie and Rara somehow. Thank you, Coco.” I’d barely hung up the phone when I heard a strange whooshing noise. It wasn’t particularly loud, so no one else in the fitness center must have noticed it. More importantly, I felt something appear in my hand. When I looked down, sure enough, the mask I’d left back at the shop was right there. I’m not sure how to explain the specifics of it, but I knew why it had come to me. I left my duffle bag inside the assigned locker back at the fitness center. I could always come by later and retrieve my meagre possessions. For the time being, all I had was the clothes on my back, my phone, and the mask. What should I do next? There really wasn’t an obvious answer. I didn’t have the kind of manpower and resources the MMPD did for finding criminals. How was I expected to locate the kidnappers on my own? My answer came in the form of a text. More specifically, from Sweetie. She’d apparently had enough wherewithal to use it while captured. Rarity. It’s me. We’ve been taken to a warehouse near the docs. I’ll send you the GPS location. Thank goodness for modern cell phones! In an instant, a red map marker appeared on my screen, showing me where the building was located. Hmm. It wasn’t terribly far from the fitness center. The question remained: should I go on foot or by car? Taking a vehicle might pose too much of a risk, considering that the kidnappers could hear it from a distance and spot me faster than on foot. Yes, it would take longer walking there, but I wagered that it was a safer bet in the long run. On the bright side, I’d be getting a decent cardio workout this evening. Haha~ Manehatten, being a coastal city, boasted a state-of-the-art port authority for boats to dock and handle all their cargo needs. This included large warehouses to store goods and unload them. According to my phone, a large, seemingly unused one was where Sweetie’s geo-locater gave off its signal. I hadn’t bothered texting her back, not knowing who was inside with her or if they knew she had her cellphone in the first place. It was a risk that I wasn’t willing to take. Much to my surprise, there was a wooded area right beside the warehouse that offered me the perfect place to conceal myself until I was ready to enact my rescue plan. That is, once I thought of one. Oh, dear. I was never one for police dramas and action movies. I’d much rather curl up on the couch with Extravagance and watch a light-hearted rom-com whilst eating rocky road ice cream instead. Ergo, I knew next to nothing about planning a raid. The opal assured me that I would not come to harm if I utilized my skin-hardening ability. Not so much in words, but as a feeling of… confidence? It’s rather difficult to explain. So what? Was I supposed to just charge in there and hope for the best? I THINK NOT!! One thing was readily apparent: I would need to wear the mask in order to conceal my identity. Being made of diamond fiber, I had no doubt that it was completely bullet proof and resistant to just about everything else a band of thugs could possibly throw at me. But what about the rest of my body? A tank top, gym shorts, and sneakers do not make for effective combat armor. In the end, what kind of protection could they possibly offer me that my powers didn’t already provide? The answer was obvious, so I began to take them off. Yes, even the sneakers. Walking around barefoot makes far less noise unless you’re stomping around on purpose. I know what you’re thinking: why on earth would I confront a band of armed mercenaries in the nude? For one, fighting is much easier when one doesn’t have to worry about clothing getting in the way. Second, it would provide a useful distraction, even if for just a moment. I may not be the vainest woman who ever lived, but there are plenty of people out there who are of the opinion that I possess an attractive physique. It’s as the saying goes: if you’ve got it, flaunt it! Don’t get the wrong idea; I’m certainly no exhibitionist. Perish the thought! I’m simply comfortable in my own skin and I feel as though it’s an expression of my truest self. That’s really the whole point of being a naturist, I dare say. In any case, I’m betting on the fact that most of those mercenaries will be men and that they’ll be too busy ogling the goods to hit first. Along with my phone, I stashed the rest of my attire in the hollow of a tree. The cool evening air gave me goosebumps all over. I shivered, partly from the breeze tickling my bare skin, and the rest from excitement. Adrenaline began to course through my veins. It allowed me to better focus on the task that lay ahead. I lifted the mask to my face and put it on. There was an immediate surge of mystical energy as I felt it conform to my flesh. When I opened my eyes once more, the world was colored blue but I could see much better in the dark. Huh. Night vision. Imagine that. The strangest part about the mask I now wore was that I barely felt it on my face. The transition from diamond fiber to flesh was seamless. For a moment, I began to panic, worried that I might not be able to take it off ever again. The opal assured me that I was just being melodramatic and there was nothing to worry about. In a brief fit of immaturity, I huffed and began to argue with it. I swear, I heard it laugh inside my mind, mocking my ignorance. I wasn’t amused in the least! This one meant no offence, end-user. You need only will it, and the mask shall come free. “Oh—erm—that’s good to know. I suppose it fits so snugly around my face to ensure that my identity is not compromised while I move around?” I whispered. Indeed. We can converse without the use of words, end-user. Think, and this one shall hear. With that out of the way, I focused my efforts on the warehouse, or more specifically, where I should enter to attract the least attention from the mercenaries. Just because I was capable of taking all of them on, didn’t mean I wanted to. Besides, who knows what they would do to Rara and Sweetie if I came barging in there unannounced. A lady is brave and courageous for those she cares about, but a super-heroine I was not! At least, not in mentality. If one wanted to split hairs, the abilities I possessed most certainly quantified me as a super-human. Or was it being? I don’t know the proper term. Not that it really matters at this point. As if by—ok, actually by magic, an impromptu HUD formed in my vision. It informed me of different statistics, some more pertinent than others. Like wind speed, air pressure, temperature, those sorts of things. Thinking back to what the opal (I should really give it a proper name at some point) told me earlier, I concentrated, willing the mask to find me a suitable entrance. In an instant, I had my answer. A circle hovered over a back door, highlighting it for me. I made my way towards it, and tested the door to see if it was locked. Yes, indeed it was. Figuring that now was as good at time as any to activate my diamond-skin ability, I channeled energy throughout my body, making it sparkle and glitter like an opal. My description might sound a bit misleading, so allow me to clarify a small detail. Like an opal, so long as I was not exposed to a major source of light, my skin would not glow. Stealth was still an option for me. The lock gave way to a precise strike of my palm, seeing as how my body was magically enhanced far beyond that of a normal human. I didn’t want to kick down the door and alert everyone to my presence. Thank goodness for my night vision because the warehouse’s interior was dimly lit save for the occasional fluorescent light hanging from the ceiling. I crept around the crates and boxes, sticking to the shadows whenever possible. I’d yet to see any mercenaries, but it was a big warehouse. They were probably concentrated in a single area, so as to limit angles of attack should the MMPD’s tac-ops unit arrive. So far, it was quieter than I cared to admit. Finally, after what felt like an eternity of searching, I came across a single guard. He was a tall man, clad in military fatigues with a black ski mask pulled over his face. Slung around his shoulder was a heavy strap that was attached to some nasty looking gun. I’m not sure what kind exactly, as I was not a firearms enthusiast. However, it was not large enough to be a machine gun. All I knew was that it had a long, curved magazine. Presumably to hold as many bullets as possible without the need to reload. Great. I’d have to deal with that… somehow. I hid behind a crate while he loosened a Velcro pouch on his vest. Contained within was a walkie talkie, and he depressed a button on the side, so that he could speak with his comrades. “Everything’s clear in the east sector. No sign of a MMPD incursion, over.” “Understood Bravo One,” a gruff voice answered, “Return to the holding room ASAP.” The man acknowledged the order and began to leave his post. Thinking on my feet, I pursued him, in hope that he might lead me to where Sweetie and Rara were being held hostage. It didn’t take long to arrive at our destination, but I had to keep my wits about me. There were far fewer places to hide in the center of the warehouse than along the fringes. As I expected, there was an increased presence of mercenaries within the room. Particularly, near what looked like an office. I found a ladder that enabled me to climb atop the room, and I crawled as quietly as I could to try and find a way inside. Fortunately, there was a glass window to let natural light into the office just above a desk. I took a peek inside, and sure enough, I could see Sweetie and Rara bound to a pair of metal chairs. Their mouths had been gagged by the looks of it. My stomach decided to start doing backflips just then. What in the world was I to do? By a quick head count, there were at least half a dozen men in there; most of them armed to the teeth. A lump formed in my throat, which I swallowed with some difficulty. The only thing I could do was continue to monitor the situation and wait until an opportunity arose. The greatest advantage I held at the moment was the element of surprise. They surely weren’t expecting me. Well, to be fair, no one would ever expect someone like me to rescue hostages, but that was beside the point. I took in a deep breath to steady myself, and willed the mask to enhance my sense of hearing. A stout little man with a white Mohawk, grey skin, and dressed in the same military fatigues I’d seen before, approached another, much taller man dressed in a black pinstripe suit. It was rather stylish, if I do say so myself. He adjusted his glasses and tie, then continued to converse with his minion. Or a gun for hire. I’m not really certain how these arrangements work. “Hey, Mr. Svengallop. Maybe I’m just bein’ a little overcautious here, but why hasn’t any of the funds been transferred yet? Do ya think the MMDP are on to us?” “No, I don’t believe so, Mr. Grubber. We took every precaution to ensure this location was off the grid from the MMPD’s radar. However, I share your frustration. It seems that showing them footage of Rara and her… intern has not been enough to convince them that we’re serious.” Grubber started nibbling on a candy bar from his vest pouch. “I know ya said that ya don’t like to get your hands dirty but a little bit of torture goes a long way. We don’t have to start lobbing off fingers n’ toes yet, since it’s only been an hour or two. Maybe just some roughing up. It’d make more sense to do that with the intern. She’s a nobody, so far as I know. What do ya say, boss?” Svengallop rubbed his chin in thought while he looked at Sweetie. Her eyes were filled with fear. Never in my entire life had I wanted to smash someone’s teeth in so badly. He would pay for kidnapping my baby sister! “I must admit, she’s rather… well-endowed for a girl her age. It would be such a shame to mar her beautiful body in any way. I don’t know, Mr. Grubber. I hadn’t planned on this heist of ours going that far.” Grubbed grinned lecherously. “Do you think she might still be a virgin? Even if she isn’t, I’ll bet that marshmallow bitch is tighter than a clamshell! Hehe. Plenty of cushion for the pushin’ too. Maybe we could hold her down and—” Svengallop frowned. “Absolutely not. Rape is just as bad as torture. I won’t allow it.” Grubber shrugged. “You’re the boss. I can ride into town and pound some pussy after this is all over. Assuming you manage to procure the ransom and pay us, that is. Which brings me back to square one, boss. We have to do something other than stand around and twiddle our thumbs. The boys are gettin’ antsy. The MMPD could be crawling up our ass any second now!” I suppose that was as good a signal as any to make my grand entrance. Using as much force as I could muster with my foot, I kicked the glass window, shattering it to pieces. I felt the impact against my skin but it didn’t cause me any pain, cuts, or injuries thank goodness. The marvels of having magical powers that make one impervious to damage. My landing was not nearly as graceful and dramatic as I’d hoped it would be. More like I awkwardly flailed about, desperately trying to land on my hands and feet. I came very close to falling flat on my face instead. With as much confidence as I could muster (it was all bluster on my part, I was terrified), I picked myself up from the floor, stood tall, and struck what I considered a heroic pose. You know, stoically looking ahead with your hands placed on your hips. I half expected the mercenaries to start attacking me right away, but they just stood there in complete silence. None of them said a word for a good thirty seconds. Their expressions were of absolute bewilderment. After what felt like an eternity, Mr. Grubber cleared his throat and pointed his gun at me. “What the actual fuck is going on here?” I blinked owlishly underneath my mask. “I beg your pardon?” “You’re begging my pardon? HA! I’m not the crazy naked bitch standing in the center of a room full of heavily armed mercs. Is this how you get your rocks off, lady? I’m not one to judge fetishes but… fuck me, do you have a few screws loose. What do you hope to accomplish?” Flustered and blushing, I tried to regain my composure. “I-I am here to rescue the hostages!” Grubber lowered his gun and laughed. His men joined him. “Listen up, glitter tits. You’ve got a dynamite bod; I’ll give you that. My men and I appreciate the impromptu peep show. But here’s the thing: we’ve got business to conduct and you’re an unnecessary distraction. Tell you what. Get the fuck outta here, we’ll forget this ever happened, and nobody gets hurt. Sound good?” I broke out into a cold sweat, made all the more obvious since my bare skin was exposed to the open air. My knees felt weak and threatened to buckle underneath me. Part of me wished that I hadn’t been so impulsive. What was I thinking? I’m no comic book super-heroine! No. Be brave, Rarity. Do it for Sweetie. Protecting your family and friends is what matters most. “I’m afraid that won’t be possible, Mr. Grubber.” I replied hesitantly, my voice distorted by the mask. Come to think of it, I hadn’t noticed that function before. I must admit; it was an excellent idea. People still might recognize my voice despite wearing a mask to conceal my identity. Grubber waved his hands in the air. “You don’t even have a knife! Do you really expect to take us all out with fancy kung-fu moves? Alright. Far be it for me to question some whack-job’s death wish. Hand to hand only, boys. No shooting. We can’t afford to kill the hostages. GET HER!!” As expected, three of the mercenaries came charging at me, combat knives in hand. They were nasty looking things with serrated edges and a knuckle guard. I was nimble on my feet due to the fact that I didn’t have any clothing to slow me down, but not enough to avoid all of their strikes. Two missed with a dodge and a duck. The third uppercut jammed into my side, just underneath the ribcage. Subconsciously, the opal hardened that portion of my body to lessen the impact, but I still felt it. The mercenary swore when the blade snapped in half like a twig. I leapt backwards, clutching my side in pain. A surprising amount, given how hard my skin was supposed to be. Any notion that my powers made me completely invulnerable to harm flew out the window. I didn’t have time to contemplate my injury before I had to block a kick with my arms. Once again, I felt the impact but it wasn’t painful this time. I responded by grabbing his arm, and using it as a pivot point to throw him onto the ground. My hope was that it would render him unconscious. A sickening crunch of flesh meeting floor resounded throughout the room, making me wince. I glanced downward and noticed that he was groaning in the fetal position. Had I really put that much strength behind the throw? The opal, helpful as always, chimed in and informed me that my muscles were enhanced by magic in addition to my skin. When were you planning on telling me this?!! The nerve of some—ehem—a lady must focus on the task at hand. Clearly cautious about striking me up close, the other man kept his distance and eyed my stance. Throwing caution to the wind, I decided to take the offensive. With a running start, I leapt into the air, performing the best flying kick I could. Alas, it was not very graceful. I fell short of my opponent and wound-up tumbling along the floor in a pile of fabulous, flailing limbs. Yet, it was enough to provide a distraction while using my forward momentum to knock him off balance. The second mercenary landed on the floor along with me in a meaty thump. He scrambled to retrieve his knife before I was able to kick it away properly, and thus, he proceeded to jam the blade as hard as he could into my lower back. I cried out in pain. This time, the injury hurt worse than before, but my flesh remained unscathed. Despite the pain, I flipped myself over, wrapped my legs around his head in a chokehold, and squeezed my thighs together until he passed out. By the time I rose to my feet, the third mercenary was already charging at me with a taser. He jammed the metal prongs into my stomach, causing a searing electrical pain to course through my body. The magic helped me to resist it somewhat, but I fell to the floor, unable to control some of my muscles. Legs weak, I tried in vain to get up again. I was practically helpless. Grubber approached me; a sneer spread across his lips while he drew a pistol from his belt. “Not so tough now, are ya, glitter tits? Although, I have to wonder how the hell you’re still alive. Never seen a naked person survive all that. Normally, I’d have a little fun with ya before puttin’ a bullet in your brain… but I’m too pissed off. You’ve gone and ruined the mood. FUCK!!” I made sure to put as much venom behind my words as I could. “You are an absolutely vile, disgusting creature, Mr. Grubber. One day soon, you shall receive your componence.” He scoffed. “Not from you, glitter tits. I’d say this was fun, but it wasn’t.” He fired three rounds from the pistol straight at my face. Since my mask was bullet-proof, they shattered on impact and ricocheted all around the room. I squeezed my eyes shut, praying that Sweetie and Rara weren’t injured in the ensuing chaos. When I opened them again, I was relieved to see that they were unharmed. However, one of the fragments had struck Svengallop in the leg, and another had managed to fly backwards. It went straight through Grubber’s right eye and pierced his brain. He crumpled to the floor in a boneless heap while I began to panic. Blood was everywhere. A great deal of it had seeped from Grubber’s wound and covered my skin since I was not yet in control of my faculties yet. I struggled to heave his body off of me, but eventually I managed to gain enough feeling in my legs to stand. When I took a moment to survey the room, the only remaining people inside were Svengallop, Sweetie, and Rara. The other mercenaries must have fled the scene, once they witnessed their leader die. My first order of business was to tend to Svengallop’s leg wound. He might have been an unsavory character, but he certainly didn’t deserve to die from blood loss. I unfastened his belt and tied it tightly around his thigh to prevent further bleeding. He already was beginning to look pallid, so I rushed over to Sweetie and untied her, knowing that she had a cellphone. “Call 911 as quickly as you can, dear. I’ll untie Miss Coloratura in the meantime.” Sweetie looked at me inquisitively, but didn’t hesitate to follow my instructions. With Rara free, I was taken by surprise when she wrapped me in a bone-crushing hug, sobbing with joy. When the sniffling finally began to subside, she let go of me and tried to compose herself once more. “I can say, without a doubt, that this has been the strangest, most terrifying day of my life. Thank you, miss. I owe you, my life. If there’s anything I can do to repay the debt, just—” I blushed underneath my mask. “That won’t be necessary, darling. I didn’t save the both of you, expecting to be rewarded. Your health and safety were my primary concern. Are you injured?” “No, thank goodness. I was starting to think that Grubber would torture us.” I glanced over at his body and growled. “He won’t be doing that anymore.” Rara rubbed the back of her neck. “So, what’s your professional name?” “My professional name?” “Yeah. What you call yourself, miss. You’re clearly no ordinary woman. By the way, I totally dig the minimalist approach to your—ah—costume, let’s call it. Bold and body positive.” I shuffled my feet. “Yes, well… my superpowers, as they were, allow me to harden my body to the strength of diamonds. It makes wearing a costume rather redundant, wouldn’t you say?” Rara nodded emphatically while placing her hands on my shoulders. “THAT’S SO COOL!” I chuckled awkwardly. “I’m glad you think so…” “Just wait until I post the video of you saving us. You’ll have a fanbase in no time!” Before I could protest, Rara began recording a rather unflattering video of me, offering her own commentary on the situation. Not wanting to wait until the paramedics and police arrived, I checked on Sweetie to make sure she was ok. Her eyes scanned every inch of my naked form, trying to put two and two together. Part of me hoped that my sparkling skin and opulent mask was enough to throw her off. But she was a clever girl. Just as I was about to leave, Sweetie placed her hand on my shoulder, a soft smile spread across her lips. “Thanks for saving us, miss. I was afraid that Grubber guy was about to—.” I had to hold back my tears. Sweetie looked so tired… and vulnerable. I wanted to hug her and tell my baby sister that everything would be ok. But that would have raised too many questions. Instead, I patted her head before she could start crying. What a mess I must’ve looked, covered in blood, and sweat. Totally not inspiring. “That is the true essence of being a heroine, young lady. Helping those who need it most. Wahahaha~” Sweetie giggled. “Man, the internet is gonna explode when they see you.” “Erm—I hope I don’t become popular for the obvious reason…” I replied self-consciously. “Probably. You’re the first, and only nude superheroine running around Manehatten.” “Thank goodness I’m wearing a mask.” I mumbled. Sweetie held up her finger. “BUT! I really like your powers! Is this your normal getup?” “If you’re asking me about a costume, then the answer is no. I don’t see the need to wear one.” Sweetie gave me a thumbs up. “Cool. You definitely don’t need one in my opinion.” “Right. Just make sure you get home safely, dear.” “Don’t worry; I will! Thanks again for saving my life. Oh! What do you call yourself?” “Call me… Madame Adamantium, Manehatten’s Unclothed Crusader.” > Barbeque At My Bestie's House > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 16 Rarity’s Apartment, Manehattan After letting out a loud yawn, I cracked open my eyes and stretched out languidly from underneath the bed sheets. There was no denying it; I was utterly exhausted from the rescue attempt last night and my entire body felt sore. In particular, pain radiated along both sides of my ribcage when I inhaled too deeply. I shuffled over to the vanity mirror and gave myself a quick look over. My skin was covered with a smattering of nasty, purple-brown bruises. I sighed as I raised my arms and turned around to view my backside. No amount of makeup would be able to conceal my injuries from Sweetie, and wearing clothes would only arouse her suspicion further. I had a decision to make. She already knew about the abilities the geode had given me. What harm would there be if I told her about the opal that had fused with my body in Equestria, and the subsequent powers that came with it? I bit my lip. There was a very real danger that if my identity were to be revealed somehow, unscrupulous characters would try to kidnap her again or worse. I closed my eyes for a moment and steeled my resolve. In this situation, honesty was the best policy. I just hoped that she would have enough sense to be discreet about my alter ego. A quick glance at the clock told me that I’d slept in rather late. Unsurprising, considering how late we’d been out last night… or morning, I should say. It was a little past noon. I suppose I could whip up some light fare for lunch or order takeout. But coffee was a must, regardless of the hour. The caffeine would help soothe my growing headache and make me more alert for the serious discussion that lies ahead. When I walked out to the kitchenette, a bedraggled and nude Sweetie Belle was already brewing a pot of caramel-mocha coffee. Bless her heart! I approached her cautiously, since I knew that she was still frazzled from her harrowing ordeal. “Good afternoon, dear. Did you manage to get any sleep?” I asked. My baby sister turned around and yawned. Her eyes had dark circles underneath them and were thoroughly bloodshot. The poor thing. “Nope. There’s no point trying to go back to bed either.” I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulled her close to me, and kissed the back of her head as I breathed in her scent. “I’m so sorry you had to go through all that. Oh, Sweetie! You can’t imagine how relieved I am that you’re safe and unharmed. I was worried sick about you.” “Thanks, Rarity.” Sweetie replied softly, her voice on the verge of cracking. When she turned around to look at me, tears were rolling down her cheeks. “Would you like a tissue? Here, let me grab you one. Feel free to say or do whatever you wish. Let it all out.” After a few wet snuffles, she shuffled her feet. “The worst of it is over now, I guess. I dunno what to do about this whole situation. Rara texted me earlier and said I could take off for as long as I needed but… it just doesn’t feel right. I should be doing something productive with my time instead of moping around your apartment all day. What do you think?” “I suppose working could help you adjust and move on. Might I make a suggestion?” “Sure. That’s why I asked in the first place.” I placed my hands on her shoulders. “At the very least, take a day or two off and rest. That way, when you go back to the studio, you’ll be recharged and ready to give Rara your best. Now, why don’t we enjoy a cup of coffee, then take a bath together. It’ll do us both a world of good.” Sweetie rubbed her arm and blushed slightly. “Are you sure? We haven’t done that in years.” “Come now, Sweetie. What is there to be embarrassed about? There isn’t a nook or cranny of our bodies that we haven’t seen before already. Consider it sisterly bonding time.” Sweetie took a swig of coffee. “Sorry, it’s just that… I’m used to taking showers all by myself. The last time we took a bath together was like forever ago! Are you sure it won’t get weird?” I smiled, reminiscing back to our childhood. “When we were still living together at Mother & Father’s house, as I recall. And no, I don’t believe it will, darling. To be quite honest, I could use some companionship right now. Don’t get me wrong; Extravagance is a wonderful dog and loyal friend, but he can never fill in as a substitute for another human being.” Sweetie tapped her fingers along the edge of the mug. “Sounds like you miss your boyfriend.” “Indeed. I wish Braeburn were here right now, but he has responsibilities elsewhere. I suppose that’s just part of being involved in a romantic relationship with someone. You must accept your partner for who and what they are. Even if it means being away from them for a while.” Sweetie padded over the balcony and looked out the window towards the Manehattan skyline. The view was one of the reasons I chose this apartment in the first place. “Is he cool with you being a naturist? With Button, it’s a little different since he’s already familiar with the lifestyle.” “I’m not entirely certain if he’ll ever come to embrace naturism with the same gusto as we have, darling. At the very least, he appears to tolerate my habits. It makes me wonder what kind of arrangements we’d need to make, if we decide to live with each other on a permanent basis.” “Are you gonna marry him? Sounds like you’ve got a pretty serious relationship to me.” I nearly choked on my coffee. “I—erm—don’t quite have an answer to that yet. It wouldn’t surprise me if Braeburn proposed sooner rather than later. He is the chivalrous type, after all.” Sweetie giggled. “Awww! That’s so romantic.” “All right. Enough gossiping about my love life. Time for a bath!” Extravagance begged me to let him into the bathroom with us, but I had to put my foot down and tell him no. Don’t feel too bad for him. I bribed the little bulldog with a cup full of his favorite peanut butter flavored canine ice cream. That would keep him content for a little while at least. With that problem solved, I proceeded to fill the tub with hot water and squirted some scented bubble bath oil near the faucet so that it could mix properly. In no time at all, we practically had ourselves a private jacuzzi. Rest assured the tub was more than large enough to accommodate us both. I like to be able to stretch my legs out when taking baths. I slipped in first, followed close behind by Sweetie. An unconscious moan escaped my lips as the hot water enveloped my skin. It helped to soothe all the sore spots. Before I could begin scrubbing in earnest, I felt Sweetie do it for me. It was a touching gesture and I appreciated how gentle she was being. The peaceful atmosphere was destined to end soon, as I’m sure she noticed the bruises. I took in as deep a breath as I was able and blew it out slowly through my nose. “There’s no use in trying to hide it. I’m pretty sure I know where those bruises came from.” I chuckled awkwardly. “Ah. So… you noticed them.” “Kind of hard to miss with your complexion, Rarity. Speaking of, I had my suspicions last night but seeing your skin like this has erased all doubt from my mind. You were that crazy naked lady in the mask who fought all the mercenaries! Don’t try to lie. I’d know your body anywhere.” I looked down at the water. “I’d appreciate it if you didn’t refer to me as crazy, darling. Very well. I admit that it was me who saved both you and Rara last night.” “More like completely stupid! You could have gotten killed!” Sweetie squeaked. I went on to explain what had happened with the opal, Equestria, and my subsequent return home. Throughout my explanation, Sweetie seemed to take everything in stride, but her serious expression never changed. Before long, I heard a loud slosh as she leaned back against the edge of the tub and spread her legs out. In response, I turned around and did the same so that I could meet her face to face instead of having to crane my neck. Sweetie lifted her foot out of the water and wiggled her toes, apparently lost in thought. I sat quietly, unsure what else to say. “Even with all those cool gem powers, you’ll need more training if you want to become a proper crime-fighting super heroine. I love that you don’t need to wear a costume though! Beyond the mask, of course. Because that’s important. You can’t have people figuring out your identity.” I twiddled my fingers. “I didn’t see the need as my own skin provides far more protection than any outfit on the market, black or otherwise. To answer your other question, I don’t intend to become a full-time vigilante. That’s what the MMPD is for, darling. I prefer leading a normal, mundane life as Rarity, the jewelry maker instead. Even if I happen to possess super powers.” Sweetie pouted by crossing her arms underneath her breasts. “But you’ve already built up some street cred! Your picture’s been plastered all over the internet by now. The video Rara took has gone viral too. Um—I think it’s probably because you’re a strong, courageous heroine bringing hope to the city of Manehattan… or that you’re some crazy naked chick letting it all hang out while fighting crime. What? Most people think you’re hot, Rarity. Take it as a compliment! I-I mean, you’ve always been pretty so—I’ll just shut up now and let you watch the video.” Sure enough, when Sweetie handed me her phone and showed me the uncensored version of the video in question, it displayed my body in compromising (combat) positions where nothing was left to the imagination. I blushed furiously as I read some of the lewd comments posted, but none seemed to criticize my actions. More than a few were encouraging, saying that I was brave for rescuing hostages in a situation where the MMPD had failed to react quickly enough. In that vein, the MMPD’s chief had apparently taken a lot of heat from the media, causing the entire department significant embarrassment, as they’d allowed a nude vigilante to do their job. Still blushing, I cleared my throat. “My goodness! I hadn’t realized the extent of my popularity.” Sweetie rolled her eyes. “You really need to pay more attention to that kind of stuff! That’s how the world works nowadays. Anyway, you’re basically internet famous, so I should probably set up a fan page for you. Who knows? You might even get donations from time to time.” I rubbed my temples, feeling a headache coming on. “Sweetie, this isn’t a popularity contest. If I had my way, I’d sooner hang up the mask for good and forget that last night ever happened.” “But think of all the good you can do!” Sweetie protested. “I’d rather craft jewelry and leave crime-fighting to the professionals.” In a display of ladylike composure, my little sister of sixteen, splashed her fists in the water, spraying some at my face in the process. Wet and annoyed, I narrowed my eyes. Her expression softened after a few moments, and then she began to cry. “Don’t you know how jealous I am of your magic super powers? You get to do amazing things, and I’m stuck being a dumb teenager!” I scooched forward and cupped her cheeks in the palms of my hands. “You’re anything but dumb, Sweetie. There are plenty of things you’re talented at: like singing and computer programming for instance. I know this is difficult for someone your age to understand, but having super powers is not all fun and games. They are meant to be used responsibly, not for personal gain. My main concern with going down the path of vigilantism is that I might endanger those I love. I don’t want to take any unnecessary risks if I’m in a position to mitigate them.” Sweetie’s entire body sagged while she processed my response. “I’m sorry for acting like a spoiled brat. You’re right. I didn’t think about all the other stuff that might happen if you put yourself in harm’s way. It seems like you’re wasting your abilities if you don’t help out people who could use a super-heroine in their lives. I know it sounds silly, but that’s how I feel.” I hugged my sister close to me while I ran my fingers through her curly locks. She hiccupped a few times, sniffed, and nuzzled her cheek against my breast. “I can’t say that I understand what you mean completely, but I respect your point of view. Besides, you’re sorting through a great deal of trauma and stress right now. I dare say, you’re expected to be a little emotional.” We embraced each other for a little while longer, until Sweetie was finally able to calm down. It was impossible for me to be upset with her because she was just a teenager, going through a difficult time. Raging hormones, changes to one’s body, and unpredictable mood swings were challenging enough but to have to deal with being kidnapped was more than anyone should ever have to bear. I exited the tub first, and began to towel off, as I didn’t want to become a giant pearly white prune. Sweetie followed suit shortly thereafter, and began to blow dry her hair. While going about my daily skin care regimen in the living room, I happened to notice that my phone was vibrating on the kitchen table. Since my body was still a bit sore from the fight, moving gracefully wasn’t an option, so I ended up awkwardly hobbling over to the table to answer the call. As a precaution, I typically kept the video function turned off. It was more for the sake of my clients rather than my friends, as they knew about my preferences regarding attire. I glanced down at the screen and saw a name pop up that I hadn’t been expecting. It was none other than Sunset Shimmer. Curious. “Good afternoon, darling. To what do I owe the pleasure?” “Hey, Rarity. Flash & I were wondering if you’d like to come over to our house for a BBQ.” Realizing that I hadn’t eaten anything yet, my stomach grumbled at the prospect of cooked meat. “That sounds wonderful. However, it may take me a while to arrive.” “Not a problem,” Sunset replied, “Oh, and your sister is welcome to come along too.” I twirled a strand of my hair as I looked out the window. “I’d have to ask if she’s interested. Sweetie… has gone through a harrowing ordeal recently. I’m not sure if she’ll be up to traveling anywhere today. It shall take time for her to completely get over the trauma, I’m afraid.” “I heard about the kidnapping on the news. Um—we’ve got a swimming pool in the backyard. Sweetie can go swimming with us or—you know—just chill if she decides to come along. Teenagers love free food and being lazy, right? The best part is: our backyard offers complete privacy from any nosy, peeping neighbors! One of the perks of living near the woods.” I chuckled. “I imagine the two of you have taken advantage of said privacy on numerous occasions. Oh ho~ As married couples are often wont to do.” Somehow, I could tell that Sunset was blushing. She let out an awkward cough. “That’s not really any of your business, but… we have, if you must know. ANYWAY! What I’m saying is that you guys don’t have to worry about bringing along bathing suits.” “Oh? Am I to assume this BBQ of yours has a casual dress code in place?” Sunset giggled. “Sure does! I’m dressed for success right now, in fact. Just ask my husband. He’s certainly enjoying the outfit I picked out this morning. A timeless classic that never goes out of style. One could even go so far as to say it takes the barest amount of effort to slip on~” “Excellent! I think a bit of fresh air will do us both a world of good right now.” The hour-long drive to Sunset’s suburban home was a pleasant one. Albeit, not one that I would make on a daily basis. Sweetie and I threw on a pair of rather plain dresses and sandals, as we wanted to wear something easy to slip in and out of once we arrived. It goes without saying that we didn’t bother with undergarments. I hadn’t gotten a chance to get a good look at their home the last time I had visited due to the urgency of the situation. It was a quaint, spacious, single-floored ranch house. Harkening back to the days when Canterlot was experiencing a development boom, and demand for homes was high. I will say this much: the location was nestled up against a forest, offering privacy from prying eyes like Sunset had mentioned. Instead of entering through the front door, Sunset instructed us to go around back via text. Hedges had been planted along the perimeter of the house, acting as a natural fence. There was one spot that had been trimmed into the shape of an arch, along with a corresponding metal gate spanning across the bottom portion. We waited for a few moments, and sure enough, Sunset arrived to unlock it for us. She wore nothing, save for a pair of black sunglasses perched upon her brow as she beckoned us to follow her towards the pool. Some light jazz was playing from somewhere within the house, or a portable music device. Flash stood by the grill, cooking up hamburgers and chicken breasts. He wore a gaudy red apron that featured a cartoonish sausage printed on the front dressed in what appeared to be a tuxedo, holding up a suppressed pistol. Just below it, the phrase: “License to Grill” was printed in bold text. He waved to us as we walked by. I groaned at the terrible pun. Sunset & Flash were a couple who loved to buy each other corny gifts. It was adorable, I admit, but still cringe-worthy. What surprised me most was that Flash went commando underneath the apron. Like my own paramour, Flash Sentry hadn’t been raised in a naturist household (or a land full of pastel ponies), but found himself in a relationship with someone who preferred to live au naturel whenever possible. In that regard, a few of Sunset’s habits had managed to rub off on him over the years. It made me wonder if Braeburn would ever reach that level of comfort around me. Our trip to the beach together had shown promise. Sunset clapped her hands, then rubbed them together. “Welcome to Casa Del Sunset! Feel free to get comfortable and wear as much or as little as you prefer. Drinks are in the cooler over by the table. Lunch should be ready shortly. It—uh—would have been ready sooner but we got a little distracted. NOT TO WORRY! There’s a bowl full of shrimp cocktail if you’re hungry.” It wasn’t obvious if one weren’t looking closely, but Sunset’s amber skin was flushed a shade of rosy pink and glistened with sweat in the afternoon sun. Easily attributable to spending time outdoors in the nude. However, while I was removing my sandals, it occurred to me that her gait was slightly off… as though she was feeling a bit sore. Those horndogs! They’d snuck in a quick shag before we arrived. Judging by the errant blades of grass that were stuck to Sunset’s derriere, I’d wager that they’d done so right in the middle of the backyard. While I pulled the sundress over my head and neatly folded it in a pile by my sandals, I giggled to myself. Upon sampling the shrimp cocktail, I tapped Sunset’s shoulder. “Pardon me, darling. Would you happen to have any sunscreen? Sweetie and I have delicate complexions that are prone to sunburn. Even underneath the shade of these lovely trees. I’d rather not take the chance.” Sunset chuckled awkwardly. “Shit! That’s right. Gimme a sec and I’ll be right back with some.” Sweetie joined me by the table and leaned over to whisper in my ear. “Is it just me or does your friend smell kinda funky? I didn’t wanna say anything ‘cause it’s rude but…” “Ah, so you noticed it too. I suspect that she and her husband engaged in some rather… vigorous marital activities just before we arrived. In her haste, I don’t believe Sunset remembered to freshen up afterwards. Just a theory though. For all I know, they could have been out on a jog.” Sweetie blushed and cleared her throat. “Oh. Should we, like, tell her?” “Hmm. It would be rather gauche to do so, but I know I wouldn’t want to walk around smelling like sweaty sex all day. Especially in the company of friends. I’ll handle it, dear. You run along and enjoy the pool or just lounge on one of the chairs. Whatever suits your fancy.” With that, my little sister scampered off and proceeded to cannonball into the pool. Thankfully, Flash didn’t seem to mind the water splashing all over the place, as he was far enough away. I rolled my eyes. I hadn’t meant for her to just jump right in. She needed sunscreen first! Now, it would be far more difficult to apply on her skin unless she dried off with a towel first. In any case, I patiently waited for Sunset to return, which seemed to take longer than expected. When she finally showed up with a bottle of sunscreen in hand, I noticed that her hair was wet and she smelled of shampoo. Strawberry-Mango, I believe. The scent suited her. Apparently, she had realized her faux pas and took a quick shower to rectify her body odor issue. I smiled politely, and took the sunscreen. Seeing no point in sitting down, I squirted some in my hand and began rubbing it all over my skin. And yes, I mean in every nook and cranny. Thankfully, Sunset took it upon herself to help me with my back and shoulders, as any good friend would do. Voice barely above a whisper, Sunset spoke to me while I lathered up my breasts and stomach with a healthy dollop of sunscreen. “Sorry about earlier, Rarity. We got caught up in the heat of the moment and lost track of time. When I realized that you two were almost here, I had to think on my feet. Hence, my—erm—slightly disheveled state.” “It’s quite alright, darling. I might’ve been tempted to do the same with Braeburn.” Sunset frowned sympathetically. “I take it you don’t get to see him very much…” I shook my head. “Unfortunately, no. Our schedules vary and he stays with his relatives in Appleloosa during the harvest season to cut down on commuting. The last time we were together was during our vacation at Cala Concha. With all the other drama going on in my life right now, I haven’t had much time to focus on our relationship. Does that make me a bad partner?” Sunset patted my back affectionately. “Let’s just say that you’ve had to deal with some pretty unique circumstances. I’m sure he still loves you, Rares. No need to beat yourself up.” I sighed. “Very well. I suppose there’s no sense in dwelling on matters out of my control.” One thoroughly soaked Sweetie Belle plodded over to where we were conversing with a sheepish expression spread across her lips. “I’m ready for some sunscreen, girls! On the bright side, the water is cool and refreshing. 10/10 would recommend going for a swim.” “Not like that you aren’t,” I admonished, “go find a towel and dry off first, young lady. Unless you’d prefer looking like Strawberry Belle for the remainder of the day.” “But I don’t see any towels around here…” Sunset laughed. “Yet another thing we forgot to bring out. Why don’t you go ask Flash?” My sister shrugged and walked over to Flash, who had just finished cooking up the meat. They entered the house, presumably, to fetch some towels and clean up. Or at least in Flash’s case. In the meantime, Sunset and I decided to lounge on a pair of the chairs by the pool, enjoying the sun as it warmed our skin. It felt marvelous. There was nothing quite like experiencing the outdoors as mother nature intended. I very nearly dozed off, until Sweetie came back and poked my side, in an effort to get my attention. Slightly annoyed at the pain it had caused, I rose from the chair slowly and narrowed my eyes at her. Realizing her mistake, Sweetie offered her hand, which I took graciously. “Sorry, my bad. I forgot about your injuries. The good news is: I was able to put on sunscreen! Sunset’s husband was kind enough to help me coat all the hard-to-reach spots after he cleaned up in the bathroom. Flash seems like a pretty cool guy and he’s not bad looking either.” “No offense taken, dear. Let’s get something to eat then. I’m famished.” Sunset was happily munching away at her hamburger, stuffed to the brim with lettuce, pickles, tomatoes, and other condiments. She’d already managed to smear ketchup and mustard all over her face but I said nothing. It struck me as odd that a former Equestrian would enjoy consuming meat so much, but then again, she was no longer a unicorn. I’d have to ask her about it later. The grilled chicken, in particular, looked delicious, so I helped myself to a few pieces and a dollop of potato salad. Sweetie went straight for the hamburger, loading it with bacon, cheese, mushrooms, and BBQ sauce. That was no surprise. My little sister had always been somewhat of a carnivore. This was the first time I’d ever seen Flash Sentry in the nude before. He was a handsome fellow just like Sweetie had mentioned; a moderately muscular build, broad shoulders, and smooth yellow skin. He kept his sapphire blue hair well-groomed. It was a cut significantly shorter than it had been during our days at Canterlot High as classmates. Not quite as spikey either. The same could be said of the fuzzy tuft that adorned his manhood. Not that I’m implying it had been a tangled mess back in high school but… you know what I mean! When it comes to genitals, I try not to stare as it’s considered impolite. Even by naturist standards. However, as a jewelry maker, I’ve always had a keen eye for detail. At a glance, Sunset’s drunken admission from before seemed a tad exaggerated in my opinion. His penis was slightly above average in terms of length and girth (I’d seen enough in my lifetime to be a good judge of such criteria). Circumcised by the looks of it. The head was bulbous like a mushroom. A fine specimen of the male organ, I dare say. Certainly nothing to complain about in terms of size and shape. Not that I judged a man solely on those criteria, mind you! Still, what Sunset had said before vexed me. I could only assume that the former unicorn might have been comparing Flash’s penis to those of stallions in her world? I was no animal expert, but it was common knowledge that stallions were well-endowed. Perhaps, the same applied to Equestrian males. While I took a small bite of potato salad, Flash crouched on his haunches in order to turn off the grill’s propane tank. This, of course, made his testicles dangle freely in the space between his legs. I nearly choked when I realized how big they were (it was rather warm outside and he hadn’t gone for a swim yet) and that they were entirely free of hair. As in… waxed? What a novel concept~ Men typically did not go to such lengths in terms of pubic grooming. I leaned over and whispered into Sunset’s ear discreetly. “Does your husband enjoy tidying up?” Sunset’s eyes widened like saucers. “Uh… why do you ask?” “Forgive me, darling. I couldn’t help but notice how incredibly smooth his family jewels are.” Sunset clamped her thighs together, blushed, and coughed aloud. “OH! I understand now. Don’t worry, Rares; I’m not upset. He’s got a pretty big pair of stones. They’re practically impossible to miss out in the open. In case you were wondering, I had nothing to do with his… grooming habits. Heck, I’m not that into shaving my own crotch. Just enough to keep things tidy down there. I guess it makes them more fun to play with? GAH! Why am I even telling you this?!” I tittered. “Because we’re such good friends~ As for Braeburn, he’s quite a bit hairier than Flash. And by that, I mean everywhere. It doesn’t bother me though. I find it adds to his rustic charm.” Sunset shot me a ketchup smeared grin. “Is it true what they say about the Apple Family?” “What exactly are you referring to, darling?” Sunset nudged my arm and waggled her eyebrows. “That all the guys have monster schlongs. What? Don’t act so surprised, Rares. Practically every girl at Canterlot High fantasized about riding AJ’s brother bareback at some point. Myself included! For Celestia’s sake, he’s called Big Mac for a reason. Come to think of it, when I was visiting AJ back in Equestria, I never got the chance to take a peek at his undercarriage. Pretty sure his baby baton was sheathed anyway.” Now, I was the one blushing. “I honestly don’t know! Braeburn’s never mentioned it.” Sunset scoffed as she wiped her mouth with a napkin. “Of course, he wouldn’t. Braeburn’s too polite and modest. Plus, it’d be kinda awkward talking about your cousin’s dick with your GF.” “It never ceases to amaze me how crass you can be, Sunset.” My fiery-haired friend shrugged. “Well, tough shit. I’ve always been this way. I’m not some prim & proper Manehattan socialite like you, Rares. I grew up in a Canterlot orphanage and learned about life the hard way. Had to get street smart, quick. Cut me a little slack.” “I hadn’t intended to criticize you, darling. Merely making an observation. I love you just the way you are and I wouldn’t change a thing. Nor should you feel the need to in my presence.” I yelped as Sunset practically leapt out of her seat and planted her amber derriere atop my lap, smothering me in a hug. She began to nuzzle my cheek with her own; a sign of affection amongst Equestrians as I had learned during my brief excursion there. I returned her embrace with equal affection, and placed a gentle kiss upon her forehead. Finally, after so many years apart, it felt like we were truly reconnecting as friends. She got up a little while later, her cheeks flushed and eyes filled with unshed tears. A single, wet sniff signaled her need for a tissue. After blowing her nose into a soiled napkin, Sunset finally spoke, her voice thick with emotion. “Sorry about the waterworks. Equestrians are an emotional race and I’m not the type to hold back my feelings for the people I love. Thanks, Rares. I’m so glad to have you back in my life.” I wasn’t on the verge of tears, but my chest was filled with warmth. “As am I, dear. How about we go join the others for a swim? I, for one, could use a refreshing dip right about now.” We walked together, holding hands, towards the pool where Flash and Sweetie were playing with a beach ball. Noticing that his wife’s eyes were red and puffy, Flash put down the ball and looked at her with an expression full of concern. She waved it off, saying that we’d shared a personal moment together and that the tears were simply part of the process, and not indicative of any emotional distress. Thus mollified, he continued his game with Sweetie. As for Sunset and I, we stepped into the shallow end of the pool using the stairs. I shivered as the water enveloped my skin. It was far colder than I’d anticipated, but not unpleasant on such a warm day. Sunset let go of my hand, and wadded over to her husband, who wrapped his arm around her waist. She cuddled up to him and they shared a kiss on the lips. What a lovely couple. Despite being from two separate worlds, it was as though they had always been meant for each other. A pang of loneliness gripped my heart, as I yearned for Braeburn’s warmth pressed up against me. My melancholy threatened to bring down the jovial mood of the current festivities, so I closed my eyes, took in a deep breath, and focused on the present. There was plenty of love to be had here. Much to my surprise, Flash was the first one to speak up. “Hey there. It’s been a while, Rarity. Welcome back. Hope you enjoyed the food I made. Not the fanciest, but it works in a pinch.” I waved my hand dismissively. “Perish the thought, darling. It was quite delicious.” Sunset looked down at her feet for a moment before meeting my eyes. “Now that we’ve had a chance to fill our bellies, Flash and I wanted to discuss an important matter with you. It’s part of the reason why we invited the two of you out here in the first place. Please don’t get upset!” I sighed and submerged myself deeper into the water, until it was up to my neck. “I’m not upset. In fact, I have a pretty good inkling as to what you’d like to discuss with me. Go on, dear.” Flash cleared his throat. “We saw the pictures posted on the internet regarding the recent kidnapping in Manehattan. More specifically, the ones of a mysterious, masked vigilante who also happens to—ah—take the minimalist approach with her costume.” “What Flash is trying to say,” Sunset continued, “is that we’re pretty sure it’s you, Rares.” I let out a dry laugh. “It would appear that my identity is not as secret as I’d hoped.” Sweetie interjected by wading over to me, placing her hand on my shoulder. “We all think what you did was totally awesome, sis! But you gotta remember: we know what your naked body looks like. It’s pretty obvious when you look at the pictures. That’s what they’re saying.” “I thought that the mask, voice modification, and my fabulous sparkling skin would be an adequate enough disguise to throw most people off. Is that somehow not the case?” Sunset nodded. “Normally, they would be. However, we’re biased in that regard, as we already know about your powers. It was just a simple matter of putting two and two together. That and you’ve got those nasty bruises all over your ribs. It’s a dead giveaway.” “I see. Well then, I suppose I shan’t need to don latex body paint. Assuming, of course, that I ever intend to fight crime again. I’d much prefer to let that to the professionals.” Sunset chuckled. “You probably shouldn’t do any nude modeling either. Just to be safe.” “The Gala was a one-time event, dear. Besides, I was more covered up, in a manner of speaking, than when I rescued Sweetie & Rara from the mercenaries. IF, and I stress if, someone was to make the connection that I was Madam Adamantium, then they’d have to have seen me unclothed during other circumstances. Even then, my skin wouldn’t have been sparkly.” Flash rubbed his chin in thought. “I’d still lay low for a while, Rarity. With how social media is these days, you’re bound to attract more than a few obsessed fans. Whatever you decide to do from this point forward, Sunset and I wanted to let you know that you have our full support.” Despite the emotional moment I’d shared with Sunset earlier, I began to tear up. Once they began, I could no longer keep my composure. “Thank you, everyone. It means so much to me to hear you say that. My life has become more and more complicated as of late and I’ve found myself in dire need of emotional support. I’ll try my best to make it up to all of you. I promise!” We shared a group hug together, while I bawled like a baby. All the stress, anxiety, and pain seemed to have come rushing out of me all at once. I was a snotty, quivering mess, but my friends and family continued to embrace me regardless. The warmth of their skin pressed against my own, also helped to alleviate the loneliness I’d been feeling from Braeburn’s absence. It wasn’t quite the same as making passionate love to him, but a good substitute nonetheless. I sniffed loudly. “Pardon me, everyone. I really must get a tissue. I shall return shortly.” Once I’d gotten the opportunity to freshen up a bit in the bathroom, I came back to the pool and noticed that everyone had decided to bask in the sun instead of swimming. Sweetie was lying face down, fast asleep, and snoring quite loudly on one of the lawn chairs. Given her full belly and lack of sleep the night prior, I wasn’t surprised that she’d run out of energy to remain awake. Flash busied himself with cleaning up the grill, while Sunset stood nearby, enjoying a chocolate-coated ice cream cone as she admired his backside. Ever the messy eater, a glob of vanilla ice cream landed on her breast, which Flash was more than happy to lick clean for his wife. The sound of Sunset’s giggles pervaded the air as his tongue tickled her perky pink nipple. “Flash—wait—STOP—HAHAHA! You know I’m sensitive there!” I don’t believe they’d noticed my presence yet and since my sister was fast asleep, they promptly ignored her. Flash cupped his hands around Sunset’s buttocks and gave her cheeks a firm squeeze while peppering her neck with a flurry of kisses. She responded by slipping her hand in-between their waists and fondled the shaft of his penis until it slowly rose to attention. They were in their own little world, completely oblivious to everyone and everything around them. Before I knew it, they’d migrated over to a lawn chair, where Sunset was on her knees, busy performing fellatio on her husband. Quite enthusiastically, I might add. Feeling more than a little awkward, I hesitated to interrupt them—erm—mid suck as it were. Flash leaned back in the chair and gripped the sides, moaning softly all the while. With a technique like that, I can’t imagine any man would be able to hold back for long. In a strained voice, Flash muttered his wife’s name, then grunted as he thrust his hips forward. Sunset swallowed every last drop of his seed. She even went so far as to lick his penis clean afterwards. I approached them carefully, a deep blush coloring my cheeks. Can you honestly blame me? Their little display of marital love was arousing! When they finally noticed me, they looked like a couple of kids who’d gotten caught with their hands in the cookie jar. Flash crossed his legs in a vain attempt to conceal his erection, while Sunset wiped the remaining evidence from her lip. “HEY, RARITY! We didn’t see you there. How long have you been back?” I rolled my eyes. “Long enough to know exactly what you two have been up to out here. Flash, darling, you can uncross your legs now. I’ve already seen everything you have to offer and then some. Keeping them crossed like that can’t be comfortable. Relax.” Blushing, Flash hesitantly complied with my request. His penis finally started to become flaccid again, resting sideways along his thigh. “No, it’s not. Sorry, Rarity. With my wife’s smoking hot bod, it’s hard for me to resist her charm when we’re spending time together in the nude.” Sunset slowly raised her hand. “Me neither. I’m not sorry though. I love giving him head! Especially after he’s been sweating all day. It smells all musky and makes me super—” I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose. “That’s quite enough, darling. I get it.” In an effort to dispel the awkward atmosphere between us, Sunset rushed over to the table and grabbed her phone, bare feet pattering against the concrete. She practically shoved the damned thing in my face, causing me to wince. When I took a peek, the screen displayed a picture of Rainbow Dash. “I know you’re still on the fence about this whole super heroine thing, but hear me out! RD’s a professional martial artist. Like, as in, wins championships for a living and trains people how to fight. If nothing else, she can help you defend yourself in a scrum.” I took note of her contact information, but bit my lip. “I don’t know, Sunset. In all honesty, training with a ruffian like her isn’t exactly on my list of priorities. There’s also the fact that I haven’t spoken to Rainbow Dash in years. She probably doesn’t even remember me.” Sunset took hold of my hands, her expression pleading. “It’d make me feel a hell of a lot better knowing that you’re capable of defending yourself, with or without powers. I’m sure Coco, your sister, and Braeburn are of the same opinion. C’mon, Rarity! Just give it a try. Pleeeassse!” “Hmm. I suppose it’s worth a try. Does Rainbow Dash know about all this?” Sunset rubbed the back of her neck. “Nothing beyond what she already knew about you in high school. I highly doubt she’s followed any of your recent exploits at the Gala. But I did mention that you might be interested in visiting her dojo sometime. She’s cool with it; I promise!” “Where is this dojo? Hypothetically speaking. I haven’t committed myself to a visit yet.” Sunset seemed to have her heart set on me learning martial arts at Rainbow Dash’s dojo. A small part of me suspected that she’d been planning this meeting for a while. Or at the very least, since our sudden departure from Equestria. “Here’s the best part: RD recently opened a brand new one in downtown Manehattan! It’s only a couple of blocks away from your shop, Rares. A perfectly reasonable commute on foot any day of the week. What do you think?” I broke out in a cold sweat as my stomach churned. Oh dear. She expected me to give her an immediate answer. “The best I can do is a phone call for the time being. No promises.” Sunset let out something that sounded like a cross between a whinny and a girlish squeal. I’d never heard her do that before and it surprised me. I must admit, it was adorable. “You won’t regret going. Just think of it as bonding time with RD. And you can tone up while you’re at it.” “Having a firmer butt and tummy would be nice. I imagine Braeburn might enjoy it too…” Sunset punched my arm playfully and grinned. “That’s the spirit, Rares! Men love a little muscle tone on their ladies. Isn’t that right, dearest husband?” She made a show of wiggling her shapely rump at Flash. He simply shrugged. “Sure do.” Sunset proceeded to bend over at an angle that left nothing to the imagination, stuck her tongue out, and winked. “Don’t you worry, mister. You’ll get some of this soon enough.” Flash cupped his scrotum and chuckled. “Might not be anything left in these guys for a while.” “Alright! That’s enough flirting, you two. Or do I need to fetch the spray bottle?” At that moment, Sweetie arose from her slumber and yawned. After stretching out for a bit, she padded over to where we were conversing and smacked her lips. “Why would you need a spray bottle? There aren’t any dogs around here. That reminds me. Gotta go pee. Be back in a jiff.” While Sweetie went inside the house to take care of business, I started getting dressed. “Thank you both for hosting us this afternoon. We had a wonderful time. I wouldn’t want us to overstay our welcome and… interrupt your plans for the evening, as it were.” Sunset wrapped me in another hug. “Later, Rares. Don’t be a stranger. Text me!” The Cal Zone: Italian Restaurant & Deli, Manehattan Lorenzo entered the front door of his favorite eatery after a long day of work for the Magnolias. It was one of those ‘hole in the wall’ type places that didn’t look like much on the outside but served some of the best Italian food in the entire city. As he was a regular customer, the head chef/owner greeted him with a polite wave as he sat down in one of the booths. The owner’s daughter also happened to be one of the waitresses on duty that evening. She was a young, raven-haired beauty with pale grey skin, and a trim figure to go with her modestly sized breasts. Estella was her name. Beyond having to wear formal attire for her job, she preferred to wear dark eyeshadow, purple lipstick, and various piercings all over her body. Despite her gothic appearance, she was friendly, if a bit succinct. That suited Lorenzo just fine. He wasn’t really in the mood to have a long, frivolous conversation with anyone. Even if it was with a cute girl like Estella. He didn’t even bother opening up the menu. The mobster knew exactly what he wanted: a chicken parmesan sub with a side of curly fries. It was the tastiest sandwich in the whole city. Estella sauntered over to Lorenzo’s table with notepad in hand and smiled. “Well, if it isn’t Lenny. The usual today?” Lorenzo nodded. “Yep. Oh, and could I get some tiramisu for dessert this time? Thanks.” “Sure thing. It’ll be out in about twenty minutes. Enjoy a coffee on the house.” While Estella brought out a mug and began to pour his beverage, Lorenzo leaned back in the seat and began to watch the television mounted on the wall. He yawned as it was just the daily weather report. He was about to browse the internet on his phone, when a special news bulletin flashed across the screen. He blinked twice, making sure that what he saw was real. The mayor issued a statement today: warning the citizens of Manehattan not to take justice into their own hands like the so-called ‘Madam Adamantium’ did during a hostage situation. A vigilante of sorts, this pale-skinned primadonna wears nothing but a mask to conceal her identity. While some have condemned her as nothing more than an exhibitionist with an appetite for danger, others have praised her actions, saving the lives of Countess Coloratura and her young assistant whose name cannot be disclosed. Please report any sightings of this woman… “Crazy huh,” Estella intoned, “takes guts to run around fighting mercs in your birthday suit.” “Either that or she ain’t playin’ with a full deck o’ cards.” Lorenzo mused. Estella chuckled. “Screw loose or not, she’s certainly got spunk. I happen to like the idea of a strong, female vigilante who isn’t afraid to let it all hang out and stick it to the man.” “Odds are that sparkly bitch’ll end up gettin’ shot by the end o’ the month.” Estella shrugged. “We’ll just have to wait and see.” Lorenzo sipped his coffee and typed Madam Adamantium onto the web search. Unlike the news program, the internet version of her was uncensored. He had to admit that the woman was attractive, but something about her seemed familiar. As he stared at her sparkling skin, one peculiar night in particular came to mind. Lorenzo nearly spit out his coffee. It had to be the same crazy naked bitch who’d saved Joe from certain death. There was no mistaking a svelte body like hers. Lorenzo dialed a number he seldom used. The Godfather would need to know. “What do you want, Lorenzo? I’m a very busy man.” Vincenzo Magnolia replied in a smooth, baritone voice with a slight Italian accent. “Papa Vin, please forgive the disturbance. I’ve got somethin’ ya need ta see.” After receiving a photo of the nude vigilante, Papa Vin became annoyed. “Is this your idea of a joke?! I don’t care what sort of pornography you enjoy looking at in your spare time, but this isn’t the least bit amusing. Explain yourself or I shall send someone to break your legs.” “Remember the woman I told ya about? Ya know, the one who saved Joe. That’s her!” Papa Vin hummed in thought. “Are you certain?” “Positive, boss. I’d never forget a body like hers. Since she was—um—naked and all. Heh.” “Naturally. Tell me, Lorenzo. What threat does she pose to our organization?” Papa Vin asked. “I’m not sure. What I do know is that she ain’t normal. And I don’t mean on account of her runnin’ around the streets of Manehattan without a stitch of clothing on. Her skin’s—like—impervious ta bullets n’ knives. Maybe she’s… an alien or something like that.” “Very interesting indeed,” Papa Vin concurred, “this matter requires further investigation. You have done well informing me of this new development. Enjoy your chicken parmesan sub.” Lorenzo swallowed a lump that had formed in his throat. “Anytime, Papa Vin.” > My Ignominious Introduction to MMA > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 17 Rarity’s Jewelry Shop, Manehattan The utter chaos that had plagued our lives over the course of the past few days had finally begun to settle down for us. Sweetie went back to working at Rara’s recording studio, and was doing well by all accounts. As for me, I threw myself into my craft, creating commissions for several clients and a few generic pieces for immediate sale out on the shop floor. I’d put in long hours, and shed far more sweat than a proper lady should but I found the work to be immensely gratifying. However, I must admit that it was an effective method of taking my mind off of the whole “superheroine” situation. I still had yet to call Rainbow Dash and arrange our sparring session. Sunset assured me there was no rush… but guilt is a very powerful motivator. A quick glance at my phone told me that it was already a quarter past two in the afternoon. Since it was Friday and I’d made sufficient profit for the week, I decided that closing the shop a tad early wasn’t going to do any harm. I put away all of my tools, turned off the smelter, and willed my body to return to its natural state. That’s non-sparkly, if you’re keeping track. Technically, I could craft jewelry with just raw material, magic, and brainpower, but I found doing things the old-fashioned way helped fuel my creative mojo. There was something to be said about the tactile sensation of a hammer and tongs in one’s grasp, shaping the metal into a work of art. That being said, whatever I did consumed energy and magic. It was not an effortless process, as I’d come to learn. Metalsmithing was a marvelous way to keep in shape, I must profess. Even so, I still ate a healthy diet, and would occasionally do some yoga here and there when time allowed. After wiping my face with a rag, I ran upstairs to the sales floor and changed the open sign to closed. When I opened the door to my office, I realized that I’d neglected to put any clothes on. The air-conditioned environment felt amazing against my bare skin, but I scolded myself for making such a blunder. It was fortunate that my shop had fully enclosed display windows. Otherwise, I might have given everyone on the street a peep show. Not to mention clients. After letting out a frustrated sigh, I gazed upon my body in the mirror. My hair was matted down with sweat and I was covered, head to toe, in grey soot. I gave my armpit an experimental sniff and recoiled at the pungent aroma. Above all else, freshening up was to be my top priority. What wonders a twenty-minute shower can do for a woman! After toweling myself dry, I threw on a pair of loose-fitting, light purple gym shorts and a matching tank top. I wasn’t a big fan of socks, but if I was going to be wearing sneakers anyway, it would help prevent painful chafing and blisters. With those all tied up, I did the same with my hair, using a scrunchie to keep everything tidy. There you have it! One sporty Rarity, ready for whatever the day throws at her. Like Sunset had said, Rainbow Dash’s dojo was only a few blocks away from my shop. Ergo, I was more than happy to get some additional exercise by walking there. However, I would need to call her first. The last thing I wanted to do was show up at her dojo unannounced. With a quick tap of my finger, I dialed Rainbow’s video icon on my phone and waited for her to answer. Much to my surprise, her answer was almost immediate. I cleared my throat before speaking. “Good afternoon, darling. I trust you’re doing well.” “Sup, Rares?” Rainbow asked nonchalantly while examining her fingers. “First things first, did Sunset fill you in on all the details? I’d rather not—” Rainbow chuckled. “Sure did. Don’t worry; we’ll take things slow. I know you’re a newbie.” “Yes… well, that being said: would you mind if we conducted our first session this afternoon?” “I dunno,” Rainbow mused while tapping her chin, “I’ll have to check my SUPER packed schedule. Seeing as how I’m kind of a big deal on the MMA scene. Let’s see here… I think I could squeeze you in today. How long will it take you to get here?” I let out a quiet sigh of relief. “Not terribly. My shop is only a few blocks away.” Rainbow grinned. “Cool. I’m just fucking with ya, Rares. Today’s been pretty slow.” “Oh. Alright then. I shall see you in approximately twenty minutes. Ta-ta, dear.” Rainbow made a point to show me a table full of food. “I’ve got snacks n’ shit, if you want. Just make sure you eat after the session. Trust me; you DO NOT want to fight on a full stomach.” “I wasn’t planning to. But thank you for the offer, regardless.” Rainbow sniffed. “Don’t mention it. Later, Rares.” The façade of the dojo appeared as though it had come straight out of a kung-fu movie made several decades ago. Which, given Rainbow Dash’s personal taste in cinema, I would say was entirely unsurprising. Even so, I restrained myself from making any harsh judgements. This was her livelihood, after all. She could build however she wished. With a polite smile, I approached the receptionist, who was wearing a rather risqué silk Chinese dress (the slit practically went the whole way up to her hips) and informed her that I had an appointment with Rainbow Dash. She bowed and offered to guide me to one of the training rooms. I followed along and marveled at the décor. Surprisingly enough, it was very tasteful and traditional. Rainbow Dash wasn’t entirely gauche when it came to interior design, it would seem. Sure enough, the woman herself was standing in the center of the room, wearing tight black spats and a sports bra. She was barefoot, save for some cloth wraps and her tomboyish haircut was much shorter than it had been in high school. I assume because of the dangers posed from opponents being able to grab onto it. Did I mention that her attire left little to the imagination? It accentuated Rainbow’s lithe, athletic frame quite nicely. Firm muscle along her thighs, arms, back, and stomach attested to the many hours she’d put in honing her body for competitions. She’d never had a very large bust to begin with, and even now there was only the slightest hint of mounds hidden beneath her sports bra. Feeling wholly inadequate in the presence of a professional MMA fighter, I smiled awkwardly and waved. After taking a few big gulps from her water bottle, Rainbow stuck out her hand. “Welcome to my dojo!” I shook it, and winced at how strong her grip was. “Hello, dear. It’s nice to see you again.” “Likewise, Rares. How long’s it been? Like—uh—a couple of years at least, since we last saw each other in person. By the way! I saw your jewelry exhibition thing on the internet. I thought it was totally awesome! Takes some serious cajones to walk around in nothing but a layer of paint.” I tittered, motioning towards my waist. “As you’ll recall, I don’t have any cajones~” Rainbow laughed aloud at my terrible joke. Perhaps, a bit harder than was appropriate. “Seriously, though. You look even more amazing than you did back in high school. I can see that you’ve already got a little muscle tone going on. Do you work out?” “Thank you, Rainbow. As a matter of fact, I do work out on occasion.” Rainbow cracked her knuckles. “Good, ‘cause I expect you to be able to keep up the pace with me during our sparring session. I know what you’re thinking: ‘Dashie’s gonna kick my ass’. Well, I’m here to tell ya that won’t happen. We’ll take things slow at first, ok?” I watched as the receptionist left the room, closing the door behind her. “I’ve been meaning to ask, darling: why in the world do you force your staff to wear such risqué outfits? Her dress would be more suitable for a cosplay café than a professional dojo. Have you no standards?” Rainbow actually blushed. “I didn’t force Xian Li to wear that dress! She suggested it herself during one of our monthly meetings. You know, to bring in more customers. It’s the whole sex appeal bit. Otherwise, most people think MMA fighters are all butch and scary. C’mon, Rares! She rocks that look and you know it. Especially with those long legs and tight butt. Hehe~” I rolled my eyes. “You’re still a raging horndog. I see that hasn’t changed…” Cheeks still rosy, Rainbow Dash coughed. “Whatever. Let’s get down to brass tacks.” “Fine by me. Before we begin in earnest, how much did Sunset tell you about my situation?” Rainbow shuffled closer to me and wrapped her arm around my shoulder. Then, in a conspiratorial whisper, she gave her reply. “Your secret’s safe with me, Rares. Filly Scout’s honor. For the record, I dig the whole ‘taking on the bad guys bare-assed naked’ routine. Besides the mask, of course. Any self-respecting superheroine has to keep her identity hidden. Combined with magic powers that makes you a nine point five on the badass scale at least!” I groaned. “Just marvelous! Sunset assured me that she was going to be discreet about my heroic escapades. Am I going to have to worry about you accidentally revealing my identity?” Rainbow Dash waved her hands. “No way! I’m not an idiot, Rares. I know how to keep my lips shut when the occasion calls for it. I’m sorry it’s just—EEEEEEEEE—I get to train with an actual superheroine! This is SO AWESOME!!! Heh. Sorry. Like I said, lips are sealed tight.” “This isn’t a comic book, Rainbow Dash! Our lives could be put at risk if the wrong people are made aware of my supernatural abilities. That’s the whole reason why I wanted to train with you. I need a way to defend myself should magic fail me somehow. Luck, more than skill, was on my side when I saved Rara and Sweetie. Please take our sparring session seriously!” Rainbow shot me a guilty look, and rubbed her arm. “My bad, Rares. Guess I got caught up in all the excitement and forgot to take all of those factors into account. Just so you know: I’ve never used my geode powers in a fight. That would be totally unfair to my opponents. What kind of MMA champion would I be if I cheated, right? Ok. I’m super serious now. Promise.” I placed my hand on her back. “Rainbow, I never doubted your sincerity. I just—it’s a heavy responsibility having so much power. Part of me wishes that I’d never found that blasted opal, but there’s no point in dwelling on what could have been. All I can do is put my best foot forward and try to prepare for the worst-case scenario. Now, what should we do first?” Without saying a word, Rainbow shimmied out of her spats and bra, tossed them aside, then began to do some warmup exercises. Completely taken aback, I stared at her naked body for a moment (the rainbow-colored tuft of hair covering her loins was unexpected), trying to understand why she’d do such a thing. She only paused when I didn’t join her in stretching out. Had it not been obvious enough before, there wasn’t a trace of fat to be found anywhere. Her demure breasts hardly moved at all when she placed her hands on her hips and scowled at me. “Work with me, Rares. I’m trying to make this as comfortable for you as possible.” I blushed. “My apologies, I wasn’t aware that our training sessions were clothing optional.” Rainbow rolled her neck from side to side. “S’not like a sports bra and spats cover much up anyway. Besides, you’re gonna be fighting naked. You might as well train that way too. That said, I do have a couple rules: no powers, no cheap groin shots, and no hair pulling. Got it?” I carefully removed my tank top and shorts, then folded them into a neat pile by my sneakers. A shiver of anticipation raced down my spine as I looked around the dojo and took in a deep breath. I scrunched my toes against the mat. “A stupid question from an amateur, if I may?” “Stupidest question is the one left unasked. Shoot.” Rainbow replied. “Aren’t we going to use any protective equipment? Like boxing gloves and whatnot?” Rainbow shook her head. “Nothing except for mouth guards. You’re welcome to wrap your hands and feet too, if you want. We have to make this as realistic as possible.” I frowned. “I’m going to have a lot of bruises by the end of today, aren’t I?” Rainbow placed her hands on my shoulders. “I know you can take it.” After letting out a shuddering sigh, I splayed my legs and took on a fighting stance. “Very well, darling. Just… promise me that you’ll try to hold back on the strength of your punches. I don’t want to go home looking as though I’ve been mugged. Sweetie has enough to worry about, I—” “Relax, Rares. I know what I’m doing. I wouldn’t have my own fucking dojo otherwise.” Somehow, her brash confidence did nothing to bolster my own. My stomach felt like it was going to leap out of my throat. “Perhaps, I should ask Sunset if she knows any healing spells…” “For Pete’s sake! Unclench your butthole for sec, would ya? I’m not just gonna start slugging away. We need to work on your form first, then comes the actual punching and kicking.” My cheeks flushed beet red as I huffed, puffed, and stomped my feet against the mat. It was all rather childish, I admit. “How am I supposed to know that? I’m not a professional fighter!” Rainbow Dash laughed at my expense. “But you sure are easy on the eyes. Especially when you get mad. It’s super cute. That counts for something in my book. What? Don’t act so surprised, Rares. I’ve had a crush on you since high school. Granted, not a serious enough one to act on because you’re obviously not into dating other chicks. Neither was AJ. What a shame…” Mortified and thoroughly uncomfortable at the idea of Rainbow ogling my body, I nearly walked out of the dojo in a sputtering rage. Instead, like a true lady, I steeled my resolve. “Please don’t make this any more difficult than it needs to be. The last thing I need is for you to get handsy.” “Look, I’m trying to be honest here. I think you’re hot, but I also respect you as a friend. There’s no way I would EVER act like an asshole and take advantage of the fact that we’re both naked. Isn’t that what friendship is all about? Trust n’ shit. I’m not sorry for what I said. It’s the truth!” I relaxed somewhat and unclenched my fists. “Are there any other revelations you’d like to share before we begin? I’d like to get some actual training done today, if it’s not too much trouble.” “Nah. We’re good. First thing you need to do is find your center of balance. That’s it, spread those legs far apart. Under different circumstances, I would—” I scowled at her. “Would it kill you to focus on the task at hand?” “Right. Sorry! Focusing on the training, not flirting. Like I was saying, you need to have a strong center of balance, not only for setting up strikes but to keep you on your feet. Otherwise, you’ll get knocked flat on your ass and make yourself vulnerable to attack.” Rainbow placed her hands on my hips to help demonstrate the proper fighting posture. She showed me how to punch using my core muscles in short, powerful strikes, instead of the comically overdrawn punches I’d seen demonstrated in movies and cartoons. Rainbow also stressed that where you hit your opponent was of vital importance. I made an earnest effort to copy her techniques, but I still felt like a fish awkwardly floundering on the shore. The MMA fighter grinned. “See? You’re getting the hang of it!” “Do you really think so?” Rainbow retrieved a towel and wiped her face. “You’re already in decent shape, Rares. Endurance is half the battle. But—uh—you should probably try to condition more if you want to improve muscle strength. Nothing major. Ya know, like some weight lifting or push ups.” I took a much-needed swig of water. “I suppose I could incorporate them into my regimen.” Rainbow balanced on one foot and performed a series of impressive kicks with the other. Unhindered by clothing, one could see every muscle working in concert. There was a certain grace to her technique but not in terms of how one might consider traditional feminine beauty. Her chiseled physique was a testament to the spirit of determination, strength, and athleticism. “Normally, doing something like that would be tough. But since I’ve built up core strength, not only is balancing easier, but I can project more power into my kicks. Don’t worry; we won’t be practicing techniques like that for a while. You’d end up straining some muscles. S’not fun.” I nodded in agreement. “I noticed that my powers draw energy while active. If I overexert myself, there are terrible consequences. Not only that, but they only offer so much protection.” “Twi tried to explain the science behind it to me one time. Real egghead stuff, despite being—uh—magic. But I know what you mean. Same thing happens to me if I go overboard with my super speed. I get exhausted and then motion sickness hits me like a dump truck. Like, puking buckets all night long. The geode must act like a magical dampener for my body.” I shuddered. “Oh, dear. That sounds dreadful!” Rainbow plopped down on the mat and sat with her knees bent, feet splayed apart. “I’m not a teenager anymore, so I tend to use my powers more sparingly nowadays. Prefer to rely on my own strength instead of magic. Makes me feel a greater sense of accomplishment, ya know?” I remained standing, as I didn’t want my sweaty bum sticking to the mat. Besides, I wasn’t sure how sanitary it was either. Best not to take any chances. “I try to do the same with my jewelry, but I must admit, the additional abilities I’ve gained make crafting so much easier.” Rainbow shrugged. “Eh. To each their own. Why don’t we call it a day and hit the showers? Today’s session was meant to be an introduction, and I think we covered the basics pretty well.” “Are you sure? I don’t feel as though I’ve progressed much at all…” Rainbow sprang to her feet, padded over to me, and gave my bottom a playful swat as she walked by. I couldn’t help but let out a surprised yelp in response. “Learning how to fight takes time, practice, and patience. Trust me; you’re doing ok for a beginner. Let’s cleanup for now.” While rubbing my slightly red derriere (it stung more than I cared to admit), I followed Rainbow towards the shower room with a bundle of clothing tucked in the crook of my arm. I was expecting them to be rather utilitarian but the décor reminded me of the facilities in Neighpon, with painted panels along the walls. A wide variety of shampoos, soaps, and miscellaneous toiletries were available to choose from. I made my selections and picked an open stall, where Rainbow joined me shortly thereafter. We didn’t bathe together underneath the same faucet, but there was no privacy to be had as nothing separated the individual shower stalls. “Hey, Rares. If you ever need a sidekick to help fight the bad guys, I’m here.” Bath pouf in hand, I paused before lathering my stomach. “I suppose you would be the most qualified to fight in such a situation. All I can say is: we’ll see. I’m not comfortable involving my friends and family with the whole ‘vigilante’ business. As I’ve told Sweetie many times before, I’d prefer to remain a humble jewelry smith and leave crime fighting to the professionals.” “Super-heroing doesn’t have to be a full-time job. Just do it when the occasion calls.” I allowed the hot water to wash away all the soap suds coating my skin. “When exactly would that be, Rainbow? I can’t very well go dashing out the door every time a cat gets stuck in a tree or someone’s purse gets snatched. The logistics are simply mind boggling!” “I dunno. All I’m saying is that if you have the ability to save people, you should!” I sighed. “The same could be said of everyone’s geode powers. Yet, we’ve all lived relatively normal lives since graduating high school. I don’t need to add any more drama in mine.” Rainbow placed her hands on her hips. “If that was the case, you wouldn’t have bothered visiting my dojo today. Think about all those corrupt, incompetent cops out there. Do you really believe that the people of Manehattan will get any help from those losers? Of course, not! They need YOU. I’ll be there to back you up when the shit hits the fan. In ten seconds flat! All I’m asking is for you to consider taking up the mantle of Madam Adamantium.” I turned off the faucet and retrieved a towel from the rack, drying my hair while I considered her proposal. “I promise that I’ll give what you said some serious thought. However, I don’t want you to foist delusions of grandeur upon me, like I’m some sort of holy savior of Manehattan. The best I can offer is to keep my eyes and ears open. Then act accordingly. Does that seem fair?” Rainbow gave my arm a playful punch and grinned ear to ear. “Awesome! I knew you had it in you, Rares. You won’t regret this! Can I come up with my own cool sidekick name? Oh, and one other thing, do I have to run around bare-assed naked? I’d rather not, if that’s ok with you.” I heaved a heavy sigh while toweling off my lower extremities. “One step at a time, darling. For now, let us get dressed and retire to the snack bar. I’m feeling rather peckish at the moment.” At Rainbow’s insistence, I consumed a berry-flavored sports drink. She claimed that it would do me a world of good to replenish the electrolytes I’d lost through sweat. It wasn’t as bad tasting as the usual brands I’d had the unfortunate displeasure of drinking, but I still wouldn’t go out of my way to purchase it regularly. Besides, it was apparently Rainbow’s own brand of sports drink that she’d spent years trying to perfect. I politely accepted and ate a banana, along with a cup of vanilla yogurt as a snack to sate my appetite until dinner. Once that was all done, we agreed to meet again for more sparring sessions, and she gave me a few tips for my exercise regimen. While I was walking back to the shop, I received a text from Sweetie. Not unusual, at first glance, but the subject matter certainly was. In an effort to bond with her employee, Coloratura invited Sweetie over for dinner and a show, later on in the evening (Manehattan was famous for musical theater productions). There’s no way my little sister would pass up on an opportunity like that. From what I understood, Coco would be joining them. Ergo, it seemed that I would be alone in the apartment with only Extravagance to keep my company for the remainder of the day. Given how utterly exhausted I felt from an entire day of metalworking and martial arts combined, I was in no mood to cook my own meal for dinner. In the back of my mind, I considered what my takeout/delivery options were while I ascended the elevator to my apartment. The first thing I did after opening the door was to undo the scrunchie and let my hair down. I then took off my shoes and placed them neatly by the doorway for future use. I paused for a moment. Something was amiss. Hackles raised, I looked over at the couch again and had to blink a few times to confirm what I had witnessed. There, laying on his back with one leg propped up at an angle, was Braeburn. Not only that but he’d brought along a lovely little box of chocolate truffles and a bouquet of roses. Did I happen to mention that he wore nothing but a smile to greet me with? Overjoyed at his presence, I scrambled to take off the rest of my clothing, tossing them aside into a messy pile on the floor. I proceeded to pounce on him. He tried to say hello, but I wouldn’t let him. At least, not yet. We had some catching up to do with our lips. I took hold of his cheeks and kissed him hungrily and passionately. Not the kind where one wrestles tongues, but where both parties struggle to catch their breath respectively. Oh, how wonderful it was to breathe in his scent, to feel the heat of his bare skin pressed against my own. I embraced him with all of my might, placing my head against his hairy chest; our naked bodies soon became a multicolored tangle of limbs. He began to run his fingers through my hair. I let out a contented sigh. “How’s mah favorite gal doin’ this fine afternoon?” “Much better now that you’re here again, my love. How I have missed you!” Braeburn chuckled while I kissed his chest. “Been feelin’ a might lonely mahself. I’m afraid there’s still work ta be done with the harvest, but Ah can stay with ya fer a little while.” I peered over the edge of the couch and spotted the goodies he’d gotten me. “You didn’t have to buy me anything, darling. Your presence alone is enough.” “S’alright. Ah wanted ta spoil ya. Figured keepin’ mah clothes on was pointless too…” Not wasting any time, I slid my hand in-between his legs and found my target. His penis was still flaccid but I intended to change that in a matter of moments. “Agreed. They only get in the way.” Before long, Braeburn became rock hard within my grasp. I was just about to start pumping his shaft with my fingers, when he stopped me. Dumbfounded, I was at a loss for words. Before I had a chance to form any kind of coherent response, he picked me up princess style and carried me towards the bedroom. Like a true gentleman, he placed me atop the bed carefully and smiled. “Spread apart yer legs a bit, darlin’. It’ll make what Ah do next a helluva lot easier.” I did as he suggested, albeit with a modicum of hesitation. Part of me wanted to a thoughtful lover and satisfy his needs, but the growing heat building within my loins begged to be sated. Much to my own embarrassment, and Braeburn’s amusement, when he used his fingers to spread my lips, the salmon-pink folds contained within were slick with arousal. I blushed furiously, but that did not stop him from diving right in for a taste. While his tongue swirled around inside me, I let out an involuntary and quite audible mewl of pleasure, gripping the bed sheets as I did so. I don’t know where he found the endurance to keep licking me at such a vigorous pace without making his tongue cramp up, but I certainly wasn’t complaining. By this point, I felt an intense orgasm beginning to build deep within my belly and if that weren’t enough, he teased my nubbin between his thumb and finger, applying just enough pressure to elicit mind-numbing jolts of pleasure down my spine. Then it happened. I let go of my inhibitions and rode the orgasm. My back arched upward and my toes curled as I moaned aloud and coated Braeburn’s face with cum. While I laid back on the pillow, panting, he crawled on top of me and we kissed. I could taste myself on his lips, but it made little difference. The afterglow felt amazing. “Hope yer not tuckered out yet. We haven’t even made it ta the main event. Lemme know when yer ready.” In-between breaths, I managed to utter, “I want to pleasure you too. Please, let me—” He teased my nipple with the tip of his finger, causing me to squirm. “Eenope. None o’ that. Makes me happy when Ah git ta see ya feel good, Rares. Take a second ta catch yer breath.” When enough time had passed to regain some of my composure, I simply nodded to Braeburn to signal that I was ready for the next portion of our love-making session. My legs were already splayed far apart, so it was not difficult for Braeburn to scooch forward and line up his waist with the lower half of my own. I spotted his manhood in all its erect glory, pointed upward and ready to penetrate my glistening folds. The anticipation was palpable. Already sensitive from my previous orgasm, I gasped when he rubbed the bulbous tip of his head along my lips. I knew it was to ensure proper lubrication before we joined as one, but I still fidgeted with impatience. I don’t believe Braeburn had meant to enter me so abruptly, but that’s how it happened. A strained mewl escaped my lips at the sensation of being filled so completely. I’d forgotten just how thick his member was… not that I was complaining, mind you. I shifted my position a little to get more comfortable and he began thrusting in earnest. It started out gentle and slow, then gradually built up as we found a tempo that suited our carnal needs. I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his shoulders, as the sound of flesh meeting flesh pervaded the air. “Rarity… Ah,” Braeburn whispered in a strained voice, “Ah don’t think I’ll last much longer.” I tightened my embrace around him. In more ways than one. Voice husky, I responded, “It’s ok, my love. Cum whenever you’d like. I’m prepared to milk every last drop out of you, if I must.” That was all the more motivation he needed. After a few deep, powerful thrusts, Braeburn clenched his butt cheeks together and cried out my name as his seed filled me to the brim. He did so in several spurts. Each one just as hot and thick as the last. That said, when Braeburn finally rolled onto his back and laid beside me, we’d made a considerable mess of the bedsheets. Despite our disheveled state, I nestled into the crook of his arm while he rubbed my back. “Thank you, darling. I quite enjoyed your surprise gift.” “I’d say the pleasure was all mine but that ain’t exactly true.” Braeburn joked. “Indeed. As much as I’d love going another round, I’m utterly exhausted. It’s been a long day.” Braeburn yawned. “I’m in the same boat. Spent most o’ the day haulin’ whiskey barrels.” “Yet, you still found the energy to satisfy me~” I teased while playing with his chest hair. “Man’s gotta be able ta do that much fer the woman he loves.” Overcome with emotion, I began to tear up while I kissed his cheek. “I only wish there was more I could do for you, darling. With all the drama going on in my life recently, it feels as though you are the only thing that has remained constant. Have I somehow neglected our relationship?” “Hey, now. Don’t talk like that, sweet pea. You’ve got a lot on yer plate.” I rubbed my foot along his ankle affectionately. “I’ve been meaning to have a serious conversation with you regarding my new abilities and how they’ll affect our lives.” “I’m game, so long as we can git cleaned up n’ grab a bite ta eat.” I giggle-snorted. “Goodness, me! I’d nearly forgotten about dinner in all the excitement. Would you believe me if I told you that this was the third time I’ve had to bathe today? Next thing you know, I’ll have to start calling myself Pruneity. I’ll draw the bath if you order the food, dear.” Reluctantly, we broke our embrace and got out of bed. While I lumbered (I was a bit sore; the good kind of sore) towards the bathroom, Braeburn went out to the kitchen in order to retrieve his phone. He poked his head in the doorway to ask me what kind of food I wanted. Shrugging, I suggested Chinese, as it was cheap, tasty, and most importantly, the shop around the corner offered free delivery within a certain radius. To make things easier, we ordered a large Mu-Shu chicken platter, along with a side of pork fried rice. I didn’t normally feed Extravagance such rich human food, but he’d been well-behaved and let us have our privacy in the bedroom. The bulldog nuzzled my ankle with his moist snout, vying for attention while I knelt beside the edge of the tub. I picked him up by the waist and cradled him in my arms like one would do with a child. Ever the ham for attention, he let out a satisfied whuff when I rubbed his tummy and praised him for being such a good boy this evening. Braeburn entered the room at that precise moment, and offered the spoiled canine additional affection by way of head scratches. I placed Extravagance directly into the tub once it was full of hot water, as sharing a bubble bath with him was a time-honored tradition in my household. Braeburn didn’t seem too bothered by an additional bathing companion, as Winona would often do the same at Sweet Apple Acres. Leaning back while I shampooed my hair a third time, Braeburn began to scrub his arms. “Ah saw the video of ya savin’ Sweetie n’ Rara from those mercs. Is that what ya wanted ta talk about?” “After giving it a lot of thought, I’ve come to the conclusion that I might be able to help the people of Manehattan with my abilities. By no means am I going to do so on a permanent basis; that's the police force’s job. I’m talking about unusual circumstances, when immediate assistance might not be available. I realize it shall be dangerous but I’d be remiss if I didn’t.” Braeburn placed his hand on my shoulder as a show of reassurance. “Figured you’d say somethin’ like that. If it’s any consolation, Ah support whatever decision ya make, Rarity.” “Even if it means that our lives may be put in jeopardy?” Braeburn nodded. “Reckon it’s the risk ya take, datin’ a gal with magic powers. Ta be perfectly honest, Ah think ya bein’ a superheroine is downright sexy. Even better on account o’ the fact that ya don’t need a costume while yer fightin’ crime. Except fer that mask, o’ course.” I blushed while rinsing my hair. “I hadn’t intended to become the subject matter of everyone’s lurid comic book fantasies. But there’s no putting that genie back into the bottle, as it were.” “Take it as a compliment, Rarity. Ya look great. Always have, in mah opinion.” I put on the best sultry smile I could come up with and traced my foot along Braeburn’s inner thigh, stopping just short of teasing the lower hanging bits of his manhood. His expression was priceless. I proceeded to flutter my eyelashes. “Flattery will get you everywhere, darling~” “Careful there. Yer bound ta git me excited again. Heh.” I laughed. “Hmm. I’ll just have to take care of it, won’t I?” Our silly little bout of flirting was rudely interrupted by the sound of my doorbell ringing. Without a second thought, I hopped out of the tub, dried off just enough so that I wouldn’t trail puddles of water all over the apartment, and opened the door. A bored-looking delivery man from Kung-Kapow City, stood in the hallway and raised his brow when he saw me. I chuckled awkwardly, realizing that once again, I had forgotten to cover up. Such was the plight of a life-long nudist living in Manehattan. His surprise quickly turned into irritation. “You gonna pay me for the food, lady?” “Oh—erm—yes, one moment please. I have to fetch my purse.” Once I gave him the appropriate amount of cash (plus a generous tip), he appeared to be satisfied. “I apologize for the lack of attire. I just got out of the bath and forgot to put on a robe.” The delivery man shrugged. “Third person this week who show up naked at door. Happens all the time in this profession. Say, do I know you, lady? You seem familiar. Like I see you before from somewhere. Can’t remember where though." Absolute dread washed over me while I stood in the doorway. Was the mask not enough to conceal my identity? Or was this a simple case of the man recognizing me from the pictures taken at the Gala? Scratching his grizzled cheek, the man smirked. "Hey, you kind of remind me of that crazy, sparkly naked woman who fight thugs in warehouses. Posted all over internet! Anyway, enjoy the food. Bye now!” “Ah, yes… I’m certain I will. Thanks again for stopping by!” Still nude, Braeburn joined me at the table while I unpacked the pork fried rice and put some in a bowl for Extravagance. He embraced me from behind and kissed my neck. “Looks tasty.” “Indeed, it is. I’ve ordered from Kung-Kapow City on many occasions.” Braeburn sat down and made a Mu-Shu wrap for himself. “Ah thought Sweetie was supposed ta be stayin’ with ya fer her internship. Before ya ask, since she’s seen me nekkid before, Ah figured it wouldn’t be a big deal if Ah took mah clothes off while waitin’ fer ya ta come home.” I waved my hand. “She’s going to be out late, I imagine. If you’re worried about sleeping arrangements, don’t be. I have a guest room set up for her. Sweetie is also old enough to respect our privacy. What happened back at Cala Concha was merely an unfortunate accident.” “So, if we wanted ta make love tomorrow mornin’…” I leaned over, nibbled on his ear, and fondled his penis just enough to get my point across. It amused me to see how wide his eyes became afterwards. “I would most certainly be amenable to such an arrangement. If Sweetie doesn’t like it, then she’ll just have to sleep out on the couch.” We enjoyed a peaceful, quiet dinner together while gazing out at the Manehattan skyline. A part of me wished that our lives could be like this all the time, but knew that it never would be. Instead of dwelling on such melancholy thoughts, I chose to live in the moment, and treasure the time I had with my paramour. After dinner, we snuggled on the couch and watched some TV until we felt sleepy enough to go to bed. Thankfully, I had plenty of clean sheets to replace the ones we’d soiled before. By the time I began to close my eyes, all the stress and worry faded away, replaced by the warmth of Braeburn’s embrace as he pulled me closer to his chest. > Big Trouble In Little Shanghay (I) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 18 Fu-Jow Pai Dojo, Manehattan My martial arts training regimen with Rainbow Dash had progressed about as well as could be expected, given the fact that I was a rank amateur. Over the past few weeks, I’d learned many effective, if basic, techniques that would take down most common criminals. Assuming, of course, that I didn’t run into another practitioner of the arts, I would be able to handle myself in a fight. Guns and knives included. I wasn’t terribly concerned about those, as I’d been honing my magic abilities too. It’d gotten to the point where I could consciously gauge how hard my body became based on the amount of energy I willed into the “spell”. I’m calling it that for now, simply because I don’t have a better term for the process. It’s all quite difficult to explain. At maximum power, my body could harden to the likes of diamond, but I found that the amount of concentration and sheer energy it took was far too taxing on my physique. A rather unfortunate incident at the dojo per Rainbow’s request last week, saw me slump to the floor unconscious and in a daze after I’d “powered-up” to maximum. For several hours afterwards, I’d felt weaker than a newborn babe, barely able to move, and in dire need of sustenance. Luckily, Rainbow Dash was able to arrange a veritable feast for me, citing that she was partially at fault for making me take my transformation that far. I told her it was water under the bridge, as I’d rather test my powers in a controlled environment instead of having them fail in the field. Unfortunately, Rainbow insisted on teasing me about how much food I was able to wolf down. It should also be said that I was not the least bit lady-like when it came to manners either. Even so, who was she to judge? I’d never known a cruder individual than Rainbow Danger Dash. Just in case you were wondering, her original middle name was Gertrude but she had it legally changed to make her name sound “1000% awesomer” in the fighting arena when they called it out. Despite her complete lack of modesty, I appreciated my tomboyish friend’s generosity and patience. There were many occasions where I would fall on my rump or fail to apply the correct technique. She was always there to help me back up onto my feet and encourage however much progress I’d made during the session, large or small. In my opinion, the most difficult portion of our regimen was when Rainbow started asking me to regulate the hardness of my body. In the beginning, I struggled to find a setting that was dense enough to protect me from physical harm, yet efficient enough to keep me from passing out due to magical exhaustion. To that end, we settled on something slightly harder than tempered steel. How did I achieve this you ask? Well, it was as simple as imagining what I wanted my body to become, then will it to be. I know it all sounds rather silly, but the results spoke for themselves! I should mention that was the easy part. Oh ho~ The hard part was when Rainbow began using her wooden practice weapons on me. Like I mentioned before, my bare skin was not immune to kinetic energy. My magic merely dampened the effect. Many a night, I returned to the apartment covered in a myriad of welts and bruises. It got to the point where Sweetie became very concerned about my wellbeing and asked if I should stop training altogether. I assured her it was a work in progress, and much to my delight, over time, I started to resist the blows and maintaining my hardened form gradually became second nature to me. Bear in mind, I only used it when Rainbow wanted to use weaponry. I flat out refused to use my powers while we trained together, even though she insisted that she could take some punishment. I didn’t want to risk breaking bones or… worse. We finished today’s match by engaging in some basic hand to hand combat maneuvers. Mostly blocking and throwing. Rainbow emphasized that I should use these techniques more in a defensive manner, as my hardened limbs could do some serious damage to other people. I couldn’t help but growl in frustration when Rainbow pivoted and slammed my backside onto the mat, leaving me winded and rubbing my sore rump. She helped me up a moment later. I padded over to the locker room, my bare feet sticking slightly to the mat from perspiration. “I’d say we had quite a good session today, Rainbow Dash. I’m feeling ‘the burn’ as it were.” Rainbow smirked. “For sure. All this sparring is helping me out too, Rares.” “Splendid,” I replied while wiping my face, “goodness me. I must smell terrible. A long, hot shower is in order before I leave the dojo this evening.” “Meh. Nothing I haven’t already smelled before. Comes with the territory. Uh—by the way—thought I’d let you know that I noticed how much muscle tone you’ve put on since we started training. Like, it’s REALLY noticeable. Especially with your tummy and ass. Bet I could bounce a bit off of those pearly white cheeks even when you’re not powered up.” I blushed furiously, despite nudity being the norm between us during our training sessions. “I BEG YOUR PARDON?! I hope your mind hasn’t been stuck in the gutter this whole time!” Rainbow waved her hands. “Hold on, Rares! I wasn’t trying to be rude. You look super sexy!” I stared at my reflection in the locker room mirror and found myself agreeing with her assessment. Even so, it did little to dispel the awkwardness. “I… honestly hadn’t noticed until you mentioned it. We haven’t been training that long. Do you think my growth is due to magic?” Rainbow rubbed her chin in thought. “I’m no expert, but I’d say it’s likely. Hell, AJ has magic super strength. Wouldn’t be that much of a stretch to say your opal thingy could do something similar. Think of it this way: you’ll look great on tabloid covers and the twelve o’clock news!” “I’m not looking to become some sort of vigilante celebrity, Rainbow.” Rainbow rubbed the back of her neck. “Yeah, I know. But it doesn’t hurt to look sexy while fighting crime. Imagine how many people will be fapping to your nudes. Crazy, huh?” I let out a disgusted groan. “I suppose there’s no avoiding it, given my choice of costume.” “Like I told ya before, Rares. Being the world’s first naked superheroine is badass.” While I let the hot water cascade down my naked form, I hissed in pain when I accidentally touched a tender spot underneath my armpit while scrubbing there with body wash. “FUCK!” “That’s the spot where I walloped ya with the bokken, isn’t it? Sorry for laughing at your injury. I wasn’t trying to make fun of you, it’s just that I don’t ever get to hear you use the F-word very often. In fact, you could say it’s a RARITY.” While Rainbow giggled at her own stupid joke, I rolled my eyes and sighed. “Yes, I swear on occasion. I’d rather not, as it’s crude, but if the situation calls for it, I shan’t hesitate to do so.” Speaking of crude, Rainbow absentmindedly scratched her stomach and farted aloud, commenting on how much of a relief it was to pass so much gas. I thanked my lucky stars that she was showering in the stall across from me, or I would have gagged. That’s what happens when one eats spicy nachos loaded with meat, dairy products, and beans for lunch. Much to my chagrin, even the mere thought of food made my stomach rumble in protest. It was getting to the point where I had to bring along several protein bars just to keep myself from feeling faint. “Damn, Rares. I heard that tummy-quake from all the way over here. Are you really that fucking hungry right now? We could grab some dinner after cleaning up, if you want. My treat.” I shuffled my feet. “Are you sure? I feel as though I’m taking advantage of your generosity.” “Nah., I like spending time with my friends and spoiling them. Might as well spread the wealth. And—um—there might be another reason why I want you to come along.” I raised my brow. “Oh? An ulterior motive? Whatever could it be?” Cheeks flushed red; Rainbow twiddled her fingers. “Fluttershy will be joining us. She has a bit of a problem that—erm—only someone with your… unique skill set can resolve. Ya dig?” “I’m not going to find out what this problem is until I speak with her, right?” The tomboy nodded sheepishly. “Sorry. I promised Shy that I would let her tell you in person.” “At least you’re being honest. Very well then. I shall accompany you to dinner.” Rainbow pumped her fist in the air. “Sweet! You can bum a ride with me. I’ll drop you back off at your apartment once we’re finished. We won’t be out too late, I promise!” I rolled my eyes when we pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant, if one could even call it that. The establishment in question was named: “Fester Fox’s Fantastic Funporium”. Complete with a cartoonish brown canid and garish neon letters, I felt as though I’d been transported to one of Sweetie’s childhood birthday parties rather than a dinner amongst ADULT friends. A quick search on my phone confirmed that this restaurant was indeed meant for grown-ups. To be perfectly honest, I was quite embarrassed to even step foot in such a childish place, so a pink blush involuntarily formed on my cheeks while Rainbow conversed with the receptionist. It seemed as though Fluttershy had already made a reservation for us in advance. Oh, lucky me! Predictably, Rainbow Dash was like an oversized woman-child in a candy store, commenting on all the awesome games she would play while we waited for our food to come out. I’ll say this much; I don’t believe she understood how little to the imagination her outfit left to the other restaurant patrons. All she wore was a pair of red sneakers, jean shorts, and a baby blue tank top that showed off a generous portion of her chiseled abdomen. She wasn’t wearing a bra either. Let’s just say the looks she got (from men & women alike) were downright lecherous. I’d opted for a plain gray dress and sandals for the sake of practicality. Most of the time, I was perfectly happy not to draw attention to myself. In any case, Fluttershy waved to us and we took our seats at the booth. Her outfit was modest as well. Khakis and a lovely violet sweater. Her hair was tied up in a ponytail. The turquoise scrunchie was a nice touch, I thought. It matched her eyes. Around her neck was the butterfly geode. She was the only one of us who wore it on a regular basis. I must admit, my friend’s curvaceous figure made her look womanly no matter what she chose to wear. We exchanged a brief hug and kiss, then began perusing the menu. Rainbow nudged my leg with her bare foot. At some point she must have taken off her shoes? “If you’re looking for a tasty appetizer, I’d recommend the Cheesy Bacon Tater Bomb.” “My goodness… it’s all deep fried?” I balked. “Hells yeah! That’s what makes it so fuckin’ good. I’m getting one myself.” I forced myself to chuckle politely. “Well—I’ll keep that in mind. Fluttershy, darling, what would you suggest? I can’t say I’ve ever had the—ah—pleasure of eating here before.” “The chicken carbonara is pretty tasty.” Fluttershy replied in a soft voice. “Hmm. A wise choice. Everything around here is just so… heavy. Do you know if the dish has garlic? I’d rather not come home smelling like I fought a sweaty vampire, if possible.” Fluttershy giggled. “No, I don’t believe so. At least, I’ve never noticed any before.” “Good! I’ll have that with a side salad. Or what constitutes for one.” “Their salads are actually quite decent, I’ve found. The pecan, strawberry, and feta salad is my favorite. It’s also vegetarian… if that sort of thing matters to you. Restaurants like these aren’t exactly known for being the most health conscious.” Fluttershy commented while gesturing towards Rainbow Dash, who was busy stuffing her gullet with a complimentary pizza roll. The athlete practically swallowed it whole and got up from her seat. “The ball pits are calling my name, babe. Would you mind ordering me a roast beef dip with fries? Thanks!” “Make sure you use hand sanitizer before you come back to eat with us! Those ball pits are notoriously unsanitary. I have some in my purse if there isn’t a dispenser nearby. Oh, and be careful not to hurt yourself or anyone else.” Rainbow ran over to Fluttershy and gave her a quick kiss on the lips. “Don’t worry! I’ll be super, extra careful. Just text me when the food arrives. Thanks again!” I raised my brow as soon as Rainbow was out of sight. “Babe, eh? Are you two an item?” Fluttershy blushed and twirled a strand of her hair. “Mhmm. We have been for years. Dashie and I were besties all the way back in grade school and our relationship—umm—developed into something more from there. I know this might come as a shock to you, but we weren’t exactly comfortable showing affection out in the open during high school.” I reached over and held her hand as a show of support. “I, for one, think it’s wonderful! Truly, it’s a shame that you weren’t able to express your love for each other earlier. I would have supported you two without question. I’m certain the girls feel the same way.” “Thank you, Rarity. Back then… we were still in the experimental phase of our sexuality. It wasn’t until senior year that we figured out, for sure, that we liked girls. Well, I do at least. Dashie tends to like any person, regardless of gender, that fits her criteria of attractive.” I laughed. “Yes, she’s told me as much during our training sessions.” Fluttershy’s expression became more serious. “She hasn’t done anything inappropriate; I hope?” “Ah… nothing too scandalous, I assure you.” She breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank goodness. I was worried that she would get sued for sexual harassment. As you might have noticed, Dashie isn’t exactly the most tactful person.” “Indeed. Not to change the subject too abruptly, but what was it you wanted to ask me?” Fluttershy sighed. It was clear that she felt uncomfortable asking for my help. I waited patiently for her response, trying my best to keep calm and appear in control. “I guess I should start at the beginning. Um—I work as the lead zoologist at the Manehattan Metropolitan Zoo.” I encouraged her to continue by rubbing my thumb across the back of her hand. “The zoo hosts many different endangered species. In fact, last month we received a pair of Tropical Blue Macaws. Which is great because they can be placed in our breeding program. Unfortunately, the mother, her name is Estella, informed me that her clutch was stolen by poachers. I spoke to a few other animals, and word around the zoo is that there’s an illegal pet-selling ring being run by the mafia, right here in Manehattan. Peter the Pigeon told me their base of operations is near the old industrial district downtown.” I closed my eyes and sighed. “Let me guess… you want me to help break up the ring.” Fluttershy frowned for a moment before nodding. “I know what I’m asking is extremely dangerous, Rarity. But I don’t know who else to turn to! The MMPD probably wouldn’t take me seriously, even if I reported it to them. Plus, it’s the mafia! They might have some cops in their pockets. Just think of all those poor, helpless, baby animals!” “Am I to assume that you know about my—ehem—abilities?” I asked in a hushed tone. “Please don’t be upset with Dashie. She only told me about your new powers because I already knew about Equestrian magic. There’s no way she would blurt out your secret to anyone else.” I sighed and rubbed my temples. “I’m not angry at her. Rather, I’m concerned about what will happen if you know my true identity and the extent of my powers. Like I told Rainbow before, your lives could be put at risk. Granted, I will take all the precautions I can to help prevent that from happening, but it’s still a possibility we must all come to terms with.” Fluttershy blushed. “Oh and—um—she also told me that you wear nothing but a mask while fighting crime. I-I think that’s pretty cool. Exciting too!” “Hmm. I suppose crime fighting does have its moments, despite the peril.” “The very thought of random strangers being able to see EVERYTHING is so stimulating. Oh, my goodness! I feel all warm and tingly in-between my legs just thinking about it! After the adrenaline rush of fighting in the nude, have you ever found a quiet spot to finger—" “Please don’t tell me you have some sort of fetish for exhibitionism…” Fluttershy blushed even harder and nodded meekly. “Very much so, if I’m being honest.” “Let’s try to get back on track, shall we?” I interjected before things could get weird. Fluttershy coughed before composing herself once more. “Right. Sorry about that. I got a little carried away with my imagination. I promise it won’t happen again.” “In terms of logistics, I’m afraid I don’t know how to handle a situation such as this one. At the very least, I’ll need solid intelligence if I’m to infiltrate the operation without attracting the attention of every mafia goon in the immediate vicinity. Do you have any suggestions, dear?” Fluttershy tapped her chin. “Hmm. I think I might have an idea on who you could ask to provide information. You—um—probably won’t like it though.” “Why do you say that?” The zoologist twiddled her fingers. “Well, they’ll need some form of payment for their services.” I waved my hand. “Perish the thought! I have plenty of money to spare. Price isn’t an issue.” “I’ll just come out and say it: I’m referring to the rat clans all over Manehattan.” My stomach immediately did a backflip. “You can’t be serious! Those… filthy creatures?” “Rats aren’t the villains people think they are. I mean, sure they can spread diseases and carry fleas, but it’s not like they do it on purpose! You won’t find a better partner to spy on the mafia. They can even fit in the littlest nooks and crannies without being seen. Just think of them as your very own furry intel network. Please, Rarity. Won’t you at least consider the possibility?” I nearly lost my appetite when Rainbow’s appetizer came out. A quick text from Fluttershy seemed to summon the tomboy in record time, despite not wearing the geode of speed. “Awesome! I was getting kind of hungry. The ball pit will do that to ya.” Fluttershy slapped her hand before she could wolf down the deep-fried abomination. I wouldn’t have been surprised had it been in a single bite. “SANITIZER FIRST!!” “Hehe. Thanks, babe.” Rainbow replied sheepishly after placing a napkin on her lap. While she began eating, I tried to formulate a response to Fluttershy’s proposal. “Let’s suppose I go along with this plan of yours, Fluttershy. What would be involved?” “Rats are somewhat… materialistic by nature. They would expect some form of payment for their service. I’m not talking about money, of course, since they aren’t humans. Sometimes, they’ll collect shiny baubles and trinkets but I think food would be the best currency to use.” Seriously. Rainbow Dash needed to learn some basic table manners. She even belched aloud without the slightest bit of hesitation after gulping down a quarter glass-full of soda. “Do you have any suggestions as to what type of food they would prefer? I presume cheese is fair game.” “They do like cheese, I’m sure. Soft pretzels are pretty popular too.” One of the waitresses walked by while carrying a piping hot cheese pizza. An idea suddenly popped into my mind. “What if I were to purchase a few veggie supreme pizzas? Surely, they’d enjoy those. Plenty of cheese and bread to be had and it’s all in one convenient package.” Fluttershy nodded in agreement. “Oh, that’s a wonderful idea! I’ll pass along the grapevine that you want to hire the Whispering Whiskers for a job. Big Louie will be your contact. Don’t worry; he knows his way around Manehattan. He’ll know where to find you if I provide the address.” “Wait a second—do you mean to tell me that they understand writing?” “Mhmm. Rats are very clever. Big Louie shouldn’t need my help communicating with you.” A shiver went down my spine. The thought of those filthy pests possessing that much intelligence creeped me out. “Very well then. He may visit tomorrow evening around five thirty while we’re having dinner. I’m sure Sweetie will get a kick out of this whole… sordid situation.” With one part of the equation solved, I tried my best to focus on having a pleasant lunch with my friends. The salad was fine, like Fluttershy said, however… Rainbow Dash had ordered a classic stromboli and proceeded to devour it in the same manner as the fried potato ball. Suffice to say, her face was a greasy, sauce-coated mess by the time she finished. I will admit, it was rather adorable seeing Fluttershy wipe her lover’s mouth with a napkin like a sloven toddler. Rainbow blushed, but I’m fairly certain she enjoyed all of the doting, even if she didn’t verbalize it. Sweetie and I were enjoying a quiet evening alone in my apartment. She’d just gotten back from her internship and was a bit tired but otherwise excited by the new album Rara was working on, featuring a fair amount of input from Sweetie herself. For dinner, I’d ordered take out. A few pizzas to be precise. One of them being veggie supreme, as per Fluttershy’s instructions. I honestly didn’t know what to expect in regards to our furry guest. Would the creature show up at the door or would it come into my apartment via other means? The very thought of such an unsightly rodent even coming NEAR my abode was… unsettling to say the least. Sweetie and I finished our shared margherita pizza with a satisfied sigh. Extravagance was content to lounge about on his doggy bed, as oft was the case after his evening meal. Getting him to do anything for the next few hours would be nigh impossible. Unless he had to pee, of course. Not to worry though! I had a canine potty pad ready to go if he didn’t feel like going outside. I didn’t feel like getting dressed at the moment, so it was a win-win scenario for the both of us. Just as I was savoring a sip of rosé, an awful clatter arose from the balcony. Hackles raised, I padded over to the sliding doors, only to find a MASSIVE, shaggy gray rat sitting patiently outside. He was roughly the size of a small dog. Never in my life had I seen a rat of such girth. My entire body shuddered in revulsion as I peered down to meet its beady little eyes. With an immense show of willpower, I resisted the urge to scream in terror and opened a crack large enough for the rodent to pass through. Much to my surprise, it squeaked once and bowed. “I—erm—take it you’re Big Louie?” I asked with some trepidation. He nodded in affirmation. How bizarre. Were they intelligent enough to understand me? “If you don’t mind, darling. I’d like to ask you a favor. Would you please take a bath? I have no idea where you’ve been, and if we’re going to conduct business, I’d prefer you to be clean.” While I pointed towards the bathroom, Sweetie eyed Louie with curiosity, rather than disgust. She didn’t abhor the disgusting creatures as I did. In fact, I’d wager she would enjoy petting and holding the blasted thing, if given the opportunity. Before I could protest, she scooped Louie up and proceeded to scamper off towards the bathroom. Extravagance eyed them warily, unsure what to make of our furry guest. He didn’t growl, as I had let the rat in voluntarily. “Don’t worry; Rarity! I’ll get him cleaned up in a jiffy!” Sweetie shouted from inside the tub. “Alright. Do be careful, dear. I don’t want you getting fleas or some horrid disease.” After a few minutes had passed, I went in to check on them. Oddly enough, the big rat seemed to be enjoying himself. Sweetie laid back in the tub with her feet in the air and seemed relaxed as well. I know for a fact that I wouldn’t be. No matter the circumstances, rats creeped me out! A forced smile spread across my lips as I watched him swimming around in the water. “I-I hope the bath is to your liking… Mr. Louie. When you’re so inclined, I have a veggie pizza in the oven waiting for you, as per our arrangement. Then we can get down to brass tacks.” Sweetie giggled when he crawled onto her chest and nestled in-between her bubble coated breasts. “Louie is the perfect gentle-rat. He even let me pet his fur while I gave him a good scrubbing. Not to worry! He should be squeaky clean by now.” I cringed. “Yes—well—I’m glad you two are enjoying yourselves. Make sure to dry off properly. I don’t want wet little paw prints all over the apartment floor.” “A minute or two under the hair dryer should fix him right up!” I must admit Louie looked much more… presentable after his bath. Perhaps it was the fluffiness of his once scruffy coat, or that it had a glossy sheen to it. At least he looked more like a pet rat than one that’d spent its entire life digging around the bottom of dumpsters. Sweetie had no issue holding him or petting him for that matter. For his part, Louie seemed to enjoy the attention. When I finally presented the veggie deluxe pizza to him, his beady little eyes widened in what I can only describe as euphoric joy. Before I could even ask if he wanted something to drink, the gargantuan rodent had already wolfed down an entire slice and was nibbling on a second. “Slow down, dear. You don’t want to choke.” I cautioned while offering him a bowl of water. Louie regarded my advice with a squeak and started slurping up water like a man dying of thirst. There was a slight pause in his feast, in which he wiped his paws on a napkin and gestured towards my phone with his snout. What could a rat possibly want with a phone? I obliged his request and much to my astonishment, he began typing out a message via text. How clever! My most humble thanks for the feast, Miss Rarity. The Whispering Whiskers are at your service. Unsure how else to react, I decided a simple pat to the head was sufficient. “You’re quite welcome, Louie. I’ll be sure to send more pizzas to your kin when the time comes.” No worries. We’ve got plenty of time to talk business. “Yes… about that. I’m afraid I don’t know the industrial district very well. My friend, Fluttershy, is the one who asked for my help in trying to break an animal smuggling ring.” That’d be in Little Shanghay, Louie responded with a swish of his tail. The boys told me those Dahlia goons have been trading illegal antiques too by the looks of it. Real high-end stuff. “Really? What sort of antiques?” I asked. Stuff that belongs in a museum. “Horrendous, but unsurprising. They are a criminal organization, after all. If memory serves me correctly, I do believe I still have the cell number of the curator of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in my contact list. But—ah—I will have to donate the pieces anonymously somehow…” Louie shrugged. We ain’t in the business of transportation. You’re on your own for that. “I’m aware, darling. Pardon my ignorance, but how does your operation work exactly?” While Louie nibbled on the hard crust with gusto, he used his lower paws to text. I’ll take a squad along with me to Little Shanghay. About half a dozen Whiskers in total, including yours truly. We infiltrate the area, and communicate with tapping sounds. Morse code, humans call it. As for relaying the information back to you, I’ll need to borrow a phone for texting. I scrunched my lips, realizing that I’d have nowhere to stash a phone on my person. “That might be an issue. For me, of course! Borrowing a phone is simple enough. I wonder how I’ll—” As if summoned by magic, Sweetie handed me my mask. I wondered why she would do such a thing while we were discussing business, but noticed that the inside included a few bits and bobs that had not been there when I made the mask originally. Granted, I had an average knowledge of how to operate modern technology but this was beyond anything I was accustomed to using. Sweetie grinned from ear to ear. “I thought you might need something to communicate with if things went FUBAR during a mission. So, I took the liberty of installing an earpiece, microphone, and retractable text screen inside the mask while you were away at work. And what do you know, it all fused together seamlessly! Must’ve been the magic. We can test it now!” “Thank you, Sweetie. I didn’t realize you were so skilled with technology.” She blushed while I inspected the inner lining. “Button MIGHT have given me a few pointers…” “Over a video conference, I presume?” Sweetie ran her fingers through her curls, twirling one of the ends. “For the time being. Trying to keep up a long-distance relationship is tough, but Button told me that he might be able to visit during winter break. He can just share my bed. It’ll save money n’ stuff.” I sighed while rubbing my temples. “Because leaving two nude, hormonally charged teenagers, alone, in a room together is a POSITIVELY brilliant idea. Why didn’t I think of that?” Sweetie’s face did a lovely impression of a strawberry. “WE PROMISED TO BE SUPER CAREFUL ABOUT THAT KIND OF STUFF!!!” “Oh oh~ Did you now? I was not aware of this development. Even if Button is a lifelong nudist like us, I can’t imagine he would be able to resist your—ehem—buxom charm in such confined quarters. I’m not saying you can’t have sex; I simply do not wish for there to be any accidents.” Sweetie let out an awkward chuckle. “You see… the thing is… we already had our first time at the resort. One thing kind of led to another after we went swimming together in the lagoon. Before you start lecturing me, I know how to have safe sex! Button made sure to use a condom.” I really didn’t need to know about my teenage sister’s burgeoning love life. However, the cat was already out of the bag. A lady does not fuss. “Fine. I get it. Are mother and father aware of the physical aspects of your relationship with Button? You know how protective Father can be.” Sweetie shuffled her feet and bit her lip. “That’s exactly why I didn’t tell either of them yet. Please, Rarity! You have to keep this a secret between the two of us. Promise?” I coughed and cleared my throat. “I promise, sister dear. However, you must tell me if and when Button is coming over to visit… in case the two of you need some privacy. Before you protest, my jewelry shop has some modest living quarters on the second floor. Just in case I lose track of time while I’m working and don’t feel like coming back to the apartment.” Sweetie nodded slowly. “Ok. I’m not sure if he’ll be able to for certain. But I’ll—” Louie skittered over to my foot and nuzzled it with his whiskers, presumably to get my attention. I had to suppress a scream as I was not prepared for the rough, scratchy sensation. “Apologies, Louie. My sister and I can sometimes talk at length without realizing it. Particularly, if it pertains to any sort of family related drama. Is there anything else you need to discuss with me?” I texted our office location, so that you can deliver the veggie pizzas to my crew before the job. They don’t typically work without being paid first. Thanks again for your hospitality. I enjoyed the meal and bath. Tell your little sister she’s welcome to our den anytime. Ciao~ Before I could get in a word edgewise, Louie absconded the pizza box and was on his merry way down the hall to who knows where. Quite frankly, I was impressed that he was able to carry something so big and with so little effort. Then again, he did devour half the pizza all on his own. Regarding his prodigious appetite, I was somewhat disgusted despite showing proper manners. Sweetie cocked her head to the side. “Huh. I wonder where their den is. Do you think the rest of Louie’s crew is as cute as he is? OH! Maybe they’ll want a bath too. I think it would be fun.” I let out a half-hearted chuckle. “Right. Fun, you say. We’ll just have to wait and see, Sweetie.” > Big Trouble In Little Shanghay (II) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 19 Industrial District, Little Shanghay Borough What many comic books and movies fail to convey is how their stalwart protagonist manages to get around. Sure, there are some instances where they might be able to use their powers, such as flying to get from point A to point B. Or they might have a specially designed vehicle. Moi? Not so much. I am but an average person with average means of transportation at my disposal. To that end, I did not want to bring my personal vehicle to the scene of the crime. The risk was simply too great. What if the mafia goons, or worse yet, the media happened to find it? My solution wasn’t very elegant but it was effective. I decided to board the subway train and get off at the nearest station adjacent to the industrial district. Since drawing attention to myself was decidedly NOT ideal, I went “commando” and wore a purple, ankle-length sundress that was easy to get in and out of, along with a pair of sneakers. A handbag concealed my mask. Now, came the tricky part. I was quite comfortable in my own skin. That pretty much goes without saying considering that I have been a nudist my entire life. However, the situation I found myself in was completely alien to me. Something that I’d thought about on occasion but never put into practice. Carefully, I folded up my dress and placed it in the handbag along with my sneakers and began to fix my hair into a tight bun using an elongated pair of titanium fa-zan. Once that was done, I placed the mask onto my face and it seemed to mold to my contours as if by magic. Erm—I suppose it technically was considered magic. Imagine that! My body shuddered with nervous anticipation. I couldn’t quite shake off the feeling of wrongness as I crept closer to the warehouse Louie had mentioned. Despite the cool evening air, my skin was coated in a thin sheen of sweat. It made me acutely aware of the breeze and the fact that I was nude. For a brief moment, I contemplated my choice of heroic attire. I took in a deep breath, let it out of my nostrils slowly, and hardened my resolve. This was how Madam Adamantium should fight crime! Bared flesh was her calling card; it’s what made her unique. Yet, I was still Rarity Belle, through & through. The sensible part of my brain argued that I would suffer swift legal repercussions if I was caught by the MMPD. Not only would I be arrested for vigilantism but indecent exposure too! Perhaps, in due time, the people of Manehattan would grow accustomed to my methods but the consequences of breaking the law continued to occupy my thoughts regardless of how careful I’d been to conceal my identity. One of the major advantages of forgoing footwear is that you’re much quieter while running or just walking in general. However, I found it necessary to harden the soles of my feet since the surface of the pavement was so rough and uneven. It would’ve caused all sorts of nasty little cuts and bruises, if I’d chosen to traverse it without the aid of my powers. The same logic applied when I started climbing the metal side ladder, in order to access the warehouse roof. I crouched on my haunches next to one of the skylights (sitting down on a filthy warehouse roof was out of the question). It was a moonless night, so I wasn’t worried about anyone inside catching a glimpse of my silhouette. Besides, the warehouse itself didn’t appear to have that many people ambling around inside in the first place. I nearly jumped out of my pearly white skin when Sweetie’s voice came through the microphone inside my mask. She sounded worried, and I assured her that I was just surprised to hear from her so suddenly while I was “in the zone”. “Louie says he’ll meet you in a few minutes.” “How on earth is he managing to transmit all this information to you?” “I dunno. I guess they must have tiny rat-sized phones or something.” With nothing else to do for the time being, I peered through the skylight to try and take stock of what was contained within the warehouse. My mask didn’t exactly have night vision goggles built in, so it was difficult for me to see anything beyond vague outlines of crates and the infrastructure. From what I could tell, it looked like your typical semi-abandoned building. I say “semi” because it was obvious that people had made an effort maintaining the interior space. When I felt something furry brush up against my leg, I couldn’t help myself. I let out a girlish squeal of terror in response. Thankfully, none of the mafia goons seemed to notice given that there was a significant amount of background noise going on outside (such as ships being unloaded). However, Louie looked unamused. Or at least as much as a rat could. Cheeks flushed red, I apologized profusely and assured my partner that I was committed to the mission at hand. Fine. Just make sure ya keep the screams ta a minimum from now on. My earlier question regarding his communication method was solved. It was rather adorable, I must admit. Louie had rigged some sort of harness to his body, which allowed him to carry a smartphone underneath his belly like a kangaroo. Clever and efficient. I expected nothing less from the leader of a clandestine clan of intelligence gathering rodents. “I’m at a loss as to where we should enter the warehouse. You don’t expect me to break the skylight and swoop in like some avenging crusader, I hope?” Nah. That’d cause way too much of a ruckus. We Whiskers are all about bein’ sneaky n’ stayin’ hidden. According ta my scouts, there’s a ventilation shaft big enough ta fit a human up here on the roof. The access hatch is just over there. See it? The big square shaped metal thing? I blanched. My body would barely fit in there. “How will I know where to exit?” Don’t worry about it. I’m goin’ with ya. Out of necessity, I had to crawl on my hands and knees and enter the shaft headfirst. I hardened my skin just enough to avoid injury but that didn’t change the fact that the inside of the duct was dusty and covered with cobwebs. Louie didn’t seem to mind all the filth. But then again, he was a city-dwelling rodent. One of these days, I would experiment with my powers and figure out a way to ionize all the dirt and grime from my skin. A fabulous, sparkling super heroine such as myself, should look her best while fighting crime. My reputation was at stake! I had been worried about making a lot of noise while my hands and knees bumped up against the metal surface. However, the ventilation shaft was much sturdier than I anticipated. I suppose it would have to be for a building of this size. After what felt like an eternity, we finally reached what appeared to be another access hatch. I opened it gingerly and took a peek into the room. There wasn’t anyone else around, so I repositioned my body as best I could and tried to land on my feet. Much to my chagrin, I flailed around in the air and landed flat on my rump. “Not as elegant as I would have preferred, but it got the job done.” I muttered. “You’re doing great, sis. Keep up the good work!” Sweetie encouraged. “Oh! I nearly forgot you were still on the line, dear.” “S’okay. I was maintaining radio silence so that you could concentrate on the mission. It’s what any good sidekick would do. I’m the Robin to your Batman, Rarity! Ok, so maybe I’m not quite on Robin’s level yet. More like Barbara Gordon. Working behind the scenes is my jam. Yeah!” I blinked slowly, choosing to ignore her comment about being my official sidekick. We would have a conversation about that later. “Have you been watching the video feed this entire time?” “Mhmm. I can hear everything too!” Sweetie exclaimed, her pubescent voice cracking at the end. “What exactly do you plan on doing with said footage?” I asked warily. “I figured it would be a good PR move if we set up a fan page for Madam Adamantium. Donations only, of course. We don’t want the citizens of Manehattan to think that you’re saving their bacon just for the sake of money. That’s so not cool! What do you think, Rarity? Are you impressed?” “I—erm—I’m not sure what to think, darling. Is the website secure?” “Totally! Button taught me all the tricks to keep it triple encrypted so that the cops and the bad guys can’t trace our IP. I’ve also linked our VPN to an internet satellite service that changes it every hour, on the hour, to a different location. We’re as safe as we can be online. I promise.” “Even so, I’m not keen on the idea of people using my… image for unsavory purposes.” “Comes with the territory. People will sexualize your pics whether you like it or not. Think of it as a good thing, Rarity! You’ve got a stellar bod! There’s nothing you need to be ashamed of. Being nude makes you more badass ‘cause you don’t need a costume to fight villains.” I let out a disgusted sigh. “I appreciate the compliment, but I’m still worried that it will give people the wrong impression. My lack of attire is meant to embody my lifestyle and synergize with the nature of my powers, not some fetish that gives me a sexual high while fighting crime.” “Right on, sis! I’ll try my best to portray Madam Adamantium as an ally of justice and freedom, instead of some horny exhibitionist weirdo jacked up on super powers.” My skin flushed a shade of pink. “SWEETIE BELLE! Did you have to phrase it that way?!” Louie tapped my foot with his paw in order to get my attention. Hate ta interrupt your conversation ladies, but stealth is the name of the game right now. Keep the lips zipped. We both muttered our apologies to the rat, and followed his advice. While I had become more proficient with martial arts and the ability to harden my body at will, I wasn’t too keen on engaging in combat if I could avoid doing so altogether. Thankfully, my eyes seemed to have adjusted to the gloom and I was able to see more clearly than before… only to squint from near blindness when we came upon the central distribution area. Several large fluorescent lights hung from the ceiling, illuminating the mafia goons below. They appeared to be moving wooden crates around, no doubt bound for one of the ships moored outside on the dock. Seeing as there were no holes in the crates, I had to assume the contraband contained within was not of the living variety. It was then I thought back to what Louie had said. Those must have been the illegal antiques. Or weapons… or drugs. Honestly, I didn’t care what was inside of them. The point was that the Magnolias needed to be stopped! “Louie,” I whispered nervously, “do you have any idea where the animals might be?” My boys are still working on that bit of intel, Miss Rarity. “Alright but what do you suggest we do in the meantime? I’m only one woman. You can’t possibly expect me to take on all of those goons myself AND haul the crates out of here!” For the record, that was never the plan. Our number one priority was, and always has been, the trapped animals. Rescue them first, then worry about all the other junk. Maybe you oughta take a breather, Miss Rarity. You know, ta calm your nerves. Havin’ the jitters’ll get ya killed. I placed my hands on my hips and scowled at him. “Your bedside manner could use some work.” Louie stood up on his hind legs and made a sharp, chittering squeak in protest. Yeah, well… I ain’t a doctor. Sugarcoating wastes time. Good news, Miss Rarity. My boys finally managed to locate our target. Looks like they’re being held two rooms over from here. Let’s hustle. Sure enough, while we were slinking about behind some crates, we spotted a series of cages right where Louie’s comrades said they would be. There was some sort of exotic monkey, a large snake, and a pair of baby Tropical Blue Macaws. Curious. I was under the impression there would be many more in captivity than this. Don’t get me wrong; I counted it as a blessing in disguise. It meant that I had fewer targets to save, and thus, made the rescue easier. At least in theory, that is. Despite the lack of animals, by no means were there a lack of guards. From just a quick count, I spotted at least a dozen of them patrolling the immediate vicinity. All of them armed to the teeth with submachine guns, knives, and truncheons. My stomach started doing back flips while I contemplated the best plan of attack. I would need to harden my skin substantially and for a sustained period of time if I wanted to avoid getting shot. Or more accurately, avoid having the bullets penetrate flesh and bone. The impacts would still hurt, of course. But a few bruises and welts were worth saving the lives of those poor animals. Much to my chagrin, I recognized one of the men guarding the cages. There was no doubt in my mind that he was the same greasy-haired mobster I ran into the night I saved Doughnut Joe’s life. Lorenzo, I believe his name was. At the time, I had no means to conceal my true identity (such things happen when a lady is teleported from an alternate dimension bereft of all earthly possessions). That said, I don’t believe he recognized who I was. Thus far, I hadn’t noticed an overt mafia presence in the neighborhood where I worked or near the apartment complex. Lorenzo was busy chatting with his men and they appeared to be on “lunch break”. Many of them had submarine sandwiches and bags of snack foods, but as their leader, he had something a bit more expensive. A live King Crab to be precise. Talk about ostentatious! Who eats luxurious seafood in the middle of a dingy warehouse at one o’clock in the morning? People with no class, that’s who! Annoyance aside, I focused my attention once again on formulating a plan. At present, it was one Rarity Belle versus six Magnolia lackies. A surge of adrenaline coursed through my veins, making my heart beat like a staccato drum deep within my chest. The distinct, unpleasant clamminess of sweat coated my skin from head to toe. I felt both nauseous and excited simultaneously. Quite frankly, I wanted nothing more than to remain calm and composed, as a proper superheroine should. Instead, I was a quivering, nervous wreck! As the inside of my mouth became a giant cotton ball, I suddenly found it difficult to breathe. Sweetie must have heard me trying to suck in oxygen and offered a whisper of encouragement. It helped steady my nerves somewhat, but I would need to dig deep within my psyche to muster up the courage for battle. I concentrated on the baby macaws. The little darlings needed my help! “Lay down your weapons and surrender, foul villains! None shall come to harm if you comply.” I intoned whilst striking a bold pose. I was thankful that the mask enhanced and distorted my natural voice, otherwise it wouldn’t have sounded quite so intimidating. Utterly perplexed, Lorenzo blinked in confusion. “Uh… what the actual fuck?” The awkward silence and piercing stares that followed were UNBEARABLE. I cleared my throat. “Erm—yes you heard me the first time, I’d wager. I’m a reasonable lady, so I’ll give you lot a chance to surrender before the situation becomes violent.” Lorenzo’s eyes lit up with recognition. “Wait a minute; I know you! You’re that sparkly naked bitch from before! Yeah. I’d never forget a crazy mook like that. The boss was VERY unhappy when he found out about Joe. Ya know, it’s a good thing that you decided to show up tonight. I was tasked with gettin’ rid of ya. Saved me the trouble of havin’ ta canvas the entire city.” “One and the same, good sir. My name is Madam Adamantium. Defender of Manehattan!” Lorenzo turned off the safety on his submachine gun. “You must have a few screws loose up in the old noggin. Not that I care. I’d gun ya down all the same. It’s a real shame ‘cause you’ve got such a smokin’ hot bod. There’s no way I’d ever mess around with that brand o’ crazy. That shit ain’t worth it. Say your prayers, sparkle bitch. I’m gonna send ya to your maker.” The arrogance of that man! I adopted a defensive stance. “You may try. BRING IT ON!” Out of an abundance of caution, I flooded my body with mystical energy, making it sparkle like a diamond in the sunlight. My display seemed to have cowed the remaining goons, as they hesitated to take action against me. I’d wager that they’d never seen Equestrian magic in action before. Lorenzo, however, didn’t hesitate to open fire on me. The movies and television truly don’t do gunfire justice. It’s so much louder and frightening in real life. The bullets flattened like little copper pancakes when they impacted my torso. Suffice to say, the sensation was quite painful, akin to being stung by a swarm of massive, angry metal hornets all at once. There was no doubt in my mind that later on I would have a smattering of red welts and ugly purple bruises. Grimacing through the pain, I took advantage of Lorenzo’s momentary confusion and barreled towards him with my shoulder, intent on a ramming attack. Yes, I know the maneuver wasn’t exactly elegant. But as Rainbow Dash said: sometimes you have to do what’s practical, not what looks cool. My momentum combined with the hardness of my body, sent Lorenzo hurtling towards the stack of crates where they’d been having their lunch break earlier. The crate he landed on shattered into hundreds of wooden splinters instantly. Lorenzo groaned in pain, struggling to get up. “Ngh. Fuck. You’re gonna be harder to kill than I originally anticipated. No wonder the boss has such a keen interest in you. You’ve got magic powers! There’s no other explanation for how a naked weirdo survived gettin’ hosed with lead.” I strode towards him, crossed my arms underneath my breasts, and tapped my foot against the concrete floor. “All the more reason you and your men should surrender to me, Mr. Lorenzo. Fret not, for I am a patient woman. I shall give you one more opportunity to do so.” “Fat chance o’ that happenin’, sparkles. GIT ‘ER TONY!” Before I had the chance to ask what was going on, a sharp pain radiated from my upper vertebrae all the way down to my toes. Taking advantage of the momentary distraction, one of his goons had jammed a taser into my neck, trying to incapacitate me with its electrical shock. The pain was utterly dreadful. It felt like all of my muscles were cramping up simultaneously. I had some difficulty regaining my senses through the pain, but I managed to elbow the offending ruffian in the stomach, which caused the taser to loosen from his grasp and clatter on the floor below. Panting and nauseous, I stood on wobbly legs and faced Lorenzo once more. My vision clouded around the edges, but I fought the overwhelming urge to pass out on the spot. “Men without a sense of honor ARE THE ABSOLUTE WORST! Now, you shall face my wrath, cur!” I was hellbent on teaching that slick-haired scalawag a lesson, but my righteous fury was halted in its tracks when the ground began to shake. A loud gurgling-hiss pervaded the air when what I can only describe as a gargantuan crustacean rose above the shattered crate, brandishing its claws like medieval scythes. Without rhyme or reason, the giant King Crab snapped one of the mafia goons clean in half, spilling his entrails onto the floor below with a wet splat. I choked back the bile that threatened to rise in my throat. I’d never witnessed such a horrific scene before. Lorenzo clumsily scrambled to his feet, running towards the exit. “Fuck this noise. I’m gettin’ outa here!” I allowed Lorenzo and the rest of his henchmen to escape. They were outmatched in every way that mattered and I had a much BIGGER problem to deal with at present. Who would have imagined that a simple rescue mission would turn into this? Taking a page from Fluttershy’s book, I attempted to communicate with the creature. Perhaps, I could reason with it. “Hello, darling. I know you’re angry and confused right now, but I need you to calm down.” Its beady eyes shifted towards me, accompanied by another gurgling hiss. I screamed in terror when it grabbed me by the waist with its claw and tried to snap me in half like the poor soul earlier. However, I was made of sterner stuff. I could feel the immense amount of pressure being exerted against my flesh, and I knew that if this continued, my magic reserves would deplete. In a desperate gambit, I pushed my powers to the limit and slammed my fists against its claw with all of my might. With a thundering crack, the claw shattered and I was freed from its clutches. Not wanting to waste an opportunity to strike while the iron was hot, I clambered atop its bumpy, armored carapace and aimed a precision strike against the spot where I estimated its brain to be. My energy was fading fast. I felt light headed and weak all of the sudden. NO! Just a few more moments. Keep it together, Rarity! Alas, the strike didn’t do as much damage as I’d hoped. A hairline crack formed while I was flung into a pile of nearby crates. My powers managed to cushion the impact, but my magic reserves were entirely depleted. Exhaustion washed over me like a wave and I could feel every ache and pain that had accumulated from the battle. I laid flat on my back, staring up at the warehouse ceiling, wondering if this was the last image I would ever see. The crab continued to rampage, causing destruction in its wake, but not targeting me specifically. Perhaps, I had caused some brain damage? It mattered little. The crustaceous fiend needed to be stopped before innocents were harmed. I was the only one capable of doing so. By sheer coincidence, the taser that had been used on me earlier was lying on the floor next to my hand. Summoning what little energy I had left, I rose to my feet, body trembling, and staggered forth towards the beast with the taser clutched in my grasp. Without the aid of magic skin hardening, I suffered a host of little cuts while I climbed atop its back once more. Eyelids heavy, I channeled the remaining dregs of energy I had available and jammed the taser into the tiny opening created by the crack. The smell of sizzling shellfish filled my nostrils. Ironically, it was rather pleasant given the fact that I was essentially cooking crabmeat. Dare I say, it made me a bit hungry. In mere seconds, the creature collapsed with a mighty thud that shook the ground below. I managed to slide off of its back, and promptly curled up into a Rarity ball on the floor. Never had concrete felt so inviting~ Believe me; I wanted nothing more than to fall asleep and embrace sweet unconsciousness. The adrenaline had long since worn off and I was in bad shape. Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted a yellowish red blur. As the object drew closer, I realized that it was none other than Sunset Shimmer. Albeit, she was fully clothed this time around. “Holy shit! Rarity, you look awful.” Sunset remarked, worry in her voice. “It’s good to see you too, Sunset. Might I ask what you’re doing here?” Sunset chuckled. “Isn’t it obvious? Sweetie was freaking out and told me to come help you ASAP. Plus, I’m one of the few people in this world with expertise in Equestrian magic. Seeing as how you managed to kill a giant crab, I’m betting magic has something to do with that.” I gestured towards the cages. “Would you mind setting the animals free? My original intent was to save them from a life of captivity. Goodness me. I can hardly keep my eyes open. Going to the hospital might raise more questions than I’m comfortable with. What to do…” “Here. Drink this,” Sunset advised while handing me a vial full of viscous purple liquid, “it tastes like a fried boot but the potion will help heal your wounds in a jiff. Princess Twilight sent me a crate full of these babies just in case things got hairy in our universe.” “Blegh! This is worse than the cough syrup mother used to give us when we were sick.” Sunset shrugged. “I tried convincing Twilight to enhance the flavor, but she claimed that it would upset the archano-chemical composition or something along those lines. Just a word of warning: the purple gunk doesn’t heal you instantly and the healing factor comes at a cost.” “There’s no such thing as a miracle drug, in my experience. What is the cost, if I may ask?” “Like all powerful magic, the healing potion requires a crap ton of energy from the user in order to function at peak efficiency. So—yeah… the major downside to chugging a full vial is it’ll knock you out cold. I’d wager you’ve got about another thirty seconds until naptime, Rarity.” “I’m already at the brink of exhaustion from fighting the—” Let’s just say that I was IMMENSELY thankful Sunset had decided to come to my aid on such short notice. Otherwise, I would have been left unconscious and at the mercy of a criminal organization intent on disposing of me. Healing potion side effects notwithstanding. Thus, I proceeded to pass out, my body’s energy reserves depleted in their entirety. I slowly cracked open my eyes after an unknown amount of time had passed. At the very least, I could tell it was early to mid-morning and that I had been laid to rest in my own bed. Sunset was nowhere to be seen, but Extravagance was fast asleep by my side, snoring softly. I immediately regretted trying to move. Every muscle contained within my body screamed in protest. I cried out in pain, waking up Extravagance, and sending my little sister scampering into the room like a lightning bolt, the sound of her bare feet pattering against the dining room floor as she did so. A curly-haired marshmallow blur lunged onto the bed, embracing me for dear life. I let out a wry chuckle and rubbed Sweetie’s back as a gesture of assurance. “Good morning, sister dear. I do hope my recent heroic endeavor hasn’t caused you too much grief.” Sweetie snuffled; her eyes wet with tears. “I’m so glad you’re finally awake, Rarity. You’ve been out cold for an entire day! Sunset said it might take a while before your body recovers completely, b-but I was starting to get SUPER worried! So—um—how do you feel?” I managed to muster up enough strength to sit up in bed. My head was killing me, of course. A few aspirin tablets, a hot bubble bath, and a large cup of café au lait were in order. “Like I’ve been run over by a garbage truck. What—happened after I vanquished the giant crab?” “With Fluttershy’s help, we managed to relocate all of the displaced animals. The Whispering Whiskers took care of distributing the leftover crab meat. Would’ve been a real shame if such a luxurious commodity went to waste, right?” “I suppose it would,” I mused whilst trying to picture how the Whiskers would accomplish such a feat, “in any case, I’m glad that everything worked out. It was a rather challenging battle.” Sweetie placed her hands on her hips and shot me a stern look. “This is exactly why you need people to back you up, Rarity! I dunno what I would’ve done if you’d…” Feeling guilty, I gripped the covers and frowned. “You’ve made your point, darling. From now on, I’ll be relying on my team for support. This includes additional training on my part.” “Does this mean I’m your OFFICIAL sidekick now? Do I get to wear a mask too? OH! I’ve got a few ideas as to what my superhero name would be.” I shook my head. “Accompanying me in the field is terribly dangerous, Sweetie. Especially for a teenage girl without the aid of magic. I FORBID IT! However, I’m open to the possibility of a logistical support assistant, so long as they are out of harm’s way. It’s a vital role, I assure you.” “I’ll go make you some soup ‘cause I’m sure you’re hungry. Be back in a jiff!” Sweetie didn’t give me a direct answer, but I’m certain the wheels were turning around in her head. She simply needed some time to think it over, and reach a decision. I laid back down and sighed. Extravagance nestled into the crook of my arm and licked my hand after I ruffled the fur along his forehead. Like clockwork, my stomach let out an awful rumbling gurgle that made me blush. I’d taken to keeping a stash of protein bars handy for just such an occasion and retrieved one from the bed stand drawer. Chocolate peanut butter. The wrapper made it sound as though the nutritional supplement would taste like a candy bar, but it most certainly did not. I suppose it could have tasted worse; all things considered. Regardless, I ate it quickly to replenish calories. Feeling a bit more alert, I got out my phone and called Sunset Shimmer. It rang a few times, but she eventually answered. For some reason, my fiery-haired friend sounded like she was panting or out of breath from a strenuous activity. I could hear Flash Sentry’s muffled voice in the background, muttering something. I really hope they weren’t doing what I suspected they were doing. “Good morning, Sunset. I hope I’m not interrupting anything important.” “Rarity! It’s great to hear your voice again. I take it the potion must have worked its magic?” “For the most part,” I admitted with a resigned sigh, “however I still feel terrible. It shall take some time before I’m running at one hundred percent again.” I could hear the faint echo of water trickling and a soft grunt of relief from her. Was she sitting on the toilet, taking care of business? Have at least a shred of decency whilst talking on the phone with your friend, woman! She yawned loudly and smacked her lips. “S’to be expected, ya know. Take some time off, Rares. Celestia knows you deserve it.” I took her suggestion in stride, choosing instead to ask a question. “How did you manage to arrive at the warehouse so quickly? I might not have been in the best state of mind at the time, but even I know it would have taken quite a while for you to drive there on your own.” “Oh—erm—after I transformed from that whole incident with Sci-Twi, apparently some of my magic abilities came back. Like teleporting, for example. It takes a great deal of concentration and power, since my human mana pool isn’t nearly as big, but I’ve become proficient enough.” “Curious. Given what I’ve been through all these years, I’m inclined to believe that anything is possible when it comes to Equestrian magic.” Sunset chuckled. “Don’t I know it! Just don’t expect me to start blasting bad guys with Super Sunny Solar Beams anytime soon. And the whole nudist vigilante bit? That’s all yours, girl.” I blushed after an awkward cough. “I prefer ‘ally of justice’ but point taken.” “Don’t sweat it, Rares. I’m sure Manehattan will warm up to Madam Adamantium someday.” “One can only hope,” I agreed, “I’ll let you go then. Thanks again for your assistance.” “You’re welcome. I gotta hop in the shower and wash off all this funk. Later.” I rolled my eyes after hanging up. “At least their marriage doesn’t lack excitement when it comes to matters of the bedroom…” “What was that?” Sweetie asked innocently, carrying a plastic tray into my room. “Nothing, dear. Just catching up with Sunset. Is that chicken noodle?” “Yep! The kind that has those little star-shaped noodles. Don’t worry; I only heated it up.” I smiled. “Someday, mother and I shall teach you how to be a proper chef. Mark my words.” Tapping on the window diverted my attention from Sweetie to the veranda, where a certain clandestine rodent had appeared. While I would never find a giant rat like Louie adorable, I had developed a degree of respect for his skills and professionalism. He hesitated to come any closer, fearing that I might act adversely to his presence, but I invited him to sit on my bed. Like before, he wore his phone harness and was carrying a brown paper bag on top of his back. Good ta see you’re awake, Miss Rarity. Me and the boys were worried ‘bout ya. “Aww that’s very sweet. I appreciate the concern. What’s that you’ve got in the bag?” Louie squeaked. Part o’ the spoils from our little adventure in Little Shanghay. That jumbo-sized crustacean ya whacked is gonna fill a lot o’ empty bellies for a while. Figured I’d whip up somethin’ ta help ya feel better. Crab Cakes. From a recipe I found in an old cookbook. I opened the bag expecting to see a lump of barely edible… crustaceous goop but was instead greeted by a pair of perfectly delicious, golden-brown crab cakes. The aroma was divine as well. “My goodness! I had no idea we had a gourmand in our midst.” Louie offered me the equivalent of a rodent shrug. Lived in the wall of a swanky seafood restaurant back when I was just a pup. Picked up a few things from a friendly sous-chef who worked there. Got ta eat all the leftover scraps too. Those were the days, I tell ya! “Thank you again for all you’ve done, Louie. Be sure to send my regards to your comrades. Would you… like to stay for some chicken noodle soup? I’m sure there’s plenty leftover.” Sure. I could use a snack before headin’ back ta the hideout. After insisting that he wash his paws first, I invited Louie to sit at the table with Sweetie while I shared one of the crab cakes with Extravagance. While I was quite hungry, I didn’t want to overdo it and wind-up puking everything back up again in an hour. Training would come later. For now, I would rest, recuperate, and dabble in more mundane matters such as planning out my next set of jewelry designs. Yes. Normal life things. It would be a good change of pace.